#from high priestess to adventurer bard
0-kuki-0 · 2 years
This is a little work in progress written by yours truly using my oc (Nolu) and my platonic die or die trying Chicken’s oc (Syx).
For context, Syx is dating both Xiao and Aether because why have one pretty boyfriend when you could have two? Please don’t mind the ooc ness for any of the characters.
Also- can someone please tell me how to add the little read more on mobile? These posts tend to be long and well.. no poor soul wants to scroll past a wall of text. Apologies for poor formatting.
"Hey babe!" The blonde cheered as he rushed forward and drew him into a hug, the other easily reciprocating.
He turned back to the crowd, and Syx relaxed a tad when he felt the familiar presence of Nolu appear behind him.
"This is my boyfriend, Syx! And that behind him," he stated, glancing back at a bloodied Nolu, sighing at the sight, "is a menace of society."
Nolu squawked in disbelief glaring at the blonde. "Hey braid buddy that's not very cash money of you! This blood isn't even mine?!"
Aether just slumped forward, taking a dramatic gasp before spinning around and pointing at her. Syx just sighed at their shenanigans.
"You stupid adventurer bard- that's the point!" He declared and the women placed her hands over her heart before whispering a minor 'fatal' under her breath.
"That's why your shoes raggedy Blondie!"
"That's why your god dead homophobe!"
Syx slinked past his boyfriend, starting up a conversation with the shocked crowd as the braided argued, their statements getting more and more outrageous.
"Greetings," he bowed his head slightly as he spoke, holding out a gloved hand.
The older (?) gentlemen, tall with long brown hair, wore a faint smile as he reciprocated the action.
The boy beside him however, jumped in front and knocked his hand out of the way, posing dramatically.
"It's nice to meet you! I'm Venti, Venti the bard!" Sparkles practically floated around the man as he spoke, a hand outstretched to Syx.
Meanwhile, he just sighed, practically collapsed in on himself.
"Another gremlin? Really? I thought Nolu would be the only one I would have to deal with in this lifetime." He pouted, suffering eternally.
The bards both let out offended gasps, Nolu jumping over travelers shoulder as she skidded to a stop before him.
"What's that supposed to mean buddy ol' pal? I'm your sibling! You're supposed to be nice to meee..." she whined, tugging on his sleeve.
"You've eaten demons for fun I think you'll be fine." He deadpans, the brunette gasping as their head back, placing an arm over her eyes as they oh so dramatically collapsed.
"Betrayed! Woah is me, a humble bard left behind by my only kin, to starve and suffer alone."
They fake sobbed from where they hung tightly on his leg.
Aether sighed before hooking his arms under her own and dragging them off of Syx. They let go easily- much to Aether frustration as they both tumbled backwards.
With a loud crash and oomph sounding as Nolu checked up on Aether- Syx began introducing himself to the 4 men.
"Greetings- as Aether has stated I am Syx. The woman over their is Nolu, my kin, please do not mind her."
The man from earlier pushed aside the bard, introducing himself as Zhongli from the Wangsheng funeral parlor.
The other two, following the brunette, did the same. Albedo and 'child'.
"That's a weird ass name- did your parents not love you or something?" He asked the ginger.
Chaos erupted as the ginger lunged at him, Syx cackling as the two fought.
From hastily apologizing to Aether after causing chaos to pinning their brother and some random ginger child down, Nolu thinks today could have gone a lot worse.
"You! What were you thinking- antagonizing some leprechaun like that?! If Adriyan hears a word of this she will have our heads!"
"Leprechaun-?!" The ginger let out and offended gasp- a fatal mistake, dragging an irate former priestess's attention to him.
"And you! Gingerbread boy! What were you thinking?! Attacking the traveler's boyfriend and MY brother? What are you?! A child?!"
After saying that she suddenly paused, glancing down at the fallen ginger.
"..your not actually a child are you? How old are you kiddo?"
..”Nolu I swear to god if you adopt a GROWN ASS MAN-“
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hello! i’m not sure if ur taking requests but maybe an astarion x bard! tav who is neutral good? ik in game he hates it when we’re nice, so i’m wondering how you think he’d handle a tav who is not only kind but also not really interested in sex
Oooh, I like this! Time to bring out the bitchy cat energy. Because he is a bitch. Lot of Act 1 in game references here btw. Sfw, but y'know, Astarion sad boy backstory is always looming. Also conveniently ignoring the canon fact that Astarion doesn't know how to swim because I can~~~
Astarion supposed he could have come across a worse rag-tag crew of undesirables to associate with. It was made clear, disturbingly quickly, that he wouldn't have made it out here on his own. Not with the goblins and cultists lurking around every corner. And a damn vampire hunter for gods' sake.
Astarion could have done much worse than this merry-band of weirdos. Like laying dead in a ditch for instance. That said, it didn't change the fact that he was quickly growing tired of their leader's antics.
You were just so annoying. So selfless, in one of the stupidest ways he had ever seen. For one thing, why one earth would you ever trust a gith or Shar priestess? Or a vampire spawn for that matter. How no one had stabbed you in the back yet was beyond him, considering how you gave them every opportunity to do so.
Not that Astarion would, or at least not yet. But he could. Easily, considering all the misguided trust you had put in him.
But despite your flaws, he had to admit that you were capable, that much was clear. You were strong, quick, witty, and not above deception to keep the peace. He.... liked that about you, in a way. The extent to how far you would go to save others. It was courageous, as well as incredibly stupid, but he could respect it.
it helped that you were a cute little thing, even with the aggravating sunshine personality. Cute enough for Astarion to start thinking of... certain options. You would be easy to manipulate, he was sure of that. Enough so where his life could become one of your top priorities. You already seemed to like him, without him turning on the charm. It would be so easy to get you wrapped around his finger, with nothing but a few shiny words and some pleasant bed-warming. Nothing that he hadn't done before. And if anything, your absurd levels of kindness could.... make everything a little more pleasant than what he was used to. Gods willing.
And tonight seemed as good a time as any, considering everyone was still on a high from being the tiefling's heroes. You were excitedly talking at him, adorable in a frankly infuriating way. Or maybe the wine was working on him more than he had anticipated, he wasn't quite sure. But... your smile seemed extra enchanting tonight.
Enough so for him to get to the point after you asked how he was feeling, "I'm just looking for a little more excitement. A little more fun."
You cocked your head at him, innocently confused as he continued, "You know, we could always make our own entertainment darling. Get a little closer, so to speak."
"Sure!" You said, jumping on the opportunity faster than even Astarion had expected, "Can we do it now?"
Astarion blinked, pleased if not a bit surprised. He's not wholly against giving the camp a show, though the children still lurking about definitely put a damper on things. But maybe if you went far enough away...
"And can I choose what we do?" You asked, a wide smile on your face.
Astarion laughed, delighted at just how easy this was going to be, "Depends on how adventurous you're planning on being."
He hadn't expected you to grab his hand, easily intertwining your fingers with a smile, "I can show you."
Astarion hadn't been prepared for the quick escalation of events, but he was happy to abide by it. He nodded his head, giving your hand a small squeeze before saying, "Then lead the way."
And lead the way you did, right to the Waypoint of the swamp. Not exactly the most romantic place to be having sex, but Astarion had done worse. That was until you conjured the dancing lights, the dreary darkness suddenly transforming what should have been a putrid bog into a dreamy landscape, filled with flowers and freshwater.
Astarion looked to you, eyes wide, "How...?"
"We purified it!" You announced with a massive grin, "We did it this morning, before the party. Halsin and the other druids came down, I amped up their magic with a fantastic song, and bam! No more stench of the hag. Isn't it pretty?"
That... sounded exactly like something you would do, sweet thing that you were. Astarion nodded as he looked around, a little touched that you brought him here at all.
But as nice as the gesture was, he wasn't here for strictly fun. He had a plan, one that you were doing a wonderful job of putting into motion. Considering how you were in the middle of pulling your shirt over your head.
You looked at him expectantly, laughing a little when he rushed to join you. But before he could get his underclothes off, you were stepping away from him and... jumping into the water?
Astarion stared as you sputtered up to the surface, wiping your face with a loud laugh, "My gods, it's cold!"
"What on earth are you doing?" He called out to you, cautiously walking towards the water, "Are you trying to freeze to death?"
"Oh, hush!" You said, waving your hand in the air with a splash, "If we can kill an entire goblin camp than we can handle some cold water. Now get in already!"
Had he mentioned that you were aggravating yet?
But he hadn't made it this far to back out now. Besides, this was far from being on the list of the worst seduction tactics that he had to endure. Though it may have been the oddest one. Astarion couldn't remember a single time that jumping into a purified water pool led to lovemaking. But there was a first for everything. Though it didn't help that the water was indeed freezing.
"For fuck's sake," Astarion cursed when he came up for air, "This is your definition of fun?"
You giggled as you swam towards him, stopping to wrap your arms around his neck with a smile. Another unexpected move from you, a factor that he hadn't expected, but found oddly endearing.
You were playing with a lock of his wet hair, twisting it between your fingers as he wrapped his arms around you, "Well the fun part hasn't started yet."
Astarion laughed softly, his eyes zeroing in on your lips, "Is it about to start now?"
"I think it is," You whispered back, "You ready for it?"
"More than you know," Astarion murmured, leaning in to finally connect your mouth.
But before he could press his lips against yours you were dodging him, giggling as you whispered in his ear, "Good. Let's race."
And then you were pulling away from him entirely, diving under the water just to show back up a few feet away, a manic grin on your face, "Whoever gets to the opposite bank first wins!"
And then you were off, swimming away. You little cheater. Astarion didn't even think as he want after you, a childish competitiveness taking over. You still won, of course you did with that large of a head start, but he managed to beat you on the second and third try.
