#freaks please interact
e4t-fl3sh · 7 months
Welcome to my blog :3 ! You can call me zombie, zomb, sky, whatever ╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭
I’m a chrono adult, intra teen & an age regressor. I’m queer, trans (non-binary) & radqueer!
You’ll find more information about me on my rentry- but it may be slightly incomplete/semi-outdated. The best thing to do if you’re curious about something specific is just ask ! ^-^ You don’t have to be shy, my dms & asks are open and you can remain anonymous if you want, too.
Some things about me that I’ll share in this intro/pinned post is that I’m a paraphile (☀️, 🧸, 🪦, 🔖🐾, 🌹, 🌼, 💤, ++) & anti/complex contact. Infoz ab that will be in my rentry, under the “opinions” tab.
I’m also transid, some of those include transgender ofc, transage (oty), transabled, transautistic, transintersex, transHoH, transspecies & more. I’m still figuring it out ^^’ and some of my transids are possibly cis… you can learn more about that on my rentry also.
Ummmm….. some of my interests include music, video games, tv shows & movies, cooking & baking, bdsm & kink, and psychology.
Due to my mental health and/or personality disorder, my specific interests (certain games, music artists, shows, movies, etc) change constantly so it’s hard to say what I’m into… it will change frequently. So just look at my blog at what I reblog or post about or, as i said before, just ask!
Ok, well i think i’ve covered enough. If i forgot anything, i will reblog and repin this. ^^’
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gloucestersversion · 2 months
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" You were never in any danger, dear Hilda. Lorenz Hellman Gloucester would never miss the mark! "
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Hello!! Welcome to my self-ship/yumejoshi blog, where I gush about my favorite guy ever (Lorenz) and also maybe post about other FE3H stuff. I am 18 and use any pronouns. I may post NSFW on here, though not often, so minors + ageless blogs DNI.
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Anyone else low-key take getting called a freak as a compliment these days
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insanekirby · 5 months
How long do you have to keep a butt plug in for it to stop feeling like you’re holding in a massive shit?
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buncoreclown · 6 months
I think what changed in fandoms is that people see fan works as media, as content, it is no longer just something someone worked on for fun but it’s content that sends a message, that it has to be there for something (like representation. Not saying representation is wrong but not everything is supposed to be representing something).
antis enter fandoms because of how commercialized it got, because they grow up with content already being dumbed down and sanitized so it can be advertised, but fan works were never designed for that purpose, it was always a place for people who “deviate” from the norm that society established. Which is why it’s filled with the “freaks” in antis’ dni. And if they can’t handle that, then they should not be in fandoms
(sorry for the random ask in your inbox, I just agree with your latest post)
No need to be sorry and thanks for agreeing. I also agree with that statement of "fandom sees fanwork as media" because that is very VERY apparently true. People almost demand fanwork out of others and criticize it in ways that don't help in writing processes at all. It's not "in all good fun" anymore. And like yes fanworks can send a message and that's fine and beautiful at times but also sometimes its all in good fun/for kink reasons!
I like how commercial fandom has gotten in the way that we have more people to enjoy and make art from it but at the same time it's allowed anti rhetoric to take the main stage I feel. You're very right about how sanitized media has become for advertising purposes side eyes Tumblr and it's so sad to see! And yes and I miss that so much. I want the freaks back to rule! I mean at least in the western fandom. And yes if they can't handle it fandom might not be right for them. Thanks for the conversation!
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
"I'm not like those freak shipper, I'm the normal person in fandom" bold of you to assume that you are normal once you entered a fandom and do shipping. Even if you are shipping the most unproblematic white bread couple ever, the mainstream will always think that you are weird.
Also normality is a fucking lie anyway
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theproshipboy · 2 years
💙💙Wҽʅƈσɱҽ, Wҽʅƈσɱҽ, Lσʋҽɾʂ, Fɾιҽɳԃʂ, Aɳԃ Eɳҽɱιҽʂ!💙💙
If you did not catch already, I am a proshipper. Which means anti-censorship and anti-harassment, it does not mean pedophile or "problematic shipper" like some children think.
While I am also a minor, I am a proshipper. Proshipper cannot and doesn't mean pedophile, child. If you think it does that is your own lack of critical thinking skills.
What I Do: Your mom, Make Fanart, Write Fanfiction Ideas, and worst of all.. Interact with friends.
"You can't ship that if you're not a gay man" I'm bisexual and Genderfluid, man\masc being a gender I fluctuate to. Also, I can ship whatever the hell I want. Get over it.
Do Not Interact List For My Pettiness:
Radical Feminists\TERFs[Includes their supports since those now exist in the proship movement-.-]
Antis\Antishippers\Proharassers\Suicide Baiters\Entitled Assholes[Duh.]
