#from some hey Arnold quote
peacelovengranola · 1 year
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We know Steve
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Welp, Chai, I rewatched the entire Hazbin Hotel pilot on the night of the 18th. It's been well over a year since I even watched it. Now onto my thoughts...
The Good 😊
The Animation: I know a lot of us complained about Viv's style of animation. But compared to the current HH animation style, it's a lot more pleasing in my eyes. I especially love the smear frames in the pilot (often referred to as "cursed images") as they really make the animation very dynamic.
The Voice Acting: I still absolutely adored the voice acting in the Hazbin Hotel pilot. Jill, Monica, Michael, Edward, Mick, etc. really brought their A-Game and really brought these characters to life. Frankly, I should've been way more upset when they were replaced back in December 2021.
Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow: Man, I have forgotten how much of a banger this song is. I don't know how to describe the genre/genres of this song, but I view it as a strange yet effective mixture of a piano ballad, pop rock, and speed metal. I actually headbanged pretty hard during the song, something I can't say about the new Hazbin songs.
Vaggie: Still love that little grey moth sinner with an unfortunate name. I view her as the most rational (if not the only rational) character in HH. I still enjoy the scene where she explains to Angel Dust the legend of Alastor, very reminiscent of a Hey Arnold urban legend scene.
The One Scene between Angel Dust and Alastor: I don't know why, but the scene where Angel Dust offers a dick sucking to Alastor and then Alastor bluntly rejected him still makes me chuckle to this day. That's probably the only sex related joke I laughed at in my recent rewatch.
The Bad 😡
Seeing Red: This is a complaint nearly all of us had with the pilot: Too... much... RED! I don't know why didn't bother me years ago, yet it bothers me now. Granted, compared to the current series, the pilot has a little more variety of colors, even though it's still red dominated.
The Humor: Unfortunately, aside from the Angel/Alastor exchange, a lot of the jokes in HH fell flat with me during my recent rewatch. It just makes me wonder how I thought HH was funny back then. Maybe Viv's rose-tinted fog really clouded my judgement.
Vaggie's Treatment: One thing I still dislike about the pilot, even back when I was a fan, was how Vaggie was treated. Despite being the most/only rational character, Vaggie was treated quite poorly. From being ignored by Charlie, to being insulted by Angel, to being slapped in the ass by Alastor. *sigh* Why do cartoons have to torture characters with a hint of rationality?!
Too Many Characters, Not Enough Time: Not sure if this is nitpicky or not, but I feel the pilot "introduced" far too many characters in a 30-minute video. Yeah, I put quotes around "introduced" as many of them got only a few seconds of screen-time or were only there in portraits. Even "main" characters like Husk and Niffty got the short end of the stick in terms of screen-time. It also took me long to realize that Viv really favors her male characters over her female ones. Female led show, my ass!
The Ugly 🤢
The Wasted Potential: This is the only ugly thing, but the wasted potential of HH is so ugly that the Ugly Barnacle would die. Under Viv's rose-tinted fog, I foolishly grew emotionally attached and had high hopes for this show. Unfortunately, thanks to Vivienne Medrano's micro zepto-management, she pissed all the great potential away. *sigh* It could've been great... 😔
Well, that was a load-off. Now I feel like I've made some closure. 😇
-Metallica Anon 🤘
Thank you for reminding me just how Gerald Urban Tale-esque Vaggie's Alastor exposition was...between that and the constant little sound effects, the whole thing felt like a Nicktoon, and I know that's part of what I loved about it.
This was a bittersweet walk down memory lane just reading it, but I'm glad you got your closure, Metallica Anon. It really could have been so great.
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imploder · 11 months
So I've been rewatching Hey Arnold, and here are a few thoughts:
1. I always said pokeshipping was my first ship, but now watching this, I feel this might've been the seed planted that grew into all the things I like. I'm realizing now that this show has shaped me way more than I remembered.
2. I still remember many episodes and quotes to this day, and despite not having watched 90% of the show since it first aired, even the episodes I've forgotten, as soon as I see the title and any screenshot, the memories slap me in the face like a wet fish. Suddenly my brain is filled with music, quotes, visuals... All vivid despite me not having thought about them in over 20 years.
3. I'm enjoying this show far too much. And I can't tell how much of that enjoyment is coming from the show being genuinely really good vs me just experiencing some deep rooted nostalgic hyperfixation.
4. Helga Pataki is one of the best characters ever.
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dany36 · 11 months
full totk onion below for my own sanity. super long-ass rant ahead (11k words lmaoooo wow) and also contains spoilers.
so i beat the final boss of tears of the kingdom a while back. took me (according to my switch) “over 100 hours” to beat the game. i did about 110ish shrines, and got like 50 or so korok seeds. did quite a lot of sidequests as well. i was actually surprised how long i played it for considering how much fun i was not having playing it. but of course i wanted to uncover the whole overworld map (excluding the depths) and unlock as many shrines as possible to be able to say that hey, i explored quite a lot and gave this game a fair chance to impress me. which, unfortunately, it did not. if i had to rank all of the zelda games i’ve beaten (which i’ve done all except triforce heroes), i’d put botw in absolute last place, with totk slightly right above it.
before writing this, i re-read through this fantastic botw critical piece on destructoid by Cory Arnold ("Breaking down why Breath of the Wild is highly overrated") that literally hits on all the points on why i hate botw cus i wanted to see if maybe totk had improved on any of those criticisms. the criticisms that the author lists were similar (but much more eloquent) than the hasty list i had made when i first completed the game way back then. i was sad to re-read through it and realize that no, pretty much all of the major criticisms i had in botw were still present since totk is literally an exact copy of botw which some new stuff sprinkled on it, then they called it a brand new game. “but the depths!! the sky!! the new ultrahand mechanic!!” yeah that shit wasn’t fun for me at all (maybe the Ascend ability but more on that later). i literally couldn’t believe that this game cost 70 dollars when there were absolutely no enhancements in terms of the overworld and enemies and was seething through the first 4 hours of the game (or however long it took me to get through the tutorial portion of it). to quote that botw article i mentioned above:
If Breath of the Wild is your personal favorite game or favorite Zelda game, I’m not speaking to you. It’s the people foaming at the mouth at how it’s objectively better than other games, objectively better than other Zelda games, did open world better than other games, and want to enshrine it that I am addressing. This game is far too flawed to be getting this level of praise.
but i’m getting a bit ahead of myself. let’s start with the things i DID like and then i will write a lithany of all the things i hated about this game and why, despite having played it for 100+ hours, i had fun for maybe 10 hours of it.
the good
the ending.
one of the things i absolutely hated about botw was how short and unsatisfying the ending was. zelda wakes up and asks link if he remembers her and links says nothing, which then cuts to zelda and link talking together about…i think all they have to do to restore hyrule. i honestly forget because it sucked so bad that i had no interest in looking it up again. zelda turning human again with rauru’s and sonia’s help, and you having to catch her as she’s falling (a throwback to when you couldn’t catch her at the beginning of the game) were things that made it already looking better than botw’s stale-ass ending. zelda’s “link, i’m home!” was really sweet even if we once again get no emotion from link even though he knows the incredibly weighted decision zelda had made when she decided to turn into a dragon to restore the master sword. but whatever, more on that later.
i’m NOT saying totk’s ending is perfect, in fact i’ve seen some legit criticisms of it that i agree with, but in my opinion it wasn’t TERRIBLE like with how i felt with botw’s (and trust me i take every opportunity i get to bash on botw/totk). seeing link, zelda, and the four sages together at the end as they swear to protect hyrule and its princess was really cool and actually made it look like they were all in it together as friends/companions, in contrast to botw where we get no reference of the new champions in the ending at all. while this ending was better than totk, it’s still not like…at a level of it making my heart ache of joy/satisfcation/sadness (if you know me even the slightest i get very emotional with videogames and i will cry at literally anything lol) like in tww when hyrule floods, or SS with granny and fi leaving, or tp with midna and the mirror. which damn now that i think about it, it looks like zelda has a lot of bittersweet endings, so i will give totk +1 point in that there are no bittersweet moments at the end. i especially liked that they cleared up that no, zelda wasn’t aware or fully conscious about her hundreds of years roaming the skies as a dragon, because even the thought of her being aware of her time as a dragon was making me go insane. like, you mean that in botw she was trapped in the castle for 100 years keeping calamity ganon at bay and NOW she had to spend another 1000 years or whatever as a dragon? hell no. so thank you totk ending for making that clear that she doesn’t remember that at all and that it actually felt like she was asleep like with SS Zelda. :)
which brings me to the next thing that i liked, which is...
princess zelda overall.
i think it should come to no one’s surprise that her decision to turn into a dragon really elevated this zelda’s status to just completely fucking badass. like, damn, i say that’s my baby and i’m proud. the incredible amount of courage that zelda had to have to make that decision is just something that i don’t think we’ve seen other zeldas make. i guess there’s TP Zelda giving up her life to save Midna but, is that a worse fate than be unconsciously roaming the skies as a dragon for hundreds of years not knowing when you’ll come back? and SS Zelda knew that link would come back to wake her up from her slumber, so…. i mean, the scene of the last tears of the dragon memory was just so impactful, and it was probably the only scene in the game that really punched me in the emotional gut. the whole dragon transformation scene was just so heartbreaking to watch and when you see those tears come out of the dragon’s eyes and realize that’s where those memories come from that you’re watching….i’m telling you it made me almost catatonic. like. what the FUCK. probably one of the best cutscenes in zelda history, if I’m being honest. when the memory ends and it leaves you in that field of silent princesses i just needed a moment to breathe. i didn’t even wanna move (both in-game and irl lol). what a beautiful sequence. it’s something i don’t think any other zelda game has made me feel. sure i cried like a fucking baby when granny “dies” in SS or when Fi says goodbye (and i swear i always cry at the beginning of tww when link says goodbye to his grandma oh god), but with the dragon scene it just left me fucking speechless. A+++ work.
now, do i HATE that zelda is once fucking again stuck somewhere else in the middle of the story waiting for us to rescue her instead of being a more active, nuanced character like in ST, TWW, or OoT? absolutely yes. can nintendo fucking do something new and interesting with zelda like (dare i say!!) HW did and give her some personality instead of just being a damsel in distress yet fucking again?? but plenty of people have already ranted about that so i will just leave this to say botw/totk zelda has gone through enough shit and deserves to rest and be happy without going into other things about her character that other people have already talked about in greater detail than i ever could. :)
yunobo and riju.
yunobo was absolutely one of my favorite characters in botw, and so it’s no surprise that he’s a fave here too. his attack was super useful when exploring those boring-ass caves where i had to clear mountains and mountains of rocks without having to use my limited supply of bomb flowers or wacking away with a boulder sword. also one-shot killing those annoying-ass ice lizalfos with his attack will always be funny. the thought of a goron leader having such a child-like voice and huggable face just makes him such an interesting and fun character to me. as for riju, although i didn’t really care for her in botw, there was something about her in this game that just made her really grow on me. some of it definitely has to do with her new design which i thought was fantastic (minus the heels in the fucking desert), but also her attack is just so badass and useful. also helps that the portion where you have to defend gerudo town from the gibdos reminded me a lot of hyrule warriors, aka one of my favorite games ever (unironically!!). so yeah, yunobo and riju really were the oasis in the desert of uninteresting NPCs in this game!
dragon head island.
out of all the boring-ass sky islands in this game, dragon head island was such a welcomed surprise. from the mysterious thunder clouds surrounding it, to the eeringly relaxing music that plays, it was a breath of fresh air. all of the sky islands in this game look almost identical and yet it was really nice to get something different with music that made me go, hey, this is actually great to listen to and will have to add it to my list of zelda music!
the path to the wind temple.
the rito village was the first village i headed to and i was really hopeful for this game when i had to climb up to the wind temple alongside tulin. that portion where you have to jump from one trampoline to another was fun as hell. i was like wow, this definitely feels new and refreshing. i’m also pretty sure that the music was changing as you’d get higher? either way, this part really felt like something from a zelda game and was just overall a blast to get through.
the wind and lightning temple bosses.
again, because the wind temple was the first temple i did, was REALLY impressed with how fun the colgera boss was. sky diving and using tulin’s ability to dodge the boss’s attacks was just so intense and exciting! ALSO the music that played during it was a remix of the dragon roost island theme from tww, which was so fitting and badass. and speaking of badass, the lightning temple boss was, although super disgusting, so cool as well!! i already talked about how fun riju’s attack is, so the part where all the gibdo hives come alive and start surrounding you was just soooo intense. like damn, i can’t remember any of the botw bosses being so damn fun. if i could re-do those two portions of the game, i definitely would.
the final ganondorf fights.
and speaking of boss battles, these fights also had me all tensed-up and at the edge of my seat. well, except the dragon ganon part (he turned into a dragon and all he could do was spit fire balls at me?? he literally had link on his mouth ready to crunch him down!! oh my bad these are the positives ahem). for the second ganondorf fight i got seriously stumped because he just kept dodging my flurry attacks or whatever, and then he kept hitting me with the attack that would remove one of my heart containers (which was really cool and new to see a zelda boss do THAT!!!). like, it actually made me think i was gonna get my ass kicked and would have to restart the battle. idk if this is the strategy since i haven’t looked it up online but eventually i figured out that, after he dodges your attack, he attacks you and you have to dodge THAT in order for your flurry attack or actually work. anyway, i really liked the ganondorf fights even if i sucked at fighting him and went through all of my 6 shields but hey, at least i beat him first try lol.
the sages joining you in the phantom ganon fight and when the temple bosses show up in the depths.
again just a really cool detail that in totk we actually see the sages actually fight alongside you and aid you in your quest to defeat ganondorf instead of hey you’ve awoken me as a sage i’m just gonna stay here and do nothing as you go and fight the demon king. plus it’s a cool moment when you see all those terrifying AF bosses show up in the depths and the sages are all like nah don’t worry about us, we got this! like…hell yeah? love you guys stay awesome and thank you for taking care of those bosses cus i did nOT want to fight them again since this game loves to make you fight the same enemies hundreds of times :)
the gloom hands.
