#forhead poke
dgdoodles · 2 years
The poke 2002-2022
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Naruto (manga) - 1999-2015 (specific panel first drawn in 2002)
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Naruto (anime) - 2002-2007 
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Naruto Shippuden - 2009-2016
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“Road of Naruto” 20th anniversary reanimation - 2022 Konoha aside, Itachi would 100% be that “loving but little shit” older brother.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but studio periott gets it 
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huush-runaway · 1 year
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Boruto: I promise you I'll be back quickly Sara!!-
Sarada: kiss- ... just... don't give papa any trouble...
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lady-ashfade · 9 months
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Yan!Mother!Alicent targaryen x Crybaby!Fem!Reader. Vs other Yandere house of the dragon characters.
Just a small idea for the AI picture, it gave me a few ideas and might write more.
Warnings: Yandere content, bullying to get attention, reader being a massive cry baby
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The sound of bare feet echo through the halls and many people gasp as a child runs passed them. The young princess covered in mud and her dress ripped, her eyes rolling with tears as she sobs. Her body hit a few on the way but kept running up the stairs to find her mother or anyone she can. The boys had pushed her in the mud when she asked to play, they had never been so cruel to her before. Her sweet nephews were always so kind and let her do what she wanted, but Aegon had always made fun and poked at her. The young girl made her way to the floor, she didn’t care about the meeting and all she wanted was her mother.
Pushing open the door she ran into the room and stoped to look around for her mother. The table turned quickly and their eyes widen in shock and confusion. “My dear girl,” Alicent stood up immediately and pushed her chair to the side and rushed over to her crying daughter, “What’s has happened.” The mother bend down and rubbed the mud off her face. The girl just continues to sob and wail. Viserys stood up at the table, Rhaenrya feeling sick and waiting for her moment to comfort the sweet girl. “It- It was Jace, Luke and Aegon.” She stuttered with her small voice.
“They pushed me into the mud, and I ripped my dress falling all on it.”
Rhaenrya placed a hand on her belly at the image of her boy’s hurting you. She raised them well and they wouldn’t do that, at least on their own since they loved you so much. Alicent pulled her closer and kissed her forhead even if it was still dirty. “We are to have a meeting later about what happened after she is cleaned and calm.” The queen stood up and looked at her husband and then glared at rhaenrya. “Your boys will be there.” All Viserys could do was sigh and rub his face. He dismissed the council, rhaenrya looked at her father but he shrugged and agreed with Alicent.
The princess was bathed fully and placed in her favorite dress, her mother getting her all her favorite food and treats. Aemond found out and hugged his sister while she continued to cry about how she didn’t know what she did. Aemond was furious how they picked on his perfect sister. As they awaited for rhaenrya and her children the princess hugged her mother tight and refused to let go. Alicent was ready to behead them all or exile them since they dare hurt her child. Then Aegon…who had puffed red cheeks from a slap he earned from his mother, and getting screamed at by his father too. He stayed quiet and looked down.
As soon as Rhaenrya entered with her sons the room shifted into a deep tension between everyone. You still stood by your mother and cling to her dress, too upset to look at your nephews eyes. Aemond walked closer and beside you, placing a hand on your head as you sniffled. Alicent looked at the young boys and then to their mother with a suspicious glare on what she would do. “Tell me boys, why have would you do such a thing.” The queen asked them. Their eyes shifted from the queens to her eldest son who refused to look up feeling their presence.
“The boys have said that it was a way they could earn her affection. I believe the words spoken to them were “Treat a woman rough and like a toy and they’ll be forever grateful.” along those lines. And I do believe your son, Aegon told them so.” Alicent looked over at Aegon. She had just got done dealing with him and now this? “It was just a bit of teasing, we did not think she’d actually fall and get hurt.” Alicent fumed and the mouth and tried to control herself again. Jace and Luke looked at the princess head and tried not to cry. Luke started to tear up at the memory of her crying and screaming, Jace couldn’t believe he was mean to her. Even if it was to get her affection.
“You’ll all apologize to her, now! Do you understand me? I shall speak to the king for a harder punishment for this acted but for now you can no longer see her.” Rhaenrya gasped and looked at the sweet princess she loved. When if Alicent was her mother she still had no right. The boys pouted. “My queen, please rethink-” Alicent stopped her by lifting you up and turned your face around to reveal the smallest cut on your chin that was once covered by mud. “She is injured. There are bruises already showing up and the maesters tell me she could have broken a arm! So no, I do not think I will reconsider.” Luke was the first toe break.
“We are truly sorry, Y/n. It was never intended for you to get hurt we promise.” He cried as his brother agreed beside him. You look at the boys crying and apologizing for your forgetfulness that it makes you forgive them a bit. “I- I forgive you.” You mumble so soft before turning away and back into your mother’s embrace while still being mad at them. Thought you didn’t fully forgive them it was a start and you expected their apology. They could make it up to you soon if they can see you again. Aemond looked at the crying boys and smirks a bit while reaching for his sister to pull her into his arms. The princess expected his gesture and wrapped her arms around him for comfort.
Rhaenrya looked at Alicent who stared back at her. The boys all looked at each other with glares over the princess. Aegon who hated that he would hurt his precious sister who was the only one nice to him.
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n6ptunova · 7 months
can u do chris bf headcanons
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boyfriend headcanons • chris sturniolo
a/n: ofc pookie!! thank you for the request🫶
warnings: none
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- chris would try to act a bit more “chill” and “nonchalant” before you guys date, but once it’s official he turns into the sweetest boy ever. he becomes almost soft spoken when it comes to you and you only.
- he goes to you for fashion advice since he can’t really match clothes. you take him shopping and dress him up in a way that he’s comfortable with but also looks so fine. he might even make one of those tiktoks “my style before and after my gf.” he also loves matching with you for sure.
- speaking of clothes, he LOVESSS when you wear his shirts and hoodies. it doesn’t matter if they’re baggy, tight, or well-fitted on you, he just thinks you look so beautiful in his clothes and he thinks it’s cute how giggly you get and how you burry your face in them admiring his lingering scent. he’ll let you keep your fav hoodie of his too.
- he cannot go to sleep without you. we all know how he’s always sleeping in nick and matt’s rooms, but ever since you got together, he only sleeps in his bed, yours, or the couch but you HAVE to be there or else what else is he gonna cuddle??
- his favourite is when he’s the small spoon laying on top of you and resting his head on your chest (not for that reason but it’s def a bonus) and you playing with his hair till he falls asleep. if he wakes up and you’re separated he’ll whine and cuddle closer to you.
- i think it’s a given that he likes when you play with his hair, it’s his weakness fr. but sometimes when you’re bored you start braiding his hair or trying different hairstyles on him like man bun, piggy tails, space buns or your personal favourite half up half down with some strands falling out. he acts like he’s annoyed when you do this but he melts at the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
- he’ll just be looking up with heart eyes at you focusing so hard to perfect the hair style for him and secretly smiling every time you get excited at how cute he looks and the little kisses you cover his face with. he’s so whipped it’s crazy.
- he’s a part of the sassy men apocalypse idc. being in a relationship with chris is mostly joking around and poking fun at each other. so when he’s in a goofy mood and you shrug him off bc you’re busy or not focused he’ll go “oh so you don’t love me anymore?? i see.”
- “babe literally what’s more important than me rn this is insanity.” you always call each other bro but when hes feeling sassy and you call him bro he’ll say, “are you bro/friend zoning me rn. what the fuck.” and sometimes he doesn’t even respond and just crosses his arms dramatically looking away until you say his name or “babe/baby”
- he takes pictures of things he noted you like before eg. the sky, sunsets, flowers, cats, etc. and sends them to you bc it reminds him of you and he knows how excited you get over them.
- he’s a mama’s boy i stand by that, so it’s important for him that you get along with mary lou, which you do! mary lou loves you so much he starts to get jealous of both of you because you’re “stealing” his mom and you’re spending more time with her that chris starts to miss you.
- i feel like in general chris is a bit touch deprived, like in vids he’s always reaching for his brothers’ hands or resting on them, hugging them, leaning on them when laughing etc. now that he has you, you get all these little touches, playing with your fingers subconsciously, tracing circles on your thighs occasionally squeezing it, rests his arms on your shoulder when you’re standing somewhere, always hugging and kissing you on the cheek, forhead, corner of your lips, and even boops your nose sometimes 😭.
- he definitely is always looking at you with loving heart eyes all the time that fans start to make edits of “the way he looks at you” and you both eat them up.
- when he’s sick he turns into a literal child, you have to baby him or else you’ll never hear the end of his whining and complaining. but it’s okay bc when you’re sick he does the same.
- overall that man is just whipped for you fr and his brothers tease him for it sometimes but he doesn’t care (he literally punches their arm almost every time and tells them to shut up but we move!)
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dollymaniac · 1 year
︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ Sick ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x GN!reader.
Summary: You got sick, like a really bad flu; Leon comes in to be your caretaker.
Wordcount: 0.846k.
A/N: just a very short kinda fluffy story i did after i rewatched that scene where Leon holds Ashley's hand while the plaga is being purged. (Didn't proof read, woops)
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For a good few days you had a ever increasing in pain headache, It started as little annoying prickling by the side of your eyes, and as the days went on it had become a full blown migraine.
You my friend, had caught the flu, and the migraine was the first symptom, however, as the day went on your nose was stuffy and you had a horrible cough. You sent a text to your boyfriend, Leon, telling him you had to cancel the date you had as you were terribly sick.
Laying in bed, and trying (and failing) to sleep you heard the door to your apartment open up, and a warm familiar voice call you.
"Babe?" Leon had arrived with no warning what so ever. You coughed instead of responding, but that let Leon know where you were.