18+ blogs that say minors dni because I don't want you to break your own dni.
Christians. Just.. Don't even interact.
If you're pro-censorship and believe in censoring fiction, go away.
Antifujoshis\Anti Fandashis[I forgot the gender neutral term-]
Anti paraphiles. Sure you don't have to let them interact but if you honestly think them coping through fiction with their thoughts is bad, you're kinda've an asshole.
Anti-kink people.
That's all for now! Refer to me as either Togami[Since Byakuya is hard to spell for some] or Aaron, and have a good day all the proshippers here!💜💜💜💜
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wolf-tail · 1 year
So many of ya'll are Owl House fans but call ppl you don't like "freaks" and "weirdos". You're the type of kids who'd bully Luz in school.
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e4t-fl3sh · 10 months
hello, freaks.
you may call me zombie. mutuals can call me sky, if one prefers.
i am starting fresh on this blog as i impulsively deleted my old one, skydoesablog.
i want to try things a little bit different on this blog. i’m not really sure how, but i guess we’ll figure that out on the way. together.
you may read more about me on my rentry, which is linked in my bio. i will address a few things in this post, however, because… well it is supposed to be an intro.
i am a radqueer, transgender “person.” a “freak,” most would call me. i have strange kinks, fetishes & paraphilias that i am open about on this blog, and my twitter. i try to keep my real identity hidden for the most part, except from people i grow to trust. for safety reasons, of course.
what else?
you may use any pronouns. if you care to know my age, check my rentry.
sfw age/pet regression blog: @tnymew
⚠︎ warning ⚠︎
this blog is not sfw, and i may post potentially triggering things, such as taboo kinks. i will try to tag everything appropriately, but if you are sensitive to topics such as pedophilia, zoophilia & necrophilia (or related/similar), be advised this blog is likely not for you.
☂︎ tags are hard i give up. if u need something tagged please tell me otherwise I don’t know if i’ll tag
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auroroboros1 · 2 months
i love being a freak
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systemconstellation · 7 months
We're bored and craving connection so if any1 wants to be friends with our system plz feel free to hmu c:
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 119
Another divine twitch chat Au? Another divine twitch chat Au. With a bit of a twist. 
Billy would like to say it is in fact not his fault. It’s really not. Who hits someone with magic they obviously don’t know how to use? Well okay maybe he had done that before, but it’s not like he ever did it around other people where they could get hit! 
But someone was an idiot and now he’s here, as his normal ten-year old self kicking his legs while sitting in the Watchtower as the others argued. Apparently the League thinks he’s been de-aged, which is good as his secret isn’t out. 
The uh, issue is that something about the spell might have um, partially manifested the gods- or as he called them the Mediterranean Magic Men, if only because of how annoyed it made Zeus. Now everyone can see the chat that’s usually only visible to him and apparently it’s concerning. 
He doesn’t see how it’s an issue, Zeus has been silenced for the next hour and Hercules has been dying of laughter for the last three. Oh, wait, it might be from Mercury’s constant attempted flirting with Flash. …Or the fact they’re trying to convince him to commit a crime and he’s honestly down for doing so seeing as he’s a homeless ten year old who is down for getting clairvoyance and super speed for the next thirty minutes in exchange…
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pastel-ticklee · 5 months
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lavenderspence · 21 days
you know, I find it extremely funny, how some of you all come on here whining about the smut to angst and fluff ratio, but don't bother to engage with the content you all demand writers write for you.
I don't know if anyone's noticed, but there's been a big ass drop in interactions for angst and fluff fics (fluff specifically, and I speak from experience).
so, before you all bash on smut writers, and make demands, how about you show some love to the already exciting fics that writers push out for you every day.
and before you all come to bash on writers for wishing people interacted more with their works, remember. fanfic is a free labor, the least you can do as a thank you, is show the writer some love. Okay?
woke up and decided to be controversial today, go me
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unrealwasteland · 7 months
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(Tell me about the dream where we pull the bodies out of the lake and dress them in warm clothes again.)
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switchy-bastard · 3 days
26 and 39!
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
When someone hits my praise kink juuuuuuuuust right- bonus points if I can tell that they listened to something I've said before based on what they say 🤤🤤🤤
Is healthy, open communication a kink? Because if it is, I have it
39: Favorite foreplay activities:
I know it's basic, but kissing and gentle touches- I like a long, slow buildup, so we're both panting and needy before the clothes even come off. Whispering in each other's ears all the things we want to do, negotiating who (if either of us- not all sex has to be kinky) will be in charge if we're both switches, and kisses that cover the flesh before turning into bites
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