By his fourth win you were officially pouting, which only devolved into a splashing fight from there. One that he gracefully let you win.
It was all so stupid. Completely juvenile and beneath him. But then why was he having so much fun?
Eventually, you both got out of the water, opting to sit on the bank as you talked. Just... talking. Nothing more, and about the silliest things:
"If Halsin can turn into a bear, do you think I could learn how to grow an extra finger or two? It would make the lute playing so much easier."
"If you don't mind looking like a freak than sure. Are you thinking of literally growing them or having them attached?"
"If, and just hypothetically, Lae'zel and Shadowheart fought to the death, who would win?"
"Darling in all honesty, I think it would just devolve into lesbian sex."
"If you could go anywhere in the world, right now, where would it be?"
"...I think it would be here."
It was a startlingly fun conversation, one that had Astarion being sincere in ways that made him uncomfortable. But that didn't stop him from participating. The two of you talked about anything and everything until the sky started to lighten, both of you leaning into each other as you watched the sunrise.
That was something Astarion would never tire of, how beautiful the light and sky looked at the start of the day. Part of him still couldn't believe that he was able to see it at all, after two centuries of darkness. But now here he was, sitting on a peaceful riverbank after talking the night away, almost like... like he was a person. A real person who mattered. With someone who somehow thought the same.
You sighed, your head resting on Astarion's shoulder as you watched the pink sky, "We should head back soon. Before anyone starts to worry."
Astarion nodded, his heart clenching the slightest bit when you pulled away to stand. He... didn't want this to end. Not yet. Not when he-actually now that he thought about it, he hadn't done anything in the past eight hours that he had planned. The two of you hadn't even kissed, despite the fact that you had spent the vast majority of the night wet and in your undergarments.
How in the hells did that happen?
Astarion was still trying to figure that out as you tossed his shirt and pants his way. He stood, hastily putting it on while he struggled to figure out what to say next. He was completely off his usual script, at a complete loss as you re-opened the magical waypoint.
You turned back to look at him, that same sweet smile on your face that you had been wearing the whole night, "You ready to go?"
Astarion wasn't the type to stutter, but that's where he found himself when he blurted out, "I- wait- I mean, is that it?"
You cocked your head at him with a tiny frown, one that Astarion wanted off of your face immediately, "Did you not have fun?"
"I didn't say that, but it wasn't exactly the fun that I was referring to," Astarion said as he closed the distance between you, regaining a fraction of his usual forced confidence. Why were you so good at making him feel off-kilter?
He took your hand in his, reverting back to the seduction tactics he knew as he used his other hand to tilt your chin up, "I was thinking something a little more... intimate."
"I know what you meant," You said with a little laugh, giving his hand a small squeeze, "But my way seemed just as enjoyable, don't you think?"
"Darling, that's not exactly the point I was trying to make."
"Oh, I'm aware, but it was mine," You said easily, standing on your tip toes to kiss him on the cheek, "Thank you Astarion. It was fun, and I hope we can spend more time together like that in the future."
And just like that you were pulling away again, letting go off his hand to step into the portal, the feeling of your lips against his skin still lingering as you disappeared. Despite himself, Astarion brought his fingers up to where you kissed him, standing there like an imbecile as new feelings started to course through him. Emotions that he had no names for.
Maybe... this was going to be a lot harder than he thought it would.
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luimagines · 9 months
Hello! So i have this idea of a Linksona of mine if you don't mind listening to it.
This Linksona title is The Hero of Freedom, he is actually a complete nobody wannabe bard before the whole adventure happen, so the Chain could also call him 'Bard/Musician'. He belongs in the downfall timeline and his Hyrule is kinda of a mess because Ganondorf is the current Ruler of his lifetime, having killed the royal family of Hyrule way before the spirit of the Hero could have reborn.
This Link of mine actually had a mother who was a priestess of Hylia, his mother still has hope in the Goddess even after years of suffering under Ganondorf rule and his severe punishments to those caught still worshiping the Goddess or having any type of rebellious behavior, Link mother managed to savage a Golden Harp thought to be the original Harp that Hylia used from the ashes of the old church where she prayed, she gave her son the name 'Link' because she wanted him to be as brave as the hero of Legend, Link mother would often play her harp to her son and sing to him and tell him stories about the heroes of the past, she always told him the importance of being kind and brave even in the most severe of circumstances, she wanted him to be able to feel hope even when none existed. Link mother ended up dying, killed by Ganondorf followers when Link was 13, she left him her harp and made him promise not to hate the people of Hyrule for their fear of the Demon King and to not let hate weight in his heart.
Link was pretty much alone after his mother death, he ended picking up his mom musical talent and played his harp and sang regularly, although he was sometimes getting thrown at him, he met Zelda at the age of 14 and his adventure started there.
Zelda is 19 in this timeline and is actually the leader of a rebellion against Ganondorf, she was saved still as a baby and was raised by Impa so she doesn't know about much about royalty life, but she knows to kill a man, so there's that, she is actually pretty no nonsense and is focused on battle tactics and fighting rather than magic, although she has the triforce of wisdom, she actually met Link when she was trying to shrug off one of Ganondorf guards, and he appeared out of nowhere and chucked a glass bottle at the guys face, the guard then attempted to kill Link and Zelda put a dagger to the guy's throat.
Zelda was pretty prepared to give Link the scolding of his life, but the racket they caused ended up catching the attention of more guards, and she ended up picking the kid like a sack of potatoes and fleeing the scene. She was not exactly happy that the 'Chucking a bottle at a guy two times my size is a good idea' kid is the fricking Hero reborn, actually the thought of having to train a 14 old to kill a freaking adult demon man makes her nauseous and start to curse the Goddesses to high heaven, she eventually relents and keeps a Hawkeye on Link in his journey to make sure 'everything goes according to plan' (She is actually worried, but doesn't want anyone to know).
I see Link and Zelda having a very much Big sister and Little brother relationship in this timeline, Link does lookup to Zelda and think she is the coolest person ever and Zelda thinks Link will be the reason she goes white early because the kid never stopped picking fights with things that are a hundred times his size.
That my Linksona, hope you found it interesting!
I really like this au! XD
Link is still Link no matter what and Zelda is ready to kick butt as always!
Would that make Impa the grandma or very tired aunt?
Poor Link though, destined to not have family. :(
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naomisnews · 6 months
Probably should be the time I introduce you all to my Tavs, shouldn’t I?
Roll call!!
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Abigail of Darnsford - Human Paladin
Oath of Vengeance, Abigail grew up on a farm with her parents before they were suddenly murdered by an evil Dark Lord. She defeated him to protect the realm, but as the Crown would rather see her under their thumb instead of a hero, she ran away and made her Oath.
Despite initially being closed off and focusing on the task at hand, her heart opened up more and more, especially to Gale of Waterdeep, falling in love with him unexpectedly.
She’s my first Tav and the first run I completed, so she’s extra special to me
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Daiyana - Half-Elf Bard
College of Lore, Daiyana has a really tough background, considering the fact they are also a Bhaalspawn. As they’re my DND character, I’m gonna be very vague, but let’s say their upbringing was horrible, and they’re now on their World Tour away from their home of Fullova, entertaining the bars by day, and “entertaining” the brothels by night. Despite themselves, they ended up being drawn to Astarion, considering they had similar experiences in their lives, so they’re helping each other heal as well as introducing love to each other for the first time in so long.
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Thalia Fairbairn - Halfling Ranger
Beast master, Thalia is my Lord of the Rings OC, born and raised in The Shire. She joined the Fellowship, and longed for adventure. Her mother tried to arrange her and Frodo together, but Thalia only sees him as her childhood best friend, and plus she is attracted to women. After the fall of Sauron, Thalia took up the mantle of Strider and became Ranger when Aragorn became King of Rohan.
Thalia finds it hard to trust in this new land of Faerûn, but opens up as a total mama bear for the rest of the companions, especially using her sewing skills to help repair armour and camp clothes. For Thalia, it was love at first flame when she met Karlach, amazed at seeing a fun tiefling on fire, and her loyalty to her girlfriend would follow her to the ends of Avernus if need be
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Lizbet Moreland - Tiefling Monk
Way of the Open Hand, Lizbet’s inspired by Jane Austen novels, so she’s a huge romantic. With her other 4 sisters, Lizbet resides at the the Netherland Monastery with her parents, learning the way of the goddess Austeria, deity of relationships, marriage, and family. As per tradition, the women have to marry as they won’t be left with anything once her father passed, and Lizbet was arranged to marry Collinio, favourite apprentice to the High Priestess DeBourgh. On the wedding day, she had second thoughts and actually planned to leave when she was abducted by the Nautiloid.
On the journey, she becomes besotted at the entrance of a certain Blade of Frontiers, seeing his excitement and adventure, and pretty much swept off her feet by his charm and dance skills. Her monk training meant she’s calm and collected, looking to plan the strategies first, and is the best person to take advice from, as she’s wise and patient.
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Ki’shravash - Githyanki Sorcerer
Storm Sorcery, Ki’sh grew up in Creche Yolik on the Astral Plane, and whilst she was trained in swords and melee to be a fierce warrior, her arcana prowess shone brighter, making her an outcast in the Creche. Whilst primed to be a future Kith’rak, she preferred to use spells, which made her the target of abuse and made to entertain the youths with her “magic tricks”, making her feel worthless and unable to ascend to Vlaakith’s favour.
