ladilsa · 4 months
Get Higher, Faster & Stronger
Get Higher, Faster & Stronger. Beat yourself from yesterday rather than competing against others:
#higher #stronger #faster #foryourself #selfimprovement #ladilsa
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thecpdiary · 1 year
Not Everyone Is Happy For Your Success
Success is an emotive subject. I'm sure if you were to type into Google and ask why 'not everyone is happy for your success' you'd find pages of different reasons why if you are successful, other people are not happy for you.
For those striving for success, there may always be scrutiny, some would say hate. But it may be worth remembering that not everyone is going to be happy for your success, unless they too have met with success. It's all about intentionality. It's how the universe works.
Not everyone is happy for you
Others not being happy for your success, because they haven’t met with success, may add to them failing to achieve success.
But there is another way to think. The universal rule is that it gives back what we hand out. When you hand out happiness for someone else’s success, you're sowing a seed with the universe, that your intent is worthy, it's honourable and that helps you meet with success.
Now is the time to support
In a world where there is already an element of struggle in each of us, shouldn't now be the perfect time to pull back, act as a support, and just be happy for those who have met with success, so that we may recoup some of our own?
If you have worked hard and you have earned your success, know that it's okay that you reap the benefits of your success, in the hope that others will be happy and they will support.
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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luvwithkawa · 6 months
it was no secret that loving hinata shoyo was like waking to warm rays of sunshine on a summer morning, like watching the blazing and vibrant sunsets on the tops of moutians, laughing until your muscles start aching. He just had so much energy and bubbly happiness.
but no matter how much you wanted to lock away his inocent and happniess to keep it foryourself, you knew you had to share him. so you watch from afar, taking in his spirit and passion from a distance.
you watch all his games, all his ups and downs. you want to tell him that you’re here. youre here now and everything is going to be fine. 
but you cant
because in the end
you’re still on the other side of the screen.
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yellow-pikmin-posting · 9 months
hello pimkin yellotwthing
ifyou areleaving then iWanting tosay
we w.il, missyou ithink
if youwant To stay maynbe wecan stopfight i?ng nomore flat no eat no nutrientce dontwannabe nutrients
but pellet? wemake pelletsand eattogether and propangatoin
butif youare goingThen
*It leaves a small stone for the pikmin to take. It's a deep ruby red, with a complex crystalline structure. It emanates an immense sparklium aura with a unique wavelength. Moreover, its surface acts as a complex catalyst that gradually forms a potent spicy aroma around it.*
skyfolks willlike this makeThemhappy
orkeepit foryourself itis Up toyou. very pretty andtasty Spicy
be safe yellowfriend
mss me?
... havto go. promsised the others. that it d be safe there. sory. needto make sure freinds are safe there too. but ifwe have to go back. thankyou.
(They take the stone.)
... thgqnk you. this is nice. thnank you
will try to be safe
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mahvaladara · 1 year
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Maeve: Syra. You’re home late.
Syra: I went thrifting with Rashi. She bought a cute dress she wants to upcycle.
Maeve: Didn’t you get anything foryourself?
Syra: Nah. Hi Mittens, what you doing?
Dimitri: I am coloring!
Syra: Cool.
Maeve: Your dad’s outside, if you’re looking.
Syra: I was. Thanks mom.
Maeve: Syra, honey, how’s things in school? Your therapist called and-
Syra: It’s going to be okay, mom. Don’t worry. Rashidah is still my friend and I just got the okay that I can wear leggings for gym class. So, everything’s going to be okay.
Maeve: Alright. But if you need me to do anything, you can tell me hun. I’ll call the principle and have a talk, or we can change you schools if you’d like or-
Syra: Nah. It’s fine mom. For reals. I’m going to help dad.
Maeve: Don’t stay long. Dinner is almost ready.
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tsuuie · 11 months
sometimes u people will come uo with the absurd thiughta that can onlt come from extreme overthinking and its like. no???? i do not constantly grieve all my alternate dead past selves that i couldve been by choosing to go down 1 route in life?? is life truly so insular for u???? if you do this constantly then idk what to say dawg. youre kinda wastinf your time grieving your future without even committing to bettering it foryourself
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feelsblind · 1 year
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yaraasblog · 2 years
Build yourself by yourself foryourself
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babyawacs · 5 months
#keypoint haha a case study haha not an insult haha / itis a theme onthe show @snopes ‎.@pacificcommand .@pacif icsubs @pacificsubs @royalnavy .@ussocom @ussocom @afn @afnstuttgart @us_stratcom .@usnavy .@usmc #amithejerk youare a stxupid jerk yourwife loves you was a step away from breaking up estranging and somehow wrestled to reconsider tokeeptrying: thatone day she cannot try anymore you can ha ve itall foryourself yourself: allofit all. allbed both! ‎ t a l k toher listen which n e e e e e e e e d s doyou ignore whatdoyouoverlook doyoueven respect her‎
#keypoint haha a case study haha not an insult haha / itis a theme onthe show @snopes ‎.@pacificcommand .@pacificsubs @pacificsubs @royalnavy .@ussocom @ussocom @afn @afnstuttgart @us_stratcom .@usnavy .@usmc #amithejerk youare a stxupid jerk yourwife loves you was a step away from breaking up estranging and somehow wrestled to reconsider tokeeptrying: thatone day she cannot try anymore you can…
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existentialmagazine · 5 months
Review: Sophie Breton’s new soft folk-pop single ‘Nota Bene’ entangles warmth, emotion and familiarity in one bittersweet bubble
Born and raised in Quebec City, the upcoming artist Sophie Breton has found herself paving her own path since stepping foot onto the music scene, building upon the inspiration she found within many women in the industry. Since her first release in 2019, Sophie has always designed her work by grounding herself in themes of intimacy and emotive narratives, carrying through an indie/pop chill vibe that adds to their resonance. Now as she only looks to continue the momentum she’s ramped up, Sophie shares her latest offering ‘Nota Bene’, one of just two singles that have proceeded her first EP release in 2022.
