#free animation software for mac
animationssoftware · 7 months
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userpeggycarter · 2 months
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someone asked for a coloring tutorial and my sharpening settings, so here it is! there are also a few tips to achieve more HQ gifs. :)
tutorial under the cut!
it doesn’t matter what your sharpening settings are if the file you’re using to gif is too low quality, so i tend to look for the best that i can get when downloading stuff. 
usually, movies (+2h) look better if they’re 5GB or more, while an episode (40 min/1h) can look good with even 1GB. the minimum definition i try to find is 1080p, but i gif with 2160p (4k) when available. unfortunately, not every computer can handle 4k, but don’t worry, you can gif with 1080p files just fine if they are big enough. contrary to popular belief, size does matter! which means sometimes a bigger 1080p file is better than a smaller 2160p one, for example.
this can too influence the quality of your gifs. as a gifmaker, i’ve tried it all: video frames to layers, directly opening video clips, loading files into stack, and i’ve finally settled down with opening screencaps as an image sequence. with bigger files, it doesn’t matter much what technique you use, but i’ve noticed with smaller files you can do wonders if you screencap (either by loading files into stack or opening as an image sequence) instead of using video clips. for example, this gif’s original video file was only 4GB (so smaller than i’ve usually go for), if you can believe it!
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here’s a tutorial for setting up and screencapping with MPV, the media player i use to screencap. again, you can keep using video clips for bigger files, but you’ll find this useful when dealing with dire causes. i don't file loads into stack, though, like the video does. i open as an image sequence (open > screencap folder > select any image > click the image sequence button). just select OK for the speed. this will open your screencaps as a video clip (blue bar) in timeline mode (i'm a timeline gifmaker, i don't know about you). you will need this action pack to convert the clip into frames if you're a frames gifmaker. i suggest you convert them into frames even if you're a timeline gifmaker, just convert them into a timeline again at the end. that way you can delete the screencaps right away, otherwise you will delete the screencaps and get a static image as a "gif".
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ATTENTION if you’re a Mac Sonoma user, MPV won’t be an option for you unless you downgrade your system. that is, if you have an Intel chip. if you have M1 Max chip (or even a better one), here’s a fix for MPV you can try while keeping that MacOS, because nowadays MPV is skipping frames in its latest build. or you can use MPlayer instead for less hassle. here are two tutorials for setting and using MPlayer. Windows users are fine, you can use MPV without trouble.
here’s a tutorial for adding noise as a way to achieve more HQ gifs if your original material is too low quality.
instead of adding noise, you can reduce it, especially if your gif is very noisy as it is. 
the path is filter > camera raw > detail > nose reduction. i do this before sharpening, but only my video file isn't great to begin with. because it’s a smart filter, you can reduce or increase its opacity by clicking the bars next to its name in the layers panel.
i use Topaz Photo AI to increase the quality of my screencaps when i need to. it’s paid software, but there are… ways to find it for free, usually on t0rrent websites. if someone’s interested, i can make a tutorial solely about it in the future.
here are my sharpening settings (filter > sharpen > smart sharpen). i sharpen things twice: 500% 0.4px + 10% 10px. here's an action for it, for more convenience. here's a tutorial on how to use Photoshop actions. for animated stuff, i use this action pack.
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here’s the gif i'm gonna use as a base. it’s already sharpened like the way i always do it.
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half of the secret of a good coloring is good lightning. i always useCurves (layers > new adjustment layer > curves) and Brightness & Contrast (layers > new adjustment layer > brightness & contrast). the settings depend on the scene you’re giffing, but i always try make my gifs bright and with high contrast to make the colors pop.
besides lighting your scene, the Curves adjustment layer has four automatic options that will color-correct it for you. it’s not always perfect and it doesn’t mean you won’t need to do further coloring, but it’s a great start. it’s a lifesaver for most ridiculously yellow scenes. look at the difference! this gif uses the 3rd automatic option (the screenshot below isn't mine btw so that's why the fourth option is the chosen one), from top to bottom. what automatic option you need to choose depends on the gif.
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sometimes i like to tweak my Curves layer. not everybody does that, it’s not that necessary and if you’re not careful, it can screw your gif up. to modify your layer by hand, you will need to click and drag points of that straight line in the position you desire. this is the concept behind it:
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basically, the lower part of the line handles the shadows, while the upper part handles the highlights of the image. if you pull a highlight point up, the image’s highlights will be brighter. if you pull it down, it will make them darker. same thing for the shadow points. you should play with it to get a grasp of it, that’s what i did when i first started giffing.
then i added a bit of brightness and contrast.
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the scene looked a bit too yellow, so i used the Channel Mixer (layer > new adjustment layer > channel mixer) adjustment layer. here’s a tutorial of how it works. not every scene needs the Channel Mixer layer though, i mostly use it to remove heavy overall tints. in this particular case, the Curves layer got rid of most of the yellow, but i wanted the gif to be just a bit more blue so the Channel Mixer tweaks are very minimal.
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now, this adjustment layer i always use: Selective Color (layer > new adjustment layer > selective color). this is THE adjustment layer to me, alongside the Curves one. this is how it works:
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ie, you can separately edit a color this way, giving it tints. for this gif, i wanted to make the colors more vibrant. to achieve that, i edited the selected colors this way:
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for the reds, i added even more red in them by moving the first slider to the right, making the color more vibrant. for his hat to have a more warm tint, i added yellow to the reds (third slider, moving it to the right). finally, to make the reds stronger, i moved the last slider to the right (more black).
for the yellows, i made them brighter by adding white to them, thus making the tile wall and Paddington more bright as well.
for the cyans and the blues, i just added the maximum (+100) of black that i could.
i wanted for Paddington's nose to be brighter, so i added more white to the whites.
lastly, i added depth to the blacks by increasing their own blackness.
you should always play with the Selective Colors sliders for a bit, before deciding what you want or need. with time, you will automatically know what to change to correct the color grading. it all takes practice!
i don’t know if you noticed, but there are some green spots on the blue wall behind Paddington. to correct that, i added a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (layer > new adjustment layer > hue/saturation) and made the saturation of the greens 0%, making that unwanted green disappear from the background.