As she continues her journey across Faerûn, she loses her faith in Vlaakith more and more, realising more to life on the Material Plane, especially with Gale and his research into the Crown of Karsus. Not only breaking out of her stern and cold life, finding love with the wizard in spite of herself, but also finding a possibility to overthrow Vlaakith with her kin sister, Lae’zel
I have more Tavs that are waiting in the wings, but I’m gonna try and finish more playthroughs before I make them. But hope you like - I’m showcasing their stories on my TikTok page. I’ll share the edits here as well, depending on the recent news.
Hope you like these beans!
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pheita · 8 months
All the WIPs I ever introduced to Tumblr
The Mitresk Chronicles It all started when Nesryn just wanted to get home from work after working overtime one rainy night, and ended up in another dimension where dragons exist and not only peacefully coexist with humans but also are their mentors since the dawn of age. Trying to get back home entangles her in a world so different from hers and in friendships she never wanted in the first place. In the end, she has to face one question: Where is her real home? Always Prepared
The Insane God
The Queen of Hell Trilogy
Josephina has only one goal: Mark off everything from her bucket list and then commit suicide before her chronic illness becomes too deliberating. Her plan starts to waver when she meets Sam, the owner of the hotel where she currently stays, who gets interested in her and the reasons for her decision. The only thing she doesn't know: Sam is the devil, and soon she will be caught in the politics of angels, heaven and hell, with her illness being the smallest issue at hand.
No Rest For the Wicked
A Little Wicked
Cursed Blood Series
The lust demon Sojan left his home dimension almost a century ago with his sister and mother because of his megalomanic father and carved out a good life for himself disguised as a human in the human dimension as a monster hunter. Things change when his father for a change finds enough followers to actually cause harm to both dimensions, forcing Sojan and his sister to go against him with the help they find along the way. One of this helpers is Lyran, a young bard who got saved by Sojan and is partially smitten by him but also drawn by the prospect of epic stories, and unfortunately the main piece in the master plan of Sojan's father.
Blood Night
Sins of the Blood (Intro coming soo)
Welcome to New Hanshwig A cyberpunk story follows Aria, a young hacker from the outskirts of the city who accidentally became one of the harem women of one of the big three company heirs, who happened to be aromantic and connects with her over the wish to change the system.
Flowers of Fire A modern fantasy story playing with the idea that all mystical beings known to men are real and live among us, having a partially parallel society. Told through two POV's, the nymph Aleena who grew up in this world, and the kitsune halfling Thane who is new to all this.
Sea of Memories, Sea of Chances Historical fiction about the two pirate captains Killian and Becca who want to find the treasure of the old captain they learned under, and find more than they bargained for.
Tricky Love WLW Romance in a dystopian slightly cyperpunk-ish setting following the average woman Audrey who discovers her new girlfriend is a villain.
Guiding Star Serial story, modern fantasy set in Germany, magical girl kind of. Growing up an oprhan Rodrigo knew nothing about being a mage or the world beyond the visible until some unlucky event changed his fate and made him one of the keepers of the magical balance. Now he had to learn the ropes of an average mage along of being one of the most powerful keepers, and falling in love with the other keeper in town without knowing who she is while dealing with a crisis of apocalyptic dimensions.
The Adventure of Deidre and Maddie Fantasy, older children Deidre is meant to become the next high priestess of the night dragon elves until the night the starlight opal gets stolen, and she is exiled for its theft despite being innocent. Her only way back home is to find the real culprit, bring back the opal, and prove her innocence. Help comes from the baby vampire Maddie, she met shortly after being exiled and needs to navigate the world outside her hidden home.
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eclipsecrowned · 6 months
Baldur's Gate update pack, including two PCs and four canons, spanning from the original games to 3. All have been added to the Mobile Muse Page, but the bios will also be posted under the cut. Like for me to approach you to plot with any of them!
Viconia DeVir (Canon, Divergent as of BG3 ; FC TBD ; Drow ; 300+ ; Pansexual ; Cis woman, She/Her ; Cleric ;  Darkness calls to her. She rejects it, too, in her own ways, wearing Gods like statement pieces to be doffed when the new trend arrives. Raised a priestess of Lolth, Viconia found herself heretical in her refusal to sacrifice an innocent or to offer her own neck to saveh er House. Fleeing to te surface after life in the Underdark became untenable, life on the surface proved its own special layer of the Hells. Yet there was always opportnity for a woman of her wits and beauty, and falling in Shar's faithful was the first turning point in her life under the sun. The second was falling in with a team of adventurers, led by a young Bhaalspawn who could easily play both protector and pawn to Viconia. An able Cleric and an acerbic wit, she wears her disdain as armor and refuses to let others near enough to hurt her. Yet much can change in the flow of time, and the world might see one last divine betrayal on the part of Menzoberranzan's prodigal daughter.)
Ismail of Candlekeep (Player Character ; Haaz Sleiman ; Human ; 20-50s ; Bisexual ; Cis male, He/Him ; Wizard ; The Bhaalspawn of legend, who rose up against his own blood to fight for Faerun. Though his journey began inauspiciously, as a young man thrown into the world for the first time, he carved out a name for himself as mage and alleged hero. Though his methods and morality might be controversial at time, his pragmatic approach to the world has a way of opening doors and keeping alliances flexible, which serves his own ends neatly. Upon emptying the throne of Bhaal and seeming to smite his divine father, he retired from adventuring for a time, returning to the road only when his family was threatened. As of the Absolute crisis, the man has been dead for nearly a century -- but his tale, it seems, does not end there, or with any peace.)
Haer'Dalis (Canon ; FC TBD ; Tiefling ; Appears late 20s ; Bisexual ; Masc, He/Him ; Bard ; One troupe's visionary is another company's madman, and one plane's rebel is another plane's monster. Haer'Dalis has always been adept at walking between poles, the son of an Elven planeswalker and a lady Fiend, claiming to be Tiefling when skewing a bit closer to Hell than most can imagine. Still, there's whimsy in his darkness, and fire in his veins that calls for adventure. How lucky, then, that he crosses the path of a seasoned leader intent on saving the Material Plane from threats beyond the understanding of most. Acting as fool and advisor in equal measure, Haer'Dalis rises to the occasion to play hero. It's just one of several roles he has been called to perform, and he relishes the opportunity. If he can find new connections among the happy troupe, whatever shape they might take, then so much the better.)
Miruna Blackthorn (Player Character / Companion ; Julia Ormond ; (Alleged) High Elf ; 35 ; Pansexual ; Femme, She/Her ; Bard ; Divine blood is not the only kind that runs. Rivers of it lie in her wake, innocent and enemy alike, with a sundered mind that was once cold and clear as a diamond. But ambition was her folly, both her own and that of her companions. All she knows now is the Nautiloid, the crash, and the ghost of kills from another life. There is a beast in her demanding to be fed, and in a world so full of horror, she finds it hard to argue for resistance. Yet if she is not the leader of this merry band, she is content to throw her lot with those who know more than she does, and act according to what benefits the needs of the group. Yet try as she might ot obscure her darkness under beauty and song, it gathers in her eyes and clots her throat. A horrific mystery, Miruna does what she can to understand her past and discover who she was -- and whatever she might become.)
Thaniel (Canon ; FC TBD ; Nature Spirit ; Ageless, appears as a child ; No ; Masc, He/Him ; Mage-Adjacent ; Once, there was a boy who dwelt among his father's dominion, singular upon the earth, a living splinter of the Heartlands. Bound to that same land, he pursued life with all a child's demanding, seeking companionship and challenge. It was the sort of life from a storybook, but every fairy tale has its ending. Another father's loss was the downfall of Silvanus' rule of the region, and the Oakfather's son fell into the shadows. Yet one of his friends never forgot him, and a part of him lived on in the remains of what had been Thaniel's home. After one hundred years, new pages are written into the story, promising potential rescue and hope for the future, and to reunions of both friends and self. Never you mind his queer ways, his young voice speaking of slaying tyrants. He is no true child, and was not wrought of mortal hands, and a hundred years is as long to him as it is to mayflies like his saviors.)
Vellioth the Martinet (Canon ; Jeremy Irons ; Half-Elf / Vampire ; Ageless, phys. 50s ; Bisexual ; Cis, He/Him ; Fighter ; His name is torn from the histories, his portraits burned on a pyre, but Vellioth will never be simply a memory. He is as much a part of the Szarr estate as the stones, and not just in metaphor. A mercenary whose history has been lost, he came to serve Donella Szarr exclusively in his prime, and was favored and broken by his lady over the years til she saw fit to make an 'equal' of him. Serving the Szarrs even in undeath, he lost his connection to his god, his community, and even himself. But it was a trifling price for immortality, and his god did demand that some serve while others rule. It was only on a whim that the Szarrs were destroyed but for a single boy, that Vellioth usurped his Maker and ruled her shadow empire. Once secure in his power, he focused on expanding his influence as Master Vampire and Banite, enforcing discipline among the Spawn. Yet the Szarr boy he spared rose up in due time, as is the way of the world. A third death followed, but even this was not peace. Bound to the estate he once served and ruled, Vellioth's spirit lingers there, whispering of his killer's failures, watching with joy as the boy turns towards slavery to the infernal for what he calls true power.)
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itbelikethatsmetimes · 11 months
34 and 42 for BG3 Ask Game!!
How did your Character resolve the situation with Nere and the gnomes? (34)
Hyacinth is kinda careful with other drow, based on past experience. Nere isn't as bad as Minthara for them, but they're still very reluctant to save this drow guy, so they mostly do it for the gnomes.
When Nere starts killing them as soon as he's free, they don't hesitate to put a stop to it (calling him a "twat-soul" beforehand, in true bard fashion).
Has your Character been to the Underdark from before the events of the adventure? (42)
Have they ever :') they were born there almost three centuries ago, and spent the first 40-ish years of their life in Menzoberranzan. It was only when they were supposed to enroll in Arach-Tinilith, the clerical academy, to become a high priestess, that they fled. They found refuge with Eilistraee worshippers, and after a couple of years with them, made their way to the surface for good.
