#fuck Dave Filoni
writingforfun0714 · 1 year
Hi all I wanna talk about the Star Wars Celebration 2023 so-
Warnings: Spoilers, long post, not a fic, idk what else
So I wasn’t really aware of Star Wars Celebration this year cuz my b-day was Friday and this past Sunday was Easter so you can bet I was excited to see the live streamed videos on Youtube. After going through most videos available, I started going online and looking at different articles and whatnot (I also saw those vids of KK walking out on stage to quiet/shame applause lol).
I hate KK with a passion so I’ve been unsure about new Star Wars projects but from what little I’ve seen, I definitely feel a bit better about the future of Star Wars (and hope KK is on her way out).
I’d like to talk about Ahsoka (live action) first. I love the concept of continuing the Rebels story. I enjoy Rebels. Not as much as Clone Wars and is about tied with Tales of the Jedi, but I definitely enjoy Rebels more than Bad Batch (which I’ll get into later).
First off, the cast for Ahsoka. I think it’s great! We’ve seen Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka (and obviously Hayden Christensen as Anakin/Vader) so I was really only wanting to see the animated Rebels characters (Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, Hera). While Zeb wasn’t shown in the Ahsoka trailer shown, we did get about 30secs from Mando when he talks to Paul Sun-Hyung Lee’s character (I forget his name). I thought Zeb looked great and loved they got Steve Blum (the original VA) to play him. The other Rebels that have been shown are Hera, Chopper, Sabine, Thrawn and a hologram image of Ezra. Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Sabine looks amazing and Mary Elizabeth Winstead looks great as Hera. Chopper, being a droid, obviously looks great as well. Eman Esfandi as Ezra looks amazing as well. For a while, like lots of fans, I thought Mena Massoud would be Ezra (he was coming off his Aladdin success) but when Eman Esfandi got the role, I saw Massoud’s response and was put off from the guy. Massoud didn’t seem happy/polite, to me at least. Plus Esfandi looks more like Ezra than Massoud does (especially w/ the nose, eyebrows and chin). I also think Esfandi looks a lot like Ezra’s father Ephraim Bridger. Idk if Eman Esfandi’s been in anything else but I’m not put off by new actors. I think new actors can be amazing (the only disney example I can think of is Neel Sethi as Mowgli from the live action Junglebook remake from 2016).
Now for the main man, Thrawn. I know he’s a comic/Legends character but for the purpose of this post, he is animated first then shown in live action. Because he was shown in animation first, I’m always on the side of getting the VA to be their character in live action (James Sie is doing this in AtLA as the cabbage man). When I found out that Lars Mikkelsen is Thrawn I was over the fucking moon.
Controversial opinion?? Thrawn was done dirty in Rebels. I was 16 when I first watched Rebels and I definitely think he was overhyped. I know Rebels is more kid-oriented, but I’d say going into the 2nd half of S1 had a more CW-esque feel to it and definitely by the end of S2, I thought Rebels was gonna be CW 2.0. I learned that Thrawn is supposed to be cold, calculating and patient so I re-evaluated my feelings on S3 and realized that Thrawn was building up to the S3 finale. By S4 and with the introduction of the Loth Wolves, I definitely thought Thrawn should’ve made some waves at this point. I’d say that the only real damage he’s done was in the S4 finale, forcing Ezra to sacrifice himself.
I think Ahsoka is the perfect chance to show just how dangerous and lethal Thrawn can be. I HAVEN’T READ THE THRAWN TRILOGY BOOKS so everything I know about it is from wookieepedia and google. I’m wondering if they’ll bring in any Legends characters related to Thrawn (ELI VANTO!!! He’s right there c’mon).
Lastly I wanna talk about Huang, the lightsaber construction droid. We first see Huang in Clone Wars S5 with the Ahsoka/Younglings/Hondo arc. Huang definitely reminds me of the wand guy in Harry Potter, but sassier lol. I’d heard from leaks online that Huang was going to be in Ahsoka, but to actually see him was amazing. I immediately questioned if the other Younglings are still alive at this point (they’d probably be mid 30s?) We get confirmation that Gungi is alive in Bad Batch S2 E6 Tribe, so I wouldn’t say it’s impossible that the others are alive.