"Honey?" He poked his head through the door and saw you laying in bed, a red faced mess with too much tissue paper sorrounding you. "Oh lord" he said starting to enter.
You, in the panic leap up a little "No, no don't come in", Which was follow by a Hard, and painful sting on your throat that made you cough uncontrollably for half a minute. Painful, your chest felt on fire and your throat wasn't much better.
"Jesus Christ" Leon replied as he heard you coughing like you had just came out of a fire, "Yeah no chances of me leaving you alone like that" he said as he began to walk in despite your protest.
To be honest, Leon was quite recilient for those types of Viruses, he had to, or a simple flu may whipe him out during a mission.
He kneeled down in front of you and reached for your forhead, gently pressing his hand on it "Seems like you have a fever", after doing this, He stood up and without a warning, He straight up pulled off all of the soft, chunky blankets you had on.
"No!" You protested, he somewhat ignored that and reached for a very, very thin Blanket. Putting it over you and wrapping you up like a helpless burrito. It didn't do much to help you feel less cold as it was fresh… Meaning, It had no warmth on it.
"sorry, but you can't be burried in those with a fever" he gave a small kiss to your cheek, comforting you "I'll get you a Soaked cloth".
You nodded with a pout as he stood back up again, Heading for the kitchen. As he walked out, you noticed on the floor of your door…. At least three plastic bags full of stuff. "L…leon?" Your voice raspy as your throat was hurt after so much force used to cough.
"wh..what is all that?"
"I'm not leaving you to take care of yourself in that state".
A soft smile appeared on your lips as he said those words, he had always been protective, it was one of the things that made you fall for him, and it shined through as he came back and put the cold water soaked cloth on your forehead.
A 'tsss' came out of you as it made contact, it was too cold for you and it almost hurt. He gave you another small kiss on your cheek and pet your hair for a moment. "Yeah, i know its uncomfy" he spoke gently.
You thanked him, and he went on to bring the bags to your room, he had gone all out to make sure you had the best care possible.
The first bag was full, and i mean full of medicine, maybe too much… Maybe to the point it would last more than necessary, he knew he was being a little exaggerated but well, at least the next time you got sick you'd have spares; analgesics, cough syrup, Painkillers. All he could think of since you really didn't specify what you had.
Then the second bag, Full of food and water. Instant soup, Noodles, Crackers, some sweats, tea, coffee and more.
"Leon you… didn't need to" the cough interrupted you again.
"But i wanted to, your my partner; I'm gonna take care of you".
The third one was just full of entertainment for you to stay on bed rest, new books, one of those 2000's cheap game consoles with like 5 games, movies, and even cards.
The fourth and hidden bag was just his clothing he could stay as long as necessary.
You were surprised, since it was rare you got sick that bad you hadn't seen Leon pull anything similar. He even got you Pedialyte in case you were dehydrated.
A true keeper.
After a minute he put his hand on your face again "it's going down" his gentle tone as he smiled at you, sitting on the edge of the bed and talking gently about how he'd be your personal nurse for the time you were sick.
You couldn't help yourself but to think, while he looked at you with this soft demeanor, that you needed to get him a ring ASAP.
He's just a keeper and we know it.
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milkybonya · 2 years
angel_bang chan
! : petnames (angel, baby, love), reader is on their period
#: <1k, domestic fluffy bf Chan
[💌: i am so @(@&@& burned out and tired of my degree and just mad at everything and everyone but happy Chan day ! i hope stays and Chan and skz and everyone have/had the loveliest day ♡ and take care always!]
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"hi y/n, love," Bangchan says, sitting next to you on the couch.
"hii," you croak, feeling incredibly weak. getting out of bed had been especially hard that morning, and all you had managed to do was move yourself to the living room couch.
"hi, angel," Chan greets you again, cupping your cheeks in his hands as he cooes at you.
he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, then nose, then lips. the kiss on your lips he lets linger, savouring the way you deeply kiss him back.
"how're you feeling?" he asks, taking your hands in his.
he knew something was wrong from the minute he woke up beside you and you were more quiet than usual.
"i... i got my period," you confess, holding onto your stomach area.
"ah, really? does it hurt a lot?" Chan asks, biting his lip when you nod.
"what can i get for you, angel? a hot pack? a warm drink? some snacks? a--"
you cut him off by pulling him towards you, catching him so off-guard that he doesn't resist and simply falls right on you. he tries to raise himself up so he's at least not crushing you, but you resist.
"doesn't this hurt, love?" he asks you with a pout, concerned.
"no. you feel warm," you muffle into his chest. he smiles.
"if you want to cuddle.. shall we just move back to the bedroom?" he suggests with a bright smile.
you nod and that's his cue to gently pick you up and run to the bedroom, both of you giggling even after you're in bed. Chan towers on top of you, kissing your cheeks, forhead, tip and bridge of your nose, chin, and next to your ears before looking at you again.
"ah... i should fix you some breakfast!? i know you might feel bloated and it may be hard to eat but.. not eating makes it harder. craving anything?"
you shake your head, not sure what you want to eat.
"would... french toast be okay? we have the ingredients for it and i can put it together quickly!" Chan suggests.
you agree and he scurries off into the kitchen. but, you start to miss him. and missing him becomes more important than any of the pain you feel, so you carefully stand up and shuffle into the kitchen.
the broad-shouldered boy is too busy to hear you approach him, and only notices when you wrap your arms around him from behind.
"ah--y/n?! why'd you get up? i was gonna bring this to you," Chan says, looking down and kissing the back of your hand that's wrapped around him.
"i miss you," you say, pressing your face against his back.
you can feel his frame vibrate as he laughs, pulling you closer.
"give me just a second, angel. i'm almost done."
you stay pressed against him, carefully watching as he finishes cooking the last slice of toast. the forearms look incredibly attractive and you sigh.
"you okay, angel?" Chan asks, humming a song to himself.
"yeah... just... think you're super attractive," you quietly blurt out, making Chan laugh.
"thank you... but i think you're more attractive," he says, poking your nose and walking with you back to the bedroom.
you shake your head as he tucks you in, handing you the toast before sliding in next to you.
"there's no way i'm more attractive than you," you say, biting into the toast.
Chan giggles and takes a slice of the toast, too.
"ah, did you want a warm drink too?!" he asks, getting ready to get up.
you shake your head, no.
"just let me cuddle with you," you almost whisper, placing your plate on the bedside table and snuggling into Chan's chest.
you can hear his heart rate speed up slightly as he wraps an arm around you and nuzzles his chin gently against the back of your head.
"how are you feeling now, y/n?" he asks.
"better, baby," you say.
he smiles, stroking your hair.
"let's stay like this, then," he suggests before kissing the top of your head.
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sobasluuurp · 5 months
The battle is over. Deku stands victorious. Panting, bleeding, holding back tears. The world stares in shock at the hero who only minutes prior wielded seven quirks is now nothing more than a quirkless highschooler.
All of the major battles are over, but a few villains who escaped capture descend on Deku. There's no way they'd pass up the chance to obliterate the guy that took down history's greatest villain -- especially now that he's defenseless.
But Deku's strength has always been more than just his quirk. He is the boy who at the age of 14 trained his body by running with the 600 lb All Might on his shoulders. The boy who has more experience fighting S-tier villains than most pros have had in their lifetimes. The boy who's been honing his strategizing skills since he was barely tall enough to reach a light switch.
He pummels them.
By now, some of the heroes from nearby battlefields have rushed to the scene to help with first aid and detaining villains. One of them is Eraserhead. He watches as Deku takes on one villain after another; dodging, kicking, punching, winning. With every villain now on the ground, Deku becomes aware of the eyes watching him.
He raises his fist to his chest and locks watery eyes with his teacher.
"Aizawa-sensei....I'm still standing."
This kid....Aizawa huffs, giving a half-smile. He approaches his student silently until he's close enough to gently poke his forhead.
"You better hope that head wound heals by the time school opens up, kid," he says, "You wouldn't want to fall behind your classmates, would you?"
And Izuku sobs.
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zvdvdlvr · 1 year
- 𝐁𝐚̈𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧
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𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒐 @kinky-thirsty-reader 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒆!!
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : 𝒌𝒐̈𝒏𝒊𝒈 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒏𝒂𝒑 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑩𝒂̈𝒓𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒏
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑮𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔 (𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒇 𝒊 𝒂𝒎 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈!), 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇,
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : 𝒌𝒐̈𝒏𝒊𝒈 𝒙 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒆𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
"You really should take your gear off," y/n said, pulling their standard black cotton shirt off. Sweat dripped from their forhead and arms as they slid on a thick strapped tank top. König grumbled out a response, voice heavy with exhaustion and accent.
y/n took the shirt and dabbed at the sweat on their forhead, watching König watch y/n. He moved in closer as y/n unbuckled their belt and tossed it away haphazardly. When y/n was done, they let out a pleased sigh, barely being able to react when König picked them up and set them carefully on the bed. Then, the gentle man strategically flopped onto y/n, resting his clothed head on their chest.
His hands grasped at the cotton undershirt at y/n's side and closed his eyes. After a second, he felt y/n's legs wrap around his. Their hand rested on König's neck/ear area.
"Danke, Bärchen."
A whisper. A barely audible statement that fell from a man's lips. y/n couldn't help but smile at the term of endearment. "Little bear" he called y/n.
When y/n had asked about it the first time they's heard him say that directly to them, König stared at them for a little while. After a moment, König shrugged. "You are strong, swift. Blunt like a bear. A little bear," he had said. He chuckled at the last sentance, poking harmless fun at y/n height compared to his.
"Always, my love," y/n replied, relaxing further into their mattress. Sleep wasn't but an arm's length away, and falling asleep with König wouldn't be unpleasent.
