#from tribute vid
opponentsheir · 1 year
From | Broken Glass [+2]
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annwrites · 2 months
what happened to you?
— pairing: soldier boy x fem!reader
— type: one-shot
— summary: wishing to make amends, ben ends up on your front porch, only to discover he's too late.
— word count: 3,073
— a/n: i have never watched the boys, so i apologize if any of this is inaccurate, or if i've mischaracterized soldier boy. i gathered what i know/implemented in this fic from tribute vids on yt & reading his fandom wiki.
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You were his greatest regret.
But not for the reasons you might think. Or, rather, might’ve thought.
As he stands in front of a familiar porch that he hasn’t seen since the mid-forties, listening to wind-chimes softly tinkling in the breeze, and birds chirping in the apple tree out front, he doesn’t feel the sense of calm he’d expected—hoped for. Instead… He’s sure if a Geiger meter were nearby, it’d be playing a symphony.
He takes one measured step up, onto the front porch, and then another, and another, until he’s standing before the front door—his shoes resting over a mat which welcomes him—with a raised fist that wavers.
Perhaps he’s not welcome here.
He shouldn’t be. Not after how he’d left before.
How could he have left like that?
How could he have expected you to react any differently?
You’d been right. He was, and will forever now be, ‘just an empty suit’.
Finally, he knocks, heart hammering away in his chest, knowing he needs to get himself under control. And quickly.
Slowly, the door opens, the storm screen being pushed outward by an elderly man—fine lines crease his tan, weathered face, his silver hair carefully combed to the side, and he dons a light blue button-up, with beige slacks.
His brows furrow. “Can I help you?”
“I… I’m looking for someone. She lived here a long time ago. Do you happen to know a woman by the name of Y/N?”
The man studies him for a moment. “You mean to say you knew my mother, young man?”
Young man… If only.
“You’re…her son.”
He nods. “I am.”
“Is she here, then? Or, do you have her address so I can—”
“She died. Thirteen years ago.”
His world stops spinning.
He had known that there would be a likely chance. A more than likely chance that this was how it would turn out. But he’d needed to come. Had needed to try.
And he was too late.
He swallows thickly. “I—I don’t know if you know who I am—”
The man looks him over once more, then nods. “I know who you are. I used to watch you on our television set. Well, when I could sneak a peak in, that is.”
He’s quiet for a moment. “Thinking of it—thought they said you died yourself? Over in Africa or something, wasn’t it?”
Ben shakes his head. “It’s a long story.”
Chris turns his body sideways then, making a beckoning motion with his hand. “Would you like to come inside, Benjamin?”
His heart stutters, and he just stares.
This had been your home. He doesn’t know that he should…
“Would she have wanted that?” He asks doubtfully.
The man sighs. “To tell you the truth, I think she’d have let you in, just the same as me. You came back after all this time, didn’t you? Must count for something. To make amends, maybe. Never did tell us the full story. Either way, it’s my house now, and I say you’re allowed.”
He steps over the threshold.
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Ben sits at the dining table that’s next to the kitchen, just on the other side of a high marble counter, flipping through pages of an old photo album—full of memories.
Of you. Your family. Your life.
Meanwhile, Christopher, your eldest son, makes himself busy in the kitchen preparing a fresh pot of coffee.
“I always wanted one of those action figures of you, you know,” he says.
He rummages around in a cabinet for a moment. “Begged and pleaded for one one Christmas. Momma always told me no. Finally, daddy took and sat me down one night and told me if I asked anymore it’d end with a whoopin’. That he and momma had made it clear you were not welcome in our home in any form. So, I knew it was pretty serious, because he never raised a hand to any of us.”
He waves his hand. “I just thought I’d be able to win her over with puppy-dog eyes like always, but she held firm. After that, I stopped asking. Got a different one instead. Forget what it was now.”
He shrugs, pouring a cup of coffee, and then another, returning to the table.
He sets one down before Ben, who’s seated at the head of the table. He takes the chair to his right, groaning as he sits.
“No fun in getting old,” he says with a wink, but Ben doesn’t smile.
He takes a sip of his coffee. “Guess you wouldn’t know much about it, though. Must be strange sometimes, I reckon.”
Ben flips another page of the album, not bothering with touching his mug. “You have no idea.”
He nods. “Oh, I do. The things these kids get up to nowadays…”
He shakes his head. “No sense anymore. I’m just glad momma passed before it got to the point it’s at now. Not knowing who or what they are—men dressin’ as women and vice versa. Would’ve broken her heart to see.”
He sets his mug down. “She and daddy loved this country. To see it in shambles the way it is—after he fought for it on that beach—”
Ben looks at him. “He was at Normandy?”
Chris nods. “Says you never were. That true?”
Ben is quiet for a moment and then he nods. “It is. I got there two weeks later. It was just propaganda. Just like everything else I ever did.”
He’s quiet for a moment. “A lie.”
Chris shakes his head softly, but doesn’t reply.
Ben smiles at a photo of you sitting on the front porch, smiling softly as you hold your swollen belly between your hands.
Chris glances to it. “That was her and me. Eight children… You believe that? I don’t know how they do it.”
“She always wanted a big family,” Ben replies, turning the page.
“By golly if dad didn’t help give her one. Those two were in love as two people can be. They met in Europe, you know? During the war.”
Ben’s head shoots up. “They did?”
Chris nods. “They’d eventually both been put on the same base. She was a nurse, as you know. And the first time he saw her, he said his heart stopped. Said he turned to the guy next to him, pointed to momma and said ‘that woman is going to be my wife’.”
Ben recalls how he had the exact same reaction when he first met you himself. Being left speechless by the kind look in your beautiful eyes.
No one had ever looked at him like that before. He’d wanted so desperately for them to—for his father to—but they hadn’t. Not until you walked into his life, that is.
Chris grins, shrugging. “Said the fella laughed at him. Said she hardly talked to anyone, so she wasn’t going to be talking to him, neither.”
He looks at Ben. “It was after you disappeared, turns out. But he started comin’ in every day to see her. Flowers in-hand. When he could get a hold of some, that is. When he couldn’t, he’d walk miles off-base when he had a weekend pass and would pick bushels of them so he’d have enough before he got another chance to go out. The guys ribbed him for it, but he didn’t care a lick.”
He takes another sip of his coffee. “Just used to say that after he sets eyes on her, she’d never be lonely again.”
“Sounds like he was telling the truth,” Ben replies quietly.
He clear his throat then. “Did she ever…talk about me?”
Christopher grows serious. “Not if she could help it. If you so much as came on the television set or the radio, she’d just quietly tell us: ‘turn it off’. We asked her why, but she’d just shake her head. It was daddy that took me out in the garage one day—they always had us up to somethin’; momma would have the girls in the house cooking, cleaning, sewing, while daddy would have the boys outside with him—while he worked on our old Coupe, and he told me that you were no hero to them. That the men who fought and died on those beaches and battlefields were. And you weren’t that. Said you were just…how’d he say that, again? Empty suit?”