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while the green spots on the wall are specific for this gif, i use hue/saturation a lot to tweak, well, hue and saturation. sometimes someone’s skin is too yellow, i made it redder by tweaking the reds and the yellows, or vice-versa. the hue bar follows the rainbow bar, so the maximum settings (+100 and -100) give the selected color to change its hue to something more red or pink (the rainbow extremities). changing hue can give pretty whacky results, like turning someone’s skin tone to green, so you will need to play with it to get the hang of it. you can also tweak the opacity of your hue/saturation layer to further improve your gif’s coloring. i didn’t do it in this case, the opacity is still 100%. the reds and the blues had their saturation increased to make them pop just a bit more, without affecting the other colors.
the highlights of the gif still had a green tint to it due to the automatic correction of the Curves layer, so i used Color Balance. this is how it works: instead of giving specific colors some tints, you can give them to the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones. if your shadows are too blue, you counterbalance them with the opposite color, yellow. same thing with the cyan-red and magenta-green pairings. in my case, i added a bit of magenta.
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now, if this gif was a dish, it’s time for the salt and pepper. i always add a Gradient Map (layer > new adjustment layer > gradient map) (black to white gradient) with the Soft Light blending mode, thus giving my shadows more depth without messing with the mid-tones and highlights. it also doesn’t “deep fry” (you know those memes?) the gif too much by adding even more contrast. usually, the opacity of the layer is between 30% to 70%, it all depends on the gif. it always does wonders, though!
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finally, i like to add Color Filters (layer > new adjustment layer > color filter) to my gifs. it’s very handy when giving different scenes for the same minimalistic set because it makes them kind of match despite having completely different colors. in this gif’s case, i added a “deep blue” filter, opacity 50% density 25. you can change the density and the opacity of the layer for further editing, again, it all depends on the gif.
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if i feel like it, i add a vibrance layer (layer > new adjustment layer > vibrance) to make the colors pop. this can ruin your coloring sometimes, especially when regarding skin color, so be careful. i didn't do it in this gif because i felt i didn't need it.
TA-DA! 🥳
the color grading of the original scene it’s pretty good as it is, to be honest. let’s see a worse scenario, a VERY yellow one:
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no channel mixer this time because the automatic curves option dealt with the yellowness, but you can see it made the gif too green. i needed to correct that with the following adjustment layers:
curves (automatic option) (gif 2) >> same curves layer (tweaks) (gif 3) >> brightness & contrast (gif 4) >> hue/saturation (tweaked cyan+blue+green) >> selective color >> color balance (gif 5) >> b&w gradient map >> (sepia) filter >> vibrance (gif 6)
i added a hue/saturation layer to remove the blues & greens before my selective color layer because i thought that was more urgent than tweaking the tint of all colors. color balance (gif 4) was the real hero here, though, by removing the green tint. the selective color layer was meant to make the red pop more than anything else, because the rest looked pretty good, especially her skin tone (despite the green tint). you can notice that tweaking the curves layer (small gif 3) also helped A LOT with the green problem.
tl;dr 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
here's a list of my go-to's while coloring and lightning gifs. it's not a rule, just a guide. there are gifs in which i don't use all these adjustment layers, or use them in a different order. it all depends!
1. curves (automatic option + tweaks) 2. brightness & contrast 3. channel mixer 4. selective color 5. hue/saturation 6. color balance 7. b&w gradient map 8. color filter 9. vibrance
i'll suggest that you study each adjustment layer listed for more info, either with other Tumblr tutorials or YouTube ones. the YouTube ones focus on images, but you can translate what they teach to gif making very easily. you can ask me to further explain any adjustment layer, too! i was brief to keep this short (which i kinda failed lol).
feel free to ask me for clarification or something else about gifmaking wise, i always like to help. ❤️
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merrigel · 24 days
the wenis video gives me such joy also what do you use to draw/animate you’re literally inspiring me to take up a new hobby lmao
OMG thank you so much, you're too kind!! And HELL YEAH JOIN ME IN THE DRAWING THE SAME THING 1000000 TIMES MINES 😂 (But truly!!)
I use all kinds of software for different things so I'll just make a little list:
RoughAnimator! For ipad, costs like 7 bucks to own forever. Super lightweight, super effective, genuinely where I do like 99% of my animating these days- if you have an ipad I couldn't recommend it enough
Procreate! 99% of my non-animating drawing happens here lmao, also for ipad, also really cost-effective
TVPaint! For PC/Mac- on the more expensive side, but I saved up and got it when I was in college for That Sweet Sweet Student Discount™️... Most of my like, Actual Job Animation has been done with this one!
After Effects! Kind of a bonus here, but it's where I do all my compositing; most camera moves, lots of the lighting and stuff, any layers on multiply/add/[insert blending mode], etc. Every day I wish I could replace it so I could stop paying adobe but here we are
If you're just starting out and you're working on a computer, I think Clip Studio Paint can do animation? And it's way cheaper than trying to grab TVPaint or anything adobe or An Entire Ipad, so it might be a cool place to start experimenting! (There's also Opentoonz, which I think might be free?? But also I will be real with you I opened it once and got overwhelmed and scared so I have no guidance there jksdklfsd) It's also good for drawing, but there's also Paint Tool SAI (my beloved companion thru all my years with a PC) and Krita for regular old drawing as well!
Whatever you end up using, GOOD LUCK!! You're gonna do great!!
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texeoghea · 4 months
I've rewatch your Narinder animatic "I don't work here" SO. MANY. TIMES. I love it.
Also, what do you use for animating?
shitty screenshot of some art as an offering
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hi!! im so glad you like it!! angry nari is so cute <3
i use a free video editing software called CapCut to put together my animations. it's not actually an animating software; rather, it lets you insert images or videos on a timeline, then move them around and stretch or shorten their length. it's also what i use to edit my let's plays and speedpaints! So, i download the audio from a lyric video, put that in the timeline, line up the lyrics, then make the lyric video invisible and line up all my frames to match the timing that i want. i find this much more intuitive and easy to understand than using actual animation software (of which I have tried many), even though its probably a technically more difficult way to do it.