wow, what a terrifying and cool enemy…the first time. but just like everything else in the game (which i will talk about later), they beat this concept to death until you just go ‘oh the gloom hands again, whatever’ and keep moving. the first time i encountered the gloom hands i was like what in the FUCK is this and what is this TERRIFYING MUSIC that plays!!! very dead-hand-from-oot of them. i thought that the floormasters from tww were terrifying with those disturbing sounds they would make but they got nothing on the gloom hands. and then when you think you finally defeat them all and you’re free from their creepy clutches, phantom ganon shows up and one-hit kills you. amazing!!
the ascend ability.
i wouldn’t say i LOVED the ascend ability (tbh i wasn’t fond of this whole crap with rauru’s arm abilities like idk it just doesn’t feel very zelda-ish but more on that later) but of the four abilities we get, i’d say ascend was the one i liked the most. took me forever to figure out some ascend puzzles at the beginning because i wasn’t used to the fact that uh yeah you can literally go through ceilings if you want so i for the most part would enjoy whenever the ascend ability would be involved. so i mean idk what else to say except that it was neat and wouldn’t make me groan to use it unlike ultrahand.
voice acting (japanese).
i’m sorry but hearing the last trailer where we hear zelda’s and (what i’m assuming was) ganondorf’s voice just made me roll my eyes and groan out loud at just how terrible and cartoony they sound. as soon as the game started and we hear zelda talk in that fake-sounding british voice, i just had to go in and switch the audio to japanese so that they could sound like REAL people instead of idk forced acting. and my god i’m glad i did. wish i had done that for botw because wow, the voice acting in japanese was just top-notch and actually made me like the characters and not like cringe at how the VAs sounded. so A++ to the japanese VAs but i mean who are we kidding they always excel at that and it didn’t sound like over-the-top or anything. it sounded just right :)
well that was nice. very lovely. and now for the things that i absolutely hated about the game. from this point on i’m going to quote a lot of things from the destructoid article and try to expand on them to fit totk. here we go!
the bad and ugly
the overworld.
oh boy. this is the big one. this is the one that, for the first 4ish hours of the game (or however long it took me to reach lookout landing), was just making me rage on the inside, and for the rest of the game, just continuously shake my head and sigh with disappointment (and still rage from time to time) at just how fucking boring the overworld in totk is. this is one of the biggest complaints i had in botw and, given that nintendo just fucking reused the same world for totk with literally almost no interesting or noteworthy changes, it continues to be the thing that makes me angry the most about this game. like, i’m sorry, but developers need to stop fucking making huge overworlds if they are just going to make them boring as hell to traverse and not be able to make them interesting to explore at all:
The game is all about running around aimlessly with nothing unique to discover, no area-specific secret bosses, and overall very little progression. The only secrets or things to discover are shrines or Koroks, leaving the world with a profound lack of mystery. I don’t understand why people complain about sailing in Wind Waker but suddenly love running around grassy plains and climbing rocks that take five times as long as sailing between islands did. Yes a game this size and length would be amazing if and only if it was rich with content all the way through, but it’s not. Clocktown (from Majora’s Mask) alone has more depth than the entirety of Breath of the Wild.
There’s the mention of shrines or koroks, but totk introduces the new exciting concept of…caves and wells!!! and while at first it might seem cool and exciting to explore, you then realize that at the end of the day, just like everything in this game, each cave is exactly the fucking same and only serves to hide those blue glowing overgrown frogs so once you find one, it’s like wellp, there’s nothing else of importance that you’re going to find in this cave EXCEPT maybe your umpteenth shrine or a treasure chest containing an outfit (i think that’s how i found all of the fierce deity clothes—within caves). and it’s like “well see dany! you found something ELSE within caves other than those frogs!!” yeah no i explored maybe like 50 or so caves and the shrine/outfits were found in like 4 caves i explored or something like that so no i wouldn’t call that exciting or wortwhile considering i never used the fierce deity outfit and i could have found my umpteenth shrine somewhere else. and the wells? yeah turns out there’s like 40+ wells whose only purpose is to report to some lady of how many you’ve found so that i think she can give you rupees? and honestly who cares. i have no idea what the reward is once you find all of them but what could be worth visiting the same boring-ass caves with the same boring-ass design just so that you can say “yep i’ve visited every well in this game!” and mark off yet another boring sidequest in totk.
at least with TP or MM whenever i found a cave i knew i was going to get a unique and interesting experience (that one cave in TP where you have to drop down to the lowest levels with the iron boots is one of my faves). but unfortunately here, any cool puzzles that would otherwise be found randomly in caves are now stuck strictly to the freaking shrines, which takes away any sort of mystery you might get from finding a cave because now you KNOW it’s just gonna be yet another same-y cave with the same damn enemies and really nothing else going for it except a bubbulfrog and MAYBE the start of a new shrine quest. and likewise, when you see a shrine, you KNOW you’re going in for your umpteenth ultrahand/rewind/ascend puzzle to get yet another shrine orb. like…totk’s approach to caves and puzzles and shrines take away any surprise that you might have had exploring its vast yet uninteresting overworld (how many times am i gonna say this in this rant lol).
and like god i distinctively remember this one part in the death mountain area where i was trying to reach goron city and i saw a shrine not too far—as in, i didn’t have to use the purah pad to be able to see it. so there i go, walking/running towards the shrine because what else is there to do in-between the rito and goron villages except hunt for shrines along the way. and it was so fucking frustrating because i swear i was just walking straight towards the shrine with nothing else in between. no cool music like in other open world games that immerse you with its beautiful music (see minecraft, horizon, sonic frontiers, xenoblade x), aboslutely no enemies, no interesting or beautiful terrain, just me walking like an idiot bored out of my mind listening to link’s clunky armor just to get to the shrine, complete it, and have to run all the way back to where i was since the shrine was the OPPOSITE direction of goron village.
and like, this empty and uninspiring overworld is what nintendo took 6 years to develop? “oh look there’s naming references to past zelda games teehee!! ruto lake! forest of time! something referencing the lokomos!!” but it’s like. you pass those landmarks without even realizing it because there is, most of the time, nothing worthwhile to do there despite the cool throwback name. at least with MM, which reused a lot of the same assets as OoT, the world was different and unique and interesting with lots of more background to similar-looking characters we saw in OoT (the cucco lady vs anju, for example). i felt like such a fool the first night playing totk because i seriously thought that this might be the MM of Botw—i hated (still do) botw but thought hey, now that they have the engine and the assets down, maybe they can now focusing on making the world and its characters and story more interesting and fleshed out! instead we just get the same korok seed BS, the same shrine BS that, although mildly amusing at first, gets boring and uninteresting fast as you explore your 73rd shrine and see the 46th korok hiding place.
and you might think “well dany of COURSE things are going to get repetitive! it’s an open world game and they can’t fill it with new and exciting content all throughout!!” ok then don’t make your overworld so fucking huge?? like WHY are these developers so hellbent on gloating about having “one of the biggest open-worlds” ever if you’re just going to be copy-pasting the same shit over and over with nothing interesting in between? you really think that what makes an overworld interesting is to see the same caves, the same damn bokoblin enemy camps, the same “uwu i need to reach my friend!” korok quests, the same “waaah i need to keep this postsign of the construction boss up in place and i can’t leave until i do!” BS, the same taluses/hinoxes, the same BOSSES all over the map?? yeah it was cool seeing the first gleeock out in the wild, i was like wow!! that’s amazing, i wonder if there will be different bosses roaming around like that? and then i saw that, nope! wrong again, dany! yet another cool idea beaten to death by just copy pasting the same enemy (with different elemental powers of course so as to not make it TOO obvious!) all over the goddamn map.
SPEAKING of copy-pasting the same things instead of having a boss or enemy or cave be truly unique, another thing that drove me insane was the mazes that you find in the overworld. i think i only did the one in the upper right, but there’s at least one other in the upper left of the corner. i thought it was a cool idea so i traversed through the (truth be told) rather boring maze just activating switches, which wasn’t really that interesting or challenging, it was just mildly frustrating and confusing navigating through it. and i fought i think a construct III at the end? whatever, you see those all over the sky as well. and what i got as a reward for navigating through the two mazes (the one in hyrule, and the one in the sky) was…one part of oot ganondorf’s outfits. like, ok, great, whatever, but before heading off to the final boss towards the end of the game i was like “well let me go do that other maze and see what that’s all about” but then i stopped myself and said, you know what, it’s probably gonna be the same BS, going through yet another non-engaging maze doing an uninteresting and confusing puzzle just to get either a weapon that calls back to an older game or another piece of oot ganondorf’s outfit. and i was like HMMMM yeah that doesn’t sound appealing or fun at all. SKIP!!!
Breath of the Wild wants you to grind and do repetitive shit all day. Fighting the same things over and over in a massive world isn’t fun, it really isn’t.
like i’m sorry if i’m just predictable and want something more entertaining to keep me interested in the world as i explore along instead of the same repetitive nonsense and then praise nintendo for giving us such a huge overworld for it. people might have complained about tww’s vast ocean but at least it gave us one of the most beautiful overworld themes to date and it made sense STORY-wise (as in, there’s sea everywhere and little islands in between because of the flooding of hyrule). here, and sorry to beat this point to the death but i just cannot emphasize enough how terrible of an experience it was for me to explore the overworld, because it’s just huge, boring, and repetitive for no reason.
and the worst part is, i couldn’t even ride my horse if i wanted to (which would have made exploring this forsaken world less annoying) because for some unknown reason, nintendo has decided that in these past two games, you can’t call for your horse from wherever you are. sure, you can BOARD your horse from the kakariko stable even if you left it far off in the rito village, that’s no problem! but calling your horse from wherever you want? no no that’s too unrealistic!
so no, i don’t care that you can climb every mountain in this game (to find what, another korok seed? lol). that’s not what makes exploration fun for me in a videogame. if i climb a mountain and then find a UNIQUE boss or a UNIQUE cave or a UNIQUE sidequest? now that’s cool. here? just copy-pasting away!
Climbing and watching the stamina bar is not fun, and it’s downright annoying when it begins to rain. Call it a mechanic or whatever you want but it’s not fun. It feels like they added a ton of mountain ranges just to pad the game length and justify a stamina meter when flatter land would have been just as acceptable.
i’d rather sail tww’s ocean or ride around ST’s tracks any day of the week. fucking NEXT!
the shrines.
like i mentioned at the beginning, i did my fair share of looking for and completing shrines because i wanted to get a fair sense of just all that this “new” game had to offer. sure, the first 10 or so are fun and interesting because you are learning to use the new arm powers. oh you want me to combine these two things with ultrahand to complete the shrine? cool! let me do that! oh ok, now you want me to rewind time on this object? omg neat! oh wow, now i have to be aware of my surroundings and use ascend here! cool! and then you do that again, and again, and again, and again, and again again again again until you’re on your 100th shrine and it’s like oh god PLEASE give me something new:
Shrine puzzles are all about the same level of difficulty, as are all the Divine Beasts and their bosses. Again, since they want to let you go anywhere, there is no progression of difficulty in either the bosses or puzzles. You do not learn new things and compound them as the game goes on […] You just do the same things with the same runes over and over. […] All have the exact same aesthetic, same music, and same lack of connection to game’s world. But rather than 120, there are actually only 80. There are 20 “Blessing” shrines which nine out of ten times give you some generic weapon you probably already have, accessed by completing puzzles of sorts outside the shrine to unlock them. Those “puzzles” are often just putting balls in holes, shooting an arrow at something, or fetch quests, though.
putting aside the number of shrines mentioned above (since they vary in totk), it’s like, that’s literally it. unlike previous zelda games, where maybe you’d enter a cave and wouldn’t have the necessary item to complete its puzzle, here, there’s no sense of progression because the game already gives you everything you need to explore ITS ENTIRE OVERWORLD AND ALL ITS SHRINES right from the beginning. and some people might like that, but it’s definitely not for me. because like, after you get all your arm powers, everything just stays exactly the fucking same through the rest of the damn game:
There is never a moment of “I need to comeback here later” which sounds convenient but it takes away from the sense of progression and getting stronger that this game and its fans claim it has. There is no excitement of getting a new mask, new song, boomerang, bottle, or equipment item that lets me do more. No matter where you go, you know you will be sufficiently equipped, and that takes the thrill out of it.
and i feel like that’s exactly one of the issues that i have with the concept of shrines in this game. it’s just the same types of puzzles with the same 4 powers tens of times until you complete them all and you can maybe recall 2 or 3 that you really liked and were like “huh ok that was cool” and move on. truly revolutionary for a game. and i just HATE that all pieces of heart/stamina currency is restricted to ONLY shrines because, once again, that leaves no variety or surprises in the game! you know completing a sidequest won’t yield a piece of heart or a stamina vessel ‘cus that’s all shrines, same for minigames or caves, which was half the fun of doing those things in previous games!! but no, once you find a type of SOMETHING in this game (a cave, a well, a shrine), you bet your ass that THAT same design is all you’ll ever see for the rest of the game.
shrines in this game did introduce a new type which is when they strip you of all of your equipment and only give you basic weapons that you have to use to get through the bunch of constructs that you have to fight inside. and yes, that was cool for the first couple of times, but i swear after my third one i was once again with the feeling of “oh god not THIS again??”. god i just feel like i’m just repeating the same issues i had with this game over and over again: repetition repetition repetition. this game just loves damn repeating itself!!! anyway, moving on…
99% of the side quests and NPCs.
this was a problem i had with botw and i don’t know why i’m surprised that totk did absolutely nothing to fix the issue of uninteresting, unengaging sidequests. remember in SS with the whole Peatrice-falling-in-love-with-you thing? or those sidequests in TWW with the rich and poor girl who at the end switch lifestyles because of circumstances in their lives, and you can help the now-poor Mila come to terms with her new life? or hell, ANY of the MM sidequests and how they actually made you empathize with its characters and actually care a little bit for what would happen to them? here in totk (and in botw) i just don’t feel that connection or need to help NPCs with their mundane problems like i would in previous zelda games:
Breath of Wild has its NPCs, but they are bland and as memorable as my ex-girlfriends’ birthdays. They don’t have unique characteristics, designs, or problems. Looking like they were born out of some generator rather than a human, they send you on shallow fetch quests. Collect 55 rushrooms. Tame that horse. The rewards are almost always just rupees, ingredients, or more generic breakable weapons.