Ben swallows thickly. “I hope you listened to ‘em. Found better idols.”
“Oh, me and my brothers worshiped the ground our old man walked on. Just thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. Thought he knew and could do every and anything. He was a good man. But he’s gone now, too. Was about a year after momma.”
He stares out the window. “He never was the same after she passed. Used to talk about her like she was still here. Would tell us all the time ‘she’ll be back real soon, just had to run to the store’. I think he just couldn’t accept her being gone. Still gives me chills when I think about his last night with us. He looked right at me—we were just sitting on the porch out there enjoying the evening—and tells me ‘I’m going to see your mother tonight’. We found him the next morning in bed, clutching her robe to his chest.”
He sniffles, clearing his throat. “So we put him next to her. He had two plots picked out before they ever even left us. Headstone was ready to go, other than adding in their dates of death.”
Ben looks at him.
“Me and my siblings take turns visiting on the weekends, bringing flowers and telling them about how boring our lives have gotten, while our grandkids are off to college, and getting married, and having babies of their own.”
He smiles wistfully. “My sister, Elizabeth, her granddaughter is named after momma, actually. She’s twenty now. Going to school to become a doctor.”
He shakes his head with a wistful smile. “A doctor.”
He grins, looking at Ben. “Maybe I’ll get my checkups done for free, huh? Medicare only does so much for an old man with a body that’s falling apart.”
Ben wishes he had that problem. But, instead, he’s practically fucking invincible. The Russians had proved that more times than he could count. If an AK-47 being shoved in his mouth as they held down the trigger hadn’t been enough…what would be?
When Ben turns the next page, he stares down at a photo of you hanging laundry on the line.
You’d just been bringing it inside the last time he saw you.
He’d stepped up proudly onto that porch in full regalia—his new suit—a broad smile on his face, and he’d knocked confidently.
You’d called from inside ‘just a moment!’ and he’d breathed in the scent of warm peach cobbler cooling on the windowsill on the other side of the house.
And then you’d opened the door.
And instead of you throwing yourself into his arms and kissing him, smiling at him, or taking his hand in yours as you tugged him inside and into your bedroom, you’d stepped out with furrowed brows.
“You’re here.”
He’d nodded. “Know I’ve been MIA for awhile, but you’ve probably seen on television, or in magazines—”
“What happened to you?”
He had thought, mistakenly, you’d meant after he disappeared from the Army base. When you woke one morning in bed alone, and when you went looking for him, all you found was a broken heart.
“Long story short, sweetheart,” your stomach had turned at that term of endearment rolling off his tongue. “I volunteered for some government testing and now I’m new and improved. The damn hero of the war!”
You’d wrapped your arms around yourself—he hadn’t seen your engagement ring—as you stared up at him.
That previous look of love that you’d had when you gazed up at him at night while he was inside of you was long gone.
“This isn’t you.”
You’d taken a step forward, reaching a hand up, cupping his cheek. “This isn’t the man I fell in love with.”
He’d soured toward you in an instant. First his father and now…
“What, I’m too much for you now?” He’d sneered. “Too much man for you to handle? Well, that’s fine. Because when it comes to women, I have no shortage of them.”
Your eyes had filled with tears.
“It’s like you’re a completely different person,” you’d whispered.
“And for the better,” he’d snapped back. “But that works out just fine. Me being too much, because now? You wouldn’t be nearly enough for a guy like me.”
You’d choked back a sob, cupping a hand over your mouth, the other remaining wrapped around your middle.
He’d wanted to shove a gun in his mouth.
Because the truth was? The ticker-tape parades, the money, and women, and notoriety meant nothing to him.
After receiving further rejection from his father, he’d gone to you. Wanting you to fix it. To make it all better. Just like you had before.
How could he have ever been delusional enough to think a woman like you would ever accept the parody of himself that he’d become?
“Please leave,” you’d choked out. “And don’t come back. I can’t take seeing you wearing that empty suit again.”
He’d flinched. “Believe me, only time you’ll ever see me again will be in the headlines, honey.”
And then he’d walked away, and as he put one foot in front of the other, all he could hear was your heartbroken sobs behind him.
Finally, Ben shuts the photo album, turning to Christopher. “Were her favorite flowers in the end still tulips?”
Chris’ brows had furrowed. “They were.”
Ben had stood. “Can you tell me what cemetery I can find them at?”
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After carefully placing a bouquet of white and pink tulips in the vase mounted atop your side of the headstone, Ben kneels down, gripping the top of it while he looks it over.
On your husband’s side is his name—preceded by his Army rank: corporal—and dates of birth and death, as well as those things he’d been, which had meant the most: beloved son, brother, father, grandfather, and husband. And on yours: beloved daughter, mother, grandmother, and wife.
In the middle are two rings, bound together in stone.
He presses a kiss to the top of your headstone, tears slipping down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m sorry it took me so long to find my way back to you. But I’m here now.”
He sniffles. “Maybe you don’t want me to be.”
He glances to your husband. “Maybe neither of you do. And I’d understand that. I just… I have a lot of things I’d like to say. And I’d like for you both to hear them.”
He sits back, looking at your headstone, his arms wrapped loosely around his bent knees—his hand holding his other wrist. “I went to see your son, Chris. He’s a hell of a kid. Told me stories about the two of you. Told me…”
He shakes his head, glancing away. “I know I broke your heart. I knew it that day. I’d just…hoped maybe you’d forget about me. I wasn’t worth remembering. But I’m sure I was around every goddamn corner you turned. On TV, in the paper, on the news, on store shelves.”
He fucking hates himself for it.
“I never deserved any of it. The only thing I ever really wanted was you. And I threw that chance away. For nothing.”
He laughs without humor. “You want to know what happened to me? In the eighties, the woman I thought I loved…” He shakes his head. “I should’ve known even then it was only ever going to be you.”
He sighs. “She betrayed me. My team did. Handed me off to the Russians. And for three decades they…”
He trails off, then starts again. “The things they did…”
He swallows, shaking his head. “At first I tried to hold onto some misguided hope that she’d come for me. And when I finally resigned myself to the fate of knowing that was never going to happen, I lost myself, instead, in you. You were the only thing I had left to hold onto. I had a whole life with you inside my head…”
He’s quiet for a moment, a small, sad smile playing on his lips as he thinks back on it. “A good life,” he says, nodding.
He runs his hand down his face, wiping away tears. “We had a family. A good marriage. I came back to you and I gave it all up just to have you. And it was the best thing I ever did.”
His shoulders begin to shake. “And then they came and woke me up and tore me away from you. And I realized it had never been real. Not for one goddamn second. I can’t…begin to tell you what that did—has done—to me.”
He looks at your headstone with a watery smile. “But to find out that you got everything you ever wanted? Deserved to have?”
