#forget heart eyes these are BEDROOM eyes 😍
missmouse43 · 2 years
Imagine having someone look at you like this and then NOT immediately kissing them senseless
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Could never be me 😮‍💨
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pedge-page · 2 months
I’m absolutely IN. LOVE. with ur Joel/baby Sarah/wife!Reader masterlist and all their wacky adventures 😍🤪! When u have the time and if u feel drawn to the suggestion, I hope to see reader and Joel have a cute hubby & wifey moment (either before or after Sarah, ur pick) and not just Joel having high blood pressure all the time 🤣. Have an awesome weekend!!! 😘
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife: My Wife, My Love, My Life
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notes: thank you for the request! Decided to make this one after Sarah is born but the focus towards the end is Joel and Reader.
Warnings: Oral m!receiving, blowjob, facial, very brief unprotective penetration
18+ ONLY
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You didn’t ever think this day would come. Not now, not so soon at least, but certainly you had hoped it would never come.
Yet as you packed your suitcase, your eyes welled with tears. Your bedroom, the one you’d shared with your husband for years for every single night you two were together, was about to be foreign. No longer sharing his warm embrace, his caresses and morning kisses.
 You were leaving him behind.
 Memoriese placate your mind, routines and dents of the bed were about to be disrupted for the first time, and your heart ached at the idea.
Worst yet, you were leaving your own daughter, your sweet little angel who was not even one year old. She’s too young, should you even be separated from her at this age? How badly would this scar her? How much would she remember her own mother, who showed nothing but love and care and smiles for her entire existence, how much would that penetrate her memory of you as you abandon your family—
“Are you crying’ again?” Joel asks from the doorway. “It’s only a week!”
You sniffle and toss your blazer into your bag, avoiding him. “I don’t wanna go.”
You’re just traveling for a brief work trip just for the week then you’ll be back this time next Sunday, but STILL. All of those things hold true(ish), and it still hurts to have to say goodbye—
“Would you relax, honey. Christ.”
Even if your husband doesn’t care, you know Sarah will feel the pain of her own Momma leaving her behind with no reason she can possibly come to understand—
 “You are so clingy and needy—“
You sigh heavily and zip up the bag before lugging it to the ground. He raises his eyebrow as you storm by, his arms folded with a bemused smirk.
“Oh it’s funny to you? Guess you do want me gone—“
“It’s a week,” he reminds you firmly, his hands rubbing along bothy your arms. “It’s gonna be like a vacation for you!” 
His words of encouragement suck ass because your ideal vacation is with your family. No, this was more like hell. 
And Joel seemed to be loving every minute of it.
“Don’t forget ya moisturizer, oh and I packed ya some snacks for the plane. Plus some pepper spray, which you gotta put in your checked bag cuz they ain’t gonna let ya through security. Your passport is in your purse already…” 
He was practically ushering you straight out the door. Running around the house like road runner, athering everything ahead of time, getting your little carry on and security tag and even breakfast quickly made for you to ‘make you not worry about a thing’.
No. The fucker was getting rid of you for sure, and glad of it—
“Stop sitting there with that face,” he says.
You sit down and shove your eggs in your mouth. “What face?” You snap.
“The ‘he’s intentionally trying to get rid of you’ one you got on right now. Just want ya to be prepared is all.”
You quickly wipe your expression but scowl at him when he has his back turned. 
After breakfast, you kissed your baby goodbye. She was still sleeping soundly in her crib. Joel supervised you from the hall to make sure you didn’t try to sneak her into your purse so you could take her with you.
“Ok you have enough milk in the freezer and some already thawed in the fridge when she wakes up. You have teething rings, you know how to heat her bottle, you have her burp blanket—“ you list each one on your fingers as he backing you up to the car.
“Yes,yes,yes,yes! Honey, I got it all—“
“I bought groceries already for the week —“
“And if ya missed anything, I can go grab it myself. I can cook, you know that. Got ya in bed with my food before so—“
“Joel I’m serious.” You stop him. but as you think it over, you know he’s right. He’s like a pro at taking care of you and Sarah. You’re just trying to avoid the feeling that she’s gonna miss you gone. 
Maybe she won’t even notice you're gone…
Joel catches your eyes faltering, lips trembling as water shines in your eyes. 
“Nonono! It’s gonna be okay.” He hugs you, his soft hands securely stroking your back until he can feel you breathe slowly again.
“I know I know. I’m just. I’m gonna miss you both.”
“The sooner you go, the sooner you’ll be back,” he hums reassuringly. 
You pull away and frown. “Definitely looking forward to getting rid of me—“ you seethe under your breath.
Joel just got the text from you that you on time and safely boarded onto the flight. He knows you’ll be out of contact with cell service for the majority of the week since you were going to be out of the states, so he’s glad you were able to message him this last time. 
And while no he was NOT glad you were leaving, he wasn’t complaining either. You needed some alone time. You were preggo monster for 9 months and now non stop mom ever since. He could tell from the bags under your eyes and short temper that you needed a little vacation. It didn’t matter if you realized it or not. This conference was a blessing in disguise. There would only be a few hours a day of work stuff, then you could go to the pool, the gym, get a massage, anything you wanted was included.
And he’d get some fantastic quiet time without your nagging just for a little. A mini vacation for him too for the first time in…well, ever.
A win-win for you both.
Sarah was just rousing from her sleep, stretching her arms wide with a big yawn and wiggly toes. He sends a quick pic of her with her hazy eyes before scooping her up.
“Ready for some food, girlie?” He nuzzles his face into her chest, and she giggles happily.
It takes probably 5 minutes of Sarah sucking down her bottle in her high chair on her own before she’s looking around the strangely vacant house.
“Mum-ma?” She asks curiously, just as Joel returns to dump some cereal on her tray.
“Mommy’s left to go go on a trip. Just you and me this week, kid.” He rubs her head affectionately.
Joel really didn’t expect Sarah to fully grasp anything he says, but evidently she did understand “mommy” and “left” and that was it.
Her face scrunches up and she immediately launches into the loudest cries known to man. 
Joel was prepared for this. “Okay, okay Sarah, I know, you miss Momma,” he grabs a host of items: her pacifer, her bunny stuffed animal, her favorite chocolate that you told Joel she couldn’t have but he whips out for energencies like this. Even with his smiling face level with her pained one, wiggling each item excitedly, nothing seemed to be doing the trick. If anything, she wailed longer and harsher, kicking the table and slamming her bottle down until it rattled to the floor.
He eventually picks her up and tries rocking and bouncing, but she just shakes her head furiously. Her face is all red, fat tears dampening her little cotton onesie, with one hand scrunching his shirt and pushing him off. “You get this drama queen shit from your mom,” he tuts.
He sets her down on the floor, and Sarah immediately starts crawling towards the garage door, pointing to Joel to open it.
“She ain’t there, baby. She’ll be back—“
She screams harder, aggressively patting the door and looking back at him like she’s pleading.
He scoops her up again and takes her to the living room. He’s running out of ideas to get her to settle. Checked her diaper just in case, rejected any food, all toys were no hope. He was gonna lose his hearing at this rate.
Joel thought it would take at least the rest of the day before she would notice but this shit might be harder than he thought. If she kept huffing and puffing to keep taking a scream, or shed any more waterfall of tears, he’d have to take her to the hospital for dehydration and shortness of breath.
Sarah crawls over to the couch and yanks on the dangling blanket, pulling down pillows all over top her. He chuckles as she disappears into the mound, but can see her little form navigating from the top. Finally, the sandworm baby stops moving, and he notices her crying desist.
“Oh shit. I already killed her.”
He gently pulls pillows away until he finds Sarah with her face down, diaper bum up and her nose buried in your favorite blanket. She was smelling your scent, and that seemed to calm her almost immediately. Joel sits down and pulls the blanket free, and Sarah panics, reaching out for it desperately. He hands it back to her, and she grips it tightly, pushing her face into the soft coziness. It was still slightly warm with your body heat. Since you use it every time you’re in the living room, it smelled exactly like you.
Sarah takes a deep breath, clearing her cries. She crawls into Joel’s lap and tugs as much of it as she can along with her, sitting down between his thighs and cuddling the blanket around her.
Joel grabs the other end and smells it, and your scent floods his brain with endorphins. “I miss her too, bubba.” He leans and plants a kiss on her head, giving her the pinky back into her now accepting mouth.
She continued to play with her toys on the floor, blanket right next to her everywhere she went. Sometimes, she would just pause and nuzzle her face into it, sighing deeply and then continuing. Even Spoon was feeling the effects. Curled up by the door, whining occasionally, but otherwise just guarding the entrance, waiting for your return. Joel even pitied the big girl and allowed her on the bed so she could curl up into your spot.
Sarah was on her best behavior as much as she could be. She only cried when she was hungry or needed changing. She understood there’s no humor in bullying Joel unless you were here to punish him. 
Things were going great so far for him. 
And Joel felt pretty relaxed too. He could catch up on some programs, get some work done, go to bed when he needed it. It was peaceful.
But it wasn’t until a few nights in that he noticed life wasn’t as dandy. And it wasn’t Sarah that was making it evident.
It was him.
As you board your flight back home, nothing brings you more peace of mind than imagining walking back into your house. 
Joel was right, this was somewhat of a mini vacation. And while it was nice, the bed wasn’t right. Didn’t matter how much money they spent on the king sized memory foam body conforming mattress with silk sheets and pressure release pillows. It just wasn’t the same as the 10 year old spring queen sized mattress that you and Joel had been cramming your asses on since you moved in together and the flat-no shape pillow that you had since you were in college. No amount of Michelin star chef prepared meals could match Joel’s empanadas and rice. 
There wasn’t even anything to compare to being curled up with Joel and Sarah on the couch, watching tv until you both fell asleep in his strong, secure arms.
So in the end, you were right (as always). And damned be Joel, but you wouldn’t be listening to him ever again. If you have to go on a trip again, you’ll just bring them along or quit your job. Easy peasy.
Part of you wonders if he was still having a superb time away from you. Doing all kinds of work around the house without you nagging or asking for dinner, or having him fetch a billion snacks for you because you’re too lazy to get up, or rub your feet or your back or your calves or your clit, or getting a blanket or turning on the fan…damn you were annoying as well. And he does it all. He’s probably gonna see you walk in and sigh disappointingly, joking that he wished it lasted longer. You wonder if he and Sarah now morphed into best of pals, and she no longer considered you her #1. 
Oh fuck, I’m gonna start crying on the damn plane.
 By the time you landed, you couldn’t get in touch with Joel. you had received a text selfie image of him and Sarah smiling with the caption “Can’t wait to see you!”. You smile to yourself. God, you’ll risk getting a ticket just to speed home right now.
1.5 hours after you drive home, you open the familiar door. The aroma of home surrounds you, and you couldn’t be happier.
As does a squealing baby being carried by your big ass husband, who both immediately attack you out of thin hair with warm hugs. Spoon wags excitedly beneath you.
You nuzzle yourself into Joel’s neck just as Sarah nuzzles herself into your chest. The four of you stand there for moment, eyes closed and silently grateful.
And wafting. 
Joel and Sarah’s noses and Spoon's especially were twitching and sucking in air against your skin and clothes, more so than hugging you.
“Oh are we…we are smelling me…” you say matter-of-factly but a little confused. Shit do I smell that bad??
He’s about to say something when you snatch Sarah and begin talking to her. She  comfortably hands on your hip as you two chat (well, more like you chat and she babbles excitedly but you return the audience). It was late, and as you rocked her to sleep in your arms, you set her down in her crib, rubbing her belly softly as she soothed to sleep.
You close the door behind you when another hand gently clasps yours.
Joel doesn’t say anything, which surprises you. He’s more stoic than usual. He takes you down the hall and into your bathroom and turns on the tub.
He starts shucking off your clothing without a word. Shirt over head, then bra clasp, pants unzipped and dragged down. you can’t even stop him, he’s so gentle yet determined. and truthfully, you didnt have it in you to give him return home sex he’d probably been missing.
“Joel,” you say softly, and he shivers. “Um, I’m a little tired, but I promise tomorrow I will—“
“Tub,” he commands. 
You tilt your head in confusion but step into the basin, now stark naked. The water is just perfect. You sink in until it’s level with your chest. Joel mixes in some suds and pulls his mini stool next to the edge, and begins massaging your shoulders.
“Oh honey you don’t need to do that,” you insist. “I got a massage when I was there…” 
He doesn’t say anything but keeps going. And it’s not until he really finds your sensitive areas that you realize you do, in fact, need this. You sigh contently as he works the particularly troublesome knots in your shoulders, then gently over your neck. His hands, god you miss those hands, feel like heaven. After a few moments of you letting out soft moans, he lathers your expensive ‘for rare occasion’ shampoo and begins slathering it in your hair. With exceptional care, he works his fingers in circles, and you can feel your eyes going cross eyed with the thorough job he’s spoiling you with. Your whole body feels relaxed like a warm sheet of butter folding into a decadent pastry.  You simmer and sink down even lower, indicating you’re incredibly tranquil. 
He still remains silent. You can’t see him as you face the opposite end of the bathroom. Just the two of your breathing falling in sync.
Once finished, he pats you dry with fresh and warm towels, carries you bridal style to your bed.
You think now maybe he’s gotten you ready and pliant so he can rail your back out of place, but instead, he lays you on your side of the bed and tucks you into the sheets.
He tosses his socks and plows into the bed on his side, crawling up to you and putting himself face down into your chest and neck. He takes the biggest, longest breath possible through his nose before letting it out with a satisfied hum. Closing his eyes, Joel allows himself to relax, surrounding himself with you, his hand protectively over your stomach and absent-mindedly swishing back and forth with his thumb.
You giggle, smelling his sweet brown curls and rolling his hair through your fingers. “Did my clingy needy husband miss me?” You tease.
He’s already snoring and drooling into your breasts.
Joel’s having an out of body experience right now, and he can’t tell if he’s dreaming. There’s a fantastic, tingling, pleasurable feeling dancing along his entire body. He stirs slightly, letting out an audible groan. Something is warm against him, wet and moving, and it feels like a massage from heaven. He can’t exactly piece together what it is, still floating through his subconscious trying to rouse him awake, but still so blissfully relaxed he can’t quite fully awaken yet. He was out so deep last night in your embrace. Surrounded by your presence, your smell, your touch and breath and love and body. 
His lashes flutter open, and the ceiling blur takes shape before him. He’s lying on his back in the bed, with something heavy against his lower half. sounds make their way to his ear, his own rugged gasps getting louder as the sensations more clearly are identified, sending signals of euphoria to his brain. He rasps out, eyes widening, and groggily tilts his chin down to see you; your mouth sloppily taking his hardened cock over and over, slurping the saliva and coating him with your talented tongue. You suck on his tip before working down his massive length, your other hand expertly jerking in rhythm what you can’t fit.
He chokes, still unsure if what he’s seeing and feeling is a dream. He hopes it’s not a dream. 
The sounds from his throat cause you to peer up. A slight warm, loving grin tugging at your lips to make eye contact with him as you give him the morning blow job of his life.
And that does it for him. He yelps, stomach tightening before hot ropes of his seed shoot out of his tip like a canon. You bare down and suction your lips to his pulsing dick, feeling each throb deposit his sticky hot cum into your mouth. You gulp and gulp over and over, not nearly quick enough as his cream overwhelms you and bulges out of your cheeks. Even after you’ve coughed, his cock doesn’t stop, splashing all over your face in ribbons, one after the other, as he lets out drawn out moans, eyes rolled back and head arched into the pillow. He’s seeing stars, ruining your face like a mud mask of his spent. By the time he’s finished, he looks back down to see your slightly shocked expression, mouth agape with cum pouring down your forehead and eyelids, cheeks and chin, back onto his stomach.
He’s struggling to return from cloud nine. Brain hasn’t been this foggy even when high and drunk. He feels like sinking into the mattress and retiring from life.
You finally chuckle at his current state. “You didn’t get off all week did you?” He shakes his head side to side, eyes closed. You crawl up next to him, using his bedside tissues to wipe your face clean.
“I hope you liked it, I couldn’t wait for you to wake up—“
“Quit your job,” he says quietly.
He opens his eyes and rolls over to kiss your forehead and lie on top of you, his body conforming to yours. You feel his face nudged into your neck again as his back relaxes. You give him a confused look.
“I’ll take on extra projects,” he continues plainly. “Work extended nights. Just don’t leave us like that again.”
You cup his face in your hands to look at you. He’s sincere, kissing your palms and rubbing his cheek into your touch like a puppy. 
You can’t help but smile.
“You missed me that much? Thought it was a mini vacation!”
He shakes his head. “It sucked,” he pouts like a child, hugging you tighter.
It was by the 4th night in that Joel realized it.
He prepared his solo meal quietly, served Sarah her mushy food quietly, and sat down at the table quietly. With only her little happy coos here and there, and him blowing on his own meal, he never realized just how quiet everything is without you.
Your chair was empty. Your side of the bed was cold. The house was so vacant without one person that it almost just feels like a building rather than a home. He realized he just gets up, feeds and talks to Sarah and spends time with her, then as soon as she’s in bed, he’s just. Existing. There. With nothing to do. He loved taking care Sarah, but she was pretty self sustaining. She was doing a hell of a lot better than he was. He tried busying himself with housework or TV or construction projects he had been wanting to do, but it all just felt like work. Like everything he did for himself was a chore. 
He didn’t want to do anything if you weren’t there to see him by the end of the day. 
He remembers when he used to thrive when he was living by himself. But he also realized… he hasn’t lived by himself in years. Since before he met you. 
“You know I can’t quit my job, right?”
He grumbles but nods into your breasts.
“And I don’t want you taking on extra projects. I want to see you at the end of the day too. Tell you this: if I get another conference, either my family comes, or I don’t go. Deal?”
“Deal.” He kisses your chest before shimmying his way up your body until he’s fully over top you. “Otherwise I’ll tear your boss a new asshol—“
“I’m just saying. Everyone wants to keep ya from me—“
“N’ as your husband and baby daddy, I have a right to say where you put that ass every night and it should be right up against my di—“
“Just kiss me already.”
“Yes Ma’am.” He captures your lips with his hungrily. You feel his knees nudging yours apart, slotting himself perfectly between your bodies. The freshly hardened tip of his cock breaches your entrance, but Joel doesnt even let you gasp. His lips remain sealed on yours.
 He wasn’t going to let you get away that easily again. Not even for a second. 