I know that bringing back familiar Jedi is controversial among lots of fans (feeling it takes away from O66). But I actually like it because it shows that even though O66 was planned from the beginning (w/ Sifo Dias/Dooku/Palpy), the plan wasn’t perfect (and then of course the retconning of brainwashing from prequel trilogy to inhibitor chips). I’m sure Palps never expected the inhibitor chips to degrade or that the clones would be independent thinkers. I actually like when they bring back familiar Jedi.
So, overall, I’m definitely stoked for Ahsoka. We haven’t gotten confirmation but I definitely wanna see Lothwolves, the World between Worlds, and Jacen Syndulla (Hera/Kanan’s son). I didn’t particularly like his design in Rebels (he should’ve had lekku w/ his green hair imo) so I wouldn’t be upset if he didn’t look exactly the same. I’d also like to see more clones. I’d like to see Ahsoka reunite with Wolffe, Cody, Rex and Gregor. I’d even be fine with unnamed clones.
I’m assuming Ahsoka takes place during Mando S2/3, maybe S1 was well but I’m focusing on the 2nd and 3rd season. That means the Empire has been gone for about ~7yrs (10 at most I think) and Vader is dead. I’d like to see Obiwan show up as a force ghost to Ahsoka as well. He was there for Luke after his death in ANH, but I’d argue that Obiwan loves Ahsoka just as much as Luke. I’d like to see Ahsoka using to Force to feel when Obiwan died in ANH like how she did in hyperspace, sensing Anakin’s fall in CW S7 finale. Make it painful, I wanna sob lol.
I also wouldn’t mind Ahsoka meeting Boba Fett again. They met once in S2 I believe when Boba tried to kill Mace w/ Aurra Sing and her crew. Plo Koon took Ahsoka with him to go face them and while Ahsoka and Boba argued pretty much the whole time, I think her words really got to him so I can see them starting out tense then as they get to know each other, Ahsoka would see similarities between Boba and the clones she served with and he’d be annoyed lol.
So yeah, I think those are my thoughts on Ahsoka and I don’t want this post to get super long (even though it kind of is).
The next show I wanna talk about is Skeleton Crew. I’m excited about this show but I’m more curious than excited. I love Jude Law and the idea that it takes place in some uncharted region in space is great (new planets/locations/people). I love the whole premise that Jude Law’s character protects a group of Younglings since it matches my own HC of Hondo protecting the Younglings he met. Idk who else is in this show, but I’m definitely looking forward to it. I can see them bringing in Cal Kestis in live action (with Cameron Monaghan obviously) for this show (then perhaps have him crossover with other shows like Mando/Ahsoka). I don’t know much about it so I don’t really have a lot to talk about with this show.
Now I’d like to talk about Acolyte. I saw the leaked teaser uploaded to Youtube (idk if it was taken down but I can’t find it—it was phone footage and had no commentary). I believe this show is supposed to be set during the High Republic era (350-50yrs before the Skywalker Saga). Love that timeline setting. We hardly have any canon info on that era so this is perfect. Also Acolyte is about the rise of the Sith (in a time that was considered prosperous for the Jedi) so I think that’s super interesting. I had heard that it could also have Palpatine’s origin story??? YES PLEASE!!! Given that the High Republic Era ended 50yrs before TPM, it’s possible Palps was alive at least during the end of the High Republic Era. I’d like to see his master Darth Plaguis as well and that whole story Palps tells Anakin in RotS during the bubble opera.
I saw that martial arts is going to be a major part of this show and I’m super excited. Jedi have been shown to fight hand-to-hand before but I hope martial arts connects somehow to the Force (like how AtLA uses different martial arts for the bending types). Speaking of AtLA, I’m wondering if SW is utilizing martial arts BECAUSE of AtLA’s success (the Netflix live action show, Avatar Studios). Dave Filoni (Felony) also worked on AtLA so I wouldn’t be surprised if that turned out to be true. But anyways, I’m also super excited for Acolyte as well.
Alright now for the animated shows.