i said 99% of the side quests and NPCs because i think the only one i actually cared for (but was actually tedious towards the end…) was rebuilding that lurelin village because the thought of having your home destroyed by “pirates” (aka bokoblins because god forbid this game have to create more unique enemies) was a bit too much for my heart to take. but i mean, other than that? who cares. oh that guy in hateno village has a creepy crush on that girl sweeping the front of the store? whatever. that whole elections thing in hateno village? yawn. some rito girl wants to cook some new recipe? i don’t know her. there’s really nothing much else i can say about NPCs or sidequests in this game because i can’t think of anyone else other than that guy who helped rebuild the village that actually made me feel SOMETHING else other than boredom. and like mentioned above, most of the time doing the sidequests isn’t really worth it because there’s no cool rewards like bottles, quiver expansions, pieces of heart, or an upgrade to an item because well, that would be taking away from the shrines-and-some-depths-treasure-chests-can-only-give-you-worthwhile-rewards thing from this game, huh?
overall, the villages in this game just feel empty and void of any interesting and captivating NPCs/sidequests that make me want to learn more about their lives. despite hateno village being the biggest village (i think) we’ve seen in a zelda game yet, i just…don’t really care for it or its people. same with kakariko village and zora’s domain, the latter of which just feels so big but just so fucking hollow and honestly boring to explore. tww’s windfall island just had tons of life and compelling characters of which i may not remember their names, but sure as hell remember their small but memorable sidequests. playing cupid between that guy that would walk around windfall and the girl with the orange dress is infinitely much more interesting than any of the so-called sidequests i did in hateno village.
the lack of enemy variety.
it’s kind of insane to me how, given that nintendo had about 5+ years to develop this game, they had a pretty good chance to develop new and interesting enemies. this was a problem i had with botw: fighting the same damn enemies just got old very damn fast. let’s see how many enemies (NOT including varieties, i don’t care that a fire keese is different than an ice keese, and also not mini bosses like hinoxes) botw had according to the zelda wiki: bokoblins, chuchus, keese, lizalfos, lynels, moblins, wizzrobes, yigas, pebblits, guardian scouts, guardians, guardian skywatcher, and…guardian turret i guess. that’s 13 enemies for a game that boasts to have such a huge and unique overworld. THRITEEN types of enemies. just thirteen. compared to Xenoblade 1, which has 30+ types of enemies (i stopped counting really), and horizon zero dawn, which has 24 types of unique machines.
now let’s see how many enemies totk has! there’s bokoblins, boss bokoblins, chuchus, constructs, evermeans, horriblins, keese, like likes, lizalfos, lynels, moblins, wizzrobes, aerocuda, pebblits, gibdos, gloom spawns, little frox, moth gibdo, and…yigas. 19 enemies, 6 more than its predecessor. just, wow, even now just looking at the numbers, the variety in this game is ABYSMAL considering that most of the time in the overworld you run in bokoblins, moblins, and lizalfos like 80% of the time. in caves, most of the time it’s just horroblins but really, the strategy to fight them all is exactly the same except for lynels, like likes, and gibdos, which you have to be more careful with. but really, it’s like…that’s all you could come up with for this huge overworld? i don’t know about other folks but for me, i eventually stopped fighting enemies because it just wasn’t worth it with how this game handles weapons and their durability:
But you quickly stop raiding camps and just avoid enemies in general, just as you slowly lose interest in exploring every ruin, because there is no suitable reward. You expend your breakable weapons, arrows, and food fighting easy enemies to get more breakable weapons; likely weaker than the ones you broke to get to it.
i already had more-than-enough strong enemy spoils to fuse with my weapons, i don’t need to fight my umpteenth silver bokoblin just to get another one of its stupid-looking horns to attach to my weapon and somehow make it stronger (and stupider). and also like, fighting them just got so boring after a while. sure, it’s a bit scary and intimidating fighting moblins when you only have 5 hearts and weak weapons, but eventually you get a two-handed weapon and all you have to do is just constantly whack away at your moblin/horriblin/bokoblin/lizalfos so that you constantly knock them down and don’t allow them to get back up cus it’s not like they have much variety in their attacks either. such thrilling combat if you ask me!! and the way that this game handles difficulty is just so stupid: making enemies “damage sponges” so that instead of 5 hits, now it takes 15 hits to kill a moblin in the same repetitive way—whack them away so that they can’t get up. how is this fun and interesting?
i fought a black lynel once in the wild and that was cool, but then i just never fought another one again because in my opinion the rewards for killing a lynel just aren’t really worth it. you break a couple of your weapons just to get some of its spoils and it’s like, eh, i’ll pass. a silver bokoblin’s horn might not be as strong but it’s not like it makes a HUGE difference in this game whether i have a silver bokoblin horn or a lynel horn. who cares!
the game of course then wanted me to fight a silver lynel on the way to kill ganondorf and i was like hell no, i don’t want to dodge the same moves over and over again and do the same flurry attacks over and over and over just like i did with the black lynel, except now i get to do it MORE times because of damage sponges! how is that exciting or interesting? at least give stronger enemies more variety in their attacks instead of making my hand hurt from just doing the same repetitive (there’s that word again) moves until it dies.
Speaking of Hinoxes and Stone Taluses, during my first encounter I was delighted to have a random mini-boss-like fight out in the open, thinking it was the only one. Then I quickly realized they’re copy and pasted all over the map. I was expecting to see unique mini-bosses or fights in certain locations, but that wouldn’t be possible when they have the loot system requiring you grind enemies over and over to upgrade numerical stats on armor. 
already touched on the point made above a little bit but just had to mention it here as well because as i said, this game takes away any sort of unique aspect to it by beating it to death via copy pasting enemies, mini bosses, and bosses all over its map. you can’t imagine the disappointment i felt when i learned that colgera, aka a boss i really loved fighting at the wind temple, was found again in the depths. and again. i at least fought it three times throughout the game, not sure if it appears more times but when i saw it the second time i was like holy shit, this again?? really? any memory of having such a thrill of fighting it for the first time was quickly erased realizing nintendo just can’t keep something unique in this game. same thing with phantom ganon—encountering it for the first time was cool and intimidating. by the time i rescued the deku tree i was just sick to death of it, so realizing i had to fight it YET AGAIN!!!! at hyrule castle with the whole fake zelda business was just almost unbearable. (man, typing this whole rant out is making me realize just how many repetitive and monotonous aspects there are to this game!!!! and i hate that i keep using that word but what else is there to describe the constant sludge of same same same same this game kept throwing at my face??)
combat gets repetitive very fast.
look, i mentioned it before but i don’t play zelda to custom make doohickeys that can kill enemies. i’m old fashioned and honestly not creative enough (minecraft building wasn’t for me, i just liked to explore), so i like my hand-to-hand combat, with an arrow or two in between. i’ve already mentioned this in the previous section but the combat in this game just gets so repetitive despite the many weapons this game tries to throw at your face. i mean really when you think about it you have three kinds of weapons: your typical sword, the two-handed sword, and the spear. and i guess the bow? (oh and the wands but i’m more referring to the classic combat weapons) but like, for hand-to-hand combat, your overall strategy doesn’t change regardless of the type of weapon you have, which is just wack away as many times as you can, and do some flurry attacks for the stronger enemies like lynels and uh. hmmm. yeah. why not introduce different attack mechanics depending on the type of weapon you are building, like the horizon series does with the many weapon types it introduces in the games?
i’m not saying previous zelda games’ combat was the most exciting or varied, but at least with tww, the special parry attack attack would VARY by either doing a helm splitter or a back slice. but here in botw/totk it’s like…your special sword attacks consist of your classic spin attack and the flurry attack, which just stays (yet again) constant throughout the game. no upgrades like with the hurricane spin or the great spin. with tp and even tmc you had your hidden skills you could learn to vary your sword attacks and even tp gives you a special finishing attack (the ending blow, and actually SS had this too now that i remember!), but these past two zelda games just have failed to give much flavor in the sword techniques you can use. which is kind of stupid when you think about it cus this link is supposed to have been trained in sword combat while tww link is some kid from an island and tp link is just some guy raised in a ranch. i don’t know if this is the game trying to make itself seem more difficult by having removed these types of different sword skills because like, why can’t i side step and do a back slice like in tp? or ANYTHING ELSE other than a damn flurry attack which, if you’re not good at dodging, then good luck with that shit. flurry attacking over and over again just gets old very fast and makes those sponge enemies even more of a chore to fight when i can’t add any flavor to my sword attacks. just yet another thing in the game that i feel severely pales in comparison to past zelda games.
the weapon durability.
speaking of combat variety…i have no idea why i thought weapon durability would go away in totk. do people really like having breakable weapons? it was something i absolutely hated in botw and well, it’s back and HOPEFULLY not here to stay as a staple of new zelda games!
I’m beating a dead horse here, but breakable weapons is not a fun concept at all. It’s tedious and makes finding and collecting new weapons completely moot because “well I’ll be able to use this for a few seconds til it breaks.”  If you want more weapons while keeping the thrill of finding them alive but not having a stronger one that makes others obsolete, then make a bunch of non-breakable weapons that are used differently and better in certain situations than others.
to piggyback on that last point, that sort of matches with what i was saying earlier about having different attack mechanics depending on the weapon that you’re using. i don’t know why the hell we need to have breakable weapons be a thing in this game. is it just to fill the overworld with more treasure chests of weapons you can find like the biggoron’s sword so you can be like “oh, thanks for this, it will break in a couple of hits and then i’ll lose it forever”? having the master sword “lose” its power after certain hits is so damn stupid too. sure zelda roamed the skies as a dragon for hundreds of years to power up the master sword but it still becomes unusable after wacking it against a moblin for a bit too long. this game just REALLY wants you to spend all your time running around and fighting the same enemies over and over again so you can get new weapons/stupid shit to fuse to them to make this game longer than it really is.
the music overall.
anyone who knows me even just a little bit knows how much i love video game music. i’ll even listen to music from games i haven’t even played, and i even cry of just pure joy at listening to some of the video game music out there. but oh god. just thinking about traversing the overworld in this game with just hearing link’s footsteps and the clunky armor is enough to make me go insane. why can’t we have good overworld music in zelda games anymore? as mentioned above, at least when i had to sail around tww’s ocean or ride around st’s tracks, it gave me some damn good music to listen to that, frankly, never got old (st’s overworld theme is still one of my ultimate faves in the series). and it’s not just hyrule, but the sky and the depths have this same problem as well: absolutely nothing but silence or (in the depth’s case) random creepy music from time to time. as if the overworld itself isn’t boring enough, they just had to make its “music” dull and lackluster and honestly non-memorable. when i think of exploring hyrule in TP i think of that badass orchestra-like music playing while i’m riding around with epona. when i think of exploring hyrule/the sky/the depths in totk i think of absolutely nothing but emptiness and boredom, music-wise. SIGH!
but if the overworld wasn’t bad enough, i feel like the locations themselves didn’t…really offer much in terms music that i’d personally want to save in my music collection. there were some exceptions, of course: hateno village (but really it’s just the same music as in botw), dragon head island (really chill music, love it), and…i think the lookout landing had some decent music, but honestly i don’t remember it well enough lmao. boss-wise, sure, the wind temple boss fight music was REALLY cool (dragon roost island sample in there? sign me the fuck up), and the build up as to when you’re going down to face ganondorf was also cool, but…again, for a game THIS damn huge, i’d expect more memorable music, like with the horizon series, minecraft, or xenoblade 1/X. idk, i just am not impressed with the music available in this game given how many iconic songs the zelda games have been in the past. like kakariko village’s theme song in this game is, imo, a disgrace. idk why they couldn’t have adjusted the classic kakariko village theme song to fit the new “aesthetic” they were going for with the sheikah. they did it in tww (where it’s a lively town) and they did it in tp (now in like a old wild west town kind of thing), why couldn’t they do it in botw/totk? ugh, just….so lame and bland.
the depths.
the problem i have with the depths is pretty much the same problems i had with the hyrule overworld except make it ten times worse and also now it’s completely dark. “but omg isn’t it cool how the depths mirror the surface overworld??” yeah i don’t really care, alttp already did that and it didn’t bore me to tears exploring the dark world. seriously, i fucking dreaded going to the depths because if the lack of new and interesting things to do on the surface is bad, then in the depths it’s just so much worse. at least in the surface you can use your horse in some areas to make it go a bit faster, but here? all on foot, baby. imagine exploring the surface all on foot, with barely ANY interesting landmarks, with the same 5 or so enemies, all the damn time, and it’s dark…can’t think of anything worse, game-design wise lmao. seriously, the depths were just idk another attempt to make this game’s overworld seem a lot bigger than it is but god it was just so damn fucking boring to me. i don’t care about the abandoned mines, or the springs, or…well, what else was there? just yet another treasure chest with yet another PART of an outfit? no thanks!!
i specifically remember that getting one part of the TP outfit was such a pain in the ass to get because it’s in that spiral part on the eastern side of the map except well it’s in the depths. it was literally just me running for like 5 minutes straight around this spiral while running past a bunch of bokoblins and other enemies because lmao i don’t want to fight the same damn enemy over and over again as i’m trying to get to the end of this spiral which is actually just part of some abandoned mines with no lore or anything else interesting in it that would make it memorable. and of course what’s at the end of it all? a throwback outfit so that you can think it was worth it to run like an idiot for 5 minutes straight. finding a quiver upgrade or an empty bottle would have felt more rewarding than just yet another outfit that i won’t be bothering to upgrade because upgrades in this game are so damn tedious.