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Taglist: @harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrsoharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee @cassiecasluciluce @loohoop @himboelover @callsignwidow
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seullovesme · 6 months
welp, hi. any irene thoughts?🎀 irene cuddling reader to sleep because the reader had a long day...☹️☹️ oh god I need some floof🥲🥲I'm so overwhelmed these days lmao. Sorry for ranting, btw I love ur stories!!!😍
hihi, im sorry to hear that you're overwhelmed and i hope this helps you even a little bit 😖
cuddles w/ bae irene
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irene is always very observant. she can tell when you're happy, sad, angry, frustrated, it's like reading a book for her. so when you come home with a wrinkle between your brows, she can tell somethings up. irene asks how your day was, receiving a grumble that you're fine.
usually you always tell her what the issue is when you're upset like this, so she was caught off guard by you kinda pushing her away. she lets you know you can talk to her and that she leaves for your bedroom, waiting for you to show up. an hour or two later, you're still not there. she gets up to check and finds you laying on the couch, arms shielding your face from the kitchen light.
obviously, irene wouldn't let you sleep on the couch, let alone leave you to drown in whatever thoughts that made you so down. she goes straight up to you, pulling your arms off your face to see your exhausted state and the way your eyes look so drained. she picked you up off the couch and walked you to the bed.
laying you down, she tucked you in before getting in the sheets right beside you. she scooted in towards you and brought you into her, placing a hand on your head to press into into her chest. you listened to her heart beat as she played with the tips of your hair, the even thumps bringing you to a relaxed state of mind. irene's hand slowly traveled the your upper back, drawing little hearts into your shoulder blades.
she waited til she felt all the tension in your body drift away as you went limp in her arms, completely molded into her body. she kissed the top of your head and held you tightly, knowing you just needed to be in her arms before you could talk about what was wrong. with her arms wrapped around you in such a protective manner, you were lulled to sleep, the last thing heard a small 'i love you' as your eyes shut.
irene knew you like the back of her hand. she knew you just needed some love to make your head forget about such a tiring day.
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scmoobly · 11 months
Wanna Be Yours | Bucky Barnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Even months after Bucky had rescued you from HYDRA, you still had a separation anxiety that made you paranoid when he wasn't around. And so did Bucky.
Content: [bucky being unable to stay away from you] [Comforting] [minor pining for each other] [alluding to s³x]
Warning: Mild mature themes
A/N: first buck fic😍✋️That I'm posting anyways. Not saying my draft isn't full of horndog shit BUT PLEASE PAY ATTENTION THIS PART IS IMPORTANT. Please watch this bucky edit before reading. It'll give you a visual of this fic. I'll leave the link in the comments as well so it's easier to copy. Okay, enjoy ♡ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNMdKCFQ/
Not proofread, Sorr :)
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"Hmm." A low grumble echoed from the other end of the call, the familiar rattle of his metal arm easing the anxiety in your chest.
"I miss you."
"I'm working." He responded with the same monotonous effect. He'd been dispatched on a mission nearby, along with Natasha Romanoff only about 20 minutes ago.
She was a glorified babysitter that Steve had assigned to accompany Bucky just in case he got himself in trouble.
As grateful as you were that they'd helped Bucky save you from HYDRA, you weren't that well acquainted with the avengers to know their relationship with each other so the fact that you were left at the tower alone while Bucky was out with someone else just didn't sit well in your stomach.
"I miss you." You repeated mechanically into the phone. It was a habit hard to kill even though it had been months since you'd been freed from the shackles Pierce constricted you in. You were no longer a soldier, but it wasn't like you could just turn off or forget years of torture.
When there was no response, you opted to repeat yourself another time before he interrupted you. "I miss y-" "I know."
You heard a soft sigh from the other line, a few minutes of silence passing before it disconnected with a distorted click.
10 minutes later
The door to Buckys bedroom swung open, revealing you sitting in front of it with your legs curled up to your chest, the same inexpressive look in your eyes as they looked up at him.
"How long have you been sitting here?" His brows knotted, and his forehead creased revealing a hint of worry. "Since you left." You answered to which he could only respond with a deep exhale.
Bucky walked closer to you, crouching down to your level before gently sliding a few strands of hair behind your ear, his thumb caressing the skin of your cheek with caution.
Leaning into his touch came much easier to you than most things. Having Bucky close was your only source of comfort after he'd rescued you. His presence grounded you in a whole new world that felt like it was caving in around you.
A world where no one knew who you were but him, and you depended on him to not forget yourself.
"Let's get you to bed." Before you could say anything, Bucky had already hooked his arms around your body, lifting you up with almost zero effort. Your own found their way around his shoulder, eyes glued to his stone cold expression as he moved you nimbly over to the bed and set you down.
"Are you hungry?" He questioned further while reaching for the covers to which you'd responded with a light shake of your head.
"Just missed you." A low hum erupted from the depth of his chest.
Pulling the covers over your legs Bucky sat himself down beside you on the edge of the bed, leaning his back against the headrest before stretching his hand out in your direction, lacing his fingers through your hair.
Forget the Avengers. Your own relationship with Bucky was a mystery, if not anything else. One thing was clear, though. You were definitely not friends. At least you didn't want to be.
The years you'd spent being tortured and trained at HYDRA's base was something only he had the capability to understand. Naturally, your heart ran to him to seek any kind of empathy or comfort, but you'd both been wrung so tight that any sense of emotional sensitivity had been drained from you almost completely.
It took him a long a while, but he'd warmed up to the Avengers, finding his old best friend in Steve, a good companion in Sam, and a supportive team in everyone else.
However, it wasn't so easy for you. Bucky was all you had, and you'd worried your dependence on him in trying to fit back into society would someday become too much of a burden. The vehemence of your affection for him seemed to be concealed by the expressionless look on your face and the thought that he would someday choose to want someone who showered him with love unlike you.
Little to your knowledge, Bucky had his own apprehensions when it came to you. He'd thought being around the Avengers who'd protect you at any cost would make you feel more comfortable and safe. That it would help you open up.
That was the reason he had insisted for you to stay at the tower after the rescue mission. Well. Half of it anyway.
He couldn't stand the thought of you being alone the way he was, holeing up within the dark confines of his room. As hypocritical as it was, he cared too much to see you turn into the version of himself that he'd barely managed to escape.
You deserve to feel the warm flutter of happiness in your body. You, more than him. More than anyone.
That's why he'd rushed back to the tower halfway through his mission after you'd called, leaving Natasha to deal with the aftermath.
He could almost still feel the wind on his face from how harshly he'd revved the engine of the Harley Davidson Street 750.
You whisper softly while looking up at him, your doe eyes making him take in a deep breath. "Y-yeah?" He didn't realise how long he'd been staring or how close you'd gotten, your breaths mingling with each other, caressing the others' skin and sending shivers up and down his spine.
Close. Too close.
Too close not to do anything about it.
His metal arm that had been stroking your hair slid down to hook around the back of your neck, the cold vibranium thumb tracing circles on your jaw, and you couldn't help leaning into the touch, sucking in a breath, you closed your eyes in contentment.
"Bucky.." You purred, your cheeks filled with unfamiliar heat. Blushing? Bucky was making you blush.
Meanwhile, Bucky seemed to be awestruck as he blinked in disbelief. "You.. smiled." It was brief, a very small one, but he definitely caught it, and suddenly he couldn't think of anything more beautiful than the sight of it.
He wondered what it would take to see your lips tug upwards just a little more. To hear you laugh if he was lucky enough.
Buckys mind was clouded. Filled with the image of heaven that you'd graced him with, and suddenly he was closer, his lips hovering dangerously close to your own.
"Smile for me, doll."
Your eyes widen when his lips finally pressed against yours, knocking the wind out of you. However, it only took a few seconds for you to melt into the sensation. You had been craving it after all.
Your body began to curl up in an effort to be as close to him as possible, fingers grazing the outline of his stubble. A muffled whine slipped from your lips, causing Bucky to chuckle into the kiss before parting only slightly, an adoring look in his eyes. One you couldn't fathom was meant for you.
"Somehow, that was even better." He cooed, sliding his hand down your arm, the side of your body before resting on your hips, giving it a little squeeze.
"Come here, babydoll." He murmured with a feverish look in his eyes, using both hands to hold onto your hips and move you to straddle his lap. The pet names only served to make your ears burn hotter.
As soon as he'd settled you on top of him, you could feel how tight his pants had grown around him. Your chest heaved up and down as the alien feeling of arousal bubbled in your stomach and in between your thighs, making you squirm and let out little mewls.
"Shh, shh.. calm down, sweets. I have you." It felt like his lips had been taped into a smile. He wanted to ingraine the faces you were making in the deepest part of his thoughts. "I'm right here." He continued, leaning close to leave a trail of wet kisses down your neck, pausing at your shoulder to breathe in your scent before continuing down your collarbone, your arm all the way down to the back of your hand.
"You smell intoxicating. And you taste even better." Your breathe hitches for the millionth time. There was nothing you could think to say in response to his sweet words. Your silence was fine with him, though, because you displayed your innermost feelings on your face, and it was all he needed.
With both hands, he pressed your hips down onto him, eliciting a gasp from you. "Mm. And those delicious sounds you make. You must be an angel given human form because you make me feel like I'm in seventh heaven-" Bucky huffed out the last bit, his own chest heaving in anticipation.
You'd already showed him more emotions in that very second than you had the last few months you'd spent with him, and he was more than eager to explore what more he could pull out of you..
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gothic-thoughts · 10 months
Under Her Influence
(Jojo one chance plz, I swear 😩😊)
Joseph Joestar x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Best Friend's SisterAU, RoommatesAU, Enemies2LoversAU
CW: Caesar's younger sis (adopted ig cuz like 🤷🏾‍♀️), afab parts mentioned, she/her pronouns, secret relationship, male and fem masturbating, voyeurism, quiet/secret sex, eating 😻, P in V smashing, unprotected smashing
TW: Jojo's britshness (he's so cute wtf 😍)
Word Count: 1961 (give or take)
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I had a little crush on Caesar's sister, (Y/n) since we met, but of course, before I could speak, the bastard threatened me about even trying. My love for her only grew when she moved in, but I was always side-eyed by Caesar for even making her laugh. Then outta nowhere, she started to avoid me for no reason! Even going as far as to ignore me when I spoke!
When (Y/n) was out of the house, I stormed up to Caesar's room and knocked on the door heavily. I wait for him to open it with a scowl on my face and my arms folded in front of my chest, ready to confront him. I just know he spread rumors about me! And I can't ask her cuz she'll just ignore me! As I raise my fist to pound on the door again, the blonde Italian opens the door with his arms crossed with an unimpressed expression.
“What is it, Jojo?” He asked, leaning on the doorway.
I poke him in the chest, “What the hell did you say to (Y/n) to make her hate me so much, you pompous prick?!”
“What are you talking about?!”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about! (Y/n)’s been ignoring me and treating me like trash outta nowhere for days!”
“Heh, maybe she’s finally seeing what I see; nothing but an annoying idiot.”
“So you did say something!” I grab his shirt, pulling him close, “You son of a bitch, you’re ruining my chances!”
“I knew this was about that!” He angrily pushes me away, “Didn’t I tell you to stay away from my sister!?”
“Well, it’s kinda hard to do that when we live in the same house, you dunce! And besides, she’s a grown woman; you can’t control who she likes!”
“I can if it’s you! I don’t want her anywhere near you!”
I groan and punch the wall, “And who are you to say that; you may be her brother, but not her father!”
“I’m the one protecting my baby sister from a broken heart after a useless 6-month fling with an idiot like you! So forget it, Jojo."
“Fling?! Dammit, Caesar, I wouldn't be acting like this for some stupid affair!"
"This is my last warning!"
He steps back and slams the door in my face leaving me in the hallway to groan loudly and angrily before punching the wall beside the door.
"I just want to talk to her! Is that so wrong to get to properly know my other roommate?!”
No response. Groaning, I punch the wall as lightly as I can despite my anger so I don’t give myself a new problem to deal with later. Ugh, I get that (Y/n)’s his only sister, but this is ridiculous! It's not fair to me! Or her! With one last loud groan, I storm downstairs and leave the house with a slam of the front door.
I only came home from the bar soaking wet from the rain became hard, I arrived home from the bar a little drunk and still pissed at the argument earlier. I liked it better when she would try not to giggle at my flirts. I open the front door and go, inside striding up the main stairs to my bedroom as the house creaks from the storm. 
Ugh! Maybe if that bastard hadn’t banned me from talking to her, my feelings wouldn’t have gotten stronger! Stupid ass... I shuffle past Caesar’s room and grab my door handle, only to hear soft gasps of my name from behind me between the rumbles of thunder. Was that...? I hold my breath, listening for the hushed sounds again. Is she alright?
“(Y/n)?” I push the door open slightly, “Is every—?”  
My breathing caught in my throat, eyes widening at (Y/n)'s contorted face through the small space between the door and the frame. Those lovely dark eyes squeezed shut, those legs parted and trembling to keep her underwear at her knees while her fingers thrust in and out at knuckle depth. Her top was pulled up to her chest, leaving her big breasts on display while she gently twists and tugs on her hardened nipples.
I couldn't move—I just stood there in shocked silence as she fought for her orgasm, feverish movements begging me for help, causing my pants to grow tighter and tighter thanks to the adrenaline and alcohol rushing through my veins. Goddamn, she....looks so nice... (Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open for a second, and it was too late to leave. 
She yanks her hand from between her legs with a loud gasp as her skin dawns an undertone of deep red as her knees snap shut, allowing her underwear to loosely slide down to her ankles. Shit, shit, shit, how am I gonna explain this?! And why was that so hot?
"Jojo, what the hell?!" She snapped, still heaving slightly, "Were you spying on me, you pervert?!
I stammer. "Perv?! Me?!"
"What the hell are you doing here?!"
"You were calling me! I thought you-- you...were...."
I pause, refocusing my attention on how I found her: moaning my name while she battled desperately for her climax. The moment replayed over and over in my head until I smirked a little and began ogling knowingly.
"You were calling my name." I tease, "One may even say you were moaning it."
"No, I wasn’t. I was...”
“Let me guess..." I step into the room before lightly kicking her door shut, "You were just trying to 'relax' after work?”
"Shut up! You're not even supposed to be home; Caesar said you were out for the rest of the night!"
“Well, I would be if it wasn’t raining cats and dogs."
"Anyway, what'd he tell you about me that was so bad? Cuz, uh, I get the feeling none of it was true."
"Yeah, right."
"Well, honestly, it depends on what he said, but I bet it was just some bullshit just to get you to hate me. But I guess it didn't stop you from having moments like...this. But hey, don't stop on my account.”
"You heard me. You've obviously had a long day so....continue."
I could practically hear her heart hammering on her ribcage, but I couldn't help but continue to stare at her body, wondering what she was imagining me doing to her. After the longest 30 seconds ever, (Y/n) finally looks at me, her gaze trailing up and down my body, most likely noticing the bulge in my pants before curling a finger to gesture me over.
I take slow steps to give her time to speak out and protest but manage to get to the foot of her bed without our eye contact breaking. My gaze moves down to observe the way her thighs shivered from her incomplete climax. The sight makes me moan softly as I grab her ankle and drag her to the edge, watching her thighs separate as her hand slowly slips back to her shiny clit.
"Mmh, you look as delicious as you sound." I groan, caressing her soft thigh, “C’mon, touch yourself to me like you were...before I do.”
She strokes it in small circles, fingers swirling her sensitive bud until she shivers, plush thighs tensing in front of me. I kneel at the edge of the bed for a closer look at how her opening twitches around nothing, pouring her juices down her butt to the bedsheets. Fuck, I want it. I want her. I...I... I undo my pants, letting my girth spring free before wrapping my fingers around it tightly.
"Ngh, Jojo."
"Don't call me like that, (Y/n)." I groan, stroking faster, "You're gonna drive me nuts."
Her hand stops and she smirks down at me, "You're already down there, aren't you?"
I instantly latch my mouth onto her rosebud, causing (Y/n)'s head to drop back into the mattress while she plays with my hair. Mewls and whimpers leave her lips along with my own moans as my tongue wiggles past her folds. I grab her thighs and hold her open for me while I slurp and lick until a mixture of slick and spit coated my lips and chin.
I reluctantly pull my tongue from her and stand, licking her essence from my lips with a devious smirk before slowly pushing my cock into her, groaning in disbelief at the snugness. I press my hands into the bed, plowing my body between her thighs to keep them open to my harsh strokes. Her nails sink into my shoulders and her teeth into her lip as my pace grows harder.
"~ah, my god." She gasps, "Holy shit~"
"Shhh, we still gotta be quiet."
"You're not ~ngh, making it easy."
"I know." I let out a breathless giggle, speeding up my hips, "You just feel so good, I-I can't.”
"Y-yes, oh my god~"
Moaning, I grip the sheets at the way she squeezes around me. I swirl my hips as I drive a little deeper, her hands tugging on my shirt while her legs wobble from the weight of me hammering against her cervix. 
"Oh my god~" She groans, legs wrapping around me, "You're gonna make me loud, J-Jojo."
"Heh, I knew you couldn't hate me; how could you when I'm so funny?"
"He talks s-so much shit about you, ngh, it's like a hobby."
"I don't care what that meathead thinks; I just care what his sister thinks."
Her legs pull me closer while her back arches under me with every drag along her sweet spots as her orgasm rushes through her. Her climax made her even wetter, turning the sound of every stroke into her inviting pussy into a soft squelch. Pure carnal need boils in my stomach at the feeling of her juices squelching out of her as I cover her mouth and start pounding into her with reckless abandon.
"Oh...sh-shit~" I moan, "Goddammit, you feel s-so...good."
"Don't stop, hah, baby, please. Jojo, please"
"You keep talking like that and I won't. Heh, your brother...would absolutely....kill me~"
My hips stutter out of rhythm as I huff out breathless groans every time my hips move before quickly pulling out despite the warmth. I stroke myself until warm seed shoots along her pelvis and stomach while I grunt out curses, hips jerking forward with each one. I press my clean hand into the mattress next to her side to catch myself.
"This don't have to be the only time we do this."
"I sure hope so, I've been wanting a normal conversation with you since you got here."
She chuckles, "So it's not just about you wanting to sleep with me?"
"It's not, even when it is." I laugh, "I just want to be close to you, and if this is the only way I can do it then...."
"We can be close another way."
"Closer than what we did? How's--"
She pulls me down by the collar of my shirt and hotly links her lips with mine. I moan in surprise, eyes widened before they flutter shut as her other hand slides up my chest to my shoulders. I take my turn to surprise then surprise her by slipping my tongue into her mouth, making her moan under me again. She tries to pull my body closer but I pull away with a giggle, breaking our forbidden kiss. Our eyes open while we pant heavily on each other's swollen, reddened lips.
"Sorry.” I whisper, “As much as I'd love to be pressed against your breasts again, we should get cleaned up before....uh.."
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txtmetonight · 7 months
Two Slow Dancers
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call summary ⋆ ★ As a young child, you preached over the thoughts of soulmates. Huening Kai had too, believed that two souls intertwined like puzzles–fitting perfectly. But sometimes, it’s almost too fitting to be true.
pairing *. * Huening Kai x Fem! Reader
genre⋆ ★ Angst
warnings *. Death, Cheating, Blood, Pregnancy, Bad Grammar, Crude language
call duration⋆ ★ 6.1k
a/n*. * Zoowemama 😍 finally wrapped up this series lol i'm js a bit late but whatever. ermm hyuka is an asshole ngl :(
taglist ⋆ ★ @kflixnet//@oreoqueen // @woncheecks//@probably-too-obssessed// @matcha-binz
The Mitski Diaries Masterlist
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The idea of soulmates is beautiful.  
It’s astoundingly astronomical how the stars believe that two fated souls are meant to be intertwined, are supposed to be carried with one another while death does them apart, in their graves with smiles on their faces because... they had each other. You like the word “each other” for it means you wouldn’t have to die at the hands of loneliness, strangled by its cruel hands, which you beg for it to stop. 
Though you detest the word “had”.  
Your mom has your dad. Your older brother has found your sister-in-law. And your friends were dating their boyfriends, some already turned into fiancés. And you had Huening Kai, arguably the sweetest boy you’ve ever met. You were supposed to have him, but you had him.  
