#frank sticks like glue to her for a while
what was frank and wally's reaction to poppy waking up in the lights out au :3
i've been imagining that she wakes up While wally is bringing everyone back to the storeroom after a play. i bet there was a long moment of shocked staring before poppy started panicking...
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the-official-failure · 4 months
the seven as quotes by me and my friends
Jason-why is Shakespeare watching us pee?
Nico- the urge to jump off a cliff has never been worse
Frank -(while being asked about which animal person a would be) Person A is a bee because they like cheese and cheese is yellow and bees like yellow
Hazel- *Said while aggressively flapping around arms* BUT GIRLS DON'T HAVE BALLS
Will-Shut up or I'll eat your shower curtains
Percy- It's ok, i don't judge glue sticks by their beauty *several heads turn*
Leo-send me a pic of your balls (real)
annabeth- HEYTHIS IS HARRY STYLES Y/NS BFSTAY AWAY FROM HER 🐺🐺(Making up a weird story about y/n with her best friend)
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forevfangirlwrites · 2 years
i had this idea for hthf: what if percy met luke? even though percabeths relationship is private, maybe percy goes with her to an awards show or premiere (skipping the red carpet or not), and at the after party like is there and says hello to annabeth (since it’s mentioned they had an amicable break and im assumed that means they’re on decent terms) and while percy’s more secure in the relationship now than he was when he first found out he dated, he’s still very 🧐
-It’s Percy’s first time going to an event with her so needless to say he’s nervous but as Annabeth explained, afterparties are pretty informal and all you really need to do is stand there with a glass in hand and he thinks he can handle that
-He sticks to her side like glue for most of it, and she introduces him to a few people who he vaguely recognizes and some who he’s only seen on the screen before. (He’s used to it now though, mostly) That is until she tells him she has to go to the bathroom and he’s left standing awkwardly by a table.
-No one is paying attention to him anyway but he tries to get a glimpse of Will or Jason in hopes he can also seem like he knows people other than Annabeth here. Neither of them are in view though
-He’s scrolling through his phone when a guy bumps into him and almost makes him spill his drink. Thankfully it doesn’t cause it’s his first real properly fitted suit he’s ever owned (a gift from Annabeth) and he doesn’t want to ruin the first time he wears it
-“Shit sorry, did I get you?” the other guys says and Percy assures him he’s fine. Something about the guy looks vaguely familiar and he’s trying to place what show or movie he must have seen this guy in when he continues. “You’re Percy Jackson right?”
-A few people, upon introduction, had said something along the lines of “oh this is Percy, yes we saw the magazine covers” but no one has flat out recognized him and it’s actually kind of shocking
-“Uh yeah…” He tries to figure out how to ask the guy who he is but it’s going to come across as rude especially since he recognized someone like Percy
-The guy nods, clearly about to say something else when a hand on his arm makes him turn to see that Annabeth has returned and slipped her hand back into his arm.
-“Luke,” she says and suddenly everything clicks into place. “How are you?”
-He’s not going to be any type of way about this, is what he tells himself. Yet he’s pretty sure he stiffened a little at Annabeth saying her ex’s name and it’s probably way more obvious than he wanted it to be
-“Good, and I see you’re doing good too, I’m glad.” Luke replies with a smile and it’s nice and all but Percy just wants the conversation to end (or to melt into the darkness, that would work too)
-Annabeth leans even closer to him and squeezes his arm where she’s holding it. “Yep.” (Okay so maybe that felt good).
-“Well, see you around Annabeth, nice meeting you Percy,” Luke nods towards them and with a wave he walks away and Percy can finally breathe again.
-“You okay?” Annabeth asks and though he is okay, he is kinda tired of being here. But it’s Annabeth’s thing and he doesn’t want to be rude. It must show on his face though because the next thing she says sounds like music to his ears.
-“You want to dip?” She doesn’t even wait for an answer and pulls him along. And it’s not till they’re in her car with Frank at the wheel does he finally slump in the seat. He gets why Annabeth always comes back tired, these things are a little exhausting.
-“Sorry about Luke, I didn’t think he’d come up to you.” Annabeth had only briefly talked about Luke before this and all he knew was that they both realized it wasn’t going to work and decided to break up. There wasn’t any ill-will and he thinks that Luke was probably just curious to meet him (He is the one dating Annabeth Chase after all)
-He assures her it’s okay but the nervous look on her face doesn’t disappear, well not until they’re back home and he’s kissing her senseless because he’d been holding back the moment he saw her in that dress
MORE CHAPTERS: how to handle fame and headcanons
A/N: Thank you for the prompt! I decided to write it in this format just to switch things up a  bit and it ended up being almost 700 words lol I hope you liked how it turned out! Thanks again!
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a-crappy-art1st · 2 years
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The Robot Thing: a professional driver and pilot that was the one that shot the group into space. He's the one that lost the most out of the group, as his body and fellow crewmate and wife were both lost. However, his brain was intact and Chief Fantastic put his brain in a suit he had previously made for famous actor Glory Deering(a mix of Glory Griffin and Darla Deering, Aka Mudface and Miss thing respectively).
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Chief Fantastic: the leader of the Fantastic Patrol, he was the reason the four of them were on the ship that gave them their powers in the first place. What they don't know is he knew the accident would happen and was trying to give them All powers. Ironically enough he kinda got the Short end of the stick as the accident cost him the use of his legs and only gave him the ability to slightly grow parts of his body. He's one of if not the smartest person in the New Amalgam Universe, and that's before he gains the ability to stretch his brain. While he started out not caring about the others, he grows to the point he's do anything for his family, especially after the birth of his kids.
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Fantasti-Girl: Rita Richards, formally Rita Storms was a famous actor and Wife of Chief Fantastic and sister to Larry Storm. All she really wanted in life was to become an Actor, and after the accident took that opportunity away she's been trying to re invent herself any way possible, but one thing remains consistent; she is the glue that holds the team together. And another thing that remains consistent; she can extend herself and stretch, but all the extra skin she stretches outward becomes invisible (so if she grew herself into a giant she would be an invisible giant).
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Larry Storm: Rita Richards brother and the youngest of the ground, he was in the air force which is were he met Robot Thing. He was notorious for being a ladies man, which made it all the more shocking when he came out as gay. He's the most okay with the accident, despite being scarred and contaminated with enough radiation that if he takes off his bandages people will melt, he's happy with being the hero The Negative Torch and eventually is happy living with the spirit of the torch in his body.
Their Primary villain is the mix of Doctor Doom and Black Adam I drew earlier
( I was gonna include more characters but it took me so long already and I didn't really like how any of the sketches were turning out, but I may draw them later so stay tuned of you want to see characters like Dal von Adam(the daughter of Fantasti-Girl and Chief Fantastic and the God daughter of The Doctor Doom Black Adam mix I drew. Her brain is much more advanced than normal, not only making her smarter than most other people but also giving her the ability to bring her imaginary friends to life)
Crazy Frank(The other Child of Chief Fantastic and Fantasti-Girl, Has D.I.D and technically posseses any power you can think of and can shape reality, but all of their limitless power is split between all of their Alters)
Ego The Living Street and The Negativity Nova(A mix of Negative Woman and Nova Frankie Raye) and probably some others
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legionsol · 4 years
hi! i’m super nervous to ask this, but are you able to make a injured s/o (with a broken leg or something really brutal) x the whole legion (if your able to. you can just do frank if you want to) coming to visit them daily/every once a week? thank you!
Super sorry this is late and if this coming from real life, I hope you're all healed up now! I really have no personal idea what Julie's personality is like so I'll just do the other three if that's ok!! Sorry about that:( I'll go with a broken leg for convenience!
Legion with a S/O who broke their leg!
He makes fun of you and teases you about not being able to walk bc he's an asshole.
That doesn't mean he won't come visit/help you with anything you need however! It gives him a reason to be even more touchy feely and makes him feel good, you trust and rely on him and it gives a huge boost to his ego.
He will carry you, he doesn't care, chances are the entity is the reason you still have a broken leg and no crutches so the only way you'll be able to move is if someone moves you.
He's jealous and not gonna want anyone else touching you so he appoints himself the job
He always brings stuff with him when he visits, stuff he's found around the realm to pass the time, whether it be books, magazines, even a old ass rubix cube.
He tries his best to stay with you, or at the very least have either one of the girls or Joey be with you when he's in a trail.
Easily the most caring and nurturing one out of the group!!! She absolutely refuses to leave your side while you're in pain.
She can't do much about your leg but does everything to make you comfortable, making sure it's elevated, you have something soft to lay on, brushing your hair for you, helping you with just any tasks even if you don't need help.
She sticks to your side like glue, laying next to you and holding you to her, making sure you're not lonely.
Butterfly kisses, eskimo kisses, all the kisses.
She may be a killer but deep down she's just a sweetheart who loves you and hates that you're in pain.
She'll sing and hum for you or tell you stories about before the realm, making jokes and small talk to take your mind off of your injury.
Joey feels guilty about your predicament, even if he isn't the cause of it.
Doesn't like that you're by yourself so chances are, he's bringing you where the rest of the Legion is, he will not take no for an answer.
He keeps you with him as much as he can, always trying to fight the entity to stay by your side even if it's his turn to go.
"Bro come ON-" right before the fog swallows him whole.
Comes back grumpy and pouty bc he didn't want to leave, telling you how he finished everyone super early to come back to you.
Brings you into his arms and locks you in so you can't move.
Nope, you're staying still, your leg is hurt and he's gonna get his cuddles out of it too.
Tells you about the stupid shit he used to do with the gang, especially stupid shit Frank has done all the while he's laughing and the rumbling of his chest echoes into your back.
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Facing the Unknown
Characters: Spencer Reid x Winchester!Reader, Jennifer Jareau, Derek Morgan, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, demons
Word Count: 3,583
Warnings: supernatural/criminal minds crossover, angst, fluff, nothing too bad
Summary: A case pops up to the infamous BAU city. Demons doesn’t mix well with real FBI agents, but you manage to save them all just fine.
Squares Filled: crime scene for @cmbingo // flattery will get you nowhere for @as-the-saying-goes-bingo // bleeding through the bandages in @badthingshappenbingo // enochian for my first heaven and hell bingo card // case fic for @heavenandhellbingo​
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! this is unbeta’d and every mistake is all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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You can figure out a lot of things: why you don’t have the body you really want (you love pizza too damn much), why Dean doesn’t like to talk about his feelings (daddy issues), why Sam drank demon blood (Ruby made him do it), and why you can’t ever stop hunting (there will always be monsters). The only things you can’t figure out are angels and demons, more so the former.
Out of all the monsters you’ve dealt with, angels are the worst. They have a tendency to stick their noses in everyone’s business whether they are involved or not. Demons have a reason to do the exact same thing: they are spawns of Satan himself so they love to cause trouble and chaos. Angels just do it because they have nothing better to do. The only angel you like is Castiel, and even then it’s 50/50.
You’ve learned to love hunting. You know you’re going to spend the rest of your life doing it, so you may as well get along with the lifestyle instead of fighting it. Sam and Dean have learned the same lesson as you, so you’re not fazed when Sam says, “so get this”. You’ve adjusted to spending a few hours dedicated to sleep that having back to back hunts don’t even faze you anymore. However, this hunt, this specific hunt, has already drained your batteries and you’ve just started.
You stare at the dead body in front of you inside the morgue. There are three dead bodies with Enochian carved into their skin. Each of them is males and each of them has the same symbol on their chests. Castiel swears the angels have nothing to do with what’s been happening in this small town. Only men have been dropping dead for no reason. The angel thinks the demons are responsible for it, but you don’t know why they are carving Enochian symbols on their chests. They must be getting ready for some kind of ritual or spell, but Castiel doesn’t know what kind of ritual or spell that would need Enochian symbols on humans.
“How many more people have to die for us to understand what these demons are doing?” you ask with a sigh.
“This symbol means to summon death,” Castiel informs.
“Summon death? What, they can’t use speed dial? What do they want with Death?” Dean asks.
“If I knew that, then we would be able to stop them,” Castiel says. “However, the demons aren’t showing themselves until it’s too late. If we are going to try and stop them, then we need to get inside their heads before they make their next move.”
“Well, we have pictures of everything, so I say we grab some take out and beer, and think about this at the motel,” you suggest.
“I second that,” Your eldest brother grins.
“Shotgun!” you yell as you race to the car.
“Hey!” Sam scoffs.
“Sorry Sammy, you snooze you lose!” you stick your tongue out at him and get in through the passenger side.
After everyone is in, Dean peels out of the parking lot and heads straight to the best burger joint in this city. Something you and your brother like to do is to scope out the best burger places before starting the case. You’d cruise with him throughout the town and gather intel from the locals before trying the top three. The best, so far, has been Joe’s Burger Joint that has the juiciest meat you’ve ever tasted. You’ve begged the owner to give you the recipe so that Dean can make it back at the Bunker. However, he hasn’t given it up just yet.
Once you have the food in your possession, Dean heads back to the motel room. Castiel doesn’t eat (that’s another thing you couldn’t figure out) so he just sits on the bed while you and your brothers take up the small tab;e by the window. He’s staring intently at the pictures while you eat your burger. The TV is on a news channel, but it’s at a low volume so it’s not too distracting. You thought it was a good idea to put it on in case there might be another death regarding your angelic symbols.
“I can’t believe you don’t like meat, Sammy,” you groan after swallowing the delicious bite.
“I do like meat. I just don’t treat it like it’s going out of style,” he says in disgust as you and Dean scarf down your food.
“More for us,” Dean says with his mouth full.
It’s all smiles and jokes now until you get a glimpse at the TV. On the news is a headline stating there has been another body. However, it’s all the way across the fucking country. All the deaths so far have been in Texas, so why is there a new one in Virginia?
“Guys, look,” you state once your mouth is clear of food.
All heads turn to the TV and you turn it up.
“FBI officials have stated that the recent deaths in Texas may be linked to the newest one. Authorities haven’t commented on what’s been going on, but that doesn’t stop the public from speculating. There are a bunch of questions still left to be answered, so all we can do now is wait. Jim, back to you,” the female reporter states.
“Why are they targeting people in Virginia now?” you wonder.
“Maybe we’ve been looking at this wrong. Maybe it’s not the town they are interested in, but the people,” Castiel says.
“Let’s hope that by the time we get there the FBI hasn’t already contaminated the crime scene. I may act like one, but they are the real dicks,” you scoff.
“I can get us there in a few seconds if you prefer,” Castiel stands up.
“That’s one of the very few good things about you,” you smile. “No offense.”
“None taken.”
“Okay, let’s get this show on the road,” Dean declares.
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Dean made Castiel bring baby along since he didn’t want to be thousands of miles away from her. It was a lot harder to conceal a big fucking car as it appears out of thin air, but Castiel picked a good spot to go to. The crime scene isn’t that far from where you are, and you’re thankful you got dressed in your FBI get up before leaving. You know you’ll be here for the rest of the night, so you went online and bought two rooms at a small hotel that’s near the crime scene. One for you and the other one for your brothers. Castiel doesn’t need one since he doesn’t sleep. It’s best to think ahead.
Dean rushes over to the crime scene which is thankfully still intact. A handful of FBI agents are still inside, but it looks like most of the general population has lost interest. There is only one standard FBI car in the driveway, so you’re not too worried about having to trick only a few of them. Your surrogate dad is only a phone call away if these guys question who you are. You get out of the car and make your way inside.
“When I said that the FBI are dicks, I forgot to mention hot because damn, he is fine,” you whistle lowly to your eldest brother when you spot a very attractive agent in the room.
He has brown curly hair that looks a little messy, but a put-together messy. He’s very tall but not as tall as Sam. He’s probably the same height as Dean. You can’t hear what he saying to his fellow agents, but you can hear the sound of his voice. It’s not deep at all, but it does make your knees weak. You have never seen a more perfect human being on this planet. If things go south, then you’ll be sure to protect him.
“Keep it in your pants, sister,” Dean grumbles just as one of the agents noticed the newcomers.
“Who are you?” a black man asks as he reaches for his gun.
He, the very attractive man, and a petite blonde woman all stare at you, the angel, and your brothers.
“This is a closed crime scene,” the blonde woman says.
“We’re agents Barry Young, Frank Bartley, Madison Grey, and Jason Brown. We’ve been sent here to check out the crime,” you state and show them your badges as does everyone else.
“We weren't informed of another team coming down here. You mind if I speak to your supervisor?” the black man asks.
“Sure,” you say and hand him Bobby’s card.
He takes it and steps off to the side.
“Who are you guys?” you ask.
“I’m Jennifer Jareau, that’s Derek Morgan, and this is Dr. Spencer Reid. We’re from the BAU right here in Quantico” the blonde says.
“Ooh, the cute one has a cute name. And he’s a doctor,” you grin.
“Excuse me?” Spencer stutters.
“You’ll have to excuse her. She can’t seem to put a cork in it,” Dean chuckles.
“What?” you scoff and turn to Spencer with a sweet smile. “So, what are you a doctor for?”
“It’s PhDs, actually. Three of them, not a medical one.”
“So, if I collapsed right here and now, you wouldn't give me mouth-to-mouth?” you pout teasingly.
“I know CPR,” he mutters and you just smirk.
“You’re cute when you blush,” you comment and turn to Jennifer. “I hope he’s not your boyfriend.”
“No, I’m married,” she chuckles.
“Do you have a girlfriend, doctor?” you ask.
“No,” he chuckles.
“This must be my lucky day then,” you grin.
“Flattery will get you nowhere,” he states.
“Then I guess I’ll have to work extra hard for your attention.”
“I don’t know who you guys think you are, but you’re not FBI,” Derek says when he steps back into the room.
Both Jennifer and Spencer tense when they realize you’re pretending to be FBI agents.
“That’s a federal offense, do you realize that?” he says with a hard glare.
“Look, we can explain,” Dean starts to say.
However, every single light in this house turned off, shrouding you eight in complete darkness. The only light available is coming from the moon outside.
“Are there more of you?” Derek demands to know and takes out his gun.
“They’re here,” Castiel says.
“The demons? Why?”
“I’m not sure. We’re on their territory.”
“Okay, listen,” you turn to the real FBI agents. “We’re not FBI, but we are going to save your life if you listen to what we say. These bodies that have been turning up are because demons are carving Enochian symbols on these people’s chests. We don’t know why, but they’re up to something big. So, for your safety, listen to what we say,” you explain quickly.
“Like hell we’re taking orders from you,�� Jennifer growls.
“Castiel,” a demon says from the corner of the room where the body is. “Surprised to see you here.”
“You’re carving Enochian symbols. Of course, I’d be here.”
“Where did he come from?” Derek demands.
“Okay, we need to go. Please, just follow me,” you urge and grab Spencer and Jennifer’s wrists.
You drag both agents to the door but stop short when another demon pops up.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he chuckles and walks inside.
“This battle is between you and me. Let them go,” you glare.
“I don’t think so,” he growls.
He clenches his right hand into a fist, and your throat starts to close up. He raises you off the ground using his demonic powers, and you have no choice but to take it.
“You see, we have a few more people to claim as our own, but I can see you brought us some toys to play with,” he grins maliciously.
“How is he doing that?” Spencer whispers to his colleagues.
“Go to hell,” you bite back.
“Been there, done that. But I’ll send you,” he laughs and throws you across the room and into the dining room table.
“Leave her alone!” Spencer yells and raises his gun at the man. He shoots him in the head, but it does nothing. The host inside the body is already dead. “What the hell?”
The demon uses his powers to lift all three people and throw them in the same direction as you. They collide with the wall in a loud thump.
“No!” you grunt and force yourself to your feet.
“What the hell is that?” Derek yells.
“A demon! I wasn’t lying before. They’re here for the body. My brothers and I are hunters. We deal with this shit all the time. Come on, follow me!” you urge and help them up.
They don’t argue with you after seeing what just happened. You lead them to the kitchen and rummage through the cabinets until you see the salt. You grab a few containers and gather the agents to the middle of the room. You begin to pour a circle around their feet despite them yelling at you to tell them what’s going on.
“Just stay in here! Do not pass over the salt line. They can’t get you in here. I promise,” you beg.
“That’s not going to stop me from getting to them,” the same demon grins from the door.
“Dean!” you yell.
“We’re kind of busy!” he shouts back, but the shout turns int a groan at the end.
There must be more demons now than the two that showed up.