CapCut is available on Windows and mobile (it puts a watermark at the end of videos made on the mobile app, but you can crop that out on your phone or tablet's photo app). I don't remember if theres a Mac version. as for art, I use Clip Studio Paint, but you could use any art program that lets you export images!
i totally recommend trying to animate yourself!!!!!! it takes a long time but its so much fun and i think capcut makes it really easy
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caw4brandon · 2 years
How AI Kills Creatives
Human beings love to express themselves in many unique ways. From dance, to singing, to creative writing and of course, by art. Artists wrestle everyday to stay relevant to the masses while doing their favorite hobbies to earn a living.
This however may become null and void as the art community is facing another difficult challenge that could put them into jeopardy. The answer as to what can pose a danger to our beloved creative types is the hot topic for this Wednesday's piece. Let's discuss the complex situation of AI Art.
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- Being a Creative Online -
For as long as I can remember, Creative work is either something industrial for advertisements or for entertainment, like comic books or animated shows. Often times, it involves expressive and also very dead people of influence like [Van Gogh], [Picasso] and [Da Vinci]
This however changed when the world was introduced to the internet. Allowing creative work to be presented to the masses, pass the borders and beyond. A timeless time capsule of creativity that can reach places traditional methods failed to do at rapid speeds.
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Places like [Artstation], [DeviantArt], [Behance] and [Pixvi] are some of the most popular websites where aspiring artists can produce and express their craft to be shared and may potentially, give them the confidence to do commissions. These sites laid out a platform that can attract beginners and professionals alike for a chance to find an audience and develop themselves. This however, doesn’t mean an easy climb.
Creators need to combat against the algorithm and the occasional critics of these respective sites to be recognized. Creators need to claw their way out of the crowds to be graced by algorithm which means, they probably need to churn out backlogs of content to be seen and favored.
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- Rise of The AIs -
A few years ago, I stumbled across a program called [Artbreeder]
Its a free to use program that allows you to create close to realistic portraits or stylized artworks by using a base picture and some photo manipulation for the desired effect. 
I myself have also used Artbreeder to create a version of my character; Sadie mac Lir based on the game version of her in HPHM.
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Around that time, there was also the discovery of the mix and match dress up site by the name of [Picrew] which I too have used on more than one occasion. As time went on, better and smarter programs start appearing. Thus, allowing the masses to create scuffed or impressive images of whatever they so wish. From OCs to potential future babies to fiction turned real characters. 
At frightening speeds, AI programs created by intelligent software and application builders have grown to observe and steal from artists in various parts of the world to produce excellent works of art within seconds. Thus, threatening the very livelihoods of those who produce art as a job.
Enter the most controversial AI Art program [Lensa AI by Prisma Labs] Who is accused by multiple professional artists for committing art theft. Using the styles, compositions and signatures of said artists to reproduce works under the program's watermark.
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- This is Art Theft! -
First, let's make a few things clear. I am not an expert to the subject of AI Art Theft but I highly recommend reading these few posts by better experts who can explain things better than me.
You can read [Megrae's Post] and [Jonlamart's Post] to gain a better understanding of the situation. From here on out however, I will be using my own words to breakdown how this can potentially kill the Creative community at large in the long run. Including us little guys.
To loosely summarize, the application takes a massive data collection of posts created by professional artists to be learned and recreated. Infamously, the application uses works of art by the late [Kim Jung Gi US] and others without the respective artist's permission to gain traffic and profit.
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The disturbing factor in question, is that the developers of Lensa AI created this application with data that is NOT CONSENTED for such use. The program blatantly steals the artistic skills and styles of the Creative, allowing instant results via prompts which puts Creatives into obscurity. And, this is just the beginning.
Heaven knows, if the big guys in this industry are not safe from this AI. The time will come, where even small time artists will suffer such a fate.
Worst still, it places the general world view that the art community is an irrelevant industry. It takes away the trouble and cost of doing commissions and requests be a lot more to the AI's favor.
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Looking into it further, a video essay by [Ana Isabel] (Which I highly recommend you watch as well) showed several other AI programs that has gotten better into writing articles via processing a database of samples and a few keywords. Thus, removing the need for a creative writer. (Like I am right now) 
What we are looking at right now is, for the first time in history. We are at odds of replacing Creatives from job opportunities. With these programs available, the phrase "Any Tom, Dick and Harry can do it" has gotten too close for comfort.
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- Arguments Against AI Art -
Of course, the application can't work without us Creatives feeding the program samples and data. In some way, it still requires some form of human creativity to feed it data and develop and it also requires a little bit of luck to trigger the right prompt.
As stated in Ana Isabel’s video, some artists welcome the AI as an additional tool to help lay some groundwork for the artist to improve and build upon. Which creates a new label; [CyberArtist] or Cyborg Artist. 
Their argument is that the AI can be a helpful tool to conceptualize ideas as a first draft in productions or help with small time gigs such as promotional art or E-flyers. These Cyborg Artists also pointed out that AI Art will set a unique benchmark for what “good art” actually is, focusing more on the concept/ prompt than the process of creation.
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Tempting as it may to say the world cares more about the idea than the craft. This is still detrimental to small timers or freelancers who want to pursue art as a profession with their own new ideas. It can discourage new and rising artists from chasing their ventures as they will be aware of the competition upon them.  
The comment; “it won't happen because, MY art is not that great" is not the point. If I were to guess. The AI will absorb any artwork that emits a large following and activity as food for the AI to feed and replicate which might even include doodles if left unchecked.
Although, not all hope is lost. As with these new improvements arise new problems. For that, new laws and new policies are being made to combat this troubling issue. Though not effective, it does raise the awareness. What is very important is that the general public must be made aware of such an issue. The world still looks down on Creatives, and sees their work as still "just a hobby" which is why this awareness needs to be raised and why we need to prove we are better.
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On a hopeful note, AI is but an imitation of what is considered as great art but the one thing it can't ever do is produce Personal Art. It can't emote the hard hours spent, the process of improvement, the personalized charm, and the very heart that the artist cares about the audience.
That is something the AI CAN’T ever do. Its easy to feel fear knowing that the days as a Creative is numbered now that everyone can have access to such a program and to some, it may even be disheartening. But be aware that the True Value of an artist is the heart they have to share their craft. To show the imperfections and to do so anyway because they believe it inspires people. That is perhaps, what AI Art can’t ever kill.
To give because they enjoy the fun of it.