The walls of your bedroom walls were non-existent with personality, not a splotch of color that you could find for you wanted to wallow inside of your broken heart. You were to not make it past the age of twenty-one because your soulmate doesn’t love you anymore. You are dying of a broken heart and cannot do anything to stop it. And so, you cry.
You suppose that you hate Kai, but you really don’t. You can’t because that’s what fate had written down for you. A tale of despair between a couple that couldn’t hold much of a spark even through what the universe had chosen for them.  
You and Huening were a special case. And it hurt horribly the day that he had admitted that he had strayed off the path of love for you two. You weren’t the best with feelings, so you let him go as you watched with shame and a burning face that you wanted to melt off. He didn’t hold you in his heart anymore...but you still do, so what are you supposed to do now? Laugh? Forget?  
The answer was to do nothing at all and wait until your last day. 
And tomorrow is it.  
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Does it smell like a school gymnasium in here? It's funny how they're all the same
You don’t prefer the new layout of the school gym at all. It crawls and picks at your skin in the way that the floorboards are now a shade of dark brown, and the walls are plastered with flourishing paintings that in your eyes look hideous. But the smell of familiarity still stuck in between the crevices of the gym, holding nostalgic memories that hurt to uncover.
The floor underneath you squeaks, but there is no one except for the meek moon there to listen to the way that your feet drag, unable to lift them for their heaviness has grown with immense dread that burns. The heavens twinkle in delight...at the way that you sorrow. But you’ve grown accustomed to the way that they laugh, drinking in that they will soon gain you through for such pathetic reasons.  
You’re just a bit early but you wanted to swallow the tremor in your throat before you officially meet him. And you want to hide how weak you’ve been getting; you can barely even stand up on your feet for too long before collapsing and your breath seems to run out faster from your lungs with a fervor that makes walking seem like a laborious chore.
You want to stay strong, to uphold an image that you want to be. Wanted it as a mask. But you couldn’t afford it, nope not at all. Not even as hard as you tried, with your memories of heartbreak holding you back.  
The bleachers are cold, and the stairs lead up into a cloud of darkness that you couldn’t peer through even as much as you squinted. The bottom step is made from wood, the only thing that wasn’t even bothered to be renovated, and you cross your legs, patiently waiting for the man of the hour.
You’ve already exchanged goodbyes with your family, have done a few days ago just before you locked yourself in your room, mindlessly hovering over the pictures that the walls held, smiling faintly every once in a while. And you find yourself doing it once more, scanning over the gym where you spent four years of your life, rotting away, piece by piece.  
The door creaks open amidst the silence, but you don’t jolt. Footsteps echo immensely, bouncing off the walls before they abruptly stop, leaving you to slowly snap your head to the shadowy figure that occupies just near the end of the bleachers. That’s where you used to meet up with him, just as the bell rang. You grin. 
“That stupid team is taking up all of your time with me!” Kai grumbles, pulling you closer by the straps of your backpack. Hair a mess and face flushed, you giggle at him and pull off your sweaty headband to launch at your boyfriend, who whines. “Are you not proud of me for making it in?” You snort, looking up at him to find him staring down at you with a soft smile that makes your heart churn.
“Of course, I am. You’re so sexy when you perform.” He dodges your hits with loud chuckles but then quiets down into a large pout. “It’s just that, I feel like we don’t spend that much time together anymore. And they’re like...stealing you away from me. Just say that you want to date your team and be over with it.”   
“Oh hush, stop being dramatic.” You reach over to place a chaste kiss on his cheeks, but he smugly turns his head to connect his lip with yours, which you don’t complain, pressing into him. “And plus, we have all the time in the world to be together. I’m yours, no?” 
You quickly avert your eyes as your stomach aches and stare at your shoes instead, tapping quietly. 
It's funny how you always remember
“Do you still dance?” The voice booms, and it’s comforting yet alienable to you. You take a second to pause, watching the figure walk closer and closer to where you currently sit. “No. I had to give it up.” You don’t provide an explanation, but you’re sure that he knows why.
“It was your whole life.” He rasps and suddenly you don’t think you’re ready to see him, because the moonlight lights his face up with a luminous glow, he almost looks like a fucking angel.
Your body reacts to the sight before you even realize it, and you lurch painfully as tears prick your eyes, coughing quite violently into your palms. A stingy smell of metal meets your nose, but you don’t pay mind to it the way that Kai does, eyes wide with a fearful shadow on his face. Turning to him, you wipe the liquid on the stairs and scoot over just a bit. 
“So were you.”  
“I’m sorry.”  
You shake your head and sigh, patting the space next to you. He hesitates a little but stalks over with long, slow steps, his hands curling into tight fists that pierce his palms before he relaxes them again–a habit you’ve seen countless amounts of times. Your eyes trail up over to his hair, and you notice that it’s a soft brown, just like he used to have it when you were with him and it makes your fingers tremble when you know that dyed it on purpose just for you. He knows.  
It was blonde just a few days before–but you’ve always liked brown on him.  
Kai is stunning and has always been, but he seems unreal as he sits down next to you with a golden face and soft smile that you can’t rip your eyes from, however hard you try to. And the way that he stares at you, penetrating your skin with a sharp glare that melts you inside, sends rolls of lightning down your back.  
“How have you been?” He’s tender when he speaks and gentle as he lifts his fingers to brush away a strand piece of hair from your face as if you were going to break if used much force. Yet the contact leaves your muscles spasming with pain, softly trying to grasp your leaving breath. Huening flinches too, pulling his hand back with a light gasp. “Oh no, I didn’t know that was going to hurt.”  
You can’t help but pull a smile and chuckle. “That’s alright. Honestly, I’ve felt worse before.” His eyebrows furrow but he doesn’t say more except to encourage you to answer his previous question with a shaky grin.  
“But...I think I’ve been fine? How about you? You’re dating someone aren’t you?” His lips turn at your words, and he softly grasps your hand beside him, your eyes widening at his sudden reaction. This time around your lungs don’t choke, but you think that you’re being drowned alive as Kai’s eyes drown with unexplainable tears. But you don’t do anything, instead, you intently watch him try to get words out, gaping like a pitiful fish.  
“Fuck I don’t even know why I’m crying...I just... I’ve been doing good too.” His flushed cheeks carry words that he couldn’t say and so you move just a little closer, but it feels wrong, especially when he another woman that he had at home waiting for him...but it wouldn’t hurt to indulge, right? “I shouldn’t have asked to meet up, should I? I’m sorry” You whisper, rubbing his cheeks.  
“No please don’t. I’m happy that I’m with you right now. I’ve missed you so much.”  
His words leave a blowing punch to your gut, as you lurch into him, gripping his hands tightly as you start to sob. Kai’s touch awakens sparks up your back, which just worsens when he pulls you closer to him, hugging flush against his chest. You feel like you’re floating as if you’re traveling between time and space, as if everything around you is actually okay... 
“Baby please don’t cry” Your boyfriend whispers in your ear, threading his fingers through your hair, wrapping his arms around your trembling figure. He’s warm like a blanket but that doesn’t stop your onslaught of tears that burn like acid on your cheeks.
Kai places his hand over yours and pulls it up to his lips to gently kiss before his other hand comes to wipe away at your face. His own eyes are overflowing but he stops them for you, trying not to crumble. You sniffle and bury yourself in his neck, trying to calm down your racing heartbeat.
You’ve never preferred to cry in front of others, rather liking to shed tears in the depths of your room but with Kai, you think that you’re safe with your feelings. You think that he’s the one for you to get rid of your sadness, the one that you’re going to love the most because he was Kai and possibly crying was quite stupid since he was your fucking soulmate.
Not your neighbor’s or your desk mate, he was yours. And maybe that’s why you were crying right now, but you didn’t want to dwell on it too much. 
“I think that this such a bad time, but I think that you’re really pretty right now.”  
Choking on a sob, you lift your head from the crook of his neck to stare at him with a curious look, lips puckering into a pout at his sudden confession that leaves his face in a sheepish matter. “W–what?” Grabbing his cheeks, you furrow your eyebrows. “I don’t know why you’re sad, but god I can’t help it. You’re so beautiful and it hurts that you’re crying.” And before you know it, his lips that were just on the side of your jaw pulls you into a slow kiss, soft and tender.  
Just like right now.  
And we've both done it all a hundred times before It's funny how I still forgot
After you two had parted ways on behalf of Kai, your lips would burn each time you wanted the affection of another. Maybe it was the universe refusing your attempts at another love or maybe you just couldn’t move on, but Kai’s lips on you right now are soothing but it churns something heavy deep in your gut. You’ve forgotten how he tastes like candy and how his lashes flutter shut, cherishing the intimate moment and the way that fingers paw at the base of your neck, asking for something more.
You want to blame it on the instincts or the muscle memory at the way that it doesn’t take you a second to push yourself into him, but you knew that you craved his touch for years on end, battling with serious heartache that will eventually end with you in your demise.  
Using your fingers, you gently push Kai’s face away from yours with wide eyes, chest stuttering rapidly. His own eyes draw big, but he doesn’t do anything to move his palm away from where it sat on you, instead, it feels as though he is digging it deeper into your skin. “You don’t love me.” You mumble, almost cry. “You’re not my soulmate anymore or else I–” 
“Would’ve lived. You would be next to me right now and you would be healthy and breathing just fine, and definitely not coughing up blood because god forbid you have it easy!” He gets loud at the end, and his words bounce off the walls, diminishing into nothingness. “But I want you to pretend.” Kai breathes and it makes you mad, furious.  “I don’t want to fucking pretend! This is my reality and I–I just...”  
You initiate the kiss this time. And he hesitates just a little before he leans in. This time around though it’s a bitter feeling of guilt, that fills up your senses and you can tell that Kai felt the same in the way that he squirms around.
A woman quite pretty and just his type doesn’t know her boyfriend was kissing his ex-lover. Was sitting dolled up for him as his hands roam around your face for a feel of something. You feel bad but you can’t stop as your heart slowly stops as the night becomes young and perhaps that’s how you’re trying to rekindle it again. By kissing him.  
You suppose that you hate that word now too. 
“I wish that we could go back again.” Kai pants against the corner of your mouth, finally pulling back a bit to observe you. You don’t know what to say so you avert your eyes and kick a spare gum wrapper from the floor.
“Whatever I guess.” You’re awkward but it’s unfamiliar to you when it’s with the person you’re with right now. You’re left speechless and so is he in the way that he nods his head and leaves not a word hanging in the air after you, and you realize that he’s right. You want to be young again without a thought in the world.
You want to talk again, and not through the monkey’s mouth like you were doing right now but through your actual teeth and tongue that used to chatter nonsensically. You want to breathe through your nose, not through an elephant’s trunk and you wish to be you again. Just you; but you assume that you’ve lost yourself years ago.  
It would be a hundred times easier If we were young again
Only twenty-one and you feel old, dying from blood that cannot be filtered through your veins due to a decaying love story that cannot be revived. The boy in front of you knows it too, but he still tries as he grabs your arm again, palms gone so cold that they stick to your skin like ice. “We have more time.” He says and shakes you out of the daze that you find yourself getting into recently.  
But as it is And it is
“You’re right. Do you want me to leave?”  
He shakes his head ‘no’ and rises to his feet, steady as he holds his hand out for you to take. “I want to take a walk and I’ve been longing to dance with you right after.”
Your fingers curl up against his palm before you’re forced to reel back once more, retching into your elbow as tears prick your eyes, the dark gym flashing into and out of view. Kai is behind you with pats of sympathy that you detest, yet you let him hold you up securely against him.  
“You’re okay” He whispers, and it takes you back to when he used to calm down the anxious tremors that used to encase you whole and it takes you a second to not let everything crash down when you realize that he was the one who was able to cake it down to a mere once in a while occasion where you would have internal panicked spikes of a heartbeat.  
With his comforting words that used to rely based on reassurance and love, you can’t find the affection when he says it now. It’s just you two, but it feels like others are crowding around you with jeers possibly along with the universe and those above taunting you. Because just like he said, they wouldn’t let you have it easy–to be the last ones out.
We're just two slow dancers, last ones out We're two slow dancers, last ones out
The gym is square in shape but is jutted out in some places to make room for the front doors and the locker rooms. So, when you and Kai walk, you must avoid the cracks in the wood and instead circle around them.
You don’t know how time has passed along so fast being with him, but you realize that the clock had always ticked faster, since the very beginning, you just weren’t ready. You weren’t sure–or rather prepared if you wanted to spend your time with the man beside you, spend your last breaths with him but the way that he stuns you to no limit makes you swallow down morsels of regret that coat your throat.
He’s quiet and so are you, which lets you have an eye of proper observation of the boy next to you. Kai, who you know from the bottom of your heart, is older than you last saw him.  
It hurts you think. Perhaps more than the scalding pain in your lungs that choke for proper air.  
He’s stayed the same height, but he’s grown into his face, more chiseled features that make you sway because–you couldn’t see him turn into the twenty-one-year-old he is now.
And you’re stuck staying the same, while he gets to change even more, which is not particularly fair yet when you press a soft kiss to his jaw (you’re sure your body moved on its own to blind you from the internal mess you were creating) you wouldn’t want him to have it anyway for fate has already played its tragedy covered cards. 
“You’re pale” He rumbles before he places his palm over your forehead. “And warm too. You have a fever.” And for some reason when he says it with a quiet voice, it pulls back more weary wrinkles into his face, and you wince. You must wonder how you look to him. “I suppose so. I’ve been at my sickest recently.” You mutter, throwing in a weak smile.  
And the ground has been slowly pulling us back down You see it on both our skin
“How much does it hurt? On a scale of one to ten” He says, holding up ten fingers which one is enveloped with your own hand, bringing both of his arms down at the same while he chuckles. “I dunno. Right now, I would give it a... seven point five?” Kai nods solemnly and suddenly you feel small underneath his gaze. “Is that so? I wonder how it feels?”  
“Really bad” You nervously laugh, swinging your arms back and forth in a constant rhythm. “It’s been harder to get out of bed, I just wish...wish that I had more time.” 
“I wish I could give you more time, to live longer. I’m sorry that I can’t.”  
You nod but you’ve fallen into a certain comfortable trance that the conversation is deemed normal to you. Odd and craving for more but no emptiness that leaves your heart desolate. The talk is sentimental and rather than wishing that you had more time to experience the world’s wonders you want more time to chatter with your heart’s content. Talk for years and years with your soulmate. You believe that you deserve it.  
“Do you remember the first time that we met?” Kai softly asks, coming to a halt in front of the doors that lead to the outside corridors. You twinkle and say, “How could I not.”  
You were running late. And in your first year of high school too. The clock screamed that it was currently 8:03 but you were supposed to be in your homeroom by 8:00 and you pray that Mr. Yoon accepted your tardiness with a flourish of his hand.
You’re drenched with sweat and your uniform is tugged wildly and your hair is askew with bits of it falling in your face, but you don’t pay any mind as you try not to crash into the lockers from your crazy sprinting.   
“Oh god!” You cry as you find that out the main doors to your science hallway, where your homeroom sat was locked and so you take a quiet of a big U-turn and make headway to the gym (which an older senior slipped to you was the way to escape the looming locks that the doors had to prevent tardy kids from getting in).
Fortunately, the first-day tour had paid off and you knew that the gym was exactly a hallway down to the left, so when you skid off, your feet landed you exactly in front of the door, tall and brown with a few splinters sticking out.  
“Please be open, please be open, please be open!”  
And it was open. But not by you, but by a lanky boy withholding stacks of papers.  
Perhaps you were blind because of the exhilaration in your veins, or he was just clueless about the desperate girl outside of the door, but you both head butt each other with a hard push, both falling to the ground with a loud grunt of despair. But that quick rush of anguish turns into something more magical. You feel as though you’re on cloud nine, fireworks bursting in your veins as your eyes blur in and out to adjust to the brighter look of colors–a more glowing appearance of the world.
Your fingers tingle and your tongue swirls with a hint of sweetness that you just couldn’t put your finger on. And the ache on your forehead had turned into a pulsing feeling of coolness. Since you were young, you’ve heard and read about the feelings of love and how pure it could be, but you think that the words that have spilled into your ears haven’t given justice to how exactly refreshing it was.  
“Holy...are you okay?” A voice sweet as honey makes your spine shiver with glee. “Yeah, I’m alright, but oh no! I’m late!” You cry, rising to your feet with panic but you’re suddenly held down by a gentle hand.
“It’ll be okay. Let’s go the nurse’s office and say that we had a nasty fall...but all my papers that I was supposed to give out fell.” A boy with the most stunning features you’ve ever seen, pouts at the fallen papers, and your heart practically jumps out from your chest, unable to stop smiling.
You would wonder if he had felt the same explosions as you, but the way that he trembles from the graze of your hand over his shoulder speaks wonders to you.  
“I’ll help.” You assure. 
“I–thank you.” He breathes and suddenly he can’t seem to take his eyes off you, making you feel warm inside. “You’re very pretty.” The unknown boy says, and you flush which makes him laugh.  
“What’s your name?”  
The boy smiles and throws you an eyebrow raise. “Huening Kai. But everyone calls me Kai!”  
Grabbing a piece of paper from the floor you respond with a small pep in your voice. “Yeah? Well, I’m (Y/n).”  
The first date you two shared was in the nurse’s office.  
And many more followed after that yet too less for your liking. 
You don’t even realize that you’re crying but you’re happy. Happy to be where it all started. The gym was the home that your heart lived in and the place that it chose to die. It’s warm. 
Turning your head to Kai, you’re startled to find him already looking at you with a glossy look and a mouth that betrays itself to speak its true words that itch his teeth. You wait patiently though but the silence allows the jarring sound of a ringtone to pierce the air and fade the sentence on the tip of Kai’s tongue.  
"I–oh fuck, Yuna’s calling me.” Kai’s voice stutters and your stomach drops into reality once more.  
We get a few years and then it wants us back 
You’re falling once more, drenched in cold water at the way that his fingers leave your touch, how his lips quirk up into a smile that used to be dedicated to you, and how his tears dry up so easily without a hint of anguish. He’s sweet and you’ve always known that he spits out candy compliments that were sickly as sugar, but it stirs a burning sensation deep in your throat.
And maybe it’s not even how he loves her, but how he makes it so that all of it was an act–that you were a complete fool for thinking that he had an ounce of adoration for you or even pity.
He’s the one that kissed you so softly and sweetly first, but he talks as if you were nothing to him like you weren’t the one that he was supposed to be destined for. 
“Hey sweetheart...I’m hanging out with a friend right now.”  
You can’t feel your legs anymore. The bones in your knees have turned into jelly, but you can’t do anything but woefully stare at him with a longing look of gloom. 
“I’ll be back soon, I promise. Hang tight, I’ll make it up tomorrow for Valentine’s Day, how does that sound?” 
Perhaps you’re going to faint because your vision suddenly spins like a carousel. You’ve always found it ironic how you’re born on the day of love and yet you’re going to die because of it. And now you crave to celebrate your birthday extravagantly instead of wallowing in your sorrows as you did in your previous years.
You wouldn’t be too old, would you? To toast a to yourself? 
It would be a hundred times easier If we were young again
But you chuckle at how you’ve been through it all on Valentine’s day; born, lost your other piece, and soon enough die as you choke on the waters of love. You feel the thorns of the red roses that grow in your stomach filled with envy and yearning, cut into your esophagus, releasing ruby red to drip into the pits of your stomach.  