Tales of the Jedi is confirmed for a 2nd season and reportedly there are more writers. I’m hoping that means we get either more episodes or longer episodes. I don’t believe anything else, story wise, is confirmed, but I’d love to see Jedi we didn’t quite see enough of. What I’d like to see:
—Quinlan Vos training Aayla Secura
—Mace Windu training Depa Bilaba
—Yoda/Yaddle relationship confirmation (I HC they are baby Yoda’s parents cuz obviously).
—Luminara/Barriss Offee bonding (I’ve seen so many people hate on Luminara for her treatment of Barriss and I definitely think they all miss the point but that’s a whole other post).
—Caleb/Kanan bonding w/ Younglings like Ahsoka did w/ Gungi and the others.
—Yoda making Shaak Ti in charge of the clones (and her being a mom to every single one of them). She would definitely be the one to bring Younglings/Padawans in to train with the cadets so they learn to work together.
—Plo Koon being a dad to Wolffe/Ahsoka/the 104th (I wouldn’t mind seeing Plo’s backstory either).
—Kit Fisto’s story (being discovered, training, meeting Monnk, meeting Nadar).
—Anything about Saesee Tiin, Eeth Koth, Adi Gallia, Stass Ali or Ki Adi Mundi
—I could also see Cal Kestis making his animated debut (outside of video games) in this show as well.
—Ahsoka getting her 2nd lime green saber/Ahsoka getting her white sabers/purifying kyber crystals.
If the show did stories about other characters besides Jedi:
—Tales of the Clones (obviously unwhitewashed—I can dream can’t I?)
—Grievous’s backstory. Seriously this would be amazing.
—Huang’s backstory. When was he created? Was he a droid belonging to a Jedi (like R2/3PO and Anakin) or was he made specifically by the Jedi to be the lightsaber constructor. Maybe have a scene w/ a Youngling/Padawan Yoda??
—Shmi Skywalker being happily married to Lars. Bonus points for being a mother figure to Owen and her feeling like she failed Anakin (Obiwan parallel). Idk just more Shmi Skywalker. TPM didn’t have enough Shmi content.
All of these ideas could potentially tie in Jedis so it could still fit ‘Tales of the Jedi’.
As for Visions Season 2, I have absolutely no idea what to expect (just like S1) but all the animation shown looked 🔥 so I’m definitely excited for this. I believe in S1 we saw Boba Fett make a cameo in one episode. I didn’t recognize any cameo appearances from what was shown but please let me know if I missed anything (I’m not good with Legends/Extended Universe characters). Again, like Skeleton Crew, I can’t talk much about Visions simply because I don’t know enough/not enough has been shown. But definitely excited for this.
Now for Bad Batch Season 3.
Those that follow/have seen my posts regarding Bad Batch know that I don’t particularly like the show. I never have. In short, THE WHITEWASHING, the writing, the animation (regarding Omega’s emotional intensity), and Cid are all subpar. You can definitely tell this is a Disney Star Wars show (like the 1st half of S1 of Rebels—Rebels was the first disney animated SW show).
I will say that there are particular ideas that I liked but I just don’t think they were executed well. Dooku’s warchest/Serrano, Cody, Gungi, Echo leaving, the Zillobeast, Mayday/Crosshair duo, family vs soldiers trope, and even one of CF99 making a sacrifice are all great ideas I just don’t think it was done justice.
Season 3 is the final season and I can’t express how happy I am. I know that we are just going to get more of the same. The clone model/Omega’s design will not change (fuck Jennifer Corbett, Brad Rau and Dave Felony honestly), Cid is technically still in the picture, and the story has changed from saving Crosshair to saving Omega. I think it’s important to note that Hunter has no reason to believe Omega and Crosshair are together. Omega isn’t like the group. That’s the whole point of S1 w/ the bounty hunters. So having Tech sacrifice himself FOR CROSSHAIR, then having Hunter at the end say they are going to rescue Omega instead just undermines Tech’s sacrifice. Also the way Cid looked somewhat remorseful when accepting payment from Hemlock in the finale got me nervous. PLEASE NO REDEMPTION ARC FOR CID!!! GET RID OF HER!