You reach behind you to take out Ruby’s knife since you’re the one who holds onto it. Your dad trained your brothers how to shoot guns, and he trained you how to fight with a knife. You know how to shoot guns, but your specialty is knives, so Sam trusted you with Ruby’s knife. You barely have a grip on the handle when the demon flings you across the room and into some cabinets. You feel something pierce your side, and you look back to see the knife block containing the kitchen knives have fallen. One fell right int your side, but you have to ignore the pain if you’re going to help the agents. Spencer starts to move out of the circle, but you put your left hand up to stop him.
“No! Don’t leave the circle!” you yell and yank out the knife.
“I can make you come out, you know,” the demon chuckles as his eyes turn pitch black.
“Get the hell away from them!” you yell.
You grab one of the kitchen knives and throw it at the demon. It lands right in the middle of his back, and he just sighs and turns to you. You grab some paper towels and press them against your wound, using the waistband of your pants to keep it in place. Spencer’s eyes widen when he sees the man isn’t affected by the knife in his back. You reach for Ruby’s knife and reveal it, twirling it in your hands.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” you grunt.
Your wound is bleeding profoundly, but you’ve lost more blood than this and still could fight. You’re going to be okay.
“I wasn’t trying to, but maybe I should,” he growls.
He runs at you, and you swipe the knife across his arm as you pass by him. He yells out in pain, but that only makes him angrier. You almost slide right into the salt circle, but Spencer reaches out to stop you before you had a chance to ruin it. Without saying anything else, you charge at the demon once more and pounce on his back. He struggles to get you off him, but you’re not in the mood to play games. You swing the knife right into his chest, and he cries out in pain. His entire skeleton glows bright orange as he dies, and he collapses to the ground like dead weight.
“Dean!” you yell.
“We’re okay. We took care of them. One of them got away with the body, but the rest are dead,” he says as he, Sam, and Castiel walk into the kitchen.
“You guys came come out now,” you whisper as you fall back into the kitchen table.
Spencer rushes over to you and lifts up your shirt to see your blood staining the paper towels.
“We need to get you to the hospital.”
“No. There are too many dead bodies here. I’ll be fine.”
“You’re bleeding out, Madison.”
“My name is Y/N Winchester. It’s only fair that you know,” you cough.
“Come here,” Dean says and helps you sit on the table.
“Is she going to be okay?” Jennifer asks.
“I’ll heal her,” Castiel says and walks over to you.
He presses two fingers to your forehead, and your wound disappears. Your side is only bloody from your blood, but the wound is gone. Spencer, Derek, and Jennifer back away slowly.
“That’s not possible,” she says.
“It is. You’ve just been living inside a bubble for your entire lives. You deal with serial killers and human predators. We deal with the supernatural and monsters. We’re not so different. Those were demons and they’ve carved angelic symbols into the victim’s chests. Castiel is an angel. Monsters do exist, but you don’t have to worry about that because we take care of it. I’m sorry we brought the battle to you,” you reveal.
“What are we going to tell Hotch?” Derek asks his team.
“Tell him or don’t. I wouldn’t. The supernatural isn’t something that needs to be broadcasted. If people find out, then they panic, and panic and chaos are made for monsters. People become vulnerable. If you want to know more about how you can help or if you want to determine if your case is human or not, then we’ll tell you more, but leave the supernatural to us.”
“Come on, we got to go,” Dean urges.
“I’ll take care of the bodies,” Castiel says and touches the dead one on the kitchen floor.
He disappears with the body and all three agents jump back from shock.
“I’ll be right there,” you say to your brothers.
“Good luck with this one,” he scoffs at Spencer before taking his leave with Sam.
“I need to call Hotch anyway and tell him why we’re going to be late,” Derek says and leaves as well.
“I’m going to go with him,” Jennifer smiles and exits the kitchen so it’s just you and Spencer now.
“It’s a shame that I won’t have more time trying to woo you, but here’s my number. Call me whenever you’re curious,” you say and hand him one of your cards.
“I can’t believe this is all real.”
“Believe it gorgeous. The world is a scary place. You know this because humans are ruthless. Monsters are worse. Don’t let it get to you.”
“How long have you been doing this?”
“Since I could walk. Don’t waste your tears on me. My family is all sorts of messed up, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t want to see a frown line on that pretty face.”
“Okay,” he chuckles.
“Damn, you really have it all. Great hair, gorgeous eyes, and a stunning smile. You must get all the ladies.”
“It’s less than you think.”
“Well, official count me as one. We have more hunts to do, but we are spending the night in this town. It’d be a shame if I didn’t get to say goodbye to you properly. I’ll be having my own room away from my brothers. I’d hate to spend it alone,” you flirt.
“That’s good to know,” he chuckles nervously.
“I know we just met, but I’d beat myself up if I didn’t do this,” you say.
You grab his cheeks and pull him down to you, placing your lips over his. It’s not weird for you to kiss someone you just met. Meeting guys in bars and playing pool with them does have its advantages. Apparently, this isn’t something new with Spencer because as soon as your lips touched his, his whole demeanor changed. He grips your hair in his hands and kisses you with passion. He doesn’t know why he’s behaving this way to a woman he just met, but there has been fire between you two ever since your initial contact.
His lips move smoothly over yours, and you open your mouth to grant his access. His tongue slips in for a brief moment before you pull away. There are about two inches of space between you two, and you look into his lust-blown eyes.
“You really know how to kiss,” you whisper.
“That’s not the only thing I know how to do.”
“Please come to my hotel room. I bet I can get my brothers to stay an extra day. I’m staying at the Suburban Extended Stay Hotel room 318. Do you need me to write it down?”
“No, I got it,” he shakes his head.
“Then I’ll be waiting,” you smirk and lean up to his ear to whisper to him. “Bring your handcuffs.”
You pull away from him with a wink and leave the kitchen. He doesn’t know who you are, but he likes the kind of woman you are. He normally doesn’t go out with women like you, but there is something exciting inside you. He’s definitely going to visit you tonight, and he’s definitely going to make sure you remember him well after you two have already parted ways.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Sinners & Saints-Chapter 3
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                       A special thank you to @statell​ the best beta ever
Previous chapters at AO3
Chapter Three
Claire strained to get the bodysuit up her arm and over her shoulder. She had been at this for thirty minutes and had one more arm to go. She felt sweat roll down from her temple and grunted the rest of the way into the bodysuit that instantly made her morbidly obese. She pulled her fat clothes on and stuffed her hair into a shag wig that layered hair against her cheeks and forehead. Blue contacts were centered in her eyes and she was ready.
Jamie addressed his team at breakfast, giving last-minute positions and handing out the castle floor plan.
“There is a ten thousand pound bonus to the man that catches Casper in the act. Let me know where he is and stay with him. I only need three minutes with the man then you can arrest him. He has this coming.”
Claire came in through the air shaft and looked through the grate . It appeared to be someone’s office and it was empty. She popped the grate off, preventing it from bouncing on the hardwood floor. Cracking the door, she rushed out when the hall was empty and joined the other handlers unpacking the treasures. The statue was a foot away from where she was working and when she scooted her bulky body around the display, blocking the camera, the statue disappeared for just a moment, and then it was back. It was time to go.
She told her partner, “I gotta take a shit, right back.” When she walked briskly around the corner, she felt the air get sucked out of her lungs and instantly changed direction. James Fraser was walking directly for her, fortunately with his head down. She needed to get out of the castle before someone recognized the statue was a fake. She started running from room to room looking for a way out. She ran through a kitchen and saw a delivery truck behind the castle and the door standing open. She leaned forward to make a run for the door but jumped back into a pantry when Jamie’s voice was coming toward her. Struggling to quiet her breathing she could see his outline through the vent in the door. He was less than a foot away and she could smell his aftershave. Jamie spoke into his walkie and assembled his team in the exhibit hall.
Jamie looked down at one of the handlers.
“The fat girl said she was going to the lu and never came back. I didn’t see her scan out. Just letting you know.”
Jamie and his men spread out and searched the castle for a fat girl looking for a bathroom. This waste of time was irritating. He wasn’t here to manage the handlers or look for a girl with a gastric issue today. His walkie crackled.
“Ah, we have an issue in the exhibit. One of the pieces has been replaced with a fake.”
Once Jamie was out of the kitchen, Claire made a run for the door praying she wouldn’t be seen and pushed her long legs as fast as they would go. She headed for the woods and cover, trying to get her direction so she could find her car.
People in the castle were shouting and running outside to look in every direction and then back in. They discovered the fake statue and if she didn’t get very lucky in the next few minutes Jamie Fraser would finally catch Casper. She said a Hail Mary and chose a direction. Five minutes later she ran right into her rental car.
“Christ almighty, thank God.” The little green bug was pushed to its limit and came bursting out of the woods at the bottom of the hill the castle was built on. It was dangerous and terrifying to race the little car through the woods, but she would not be seen getting back on the road this way. Claire was panting from fear and heat as she flew down the road in her rented bug. She parked behind the hotel and took the service elevator to her room, ripping her bodysuit off as she came through the door. She reached into a hollowed-out pocket in the fat abdomen and pulled out the statue. She might have the hounds of hell coming down on her, but she took a minute to admire the ancient artifact before rolling it into lambswool and placing it in a fake two-liter soda bottle.
Claire checked out of the hotel by phone and headed to a toy store to buy an assortment of toddler toys that she ripped open and dropped into her carry-on. The toys would act like a cushion for the statue after she got it through the x-ray scanner. To do that, she wrapped the statue in carbon paper and affixed it to the bottom of her bag. A sheet of Teflon was laid over it and glued down to the case. When the glue was dry she piled the toys on top.
She raced to the airport and dropped off her rental car then headed for the terminal. She had no idea if the X-ray scanner would pick up the gold statue. If it did, she would be caught and her life would be over. She placed her carry on in the bin and waited at the other side almost fainting with relief when it popped out of the scanner and rolled toward her. Her legs could hardly hold her up as she walked away. Sticking her hand in the bag she pulled at the Teflon until it ripped away. The carbon paper was next and she balled the material up and pushed it into a waste receptacle. Now If her bag was inspected, the statue was just another toy.
Claire requested stand-by, first available flight to Paris, and was told to board flight 312. The woman pointed to the gate that was a brisk walk away and Claire boarded gratefully. When the plane lifted into the air, she allowed herself to exhale and relax. She pulled her phone out and sent a text to Javier. ..’Coming for spaghetti dinner, extra meatballs on mine. Landing 1h10m.’
Javier looked at the text and couldn’t believe it. The code was set between them five years ago and never used. Spaghetti dinner meant, I’m in trouble and coming in hot. Extra meatballs meant go dark, get off the grid.
“Gentlemen, cell phones off, batteries out, this is not a drill. Joseph, the Bear lands in forty minutes, find her.”
Claire pounded two shots of whisky and closed her eyes so she could think. What the hell was Jamie Fraser and his team doing at the castle, today of all days. He would not go there unless someone tipped him off and that thought was terrifying. Forty-five minutes of considering every conclusion to this horrific situation and she was coming undone. Were they waiting at the terminal to arrest her? Had Javier already been arrested? She felt the plane descending and saw the green earth beneath them. Hold on to your sanity, she told herself, you’re almost home.
Claire was very protected by Javier. She would hand off the stolen piece to one of his men, usually within the hour of her possession, and leave the country clean. This was the first time she boarded a plane with the evidence that would convict her, and she was completely unnerved by the experience. Someone was assigned to take the statue in Germany, but she didn’t trust anyone at the moment.
Joseph weaved through traffic at the airport and finally saw Claire walking briskly away from the terminal. He pulled up to the curb and she jumped a foot off the walkway. Not a word was spoken during the ride back and Joseph pulled into the lower garage at the mansion so Claire wouldn’t be seen. Javier was waiting for her and pulled her to his office.
Javier waited while Claire caught her breath. “When was your last sweep in here?”
My darling Bear, spaghetti and meatballs is not a dish quickly eaten. One moment, I will get you a cocktail. One of the men came into the office and swept it for bugs, leaving quickly shaking his head no.
“You may speak freely.”
“What are the odds of James Fraser and his team showing up at a German castle for the Pharaoh exhibit, today? With the statue in my possession, I nearly ran right into him. What reason would he have to be there? Why was his whole team at Sotheby’s two months ago?” Claire put her hand up and exhaled loudly. “He ranted from anger when we were stuck in the rubble. He got control of himself but not before saying his black market snitch told him the Rembrandt would be in play.”
Javier waited for Claire to get it all out. He almost lost it when her eyes filled with tears and her chin quivered as she pushed back on her fear.
“Javier, someone close to you is passing information to Jamie, or the police, and he is hearing it from them. All your men know who I am so I must assume James Fraser knows the true identity of Casper. Jesus Christ, the time he spent with me in Paris, why not arrest me right there? He needs to catch me in the act or risk losing his case to good lawyers is why. You have a rat in your house Javier and he nearly cost me the next twenty years of freedom.”
Javier leaned back in his chair with an expression rarely seen. It was murderous.
“It would seem so. Have a bath and some food and rest a bit. It will not be quick to catch this rat so you must be a teacher for a while until I can catch him. Okay?”
Claire nodded and made her way upstairs leaving the statue on Javier’s desk. She was completely exhausted and confused about Jamie Fraser. Had he known her identity from the start? If so, he was very good at hiding his hand, she never suspected a thing. The smell and serenity of her room were the last straw holding her together, so she sank into the familiar covers and cried.
Claire stayed with Javier for a week before she felt brave enough to board a plane to Chicago. She was out of the thieving business for the foreseeable future, possibly a year Javier said. He tried to convince her to quit but she wasn’t ready. On her trip back to Chicago, she considered the fortune she had amassed in real estate, gold, art, and more stock than she could remember. It was more money than she could spend in a lifetime so why risk everything on the next coveted piece? Her eyelids closed and she slept all the way home.
Frank laughed at the jokes and slammed his shot with the others, smiling at his growing euphoria. He looked around the room and saw shadow people in various sexual positions. It was arousing as hell and he absently grabbed his balls.
A gorgeous girl smiled and pulled on his arm, “common big guy, I think you’re ready.”
He was led into a smaller room with a bed and the woman was taking his belt off and pulling out his dick. Throughout the night the girl would morph from an adult to a very young girl and then back again. He didn’t care as long as she kept it up.
For the rest of the weekend, Frank consumed three roofies dropped in his drink, had sex with women, men, boys and girls, and didn’t remember a thing when he stepped off the billionaire’s plane in Washington. This was his fourth trip to the island, and he looked forward to the next.
Later in the year, snow fell heavy in the Highlands and Jamie leaned against the barn and watched the fields turning white, a sight he never tired of. This year, he arrested five burgeoning art thieves, a counterfeiter, and shut down a major black market railway in Europe, but Casper eluded him still. He could not attribute a single theft to Casper in over a year and decided he had gone underground, but for how long? The men who recruited Jamie were putting pressure on him to make an arrest because someone had to be punished. It wasn’t enough that Casper wasn’t stealing art anymore. Jamie had a network of informants that had been full of information at one time and even they were disappearing or just stopped talking. He shook his head in disgust and went into the house to pack for Paris. He would be there for the week, maybe more, to add another five agents to his team. It was his first time back since the explosion as Sotheby's.
Claire walked quickly through the townhouse throwing items in her suitcase while Frank followed her like a complaining puppy. She couldn’t take it anymore and stopped abruptly feeling Frank bump into her back.
“Frank, I have hardly seen you this year. I agreed to the lecture four months ago and a new DaVinci has turned up in a French basement that I have got to examine. I will be home on Christmas day so why don’t you go see your parents while I’m gone?”
God the man was irritating, she stormed in her head. He wanted to direct her every move, dictate her social schedule, and preapprove her trips and lecture schedule. Now he wants a wedding planned for five hundred people. She wasn’t sure she even liked him anymore. The door closed on Frank Randall’s face because he was making her late. Claire was fuming as she finished packing and stormed out of the bedroom saying goodbye like an afterthought.
Claire got in line to check into her hotel and called Javier to say she landed and would see him for dinner. Jamie was completing his transaction in the line next to Claire and walked the other direction to find his room. An hour later Claire walked across the lobby in a short black skirt, black heeled boots and an oversized sweater. She pulled her Maurizio Braschi cashmere coat around her and hailed a cab. She had not been back to Paris since the ill-fated Germany job, her last job, and she was so excited to see Javier.
Jamie sat through a security workshop and pinched his leg to stay awake. His on-again-off-again girlfriend, Laighaire, was bombing his phone, knowing he would be in meetings all day. Such a pretty girl, he thought, but when the holiday parties were over and there were no more gifts to get, she would be off again, looking for a man who was everything Jamie wasn’t, primarily present and accounted for. He smiled wryly and shook his head to wake up.
Joseph drove Claire back to her hotel after dinner and she gushed about the decorations and lights around the city. The minute he pulled away she was back outside to walk around and look at all the decorations. The temperature was a comfortable thirty-two degrees, so she kept walking.
Jamie stumbled out of the workshop bleary-eyed and needing to find some fresh air. He wrapped a scarf around his neck and headed for the door. His taxi dropped him at the hotel, and he headed out for a brisk walk before dinner.
He saw her sitting on a bench, her ponytail was long and rested on her shoulder. Her lips were pink frost and she smiled at the night. Just lovely, he thought. The woman stood and walked toward him, he kept looking until his feet stopped, and he froze. Impossible. As she got closer, Jamie’s smile was like a beacon and she searched his face.
“Jamie Fraser!”
She jumped into his outstretched arms and kissed his cheek. Jamie smelled her neck and had the same happy grin he had the first time. “God, you smell like heaven. Can you walk with me a bit, we need to catch up.”
They walked through Paris arm in arm for the next two hours, and as before, thoroughly enjoyed the company of the other. Claire was trying to get a signal that he knew she was Casper and decided he was a fantastic liar, or he didn’t know. When they had a nightcap in the hotel bar, she looked in his eyes and asked if he had caught Casper yet. All she saw was sincere sadness and he shook his head no.
“No, lass. Casper went dark a year ago. He retired, or he’s dead, neither work in my favor. I think the team will be disbanded and I,” his eyes looked haunted for a moment, “will be reassigned if I can’t catch him in the next six months.”
Jamie shook his head, “let’s talk about something more pleasant.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek.
Claire told Jamie about the changes in Frank, his estrangement, and her decision to follow her own path and then she leaned over and kissed Jamie’s cheek.
“Well, it is fortuitous we landed in the same hotel and I hope to spend more time with you while you’re here. Be a good lass and tell me when that will be.”
“Dinner, tomorrow?”
“Perfect, let me walk you home.”
At her door, he said goodnight and moved to kiss her cheek again but instead he held his head close to hers and then looked her in the eye. “Kiss me, Claire, like you did once before,” he whispered. Claire turned her head and kissed his mouth, sucking air at the intensity of the moment. Jamie gorged himself on her lips being careful not to take more than she wanted to give. He felt the key card in his hand and opened her door, kissing her inside, pulling is coat off and then hers. He broke the kiss and looked at the woman who haunted his dreams.
“Goodnight sweet Sassenach.”
Claire was startled at first but realized he felt her hesitation. She really liked Jamie, but he was an art cop and she, an art thief. One thing that was perfectly clear to her, she was done with Frank. The attributes that once attracted her were starting to crack and it was a deal-breaker for her. Besides, he never made her feel the electric current going through her body like Jamie did.
The next night, after a long day of lecture and appraisals, Claire swung the door open with an excited smile. She should be dead on her feet but spending time with Jamie tonight was exhilarating. She kissed him long and deep sending a message there would be no hesitation tonight.
They chatted throughout dinner and the silence was comfortable when they allowed themselves to stop talking and eat. Claire confessed her decision about Frank was partly due to how she felt with Jamie. He inched closer to her.
“Sassenach, is it wise to tell me such things? This lad is head over heels for you and now I know you’re free.” Claire giggled until he kissed her.
“Check please.”
Jamie grabbed her hand and helped her with her coat. “I have already paid Sassenach. Do you want to walk back?”
They stopped to kiss every other minute, so the block-long walk took thirty minutes. He kissed her in the elevator until she broke the kiss, “thirty minutes to call Javier and rinse off.” She walked briskly to her room and Jamie watched like a starving man.