He looks to your husband’s headstone. “Thank you for that. For taking care of our girl. For being the man I never was. I’m just glad she found someone worthy of her. Who deserved her. Because we both know I never did. Thank you for fixing what I broke.”
He looks back to you. “I hope to God you never felt guilty for the things you said to me that day. Because you were the only one willing to. I needed to hear them, even if I didn’t want to. That was your last gift to me: a hard truth. So, thank you.”
He stands, kissing your headstone one last time, his hand fingering a picture in his pocket which Christopher had given him before he’d left—he’d said he’d nearly forgotten he’d had it.
Apparently, the kids had found it in your things after you passed—they’d never told your husband: a photo of you sitting on his lap while he smiled softly at you, you smiling meanwhile at the camera, holding a small American flag in your hand, still in your nurse’s uniform.
At least he’ll have some shred of his humanity to hold onto, with that, in what’s to come. The fact you’d held onto it for all those decades… It’d meant a great deal to him.
“I love you,” he whispers, walking away.
For the final time.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 1 month
"Thanks to my dad for filming this awesome, super hot send off to my breasts, which are getting removed today! Gotta make them nice and clean for the med students at the University of Charleston! I wouldn't want them to be all sweaty and gross after I masturbated all morning picturing my big gorgeous tits getting picked apart for someone's college assignment. Why am I losing my boobs, you may ask? Well, I got a letter in the mail last week saying that my breasts were the ideal size to be worked on by students at this University.
I kept getting surveys on my social media about my bra size and overall satisfaction with my breasts, and if I was worried they might 'be cancerous'. I have big boobs so stuff like this is common. I always answered honestly, I'm a HH-Cup and growing, that I like my breasts but feel they're probably too large, and that I'm very worried they probably have cancerous growths. Like why else are they so big???? That's what my doctor kept telling me anyway, that they're highly likely to be 'acutely cancerous'. Random men stop me when I'm out jogging and offer to give me breast exams because my boobs are so big it's concerning to them, I guess. They really grab and squeeze my boobs until they ache but I know they're professionals and know what they're doing, they tell me they're medical specialists or surgeons and a lot of them politely offer to escort me to their clinic or house to remove my breasts because they can feel 'all kinds of cysts and tumors in them'. I don't feel any lumps but they're the experts. I always politely decline...... until now, anyway.
The letter was really official looking and says I've been selected because of my untreated condition and it's irresponsible not to have my cancerous growths removed, which is what the letter calls my boobs. I called and they set up the appointment. My breasts are to be removed in front of an auditorium, the procedure being judged by the students' professor of surgery. So I called the university and they said they find candidates based on surveys like the ones I took on Instagram and TikTok. Apparently my videos are getting shared in various medical groups where surgeons make comments about how badly they want to remove my breasts and how they'd do anything to bring me to their shed or basement and remove them, don't know why they don't say clinic, I guess these surgeons work from home, maybe? But seeing their comments was such a wake up call about how badly I need to do this! They seem so eager to help me lose my 'cancer bags' as they put it. I always thought my breasts were sexy but they find them gross and unhealthy, I guess.....
So, I don't have much choice. I'll be detained if I don't fulfill my appointment with the University, it says in the letter, and the lady at the desk in the University said the same thing. I could go to jail for denying the students their ability to complete their project, and I could be fined on top of jail time. So I need to finally stop being so selfish by keeping these big bouncy tumor sacks of mine and let these students dismantle them for their big project. A bunch of other girls were picked so I won't be alone. It'll be kinda nice watching them go through the same thing and get their boobs taken apart and tossed in the trash. Only trouble is now that I got picked I'm getting a bunch more surveys..... some are asking if I'm satisfied with my clit, if I feel like I need to masturbate too frequently, and if I'd be willing to try out having it removed someday...... Other surveys are asking all kinds of other questions, about my limbs, even my uterus! I dunno..... daddy just says to answer honestly and he'll happily stand by me no matter what and film more before/after vids and tributes to whatever the university needs my body for....."
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sloppypinkkitty · 6 months
Hi everyone~
Welcome to my horny little blog(s) 🤭
You may call me kitty or Jenna 💗
While I do read every tumblr dm I only reply to messages on onlyfans 💗
Over 200+ posts including 70+ vids and frequent posting for only 5$/month 🤭
My kinks 🌸✨
Subby brat
Size kink (difficult cuz I’m a big girl lol 5,9)
Edging (24/7)
Cnc/free use/somno
Exhibitionism duh lol
I love to be bossed around and to follow directions 🤓🐣
There’s more idk I’m still discovering
Hard limits 🚫⛔️
Piss and shit
Patriarchy kink (??) if u call my pvssy an inferiority hole I’m gonna come find u and skewer ur balls
If ur tumblr consists of original posts that are all untagged unsourced sexy women I’m blocking yo ass. Reblog & Credit creators!!
That’s all 4 now thanks for reading, beating, watching, consuming 💗💗
P.s. I love a good cum tribute send me cum tribute 🤗
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fordtato · 2 years
The complicated historical context of Stan's mullet
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I never did fully save/combine the collective 4 minutes on the history of mullets in my video, so let me tell you more here on tumblr.
Something interesting about mullets is that for the better part of the 80s, we didn't actually call them mullets in the United States. They were just A Hairstyle Men Had. I don't know how to express that mullets were so ubiquitous as a men's hairstyle that the term was largely unnecessary - it was The Look.
So where did "mullet" as a term come from?
Though the hairstyle itself dates back to ancient times, with the Iliad — written around 750-700 BC — including descriptions of warriors with “hair long at the back”, many credit the Beastie Boy’s 1994 titular tribute song ‘Mullet Head’ with being the first to actually use the term to refer to men with the hairstyle (complete with a description of the hairstyle: "Number one on the side and don't touch the back, number six on the top and don't cut it wack, Jack") though BEFORE then, the term mullethead was a term dating back to the 1800s that just meant a foolish person.
But some have pointed out an earlier usage, before 1994, which may have predated the Beastie Boys (though the jury is out on whether or not it was part of their songs' inspiration).
French fashion guru Henri Mollet was among the first to notably wear this style in the 20th century, in the 1970s (though David Bowie wore it around the same time, with a bigger societal impact). This led to Mollet's hairstyle being described in France as a "Mollet."
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The thing is that, for the most part, while some in France called it a Mollet (pronounced like moe-lay, I believe), the term did not make it to the United States. It barely left France, but the term may have been anglicized to the surrounding areas as "mullet," where it existed in Europe to describe Mollet's signature hairstyle.
So if it was a European term and not even in the US, how would Stan have learned this term?
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Well, according to his Stetson Pinesfield ID (the ID from "Not What He Seems" that greatly matches his appearance from his date with Carla McCorkle at the Juke Joint, but there's more on that in the video), he's been to London.
It is of note that there are very limited records of the term Mollet being used, so some historians disagree that this is a true origin of the term outside of a hyperlocal sense surrounding France, but it WOULD would make it within the realm of possibility for Stan to have heard the term before 1994, and use it in 1983 (and yes, it's 83, not 82, more on that in the vid).
