#friday things
kernyen-xo · 4 months
Friday Things
To sacrifice for the better good, I ate a Happy Meal for lunch today because I wanted the toy and the actual box the meal came in. Why? It’s going in the time capsule for my soon to be 1-year old nephew. He’ll get to open it when he turns 18.
Of course, I didn’t have to eat the hamburger, fries, and apple slices, nor did I have to drink the chocolate milk. But, that’s all I’m gonna say about that.
I just read:
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I enjoy the character Holly. I first met her in The Outsider. I’m waiting for the book Mr. Mercedes from the library. This is the book where Stephen King first introduces Holly. So far, I’ve read the books out of order. But I won’t any more after Mr. Mercedes.
I finished reading Holly in 2 days. The story was creepy and sad and made me angry. It kept me awake at night. If you read it or have already read it, let me know what you think.
I’m still reading The Killing Floor (Reacher). I didn’t realize this book was what the first season of Reacher was about. I like to read a book before I watch its movie. So it’s been a slow read. Btw, I found out how Lee Child came up with the name Reacher, which I found both amusing and a bit clever.
I’m going to have dinner with the kid and grandkid tonight. Ravioli is on the menu with salad and crusty bread. I’m bringing a pie. It’ll be good to see the girls and Rogan.
Gotta run! Work!
Toodles -xo
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nickk987 · 4 months
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Happy Friday!
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meintraining · 1 year
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Friday morning recap. Emily and I went to school to watch Maddie get an award. I love how Maddie is still so excited to see me when I am on campus.
Emily and I had a coffee date after, and I am hanging on to having one last baby at home with us. I am currently obsessed with oat milk in my coffee and she is obsessed with thinking she is also drinking coffee.
It was a good morning. ❤️
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i am unreasonably proud and excited about this
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pollen · 20 days
+ reblog to elaborate or explain why in the tags 🐥
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classichorrorblog · 8 months
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10 Movies From The 1980s To Consider For October/Halloween
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frownyalfred · 1 year
your friendly weekly reminder:
ratios don’t mean shit
no fic is too short or too long
you don’t have to do what your commentators want
some of the best fics get 0 comments
some fics get more kudos because they’re in a popular fandom/pairing at a popular time
people will enjoy your fic without commenting and that’s hard sometimes
keep writing ❤️
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kernyen-xo · 7 months
My Friday pose:
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Ooh, my hair is shiny!
I’m finally getting a flu shot today. I’m going to try and get the 3rd Covid booster as well. Might as well get it over with.
I’m already thinking about Thanksgiving. It will just be me and the kid. All I know is I don’t feel like cooking, just the eating part :D
Someone just made popcorn. Now the entire office smells like a movie theater. Thank goodness it wasn’t burned.
I’m feeling antsy because I’ll be getting needles jabbed into my arm very soon.
Also, my eyebrows itch. I just shared something that is dumb. So, count yourself lucky.
I should get going before I antsy myself into a panic attack.
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nickk987 · 1 year
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Coffee time!!!
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ohmygodshesinsane · 1 year
drinking nonalc rose in my parked car listening to paris procrastinating going to my tute 🧍‍♀️
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doodleholic · 1 month
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As the World Falls Down
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gothicwidowsworld · 1 year
It’s laying on the kitchen floor listening to the BFIAFL record just to feel it all kind of day
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
So on Tuesday my wife and I dropped off the paperwork to register as legally married and as part of that I want to finally legally change my name. I haven’t used my deadname in decades and I’m so ready.
But the very nice lady at the Recorders office said we’d need to go through Social Security for name changes. Since we were already in the city we walked to the SS office.
The ground floor was like a TSA, with scanners and guards. They asked, “Do you have any weapons?”
We both did. My wife held out their cute Swiss Army knife which got an immediate pass. Mine caused more issue, though. It’s a cute little knife, it folds up to look like a leaf and unfolds into a blade. I showed the man and he looked gravely concerned.
When he asked to see it closer I obliged, folding it closed so I could take it off my key ring to hand over. And this man. This buff security man. Could not open my cutesy little knife to save his life. He futilely pawed at it from all different angles while I tried to say, “Look, you can see the hinge, just pull at the top…”
Finally he had to hand it back so I could open it for him. Then two other men came over and all three Very Serious Security Men in a Federal Building pored over my tiny cute knife with great intensity and concern. A ruler was produced and they conferred in hushed whispers.
I was honestly trying not to laugh when he finally passed it back and said I could keep it, but cautioned me not to pull it out. I solemnly agreed, returning my tiny weapon to my key ring.
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stuckinapril · 4 months
megan thee stallion is the perfect example of unbothered energy. nicki has repeatedly vagueposted about her, gone on unhinged rants about her, gone so far as to mention her dead mother (such a classless low blow), threatened her on live, and has now released the tackiest diss track in history. and what has megan done? literally nothing. she straight up ignored her, aside from that one ig story where she posted herself laughing (which was perfect btw). she is the epitome of “i will not dignify that w a response.” i love it.
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0yster-boy · 3 months
NPMD was so good because they took Jon Matteson aside and went “okay people loved it in TGWDLM when you writhed pathetically on the floor in anguish, and they loved it when you voiced Wiggly in Black Friday, so now we need you to do Both” and the son of a bitch did just that
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mattressunderwater · 1 year
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Friday Things
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