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yagirlwrites · 11 months
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Hiiii!!! We back with another TSOAGB blurby blurb! This one is set the morning after The Punishment of a Bad Boy and it's super fluffy and a lil naughty too (no actual smut tho) 😜🥰💗
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Hope you like it! Let me know your thoughts and if you'd like more blurbs about these two idiots💞
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it’s not to be copied, transferred or translated. Reblogs are welcome! Happy reading!🥰
He woke that morning feeling content and happy. He could still feel her warmth, her arm still wrapped around him, head on her chest as the easy rise and fall of her breathing lulled him into a peaceful state of mind. He nearly fell asleep again, too scared to move to wake her. But he was too excited to have her there, too many thoughts running through his head to fall back asleep.
Last night? The best night of his life, he would swear it. Seeing her like that, feeling her, touching her, tasting her - it all felt so surreal, like he dreamt the whole thing. But her heartbeat under him and her arm holding him was more than enough to remind him that it was indeed real. She was real. They were real. And that last thought made him feel so fucking happy he couldn't breathe.
She stirred under him then, pulling him closer as if making sure he was still there. He was. Of course he was. She could feel him on top of her, his smell surrounding her - reminding her she was in his bed.
She laid a sweet kiss at the top of his head, eyes still closed and she felt him moving. When she blinked her eyes open she caugh him now looking up at her and fuck, her breath caught in her throat. He looked so beautiful she couldn't believe he was real.
His big eyes and rosy cheeks and his plump pink lips in a smile and God she was a goner. She couldn't help but smile back, still blinking herself awake. He hadn't moved or spoken, he was just looking at her. It made a blush rise on her cheeks and she felt warm all over. He was trouble.
"Mornin'" she finally broke the silence, her voice gravelly from sleep and he swore it was the hottest thing. She was staring right back at him now, a glimmer in her eyes he was sure was reflected in his own. She was trouble.
"Good morning." He mumbled, voice deep and raspy and she swore it was the hottest thing. Her hand found her way to his hair and she gently pushed it off his forhead, soft fingers in fluffy hair and a content moan leaving his lips. She could feel that stirring in her belly and she needed to calm down before she let herself get lost in him again.
"How are you feeling?" Her question broke the daze he was in, only slightly. He seemed to always be in a daze around her, he couldn't help it, didn't even want to.
"Good. Good. You?"
"Yeah me too."
Somehow they ended up right back to staring at each other again. Right untill the sound of a stomach rumbling broke the spell again. Giggles left them, smiles seeming permanent now.
"Was that you or me?" He asked looking at her with bright eyes.
"I honestly don't know." They laughed again and he rolled off of her. He looked over at her again and he couldn't stop the beaming smile that broke on his face.
"We should probably get up, huh?" She asked with a smile that made butterflies erupt in his stomach.
"Mmm I don't wanna." He mumbled and buried his head in her neck again as she laughed under him. She placed a kiss to the side of his face and poked his stomach with her finger.
"We should get up, baby." He sighed into her skin and nuzzled into her warmth.
"Do we have to?" He knew the answer but he wanted to drag it out. He wanted to have her with him as long as he could. And then an idea popped into his head.
He pulled back to look at her, suddenly seeming sheepish and she quirked her brow at him.
"Do you wanna... Do you want to get breakfast, maybe?" She could tell he was nervous, it made her heart clench.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that." She gave him a reassuring smile and he couldn't help himself. He leaned down and kissed her. A deep kiss, that stirred them both awake quickly. She pulled him in, licking at his bottom lip untill he let her in and they got lost in each other all over again.
It felt like forever had passed by the time they broke apart, catching their breaths but so fucking happy. Making out was a great way to start their days, they both decided. Rafe's stomach growled then and the moment passed. She smirked at him, they figured out who it was after all. He was flushed and excited when he spoke next.
"There's this diner, a short drive away. They have the best breakfast. Let me take you?" She smiled at his excitement and nodded.
"I'm driving though." He scoffed and rolled his eyes at that.
"You're such a control freak." He teased and she quirked a brow.
"That so? I didn't see you complaining last night. Or the night before for that matter." He blushed crimson then and she smirked. They both knew she won that one.
She got out of bed then, wearing nothing but his t-shirt and undies and he could feel himself get flushed and bothered all over again. Her wearing his clothes, her sleeping in his bed, it made him wish that he could make her his. How amazing it would feel to be able to wake up to her every morning, or kiss her whenever he wanted or just be with her. Just be. He'd love nothing more than to have her stealing his clothes and leaving her mark all over his life. He remembered the marks she left on his skin now and his whole body grew hot. He was both dreading and anticipating looking in the mirror. He knew he looked a sight.
She was changing now, stripping from his clothes. He felt a pang in his chest seeing her take his shirt off. But holy shit she took his shirt off. She was only in his boxers now and God he could feel himself get hard at the sight. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
She was looking for her bra that ended up under the bed and when she straightened up with it in her hands she caugh his eye. He looked hungry. Not for food this time, tough. No, the way his eyes were running over her body told her everything she needed to know about what he was thinking. What he was hungry for.
It took some effort for her to turn around and away from his lingering gaze and finally put her bra on. She didn't look back at him untill she was wearing her dress again and once she did she found him in the same position, with the same look in his eyes.
He was in a predicament. He knew he needed to calm down and think about literally anything other than the way her body moved against his, the way her skin felt under his fingertips, the way she looked like a goddess when she climaxed or the way she sucked on his fin- anything else! But man it was so fucking hard when she was so fucking perfect and he couldn't get enough.
She was standing there, looking at him now. He knew she knew what he was thinking, knew she caught him staring but he didn't care. He couldn't find it in him. Not when she was so gorgeous and in his room.
Her voice broke his train of thought then.
"Are you gonna just sit there or are we going to get breakfast?"
Like it was so easy. Like she didn't have him hard as a rock by stripping in front of him not 2 minutes ago. Like she didn't know how he burned for her still. Burned for her all the damn time. Burned. Scorching. Fire. Her.
"Rafe." Her voice was half amused half exasperated. He blinked slowly up at her, still caught in this constant daze she had him in.
"Hmm" he mumbled and she rolled her eyes then. She really was hungry now and he was too. She just wanted to get going already. She knew if they stayed there with him looking at her like that any longer she'd lose it and they wouldn't end up eating for hours. Food. Think about food, she told herself. He needs food.
"Rafe, come on. Get up." She ordered now. No more distractions, the clock was ticking.
He begrudgingly got out of bed, and she could see him in all his glory. She managed to contain a growl that threatened to spill. Fucking hell. He was perfect; tan skin flushed, a flame in his eyes and his dick standing up rock hard. Shit. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuuuuuck.
She groaned then and it was as if her body moved on its own accord. She grabbed him by the back of his neck and slammed her lips against his in a hungry, desperate kiss. His arms encircled her as he let her tongue into his mouth. She kissed him like the starvation she felt was all him. Food entirely forgotten then. All she could think about was his soft skin and his irresistable lips and his body under her traveling hands. She bit his lip and squeezed his ass, pulling him flush against her and he let out an embarrasingly loud moan at her actions. He was absolute putty in her hands and he loved every single second.
His dick twitched between their bodies, pressed so close together they might as well be one. But before they could take it any further Rafe's stomach growled loudly again and he wanted to cry at the interruption.
She chuckled and pulled away from him and he tried to pull her back in, wanting to ignore it. But she couldn't. He was hungry, he needed food. This could wait. Even though it took every ounce of willpower she had she stepped back from him and faced him with a stern look. He was gulping.
"Baby. You're starving-"
"Yeah, for you." He mumbled and tried pulling her into another kiss but she kept him back with her hands on his chest. He groaned in exasperation and she gave him a sympathetic look.
"We need to go. We need food." He was giving her puppy dog eyes as if that would deter her but he should've known better by now. Once her mind was made up that was it. And as she looked at him with that stubborn cock in her brow that made him wanna scream cause she looked so sexy, he let out another groan and she knew he was accepting his fate.
"Look we can just grab something from the kitchen, we don't have to go-"
"No! No, I wanna take you to breakfast." She nodded at his response.
"I just need to..." he trailed off looking down and she had to surpress her grin. He could see the amusement in her eyes, though he appreaciated the effort not to embarrass him.
"I'm just gonna take a quick shower." She nodded and leaned up to press a quick kiss to his lips.
"Okay, baby. I'll be here."
She gave him a reassuring smile, like she knew he hated parting from her and wanted him to know she wasn't going anywhere. It made butterflies erupt in his stomach again as he made his way to the bathroom, picking up some clothes on the way. She made herself comfortable on his bed and when he reached the door he looked back and saw her there; all pretty in his bed. And he groaned again, having to force himself to leave her there when he wanted nothing more than to fall to his knees and beg her to let him taste her. But he knew she wouldn't. She was stubborn like that.
His shower ended up lasting a good 20 minutes. As cold as it may have been his body still ran hot and he had to take care of himself. Didn't feel great. Getting off by himself in the shower when she was a door away was incredibly frustrating. He managed to cum after a while but it wasn't satisfying.
When he stepped out of the shower he finally took in his appearance in the mirror. The marks that lined his neck were deep purple - she really did a number on him. He nearly got hard again just looking at them; remembering how it felt when she made them. But he resisted. He had to admit he liked having her marks on him. It was silly perhaps but it felt like she had claimed him. He was hers and now he had physical proof of it. He blushed crimson at the thought and shook it off, wrapping a towel around his waist and making his way back to his room. Back to her.
She was sitting on his desk chair when he entered, looking at the pictures on his wall. She smiled when she saw him and his heart fluttered. God, she was beautiful. If he could make her smile every day for the rest of his life he could die a happy man, he'd swear it.