Venturing into the Underdark in the game is terrifying for Hyacinth, as they haven't been back there since they left around 250 years before, and they're reminded both of how dangerous it is (which they got intimately acquainted with while running from Menzo), and how - if they're still alive - their family probably still wants them dead for deserting.
Either way, they're having a terrible time the entire time they're down there :')
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heroineimages · 2 years
Drider Minis! New, improved, and expanded!
So I’ve revised my drider mini designs a few times since the original thread, including pitting several of them against random adventurers. But I realized as well that I was basically halfway to having versions of the twelve core D&D classes already designed. I was a little unsure whether I wanted to, since adjusting their legs is kind of time-consuming. But after more practice, I think I’m getting better and quicker at it. Overall it’s been a pretty terrific exercise. @weareadventurers​, @fuckyeahheroforgecreations​, @trans-tiefling-things​
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Sorceress/arcane archer skirmishes with duergar rebels. Longbow and enchanted arrows.
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Drider berserker faces off with bugbear and hobgoblin mercenaries. Dual elven sabers and segmented armor.
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Drow paladin originally from the surface but captured by priestesses of Lolth and turned into a drider. Heavy half-plate armor, longsword, and heater shield.
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Drider stalker prepares to pounce on drow soldiers from a rival family. Dual elven daggers.
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Taking a defensive pose, the monk faces off against invading human Templars. Dual vampirc clawed gauntlets.
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Deranged warlock unleashes hexbolts on rampaging Umber Hulks. Magic staff and hexblade dual-dagger.
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Drider bard mockingly asks her enemies if they have any requests as she uses her spells to keep them disoriented. Axe (literal) and axe (figurative).
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Drider huntress takes aim at an orc patrol further up the cavern. Longbow, vampiric arrows, and breastplate.
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Kinslaying druid unleashes acidic spray on fleeing high-elves. Sharp stick.
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Dedicated soldier rushes to defend her outpost against a necromancer’s undead minions. Billhook, heavy shield, and breastplate.
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Livid spell-slinger chases after thieving deep-gnomes. Magic staff and magic jewelry.
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Grinning with sadistic glee, this drider priestess steps in to finish off a wounded half-orc adventurer. Breastplate and vampirc glaive.
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ladeaeveld · 3 years
Notes on Tevinter Nights
I finished reading Tevinter Nights not so long ago, so here is an overview of what is happening in Thedas. There is probably nothing particularly new since I'm a bit late to the party. However, I find such overviews convenient to refresh my memory when needed. Perhaps it will be useful to someone else!
This overview was meant to be short, but there were so many interesting details... now, it is huge.
Also, since I’ve read the translated version, any help with wording clarifications is greatly appreciated!
The post is under a cut due to Tevinter Nights spoilers (and length).
Global events
- There is a war between the Qunari and Tevinter.
- Three branches of the Qun do not agree with each other. The Antaam, the military branch of the Qun, attacked Ventus and continued the invasion without the permission of the other two. It results in faster progress of the invasion as the other two branches were a moderating influence on the Antaam. The Ben-Hassrath holds a neutral position.
- In Tevinter, the Venatori are still a problem.
- Smaller countries like Rivain and Antiva are under serious threat of the Qunari’s invasion.
- The heads of the Antivan Crows, eight Talons, held a meeting to join their forces, protect Antiva, and withstand the Qunari's invasion. The meeting was disrupted, and four out of eight Talons were murdered. New heads of the Crows will be chosen soon.
- The king of Nevarra is on the brink of death. The Mortalitasi, who have always had great power in Nevarra, continue to interfere in politics.
- All the Grey Wardens were summoned to Weisshaupt.
- We were introduced to a considerable amount of characters from the guild of treasure hunters, the Lords of Fortune.
- Regarding the Inquisition, little is known. All external issues of the organization seem to be handled by Varric Tethras. He gives quests, monitors their implementation, hires new people.
- One of the Executors, or ‘those across the sea’, showed up in the flesh. Solas said they are particularly dangerous and cautioned against interacting with them.
- By now, many have heard rumours of the Fen’Harel’s cult.
- A demon or something far worse is imprisoned under Minrathous. With the help of the Venatori, it is now unsealed (will probably be sealed again later). Yet, to awake it, some blood-magic ritual must be performed.
- The creature was sealed with eight blood-bonded enchanted clay disks. They showed a long and thin four-winged dragon rising from the dark waters.
- It is said that ‘demon’ is not the best word to describe this creature. It is something ancient and mighty, unnamed, something that will subject to god only.
- This ‘demon’ was a part of Corypheus’ plan of making Tevinter great again. According to this plan, Minrathous was to become the cradle of the new world. If Minrathous had not surrendered to Corypheus, the ‘demon’ would have left the city no choice.
- Most of the population of Minrathous could have perished as a result of this creature awakening.
- Enchanted predators and monsters resulting from magical experiments seem to be common in Minrathous.
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Elven experiments
- In Nevarra, under a mountain with three asymmetric peaks wrapped around each other, there is a dwarven thaig. This thaig is called Hormak, and it was lost to the darkspawn hundreds of years ago.
- In Hormak, Grey Wardens have found elven halls, where experiments on living were conducted. And it is quite lively in these halls now.
- There is a huge pool with a greyish fluid that reeks of brine. It creates hybrids.
- There were different types of hybrids: darkspawn with other darkspawn, animals with other animals, darkspawn with animals, and even a centipede and a Grey Warden hybrid.
- When a hurlock stepped in the greyish fluid, it was enveloped and then transformed into a drake and a hurlock hybrid.
- The transformed Grey Warden said that the fluid affects ‘them’ (sentient races?) differently. To be transformed, it is not enough to touch it. The fluid should get inside the body.
- All over the place were large repetitive bas-reliefs depicting ancient elven. There were three types of them. The first one showed majestic elven kings and queens with reverent supplicants. The second one showed elven mages healing sick. The third showed big aravels, drawn by herds of hallas, going to distant mountains (one of the mountains had three peaks wrapped around each other).
- Later, those bas-reliefs were described differently. On the first one, elven rulers were arrogant and despised their subjects, who seemed to be in great terror. On the second one, mages weren’t healing sick, but on the contrary, they were injecting corruption into bodies. On the third, a halla had a strange rounded body and very long and ridged horns, and an aravel had bars on its windows, which made it look like a cage.
- Somewhere at the entrance of the halls was one more type of repetitive bas-reliefs. It showed three figures: a supplicant, a priestess, and a monster. On each subsequent bas-relief, a supplicant and a monster were different, while the priestess remained the same. It seemed that with each subsequent bas-relief, her grin grew wider.
- The experiments are directed by some will, which is referred to as a female. ‘She’ is not yet there, ‘they’ are waiting for ‘her’.
- Symbols of horns of a halla are present on each column in the halls.
- According to bas-reliefs, there are twelve such places in total.
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The Inquisition members and allies
For completeness, this part should have included information from the comic, but I tried to avoid that.
- According to Tevinter Nights, Varric and Charter remained in the ranks of the Inquisition.
- Charter mentions her lover, Tessa.
- Vaea and ser Aaron show up but without a clear relation to the Inquisition.
- There are two mages, Vadis and Irian, who saved a peaceful Qunari settlement called Kont-aar from an agent of Fen'Harel, thus keeping the chance of subtle peace between the Ben-Hassrath and Tevinter. The Ben-Hassrath returned the favour by directing said mages to Kirkwall, to a certain dwarf, where they intend to go after seeing Val Royeaux.
- Sutherland and Company are still loyal to the ideals of the Inquisition.
- Quentin Calla, who was a bearer of the enchanted clay disk for a while, provided the Inquisition with some information.
- Philliam, a Bard!, (formerly) Sister Laudine, and Brother Ferdinand Genitivi, with the help of the Lord of the Fortune, Mateo, accepted and completed the quest from the Inquisition.
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Fen’Harel and the red lyrium idol
- The red lyrium idol's adventures ended. It is now in Solas' hands, or at least he says so.
- There are three descriptions of the red lyrium idol's appearance. The first one, made by the dwarf, the Carta assassin: two figures, too thin to be dwarves, caressing each other. The second one, by Mortalitasi: two lovers or a god mourning the sacrifice. The third, by Solas: crowned figure comforting another one. (Note: I remind you these are not exact quotes but a translation of the translation, and nuances might have been lost.)
- Some qualities of the idol: red lyrium weighs more than the usual one; the idol is liquid inside; it reacts to other lyrium.
- The idol created or revealed a ritual blade.
- Solas calls the idol his.
- The Mortalitasi recounted the events in the Fade in which Solas took a form of a giant wolf the size of a high dragon. He had burning eyes like those of a pride demon and wings of fire which later resolved themselves into lesser demons. The Fade is called his natural home, and it is said spirits serve him gladly.
- Solas pays special attention to the actions of the Inquisition.
- Members of Fen'Harel's cult would rather die than be captured.
- The ritual the Dread Wolf performs already affects the Fade.
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Random interesting facts
- The Qunari slowly cut down a part of the Arlathan Forest.
- The Ben-Hassrath are said to know the most about Solas’ actions.
- Among four killed Talons was Giuli Arainai, Eighth Talon, and this might be a good time for Zevran to show up somehow.
- There was a lyrium crystal that produced a light with shades of green and yellow in Hormak.
- Dorian no longer has slaves, only hired labourers.
- Josephine sent Dorian some good Antivan wine. :)
- Vaea now possesses a healing artefact, which seems to be able to heal anything except death.
- There is an example of a dwarven metal prosthetic of a leg, which does not seem to restrict movement in any way.
