#frecked studies
freckledacademic · 2 years
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trying to figure out how to keep productivity moving in grad school. I’m still trying to decide if planning out my weeks like this is useful or stressful, as invariably things change. On the other hand, I’m not worried about trying to figure out when to do things when I do this.
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taivansupremacy · 2 years
pancakes for dinner
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Summary: Nancy is flying back to Hawkins from Emerson for her fall break. One problem: she’s terrified of flying. In a panic, she calls Robin to help her calm down, but ends up confessing to way more than her fear of flying.
Word Count: 2,985
A/N: I love lizzy mcalpine can you tell? lol this fic is based on pancakes for dinner by lizzy mcalpine and it's linked in this post if you want to listen as you read. i’m super proud of this fic and i hope you guys like it!
CW: feelings of anxiety
Nancy trained her eyes ahead of her as she rolled her purple suitcase, clad with a single “handle with care” patch sewn into the top right corner, courtesy of Robin, behind her. She walked quickly as she scanned the gate signs, searching for her gate number plastered on the wall by one of the many large waiting areas. She was nervous, to say the least. She was flying home to Hawkins from Boston for her fall break and it was her first time flying by herself. She flew to Boston with her parents, Mike, and Holly to move her in at Emerson, and it was so chaotic that she almost wished that she went by herself. Now, though, she’d take Holly’s screaming, Mike’s attitude, and her parents’ fighting in place of the loneliness and anxiety that flying alone has already brought her, even before she boarded the plane.
It’s not that she wasn’t excited to go home. She was excited to see her family, specifically her mom, and eat a home cooked meal instead of dining hall food. She was excited to catch up with Steve, Eddie, and Jonathan and tell them about her semester so far. She couldn’t wait to see Joyce and get one of her famous hugs. But even more than all of that, she couldn’t wait to see Robin.
The two had grown close through fighting Vecna and even closer in the aftermath. Even with all of the volunteering, sorting through boxes for charity at home, and studying, Nancy could not keep herself busy enough to keep her mind off that night. Her encounter with Vecna still showed up in her dreams. Images of herself, Robin, and Steve pinned to the wall for hours often crossed her mind, the fear and hopelessness that she felt that night often crept up on her again, both in sleep and wakefulness.
Nancy knew, even as stubborn as she was, that she needed someone to lean on, but she had no idea who to turn to. She didn’t want to talk to Steve or Eddie and she wasn’t comfortable with dumping her own trauma on top of her kid brother’s, though she knew he’d understand. The only person that she could think to talk to was Robin. Sweet Robin, who let Nancy in when she showed up at her door with tears already staining her porcelain cheeks. Sweet Robin, who took Nancy into her bedroom and held her as she sobbed. Sweet Robin, the only one who could get Nancy to open up about how she’d been feeling since the “earthquake”.
From there, the girls were inseparable. They had sleepovers, volunteered together, Robin showed Nancy new music and made her mixtapes, and Nancy taught Robin how to crochet. They shared books and called each other every night before bed and in the middle of the night if they had nightmares. They were best friends, even beyond their shared trauma.
Sure, they still hung out with their group, but Robin and Nancy always sat a little closer to each other than everyone else and often communicated with just looks amongst the others. Eddie often called it their “creepy telepathy thing”. Their connection was simply different than everyone else’s- deeper than everyone else’s.
Nancy guessed that she should have seen it coming, falling for Robin. She couldn’t imagine that there were many people whose knees wouldn’t buckle at the sound of her laugh or who wouldn’t nearly drown in those ocean blue eyes. Nancy wishes that she could pinpoint the moment that she knew she was in love with Robin Buckley, but looking back, she could only find a collection of moments in which the love in her heart, reserved only for the sandy haired, freckled girl, grew larger than it was previously. She saw glimpses of Robin’s toothy grin when she made one of her stupid jokes or sarcastic quips, Robin’s eyes staring into hers as she talked her down from a panic, and every time that Robin called her “Nance” in that raspy voice of her’s. She fell for Robin gradually, slowly.
She buried it deep inside when she finally accepted her feelings, using the excuse that she was leaving for college soon anyway. She thought her crush would fizzle out with the distance, but it didn’t. Of course it didn't. She spent about 90% of her two months in Boston wishing Robin was there or thinking about her, so she finally decided that she had to tell her when she was back in Hawkins for fall break.
It wasn’t that Nancy didn’t like Boston, either. Sure, she missed Robin and her friends, but living in Boston was good for her. She didn’t have the fear of sudden tragedy looming over her at every turn. She met a good group of friends and kept up with her studies. It was almost perfect, except for the fact that she wished Robin was there with her. The girls called every night, much to the annoyance of Nancy’s roommate, but it wasn’t the same. She wanted to show Robin around campus and take her to the stupid little parties that her friends made her go to. She wanted to sleep at Robin’s dorm when her own roommate got to be a bit to much for her. She often wished that Robin was there to study with and accompany her on midnight snack runs.
Her new friends were great, of course, but none of them held a candle to Robin. They couldn’t calm Nancy down in a crisis like Robin could. They couldn’t make her laugh until she was doubling over, red cheeked and unashamed. If Robin had moved to Boston with her, everything would have been perfect.
She tried to fill the Robin-sized hole in her heart with boys, dates, hookups, attempts at a relationship that’d last more than a week, but Nancy quickly gave up. She realized that she was chasing the feeling that only Robin could give her- that she was searching for her laugh, her unique wit and sense of humor, and the same splay of freckles in every guy that she tried to lose herself in.
Nancy quickly came up on a plaque on the wall with “D3” etched into it. She had found her gate. The waiting area was full of travelers, families going on vacation, single flyers, couples going home to meet the family, and people just like her, going home for Emerson’s upcoming break to see loved ones. Nancy couldn’t help but think that the differing stories of all of the travelers in just her gate alone were amazing, beautiful, even. She allowed the thought to consume her for a moment before her panic set back in. She was alone. Unlike most of the people that she observed so far, she didn’t have anyone to share music with on the plane or play I Spy with as she waited for the announcement that they could board the plane.
She took a seat on the floor, her back against the wall and her suitcase in front of her. She gingerly thumbed the patch on the front, recalling Robin’s words as she sewed it on.
“So they’ll know to handle you with care while I can’t be there with you.”
She remembered asking Robin who “they” were and giggling about the silliness of it all, but now, alll she could feel were the tears prickling at her eyes as she looked up from the bag to her fellow travellers. In her loneliness, she found her mind running to the worst case scenario: the plane crashing. She’d always been afraid of flying, so thoughts such as that were not uncommon for Nancy pre-flight, but this was the first time that she didn’t have her mother to hold her hand at the gate or as they took off. She didn’t have anyone to talk her down, so she spiraled.
Her head spun as worst case scenarios floated arround in her head. Every look around her was a painful reminder of how alone she was, She almost wished she could just turn around and go home. She could spend her break in her dorm room. She didn’t need to have a home cooked meal or a hug from Joyce. She could wait until Thanksgiving to see her friends, right? Just as she was about to get up and march right out of that airport. She saw it.
A payphone, hung on the wall in the gate across the from her’s. She ran to it with her suitcase in tow as she swiped at her stray tears with the back of the sleeve of her cardigan. Fishing four quarters out of her purse and inserting them into the designated slot, Nancy lifted the receiver off of its cradle and dialed the first number that came to mind.
The phone rang four times before the line crackled.
“Hello?” Robin’s sweet voice came through the receiver and all of the tension in Nancy’s body melted.
“Oh, thank god, Robin!” As soon as Nancy opened her mouth, her tears started up again and a sob wracked her chest, “I-I don’t know what to do.”
“What do you mean, Nance?” Robin asked, her voice laced with gentle concern. Nancy knew her tone well. She’s heard it everytime that Robin’s had to talk her off the edge, “I thought you were coming home today.”
“I am. I’m at my gate a-and I’m supposed to be boarding in 30 minutes, but I’m so scared and I just wanted to hear your voice. Wh-what if my plane doesn’t land safely and I never make it home? There are too many things that I want to do. I-I have so much that I need to say to you before I die.”
“Nancy… Where is this coming from? You’re worrying me a bit there, Wheeler.”
Nancy could picture it in her mind. Robin sitting in her kitchen, phone pressed to ear as her beautiful features twisted into a frown, a crease forming between her eyebrows, as it always did when she was upset or focused.. It was Saturday morning, which meant that she was probably in her sweatpants and one of her many oversized band shirts or maybe even the Emerson shirt that Nancy bought her before she left for college. The thought made her tummy tingle. She wished more than anything that she was there with her to see for herself.