“Good night. I love you.”  
But as it is And it is
You don’t realize that you’re on the ground until Kai cries at you, hurrying by your side as you sew out copious amounts of blood that your body refuses to keep, all the burning endearment that you’ve held to Kai being let out.
“Hey baby, oh god, you’re alright.” His fingers wrap underneath your waist to pull you up, uncaring of the red that splatters his shirt. You feel like you’re on fire, as you scratch at chest for any type of relief, sobs ripping from the bottom of your guts.  
He pecks your cheeks then your nose, and the corner of your mouth before he moves his lips to your forehead. Huening is certainly frantic with his touch and usually, you wouldn’t mind, but you want to squirm.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, alerting you of how much ever time you have left in your life. 30 minutes. "Oh gosh...” You manage to rasp out, crying at how terrified you feel. Kai must’ve sensed the fear that rolls off you in waves because he hugs you as tight as he can.  
He’s an asshole but you can’t help but love him. And it stabs you in the gut. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay” He chants but you shake your throbbing head, trying to get up from the icky floor. “You can’t–you don’t know that!” You wail but Kai doesn’t pay any attention to your protest, gripping your hand so you don’t fall onto the ground again. It takes you a second to not wobble, using his shoulders as support when you close your eyes. He kisses your head again and stays there, swaying.  
“I fucking hate you.”  
Kai doesn’t react. “I’m sorry.” 
“You’re a...a horrible asshole.” You splutter before you grab him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him. He matches your desperation, even as the taste of metal coats his tongue. He pulls away for a second and crawls his hands over to your face, cradling you in his cold palms.
“I want to dance with you. Just one last time.” When he said that before, you weren’t sure if he was serious but as soon as you nod, he rubs his hand down your sides to place on your hips. 
“Just one last time.” You repeat back to him.  
Kai is swift with his feet but not as fast as you. His hands swing with grace, but they don’t beat the way that you make your arms float. Or how you swivel around, flying with charm. You two are in your room, dead at night, but a soft slow song plays its notes. You feel love in the air.
The pads of your boyfriend’s fingers thread against your skin, pressing into your waist. He spins you around, but his eyes never leave your own pair, and he thinks that you look like an angel like this. An angel in his arms–he’s possibly the luckiest boy in this world. He ghosts over your neck before he moves away so he can tug you into him once more.
Kai presses lingering kisses all over you just to hear more of your giggles. And once the song stops singing, leaving a quiet atmosphere in its wake, you trip into your bed. It’s warm next to him, and cozy and you would like to spend anything here next to him for the rest of your life.  
To think that we could stay the same To think that we could stay the same
It’s the same this time around, but his touch on you is cold. Your sneakers squeak on the ground and you’re definitely not poised with your moments, but you wonder if Kai sees you as beautiful as you were in your element when you were younger. You spin and try not to fall, but you trust him to not let you trip over your own torment.
There’s no music this time except for the beating of your heartbeats, one slowing down and the other racing with adrenaline. You both are growing apart as you two did before, not in sync with anything anymore. You kiss his neck and feel the goosebumps that arise.  
The moonlight watches with tears in its eyes and the wind comes to a stop, letting you two soak into each other in peace. The grasshoppers hold their head down in pity and two doves stare into the depths of the lake, hearts aching. And you’re growing weak with each passing moment which Kai can feel in his arms. 
His tears start to plow down his flushed cheeks.  
To think that we could stay the same 
Your vision starts to fade in and out, but you don’t give up, leaning into the boy. He coordinates your arms to place them along his nape, pulling you close. You’re dying and you know it more than ever how life seeps out of the pores of your skin. Yet you feel a sense of tranquility, dancing slowly with the love of your life.  
“I love you.” You whisper, nuzzling into him. You’re trying to calm his breathing down as he sobs. He cries and cries while you slowly mumble sweet nothings into his ear, closing your eyes which he realizes before he slams his lips onto your mouth.
Blood fills your mouth with agony and your lungs wheeze unable to get anything, but you don’t pull away, relishing in his honey mouth. 
“Oh fuck! I’m so sorry. So sorry about–about–Yuna! And everything. I’m such a horrible person.” Kai howls, eyes widening as your arms go limp around him. Your legs give but he keeps you upright against him.  
“Am I just a friend?” You ask. 
He shakes his head wildly. “No!” 
You weakly laugh at him. Your time is up. “Then good. I’m your soulmate. You’ll remember that won’t you?”  
But we're two slow dancers, last ones out 
“I’m so sorry (Y/n)” Kai mumbles, holding out a bouquet of flowers for you to take. “What...what do you mean that you don’t love me anymore?” You say voice cracking in the middle, gently pushing away the flowers in his hands, his eyes falling down to his shoes in shame. His silence says a lot and you take a step back. “Why?”  
“I don’t know. I just don’t feel that spark anymore.”  
You scoff and angrily wipe the tears away from your face. “I’m your soulmate, you just can’t–” 
“I’m so sorry.” He cuts you off, eyebrows dipping down. He still looks so beautiful in your eyes and so you sob. Kai places the flowers by your feet and turns to walk away, opening the doors of the gymnasium to escape into. You feel discarded as you watch him, but you want to throw one more word in before he leaves you to be. There’s a burning sensation in your lungs.  
“You better remember that I’m your fucking soulmate the next time you...you date someone else. Because I know that there will be no one as good as me, no one else that will make you feel like that!” You scream, throat raw. You're hurting everywhere when he whips his head around, tears glinting in his eyes, making you hiss pathetically.  
“I know.”  
When you fall against him, he stumbles onto his legs, your heart-stopping in its glory. A shrill silence follows through before it’s cut by his screams of pain. He feels your death through his veins as the universe spoon-feeds him the truth. His tears feel acidic on his skin but the ones that roll down your cheeks, are more painful than imaginable. His heart tears into two.  
“Happy Valentine’s Day...and birthday, love,” Kai says into your neck, pressing kisses into where you would be able to feel your heartbeat, hoping that they could revive you. 
We're two slow dancers, last ones out 
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Kai has never thought much about having a family–except with you. But here he is in the hospital room with his wife, tears running down his face. Yuna thinks that he’s happy, and he believes that too, but he knows that there’s a lingering sense of prickling at his heart.
February 14th holds a special place in his heart for many reasons that thinking too much about brings great pain to him. Yet a baby should drive happiness, no? 
He’s now a father to a wonderous daughter.  
But as he stares at her, he wonders if he’ll actually ever love her. He’s having doubts. He drags his attention to his wife who is not his soulmate but a woman that he loves. But she’s not you. He doesn’t have a family with you, have kids with you...so will he ever harbor great attraction to them. Like he does to their mother, he knows that he doesn’t love her as deeply as he did with you.  
“What should we name her?” His wife asks, staring at his brown hair that got mangled in a mess. 
A name leaves the tip of his mouth, eyes widening before he realizes what he just uttered.  
She smiles and the deep veins of hatred infiltrate just a little bit deeper. But when the little girl in his arms yawns, he finally cracks. And when he sways with her, just after her mother falls asleep, he dances with love. 
Two slow dancers, last ones out 
It’s alright. He’ll love her forever because he couldn’t do it with you.  
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bluelolblue · 2 months
Hi!! I have a John x Santi prompt!! 💁🏻‍♀️ I just recently got into the jw fandom and your writing is giving me life 😍 Hurt/comfort is my all time favorite type of fic/drabble/hc/etc. and I looove how you apply it to John & Santino 🥹🥰 Sooo consider:
Established relationship John x Santi where Santino gets badly injured in a fight 🥺 Being hurt this way makes him relive past trauma and his way of dealing with it is reverting back to little boy!mentality; ie he’s even clingier toward John than before (as if that were even possible), dependent on him for virtually everything bc of his injuries and suuuper vulnerable state of mind 😭 and he really just wants to be babied while he heals up 🥺 He only lets himself be “little” around John and honestly hates this part of himself but John always gives him the tender loving care he deserves 🥰 He actually loves taking care of Santi in this way but doesn’t bring it up bc he doesn’t want to make Santino feel bad! 💕
No pressure to write this if it’s not your thing but I’d love to hear your thoughts 💙💙
Thank you so much!!! YAAAY
I'm so happy to hear that you like my fics, that means a lot!! 💙💙💙💙
Yeah, hurt/comfort is a very good trope, also one of my favorite, it fits Santino and John perfectly 🤭
I really hope you'll like this hurt/comfort with them! It was so fun to write it! ^ ^
☆ Special thanks to @mrssimply for beta reading! ☆
Healing grace
“Let me see,” John insisted.
“Fuck… no! It'll pass,” Santino gritted through his teeth.
Broken ribs with potentially broken few fingers would not in fact just pass.
“Santino, don't be stubborn. I saw what they did to you, I killed them, you're really badly injured. Let me help you.”
John could be a pain in the ass sometimes, literally. They were both stubborn, just in their own way. He refused to show John his injuries in the car and now at home, too.
“I… listen, it used to pass on its own, so just leave me alone!” Santino wanted to storm off but John already caught him by his arm, which made Santino yelp in pain.
“That hurts!” Santino snapped.
“I’m sorry, but please let me see. I just want to help you. You know you're safe with me, right?”
Santino sighed in slight annoyance. He knew John wanted only the best for him, he was just really frustrated from the pain.
“I know,” Santino murmured, “It just hurts.”
John nodded, taking a hold of Santino's other hand, “I'll help you. You don't have to be in pain.”
Santino was just used to pain. Mainly because of his childhood, what his father had done to him, the punishments. He had to go through all that alone, treating his wounds by himself, since his father wouldn't allow anyone to help him.
The most intense punishments had been whipping Santino's palms with a belt until they bled, sometimes even stepping on his hands. His ribs got hurt a few times, too.
This really brought back some memories he wished to forget.
In Santino's bedroom, so he felt comfortable, John gave him painkillers for a start so that they work faster while he continued to treat his injuries.
“Lift your shirt,” John said.
Santino bit his lip for a second, avoiding John's eyes and hesitantly lifted his shirt, exposing his bruised left side.
John hummed in disapproval, frowning a little.
“Yeah, that's not good,” John sighed, gently pressing against the bruise. Even at that soft touch Santino winced and hissed in pain.
“Don't touch me… I told you it hurts,” Santino warned, breathing shakily through his teeth.
“Sorry,” John apologized, “Your ribs could be broken. I'll bring an ice pack and then I want to check your hand.”
The moment John mentioned his hand Santino visibly tensed up.
While John was getting the ice pack, Santino looked at his injured fingers. Cuts, bruises over his knuckles. It was almost the exact same image from his childhood.
He could feel his heart beat getting faster, when John came back.
“This might feel a little uncomfortable, but I promise it'll help,” John explained, “Can you hold it against your ribs while I examine your hand?”
“Sure, I guess…” Santino muttered, doing what he was told. He whimpered quietly, it was too cold but he knew he had to resist the urge to move it off his ribs.
John gently held his injured hand, confirming his thoughts. Luckily it didn't appear to be too damaged.
“I'll disinfect the cuts, wrap it in a bandage and it could also use an ice pack,” John said softly, giving him a smile to calm him down. Santino was clearly pale and still nervous. But sometimes his response to feeling nervous or scared was anger.
Santino nodded, letting John do his job.
“My father used to hurt me like this.”
John almost didn't hear him. His voice was so quiet.
“My hands… they were always bruised and covered with blood. I had to take care of myself, but it was difficult on my own.”
Santino decided to open up to John, he felt safe, like he could trust him. Well, they're lovers, there's no point in hiding the past.
“I'm so sorry to hear that. You didn't deserve that,” John caressed his face, leaning to press a tender kiss on his lips. “No one was there for you?” John asked after the kiss, tapping the cotton over the cuts.
“Mmh… no. No one was allowed to. And, it got worse after my mother died,” Santino looked at his hand, blinking away tears forming in his eyes. “She would've helped me if she was alive.”
That made John’s heart ache. He noticed how Santino avoided his eye contact. He wasn't hurting just physically, he was hurting mentally, too.
John wasn't sure what to say, but he couldn't stand watching his lover suffer like this.
“She would've. I'm here now, I'm helping you. You won't go through any pain alone ever again, I promise,” John vowed, gently placing a kiss on Santino's injured hand.
Santino didn't flinch this time, he could actually feel himself blushing. He rarely experienced comfort like this.
“Thank you,” Santino breathed out, cracking a little smile.
John leaned over to kiss him again, a long, deeper kiss this time.
The bodyguard finished with wrapping a bandage over Santino's fingers, replacing Santino's other hand that was holding the ice pack with his own.
“You need a lot of rest. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and sleep,” John said, sitting next to him.
“Yeah, I know,” Santino paused for a second, “Can you stay with me overnight? It wouldn't be the first time you stayed in my bed overnight anyway.”
Even if he was injured, he still found enough energy to smirk and tease his lover. Still, his question was genuine.
“Of course I can,” John replied.
Indeed, John spent the whole night with Santino. Laying across him, so Santino could be comfortable on his side that wasn’t injured. Comforting and soothing him, stroking his hair with his fingers until Santino fell asleep pressed against him.
John had a bit of trouble falling asleep since he was scared he would accidentally hurt him in his sleep if he moved. So, he kept a safe distance, further away not to hurt him and close enough to still maintain some physical touch.
The next day, Santino was more affectionate. He didn't want John to leave his side, hugging him and being clingy.
“I just want to fetch you breakfast,” John said, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“I don't need breakfast. I just want coffee and you…” Santino flinched at his own sudden movement, “And painkillers,” he added.
“And breakfast. You need energy and a proper meal. Not just coffee.”
Santino sighed dramatically into his neck, stubborn again.
“If you say so.”
Santino allowed himself to be vulnerable with John. He enjoyed being taken care of, it was a feeling he rarely experienced and he wanted to embrace it as much as he could.
John seemed to enjoy taking care of him. Helping him with showering, preparing meals, doing whatever Santino asked for.
He regularly swapped the bandage on Santino's hand, held the ice pack against his ribs to bring down the swelling, soothing him when Santino whimpered in pain.
It went on like this for a few days, with Santino being needy and wanting John's attention, wanting kisses and cuddles. John tried to give him all that while helping him heal in the meantime.
“When will they finally heal?” Santino asked, looking over at his bruised ribs. The swelling wasn't as bad as it used to be, but it still hurt.
“It takes some time. But your hand seems to be in a much better condition,” John pointed out after removing the bandage.
“It does. Still aches when I move my fingers, but at least I can move them,” Santino smiled, relaxing on the couch against John.
“Yeah, that's good. You're recovering quickly.” John examined his hand a little more, just to make sure.
“It's all thanks to you. When I was trying to take care of myself, it didn't really heal that fast and it was more painful,” Santino confessed, his voice quiet. He hated talking about his past, it was too painful even to remember. There was something about John, though: he had this calm and gentle tone in his voice all the time. It was soothing, calming. Something Santino always craved. A partner that would understand him on that emotional level.
“Sometimes everyone needs help. Going through pain alone can be tough, and I want to be there for you.”
At some point in Santino's life, he was convinced he was not capable of being loved. He was too difficult to handle, too needy, just wanting attention and comfort.
Yet there was his bodyguard giving him everything he wanted.
“You were only supposed to be my bodyguard. Then again, you're spending so much time with me,” Santino purred, admiring John's patience with him.
John smiled, lifting Santino's hand to place a gentle kiss over his knuckles.
“I'm happy to spend time with you and help you,” John looked up at him, seeing Santino's flushed face.
“Mio caro,” Santino said, just above a whisper. “What would I do without you?”
John gently hugged him, avoiding his injured side, kissing his cheek before replying, “I didn't mean to make you sad, bello.”
Santino sighed against his neck, feeling how John's hands were wrapped around him, pressed against him.
“I'm not sad… just so glad I have you,” he murmured.
The bodyguard leaned back to kiss him tenderly on his lips, pressing their foreheads together afterwards, staying like that for a few seconds.
“Can we stay like this for a little longer?” Santino asked softly.
“Of course we can.”
“Help me shower later?”
John chuckled gently, there was his demanding lover again.
“Anything you want.”
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namorkawaiiwife · 2 years
My kid.
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Tw: kinda mean namor and reader? Sad content but whit good ending😍
"you lied to me! you deceive me!"
he says to you.
"you tried to deceive me too."
"I'm tired of listening to you!"
"you gave me your heart, you know?.."
a silence stretched for a few seconds.
"would you like me to give it back? whole again?"
you turned to look out to sea.
"you lived a long time namor and an eternity without me! you looked at the surface people waiting for something or someone that for an instant, BROUGHT ME BACK TO YOU!"
you turned to him seeing a tear on his face but still you didn't want to feel sorry for him.
"you will find moonlit nights strangely empty. why when you called me, you never got an answer."
why were you treating him like that?
Oh, darling..
why do you ask?
he never listened to you.
didn't listen to your opinion on the war of wakanda and talokan.
and when you would try to talk to him, he would only think of shuri.
Was she really that perfect?
did he say the same things he said to you before you got married?
you couldn't believe that the only being you thought wasn't like the others did that.. you couldn't believe he didn't love you like he loved shuri.
you ran away from talokan, you went far away.
the only thing you knew was that the entire talokan was worried about you, their queen, the first queen..
but surely shuri would do a better job as a queen, wouldn't she?
she would have the heir she so wanted.
a strong heir to talokan.
then you found out.
was pregnant.
pregnant to him.
you accepted the pregnancy, and months passed.
until she was born.
your daughter, you named her kiri.
she was perfect.
you didn't mind that she had two little dashes of namor
you loved her anyway.
you didn't want to tell namor
until now he finds you.
"why did you run away?!"
he said.
you chuckled trying to hold back the tears.
"are you serious? you didn't care about me since you saw HER! shuri! you didn't listen to my opinion. just spoke of her, she is perfect, the perfect queen, the perfect wife SHE IS WHAT YOU WISH YOU HAD... it's not me anymore.. it's her.. she is the woman you could kill millions to erase your memories of with me and put her in them... am i not right?"
a cry came from inside you house, your daughter's cry, you ran inside ignoring him, soon arriving in your daughter's room who was in her crib crying.
you approached her and took her in your arms, soon calming her down, forgetting that namor was now at the bedroom door looking at you.
"you have a daughter?.. "
he asks and your attention returns to him.
"your daughter."
you took off your daughter's blanket and he slowly approached you, looking at all the perfections your daughter carried..
the pointed ears, the little wings on the feet.
you looked at him.
he was crying.
What did I do.."
he said.
"I made you run away, because of my selfishness, I forgot everything we went through together, everything you did to see me happy, I don't deserve you, I don't deserve to have a daughter from you and be so perfect... just like you... You worked so hard for me and Talokan and I just played it like it was nothing, I played it all just because of someone who doesn't even come close to you."
he gently cupped your daughter's cheeks and she gave a sweet laugh, you looked at him and saw the regret in his eyes, you remembered that every time he took too long to come see you before you left for talokan, he always apologized to you with that look of regret.
"do you regret what you did?.."
you asked in a low tone but he could hear.
"I regret being such a jerk to you..I know you won't forgive me, and I really don't deserve your forgiveness."
you looked at your daughter and then at him.
"kiri do you think he deserves forgiveness?"
kiri reaches out her tiny hands to namor.