Since I’ve read Tevinter Nights after the last Dragon Age Day... - Evka became a Grey Warden and did rescue the next one!
- The hunger demon that turned a person into a werewolf in the village called Eichweill was not completely defeated.
- It seems those elven artefacts do strengthen the Veil, after all.
- The Randy Dowager is Ferdinand Genitivi. Five scarves fluttered in shock out of five.
This is all for Tevinter Nights for now. I did not include plenty of curious facts, probably enough for another post. I hope you enjoyed it anyway!
If you have any corrections regarding facts, or grammar, etc., don’t hesitate to DM me! Or you may leave a comment in my ask box if you want to stay anonymous.
Thank you for the attention, and have a nice day!
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genshin-authors · 3 years
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Mod Bennett's works will have a red star ☆, Mod Fischl's will have a purple star ☆, and Mod Razor's will have a pink star ☆!
NSFW works will have an asterisk*!
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"Hold still, I can't help you if you keep squirming!" ☆
Diluc getting hurt in battle made for a pretty romantic evening
Tone Deaf Bard* ☆
Playing with your boyfriend in secret as he performs in front of the townspeople
Cockwarming HCS* ☆
As the title says.
Cockwarming HCS* ☆
As the title says.
Comforting a sad S/O ☆
As the title says
Comforting a sad S/O ☆
As the title says
note: platonic
Comforting a sad S/O ☆
As the title says
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note: platonic
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Kink hcs* ☆
As the title says
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magneticmage · 3 years
Man, just thinking some more about my Baldur's Gate OCs;
Rune and Lucine are Folk Heroes. He is a Moon Circle Druid after a brief brush of lycanthropy (they were misplaced for the problems below and Rune and his sister don't know that yet) when their village was attacked by an unknown plague that was actually brought on by a devil, their tiefling paladin father Riven's Cambion father, in retaliation for killing him before the twins were born, and so he could transfer the "illness"/curse to their mother, a tiefling bad named Lunara, by making a deal with her to "save" her child in exchange for her taking on the illness. It's actually caused by an artifact buried in the nearby ruins that causes whoever dies on the "illness"' soul to be shunted off to the Nine Hells to fight in the Blood War. Luckily, most of the town was "cured" when they ousted the werecreatures and their father returned from his adventures to help nurse their mother back to health while they went off in search of a longer term cure for their home. They instead got kidnapped by mind-flayers and tadpoled into shenanigans. Anyways, his sister is a cleric of Selune (Light Domain) after they were saved from an ambush of the aforementioned weres by a passing cleric of the same faith (who, amusingly enough, turned out to be an ex-flame of their dad's before he met their mother) who stopped to help them defeat the worst of the "plague" at home.
Lyr(e/a/an) Lovemoor and Saga Musehart (who occasionally goes by her stage name of Muse) grew up as a pair of criminals under the tutelage of Lyr's crime-lord and human father (his Seladrine drow mother-named Elissahanna Lovemoor-having died from pregnancy complications surrounding his stillbirth twin and his births), Wilber Musehart. Saga, however, always dreamed of grander things and so pursued an education in the finer arts and eventually became a Bard of a Lore-based College. She even managed to teach Lyr a few things about illusions and glamors and other arcane tricks to aid in their heists (Lyr's an Arcane Trickster). She graduated with honors and had a bright future ahead of her, having finally escaped her darker beginnings. That is, until her foster father demanded one last job before letting her and Lyr go off on their own. The pair were eager to cut ties with the dangerous and shady life they grew up in and so agreed. The job was a set-up as Wilber refused to let anyone leave his guild of assassins and thieves and other criminals, especially his children. He bribed the guards of their prison to blind and maim and torture-but not kill, oh that'd be such a waste of talent-Saga in order to break her spirit and finally crush the hopeful defiance she'd harbored for years. They partly succeeded before they were interrupted by a fellow criminal and Lyr's elder human half-sibling Nel Silosen. Nel helped them escape from both the prison and the city, having faked their deaths and told them to only return when they were ready to help them end their evil father. They were headed to a private house Saga had bought years ago with a portion of her earnings from her performances during her school years when they were accosted and abducted in the night.
Faenerys (her child name was Gaell) was born the secret love child of two feuding wood elven noble families, with her parents names being Helefina Elendir (mother) and Faeris Rosandoral (father). She was raised by her maiden aunt (her mother's sister and baby half-elven cousins whose human father had died in battle, Keynala Iliren and Mialas and Aeven) and given her mother's surname. She spent much of her life sheltered in seclusion and passed the years by studying the magical tomes and scrolls between proper lessons by her Archmage aunt, quickly proving herself to be a prodigy in the Abjuration School. However, one night, a pair of strangely pale and red-eyed men arrived and demanded Faenerys. Her aunt sent Fae and the twins away but a mishap landed them in a parlor room of an unknown house. Worse, one of the twins had gotten stuck in a wall and their arm needed to be amputated. The resulting screaming brought a disheveled looking old elven woman to the room. After things had calmed down and the twins had been put to sleep, Fae discovered this was her grandmother and that her father had become a vampire spawn of powerful and dangerous vampire lord, who went by the name of Roxeiros, who had been hunting down all of his lover's family to kill them in vengeance for murdering his love for her affair. Faenerys set off to find him and hopefully spare whatever was left of her family. Instead, she was abducted and spent half a century as a prisoner and plaything of Roxeiros, who kept the knowledge of her existence from her father by ensuring he was either away on missions or, much later, simply dead. Shortly after her escape, she was taken prisoner yet again and this time was tadpoled by mind-flayers.
"Sable Shades" is the alias of Risdaer Ilaeliom (given to the heavy black clothes and veils he often wears), a Lolth-sworn drow Warlock bound to an Archfey. He was a Szarkai or a rare albino drow. He was born to the leading noblewoman named Matron mother Nhildra of House Ilaeliom but was nearly sacrificed at his birth, were it not for his father, Seladril who shared his condition, volunteering to become a drider. His two older brothers, Rizal and Quilyraen, never let him forget the great loss to their family. His three eldest sisters who were all also Szarkai or albino drow, Haelkiira and Elvandia and Charris, kept them in line from outright killing him but did little to make his life any easier. To that end, he spent much of his childhood learning how to blend in and become what others expected and wanted from him, always masking his true motives and intentions to get what he needed and wanted, a Charlatan in all but name. This behavior earned him the chance to become a spy and was as much to prevent him from causing further trouble (he'd seduced both a High Priestess of Lolth named Menzonae and a rival House's heiress named Lyzrima Baenoth and let them fight over him at his matron's request, which resulted in both's deaths and nearly destabilized the city's power structure in the process due to both calling on various alliances to "win") as well as to gain valuable arcane knowledge and items and wealth on his family's behalf to use against their rivals. He obeyed and, after a few years of adjusting and adventuring to surface life, met a mysterious elven woman who wore a crown and gown made of wintery ice. His attempts to charm and seduce her failed spectacularly. It was only when he admitted that he no longer knew who he was beneath the personas and masks he wore that she acknowledged him. She promised to aid him in his journey of self-discovery in exchange for a century's worth of service. He agreed and set out. Needless to say, he was surprised when Roan stumbled on his camp during the day-and then again moments later when they were both captured by mind-flayers.
Roan Roarke was born to a pair of farmers in a small hamlet. The local noble press-ganged the young and able-bodied into an army for his own gain and Roan was forcibly conscripted in order to spare the razing of the family farm. In the military, he quickly distinguished himself as a capable tactitian and Fighter (he's a Battlemaster). While he was out on campaign, a horde of goblinoids led by horned man who called himself Velkan (whose believed to be a Cambion or other demonkin) killed and looted his hometown. Unable to enact vengeance due to his noble patron having plotted with this Velkan in exchange for powerful magics and his family buried in the ashes of his childhood home, he moved on to grow strong enough to defeat his enemies. To that end, he became a Mercenary Veteran who took on whatever job he could, his morals fighting with his practicality for a time. One time, he took a job that involved hunting down a renegade drow named Jarimar Araburden with the aid of his elven comrades, Nymlil Tarn and Rhysyldrin Baeloth (sadly both of whom later perished when the illithid ship crashed) and received word that a mysterious white elf named Sable knew his whereabouts.
~For the Companions backgrounds, here's my best guess based off their skillsets+some of my headcanons and thus it may change as we discover more of these companions~
Shadowheart is a Half-High Elf Cleric of Trickery Domain with the Urchin background.
Wyll is a Human Warlock of the Fiend Pact with the Noble background.
Astarion is a High Elf (also Vampire spawn) Rogue (gave him the Thief archetype for fic purposes) with the Noble background.
Gale is a Human Wizard (gave him the Evocation School for fic purposes) with the Sage Background.
Lae'Zel is a Githyanki Fighter (gave her the Eldritch Knight archetype for fic purposes) with a Solidier background.
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flameofchaos · 4 years
Whispers in the Dark - The Slayers Fanfic
A word or two from me: 
the main ship: Xellos x Lina Inverse . Necessary warnings will be included in the beginning of every chapter.
Special thanks for @naiokiara for being my Beta <3 and @wicked-game-black-butler for being my spiritual support <3
Somewhere in the Beginning of Ages.
The Darkness moved in the astral dimension, forming, gathering and… slowly splitting. The Greater Beast Zelas Metallium, one of five the most powerful subordinates of the Dark Lord Shabranigdo was already tired, but her efforts weren't over yet. 
The Sea of Chaos had created them, Mazoku, and Zelas could only follow the need The Lord of Nightmares filled them up with: destruction. 