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Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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thatskindarough · 21 days
Oh it was only 3 actually, counting that one animatic on YouTube (that BTW i had no idea was yours! I was pleasantly surprised <3)
And I found it so funny that you have somewhat an idea of who I might be PFFF you can throw the guess, it would be funny if you get it right (don't have to say my name if you don't remember it, you can just go for something you remember NFKDSJ)
also time for an actual question since i'm already here, what program did you used for the animatic? I've always wanted to get into animating but most softwares cost money or are free but really bad so I could use some recommendations 👀
Good to hear there is no imposter lol. I should probably start using the false pfp so people know it’s me but I’m too lazy to change them all 💀 also my guess was right as to who you were but probably mainly because I put on my Aziraphale detective hat and you were the last notification before the ask inbox notification and your icon had a red beanie. We meet once again.
As for the animatic I used procreate for drawing and capecut for composting. Not the most efficient method but I liked it. I ended up segmenting off each camera angle into a different canvas and making any animation for the shot that way. I love capecut because the free version has every editing function you need for an animatic and the watermark only appears as a black screen at the end so it’s so easy to crop out. It’s probably the best free editing software I’ve found. (I also used a screen recording device to record the audio cause even if you buy a song it sometimes doesn’t allow you to put it in the program.)
I honestly recommend procreate if you have a device that supports it. I think it’s still only a 10 dollar onetime purchase. But if you don’t have a device that supports it, I have used things like flip a clip which is free, and the paid version is pretty cheap. I have also dabbled in an app called rough animate, also free (you don’t have to pay for the onion skins) which was also okay. I got frustrated cause of the lack of brush choice but other than that it’s not bad at all. If you can’t pay anything at all I’d recommend this because, unlike flip a clip, you don’t have to pay to unlock the a lot of the really helpful features. Ibis paint also added an animation feature I think so that’s an option. Idk if you need the paid version for it, but I remember only having to watch ads for a minute to unlock all the brushes so maybe it’s the same for the animation feature lol.
If you have a computer set up, I’ve also heard nice things about Krita for animation. It’s free and from what I remember it had a really good timeline set up. I actually tried to use it, but my computer at the time was old and slow and it lagged to much, and then I had a shitty no screen tablet and my hand eye coordination when it came to drawing and writing is quite bad, so it just wasn’t a good set up for me personally. But I know people make it work. I mean, people make this kinda shit in MS paint, if you’re dedicated enough you can technically do it in almost any program (though you may not be able to make it as polished as you’d like.)
Then there is Clip Studio Paint, which does cost money but is way less expensive than like, harmony or adobe. The EX version which gives you a second of free animation per project is a $5 monthly subscription for once device, PC MaC IOS, and the Pro version (which is more expensive) gives you unlimited animation animation access for I believe around 10 -15 dollars a month (still less than most streaming services lol). There’s also a one time purchase version that is $50 dollars, but it goes on sale A LOT for $25! Although I don’t think it gives you more than a second of animation. CSP also has a very long free trial period, for EX it was legit like 3 months. so if you try it out and like it, I’d definitely suggest finding a way to pay for it. It’s actually used in some professional studios in Japan, so if you have any professional aims for your work it’s a good starting platform to get into industry software. However a lot of the nice things CSP offers for animation are not needed in the story boarding/animatic stage, so if that’s as far as you wanna take your animations it maaaaaaay not be worth it unless you love it.
If anyone else has other cheap or free recommendations feel free to add on. I have attempted to make animatics on procreate, rough animate, and flip a clip; all of which I have uncompleted projects on. It just so happens that procreate is what I was using when I finally made an animatic I liked enough to see until completion. Whatever software you do use, just make sure you learn how to use it before attempting a big project. Do some smaller stuff before you try anything big.
Edit to check the comments! We got other good recommendations for computers!
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utopianoverlord · 2 years
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I'd like to mention the obvious that my process is just one way to create a gif. What I do works best for me, and for beginners out there you might find later on that a different method suits you as you get familiarized with PS’s basic tools and functions. The important thing is you start somewhere.
So let’s get started!
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- Use high quality footage for gif-making. Whether it’s from a game, show or movie, you want the best you can get. The quality should be 720p at the very least. Lower quality footage can be frustrating to work with if you're just starting out. And in general, really.
- With the method I’ll be outlining, Photoshop will accept videos in .mp4 and .avi format. For game footage, these are the formats you’ll likely see the most.
- I use Nvidia ShadowPlay to record my own in-game footage which saves directly into .mp4 format. Software such as Bandicam and OBS are good, free recording alternatives that do the same.
- For downloading HQ videos from YT, I’d suggest 4k Video Downloader. 4k's free version has the option to save videos in .mp4 format.
- I use Windows and bum the latest version of Photoshop off of aesfocus but previously worked with CS5 for 8+ years. The same tools used in this tutorial are available in previous versions of PS.
- This post displays tumblr's current dimensions for gifs if you don't want them showing up fuzzy/blurry on the dashboard.
- Tumblr’s file size upload limit for each gif is currently 10MB.
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With her permission, I’m very happy to provide my bestie aesfocus’ custom action for use which can be downloaded here! This action includes beautiful, subtle corrective image adjustments. I’ve been using this on every gif I’ve made over the past few months.
To set up this action:
Go to Window > Actions
Click the quadruple bar symbol (≣) to top right of the Action box
> Load Actions
Find the saved aes_gif.atn file 
Hit the play button (▶︎)
And you’re done! Until you either unselect or delete this action, it will be  automatically applied to all video footage you load into Photoshop. Including what you’ll be creating!
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1.) Go to Window > Timeline
Make sure what pops up is a video timeline (aka animation timeline), not frame animation. If you see the symbol below, then it means you're currently in frame animation. Click the symbol to convert to video timeline. (If you’re a Mac user, a similar button should be in the bottom right corner of the timeline.)
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2.) Drag the .mp4/.avi video file from its location on your computer and drop it into Photoshop.
3.) In the upper right corner of the Timeline, click the quadruple bar symbol (≣) and go to > Set Timeline Frame Rate.
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For a smooth and nicely paced frame rate, I usually stay somewhere between 20 to 24. If you’re doing a close-up gif of someone speaking, I’d suggest setting it to a slower speed of 18 or 19. (But be free to test different speeds!)