It’s hard to pin down ‘Nota Bene’ in any one direction, tangled between tender and safe all at once as Sophie sets up a scene that’s all-too familiar, painting acoustic tones with brushstrokes of low candle-light, ambient solitude and a sound that embraces you like soft blankets to your ears. From the quick, finger-picked acoustic guitar riff that rings out with echoes of raw shifts in strings, to the haunting backing ‘ooh’s of Sophie’s that lull you gently into the soundscape, everything about ‘Nota Bene’ feels like the definition of home. Kept close to her heart and delicate in instruments, the track pushes forwards with just the addition of Sophie’s softly sung lines, doused in a light reverberance and a low-toned focus that seeps emotion through every quivering line. The cascading backing vocals continue to complement her words, an incredibly limited palette of sound and yet even more poignant for it.
Things push forwards as things move into the chorus, bringing in intermittent electric guitar strings that ring out through their slow plucks, accompanied by mesmerisingly bright piano keys that scatter undertones of hope and happiness within the more raw narrative. All the while the soundscape whirs around bouncing echoes of every instrument like their conjoined resounding were an instrumental piece of its’ own.
The narrative is just as sincere as the sound, singing a much-needed reminder to stay in the present moment, even when life can often have you overwhelmingly looking ahead or caught up in the past. This conflict between stress and ease plays out just as much in the sound, wrapping around Sophie’s dainty performance that bridges the gap between something achingly real and yet finding peace in being the most authentically, stripped-down version of yourself. Reflecting on these emotions, lyrics like ‘the past knows you did your best, the future holds your wishes’ absolutely soar, resonating deeply with audiences far and wide that need the reminder to stop lingering on the small details that needn’t be overthought. Continuing through lines like ‘sky is clearer than you thought’ , Sophie reminds that we often hold ourselves back out of fear, guiding you to really look at the present moment rather than becoming clouded by your mistakes or your goals you’re always too busy chasing.
Further lyrics continue this empowering message, sonically building a world that delivers nothing but safety and security, allowing listeners a respite that’ll always have their best interests at heart. If you’re in need of a cosy stop to rest, look within and feel a little less alone, there’s no better place to do it than the nearing three minute journey that is ‘Nota Bene.’ You’ll have to listen to it for yourself here though, as the listening experience is one made to be personal to you, wrapping you in comforting arms like the embrace of a friend when you need it most.
Written by: Tatiana Whybrow
Photo Credits: Unknown
// This coverage was supported and created via Musosoup, #SustainableCurator.
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maze-n · 9 months
i love to write and more than that i love #notebooks #journals, so i created a #blanknotebook with #rainbow lined interior pages. available in paperback or hardcover and you can check it out with the link below…. ✏️
#personaljournal #creativewriting #writingpoetry #notebookaddict #journaling #deepthoughts #creativejournaling #journalwriting #mythoughts #writeitdown #writenow #cre8ivegenius #maznsart #giftit #foryourself #buyitonamazon
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vshospitals · 1 year
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You care for people more than you do foryourself. We wish you good health, happiness and a cheerful birthdaycelebration.
Team VS wishes you a very Happy Birthday!
DR. K. V. SATHYANARAYANAN S A Consultant Physician and Diabetologist
#vshospital  #happyday  #happybirthday  #doctors  #chennai
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purpledahliadaisy · 2 years
#whoisthis #person #ingroup to #jealous❓ #onlyyou #allowtohavefeeling #foryourself❓ so can #inanother #biggergroup #behind " #hidden " #havesamehate #samemethod " #traveling for #money #makemanhappy " are #louder! Seeokk Mooi's #children??
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max-rainet · 2 years
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Happy Swirl series No. 13
Part of a series of 15 watercolor sketches. Simply a delightful way to spend my time. I'm Norwegian, so perhaps this is a transient form of rosemaling. Past thru my dna, I don't know, but I love swirls. CP
Vintage Art, NEW fine art PRINTS for YOUR home decor. Visit our FAA gallery here: https://maxrainet.pixels.com/
All things artful for your home. Pillows, blankets, wall ART, phone cases and greeting cards.
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ificouldleftbehind · 3 years
Stop a minute
Stop a minute. Tell me, please, what do you hear? Just listen around... Well? Do you hear the sounds of the tree or the wind?
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You don't hear these things.
Because your heart sounds more noisier than these. The sound of your heart and your soul are quietier on the days when you do your work. But when you don't listen to your other thing, just yourself, you will hear your heart is scared and your soul is crying for the happy moments what you felt months ago...
When you were really happy...
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After the long searching, you finally find the place when you can sit down and you can hear your soul. The sound is scaring you. You realize your soul is crying after you. It whispers 'Looking after me because if you don't do it you will lose me. And you will cry, not me. Just it is too late, you will not find me, you will not get me back. Please, listen to me. Please help me because I don't bear it alone. I will die without you. And we know about the person who you will have be become without me. Believe me, you don't want to be that person whos cruel and just lives with revenge. You are not her. You are different from her.  You are better than her. But if you don't listen to me and you don't help me, you will be her. And you know what will happen to me when she is the boss. I will die because of her. You will throw away everybody from yourself who you love and who love you.  In the end, you will be alone... Cause you just didn't help me... '
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You don’t give up! Please do anything that you will not lose yourself! Please listen to your heart and you soul, because it is you, THE REAL YOU! FIGHT FOR YOURSELF WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!
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sunlightselflove · 3 years
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