Which means that Stan was WAY ahead of the curve and the only person on earth to think that mullets were not fashionable, and also that Ford had no idea what he was talking about.
Stan was like, "I have a mullet, Stanford!"
And Ford was like, "Oh? We're just making up made up things now? Cool, that's rad, I have a demon inside my brain, Stanley."
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kuwdora · 2 months
Saturday Morning Vid Recs - Video Games
@poetikat ! So you like video games. WELL! I come bearing video game recs from around the Internet, deep into old vidshows of yester-vidding fandom-year, and my bookmarks and recs posts. There’s always way more video game vids out there, esp on AO3 - search for your video game fandom and the Fanvids tag and see what comes up in your results.
Some of these vids date back a decade or more and some are very recent. They’re all awesome and so interesting to watch.
Video Game Vids!
America by @beccatoria. Mass Affect: Andromeda. #colonialism
Hard Times by absternr. Portal. I laughed and cried. Gonna make you wonder why you even try.
Riverside by milly. Tomb Raider (2013). I see how everything is torn in the river deep", Lara PoV. Vid for the 2013 Tomb Raider game.
River by milly. Tomb Raider (2018) This is so fucking gorgeous. Stand and deliver. / Made for VividCon Challenge "Full Circle" in 2018, a sequel/parallel to "Riverside". Reverse Dance by @aurumcalendula. Dishonored. A great character vignette! Billie through the years.
Pop Galaxy by AbsoluteDestiny. Super Mario Galaxy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I’m really in love with the use of the camera angles from the game, and this pop medley is very much a banger of 2013. It’s so much fun.
Scream and Shout by @rhoboat77. Assassin’s Creed. I’m forever screaming about how awesome this vid is in my head but now I share it with everyone. Forever shouting because rhoboat captured all of the game footage!! To make THIS VID. The skill and talent and sheer fucking perseverance to perform some of these actions in the game specifically for this vid. Everything is permitted.
Pop That Lock by @kuwdora. Final Fantasy VII: Remake. Cloud/everyone. Final Fantasy + Adam Lambert = my groove. You got the key to your release, so pop that lock until you’re lighter than air.
D U S K by niyalune. Outer Wildes. This game is gorgeous and this vid is so fucking beautiful and full of wonder and heart "The universe is, and we are."
We’re Here Because We’re Here by violace. Journey 2012. We're here because we're here. Maybe it's really that simple.
Brother (Last Ride) by @kuwdora. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The wolves of Kaer Morhen. I captured all my own game footage for this vid! A first for me. We face the fire together, brothers 'til the end. Never Seen The Light of Day by violace. Bioshock Infinite. This character study really takes you on Elizabeth's journey! Amazing song choice and what a game. And the truth shall set you free. -- A tribute to Elizabeth.
Birds, Birds, Birds by bironic. Wingspan. Tabletop game play, video game, trailers. Bironic has done it again and created something so incredible and something I haven’t seen before and inspired me and struck everyone full of awe and love. I got birdies, dawg.
9 to 5 by @eruthros. Lego Star Wars. This is so damn cute! It's a tough life for a clone trooper or stormtrooper.
One Foot by @kuwdora. Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. Cal Kestis my beloved. Taking this one step at a time.
Start Wearing Purple by @findmeinthealps Mythic Quest. Not a video game per se but about the people who make them. Poppy Li and Iann Grimm. Hot messes who end up making some great and terrible choices along the way. All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, I promise.
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry by @marahsarie. Outer Wildes. This vid!! is so cute!! and wonderful!! All my friends and all the loose ends and this love of mine, 'cause I'm running out of time.
Anything For Love (Including That) by caramarie Mass Effect/Dragon Age. Thanks for the terrible romantic choices, Bioware.
For more video game vids:
Vidding community on dreamwidth - see the games tag: dishonored, carmen san diego,resident evil and more.
Vividcon Database: 2013 Video Games Vidshow
Spring Equinox 2013 theme: Game On! which includes video games (and sports game themes)
Vidding Discord: ask for recs from more vidders!
Previous Saturday Morning Vid Recs:
Space and Robots
Follow the tags to keep up with recs this summer:
#saturday morning vid recs
#kuwdora vid recs
#kuwdora recs
A helpful guide I wrote:
How to Leave Feedback on Fanvids
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californiannostalgia · 4 months
In Honor of TLOVM S3 Opening Release Day
Here are some TLOVM S2 tribute vids from amazing editors, for your reviewing pleasure.
1. Valhalla Calling Vox Machina || TLoVM Seasons 1&2 AMV by Aidan Walsh: Exandria is a post-apocalypse, can you hear the echoes of eternity?
2. Vox Machina - Just A Man[AMV] by rouge1ful: Hey it's the Odysseus song! When does a comet become a meteor, a candle become a blaze? Origin stories, you know?
3. The Chain | The Legend of Vox Machina AMV by Alyssa A: Team angst! Sick bass! You will not be able to break the chains of fate.
4. "Remember The Name" // Vox Machina TRIBUTE Critical Role by Dove-O-War: If you've been in the atla fandom, you'll be familiar with the time-honored action montage amv tradition associated with this very song.
+ humor compilations under the cut, because we must not forget their hallowed origins as the SHITs
Vox Machina Vs. Doors by Shichiro42
Vox Machina Season 2 But It's All Out Of Context #Shorts by Amazon Prime
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sparks-polls · 2 months
Tumblr's Favourite Sparks Music Video - The Finale
We have our finalists! Congratulations, When Do I Get To Sing "My Way" and I Predict!
When Do I Get To Sing "My Way"
Defeated opponents: Edith Piaf (Said It Better Than Me), (When I Kiss You) I Hear Charlie Parker Playing, Music That You Can Dance To, Funny Face, Call Girl
What people have said about this video: #my way hands down #for the whole story #also have you seen russell in that one? #i picked my way specifically because of russell in that video #it's gotta be my way. the drama and the story and the atmosphere is just so good #they're so classy in it - A+ looks and concept. and I love the whole idea of advertising a movie #I need my brothers torn apart by ambition #when do i get to sing my way (the video) inspired me to write a whole-ass novel #i'm happy as long as my way goes through #i voted my way. against this kind of opponent hardly anything stands a chance #my way takes it all #this isn't even a competition #another masterpiece of a video #the story & storytelling & all 3 of them looking amazing in black and white with that lighting #Ron glaring jealously from behind the curtains!!! #THERE'S ONLY ONE SONG I KNOW (iconic!) + RON DANCE (in colour for he gets to sing his way hell yeah) #Russell's smiles #old hollywood drama & the way the texts are displayed (excellent concept) #russell's model turn in my way for president #DO TWO BROTHERS TORN APART BY AMBITION MEAN NOTHING TO YOU? #the gorgeous old hollywood film that is my way is so important and special to me #it's got to be My Way for me - out of the videos left that is my champion <3 #i think my way deserves to win this contest overall #when do i get to sing my way is just so...