“I’ve never flown alone before,” She admitted as she chewed on her lip, tears freely falling, “I’m so afraid of flying, but usually I have my mom here to ground me. Which is stupid because I’m 18 years old and I should be able to fly on a plane by myself. I also have something that I need to do when I get home and I’m nervous about it, which I think is making my current situation worse…” She chuckled humorlessly, kicking her foot on the patterned carpet below her feet.
“You’ll be okay, I promise,” Robin assured, “ You’ll get home and I’ll squeeze you tight and you’ll get to do the big scary thing that you’re worried about. We’ll all be here waiting for you and we’ll all be so proud of you cor conquering your fear. Then we’ll go hang out by Skull Rock and smoke with Eddie to celebrate your homecoming. Everything will be okay, promise.”
A hot tear slipped from her eye once again. It was amazing the weight that Robin’s words held for Nancy. The way that she could talk her off the edge like no one else could. The way that her voice alone sounded like a warm hug. Nancy knew that she was right and that in about three hours, she would be in Hawkins once again, bearing her soul to the girl she loved. But a small part of her brain was still screaming at her, convincing her that she wouldn’t make it home, that disaster would strike.
“C-can I tell you something?” Nancy blurted without her own permission, “You know, just in case I don’t make it home?”
“Nance-” She started, getting ready to protest and probably reassure her that she would be okay, yet again.
“Indulge me, please?”
“Okay. What’s up Wheeler?”
Nancy took a breath, savoring the moment. She knew that what she was about to say could change everything, possibly for the worse, but she also knew that she would never forgive herself if something happened to her and she never got to tell Robin how she truly felt, how much she meant to her.
“Listen, I don’t want to be too forward or anything but…” She paused, suddenly losing her nerve, “How’s fall semester going so far?”
“Huh?” Robin chuckled, “That's what you wanted to ask me in case you…” She stopped herself, thinking better of saying the words out loud, “You know how the semester is going, Nance. I told you about it just yesterday on the phone before bed. What’s this really about?”
Nancy Wheeler never got scared, unless she was faced with planes and Robin Buckley, apparently, but in all other ways, she was practically fearless, almost to a fault, though Robin never treated it that way. She reminded herself of this fact before she opened her mouth to speak again, internally promising herself that she wouldn’tt chicken out like she did just a second ago.
“Like I said, I don't want to cross any lines or anything. You mean so much to me Robin… I couldn’t stand to upset you.” She paused to muster up her last bit of courage, “Do you remember when you and I hijacked Eddie’s kitchen and made pancakes for dinner by ourselves while they slept on the couch?”
Robin chuckled, the sound could bring Nancy to her knees.
“Yeah, we ate them on the floor in the kitchen and swapped embarrassing stories. We woke them up because we laughed so hard. They were so mad,” She laughed again. It made Nancy feel warm, “That was the night before you left for Boston… What does that have to do with what you wanted to tell me?”
“You said that you loved pancakes and you looked at me and fed me a piece on your fork, remember?” Nancy chewed the inside of her cheek as she waited.
“Yeah,” Robin’s tone was fond, almost wistful.
“I wanted to tell you then, just how much you meant to me, how I want to be kiss you and hold your hand, and brush your hair out of your face without making it weird, but I didn’t. I just shoved more pancake in my mouth and kept myself from looking at you too closely because you looked so beautiful, even with syrup on your cheek, and I wasn’t going to be able to shut my mouth if I saw those crystal clear blue eyes of yours up close.” There’s a beat, “I just… thought you should know that before I get on this plane and it potentially crashes.”
It is only in the silence did Nancy truely realize what she’d done. She knew that Robin was gay, she’d found out at Steve’s house during movie night, when Robin, high off some of the weed that Eddie brought, gushed about how hot Julie Christie was in Dr.Zhivago. So that’s not what she was worried about. She thought about how much Robin meant to her outside of her crush- as a friend. How if Robin decided that it would be too weird to stay friends with someone that had a crush on her, she would lose her nightly phone calls and tight hugs. She would lose hearing Robin laugh at her own dumb jokes and the way she sounded in the morning, right as she woke up. She would lose the pancakes for dinner that Robin promised her over the phone last night when she returned home.
Nancy’s heart sunk. As the silence stretched on, she found herself wishing that she had just left it alone and suffered in silence. Then, she’d still have Robin. She’d get her perfect fall break with her by her side, sleepovers in her basement and movie nights cuddled into her side. She was stupid for even thinking that Robin would like her in the same way. She took a long breath, deciding that the silence had gone on for long enough.
“Rob… I understand if you don’t-”
“I love you too.”
Nancy was stunned, “W-what?”
“I love you too, and that night is so special to me. Sometimes when I missed you, I’d make myself some pancakes. It was stupid, but it reminded me of that night and of you.” She chuckled and Nancy’s heart swelled, “I can’t tell you how many times I ate pancakes on our nightly calls.”
Nancy wished she was there to see the smile on Robin’s face, to hold her face in her hands and lean in and kiss her, but she’d waited long enough. She could wait another 2 hour flight. Nancy was worth waiting forever for.
“I just… I have so much to tell you,” Nancy quietly laughed, just because she was so unashemedly happy.
“We can talk when you get home. When the plane lands safely, okay?” Nancy nodded, though Robin couldn’t see her, “I have so much to tell you too, but for now, try to have a relaxing flight. I’ll see you soon, Nance.”
“See you soon, Rob,” Nancy responded with a cheek-numbing smile as the line went dead. She hung up the phone and made her way back across to her gate, right as the boarding announcement for her flight was made.
She boarded the plane with a new lease of life and the excitement of seeing Robin again, her previous worries melted away, replaced with only thoughts of the sandy haired, freckled girl that was waiting for her in Hawkins.
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blueweave8 · 2 years
United States Color Cosmetics Market Growth, Outlook, Report 2023-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, expects the United States color cosmetics market size to grow at a steady CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period between 2023 and 2029. The market is expanding quickly because of rising consumer spending power, particularly among women, and a growing trend toward using cosmetics for personal grooming and self-expression. In addition, growing consumer demand for vegan and cruelty-free color cosmetic products is predicted to provide the market with considerable potential prospects throughout the course of the research period. The industry is also expanding because of the rising use of online sales by cosmetic companies to appeal to younger consumers and increase sales.
United States Color Cosmetics Market – Overview
A vast category of cosmetics known as "color cosmetics" includes a variety of products made for the eyes, lips, skin, cheeks, and other body parts. Some of the most used color cosmetics are lipsticks, nail paints, lip and cheek tints, bronzers, foundations, and eye shadows. These are not limited to facial make–up but also encompass hair and other body parts as well. Color cosmetics are widely used and gaining popularity in the special–effects industry where it is not only used to hide marks or enhance features but also used for prosthetics makeup.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/united-states-color-cosmetics-market/report-sample
United States Color Cosmetics Market – By Color Addictive
Based on the color addictive, the United States color cosmetics market is segregated into organic, synthetic dyes, lakes, botanicals, inorganic, and mineral compounds. The inorganic color addictive accounts for the highest market share. The manufacturers of pigments, which are used in these color cosmetics, often use various inorganic compounds such as iron oxides, titanium dioxide, mica covered in titanium dioxide and bismuth oxychloride, due to its better stability and limited chemical reactions. However, the organic color addictive segment is anticipated to register high growth in the forecast period due to the market shift to natural ingredients.
Impact of COVID -19 on the United States Color Cosmetics Market
The unprecedented COVID–19 pandemic outbreak negatively impacted the growth of the United States color cosmetics market. Due to the remote working culture and little social interaction, the demand for color cosmetics significantly decreased after the lockdown. Additionally, people switched from cosmetics to skincare items that may enhance their complexion from the inside out, which had a detrimental impact on the cosmetics market. However, since customers spend more time on their smartphones and can readily access a broad selection of items through websites and brands, it is projected that the rising breadth of online sales would offer higher growth prospects to the United States color cosmetics market.
Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in the United States color cosmetics market include Huda Beauty, Estee Lauder Inc., Coty Inc., Amway, Revlon, Inc, Anastasia, Beautycounter, Blinc, Danessa-Myricks beauty, Freck Beauty, Grande cosmetics, Hourglass, ILIA beauty, JLO beauty, Josei Maran, Jouer cosmetics, Makeup by Mario, Melt Cosmetics, Milk Makeup, and other prominent players. To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Research Blog
Phone No: +1 866 658 6826
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omoghouls-writes · 6 years
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👀👀👀👀👀 o m g 
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billyandbope · 3 years
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Connect the Dots - a style fic!
thats right ladies and gentlemen we can in fact expand our range beyond bunny fluff :] i wrote this a while ago and then forgot about it so it's probably a little cringe and i'm not proofreading it so sorry if there's typos !
681 words, fluff!
funny story. one of our friends saw this drawing out of context and thought it was p0rn. so. it's not p0rn.