99% of the islands.
i feel like a broken record here so i’ll keep this section short since my issues with the islands are similar to the issues i have with the shrines and the overworld and the caves except now they’re in the sky. other than dragon-head island and the one where you have to like move mirrors so that light shines in certain directions, the sky islands were stale and just a big whatever. i don’t know what else to say that i haven’t already beaten to death here except that the islands in tww are more interesting and rewarding to explore than the sky islands in totk. just would absolutely bore me to tears fighting my nth construct or doing the nth take-this-crystal-to-reveal-a-shrine quest next!
the temples.
again, my problems with the temples are very similar to that of shrines, ‘cus i mean they actually just feel like glorified shrines, but at least in totk they did a better job at having each temple have a different design and feel to it instead of botw where just every beast felt the fucking same (i honestly wouldn’t be able to tell the beast dungeons apart from one another). regardless, i don’t know about you guys but man do i sure as hell miss traditional zelda temples. to quote a person i follow who recently talked about their grievences with botw (waywardsalt):
Older zelda games’ dungeons being tied to their respective items is a big part- to me- of what makes those dungeons so good. […] The dungeons in past Zelda games are practically complex tutorials on how you can use your new items. […] And then you must then use that item to defeat that dungeon’s boss, and you usually have no chance of beating that boss if you don’t make use of the dungeon’s associated item. It’s like a final test for the item, seeing if you know how it works enough to complete the dungeon and use it against a boss’s weaknesses.
much like the beasts in botw, you get to a temple here and they immediately mark the spots of where you have to go. some are more straightforward and simplistic (the water temple) than others (the fire temple—which i think is the best of the four), but they all amount to the same thing: all of the puzzles are just a variation of yet another ultrahand object fusion, or if we get a little bit crazy, you have to use ascend throughout the temple. instead of giving you a mirror shield, the lightning temple just makes you use the ultrahand to move around mirrors to solve puzzles. which was cool at first (who doesn’t love mirror puzzles?), but the temple felt way too damn short compared to other mirror-heavy temples (spirit temple from oot and earth temple from tww), and moving around a mirror that’s laying in the room in plain sight just doesn’t have quite the same zelda feel of “i’ve fought my way through this temple, beat the miniboss, and NOW i finally have a mirror shield i can use to solve the puzzles i had been seeing previously!” ‘cus idk i do miss having that bit sense of progression that dungeon items would add: i DO miss stumbling upon a locked door in a temple and searching everywhere for a key to unlock it, or wondering “wow, i have to get up there, but i think i’m missing the temple item in order to advance, i guess i’ll have to come back here after defeating the miniboss.” instead here it’s just like, ok, i’m in the flashing dot room, what fan/cart/rocket/wing combination do they want me to build yet again??
i always felt like temples were supposed to be a big part of zelda games but, again, other than the fire temple, i felt like the temples here were rather fast to beat, with the water temple just being the worst offender. i mean they can’t all be winners, but considering this game ONLY has FOUR temples, you’d think they’d idk be a bit longer or more difficult to complete like in majora’s mask? there is barely any complexity in navigating temples like with MM’s snowhead temple or tww’s wind temple—the fire temple was the only one that did anything interesting with its navigation and the others were just so fucking flat, much like the beasts in botw. did the zelda team lose its main dungeon designer or something? even majora’s mask’s pirate fortress—a MINI dungeon—was more fun and interesting to navigate than THE fucking water temple in totk. what a joke!!!
the way the story gets told.
i won’t talk about my grievances with the story details themselves, there’s plenty of people who have rightly criticized how simplistic it is and how it doesn’t really make you empathize with ANY of its characters (except, in my opinion, princess zelda): not sorry but i actually laughed when ganondorf killed sonia lol, especially with them being like HA! your fake zelda ways can’t trick us!!! and then WHAM out comes ganondorf and fucking obliterates sonia like lol ok bye girl!!! i hardly knew you and the game gave me no incentive to care about you like i would with medli in tww or grandma impa in ss so your death means nothing to me! oh whoops i need to stop talking about the “story” and its “characters” before i get carried away!
anyway! i absolutely despised how botw told its bare-bones “story” through memories you had to find in the overworld, so can you imagine my utter disappointment when totk has decided to ONCE AGAIN tell its story the same damn way?? i get that they’re going for an open world aspect but my god, some fucking linearity won’t fucking kill you nintendo. plenty of open world games are STILL very much open world while forcing some linearity when trying to tell its story—horizon forbidden west and xenoblade x come to mind. these games still let you explore much of its world as freely as you want while making you progress through its story and make you care about its characters and their purpose along the way. but here with totk i feel no connection to the world or its people—kakariko village used to be such an important place in zelda games and i honestly couldn’t tell you the name of ONE interesting or appealing character from that village like renado in TP or Mila from TWW (what’s the name of that girl that took over from impa? even fucking impa is just another afterthought in this damn game). shit, i’m getting sidetracked again, but god there is just so many things to talk about how poor of a job totk does in making you FEEL something in its damn empty overworld but i got other shit to do and this is already way too damn long (if you’ve made it this far i could kiss you!!!!)
anyway anyway! my main problem with the way that the “story” gets told is that you can collect the memory that explains the bit about fake zelda way early in the game and you’re still running around visiting towns with the new sages being like “omg princess zelda was here and she tried to kill us!! :(“ like, link what the fuck you clearly just saw a memory that zelda is in the past (or has become a dragon if you went and hunted down all the memories right away) and there was a fake zelda back then, SPEAK UP and TELL these people something!!! same thing with those sidequests with penn or whatever, you’re over here hunting down clues about the missing princess, but you already know where she is!! she’s in the past!! the zelda that people have been seeing is more than likely fake!!! she’s a dragon!! but no, because nintendo for some reason couldn’t figure out how to tell an engaging and interesting story while also having an open world (they had 6 years!!!), you have to sit like an idiot as these people talk to you about fake zelda apparitions while you’re just like “gee i wonder what THAT could be!!”
because i found dragonhead island + the fifth sage way before my fight with phantom ganon, one of my friends told me that once you beat him, you can go back to kakariko village and tell people that the zelda that prohibited access to the ring ruins is fake so that they’ll let you explore them and eventually lead you to dragonhead island. but see, i never had to do that so instead i was just frustrated at the game design that i can’t SPEAK UP about fake zelda because the game decided that this is the one time they want some linearity and you won’t be able to say anything about the fake zelda until you defeat her. instead of like, hey, let’s warn the citizens of hyrule that there’s a fake zelda running around and to not trust her?? hello?? just another missed opportunity of having this game somewhat connect you to its characters and surroundings.
likewise with the master sword. i got the master sword before i saw the final tear + learned of the sacrifice zelda had to make, so i was kinda mad cus i feel like the emotional impact of getting the master sword from the white dragon would have been MUCH MORE greater if the game would have FORCED me to see the final tear before trying to retrieve the master sword. so it’s just like, ugh. if i have to play another zelda game that does such a shitty job at telling its story and making compelling characters that evoke empathy and compassion, i will seriously not know what to do with myself. like a mutual (shoutout be-gay-do-crimes) recently mentioned: loneliness isn’t Zelda!!
and i know people have complained about this but like, sitting through the same damn cutscene after you beat the temple bosses was YET AGAIN nintendo showing that they don’t know how to keep things interesting and just repeat the same BS over and over again. why not have each old sage, which of course are just another afterthought in this game’s sea of uninteresting NPCs, add on something new from its POV so we literally don’t have to sit through the exact same story being told and have absolutely no unique perspective from the old sage? is it really too much to ask for a bit of variety for a game that reused a lot of assets from its previous game and had so many years in development? where are the good story writers from past zelda games??
link’s lack of emotions.
i have a full post where i talk about botw link’s lack of emotions and why it was such a disappointment going from tww/tp/ss to….that, so i won’t get too much into this here ‘cus i already wrote another thesis-long post about that that you can find. people defend totk link saying “but his micro expressions! omg!!! you’re OBVIOUSLY not paying attention!!” like ok lmao keep being happy you’re fed crumbs. botw/totk link’s emotions are a fucking joke when you compare to previous zelda games, even oot link showed relief and a smile at zelda when they thought they had killed ganondorf. totk link? exists in a vacuum. to quote waywardsalt again:
the blank stare and limited emoting worked in botw because… there’s a given reason for his lack of outward emotion in the past, plus he has no memory in the present. it makes sense. but this time around, he’s gotten memories in the years between this and the last game, but he just feels like a background character in most of the story beats.
like i’m sorry if i expect link to at least show a fucking SMILE at zelda once she says “link, i’m home!” GIVEN that he knows the incredibly weighted decision that zelda took in becoming a dragon and roam its skies for hundreds of years in order to give link and the people of hyrule some hope that evil will be defeated once again. this is the same girl that spent 100 years keeping calamity ganon at bay waiting for YOU to heal and wake up. and there’s absolutely no emotional payback from link to us the player or zelda now that we know she won’t spent eternity as a dragon? give me a break! botw tried to explain it in zelda’s diary saying that “oh link doesn’t like showing emotion because he feels he has so much responsibility on his shoulder so he doesn’t want anyone to know what he’s feeling” but like, girl he’s not made of stone?? 
imagine if we had gotten a fraction of ss link’s expressions with totk link when he’s reaching out to zelda as she’s falling again after turning back into a human just like ss link did when he tried to catch zelda from falling to the surface. or respond to totk zelda’s “i’m home!” with the same smile that tp link gave to midna when he saw his friend was safe after the light spirits bring her back. it’s just ugh so fucking frustrating looking back at past links and how expressive they were and with totk we’re supposed to cheer that he has microexpressions and praise nintendo for making link such an emotionally-complex character through crumbs. it just makes the totk fanart of link and zelda even funnier considering how non-responsive link is to anything involving zelda. botw/totk zelda has gone through so much shit emotionally to just be talking to a wall. just whatever.
miscellaneous questionable gameplay decisions.
why can’t i call my horse from wherever i am in the overworld like i could in oot/mm/tp. this game tries to be sooo realistic with its slipping from walls if it’s raining or striking you with thunder if you have metallic weapons or well OF COURSE your horse can’t hear you whistling from where you are 10 thousand feet away! but sure i can dive from great heights and not die and i can climb mountains like spiderman and swim up waterfalls with a special shirt (but careful ‘cus this same shirt will make you drown with regular horizontal swimming!) and sure it’s fine for the gerudo to run through the desert in heels. like…make it make sense lol.
and why is it such an odyssey to use a sage’s ability. why do i have to chase them down in a chaotic battle for me to use riju’s ability. why aren’t there shortcut buttons for me to do this. who thought this was a good idea?
why is there no shortcut or a menu where i can easily switch back and forth between my most-used outfits? this was especially annoying in the desert when during the night it’d be freezing cold, so there i go to put on the rito pants and shirt. ah but it’s afternoon again so open up the menu and now switch to the gerudo head gear so you don’t die of heatstroke. like, there’s all these outfit options and this game makes it such a pain to quickly pick my most-used outfits, especially considering that each outfit consists of three parts so you have to be switching back and forth between whatever is currently needed. it’s why i never even bothered to get the climbing outfit because i sure as hell didn’t want to be switching back and forth between THAT and my green tunic just so i can climb this game’s dull mountains. there’s millions types of outfits and upgrading them just give you defense stats. to quote the destructoid article:
 OK, I can swim up a waterfall, but why not let me swim like a Zora as you could in Majora’s Mask? How about on top of just climbing faster, upgrading the climbing gear lets me climb in the rain without slipping? How about at least giving me a hotkey or shortcut to quickly change outfits on the fly instead of going through the menu every five seconds? Those would be things worth upgrading for, not just numerical defensive stats.
but of course you can’t use the same gear for climbing faster AND not allowing you to slip—why, what else would they fill the overworld with if not yet another super specific outfit?
the fusing ability was just a big whatever to me. like, just give me stronger weapons since that’s what i would end up doing 95% of the time with the fuse ability. i don’t care about fusing an ugly-ass looking bokoblin horn to my weapons to make them stronger, or putting a mushroom or whatever on my shield. oh i can fuse fruits and keese eyes and bomb flowers to make fire/ice/light/bomb arrows? very revolutionary.
i won’t make this long since i’ve already talked about how i don’t play zelda games for customizations or being able to make my own house or whatever else this game tried to fit into it in a vain attempt to make the game seem bigger than it actually is. sure the ultrahand stuff is cool for the first few hours of the game and your first few shrines, but just like everything else that i’ve talked about on this thesis-long rant, it just got boring and monotonous and uninteresting to me. i honestly went through maybe 70% of the game with just the first zonai battery-thingy that you get from the start since i never really felt the need to upgrade it. ultrahand and its weird-ass puzzles just don’t feel zelda to me, i miss items like the hookshot/clawshots, the boomerang to stun enemies, the whip, the sand wand, the hammer, like…i don’t care that i can make machines that can obliterate enemy camps in an instant, it’s not like enemies are that hard in this game once you get to a certain point—i don’t need ultrahand BS for it. good for the people that are having fun with and making all sorts of contraptions, and yes in a game programming sense it is definitely cool and a marvel to think about, but……idk it just wasn’t for me and the game leaned too heavily on it for my liking. doing the same types of puzzles with carts/rockets/fans over and over again in shrines in the depths in the sky in the temples in the overworld just made me hate the ultrahand mechanic. at least with the ascend ability i felt like it wasn’t as overused as ultrahand but well i guess nintendo really wanted to show off its fancy new toy and say see!! this was worth the 70 dollars!!
whew, well, there’s definitely more things i could talk about in regards to why this game is such a huge letdown for me and one of the worst ZELDA games i’ve had the displeasure to play, but i think i’ll stop here for my own sanity. if there’s one thing i’m grateful for this game is that it made me appreciate older zelda games so much more: i have this huge urge to play through tww and st again, hell even through ocarina of time too even though i’ve beaten that game EASILY over 80 times. i also had a lot of fun messaging back and forth with my buddy downpourstringloop as we would play through the game and exchange our thoughts on it (reminded me of our SS days!), so that was really cool as well. just like with botw, i definitely will not be playing through this game again as i would always do with pretty much all other zelda games (man i remember as soon as i beat ST i immediately started a new run for it because it was just so damn great). it just wasn’t fun for me and i don’t want to wade through 90+ hours of BS just to replay 10 hours of somewhat good moments.
so now that i’ve mostly poured out all most of my thoughts on this game, i hope that totk will not be taking up more of time and make me want to go insane at thinking of all the missed opportunities that nintendo had with this game coming from botw. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: i really hope the next zelda game isn’t in this same lackluster open world format and that nintendo can put back a little bit of the magic that made zelda games great and a joy to replay through. but unfortunately for me, people everywhere love botw/totk to death, so it looks like i will just have to ride it out and wait patiently for this zelda open world hype train to die. maybe then we’ll once again get interesting temples, new unique dungeon items, compelling characters and NPCs, engaging sidequests with worthwhile rewards, fun minigames that are rewarding to complete, gameplay that doesn't feel repetitive and beaten to death, and a story that tugs at my heart like SS or ST did.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ✌️
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spacefinch · 9 months
Magic School Bus incorrect quotes
Carlos: Hey I wonder what happens if I put powdered milk into carbonated water.