I Predict
Defeated opponents: Beat The Clock, When I'm With You, Johnny Delusional, No. 1 Song In Heaven [Plagiarism Version], All You Ever Think About Is Sex
What people have said about this video: #i predict should win this whole thing #i predict every time. #i made my french class watch the i predict music vid in college. i dont remember why. #but that's how much I loved it #only one answer that i can give #I Predict is just so PERFECT #ron in drag wins #nothing gets better than ron in drag #i predict that i predict will make it very far into the competition #nothing beats i predict i'm afraid #voted i predict because how could I not #i will always root for Heidi #this took zero thought #i predict duh #ron mael striptease should win it all #ron striptease para siempre #if my baby's taking me home can't win (sobs) then I Predict will be an honourable tribute #i predict deserves the win #I Predict is just so much more entertaining to me #and this is coming from someone who doesn't have a huge thing for Heidi unlike most Ron fans lol #i just love how committed he is to the striptease and Russell shining like a star in the audience and the fact that #the whole thing takes place inside an amplifier (a speaker?) #also it feels very Twin Peaks
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l-in-the-light · 2 days
Hi, hope you have been having a great day! Your posts have always been my favorite, and they never fail to brighten my morning. I'd say it's the perfect way to start the day for me ^^
Today I have a question! Penny for your thoughts on Law and the Revolutionary Army? What might his stance and opinions about them be, and if he wasn't a pirate, would he consider being in the RA? (since there's little to no chance he would want to become a Marine)
Oh, hi! Now I do have a great day, because I read your ask ❤ Sorry that lately I don't post every day. Sometimes something else steals my attention, like sudden inspiration for a fanfic or some of my friends in need of quality time together :D yesterday it was an impromptu pokemon battle on discord with self-invented pokemons lol. I will take this opportunity to (again <3) thank you so much for enjoying my posts, I'm always so excited to see your reblog tags each time! :D
Law and Revolutionary Army, okay, let's go! *rolls up sleeves* I actually watched some analysis and theory vids about RA before, and I had a lot of my own reflection on them lately, so I already have an opinion about it. At times this might go slightly political, so a fair warning!
First of all, let's start with Dragon and his Revolutionary Army. Thanks to Robin, we know their goal is most likely the World Nobles (Celestial Dragons) and we know they have some longterm goals planned. They're basically gathering supplies, allies, weapons and information, and waiting for a good moment to strike. I don't think their attack on Marie Geoise was one of their ultimate goals in itself, because we learned they did it just to get Kuma back (their valuable ally and friend). Everything else was an extra, but they made sure it counts: destroying the symbol of Celestial Dragons (to declare war), cutting them off the food supplies and getting rid of their stock, freeing as many slaves as they could.
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They're apparently still making sure the food supplies can't reach Marie Geoise, which we learned from chapter 1126. Interesting thing to note here is that they actually have an agenda behind "riling up rebellion in nations": it's to limit nations that will pay celestial tribute and hand them resources, in other words: to weaken their enemy.
Dragon declares he literally wants to collect his own army to fight for the better world, whatever that might mean to him. He was part of the marines once, but "found no justice there", so he left and created his own army instead. We can't really talk about Revolutionary Army without taking into account his stance on justice.
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Seeing from his reaction to Luffy becoming a pirate ("Not bad!") and him and Akainu disliking each other, we can take some guesses here. Dragon's goals are probably: freedom for people, not allowing innocent people to suffer, making sure people in power do not abuse it (an army for hire sure sounds like a good method to at least make them think twice before overusing their power).
And what's their modus operandi when trying to reach these goals? Many people in fandom are frustrated with Dragon and Revolutionaries, because it feels like they're "just there", waiting all the time and doing nothing. They don't go around the world freeing kingdoms and fighting oppressive reigns, after all. What they do instead, is reach out to normal citizens and "ignite the flame of rebellion" in their hearts.
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That's because Revolutionary Army doesn't want to be the ones who will win the war, they want the citizens to be the ones who will win their own country and freedom back, and RA will simply help them achieve that, remaining as support.
They're so interesting exactly because they try to empower those that are on the lowest steps of the hierarchy's ladder, they want to give power back into their hands, but for this to work those citizens have to wish for that themselves, try to fight back, and it needs to be their own decision to do that. The power they give them is the power to fight back, defend themselves and demand their own rights and independence. Revolutionaries show to people that common folk are also part of the system and so they have the right to decide how they want the world to look like, even if it's only in their small kingdom. And those of them that want to join the cause and change the whole world to become a better place, are invited to join the Revolutionary Army. That's how Dragon operates. He even makes it clear that it's his rule not to assassinate kings or overthrow them himself, because that's not his job to do; it's up to the people of the nation.
We can deduce that Dragon would rather avoid direct conflicts, bloodshed and anarchy (after all regular kings are not his aim!). What he offers people in need instead is that: an army for hire, and for free! But only to those powerless people who are oppressed. Now we should ask this question: as much as this all sounds very good and noble, is it really a good thing to do? Let's look at the consequences of the attack on Marie Geoise. It was aimed at Celestial Dragons, but who suffers hunger as the result? The nobles?
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No, their slaves and servants instead. They would have to go around hungry because there's no way CD would go around hungry instead (and they make a huge deal that they miss ONE meal a day and snacks). And they're still as spoiled as ever! If anything, this only angered them and nothing more. For now, Revolutionary Army achieved only this: to make the life of slaves in Marie Geoise even worse.
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Now let's look at Lulusia. Sabo getting involved with them caused the whole kingdom to vanish from the map (yeah, it wasn't his fault, but the fact this kingdom was before freed by Revolutionaries had influence on Imu's/Gorosei's decision). And then let's look at what they did to help Dressrosa: oh wait, actually, they didn't help much. Yes, they supported ciitizens, helping the injured ones and gathering them in safe places (not that there were any real safe places in Dressrosa's disaster).
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They also did research and gather evidence from the underground port Mingo was running, which is interesting. Does it mean RA is gonna present evidence in a court against World Government? Or do they just want to trace back their sources so they can steal it for themselves? Anyway, RA did not fight Donquixotes though and did not fight the Marines, with exception of Sabo (and he got heavily scolded for involving himself in the conflict). Was that really the correct course of action? Is that what heroes should be doing? What would happen to Dressrosa if Luffy lost? Would Revolutionaries just allow everyone to die, despite being right there?
Which points me to my own conclusion: Revolutionary Army has lofty, noble goals, they want to help people who are oppressed, but they're not heroes. And they can't be ones. If you have an army, you're automatically disqualified as a hero, because you fight violence with violence, power with power, no matter how you try to sidestep that fact. I'm not saying Dragon is in the wrong, but... what he kinda yearns for is a form of utopia. People should be encouraged to step up and fight for their own good, they should have the means to do that, but what if what they fight for is a mistaken cause? What if years of resentment will lead the people to just keep on oppressing others as the result? It's a logical conclusion to that: you don't want to be oppressed, be sure to raise to the top so everyone is below you (and now you can opress them back). What if those previously powerless people will start to get back on the class that used to oppress them, like what the common folks did to Homing?