Kyle Broflovski’s freckles were one of Stan’s favorite things about him. Kyle had a loving personality and frankly, great hair, but his freckles had piqued Stan’s interest since they were little kids. He used to trace little lines like constellations on Kyle’s arms and legs with his pinky finger, imagining shapes and creatures hidden among the peppered splotches in Kyle’s skin. More recently, though, Stan had taken to tracing the freckles with real marker. It gave the shapes in his mind life- Kyle complained, of course, but he loved the memory of it. He’d search the lines for logic while he lay in bed and fall asleep studying them.
“Stan. Stan! Get off of me. I’m trying to do my homework.”
“Homework is lame and weak, dude. I’m creating art right now.” Stan hugged Kyle’s arm tighter, pulling it away from the paper Kyle was writing on. Tingles shot through Kyle’s arm as Stan ran a marker along the length of it.
“Why do you insist on doing this? You know my mom will hate it when I come home with marker on my arm.” Kyle whined, shifting his focus from the paper in front of him to his best friend. Stan laid his chin down on Kyle’s arm, giving the taller boy puppy dog eyes- those puppy dog eyes. Kyle could never say no when it came to those eyes. He couldn’t say no when it came to Stan, in general. The dark-haired boy’d had a hold on him since they were just little kids. Kyle groaned, rolled his eyes, and let Stan have his arm. It was just dry erase marker anyways.
“Stan, that is dry erase marker, right?” he inquired.
“Whatever floats your boat, bestie.”
Flashing lights and the sound of gunfire filled Stan’s bedroom as the boys furiously tapped on their controllers.
“C’mon, man! Why’d you have to die like that?” Kyle groaned. “I can’t do this by myself!”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to. I believe in you!” Stan put his controller down and looked at Kyle, whose eyes were focused on the screen. Stan’s eyes, however, searched once again for patterns in Kyle’s freckles. He squinted, turning his head to the side.
“Kyle, where’s my marker?” Stan asked. Kyle, still focused on the screen, motioned vaguely to the desk. Stan nodded, standing up to go grab it and coming to sit back down next to Kyle. In an attempt not to disturb Kyle’s game, Stan delicately uncapped the marker and squinted. He reached out to grab the side of Kyle’s face, eliciting a sound of discontent from the taller boy. Leaning closer, Stan started tracing the pattern he saw in his mind.
“The fuck are you doing right now, man?” Kyle asked in a gruff voice. Stan made a shushing noise.
“Bestie. Dude. I think I’m seeing the Big Dipper on your face right now. I gotta tr-” Stan started, but lost his balance mid-sentence, falling over onto Kyle. Stan sat back up almost immediately after falling, shifting to hover over Kyle.
“Stan, get off of me!” Kyle squirmed under the focused gaze Stan had on his face.
“Just lemme-” Stan paused for a moment, sticking his tongue out slightly. A tickling sensation ran through his cheeks, causing him to go red. “There. That wasn’t hard, was it?” Stan poked Kyle’s nose, backing off and giving him room to sit up. Kyle, face still pink, shifted to sitting.
“Stan, love. Why?” Stan flushed at the nickname, looking at the ground.
“I think…” Stan’s sentence trailed off, unintelligible.
“I think your freck…”
“Lover, I can’t hear you.”
“I think your freckles are really cute, okay?” Stan yelled, still looking at the ground. Kyle put a hand out to grab his chin, picking his gaze up off of the ground. Kyle tilted his head, smiling a little.
“I think you’re really cute, Stan.” Stan’s eyes went wide, then softened as he grinned. He glanced over at the TV screen.
“Kyle, you lost the game! How could you?”
“Oh, you are so not blaming this on me, Stan.”
i hope you enjoyed this :)
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
ShinDeku Meet Cute plz??? That maybe involves kittens?
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You’ve combined two of my favorite things here; cutie patooties and kittens~!
Shinso Hitoshi had been observing the remodeling of the little shop on the corner three blocks from his home for a while. Up until about three months ago, it had belonged to his favorite coffee shop. Despite being on the corner, the shop didn’t see too much business but was why he liked it so much. He could slip in and out on his way to his college campus from a little bit of wakey-up juice without a huge wait. Additionally, the place was a great study spot since it was always tame with just the right amount of lighting. And finally, regardless of the time of day, the coffee was always freshly brewed and consistently delicious.
But then the owner revealed that he had decided to sell the lease so he could retire to spend more time with his family. A sweet gesture that Shinso could respect, but a part of him still mourned the loss of his usual haunt. The coffee at the small convenience store a block before the campus was always old and stale, leaving a bitter taste on the back of his tongue regardless of how much cream, sugar or espresso he added. The campus cafe coffee was not much better, either, as it was twice the price and tasted like it had been cut with water to save on beans and boost coffee sales. The old cafe owner had reassured Hitoshi that whoever had rented the space from him was going to be putting in a new cafe. So Hitoshi had decided to try and go the cautiously optimistic route.
Thankfully, just before he’d left to visit his family during his semester break, a banner was plastered over a large window to the shop with an official opening date. He would be out of town the first three days the place was open but he figured that was fine. Some of the hype should die down by then, so he could get a better read on if the new shop would be a fraction as good as the old. He found himself genuinely looking forward to popping in as he settled back into his bed on his first night home.He wondered if the place would have the same classic feel as its predecessor or if it’d be something entirely different.
The next morning, he got his answer. And oh what an answer it was.
The shop had been on the very corner of the building it was built in, with two grand full-scale windows on either side, which had allowed from some great natural lighting. Just as he came into view of the window on his way to the door, he noticed movement and paused, a pair of gleaming green eyes staring back at him. It took him all of two seconds to realize that it was a brown tabby cat staring back, settled on a tier of a large cat tree poised at the window. The tabby blinked and a smaller head poked out just below them, this one pure black with big yellow eyes. And, judging by size, this one was just a kitten.
Hitoshi had never scrambled to a front door quite as fast in his life as he did in that moment.
The inside had a soft, pastel aesthetic with various cat trees and toys scattered about the center of the floor. There were cats sitting in the full-scale windows, staring out at the people passing by, but several fluffy heads turned to face him upon entrance. There were two young woman behind the large counter in the back, seemingly swapping out the till, who perched up when he entered. “Hello! Please feel free to settle in at any open table. A server will be with you shortly!” The brunette called that, waggling one hand at him as the other woman, with orange hair in a ponytail, was removing one of the tills from the cash register.
He peered around before swiping a table in the far corner, near where the two cats he’d seen through the window had been. Once he settled in, there was a quiet mew by his feet. A glance down revealed the little brown tabby from the window had come over. “Hello again,” he mumbled, reaching down to carefully pick the cat up.
The cat mewed but didn’t protest being picked up and set on the table so Hitoshi could get a better look at them, gently scratching them under their fluffy white chin. He grinned at the soft rumbling purrs. “I see you and Pocky are becoming fast friends! That’s incredible!” A new voice chimed up, causing him to jump and glance up.
The young man standing beside his table looked like he was around Hitoshi’s age, though he still had quite a bit of baby fat clinging to his frecked cheeks. He was a bit on the short side but had a slightly stockier build, implying he worked out on a somewhat regular basis, and clearly cared about the animals in the shop since he recognized this one even without it having a collar designating its name. So a cute, athletic cat lover? That, Hitoshi mused, was certainly a bonus to frequenting the cafe. He reached into his apron to produce a small paper menu to offer Hitoshi. “I take it Pocky here is a bit of a challenge?” Hitoshi asked as he took the offered menu.
“She’s more just kinda fickle. She only likes to be pet in a specific way, so it makes a lot of patrons see her as moody and unpleasant. There must be something special about you that calls to her,” he chuckled happily, reaching out to gently scratch the top of the little cat’s head.
Pocky let out a little mewl at the server before shifting her attention back to Hitoshi, blinking at him with an expectant gleam in her eyes. He chuckled and reached out to gently scratch under her little chin.”Well, I’ve always been good with cats,” he said before glancing back up at the server. “So I know her name, but what about yours? It only seems like proper manners to know your name since we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”
The other’s grin widened at that, near dazzling with his excitement. “Midoriya Izuku! I look forward to getting to know you better, sir!”
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inncubus-honey · 4 years
Yams with Punk/Alt/ Goth S/O HCs
yay i finished this! also two post in one day!! as always, I hope yall enjoy this cause i loved writing it❤️
Word Count: 1557
Yamaguchi x gn!reader
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idk why but i feel like yall would meet in the rain
like you would see each other from across the street as you stood under the covering flap for a restaurant to keep from your makeup and outfit from getting ruined 
it suddenly started raining which is why you didn’t have an umbrella 
but Yamaguchi saw you as he was walking to meet Tsuki or something and was like: ε⌯(ง  ̇ω ̇)ว i am speed!
whether you’re in heels or flats, taller or shorter than him: he will make sure y'all both fit under his umbrella 
the first thing he noticed about you was your makeup, it was ON POINT that day! 
eyeliner? already pierced through his heart. eyeshadow? blended to the gods and your colors were poppin’! lipstick? made your lips look as plump as a plum. Blush? made your nose look like a cute baby kitten’s nose. 