The material world existed, giving them pain, annoying, burning their astral beings. It had to be destroyed. It had to be changed into ashes all together with the Mazoku, and melted back to the Sea of Chaos. They needed more Monsters to achieve that. The World was huge. 
The Five Lords of Shabranigdo instinctively understood what to do. Four of them created each two cruel children: a General who would lead their army of darkness and a Priest who would lead mortals to their doom. 
Zelas Metallium had another idea. Why divide your own power so much, when you can create one perfect servant? A General and Priest at once, her only and the most perfect child.
The Darkness moved again like a snake around the smaller, weaker one. The part of her. The arm with which she was going to crush the world.
Wake up, my Xellos. Wake up and spread destruction for me, so we can be one again and return to the Mother of Chaos. We have to die and the World will die with us.
The smaller blackness was twirling faster and faster, taking the form of a tornado created from evil astral power.
His first form, but not his last. 
Xellos took his first “breath” and his newborn, still fragile mind was filled with the first feelings: hatred and frustration.
 He shouldn’t exist. He wanted to die at the moment he became alive. The newborn Mazoku trembled in suffering, his thoughts clinging more to his “mother”, not wanting to divide from her. Zelas showed him a vision of the World: living creatures there, their aim, and… she left him alone.
The twirling dark tornado scowled in the emptiness of the astral dimension.
Chapter 1
Present time. The Outer Lands after Hellmaster Phibrizzo's death.
The sorceress reached for another plate filled with a tasty-smelling meal, practically taking it from right under the nose of her comrade, a swordmaster, which caused his growl of disappointment. The gingerhead witch answered with her own look, full of lighting as a threat. 
What could she do? The fried shrimp in pasta at this inn was delicious. She wasn’t going to share it with anyone. Not even Gourry.
The last few days had been complicated and the plot twists of unplanned (or more or less planned by their new “friend” Filia ul Copt, the Priestess of Light) accidents led them into those lands outside the Barrier, where almost no one knew real magic, and had mixed them, adventurers, into a prophecy about the end of the world.
Again, others expected Lina to be a hero.
No vacation for me from dealing with Monsters, she thought, a little tired, but happy that on their way to the Flare Dragon King’s Temple, they had found such a cosy place to eat and rest tonight.
Zelgadis was resting on the other chair, drowned into a book he’d found in the library. He was always focused on his search for a cure for the curse of his chimeric appearance. Amelia also was somewhere near, probably teaching simple people about justice and law.
It was so comfortable at the inn now. Even a bard was performing, telling about legends and heroes. Lina was listening with one ear, though. Often she had opportunities to look at “legends” from definitely too close for her taste, and she knew too well that being a hero was overrated. 
Tasty food and cosy beds were the only things that could reward Lina’s suffering.
“We shouldn’t stay here,” complained Filia, approaching their table. “The night is bright. We can continue our journey! The prophecy clearly said! We will be doomed soon!”
Lina Inverse gave the blonde woman a rather gloomy look, chewing shrimp. The priestess and her notions for a mission. For sure it was Filia’s first time rescuing the world.
“I fully understand it and  -- Don't touch this fillet, Gourry! It's mine! --  and I respect your sacred role, but… Filia… You are a golden dragon. We are just mortals. We are tired! How can we defeat all the evil the prophecy will throw at us if we are so exhausted?”
“One night here won’t change anything,” interrupted a familiar male voice. The adventurers turned their heads to see a man in a black travelling priest outfit sitting at the nearest table. Dark straight hair hanging a little below jaw level, in the light of the fireplace, seemed to shine with a violet tint, and characteristically half-closed eyes alarmed the group more than a bucket of cold water poured on their heads, because they were the only ones in the inn who knew that those eyelids were covering reptilian vertical pupils. “Better stay here and have some fun. And hush!!! Listen to this story. It’s a good one!"
Lina raised her eyebrows, focusing her attention on the bard's tale. It was about a girl who fell in love with a Mazoku who wanted her dead, but in the end the pure soul of the maiden had won and the evil creature loved her too, abandoning his dark paths.
“Oh my. I will cry.” The violet-haired priest rubbed his eyes in a gesture of being touched and clapped his hands. “Beautiful story!”
“But Mazoku can’t love, Xellos,” noted Gourry brilliantly, blinking in confusion.
“Oh, don’t ruin a great tale with facts, my friend. I adore fairytales. And tea. Mortals’ inventions never cease to amaze me.” The man sighed in delight and took a tiny sip from the cup.  “Anyway, hello! <3” An innocent smile brightened his sympathetic face, which made mortals treat him like one of themselves. 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU STINKY GARBAGE?” Filia finally recovered from the shock caused by the sudden appearance of a high-ranking Mazoku in the inn. Like always, her allergy to the greatest enemy of her race was stronger than anything.
“Oh my. Are you deaf? I’m greeting everyone. You too, my sweet Miss Filia.” Xellos’ smile became wider when he directed his next statement to the bard: “Please! Tell us another FAIRYTALE. Maybe now about the good manners of golden dragons of light?” 
Filia’s face became grey, then blue and finally red, when she realised that their group was  the center of attention for all the people gathered at the inn. The blonde priestess grunted, trying to calm down and not give that pathetic Monster a chance to humiliate her more. The dragon girl smiled politely at the violet-haired man and Lina thought that the priestess’ delicate face would crack into pieces from that forced expression at any moment.
“Oh, Xellos, what a… surprise! So nice to...ekhm... see you!” mumbled Filia.
“The feeling is mutual.” The Monster opened his eyes a little more to fix the pissed dragon lady with his mean amethyst irises.
“How is your... health?”
“Good, I can’t complain, thank you very much!” Exclaimed Xellos happily, his voice sweet like a poisoned chocolate.
Lina rubbed her temples. She had to part those two or soon the town would stand in flames. Like always.
Filia clenched her jaw and sat next to the sorceress as people in the inn returned again to their own business. Her beautiful blue eyes met Lina’s with a clear, angry message: Do something with him.
It wasn’t easy, though. Xellos' presence was a funny problem. Has anyone ever seen a chicken getting a hawk to just go away if it doesn’t want to? Chickens should sit quietly and pray that a hunter isn’t hungry. At least not at the moment. 
So the group should be happy that Xellos (for whatever reasons he has this time) was in a chatting and not killing mood, and Lina was very aware of it, praying that fate wouldn’t ever have them cross paths as strict enemies. Well, officially, they were. Mazoku desired to destroy the world. Humans desired to survive. But who says that they have to jump unprovoked at each other's throats? Especially when Xellos seemed to not be very friendly towards Valgaav. The former servant of Gaav was very thirsty for Lina's blood, as he wanted to avenge his master’s death.
As the saying goes: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Lina preferred to keep Xellos on her side, even if the alliance was fragile and temporary.
However, she could understand Filia’s feelings. Zelas Metallium's Priest had had a very significant role during the War of Monster’s Fall, more than a thousand years ago. Xellos murdered hundreds of golden dragons with just a wave of one finger. Maybe Filia was too young to remember that, but her superiors for sure described the massacre to her with details. 
In her place Lina also wouldn’t be very fond of this particular Monster.
“Can I kindly ask you to leave us alone?” Tried again the Dragon Priestess, still with that fake politeness. “I’m reminding you again: I found Miss Lina first and she will help me to rescue the world!”
“And I’m asking again too: Do you really want to quarrel with me about who, you or me, has the most right to use Miss Lina for their own goals?” Xellos took another sip of tea.
“Hey, you both know I am here and I’m hearing you two, right?” The gingerhead sorceress slowly lost her patience. “What do you want, Xellos? Tell us and go away.”
“And should I abandon such a charming dragon lady’s company?” 
Now Lina could literally feel and share Filia’s need to wash that insolent smile off the Mazoku’s face with a fist.
“Maybe I’m just guarding you from another nasty trick of Valgaav’s? You want me around, Miss Lina.” He opened one reptilian eye to measure the sorceress.
The girl wanted to stand up and scream at him. Mostly because he was right. Xellos always found ways to trick them but it was much harder to trick him. It’s not that the Monster could read Lina’s thoughts, but like every Mazoku, he was an empath. The sorceress could almost feel his astral aura licking her emotions. Besides, maybe in his human form Xellos looked harmless, and sometimes he acted like a total dumbass to confuse people, but a fool was the last thing Lina would think him to be. 
In this situation where Valgaav was hunting on Lina, and Xellos was hunting on Valgaav, it was clear that the Monster wanted to talk about the alliance in detail. Well, maybe not in Filia's company.
Lina nodded without a word, agreeing to his unspoken invitation to the “negotiation table”, and the Monster Priest closed his eyes again, finishing his tea and standing up.
“Well, you’re right. We can’t stress our dear Filia so much. She could get wrinkles because of anger. See you soon then.”
“You little shi-” The blonde was ready to jump on her enemy's head, but Gourry quickly covered her mouth, reminding her that as a Servant of Light she should have more control about filthy words.
Lina blinked and then gave a shrug when she couldn't find Xellos. He had vanished as suddenly as he had appeared, so the sorceress opened the menu to order a dessert. Who knew how the rest of the evening would go, so something sweet should reward her with a cool shiver travelling down her spine, even as she thought about what she had agreed.
A lady shouldn't let a man into her room in the middle of night. Especially when that man is the essence of evil.