I think the only thing I’m looking forward to for S3 is the music and the scenery animation. I don’t think I’ll watch Wednesdays. I was in no hurry for S2 and the disappointment I have for both S1 and S2 has made me not want a S3 but at least it’s almost over and they can do a new show. I love the CW-style animation, just make POC look like POC!!! It isn’t hard. I’m still hoping for a more adult/Andor-style CW-animated show completely disconnected from the Skywalker Saga (IN THE KOTOR ERA PREFERABLY!!) That’s my dream.
So yeah, I guess that’s all my thoughts on Bad Batch S3.
Lastly I wanna talk about that new animated Young Jedi Adventures. It’s set in the High Republic Era and features new characters (along w/ Yoda) but it’s aimed for preschoolers. Honestly I’m actually kind of excited for this show. I’m wondering if we’ll see any familiar faces or not (and if we do, will they be changed from Legends?). I don’t know anything else except the names of the characters have been released. I’m assuming it’ll be a kind of basic toddler show about learning the basics like what to do when you feel sad, how to share, bullying maybe, idk basic little kid lessons you know? I’m assuming these lessons are the ‘core’ foundation of who a Jedi is supposed to be—selfless people who do good and builds the Younglings up and maybe will end with the main group becoming Padawans/getting assigned a Jedi Master. Idk that’s just my guess, I could be totally wrong.
So out of the whole Star Wars Celebration, I’m mostly excited for the live action stuff (I didn’t talk about it, but that mando movie sounds pretty cool), but I am looking forward to Tales of the Jedi S2 and SW Visions S2. I didn’t talk about this either, but I’m a bit on the fence about the new Rey Skywalker/sequel movie. Apparently it’s 15yrs from Episode 9 Rise of Skywalker and Rey is a Jedi Master building the New Jedi Order or something like that. I LIKE Daisy Ridley. I DO NOT like Rey Skywalker (like many fans). I agree with pretty much all of Rey criticisms (being instantly good at Jedi stuff, overpowered, Kylo Ren x Rey pairing, etc).
Thanks for reading and I hope you also enjoyed the Star Wars Celebration💕
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221bshrlocked · 9 months
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Put this transition on my fucking tombstone.
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Oh she’s either gonna die or be a pain in the ass like maul
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grossscale · 1 year
My episode 15-16 reaction without spoilers
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Dave Filoni you fucking monster your paying for my fucking therapy !!
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memingursa · 10 months
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Its Joever. It has never been so over.
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varpusvaras · 8 months
This isn't just the story of one bad show. Really, it's the story of the life and times of it's lead writer, David Christopher Filoni.
Filoni got spat out of a hole in the ground in Mt. Lebanon in 1974 with the straightforward mission of systematically destroying all of Star Wars' lore and the rest of the canon and characters, and no one's stopped him yet-
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Felony saying that everyone in the universe can access the force if they tried hard enough makes me want to deck him in his fugly face
He’s ruining all established canon in real time. Speed running the absolute destruction of continuity of the SW universe and people are still rooting for him and his blorbo self inserts like there’s no tomorrow. Literally the whole reason I no longer engage in Ashoka content is because he massacred my girl and made her so one dimensional that my Mary Sue self insert fanfics OCs I wrote when I was 14 looks well developed compared to the absolute bland “girlboss kick ass take names” personality Ashoka has right now.
There were so many opportunities for him to explore the absolute potential of angst and conflict within Ashoka in this new series, to give her character a believable story of grief loss and growth yet he threw it all away because he wanted his OC to be the specialist girl that ever lived. This series could’ve been used to explore Ashokas conflicting feelings regarding the Anakin that taught her and was a mentor to her whilst trying to connect it to the monster that killed her family and hunted her culture into almost extinction and tried to kill her, a person he confessed to love as a sister, on Malachor. It could’ve been a good send off to a great character, to have her face that the Skyguy she put on a pedestal in her mind was in actuality the worst sort of scum and have her try to come to terms that just because she can forgive him for being the genocidal maniac he was and still hold love in her heart for who he used to be and also understand why the Jedi, her family, wasn’t the reason for their own downfall.