The shower calmed her racing heart and she slipped into a satin nightgown that was very short and felt divine to touch. She knew seduction was the main event tonight and set candles all over the room, a purchase she made between appointments while a happy cab driver waited. Pulling her straightened hair into a ponytail and heard him knock.
Jamie brought champagne and fine chocolates and received the smile of approval from the object of his desire. He waited for her to put them in the frig and then pulled her to him, running his hand up her side and groaning at the feel of the fabric. He didn’t want to race to the bed, instead, he would see how high she wanted to go. He picked her up and sat on the couch with her across his lap. The kissing was slow and sensual as their bodies found their way to a comfortable position. They whispered in the other’s ear, smiled and kissed while their hands explored.
Jamie’s shirt was unbuttoned slowly and she helped him out of it kissing every inch she could reach. Jamie pulled the band from her ponytail loving the soft shiny hair between his fingers.
“You want champagne love?”
Jamie grabbed the bottle and chocolates, pulled Claire to her feet, and poured two glasses. He could not stop touching her and needed to see her naked. It was two years ago she invaded his space so sweetly and he could not wait any longer. While she stood in front of the mirror, he moved his hands up her body under her nightgown and pinched her nipples slightly. He could see the rosy glow on her cheeks as she pressed back into his chest. He lifted the fabric very slowly in case she pushed back until it was over her head and he was stuck staring at her body. His eyes slowly covered every inch and she watched him look her over, confident in her own skin, aware that he needed this visual experience.
The give and take between them made the night exceptional, sweet, erotic, and satisfying. Her body was so responsive to his touch and that thrilled him. When he dropped to her side, panting for his life, she pushed him onto his back, laid her head on his shoulder, and fell asleep, followed by Jamie a short time later.
Claire was hyper aware of Jamie in her bed all night. She woke up several times and went back to sleep with her hand or arm touching his skin. This gesture was sweet and tender to Jamie as he woke each time she moved, anxious to feel her hands move across his skin again.
The beeping of Jamie’s watch brought them both to consciousness as the morning rays were streaming in the windows. He jumped out of bed worried he was late for his interviews and looked around for his clothes. Claire was on her knees on the bed and spread her arms wide, still half asleep, she wanted a morning hug that made him feel weak. He pulled her close and hugged her, kissing the top of her head and asked how she felt, if she was ready for the day, if she would think of him today, and if he could get her anything. He pushed the hair out of her face and realized she was sleeping, somehow still on her knees.
“Sassenach, do you need to get up?”
She nodded her head yes and held her arms up for another hug which was warmly given.
“Dare I ask if you’re free for dinner tonight?”
“If you can wait until seven o’clock, I would love that.”
“See you at seven then.”
Claire checked her email and was shocked to see a coded message. She sent it to Tom remotely and then read what Javier had to say. ‘Rat found, extermination complete, you are safe. Do you want a new project?’ She sent her response to Tom before sending it to Javier. She passed on the project, wanting more time with Jamie to explore her feelings. She jumped to her feet and danced her way to the shower. It was going to be a great day.
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empathy-lynx · 4 years
The Son of Neptune Timeline (SPOILERS) -Made by Yours Truly-
2010 (Year 5 in Riordanverse)
• 28th - Nico turns 13 (not stated in book)
• at some point - Percy wakes up and trains with Lupa at the Wolf House
• 3rd - Piper turns 16 (not stated in book)
• 19th - Percy gets chased by two gorgons Stheno and Euryale, sisters of Medusa; Percy escapes and stumbles upon an old “hippie” lady named June; she says he can either carry her across the borders of a camp across the highway, or escape to the sea to live a long happy life; he decides to carry her across the border of Camp Jupiter, which is the Little Tiber, and loses the Gift of Achilles; he then defeats the two gorgons by using his water powers; the old lady reveals herself as the goddess Juno, and says that Percy is a son of Neptune and that he’s been asleep for months; he’s interviewed by Reyna, who is confused by his memory loss, then by Octavian, who lets him join the legion; Nico arrives at Camp Jupiter and Percy seems to recognize him, but Nico says they’ve never met; after being left alone, Nico tells Hazel he does know Percy; Hazel has a flashback of her birthday in 1942, talking to her father Pluto who tells her a descendant of Neptune will get rid of her curse; she returns to present day, and her and Frank invite Percy to join the fifth cohort; night = during the Roman war games, Percy impresses everyone with his fighting skills and instincts; Mars shows up after the games end and claims Frank as his son; Mars then gives them a “prophecy” and says that Frank will lead the quest to find and free Thanatos, and Percy must accompany him; Frank also invited Hazel along and she accepts
• 20th - morning = they have a senate meeting about the quest; afternoon = the three set off on their quest, using the only “ship” (rowboat) in the Roman navy, the Pax; night = they make a stop in Mendocino, California, and get attacked/separated by karpoi (grain spirits); they defeat them, then see the giant Polybotes and a monster army heading toward Camp Jupiter; after they pass, they stop in a little shop called R.O.F.L., in which they meet the goddess Iris; they are then surrounded by 3 basilisks, which Frank goes out to fight alone, and he uses the spear Mars gave him and summons Gray, an undead warrior who finishes off the basilisks
• 21st - morning = they arrive in Portland, and discover Ella the harpy who has red wings; they end up finding Phineas, who wants to keep Ella captive; Percy makes a deal with him using two bottles of gorgan's blood, if Phineas won, he would get his sight back, and if Percy won, Phineas would tell them where Thanatos was being kept; Phineas accepts, thinking Gaea will protect him, but ends up crumbling to dust [from here on Percy starts recovering his memories]; they leave, taking Ella with them, soon discovering she may have read and memorized the Sibylline Books; night = Frank gets to experience a flashback with Hazel, afterwards Frank gives her his life stick to protect
• 22nd - morning = they wake up in Seattle, and head to the Amazon’s headquarters to find Hylla, Reyna’s older sister; Percy and Hylla recognize each other from Circe’s island three years prior [during SOM]; she almost kills him until Hazel says they were sent by Reyna; the boys are imprisoned, and Hylla tells Hazel of her predicament, and they come up with an escape plan; Hazel helps the boys escape, and they have Arion the immortal horse pulls them to Vancouver; evening/night = they arrive at Frank’s grandmother’s house, which they find out is surrounded by ogres/Laistrygonians; Frank summons Gray to make a distraction so that they can sneak into the house; Frank speaks briefly to Mars before Mars puts him to sleep
• 23rd - morning = Frank wakes up to the Laistrygonians surrounding the house; he hears Ella say part of a prophecy that seems to be related to their quest, but part of the page was burnt; the three demigods drive away, escaping, leaving Frank’s grandmother behind (Frank thinks he sees a black buzzard thing fly out of a second-story window, thinking it may be her); they get to an airport, still being chased, where a legacy of Rome is waiting to fly them to their destination, and they leave Ella behind cause she doesn’t like flying (Percy later asks Tyson and Mrs O’Leary to find her through a dream); they land in Anchorage, Alaska, and take a train to Seward; on the way, they get attacked by gryphons, and they seek shelter under a Hyperborean; they continue to walk to Seward, stopping in Moose Pass to sleep
• 24th - on their continued walk, Percy falls into the boggy soil, muskeg, and Hazel jumps in to try and save him; Gaea gives her a vision of what life would've been like if she hadn’t died, as well as the news of Nico’s capture; they arrive in Seward, and stop in Hazel’s old house to rest and clean off; they ride Arion to escape the returned gryphons; he takes them to Alcyoneus’ fortress on Hubbard Glacier; Hazel fights Alcyoneus while Frank uses his life stick to melt the four chains off of Thanatos and Percy protects Frank from shades; Thanatos gets free, and Frank goes to help Hazel, realizing his family git and turning into a bear t=and knocking the giant unconscious; Percy, who’s very drained, makes the glacier collapse, falling over the edge with it; Hazel and Frank tie the giant to Arion and take him over the Alaska border (10 miles away) and kill him; when they get back, Percy is fine, and they collect all the weapons they can into a chariot to bring back to camp, along with the golden eagle; Arion gets them back in 4 hours, during which Percy fully regains his memory; they return to find the camp under attack, and Percy leads them into battle alongside Tyson and Mrs. O’Leary; Percy then challenges Polybotes to a duel, defeating him with the help of Terminus; afterwards, the camp elects Percy as Praetor; evening = the Feast of Fortuna takes place; night = Hera confronts Percy in a dream, telling him he is the glue that will unite the two camps
• 25th - morning = Frank, Percy, and Hazel talk; Percy gets a video scroll from Leo, telling him they are on their way; at a senate meeting, Percy tells the camp of the Argo II’s soon arrival, swearing they’re peaceful; Percy puts one arm around Frank and one arm around Hazel and tells them he wants to introduce them to his other family
SON Prophecies
From Mars:
Go to Alaska.
Find Thanatos and free him.
Come back by sundown on June twenty-fourth or die.
From Ella:
To the north, beyond the gods, lies the legion's crown.
Falling from ice, the son of Neptune shall drown-
(the rest being burned off)
PJO Timelines (links to TLT Timeline)
The Lost Hero Timeline
Mark of Athena Timeline
House of Hades Timeline (not linked yet)
Blood of Olympus Timeline (not linked yet)
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theentiregdtime · 5 years
Are you taking prompts beacuse I would love to read about Dennis getting angsty and jelous beacuse Mac is on a date or something(bonus points if he talks to Dee about it, I live for some good ol sibling-bonding) ur writing is wonderful btw💕💕
Mac has a date tonight.
He has a date and Dennis is absolutely livid.
Not that he’s mad about the date itself- no, no, he’s madbecause Mac has been lying to him for the entirety of the past three days.
“Who are you texting?” Dennis had asked him as he typedaway furiously on his phone, completely ignoring the McTiernan film they werewatching. Mac said it was Charlie, but that was suspicious- he was sending fartoo many words for Charlie to read; they almost exclusively communicatedthrough pictures and one-liners. He let it go and ground his teeth, listeningto the maddening sound of Mac’s thumbs tap-tap-tapping against the screen forthe rest of the movie.
The next day, Dennis suggested they try that new Thai place by their apartment for their monthly dinner, and that they should makereservations in advance. He knew Mac didn’t always like to try new restaurants,considering the dinner a holy ritual and not wanting to risk its sanctity, butDennis was floored when he flat-out said he couldn’t come. He’d used thatcautious, sing-song tone, too- and avoided eye contact as he told him he had togo see his mom that night. “It’s the same night every month, Mac, can you notvisit the woman another time? I mean, she doesn’t even like you!” Mac insistedon rescheduling anyways.
And today… today was the apex of it all. Today was thefucking crescendo to the three-day shit symphony. Mac had left his phone in theback office- unattended, for once- and Dennis definitely wasn’t snooping,because he doesn’t care about what Mac gets up to in his spare time. He was simply searching the desk for a marker to prove a point to Charlie about facial symmetry when a text lit up the screen…and it just so happened to catch his eye. It was from someone named Drew with ablack heart next to her name saying their reservation was moved to 7. It allhit Dennis at once- Mac texting nonstop, cancelling their plans, insisting ontaking the night off early- he had a date. He stood up their monthly dinner,their most sacred of traditions, for a goddamn date. He’d slipped out sometime around five-thirty, without somuch as a goodbye, leaving the rest of them to tackle the evening rush understaffed.
Granted, the evening rush consists of about six downtroddenchain smokers and an older couple that frequents to sleep in the booths, butstill!
Dennis leans onto the bar and takes a swig of his beer. Hesnarls in the back of his throat, half because he’s fuming at Mac and halfbecause his drink has gone sickeningly warm.
“Dude, you gotta stop that,” Charlie whines as he cleans chewedgum from underneath the counter, stowing the remnants in his pocket for somereason, “you sound like a dying cat.”
Before he can defend himself, Dee resurfaces with a tray ofempty glasses. She has a couple of crumpled bills sticking out of her pocket,which she uses like seed money, to make it seem as if she’s tippable. It’spathetic.
“Aww,” she teases with a childish sneer on her face, “didsomeone get stood up for their little dinner date?”
Dennis lets a long, exasperated sigh through clenched teeth.“Fuck off, Dee.”
“Whoa,” she replies, still laughing, with mockingly wideeyes. “Someone’s jealous.”
Charlie cuts in. “If you’re, like, lonely or something,Frank and I could come over and watch-”
“No, goddamn it!” Dennis shrieks and throws his hands in theair. “I am not jealous, all right? I do not care with whom Macchooses to consort in his spare time! As a matter of fact, I’m happy to havethe apartment to myself for once. It’s the charades I can’t stand. Theguy comes out of the closet every third Tuesday and goes right back in, gallivantingabout with women like he’s James fucking Bond! I don’t know about you, but Ifor one, am sick and tired of it.”
“Well, maybe it’s not-”
“Why do you care?” Dee talks over Charlie. “If he’shappy straight pride paradin’ around, then I say let him do it.”
“Because it is goddamn ridiculous, Dee!” Dennis counters.He’s been dealing with this for the past twenty years and he’s about reachedhis limit- the bullshit meter is almost to the top of his head- and he has morethan earned the right to be annoyed. “He brings loose women home, flaunts themaround in front of me like I’m to be impressed by his romantic prowess,pretends to enjoy making love to them, and for what? Because he can’t commit tobeing gay? Because a nonexistent god will send lightning down upon him to smitehim? It is absolutely absurd!”
Charlie and Dee share a look, and Dennis doesn’t know what itmeans, but he does know that he wants to hit them both across the facewith one good, honest backhand slap.
“So crash the date! Steal his girl! Ya’ know, cuck him!”Frank, suddenly at the bar and hoisting himself onto a stool, says much tooloudly. Luckily, their weeknight crowd is too busy drowning themselves in theirown sorrows to take notice. “Deandra keeps track of us on her pager.”
“I do not-”
“You stalk our locations, Dee, really?” Dennis questions. “Nowthat is just pathetic.”
“How… How do you do that?” Charlie wonders, starting to patat the back of his neck. “Like, with a chip or…?”
“No, see, what Frank is implying,” he explains, “is thatSweet Dee here watches us on her phone, everywhere we go, so she can livevicariously through us and make believe she has a personal life while she watchesLifetime movies and eats a family-size cheesecake by her lonesome. It’s justsad.”
“Hey, don’t take this out on me, bitch, I’m not the one whostood you up!” Dee yelps in a voice like an irate chihuahua. “Besides, Charlie,I can never see you, anyways.”
“He keeps his phone at home,” Frank says, chewing an oliveopen-mouthed like a horse, “in a bag of rice.”
“Well, maybe if you stopped taking it to the sewers, itwouldn’t get wet,” she suggests.
“Wet? I’m trying to keep it safe! If- If my apartmentgets robbed, they’re not gonna steal a bag of jambalaya!”
“You- You keep it in cooked rice?”
“Would you all shut up?!” Dennis shouts and slams his handsdown on the counter, rattling the empty glasses. He is at his wit’s end, and ifhe has to listen to this conversation a minute longer, his migraine is going topop his eyeballs out of his head. When he speaks again, his voice is level. “Fine.Let’s do it.”
Dee raises an eyebrow. “You want to crash Mac’s date?”
“Yes. Not because I care,” he clarifies, “but becauseI can’t play this game with him anymore. I am going to put a stop to this onceand for all.” Finishing off the last of his beer, he jams a finger in Frank andCharlie’s direction. “You two: no inventions, no possums, no dinner theatre-nothing except bartending and breathing.”
Charlie raises a hand. “What about-”
“No glue-eating contests, either, buddy.”
He puts his arm down with a pout.
“Let’s go, Dee. You’re driving.”
She scoffs in offense. “What? Why am I driving? Whyam I even going?”
“Well, what if they move around? You’re the stalker, I needyou on my team.” Dennis flits a hand around the room, out over their dominionof drunken singles and slumbering elderly. “It’s not as if you’re making tips.”
Besides, he knows she enjoys crap like this. She can pretendshe doesn’t care about the rest of them all she wants, claim she simply wantsto be left alone, but Dennis knows her better than anyone and he knows she likesto be included. He knows she lives for drama.
As expected, she resigns herself with a “fine” and followshim out of the pub.
“Dee, truly, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart…Your music is the goddamn worst.”
They have listened to three Hole songs in a row, all ofwhich are essentially the same song, about scorning men and rejectingthe norms of society- none of which Dee, who bases her self-worth upon ratingsand the male gaze, can relate to in any way. Besides, the guitar sounds likeit’s in a fish tank.
Dennis would have driven himself, but unfortunately, heneeds Dee as his accomplice tonight. 
Plus, it’s good that he doesn’t have to dothis alone. It’s good to have the company… not that he’ll ever say that aloud.
“I’m doing you a favor, you boner,” she replies, but there’sno malice in it. In fact, she kind of sounds like she’s enjoying herself.
Again, Dee is fond of a good revenge plot. What else wouldshe be doing right now, if not for this, anyhow? Impressions of celebrities fortips? A reality TV marathon in her bathrobe? This has to be the height of hersad, lonely, joyless night.
She’s very skilled at the whole vengeance thing, too.Sometimes her schemes shock even Dennis. It’s always been that way, ever sincethey were children. Dee would whip out a notebook and map out a meticulously-plottedrevenge plan while Dennis simply went along for the ride (and chickened out,half of the time, because he didn’t want to upset their mother or get into trouble). That’s something else he won’t tell her out loud, that he’simpressed with- and often disgusted by- her work.
“Well, are we almost there?” he complains, tapping hisfingernail against the door to the growling music and watching pedestriansthrough the window.
Dee glances at her phone. “Chill out, it’s after the nextlight.”
Dennis raises his head, casting a suspicious glanceto the GPS, then back to the road in front of them.
“No…” he mutters to himself.
Sure enough, it is.
When they make the turn and pull up outside of therestaurant, it’s the fucking Thai place Dennis told Mac about just yesterday.He stole the idea from him! He’s having dinner, on their night, at a newrestaurant he was fully aware Dennis wanted to try, with some randomfloosy. Dennis should be the floosy! He should be drinking SangSom and eatingcoconut shrimp! He should be there, because it’s their goddamn monthlydinner, it is their night, and Mac wouldn’t have even known this place existedif not for him!
Oh, he is so furious, he could just scratch him…
“That impertinent son of a bitch!”
“Yeah, I kinda thought they’d be at, like, Taco Bell-”
“It’s not that!”
Dennis takes a moment, sighing through pursed lips, steadyinghis rage, then turns to face his sister.
“We were supposed to have dinner here! This wassupposed to be our reservation! Then this Drew woman comes along-”
“Wait, Drew-”
“And soils the entire thing! Our whole rhythm is broken. Wewon’t be able to have a proper dinner for months now, the vibe is all wrong.”
Dee scrunches her face up at him, like she does when he’snot making any sense, but he is making sense, he’s making more sensethan he’s ever made!
“Couldn’t you just do your little bros night out tomorrow?Or the next day?” 
Dennis rolls his eyes. What a ludicrous question.
“It’s not about the schedule, Dee,” he says, waving hishands around wildly, “it’s about the mood. Our dynamic is going to be off untilat least November.”
There’s a moment of silence between them, no sound in thecar but the radio blaring angry chick music.
“So… what if they go on another date?” Dee eventually asks.She looks like she knows she shouldn’t, even before the words leave her mouth.“Like, what if this is a relationship thing?”
Relationship, that’s so ridiculous. This is all alittle scheme to tick Dennis off or get revenge on him for something he’salready forgotten doing, and it’ll be over by the end of the week. He doesn’twish to wait that long, though, so he’s simply ending it tonight. Besides, heshould be the one seeking retribution. He’s the one who was robbed ofhis periodic dining experience.
“This is all a little song-and-dance for Mac to prove onceagain that he’s heterosexual, or perhaps it’s a plot against me, but what it’scertainly not is a relationship.”
Dee’s eyes drift to the crowded restaurant behind him for a beat, then settle on his face, not quite looking directly at him.
“Then why is he here without you, Dennis?”
Well, perhaps he didn’t expect Dennis to show up duringdinner, but afterwards, he would have surely brought his “date” back to theapartment and made grand theatrics of it.
“Damn it, Dee, I will get to the bottom of this if it takesall night.”
Dennis unbuckles his seatbelt and throws open his door,stomping out onto the sidewalk.
“Yeah, I’m leaving you in an hour, cockmunch.”