Giving power to common people is great, but it will not erase their hatred they collected for centuries, their rage for all the pain they and their close ones had to experience. If you want the world to be truly a better place, then it needs also education, damn, a collective therapy, besides just manpower in an army. But, you know, it's at least *something*, that's why I'm personally not judging RA. They do what they believe is the best thing to do, a first step in the right direction and they mean well, but I think it will backfire, because it's definitely not enough to overturn the world. And power has a tendency to corrupt.
And then we also have Sabo, who kinda went against Dragon's principles when he accepted to be called a Flame Emperor and used the fake news of King Cobra's assassination to encourage people for rebellion.
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This might seem insignificant, but it's anything but: Sabo is part of Revolutionary Army, his actions affect RA's public image. If he didn't deny that he killed King Cobra, then it means killing King Cobra was RA's aim.
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We will see how it goes in the future, but the recent "fractions" double spread Oda did (above) foreshadows that Dragon and Sabo will kinda go their seperate ways. Sabo took his stance, he wants to fight, not only watch citizens fight. Even if he did that mostly for Luffy, the consequences of that will be longterm.
Now finally I can switch to the actual question you asked: what would be Law's opinion on Revolutionaries. Remember my analysis on how Law taught Luffy what's "the right thing to do"? It was a lesson to always think of the consequences of your actions, to see the big picture. If you want to liberate a whole nation, you need to choose your battles, to strategize the damage, recognize the oppressor's structure of power and strike down the fillars of it so it collapses on itself. Law is a fighter, a commander, a leader. He will not avoid a fight or a war if that's what needs to be done, he won't leave those people to their own fate and will fight with them for the cause (not just offer support!), and he will do what he can to lead them to victory. And he will never accept credit for it. Officially, it's like he was never there, or just part of a nameless "pirate" crowd, no one important.
But if he can, he will avoid conflict and arrange things in such ways it's not even needed. That's how he wanted to get rid of Doflamingo, simply forcing him to give up his warlord status which meant he would have to leave Dressrosa. Just like that, without any blood spilled. But for achieving that, he doesn't shy from doing things that RA would never approve of: kidnapping people, making ransom demands, forcing people to give up their titles by his own actions. Also Law doesn't rile up any citizens, he leaves that up to others. Dragon would not approve of Law's methods, we can be sure of that. And I think Law wouldn't approve of Dragon's actions over Marie Geoise either (starving off slaves), because Law's MO is to always care about the consequences of the actions. In other words, I think Law would think there are better ways to achieve greater results, without hurting oppressed people even more in the process.
Wait a second, you might ask now, but what about Dressrosa? We get the Wano, but in Dressrosa Law didn't care even for a second about the citizens! Well, actually, I think he did initially, his actions and plan were meant to avoid any harm to them, let's never forget that. Later on he did throw it all out of the window for Luffy's sake, I won't deny that. Law might be hero coded but he's not a hero, at the end of the day, and he knows that, he's not a naive idealist like Dragon is.
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Dragon voices no regret about starving the slaves for his cause (at least for now), Law on the other hand seemed to make a guilty face expression at the end of Dressrosa, seeing the injured people and ruins everywhere. And that's actually a good thing, that "reality check" is what keeps Law aware that everything he does and every decision he makes will have consequences, and sometimes you need to choose between lesser evil, because world isn't a pretty place, especially the world in One Piece. And idealism often isn't afraid to kill people for it's cause and not only doesn't call it a wrong thing, but calls it A Right Thing To Do. Remember Death Note? That's your unrestricted idealism 101.
Law might tell the Strawhats to just ignore the assault on one of the Flower Capital's districts, but he will never call it A Right Thing To Do. In fact, when Sanji says he can make it work, Law instead trusts him to do his thing. He's flexible in his ways, he always questions, but when it's needed he's firm in his decisions. He just knows sometimes he isn't doing the right thing, but he never loses the direction he aims towards, because if he always questions and seeks and rethinks it from multiple angles it's always for that purpose: to make sure he isn't on the wrong path and if he is: to change it or do better in the future. And seeing the consequences of Dressrosa and how the waves from that spread over the New World, it actually caused a lot of good changes: wars stopped, underground black market took a huge blow, and in longterm: warlord status got erased. And all of that? Is actually thanks to Law and his plan, that was literally the catalyst here. That's why it's 1:0 for Law when compared to Revolutionaries.
Now we enter speculation territory. I do think Law actually might be supporting what RA is doing. Let's think about it: how did RA know that Dressrosa has an underground port?
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We learn they sent agents to Dressrosa before, but "they were all turned into toys" (that's revisioning what actually happened - they wouldn't know anything about the toys, because the existance of their agents would be erased from their memories). And they never answer the question: why Dressrosa? And my answer here is: someone had to give them that intel (anonymous intel, most likely) in the first place. Coincidentally they arrive in Dressrosa exactly when Law's plan is taking the stage. I don't think it points towards Law being a Revolutionary, because Sabo has no reaction towards Law, and Revolutionary army has no reason to hide their identities from each other, that's not how they operate at all. And I don't think Law actually cooperated with them either, because the conclusion after Dressrosa clearly took RA by surprise. They got weapons, they gathered important information, it's like this all was gifted to them by someone. And I think it's likely Law was the one who send them the intel, anonymously, or through someone else. Maybe he does support their goal of declaring a war on World Nobles (even if I think he would be kinda disappointed at some of the results of their actions). We saw at Sabaody already that Law isn't really fond of Celestial Dragons, human auctions and slavery; he was pleased with what Luffy did and he also took a stance by freeing Jean Bart.
Would Law join them in the future? I think he doesn't like to work under anyone. Luffy might be also the only person Law ever worked on equal level with. He acts and behaves like a lone wolf, especially when he says things like this:
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That doesn't sound like a person who's on a leash, be it Revolutionary Army's, Navy's or Government's. Being a pirate gives Law freedom. If he's somehow with any of those fractions regardless of my analysis, it's just to use them to reach his own goals, just like he took and discarded his warlord status.
And like I said, I doubt Dragon would like Law's methods so Law would have to change them to be part of the RA (and I doubt the main problem here is that he's a pirate, if he wanted to he could have joined them anyway, they did accept former slaves that were pirates before). Also Dragon is playing the long game, and it feels like Law doesn't have that much time to play along with it, because his plans are always moving fast and cause really big ripples. It's not that he's impatient, but it seems like he can't really afford the slow game here.