But alas. We got another series of “the Jedi caused their own downfall!!! Anakin did nothing wrong ever and him killing all my family and everyone I’ve ever known is so not his fault!!! It’s definitely the fault of the unbending stuck in the past council!!!”. Instead of a series that could’ve made Ashoka’s “departure” (literally never going to happen with felony at the helm, he’s going to find a way to make her immortal and then show up 200 years in the future to be the protagonist of another light v dark fight since she’s his special SI) from the series tie in nicely thematically and canonically with every other Star Wars media we have, he decided that the best way to have this series go down is 1) everyone is force sensitive if they tried hard enough ig and 2) the Jedi were bad!!! Their protocols don’t work! They were mean to my little meow meow Anakin Skywalker the greatest Jedi of all times™️ therefore he got to kill them all!!!!
Got a bit off topic but I’m still so mad that he had this chance to make Ashoka truly experience growth like the first 5 seasons of TCW yet he decided maintaining the badass rebel without a cause aesthetics for her was more important then good story telling.
Honestly though, my main problem with this series is that he decided that apparently everyone in the universe can be force sensitive if they “just tried hard enough”. Like your Midichlorian Count no longer matters since even if you were Force-Null you can still be special!!!!
This takes away any and all urgency in the Jedi Fallen Order games. It makes Cals journey absolutely redundant. It throws away all the tragedy contained in having inquisitors being force sensitive kids kidnapped from their parents and tortured till they give into the dark side. If all beings are able to use the force in his universe then there are no consequences to the inquisitors not finding the Holocron that holds the names to all force sensitive children in the universe. There would be no need to them to chase Cal and the Mantis Crew throughout the universe to obtain what they have. They could’ve just went down to any random level in Coruscant and take homeless Force-Null kids and train them.
Even better! It makes the entirety of the KOTOR games redundant!!!! Oh and I guess the hidden path is also redundant since everyone can be force sensitive and no one truly needs more saving from the empire over others :/ totally not like these kids that were saved by the path would’ve been taken and tortured into inquisitors, definitely not since EVERYONE is force sensitive nowadays or is it just the ones Ashoka trains herself because she’s the “living embodiment of the daughter uwu she’s so special and unique look how well she can train a non force sensitive to be force sensitive!!!��
Everyone in the Star Wars universe has Midichlorian’s in their blood. That is a fact. It is also an established fact that the amount each person has is different and is not determined nor dependent on lineage. Force-Nulls typically range in the 1000-3000 count and you need 7000 to be force sensitive and higher to be accepted into the order. (The order isn’t the end all be all of force cultures, Rouge One shows that Jedha’s force culture isn’t restricted to only force sensitives as the Guardian’s were never specified to be only a religious order of force sensitives. And high canon doesn’t depict many other force cultures but we know that there are many force cultures in the universe that co-exist with the Jedi with which the Jedi weren’t in opposition towards; literally not even the witches of Dathomir were oppositions anywhere outside of the battle fields.) You don’t need to be force sensitive to be part of a force culture (Jedha literally has pilgrims who come far and wide to make a pilgrimage to the holy site and not all of them were force sensitive), Sabine could’ve very easily been taught the tenets of the Jedi without retconning her to be force sensitive or making everyone in the universe force sensitive.
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No where in either the EU or High Canon did anyone ever say that you have to be force sensitive to be a badass or to make a difference. Hera did not hold the title of the best pilot in the universe just for some rat of a man to come and say that Anakin was the best because *muh force sensitivity!!!!* Some of the most heroic and most influential (good or bad) people in the franchise are Force-Null! And that’s great! It means that the force doesn’t make anyone better than anyone else! It’s a quirk of the universe! To retcon that everyone can and is force sensitive if they tried hard enough is literally cheapening everything the franchise stands for. Andor did not literally give us an entire story about how Force-Nulls in the Galaxy makes just as much of a difference as force sensitives for felony to come out and say that “you know what??? Midichlorian’s are a scam! You get a force sensitivity! You get a force sensitivity! Everyone gets a force sensitivity!!!!”