Yams was intimidated yet fascinated by the complex design on your magnificent face. He thought you were so cool and brave for not caring what others think and just being yourself.
“I saw you were trying to get cover from rain and…i thought I could help i-if thats okay?! I’m-”
“Thanks, that was really sweet of you. y/n and you are?”
“I’m Tadashi Y-Yamaguchi, its nice to meet you as well.” and with he helped to get to where you were going which, thankfully was in the same direction as him so he could talk to you longer.
y'all talked about your style and how you discovered it as Yams was interested in learning more about you cause he thought you were so cool that he wanted to learned all about you.
you watch this sweet freckled boy ask about you, you felt your heart clench at his eyes which practically sparkled with excitement in learning.
But once you reached your destination, Yams didn’t want to say goodbye cause y'all just started learning about each other and he was afraid that he wasn’t going to see you again.
but before he could ask if you wanted to trade numbers, you pulled out a pen from ur bag and wrote your number on his wrist then just went on your way
at first he was like ‘͡•_‘͡• then once he saw his wrist, looked at you which was at the same time you looked back and winked at him
then he was like ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄O⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ smoother than a mf
he put your number in his phone before he could forget then went to his friends
fast forward lets say two weeks since yall meet, but have been heavily texting since then
your contact name for him is 'freckles’ while his for you is 'pretty eyes’ cause he was so entranced by your eye makeup and their a beautiful shade of Blue
That weekend, Yams and you set up a date at a local cafe where y'all can hang out in a comfortable atmosphere.
you were sitting at a table near a back window with a warm mug in your hands. The bell at the cafe door rung which caused you to look up and see Yams walk in, looking flushed. 
“sorry, im late, i almost slept through my alarm-”
“frecks, its okay. Breathe and order a warm drink; its muggy out.”
he sat down and just that. after that, y'all talked about anything thats happened since you’ve seen/talked with each other.
Yams just watched you talk about college studies or your job or just anything that came to mind. His heart fluttered, flipped with fondness as he looked at you wave your hands around.
He wanted to be with you as he wondered how exciting it would be to experience life with you and see the world through your eyes and views
“then she went to the back an-”
“would you consider going out with them?”
*inside yams head: ah fuk i cant believe you’ve done this*
“Yamaguchi, are you serious?”
*again in yams head: IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER??!?!*
cue to you giggling like a mad man from his nervous ramblings. you gently grabbed his hands, bringing them to your lips giving them soft kisses. Yams looking like: (´⊙ω⊙`) i’m looking respectively and lovingly 
“its okay. I think its cute the way you ramble and I think you’re just cute in general.”
“r-really? I think you’re c-cute as well; in fact I think you’re magnificent!”
you kiss his hands again 
“but to answer your question; I would love to go out with you, Tadashi.“ 
oml, you called him Tadashi. the boy is caught! hook, line and sinker. congrats, you have a strawberry as a boyfriend now.
after that wonderful day, you and tadashi started dating which can described as:
Yams: ٩(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و *bubbly and soft*.   you:  (ー v ー) *vibing with whatever yams does*
but when y'all are alone, your like: (◡‿◡✿) with him
if you’re shorter, yams doesn’t mind/care if you wear platforms or heels cause hes glad that you’re happy. plus he likes how intimidating you look
but if you’re already tall, he still loves you the same.
over the course of your relationship, you get Tadashi more into the alt/goth/punk scene while hes get you more into colors either pastel or neon
he would rock the occasional ripped flannel and black jeans in combat boot and the chain belt (c"ತ,_ತ) like sir or a black turtleneck with the blazer combo omg(also sorry if thats doesn’t fit into the types of fashion, but its black)
y'all are able to get each other out of your comfort zones while still being respectful of your boundaries 
fun fact: y'all recreated the photo of the two girls doing makeup(yk the one) where you’re putting makeup on Yams 
and hes just ※beaming※ with love in eyes in the photo
Tadashi grows more into himself more as well; he wears makeup, skirts, heels and thigh highs and just experimenting cause of you
as you were comfortable a lot with yourself when with him, he wants the same cause there are times where hes still nervous around you
he always has a fear in the back of his head that soon you’ll see what he doesn’t like about himself and leave or worse; make fun of him like kids when he was little
which btw: i’m gonna find those kids and just beat the- how dare you make fun of this sweet summer child(ง •̀_•́)ง
anyway when you the other first years, he was a little nervous as he didnt know who you clash with and not
y'all met up at the same cafe where yams and you confessed to each other. Hinata and Kags were thankfully home in Japan as volleyball season was over.
Yachi was really excited to meet you as she and Yams have talked about you. He did the same with tsukki, but tsukki is tsukki.
surpassingly, when Yams and you got to the cafe and meet the 1st years you heard so much about; you got along with Kageyama the most
y'all had the same problem of people stereotyping you based on your face. People think Kags looks badass or cold while he actually said: volleyball brr brr milk.
but Yams would in flash come to your defense if someone started talking shit
anyway, Kags and you had a quiet conversation as Hinata, Yachi, Tsukki and Yams had their own conversations
When Yams looks at you talking with Kags, his heart flutters with pride and happiness. He’s so happy to see get along with his friends
he lives for the moments when you and Tsukki go for each others throats
"at least I’m naturally tall and dont need to buy boots to get taller, half-pint.”
“was that suppose to hurt my feelings, blondie? try saying that when i stomp on your throat bitch.”
*yams comes in, used to it at this point* “who wants a muffin?”
but you and tsukki are actually good friends, y'all get along in the way mark and ethan got along in unnus annus: friends most of the time, but also y'all can AND will kill each other if needed
omg yall randomly give each other those colored gift boxes, for u its f/c with your fave snacks and drinks and treats in the box 
while yams, yes he could love yellow or pink, but i give you this:
pastel colored box for him
but for your 1st year anniversary, you went all out for each other
Yams would get you those location puzzles of the first date, so the cafe yall met at, a simple vine looking promise ring. Then he got a spotify song reader sticker that send you to a playlist that spells out happy anniversary 
your promise ring was engraved with 'you helped me find myself. thank you <3’
while you painted one of your favorite photos together, those touch bracelets that light up and vibrate, a photo box which when opened up showed a promise ring
you also had his engraved, but with, 'im thankful for the rain’
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You’re a WHAT
Kanene’s Notes:
I’m weak for carzy scenarios  and glitter, so BOOOM!! Why don’t get these two things together??? :D)/ This fic marks the end of my break, I will be (trying to) going back to my old projects and probably won’t be writing for some weeks kjnhgfvghjkjhg. Wish me luck! <33
This wasn’t suppose to take so much to be written but I lost my PC and life got in the way :v   Buuuut! I manage to finish it and I already count this as a victory! xP
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That fanfic has Remy and Roman. They’re friendos yay :3. Oh, and this is pretty crazy. Context: The morning after Black Friday when you’re grumpy and wanting to kick the society in the face. A LOT of swearing, Patton does not approve.  
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing Thomas Sanders in his series of Sanders Sides.
* Something around 2.900 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* Tô com preguiça de postar a versão em português brasileiro aaaa! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Try and have fun with new hobbies, be safe, talk with the one that you love, drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
Roman thought himself as a really lucky human being. Unbelievable lucky.
 It wasn't due to the apartment where he currently lived - Too much dull for his personal taste and space, getting even smaller from the day he admitted a messy, sassy and with sleep problems roommate, since Roman just started his musical career and couldn't afford an own house yet. - or the fact that was finally able to pursue his dream after years and years of just picturing, painting this moment on his future, only to find out his fantastic breathtaking and incredible goals weren’t nearly close of the cold reality, at least for now (Who would know that, after umpteenth days of hard studying and training he would need years and years of experience in order to even START wondering in get out of his partial-time job on that Electronic Store) or any other reason someone would be able to consider himself a receptacle of pure, brute luck, enlightened by the spotlights of the good, pleasant destiny...
 ... Or at least the most pleasant it could be in the horrible and exhaustive middle of the night after a whole day filled with his attempts to survive and treat respectfully the unmerciful, dirty jungle that humanity was at Black Friday. Something around fifteen  hours working with massive hordes of unscrupulous zombies starved for a sale and able to even kill and die (more likely the first option) to get what they want and with souls (if they still got one) free of any slight sight of education, patience and morals to be inserted in a society which, as it seemed, was equally rotten as them. View point only proved as Roman was obligated to be working after his shift to "clean all the mess" - more like hide the bodies of exhausted warriors after such bloody battle. – the store because those sons of a...