Carlos: My cereal is loud and it’s demanding to know why I would sin against both nature and god so thoughtlessly.
Phoebe: How does it taste?
Carlos: Bad.
Dorothy Ann: The fizz comes from carbonic acid in the water splitting into CO2 and H2O over time. And carbonic acid is— as an acid— sour. By adding milk to sour water, you’ve created a very convincing emulation of spoiled milk, so I’ll believe in a heartbeat that the taste is not great.
Carlos: I have mastered the potion “Instant Spoiled Milk” earning me the rank of shittiest alchemist currently alive.
Ralphie: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks!
Keesha: Why would I do that?
Ralphie: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free!
Izzy (my OC): So basically I
Mikey: rimce 🍚
Izzy: Does nothing matter to you?
Mikey: rimce 🍚
Phoebe: She was poetry, he couldn’t read
Ralphie: his name was jarred, he’s nineteen
Carlos: When his parents built a very strange machine
Dorothy Ann: Watch that scene dig in the dancing queen
Tim: Eyyyyy Macarena
Keesha: Horrible job everyone
Phoebe: My talent is identifying birds.
Wanda: Okay, what’s this one?
Phoebe: Yep. It’s definitely a bird.
Carlos: Have you heard of Murphy’s law?
Phoebe: Yep
Carlos: Have you heard of Cole’s law?
Phoebe: I haven’t
Carlos: It is thinly sliced cabbage
Phoebe: How dare you
Carlos: “The Walking Dad” but it’s just a guy walking around the house turning off lights and muttering that he’s “not made of money.”
Mr. Ramon: CARLOS!! You left your bedroom light on again! I told you, I’m not made of money!
Phoebe: Why does anyone try to fight a goose?
Tim: Sometimes the goose gives you no option.
Tim: 🎵 The head bone’s connected to the neck bone🎵
Keesha: 🎵The neck bone’s connected to the neck bone
Carlos: 🎵 The neck bone’s connected to the neck bone
Dorothy Ann: There are seven cervical vertebrae
Keesha: Why are you guys reblogging this in December?
Keesha: It is February, you ANIMALS
Mikey: Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich.
Carlos: Go back to sleep AND STARVE.
Arnold: Being alive is great because there are so many different vegetables you can sauté. But then there are also the horrors.
Carlos: Not all math puns are bad.
Carlos: Just sum of them.
Mikey: Dad, what’s for dinner?
Carlos: Dad, we’re hungry!
Izzy: Dad, what’s for dinner?
Carlos: Dad, we’re HUNGRY!
Mr. Ramon, trying to cook: *screams*
Carlos: Party time!
Carlos: *enters room*
Carlos: Eyyyyy! Everybody clap your hands!
Everyone: *clap clap clap clap clap*
Wanda; My DNA test results came back positive. I definitely have DNA.
Tim: Quit bragging.
Carlos: I’m glad to report that Hot Dr. Pepper was a success at my family’s Christmas dinner.
Carlos: Might be because I told everyone it was tea at first, except Mikey, who saw me pouring a bottle of Dr. Pepper into a hot pan and just immediately went “Woah can I have some of that?”
Keesha: *filming*
*camera pans over*
Keesha: Hi!
Arnold: … Okay.
Tim: I swear, the next one of you to say “weird flex, but okay” is going to regret it.
Carlos: …
Phoebe: …
Keesha: …
Dorothy Ann: Preposterous boast, but alas.
Tim: *sigh*
Wanda: If you have knees, you are valid.
Tim: Homophobes have knees, too.
Wanda: Not for long.
Ralphie: What means “I hate you” in dinosaur?
Carlos: No. Dinosaur is the language of love.
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dreamboundedstar · 2 years
I wanted to have a little fun and make a Zekina playlist. I didn't want to put in all the songs I have in other playlists that vaguely fit them though. So, I made a story out of this playlist. I even specifically used some songs that Steven Davis sang (a producer on Bob's Burgers) to hopefully make it have a better feel to the play list. So I'll just list the narrative of the songs that I'm intending to tell. 1. The song is basically my way to start off with vaguely similar vibes to the Zeke quote, "I'm gonna getcha". 2 - 6. Tina's pov for her relationship with Jimmy Jr. 7. Jimmy Jr.'s pov of the break up (get used to this one JJ because you're not getting anymore from your pov sorry lol) 8. Tina's pov of Jimmy Jr trying to get her back but it fails. 9-10. Tina dealing with the fallout of being single. 11. Tina's pov of her getting ready to move away to wherever she decides to go. 12. Tina and Zeke's pov of them both choosing to stay friends and go off to be free to see what life has for them. Though both secretly hope that they both will eventually come back to each other. 13. Tina and Zeke's pov of them reaffirming they are good friends. 14. Zeke's pov of feelings resurfacing again. 15. Zeke's pov of him taking action and getting it right this time. 16. Zeke's pov of him trying too hard. 17. Tina's pov of being worried if Zeke really is commitment trustworthy. 18. Zeke's pov of the same song that played for Tina about Jimmy Jr because callbacks are fun. 19 - 20. Tina's pov of her not being ready for diving deep into love again. 21 - 22. Zeke's pov of him being a stubborn, little gremlin. 23. Tina's pov of her finally giving in. 24. Still Tina's pov I just wanted a cute song to end the playlist. It's not the most smooth ending but the title is fitting for the whole "getcha" thing I mentioned earlier. It's also the intro song to a movie I used to like, "Letters to Juliet" in which someone made a Zekina connection to in a post (though I still honestly say some personalities don't completely fit but the concept is still good) https://www.tumblr.com/laterpaladudes/695583610873561089/ok-it-might-be-this-greeceitaly-vacation-that-im?source=share That's it but here are some bonus songs that didn't make the cut because they didn't quite fit the narrative I was going for. Your Stupid Face by Kaden MacKay
I'm so sad this didn't make the cut. I felt the beginning really was good for her original resentment towards Zeke but later the lyrics didn't really fit Tina's character. So now it's better for RudyxLouise, Shortaki from Hey Arnold, or any ship with an enemies-to-lovers dynamic. I Like You More Than I Thought by Maggery
Another song that fits Louise more than Tina, unfortunately. Best Friend by Laufy It could have worked for ZekexTina but it works so much better as a BobxLinda song in Bob's pov. Make it by Cody Fry Speaking of Bob, this song just really speaks to me for Bob and I wanted to share it.
Finally, that's it. Hope you found some new songs you like in the playlist or in the bonus links.
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kybee-the-bee-cat · 2 years
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First of all, Beesting, you've never felt that kind of heartache in your life. The only cat you liked liked you back and you two got together and had kits (granted the father was six feet under at that point). Second of all . . . That's just gotta hurt. The fact she unknowingly correctly guessed what he was going through . . . Like what do you do at that point? Do you just pretend you're fine and that you're not actually upset because she doesn't like you back? How would you even do that? Just not a good situation to be in. Sorry to put you through that, Wolfheart. It makes for good story material and drama though. You understand, right?
Another comic-like thing of a quote I found that I thought fit some of my OCs. They’re kinda fun to make. Recently, I've been getting into the show 'Hey Arnold!'(as some of you may know if you saw my recent activity), and this is a quote from it (except Wolfheart's not the character the person was speaking to in the actual show, and that said character doesn't walk away in tears). I figured it kinda fit these two. So I suppose you could say this is also my way of showing I like the show this is referencing. At least when it comes to make things myself.
At least for now. Maybe that’ll change in the future.
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alynswim · 4 months
Phoebe Cheats Hey Arnold Original air date: October 15, 1997 Part 1
Starts at school with their new teacher, Mr. Simmons, announcing the winner of the best essay. Helga comments on how since Phoebe is "the best at everything" naturally she will win. Phoebe says nothing, but her face says it all, she *also* expects to win. Expect, nope! The winner of the best essay in class goes to their classmate Sheena. Helga makes a comment that perhaps Phoebe is "slipping". Phoebe tries (badly) to brush it off, saying she’s happy to see her classmates win. But Helga isn’t buying it.
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Simmons starts to announce the "Citizens of the Month" awards: Helga: "Let me guess, Phoebe, Phoebe and....Phoebe?" Simmons: "Gerald, Nadine, and Harold!"
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Again, Phoebe is shocked. Helga is quietly enjoying it.
Simmons announces the next contest. The poetry contest. The winner of which will get a trophy of famous poet, Emily Dickinson.
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Phoebe tells Helga how "she must win this contest" and Helga responds to her telling her how she’d better "spill her guts" if she wants to win.
We then cut to both Phoebe and Helga at home, struggling to write their poems. Phoebe approaches her poem in a very...intellectual way. Whereas Helga is clearly taking a more emotional route.
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It’s a pretty good way of demonstrating that "intelligence" in certain areas doesn’t necessarily translate to "competency" in others. For sure Phoebe is smart, but this type of writing requires drawing from different kinds of wells. Wells that Helga is already tapped into.
Helga’s about ready to give up until she finds some inspiration.
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"Yearning" this, "Longing" that. Lemme show yall some *real* yearning. Watch and learn.
Meanwhile, Phoebe is still struggling. She decides to read a book of poems to use as a guide, but gets discouraged, thinking she isn’t able to write as good a poem as the people in the book. She puts the book aside and tries again.
But she "has to win", Phoebe says. She opens the book back up. She closes her blinds, turns off all the lights except her desk light, and waits for someone outside the room to walk past before copying a poem directly from her book. Word for word.
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I do sympathize with Phoebe here. Writing is hard! Not just the physical act of it and not just following all the structural and grammatical rules, but also the constant nagging feeling that what you’re writing is complete dogshit. Especially when you start making comparisons.
It takes a special kind of courage to "spill your guts out" (as Helga commented earlier) on the page. It requires thinking, even for just a moment, that you have something worth saying.
It also begs the question of why out of all things Phoebe chooses a poetry contest to cheat at? She clearly has had the drive and motivation to push through difficult assignments; what makes this any different?
One of my favorite writers ever, Rod Serling, had a quote about writing and rejection.
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A lot of writing requires putting yourself out there in such a way that when someone tells you it sucks that’s as if they’re saying *you* suck; not just as a writer, but as an individual.
It’s why you’ll sometimes see rich authors in their 50s on here name-searching themselves and starting fights with teenagers who riffed on their book or whatever.
We cut to Simmons reading Phoebe’s plagiarized poem to the class and announcing her as the winner. Stinky, impressed, asks her if she really did write all those "pretty words’ herself? Phoebe smiles awkwardly (and shamefully).
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Simmons goes on to announce the second-place winner. A poem by "Anonymous". Helga immediately knows who it is and withdraws in her seat.
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Phoebe goes home and her parents tell her how proud they are of her winning. Phoebe feels uncomfortable from all the attention and decides to retreat to her room.
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Once there, she starts talking to the Emily Dickinson trophy and begins to justify her cheating to her: "It’s not as though I cheat all the time. And I know more about poetry than anyone else in class." Which like...oof...lot to unpack with that statement there.
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The unresponsive Dickinson trophy pisses Phoebe off and she shoves her in a drawer in her desk.
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Phoebe has trouble sleeping and in the middle of the night, her mom comes into her room and sees the trophy in the drawer. Her mom takes it out and places it on the small table next to Phoebe’s bed.
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Phoebe wakes up the next morning, puts her glasses on, and is *freaked the fuck out* to see that the trophy is been watching her sleep.
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As Phoebe leaves the room, she yells at the Dickinson trophy about how the poem Phoebe plagiarized was "rotting away" and how she "rescued it". Again, lot to unpack there lol.
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Phoebe ends up having a one-on-one with Mr. Simmons. She tells Simmons how she ended up writing lots of poems, but how bad they were. Simmons responds by saying that that is part of the creative process.
She is trying to come clean to Mr. Simmons, but before she can, Principal Wartz comes in and asks Simmons for help with an upcoming open house. Simmons suggests having students do a reading and tells Wartz about Phoebe’s great poem. Wartz is impressed.
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A funny scene plays out where Wartz says how the school is "proud of our multicultural heritage" and asks Phoebe where she comes from: Phoebe stares at Wartz blankly and says, "Kentucky, sir".
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"Well Phoebe, let’s make Ken-tuc-kai, proud with a prize-winning poem!"
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Back at home, Phoebe is fencing with her dad, very aggressively. Her dad tells her that he made contact and Phoebe argues that he didn’t. Her dad accepts it gracefully because of how "honest" Phoebe always is.
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Phoebe snaps and leaves in a huff. Leaving her dad confused. Her mom goes to ask her if anything is wrong. While soaking in the tub, she responds that everything is fine, but clearly Phoebe is having a hard time with things. Sick bathroom btw.
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Later Phoebe has trouble sleeping again. The Dickinson trophy begins to talk, mocking her. Dickinson: "Well, if it isn’t Little Miss Smartypants." Phoebe: "You’re an inanimate object, you can’t talk!" Dickinson: "And *you*, can’t write poetry."
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Phoebe screams and throws her bonsai tree at her. Sitting there and just kind of taking in everything.
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The next day, Phoebe decides to bury Dickinson in the sandbox at the park. Dickinson scolds her again calling her "naive". Phoebe finishes burying the trophy and leaves.
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After she leaves, a kid jumps onto the mound of dirt that Phoebe made burying the trophy and the trophy ends up popping out onto the sidewalk. At that same moment, Arnold and Gerald happen to come across it and figure Phoebe must have lost it and they decide to return it.