"hold her."
you said and soon namor took her in his arms, you watched them while Kiri played with the necklaces that namor had.
"I forgive you."
you said.
"y/n..I don't deserve your forgiveness.."
You held his face gently and then kissed him.
Namor returned the kiss, a kiss full of longing and love.
you broke away from the kiss.
"my queen.."
he said and then looked at kiri.
"and my little princess."
kiri smiled sweetly as she looked at him.
you touched his cheek and felt a scar and soon looked better.
"what is it?"
Namor looked at you and then gave a desperate laugh.
"how can I explain.."
he nodded.
you chuckled.
"it's not funny."
"she did that too?"
you say referring to the wing of his foot that was bandaged.
"it still hurts."
"my king didn't win the war hmm?"
you say while picking up kiri in your arms.
"See Kiri? Your father isn't as good as he says is he?"
you say while laughing softly.
"yeah yeah I'm an idiot I know, but no need to throw it in the face."
he says.
"kiri, isn't your mother boring?"
he says and you look at him.
"Kiri, isn't your father selfish?"
"oh stop honey"
"you started!"
you guys were fighting over who started it while kiri was confused.
"okay okay I started!"
you said feeling defeated.
"I know."
you looked at Kiri.
"kiri is going to talokan when?"
"whenever you want dear."
"What if I want to go now whit her?"
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jadon sancho proposing to you headcanons <3333
this idea got me softttt 😮‍💨🫠 thanks for sending it in! 💖
jadon sancho proposing to you would be like:
it would probably happen during summer (shortly after end of the season)
he takes you on a private plane for your annual summer romantic getaway maybe somewhere near the ocean… like maldives
little did you know… he’s planned the whole thing for like months 🥹
he asked your closest friend(s) about which ring you might love - every little details!
he even asked you about your dream proposal… he did it very very subtly tho you didn’t catch that 🤭
all he wanted was for his perfect person to get their perfect proposal so he made sure everything goes as planned
on the day near the sunset, he takes to the beach for a dinner (though you think it’s too early for dinner), and both of you dress up for the occasion
he can’t hide his nervousness - his fingers are fidgeting, when you hold his hands they feel cold and sweaty, you notice he doesn’t behave like his usual self
“why are you acting weird? you okay?” kisses you in the forehead, smiling, “i will be”
arriving at the beach, he tells you there’s a surprise you might like so he covers your eyes and it gets you excited
when you open your eyes you are now surrounded with red roses and heart balloons, with a huge sign saying “MARRY ME?” ❤️❤️
he gets down on one knee, reaches the ring box on his pocket and opens it. it was the ring you’ve always wanted
“you are the love of my life, and i can’t imagine spending my days without you. now i’m here asking you to marry me.” he holds back his tears while making his speech🥹
you cry out of happiness and scream “YES!” before he even finishes his question - at that moment he feels so relieved and overwhelmed with joy 😍
you hug him immediately and you kiss for quite a while, forgetting for a moment he hasn’t put the ring on your finger
“wait, the ring is still in the box!” you two laugh, “oh i forgot you got a ring” 😂
you realizing there’s a photographer taking pics the whole time 🤭 and have the most perfect engagement pics with beautiful sunset!
facetiming your families and friends right away to announce the engagement
candlelight dinner at the beach and bottomless champagne for the celebration! 🍾 and another fun celebration in the bedroom 👀
making a joint post on instagram the next day to tell the world y’all getting married 💖
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nightofnyx8 · 11 months
hello friend!!! <33 i was just wondering if you'd be so kind/would like to share anything you're working on atm with us? can't wait to see what u create next 😍
Oh hello my darling friend! It is so good to hear from you! Yes, I actually have three WIPS in the work. I'm working on the latest chapter of Song of the Raven of course, but I also have two side projects that I tend to go back and forth on in their progress.
The first one is a Loid and Anya oneshot, where Loid discovers the perils of raising a teenage daughter.
Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over the breakfast table of 128 Park Avenue. The perpetrators being himself, of course (his wife was rarely involved in matters of domestic conflict), and his sixteen-year-old daughter, jaw set tight with her arms folded across her chest.
“I said no.”
Anya throws her arms up in the air dramatically. “Oh there’s a shocker, you disagreeing with me on something. Gotta throw in at least one lecture before school starts.”
Loid resists the urge to rub his temples, something he knew would only agitate her further. Over the years, Anya’s boundless enthusiasm combined with his rather dry sense of humor had resulted in a very stubborn teenage girl, her sharp tongue armed with sarcasm and theatrics at every turn of the conversation. “How many times are we going to have this argument, Anya? I’m not going to change my mind.”
“That’s because you don’t trust me!”
“I do trust you,” he sighs, clenching the handle of his mug of coffee. “But there are certain things I don’t want you involved in—”
Anya rolls her eyes. “I’m not a child anymore, Papa. I can handle myself.”
“We know, sweetie.” Yor materializes from the kitchen and places a plate of burnt toast in front of Anya. “We just don’t want you getting hurt, that’s all.”
She tries to place a kiss to her daughter’s forehead, but Anya dodges with a look of sheer annoyance, making Yor retreat back to the stove with a pained but understanding smile. Evidentially it was “embarrassing” to still be coddled by one’s mother at this age, but the sight of his wife’s slumped shoulders did nothing to cool his temper.
The second one is a bit steamier, a oneshot of twiyor waking up in bed together.
Yor flips onto her back, stretching both arms over her head to avoid waking her husband. Both of them had gotten back from their respective missions rather late, Franky already snoring on the couch by the time they made it home. Loid had gone to check in on their slumbering daughter while she had brewed him a cup of tea. Both of them tended to their wounds in the bathtub as he kissed each one of her calloused fingers, lifting her up in his arms and carrying her to the bedroom.
A sudden blush heats her cheeks as she looks underneath the white, billowy covers and remembers that her nightgown was now somewhere on the floor, entirely forgotten after her husband had thrown it aside the night before. It’s chilly in the late autumn air, though she supposed that was her fault for cracking the window open. She had always preferred to sleep cold, loving the way the rain woke her up in the morning. She contemplates staying a little while longer in bed, curled up next to her husband without a care in the world, but she really did have a lot of chores to catch up on. The laundry pile had become quite neglected in the past couple of weeks.
Gently entangling herself from her husband, Yor starts to pry herself away from the inviting warmth of the bedsheets and swings her legs over the edge of the mattress, rubbing sleep out of her eyes before a bare arm suddenly shoots out and hooks around her waist, dragging her back underneath the covers.
“And just where do you think you’re going?”
A sort of squeak escapes past her lips, making him chuckle. Her heart drums even faster in her chest. “But the laundry—”
“Forget the laundry. I’ll just buy you new clothes instead.”
“Loid, that’s entirely…oh…”
His lips, which had been working their way down the nape of her neck, pause in their work. She can almost feel him smile, cool and wanting against her feverish skin. “Yes?”
She bites her swollen lip, allowing her husband to roll her onto her back again as he finds the tender space at the corner of her jaw, letting his teeth graze over her racing pulse. Her eyelids flutter closed. “Nevermind.”
We'll see which one gets done first! My mind works best when it jumps from place to place (it's a very chaotic place), but rest assured I'll get them out! Thank you for the ask and I can't wait to see what you're working on as well! <3
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
OKAYYY HELLOOOO SO I HAVE A REQUEST!! That you could totally ignore if it’s too much! (Cause I genuinely care about you and your health so please take your time cause I’ll be very patient ily /gen)
Maybe some hcs of the Kamaboko trio like coming home from a mission and reader goes to greet them? Or even, they come home to reader sleeping!! :0000 But also, take this into your own interpretation! I’d like to see what you think of this! (Can be fem reader if you’d like I really don’t mind) if this is too confusing my bad I’m horrible at explaining things, also I genuinely had this on my mind every now and then and it’s always like in my imagines before I go to bed 🤩! (Really hoping tumblr doesn’t crop out anything I have trust issues gn)
Anyway, I really love your hcs/oneshots and they always help me go to bed! I want you to know that 💓💓💓 /gen
Hiya: tyvm for your request. 😁 I absolutely couldn’t ignore it: it’s too cute 🤗 — I enjoyed writing it !! Also, your prompt wasn’t at all confusing, nor are you horrible at explaining things !! I’m grateful that you really love my hcs/one shots, and hope this helps you go to bed as well. 🥺 Love, T. 💝
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Author’s Note: requests are PERMANENTLY CLOSED !! Suggestions/thirsts and emergency requests are still very much OPEN. 💗
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kamaboko coming home to you
Kamaboko x Reader
Word Count: ~2,400
CW: canonical violence, explicit language
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Is lowkey disappointed that you’re not immediately rushing out to greet him
He’s tired and lonely and Waaah where’s my warm huuuggg ?!?!?!
Not that he expects ✨traditionality✨
You aren’t his house spouse or whatever 😤
Unless you’d like to be a house spouse ?? — he’d obvi be cool w/ that too 🤗
I meeean, having warm food and hot tea awaiting his arrival… 😍
But that’s unfair, bc, like, it’s hard to estimate length of missions ??
Are you just magically supposed to know when he’ll show up again ??
Plus, I hc Zenitsu to be awful about keeping in touch 😆
Not on purpose !!
He’s a total sap
As well as anxious, yanno, so if his partner wanted/needed reassurance during his absence(s), then he’d def empathize w/ them and attempt to barrage them—daily—w/ letters
Buuut he’s also got a lot to process what w/ his consistent state of panic and trying to stay alive
So despite his intent, he often forgets to uhh, barrage you—daily—w/ letters 😅
Thus, you don’t really have any way of anticipating/preparing for him
“[y/n]-chan? I’m hooome,” he shouts again, eyes narrowing at your lack of response
He knows you can protect yourself, knows you might not even be home, but damn it I miss you, “Where are you? [y/n]-chaaan!”
Cold dread sets in when he realizes
Whenever either of you are away for an extended duration, whoever’s home always leaves a note when they go out — just so the other knows not to worry if they return in that gap of going out
There is no note
He can hear someone’s heart beating
Too slowly
“[y/n]?!” his voice reverberates harder
The fear in his veins isn’t shocking or thrilling; doesn’t have the same anger or determination as slaying demons; isn’t something he can be coerced, shamed, or inspired into tackling head on
It’s a desperate, treacherous, fogging suffocation
He’s never cared about being on time—about being late—until now
Surely there’d be some semblance of carnage if they’d been attacked ?!
He knows you don’t go down easily, and certainly not cleanly
So Why are the walls intact? he’s running, a soundless pace in case evil—the demon—lingers
And Where is the blood? he swallows nauseously
Who the hell is breathing?
Who the fuck’s alive?
There aren’t many rooms to scout, the faint pulsation guiding him swiftly toward the bedroom
How cruel he sucks in a sharp breath Sacrilegious
Vignettes—moments—of you, of him, together, snag on the edges of his vision
Welcoming the sunrise: soft giggles, fingers intertwined; his eyes open just wide enough to appreciate how effervescent you look caressed by morning’s glow; What’re you staring at, Zeni? “Everything.”
Eating on the futon: you scolding him as he gets crumbs on the kakebuton, him teasing you when you inevitably do the same; piling the dishes haphazardly on the floor soon after; tucking yourself into him for post lunchtime cuddles
Screaming into consciousness: sometimes you, sometimes him; grabbing onto the nearest physical tether, wordless dampness spreading; barely visible, drowning in the presence of moonlight; It wasn’t real, shh, it wasn’t real  “And you?” I’m real “Promise?” Promise, I’m real. I’m right here
He slams into the bedroom, hand on his katana’s hilt, eyes darting frantically
ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?!?!?! 😵‍💫🤬🤯
“Zeni, you’re home,” you mumble, three quarters asleep, one eye gazing blearily at his disheveled form, “C’mere, kept your side warm.”
You wince at his volume, tiredness dissipating slightly, “Hm?”
“Mmm, dunno, am zzz, less whine, more snuggle,” you shrug, lifting the kakebuton, entirely oblivious to the tension draining from his stance
Bruuuh Zenitsu’s FUMING rn
Like, you have the audacity to point out his whining when hE THOUGHT YOU WERE SRSLY INJURED/DEAD ?! 💀
“Fine, don’t snug-”
Zenitsu promptly plops himself onto the futon, interrupting you
“Sword,” you grunt
*double sigh*
Zenitsu places his sword beside the futon, crawls under the kakebuton, and clings to your sleepiness: hands molding to your collarbones, elbows, ribs, hips, thighs — checking the small of your back
“What’s gotten into you?” you mutter fondly, your fingers carding through his surprisingly sweaty hair
“I love you,” he whispers
With an endeared chuckle, you kiss his forehead, humming in agreement, “Love you too, Zeni. Must be tired, yeah? S’okay, you’re home. Rest.”
“Alright, [y/n]-chan,” he nods into your shoulder, hands settling on your chest, relinquishing the final sliver of adrenaline from his anticlimactic discovery, yawning, “Rest.”
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I usually hc Inosuke to be a himbo 😇
BUT I ALSO—for this request especially—HC HIM TO BE A PRANKSTER
He def does not announce his arrival, bc that would ruin the opportunity to scare the crap out of you 😈
Tbf, I don’t think he schemes anything elaborate
Mostly entirely just jump scares
Lowkey prob times his returns for morning or afternoon, bc he can’t really scare you if you’re asleep
He’s still a himbo, so he certainly wouldn’t wake you up via scaring
But you’re not an idiot lmao
So you catch on quickly
Now, Ik some ppl develop immunity to jump scares
—My childhood friend jump scared me all the time… he can no longer scare me lol
—Not necessarily bc Ik he’s there, but bc I’m desensitized regardless
Aaand if that’s your case, then hehehe you bet your ass Inosuke tries even harder to scare you
Like, you’ve basically challenged him to a Can-I-Scare-[y/n]-? contest
A one sided contest that you did not consent to participating in 🙃
Again tho, he doesn’t conjure mastermind plans
More like he finds shittier and shittier hiding spots 😌
Behind the potted plant in the hallway? “Inosuke. I can literally see you. All of you. Welcome home, by the way”
Under the futon? “You realize your body makes a blatantly obvious Insouke shaped lump? I know you’re there.”
In the washroom? “Oh. You're back! If you wanted to bathe with me, then you could’ve asked? No reason to creep around like a perv. We’re partners, remember?”
Your smoothness absolutely ~infuriates him
Ffs dude 😓
What’s a man gotta do to get a rise outta you ?! 😵
Ohmygosh ahaha
The one time you decide to hide instead? Perhaps you were at the opposite end of the estate, so you happened to hear/see him coming before he realized you were home ?? BRUH YOU TOTALLY MADE HIM SQUEAL LIKE A BOAR
Poor Inosuke, just minding his own business brainstorming new hiding spots
But he swears something—someone?—is following him
And you’d assume w/ his spectacular awareness and senses that he’d put two and two together
But he admittedly lets his guard down a tad whenever he’s home
Neglecting to consider that, if there’s one place you have an equal advantage of awareness/sense in, it’d be the house that y’all share
So you’re able to shadow him w/o him ever connecting the dots
Until it’s too late 🤭
“ARRRRGHHHdwgifybhvobnsgb !!!!!”
—Bc I feel that keyboard smashing accurately represents his curdling scream 😂
“YOU!” Inosuke jabs an accusatory finger at your forehead, “YOU AREN’T HOME ?!?!?!”
You raise an amused eyebrow
“Nonono, like, you’re home, bUT YOU’RE NOT HOME?!” he’s simultaneously facepalming, willing himself to shut up, and attempting to even out his breath quietly
Ofc, you aren’t fooled in the slightest after his visceral reaction
“I missed you,” you grin triumphantly, thoroughly pleased w/ yourself
“You suck,” he growls
Huffing playfully, you roll your eyes, “Was just giving you a taste of your own medicine.”
“But I don’t ever scare you ?!” 😒
Dayum — right into your trap
“You’re not wrong,” you smirk meanwhile, insert Inosuke’s face w/ that maths equation meme as he struggles to understand your double negative
“So it’s one to zero,” he scoffs, arms crossing, “I’m not giving up!”
You begrudgingly tug Inosuke into a hug — a compromise and an indulgence
“Does this mean you surrender?” he mumbles into the crook of your neck, his hands grasping gently at your hips
“If it does, then you just reciprocated, so that would make this a tie,” you murmur
His grip tightens as he nips at your earlobe, glowering, “Never mind,” he closes his eyes, “You aren’t surrendering,” savoring your proximity, “And neither am I.”
If you don’t develop immunity to jump scares
Then Inosuke actually stops pretty soon after he starts
Yes, it’s hilarious how comically wide your eyes get
How you shriek so loudly that Inosuke swears he hears birds scattering
Your cheeks flushed, fingertips almost trembling, amusingly creative strings of curses aimed at his smug expression
100% the jump scare he was going for 🎯
But no, Inosuke doesn’t enjoy torturing you
Feels just as hurt, if not more, by the fear that flickers momentarily through your stare
So he silently vows to never prank—at least, to never jump scare—you again
Maaaybe he doesn’t tell you about his vow tho… just to keep you on your toes 😉
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Tanjirou doesn’t intentionally have awful timing
He just perpetually seems to return home from missions at ass o’ clock in the morning ?? ⭐️🌙
Prob bc he rushes home as soon as possible
Bc: why wouldn’t he ??
Why would he extend his time spent w/o you ?????
Does it really matter if he gets back at midnight? 2am? 5am?
Regardless of the time: if he’s home, then he’s w/ you 💘
Tanjirou’s an absolute and utter sweetheart, so the first thing he always does is make sure the house is tidy
Not in a passive aggressive way !!!!! 
In a he-wants-you-to-wake-up-to-a-comfy-cozy-neat-living-space way
He’s mastered the art of washing dishes practically noiselessly, sweeping’s pretty quiet, and he’s mindful to wait until his eyes adjust to the soft darkness of being indoors so he doesn’t accidentally knock over/trip on anything while putting away clutter
Buuut #plot twist 😁
You know that Tanjirou’s an absolute and utter sweetheart, so you rarely neglect dirty dishes, usually sweep before heading to bed, and keep clutter to a minimum whether he’s home or not
Bc damn it !!
Just as he feels that you deserve to wake up to an organized household; you feel that he deserves to return from missions w/o having to worry about even more work
—FYI: you both deserve the world 🥺
Not that he ever feels like he has to worry about the house, nor does he ever consider it work to do so
Sometimes you’ll leave him a plate to wash, or a random book to shelve
Bc you also understand that just as you derive joy and pleasure from getting to take care of him, he too derives joy and pleasure from getting to take care of you
“Thank you for finishing the dishes!” you’ll exclaim later, pecking his nose
“It was just one-” he’ll smile brightly, blushing at your adoration
But your gesture—thoughtfulness—never escapes him
The second thing
He always does is walk carefully, soundlessly, to the bedroom
I hc that Tanjirou strips before he lets himself in
Bc he knows how loud undressing can be — gosh forbid his katana slip and clatter to the floor !!
So he removes his outer layers, lays them in a folded pile, triple checks that he’s holding his katana securely obvi shouldn’t leave it completely unattended, and finally permits himself to enter the bedroom
There’s a high likelihood Tanjirou’s addicted to your scent
Specifically: your scent as you sleep
Like, you know that feeling of burying your face in your favorite blanket? Favorite pillow?
The scent of coming home?