 "... Bitch, YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!!" The poor, frustrated employed shouted to nowhere specific, his face turning towards the sky, seeking in some way to show his all his hate to the cinematography - because this was too much coincidence to NOT be part of a movie or some random fanfic on the black hole that was internet - rain falling at full force leading the weather to became even more freezing as soaked them both with its cool, thick drops.
Anyway, what he was daydreaming about?
"Roman." Oh, yeah, the reason why he viewed himself as a truly lucky person. "My gurl, if you try to impersonate a fucking, dramatic, bitch crow in my ear even again, I swear in the name of my life juice bean that I'm going to KILL you with my bare hands and these sunglasses."
 At least his best friend since, honestly, diapers, who coincidentally was his roommate and even more coincidentally, his coworker was just screwed as Roman himself. Which automatically made the duo less screwed, however equally pissed off, something that neither of them discovered if that was a good or bad thing, yet.
 "Fuck you, Remy" Roman whispered between an tired yawn, too much tired to even think about some nickname or to put real heat in his words as he got instinctively closer to the other, the one called taking off his jacket and lazily throwing it over their heads, doing his best to cover they both with the small available black leathered fabric, the act intertwined with grumpy grumbling and motions which would probably slap Roman's face if he wasn't careful. "I'm the one who buys your coffee."
 "Having my incredible, unique personality in your life should be motivation enough for you to buy me the entire Starbucks Company, be glad I'm weak to your cute face and am going easy on ya."
 " 'Cute'? Excuse me, I'm the most handsome, hottest and fabulous man you will ever met in your lowly life, mortal."
 Remy snorted at this "Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe, but if it's going to be like that your ego soon will have to pay his part at the rent."
 "Well, this 'ego' here was the only thing between your highness and jail after stopping you from committing all those murders today."
 "Bold of you to assume I wouldn't use my contacts to hide the evidences." Their tune were already completely sleepy, bodies instinctively leaning onto each other as the words stumbled, mixed and almost lost themselves in the soundly wind as slipped from their lips. Roman just laughed.
 "Well, if by ‘contacts’ mean 'Virgil' good luck getting him out of his bed on his free day. You would became the fucking new King Arthur." Roman rubbed his eyes, trying to physically force his eyelashes to not close, a new yawn finding its way to his mouth. He didn't even know about what they were talking anymore.
 "I roll the dice to cast Badass Nerd Bitch."
 “He likes to study nature stuff, especially at night, I’m sure he already knows some good spots to hide bodies. Glasses.”
 “OMG, the anime character with glasses.” Roman stopped, his mouth wide open as if all the secrets of the universe had been revealed to him.
 “Exactly.” Remy extended each syllable, grinning smugly.
 “I’ve never-“
 The sentence, which appeared to came out from nowhere, cut the air in a harsh, sharp tune, breaking the barriers and tying them up in the same place in a frozen position and wide eyes staring astonished the hooded form and their unreadable features under the bad illumination of the light poles helped by the increased storm. The wind trespassed them, stirring their clothes and making the muscles shake both of the alone employees in the middle of a dark, empty street at the dawn, even if the dangerously shiny knife directed towards their direction still in a hatred silence. 
 “My.” Roman knew he probably should be afraid, the freezing feeling running across his veins and frightening his brain and actions as infected his words in an unspeakable terror impossible to ignore nor escape. “fucking.” However, the only thing that slipped through his next was the purest, deepest, truest... “ASS.” Indignation.
 Roman thought about a lot of things. He thought about running away, grabbing Remy’s arm and sprinting across the street, about scream in the top of his lungs the waterfall of swearing already racing half way to his throat and even about kicking the knife out of the other’s hands and then kicking him - with a couple of cool moves he saw in some actions films - together with their frecking audacity to try to rob him of all the people in the world. Roman, who asked himself if he would have enough money to eat in the next week with a concerning frequency, who wondered if this is the life he will have until the end of his existence, if he will ever be able to accomplish his dreams.
 His gaze changed to Remy, who was paralyzed, trembling between the poor light of the street and the massive rain. Roman swallowed. Everything was in his hands.
 For a piece of Roman felt the strange urge to spill to the figure before him the story of his life, all his tries, all his battles, his everyday fights to make his dreams real. Blow by blow. Day by day. A life destined to go after everything he wished to himself, everything he wanted to life, to experience, to savor, to do everything in his hands to ignore and one day maybe, hopefully forget all the ghosts - these ones always accompanied by those emotionless, sharp whispers - asking, doubting nonstop if he ever would be able to do all of this, if he was doing the rights thing, if it was really worth all of it.
 However, before the first word even slipped of Roman’s tongue or his mind came fully back to Earth, Remy was already positioning himself strategically between the robber and his friend, the currently only one with the leather jacket falling on his shoulders. However, Remy didn’t seem nearly soaked as he should be, and for a heartbeat, the same one which Remy moved his hands to his jeans’ pocket, his fingers touching and firmly holding something there, Roman could swear that the unexpectedly shiver running across his spine wasn’t due the cold wind.
 Nor the sentence hurled in the clouds.
 “You know what?? Fuck it.”
 And then he unsheathed his magic wand.
 Roman loved with the entirety of his heart all kind of magic, he could easily spend an entire afternoon (which he already had, by the way) listing his favorites movies, musicals and stories with that theme. That also could be easily said by the thousands and thousands of worlds, universes and lifes he invented – in and out of his head - about the subject trough his childhood and handful of teenage years, random ideas and inspirations appearing and dancing in his mind until nowadays. If that only wasn’t enough to convince someone then the umpteenth memories of mornings and afternoons bathed in the smell of books, rocked by the calm silene of the public library as he turned one more page, his back lightly aching by the bad position assumed behind the shelters, in a place he strategically found and claimed as his own Bridge to Terabithia, enjoying every moment as if nothing else mattered. Perhaps you wouldn’t even need to swim in such deep, ancient waters to find out his love, since at least fifty percent of his day was dedicated to shout, hummer or murmur Disney songs.
 However, as rays of pure energy  - shiny and kind of glittery one - involved and swirled from Remy’s, who now was floating a few centimeters above the ground, wand in stripes that got lighter and lighter, begging to spin faster around the aforementioned, creating a spere of a power stunning and big enough to stop the rain in the corner.
 The silence resulting from the lack of the storm didn’t had the opportunity to fill the moment, being obligated to give its space to a soft, intense melody whispered in their ears. The notes standing some more moments in the air, the beating following the changes in the shadowed figure inside the spere. Hesitations taking over the loud, quick heartbeats when the song finally stopped.
 The power’s spere finally exploded, the impact leading to an unbelief and intensive force push both human meters away.
 “Get. Out.”  Remy’s tune still the same, his form – Now adorned by a gleaming crop top, his fluttering skirt over shorts floating in synchrony with the veils which surrounded his clothes and wrapping his arms, the ending spreading in the air as a bunch of angry powered and fancy snakes. - even with the new vestments full of glitter (this probably would be a hell to get off, later) still the same, his gaze, powerful – a new meaning pouring from this word – strong, still the same. But yet…
 Yet his wide eyed, heart hammering in his chest friend since he could remember found himself struggling to connect the same Remy who he had known – if he could still say that? -  all his life with the same being who gleamed dangerously before him.
 The magic wand danced in a quick flick and a trash can came of what seemed nowhere to hit the wobbled and absolutely terrified robber, who fell with a soft thumph in the ground, unconscious.
 “-man, Roman!!! Don’t just stay standing there like a tree, help me here, gurl!” Suddenly the called snapped from his own sea of thoughts, submerging and astonished blinking in Remy’s direction. The rain started to fell on them again, and when their eyes met, when Roman saw the same guy who spent afternoons climbing trees and pretending they were knights and dragons attacking or saving the world, when he recalled the silent sleepovers where they just sat near of each other enjoying the mutual company, the grumpy mornings in their apartment, the comfort hugs, the looks full of words, the smiles filled with meaning, the friendship stuffed with so many, many memories... 
 Nostalgia. The feeling that everything was changed albeit something… something important always stayed. Roman felt, truly felt it and fixed his glare into that brilliant – quite literally - glare adorned with a ‘I’m about to punch your cocky face if you keep fucking narrating every freaking second of your life, ya bitch’ he realized... 
 It was Remy.
 He took a deep breath, moving closer and gradually relaxing as the aforementioned focused in trying to lift the guy, swearing more frequently than raindrops fell from the sky.
 “First crush.”
 The other stopped, frowning confused. Roman didn’t quiver, feeling he deserved some sort of answer. At least about this. “What?”
 “My first crush. Who?”