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imnothinginparticular · 5 months
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#finishedbooks A Day in the Bleachers by Arnold Hano. I ordered this at the height of Baltimore Orioles fever as they ended up closing a 101 win season. I sat and thought to myself, "say hey, there has to be some good literary baseball books." Baseball has always had a rich history with literature and considered as such as a more intellectual game. Instinctively, it feels like football is tougher but with baseball you are pretty damn good if you only fail 70% of the time. As a kid playing the three major sports through high school, football and basketball came a lot easier well. But I found some solid lists and came up with about 6 books that I would eventually want to read and ordered two of them...this is the first. As my little quote above suggests, the book is about the Willie Mays catch...simply known round the US as “The Catch.” The book has a unique point of being told from a diehard Giants fan who was at the Polo Grounds that day for the 1954 World Series opener...the day Mays made the catch. my generation had a similar catch with Jim Edmonds that was on SportsCenter forever that week, which even in elementary school hearing of the Mays catch I didn't see how it was comparable. Anyway, the author harps on the importance of being there and references a symphonic conductor once complaining that people now take a shower listening to Beethoven's Ninth. The conductor was protesting diminution, a trivializing of the human experience as listening to 9th Symphony was a rare occasion for which one prepared for and remember for years after (side note every Xmas they only play the 9th on Tokyo haha). Also appreciated his indictment on Yankees fans lol. This was the golden age of New York baseball where they had three teams and Yankees fans ...well that are Yankees fans. He writes, "A Yankee fan is a complacent ignorant fat cat. He knows nothing about baseball except that the Yankees will win the pennant more often than they won't and that a home run is the only gesture of any worth in the entire game. They know DiMaggio can hit the ball really far but how many know he was one of the very best base runners in the AL. I will make more of an effort on baseball this spring, football is just so much easier to keep up with one game a week in Japan with games starting at 2-4am.
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kahran042 · 9 months
HUGE batch of incorrect JCGTL quotes!
Deborah: You look just like I did at your age. Kiera: Please don't say that, Mom. (Source: A Goofy Movie)
Jonas: To prove you are the real Kiera, tell me something only the real Kiera would know! What did I write in your birthday card two years ago?! WORD. FOR. WORD. Kiera: Jonas, there's no way I would remember that. Jonas (hurt): I remember! (Source: Adventure Time)
Kiera: Strength isn’t your strength. Adorable cuteness is. Courtney: Can I use it to control others? Kiera: Um… yeah, sure! Just be righteous about it. (Source: Adventure Time)
Mark: Well, no rest for the sexy. Connor: That’s not the expression. (Source: Adventure Time)
Morgan: Uh, maybe we should hold hands? Lydia: … Morgan: For safety. Lydia: You’re absolutely right. (Source: Adventure Time)
Connor: (screams) Morgan: What was that?! Connor: I just thought about my anxieties and it's like my mind hand touched a hot memory stove. (Source: Adventure Time)
Brad: I'm responsible! Jonas: Me too! Brad: That's a lie! Jonas: It is a lie. And I take full responsibility for it. (Source: Adventure Time)
Adrian: If anyone tries to hurt Kiera, I will kill them. (Source: Adventure Time)
Chloe (to Justin): If at first you don't succeed, blame Mark. (Source: Animaniacs)
Jessica: Do you know who I am?! Jonas: Why, did you forget? (Source: Animaniacs)
Principal Mazlish: Students of Foxwood High School, I stand before you, because if I was behind you, you couldn’t see me. (Source: Animaniacs)
Connor: This coffee is nothing but hot bean juice! Morgan: That's what all coffee is. Connor: How could a member of my own family say something so horrible? (Source: Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Mark: Are you calling me a liar? Connor: No, I'm calling you an optimist, which is basically the same thing. (Source: Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Nate: Why are you all looking at me? Jonas: You're the idea guy. Nate: So I'm the only one who can ever come up with a plan? That's a lot of pressure. Chloe: You're also the complaining guy. Nate: That part, I don't mind. (Source: Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Connor: A cup of your best hot water with brown grit in it - unless, of course, by some miracle, your coffee shop has started selling coffee. (Source: Blackadder)
Jonas: Mess with us, and you will be mildly inconvenienced! (Source: Bob's Burgers)
Connor: as Morgan goes through his stuff Oh, no. I don’t mind. Go through all my dresser drawers if you want. Morgan: I knew you would understand! Connor: Stay away from my dresser. Morgan: But you said- Connor: I was being sarcastic. (Source: Doug)
Kiera (seeing Chloe's house for the first time): Wow. What an ugly little house. Chloe: Oh, yeah, it's not that palace of domestic abuse you live in. (Source: Family Guy)
Brad: I hope we put in enough baking soda. Kiera: 150 teaspoons should be plenty. Jonas: … "Teaspoons"? I didn’t know it was… teaspoons. Kiera: What did you think "TSP” stood for? Jonas: Uh…ten square pounds? (Source: Hey Arnold!)
Chloe: Connor's acting a little strange today. Morgan: Today? He’s strange every day. (Source: Hey Arnold!)
Jonas: The six of us are really good friends. We never get sick of one another’s insufferable personalities and irritating faces. (Source: Paper Mario: Color Splash)
Dorothy: If all the other kids jumped off a cliff, would you do it too? Brad: If that's all they were going to talk about afterwards, yeah. (Source: Recess)
Samantha: Thanks for driving me, Jonas. You're the sweetest big brother a kid could ask for. Jonas: And you're the annoying pet monkey I wish I never got! (Source: Recess)
Chloe: They'll listen to me when I introduce them to my good friend, Madam Fist! (Source: Recess)
Donna: crying Jonas: What's wrong, Mom? Are you picturing my future again? (Source: The Fairly Oddparents)
Mark (to Nick and Jared): You two don't do anything halfway, do you? Nick: Nope. We're two halves of a whole idiot. (Source: The Fairly Oddparents)
Jonas: If Kiera sees this, she's going to think I'm an idiot! Brad: And that would be news to her how? (Source: The Fairly Oddparents)
Brad: I feel like I'm doomed. Jonas: Well, you've lived a good life. Brad: I'm fifteen. Jonas: I said good, not long. (Source: The Fairly Oddparents)
Morgan: What are you doing? Connor: You mean with my life, or right now? Because the answer to both is nothing. (Source: The Fairly Oddparents)
Stephen: My dreams were shattered years ago. Adrian: How many years ago? Stephen: How old are you? Adrian: … (Source: The Fairly Oddparents)
Richard: I married the smart one! Monica: I married the… well, he's cute, right? (Source: The Fairly Oddparents)
Jonas: We got you, we got you, we got you! Nate: That’s not proper grammar! (Source: Tiny Toon Adventures)
Nate (about Chloe): That girl is the coolest dude I've ever met! (Source: Tumblr)
Jonas: Samantha asked me to hold her ice cream without eating any and I was like, I love you kid but some lessons you have to learn the hard way. (Source: Twitter)
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
ever since i woke up yesterday i feel like i am one thing going wrong from having suicidal ideations and i. ooohhhh boy. the one thing is not gonna have to be a Big Thing lemme tell you 
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cdt12345 · 3 years
We've been friends many years but I've never thought to ask; Top 10 gay OTPs?
1.) Ian & Mickey (Gallavich) - Shameless us
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What can I say about these two that we haven’t already said about them?! They are my absolute all-time favorite couple ever! Gay or straight. They perfectly complement each other, they love each other on a level I feel like I’ve never seen before (and I have watched a lot of tv/movies), they’re like a comedy duo, they support each other, understand each other better than anyone else ever will, they fell in love as kids, they bring out the best in each other, and they’re each other's best friend. I’m a sucker for opposites attract, who are also best friends. Gallavich really fits that bill. I wish they didn’t have to struggle so much to get their happiness, but I’m happy they finally got it. When they got married, it felt like the biggest victory ever! We went through those years of struggle with them, rooted for them, mourned for them when John Wells let Noel go after season 5. So much has tried to keep these two apart, even real-life circumstances tried to keep them apart. The chemistry between these two characters and between Cameron and Noel was so powerful, they were brought back to the show. That kind of thing doesn’t happen very often. When an actor leaves a show, they don’t usually come back as a series regular, let alone two actors who have already left the show. It felt like a miracle! I will never forget getting the news that Noel was coming back from you @luckyshazmrsmonaghansblog I was crying with happiness bc we wanted this for so long and I never believed we would get to see both Cameron and Noel back on the show. Or that they would get their happy ending outside of a jail cell. Especially after Cameron left the show in season 9. With their return we got a wedding, an entire season of them as a married couple, we got to see them dance with each other twice, we got them singing together, we got to see them start a lucrative business together, we got to see them free and happier than we’ve ever seen them before, and we got to see Terry get what he deserved after putting them through hell. We are only halfway through season 11, but I already feel so fulfilled with this extra time with gallavich that we were never supposed to have. JW tried to take that away from us. I will never understand why, but he failed. I am not surprised this is the one I wrote the most about. I can go on and on about gallavich!
2.) David and Patrick - Schitt’s Creek
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This was everything I ever wanted to see onscreen, where there was zero homophobia. The pansexual character didn’t need to have a big coming out or tell everyone in the town of his sexual orientation, except his best friend. The gay character had a coming out with parents who loved and accepted him for who he is and was only upset that he felt he couldn’t tell them sooner. I dreamt of a day where I could see this kind of representation onscreen. The casual treatment of their sexuality was so refreshing and something I’ve been waiting for. There is no darkness or huge struggle they had to overcome to be together or a sad ending for them. They were allowed to be together without the major conflicts most LGBTQ characters have to go through. Once David made the first move Patrick was comfortable allowing himself to fall for David and start a relationship with him. He was so sure of his feelings for David after that first kiss, he never looked back and I loved that. They had such an adorable love story. Truly one I have been waiting to see for so long between two LGBTQ characters. They made me smile every time they were on screen. They are another of my OTPs that are exact opposites who complement each other perfectly. Patrick was welcomed into David’s family and blended in with them so well, even when he and David had very different upbringings. Patrick serenading David with Tina Turner and then Mariah Carey at their wedding is one of the most romantic things I have ever seen!
3.) Holt and Kevin - Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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Captain Holt and Kevin are strange men on their own but together they are the perfect pair. They get each other in a way no one else does. The best part is their adorable fur baby, Cheddar! They seriously make the cutest family! I was so nervous when they went through a rough patch for a while because I didn’t want them to split up. Thankfully, they made it through and are still going strong!
4.) Will and Vince - Will & Grace
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On the show's first run, Will and Vince were in a serious relationship and Vince was Will’s longest relationship on the show. They broke up a few times but were together by the series finale. The two reunite during the funeral of Will's father. There was a time jump on the series finale. Though I didn’t love everything about the last episode, I did love the fact that Will and Vince had been together for 20 years and raised a son together, who was conceived through in vitro fertilization with a surrogate. After the time jump, nearly twenty years later, their son goes to college and meets Grace's daughter, whom he would eventually marry. Though I wasn’t happy with the fact that Will and Grace didn’t stay close over the years, it did allow for their kids to one day meet, fall in love, and get married. I did like that outcome out of the finale. My family and I used to watch the original show, but we refused to accept or watch the 2017 revival because they completely changed everything from the original series finale. The second I found out they were changing everything; I knew I couldn’t watch it. They even wiped the existence of their kids from the first series finale. The revival was an attempt to cash in on the reboot craze and I wasn’t happy about that already, but even more so when they were going to break up one of my OTPs for easy money. Bobby Cannavale, who played Vince, has become even more famous since starring in Will & Grace. So, I already figured he wouldn’t be back for the show as a regular, but I know he did guest star. I won’t accept the revival and to me, Will and Vince stayed together, and their son married Grace’s daughter. THE END!
5.) Albert and Armand - The Birdcage
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Miss Albert and Armand were the earliest gay couple I remember ever watching onscreen when I was eight years old. I have watched this movie more than I can count over the years. It is a family favorite that we quote often. Their son is planning to marry a girl whose father is in politics and is very conservative. They have to hide the fact that he has two gay fathers for one night, but everything goes awry, and comedy ensues. Nathan Lane and Robin Williams give a wonderful performance without resorting to using the stereotypes that are often used on gay characters, especially back then. It’s a classic!
6.) Stefon and Seth - Saturday Night Live
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Okay, hear me out on this one! They’re not the most conventional OTPs on my list, but I really do love them so much! Stefon started doing a correspondent segment on Weekend Update on SNL. The first time Stefon came on, he flirted with Seth Meyers. The second he did I was like ooh they would make a cute couple! Stefon the wild party guy and Seth the serious news anchor. It was a match made in heaven for me. Before Seth Meyers left SNL to do Late Night with Seth Meyers, Bill Hader came back to play Stefon for Seth’s last episode. I didn’t expect what happened next to happen at all! They gave Seth and Stefon the ending that I haven’t even gotten from some actual scripted shows. I never expected Stefon and Seth to have this big ending, but I could not be happier that they did. I’m posting the link to the six-minute skit/ending and I hope it works. It’s worth watching. Though the video says it’s Stefon’s farewell it was really Seth’s farewell episode.
7.) Mr. Simmons and Peter - Hey Arnold!
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Anyone who grew up watching this show already knew that Mr. Simmons, Arnold’s teacher, was probably gay. It was hinted at in the Thanksgiving episode. Arnold and Helga visit Mr. Simmons on Thanksgiving at his house and his family and “friend” Peter are there. Mr. Simmons mother says she didn’t know Peter was coming to dinner and Peter responds with the infamous line “There’s a lot of things you don’t know.” When Mr. Simmons mom tries to get him to take a woman friend to the ballet, he says he loves the ballet and Peter gives him a disapproving look and Mr. Simmons immediately declines. Those were enough hints for us fans to decide Peter was his boyfriend. Years later, the show's creator Craig Bartlett finally confirmed Mr. Simmons is gay and had them together in the 2017 Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie. It was so exciting to finally get the confirmation years later, even though I was already certain of it for many years. I was happy that the cartoon no longer had to settle with vague hints about it.
8.) Callie and Arizona - Grey’s Anatomy
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I was very happy to see a lesbian couple on prime time tv and I really liked both characters. I was excited to root for them but sadly as most couples on this show, their relationship took a turn, and I wasn’t thrilled about it. I was disappointed that it came to an end. By then I was already getting tired of watching the show. It was starting to feel like a chore to watch it every week. I tried to stick it out because I don’t like to give up on shows in the middle of it, but I just couldn’t do it anymore. I’m glad I did though because the shocking events with Derek Shepard, is something I’m glad I wasn’t around for. Anyway, I heard things between Callie and Arizona got even worse, so I was even happier I left when I did.
