#fuck it I added Steve
||Requests closed||
I'm taking requests for drabbles and shorter fics, because I want to get back into writing.
You can request reader inserts or any ship of the bands/artists below.
I’ll write almost anything, from kinky to cute to heart-aching. Only keep in mind that I can’t squeeze every idea into a few paragraphs.
Or choose something from my prompt list ✨
☆ Blind Channel
☆ Lost Society
☆ Rock Band From Hell
☆ Robin Packalen
☆ Johnny Parkkonen
☆ Steve Jøakim
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florallylly · 13 days
less steve harrington "i try to be a good guy despite my past" and more steve harrington "i've always been a good person (albeit probs annoying asf), you just stereotyped me based on my interest in sports"
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Captain America: Civil War pisses me off so much. (I know i just said i love this movie and i do but man it pisses me off)
Like what do you mean you want to hand over control to the people who’s *in the words of the great Nick Fury* stupid ass decision was to NUKE NEW YORK in response to Loki’s attack
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✧ dedicated to that one anon that made me feel so happy about the siren kas au again!! also thank you mea for beta-reading this for me you are a lifesaver!! going to tag @xenon-demon and @chaoticlovingdreamer because i know you both were interested in this idea hope it's cool to tag you!! ✧
The first time it happens, it's not a big deal.
They were on their way to start a supply run, some small groceries, snacks and sweets, to try and keep the mood up.
He had already done his rounds, checked in on El (still exhausted) and Dustin (still sleeping with his head on his mom's lap; she's still wiping her tears away when Steve sees her) and the Byers (still huddled together, warm, loving). He felt a twinge in his chest at the absence of Lucas and Erica but he knows they're with their parents because they did a check-in literally ten minutes ago. They're safe.
Steve knows they're safe. He just wishes they felt safe.
A whole month of fear and caution but this time, instead of a couple of kids sharing glances across town, nodding and walking on, it's everyone in Hawkins, gawking up at the dark clouds without any idea of what's been happening under their noses for years.
He wishes they never had to find out.
"Hey," Robin says, grasping his hand as she steps out onto the doorstep next to him. "We got this, right?"
"Yeah," Steve grips her hand back, stroking his thumb over the ink doodles across her knuckles. Sometimes he thinks the only reason they'll make it is that he's got her by his side. "We got this."
She smiles a thin, watery smile, lifts up her mask and makes her way to the car. He inhales, covers his nose with the black bandana Dustin gave him and follows behind her, gripping at the cold, empty space in his palm.
The forest was always one of the worst parts of living in this house, but the darkness has turned it ashy and cold, like something out of a zombie movie. He wonders, as he stares through the trees, if Barb got to see the forest before she was pulled through.
That's when he hears the music.
An echo of a guitar strumming. It's faint, the sound warbling as the guitar gets tuned and re-tuned every few strums.
It's so quiet, he thinks, so why does it sound so close?
"Steve?" Robin calls out, her eyes as wide and beautiful and terrified as ever under her goggles. She stands next to his car, one hand tapping the hood nervously. "You ready?"
Steve blinks and shakes his head, the echo of the guitar fading away as he twirls his keys around his finger. "Ready."
Probably just someone playing around on the radio or something, he reasons as he starts the engine.
No big deal.
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Two days later and everyone is in the living room.
Everyone meaning literally everyone, even fucking Mrs Wheeler, all to discuss shelter for the families who lost their houses in the earthquake.
Steve's house is already full of most of the Party (Dustin insisted they use the name for the entire Upside-Down-Expert-Team), otherwise he'd offer it as a place for people to stay in until they can get something more permanent.
That's all this place is good for anyways. Just a rest stop.
"I appreciate that, Mom." Nancy taps her finger on the dining table, eyes squinting and lips squeezed into a very fake smile. Steve winces and starts to make his way to the sun room, gripping the blankets in his arms tightly as she continues. "But some of these people need -"
It's pretty easy to tune the discussion out, focusing on laying out the blankets and making as much of the space as comfortable as possible. The big windows let so much sunlight in, it's perfect for anyone who wants to soak up in the warmth. The only problem is the view.
He pointedly doesn't look at the pool, hands on his hips as he surveys the room, and that's when he starts to hear the guitar again. The strumming starts up quietly and washes over him, re-tuning itself every time he starts to rearrange the blankets again. A few minutes of tuning and it starts to play a song this time.
Steve tilts his head, staring out at the pool. Someone must have switched on the lights when it started getting dark.
When did it get so dark? He should go back and check on everyone, make sure they're comfortable. Is there enough space? Maybe he should redo the blankets?
The song soaks the back of his neck.
The blankets are perfect. He and Robin just can share.