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The higher the frame rate, the smoother the gif. However, the file size greatly increases as you get close to 60, so keep that in mind.
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1.) With the footage loaded and prepped, the next step is finding and carving out what you want to turn into a gif. I’ll refer to this as the work area. The work area is set by what footage is between the two slideable 'bumpers' shown below.
If you’re on a Mac or using an old version of PS, the timeline and button positions will look a little different but the functions are the same.
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These bumpers will indicate where the gif will start (front bumper) and end (back bumper). Once you know what portion of the footage you'd like to make into a gif, we’ll cut and delete everything else outside the bumpers. What’s between the bumpers is your precious cargo.
Drag the playhead (attached to the red marker) at the top of the Timeline around. This will allow you to preview the loaded footage and help you determine where you're going to place the bumpers.
Try not to put too much footage into your work area if you're just starting out. The lengthier the gif is, the larger the file size. Remember, when the gif is saved it must be under 10MB in order for tumblr to upload it.
2.) Move the playhead to the left until the red marker is at the beginning of the work area where the gif will start (the front bumper). Click on the scissor icon to the left to cut the footage. Click on the unwanted footage that was cut and delete it.
3.) Move the playhead to the right until the red marker is at the end of the work area (the back bumper). Click the scissor icon to cut the unwanted footage, select it, then delete it.
4.) You should be left with your work area on a single layer. Select the work area and drag it to the left on the Timeline, until the start of it is under 00.
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This step can be fiddled with as it's dependent on what size gif you'd like to make. In this example, let’s make a gif that's 540px wide.
1.) Right click the top of the file (or ALT+CTRL+I) to bring up Image Size. Here we'll only change the image Width to 600px and hit OK. (This will give us wiggle room when you decide what you want to crop.) CTRL+1 to bring the canvas to its new full size. (or hold ALT and use your mouse’s scroll wheel to zoom in/out)
After you change the image size, the footage layer (Layer 1) is automatically turned into a Smart Object with a Smart Filter applied. (You can double check this by going to Filter and seeing if the > Convert for Smart Filters option is greyed out. If by chance it's not greyed out, go ahead and convert it.)
SUPER FUN FACT!: Applying a Smart Filter is essential to making gifs. It acts as masking that protects your layer from irreversible change. When converting anything for Smart Filters, any filter you add (sharpening, blurring, etc.) can be adjusted/moved/deleted at any time - even after you save and exit PS! Without the Smart Filter, anything you do directly to the footage layer will be permanent and cannot be undone once you close the file.
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1.) Select the Crop tool from the toolbar to the left (C key). You'll notice white borders pop up around the canvas. Click and drag any part of the white border to adjust the crop preview.
Hold CTRL+left click on an outer corner for smoother scaling.
Feel free to drag the footage around within the crop preview to frame it as you see fit.
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2.) As you move the border of the crop preview, you should see a small dialogue box following your cursor that tells you the current Width and Height of the current preview area. Since we're making a gif 540px wide, we'll adjust the selection to match that and set the height to whatever you prefer. When you're satisfied with the sizing, doubleclick the area within the preview box to crop. (Or go to Image > Crop)
It's beginning to look like something!
3.) To exit the Crop tool, click the Move tool or hit the V key.
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This step will go over one way to sharpen and lightly blur a gif. We’ll use the Unsharpen Mask to start, (Ironic name, I know) though a common filter used for sharpening is the Smart Sharpen option. I tend to use Unsharpen most often.
1.) With the Smart Filter already having been automatically applied earlier, it’s safe to go ahead and add the Unsharpen filter. While having the gif layer selected, go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharpen Mask and use the following settings:
Amount: 200 Radius: 0.4 Threshold: 1
Hit OK when done.
Under your Layers tab in the dock to the right, you'll now see the Unsharp Mask beneath your Smart Filter layer mask.
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If you click the edit filter button to the right of Unsharp Mask (that look like two arrows between two lines), it'll bring up Blending Options. From here, you can adjust the opacity of your sharpening filter and set a blend mode if you want. For the sharpening we'll leave the opacity alone and keep the mode as Normal.
2.) Now we're going to apply a slight blur filter to sit atop the sharpening. Go to Filter > Blur > Box Blur, set the Radius to 2px and hit OK.
3.) Click on the edit filter button to the right of the Box Blur filter to get to the Blending Options. For this filter, set the Opacity to 45%. If you're working with dark footage, set the Blend to Screen. If the footage has plenty of light and colors, try setting it instead to Overlay. Hit OK.
This will give your sharpening a light softened halo/smeared light effect. Click the eye button to the left of Box Blur to hide the filter if you don't want it, or you can right click on Box Blur > Delete the Smart Filter.
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1.) Now that we have filters applied, we'll add our first adjustment layer. Click on the black and white circle > Levels
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2.) Below the histogram you'll see three arrows: the darkest arrow to the left, the mid-range grey arrow, and lighter arrow to the right. Move these arrows around only slightly to test how it effects the tonal range. I find that a Levels layer cleanly balances shadows more than anything, particularly with footage or images that are quite dark.
3.) Click again on the black and white circle > Color Balance
4.) On the Color Balance layer, the first tone you can adjust is Midtones by default. Under the dropdown list, you'll see an option for Shadows, Midtones and Highlights. For each Tone, move the sliding arrows around - again, only slightly - to see how it effects the colors of the footage. This is a great tool for color correction.
Similar to Color Balance, Selective Color and Channel Mixer are great color-focused adjustment layers to experiment with.
Curves is also a handy adjustment layer that will effect the tonal range of your gif, similar to Levels.
5.) Before the gif is saved, it’s important to look over the Timeline to make sure that each layer is evenly parallel to your footage layer.
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The layers aligning with the footage layer will ensure that everything syncs when the gif loops. You’ll also want to make sure that the back bumper is also placed directly where the footage layer ends.
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1.) File > Save (CTRL+S) the file on your computer wherever you prefer, keeping it in .psd format.
2.) To save as .gif, go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy). (CTRL+Shift+ALT+S) The settings below are what I typically use, but feel free to change Pattern to Diffusion or Noise to see how it effects the preview.
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Each dither algorithm option (Pattern/Diffusion/Noise) will change the file size as well has the gif's appearance.