She had been inspecting the pictures above his desk before he came in. She had looked around his room, not snooping just observing. It felt like him. Smelled like him. The photographs were of him and his friends, his sisters and a few of them were location shots - pink and orange hues of a sun setting against the sea, a beautiful beach and moon reflecting on water. They were stunning.
She turned to take him in then and almost cursed because he was all wet and only wearing a towel. The sight of his wet hair slicked back and drops of watter sliding down his skin - she thought this moment should be captured in a photograph. He was stunning. And she was feeling hot all of a sudden. She needed to get it together. Breakfast. That was the plan.
He was ruffling through his closet looking for something to wear when she spoke.
"These are beautiful. Did you take them?" He turned his head to look at the photos she was pointing at.
"Oh. Yeah, I did." He had an almost shy smile on his face as he said it.
"You've got a great eye." She sent him a grin and he couldn't help but reciprocate.
"Why thank you." He laughed and she swore if she could hear that sound every day she wouldn't get sick of it.
He dropped his towel then and put on a pair of boxers and she had to physically turn around not to jump his bones right there. He was so hot it gave her whiplash.
When she turned back around he was wearing pants and fumbling with a shirt. She took in his toned arms and the way his biceps clenched as his hands worked on untangling it. Then her eyes went to the hickeys on his neck and she could feel a burn in her stomach at the sight. He was wearing her marks and it made a little jolt of pride run through her. How silly. But she liked seeing him all marked up. They suited him. So gorgeous.
Her train of thought was broken by him pulling his shirt over his head and she shook hers to clear it. She busied herself with putting her shoes on while he finished getting dressed. The way her body responded to him was getting embarrasing.
He gave her a bright smile as they finished getting dressed and grabbed their stuff to head out. He held his hand out to her, looking sheepish and she grinned as she grabbed his hand. She pulled him into her and before he had a chance to be confused she pulled him down into a sweet kiss. It was warm and intimate and both of them could feel butterflies fluttering around their chests in that moment.
When she pulled back he was looking at her and it was in that second, between the kiss and his eyes, that her feelings hit her - full blast. He looked like he was in love and she had to remind herself to breathe. She needed to chill and stop putting pressure on them both by overthinking. So she let him lead her out of his room, fingers intertwined and hearts too.
Mack was groaning on the couch, clutching his head in his hands when he saw Rafe come down the stairs.
"Bro, what t'hell are you doin' up so ear-" his words broke off when his eyes landed on her. His mouth turned up into a smirk and Rafe let out a heavy sigh, knowing what was about to come.
"Mystery girl!" The volume of his own voice making him wince in pain. No hangover would stop him from busting Rafe's balls though.
"What a lovely surprise." He was half way to getting off the couch when Rafe slapped his hand down on his shoulder - causing his already wobbly legs to give out and he fell back down.
"Dude what the fuck?" He moaned out as Rafe forced a smile and squeezed his shoulder tighter.
"We're just on our way out, actually. Won't be back a while." Rafe quickly spoke and grabbed her hand in his again, ready to pull her out of that door as soon as possible.
Mack was grinning, about to make a no doubt very inappropriate comment, but then his face fell.
"Wait! You'll be back for the thing, yeah?" His voice slightly worried and the obvious confusion on Rafe's face was only feeding into it.
"The thing! Poker! The poker thing! It's tonight, man!" He was erratic and it took Rafe a second to realize what he was talking about.
"Oh, shit..." Rafe sighed, exasperated. He ran his hands over his face, thinking. How could he get out of this?
"Don't even think about bailing on me, man!" Damn Mack and his ability to see right through him.
"Dude, I just-"
"No!" Mack interrupted, now getting up with significant effort.
"No way. You're not bailing! The whole thing was your idea!"
"I don't think that's techincally true..." Rafe trailed off, but he knew his friend was right.
Theta Poker Night - a new tradition Rafe had suggested when the brothers were trying to find ways to make cash. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Get all the rich kids on campus, pour some good booze and take all their money. A fool proof plan. Untill the man of the hour got distracted by his "Mystery Girl". Mack was not having it.
"Dude you and Aiden are the best players we have and I'm pretty sure Aiden's last win was entirely owed to beginners luck! Do. Not. Blow this for us!" Mack was shaking his shoulders now, trying to convince him he's serious. The stakes were high. The money pot so good. There's absolutely no way Rafe can abandon them now.
Rafe was groaning. This is the last thing he wanted to do today. He wanted to spend the day with her. Not in a sausage fest ripping off frat bros. He wanted to be with her. Just her. Always her. Fucking fuck!
"Mystery Girl!" Mack yelled out facing Jade then.
"Can you please tell your boyfriend he cannot abandon his brothers in their hour of need?"
Y/N had been observing the interaction with feigned nonchallance but infinitely curious. Mildy amused as well, perhaps.
"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" She pointed to herself and Mack looked at her incredulously.
"My name isn't Mystery Girl." She was fucking with him.
"Oh I know. But Rafe refused to tell me your name so that's just what we call you now."
"We?" Y/N questioned, holding back a smirk.
"Yeah. The frat brothers. We have a poll going. My money's on Diana." He gave her a toothy grin, and she knew he was joking.
"How much money are you losing?" She smirked then and he laughed.
"Damn it! Break a guy's heart." Rafe couldn't handle this interaction any longer.
"Yeah it's very funny. But we do need to go now." He pushed Mack away from her and pulled her back towards the door again, hoping to be done with this torture.
"Have him back by four, Mystery Girl!" She chuckled and waved at Mack, throwing out a "No promises." over her shoulder as they finally left the house.
The sweet promise of breakfast and the whole morning together filled them both with warmth and anticipation. His hand in hers fit so well and it made her tummy fill with butterflies as she followed him back to her car. Butterflies. It seemed childish but it rang true. He was trouble and she loved it. He had a blush on his face as they walked hand in hand down the streets, together, for anyone to see. It was making his head spin. She was trouble and he loved it.
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @r0und3bitch @illicitfixations @mentallynot-here @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @goldenjo @emeloyy @kanib45 @clinelyn @magnificantmermaid @hey-sunrisee @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @bookaholics-stuff @zzzina7 @fangirlwithlou @namelesssav @rafesxgold @cmac-writes @malfoytargaryen @alinaharlow @mveggieburger @theyluvmesblog @withbeautyandrage @sierrahhh @harrys-humble-housewife @piceous21 @vifuckingp @ditzyballerina @xoxo3m1ly @jessmaybank @mutual-mendes @palmwinemami
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cybrpwup · 1 year
ꜱɪᴄᴋ || ʏᴜᴍɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Yumi x reader !
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content warnings; none summary; yumi is sick :( Requested?; no
"Helloo" I open the door to the group house and step inside. The house seemed still and everything was silent. usually the boys were up and about and definitely never this quiet. "Blake?" I call out once more and hear a very quiet groan coming from up the stairs.I climb the stairs and approach the door and knock lightly and another groan comes from the other side of the door, "Blake?" I open the door and see my boyfriend bundled up in his covers. I almost couldn't tell he was there he was almost completely covered in blankets, only his faced poked out from underneath. "Oh my god, Blake it's... " I glance at the time on my phone, "1:00 pm, you need to get out of bed" I pester him and he just groans again. "Blake, don't ignore me" stepping closer to him I can see his cheeks are red and his forhead glistens with sweat. "Oh no..." I reach my arm towards him and feel his forehead with the back of my hand, "You're sick, why didn't you tell me?"He shifts to sit up, "sorry I didn't wanna bother you, I knew you'd wanna take care of me" I squint my eyes at him, "damn right I would, wait here" I walk out quickly and hear him sigh.
I enter the kitchen and look in the cupboards, "yes! perfect" I grin and grab a can of chicken noodle soup from off the shelf. Fortunately I know the kitchen like the back of my hand, and I locate a can opener and a small pot.Once I'm done making the soup I bring it into the bedroom, I also brought with me cold medicine. "Sit up I made you soup" he looks over at me and smiles, "thanks." he laughs and reaches for the bowl but I grab it away "baby no, you don't need to feed yourself" I flash a grin and bring the spoon to his mouth. "Y/n I'm not a child, I can feed myself" his voice sounded raspy due to his nose being plugged.
"You're sick, just relax" I pout and he sighs, bringing his mouth to the spoon and eating the warm soup. "See that wasn't so bad" I giggle and ruffle his hair already very messy hair."so where is everyone? they left you here sick and alone." I pouted my bottom lip as I slid his hair off his forehead and placed a kiss. "Nick, Larry and Tanner are vlogging I think and Isaac is probably in his room." He answered Once he's done eating all of the soup I give him medicine and get a warm cloth to put on his head. "Ok get some rest, the sooner you feel better the sooner we can cuddle again".
Yumi had been tossing and turning in bed for an hour and I couldn't watch him roll around anymore. I had been sitting at his desk watching over him. I walk over to his bed and look down at his face. Even though he looked uncomfortable he still looked really cute. He was so pretty.I lift the covers and crawl in beside him before he can object. He makes a startled noise and I wrap my arms around him, aswell as my legs around his. "Y/n you're gonna get sick" he tries to pull away but I hold onto him, "if you get me sick you can take care of me" I mutter into his chest and he finally wraps his arms around me. "Ok but don't say I didn't warn you" I can hear his smile and I run my fingers through the back of his fluffy hair, as he pulls me into a fervent kiss, long and full of emotion making us smile against each other before pulling away as he softly drags his thumb against my bottom lip.