Getting past the hostess is easy enough. Dee nearly attemptsto disguise herself as an employee, but that is an awful idea and an absolutewaste of time, so Dennis simply puts on the charm and insists they’re meetingsome business associates. He keeps his head up high and waltzes pastthe booth into the restaurant before the woman can stop him. It’s all about theconfidence. If you look like you know what you’re doing and where you’resupposed to be, no one is sure enough or cares enough about their job to callyou on it.
He keeps a hand on Dee’s shoulder to guide her around beforeshe ends up donning a fake mustache and sneaking in as a waiter. They have toappear as if they know where they’re going, as if they’re with one of thesegroups, so they can’t wander around too much.
Mac will likely be in a booth. Dennis himself preferstables, and always insists they get one (sketchy diners at two in the morningexcluded), but Mac likes booths because he enjoys kicking his feet up andlounging around like he’s on the damned sofa at home. He is a classless savage.
The place isn’t too big, but it’s crowded- it takes them allof six minutes to track Mac down.
And when they do…
That’s all Dennis can say.
He softens all at once and his shoulders drop, handsstilling at his sides. All of the fight in him goes limp.
Mac is on a date.
With a guy.
“Dennis…” Dee says cautiously, reaching out to place a hand onhis back. She’s tentative with him, not like she’s afraid of him or thinks he’llhave an outburst, but like she’s sure if she talks too loudly or touches himtoo solidly, he’ll shatter like breakaway glass. It’s as if she thinks he’s fragile.“I’m sorry.”
Dennis’ unblinking eyes don’t leave Mac’s table. He can’tlook away from the anxious tension in Mac’s shoulders, the playful grin onhis lips, the way his face lights up when he laughs, the way he inches his handacross the table, the way his foot bounces excitedly against the floor…
It’s like watching a horror movie play out in front of him,but instead of a topless woman getting axed in the spine, he’s powerless tostop Mac from falling victim to happiness.
“For what?” he mumbles softly. He’s not sure the words comeout at all.
“I’m sorry that it’s real.”
Real… Please.
He hardly knows this guy. Sure, they’ve been texting backand forth for a couple of days, but that’s nothing compared to twenty years.It’s nothing deserving of standing Dennis up.
It sinks in that Mac cancelled on him for an actual date,and somehow that’s worse than if he’d paid a sex worker to spend the eveningwith him. It feels like a Shakespearean betrayal and stupid Drewbreaking a spring roll in half and passing Mac the rest is the blade against Dennis’ throat.
He tries feeling nothing and it doesn’t work. He triesrage and it doesn’t quite fit, either. He settles on jealousy and it’s like a glove.
A newfound wave of determination washes over him as heremembers himself and turns to Dee.
“I can still ruin this,” he decides, knowing he can still seduceMac’s date if he has to. Oh, no one has any idea how far he’ll go for revenge.
Dee takes a good, long look at the two of them laughingabout something on a chili sauce bottle like they’ve known each other foryears.
“Okay, but… why?”
Dennis tries to find a reason, but they’re all gone now.Everything he preached earlier on how this was about denial and cowardice andstagecraft… It’s all off the table. He racks his brain for a reason why thisburns at him so hotly, why he still wants to crash this, why he still wants todestroy it for Mac right in front of him, and settles on the inconvenience ofit.
“Because it’s going to be even worse. Mac pretending tosleep with a woman for a couple of nights is one thing, but having arelationship? Bringing a date back to our apartment? Letting him use ourshower? Having to hear about this man, day and night? I will not be a part ofthat, Dee.”
“So, just to clarify, Mac is never allowed to have arelationship as long as he lives with you?”
Dennis nods. “That’s the idea.”
“Sure, that’s fine, that’s healthy. That’s a perfectlynormal way for a grown man to think. Nothing weird about that at all.”
“Just shut up and follow me.”
He starts off towards the table before Dee can protest.Thankfully, she falls into step behind him instead of making a scene andblowing the entire thing.
By the time Mac’s date has noticed him, Dennis is faking awide, friendly grin that he’s certain looks charming, and not at alllike an enraged chimp suppressing its rage.
“What a coincidence!” he exclaims, struggling to maintain hishoney-sweet cadence.
Mac jumps at the sound of his voice as if it were arattlesnake’s hiss. His fight or flight response seems to activate before heeven looks at Dennis- muscles tensing, hands squirming, eyes going wide, breathcatching. When he cranes his neck to meet Dennis’ gaze, he’s making a face likehe’s been caught stealing.
It’s fitting, he supposes. He did steal something. Hestole the pleasure of their monthly dinner right out from under Dennis, stolethe music and the dark liquor and the conversation and the rice noodles andoffered it all up to somebody else, to some absolute stranger. He shouldbe mortified.
“I…” is all that escapes his dumb, floundering mouth.
Dennis takes the liberty of explaining for Drew’s sake.
“My sister and I just happened to be having dinner with somefriends,” -he gestures to no table in particular- “and who do we see?” Claspinghis hands together, he turns to Mac with less of a smile than a warning snarl.“Won’t you introduce us, Mac?’
“This is…” -Mac clears his throat, eyes darting between thethree of them, looking for a way out but finding none- “my date.”
“Drew,”’ the man says, clearly confused but holding out hishand regardless.
Dennis takes it and squeezes tight as he shakes, really putshis shoulder into it. A handshake says a lot about a man, a lot about histrustworthiness and virility and how much power he can generate, and Dennis hassomething to prove.
He doesn’t see what all the fuss has been about, these past fewdays. The guy is nothing to text home about. Sure, he’s passable, perhaps evenconventionally attractive, but his smile is too gummy, his jawline is toodefined, his toned arms are all deltoid and no bicep, and what is he wearing? Acheckered shirt? In a Thai restaurant? Any self-respecting man would know thepatterns clash.
“Dennis Reynolds. I own the bar Mac works at, which surely,he’s told you much about.” He rests a hand on Mac’s shoulder, who startles athis touch. “I also own our apartment. And our bank account. And our car. But…”-he chuckles, humorless, and it immediately fades into a straight stare-“mostly the bar.”
“He’s my… roommate,” Mac mumbles sheepishly.
Drew squints at him for a second, then pointsin Dee’s direction. “And you are?”
“Hungry,” she jokes, snorting in laughter at herself,and Dennis boils a little inside. Before he can say anything else, her talonsare in his arm, spinning him in the opposite direction. “We should be gettingback to our meal. You guys enjoy your date, or whatever people say.”
Dennis tries to stand his ground, but Dee’s fingernails inhis flesh are so painful that it takes all of his strength to keep from screaming.She drags him into an empty booth before he can stop her.
“What the hell?” he whispers through gritted teeth. “Whatare you doing, Dee?’
“You’re being a real dick wart, Dennis,” she chastises him.“Look, I know you want to throw your little trust fund fuckboy alpha maletantrum, but you’re freaking Mac out. I mean, look at him.”
Dee gestures towards Mac, who is still watching them acrossthe restaurant, eyes like a deer in the headlights, as his date talks to theside of his head.
“Besides, I thought you were gonna do the cucking thing. Youwere acting like Mac’s husband or some shit.”
“I was not,” Dennis insists and cups his handstogether. “I told no lies. I was simply emasculating Mac in front of his date.I mean, who wants to have dinner with a man who can’t drive himself or controlhis own finances?’
Dee narrows her eyes and rolls her teeth over her lip,analyzing him like she’s not sure he’s serious.
“Um, you?”
“Wh-” He scoffs in disbelief. How incredulous of her, thoseare two completely different types of dinners. “I am not-”
Before he can say something for himself, a waitress is atthe end of their table. She looks perplexed, presumably wondering why theyhaven’t been served yet, but retains the smile on her face.
“Do you guys need anything to drink, or…?”
“Can you not see that we’re having a conversation?!” Dennissnaps.
“Yeah, bitch, we’ll get drinks when we’re good and ready!”Dee backs him up.
The waitress rolls her eyes and walks away.
“I mean, it’s fucking rude.”
“Completely unacceptable.”
“She saw us talkingand she just waltzed right up like she was part of it!”
“I’m sorry, Dee, I had no idea the service here was soterrible.”
Dee frowns and glances at the kitchen door the womandisappeared behind.
“I kinda do want a drink, though,” she says.
“Yeah, I’m pretty thirsty…”
It’s quiet for a minute. There are forks scraping and platesclattering and incessant, mindless chatter all around them, but it’s quiet attheir table. Dee picks at the finishing on the glass with her fingernail,peeling it off. Dennis watches the pieces flick onto the floor and wonders whathe’s going to do if this is a long-term situation, if he has to live inproximity to this weak-handshaked stranger all the time, has to tolerate himday in and day out. The thought of having someone digging through he and Mac’sfridge, using their bathroom, taking up space on their couch… it’s annoying.
The thought of that person sharing a bed with Mac, eatingout of the same bowl of popcorn as him, wrapping a hand thoughtlessly aroundhis waist in the kitchen while he makes coffee, kissing him on the cheek asthey cuddle under a blanket…
Annoying isn’t the right word for the way those things feel.They don’t sting at his nerves and tense his muscles like annoying things do.Instead, the mental image sits at the pit of Dennis’ stomach with everythingelse he’s buried over the course of his life. It’s a different animal entirely.It’s…
He doesn’t know why, but it feels like losing a sure handhe’s bet all his chips on.
“You want me to take you home?”
Dennis observes Mac, who still looks nervous, but has fallenback into the swing of his conversation.
“No,” he mumbles.
Dee lets out a short, resigned sigh.
“You want to be fuck up his date?” she offers.
Drew (stupid name for a guy, by the way, just commit to thefull Andrew) rests a hand on Mac’s arm and Dennis’ stomach collapses intoitself like a house of cards.
“Thought you were doing the high road thing,” he answers, “youknow, like a superior bitch.”
She huffs through her nose like a bull, but the loud, enragedresponse never comes. Instead, her voice is gentle, as if breathing on ahair trigger.
“I didn’t realize what this was about,” she says.
Dennis raises and eyebrow and turns back to her, slowlytrying to process what the hell she’s referring to. He can’t figure it out, andhe can’t think of a way to twist it into an insult, either, so he just stares.
“Don’t look at me like that, you skid mark,” Dee spits,sounding a little more like herself. “I’m not having this fight with you again.Look, here’s what you do…”
Ding ding ding ding!
Dennis taps a knife against a wine glass, both of which he’sswiped from an unobservant old couple, and the tinny sound echoes through therestaurant until everyone in the room falls silent.
Mac is looking at him like he’s got a bomb strapped to hischest. The fear and embarrassment in his eyes is almost humiliating enough torectify this entire situation- almost, but not enough.
He clears his throat.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m standing here tonight because… Imade a mistake. And I want to fix it.”
Dennis smiles at Mac, who gawks nervously at him. He putsthe sweetest, sappiest, cheesiest look on his face that he can muster, justknowing everyone in the room is going to fall for it immediately. He’s got a knackfor manipulating people.
“Mac, baby…”
Mac’s eyebrows shoot up into his hair.
“I know I told you I wanted to see other people, but… I’verealized something, in the last three days. I only want to see you- forthe rest of my life.”
He earns a couple of aww’s and affectionate hums fromthe restaurant patrons. Stupid, stupid, stupid people. They don’t even know himand they’re already convinced he’s in love with Mac. He’s a much better actorthan Dee is, and he would shove that in her face, if she hadn’t been the one tocome up with this plan.
“Look, I know I messed up, but… I’m not afraid anymore, Mac.I know how I feel. And I know you came here with Chad, and I know what you’regonna say, and I know I don’t have a ring…”
Mac’s got his face in his hand, and Drew looks absolutely appalled.No matter what he answers, no matter how this plays out, this date isdefinitely destroyed.
“But I’d marry you with this.”
Dennis snatches a ring-shaped onion slice from a woman’s salad,and she simply sits there and lets him, because she’s that enthralledwith his speech. He makes sure to grind it good and hard between his fingersbefore setting it back down- he’s going to need that.
“Because none of that matters.” He pretends to take amoment, burying his face in his hand and digging his oniony fingers into hiseyes. When he feels them start to tingle, feels a tear drip down his cheek, helowers his hand and sniffles. “What matters is you, man.”
A few more aww’s are whispered, and Dennis feelsquite pleased with his exceptional performance.
“Jesus Christ, Dennis.” Mac turns back to his dateand reaches out for him. “This isn’t-”
“No, you know what? Go ahead.” Drew scoots his chair backand stands to his feet, tossing the napkin from his lap onto the table. “I sawthe way you two looked at each other.”
Clearly, that statement has no basis in fact, but it worksto Dennis’ advantage, so he’ll take it. Before Mac can even stammer out a syllable, his date has abscondedand stormed out of the restaurant.
“Mac, listen…”
Dennis crouches down in front of him and takes his hands,all of the tears in his voice gone as he whispers to him.
“They’re going to give us free dessert.”
Mac stops glaring daggers at him, and the tension in hismuscles relaxes. His hands go limp under Dennis’ as he scans him over,observing the streaks of foundation he no doubt has on his cheeks.
“Fine, asshole,” he answers loudly enough for the entiredead-silent restaurant to hear.
A few scattered people begin slow clapping, unsure as towhether or not that’s a positive response. Dennis makes quick work of slickinghis thumb across his eyes and eliciting a few more crocodile tears.
“He said yes!”
The restaurant erupts in applause as Mac shoots him a deathstare so hard he might pop a blood vessel.
“There’s too much coconut.”
“That’s the entire purpose of the cake, Mac. Do you claimthere’s too much chocolate in a brownie, as well?”
“I’m just saying, it’s like suntan lotion.”
Mac swallows and sets his fork down, gaze focused on thetable. He leans onto it and rests his chin in his hand.
Before Dennis can suggest they get a tub of ice cream fromthe store instead, Mac mumbles into his palm.
“I know you’re uncomfortable.”
Dennis is thrown off guard by that.
“Well, I suppose the chair could use a cushion, but otherthan that-”
“No,” he grumbles. “About the date.”
Dennis? Uncomfortable? Over something so banal as Mac datinga guy? To accuse him of that, when he has always been perfectlytolerant, and Mac has been the one pointing fingers and throwing stonesin glass houses and proclaiming his condemnation of gay relationships from the steeples-it’s downright rude.
“I am not-”
“I can tell, dude!” Mac yells, finally sitting up andlooking Dennis in the eyes like a man. “You were uncomfortable earlier and you’reuncomfortable right now.”
Right now? He is merely trying to eat his free pandan cakein peace!
“Mac, I’ve always known you’re-”
“I’m not- I was just- I was trying something outand…” He gives up on whatever moronic protest he was going to attempt and,instead, lets his head fall face-first onto the table. A childish groan bubblesup from his throat. “Why did you follow me here?”
Dennis lets out a long breath and prepares himselfto say what he’s about to say.
“Look, Mac…”
Mac’s still got his head down, but he’s adjusted hisposition to gaze up at Dennis. This would actually probably be easier if heweren’t, though.
“When you cancelled our monthly dinner, I felt like Iwasn’t-”
“Are you done yet?”
Dee’s standing at the end of their table expectantly, tappingher foot and slugging down the last of a beer. “You better be in the car in thenext five minutes or you two shit socks are walking home.”
He glances to Mac and mumbles, “She smells like asock…”
For a second, Mac smiles and snort-laughs, until heremembers he’s supposed to be upset and his face falls again.
Dee’s freakishly strong hands slam the empty bottle down,with enough pressure to put a crack in the tabletop. “You know what? Fine. I’mleaving. You two deserve each other.”
Before she gets even five steps away, Mac shouts after her.
“Yeah, go listen to your stupid music in your dumb car!”
Dennis chuckles under his breath. “Her music isstupid.”
He reminds himself to thank her later, nonetheless. She canbe a half-decent sister on occasion. Sure, he owes her an apartment cleaning inexchange for the engagement idea, but still- nice of her to accompany himtonight.
“Sorry, Dennis, what were you gonna say?”
When you cancelled our monthly dinner, I felt like Iwasn’t as important to you as your date. I felt like you threw away years oftradition for some fool you barely knew. You’ve been on your phone all the timeand movies aren’t as fun without your commentary. You’re my best friend and Ihad to share you and it really sucked. And we don’t have to talk about the gaything if you don’t want to, but if you do, we’ll go get some ice cream and we’lltalk about it.
Dennis chooses to shorten it.
“You want to go get ice cream?”
Mac shrugs and agrees to the idea, on the condition thatthere’s no coconut involved.
The walk home isn’t too long, even with the trip to theconvenience store. They don’t talk much, but it isn’t uncomfortable. Sure, theycan chat for hours if left to their own devices, but when it’s just the two ofthem… it’s perfectly comfortable to say nothing, too.
Mac wraps his coat around Dennis’ shoulders when it getscold.  He buries his hands in thepockets, where an energy bar rustles around in there. He knew Mac would never reallytake a chance on a new restaurant- the guy likes to play it safe.
He reminds himself that this is all for the best, for Mac.He needs Dennis. He relies on him for guidance and money andtransportation (present situation excluded) and basically everything in hislife. It’s good that he didn’t end up putting that pressure on somebody else.It’s good that nobody else is going to watch TV on their couch and eat straightout of their ice cream tub and dangle their legs over Mac’s lap. That wouldhave been annoying.
Yeah, Dennis reassures himself as he watches Maccarry the grocery bags and makes himself comfortable in his jacket, Macneeds him.