3.) If the file size is under 10MB, then you're ready to save the gif.
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If the file size is larger than 10MB, it's likely the footage is too lengthy. In this case, try 1) trimming the footage down as we did previously using the scissors icon on the Timeline, and/or 2) changing the frame rate speed to a number higher than 24, starting with 25, 26, 27, etc. (This will reduce the gif size, but make the speed of the gif faster.)
There are other ways to reduce the file size as well, such as changing the number of Colors on the Save for Web (Legacy) screen from 256 to anything below that. (Which I don't really recommend if your gif is very vibrant or full of color. But it will work well on more neutrally colored/dark gifs.)
Congrats! You're all done.
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Hopefully this basic guide will help in making Photoshop seem less intimidating for those starting out. If you’ve found this tutorial useful in any way, a reblog would be appreciated. :~)
For helpful resources, please visit us at gamingresources. If you have a gif or edit tutorial of your own that you’d like us to share, please feel free to tag #gamingresources.
Happy creating! 🧡
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talulagrimm · 10 months
I was watching a bunch of your animatics on YouTube and it's all so good! I've always wanted to make an animatic but I never had the patience so I think it's awesome that you've made so many!
I was just wondering, what software do you draw on and animate everything?
I did put in the description on YouTube for Ruler of Everything, but it’s worth repeating here.
I use krita for all the animating/drawing and da Vinci resolve for all the editing. Both are free so if you want to make an animatic of your own they’re a good place to start.
I’ve been trying out adobe animate and after effects for uni (and I used them a tiny bit for ruler), so I plan to use after effects for lighting in future projects. Adobe animate is terrible though, I do not recommend.
Other than that my old animatics used iMovie for editing, so if you use a Mac it’ll get the job done.
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animationssoftware · 7 months
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sigskk · 8 months
What software are you using?
I use IbisPaintX mobile on a Samsung Galaxy S8 (poor thing is so old but it still works well). It's available on Android, iOS, Mac, and PC.
I don't have experience with any other digital art software, but iirc I've heard it's similar to PaintTool SAI.
The free version works fine, the ads have gotten a little more aggressive over the years. There is a subscription available for additional features, but it's definitely not necessary lmao. I'm not familiar with it, but it recently received an animation update.
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thejuanblog · 8 months
Demystifying Digital Images and Video: Formats, Tools, Copyright, and More.
In today's digital age, images and videos have become an integral part of our daily lives. From personal photographs shared on social media to professional content uploaded on platforms like YouTube and Twitch, understanding the intricacies of image and video file formats, codecs, and manipulation tools is essential. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these digital elements, focusing on the definitions of common file types, export settings for popular broadcasting platforms, image manipulation tools, and the critical aspects of image copyright.
Definitions of Commonly Used Image and Web Video Formats, Wrappers, and Codecs
Image Formats:
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group): JPEG is the most widely used image format for photographs and digital images. It uses lossy compression, which reduces file size while maintaining reasonable image quality.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics): PNG is preferred for images with transparent backgrounds or crisp, high-quality graphics. Unlike JPEG, it uses lossless compression.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format): GIFs are a popular choice for short, looping animations and simple graphics. They use lossless compression and support transparency.
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): TIFF is a versatile format commonly used in professional photography and graphic design. It supports lossless compression and maintains high image quality.
BMP (Bitmap): BMP is a Windows-native format known for its lack of compression. It results in large file sizes but retains image quality.
Video Formats and Codecs:
MP4 (MPEG-4): MP4 is a widely supported video format that uses the H.264 codec. It offers a balance between quality and file size, making it ideal for streaming and sharing on the web.
AVI (Audio Video Interleave): AVI is an older format that supports various codecs. It is not as efficient as MP4 in terms of compression and is used less frequently nowadays.
MOV (QuickTime Movie): MOV is a format developed by Apple and is popular among Mac users. It can use various codecs, such as H.264 and ProRes, for high-quality video.
MKV (Matroska): MKV is an open-source container format that can contain videos with a variety of codecs, making it highly customizable.
Export Settings for Popular Broadcast Platforms
When it comes to sharing images and videos on popular broadcasting platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook, selecting the right export settings is crucial for optimal quality and compatibility.
YouTube: For video content on YouTube, the recommended format is MP4 with H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec. The ideal resolution is 1080p (1920x1080) or 4K (3840x2160) for higher quality. These settings balance quality and compatibility across devices.
Twitch: Twitch also prefers the MP4 format with H.264 video and AAC audio codecs. A resolution of 720p (1280x720) or 1080p is recommended, depending on the viewer's internet speed and quality preferences.
Facebook: Facebook accepts a wide range of video formats, including MP4 and MOV. However, MP4 with H.264 video and AAC audio codecs is a reliable choice. The resolution should be adapted to the target audience and device capabilities.
Commonly Used Image Manipulation Tools and Techniques
Image manipulation tools are essential for enhancing and editing images. Here are some commonly used tools and techniques, along with their purposes:
Adobe Photoshop: Photoshop is a versatile image editing software that can be used for tasks like retouching, color correction, and compositing.
Adobe Lightroom: Lightroom is perfect for photo organization and enhancement, with features like exposure adjustment, color grading, and batch processing.
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program): GIMP is a free alternative to Photoshop, offering similar features for image editing and manipulation.
Canva: Canva is a user-friendly online tool for creating graphics and social media content. It simplifies design tasks for non-designers.
Cropping and Resizing: These techniques are fundamental for adjusting image dimensions and removing unwanted parts of an image.
Image Copyright Essentials
Artists and content creators must be aware of copyright laws to protect their intellectual property. Key copyright essentials include:
Ownership: Creators automatically own the copyright to their work upon creation, but registration provides additional legal protection.
Fair Use: Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes like criticism, commentary, news reporting, and education.
Licensing: Creators can license their work under specific terms, such as Creative Commons licenses, allowing others to use their work while respecting their rights.
Public Domain: Works in the public domain are not protected by copyright and can be used freely.
DMCA Takedowns: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) enables copyright owners to request the removal of infringing content from online platforms.
Attribution: When using copyrighted material, proper attribution is often required to credit the creator.