He opened his mouth to say something but was quickly cut off by a knock at his door; The boys had come back home. Yumi got up from his spot with a groan and opened the door. I stood up after him, standing behind the door listening to Isaac say something about a capybara. I peeked my head around the door to see Larry holding up a t-shirt with a sloth on it only for Yumi to proceed to rip the shirt in half, "oh my. . ." I finally spoke, stepping out of the doorway and finally being noticed by the other guys "Y/n!" Nick pointed the camera at you "I'm sorry we didn't mean to disturb" He teased and the others joined in. "Grow up, idiots." I shot back, feeling Yumi squeeze my hand; he wanted to go back to bed. I turn to him for a moment, silently letting him know he can go back in and I'll be right behind him, "Wait before you go, Y/n," Larry runs down the stairs before quickly climbing back up them with a stuffed shark, "this guy is for you." He holds it out to me like it's a ring and he's just proposed, "oh shit, thanks. hes so cute i love him." I hold him in front of my face before pulling it into my chest. eventually I return to the room after telling everyone to quiet down and let my beloved sleep. he reaches out his arms and make grabby hands at me, I comes closer and he pulls me down on him. I throw the plush behind him and wrap my arms around his middle. He places a kiss on my forehead as i rest my head on his chest. "Once you're feeling better we should do something" I suggest running my fingers through his brown curly hair, he hums in response sleepily and we lay in silence, though it wasn't too late I knew he needed the sleep.His breathing gets slower after a while of laying together. He's fallen asleep, so I switch off the TV, that had been playing SpongeBob, and kiss the top of his head, smiling at his sleeping form. Pulling out my phone I take a picture of him laying on me since it was really cute. Eventually, my eyes begin drooping and my head is harder to keep held up so I put down my phone beside me, Yumi squeezes me slightly and soon I fall asleep too.
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melanieph321 · 1 year
Ruben Dias x Reader - Undress Me
This picture was so intense. I had to write somthing about Ruben being this up close to you.
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Summary - Reader feels insecure to attend an event with Ruben and his friends.
You groaned as the forth dress you tried on made you look like potato wrapped in a pink sheet.
"Can I see?" Ruben said from behind the curtains to the changing rooms. He had been so patient with you, bringing you a new dress whenever you threw the other ones out.
"No." You said. The fact that Ruben kept bringing you dresses twice as small as your exual size was a little insulting.
"Why not?" He poked his head through the curtains despite your protests.
"Don't look at me. I look like a cow stuffed into a dress."
Ruben frowned. "No you don't. You look beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you supermodel friends."
Ruben paused. "What?"
You ignored him and turned back to the mirror. The lightning in the changing room did you no good. You thought that everything about your body was wrong and was ready to fake an illness not to attend this private event tonight. It was hosted by Rubens friend from Portugal, along with his wife, a multimillionaire jeweler. All of Rubens friends had cool jobs. They were professional footballers, supermodels or multimillionaire entrepreneurs. And then there was you, a newly graduate, with a bachelor degree in communications.
"Y/N" Ruben shut the curtains behind you as he joined you in the changing room, it was a fancy store so the dressing rooms were big enough for the both of you. He tilted his head in search for your eyes, but you made it hard for him to meet them.
"Why would you say somthing like that?" He said.
"Like what?" You lifted your head. Rubens eyes were kind and understanding. But there was also somthing else, somthing bothering him.
"Ruben" You said, voice small and fragile. "I think I might be coming down with something."
You stepped back in suprise as Ruben stepped forwards. The cold mirror hit your back as Ruben pressed his palm to your forhead.
"Feels alright to me."
You sighed and removed his hand. "It's not a fever. I think I'm coming down with a cough." You held a hand to your throat.
"Y/N." Ruben sighed. "What's this really about? Don't you like my friends, is that what this is about?"
You could see the hurt in his eyes. Rubens friends meant the world to him. He was a very private person so when he finally introduced you to them it made you feel so special. But it also made you feel very out of place. Like Ruben had really lowered his standards with you. Ruben was the kind of guy that could have any girl he wanted, supermodel or not. However he chose you, some girl he met on a beach walk in Portugal.
"Your friends are amazing." You whispered. Ruben stood close enough for you to knock your forhead against his torso. You stayed like that, gazing at the floor.
"Why does it feel like that is a problem?" He said, allowing a hand to stroke your cheek.
"Because it is. I'm not like them Ruben. I'm just..." You gasped as Ruben tilted your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. He looked angry.
His eyes searched your face, confused to as why you would say something like that about yourself. You usually carried yourself with such pride and confidence. What happened?
"You're not like them." He nodded. "Not even close."
Right then and there you wanted to drop dead. Did he really have to rubb it in your face?
"You are the love of my life. To me there is no one like you. Who you are, your heart. I haven't found that in anyone I've ever met, not even my closest of friends."
"Ruben." You breathed. He had called you many things but never that. "I love you too."
He smirked, then his eyes wandered down your body. "Do you like this dress?"
You shook your head.
"Do you want me to get you another one?"
Again, you shook your head.
He chuckled.
"I'll find a better one in my closet at home."
"Alright. Let me help you get out of this one then."
"Ruben!" You squirmed. His fingers lifted up the skirt of your dress, catching you by surprise. "Not in here."
"People could hear." You said, biting down on your lip. Rubens hands were still caressing your thighs, begging you to give him the green light.
"I'll keep quiet if you will." He said.
"You know I won't be able to do that." You laughed.
He raised a brow. "No?"
Your hand stretched for the back of his neck, pulling his face closer. "No." You whispered. "It would be impossible."
A fire was lit in his eyes. He bent down to kiss your naked collarbone before creating some distance between you. As he stepped away you noticed the bulge in his pants. Rubens hand even traced the tip of it, not ashamed to show you what your teasing did to him. You almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
"Come here." You said, seducing him with a curved finger. Ruben did what he was told, approaching you but paused before he stood close enough to touch you. Perhaps he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to resist to.
"On your knees." You commanded.
Again, he did what he was told, his eyes never diverging from yours.
Once he was down on his knees, with you gazing down on him, you lifted your thigh to rest on his shoulder. Ruben wrapped his arm around it to keep you steady. Your back arched against the cold mirror as he began to kiss your inner thigh, the sweet noise echoing within the dressing room.
"Fuck." You sighed, as Ruben wrapped up the kissing by hooking your panties with his finger, pushing them to the side to reveal your excitement for him. You peered down to see his face buried between your thighs. His eyes looked foggy, almost hypnotized. You gasped as his tounge licked across your glistering folds the pleasure almost too intense to handle.
"Ruben please." You gasped.
"Be quiet." He groaned.
You slapped your hand against your mouth, whislt the other one ran through Ruben's hair. The mirror scratched behind you as Ruben pressed you against it, pushing you up, whilst he ate you out like a man starved.
"Please Ruben I'm....I'm..." His hands were underneath your dress, grabbing your ass whislt you reached your peak. You brought both of your hands to cover your mouth, screaming his name against your skin. Ruben left you to slump down the mirror but leand forward to kiss you once the two of you sat on the floor.
"Now let's get out of here." He laughed.
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butter-egg-toast · 4 months
Anon ask: Free men reacted to getting called handsome by you (female s/o) or you giving or them a compliment. Thanks
🧈 butter note: Hey 👋 all, I'm back. (A little) My health is doing a little bit better for the new year. So I decided to write ✍️ ☺️. So enjoy
💝💘 Happy Valentines Day💝💘
-----"Ahh, you're so handsome♡♡♡♡"-Y/n----
💕Taken a back by your comment. These guys come off really awkward, but inside, they are super giddy. He's definitely the type that doesn't know how to react to it. Sometimes, they have a hard time taking the Compliment
Haru: "Uhm....thanks.. umm.." He pulls you in an awkward, yet loving hug. "You're cute too," he whispers in your neck. "H-haru that tickles!!"
Sousuke:" Uh, thanks....you too." he sits there in a moment of silence going back to his reading. "Umm. Y/n... .do you want to go out to dinner? It will be my treat, "  He spoke in his usual uneventful voice. "Uh... sure. that's random, but okay.!"
Hiyori: "Uh. Do you think so? I wouldn't think as far as handsome, but thank you." he gives you a half smile. "Ahh. Don't be humble!" You crossed your arms. "Sorry. I'm used to people complimenting other qualities that I have, thank you y/n" he kisses your cheek.
💕These guys would definitely become super flirty with you. The type that's used to Compliments and know how to handle them.
Kisumi : "I'm well aware of that." he comes put his arm around you. "But hearing it come from you makes me excited." "Um.. okay? What do you mean exactly?" You look up to him. "Ah y/n, you're making this too easy." he places his hand around your chin, lifting it towards  him and kisses you.
Natsuya: "Well, thank you. I hear compliments from  everyone. But hearing it come from you gets me going. "Eh?! What do you mean? Your face scrunched up. "Don't you worry about those details." he winks at you, throwing his arm around your shoulder
💕Super shy and nervous after hearing you say it, most likely would continue to remember it after a week.
Makoto: "Ahhh.... thank you *blush* that caught me off guard..." He turns around, covering his face with his hands. "Aww, you're so adorable Makoto♡♡ " You teased him further by poking his back. "Y/n! I'm not!!"
Rei: " Well, thank you, I have tried a new skin routine in the mornings," he pushes his glasses in confidence. "And I love that you notice my beauty," his glasses fog up. "Ptff!! You burst out laughing. "You're too cute, Rei."