As for the question you didn't ask: I actually think Law might be part of the Marines, in some way or form. Let's consider this: if he is aiming to overthrow such a big organization, what's the best way to do that? From the inside. Assuming his hate towards government and marines would stop him is not taking his resolve seriously enough, imo. If he is out for revenge, he will stop at nothing, because he is the last person to carry the memory of what truly happened to Flevance. His own resentments would not stop him, he would do that even if he would end up hating himself as the result. "Everything was for that moment", he could declare at the end of it (just like he does in Dressrosa), when he pushes the final blow from the place the Marines expect it the least: their own most trusted people.
Thankfully though he still didn't lose his heart, that's why he does have at least some brakes intact. That's why he cares for people. That's why he cares for consequences of his own actions. That's why he would throw his own plans away or tuck people dear to him to safety over reaching his goals. But he can never forget those goals or throw them away for good. We will see where his storyline will take him in the end.
Of course that's only considering the somewhat popular theories that Law is a member of Sword. I do think those have some really good observations, but the interpretation part falls flat. They got the dynamics completely backwards imo, because Law would not be an underdog to Drake. There, I said it!
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skyeblue8 · 8 months
Yeah I get what Viv was going for but I think Loser would've been more tolerable if it were about Angel's drug addiction rather than him being Val's slave.
Even then, the poison sequence felt more like a tribute to that Raph person, the prior scene of Angel was word for word based off their comic. It feels more like Angel torture compilation and I've seen better. It doesn't help they're trying to cram Huskerdust in at the same time and they made Val and Charlie pretty dumb.
I can't say I'm surprised, mainly because subject matter like this requires more episodes and there are too few episodes and too many characters to realistically deal with.
So, I've not seen either vids yet, so I'll make my own opinions on that soon enough, but agreed with Huskerdust in general, because I can't honestly imagine the two being in a healthy relationship, especially as early on as they're doing from what I've heard about the episodes. They're cramming way too much in a short period of time.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 8 months
may we please have some headcanons for afab! boo where they’re trying to muscle through day 2 of their period (the worst in my experience) to try and finish an order, but it’s obviously hurting like hell so Alphonse has the carry them away from the kitchen so they can rest?
my period’s kinda kicking my ass rn
Period Pains.
(What's so hilarious I JUST got off of mine. I felt like I was dying the whole time too)
Your period has always been taxing on you. Always wanting to sleep, eat more, and most horribly.
Your cramps felt like you were getting stabbed with a rusty machete. But sadly you have a business that needs to be run, so here you are baking in the kitchen.
A sharp pain makes you hunch over the counter and breath heavy "Uugghhhsjcndk" was echoed as you try and muscle through it.
You only needed one more order! Al on the other hand had a different idea.
Alphonse makes sure to slowly approach you and ask softly "Wanna go lay down and relax?"
If you try and say no he just tsk's and says you need it. While also adding that you got through most of the orders and you have two more days still.
Getting your apron off and making sure he put everything away he turns to you and smiles.
"Come 'ere Boo." And picks you up. You whine how you can walk but a cramp makes you just put your head in his chest.
Alphonse chuckles and kisses your forehead as he takes you to the room "It's okay Boo. I'll get you some pain pills and water just lay down ill be right back." With another kiss on the lips.
As you sit there in the dark room, you can hear Al grabbing the things and coming back.
Taking the pils from him and water you sigh as you snuggle back into the blankets.
Something warm was put on you, oh fuck yes your trusty heat pack! Al smiles wider as you give a slight grin at the warmth on you.
"There you go Boo. Want me to cuddle you too?" A nod was the answer and he got comfy with you. "Night Boo." All he got was a hum as you finally drifted to sleep.
After yall first got together Al learned how to help you. He did so with his Ma when younger so he knows some things.
He knows not to mess with your snacks or heat pack when your in crumble mode. Where your just family guy death pose.
Alphonse also knows what brand and type of whatever you use on your period. He gets it for you when you run out.
Candy is given as tribute for you. Pick any but plz don't take that much the shop needs some too- okok he'll stop making jokes.
He'll try and tell you silly stories (just like that one vid) to distract you from the pain.
Cuddles are on stand by if enough want them! Or if you wanna do something else that fine too!
Bath is drawn if you need one! Even little led candles! Bc he almost started a fire with real ones-
If you ever bleed out on the bed don't worry he will clean them just go change baby. Don't be embarrassed it's natural that something would get stained.
Will give you his hoodie if you bleed out on your pants.
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dark-imagine-robots · 1 month
Hey Tumblr peeps, I need help from the creepypasta community
I am trying to find a very specific amv/tribute music vid to Jeff the killer. Since it's 2024 and the video was possibly uploaded to youtube around 2012-2014 or so, it would be nice for someone to confirm if it was copyright struck or if it was deleted. I was a jeff fangirl at the time, but I just want to find it so I know I'm not crazy and lose sleep trying to find it. The video itself may or may not me a mixture of clips of Pinoyjona's Jeff the Killer Fan Trailer and random fan art. But it has a very SPECIFIC part that I remember very clearly. Where it has a clip of said trailer where Jeff stomps down the stairs. No it is not a still image, it was a clip. (The link starts at said clip I am mentioning.
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However... the very IMPORTANT part of this clip in the amv/tribute is when jeff stomps downstairs, it is edited in a way to match with the song of the video. The song is Meg & Dia ft. Cascada - Monster Remix (No, not the DotExe remix, nor the nightcore cover, NOR the original of said song. it is that exact song I have linked. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IT IS NOT SKRILLET) The edited jeff clip would perfectly match up at this specific part of the song to him stomping down the stairs. To help narrow it down, with what I found so far, it would be the only meg & dia monster remix Jeff amv/tribute that would have THAT CLIP from the fan trailer. If you know the video and it's named something so specific that it doesn't actually show up off the bat through youtube look ups like "jeff the killer tribute monster", etc. Please tell me. And if you KNOW the video was either deleted or copyright struck, let me know that as well. Any leads on this video would help a bunch, or if you literally have the video on hand. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, PLEASE DM ME IT!! REBLOGS TO HELP FIND THIS VIDEO EASIER IS ENCOURAGED PLEASEE!! ((If I get any snarky comments by peeps that don't know what I am talking about and don't actually know if it's down or not saying "Oh probs copy right struck, you idiot." I will block you, thanks.))
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rq2gwl · 2 months
“Fandom Access Memory (FAM) - A Tribute Song to Fandroid!”
Fandom Access Memory (FAM) - Lyrics
[Fandroid! MUSIC Intro ("Tribute song")] ["Crazy lady!" from Fandroid! GAME video: "FANDROID funny moments"]
We built this world
You showed me how
The gaming fun, the music loud
It's me, Fandroid! (and Melody!)
Throughout the streams and ROBLOX vids (ooh~)
The fandom songs and cover gigs (ooh~) We'd laugh (Tattletail: "Hee-hee-hee!")
And sing (Twirling Girl: "Ooh-ooh-ooh...")
If someone said eight years from now,
l'd be long gone
l'd lock them under ADHOC / QUALIA grounds
'Cuz they're all wrong!