 “Kovu.” Remy maybe was a bit cold hearted, maybe he wasn’t the best with human interactions or knew exactly what Roman wanted with that… but he knew Roman enough to realize this was important. Essentially when the said seemed to relax, his form untensing itself and being allowed to get closer of the magic being.
 “Okay. Okay, okay…” Roman took a deep breath, grounding himself. Their gaze met, his next words coming a little calmer. “Okay.”
 “Please don’t make me sing that serenate you made for him. I’m gonna fucking quit.”
 “Oh, shut up!! Our first love is something special, mister I-Can’t-Choose-Between-The-Beast-And-The-Beauty.”
 Remy decided to ignore the words, slightly lowing his sunglasses with his special Judgmental ‘Bold of you to assume I have enough shame to be mocked’ Look. Roman just flipped in his direction, taking advantage that the other’s hands were occupied.
 It was still Remy, with a whole more of style and glitter – Why are there so much glitter here?? - but it was just Remy. Like just any other day.
 Before he even realized, Roman was already at his friend’s - and as it seems a magical being - side, helping him to carry the robber’s body to somewhere dry so he wouldn’t die of hypothermia.
 “Why don’t you- Ouch!! My feet, dammit!” His breaths came out as puffs, the effort leading to his already exhausted muscles only protest even more and very much probably curse him later with sore movements for the audacity to transport anything heavier than a pen. “Why don’t you use your... Wizard magic or something to carry him??”
 “Oh. My. Gosh. Roman, you are sooo intelligent, why aren’t you in Harvard? Ow! Ow! Ow!!” Remy’s sarcasm was cut when the other kicked, or did his best to with their actual position, him in protest.  “Homophobic.” He exhaled a mix of irritation and a snort, receiving a playful punch in his arm by their inside joke.  “I’m your Fairy Godmother, brainless. Unless it was you laid in this stupid, cold ground I can’t use my magic anymore... Except if this is someone of your family but I doubt-”
 “Wait, wait, wait, WAIT!!! YOU ARE MY FAIRY GODM-”
 “No, no way, nope, we are NOT having this conversation right now.” Remy, the Fairy Godmother let go of the unconscious body in a way that probably will make the guy wake up sore, perhaps with a concussion even, directing his index finger in Roman’s direction in a deep, determined stare full of darkness and things that Roman could swear would make Remy be expelled from the group of Friendly Fairy GodmotherS  or whatever... thing he was inserted. “Let me tell you what we are doing right now: We are going to home, change our clothes then I’m getting coffee and you will get sleep so I don’t have to face nor care about the freak consequences of my damn actions.”
 “That...” Roman stop, as if was considering his next words. Remy’s face just scrunched in a bigger, firmer frown. “That would be hella scary if you didn’t look like someone who just stole a store of glitter and got attacked by the gay, glitterly, shiny fairies who protected the place.”
 “Go fuck yourself. I’m locking you outside when we get there.”
 “Noo, please don’t! My evil stepmother didn’t let me go to the prince castle and now I need help! Crying emoji, crying emoji.” Roman mocked, imitating sad sobs and sniffles as quick his pace to follow the other, who flipped him.
 “I’m this far from knock you out with my magical wand and then you will see who is the evil stepmother.” His wand gleamed in warning, the red color getting mixed and trembled by the fast movements of his veils, one of them getting dangerously next to Roman’s face, who cleverly got silent for some heartbeats, the sound of the rain slowly calming their heartbeats and rocking them, the tiredness gaining the space which, piece by piece, was being unhanded by their adrenaline.
 They arrived home, both still quiet, feeling free as a relieved sign left their lips. Remy threw his soaked jacket in some dark corner, the bed being the only thing which was allowed to take over all his thoughts and will. 
 An awed gasp echoed behind him and he immediately regretted his move.
 Before his eyelashes closed, the shiny of the wand disappearing gradually as an ungodly amount of sleepiness gained complete control over his body, relaxing each one of his fibers and as a warm, magic good feeling fills every single cell in his being, Roman wondered if ‘Fuck it’ was the name of Remy’s spell.
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pleaseseptember · 4 years
I'm here to say that math is frecking beautiful. I'm really sorry that lots of teachers make it boring to study, because it's more than just numbers and equations. If I had teachers who were more interested in explaining things, I would definitely had realized earlier that I wanted to study physics, but now it's actually too late, I'm not smart enough for this and I don't have time for extra studying.
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freckledacademic · 2 years
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getting better at balancing working on math and keeping up with experiments! so here’s a view from a coffee shop and my lab desk to celebrate that
🎧: better in the morning by birdtalker
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bunny-nation · 5 years
There They Are...
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You and Jennifer, your friend, made your way to your favorite boba spot for a study group. Like you said, you fished out a twenty and gave it to Jennifer to order yours and her drink. As Jennifer was in line, you got a text from your boyfriend, who you’ve been hiding from everyone, asking what you were doing.
Freckled Sunshine: hey, baby, what are you doing? You: studying with a friend Freckled Sunshine: at that one boba place? You: mhm, you know me You: what are you doing, baby boy? Freckled Sunshine: nothing much, hanging with the guys Freckled Sunshine: i miss you :( You: i miss you too... but, hey, we get to see each other in a couple days Freckled Sunshine: yea, but i want to see you now You: i do too... You: but i promise when you come visit me during tour, i’ll give you all the attention you want Frecked Sunshine: okay... Freckled Sunshine: i have to go, princess, be safe, okay? i’ll call you tonight Freckled Sunshine: love you You: i love you too, baby boy
You turned off your phone just in time when Jennifer came back with both your drinks. “Thank you.” You said with a smile before whipping out your laptop to work on your choreography project while Jennifer worked on her math project. 
Once in a while, you would help Jennifer with some equations and she would return the favor by giving some tips on the dance. 
The door opened with a ding, getting your attention. You looked over at the door and immediately recognized their faces. Jennifer immediately perked up when she saw her boyfriend and her friend making their way over to your table. You awkwardly greeted them before trying to make yourself seem busy with your project. 
Jennifer greeted her boyfriend with a kiss and a hug with her friend. God, why didn’t she tell me they were coming? You thought to yourself as you pressed your lips into a thin line. You continued to work on your project while they were talking and joking around. 
With ten minutes in, her friend left to get ready for his shift next door. Great, now I’m a third wheel. You thought to yourself as you glanced up at the couple in front of you. Seeing how affectionate they were to each other made you feel lonely so you tried forgetting about it by forcing yourself to work. 
You glanced up at the couple one more time. Felix immediately popped into your head. You smiled softly before taking in a deep breath. I wish he was here... The more affectionate they were to each other, the more you wished Felix was by your side. You continued to work on your project, occasionally scrolling through your Instagram. 
The door opened with another ding, getting both Jennifer and her boyfriend’s attention. You continued to work on your choreography project with an earbud in and your head slightly bouncing to the beat. You could feel a presence over you but you shrugged it off thinking it was just another customer getting in line. 
Slowly two arms wrapped themselves around you giving you a tight but loving squeeze. You immediately jumped at the sudden affection. “Hey, princess.” A familiar deep yet soothing voice whispered into your ear. 
Your eyes were wide as they can be as you turned around to see Felix, your boyfriend, smiling like a fool. Once Felix’s eyes met your eyes, his smile immediately widened even more. “Felix!” You exclaimed before throwing both your arms around his neck. “I missed you...” You mumbled against his neck. 
“I missed you too, princess.” He said before pressing kisses on your cheeks. You smile widely as you invited him to take the seat next to you. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked still with the same smile on your face.
“I landed a couple hours ago, I wanted to see you.... so here I am.” Felix said showing off his beautiful eye smiles. 
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” Jennifer suddenly said as she looked over at Felix.
“Yeah, sorry about that, I asked her not to tell anyone.” Feliz responded.
“He’s Australian?” Jennifer asked, catching onto his accent. 
You hummed in response before looking up at him, who looked down at you with his beautiful smile. “Kiss.” You said as you puckered your lips. Felix couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at how adorable you were acting before leaning down.
Both you and Jennifer were in your own world. She continued to work on her project with her boyfriend while as for you, you’ve abandoned all school work to focus on Felix. Your hands were cupping Felix’s cheeks with your thumbs on his upper cheeks.
Your eyes were fixed where your thumbs were positioned. Your eyes quickly shifted to look into Felix’s big brown eyes. Knowing what you wanted, Felix nodded his head slightly, giving you permission to remove his foundation. 
You started to remove as much foundation as possible with your thumbs. Slowly, his freckles started to show one by one. With each one that popped up, your smile widened even more. 
Little did you know, Felix had his eyes on you the entire time, looking as if he’s falling for you all over again. His heart melted seeing how much you loved the parts of him that he wasn’t confident in. 
“There they are...” You said quietly to yourself before looking into his eyes again.