Ikuya: "Geez, don't say that out loud. ".. he gets super embarrassed covering his flushed face. "I like hearing your thoughts about me. It makes me feel fluffy inside." Yet again, ikuya gets embarrassed but at his own words. "Ha... yeah, I'll share more with you. "
Aii: "y-you think I'm handsome.... um.. I think you're beautiful... can I kiss you?" He walks towards you, kissing you on your lips. "Oh, someone's bold today♡." You flashed a cheeky grin. "Yes... I'm feeling confident after your comment, "
💕 These guys are a mixture of all three: flirty, embarrassed, and nonchalant. Also, they try their best to act cool and try not to show how happy they are.
Rin: "Thanks....um yeah *scratch neck* You're very pretty too...and sexy." He spoke the last part in a low tone. " Uh huh, what was that last part?" You poke his cheek playfully. "..nothing!!"
Kaede "tsk...... I don't care about that stuff, whatever, " he walks away, but you can clearly see his red ears. "Ahh... you remind me of a stray cat, " you mumble. "Huh?! " He WhipsHis head back to you. " Oh, nothing...♡ " You walked away while chuckling to yourself. "The hell so funny!"
Asahi: " Huh?!.. well coming from you it make me think I'm special" he blushes. "Aww, your reaction is so cute, Asahi," you teased. "I want to hear more of your encouraging words." he wraps his arms around you.
Nao: " Oh? that caught me off guard. Thank you. You're also beautiful, y/n. " he kisses your forhead. "Using your charm on me as always." You began to become flustered "Charm? What charm? You started it, " he giggles at your response
💕 They get super happy. 100% will give you affection throughout the day. They feel more seen and special.
Momo:  REALLY?!! You really mean it??!!" He comes up giving you a bear hug. "I'm super happy!!! Hearing that from a CUTE girl like you! " he swings you around. "M-momo chill out.. and put me down!!!"
Nagisa: "Handsome!!! he lifts his chin."Hey! What else do you like about me?! " He flash you his  puppy eyes. "Uuhh, I love the way you swim... and you have cute, silky hair. " You ruffled his hair. "Mmhh... y/n... "He pouts while crossing his arms, then his Demeanor changes. "You're so precious.. Come here!!" He jumped at you open arms for a hug
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poppy-metal · 2 years
poppy u have me obsessed with balls in a way i never thought i would be. can’t stop thinking about eddie’s balls. his big heavy balls dragging over your forehead, resting on my eyes as he has you laying with my head hanging off the bed so he can fuck you throat. balls balls balls 😵‍💫 getting to lay there on your tummy on the bed between his legs and leave little kitten licks , squeezing and kissing them. while your other hand just lazily strokes him until he cums. feeling his balls tighten in your hand. i wanna worship this man’s balls and it’s your fault.
laying on your back, with your head tipped over the edge of the bed watching eddie. he looks. so good today, he'd tied his hair up in a messy bun because its so humid out, even though hes still wearing all black. black jeans, black t shirt. the arms cut off so you can his the light felx of his forearms as he writes down lyrics. the back of his neck is damp with sweat, flyaway hairs sticking to it. his tongue is poked out in concentration. you want his dick so bad.
eddie suddenly spins his pen around and tosses it on his deck, leaning back to stretch. his shirt rides up, shows his tummy and the light smattering of hair that leads from his bellybutton down his pelvis, dissappearing into the band of his jeans. he cracks his fingers, "i just came up with the best lyric in all of history." he says, grinning at you, "you're dating a rockstar. an upcoming sex icon, if you will."
you bite your lip, "I'd hang your poster above my wall."
eddie stands up, shirt falling back down, and makes his way over to you. you stay in position, reaching your hands out to grab his hips when he's close. his crotch is tantalizingly close to your face.
he looks down at you, "yeah? my little dedicated fan, are you?"
you thumb at his belt, tug on it. "I'd probably masturbate to it, to be real with you. every night."
eddie lets out a sharp breath, eyes darkening from light humor to molten lust. his hands come down to help you unbuckle his belt, pulling it through the loops. "every night, huh." he echoes, "so i got myself a crazed groupie."
you nod, dazed. you can't really concentrate when you're upside down and eddies pulling his beautiful cock out. he shimmies his jeans down, not all the way, just enough that his heavy cock bobs free, the denim rucked up under his flushed balls.
he grips himself at his base. "what kind of fantasies is my little groupie having, then? hm?"
you lick your lips, the head of his cock is dewy and wet. a little bead of precum pearls at his pink slit. you squeeze your thighs together.
"d-definitely" you pause. swallow. "definitely fantasize about letting you use me."
eddie hums, tipping his cock forward and rubbing his spongy head along your slick lips, you dart your tongue out to catch that bead of cum. hungry.
"god, that's hot." he grits. "little girl all alone in her room thinking about letting me use her as a cocksleeve. put a pillow between your thighs. i wanna see you go crazy for it."
you do as he says, leaning up briefly to fish for a pillow and then squeezing your thighs around it. you put your head back in position, moaning when he shuffles forward and feeds his flushed cock into your open mouth.
his heavy sack comes to rest on your eyes, fleshy and soft. you moan ane gurgle around him, spit bubbles already forming around the seam of your lips around him.
you hear him groan above you, you can't see it but he's holding his shirt up with one hand, so he can look down his naked chest and see the buldge his cock is leaving in your flexing throat. he grinds his pelvis forward, so his balls dance across your forhead, twin sacks moving across your face and smushing against it.
"fuck." he hisses, "fuck i need you to lick my balls, hold still for me-"
he drags his cock out, cooing at how you cough and sputter, spit dripping down your nose into your hairline. messy.
hes leaning forward in the next moment, kicking his jeans the rest of the way off so he can straddle the bed, his knees on either side of your head.
he uses your spit to jerk his cock, flushed red with blood and throbbing, the movement making his balls bounce just over your head.
"show me how loyal you are." he grunts, lowering himself. "fuck. show me why you're my number #1 fan, sweetheart. worship your idols balls for him. get em' all messy."
he moans when your mouth closed around his sack, sucking eagerly. "thats it." he whines. "such a dirty girl." he moves up, and you lay your tongue out, whimpering when he just smushes his balls against your nose, runs them all over your face, getting them wet with your spit and drool.
"you worship me so well, baby. my special girl. letting me make her all messy, just stay like that. m'gonna cum-"
when he cums, you close your mouth around his balls again, feel them jerk on your tongue as they empty.
"you're amazing. holy shit-" you feel him rubbing his cum over your nipples, smearing it in, as you lazily suckle him dry. "baby."
he wheezes. groans, when your tongue laves over his sack. "fuck, i love my fans."
you dig your nails into his thighs. "you, especially."
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lady-ashfade · 6 months
Our Song Bird
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—£ Yan!Class 1A x Pop!Singer!Reader
—£ Ask: ‘YAn CLASS 1A WITH KPOP IDOL READER’ with this one I went with just a famous singer, not familiar with kpop. And yes, I got permission to change it! @serxinns who asks this was!
—£ Warnings: Stalking, Yandere Behavior, Obsession, Short Story, Slight!dark themes? Idk, but really.
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The class is stunned when you enter the class room and they all stare at you. They know that shiny hair, lips and eyes and stunning features anywhere. The famous Y/n, the singer/song writer who they all had posters of.
The girls squeal in excitement and feel their cheeks flush with heat and their head getting light. The boys blush at how cute you look.
Even Bakugo who claims he doesn’t listen to pop music but he secretly has all your albums and music videos you are in- Even hides a poster he bought that was signed.
The public never knew your quirk because you kept it well hidden so it surprised them all to see you here. As a new classmate.
You knew joining would make you the center of attention but Aizawa promised to keep it at bay…But they all couldn’t help it. They swarmed around you to ask everything about your quirk and why you decided to join (Or to sign their merch)
The thing is that they already had a crush on you and now you are near them…Makes them go crazy. They get to be near one of the most famous person in Japan, the cutest person they ever saw with a voice of a god.
They protect you from everyone else in the school and let no one even get to look at you, they circle around you.
They also love when you sing and they just stare in awe and watch you closely.
It’s easy to turn on their charm to make you trust them so their red flags get blown pass you. They are just a lot to handle and it’s probably a you problem, it’s not them!
Their obsession gets worse that they start to have more and more things with your face pop up. Or, they steal your perfume/cologne and spray it own their own things.
The internet freaks out when you post less and less and the only time you post is with your friends. They make sure to that only they get to see what you do.
“Dumbass, you need to focus on your studies instead of posting shit all damn day.”
They follow you around everywhere, and I mean everywhere. They are always in the shadows to watch you closely when you think your alone.
Weeks go by and you notice you start to lose things more and no matter how hard you look they are no where to be found. When you ask them about it they just shrug and say nothing helpful.
“You’re probably just forgetful, I know how much your brain thinks.” Ochako pokes you forhead, “Have so much in there it’s make you so clumsy too.”
“Have you looked under your bed? I lose things all the time down there.” Denki laughs and goes back to what he was doing.
If you happen to have been in a group/band they would cut you off from them slowly then all the way. They see them as a threat and are glady to blackmail the members to leave you alone.
When you hum to yourself you always have a feeling of being watched. And you are right, they are somewhere and taking a video of you to listen to later
Their brains start to actually think they are dating you.
“Can’t believe I get to date Y/n L/n.”
Slowly start to get more touchy with you and make you stay attached to their hips. You are cut off from singing anywhere else then in the dorms or for them.
“Our little song bird, can’t believe we are so lucky.” Mina gushed and rubbed her cheek against yours. “Such a cutie!”
A group of fans get their chance and don’t let it slip…No matter how darning it is. Or if you want it.
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thiccweebtrash · 2 years
Cursed Father, Strongest Mother - Daddy Put Down
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((Idk I kind of wanted to do another!))
- "Sorry King, running late, I'll need you to put (s/ n) to bed tonight, love you <3~" the text read, causing his brows to furrow in annoyance.