We'd sing melodies
In eternal harmony
Or so, I thought.
(Time Keeps Ticking (Griffinilla) - "Time keeps ticking away...)
And then one day, word spread about
A post was made, his truth came out (Twirling Girl: "It's so sad..")
Woah, woah
Oh, no
It was over, you cast no doubt
Our world was gone, I tried to shout
But nothing came out...
Our systems just kept shutting down
Wired all wrong
I wasn't programmed to know how
To move on
Our forever
Has turned into never, and so
What now?
Oh, oh
(Portal 2: "Ahh~")
Then I remembered the key
Encrypted with our last dreams
Stored inside this Fandom Access Memory
(FAM) [RAM, Fandroid, fandoms, family]
I won't forget you, my friends
"Goodbye world..."
If someone said eight years from now,
We'd be long gone
l'd call them a crazy lady! ("You're crazy, lady!")
'Cuz they're all wrong, since
The memories,
The melodies,
Will forever live on!
Within you,
Within me,
We'll keep singing this song!
Our world will
Keep turning
Even if we must say so long!
So, thank you
For everything
Thank you
Thank you
For everything
Thank you,
My friends,
For everything.
For everything.
Dedicated to G.W.L and Edd Gould for making my dreams come true ❤️
#fandroid #music #song #remix #tribute #art #fandom #fandroidfam
Thank you to @jkittymeow for the current voice of Melody, inspiration and for delivering the news.
And my friend who originally helped mix this song. I didn’t use the copy with your changes here for anonymity issues, but your help was very appreciated.
“Fandroid!” franchise belongs to Griffinilla: https://m.youtube.com/@Griffinilla ; https://www.youtube.com/@fandroidgame
Clip used from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27wRNFudAJU
Original song “Who Knew?” by P!nk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJWIbIe0N90
Instrumental used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t0HDled6NA
Thank you for everything.
Art & music by RQ2.
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months
twttin characters (and rusty james from rumble fish lol) in my early 2000s au :3
cathy: im gonna tell yall RIGHT now, she goes by “cat”, i cannot explain it to u but she just DOES to me, nobody rlly knows her as cathy shes just,,,cat, shes that kind of girl that always has a camera in her hand just taking pics of whatever and she posts it on flickr, she loves photography, shes always wearing those milkmaid tops or big sweaters with bell bottom jeans, and her hair is short, think of those teen movies w that “down to earth pretty chill w her walkman” girl and thats her, she was prolly watching those mlp tribute vids on her family computer, she thinks its cute, she loves collecting pins n stuff, she loves friends (the show)
m&m: gonna b so honest w u, m&m just seems so timeless to me i dont rlly have much to say for him bc i think he’d act the exact same way no matter the time period, BUT some things i can add is that he really likes the teenage mutant ninja turtles and loves comic books so theres that, hes a bit of a collector of just about anything and so cathy takes pics of his room a lot and post it on flickr so theres that, he’d be in the family computer quite a bit and since in the early 2000s barely any adult knew how to use the computer he was just on there goin crazy in chatrooms on some odd ass forum talking about figurines or somethin, god bless his soul, always has cathy’s walkman and gameboy she never gets to use them but its ok, she lives her bro, he loves pokemon and has a card collection in his binder
mark: he makes fun of ppl who use the internet (in the early 2000s the internet was seen as a more of a niche interest and it was associated with like geeks/nerds n stuff) and video games (cough cough m&m cough), literally all he watches is adult swim if not, he loves wwe, that guy whos always in a skatepark despite never??? skating???? he just has a bit of friends there and hangs out w them a but, BUT he does have a bike he uses as transportation and can actually do some pretty cool tricks like my god i cant even hate, has 1 snapback hat he wears religiously, has a bunch of posters of half naked women on his side of the room
bryon: he has so many things from abercrombie and fitch, hollister, american eagle, hes THAT guy good lord, he would be a bit into basketball, i could see that, watches myv just to be judgey but also bc pretty girls on tv, watches jackass w mark, has a playstation 1 he just NEVER touches, has THE SMALLEST interest in video games like halo and grand theft auto, action movies are his thing, if u wanna see an action movie hes the guy
rusty james: thinks hes sooooo grown for watching adult swim, he and “thinks its for losers”, hes that guy thats into bmx sports, steals a ton of magazines on it, HATES boy bands but is like “if i was in one the girls would LOVE me”
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toomuchracket · 1 year
ok I know the time isn't the best one's but I'm consumed by that video of Matty saying "I can see you smiling" to that baby 😭 now imagine reader getting a baby fever after seeing this interaction of d - word matty with the baby (or another interaction d - word with a baby/children)
i actually wrote about girly getting baby fever here already, so if it's alright with you i'm going to make this blurb slightly different and make HIM get baby fever too lmao. thinking that you've had notions and daydreams about having a baby with matty for a minute, but you've yet to bring it up in serious conversation with him. anyway, you're having fun at glasto, and you were both in the bar queue when the baby's dad started chatting to matty about their respective chest tats lmao - when he finds out the guy got it in tribute to his daughter, matty's lowkey shook like "what the fuck that's so cool. you might be the coolest dad of all time lol", and the guy's like "my kid's cool too lmao she's literally here with me and my wife", and you're like "no wayyyyy that's amazing". so naturally, you have to go over and meet this ridiculously cool baby; matty immediately goes so gooey and tender with the baby (as we've seen in that vid), while you chat to her mum and dad and gush over how cute she is. and when the baby giggles after matty's like "i can see you smiling"? you're a goner, struck down with the worst baby fever imaginable, brain immediately going delulu about you and matty with your OWN kid. and he's the same a few minutes later, when the baby just beams at you and holds her arms out for you to hold her - you take her, after double-checking with her mum that it's alright, and dance around a little bit with her while she plays with the strap on your top, and matty's just immediately overwhelmed with want for he and you to have a baby, so overwhelmed that he literally cannot stop beaming for the rest of the night. a full hour later, he's still smiling beatifically at you while you both have a cig; you smile back, but you're like "what's up, babe? you haven't stopped cheesing at me for ages lol", and matty blushes a little like "just thinking about that baby from earlier. she was so sweet! and... you looked so good holding her, to be honest". now it's your turn to grin - you stub your cig out and wrap your arms around matty's neck, as one of his wraps round your waist, and say "you want a baby, don't you?". matty goes a bit shy, but says "yeah, i kinda do", and you kiss him on the nose and say "good, because so do i"; matty's jaw drops before he smiles again like "wait, really? you want us to have a baby?", and you giggle like "i really do, babe". and matty quickly stubs his cig out before grabbing your face and kissing you deeply, pulling away like "i love you so much. i can't wait to have a family with you. in fact, d'you want to get out of here and go and make a baby now?" - you giggle like "i love you too, angel" and then you go a bit serious like "but i am not missing lana del rey's set for anything. afterwards, though? i'm all yours" <3
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