Sabine was great as she was in rebels, why cheapen it with “oh she’s actually force sensitive all this time!!!” When we could’ve stuck with badass Force-Null Mandalorian can kick your ass five ways to Sunday with her paint bombs and blasters you force wielding asshole!!! Like why even do that felony. Do you want people to hate her??? Nvm ofc you do, you need Ashoka to be the best in every way possible even if it means ruining every other beloved character in this franchise👍
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just-prime · 8 months
8 : Oh so boring
The horrifying MCU-ification of the Star Wars universe is in horrific display as 8 episodes lead nowhere but setup.
Before I get to everything else, I do want to say, Ray Stevenson's passing is a true tragedy, and I appreciate the love and care he clearly put into his character. He was the only compelling one, and I shudder to think of how Disney will probably heartlessly recast.
Now, on to the episode
Well, all the leaks that said it was zombies were right, to the surprise of no one. This is the MCU now, we need something more than just a fuck ton of stormtroopers to blow through, we need an undead CGI army.
First off : The Jedi, The Witch, and The Warlord...FUCK OFF FILONI. YOU ARE NOT CUTE.
The show opens with the attempt to lull Legends fans back into a Sion reference for no reason. Also, Thrawn's super baggy pants seem unnecessary, especially since the design in Rebels always has him in perfectly tailored clothes. Nothing during his decade abroad that would have cause the pants to change that drastically, so it just feels like an unnecessary change that is not an attractive look :(
Morgan's power ups make no sense, and as soon as she got them she was going to die. Her eyes had me making a half dozen Supernatural jokes for obvious reasons. The whole "Blade of Talzin" thing is also very dumb given the fact that I assume Mother Talzin would have used every weapon in her arsenal to stop Grievous, and I would think a lightsaber proof sword is on that list.
The entire "Ezra makes himself a new lightsaber" scene filled me rage for a few reasons.
A) Ezra literally just turned down Sabine's offer of the lightsaber for the martial arts force powers which we never see him use again.
B) Huyang knowing about Caleb and Kanan being the same person feels kinda weird to me to be perfectly honest.
C) Ezra's new lightsaber is boring. Full stop. This is the kid who built a gun into his first one, it makes no sense that he'd make one that looks this mediocre.
D) All of Sabine's family dying horrible deaths on Mandalore has always struck me as a cop out. It's just lazy writing to isolate Sabine.
The Stakes
Spoiler alert : THERE ARE NONE
We knew this was going to end in a cliffhanger for a while now, which means none of the main cast was going to die. Morgan has always been a means to an end for Thrawn, not that her loyalty was ever explain...But none of our heroes were gonna bite it (regardless of how I hoped for Huyang to explode) so there were no stakes. Thrawn had to escape, despite the fact that he is weirdly shaken, so he does. Ezra had to get home, so he does. Sabine and Ahsoka are now trapped on some stupid Mortis world??? Okay, pause, I'm getting ahead of myself here...because before that...
Sabine has the Force now
My deepest condolences to anyone who is finding this out from me, but Sabine is offically confirmed and shown to be Force sensitive. Yes it is dumb. Yes it makes no sense. Yes this is something we all saw being foreshadowed from day one, unfortunately. Especially with the playing down of her Mandalorian-ness (she's constantly losing her helmet, her gun accuracy has utterly gone, she barely uses her gauntlets, etc etc) it was obvious that Filoni wanted to do with her, what he was too cowardly to do with Grogu.
Other miscellaneous shit
It turns out that Ahsoka's shuttle is Jedi era...which makes no fucking sense.
The nightsisters being totally on board with the Empire feels like their ability to tell what's going on in the main universe might be a bit sketchy do to the fact that they missed that the guy in charge of the Empire is the one who ordered Dathomir razzed.
100% of the problems that the gang run into would have been solved if Sabine had a fucking jetpack
They pull the "Thrawn knew Anakin" card out of nowhere in the dumbest possible way, which really just goes to show how much FIloni hates the new canon Thrawn books.
Chopper recognizes Ezra (which was rather cute) before Hera does, because he decides to show up on a New Republic cruiser in full Thrawn stormtrooper garb. Also we don't even get a hug between Hera and Ezra.
Shin (because she exists, remember?) who is also stranded now, goes and appears to be taking over the bandit camp we saw earlier. Have no idea where they are taking that...but honestly, good for Shin doing something for her, this seems like a selfcare move.