Of melting into walls of familiarity? Of knowing precisely which floorboards creak? Or where all the stains on the carpets are? Of safety? Belonging?
—Important tangent: I recognize many ppl may not know that feeling
—And I don’t mean to be insensitive or ignorant to such a reality
Sure, Tanjirou’s grateful to be home
Physically in one piece, sheltered, breathing
And he’s grateful to be home
You are—your scent is—that feeling
Reassuring as spring’s floral notes; sweet as summer’s vibrant tang; promising as autumn’s complex palette; grounding as winter’s clarity
The third thing he always does (after putting his sword down lol) is tuck himself delicately, tenderly, around your inviting warmth
Unless you’re an extremely light sleeper, Tanjirou’s def able to snuggle into you w/o rousing you
If you hog the kakebuton, then that’s fine too, bc he runs hot anyway
Plus, you’re likely to shift subconsciously to accommodate the newfound ~obstacle, creating an opportunity for him to wiggle under the kakebuton ☺️
What he does from here depends on how exhausted he is
If he’s exhausted, then he conks out before he knows he’s conking out 😴
But that’s okay! Bc he’s made it home, and is contently spooning you
What more could he ask for ?? 🥰
If he’s not quite tired yet, then he talks to you in a hushed, affectionate tone
About his mission — duh
About how much he missed you — duh x 2
About how much he loves you — duh x 1,000
Will he tell you everything again when you’re actually awake?
There’s just something about talking to a loved one as they sleep that’s… calming? Soothing?
A fragile, precious secret between home and the heart
He can totally talk himself to sleep, btw 🤪
Like, he’s the meditation instructor AND the meditator
And, as secret implies
Tanjirou has no way of knowing that, when the roles are reversed, you talk to him too
“You just… you make me happy, Tan,” as you smooth his eyebrows with your thumb, “Stupid, giddy, pure happy,” tracing the curve of his cheekbones, “And… I…” you bite at your lip, confession teetering nervously despite his clearly sleeping form—like telling someone I love you when you know for sure that they can’t, won’t, hear you—“I think I deserve it?”
He squeezes your hip, an involuntarily, gentle touch
And somehow
You just know
If he was awake, then his only response would be
“I know you deserve it.”
244 notes · View notes
Naughty in the water
Naughty in the water
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Pairing: Luke Randolph x OC (Julie)
Prompt: July 27th Sneaking out of a pool party | Conjoined under the water & July 20th Nighttime skinny dipping | Forgetting a bathing suit
Part of  Summer of Smut hosted by  @voltage-vixen and @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
Tag: Body Worship Insecurity Reassurance Fluff Smut Minors DNI!!
Word Count: 2.181
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for the kawaii divider to my dear friend @atelieredux I love it so much 😍😍
Summer scorching heat drain energy of everyone in the palace, favouring the ever indolent youngest prince and his gracious wife, lucky for them he has a trick up his sleeve in the form of a secret place known only to him where a much needed bath indeed can refresh them from the insufferable heat, insecurities arises threatening to cast a shadow on their funny break only for him to brush it away with the sun of his love, that will make them enjoy their date showing off their love to one another in their special way. 😉
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was a sunny day, summer shined on the Kingdom raising its usually mild temperatures, only shadows offered an ephemeral source of protection from the smoldering sun to every humans bold enough to squeeze under them along nosy people bickering and banting to not be left out from the the too little extension of the tree's foliage.
The palace was not immune to heat as servants and maids alike wandered near every window trying to catch on the feeble breeze coming from the garden, whereas the princes were trying with no much success to work through the massive pile of documents on their desks, jackets and cape forgotten in their bedroom for more simple and casual clothes such as shirts that by no way helped them cope with the heat any better than the palace staff.
Everyone was busy occupying their time doing something productive, well almost everyone if the youngest prince and his gracious bride did not flow into this scheme, the two lovebirds were actually sleazing around the palace library a book opened on the desk they would have faked to study wherever Sariel would have entered, luckily for them he was too busy to chase after their laziness and the few servants who sneaked in preferred not to disturb them any further seeing how engrossed in reading they were while he snoozed behind a book waking up from his nap only from the fit of giggle coming from her lips.
Slumped on the table she brushed absently her fingers over his hand
"If only we could be able to take a bath this heat will be a little less insufferable." she sighed softly with a light frown on her lips
a playful smile appeared on his lips as he looked at her
“Yes ?”
“I might know the right place for that.” a mischievous glimpse in his eyes he smirked seductively at her making her blush as her heart beat loudly reminding her he was no more the boy she grew up with but a stunning sturdy man capable to seduce and charm everyone he wanted with little effort 
“Please show me, hotness is unbearable today.” 
“Your wishes are orders my princess.” he declared his voice husky as he murmured “Follow me.” a promise of a deliciously forbidden temptation, sneaking away from duty and off to more pleasant activity he took her hand as they slide out from the palace and into the forest, walking hand in hand giggling like children doing a naughty deed, until they reached an huge lake embedded in its core soft waves crashed on its borders provoked by the light wind rippling the plain surface of the clear water shining brightly in the morning sun.
The place was astounding as the atmosphere seemed to invite him to take a bath to shelter and refresh them from the summer heat, yet caught in haste they forgot something pretty important.
“Do you like it ?” he asked softly hugging her from behind nuzzling his face into her neck making her giggle
“I adore it.” she confessed smiling, tenderness curling his lips as he left a soft kiss on her neck she laughed 
“I love you so much my little, I want to spoil you rotten only to see you smile.”
she leaned her head on his back looking up at him 
“I love you too my bear.”
his arms tighten around her as he planted a soft kiss on her hair conveying all the love and devotion rooted in his heart only for her.
“This is such a nice place for a fresh break. Is it not ?”
she could not help but sigh dreamily 
“I could not agree more.” she was blissfully foretelling all the fun they would have had away from the heat when suddenly a thought crossed her mind as she exclaimed
“Wait, we do not have swimming suits.”
“I know but we can still take a bath.”
“With which clothes.” she trailed off blushing madly at his implication
He smirked maliciously at her
“We do not need them.” his voice sultry he caressed her lips with his thumb seeing her cheeks so deliciously flushed as her luscious red lips were begging him to kiss them over and over again until becoming swollen, shyly she went to cover her body with her arms looking shyly up at him
“For as much as I love swimming I doubt my body is such a nice view for you.” she sighed softly 
“I am no such beauty,” a forlorn smile on her lips she let her misty eyes wander on the grass, he felt his heart clench painfully at the idea she thought so low of herself for him she was nothing but a goddess on earth the only one who captured his heart with her kindness, that he loved since childhood and to whom he sweared unbending loyalty and devotion for eternity, the only one who makes him feel appreciated and seen like he has never been before. 
He cradled her face into his rough palms raising her face looking straight into her eyes with so much tenderness she could not help but smile feeling the warmth of his love filled words sweep away her anxiety
“You are so beautiful my little princess.” his finger brushed on her cheek, his voice low and sultry fan on her lips as he gazed at her “You may not gonna believe me but you are such a sight to look at.” he growled lightly before pulling away slowly “You are a blessing for sore eyes. Trust me you really are. You are so wonderful and sexy.” he sighed “Your body is so…” he let his hand softly brush over her breast hearing her gasp
“Beautiful, I do not wanna anyone else to see you like that.” he growled lightly a glimpse of emerald flickered in his eyes a peek of the beast his love filled lust awoke in him, sending a pang of need straight to her core, his tone husky and low as he continued praising her
“So voluptuous I can not help but ... desire to show you my love with my entire body anytime I look at you.” he bite his bottom lip “I wanna spoil you in every way possible I wanna see you smile for you are the Queen of my heart, the one and only I have and always will love.”
softly he melted his lips on her before slowly pulling away she whispered few inches from his lips, her smile so bright to put the sun itself to shame as she spoke 
“Do you really think that ?”
“Doubt of everything but believe me when I said that I am ready to abandon everything to be with you, you are my little princess and I will always adore you with all my being.”
seeing her smile sighing in relief her cheeks reddened softly as he leaned closer whispering sultry in her ear
“Care to join me for a bath ?”
she nodded lightly, he wasted no time undressing her between fervent kisses, her fingers fumbled with his buttons taking his shirt off before sliding to tug at his pants, reluctantly he pulled away unbuckling his belt and throwing his pants along her clothes near a bush, once they were both naked he took her in his arms slowly sinking in the warm water of the lake.
Once they were fully immersed in the freshwater of the lake he leaned over caging her with his arms against the border of the lake
“It seem we could continue where we left off.” he looked at her smirking seductively sliding unperceivably closer to her
“W-we can not.” she stammered blushing madly covering her breast with her arms
“Why not ?” he whispered suggestively brushing his finger on her lips
“They will discover us.” shyly she looked at him
“Who ?” slowly he hugged her murmuring softly in her ear
“We are far away from the castle. No one knows this place but me.”
She nuzzled into his chest hiding her blush feeling his hard manhood brush against her tummy as he spoke
“But if you want me to stop please tell me.” gently he cradled her face into his hands smiling gently
“Please continue.” she bit her lip feeling heat rise on her cheeks now red like a fully mature strawberry, his voice husky and sultry stirred something in her as a pang of needs went straight to her throbbing core while he leaned over murmuring few inches from her lips
“As my princess wishes.” sensually he caressed her lips before pulling her into a passionate kiss, twisting his tongue with hers he raised her above the water enough to slide into her swallowing her whimper, breathlessly they pulled away smirking playfully as she gripped his shoulder moaning softly with every thrust of his hips feeling his strong hands move her at his own pace.
The lewd sound of the splashing water covered their needy moans of pleasure resonating in the still air of the forest, a passionate melody of love they sang only for one another in that naughty spectacle only for the animals to witness. 
He groaned softly as her fingers dived into his hair while his lips nibbled hungrily on her neck enough to leave little love bites on her pale complexion but not enough to hurt her, merely showing off who she belonged to, underlining better to everyone the consequence they would have met along the cutting edge of his sword if they dared to lay a finger on her or made her feel even an inch lower of what she was for him, his Queen Goddess of his heart no one should have ever felt bold enough to disrespect.
Her nails clawed his back desperately trying to steady herself with him using his body as she pleased like an anchor amidst the storm as waves of pleasure washed over her body, while his fingers slide between their bodies to massage her clit making her mewl softly as his finger skillfully worked their magic on her, enveloping her in so much pleasure she could not help but moan his name at the top of her lungs for every aster in the sky to hear as she threw her head back arching her hips against his, feeling his strong hand keeping her close to him as she hooked them behind his muscular torso, his hips pushing feverishly into her, he gritted his teeth focusing on her pleasure desiring nothing more than to feel her walls clamping down on him covering his member in her sweet juice claiming him as hers, amidst bliss her lips brushed over his in a soft tender kiss to convey all the love harbored in her heart only for him before slowly pulling away letting her voice professing her affection in sweet whimpers of his name felling out from her rosy lips while her finger tugged into his hair keeping him close as she came undone for him moaning softly at the sensation of his warm seed pouring generously into her, flooding her walls with his essence claiming her as his undeniable proof of the love filled lust he felt for her, bathing in the afterglow of the blazing fire of passion enveloping them together in their own little world.
She nuzzled into his brawny chest smiling contently feeling safe and protected with him her ever loyal personal knight, a strong and sweet bear always ready to bare his fangs at everyone shielding her with his sturdy body any time she came to him, she could only hope for him to feel loved and cherished as much as he make her feel all her affection poured into a tender kiss she placed on his heart making him melt he tighten his arms around her kissing reverently her forehead murmuring softly 
“I love you so much my little.”
“I love you too, my soft big bear.” gently he cradled her face on his hand brushing his lips softly over hers seeing her smile brightly as the warm sun shining on the lake.
She shuddered lightly as a frizzy breeze swept over them, seeing her adorably cocooned in his arm he smiled affectionately after seeing her cling to him like she always did making him feel needed and loved as never before, wasting no time he took off his coat from the grass circling her back with it, a dreamy sigh escaped her lips as he adjusted his grip on her waist while she curled herself on his chest smiling blissfully at him while he kissed softly her hair making her giggle.
They stayed there all afternoon swimming and laughing until sun set when they could admire all the stars in the sky, coming back to the castle only after all lights were already off not wanting anyone to spoil the day they continued to enjoy in their shared bedroom with so much passion to make everyone aware of how much they loved each other until morning.
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landothemuppet · 3 years
Being Harry’s girlfriend but she’s very spoiled by him and she loves it please😩😭😭💗😍
Spoiled || (H.H)
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Word count: 757 pairing: harry holland x reader N/A:  okay, i hope you'll like it. The concept was cute to write and this is the first thing I imagined when i read your ask. It's short but i think it's cute. Oh and don't forget, english is not my native langage, so i hope i don't make so much mistake :( taglist: @angeliquekalampoka @harryhollandsgirlfriend @cedricdiggorysimpp​ @hogwartsmarvelmommy​ , @delightfulmuffinclamauthor @allthisfortommy - if you want to be notified of all my future writings you can add yourself in my taglist : here
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Your boyfriend had money; you knew that. But you didn't like him too much when he spent his money on you. The reason? It was simple: you didn't want him to think you liked him for his money.
For his part, Harry liked to give you things, that made him happy. This time, too, you couldn't blame him for spending on you: he owed you one. Harry's parents hadn't taken a vacation in ages, Tom was on the move, which left you the option of keeping Tessa. Tessa, Tom's blue staffie, the cutest, best-trained dog you've ever seen ... but who did his fair share of silly things every now and then. And since there weren't Dom's slippers to walk around .... she turned to what she had found closest around her: your easel and a few paintbrushes. As well as a visit to the vet, which took some somewhat annoyed remarks from Tom, you couldn't spend your time painting until you bought some new material. Yes, Harry owed you one.
"Babe, can you come here please?" he screamed as you were in the living room reading the script he was working on.
"Where are you?"
"Harrison's old room".
You raised an intrigued eyebrow. Harrison had come to collect his things to settle permanently in the house he had bought with his girlfriend. You walked up the stairs to the bedroom to join your boyfriend. As soon as you opened the door, your eyes widened. In front of you was all your canvases but many blank canvases, an easel that did not look like yours in fact, a real artist's studio. The material looked beyond your usual prices. You had no doubt that Harry really bothered to buy the best quality from you. Harry's smile wanted all the gold in the world, you were moved by your boyfriend's attention.
"What is that?"
"An art studio" he laughed at your question
"I see it Harry but ..."
He cut you to kiss you on the lips and then the temple, his absolutely adorable technique to silence you and bribe you.
"It's just what you deserve."
You opened your mouth and the curly kissed you again, pecking your entire face as you laughed at that mark of affection, his lips tickling your skin. He then looked at you lovingly.
"Look, I'm so sorry Tess damaged your stuff. And ... you can't blame me for buying everything ... because Tom paid half of it. He wanted to apologize for being a little obnoxious to you. Tess is her baby, you know? "
You wrinkled your nose amused, letting out a little laugh. Yes, your boyfriend's brother was a little over the top when it came to his dog. Harry gave you a warm smile, that smile that you loved so much and that made you fall in the first place.
"I talked to Tom, he likes being in London but his job is in LA, he has more options there and he's really thinking about buying a house in Los Angeles. Harrison just moved in with Gracie ... and Sam told me that he would prefer to have his… of his own. So, I thought… What if we live here, you and I? That's the reason for this studio. "
You sniffled, even more moved than before. This man spoiled you too much but you loved him. You pursed your lips so as not to cry but the tears were already at the corners of your eyes, your heart throbbing with joy. You nodded frantically before reproducing the affection he gave you seconds before. You kissed him all over his face, his neck, your hands running through his curls while between each kiss you kept repeating: "yes, yes I want to live with you, I love you". After this surge of emotion, you got back to your feet, regaining your composure and fixing a serious fake look on your face.
"I actually have a condition."
"Tessa is no longer allowed to come into the studio until Tom comes and picks her up."
Harry was bursting out before nodding and kissing you
"Deal. But don't forget to thank her for chewing on your easel ... It's a little thanks to her that you have this studio"
It was your turn to laugh, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's neck. You radiated happiness and for good reason: thanks to Tessa and her mania for chewing on everything she found, you were going to settle permanently alone in this house with your boyfriend.
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peonierose · 2 years
By a Landslide
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Luna Auclair
Words: 6,064
Summary: Bryce and Luna take a trip to Hawaii, though they have a tough decision to make.
Author‘s note: This is my submission for Luck of the Draw. The song I got was Fleetwood Mac - Landslide @moodmusicmonday Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this and for you guys for hosting this wonderful event ❤️😍 (Whoever submitted this song, thank you for inspiring me to write this fic 😘)
Side note: This story got longer than I thought 😮‍💨 It got a lot more personal than I anticipated. Thanks to @annieruok94 for reading through, giving me suggestions and proofreading it ❤️ Love you tons 😘
”Well, I've been afraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you“
It’s a Saturday and a super sunny and warm day for March in Boston.
It’s usually colder at this time of month, is what I was told.
Bryce and I are packing for our one-week stay at my grandparents house in Hawaii. They offered to fly up to Boston, but Bryce and I felt bad about them coming to us. They’re older and we felt it was safer if we just went to Hawaii instead.
I’m putting in a couple of bikinis.
Some I bought extra for this trip to tease Bryce with. That’s going to be so much fun.
I smile to myself when I hear his voice coming from the bathroom.
“We won’t be able to have any fun, are we?“ he walks out of the bathroom and leans against the doorframe of our bedroom.
“You do realize we’re staying at my grandparents for just a week right? They usually forget putting their hearing aids in so we’ll be able to have some fun. We don’t have to be quiet about it,“ I say and wink.
“Oh god,“ he mutters and his face falls.
I laugh and kiss his cheek. He just rolls his chocolate brown eyes at me.
“Good for you, I won’t be able to look them in the eye the next day. Your grandma will know we had sex. She’ll give me that look, and I’ll just blurt it out in front of everyone at the breakfast table,“ he says in a serious tone.
I can’t resist laughing at his tone.
“I’m glad this is so amusing to you,“ he replies sarcastically.
“Babe, don’t worry. We’re adults, they have no illusions whatsoever that we’re sleeping together,“ I remind him.
“Or we could just not have sex for the time we’re staying at your grandparents place. Period,“ he retorts.
“We’re going to stay for a week. Are you seriously telling me you want to put up a no-sex rule for this week?“ I look at him, trying to figure out how serious he is about this, but one look and it confirms my worst nightmares. He’s dead serious.
“That wouldn’t be such a bad idea actually,“ he says in a tone I’ve only heard him use once.
When he had to do an emergency surgery.
We were on our weekly date when he suddenly got a call and had to go.
Getting back to our conversation I’m trying to laugh it off.
“What? Bryce you can’t be serious!“ I say too stunned to say more than that.
He crosses his arms over his chest.
“That way we won’t get tempted,“ he says matter-of-fact.
I shake my head at his ridiculousness.
“Bryce come on,“ I say to his retreating back and have to almost run to keep up with his longer legs. When I catch up with him he slowly turns around.
“Please tell me you meant this as a joke or something. As you can see this is not funny. At all,“ I say.
He takes a good look at me and then says.
“Wanna make it interesting?“ he asks his eyes twinkling in delight.
“You know what I wanna do?“ I ask him instead of answering his question.
“Me?“ he winks.