9.) Sherwin and Jonathan - In a Heartbeat
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This was one of the cutest things I have ever seen! I wish this got the full-length movie treatment instead of a short film. But it was still a step in the right direction for the LGBTQ community. Gay characters in cartoons always bring me such joy and that was the focus of this short. A boy with a crush on another boy with a cute ending. What is not to love?!
10.) Mitch and Cam - Modern Family
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Another show I had to give up on in the middle of the series. The show began to be less funny and more annoying to me. Another reason, that really has nothing to do with the show itself, that used to annoy me was that this show repeatedly beat out Parks and Recreation during award season. Parks and Recreation is a superior show when compared to Modern Family. This show won almost every year for years and it got really annoying especially when the quality of the show started slipping and they kept winning. After a few years, they finally stopped winning all the time. But before all that, I was a fan of Cam and Mitch. They were a great couple who I loved watching on the show. They were the best part of the show most of the time. But sadly, my annoyance of the show no longer being as funny as it used to be, was enough for me to stop watching.
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nashibirne · 4 years
Against all odds- 2.16
I have not updated the story in a while. There was not much feedback on the last chapters (thanks a lot to the few people who commented, repostet or liked anyway! I really appreciate this!) and I wasn’t sure if it makes sense to post new chapters...
But I’m going to post them anyway. They’re written and there are a few people who like the story...so here we go.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x ofc Summary: Anna and Henry go on with their relationship and face some problems Warnings: NO BETA! So maybe...bad english
Tags: @hell1129-blog @willkatfanfromasia @mis-lil-red
Previous Parts:
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9  2.10 2.11/2.12 2.13  2.14
The morning was beautiful, the sun shining bright, the clear blue sky only dotted with a few small clouds, looking like fluffy cotton balls. Anna and Henry were walking the dogs like they used to do, but holding hands now. They were still on cloud nine and so was anyone around them.
Anna's uncles were genuinely happy for them, welcoming Henry to the family so warm-heartedly that all his worries that George would consider him not appropriate for his niece were gone. Milton Arnold, Viscount Brankhurst in person, got his phone number from Anna and called him to congratulate him on the good catch he had made with her. Of course he didn't forget to mention that he would come all the way from Yorkshire to beat the shit out of Henry if he would ever hurt his little angel. He met her twin brother Jonas and his wife Julia via Skype and they made it easy for him to feel sincerely accepted from the very first moment. He got along with them right away and especially Jonas and him had a lot in common -turned out he was a pc nerd too- so that they soon started to exchange about games and pc building regularly.
Lestat however remained a silent shadow, refusing to comment on or communicate with Anna's new boyfriend, never attending their Skype sessions with Jo and Jules.
Henry's family was enormously pleased to hear about his new girlfriend too. Neither his parents nor his brothers were surprised when he told them the news. "Finally" his mother said. "I knew you are helplessly in love with this woman."
"How's that?" Henry wanted to know.
"Darling, the last time you visited us you were talking about her non-stop. "For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of" his mother quoted Saint Luke's gospel. "And the way you talked about her was so warm, loving and caring. It was self-explanatory." she added.
"Was I really that obvious?"
"Yes, even your father got it right away and your brothers kept making fun of you behind your back but you didn't notice because you were too busy checking your smartphone to make sure you wouldn't miss any text from her." Her warm laughter made him smile. "Like a teenager in love. I've never seen you like this before, Henry. We're all very very happy for you." she added. "And of course we're looking forward to meeting Anna as soon as possible."
Henry told Anna about this conversation, carefully putting out some feelers about her opinion on meeting his parents.
"So what do you think, babe?"
"About what?"
"About meeting my parents when they come here for the Macbeth premiere. Are you even listening to me?"
"I'm sorry. That sounds great."
"Are you all right, princess?" he asked, sounding worried.
"Yes. Sure. I'm fine." Anna gave him a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
"Babe, don't do this to me. You seem off today, completely lost in thought, so don't tell me you're fine when you're obviously not."
Henry stopped in his tracks.
"What's going on in your beautiful head?"
Anna looked at him, a sad smile on her lips.
"It's just.... today's the anniversary of the car accident...of our parent's death. It just feels strange to be alone on this day."
"I'm sorry, Babe." Henry kissed her gently, hugging her tightly then. "But you are not alone." he whispered in her ear.
"I know, Darling." Anna mumbled into his neck. "I know you're there for me. That's not what I meant."
Anna took his hand, walking on.
"I'm just not used to spending this day without Jonas and...the rest of the bunch." she explained.
"Rest of the bunch meaning Lestat, I guess. You don't have to avoid mentioning him. It's okay."
Anna looked at him sheepishly. "Well, Jonas called me before our walk. It was good to hear his voice. We're going to skype tonight, doing our little anniversary rituals online."
"What kind of rituals?"
"Nothing special. We read out the bedtime stories they used to tell us to each other and we play some of their favorite pieces of music on the piano. And we just chat about them a little, keeping the memories alive."
Her voice was trembling now, her eyes glistening.
"I'm sorry, this is silly. It's been 24 years and I still can't get my act together." Anna wiped her eyes trying to smile.
Henry felt helpless, searching for the right words to make her feel better.
"Anna, you're not being silly, its..."
The ringing of her phone interrupted Henry's desperate attempt to say something useful.
"It's Lestat."
"You should answer." Henry gave her an encouraging smile.
Anna pressed the green button to take the call. She stayed right beside him making him overhear their conversation. It wasn't in english of course but Henry could tell what was going on anyway by the look on Anna's face and his smattering of german.
"Guten Morgen. Wie geht's dir?"
"Ganz gut so weit. Ich habe heute früh schon mit Jonas telefoniert."
Anna's smile was cracked.
"Ich weiß. Das ist gut. Ich wollte dir auch nur sagen, dass ich an dich denke. Ich war auf dem Friedhof und habe die Rosen auf's Grab gelegt. Ich habe auch das Gedicht gesprochen."
Henry didn't really get that part. Something about roses and a poem.
"Du weißt sie fehlen mir auch, oder? Sie waren wie zweite Eltern für mich... Und ich weiß wie schwer der Tag für dich ist. Ich wäre heute wirklich gerne bei dir." Lestat's voice was soft and full of sadness.
"Ich weiß." Anna was obviously moved by her ex's words, pressing her lips together to hold back tears.
"Danke, Lestat." Her voice was thick now, her eyes swimming.
"Du hältst den Kopf oben, okay? Heute Abend skpen wir und weinen alle zusammen und dann geht es uns besser."
Henry hated his familiar tone and the naturalness of his words. They were proof of the deep connection between this man, who still was a mystery to him, and his girlfriend. Lestat didn't struggle with finding the right things to say and he wasn't nearly finished.
"Ich vermisse dich, cherie."
Henry's german was good enough to get that. This prick had just told her that he missed her, using a sweet french pet name. He felt his whole body tighten with anger and jealousy.
"Lestat...lass es." Anna's tone was tense now.
"Sorry. Aber du weißt es stimmt. Du fehlst mir. Mehr als du ahnst. Es hat sich nichts geändert. Ich liebe dich."
Henry was about to freak out now. He knew exactly what "ich liebe dich" meant. Anna told him she loved him in her mother tongue often. He briefly considered to grab her phone and tell this asshole to fuck off and leave his woman alone but he knew he had no right to do so.
"Hör auf mit dem Scheiß, Lestat. Danke für den Anruf aber ich lege jetzt auf." It seemed Anna was just as pissed as Henry.
"Es tut mir leid, Anna."
"Mach's gut Lestat."
She touched the red button ending the call stuffing the phone in her pocket.
She looked flushed and angry when she turned around taking him by the hands.
"I'm sorry, Darling."
"It's not your fault." Henry tucked one of her curls behind her ear, a tender smile on his lips. "Lestat is the problem. He's just told you he loves you."
"Yes and that's so typically him. Doing something genuinely nice like putting roses on our parent's grave and reading the poem we recite there every year and then he ruins everything by talking bullshit."
"Bullshit? You don't think he still loves you?"
"I think Lestat first and foremost loves himself. And he hates the thought that I love you now. That's why he tries to interfere with shit like that."
"It's up to us not to let him interfere."
"I know. It just makes me angry. I thought we were through with this. But I guess being replaced by a man like you makes him feel inferior and this is something he absolutely can't stand."
"A man like me?" Henry raised one eyebrow.
"Well...you know. More successful than him, more popular, more interesting, richer, hotter...."
"Hotter, huh?"
"Yeah. I mean...sexiest man alive...he can't keep up with that." she grinned.
"I haven't been 'Sexiest man alive' yet." Henry smirked.
"To me you are." Anna kissed him. "I love you, Cavill. Never doubt that, okay?"
"Why would I doubt it?"
"I don't know. I just have a feeling that Lestat isn't done yet. One day you're going to meet him and then...." she shrugged not finishing what she was about to say.
Hope you liked this part! And I hope including some german worked...
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tectonicduck · 3 years
Top 5 het ships?
Okay so this isn’t technically het ships because some characters are (canonically or in my head) bi, but this is what I came up with. Sorry I had to sit and think about this for like a full day before responding lol.
HONORABLE MENTION: Moira and Johnny Rose, Schitt’s Creek
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There is just something so appealing about being wacky and silly and in love for decades.
5: Helga Pataki and Arnold Shortman, Hey! Arnold
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This was my first ship before I even understood what ships were. I related too much to Helga and her ~interesting upbringing and wanted them to get married. The start of my enemies to lovers (tho obvs not lovers, because they are 9, but you know what I mean) obsession.
4: Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt, Parks and Rec
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Nerds in love. My wife and I used a quote from their wedding in our vows because we are #basic.
3: Penelope Bunce and Shepard ???, Carry On Series
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Fanart by the amazingly talented @vkelleyart
Okay so they are not actually together but might be heading that way. Penny’s ex calls her a tornado while dumping her, and Shepard is introduced as a storm chaser. We honestly don’t even need to learn his last name because he’s changing it to Bunce.
2: Eleanor Shellstrop and Chidi Anagonye
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WOW I have so many feelings about this relationship like literally I tear up when I think of them. The whole choosing each other over and over again and growing to be soulmates? Ouch, my heart. (Also Chidi making the sexy mailman calendar is peak romance, literal #goals) (Also also I’m not joking looking at the pic I chose for them is making me cry)
1: Angela Moore and Shawn Hunter, Boy Meets World
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Girl Meets World is fake, these two obviously reunited post-Europe and are still together and happy as clams. Seeing a relationship where people could show the ugliest parts of themselves but still be in love was honestly formative to me as a child. Like I honestly don’t even have the words, I just love them so hard. 😭
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What do you waste your time doing the most? Lounging in bed switching between social medias and watching TV. I’ve wasted so much time these past few years doing absolutely nothing. :/ Have you ever been back-stabbed? Yes.
If you could be anything, what would you be? Healthy.
If you could be any Tv show character, who would you choose to be? Hm. I don’t know.
If you switched genders for one day, what would you do? Let’s be real, I wouldn’t do anything different. I’d do the same things I do everyday but as the opposite sex instead.
What power would you choose to have if you were superhuman? Is there a healing power?
What stereotype/clique would you say you are more like? I don’t know.
How do you handle being under pressure? Not well.
What does your phone cover look like? It’s clear and has Winnie the Pooh sitting in a honey jar underneath a tree branch with a beehive hanging off it and some bees buzzing around him. 
Have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what was it? I’ve downloaded music, movies, and books back in the day like a lot of people did. Real rebels.
What is the perfect weather to you? Fall weather.
If you were a stripper, what would your stage name be? Nah.
What is your favorite holiday, why? Christmas. I love that time of year.
What is your least favorite bug? Um, ALL of them.
What is your favorite thing in the opposite sex? Guys with a good sense of humor.
What is your biggest fear? Losing my loved ones, death, getting worse/never getting better.
What is something your looking forward to? There isn’t anything currently.
If you could live on any planet, which one would you choose? I’ll just stay here on earth.
What is your favorite junk food? Little Debbie snack cakes, brownies, donuts, cheesecake, cookies, cupcakes.
If you could have any animal as a pet, which one would you choose? I like just having a doggo. I wouldn’t want an exotic animal or something.
What is your favorite time of the day? When I’m drinking my coffee and my nighttime routine.
What name do you wish you had? I’m fine with the name I have.
What would your dream home be like? Spacious enough for 4 adults and a doggo, hardwood flooring, a balcony, big backyard with a deck.
What is your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow.
Where is your favorite place to be? In bed.
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas. What is something your embarrassed about? Myself--how I look, the way I am, and where I’m at in my life.
What is one thing you'd like to be the best at? I just wish I was actually good at something.
Ever been on Chatroulette? Yeah.
What is the song that you know every single word to? There’s many.
Most painful memory? There’s a lot of those as well.
What is your favorite place in the whole wide world? I love being at the beach watching and listening to the ocean waves crash in and out, as well as feeling and smelling the ocean air.
A word that to you is impossible to spell? Onomatopoeia. Not impossible, but I definitely need to stop and think about it first. <<< Omg, same. I can never seem to remember how to spell for some reason.
What's something that you collect? Giraffe stuffed animals and knickknacks and Baby Yoda stuff.
Listener or Talker? Definitely a listener.
Thing you hate the most about the opposite sex? There’s things I don’t like about people in general, like close-mindedness and people who are very opinionated and judgmental.
Could have anything you wanted right now, what would you have? Good health.
Scariest movie you've ever seen? Hmm. I don’t know what movie I’d give the scariest movie I’ve ever seen title to. 
What is the most awkward moment you've been in? My life.
A memory you'll never forget? Many memories with loved ones.
One of your quirks? I don’t know.
What type of phone do you have? An iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Favorite quote or saying? There are plenty that I’m able to relate to. <<<
Something you wanna do before you die? ”Live” sounds good. <<< !!!
What is a habit of yours? Picking at my nails. Look around you.. What is the thing you like the most around you? All my giraffe stuffed animals and my Baby Yoda plushies.
Favorite possession? All my things.
Favorite shirt? All of ‘em.
What is the name of your best friend? She’s Mom to me.