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royaliity · 5 years
W A N T E D   C O N N E C T I O N S
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Hi there, fellas! Below the cut, I’ve included some wanted connections & filled connections too. Please, do not be afraid to reach out to me on any of them! I’m seriously open to anything, even if it’s an idea not listed or filled! (updated: 04/01 @ 1:51AM pst)
M A V E R I C K   S T A R K ( Son of Tony Stark & Pepper Potts )
Best Friend - Someone that knows him inside and out. They’ve been friends since childhood and could be complete opposites or absolutely the same. Either way, this one has to come from the MCU! | PETRA MAXIMOFF
Littlest Sister - His weak spot, his bright spot. These two are attached at the hip and he would do anything for her. He has a hard time teasing her but he will definitely randomly tackle her and “beat her up” like older brothers do. |  MORGAN STARK
Dependent - Someone that he has to constantly defend. He wants to make sure they’re safe and sound always by picking them up and moving them out of the fight before he kicks the ass of whoever decided to mess with them. | EVERY MCU CHILD TBF
Ex - He knew it was a bad idea, he did it anyway. Now they’re in each other’s lives forever for better or for worse. They just stick to him and maybe get him on a weird different level. | OPEN
Childhood Crush - He had a crush on them and they just never knew it. Even today he still has feelings for them, but pushing it down until it no longer exists still feels like a decent option. Worthless, but a decent option. | AUDHILD ODINSON
Friendenemy - Someone that really annoys the heck out of him and has extremely contradicting views but they work together so they have to make things work too. Definitely a Steve Rogers / Tony Stark kind of relationship. | OPEN
Labmate - Someone that keeps him from doing something stupid with his experiments. They keep him grounded, but hey, maybe they like to have some fun too. Who cares what they break? The Starks can fix it later, right? | OPEN
Enemy - Anyone against the family or anyone that tries to hurt his friends… Or maybe they hate him for the opportunity he got just for being Stark’s son. | SACHA BELOVA
T H E O D O R E   L I D D E L L ( Son of Alice Liddell )
Best Friends - People that are ultra-close to Theo and understand all the other crazy sides of him. They may not know about the whole “spirit” thing, but they know he’s a nerd trying to make it in the world. | OPEN
Older Sibling - Maybe they never believed in Wonderland or maybe they did. Either way, Theo always secretly looked up to them. They were the glue that held the family together and he just wanted to be as talented as them. | GEMMA LIDDELL
Younger Sibling - Maybe they never believed in Wonderland or maybe they did. Either way, Theo always kept  the beliefs of  fairy tales alive for them, even when they started to grow up. They’re much more mature than he was at that age, but that wasn’t a bad thing either. | OPEN
Ghost Pal - Someone that has stuck to him for one reason or another. He might be sharing his body with them every now and again or maybe he’s just someone they can talk to without manifesting and losing energy. Maybe they’re just helping him work out his powers. | KIERAN GRACEY
Guardian - Let’s face it, his big heart is a big target. He’s gonna need someone to keep him from getting thrown in the nuthouse or getting hurt because he trusts too easily. | OPEN
Crush - He stumbles over his words when he’s around them. He just can’t help himself. If he wasn’t so awkward, maybe he could manage to be with them someday. Either way, he still wants to be around them 24/7. | LYNETTE DESCHAMPS
Wonderland Buddies - Anyone from Wonderland that managed to sneak into the real world. They haven’t seen each other since both of them were kids. | ALL THE BUDS
K Y R A   K E N O B I ( Adopted Daughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi )
Best Friends - She’s always wanted the experience of getting dolled up and telling secrets like a normal girl. | OPEN
Partner in Crime - Someone that she can get in extreme amounts of trouble with. Whether it be pulling pranks or breaking some laws, it doesn’t matter, they’re game for it. | TOBY FITZHERBERT
Mentor - Someone to help her understand the force and how to be better with it. She’s chaotic, so whether it’s good or bad, she needs some help to get better. | OPEN
Good Influence - May go along with sibling or mentor or even friend, but someone who is constantly telling her she can be better and follow Obi-Wan’s good lessons. They help to chill out her firey emotions sometimes. | ARIN TICO
Bad Influence - Tells her to go for her emotions and that what she’s feeling isn’t bad if she channels it all into the dark side instead. She believes them, she just knows it isn’t a good idea... | BEN SOLO
Sibling Figure - Doesn’t matter if it’s brother or sister, anyone that she could consider an older or younger sibling would be amazing. She’s always wanted a family like that and envies it in many ways. | BRYN DAMERON
Friends w/ Benefits - She’s definitely open to a relationship with benefits! It’s kinda a thing for her to be with someone just for fun and enjoyment. She just likes to feel close to someone. | OPEN
Crush - Someone who develops a crush on her or maybe she finds she likes this person a lot more than she should. Maybe she’s afraid she’s gonna lose them too. Maybe they’re someone that makes her feel like she can make her Father proud. | DARYAN CRESSE
Enemies - Let’s face it, Obi-Wan had many enemies on the Sith side that may not like that Kyra exists and may want to take her out. | OPEN
B E A T R I C E �� F I T Z H E R B E R T ( Daughter of Rapunzel & Eugene Fitzherbert )
Best Friend - Closest to her and knows everything she tries to hide. They can read her like a book and while they probably won’t call her out on it, they do try to keep her safe. | OPEN
Siblings (2) - She feels incredibly close with both of her siblings and is always putting their welfare above her own if she can. They make her life less lonely and she trusts them completely. | TOBY FITZHERBERT & OPEN
Guard or Stable Friend - Perhaps a child of Maximus or Pascal maybe? Someone who could have tried to teach her to protect herself and others and relied on her ability when they met as children. | OPEN
Ex-Friend or Ex - Someone that she thought loved her but she figured they didn’t after everything that happened. They were the one to make her wary of friendships at all. | OPEN
Corona / Arendelle Friends - More friends from Corona for her to adore or possibly become acquainted with. I would also like to see possible Arendelle connections! | OLA BJORGMAN
Controller - Takes advantage of her kindness and uses it to their advantage simply because she’s naive and easy to control once she trusts someone. | FELIX WESTERGAARD
Unique Friend - Someone to teach her that not all people are out there to be good and kind. Maybe they’re taking pity on her. Maybe she slightly annoys them. It’s flexible. | OPEN
H E N R Y   W A L T O N   J O N E S,  III ( Son of Indiana Jones & Marion Ravenwood )
Companion - Someone to follow him on every adventure, big or small. He would consider them one of the only people that don’t get offended by him and actually understands his thought process perhaps. | OPEN
His Little Sister - He took her on too many mini adventures when they were both kids. She’s one of the only people that knows when he’s faking it. Maybe a little more street smart where he can be a little book smart too. | OPEN
Ex - The initial person that broke his heart. Could have been when they were young or maybe things got too serious and he had to run away like dear dad? Either way, he tries to avoid them but he’s unable to. | OPEN
Enemy - Many people could fill this position. Especially if they’re greedy and disrespectful of culture or hurt others. | OPEN
Flirtacionship - He’s a pretty face with a little charm and they’re willing to put up with his bluntness and obsessive talk of history. | Adrien Solo
Apprentice - Someone he’s showing the ropes to! He doesn’t ever underestimate them, but definitely doesn’t want them getting hurt and he’ll do everything he can to make sure that doesn’t happen. | OPEN
M I K A S A   K O P O L I ( Daughter of Kiki & Tombo )
Coven - I would love it if the witches got together and created a coven of super diverse but interesting talents! The more power they have the better. Did someone say powerpuff girls?? | EDEN DALLOWAY-PIPER & OPEN
Customer - I would love it if she had a frequent customer that always required a certain potion or elixir… Or maybe they’re just addicted. Either way it works! | OPEN
Bad Influence - They’re so nice and pleasant to her that they convince her to use her magic for bad instead of good. Yikes, now they’re making drug-like concoctions or something. | KAL BARR
Best Friend - They realize her potential and push her to keep doing good and trying! They may go on adventures with her on the broom too! | OPEN
Big Brother - Someone that she looks up to more than anyone. She’s always pushing herself to be at their level. I would imagine they’re pretty close and work together well. | OPEN
Mentor - Maybe someone that wants to coach her more and make her better at being a witch! She could definitely use one at times. | OPEN
Apprentice - Someone she happens to be teaching about the magic world that she sees a spark in... She’s not a perfect teacher but they’re just starting out anyway! No biggie. | OPEN 
Attraction - She trips all over herself when this person comes near but she knows she shouldn’t ever fall for someone again. She would probably write them secret letters with flowers too. | OPEN
C H A R L E S   H A T C H A W A Y ( Son of Constance Hatchaway & Frank Banks )
Mortal Friends - People he can finally be friends with and helps him understand the mortal world just a little bit better. He may have been wary to trust them in the beginning but now he enjoys being around them. | AIDEN FUSSELBOTTOM
Macabre Delights - This person enjoys the darkness as he much as he does and delights in just talking poetry and sitting there in the comfort of the dark with him. They may talk a lot about their lives. | OPEN
Bright Side - This person brings out the light in Charlie. They make him feel happy like no one else had before. Maybe they make his life (or afterlife) a lot better than it ever was. | OPEN
Intuned with Ghosts - A mortal who’s sensitive to ghosts that he tells information to. He feels comfortable around them and will reveal information to them about the afterlife. | OPEN
Ghost Pals - Anyone from the mansion that managed to get him to talk and be social! | TAKEN
C L E M E N T I N E   N O R T O N ( Daughter of the Blue Fairy )
Her First Charge - Her felt as though he was falling in love with them and no matter how hard she fought to save them, she lost them. Most likely a ghost or vamp or something?? We can figure it out. | OPEN
Her Rival - An evil entity who Clem is strangely fascinated with and whom she would never say so. She likes to engage in banter with them and will fight them on occasion. Especially if they decide to come after her charges. | ALEKSIS CHERNABOG
Her Best Friend - Another fairy whom Clem admires greatly and finds to be much too good to ever be her best friend. They have history together and it seems as though they are always there to protect her at the most convenient of moments. | OPEN
Her Current Charge - Someone that is in need of a guardian angel and is alright with them having a very interesting empathetic connection. | OPEN
Her Older Sibling - Someone she trusts more than anyone and leans on more than they probably like. She learned a lot from them and sees them as a kind of equal and friend. | OPEN
His Younger Sibling - They’re little and therefore, they need protection too. They treat them how their older sibling treated her and is not embarrassed to make sure they’re okay. | OPEN
O L I V I A   F L A V E R S H A M ( Daughter of Hiram Flaversham )
Her Guardian - She’s bound to get into some kind of trouble and she really needs someone to stop her before she gets hurt. | OPEN
Her Mentor - They have a difficult relationship but she would do anything for him. Sometimes she feels like he’s the only one who knows exactly what’s going on with her and how much she actually needs people. | JOHN MOUSE
Her Best Friend - Call them the Dawson to her Basil. She needs a good partner that can keep her grounded and eating actual food. | OPEN
Her Rival - Someone that matches her wits and is out to hurt the people she loves the most. | OPEN
Her Confidant - Someone that understands how her mind works and listens to her babble on because they know they can help her and she can help them. | OPEN
Her Dependent - This person just needs someone’s protection like she did when she was little. She sees a lot of herself in them and wants to keep them safe. | OPEN
Her FWB or Ex - This is someone she probably trusted quite a bit and then they let her down in some way. She’s still drawn to them completely but she tries to stop herself from being with them to no avail. | OPEN
Her Mystery - Probably someone that she wants to expose as a fraud but can’t and while it frustrates her, she’s just too intrigued to give up. | OPEN
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slashers-hell · 6 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get something nsfw with legion (frank speciffically) Where his s/o likes to tease him in trials like she pourposley lets him catch her just so she could whisper dirty things in his ear so he drops her or just overall things that distract him from winning a match and afterwords he's supper aroused and slightly mad so he takes it out on her? Please and thanks?
Of course I can do that! Love your request! Though I should add, English isn’t my mother tongue, and I haven’t written a story in English before. So… I hope you can excuse some of the mistakes I might have been making. :) 
Frank Morrison (The Legion) x female!reader
Youhad escaped another trial successfully. All thanks to the sheer amount ofpressure you had put onto the Killer. Though said pressure came in theform of seduction towards no other than your boyfriend who alsohappened to be a Killer. You knew far too well about his spiel, theway he didn’t care about those he hurt during matches since losing had a negative effect on his ego. That way, you continued to tease Frank,whispering your dirtiest fantasies into his ear whenever he got thedrop on you, telling him how much you would like for him to take you rightin front of the other Survivors. Frank tensed up every single time,repeatedly making the same mistake of giving you a chance to break free from his iron grip. 
He was fast, agile, and deadly. 
You weren’t. 
Youhad no other chance, you thought to yourself, trying to appease to yourguilt-induced mind. Unfortunatelyfor you, this particular trial would end differently than usual. Frank came prepared into battle, already anticipating possibly being put into a match with you. At this point in time, he was able to see through your tricks. Youwere filled with a feeling of unease when you entered the Realm of The Entity. It was as though that foreign sensation in your body attempted to warn you of a badomen. A bad omen that greeted you with a stab to your fellow Survivors’ shoulder from a masked man. 
Of course, it had to be your selfish yet so unbelievably sexy boyfriend. Not even five minutes went by, and Frank had already begun to chase both you and Jake away from the generator you were working on. Frank managed to hit Jake once with the sharpened blade of his knife. Then, he turned around as alert as ever, hopping onto his next prey. 
Onto you.
Frank’s knife came crushing down on your back, hitting you not once but twice. The stabbing penetrated your flesh deeply, and you screamed whilst tears began to push down from the corners of your eyes. Frank gasped for air. You winced. Frank dragged you by your hair behind a tree. You whimpered.
It was a truly scary sight, seeing how he didn’t mind attacking you, his own girlfriend. Simply because that dark sense took over him again, making him unpredictable and sparking violence in him so animalistic you were too frightened to think about it in detail. You weren’t oblivious to how Frank could get, but you didn’t prepare to reckon with his murderous frenzy directed at you. Perhaps, it was due to the fact you had tortured him for so long with your remarks. 
It must have been. 
There was no other logical explanation for his fury.
“It’sover.” Frank’svoice sounded deeper than usual, almost husky-like.
“Whatthe hell is your problem?” you asked him nervously,knowing what the hell his problem was.
“Didyou just say your own girlfriend is a problem to you?”
Frankchuckled cynically. Then,he proceeded to remove his mask and pay attention to different areas. His breath was hot and heavy on your neck. A chill ran down your spine as you attempted to wiggle free from his grasp, desperately trying to ignore the harsh pain in your back caused by his earlier attack.
“Youare my problem,” he whispered now, confirming your question. “Youwon’t play any more games with me. Never again. Trust me.”
You couldn’t help yourself but react with sudden arousal at his testosterone-filled dominance.
“Please…” You huffed at him, pitifully so. 
However, Frank didn’t listen. He wanted you. He wanted you right on the spot. He ripped yourblouse and bra open, exposing your perky breasts. His gaze remindedyou of what you would expect from a starved wolf—not a human.He started playing with your breasts like they were his own personaltoys, provoking moans from you that you tried to stifle by biting your lower lip till it began to bleed. Your nipples became harder themore he pulled on them, the cold night air adding to it by causing them to be red andsensitive. 
In an abrupt motion, Frank turned you around, forcing you toface the tree behind you. The sharp splinters of wood felt like little twinges on your unprotected, cold skin. Frank brought your jeans short and panties all the way down to your ankles. You sensed his impatience growing stronger at the sight of your now fully exposed body. Growing stronger at the sight of you helplessly leaning against the tree, waiting for him to enter inside of you and take what’s rightfully his. His rock-like erection rubbed against your ass. Simultaneously, he pushed you harder against the tree, completely aware of the splinters of wood leaving visible patches of blood on your upper body. It was his personal idea of punishment. 
His moans echoed in your ear, and the little hairs on your neck stood up. As he continued to rub his erection against your butt, you couldn’t take it anymore and wanted him inside of you right now. That was when you heard him swiftly unzip his pants. Frank entered you without any preparation nor warning. You let out a silent scream into the night sky. His hands wandered over your shoulder blades to the back of your head, pushing your face against the tree while he mercilessly penetrated your cunt from behind. Your burning passion eventually overthrew the inexpressible pain you had felt before, travelling up and down the inside of your walls. Frank’s understanding of punishment was a different one. Whilst he thrusted in and out of you relentlessly, there was no kissing involved. No romance. Not an ounce of love. It was meant to be his personal revenge, pure lust coupled with tremendous anger. 
His thrusts grew faster, stronger, more brutal by the second, whereas your moans became louder. You were hoping that none of the Survivors would suspect anything or even come to rescue you and then find you in a fairly unusual situation with a Killer. Frankcontinued to penetrate your pussy, and just as your hand migrateddownwards to play with your clit, he prevented that by grabbingyour arm and twisting it on your back so you weren’t able topleasure yourself while he was screwing your hole so roughly.
Thiswas true punishment.
Frankdidn’t want you to enjoy the sex, no. Frank wanted you to be humiliated. Frank wanted you to suffer. Only he was supposed to enjoy it. What was taking place here was merely a game for him that he was currently winning. He was winning by simply penetrating you with his cock. Given you had played with dirty methods, he felt self-righteous in his physical response to you. Though his method was far more aggressive. And while he was humiliating you that night, you still loved every second of his thick cock pushing in and out of you. Loved how he moaned exhaustedly. How his length filled out your pussy and your sweat started to stick to him like glue. You wanted more. Needed more of the stimulating heat he provided you. More of his desire for you. 
You pushed your ass out in an attempt to make him understand what you were asking for. To your surprise, Frank had mercy on you and didn’t stop. He continued to penetrate your dripping wet cunt and enjoyed to see you needy to reach that sweet release you were hoping to get by the end of this love session. 
At last.
The nerves in your cunt started to tingle, and an all-consuming wave of lust vibrated through your body. You moaned one last time in bliss, a smile paving its way on your drenched in sweat face. Finally, you gave yourself into his stern hold on you, putting your entire weight now onto him, unable to move. Unlike you, however, Frank hadn’t climaxed just yet. Uncaring of the mess he created in front of him, he thrusted in and out of you for a couple of more minutes until he came inside of your pussy. 
You stood still.
Neither of you two made a sound anymore. You didn’t know what had taken place in the meantime, and you genuinely didn’t care at this point. You were unaware of how many generators had been completed or if the Exit Gates had been opened already or were on the verge of being powered up by the unsuspecting Survivors. You were far too gone, effectively out of your mind. Frank gradually removed himself from you and zipped his pants up. As he somehow managed to turn you in his direction, watching your face that was filled with bliss, it slowly dawned on you. Frank was wearing his mask again and tilted his head slightly while he was staring at you. He closed in on you, and everything turned black.
Youlost this trial.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
August 5th-August 11th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from August 5th, 2019 to August 11th, 2019.  The chat focused on Beyond Bloom by NiaNook.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Beyond Bloom by NiaNook~! (http://beyondbloom.webcomic.ws/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until August 11th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. In what ways do you think Yokiro will find a way to be helpful to Tatsuma and Sikue (if any)? Overall, how do you foresee him growing and changing as a person over the course of his journey?
1. Hmm... I'd say the burning building rescue from Book 3. I loved seeing Tatsuma putting aside her hangups and actually helping people for once - even if she claimed she was only doing so to protect Sikue. And I loved the frank conversation Tatsuma and Yokiro had on the cliffside after the fact. I also really like this scene http://beyondbloom.webcomic.ws/comics/120/ of Sikue and the fireflies. It's just such a cute interaction between Sikue and Yokiro! 2. I think he's already been helpful - he's taught them about humanity. Though I would love if during the final encounter with the big bad benta boss Yokiro saves the day using his fishing skills XD
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. What do you think makes Tatsuma and Sikue special compared to the other benta? Besides their powers, in what ways do you think the physical nature or symbolism of the flowers they are might come into play in the story?
My favourite scene was probably the scene where they fight Ginari and Evalkol—it showed that the three main characters are loyal to each other even when they disagree, and it was really cool to see so many characters in action
Yokiro’s been super kind and awesome to the girls!
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. Do you think Tatsuma, Sikue, and even Yokiro will find some way to feel like they belong and fit in with the rest of the world? If so, how do you see this happening? Overall, what can the story teach us about what it means to belong?
1) My favorite scene is probably the one where Yokiro caught Sikue playing with bugs and dancing...and then falling flat on her fact. Not only were the illustrations really beautiful, but I liked the blend of cute, comedy, and...mysticism for lack of a better word. It really sticks with me cause I think it was such a great bonding moment between the characters despite nothing of immense significance happening. 2) I have to agree with @snuffysam on this. I think Yokiro has already been kind of helpful. Not just in teaching them about humanity and how humanity isn't awful, but also by being the most practical between them. Cause like he thought of the toothbrushes (not that they for sure need it, but its the thought that counts). Of course, I think Yokiro might find other ways to help. Like maybe learn to hit people with a giant stick. I do think through the journey though Yokiro is gonna find his calling though. Maybe as just some charity guy who helps ppl. Opens an orphanage. Something like that.
3) My favorite character is probably Sikue if for no other reason than I like her design. Shes really cute but also has this sort of elegance about her despite the circumstances. Plus, between the three, I'd characterize Sikue as the hope of the group since shes caring, considerate, etc. I guess in otherwords, she's the glue that keeps the train going. 4) From what we've seen so far, it seems the others are based on animals, versus Tatsuma and Sikue who were plants. So a lot more might have gone into them, thus giving them access to more special abilities. However, I think that story about them being eternity flowers has a lot to do with it. Maybe they're strong just because their natures are so entertwined. So in a way nothing they cant conquer as long as theyre together.
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. Do you believe that Ginari will remain with the Keeper despite having misgivings? Why or why not? Also, do you think that Ginari will forgive Tatsuma and Sikue for killing her dragon? How will this affect her overall feeling towards them?
5) As partly mentioned, my fave illustration is definitely this huge panel one of Sikue, Yokiro, and the fireflies. http://beyondbloom.webcomic.ws/comics/125/ The combination between the night sky and fireflies is breathtaking, and the angle really sells the beauty of it to me. 6) I do think the three will find some way to belong in the world, but a long time from now and eventually. The feeling of belonging, imo, is one that comes from confidence and self-acceptance. And I kind of don't think any of them are even close to that mental juncture. They're still asking who they are, why they exist, what should they do with themselves, etc. And these are the sorts of feelings that will make you feel isolated even if you have a large community who likes you all around you. Which I guess, this is what I think the story will teach us about what it means to belong. It doesn't mean fitting in, it doesn't necessarily even mean having a large community. Belonging is something that is just as much about loving yourself for the good and the bad and having the confidence that no one can tell you otherwise.
@RebelVampire Aww, will not confirm or deny, but your 6th point got me feeling all mushy :')
Been fun reading your guys' thoughts, thank you! And Snuffysam suggesting Yokiro saves the day with his fishing skills; LOL! He'll cast that line right in the bad guy's face!
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Why do you think the benta were created in the first place? In other words, what is the Keeper’s ultimate end goal? How do you think the Keeper intends to capture Tatsuma and Sikue, and what would happen to them in that situation?