You planted two kisses on his upper cheeks before giggling slightly. “You love them, don’t you?” Felix asked as he giggled with you.
“I love everything about you, especially those that are your insecurities.” You responded as you tried wiping his foundation off again. “Don’t hide them from me.” You said before looking into his eyes to see how much his eyes had softened. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked with a smile. 
“I’m falling for you all over again, (y/n). I’m so glad that I can call you mine.” 
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blogaboutmusic · 6 years
all the playlists !
did this a while ago, but my spotify changed so much that i decided to do it again, and also because i have a lot of new followers! thank you & thank you if you follow my playlists! Be sure to check the list out bc i have a playlist for almost every genre & mood!
● ✧・゚*✧・゚* existential crisis:  everything i have that is sad ● 2019 ; letz getit: music i discovered so far in 2019 / music that is important to me in 2019 ● 20(18)GAYTEEN: every album that came out in 2018 (at least of artists i like) ● 20(19)BITEEN: every album that came out in 2019 (/artist i like :) ) ● 5sᴏs ; complete: i think the title says it all ● aliens: a mix full of alt. songs. dope. 10/10 recommend to aliens ● all of it ; alternative ?: stuff that is alt but not quite, pop punk but not quite, rock but not quite, etc! ● all of it ; emo music: EVERYTHING YOU NEED. EVERYTHING SAD. EVERYTHING ANGRY. EVERYTHING GUITAR. pop-punk punk-rock emo/rock indie/alternative ● all of it ; k-pop: all the k-pop music that I listen to, stuffed into one mix. ● ᴀʟʟ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴡ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: all of all time low’s music ● angry k-pop bops: a playlist that was inspired by district 9 of stray kids ● autumn, baby: perfect songs for fall! ● back to the future: idk some albums that i love listening to that go really well together ● bandito tour ; twenty one pilots: a playlist for an upcoming concert ● b͓̽a͓̽n͓̽g͓̽ ͓̽c͓̽h͓̽a͓̽n͓̽: a playlist for my bias of stray kids! ● ʙᴀɴɢᴛᴀɴɢ sᴏɴʏᴇᴏɴᴅᴀɴ ; ʙᴛs: all of bts’ music in one playlist ● best intro's, no argue: okay but really 505 is one of the best songs ever don’t fight me on that one ● bi bops: actually it doesnt matter if you’re gay, straight, pan or bi, these all work. just bops. ● b-sides, : songs i tend to forget about because i mostly listen to other songs on the albums... but they deserve the world so there you go ● 𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖒𝖊: kinda angry, kinda alternative. ● bon voyage: i listened to this a lot when i went to paris and when i have to travel a lot. travel worthy. ● bop that Bussy ; emo version: FAV EMO JAMS AND BOPS AND BANGERS ● bring me the horizon ; complete : all of bmth’s music ● bts amsterdam 13.10.18: SETLIST ly tour amsterdam but also europe. i miss them a lot & wanna thank them for one of my best nights ever
● calm my anxious ass: what i need when i’m breaking down & alone again ● chanyeol (っ◔◡◔)っ: a playlist for my exo bias, mostly english sung songs though ● chilly billy doobop: so nice to have as background music or for when there’s a friend over. just ever so fckn CHILL ● classical // piano: classical music, mostly piano ● current mood: songs i’m probably listening to right now (lmao still) ● daniel james howell: a playlist for my fav youtuber!!! ● daydream: my playlist with music that makes me dream for a better version of me ● ᴅᴀʏ6 ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: every day6 song ever. stan talent stan day6 ● death / school mix: songs about dying & other relatable stuff for school, ha ha ● dizzy tummy: stuff i listen to strolling through the city or being in a specific trainride ● dope on a rope: no, this isn't a playlist for the growlers' song, it's old beats. ● emo & alternative: sum emo tunes! totally random *insert that one crazy emoji with the tongue out* ● energize this tired bub: upbeat tempo music that really energizes me ● energetic appleflap: playlist for a friend (that i have crush on) ● eɴᴛᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴛᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀᴘᴀʀᴋꜱ: music i  listened to before & after my waterparks concert + every waterparks song ever & the setlist ● ᴇxᴏ ; xᴏxᴏ: exo complete. please give us a ot9 comeback ● exploring: stuff i have yet to listen to ● fᴀʟʟ ᴏᴜᴛ ʙᴏʏ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: all of FOB’s music. can you believe i’m still emo trash? ● frickity freck!: fresh alt-ish music ● fuck me up: a ReAlLy gOoD aLterNaTiVe / IndiE / eMo playlist? ● funky dunky business: the bass in these is mostly really mcflipping good ● geez, morty: playlist for fake friends ● ɢᴏᴛ7 ; ᴀʜɢᴀsᴇ: all of got7 their music ● ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴅᴀʏ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: all of green day aka my fav band their music ! every.thing. ● grrr. : just metal and grunge. heavy shit ● guitars: really good guitars like guns ‘n roses & beatles and just guitars that i love??? ● guns  n' roses setlist: setlist g ‘n r Europe 2017 ● halsey: indie artist, all her music in a playlist ● happy vibes: music that makes me smile!! ● hoe anthems (k-pop ver.); k-pop bops that make me go wanna hoe the heck out ● homework // calm: music i listen to when i make homework ● hug me pls: acoustic songs i wanna listen to while cuddling ● i’m a mess: a good, short playlist i- lol- unironically made when i discovered Michael Clifford had a girlfriend lmao i hope theyre happy they deserve it ● i, an intellectual: a nerd: music from movies and series i really dig ● interactive introverts: music they played and i listened to before interactive introverts ● jae = bae: this one goes out to jae, guitarist and vocal legend in the band day6 ● jazzin' away: jazz, my friend. ● j-pop ; rock 'n soul: my favourite j-pop songs!! yes, that includes all one ok rock songs. ● journal writings: i attempt to keep up a journal. this gives me vibes. sometimes a bit more uptempo, but mostly a bit softer ● judith.eliza: for a friend ● jughead's tape: for jughead jones, of riverdale ● just guitars, nothing else.: just acoustic guitars of some of my fav songs, really good for while studying i think ● k-grooves: korean r&b and indie ● k-pop ; essential jams: my favourite k-pop songs, which are quite a lot! ● k-pop ; girls: all my girl groups’ music ● k-rock ; you make myday: all my favourite k-rock songs, yes that includes every day6 song because they are just that good sorry ● last young renegade tour: music i listened to before & after my all time low concert + the setlist ●  letters to you: songs that made me think of my crush. i think people can realate? ● let there be luf: some new alt, sum songs about love ● lilacskyjimin ; fav: playlist for a friend ● lone hours: in: feeling lonely? we do, too, dont worry. youre not alone. ● mama: stuff i grew up with / stuff my mother and i both like ● marina & the diamonds: apperantly she’s only called marina now? one of the best female singers i know, indie as f*ck ● ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ; 5sos:  playlist for the 5sos concert, setlist and the songs in between! ● micmicbudgee ; fav: playlist for a friend ● mom jeans, tired eyes: mostly 70s and 80s BOPS ● ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴀ x ; ᴍᴏɴʙᴇʙᴇ: all of monsta x’s music in a playlist ● muse ; complete: all of alt rock band muse their songs ● my chemical romance ; complete: emo rock band mcr all of their music ● my youngblood chronicals: alt rock songs. the reason why i’m still fighting ● nederlandse bodem: my favourite Dutch songs! ● ɴᴇᴏ ᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏʟᴏɢʏ ; ɴᴄᴛ: nct complete, in a playlist ● nienisneckdeep ; fav: playlist for a friend ● nights: songs i like to listen to before going to sleep ● noa.myg: fav: another playlist for a friend ��� non-english bops: jewish, french, spanish, swedish, irish and celtic music like omnia (which is partly english but i think it fits here so tough luck) ● one ok rock ; complete: one ok rock is a japanese rock band that sings in english in their latest work ● ᴘᴀɴɪᴄ! ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪsᴄᴏ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: all of panic! at the disco’s music in a playlist ● paramore ; complete: paramore was a punk rock band with a female singer, and now they make alt rock ● paris: a playlist for a city that i miss, a time that i miss ● ᴘᴇɴᴛᴀɢᴏɴ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: aka all of k-pop group Pentagon their music in a playlist ● pizza punk: waterparks, neck deep, with con and music like that. perfect for skating eheh ● power vocals: beautiful voices ! voices that make me jealous ● problems with sleeping: lovely alt songs, some of them are about not being able to sleep ● queen discography: you know that movie, bohemian rhapsody..? ● rad activist shit: end gun violence. black lives matter. abortions should be legal, pedophiles and rapists should not be able to walk free. oh and love is love, get over it. angry songs, songs about revolution. ● rainbow: love songs, some sad (rain), some ever so happy (sun). together they make a rainbow ● red hot chili peppers: the red hot chili peppers are rock band and if you dont know them, look them up!! ● revolution radio 2017: music i listened to before & after my green day concert + the setlist ● rev up my spaceship, bois: modern hard rock in a playlist! ● sad boi o’clock: another sad playlist, you can never have enough of these ● sᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ; sᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ: seventeens (k-pop) complete music discography ● skylinn ; khaleesiqoyi: first playlist i made for a friend: my best friend ● slytherin headgirl: this is what the people in slytherin listen to, i swear ● socrates would deffo stan: indie and alt, only for intellectuals (i’m just kidding) ● soft; rock™: soft (old) rock ● soft; k-pop: for if you wanna weep along with exo, bts,, etc ● soundtrack of my life 🌙: the basics to my music ● space jams 🚀: most songs are about wanting to run away, perfect for when you’re in space ● spoopy rave: i secretly listen to this through the year, idec ● starry skies, snazzy beats: mostly cute beats, perfect for studying or staring at the sky ● sᴛᴀʏ ; sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs !: all of stray kids songs, go stan them already and please stay ● stranger things: songs that give me a stranger things vibe ● supernatural ; rock & grunge: stuff Dean Winchester would listen to, blue oyster cult, aerosmith, black sabbath, stuff like that ● tae tae: a playlist for v of bts, one of my biases ● the 1975: an alt band, latest work: an brief inquiry into online relationships ● the neighbourhood: very chill music. kinda rap, kinda alt ● these physically turn me on: really, really good songs, or nice vocals, idk how to explain ● tits out for harambe: the closest thing i have to pop music / rap i guess, with khai dreams, frank ocean, childish gambino, ari, troye, ya know ● tokyo: a playlist for dreaming about the feeling of a city ● travel back in time: 50s, 60s music, stuff i listen to with my grandpa but also alone cuz its fun ● twenty øne piløts ; complete: all of twenty one pilots their music ● underappreciated alt songs: alternative songs that i think deserve (even more) hype! ● waterparks ; complete: nice new pop punk band that deffo has a lot of talent! ● when the week ends: a mix for the weekend ● wubbalubbadubdub: old bops that make me forget about my sadness ● year in review: 2018: music i discovered in 2018 / music that was important to me in 2018 / songs that came out in 2018 ● yoongi: songs where you can sing yoongi really clearly and songs that make me think of him ● you’re making me feel miserable: songs i listened to after i confessed to my crush and he turned me down sksksksk
please reblog, it helps my blog a lot, tysm
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treeofonelife · 5 years
& b.)