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distantcowboysounds · 4 years
Small Oc update
I have amassed a few new ocs since last opening this hell site so heres some basic information on them! ----------
Name: Tululla Anzinia Era: Eso Title (what they do): Silencer, Daggerfall Covenant Hero, and Saviour of Summerset Race: Dunmer (and vampire) Pronouns: She/Her Archetype: Assassin/Healer Tiny Summary: Born from worshippers of Hircine on the border of Cyrodiil and Blackmarsh, Tululla almost died at birth but her father promised Hircine she’d become a great hunter. Due to this promise she was allowed to live, though shortly after being born she was taken by priests of Mara and raised in the chapels orphanage in Bravil. She grew up pretty alone and isolated, being bullied due to her face markings. Eventually turning into a vamp and joining the Dark Brotherhood, after a few years she gets shipped wreaked on Stros Mi’Kai and ends up joining the Daggerfall Covenant and falling in love with a particular stupid breton. Shes friends with @volzaannir‘s oc Faenlir and just kinda wanders from place to place doing whatever King Emeric or random civilian 23 needs done. Oh and she joins house Ravenwatch after everything in Rivenspire Name: Lovilian Grayiath Era: Pre-Skyrim but Post Oblivion. Like 40 years before the events of skyrim Title: Sanguines Bard and just all around adventurer Race: Altmer Pronouns: He/They Archetype: Bard/Incubus Tiny Summary: Born into a fairly well off family in Sunhold Lovilian was pressured into the tight mold and expectations of a Altmer. Join the Thalmor and defend the Altmeri bloodline, get married and have children, but Lovilian didnt really want to be part in any of that. All he wanted was to have fun and write music. So thats what he did. He left home and began wandering and adventuring, eventually joining the cult of Sanguine and going to one of the daedras parties he became a personal bard for him. He still comes back to Nirn to adventure, giving him things to write songs about, but he also joins boring or overly serious travellers to loosen them up and show them how to have fun. Hes really just a happy fun dude.
Minor Oc High Priestess Lilandra: A priestess of Meridia, shes part of Viaiss’ story and the one who basically gets him involved with the daedra. Pretty badass lady, looks weak and timid but she can kick ASS if she needs to
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0asis-sanctuary-0wn · 5 years
tarot cards predict my future husband..
i think it was in feb when a tarot reading video came on to my feed in youtube. i watched one and i honestly cannot remember the exact video i watched. so yeah and then i watched many videos about my love life but not consecutively.. it was during different times and i actually watched on different youtube channels to see if there will be a consistent message the universe wants to send me regarding my alleged future husband HAHA 
and to be honest these readings were at random. i chose from different piles of cards so it is not all the same. but luckily there is some similarities from the readings.
1. HOW WILL YOU MEET YOUR SOULMATE? (yt channel: supermoon tarot)
Cleaning house (getting life together), chariot, queen of swords, 6 of cups, 5 of cups, wheel of fortune, devil, strength card, queen of pentacles, king of pentacles, Cleaning creates momentum, the queen of sword in the chariot making it happen, no more excuses, has a plan, time that i am focused, six of cups (absolute satisfaction), they seem to pop up starting an event that benefits others, extremely satisfying that's when soulmate pops up 
Soulmate: opposite, breaking an addiction, loss, developed a bad negative habit, masked feeling
2. WILL YOU MEET YOUR SOULMATE IN 2020? (yt channel: charmed intuition tarot)
quick, unexpected, big yes
Tarot: The fool, wheel of fortune, 9 of cups
Other cards: let your friends help you, wedding, New beginning, adventure card, moon card (gaining momentum), transformation card, lily (positivity from each other, chance card (when u least expect it), expansion card (grow together, long term)
Charms: flexibility, go with the flow, unexpected surprise, letter I, spiritual connection, contrasting na hindi quick slowly din to open up, strong friendship, little getaways
3. WHO WILL I MARRY? (yt channel: charmed intuition tarot)
Cards: King of wands, king of pentacles (doctor, hard worker, perfectionist, very protective), excellent leader, magnetic personality, engagement card (territorial, propose quickly), let go of control issues, controlling, very passionate and romantic, bond over music, very financially well of, hard work paid off, hates being bored/lazy, treasure island (focused on my needs), 9 of pentacles (very focused on needs), very handsome, self confident, charming, excellent family man, work oriented, loyal, say things quickly, hyena card (very funny, sense of humor), jealous at times, possessive, head over heels, protective
Charms:Fire sign, masculine, passionate energy, family oriented, hard worker, focused on fantasy, committed, letters: DR doctor????? 
Physical feature:Black hair, green eyes, 
4. WHO WILL YOU MARRY? (yt channel: vision quest amal)
Already met?, pale skin, white skin?, north card, king of water (blue eyed fair skin), horse card (works out, likes to eat, strong, tall), king of swords, goblin (younger looking) baby face, mature, high up in career, very wise person, very hardworking, earth energy, very ethical at work, very happy at work, work with hands, loss card (alone for a long time), not a party animal, solitude card, high priestess, lost someone in the past, matured a lot, abundant, super super similar, sarcastic, sense of humor, way of talking, the bard card (really good at talking, history) king of sword (storytelling), older person, got stories to tell, immersed in their circle, different culture or country, very romantic, person wants you, cultural difference, religion in the way, conflict with family, 9 of cups, exciting relationship, great friends, high priest, immersion 
Words: Dream, coming, in time, beautiful, leave, old, game, bond, try
5. WHO IS YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE? (yt channel: vanessa somuinya) 
cards; Earth sign, crystals, water earth sign, persistent about goals (perform as well as possibly can), focused and determined, laser sharp focus, very passionate, im going to feel it, a lot of talents (never fail to suprise), new info that surprises you, done so many things, very responsible, family man/ person, nightingale spirit, flamingo spirit(embrace in between life), fire energy, very happy with their life, last minute type of person, think on their feet, nothing stresses them out, makes everything work, solution oriented, delight card, leadership card, loves responsibility, leader genuinely feel they protect others, gonna make you smile, loves to protect and guard love ones, not afraid to start a fight, strong protective instinct, healthy life (getting rid of toxicity), dont have an addictive personality 
6. How will you recognize your future spouse? (Lunar light tarot) 
Very focused on you, 8 of cups, high priestess in reverse, moon in reverse, blindsided, show up out of the blue, like a secret revealed, not gonna see it coming, the tower, claim relationship, gonna shake things up in your life, 2 of cups (amazing connection, full of surprises, spontaneous), cautious and nervous, high priestess inn reverse, meet in something not obvious, three cups in reverse unconventional place, unexpected, moon in reverse, nine of swords, might be at work, do similar work, someone has a change of job, king of pentacles, shift something for you, attentive, change things to fix things, prove through action that he deserves in your life, have anxiety and soothe that for you, really care for you, loving, caring, might give gifts, take to dates, do most of work in the relationship, lift you up in this relationship, 
Light colored hair, light colored eyes, life of the party, full of energy, full of life, passion, energy 
7. Who will you marry? (Brook waldorf tarot) 
Todoroki group
Fire sign, magician (manifesting), princess of wands (maid in waiting), waiting where is he/she, go out, go do something, get out more, two of wands (new path or old path, optimistic and getting out more) flipping of perspective, more optimistic, leo sagittarius aries, masculine energy, in charge, entrepreneur, self employed, humble person, very grateful, friendly, lovers card, commitment, instant connection, really balance with you, work well together, both want commitment, Step out of your comfort zone, manifesting this person, listen to intuition, peaceful resolution (maybe didnt work in the past life), heart to heart conversation, soulmate card (instant connection), fear of vulnerability, 
Hair: Light brown, dirty blonde, light platinum blonde
Eye color: wears colored contacts, brown
Zodiac: fire signs (leo, sag, aries)
Personality: tough love, cold, aloof (think todoroki), intense, compassionate/gentle, 
Style: average, high fashion 
Your wedding will be like: april and andy (parks and rec) Quick courtship, spur of the moment, simple and sweet, close friends and family only, marry your best friend
8. How will you meet your soulmate (charmed intuition tarot)
Anchor charm
Nine of wands, star card, world card, action, choose love, express you love
Beginning of something new, courage, feeling strong against the odds, after major shift and life change, major turning point in life, both had major change, relief, wish coming true, good connection, feeing hopeful and renewed, be more optimistic, least expected, dont prevent yourself from finding a person, very exciting, suspicious, nervous, new person, surprise, least expecting, fully being yourself, open and honest, Yes met at somepoint, hasnt been with similar experiences, 
Dive/action : you are gonna make the first move, 
recharge: January/February 2021
Charms: time, fire sign, initial contact thru phone, transformation, growth, finances, career, 2020 focused on goals, start talking this year, 5 of pentacles, feeling of loss, stuck, 2 of cups, 4 of swords (patience) rest, 2 horses, both single and independent, new beginning, spend a lot of time, new kind of person, working out with anxiety, pull from someone from the past, very understanding, wish come true, 
Rescue: helping you in a sense, 
J & W
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arathir-starsong · 6 years
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Race: Tiefling (Mephistopheles Bloodline) Class: Lore Bard / Hexblade Warlock of Lurue Background: Entertainer Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: Lurue, the Unicorn Queen Birthdate: 5 Hammer, 1468 DR  Campaign Setting: Forgotten Realms Affiliations: The Harpers, Force Grey
A horned tiefling, strikingly blue in color, sits at the hearth and softly plucks at a harp as the clamor of the tavern begins to die down. Your eyes catch his for a moment, and he responds with a gentle smile and a nod before turning his gaze to his lovingly held instrument. For a moment, you swear that you can see a glittering butterfly flying away from him, but it disappears into the moonlight coming through a nearby window before you can focus on it...
ARATHIR STARSONG is a native son of Waterdeep, the City of Splendors and the crown jewel of the Sword Coast. Abandoned as an infant, Arathir never knew his birth parents or any blood family; instead he grew up in the care of Ozma Starsong, a kind dwarven librarian and priestess of Oghma, who found him and adopted him as her own son.