“Not anymore. It was your idea to initiate a no-sex rule, which totally ruined the mood,“ I say in reply to his previous comment.
He laughs and hugs me close to him and I get all smushed against his chest.
“You’re so gullible,“ he pulls away and heads straight for the bathroom to continue to pack our toiletries
I’ll get you for that, Bryce Lahela. I smile.
A couple of hours later we sit next to each other and look out the window as the plane takes off. I have to lean over Bryce to see something. Every time I’m on a plane I tend to snap a photo of the fluffy white clouds passing us by.
As if it’s the first time that I’m on a plane.
Picture taken, I lean into Bryce and he drapes his arm over my shoulder.
I must’ve dozed off when I feel a gentle hand shaking me awake.
I open eyes and rub the sleep out of them with the the back of my hand.
“We’re here Lu,“ says Bryce.
We grab our backpacks and go on to gather our suitcases and to go through customs. Ugh. I hate that part. It always takes ages to go through it and I’m usually so anxious that I can’t wait for it to be over.
Finally, we got all of our stuff and near the exit.
My parents said they’d pick us up from the airport. I can’t help but stop to admire the outside of the airport.
The air feels different and full of promise. I close my eyes and let the warm salty air kiss my cheeks and ruffle my hair as if it says welcome back.
All the palm trees and the warm welcome. I breathe a sigh of relief., already feeling the anxiety slip off my shoulders like a coat.
Just being home again makes me feel more relaxed. This is something that Boston doesn’t offer.
I see my parents standing next to their black Jeep and waving us over excitedly. Well my mom waves excitedly, my dad stands and watches us with a stoic calmness, but a small smile stole its way onto his face.
I don’t give a fuck and run with my backpack and my suitcase in tow into my moms arms. She envelops me in a big hug. I squeeze her tight.
I get choked up at seeing her again and some tears leak out of the corner of my eyes seeping into her dark green cardigan leaving wet splotches behind. She smells like lavender and her favorite vanilla shampoo.
Like home.
She takes a step back and her blue eyes give me a long once over. I can’t hide anything from my mom.
I laugh and cover hands with mine, she smiles and gives me a gentle kiss on the top of my head.
My mom turns her focus on Bryce.
“Don’t think you can escape a hug just because you’re standing off to the side, Bryce “ she says only to deliver on her promise.
Bryce laughs and just lets the hug be.
My dad is a man of a few words. He stood silently next to my mom watching me and as he takes our suitcases and backpacks and puts them in the car he says.
“Welcome back home moon-beam,“ I squeeze his arm.
“I’m happy to be back again. We’re going to have so much fun. I can’t wait to soak up some sun and eat all the shaved ice at Waiola that I can get my hands on,“ I say and Bryce just chuckles at my enthusiasm.
We drive in comfortable silence through Honolulu. I slide the window open and put my head outside to just let the scenery unfold in front of me.
Setting my eyes on the sea and its roaring waves, as we pass Waikiki beach. People milling around. Surfing. Swimming. Children playing in the sand. Basically having a wonderful time.
The skyscrapers are passing us by as we drive out of downtown and into a quieter area of Honolulu.
Both my grandparents and parents live close to Kailua beach. My favorite place on earth. Next to Manoa Falls probably.
My mom turns her head in the front seat her blonde hair falling to the side.
“Was your flight okay?“ she gets a worried crease between her eyebrows, and Bryce right out says with a smirk,
Which makes him laugh harder and my mom joins in. My dad scans me in the rearview mirror and grins. His brown eyes shining with mirth.
“You’re all liars. I don’t drool or snore,“ I pout.
“I think my shirt would disagree with you on that,“ he teases me.
I stick my tongue out at him.
“I won’t share my shaved ice with you”; I promise him without meaning it.
“My body is a temple. I don’t do too much sugar,“ he replies pointing at himself and grins.
I raise a quick eyebrow.
“Right. That’s why you brought some apple pie last night and ate it all by yourself Mr. my-body-is-a-temple”, I say, the laughter in my voice evident.
“As a doctor I’d disagree, apples are healthy. So it doesn’t count,“ he says and just looks at me and I shrug in reply.
”You’re a surgeon,“ I point out.
”Same thing,“ he shrugs and smiles.
“You two are something else,“ my moms voice breaks through the clouds of our conversation.
“But good right? Not weird?“ Bryce asks uncertainty tinging his voice which makes me look at him in question.
My mom shakes her head.
“You’re like a son to me, Bryce, and I love you no matter what,“ my mom says smiling adoringly at him.
He smiles sweetly and shifts uncomfortable in the backseat.
We all smile and continue on our way to my grandparents house.
I remember its white paint giving the house an external glow. With a dark grey roof. And some dark brown wooden chairs assembled around the garden, with colorful throw pillows that add a splash of color to the place.
As we arrive the first thing I notice is the new grey stone pathway lining up to the house. It’s big oval shapes giving the place a homey feeling. Palm trees as far as the eye can see.
Soft sconces of lights are illuminating the porch and the main part of the house.
Hibiskus flowers planted by my grangran. One she let me help her plant. It’s grown so much over the years. Carefully taken care of.
The house consists of two parts one part is the main house. The other is the small pool house, which is usually reserved for guests. Our family is big so not everyone fits into the main house.
But there’s no sight of grangran or grandpa. I try to see if they’re somewhere off to the side enjoying some tea on the porch. But no one’s out.
Did they already go to bed? But it’s early even for them.
I eye my parents curiously but they both just exit the car and get our stuff out.
“Um what’s going on here?“ I turn to get my car door open and Bryce and I stand on the freshly cut grass.
“Your grandparents thought it’d be good if you had the place to yourself. They went to visit some friends during the time that you’re staying here,“ my mom explains the empty garage and the stillness of the usually lively home. Overflowing with laughter and bad jokes - mostly from dad and my cousin Sky.
The drinks and food that keep coming when we’re all together.
“Tell me they didn’t leave their giant home just because we’re here. Mom there’s enough room for everyone…“ I stop when my Dad puts up a hand to make me stop talking.
“They offered moon-beam. They wanted you to relax. They have their routine and they know you have yours. You’re supposed to relax and that’s what they wanted for you. Just take it. You know your grangran would be angry if you refused to accept,“ he says.
I close my mouth with a snap and eye them curiously.
“Alright if it’s really okay with you guys,“ sounding unconvinced even to my own ears.
“Have fun Looney. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t and please if something breaks replace it. So your grangran won’t give me hell,“ my mom winks.
My face must be beet red and I try to hide the fact that my parents just said, have sex but if furniture breaks it’s on you guys. I’m not taking the blame.
“Mom!“ I say looking down, not able to look at her directly.
My mom’s twinkling laugh reverberates in the quiet night and she just blows me a kiss.
Bryce smiles but doesn’t say anything to our little exchange. He gets our suitcases and I grab his backpack.
As soon as we have our things my parents jeep roars to life and they drive carefully out of the driveway. Leaving us alone.
I wave at them and then you can see the taillights getting smaller in the distance. I’m still standing on the grass, overlooking Kailua Beach. Cicadas singing their evening song, making me feel at ease.
I enter the house and see Bryce setting our things down into one of the three guest bedrooms.
“This feels weird don’t you think?“ I ask him following him inside the bedroom.
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,“ he replies as he puts our suitcases in the corner of the room and I relieve my back from the backpacks. Rolling my shoulders.
I’ve missed my grandparents house.
Especially this room. With its white painted walls. The white soft curtains billowing in the soft breeze. The furniture my grandfather made himself. You can see the details on the woodwork. It’s exquisite.
But the best part is the bed, it’s craftsmanship is unbelievable.
“You’re eying that bed as if you can’t wait to get into it,“ Bryce comes up behind me and kisses my neck.
“You know I love me a good bed, but I was actually admiring the craftsmanship of the bed and the details…“ I don’t get to finish.
“I can show you some other craftsmanship…and even some details,“ he says his voice dipping lower.
I turn my head to see his face and I can’t wait to try out this bed.
“Aren’t you glad that we banned the no-sex rule that you kept insisting on?“
More and more of our clothes are landing on the floor.
“Are you kidding? That would’ve been the worst idea I’ve ever had,“ he says and I just laugh.
The next morning is pretty uneventful. I open my eyes to see that i’ts still early in the morning. Turning my head I look at the clock on the night stand, saying it’s 7.30 in the morning. It’s way too early.
I turn back and lie around in the soft bed, feeling the cool sheets on my bare skin. Searching around for Bryce’s soft and warm skin right next to me.
All I can find is a piece of paper.
I sit up and read the few lines he wrote in his beautiful handwriting. Who said you can’t decipher doctors handwritings?
“Gone surfing. Bringing back breackfast. I know I’ve tired you out last night ;)
I just shake my head at his comment. He’s incorrigible but I wouldn’t have him any other way.
I get up stretch my body and get dressed to get some coffee and to just sit outside. Enjoying the the crisp morning air. This is amazing.
Just waking up to this view every single day? Damn I missed it. I am happy with Bryce and the way things are now, but I can’t help but wonder what it would be like if we moved back to Hawaii?
I sigh sipping my coffee in silence. All these emotions swirling inside me. I know I’ll have to tell Bryce how I feel.
But how I can bring this up? Oh yeah by they way I really want to move back to Hawaii. Can you hand me the salt?
Yeah that’ll go over well.
I sigh deeply.
That’s how Bryce finds me later. On the porch sipping coffee.
He is walking up to me. His black trunks clinging to his body and as he comes up the steps he puts down his surfboard and leans it onto the wall.
He leans down and gives me a light kiss.
He smells like the ocean. Crisp and clean.
Making me smile against his lips. He puts down a box that smells heavenly like fried sugary goodness.
“Did you have fun?“ I ask him smiling up at him.
He grins and takes my mug to take a sip of coffee and when he puts it down he says.
“Oh man the waves were amazing. I’ll take you tomorrow,“ he says and walks inside. I sense that he wants to say more but he holds himself back,
I get up and follow him inside.
He puts the box down on the counter.
I can see the cursive writing on the box and know instantly that it’s from Leonard’s bakery. My favorite.
I make huge eyes and I open the lid of the light turquoise box. The smell wafting to me is a sweet-tooth heaven. Cinnamon sugar and sweet dough. Licking my lips I can already taste it.
“B did you go all the way to Waikiki to get these?“ I ask incredulous that he would go so far out just to get me malasadas from Leonard’s bakery. You hadn’t been to Hawaii if you didn’t try out of one these babies.
I moan as I take a bite.
“Oh my god…“ is all I’m able to say right now.
Bryce laughs.
“So I was right that you’d crave these. Also you’ve got something right here…“ he swipes some sugar from the corner of my lips.
“If you don’t make a mess while eating, you didn’t really enjoy your food. At least that’s what Sky says,“ I reply and my tongue darts out to lick away the remaining cinnamon sugar from my lips.
“I was actually going to ask you if your cousins are up for some dinner later this week?“ Bryce asks disappearing down the hall inside the bathroom.
I get my phone from the white marble counter and shoot my cousin a quick text, asking them if they’d be down for some dinner.
Sky texts back immediately.
“Sure Lunes. We’re busy with work until seven. After that we’re free. We could go to Duke’s Waikiki. I know you love that place.“
“Sure sounds great. We’ll meet you there :)
The best thing about being home is that you can enjoy all the places that you’ve gone to so many times, b, the nostalgia really hitting you.
Bryce and I decided to visit Manoa Falls.
There’s a beautiful trail leading to the spectacular waterfalls.
Fifteen minutes later we’re out the door. We packed a basket full of food and some drinks and we’re headed to Manoa Falls. I even brought my paint tubes, some small canvases and paint brushes.
It’s lovely outside and we can spend some time in nature.
Lately everything I paint doesn’t feel right. Maybe I’m lacking inspiration.
That‘s another thing I haven’t told Bryce.
I sigh as we walk towards the waterfalls. My shoes are kicking up some sand and we walk next to each other in silence. Usually our walks are filled with animated conversation, but ever since we arrived in Honolulu we don’t seem to know what to say to each other.
I’m scared. What if he doesn’t want to be together anymore? Is it something I did?
”Lunes?“ I distinctively hear his voice and look up to see we‘ve arrived.
I was so busy with self-doubt I didn’t notice we’ve arrived at my favorite place.
The waterfalls are nestled in this big rock and surrounded by all kinds of plants growing beside it.
The waterfalls are what really makes it worth coming here.
I admire the view and feel tiny droplets of water hitting my face.
Bryce offers me his hand as to not fall. The rocks are pretty slippery from the water and the moss covering some parts of the rocks.
We find a a part to sit down and just enjoy the silence. Birds are chirping, creating a beautiful melody.
We sit in silence and take in the scenery.
Bryce is enjoying the sunlight and I get out a canvas and start drawing with charcoal. Which is my go-to, before I add the colors.
Bryce doesn’t even notice that I’m drawing him.
”I can feel you staring at me,“ he opens one eyes and grins.
I smile back.
”Shh I’m getting inspired,“ I say. 
He laughs and that’s how I capture him on the canvas. This moment right here, right now.
We spend the entire time here until it gets dark.
The next few days unfold in a nice routine. We’ve already settled in. It just feels nice.
Spending all of our time at the beach or at home.
So my brain can finally relax a bit. Not having to worry about my stupid job that I quit.
Although I know I’ll have to think about a new one as soon as we get back home to Boston. Why does it feel as if my feet are made from cement, preventing me to even move an inch, when I think of going back to Boston?
There’s a silver lining I can catch with up what my family has been up to. It’s insane how things can change in a span of a couple of years.
At the end of the week Bryce and I get ready for dinner with my three cousins.
We get dressed together. I put on a black silk dress with a slit on the side. I know this’ll drive him crazy. I smile wickedly.
I take my black clutch and turn of the light in the bedroom.
I turn around the corner of the hallway and see Bryce standing against the counter with the keys to the car dangling from his fingers.
He’s wearing a dark blue button down shirt and some jeans with holes in both knees.
Why do I find this incredibly sexy? Gosh everything about him turns me on.
”Someone’s looking good,“ is the first thing I say out loud.
He turns around and let’s out a low whistle and as I get closer to him he tugs me towards his chest.
”Maybe we should cancel dinner. We could stay in, take that beautiful dress off…“
I rub my hands down his chest and lean into him.
”How about we save that for later?“
He sighs.
”You always ruin my fun. I can’t wait until we get home,“ he pouts.
I kiss him loudly and he smiles again.
”Let’s go handsome,“ I nudge him forward and we get into the car and drive to the restaurant.
As we arrive at Duke‘s Waikiki I scan the guests for my three cousins. When I see Evie waving us over excitedly, we make our way over to the table they‘re sitting at.
I slipped off my sandals wanting to feel the cold stone tiles beneath my feet. Torches illuminating the restaurant. Giving it a great vibe.
Bryce and walk hand in hand and get greeted with hugs by all of my three cousins.
Soraya smiles cheekily at me.
”I’m surprised you’re not late. So pay up Sky,“ Soraya holds out her hand expectantly.
Skyler sighs and puts a 20$ bill into her outstretched hand.
Soraya takes it and holds it under her nose, her eyelids fluttering.
”The smell of victory,“ Soraya replies.
”Do you have to make a show out of it?“ Skyler asks his voice annoyed.
”If you have to ask you don’t me well Sky.“ 
Soraya just snorts, but gives him a light kiss on his cheek.
Meet my cousins everybody. Smiling adoringly at all three of them.
Evie and Soraya both look stunning in their outfits. As does Skyler.
Evie is wearing a light pink off-the shoulder dress, with a pink belt around her tiny waist.
Her dark brown, shoulder length hair playfully applied in beach waves. Her green eyes illuminated by the candles flickering on the table.
Soraya laughs at one of Skylers jokes. Making her lean forward in her jeans and her red blouse, with thin spaghetti straps. Her blonde hair in a tight knot.
Skyler snickers, his blonde hair falling into his face and he pushes it back. Revealing some of the tattoos that are covering his body.
He decided on a a black shirt and left a few buttons open, revealing his chest where you can see more tattoos peeking out, he put on some black jeans and stretched out his long legs to the side.
I’m only half-listening to Skyler, I’m busy watching Luna. I can see she and her cousins Soraya and Evie are having an intense conversation.
Hopefully she can open up with them. About what’s bothering her. Since she can’t do it with me.
I try to not let it affect me, but it hurts me deeply that she doesn’t come to me if there’s something she’s struggling with.
We chat amongst ourselves, enjoying the view of the sea and the soft night air.
I‘m starting to get shivers and Bryce leans into me and rubs my arms up and down to get me warm. Kissing the top of my head.
”Seriously. Make it stop. We get it you’re in love,“ Skyler mumbles.
”Leave them alone Sky,“ Evie chimes in after taking a sip of her white wine.
We all laugh and continue with our evening. I haven’t felt this relaxed in a long time and I can tell Bryce feels the same way.
As much as we’d all like to stay all night, I know all three of them have to be up early tomorrow morning.
We decide to talk soon and we all leave in our separate cars and drive home.
The ride home happens in silence. Neither of us saying much. It’s awkward and uncomfortable. Both of us hanging on to our own thoughts. Letting the evening dinner replay.
We arrive home and decide to just go to bed. Not feeling up to it to share a night of passion.
I already miss him. As if there’s this wide gap between us. We’re both trying to reach out with our hands stretched out but only able to reach the other.
We lie next to each other, but we could also be lying in separate rooms. That’s how far we’ve drifted apart.
I close my eyes and try to go to sleep.
After tossing and turning for the hundredth time in bed I open my eyes. I know I won’t be able to sleep anymore.
That’s when I notice Bryce isn’t lying beside me. The bed is empty.
I look around but only see an empty bed and sheets seemingly tossed to the side.
With the moonlight peeking through the blinds I let it guide me through the house.
The door that leads to the porch is slightly ajar.
I open it further and see B sitting outside in one of the rocking chairs. Rocking back and forth.
”B? What are you doing up?“ I ask walking bare footed along the white wooded porch until I reach him.
He turns around and I can’t make out his expression. Which is weird, because I know him so well I can always tell what’s going on in that pretty head of his.
I let my fingers slide through his hair and he closes his eyes. As if he missed my touch and can’t get close enough to me. Craving more.
He gets up and my hand falls down. I eye him confused.
”Come on let’s go for a walk,“
Bryce says standing in front of me and holds out his hand.
”It’s 2 am…“ I grab it and intertwine our fingers together.
”Who cares Lu. If we want to take a walk at fucking 2 am, who’s going to stop us? The 2 am police?“
Taken aback by his words I gulp down what I wanted to say.
”I’m sorry Lunes I didn’t mean to snap at you it’s just…I think it’s high time we had a talk. Don’t you think?“
I nod at him and together we walk down the steps of the porch and walk to the beach and just let the sound of the waves surround us as we try to approach all the things we’ve been running away from.
”Something is bothering you,“ I hear Bryce’s voice to my left.
My pulse is beating rapidly at the base of my neck. What am I supposed to say to that?
I feel his warm hand on my back. His presence is like a warm embrace.
I sigh while looking out at the ocean waves rolling in and trying to decide how to get rid of this nagging feeling inside my chest.
”I…no it’s fine it’s nothing,“ I reply putting my arms around myself.
”You do realize that I’ll keep asking until you tell me,“ he says in a serious tone. I turn my head to look at him and only see a concerned Bryce staring back at me, though from the tone of his voice you couldn’t detect that he’s concerned.