It's so familiar, he thinks, as the water ripples with the wind. Something he's heard, but not listened to.
There shouldn't be any water in the pool. Why is there -
The song is slow, coiling behind his ear and gently drifting down his shoulders, making him shiver. He thinks he should know the music, humming along to it as the guitar starts to get louder. It feels nice, a comforting chill down his back that eases the tension of his wounds.
His wounds. Robin. Robin, his bat bites still hurt, why does it hurt so much, what's -
Oh, he thinks as the music plays even louder in his ear, in his mind, that's not the radio.
Robin is crying, hands crushing his jaw, her face blocking the view of the empty pool. The music is gone.
"Steve, please!"
"Rob?" he croaks, swallowing the dryness of his tongue. His head feels flooded with a fuzziness, blood rushing through his veins like it was moving too slowly before. He blinks when he realizes they're outside now, standing between the pool and the house. It's still daylight. "What -?"
She pulls him into a hug, and he struggles, but manages to wrap his own arms around her, if kinda slowly. "You just - you weren't saying anything and started walking to the pool and I couldn't stop you -"
"Steve," Nancy says somewhere to his left. He barely manages to lift his head to look at her, blue eyes sharp and a Walkman held tightly in her hand. "What did you see?"
The fuzziness is fading away but his brain is still moving through a fog to connect words together. "I heard music."
Robin's face is in front of his again, eyes wide and beautiful and terrified. Oh, Robbie. "Vecna uses music now?"
"Not Vecna." Steve wrinkles his nose. "It...wasn't Vecna."
"How do you know that?" Nancy squints at him and he rests his forehead against Robin's, his bones melting into stone, too heavy to hold up. He hears the creak of the Walkman, Nancy gripping it tighter. "Steve, how do you know it's not Vecna?"
"Music w's nice." His eyes are closing. "Felt nice."
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After that, the plan was never leave Steve alone.
It made bathroom breaks awkward but Argyle was so chill about it that Steve didn't even mind after the first two trips.
El couldn't find anything Upside-Downy on him, and there was the entire town with Upside-Downy shit happening everywhere, so there wasn't really much more to the plan than him having a bodyguard.
They made a chart for their shifts. God, he loves these shitheads.
"Here, man," Argyle says quietly, handing over three slices of pizza with a wink. Steve thanks him with a real, if exhausted, smile. Sleep hasn't been easy for the past week. "Fresh outta the oven."
"You're a godsend, dude," Steve groans, blowing air on the pizza slice. Mike grumbles under his breath about "hair-bias", whatever the fuck that means. Erica just rolls her eyes and shoves at his head.
The Sinclairs are visiting today, the parents persuaded by Lucas and Erica's whining (and a little bit of Steve's charm) so they can spend more time at "home base" with the others.
They're sat in the living room, eating lunch as rays of sunlight shine on the food like some kind of holy blessing, with the rest of the Party.
The rest of the survivors would be more accurate.
He tries not thinking about it, tries to appreciate the warm cheese and loud laughter. There's too much to not think about. How Max isn't here, how she deserves more, how he wants to see her okay and alive and happy.
Eddie isn't here either, and he doesn't think about how much he deserved better too.
"Steve thought it was cool! Right, Steve?"
He wishes Eddie could have made it, that Dustin didn't have to lose him like that.
Hell, they could have been friends. Maybe buried the hatchet so they could make fun of Dustin together, catch each other's eye whenever the tone makes an appearance and just laugh whenever he wasn't looking.
"I said, right, Steve?"
Maybe they could have hung out. Steve would come over to his trailer - or maybe Eddie would come over for a swim - and he'd make fun of Eddie's taste in bands - or maybe he'd listen to him play his guitar, never looking away from those ringed fingers as they created wonderful, wonderful music.
Oh shit, the music is back. That's probably not good, is it?
But it's so sweet. So calming and cool, like a balm against his torn skin, washing over the dark feelings that built up in his ribcage.
The song ripples through his veins and he sighs at the feeling. The pool doesn't have water anymore, he thinks. He emptied it so long ago. The music is sad, and his heart clenches at the sound.
The lake has water, he thinks. And the song turns light, sweet, calling him, curling around him, pulling him towards -
"Sorry about this, dude."
"Fuck!" Steve gasps when he hits the ground, groaning as his back ache returns at full force. "What the fuck, man?"
To his credit, Argyle looks genuinely sorry and helps him back onto his feet, holding Steve up with a tight arm around his waist and a tighter grip on his wrist. His shoulder aches at being thrown over Argyle's neck but walking is a lot easier when someone else is carrying half the weight.
He feels so heavy now.
"What - happened?" Steve croaks as they hobble back to the house. When did he leave it?