What is your favorite shoes? My pairs of Adidas. Least favorite singer? Hmm.
Something you love and hate at the same time? Food.
Are you one of those people who don't like to admit when their wrong? I can admit when I’m wrong and I’m wrong a lot. I’m always quick to blame myself for everything, too.
Girls who try too much are annoying.. Aren't they? Anyone tries too hard can sometimes end up coming off annoying or obnoxious and it tends to just backfire. 
What color makes you relax? Colors don’t help me relax.
Are you an awkward type of person? Yep, that’s me.
Is it hard for you to make friends? I never had a problem getting along with people, but I had more acquaintances than friends. I’m just not a people person, I’m not someone people gravitate to or someone everyone wants to get to know. I’m really just not that interesting or make much of an impression.
How would you like to leave this earth? Painlessly.
What do you find stupid but most people like? Modern sitcoms I feel like.
What is a hobby you have? I love to read.
What's your plans for next weekend? I don’t have any.
Have any big dreams? What are they? No. :/
Restaurant that is horrible. Hmm. I haven’t had a horrible experience at a restaurant.
Have a fetish for anything? No.
Do you like long or short surveys? Long.
What age did you stop playing with dolls or action figures? Like 10 or 11.
Do you think your more mature then most of yours friends? I don’t have any friends, but I feel like everyone I know in my age range is more mature and adult than me. My 22 year old brother is more mature than me. 
Like labels? For certain things.
Does your school have cliques? --
Do you enjoy running? No.
Something that you are horrible at but wish you were good at. Living, adulting, stuff like that.
A sport you think is dumb? I’m not interested in any sport.
What is your favorite food? Ramen, garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings from Wingstop, and scrambled eggs and biscuits smothered in country gravy.
Ever think about what it would be like to be someone else? Yeah. Night owl or Early Bird? Both since I don’t even go to bed until like 7 or 8AM. Lately, it’s been later. :/ If I’ve actually gone to sleep and I have to get up early, however, then I have a hard time. What celeb would you not mind meeting? Alexander Skarsgard. What's your favorite Tv channel? My TV is generally either on TV Land, CMT, The Hallmark Channel, or MTV.
Have texting? Yeah.
You have 3 wishes. What are they? Good health, financial stability, and more wishes. ha.
What did you first think about when you woke up? I haven’t gone to bed, yet, it’s 1:27AM.
What's the last thing you thought about before you went to sleep? ^^^
What do you want to be when you grow up? Or what are you? I’m 31 and still have no idea.
Like cartoons? Which one is your favorite? I still like some of the cartoons I watched as a kid such as Rugrats, Doug, and Hey Arnold.
Do you watch what you eat? No.
Have a favorite number? What is it? 8.
Are you quiet or loud? I’m a quiet person.
Were you an annoying baby? Not from what I’ve heard from my parents.
Worst subject? Was always mathematics. <<<
Best subject? Was English Language Arts. <<<
What's your favorite brand of shoe? Adidas.
What's your favorite month? Why? October and December. I love the weather and the holidays.
Favorite season? Fall and winter.
Least favorite holiday? Valentine’s Day.
Do you try new foods or do you stick with what you know you like? I stick to the same few foods now because of appetite and eating issues.
Love pictures or hate them? I like taking them and looking at them, but not having mine taken.
Have you ever thought about going to Fiji? I certainly wouldn’t be opposed. 
What's your favorite movie character? I have several.
Have any nicknames? What are they? Steph and Sis.
Who do you miss? Loved ones who have passed away.
Someone have your heart? Just me.
Have any sports you love? What are they? Nope.
Do you keep to yourself or are you out there? I keep to myself. 
What's your outlook on life? It’s been rather bleak the last few years. What is the prettiest object/person/landscape/anything that you have seen? That’s hard to choose. 
Do you wear your heart on your sleeve? No, it’s more covered up by the sleeve.
What's your style? Very casual and comfortable consisting of leggings and oversized graphic tees.
Did you like this survey? Cause I might make more! Sure. Too bad I won’t know if you make or have made any more because I don’t know who you are.
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vincent-g-writer · 3 years
The Silver Screen Savant, pt 2- the Meh, the Bad and The yikes.
Hello Writers!
Last time here on Starry Starry Write, I talked a little about Autism in the media and my personal experiences therein. Today, I’d like to go a little broader, and tackle the topic from a macro perspective.
In recent times, you’ve probably heard “Representation Matters” oft repeated. Especially in prominent talking spaces like social media. But what does that mean, exactly?
Why “Representation Matters,” and how.
The short answer:
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Diverse representation in media tells us that everyone has a place in the world. That everyone’s story matters.
The long answer:
It’s no secret that we begin engaging with media at a young age. When I was growing up in the 90’s and 00’s, TV and video games were often the babysitters of my peers. I was one of the few kids in my neighborhood whose parents weren’t divorced. The kids I knew? Not so much. Most of them were raised by single parents, grandparents and of course-the boob tube. I personally prefered books, when my mom wasn’t yelling “it’s too nice out to be holed up in that dark bedroom!”
Now, don’t mistake my preference for some kind of intellectual superiority. I watched plenty of TV too. Besides, books aren’t magically out of the equation. Printed material is our oldest form of media. And- often just as problematic. Though I will say- I saw a much broader range of people on covers adoring library shelves than I ever did titles on a TV roster. But, I digress. The point is: for many of us, consuming media begins at an early time of our life. And that’s where the problem starts. Even in my childhood, where The Magic School Bus, Hey Arnold, and Sesame Street showed people of all kinds, I can point to many that did not. Especially not people like me. Which did me a grave disservice. I didn’t know I was on the spectrum for a long time, and when I finally found out, I was horrified, thanks to what I had seen on TV.
Because media is not only a wonderful way to learn about people that don’t look, act or sound like us. It also informs our ideas of who we are, and what we can be. Whether we like it or not: it shapes how we understand the world. And it doesn’t stop with Childhood.
Time Changes Much, but not all.
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Things are better now. Well, a little bit, anyway.
As an adult, I see more people like me on the screen nowadays. Which is nice.
Why “ish?” Well…
Frequently, these “noticeably different” characters (read: Autistically coded) are branded “NOT AUTISTIC!” You heard it here first, folks! That one character (insert your favorite) is Totally Not Autistic. Despite being written in a way that gives every indication otherwise.
Now for some examples, which we’ll call the “Meh,” “The Bad” and the “Yikes.” For “fun,” we’ll also go into the off-air perceptions of the characters.
The “Meh.”
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First on the list is Dr. Spencer Reid, from CBS’s “Criminal Minds.”
Dr. Reid is the youngest member of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, having joined at the age of 22. He holds three B.A degrees in Sociology, Psychology and Philosophy, as well as three Ph.D’s in Engineering, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
He also has the social skills of a limp dishrag. Wait, what’s that? High Intelligence + Low Social Awareness? Hmmm…Then there’s his restrictive behavioral patterns, obsessive interests, and general “quirkiness!” that we could talk about. But let’s hear a quote from the actor who plays him, Matthew Gray Gubler:
“..an eccentric genius, with hints of schizophrenia and minor autism, Asperger’s Syndrome. Reid is 24, 25 years old with three PH.D.s and one can’t usually achieve that without some form of autism.”
Hoooo-boy. I could go into all the things wrong with this, including why the term “Asperger’s” is both horrific (TW: Eugenics,Ableism, N*zis) and harmful. However, today we’ll simply leave it with the fact that this term is no longer applicable, having been reclassified in 2013 as part of Autism Spectrum disorder.
The “Bad.”
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Next up, we have Will Graham, from NBC’s Hannibal.
Like our first example, Will works for the FBI. He’s a gifted criminal profiler with “special” abilities, namely hyper empathy, which allows him to reconstruct the actions and fantasies of the killers he hunts. He’s intellectually gifted, hates eye contact, socializing, and prefers to spend…most of his time…alone.
Oh dear. Haven’t we been here before? But, I mean, he doesn’t have Autism! The show runner says so!
For Will Graham, there’s a line in the pilot about him being on the spectrum of autism or Asperger’s, and he’s neither of those things. He actually has an empathy disorder where he feels way too much and that’s relatable in some way. There’s something about people who connect more to animals than they do to other people because it’s too intense for whatever reason.
You can’t see me right now, but I’m cringing. A lot. This is just…ugh. I mean, for starters, I know a handful of autistic people who struggle with hyper empathy, which can make social situations overwhelming and hard to navigate. In fact, I happen to be one of them. Plus, there’s a cool little thing about how, frequently, people on the spectrum more readily identify with animals. But, y’know. Who am I to say? I’m just someone, one of many, who’s dealt with this my whole life.
Now, onto the “Yikes.”
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And finally, we have BBC’s Sherlock, a modern adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s renowned “consulting” detective, and probably the most famous fictional character of all time.
Now, I’ll start by saying that the BBC incarnation is not the first to be Spectrum labeled. In fact, Sherlock was my childhood hero, and the first “person” I saw referred to this way. My aunt, an avid reader herself, casually remarked to a friend “I’ve always wondered if Holmes is Autistic,” after I came yammering on about how fantastic the books were. Had I not been champing at the bit to get back to my reading, I might have asked her what that meant.
I also believe this fandom driven speculation is why many detective type characters (see above) are often coded as Autistic, intentionally or otherwise.
In this New York Times article, Lisa Sanders, M.D. describes Holmes traits:
He appears oblivious to the rhythms and courtesies of normal social intercourse — he doesn’t converse so much as lecture. His interests and knowledge are deep but narrow. He is strangely “coldblooded,” and perhaps as a consequence, he is also alone in the world.
Now, before we go any father, let me take a moment to defend his creator. During the time Sir Arthur Conan Doyle first created his most famous work, Autism was not known. That isn’t to say it didn’t exist. We’ve always existed. In fact, it’s now believed that the Changeling Myth, a common European folk story, was a way to explain Autism. In one telling (there are a few) children displaying “intelligence beyond their years” and “uncanny knowledge” were imposters, traded out by Fae creatures for offspring of their own. Children believed to be “Changlings,” regretfully, often came to a bad end. A chilling reminder that the stories we tell impact our real lives.
So while Autism was at least somewhat recognized, it did not become its own official diagnosis until 1943.
Meanwhile, Sherlock Holmes was first published in 1892. Now, as a writer who often draws from my personal reality, I imagine Doyle probably “wrote what he knew,” which is to say, acquainted with one or more Autistic people, he used them as inspiration.
On the other hand…
BBC’s Sherlock first aired in 2010. And while one might argue that the writers simply capitalized on the Autistic fan-theory, or took already available traits and exaggerated them for their version… they left a lot to be desired. Autism aside, this new Sherlock is…well…an asshole. Narcissistic, abusive and egocentric (to name a few) he sweeps his caustic behavior under the rug of “high functioning sociopath,” and blytly ignores the consequences.
Which is a major problem. Because while doing this, he’s still “obviously” (at least in the Hollywood sense) Autistic. In my previous post, where I said some characters are “too smart™, and logical© to ever have feelings, friends or empathy,” this is what I meant.
This is bad. We’re looping right back to Representation Matters. Bad representation, and the navigating of such, is just as important for writers to think about as good representation. Maybe even moreso. Because bad representation paints real people into cardboard, stereotyped people-shaped things. It otherizes. And it’s harmful. You would not believe the people I’ve met assume I’m not Autistic because I’m not an egotistical jerk. Why? Because they watched, you guessed it, BBC Sherlock.
Confession time:
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Now here’s my little secret:
I love all of these characters. They are some of my favorite on tv. Why? Because for good or ill, I recognize myself in them. Finally, I can turn on the TV, and see myself. Or, somewhat, anyway.
My favorite character out of this list? Loath though I am to admit it… Is Sherlock. See, what those well meaning folks didn’t know (the ones who say I’m I’m “too nice,” to be Autistic) is… well, if we’re being honest, I wasn’t always nice. A few years ago, I was that guy. I was a jerk because I thought I was the smartest person in the room. Which is really not a good look. In fact, sitting down and watching the first season of sherlock, (around three or four years after it came out) made me realize how much of a jerk I actually was.
There are other things there too. Things that tie me to all these characters, that I didn’t list. But that’s for another today.
For now, I’d like to add a caveat or two:
1) I’ve watched all the shows listed above, and adore them. As I mentioned, Sherlock is my favorite. He’s also the one I’ve watched the most (Repeatedly, in fact. Whoops.) and I recognize it’s not all bad. In the end, he learned to treat people better (somewhat) and certainly became more human over time. And, there are other deeply problematic elements of the show I’d like to tackle, eventually.
*cough* Queerbating! *cough*
2) I’m well aware that the above cases are all thin, white, able bodied, “straight” males. But I chose these characters for a couple of reasons. One, they’re the most prominent type on TV. Again, we loop back around to representation, and why we need more positive, diverse examples of it.
And finally-
3) In my last post, I mentioned I’d give some “good” instances of Hollywood Autism trope. But I didn’t exactly do that. Partially, because half way through, I thought…perhaps…I’m not the best to judge what might be a good Autistic character. I mean, I’m sure someone will read this and think my current aforementioned characters are fine. Heck! They might even argue my perception here, and say the characters are just fine. I accept that. In my life, both on and off the page, I recognize that I cannot, should not (and don’t want to) speak for an entire community.
Because of this, I cannot tell you how to write a “good” Autistic character, or what media is “acceptable.” I can’t even really tell you what a bad character is. Sure, I have a lot of opinions about it. But- if you’re on the spectrum and like and identify with the above? That’s fine. I mean, even with all the problems I noted (and some I didn’t) I certainly do.
On the other hand, if you’re a writer, and you want to write a character from this (or any, for that matter) community you aren’t part of, I caution you.
Do your research. Preferably from multiple credible sources.
Talk to people on the spectrum about what it’s really like. (Though try to steer clear of asking for emotional labor.You could, say, hop on reddit and ask the community there, for instance, which is a no pressure way to obtain potentially decent info.)
Finally, whatever you do, remember this-
Autistic people can look like anyone. We can act, and think and be different, like anyone. We are real, living, breathing people. Not robots, not sob stories, not tropes. People. So if you write about us, write us like people. And your work will be all the better for it.
-Your Loving Vincent
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