Understanding digital image and video formats, codecs, export settings, image manipulation tools, and copyright essentials is essential for content creators, whether amateur or professional. By adhering to best practices and legal guidelines, creators can ensure their work is of high quality, reaches the right audience, and is protected from unauthorized use. Whether you're a budding photographer, a vlogger, or a graphic designer, the knowledge presented in this blog post can serve as a valuable resource to navigate the digital content landscape successfully.
Reference list
Arts Law Centre of Australia 2010, Copyright - Arts Law Centre of Australia, Arts Law Centre of Australia.
Attorney-General's Department 2022, Copyright basics, Attorney-General’s Department.
Image Manipulation: The What, How, and Why 2021, Clipping Path Campus.
Image Processing: Techniques, Types, & Applications [2022] n.d., www.v7labs.com.
Video File Formats, Codecs, and Containers Explained | TechSmith 2018, Welcome to the TechSmith Blog.
By: Juan Gutierrez.
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hasandital · 11 months
Every Animator Should Own 4 Instruments
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If you're prepared to animate on-screen, check out these 4 essential digital animator tools. We've even offered model suggestions so you can quickly select the equipment that best suits your requirements.With the aid of QuillBot's paraphraser, you can rapidly and effectively rework and rephrase your material by taking your phrases and making adjustments!
1)An image tablet
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Using a graphics tablet, you may instantly upload your hand-drawn animations to a computer. They often have a few flat, little buttons. You may view your drawings immediately on certain drawing tablets' displays. Some merely feature a pressure-sensitive pad, which limits you to viewing your drawing on the computer screen.
It takes some getting used to drawing on a graphics tablet, especially if you're used to drawing with a pen and paper. However, they are necessary for digital animators.
Some of the top drawing tablets for digital animation are listed below:
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More and more artists, including animators, are moving from traditional art to digital art. Digital animation makes sketching, coloring, painting, masking, etc. easier, compared to traditional animation.
In order to create digital art, physical tools such as a graphics tablet, a PC, and a stylus make the experience much more effective, and great software is essential. But there are so many options for these tools! Which ones are best for you as a digital animator?
If you’re ready to animate on-screen, here are 4 tools every digital animator should have; we’ve even included some model recommendations, so you can easily find the tools that meet your specific needs!
If you’re an animator looking for an affordable drawing tablet, then the Huion INSPIROY Q11K is perfect for you. 
It is a wireless tablet, which can work up to 40 hours when fully charged. It has an 11 inch active drawing space and a stylus pen.
Its stylus pen has a stand, which preserves the pen’s battery. The pen has 8,192 pen pressure sensitivity levels and 2 programmable buttons to help you draw easily and comfortably.
The HUION INSPIROY Q11K tablet has 8 customizable express keys, which allow you to quickly access your most used functions without having to interrupt your workflow. It works well on Windows and Mac OS and with photo and graphic editing software.
Gaomon PD1560
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source: googel
he Gaomon PD1560 is an affordable, advanced drawing tablet that allows you to see what you’re drawing on the tablet itself.
It makes you feel as if you’re working on an iPad. You will see the image on your PC screen mirrored on your tablet in real-time. It has 10 customizable shortcut keys, 5 menu buttons, and 2 buttons on the pen.
The tablet requires an HDMI and a USB connection to your PC.
It has a 13.5 x 7.6-inch screen size with a 1920 x 1080 resolution, 50/80 LPI resolution, and a pen with 8,192 pen pressure sensitivity levels. Some digital artists find its reflective, glossy screen distracting.
It comes with a 3 in 1 cable, a rechargeable pen, a pen holder, an adjustable stand, and a pen charging cable. It works well on Windows and Mac OS and with photo and graphic editing software.
Wacom Intuos Pro
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source: google
The greatest drawing tablet for Adobe Photoshop is the Wacom Intuos Pro.
Compared to its predecessor, the Intuos 5, it is both lighter and slimmer. It has a slightly larger drawing area than the Intuos 5, but it also takes up less work space. With the Wacom Intuos Pro, you can even zoom, scroll, and navigate with your fingertips on the surface. It also includes 8 programmable buttons.
The Wacom Intuos Pro pen is battery-free and offers Bluetooth connection, 8,192 pressure sensitivity levels, 2 programmable buttons, and support for natural tilt. With Photoshop and other artistic applications, it functions wonderfully.
Apple iPad Pro 11
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source: google
The Apple iPad Pro 11 inch is one of the best portable drawing tablets.
It can run professional apps like Adobe Photoshop CC and is a great alternative to other drawing tablets if you don't want to sit next to your PC. iPad Pro features a fast A12X Bionic chip that enables advanced machine learning.
The iPad Pro 11-inch has a 10-hour battery life, so you can use it for a long time on the go. It features a Liquid Retina display with true-to-life colors, and promotional technology makes everything on the screen look responsive. 
Wacom Cintiq 22
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source: google.com
The Wacom Cintiq 22 comes with a large drawing area and a 1080p full HD screen. It has an anti-glare glass surface that makes you feel like you’re drawing on paper. It also has an adjustable stand with a wide tilt range for your comfort.
Its pen has 2 programmable buttons, and offers 8,192 pressure sensitivity, and tilt sensitivity. The pen doesn’t need any battery or charging since it takes power from the screen’s electromagnetic properties
2) A Stylus Pen
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source: google.com
Animators can always start drawing on paper or whatever medium they like, but at some point they will need to draw on the computer. A stylus pen makes this process much easier.
A stylus pen gives you more precise control over your drawing tablet. A must have if you need to write or draw on your tablet. observation: It can take some getting used to using both the stylus and tablet. When looking for a good stylus, you should consider the tip, the part of the stylus that touches the tablet screen. Tips may be retractable, capped, fixed, or unprotected. It's also important to consider the entire pen. Some have Bluetooth connectivity, and battery capacity and pressure sensitivity vary by pen. 
Make sure you buy a pen with a firm grip. The weight is well distributed and it doesn't need to be too big or too thick. Most importantly, it is convenient for frequent and long-term use.
If your drawing pad didn't come with a pen, or you're in need of an upgrade, below are some of the best stylus he pens available. Make sure the pen you buy is compatible with your drawing tablet. 
Apple Pencil 2nd Generation
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source: google.com
The side of the 2nd Generation Apple Pencil’s tip allows you to make wider strokes, which can be incredibly helpful when shading.