- He was the greatest jujutsu sorcerer, even better then Gojo freaking Sataru, a merciless killer, a man who only held his own (and yours though he'd never admit it) interests above all others, and had no regard for anything or anyone else, now sat on the floor beside a small bed being used as a jungle gym for a three year old.
- "Daddy will I have four arms like you?" (S/n) asked, Sukuna stretch two of his arms out so his son could stand on one of his bottom arms while using a top one to keep his balance.
- "No." Sukuna said, watching the child climb up his arms till he as sitting on his fathers shoulder. "What about four eyes?" He asked, poking at on of sukuna bottom eyes. Annoyed Sukuna grabbed the boy carefully by his legs and tossed him back onto the bed, where he let out a shriek.
- Sukuna tensed, he didn't think he was rough enough to harm his child, it was his child after all, the kid should be indestructible. A loud laugh followed after along with a "daddy do that again!" Causing him to ease and even a small smile cracked on his lips as he stood, he cradled the boy in his top arms, while crossing his bottom ones.
- "again you say?" Sukuna chuckles a little dark and drops his top arms out from under the boy and he once again falls to the bed, hysterically laughing. "Daddy! That's fun!" He shrieked out!
- After a few more times then Sukuna put a firm hand on (s/n) small shoulder to hold him down. "It's time to sleep, now do so." Sukuna ordered.
- "but I'm thirsty." (S/n) piped. "You had water ten minutes ago, no."
- "but daddy I have to pee." The King let out an annoyed sigh, "fine let's go."
-once back in his son's room, sukuna once more put him on the bed. "Mommy reads me a book," (s/n) says, grabbing one from his night stand. "Can you read me this one?" He hold up Love you Forever.
- "I'm not reading anything, go to bed."
-"but daddy please?" He begs. Continuing to beg until Sukuna's already warn patients became even more thin. "Fine..." He growls out and reads him the book, his voice unamused and monotoned the whole time.
- "the end, I am done with these usless excuses, sleep. Now." He once more ordered his son. "Mommy tucks me in after and gives me a kiss here." (S/n) points to his forhead. "I am not your mother." The King growls back. "But I can't sleep if you don't tuck me in."
- "Then stay up all night for all I care! Just don't leave this room." Sukuna growled. He was about to slam the door, but stopped when he saw the sad look on his son's face. "You're my child, wipe that look from your face." Fat tears welled up, and something in the Curses chest tugged with a strange emotion.
- he let out a long and drawn out sigh and went back to the kid's bedside, tucking him in and reluctantly leaning in the kiss his forehead.
- quickly (s/n) jumped up and hugged his small arms around his fathers neck. Sukuna's eyes widened in shock and he froze a moment unsure of what to do. "I love you daddy." (S/n) whispered. The kings arms moved on their own, hugging his son back. "Yeah..."
- after shutting the child's doors, he stood there a moment, confused at what had occurred, what confused him the most, was the warming feeling he had about it, and that he didn't entirely hate it. He walked to his thrown room, his son's words repeating in his head like a mantra. Lips raising in an ever slight smile.
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cheesy09 · 3 months
[CN] Kiro's Four-Leaf Clover Date
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This date was translated with the help of Google Translate :>]
Do note that this date takes place just some time after Kiro's Soundwaves Mind's Quest :>
[PART 1]
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February 13th, 4 p.m.
I push open the door to my house and sneakily poke my head through the door crack to look around.
MC: Kiro...?
Seeing that the living room is still quiet, I breathe a sigh of relief and pull in the trailer of express delivery behind me.
Taking in the small mountain of express delivery and shopping bags, I roll up my sleeves and briefly put them in order.
MC: Ingredients, cola, decorations...
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. After having just returned from Los Angeles, we decided to spend the holiday at home, having a big meal and watching a movie together.
But even so... I was still keen on preparing some surprises for him to make the day more special.
So before he got off work, I asked for leave and snuck back.
Looking at the stuffed refrigerator, I elatedly pick up a few of the express boxes and walk towards the storage room, ready to hide them first.
At one step away from the storage room, a panicked silhouette suddenly flashes down from the second floor. I shiver in fright before I finally take a look at the person gasping for air in front of me.
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Kiro stands in front of me wrapped in a bath towel, his slightly heaving chest still dripping with water droplets. His hair appears half wet, as if he was only halfway through washing it.
MC: You - Weren't you supposed to be filming tonight? Why are you back?
I feign composure and quietly hide the express box in my arms behind my back and press it against the wall.
Stunned, he awkwardly rubs his forhead.
Kiro: Finished work early and came back. What about you? Didn't you say you had to work overtime today...?
MC: Ah! My meeting was temporarily canceled... But I was afraid of interrupting your shoot, so I came back without telling you, haha~
At that moment, Kiro seems to notice something and looks behind me.
Kiro: What are you holding behind you?
MC: Oh, it's nothing, just a parcel. I was planning on putting it in the storage room.
I move to open the door, but Kiro suddenly grabs a hold of my wrist.
He seems to be taken aback by his own reaction for a moment. He then slowly lets go of my hand and scratches his head with a dry smile.
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Kiro: Wait, do go in just yet... Uh, it seems like a super invincible insect ran inside!
He feigns a horrified expression and gestures to me about the "body size" of the insect to be the size of a fist. I immediately shrink my neck in fear.
MC: Are you serious? That's terrifying....
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Kiro: Of course. It looks terrifying as well.
Kiro: So give me the boxes. Once I'm done with it, I'll put them in for you.
Seeing him reach out to take away my box, I immediately duck away and point to the small balcony with a smile.
MC: I'll put them on the small balcony by myself~ You can go finish off your shower. You won't feel good if you catch a cold later.
MC: Just take your time taking care of the bugs~
Kiro: Don't worry, I'll quickly take care of it and then go wash off. Otherwise, if I leave you alone with it on the first floor, you'll definitely be scared.
MC: All right!
The very next second, we each scurry away in separate directions.
Kiro runs into the storage room with a bang, and I return to the door and hide away all the remaining "surprises" on the small balcony.
In order for it to avoid being discovered, I throw several plastic covers on top of it.
In the distance, I hear the sounds of ping-ping-pong-pong come from the storage room, as if a fierce battle between human and insects is taking place.
[PART 2]
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With the festivities of the Spring Festival still ongoing, clusters of fireworks bloom in the night sky.
Considered that he'd unexpectedly hindered my plans, I tentatively decide to wait until he falls asleep to put my plan into action.
But with the fireworks being so loud, such an environment doesn't seem very conducive for a peaceful slumber...
Wanting to see if he's asleep, I open my eyes to sneak a peek, but am unexpectedly met with a pair of sparkling orbs.
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Kiro: Are the fireworks too loud for you to sleep?
MC: ...Yeah.
MC: And you? You seem to be in a good mood...
After I give a wry smile, I see him turn around and grab a pair of earplugs from the bedside table. He puts one into my ears.
The tight touch instantly fills my eardrums, quietly dissipating the sound of fireworks in the distance.
Kiro: I'm not sleepy, but I do want to be a good and energetic boyfriend tomorrow.
Kiro: So I've gotta go to bed early and recharge my batteries~
I chuckle and point at our other lonely ears.
MC: What about the other ear? How about I go to the living room and find another pair of earplugs.
Kiro: By the time to come back from your trip, the bed will get cold again...
He wraps his arm around my waist and prompts me to lie face to face with him, pointing at our ears that are pressed to the pillow.
Kiro: We'll just use physical noise reduction so that we can watch each other sleep without irritating our ears. Kill two birds with one stone.
And just like that, we smile and gaze at each other in this quiet world until our eyelids start to droop.
So as to not fall asleep, I press my fingertips into my palms and rehearse in my mind the surprise I would give him.
But when I open my eyes again, the clock on the bedside table has silently moved a few paces forward. It's almost dawn.
My eyes widen in fright, my heart beats rapidly, and I gasp... I almost overslept.
While I'm glad that I managed to wake up in time, I quietly look at the person next to my pillow. His long and even breaths fall softly by my ear, telling me that he is peacefully asleep.
I breathe a sigh of relied, slowly pull away his palm and tiptoe out of bed.
Looking at the slippers on the ground, I hesitate for two seconds and decide to go barefoot.
This way I don't have to worry about waking him up~
Soon, I come to the small balcony and quietly open the express boxes one by one.
Picnic blanket, star lamp, bear pendant, projection cloth, projector... After confirming that everything was in place, I take out the USB flash drive from my bag.
Knowing that it contained the "love montage" that I carefully edited with him in mind, I am unable to keep myself from shaking it with joy.
MC: Hum hum, just wait till I sweep you off your feet, Kiro~
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I pick up the projection cloth and the projector and walk into the yard. The fireworks outside had long since stopped, and there wasn't a hint of silver in the sky.
By the light of the flashlight I placed on the lawn, I carefully set up the venue for the outdoor screening.
MC: It's a good thing that we haven't picked up Apple Box and Cello from Savin's place yet, or else they'd have been barking and meowing next to my feet...
Perhaps due to how quiet it was, I couldn't help but talk to myself.
At that moment, by the light of the flashlight, I catch something swaying in the wind. I bend and squat down curiously.
MC: Is this... a four-leaf clover?!
Looking at this legendary "lucky" symbol lying in a tuft of grass, I reach out my hand and gently stroke it with joy and astonishment.
MC: Strange, why is this here in the yard?
MC: Did Apple Box secretly bring it from outside and then it took root here?
Just as I plan on waiting for Kiro to wake up and share this "discovery", I suddenly feel something in my heart and start laughing.
Then, I take the bear pendant from the decoration and place it next to it, marking the spot.