But his eyes betray him.
I lick my dry lips and rub arms with my ice cold hands. Suddenly feeling anxious.
Ever since we came to visit my family I feel more anxious if I think that in two days we have to go back to Boston again.
I draw circles in the sand with my tennis shoes, a little bit of sand getting on top of my shoes and I shake it off.
”Is it because we have to leave again?“ he asks quietly.
I look at him again and a faint smile slips onto my face.
”I can’t keep anything from you, can I?“ voicing my thoughts aloud and his smiles mirrors mine.
”Well I know you on a deeper level. I can just tell when something’s on your mind. Wanna tell me?“ he asks not trying to push me for an answer.
I breathe out and say what’s been bugging me since I quit at the art gallery.
”It hasn’t been working so well for me at the art gallery. It was a toxic work environment. Where people stifled any sort of creativity especially if it gained them something in return. Money to be exact. That’s why I quit. I couldn’t go to work anymore. Feeling as if didn’t belong there. I didn’t feel like I was good enough to be there. And that’s the worst feeling in the world, when you feel as if you’re not enough. I tried to be nice and to adjust but all I got in return was condescension. I…“
I stop myself and Bryce puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him inhaling his clean laundry smell and the scent that always clings to him that’s intoxicating to me.
”Let me guess you want to move back here,“ he mumbles into my ear. I turn to face him directly and see the sincerity in his chocolate brown eyes.
He continues by asking me. 
”For how long did you want to move back to Hawaii?“
I almost look away but then I realize it’s Bryce and I don’t have to hide from him.
”For months now.“
He leans his cheek onto my hair and sighs deeply. Just standing there and not caring about anything. Like our personal little bubble where no one can touch us.
”Why didn’t you say anything, Lu?“
”Because you’re so happy and I felt selfish for thinking of going back home while you want to stay in Boston,“ I finish looking out at the sea for a second. The salty ocean breeze kissing my cheeks.
His voice takes me back and I turn my head back to him
”Would you be mad, if I said I wanted to go back too?“
My mouth hangs wide open at his admission making me stumble around for words.
”Really? You never…
He just shrugs looking down at his black vans, which are such a contrast to the pale sand.
”I thought you were happy in Boston and found your niche at the art gallery…“ he leaves the sentence hanging in the air.
I make a frustrated sound in the back of my throat and reply
”I hate that stupid gallery. I tried adjusting, but I miss the sea. It always calms me down when I have a bad day. In Boston you only have grey pavements and busy people. It feels different somehow. Colder. Detached.“
He nods slowly at my words as if he understands completely what I mean. In a way he does. He’s from Hawaii too. It probably took him some time to get used to a new city, to new people and everything else that comes with it.
”I know how you feel. I just didn’t want to uproot you again. You moved to Boston because of me, and now we want to move back? It feels like we don’t know what we want,“ he says.
I get frustrated. Because honestly? It’s none of anybody’s business how we live our lives. We are the ones who make the call. If they don’t like it well too bad.
”So what if we move back? Who’s going to judge us? We do what we feel is right, and everyone else can just back the hell off,“ I say.
He gives me that smirk that’s reserved only for me. He gets closer and puts his hand on my neck and tilts my head back. I grin up at him. I can’t help it. I love him that much.
”You know it’s really hot, when you get all fierce like that,“ he says his voice getting deeper.
I grin wider but then I shake my head and say ”Focus,“ I intertwine our hands together.
He smiles and gives me a deep kiss and after a few seconds he says out of breath.
”I’m very focused,“ he gives me another kiss. This one slower making me crave more.
I step back and instantly miss the feeling of his soft lips on mine.
”On our conversation Bryce,“ I say.
He laughs
”But I am. I’m just a little distracted right now,“ he replies looking at me and wiggling his eyebrows.
”By what?“
I look down and don’t get it. I wear an old ratty shirt, that’s full of paint stains that didn’t all get out. My hair that could use a nice hair mask and some pampering; instead it falls limply in soft waves around my shoulders, framing my face.
I just stop and stare at him until he sighs and concentrates on our actual conversation again.
”So what are we going to do?“ I ask not able to come up with a solution that’s going to make everyone happy.
He lifts our interlaced hands and gives my knuckles a kiss.
”I talked to my boss and she said I should do what makes me happy. I can always visit my friends but if my hearts not in it I should do what feels right. Honestly this place right here and right now? It feels more like home then our apartment in Boston ever did. Not that I didn’t enjoy living there it’s just…something’s missing,“ he finishes saying and I cup his cheek and reply.
”We could just stay here, and make this our permanent home. We’d also be closer to our families. Keiki could go to college here. They have a great vet program. Or she could go overseas to study.“
He smiles sweetly at me.
”Have I ever told you how amazing you are with Keiki? You treat her like family. That’s all I ever wanted,“ his words sending a bolt of warmth straight to my heart. I smile warmly at him.
”That’s because she is family.“
We both share a knowing smile. No words needed between us. Everything’s okay again. It’s as if a big big has been lifted from my heart and I breathe more easily again.
”All we need to do now is focus on the details and all the arrangements if we really want to make this work,“ Bryce says and together we walk back to my grandparents home discussing everything we need to move back to Hawaii.
And you know what? As afraid as I was of having this conversation with Bryce I shouldn’t have been. He’s more than enough for me. I don’t need more than that. Family. Some good food. My art and Bryce. That’s all.
As my dad would say. You should treat love like a flower, give it some light and some water and you’ll see it’ll grow into something magnificent in no time.
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doeeyeseddie · 3 years
congrats Pia!! 😍😍 You deserve all the followers, you're so great and such a talented writer 🤌🏼
🐙 if you feel like it, I know you're gonna make me melt with this fluff prompt for buddie: “oh, you’ve started stealing my socks now?”
teresa!! thank you so much 💖💖💖
this took me ages to get around to and then it turned into a quarantine fic almost a year late skgkls but i hope it at least makes you melt a little bit!
[read on ao3]
“Oh, you’ve started stealing my socks now?”
Eddie startles and turns to find Buck behind him, an amused twist to his mouth as he gestures to Eddie’s feet - which are admittedly clad in a pair of Buck’s novelty socks. Maybe Eddie should’ve gone for a less easily identifiable pair.
“I didn’t have any clean ones left,” Eddie explains, “and you were on your run, so I grabbed them without asking.”
“It’s fine,” Buck says with a smile. “You can wear my socks, Eddie. But this probably means we should do some laundry today.”
“I’ve got some stuff I could throw in too,” Hen chimes up from the dining table, and Eddie had definitely forgotten she was sitting there.
The thing about four people quarantining together in a space as small as Buck’s loft is that they’ve always got enough laundry to get a load going, but Eddie keeps forgetting to put his socks in one. It doesn’t matter, though, because Eddie finds that he quite likes wearing Buck’s socks.
It’s no wonder that it all gets mixed up in Eddie’s head. He only brought the bare necessities so their wardrobes merge very quickly, hoodies, sweats, t-shirts joining the socks from Buck’s closet that Eddie’s worn, they drive to work and back home together, they split the chores, they share a damn bed. They keep sharing a bed even after Hen decides to stay in Athena and Bobby’s guest bedroom instead and Chimney moves to the couch, leaving the air mattress empty. But without even really talking about it, they pack up the mattress and keep waking up tangled in Buck’s bed. It’s comforting in a time where everything is uncertain and scary, and Eddie thinks Buck’s steady support is the only thing that’s keeping him from losing his mind after weeks apart from his son. Buck, who does his best to help Eddie explain to Christopher why he can’t come home, who takes over when Eddie gets too emotional, who never judges him when he breaks down, who’s let him cry on his shoulder more than once.
Buck, who’s smiling down at him when Eddie wakes up with an arm slung around Buck’s middle and his head on Buck’s chest.
“Morning,” he says quietly, his voice and smile warm.
“Morning,” Eddie mumbles back sleepily, tilting his head and stretching up to bridge the small gap between them and pressing his lips to Buck’s in a soft kiss.
His brain catches up with him a second later and he wrenches backwards, losing his balance and landing on his back. His face is burning and his lips fucking tingle like he’s the heroine in a romance novel.
“Fuck,” he gasps, “shit, Buck, I’m sorry, I don’t know-”
“Shh,” Buck says, pressing his hand against Eddie’s chest when he tries sitting up. Eddie’s mouth snaps shut.
“Chimney?” Buck calls downstairs, and when there’s no response, he repeats, “Chim?”
His hand is still flat on Eddie’s chest, keeping him from moving, just above Eddie’s heart so that he must be feeling the way it’s trying to beat right out of his chest. Right into Buck’s hand.
There’s no response from downstairs.
“Maybe he went out for a run,” Eddie suggests. His voice comes out raspy.
“Or he’s calling Maddie from somewhere more private.” Buck grimaces, but his eyes are warm when he looks back down at Eddie. “So.”
Eddie squirms a little, Buck’s hand warm through the thin fabric of his t-shirt.
“Sorry,” he repeats. “I...didn’t mean to do that.”
Buck bites his bottom lip and Eddie can’t help but stare, snapping his gaze away when Buck starts talking. “But...you wanted to?”
Eddie’s ears go hot and he knows he’s blushing. “I can sleep on the air mattress.”
Buck frowns. “Why?”
“So I don’t make you uncomfortable.” Shit, it’s gonna be really difficult to give Buck space while they’re quarantining and working together. What if he’s just ruined everything with one stupid, half asleep move? Dread replaces embarrassment as his primary emotion, and Eddie tries scooting away from Buck again. Buck’s fingers tighten around the fabric of his t-shirt, and Eddie stops moving, confused.
“Eddie,” Buck says, and he’s still frowning, but there’s a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth too, like he’s not sure if he’s allowed to let it out yet. “You’re not making me uncomfortable. Did you want to kiss me?”
There’s something in his eyes that makes Eddie want to be honest, and he swallows thickly. “I always want to kiss you.”
Buck tugs lightly with the hand still fisted in Eddie’s shirt, his eyes wide and fixed on Eddie. “Then kiss me.”
Carefully, Eddie lifts a hand to Buck’s cheek and cups it, watching as his eyes flutter shut. With his thumb, he traces Buck’s full lower lip, and Buck shudders. Wildly, Eddie thinks, holy shit, this is actually happening, and then he surges up to kiss Buck for real.
It’s off center for a moment but then Buck cups the back of Eddie’s head and tilts his head just right, and it feels like something slots into place. They just fit, immediately, like they’ve done this a thousand times before.
Eddie rolls them over so he’s on top, stroking a hand from Buck’s shoulders over his arms, his chest, his sides and down to his thighs, all those places he’s tried so hard not to look at for too long, everywhere he never thought he’d be allowed to touch.
He grabs onto Buck’s huge thigh and Buck grins against his lips.
“Shut up,” Eddie says, grinning too. “I really hope Chimney is gone for a while.”
“He better,” Buck mumbles, kissing along Eddie’s jaw and back up to his mouth. “You don’t know,” he says in between kisses, “how hard it was,” Eddie bites at his bottom lip gently and Buck’s breath hitches, “to watch you walk around in my clothes all the time and not kiss you.”
“Oh yeah?” Eddie asks, and it comes out sounding way too delighted. He’s really showing all his cards immediately, but he figures the way he can’t keep his hands and mouth off Buck for a second already speaks volumes anyway. “So you like me in your clothes?”
“I like you in everything,” Buck says against his mouth, one hand still in Eddie’s hair and the other one inching up his back under his shirt. “But I love you, so I love seeing you in my clothes most of all.”
The way he says it is so matter of fact that it takes Eddie a second to process, but then he stills, pressing his smile into the side of Buck’s neck. He hums happily and kisses the skin right under Buck’s ear before he pulls back to look at Buck’s face, at the nervous twitch in the corner of his mouth and the look in his eyes that Eddie’s seen so many times and can finally read: Buck loves him.
“Well, you’re lucky that I like wearing your clothes, then,” he says, brushing a kiss to Buck’s birthmark and trailing kisses along the side of his face until he’s hovering above his mouth, lips just brushing Buck’s as he adds, “and that I love you, too.”
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strangerquinns · 3 years
Okay okay okay so that Bucky fic you just wrote was avsksvamsha SO GOOD!!! Oh my god, seriously so good😍😍 would you consider writing a part 2 for it at all? If not though, totally understand, and I hope you have a great rest of your day!!
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warning: language | part one
It took a while for you to heal, you stayed in the hospital for a few weeks before going back home with Bucky. You told him multiple times that you didn't need to stay in Brooklyn.
“I’m fully capable of taking care of myself, Buck” You sighed as finished signing off the papers for the hospital. Bucky crossed his arms over his broad chest before crossing his arms at his chest and rolling his eyes at you. 
“And you’re crazy thinking that I am going to allow you to take care of yourself when you have three broken ribs, concussion, and other various injuries. You forget that you fell onto a moving car from a semi?”
“Calm down, your 106 years are showing, old man,” you teased before he looked towards you and rolled his eyes again.
But, secretly, you were more than happy to be with him. It took you only a couple of days to realize how bad your injuries were. Bucky made sure you had everything you needed. When he opened the door to his apartment and you hobbled in on your crutch, tears came to your eyes when you saw the furniture. Before there was only a small couch with a weathered table and a lamp. But now everything was fully furnished. There was a larger couch with a coffee table, a small dining set, a tv on a small console table. When you walked into the bathroom you could see that there were fresh towel sets. Your heart stopped when you saw the bedroom wasn’t empty anymore. Instead was a Queen sized bed perfectly made in dark blue sheets.
“D-Did you get all of this cause of me?” You asked turning around in the doorway to face him. He looked shyly down at his feet before blushing. 
“Can’t have you sleeping on the hard floor,” Bucky spoke with a sparkle in his blue eyes that made them seem brighter and bluer. It was then that you fell harder for James Barnes. The genuine, flirty smile on his lips enough to make your heart stop. 
You moved to balance yourself so you weren’t putting pressure on your sprained ankle before you wrapped your arms around him. Bucky froze for a moment before wrapping his arms around you tightly. You nuzzled into him and stayed there, enjoying the comfort of being in his arms. Bucky kissed the top of your head before helping you settle in.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to get into a routine. Bucky woke up every morning and made breakfast for you. You struggled only for a short while going through your morning routine before he came to help you into the living room. You loved how gentle he was, always making sure that you had everything you needed. There were times when things weren’t easy and you felt worthless, and like you were taking advantage of him. But Bucky always made sure to reassure you.
“If I didn’t want to do this, Y/N, I wouldn’t have offered,” He spoke from the chair off to the side of you, you sitting on the couch with a sorrowful look on your face, picking at the blanket laid across your lap. You didn’t respond, your lower lip only sticking out more as you sat there. Bucky sighed heavily before moving from his seat to sit beside you, his metal arm placed across the back of the couch, his warm body leaning into you. "Doll, it's not too much. I promise." His other hand moved to clasp yours, his touching breaking your resolve before you nodded your head and lean into him more. Closing your eyes as you rested against him.
Anytime Bucky left to help Sam with the Flag Smashers you always stayed behind and did the research for them. It had been over two months and you were becoming stir crazy. From doctor's appointments, you knew you were healed and you felt your strength coming back to you. Much to Bucky's disagreement, you were back out in the field. You trained with Sam and Joaquin. With the increased thefts and death surrounding the Flag Smashers, you knew it was only a matter of time before you'd have to get back out there. 
You groaned slightly as you moved off the floor, feeling your ribs stretch awkwardly. Though they were healed there were moments that they felt tight and a little painful at times. Bucky stood watching from the doorway of the room, his face set in a deep frown as walked towards him. 
"I know what you're gonna say...and I don't wanna hear it," You spoke walking past him and down the hall towards the locker room for a shower.
"You don't wanna hear it cause secretly you agree with me," Bucky spoke, keeping in step with you. "I know you wanna help, Y/N, but it's too early."
"My doctor says otherwise,"
"I don't care," He grabbed your bicep and turned you around to face him, his face bent down to be more level with yours. His eyes held so much concern that you could feel it. His hand stayed on your bicep as he spoke. "I don't know if you remember clearly, but you nearly died six weeks ago cause of these fuckers."
"I'm aware,"
"Are you!" Bucky yelled, feeling his temper get the best of him for a moment. He let go of you and took a step back as your eyes widened in surprise. He'd never raised his voice at you like that before. You were stunned and left speechless, but after a moment, Bucky continued. "I had to stand there and beg to god that he wouldn't take you from me because we were in the middle of nowhere and it took forever for the ambulance to get to you. And if you get hurt again, how are we to know it's not gonna be deadly this time?! You got fucking lucky last time, doll."
"I know what I am doing."
He chuckled with false humor and shook his head, "I don't doubt that. But I lose you....if you get hurt and that's it...I-I..."
His mouth opened a few times, his hands beginning to shake, ducking his head down to hide his tears. You frowned as you stood there for a moment before stepping forward and grasping his hands. Bucky lifted his head to look towards you again, before closing his eyes to hide the tears
"I will be ok, Buck. I'll have beside me this time."
Bucky's eyes snapped open and held slight darkness to them, "I was there, and all I could do is watch."
You tightened your hold on his hands, "This is gonna be different. I know you're saying all this cause you care and worry..."
He chuckled and moved out of your hold again, running his hand through his hair and tugging on his hair slightly. "It's more than caring."
"What?" You became confused "Like what?"
Bucky stood there for a moment, his back to you before he spoke softly. So softly you were almost unsure you heard him. 
"It's because I love you,"
"I love you too, Buck."
"No, you don't understand." Bucky turned towards and you could see the turmoil he was going through, struggling slightly with himself to find the right words. "I'm in love with you, Y/N, and if lost you, it would be the end of me. I don't know if I can come back from that after everything else."
You felt your eyes water as you watched and listened to him. Your heart beating against your chest as slowly the words sunk in. He loved me, Bucky loved me, you thought.
"Bucky...s-say it again." You whispered as you spoke. 
"What? T-That I'm in love with you? Or that I can't lose you?"
A small smile graced your lips, stepping closer to him as he looked down towards you. "Hmmm, the first part."
Bucky paused before speaking, "I'm in love with you, Y/N."
"Good," You reached a hand up and grabbed the back of his neck to pull him down to you more, "Because I'm in love with you too, James."
You didn't give him time to respond before kissing him deeply and pressing your body tightly against him. Bucky froze for a moment before wrapping his arms around you and deepening the kiss more. His tongue danced in sync with yours, soft moans coming from you as you finally knew what it was like to kiss him. Bucky was the one to pull away, pressing his forehead against yours as the two of you stood there at a loss for breath. 
"Doll," Bucky panted, his blue eyes connected with yours and making you more breathless than you already were. He opened his mouth to continue, but he too seemed speechless.
"Bucky...don't tell me that was your first kiss since the 40s..."
A blush came over his cheeks, "I've wanted you for a long time, the only one on my mind since Steve brought you in, in Germany. Swear you left me speechless when you came to the airport with Clint and Wanda,"
Your eyes widened "Really? That long? And you never thought to make a move?"
Bucky tightened his hold on you and pulled you tighter to him, slowly shaking his head "But now that I have you, I'm never letting go. You come on missions with us, you do like Sam and I say. No going off on your own or taking risks."
"I can agree to that," You smiled before leaning up to kiss him again, already missing the feel of him against your mouth. 
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