It clips magnetically to the side of your iPad Pro, where you can recharge it wirelessly.
Take note: The 2nd generation Apple Pencil only works with the 2018 iPad Pro models and above.
Wacom Bamboo Sketch
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The Wacom Bamboo Sketch is a stylus designed for sketching on the iPad and the iPhone.
It works well with the 9.7-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro, 3rd and 4th-generation iPads, the iPad Air, the iPad Air 2, the iPad mini, and the iPhone models, starting from iPhone 6. 
It connects to your device via Bluetooth and has a pressure-sensitive tip. It has two customizable buttons for output control and exchangeable pen nibs.
You can integrate the pen with apps such as Bamboo Paper, ArtRage, Autodesk SketchBook, Concepts, and Tayasui Sketches.
Adobe Ink and & Slide
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The Adobe Ink & Slide stylus comes with a carrying case and a USB charger. It has a fine tip and a pressure-sensitive point.
Uniquely, this stylus shows you what color you chose, and the Slide ruler can be used to make perfectly straight lines and other shapes.
Adobe Ink & Slide can be connected to any iPad 4 or later, iPad Air, and iPad mini via Bluetooth LE. It also automatically syncs with Creative Cloud, so you can easily store your drawings and access them on your computer later.
3) A Fast PC
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Every digital artist needs a PC with a fast processor. The more RAM and disk memory, the better. Requires 8-16 GB RAM, 256 GB hard drive, and at least an Intel Core 2 or AMD Athlon 64 processor.
If your PC is slowing down, you can increase your PC's RAM to its maximum capacity. You can even upgrade your hard drive and use an external drive to back up your work. This speeds up work, especially when dealing with large files.
Below we list some of the best laptops and tablets for animators. These devices are characterized by their performance and the use of pen displays. Consider your specific needs when browsing these options. budget, portability of the device, etc. 
Microsoft Surface Pro 7
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Microsoft Surface Book
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Lenovo Yoga 920
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Lenovo Yoga Book
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Samsung Notebook 9 Pro
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Apple iPad Pro
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Apple MacBook Pro
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4) Software:
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There are a variety of free and paid options for animation software. Free software can be much more accessible, but paid software often provides extra benefits like continuous product support, compatibility, updates, and security.
Wrapping Up The 4 Tools Every Animator Should Own
You may not always have the latest and greatest equipment, but it’s important to know what graphics tablet, stylus pen, hardware, and software will work best for you and your animation needs.
Knowing what tools to use and when and how to use them, is part of every animator’s learning process. The more experiences you have and the more research you do, the more you’ll know about the best equipment to use and which features you need and prefer.
Remember there are no wrong or right choices when it comes to buying equipment for animation. You just have to find the perfect equipment that suits your needs, budget, and taste. And if you don’t really know yet what works best for you, that’s okay--you’ll learn as you practice with and use your new tools.
If you’re looking for resources that will help develop your business and animation skills as a freelance animator, you came to the right place! Download our free marketing handbook and join our free masterclass.
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h0wt0make · 1 year
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Top Free Animation Software for 2022
Blender: Blender is a free, open-source 3D animation and modeling software. It has a large user community and offers a wide range of features, including 3D modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing, and motion tracking.
Pencil2D: Pencil2D is a free, open-source 2D animation software that is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is simple to use and suitable for beginners, and it has features such as frame-by-frame drawing, onion skinning, and sound synchronization.
Krita: Krita is a free, open-source digital painting and illustration software that is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It has a wide range of features for creating 2D art, including animation tools such as a timeline and frame-by-frame drawing.
OpenToonz: OpenToonz is a free, open-source 2D animation software that was originally developed by Studio Ghibli. It has a wide range of features, including a node-based compositing system, vector tools, and support for traditional hand-drawn cel animation.
Synfig Studio: Synfig Studio is a free, open-source 2D animation software that is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It has a powerful set of features for creating high-quality animations, including a bone system for character rigging and a gradient editor for creating smooth color transitions.
I hope this information is helpful! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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furrythingcreator · 9 months
How to Find Safe PC Software Free Download
Using the operating system is impossible without installing additional programs that serve specific purposes. Of course, it is important for each user to get high-quality pc app with full functionality without annoying ads.
In the world of PC software, there are many options available. Some of these programs are free, while others require a subscription or license fee to use. However, some people are not willing to pay for software and instead seek out pirated copies of these programs. This practice is known as “cracking” and can pose a serious security risk for computer users. It can result in malware infections and other issues. In addition, it can lead to data theft and illegal activities.
There are several websites that offer cracked software downloads, but not all of them are safe. Some of them contain adware, spyware, and other malicious software. These sites can be difficult to find and often require multiple steps to access. Some of these sites also contain viruses that can damage a user’s computer. Others can steal personal information and sell it to Chinese websites. This is why it is important to choose a website with a good reputation and one that offers a variety of programs.
One of the best websites for downloading crack software is MajorGeeks. This site features a variety of software for Windows and other operating systems. It is an excellent source for finding high-quality software that is free from virus and other dangerous components. It is also easy to navigate and includes an active community. Another option is the Crackzoom site, which has a huge collection of cracked software. This site is not recommended for beginners, but it does have some useful programs that can be downloaded for free.
Other websites for downloading cracked software include Softpedia, Softonic, and Ninite. These websites are useful for managing the programs on a user’s operating system. These sites can be a convenient alternative to searching for individual applications and can save time. These websites also provide a comprehensive list of available programs and updates.
Another popular website for downloading free programs is Sharewareonsale. This website is based in the United States and offers top-rated programs for both Windows and Mac computers. It also has a section for mobile devices that is updated regularly. In addition, the site offers free iOS and Android applications.
If you are looking for a way to create high-quality graphics without spending money, consider using free design software. There are a number of options available to help you create stunning content for social media, business marketing, and much more. Some of these software programs offer templates that are easy for a novice to use, while others provide more sophisticated tools for experienced designers.
The most popular graphic design software is Adobe Photoshop, but it is not the only option. There are a number of alternatives that are free to use and feature flexible controls for creating a wide range of designs. These programs allow you to customize text and images, create layouts, and add animation to your content. They also come with a number of plugins to improve the appearance of your design.
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