Growing up surrounded by books and lore, Arathir’s mind has always been occupied by dreams of heroes, of mighty warriors and cunning sorcerers, of dashing rogues and devious villains. The boy went from story to story, reading each in a sitting and excitedly telling visitors and passerby of the grand tales he held so dear. It was only natural that Arathir would come to pursue the art of storytelling as a career, and with stories in mind and a harp in hand Arathir entertained the gathered masses of many a tavern in Waterdeep. 
The popularity of the young bard grew among the low and high class denizens of the city alike, and Arathir earned invitations to many functions. At grand balls he learned to dance, at tourneys he learned to wield the blade, and from wizardly congregations he learned to shape the arcane into form. Arathir's myriad skills lent themselves to telling the tales of legendary heroes, but there was one tale he yearned to learn of above all else; his own.
Arathir could only bear to sing the praises of others for so long. He yearned to be a hero in his own right, a savior of the helpless and a guardian of the defenseless, a paragon adored for his quick hand and silver tongue. He aspired to defeat evil monsters and tyrants, and to someday join the fabled Harpers that he held as role models since he was a child.
The call of adventure came one day during a rowdy evening in the Yawning Portal tavern, where a chance encounter with Mango the Wizard and Arthur the Paladin-in-training propelled Arathir into the first of many quests. Arathir’s legend had begun; but was it more than he bargained for? Or would he earn his place among the stars?
Arathir’s adventures have led him to making the acquaintance of many powerful allies and enemies alike. Accompanied by the sardonic Gnome Wizard Nissa “Mango” Ningel and the aspiring Halfling Paladin Arthur Lightmight, Arathir has braved many dangers and has discovered many lost mysteries in his brief yet prolific career.
The most notable of artifacts possessed by the young bard is Alicorn, a mysterious silver longsword bearing the motif of a unicorn. The blade, found in the Undermountain and awoken by the light of the full moon, conferred to Arathir the powers of the Feywild. Arathir wields these powers in tandem with his bardic abilities as a Hexblade Warlock, dedicated to Lurue the Unicorn Queen.
During the quest for the mysterious Stone of Golorr, Arathir fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming an agent for the mysterious organization known as the Harpers. As a Harper, Arathir carries out missions in the name of promoting good and preserving lost histories.
Arathir and his friends have held their own against powerful enemies such as Belak the shadow druid, the foul mummified centaur warrior of the Temple of Ubtao, and even the founder of the Zhentarim, Manshoon. 
The trio of adventurers has yet to meet their true fate; with luck, the stars shall look favorably upon their quest for the Stone of Golorr and the pursuits they partake in the future.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 5 years
I have entirely too many OCs and I won’t ever stop
So, I will list all my OCs here, active or not. I couldn’t just keep reblogging my earlier masterlist with updates because, well, wall of text much?
I try to make sure I have at least 1 character representing each race. Not all of them are canonically Dragonborn, but I’ve marked those who are with (DK) after their name, short for Dovahkiin.
And yes, this is just my Skyrim OCs. Mostly because I play it the most (hi, endless supply of easily installed mods!), and because if I added my ESO, Oblivion, Morrowind, Daggerfall, and Arena OCs, this list would almost literally never stop.
Feel free, nay, ENCOURAGED, to drop asks about these characters because I live to blab about them to anyone in earshot (why else do you run a TES blog?).
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First, the actives.
Dunmer: Radene Valos. Great-granddaughter of Queen Barenziah. Nords call her “The Red Wolf” because of how ferociously she fights, usually out of a fearful and begrudging respect. Staunch revolutionary; real Magneto/Lenin red-ragger type. She’s out to improve the lot of the Dunmer in Skyrim by any means necessary and woe betide any who stands in her way or fails to help. Member of the Morag Tong and champion of Azura, Mephala, and Boethiah. Worming her way through the Stormcloaks so she can engineer a situation where all the rotten eggs of the Stormcloaks are in one basket and then blow up the basket. Also steadily poisoning most of the Black-Briar family in slow motion.
Altmer: Tarwen Verenandes (DK), a former Thalmor battlemage during the Great War. Disgusted by the violence on full display during the conflict, she resigned after the war and became a priestess of Auri-El. Her devout piety led to her being chosen by Auri-El/Akatosh to be the Last Dragonborn, and she was also gifted with being able to use Auri-El’s divine light as the basis of her spells.
Khajit: Sonn-Ja Sableclaw, an expert martial artist and assassin. Works for the Dark Brotherhood and is utterly loyal to Astrid. Prefers fisticlaws to weapons, and is absolutely lethal with them. Keeps a massive collection of knives and daggers anyway. Chose to be best friends with Arnbjorn purely for the irony. Worships Rajhin and Baan Dar.
Argonian: Murders-For-Cash, who is exactly what it says on the tin. Also Dark Brotherhood, and a Shadowscale like Veezara, who he treats like a brother. Willing to supervise children and surprisingly good at it but charges exorbitant rates for it. Worships Sithis.
Nord: Lady Gwendolyn Triggs (DK), a knight and thane in the service of Elisif the Fair and also her companion and lover. Noted for her bravery, loyalty, strength, skill in battle, and being steadfastly impossible to kill. Not part of the Imperial Legion any longer, but assists them in their operations during the Civil War anyway to both safeguard Elisif’s claim as High Queen and further her own political standing so that marriage can be an option for them. Worships the 8 post-Concordat Divines, but gives special devotion to Stendarr.
Redguard: Akivasha, an ancient Yokudan vampire Witch Queen who has awakened in the modern era. Practically a physical God. Hangs with the Dark Brotherhood because it’s the only group that has Gabriella in it. Far and away my most overpowered OC and in no way does it make her less fun. Worships Mephala and Boethiah, and begrudgingly acknowledges Molag Bal as the forefather of all vampires.
Imperial: Yezka of Vabonne, an OC who began as just a Rule 63 Geralt of Rivia. She’s a Witcher*. Like Gwendolyn, she’s easily picked out of a crowd due to her pronounced Warrior’s physique and tapestry of battle scars (I have a type). She dislikes political games, roundabout language, beating around the bush, social injustice, marginalization of the vulnerable, and has come to have a steady slow-burning hatred for humans as a general category because of the way she’s been treated over her six decades of monster hunting (she’s 93, but Witchers age super gracefully no matter the timeline). She fits in far better among Orcs, Elves, and the Beast Races who have also been so often mistrusted and ill-treated and has a lot of contacts in those communities. Oddly enough, she has a friends-with-benefits thing going with the vampires Hern and Hert at Half-Moon Mill in Falkreath because they only prey on humans and she’s never been hired to kill them. Worships Reyman Ebonarm, The Divine Black Knight.
?????: The Marked Cinder (DK), a mysterious figure completely shrouded from head to toe in rusty mail and plate that totally obscures his appearance, hiding the fact that he is essentially a charred and withered husk given new life by The Nine Divines. Doesn’t know it, but is no stranger to saving the world as the previous life of that body came to be known as The Eternal Champion during the events of Elder Scrolls Arena. Doesn’t really like or dislike anything, essentially serving as a walking meat grinder with a hunger for the forces of evil. Is closest to Arkay and Akatosh, but tends to regard the gods with equal authority and reverence.
* In my headcanon, Witchers were a kind of Spartan-II-esque initiative by the Vigilants of Stendarr to create “Super Vigilants” that could basically handle anything and everything. Thanks to the systematic alterations done to their physiology, the Witchers proved too difficult to control and due to the body count that arose whenever one went rogue it was a short-lived initiative. Yezka is among those that stayed loyal to the mission, if not to the Vigilants themselves. She’s easily my tallest character, towering over most fellow humans and slightly edging out a fully grown female Altmer due to the mutations she underwent.
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Rest in Pepperonis: Inactive Characters I ran out of story for
Bosmer: Vynna the Magpie, a highly talented thief and general renegade with a fiercely vengeful streak towards the Thalmor, and Elenwyn in particular, thanks to their purge of Vynna’s family and village. Married to vengeance, will sleep with everyone else. Best archer of her era. Despite her gruff and macabre bearing and demeanor, plays the organized crime game well enough to be called the Queen-In-Shadows. Worships Y'ffre and Hircine.
Dunmer: Ineria Resvalyn, a Telvanni-descended blood mage and necromancer (her magic is big on total recycling) hailing from House Sadras. Scholar and surgeon first, adventurer second. Eccentric and catastrophically bad at dealing with normal people but makes up for it by having an indispensable skillset. Probably Asperger’s. Can Dunmer even have that? Big on Azura worship.
Breton: Fynnic Ironverse, privateer and bard by trade, full-time Casanova and pain the the ass insufferable know it all by nature. As quick with a blade as he is with his wit. Known far and wide for being the Troubadour who brought the Chicken Dance to Skyrim, for better or worse. His major at the Bard’s College was probably leaning against lampposts at night while taking long drags from his cigarette. Atheist, but his lifestyle aligns neatly with Sanguine’s domain.
Imperial: Alessia Laguardia (DK), former centurion in the Imperial Legion. now a top-tier monster Hunter. Big muscles, bigger scars, even bigger prey. Lives a largely solitary existence except for her dog, Flavia. Fond of impossibly gigantic swords and bows. Largely averse to what most would call decent clothing. Worships Kynareth.
Orc: Khauma Relaadri (DK), winner of Skyrim’s Unluckiest Parentage Award. Half Orc, Half Dunmer. Spat upon by both. Found acceptance in the Imperial Legion, and fights for the unified Empire she feels it represents. Her greatest goal is to be a hero, as it would both please Malacath and serve as a positive role model and example to other put-upon people throughout Tamriel that they can rise, no matter their circumstances. Worships Malacath.
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There’s a ton of other characters that I’ve played as over the last 8 years, but above you’ll find the characters I was attached to enough to actually care to remember or keep playing.
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