7) I probably like seeing Sikue and Yokiro interact the most. I like seeing how Yokiro is help expose other sides to Sikue, since Sikue is a lot less forward about stuff than Tatsuma. Thus, it's like getting to delve into a mystery. 8) I think Ginari is gonna stay pretty loyal to the Keeper, if only because of the answer to the next question. I don't think Ginari will ever forgive them for killing her dragon, because she'd also have to forgive herself. Thus, she will always have a grudge against them even if she somehow left the Keeper. Honestly, if she doesn't wind up dying a tragic death, I will be super duper surprised. >_>;;;;
9) I appreciate the balance of nature. Since the story features them traveling in a lot of forests, it's there a lot. However, it's not always super detailed or super obviously present. Like sometimes it's simplified and cut back, whereas other times it takes up a good chunk of the panel and is super detailed. I think this works really well, though, as it allows the nature to functionally add atmosphere to key moments, whether isolation, mysticism, or something else needs to be conveyed. 10) Ya know, I'm not sure the Keeper has an end goal. Maybe the Keeper just wants to prove what true power is or something like that. I do think regardless of goals, part of the creationg was derived just from the idea that the Keeper thought they could do it. And when you can do something, why not do it? I think the Keeper intends to trick them into coming by making them desire answers to question with the assumption the Keeper knows the answers. As for outcome, ya know, abuse their powers to do jerk things. The usual.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Do you feel Yokiro’s handling of the thief Kenber was the best? Why or why not? How does Yokiro’s desire to forgive Kenber tie into his speech about the world being filled with different kinds of people? What we can learn about forgiveness with the story?
This comic is unique in that even though it focuses on super-powered beings, the story doesn’t have a lot of fighting, instead it’s more like a casual adventure story following the journey of three characters and every once in awhile goes to some mysterious anti-heroes and bad guys. Nobody take insult from this but it actually reminds me of the original Ice Age movie. (I love that movie so I don’t mean it in a bad way)(edited)
I also think the art is unique and I admire it a lot
I think since Kenber didn’t seem to be super dangerous and I don’t even know if they have police in this world—I think what he (Yokiro) did was pretty okay, especially since Kenber is just a kid. You definitely would need to use discretion with stuff like that IRL though(edited)
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Who do you think the lady we saw in a flashback was? How did Tatsuma and Sikue wind up with her? Also, how does this factor in to Tatsuma and Sikue ultimately being cast out (possibly due to a fire)?
11) I think the comic's strengths lie in the characters. The designs are really clean and stand out against each other. There's also interesting elements incoporated to reflect the plant and animal natures. The intereactions are also a lot of fun and come with both drama and comedy, so the comic has a little something for everyone. 12) I have mixed feelings about Yokiro's handling of it. I think it's nice, but I also think eventually that forgiving nature is gonna bite him in the butt. Cause sometimes second chances just explode and it doesn't work as well as it did in that specific scenario. However, I think it's a good message about how all people are different and just cause our first impression isnt good, it could change if we take the time to get to know someone. And I think that is the takeaway of the story in terms of forgiveness. Not all the time, but sometimes it's worth trying to understand why someone would do something awful.
13) I am looking forward to seeing Yokiro grow and evolve more and what he'll contribute to the group some more. I'm always fascinated by the dynamics between super powered people and then the non-super powered companions, cause theres a lot of emotional exploration of inferiority complexes available there. 14) I assume the lady was just some random lady who found Tatsuma and Sikue and took them in because the lady seemed nice. And I assume they caused a fire, lady died, everyone blamed them. Or something like that. I'm taking Occam's Razor with this one and assume it's the most common assumption.
maybe the lady started the fire!
my final thoughts to share are... this comic is incredible. truly incredible. a lovable cast of characters at every level, and downright stunning art pieces. keep at it, nia~!
Free iPod
Didn't have time to get to every question, but here are some responses! 1) The part in Book 4 where Yokiro and Sikue meet in the forest stands out. It's a simple moment, but it feels very important. The illustration complements the emotions of the scene perfectly - as these two characters are starting to open up to each other for the first time, the black and white page blooms (lol pun) into color and the panels drift into a more loose and organic arrangement. It's super well done. 2) In a way, he's helpful because he's someone who they can trust. The three of them share the experience of being somewhat isolated from the world at large, so I think that they all benefit from knowing each other. Yokiro is definitely helpful when dealing with people, but I think that he's still conflicted about leaving his old life behind. He mentioned at one point that he had a family, so I wouldn't be surprised if he runs into them eventually. 3) It's hard to choose, but Tatsuma is my fave. I like how she's tough and prone to messing around a lot of the time, but she's very determined to protect the people she cares about. With the fire in the village and in the situation with Kenber, she believed that it would be smarter to stay out of trouble, but she was willing to jump in without hesitation to help Sikue and Yokiro. 5) The first page of Book 3. Its portrayal of dialectical exchange between two legendary philosophers is simply astounding. :3
8) I think that she will, at least for a while. I don't think that she'd want to abandon the other benta. She was genuinely concerned for Mae's wellbeing, and she got along well with Elvalkol for the most part. It seems like she has some personal history with the Keeper - their interactions were a bit more familiar than what you'd expect if they were just a boss and his lieutenant, and since she's apparently opposed to what he's doing, she might try to confront him at some point. It's hard to imagine her forgiving Tatsuma and Sikue. Aside from killing her dragon, the two may have some importance to the Keeper's plans. 9) I agree with RebelVampire, the forest backgrounds are always nice and complementary to the atmosphere. The sound effects represented as words (...idk what they're called, onomatopoeias?) are used to a good effect too. They're never just the usual generic sound effects, they always seem custom-tailored to each specific situation. :D 11) The characters are a fantastic aspect of the comic. The dynamic between the main three makes it so fun to read. Also, the comic is good at presenting little insights and hints about the world throughout the characters' journey. It's kinda hard to explain, but the world feels very 'alive' and vibrant. 12) Yokiro was patient and demonstrated good will with Kenber, and it seemed to make a real impression on the kid, so it's hard not to view what he did as commendable. I really liked that arc. 13) I'm excited to potentially see the benta settlement. It sounds like a decent place from Elvalkol's description, but I wonder what's it really like with the Keeper in charge? Seeing Yokiro's family would be cool as well. Anyways, final thoughts: this comic really does feel special in a way. The characters are memorable, and all of the different parts of it are treated with care.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Beyond Bloom this week! Please also give a special thank you to NiaNook for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Beyond Bloom, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
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themastercylinder · 5 years
While praying in St. Agnes church in New Orleans, Father Dennis is confronted by a demon taking the shape of a seductive woman. The woman tears his throat open, killing him. Several years later at a New Orleans hotel, Father Michael is called to talk to a man named Claude who is threatening to jump from the top floor of the building. When he offers Claude a cigarette, Michael is pulled out the window and falls to the ground. Inexplicably, he survives the fall without injury. After the incident, Michael is appointed to the St. Agnes parish by the Archbishop Mosely; the parish had been closed after Father Dennis’s unsolved murder.
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Upon moving into the rectory, Michael is notified by Lieutenant Stern that another priest was murdered there before Father Dennis. Michael finds mention of Millie, a waitress at the Threshold, a local black magic performance art club, in Dennis’s journal; Michael goes to visit her, but she is evasive. She later comes to the parish, claiming to Michael that she saw Father Dennis for confession before his death; during the confession, she admitted to giving her soul to Luke, the owner of the club, whom she claims is the Devil incarnate. Luke visits Michael shortly after, claiming that the Satanic shows put on at the club are only gimmicks, and that he does not actually believe in them; however, he says he’s been recently experiencing supernatural phenomena and begs for Michael’s help. Michael agrees to spend an evening in Luke’s apartment, where he witnesses furious poltergeist activity.
When Michael brings the information to Archbishop Mosely, he is informed that Father Dennis was approached by Millie and Luke in an identical manner before being murdered. Father Silva, an elderly blind demonologist, informs Michael he has been “chosen” to fight the devil, but Michael dismisses the notion. Millie is incarcerated in a psychiatric ward after attempting to kill Luke, and Michael goes to visit her. In a fit of madness, she claims Luke tried to rape her, and that Father Dennis has been talking to her. That night, Michael has a nightmare of the Demon, and receives a disturbing phone call from Father Dennis, who claims he is “waiting for him in hell.” Millie arrives in the middle of the night begging for help, and Michael agrees to let her stay in the rectory.
While cleaning the church with the housekeeper Teresa, Millie is fascinated by a statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which Teresa tells her was salvaged from a church in a foreign country that burned down. Lieutenant Stern warns Archbishop Mosely that Michael is in danger, suspecting Millie was responsible for the previous murders of the St. Agnes priests; Mosely assures him that Michael is safe. Meanwhile, Millie discovers a book in which she reads of a demon known as the Unholy, which seeks to corrupt and then take pure souls. To prevent herself from being a target, she propositions Michael to take her virginity, which he refuses. Convinced Luke planted the book, Michael confronts him, but Luke denies it.
The next day, Michael finds Luke’s eviscerated corpse hanging above the church altar in the pose of the Cross of Saint Peter. Seated in a pew is Claude, who begs Michael’s forgiveness for pulling him out the window. Suddenly, Claude begins to bleed profusely from his eyes and mouth, and bursts into flames at the foot of the Immaculate Heart of Mary statue; Luke’s corpse also ignites. Michael meets with the Archbishop and Father Silva, who warns him that the Unholy will manifest to Michael between Ash Wednesday and Easter, when it will try to tempt and then kill him. In the church, Michael is confronted by the Unholy (taking form as the woman), and she attempts to seduce him, but he denies her.
The Unholy reveals its true form—a monstrous creature—and two mutant creatures crucify Michael. Millie enters the church and is confronted by the creature, but before it can harm her, Michael calls upon God for strength, and damns the Unholy to hell. He collapses, and when he awakens, is blind. As Millie walks him out of the church, the Immaculate Heart of Mary statue begins to weep tears of blood.
 Shot during late 1986 and early ’87 in South Florida, with additional filming in New Orleans and post production in California, The Unholy is a big-budget thriller in the tradition of The Exorcist and The Omen. Though The Unholy features scenes of extreme violence, gore and an appearance by a monstrous incarnation of hell itself, director Camilo Vila balks at calling his third feature directorial effort a “horror film.” “I don’t consider this a horror film,” he says. “Of course, we’re gonna have a demon and a monster, but in a context that’s not going to have teenagers running wild.”
Speaking English in a thick Latin American accent, Vila describes his developmental work on the screenplay of The Unholy. “Originally, it was very much like The Exorcist,” he remembers. “I changed it. I created a myth about a demon that tempts priests during the 40 days of Lent and then, on the night of the Resurrection, does his final temptation.”
A Catholic himself-and a former altar boy-Vila admits that his religious upbringing had a strong influence on his approach to the material. “You never get over it,” he says, adding. “The story is very Catholic but it doesn’t have a Catholic message. It’s about temptations and how deceiving they are. They’re not black & white.”
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Barry Anderson sculpting a ripped apart chest prosthetic for the film ‘The Unholy’
Though Vila created the myth of the Lenten season temptation, another aspect of The Unholy’s premise comes from actual Catholic lore. “On Good Friday, they take all the communion Hosts out of the church and extinguish the sanctuary light,” he explains. “From Friday at 3:00 to Saturday at midnight, the church is not holy. This is the time when the demon makes his last strike.”
The screenplay for The Unholy has an interesting history, beginning life as a treatment by old-time Hollywood writer/producer Philip Yordan. Although best known as the author of the cult classic Johnny Guitar and prestigious epics such as King of Kings, The Fall of the Roman Empire and Battle of the Bulge, Yordan is more familiar for Day of the Triffids. He wrote his Unholy treatment some years before The Exorcist and The Omen created a vogue for major horror films. Too far ahead of its time, the story collected dust on Yordan’s office shelves until Vila discovered it while working with Yordan on another project. Vila turned the treatment into a full screenplay and a production deal was struck, with filming set to begin in January 1986. This deal collapsed before shooting started, but Vila found new backers while in Florida later that year. New producer Matthew Hayden brought in writer Fernando Fonseca to polish another draft before the script was taken before the cameras.
Most of The Unholy was shot in Miami’s Limelite Studios, with studio owners Frank Tolin and Wanda Rayle serving as executive producers. The film is the initial project of Team Effort Productions, Inc., a Florida-based company formed to make Hollywood-caliber films in the Sunshine State.
In the lead role as Father Michael is Ben Cross. Veteran actors Ned Beatty, Hal Holbrook and Trevor Howard round out the supporting cast, along with William Russ. The leading lady is Jill Carroll, who plays a young woman involved with Father Michael. Nicole Fornier another lovely-and mysterious-lady. Fornier’s role reportedly required a very unusual bit of prosthetic makeup: The application of an extra nipple on her left breast.
Assuming responsibility for the special makeup and prosthetics on The Unholy was Isabel Harkins. A veteran of 12 years in the business, her credits include Scared Stiff and dozens of rock videos and commercials. “I’ve done lots of ‘doubles,'” she laughs, “making people up to look like Abe Lincoln and George Washington, or bears or sandwiches.” She also assisted creating the elves and fairies for Ridley Scott’s Legend. About the extra nipple on Fornier, Harkins says, “I just made a cast of her real nipple and then doubled it. She’s a beautiful girl. I bleached her dark brown hair into a fiery red and made her up glamorous, the Christian Dior look.”
Harkins served up several generous helpings of gore FX for The Unholy, including bloody bodies both human and canine. At one point, a man is butchered and crucified upside down on a cross in a Satanic parody of Christ’s death. “He gets ripped open from his crotch all the way to his neck,” reveals Harkins. “His heart and a liver are hanging out, the ribcage gets all torn up, and his bones are sticking out. It came out beautiful.  They did it with the real actor and then again with the stuntman the next day. I had to match exactly how the blood ran hanging upside down.”
The Unholy also features the gory slaughter of a German shepherd.  “But we didn’t hurt the dog!” Harkins hastens to assure everyone.  “We had a veterinarian anesthetize him. Once the dog was sleeping, we had to work really fast to apply the prosthetics and special blood I made. It looks very, very real.” And what did the pooch think of this? Harkins chuckles. “He was just licking himself off, licking up all the Karo syrup and pancake stuff. He liked it.”
Another interesting challenge came on Halloween night, when the filming of an accident victim prosthetic job was repeatedly postponed. “I put on the makeup at 5:00 p.m.,” she recalls, but the first shot wasn’t until midnight, and they shot the close-up at 6:00 the next morning.” The delays necessitated constant maintenance to preserve realism. “Appliances start going bad after you daub them up with all the glue and blood. The edges start coming up. But I used some products from RCMA, the same stuff Tom Savini and Rick Baker use. They keep the appliances going for a long time.”
Harkins says she would prefer to work with more lighthearted fantasy-oriented projects like Legend, but for now the splatter jobs are keeping her employed. “I know everything about anatomy,” she says. “I’ve been doing this for 12 years now. I go to the morgue for research.
Creating a plan for the spectacular climax of The Unholy was the duty of special FX designer Michael Novotny. No stranger to fantastic films, Novotny served as production designer on the upcoming Invasion Earth, as art director on Flight of the Navigator, and worked on the mechanical sharks for Jaws 3-D as well as the robots for Chopping Mall. Advance word on The Unholy was that a 6-foot demon appeared at its finale, but Novotny shrugs this off. “That’s a rather pedestrian description of what, in fact, is going to be revealed,” he says. “We are making a physical shape which is much larger than 6 feet, and we have several different versions of this, uh, shall we say, ‘demon.’
“It’s hard to describe exactly what it is,” Novotny explains, “because some of the versions of the ‘demon’ are meant to be seen only from certain points of view. One might be just a profile. Another might be just a background piece that’s meant to be interpreted as a shadow, and another is what I’d call a ‘full-on jeopardy shot’ where you’ll be confronted by him directly.”
This evil entity manifests itself in many forms. “The whole concept is that the power of the devil is at its extreme as a deceiver,” says Novotny. “He’s changing constantly. At one point he becomes a holocaust of fire, with the entire church splitting open and forming a hell.” This last effect required the assistance of Star Wars FX Whiz John Dykstra’s Apogee company to execute Novotny’s plan.
Charged with building the monstrous entity that Novotny designed was makeup FX creator Jerry Macaluso, who has worked under Rick Baker. Macaluso was assisted by Linda Arrigoni, Barry Anderson, and Brian Burgstaller, all veterans of Romero’s Day of the Dead. Working with mechanics built .by Ken Wheatley, Macaluso and his crew assembled the demon by first sculpting in clay, then molding in fiberglass. “It was quite an experience because none of us had ever done anything this big before,”  recalls Macaluso. “Standing straight up, she’s 9 feet tall.”  She? Yes, you read that right.
“You can definitely tell it’s a female. It has large, sagging breasts, fully articulated. We’ve got her mounted on a crane in back, and her arms are puppeted. There’s some pneumatics, also.”
Construction of the creature took over three months, followed by an entire week of screen tests before the monstrous creation was pronounced film-worthy. “There are actually three demons,” Macaluso reveals. “There’s the full-scale demon, then there’s the costume, which is basically for head and shoulders shots, and then there’s a special demon for… something else.”
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The Jerry Macaluso Creature
One person particularly impressed with the Macaluso crew’s demon work is Fernando Fonseca. “There’s six guys in there, working it,” he says with obvious amazement. “It’s fantastic to watch.” The multi-talented Fonseca, who served as the Unholy’s production designer, also composed the music score and co-wrote the screenplay. Fonseca sheds a bit more light on the subject of that extra nipple applied to Nicole Fornier. “An additional nipple is supposed to be a sign of witchcraft,” he explains. “That was one of the ‘tests’ for witchcraft back when the Spanish Inquisition had its bonfires. It was called ‘the devil’s mark.”
Although Fonseca’s scripts have been performed on the theatrical stage, The Unholy is his first produced screenplay. He describes his rewrite of the Yordan and Vila script as a matter of fleshing out the characters and filling in important details. For example, in the earlier script, Father Michael was invulnerable to temptation. “To me, this left much to be desired in the way of dramatic conflicts,” recalls Fonseca. “The demon is trying to get to him by tempting him. If he’s not susceptible, then we’ve given you the conclusion at the beginning of the story. In Yordan’s script, the demon was sent back to hell when the bell struck midnight, kind of like Cinderella.”
Another addition was a background story of elderly Father Silva’s own experience with the demon. The earlier draft had Father Silva lecturing at length about demonic lore but never explained how he acquired the knowledge. Fonseca added an explanation for Father Silva’s inside information and linked it to a new, bone-chilling finale. Due to Fonseca’s innovations and the skilled work of the entire crew at Team Effort Productions, The Unholy should provide ample thrills for even the most jaded horror film-goers. Vestron Pictures will release it this Halloween.
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  The Bob Keen Creature
Unfortunately for Vila, the people at Vestron who picked up the feature for distribution apparently wanted a horror film. Impressed with Waxwork, another of their genre offerings, Vestron contacted that piece’s producers, Christopher Anderson and Gary Bettman, and makeup FX man Bob Keen to shoot a new ending for The Unholy. Keen, who handled the FX on Waxwork in addition to directing second unit, was asked to rework and direct The Unholy’s climactic church battle. “The film is not that bad, it stands up by itself. The ending just needed a little polish,” Keen comments. “It’s still the original director’s and the original team’s film. I’m just doing the ending. I’ll probably get back-end credit as ‘Additional sequences directed by …’ and I’m happy with that. I’m here to help people out.”
For the reshoot, shop was set up for 10 days at the Raleigh Studios in Hollywood, right across the street from Paramount Pictures. The original church set was the only thing shipped in and reconstructed from The Unholy’s Florida shoot. A new production crew consisted mostly of Waxwork veterans in addition to Keen’s British team of Simon Sayce, Neill Gorton and brother David Keen. As scripted by Keen, the new sequence’s main purpose was to provide a more exciting and satisfying plot resolution. “The ending is bigger now, we expanded its scope,” notes producer Bettman. “The battle between God and the devil, heaven and hell, Father Michael’s fight with the Temptress, the question of should he or shouldn’t he be attracted to a woman, that’s a lot going on in just a few minutes. There’s also more action. We’ve added two other little demons, and there’s more happening with the monster. Visually, it’s a fantastic creature.”