MC: When it get's brighter, I'll share it with him in a better way~
Saying this, I stand up, clap my hands and walk towards the storage room, ready to take out the tent and set it up.
But as soon as I walk to the door, I am suddenly reminded of something and my fingertips fearfully stop on the doorknob.
The bugs... he should have taken care of them, right?
[PART 3]
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After mentally preparing myself several times, I slowly push open the door and turn on the light - and the very next second, I am left stunned in place.
The sweet fragrance of flowers washes over me, making me feel like I have seen all of spring.
The room is filled with neatly arranged flowerpots, and the blooming flowers sway in the wind, just like a Monet oil painting.
The humidifier placed in the corner kept spraying water mist, blurring my vision again and again.
Looking at this sea of flowers, I almost forget that this storage room was once covered in iron shelves.
In my prolonged state of shock, someone suddenly hugs me gently around the waist and pulls me into a warm embrace.
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Kiro: I didn't expect you to find out...
Kiro: My plan was to secretly move them to the yard tomorrow.
Kiro: Then I'd appear like a magician again, and tell you that spring was coming~
He mumbles, not seeming to be fully awake yet, and yawns several times while talking.
Looking at this sea of flowers, the scene from yesterday comes to mind again. His hurried figure and unnatural voice all seem to bear answers at this moment.
Turns out that this person also prepared a Valentine's Day surprise for me.
Suddenly, a hint of sweetness fills my heart. I turn around, smile and wrap my arms around the back of his neck.
MC: I wondered why you were acting a little strange this afternoon... So you were afraid that I'd find out in advance?
MC: You can just tell me directly. Even if it's not so perfect, I still like it a lot.
Kiro: Are you talking about me? Aren't you the same?
He half-closed his eyes and touched his nose against mine.
Kiro: What were you doing in the yard in the middle of the night? I saw you "jumping up and down" out there through the cracks in the curtain.
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MC: Eh? Did - did you see it all?
Kiro: Yep, there was a projector and a star lamp...
Kiro: MC, did you prepare a grand family outdoor movie for me?
Watching this person guess a lot of it at once, I deliberately pout.
MC: Unexpectedly, we didn't manage to hide out surprises from each other. How do I "salvage" this...
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Kiro: No need to ask, of course. I'll arrange the rest with you.
Kiro: Are you here to pick up the tent? I put it in the guestroom when I packed it up today. Come on.
MC: Now? Don't you want to sleep? I noticed that you haven't gotten a break since we got back from LA.
Kiro: I went to bed early last night on purpose~
Kiro: Besides, today is Valentine's Day, and I have to cherish every minute of it.
Just as Kiro is about to pull me away, he suddenly looks down as if noticing something.
Then he sighs, squat down and gently rubs my cold feet with both of his hands.
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Kiro: You're so silly, Miss Chips.
Kiro: Did you not wear your slippers on purpose because you were afraid of waking me up?
MC: Haha... Actually it's not that cold. Our home has floor heating.
Kiro: That's not okay.
As he mutters to himself, he picks me up slightly and lets me step on his soft slippers.
In an instant, we have seemingly turned into two little penguins, waddling towards the bedroom together.
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Kiro and I start working together to prepare our Valentine's Day plans.
First, we spread the flowers in the storage room all over the yard, and then take out the tent and set it up together. After smashing the last nail in place, I get into the tent and lie down tiredly.
MC: ....!
At that moment, I notice the ceiling of the tent covered with photos of us, just like the ones in the RV not long ago. Each photo has captured moments that have escaped my notice before--
There's a photo of me snoozing at the hotel in Los Angeles, half of my head covered by the quilt;
There was also one of me with a sad look on my face as I stood in front of a supermarket shelf, wondering which snacks to buy;
And then there was also one of me smiling as I raised a broom as a guitar while we were cleaning together;
Noticing that I haven't said anything, Kiro opens the flap and sees that I am already lying inside. He smiles helplessly.
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Kiro: I pasted them on the top of the tent on purpose, hoping that you'd find it later.
Kiro: Looks like you unexpectedly uncovered my final "trump card" in advance as well!
Seeing Kiro's mock "depression", I grin even more happily, sit up with crossed-legs and wink at him.
MC: Kiro, I'm especially grateful for one thing right now.
Kiro: ....?
MC: Fortunately, you and I aren't colleagues, otherwise we'd definitely be clashing every time we proposed topics for a program!
Kiro: Wait...! Did you also prepare a "photo wall"?
I shake my head mysteriously, pull him to the picnic blanket and point at the projection screen directly in front of me.
MC: Dear Mr. Kiro, are you ready to start a romantic day with me now?
[PART 4]
Just as Kiro is about to nod, he suddenly looks at me, then looks down at himself, and quickly stretches out his hands to shout stop.
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Kiro: Not yet, wait a minute, I'll be right back.
Watching him run off, I belatedly come to a realization, glance at my pajamas and scurry away immediately.
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In the dark cloakroom, we continuously rummage through all kinds of clothes.
Looking at each other's hurried and messy appearances, a sweetness gradually overtakes my heart, for some reason.
When it comes to "wanting the person you like to see your best side"... It seems that no matter how many times we repeat this, that original thrill and expectation will never be lost.
Finally, I manage to find a light pink dress in a cabinet filled with clothes.
At almost the same time, Kiro also puts on a clean and refreshing coat which exactly matches with the color of my outfit.
When we get back to the yard, we seat ourselves on the picnic blanket, shoulder to shoulder. I turn on the projector and play our "love movie"--
On the screen, two little bears jump towards each other from both sides of the screen and hug each other sweetly. Love bubble keep popping up on their little heads, and when they fall to the ground, they turn into pieces of golden potato chips.
Soon, cute lettering appears in the center of the screen-- "Little Bear Pictures".
Kiro suddenly laughs and pinches my palm in surprise.
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Kiro: Turns out that another surprise for me was hidden here.
MC: Very cute right~
MC: Although it's only around ten seconds long, I checked out a lot of special effects tutorials and worked on it for several days and nights before making it.
Kiro: It is very cute. But the you who prepares these surprises for me so earnestly... is the one who deserves first place!
Just as he's about to add something more, his eyes are drawn to screen in the next instance.
In the picture, there are countless moments of us.
Like the photos in the tent, here are countless aspects of "him" from my perspective.
Him sleeping quietly while holding Apple Box, or him happily making breakfast for me in the kitchen;
Also him bending down to repair the leaking water pipe seriously, and him earnestly writing his music scores in the study room;
But no matter which side of him he is, as long as I call his name...
He'd look back at me in an instant and give me the brightest smile.
I cannot help but take a peek at Kiro, and find him watching intently. Although he doesn't utter a work, the raised corners of his lips say everything.
After an unknown amount of time, our movie temporarily ends with the appearance of the subtitle "To be continued".
At this moment, the sky is completely bright, it's shine akin to that of a pearl's.
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MC: Happy Valentine's Day, Kiro.
MC: Although this festival happens every year, I still want to give you the best on this day.
MC: But I also know very well that even the best is not enough.
MC: So whether it's beautiful scenery, delicious food, or endless happiness... I want to give it all to you.
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Watching me speak with such confidence, Kiro smiles and strokes my forehead.
Kiro: Silly Miss Chips, you don't have to do anything. I'm already very happy.
MC: How can that be... You should know better than me, right?
MC: Giving everything to the person you like is another form of happiness.
MC: But we still got really lucky this time, because amongst thousands of people, the gods took notice of us~
MC: For He... He seems to be slightly touched by us and gave us a "gift"~
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Kiro: ....?
Within his doubtful gaze, I walk to the bear pendant with a smile and squat down.
There, stood a four-leaf clover swaying next to the bear. Different from what it was at night, it shines brightly in the sun now.
I take it off with a smile and then secretly weave the ring along its roots.
MC: Now, I want to give this "gift" to you.
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I turn around, walk up to him and put the woven four-leaf clover on his ring finger.
At that moment, his long eyelashes tremble slightly.
With the breeze bowing and the sun shining brightly, I seem to see the most beautiful scenery.
Kiro: MC.
Kiro: What if I said that this isn't a gift from God?
I look at Kiro, stunned as his smile gradually brightens. He slowly intertwines his fingers with mine and at the same time, speaks word by word.
Kiro: Actually, before we went to Los Angeles, I had already planned on letting you see the yard full of flowers on this day.
Kiro: But considering that I couldn't take care of them personally for a while, I had to change my plans.
He pauses and seems to think of something again, his eyes full of tenderness.
Kiro: But when I left the market, the shopkeeper gave me an extra pack of clover seeds as a gift. He told me that this was a plant that could grow without much care. While it is inconspicuous, it's also very strong.
Looking at the "ring" on his hand, I suddenly realize that it all seemed to be like "destiny".
Kiro: As a result, they grew successfully in the yard. However, I never expected that a single four-leaf clover would actually grow among them.
Kiro: I was thinking that even though it's so rare, it's still inconspicuous.
Kiro: As long as you're not paying attention, the past will be ignored.
Kiro smiles and gently caresses my skin in the sunlight.
Kiro: But, inadvertently, it might light up a moment or day in your future.
Kiro: Maybe when you and Apple Box are playing on the lawn, or when you're watering the flowers with me, or maybe when you are depressed and distressed...
Kiro: But no matter when it was, I believed that this moment would make you happy.
Kiro: I just didn't expect that when this moment came, I would be the happiest person.
Kiro's voice grows softer and softer, and I am unable to keep to myself from gently kissing him.
The four-leaf clover sways on our interlocked fingertips, like a silent and simple intention.
Maybe it will eventually wither and turn to dust one day.
But I believe that the moment it was given will continue in this world--
Until my eternity with him.
Masterlist: Here
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