#fuck Bezos
radicalgraff · 6 months
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"Fuck Bezos"
Spotted on an Amazon delivery van in Victoria, British Columbia
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zerofuckingwaste · 10 months
Remember, if everyone does a little bit, it'll make a big difference! Reblog to remind everybody that they can do their part. :)
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nando161mando · 5 months
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glitterblossom · 4 months
My friend Sarah has the wisdom to no longer use this website (may we all strive to emulate her), but xe told me I could post his latest banger quote here:
Starting all of my books with a disclaimer that says if you stole the book from somewhere, good for you, please distribute copies to all your loved ones. But if you bought it from amazon please know that it was an illegitimate sale and for this crime a curse shall befall 3 generations of your family, and if you (or the next in line) do not have children, the curse defaults to the person or people you care about most. The only way to lift the curse is to pirate the book even though you've already paid for it
A bunch of the shit Sarah idly says is simply too good not to share. Keeping it to myself would be an act of violence against joy.
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bothpartiesarebad · 1 year
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(via (72) Pinterest)
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actualhumancryptid · 1 year
RIP Book Depository
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(I have been made aware that Blackwells exists and has free worldwide shipping though).
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thepenguinlad · 11 months
The Federal Trade Commission is suing Amazon - don't get distracted by prime day!!
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emptym0rgue · 5 months
Saw this at my local sheetz
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masseffectdoctor · 3 months
I keep SEEING this fucking idea circle of how the US got where we are with this fucking election cycle bullshit of Democrats saying "I'm the only option to defeat Republicans!" And then immediately becoming the "boohoo I can't the Republicans stop me!" Even though Republicans push forward whatever the fuck they want despite the outcry of disdain and it all comes down to this.
It's capitalism. That's why it's no war but class war. He "can't" stop Republicans because his business interests that get him elected don't let him.
He's ceded so much ground just like every Democrat before him that we exist in a christo-fascist state on the brink of total authoritarianism dictatorship that's a complete all hail to any business interest that'll line a pocket because it's all a capitalist shill game.
And NOW we're at a point where I'm angry people won't vote because Biden is basically the only hopeful option at this time because 3rd party candidates are so benign in the grand scheme they basically need to spend 4 years campaigning even for the smallest possible position to make a name for themselves and they're too cowardly STILL to dedicate to saying actual centrist/leftist ideology because they ALSO need the money from big corps to even be able to MANAGE the kind of campaign a presidential run gets them.
Our best options is to vote in the primaries, get as much of a foothold for justice democrats as we possibly can and pray they'll pretend to make laws for the common people as opposed to the corps that actually pay for their campaign and their bills.
However on the anger of not voting thing, how can I even be MAD?! Like the guy is advocating openly for a genocide that I get a front row seat to every single day. Every drop of Palestinian blood lies on his geriatric war criminal hands. The only thing I can think to even say is the trolley problem where we HAVE to make the choice to elect him because our other option is fucking Project 2025 which is literally just full blown facism eroding any semblance of a democracy. Displayed clearly by this meme I've been sharing consistently because it's literally a fucking fact of my existence as a trans queer in a purple state that'll probably become a "Front Line State" in any coming fucking conflict.
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And yes it IS an incredibly privileged mindset to think we DONT need to utilize any and every tool to eliminate fascism in any and every way. Even if it just delays the inevitable. But it's STILL demoralizing every single day where they feed on chisling away at the very soul inside of you until you're to bruised and depressed to even groan in agony.
And at the end of it, it may not even MATTER if we vote. The fucking dictator cheetoh puff has these deranged facists in positions of power so that even IF he loses he's going to do his damnedest to completely overthrow the fucking government anyways.
So even IF you TRY to think of this from a trolley problem of "well we can kill the fewest and prevent direct genocide in our own nation as we advocate further forward for change" it all may be totally meaningless and end up in total armed conflict anyways!
Even on a local scale because he's got these fucking people deranged and at arms thinking they're all the second coming of Christ. We still have to try anything and everything in our power because if we don't then we've essentially given up to our own mass death, but how the fuck does this not completely demoralize you on every possible scale with the bullshit process they've created and let get infected by capitalism?
So yeah we keep ending up here because capitalism goes with the ideology that breeds the most financial gain for the people in positions of power. That's facism, specifically totalitarianism/authoritarianism.
Within those two ideologies they don't have to pretend to give a fuck about unions, or whistleblowers, or journalists, or human rights organizations, or even human rights at all. They buy their ticket that only they can afford and they have their ride to power and authority because they have money.
Tired of a union leader causing a ruckus? Congrats you can just get them arrested, or even killed/assaulted so bad they back down. Tired of a whistleblower? Well we've all seen how Boeing is going right now and they don't even PRETEND to give a fuck.
The idiots and the bastards on an individual scale want trans people dead. Those are the people who want POC to go back to being fully oppressed, and want tradwives, and all the other shit. For the people on top all of that shit is just more people dumped into the meat grinder for their profits. They don't ACTUALLY fucking care. They MIGHT find a connection to those ideals to some extent but at the end of the day, whether it's subconscious or conscious, the ideals are a means to an end of complete power and authority for them.
So yeah, here's to another election cycle of hoping that voting for the lesser evil is even enough this time, because if it isn't me and my communities may very well be dead or in outright armed conflict where we spend every second fighting for our lives. Which basically sets us on a nice time frame of probably about a year and a half or so before we're concealed carrying at best and waiting for us or someone like us to be struck down before our eyes.
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the-pen-pot · 3 months
Elon Musk is no longer the world's richest man (March 5th 2024)
Jeff Bezos is.
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amaziana · 2 years
Amazon: anyone who doesn’t revere out show is racist and misogynistic! 
Also amazon: So we made Galadriel, a powerful, ethereal elf, a lady of her people and the greatest elf in middle-earth, who sees to the minds and hearts of others an angry teenager who gets deceived by Sauron and commands zero respect and put in exactly one black character per race because amazon rules say we have poc quota to fulfill.
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nando161mando · 14 days
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bothpartiesarebad · 1 year
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(via (66) Pinterest)
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radfem-is-rad · 10 months
Leftist YouTubers be like:
And todays sponsor is Audible…..
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sortaawkward · 2 years
The male Elves have short hair because of Bezos propaganda. He wants long ebony black hair with purple streaks and red tips that reach his mid back and punished the lore because he cant grow it.
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