The new creature, the demonic transformation of the Temptress who torments Father Michael, is a departure from the original Jerry Macaluso creature. It’s still very tall and noticeably female, but now the demon is meatier, slimier and looks like it’s covered in rotting entrails. Its head is larger and more menacing, with fiery red eyes and sharp claw like teeth. Explaining how the new creature was designed, Keen says, “We started from scratch. We had to simply scrap everything or we would botch up what had already been done. Vestron believed in this movie, so the decision was made quite early on, ‘Let’s spend the money, go back to square one and see what we can do.’
“There were little problems that I don’t think became evident until everything was in place,” Keen continues. “The original creature didn’t have any teeth and had very little personality. Since the scene cuts between a real person and the creature, it was important that the creature move and behave like it had a personality. That was the basic reason for abandoning the original design.”
Keen’s demon began its life as two separate pieces: an articulated head and shoulders for close-ups, and a suit worn by Gorton and Sayce for the long shots. “Midway through a scene in which the creature, on all fours, stalks the fallen priest at the church altar, we decided we needed something halfway between the two and grafted the close-up head onto the suit to make a giant puppet,” Keen reveals. “I wanted the creature to have a hands-on conflict with the priest. The conflict was very important; I didn’t want something that took place with them 200 yards away from each other.”
The finale also includes “a trip to hell which is structured with very strong images,” says Keen. “The priest eventually wins and dispatches the demon back to hell. We built the miniature set (of the church opening up into a deep pit) upside down so we could control the creature’s fall. The camera was aimed up at it, and on film it looks like the creature is dropping down a huge hole. We used the 2001 technique and hid all the wires behind the model as it gets pulled up.”
To keep the film a cohesive narrative, some of the additional footage is being edited into the body of the film as dream sequences experienced by Father Michael. While many who leave the church never go back, British actor Ben Cross did return almost a year later to reprise his role as Father Michael. “It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible,” he judges. “I’ve really forgotten a great deal, so I relied on Bob Keen, who had seen all the footage, to remind me. Basically, it’s acting by the numbers.”
The Unholy marks Cross’ first horror/FX film, as well as his first performance as an American. “Father Michael, rather than being Super-priest,” the actor observes, “is actually a bloke who can’t come to terms with the fact that he’s gifted. There’s a human side to the character. He has a strong will and strong faith, but he’s also very cynical. He doesn’t believe that evil can personify itself in fleshly form. Of course, he finds out otherwise.”
Throughout the rigorous FX shooting – including the afternoon he had to don painful contact lenses to simulate Father Michael’s ultimate blindness – Cross tried to keep a sense of humor. After one difficult shot, he announced to the cast and crew, “I’ve just been through hell.”
“These movies are tough,” Cross laughs. “When I studied at drama school, I received a classical actor’s training. I was prepared for all sorts of things; we were trained for radio. But no one ever trains you to scream and shriek while you’re crucified to an altar, and the thing that’s actually coming toward you is a prop man lighting up a cigarette behind camera. These things are so embarrassing and undignified that you just try to get it in one or two takes. After that, you start to analyze, and that’s not good.”
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Puppet created, shot, but ultimately cut from a film. Created by David Sosalla, Rick Lazzarini, and Mike Sorenson at Apogee, Inc.
Preferring to view the 10-day filming as “additional stuff” rather than a reshoot, Cross doesn’t consider this an opportunity to add anything to his performance, “This is to improve the film,” he maintains. “It’s the final 10 minutes. By that time, you either have a good movie or you don’t. The whole film builds toward these last 10 minutes. If they don’t work, then I along with many other people look a bit ridiculous, and the audience will go out laughing.”
Gary Bettman agrees, give or take five minutes. “Often what people will leave the movie theater with is the last reel. It’s what they remember most,” he nods. “The final climax leaves you with the thought of the picture, that last 15 minutes. Hopefully, we’re going to leave them so they tell their friends.”
And just in case there are any doubts left, the final word belongs to Bob Keen, who expects his sequences to comprise to 10 minutes of screen time. “Now,” assures the director, “The Unholy is definitely a horror movie.”
Keen says he doesn’t plan to emphasize his film’s FX aspects. “I’m a special effects man, but I don’t want to be labeled a special effects director,” he notes. “The area I want to develop is the character. How the story is important to the character’s structure and growth is the part I’m going to spend all my time on. If I don’t know how to do special effects by now, and how to direct them, I might as well give up.
Ben Cross as Father Michael
Ned Beatty as Lieutenant Stern
William Russ as Luke
Jill Carroll as Millie
Hal Holbrook as Archbishop Mosely
Trevor Howard as Father Silva
Claudia Robinson as Teresa
Nicole Fortier as Demon
Peter Frechette as Claude
Earleen Carey as Lucile
    The Unholy (1988) Retrospective PLOT While praying in St. Agnes church in New Orleans, Father Dennis is confronted by a demon taking the shape of a seductive woman.
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Croatoan- Part 1
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,939
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, angst, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual,
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Please, if you want to be tagged for this series, let me know and I’ll add you! If you want to be tagged for my other fics, I’ll add you! I want to hear what you guys think about this. If you want something requested, send it in!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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Urban legends, bedtime stories, monsters under the bed: they are all things you hear about but never really believe. You hear about them from your friends and you think about them all the time, it never really leaving your mind until one day, you finally do some more research.
You ask your parents about it and they always say it isn’t real, that you have nothing to worry about. So, you forget about it for a few months. Until it comes up again and the cycle starts all over again.
That’s how kids live their lives. Always knowing the unknown but never being afraid because they know it could never be real. However, with the way you grew up, those nightmares came true and you had to face them every single day.
You didn’t get to have a shortcut in life. You didn’t have parents to tell you otherwise. All you had were guns and rock salt to protect yourself with.
And that’s all you needed.
But that never stopped you from looking up some of the world’s greatest mysteries because with what you knew, anything could be true. You got to digging around and much to your pleasure, you came across the Croatoan Mystery. You thought that was very fascinating and have been obsessed with it ever since.
How could someone leave a ton of people on some island, only to come back 3 years later and have no trace of anyone ever lived there?
“Sweetheart? Are you in there?” You looked at Dean who was at the counter of the gas station, buying some food and beer.
“Yeah, sorry, just thinking, I guess.” You said, shrugging.
“Is this about the last hunt we went on?” He asked, keeping it vague for the cashier.
“You two hunt? What kind of animals do you hunt?” The cashier asked you with a smile. You looked at him and gave him a tight smile.
“Deer mostly.” Dean grabbed his change and took the beer and the jerky he bought.
“I hunt them too. Once I got a moose but don’t tell anyone.” He said with a laugh.
“We won’t. Thank you.” You said, walking out of the gas station that was right across from the motel you were staying at. Dean immediately opened the bag of jerky and started to munch on it.
“Damn, this is good. You want some?” He offered.
“No, Dean, I don’t want any. Are you just going to ignore what happened with that demon? You were going to sell your soul without any consideration of who it might affect?” You asked, walking with him.
“Look, I was trying to get her on our side. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Dean said, looking at you while you two walked.
“Why don’t I believe you?” You looked at him with a sigh.
“Believe what you want but that is what I’m sticking with.” Dean said, walking ahead of you.
“Dean, please, wait,” You reached out and grabbed his arm, making him look at you. “I love you so much and I know you want John back. I know you miss him but this isn’t what he would have wanted. He did this to save his son who he loves. It would kind of defeat the point if you died trying to bring him back.”
“Yeah, I know you’re right. You’re always right.” He muttered. You smiled and stroked his cheek before pulling away. Dean grabbed your waist with his free hand and leaned down to kiss you but you stopped him.
“You know I hate jerky. I am not getting that taste on my tongue.” You teased, pulling away from him and walking to the motel room. You slid the key in and opened the door, frowning when you saw Sam on the floor, holding his head in pain. Dean walked up behind you and saw Sam as well.
“Sam, are you okay?” You asked, rushing to him. You got on the floor and moved some of his hair that was damp with sweat, away from his eyes.
“We have to go. Rivergrove. Another vision.” Sam said, squeezing his eyes shut. You looked up at Dean who was already packing his things. Well, that beer would have to wait to get drunk. Right now, you had another case to solve.
It was late at night and you’ve barely gotten sleep. Sam was so sure that Rivergrove was the place that he needed to be. You didn’t know what his vision was about because he wasn’t talking. You tried 2 times to get him to talk. Maybe third time is the charm.
“Sam, please tell us what your vision was about. You do want our help, right? I can’t give it to you if you don’t tell me.” You said, scooting closer to the seat.
“Fine, there was a dark room, a few people inside, and Dean was there, holding a gun. One of the guys in the room kept pleading with Dean that it wasn’t inside him but Dean shot him anyways.” Sam said with a sigh.
“What was in him and who was it?” You asked, looking at Dean who kept his eyes on the road.
“I have no idea. I don’t know what half of these visions mean anymore.” Sam said, looking at the GPS.
“And how are you so sure we are heading in the right direction? Aren’t there two Rivergroves in this country?” You asked.
“There was a poster on the wall of Crater Lake which is in Oregon.” Sam answered.
“Okay, there was something inside of him. Was he possessed? Your visions are always tied to the yellow-eyed demon somehow. Did I exorcise it? Any black smoke?” Dean asked.
“No, nothing like that. You just shot him.” Sam said, biting his lip.
“Maybe he had a good reason.” You said.
“Yeah, I hope so.” Sam said quietly.
“What does that mean?” Dean asked, looking at his brother. When Sam didn’t say anything, Dean scoffed. “Sam, I wouldn’t kill an innocent man.” Sam looked at his brother with his eyebrows raised.
“Hey, he wouldn’t!” You defended your boyfriend.
“Fine! Look, we don't know what it is. But whatever it is, that guy in the chair's a part of it. So, let's find him, and see what's what.” Sam said, leaning back in the seat, closing his eyes.
“Fine.” Dean said, looking back at the road. You sighed and laid down in the back seat, closing your eyes to see if you could get a few hours of sleep before you had to go to work.
“Sweetheart, wake up.” Your eyes fluttered open and you looked to see both Winchesters stare at you from the front seat.
“Can’t we leave and say we took care of the problem?” You joked.
“No, that would be cheating. Come on, Sleeping Beauty.” Dean chuckled, getting out of the car. He helped you out and you took in your surroundings. You were definitely in Crater Lake. You were parked in front of a wooden shop with a man who was cleaning a rifle outside of it.
Sam and Dean walked to him and you followed, looking around the town.
“Good morning, sir.” Sam said politely.
“Good morning, what can I do for you?” The man said with a smile.
“My name is Billy Gibbons and this is Frank Beard and she is Margaret Wells. We’re U.S. Marshals.” Dean said, taking out a badge. You wished you brought yours along but luckily, he didn’t ask for yours.
“What’s this about?” The man lost his smile.
“We’re looking for someone.” Dean said, looking at his brother for help since Dean didn’t have any idea who this kid was or what he looked like.
“A young man in his early twenties who has a thin scar right below his hairline.” Sam said, remembering his vision.
“What did he do?” The man asked worriedly.
“Well, nothing. We're actually looking for someone else, but we think this young man could help us.” Sam said.
“He’s not in any kind of trouble. We think you might know who he is, Master Sergeant,” Dean said, smiling at the man. You looked at the man and saw a tattoo on his arm that represented the Marines. “My dad was in the Corps. He was a Corporal.”
“What company?”
“Echo-2-1.” You loved how proud Dean was of his dad.
“So, can you help us?” Sam asked.
“Fine, Duane Tanner’s got a scar like that. But I know him and he’s a good kid.”
“I believe you. Like they said, he isn’t in any kind of trouble. Where does he live?” You asked, stepping in.
“With his family, up in Aspen Way.”
“Thank you for your help.” You said, turning around and walking with Dean and Sam back to the car. On your way, you looked up and frowned when you saw a telephone pole with the one word you’ve been thinking about lately.
“Dean, Sam, look at this.” You walked closer to the pole and examined it. They followed you and frowned when they saw the word.
“What the hell is a Croatoan?” Dean asked. You and Dean both stared at him with your mouths open.
“Dean, don’t you know the story of Roanoke, one of the first English colonies in America in the late 1500s?” You asked, not believing your ears.
“Yeah, Dean, didn’t you pay any attention in history class?” Sam asked.
“Didn’t need to.” Dean shrugged.
“Well, story goes is that an Englishman named John White came to America to start a colony. I’ll spare you the details but he eventually left to get help from England but ended up coming back because of the war in Spain 3 years later. When he came back, the whole town was wiped out. It was like no one ever lived there. He left behind over a hundred people but they were all gone and there was no trace of anyone ever living there. The only thing he found was the word Croatoan carved into a post.” You said, pointing to the word on the pole.
“So, you think that’s what’s going on here?” Dean asked, looking at his brother.
“Whatever I saw, it wasn’t good, that’s for sure. But what do you think could do that? I mean, there had to have been some explanation why those people disappeared.” Sam said.
“Well, no matter the answer, your visions always are tied to the yellow-eyed demon. Maybe we should call Bobby or Ellen for help?” Dean suggested.
“Let me call Jo. I haven’t talked to her in a while,” You pulled out your phone but frowned when you didn’t have any bars. “I don’t have any service.” Dean and Sam took out their phones to check. It was the same thing with theirs.
You looked around and spotted a pay phone and hastily walked over to it, picking up the phone. You frowned when you heard the “out of order” beeping. You tried again but you always got the same result. You hung up and turned to the guys.
“The line is dead. You know, if I was going to wipe out an entire town, this would be my first step.” You said, sighing.
“Okay, then I guess the only thing to do is visit Duane.” Dean said, walking back to his car. You looked at Sam and sighed, getting into the car. You looked back at the shop where the man with the rifle was and didn’t see him there. You had a feeling that was bad but you ignored it for now.
The Queens:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876 @wishedworld @crispychrissy @laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz @untitled39887 @ta-n-ja @deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi @tahbehonest @stay-in--place @dreaminofdean @posiemax @donnaintx @mikey1822 @alexandriajanae4 @li-ssu @just-another-winchester @obsessivecompulsivespn @emoryhemsworth
Dean Beans:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @tahbehonest @carribear31 @tacklesackles @oreosatmidnight @not-naturalfangirl @missselinakitty @iam-a-cutiepie @kristendansmith @milo-winchester-4ever @jensenackesl @codyshany316​ 
Series Rewrite Junkies:
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scipunk63 · 7 years
Wholesome Sammy: Parent Practice Ch. 1
(Inspired by the ever lovely @ask-joeydrewstudios AU and sheer boredom.)
Sammy sat at his desk, reveling in the usual quiet of his office. The ink pump was almost silent, Wally wasn't being his pesky self, and for ONCE his music writing was flowing beautifully. It was a rare treat; a good day!
"... Somethings wrong." The director huffed, slamming his music sheet down on the table and standing. "I never have good days here..."
Frowning, Sammy searched his pockets for his pack of cigarettes, just KNOWING that he'd be needing one shortly. Sooner of later, something stupid and zany was going to march itself into his room and spoil his concentration... Or spoil it more than he already spoiled it just by questioning his environment. It wouldn't take long.
Any second. "Sammy!" Well, maybe he was wrong, for at that moment his favorite actress, Susie Campbell, stepped into his office.
"Afternoon, angel. What can I do you for?" He asked, leaning casually against his desk and sticking his cigarette end between his lips. "Did Wally stick his head in another tuba?"
"Yes, but Norman has the situation covered." Susie informed him, casually tugging a light out of her purse and lighting his smoke for him. As was the norm. "Mr. Drew sent me to tell you that you've got a call on line 1. It's your mother."
... Well, he had been right about something zany and stupid. He had only been wrong to doubt it for a minute there.
With an exasperated sigh, Sammy reached for his phone and answered it. While one of the perks of his job was long nights away from his nagging family, a downside was definetly the constant phone calls that Joey never ignored. Even when Sammy begged him to just disconnect his phone!
"Hello?" He muttered, hoping to get this conversation over with.
"Well, it's nice that you could pick up for once, Mr. Hot-shot-song-writer! Were you too busy writing about singing chairs again!?" Always a joy to hear from his mother. "You know, I sometimes call when I need something from you!"
"... Hello, mother-"
"But that's besides the point, dear. Your stepfather and I are going out for the evening and I need you to watch your sister as that- 'office' of yours for a few hours." Sammy's blood ran cold.
The director had barely been registering his mother's words (mainly because he was too busy ignoring his mother and glaring at the softly laughing Susie) up until this point, but her request was just out of the question!
"Ma- Mr. Drew doesn't allow children in the studio!" He exclaimed, casting a longing gaze at the song he had almost been finished with. "And I have too much on my plate as is-"
"I'm sure you could watch a child while writing those 'songs' of yours."
"Wally is one thing, but a 5 year old is another!" By now he could feel the phone creek under his tight grip on it. "And I've already said that Mr. Drew wouldn't allow it!"
There was a pause. "That Joey Drew is such a sweetheart, I'm sure he'd understand." Welp. "I'll pay you $5, hun."
"The answer is still NO. I'm a busy man."
"Well, too bad! I've already dropped her off a half hour ago. Your co-workers were VERY nice to her." That certainly explained the quiet. "I'll be there to pick her up at 8. Good bye, Samuel!"
The phone went dead before Sammy event had a chance to reply. Sometimes he just couldn't believe that woman... Or Joey for that matter! Norman wasn't allowed to bring his grandkids in, so what made Sammy so special!?
"Its because Joey hates me and wants to see me suffer." The out loud thought brought a look of confusion to Susie's face, but Sammy brushed it off and exiting his office in order to find the little brat his parents called his 'sister'.
Susie was following close at his heels.
"I didn't know you had a sister, Sammy." She began, a pout playing on her lovely lips. "Usually that's something you tell your girlfriend."
"Half-sister, and now isn't the time." He huffed. "I have too much work to do and- Did you know where she might be?"
"Last I saw, she was in the projector booth with Norman." Susie sighed, before adding thoughtfully, "Better shake a leg and get your band back in order before you miss another deadline."
Sammy's stomach flipped, and he took off running down the hall, the visions of his ALMOST completed song seeming so far away now...
When Sammy entered the music room, he found the entire orchestra in a riot as Norman worked furiously to free Wally from another tuba. As funny as it was, it would be yet ANOTHER hinderence to the music department. Their deadline has been pushed back one too many times for them to request any more time to finish their songs! The thought of a second incomplete song made Sammy want to be sick... And it made him hate Wally just a little bit more.
"And that, Annie, is how to properly get ya head stuck in a tuba." Wally was saying, followed by a few grunts of pain.
Sammy stopped just before the struggling men and cleared his throat to get their attention. Obviously, Norman was the only one to look up.
"Our apologizes, Mr. Lawrence." Norman began. "But Franks here just likes showing off for the ladies... We'll continue work as soon as we have our tuba back."
"You do that, Norman- Just try to get the finished songs done tonight at least." A shame that's all he could ask of them.
"Just the finished ones? Dare may I ask what happened to the one you've been working one? You were supposed to have it done this afternoon!" If only Sammy had just ignored his phone and instincts, that would have happened.
"I understand, Norman... It'll be ready this week soon." There was no time to acknowledge the concerned look the beady eyed man was giving Sammy. Wally needed to be freed, his sister needed to be distracted, and his work needed to be done yesturday!
"Okay! Starting to get claustrophobic in here!" Wally whined.
"God damn it, Wallace! Did you coat your head in glue before you stuck it in here!?" Well, that first part wasn't going to get done anytime soon.
With a sigh, Sammy began to scan the crowd for his sister. She wasn't too far into the crowd, hiding her face tearfully. More than likely frightened by all the noise and buisness talk. It would have been a sad sight if Sammy wasn't so busy, so instead of comforting her like a good boy brother, he simply plucked her up and left the department with her.
"Evening, Ann-Maria." He greeted casually as he walked.
"Neven, Sam!" She squeaked, poking her head out from behind her hands. "Yer fwiends is funny!"
Her grammar and confusion of his co-workers role in his life was nauseating, but somewhat endearing. Not that he'd ever care to admit it to anyone.
"We're just gonna avoid them today. They're very busy... Could you sit and colour in my office without bothering anyone?" With that, he slipped back into his office and awaited her response. "We have to do our jobs."
"Course not, Sam." She replied smartly. "My job is ta 'nnoy you to deaf!"
"... I've taught you well, dear." There was a mix of both concern and pride welling in his chest, but mostly concern.