[Experiments with canon and mind alchemy. ]
Syl tried to walk up the creaking inn stairs as silently as she could, even if fully armored. Why? She couldn't tell. She didn't want to startle his teammate... Maybe she simply didn't want to scare him with a ruckus, either. She stood right by the half-open door, peeking into Thadon's inn room, but not entering just yet.
"Can we set off now??" She asked out of the blue. She had really hoped Thadon knows what she is talking about by now: She has been pestering him about it for days on end.
Thadon was sprawling on his bed in the room; but that is all she could tell from here. Syl didn't really see what he was doing, but she had ideas... He must be reading again, as lazy as he is. What use is intellect in a battle...? Well, maybe a lot. Syl had to admit this, so she waited patiently for the answer.
"We still need a few things to effectively best the Gatekeeper." it came, with a delay.
"Like what??" Syl tried to hold back. She really did.
"Like me giving this book back, trying the new batch of wine I have, and trying to design a trap to keep that monster in place..."
The lazy and almost muttering voice irritated Syl to no end, even if she knew these are clear, thought-out answers. But how to convince him they need to hurry up...? Does he not know what happens, if they don’t? She already knew. She already knew this place will drive them insane, if they don't leave it fast enough. But would he believe her...? Would anybody believe her? Can she even trust these people? She waited a few seconds, then tried again. Calmly. Diplomatically. "It has been days, and we are stranded here. Are you really sure we can't just go there and kill it?"
"Did that work last time?" This time, Thadon answered with no delay.
"Khm... I see your point."
"Trust me," he continued, "once I finish this book... Well, and everything else I wanted to, we will be ready to set off. We can defeat it; and we are in no hurry, right? I might as well study it a little... And yes, the book helps. Truth be told, the wine does, too."
"Where did you procure things like that in this remote place, anyway? We're behind the Madgod's back!" Syl tried to still sound patient, but in truth, she has noticed her speech became a bit like that of the others in town - and that wasn’t promising to her.
Thadon took his time to answer again. "I got the book from that scholar lady I met here... Uhmm, dark, and pretty; what was her name again...? And, I bought the wine from Lyles; that travelling trader that went by here..."
"You know... That guy. Tall. Redhead. Freckes. Repeats himself all the time... He also repeats himself all the time."
"Ooh. That guy." Syl frowned until the frown was audible in her voice as well. "I avoid him like fire. Have you seen the face he makes when he is looking at us? He hates adventurers. In truth, everybody here hates adventurers... And that smug look he has, walking right by the Gatekeeper! Can't stand it. I can't stand the guy. He is definitely up to something."
"Uhm..." Thadon tried to recall the last few things Lyles said. It was much easier after having heard them twice. "I think he is gone from Passwall now. If that cheers you up. He was heading to the capital city."
"Yes, and we are heading there, too." Syl latched on the opportunity to motivate him. "So, do you have any useful ideas? Traps...? Spells? Anything...?"
Finally, Thadon shut the book and got up from the bed. He appeared in the door; with messy hair and in his robes, but barefoot.
"Listen..." He explained part enthusiastic, part dazed delirious. "Listen, it has a weak point. I simply do not know it yet. But I will. Its... Its body does not fit the spirit. Or... Not fully. You understand? Something must be capable of parting the two; it is a... spiritual weak point, not a physical. If I can figure out what can... hurt the bond between its body and spirit, we'll have an easy time defeating it."
Syl wasn't sure what to think. Before her was a tipsy madman with odd ideas, and a dangerously joyous glimmer of victory in his eyes. And yet, before her was a genius who almost solved the most powerful riddle she has faced in her life so far. Almost. She simply couldn't feel anger at him. Not now. Not here.
"Just... Go back to your room. Just… research, or sleep or something."
But Thadon's smile became wider. He even winked.
"Come, join me! We can share ideas and research together... I can always use new ideas. And I still have some wine."
Wonderful illustrations by @k1spiegel​:   &   &  
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softyn · 5 years
ah great !! okay so i will be asking the same thing : tell me a little more about yourself! and i hope its okay i can probs only ship you with nct and exo so far.. - hyuck anon!
okay!! uhhm, I am 168 cm and I have hazel eyes, but they are more in the green side and wavy brown hair (with bangs) + some freckes and dimples uwu
At first, people see my as someone really cold and quiet (and tbh i dont blame them bc i have rbf sjsjjsjs) but when they get to know me they can see that actually, I am a pretty loud person who love to make other people laugh and really I'm caring + I don't really like skinship, unless I'm really really comfortable and close with that person (cuddles 24/7 then).
I LOVE animals, especially dogs. I have a doggo and he is my beloved son:(( I love him with all my heart :((( I also like to cook and read, I studied fine arts and I'm listening to music 24/7 ^^
I can speak English, Spanish and a little bit of Italian and french and I would love to learn Korean or Japanese!!
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stemcellee · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
February 27 2018
why does my life feel so much more interesting lately i love it
Studybuddy had bio lab today and THEY STUDIED AXOLOTLS AND I LOVE AXOLOTLS I WISH I WAS IN HIS CLASS OMG ya’ll need to check out @usausausaphoo on instagram im dying of cuteness
I skipped genetics section today because no quiz = no ellee and went to see men’s tennis play USC with some club tennis friends!!
ANYWAYS I WOKE UP early to do a lab writing assignment and then I had my room sign up for next year!!! AND GUESS WHO DID NOT GET HER TOP CHOICE FOR APARTMENTS EVEN THO WE HAD AN EARLY AF SIGN UP TIME?? YES ME AND MY ROOMMATES. freck. But like catch us in Westwood Chateau with an “ocean view” and massive patio aND AIR CONDITIONING
yeah that was stupid landfair vista filled up in an hOUR ??? but yah i gotta study and finish lab projects and all this other stuff i hate my life even tho its interesting lol
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ao3-sterek · 6 years
Study Abroad
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2S1mpMF
by literaryoblivion
Derek takes a semester abroad to Laputa, the city in the clouds, and when he meets his winged roommate Stiles, he realizes he's in trouble because Stiles is cute and funny and Derek can't help but be smitten.
Words: 919, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 29 of Freck's Inktober
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Wings, Winged Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe - College/University, College, College Student Derek Hale, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Roommates
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2S1mpMF
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