Now, the ending...Fucking Mortis
So, the final shot we get of Baylan, he is standing on a giant statue of The Father (there is a statue of The Son, and a destroyed statue of The Daughter) pointing out towards something on the horizon.
Back at the hermit crab people camp, Ahsoka and Sabine (and fucking Anakin's ghost, because that's right people, instead of hanging out with his son, Anakin has been just hovering over Ahsoka this whole time apparently) here this chirping, and it's a fucking creepy hyper realistic CGI Morai.
So yeah, that's clearly how all of the trapped characters are going to get off this planet...the World between Worlds. Now, this brings up a fuck ton more questions...Chief of all being how did Ezra not use this to escape years ago???
And I get that Mortis is not everybody's favorite Clone Wars arc. Which is fair. I don't hate it, but I never loved it, and Filoni dragging in the dumbest piece of Force lore that he created is infuriating. ESPECIALLY with this being so obviously aimed at those who've not watched Clone Wars or Rebels. I'm curious to see how much he immediately recons about it, given that it's been his go-to move since before even Mando s3...
I fear they're going to do something like "Bayan is The Father, Ahsoka is The Daughter, and Shin and Sabine have to fight over being The Son" or some stupid bullshit like that.
I'm glad this is the last Filoni property we're getting for a while, since I'm pretty sure he's not involved with Skeleton Crew at all writing-wise.
I am just so happy it's over!
In the meantime, if you are as annoyed at Filoni as I am, spite him by reading the new canon Thrawn books!!! They are really fantastic and give Thrawn a lot of facinating depth, along with having an incredible cast of side characters.
For those of you who are new or just finding me because of my Ahsoka rants, please stick around!!! I'm sure I will be having other annoyed Ahsoka thoughts in the weeks to come as I think back about the full series and about just everything that it's fucked up. Feel free to pop into my ask box if you're curious about my other Star Wars related opinions, I'm more than happy to answer, though know that for the majority of the recent shows, I do not look fondly.
But if you are looking for some vindication on not enjoying recent Star Wars things, then this is the blog for you!!!
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inquisitor-apologist · 11 months
Thinking about Rebels and like. Why can’t Star Wars be that good again?
Like Rebels had everything:
Best M/F relationship in SW history
protagonist with a somewhat unique personality and a really well done character arc
Badass lesbian who blew up fascists
Cranky purple gay man that electrocuted fascists with his Bo staff (best weapon)
Droid companion who was actually funny and unique
A pretty consistent story arc
A great finale
And now we’ve got Whitewashing: The Bad Show, Watch The Mandalorian Get Worse, and Tales of Dave Filoni Ruining Canon. I just miss rebels man.
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where-is-ezra · 10 months
IF i get to #1000by2000 then i will KIDNAP and torture david filonis HAT
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Oh I hope this is true!
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sherdnerd · 7 months
It's fascinating how fast parts of the Star Wars fandom is turning on Dave Filoni. It seems to be the in the wake of a disappointing season kf the Mandalorian amd Ahsoka being just kind of ok, some folks have decided he is and always has been a hack. Which like... no, go rewatch Clone Wars and tell me he's a hack. Then watch Tales of the Jedi and tell me he still isn't writing bangers. Its like the Internet is just incapable of the conception that someone who is capable of good writing may occasionally write something that's not that good.
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val-aquenta · 2 years
The series is called tales of the Jedi. And yet it’s about Ahsoka and Dooku. Two ex-Jedi. Whyyyyyyy????? (It’s because Filoni thinks Ahsoka is what a Jedi should be huh………ugh)
Give me actual Jedi content not bullshit that is called tales of the Jedi but misinterprets what a Jedi is and what they do. No more special grey Jedi oc bullshit Filoni keeps putting out. I want to see Jedi being Jedi in a show which is named after them. Maybe this even gets to explore the Force and Jedi philosophy, something no one producing this stuff seems to know. Not two ex Jedi mucking about while you build a story which low-key says the Jedi are to blame for their genocide and the rise of the empire.
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patelladislocation · 9 months
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Huyang describing Anakin as “intense” sent me through the roof. What a succinct, accurate way to describe the absolute maelstrom that is Anakin Skywalker.
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