He had to think of a way to keep her out of his hair- something underhanded and yet simple enough that if she told their mom about it, she wouldn't kill him for it. So locking her in a room was out of the question, but perhaps sticking her with a responsible employee who wasn't busy with anything could work.
Speak of yet another devil- er, angel, because at that moment who else but Susie Campbell should come strutting BACK into Sammy's office.
"Sammy dear," The woman began, stopping when she spotted the little tot. "Oh! Exactly who I came to see. Would you just look at this little cutie!"
Before either Lawrence could react, the child was swept up in Susie's arms and snuggled to the point that even Sammy felt a little sorry for her. Not that it mattered much. Susie was possibly his ticket out of anymore distractions and that was all he could ask for.
"How about you lovely ladies go play in the lobby while I work?" He suggest kindly.
"But then we wouldn't be able to bother you, dear." A heart shouldn't be able to sink as deep as Sammy's did in that moment. "It IS our job as your ladies, after all."
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wallshipjournal · 7 years
BSC Company 2017: Aaron Tveit Media Links & Review Excerpts
Last update: 25/8/2017 (Video+Review) - Will be updated if/when new links/reviews appear. Reviews excerpted under cut.
VIDEO Barrington Stage Company - Rehearsal Footage Broadway.com - Opening Night Backstage Interview Barrington Stage Company - Performance Footage Promo Video
AUDIO WAMC "The Roundtable" - Preview w/ some Full Songs & Interviews sarcasticstagemanager - “Being Alive” (full audio bootleg for trade/gift)
PHOTOS Barrington Stage Company - Official Production Photos on Flickr BroadwayWorld - Opening Night Bows & Afterparty Broadway.com - Backstage on Opening Night Playbill.com - Behind-the-Scenes Photos by Mara Davis (+ Snapchat video)
News Sources & Magazine Blogs
Broadway World Boston: “Barrington Stage Company (recently voted Best of The Berkshires) set a new record at the opening night of Stephen Sondheim's COMPANY last night. There appeared to be more selfie photos attempted of Aaron Tveit the show's star and the cast leaving the stage door of the Boyd-Quinson Mainstage than are taken by the ever present throngs in Broadway's Shubert Alley after a show. Aaron, who was Bobby in the extraordinary production directed by BSC's founder and artistic director JuliAnne Boyd, was mobbed by what seemed like the entire audience as Tveit and the cast tried to exit the stage door and continue on to the after party at the home of BSC Chair, Minky and Bruno Quinson. [...] You can't talk about Aaron Tveit, you have to hear and see him on the stage. One minute he's brilliantly acting and all of a sudden you realize you're hearing his glorious voice singing. One minute he's walking and all of a sudden you're watching a handsome guy moving like Fred Astaire. It's a Tony Award Winning performance, although in this case it will probably garner a Berky Award given by the Berkshire Critics Association.” (x)
Broadway.com: “Broadway.com was in on the action to capture Tveit taking his bow as "Bobby, baby...Bobby, bubi" after an incredible performance. [...] We'll be here, dreaming about Tveit's fantastic take on 'Being Alive.’” (x)
Albany Times Union: “Aaron Tveit brings a riveting magnetism to the leading role of Bobby in “Company,” the Stephen Sondheim-George Furth musical that is receiving a masterful revival at Barrington Stage Company. Tveit, returning to BSC after a decade during which he achieved significant success on Broadway, television and film, has the presence but not the remoteness of a star — he’s a standout, yet also fully part of a remarkable ensemble. It would be easy to overplay Bobby, a single man in 1970s New York City surrounded by five married couples all eager for him to join their wedded ranks. Tveit, as directed by Julianne Boyd, instead makes Bobby both the focus of the couples’ attention and a mirror reflecting their varied relationships. Bobby has to just be, neither too anguished about being single nor too carefree, and Tveit achieves this to perfection. [...] By the end, there’s only one thing left to do, and that’s Bobby singing “Being Alive.” It’s a song, Sondheim has said, that moves from complaint to prayer...As sung by Tveit, it’s neither cynical nor sappy. It’s bitter and angry, plaintive and hopeful, pleading and optimistic. It’s being alive.” (x)
The Daily Gazette: “The show’s glue is Aaron Tveit. Boyd rightly sets him down stage center on “Someone is Waiting,” “Marry Me a Little,” and “Being Alive” because he’s such a great communicator. Listen to the phrasing. Read his body language. In these songs and elsewhere, Tveit convincingly reveals why people like Bobby and why what they like may not be what he wants.” (x)
The Westfield News: “Aaron Tveit is a superb Robert, a difficult character to portray, since he’s primarily an observer with little outward emotion, until he breaks his barriers with the emotional Sondheim song “Being Alive”, which is the heart and soul of Company. Tveit is a fine singer, dancer, and actor, and he makes Robert an appealing leading man.” (x)
Boston Globe: “Bobby is a tricky character to play, largely because he’s a protagonist who is more reactive than active (perhaps only Hamlet is more paralyzed by indecision than this guy). Though he is the obsessive center of attention for his friends and his lovers, virtually the apple of their collective eye, Bobby’s posture is largely that of a detached observer...If anything, the Barrington Stage production further emphasizes Bobby’s apartness; while the rest of the cast are attired in garish ’70s clothes...Tveit wears a tastefully understated blue jacket that would not look out of place in 2017.That apartness means that an actor playing Bobby can seem remote or passive, and Tveit does not entirely avoid that trap. His Bobby is urbane, enigmatic, bemused, sometimes amused, sometimes amusing, but he does not come across as terribly conflicted. Except, crucially, in song. There, Tveit shines. He powerfully nails the yearning in Bobby’s solo “Someone is Waiting,’’ and he captures his character’s confusion and ambivalence in “Marry Me a Little,’’ in which Bobby insists he’s ready for marriage while stipulating rigid conditions that suggest he’s not at all ready.In the climactic “Being Alive,’’ Tveit passionately conveys the liberation achieved, paradoxically, when a gregarious loner like Bobby finally surrenders, unconditionally, to his need for another person. (x)
Berkshire Fine Arts: “This season Boyd has taken another crack at Company and critics appear to be unanimous that a sensational production is on the short list of her best work. Boyd is noted for loving musicals and this one is a corker.Much of that is owed to the serendipity of casting Aaron Tveit as a truly charismatic, charming, sexy and all around fabulous Bobby. He is the now 35-year-old swinging bachelor who just can’t take the plunge into marriage. The character charmngly (sic) hovers on the cusp of maturity...There were chills and goose bumps all over me when Bobby belted out that final solo ‘Being Alive.’” (x)
iBerkshires: “Hugh Jackman has it. The young Robert Redford had it – that preternatural ability to exude charisma and magnetic sexiness even when standing stone still. Aaron Tveit has it, too, in addition to his impressive singing, dancing and acting skills. Tveit is the star of Barrington Stage's "Company," one of Stephen Sondheim's biggest hits, and he is just the tip of the talent iceberg in this simply fantastic production. [...] Those of us in the audience who knew the show eagerly awaited "Being Alive," Bobby's final song that sets his inner realization to music. As we all suspected he would, Tveit knocked this iconic musical song out of the ballpark.” (x)
ZEALnyc: “Tveit, in particular, turns out to be an inspired choice for Bobby. Tveit has a chiseled everyman look, pretty but not ethically specific, which actually works well for Bobby, who’s meant to be a sort of cipher. Tveit has a powerful voice, great scene presence, and a terrific, focused way with interpreting a song.Tveit appears to have come a long way since his homogeneously bland take on Frank Abagnale, Jr. in Broadway’s Catch Me If You Can. Plus, he’s so damned good-looking, he can even make a ‘70s leisure suit look hot. Tveit wisely sings most of the songs pretty straight, although he couldn’t seem to help himself during “Being Alive,” during which he threw in a few vocal flourishes and Elphaba riffs.” (x)
Arts Fuse: “If you are a Sondheim enthusiast and can’t get enough of his music, lyrics, and sensibility, you will be pleased to know that Julianne Boyd has cast a strong production of Company, with an excellent Bobby (Aaron Tveit) and vibrant band and ensemble. [...] Slender and likeable Aaron Tveit delivers Bobby’s songs in a lyric tenor; the performer does his best to put some flesh on this stick figure as he ponders the passage of time and lack of human connection on his 35th birthday. Like [the rest of the cast], Tveit is a consummate performer, speaking, singing, and dancing with equal élan.” (x)
The Berkshire Eagle: “There is a stunning ah-ha moment late, very late, in Julianne Boyd's hugely accomplished production of Stephen Sondheim's "Company" at Barrington Stage Company. It occurs in Bobby's — and the musical's — final number, "Being Alive." Bobby (a smart, masterly performance by Aaron Tveit) spends the first half of the song cataloging the downside of relationships, marriage in particular — the entanglements, the choking obligations, the surrenders. The tone is unforgiving. There is not an upside anywhere until Bobby comes, for the first time, to the words "being alive," which he then, as interpreted by Tveit, repeats three more times, slowing down each time as he hears and begins to consider what he is saying. You can see a hint of something registering in Tveit's eyes. Music director Dan Pardo holds the orchestra in a vamp while Tveit's Bobby takes in what he is hearing; begins, finally, to put everything together and then goes back through the catalog he's just completed, this time with surging hope and welcome. It's a defining moment for Bobby. At 35, he has come of age, at last. The number would be triumphant enough on its own. The fact that it comes virtually on the heels of the memorable Ellen Harvey's perfectly calibrated delivery of "Ladies Who Lunch"...makes "Being Alive" an absolute coup de theatre. [...] Tveit wasn't even born when "Company" premiered on Broadway in 1970, but watching him go to work on Barrington Stage Company's Boyd-Quinson Mainstage feels as though he and Bobby were destined for one another. I say go to work, but in fact, Tveit's meticulously crafted performance looks so effortless. His singing voice is a marvel of control, breadth and expression and he dances with graceful assurance. His timing, his sense of Bobby's sense of purpose is clear and resonant, especially in his scenes with the girlfriends... [...] It's been 17 years since Boyd first tackled "Company." Barrington Stage was in Sheffield then. Tveit was 17. Just look how far they all have come.” (x)
WAMC Midday Magazine: "Company is one of those shows, however, that cannot succeed without the lead role of Robert being sensitively interpreted – including his two musical show-stoppers: “Someone is Waiting,” and “Being Alive.”  The leading man must be charming, dashing, vulnerable, disarming, wistful.  This production has such a star in Aaron Tveit, who proves up to the task from opening to closing curtain." (x)
Wall Street Journal: “Directed by Julianne Boyd, it stars Aaron Tveit as Robert, the commitment-phobic New York bachelor whose role was created by Dean Jones in the original 1970 production. I doubt there’s been a better Robert since Mr. Jones left the show. A true tenor with brilliantly gleaming high notes, Mr. Tveit is also a superior actor whose interpretation of the part is a volatile mix of charm, reserve and well-concealed fear. Not since Ben Platt opened in “Dear Evan Hansen” have I seen a musical performance as exciting as this one. In a way, though, what’s most surprising about Barrington Stage’s production is that Mr. Tveit doesn’t stand out nearly as much as you’d expect given the remarkable quality of his performance. Role for role, this is the best-sung “Company” I’ve ever heard—not just in regional theater, but anywhere.” (x)
Review Blogs
Boston Bright Focus: “Tveit is young, handsome, slender and charming, a decent dancer and a good singer, a comedic actor who keeps us serious in this funny show about funny people. There is a strange quality to his work at time when Bobby is hurt or mentally injured we see and feel his pain rather than just witness the incident or hear the remark. He reacts to everything in this role better than anyone else I've seen play Bobby. In its short, two year run on Broadway I saw the show four times with both its male stars, Dean Jones and then Larry Kert. I saw the revival with Raul Esparza. I saw the revival with Boyd Gaines. I saw George Chakiris in Los Angeles. None of them ever brought this quiet understanding, or struggle for understanding that Tveit conveys in the role.” (x)
CurtainUp: “All fourteen actors are multi-talented and each makes his/her role an integral part of the cast dynamics. However, it is Aaron Tveit's Bobby as he quietly glides about and absorbs the energy of those around him who drives the show to its rich and satisfying conclusion. His facial reactions are empathic and he truly becomes the human each of the others believes him to be. Yet he knows that this is not satisfying and is destructive to his own development. Tveit's "Being Alive summarizes the dichotomy of the human longing to connect while remaining free of responsibilities. When he sings In the final line "Someone to force you to care/ Someone to make you come through/Who'll always be there frightened as you /Of being alive," the electricity is palpable and breathtaking as he realizes '...The unlived life is not worth examining.'” (x)
Berkshire on Stage: “The acting, led by Tveit’s sensitive portrayal of Bobby’s confusion and understanding, is marvelous.” (x)
Critics At Large: "...it’s in the show’s revered pair of final numbers, “Ladies Who Lunch” and “Being Alive,” that the production shifts into a different gear. What I find so impressive about Harvey and Tveit in their respective deliveries of these two songs is the sense that they aren’t just basking in their star moments in the spotlight. Instead, they’re using the numbers to take their characters somewhere. [...] As for Tveit, he doesn’t possess superhuman powers, so he can’t make “Being Alive” work in terms of Bobby's overall narrative, but he does convey a remarkable sense of progression throughout the number. It’s a moment of genuine revelation for Bobby. It also stands in stark contrast to the rest of Tveit’s performance, not because he’s bad in the role, but, paradoxically, because he’s perhaps cast almost too well. Since I’m hammering on about the weaknesses in Furth’s script, it’s always bothered me that he intentionally and explicitly makes Bobby such a cipher. The idea that he’s the likable, inoffensive guy whose refusal to wade too deeply into a relationship allows his friends to project their desires onto him, thereby making him their common best friend, makes sense, but it’s also hard to figure out how an actor ought to approach such a role, or how to get the audience to invest in him emotionally. Tveit manages to convey Bobby’s breezy but noncommittal charm, making it clear why his disparate groups of friends enjoy being around him – although, at 33 years old and with a record of playing younger than his age in his major roles, it’s hard to fully buy into this actor as someone who is hitting an age-related crisis. However, he’s smart enough to play up the contrast between that version of Bobby and the newly uncertain but more complex character who emerges at the very end of the play. There’s an open-endedness to such an interpretation, a suggestion that this is merely a beginning, rather than a cathartic ending, for this man." (x)
Rural Intelligence: Tveit faces the challenge of any actor who plays Bobby. While his friends continually profess their love for him, it’s not actually clear what’s so endearing about Bobby besides his being a reliable third wheel who helps keep his friends’ marriages intact; in return, these married couples keep Bobby company so he doesn’t have to settle down. In the finale, Tveit reveals that Bobby’s been paying attention to his friends, and he delivers “Being Alive” with the gusto of a pilgrim who has finally glimpsed the promised land. (x)
From the Desk of Jim R, Take 2: "As played by the enigmatic Aaron Tveit, Bobby's complicated plight and final resolution, is real, raw, honest, soulful, cheerful, passionate and very moving. There's also a vibrant charm, passion and natural dreaminess to the character that makes Tveit's interpretation of Bobby much more believable and grounded than that of his Broadway predecessors Dean Jones, Larry Kert, Boyd Gaines and Raul Esparza. Back then, all four were simply acting out a part and nothing more. Here, Tveit plays Bobby. But he also owns the part. Big difference. From the moment he appears on the Barrington stage, he is Bobby, front and center, backwards and forwards, etc. Moreover, there's real talent behind that boyish allure mixed with just the right amount of poise, presence, flair and personality. Sure, it's all rehearsed, but Tveit makes us believe we're seeing his Bobby for the very first time. There is nothing remotely calculated about his facial expressions, line delivery, body language or interaction with the other onstage actors. Though he wasn't born when "Company" was first conceived, you'd swear Sondheim and playwright George Furth wrote Bobby with Tveit in mind. It's the musical performance of 2017. And one, you'll want to see again and again. Vocally, Tveit's voice is beautiful, polished, strong, commanding and natural. He pays close attention to the beats, lyrics and different rhythms of every Sondheim song he sings. And when he takes center stage and joins the entire cast for a song or two, he avoids that annoying grandstanding you find in other Sondheim shows where the lead actor looks you right in the face with private thoughts that cry out, "Hey, look at me. I'm in a Sondheim show." With the emotional "Being Alive," Tveit passionately reveals the quiet longing and intimacy Bobby desires with another person. The stirring "Marry Me A Little" conveys his confusion and doubt over a real relationship while "Someone Is Waiting" poignantly portrays the character's quiet yearning for that special something collectively shared by his married friends." (x)
Mixed or Negative Reviews (Negativity Warning!)
The Saratogian: "We see all of them through the eyes of Bobby, a handsome, 35-year-old bachelor, portrayed by Aaron Tveit as an unobtrusive observer. George Furth’s book tells us little about Bobby, and Tviet [sic] is faithful to that failing. His main function in this interpretation is to provide an outsider’s view into the private lives of the couples. A problem with the Barrington Stage production results from Tveit playing Bobby as a passive character. We are uncertain as to why the others want him as a close friend and confidant. Tveit presents a handsome figure who is a genuinely nice guy, but for most of the play, he is rather anonymous. It’s not wrong to make Bobby a cipher, but it doesn’t add depth to the friendships. This same passivity extends to his relationships with the three girlfriends we meet. We might understand why they are attracted to Bobby, but his disinterest with the women makes his expressed interest to be married seem insincere. The only times Bobby reveals anything of himself is through the songs “Someone is Waiting,” “Marry Me a Little” and the iconic anthem, “Being Alive.” In these moments, Tveit is marvelous. The doubt he expresses in these songs is revealing, touching and real. If we could see more of this personality throughout the show, the production would have been much more genuine and sincere." (x)
The New York Times: “Company’...is in some ways the least ambitious of the three, and also the most successful. By least ambitious, I don’t mean the material itself...the original production in 1970 was a musical theater game-changer that remains, with its impenetrable main character and abstract action, a difficult piece to pull off. I mean that despite a skilled New York cast led by the glossy Aaron Tveit, Barrington’s “Company,” directed by Julianne Boyd, is neither a Broadway tryout nor an attempt to reinvent the wheel. From the ’70s satire inherent in its pungent costumes to the gorgeous singing of the entire cast, it has evidently been packaged as pure entertainment. How well that approach represents the ambivalence at the show’s core is another matter. Bobby (Mr. Tveit) is a 35-year-old singleton at the height of the sexual revolution; he insists he is enjoying his freedom but his “good and crazy” friends — five married couples — think he is just afraid of commitment. The action consists mostly of Bobby’s watching those couples bicker, and drawing what conclusions he can from the way they make up. Time has not made the plot less problematic. A 35-year-old in 1970 apparently was more middle-aged than he is today; as played by Mr. Tveit, who is 33, there is no sense that Bobby is late to the marriage gate. And later revisions made by Mr. Furth to foreclose on the possibility that Bobby is gay now seem counterproductive. His denial comes across as more of a devious dodge than his silence ever did. Could it be that, absent disruptive directorial interventions like those made by John Doyle in the 2006 Broadway revival, the book is becoming untenable? Instead of psychology, it gives most of the wives gimmicks: One’s a first-time marijuana smoker, another a karate enthusiast. The interchangeable husbands barely get that much. And even Mr. Tveit, though ideally cast, can’t find much to do besides taking his safari-style suit jacket on and off. His Bobby is not merely passive but disaffected to the point of depression. It’s a reasonable reaction to a plot that incessantly nudges him from point A to point A. The good news is that Mr. Sondheim’s score remains thrillingly incisive, dramatizing every issue in its path. Problems of interpretation tend to dissolve when the songs are sung and played as well as they are here, not only by Mr. Tveit but also by Nora Schell as an earthy Marta (“Another Hundred People”) and by Ellen Harvey as a furious Joanne (“The Ladies Who Lunch”). If the result feels like a highlights reel, there are far worse things a musical can be.” (x)
Post-Chronicle: “In the key role of Bobby, Mr. Tveit cuts a handsome figure but rarely projects a distinct personality here. This may be again due to the writing, but in recent revivals both Neil Patrick Harris and Raul Esparza did create a Bobby of both magnetism and depth. Tveit’s bland acting is gratefully overshadowed, though, by his magnificent tenor voice and he successfully rocks the theatre with such Sondheim standards as “Marry Me A little” and “Being Alive”. In a company of superior singers, he is an able leader and often capable of being a thrilling performer.” (x)
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