"You just got up and you weren't -" Dustin swallows, his voice croaky like he'd been yelling. "It's like you weren't even there."
"God, you can't keep doing this, Steve," Robin smacks his shoulder with a tight smile, tears still unshed in her eyes. His chest aches at them. "How many times are you gonna walk out on me?"
"Sorry Robbie," he says and accepts her very tight ow, ow, ow hug with a sad laugh. "I don't know what's going on."
"Was it the music again?" Will asks quietly.
Steve looks at him, leaning his head against Robin's. When did he get so tall? When did they all grow up already? "Yeah," Steve replies, just as quiet. He swallows when Robin lets out a sob into his shoulder. "It was the same song."
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By the time his brain is fully functional ("Debatable," Mike sneers, crying out when El smacks him up the head), everyone's already discussing the new plan.
"We'll need to make notes, figure out the pattern, see if there're any triggers for Steve." Nancy said and he tries not to let it get to him, the fact that he needs babysitting now, that he can't do anything without being watched. "If the music makes people feel...good, it could still be a whole new tactic. Maybe Vecna wants our guard down, maybe he's countering our favourite songs, maybe it's a distraction. We have to be ready."
Steve still wants to grumble that it could never be Vecna, that's insulting, but he's too tired to argue about anything anymore.
They've even rearranged who sleeps where so that the Sinclairs can sleep over. They take one of the guest rooms while Mrs Henderson and Dustin join Steve in his own room. He almost loses his mind cackling when the both of them eye his wallpaper with the same mix of disgust and fascination. When Mrs Henderson sees the curtains, she almost gags and it's the loudest he's laughed in a long time.
"You're gonna be okay," Dustin tells him right before they fall asleep. Steve looks up at him from the floor where he lays, couch pillows doing more for his back than training against monsters ever did. "You'll be fine."
"'Course I will, dude," Steve smiles at him as Mrs Henderson leaves the room to talk to Hopper one last time. Tews is curled up on the bed, purrs loud, almost melodic, and lulling Steve's thoughts into a calm. "If the giant flesh monster couldn't get us, no way some wrinkly old naked guy will."
Dustin laughs outrageously at that and Steve wants to coo, wants to cry, wants to grip Dustin tightly in his arms and hide him away from the world, hide them all away in this empty house and make it full, make it safe for them, for Max, for Robin.
He doesn't.
He eventually falls asleep to the sound of Dustin muttering under his breath. And when Steve sleeps, he dreams.
It's so cold around him, so dark and empty. The sky thunders red and the cries of so many monsters echo around him. But there, through the cold and the shadows and the monsters, there's the song, calling to him.
I'm here, he thinks as he trudges his way through the inky mass of thick liquid, not water, not blood, but enough of both to make his steps heavy. I'm coming.
The song curls up on his skin, on his bat bites, soft and sweet and cold, like that time Robin spilled ice cream all over the -
Robin. Where's - where's Robin?
Shh, it's okay. She's fine. Everyone's fine. Keep going.
Oh, he thinks. Of course. Everyone's okay, he knows they are, right?
Steve pauses his next step.
The song is even lonelier now and he shakes off the questions clouding his mind. It croons to him, so happy as he makes it through the ink to the shore. It sounds so sweet, that's it, keep going, come on.
He's crawling at this point, body heavy with the weight, until the song lifts him up onto his knees and he looks up to see -
"Snap out of it!"
Steve gasps at the sting on his cheek, blinking when light hits his eyes fiercely, shapes and sounds moving around him from a distance. There's a buzzing coiling behind his ears.
Dustin's terrified face finally comes into focus behind his mother, who is standing right in front of Steve with her arm stretched across the space between them. Steve blinks, "Hold on, did you just slap me?"
"I'm so sorry, Steve," Mrs Henderson says and just like Argyle, she seems to really mean it. Does she? Her outstretched hand rests on his forehead as the other grips his upper arm. His back aches. His torso burns. Where did the song go? "We were so scared, you weren't saying anything -"
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Would never, of course not, just needed to keep going.
They both deny it vehemently. "Of course not! You were just - staring. Out the window. At -"
"At the pool," Steve hisses, biting his lip.
"Yeah," Dustin breathes out, his eyes watering as he reaches out to grab Steve's wrist. "But you're - you're back now. We just - just need to slap you out of it. What's another concussion, right?"
Steve laughs because Dustin's voice is so choked up that if he doesn't laugh, he'll cry. He ruffles the curls of his hair with a smile. A sinking feeling claws at him from the inside of his stomach. Can't he listen to the song one more time?
"Yeah, I'm here, I'm -" Steve swallows as the blood in his veins prickles. Won't you hear me one more time? "I - I don't want to listen. I won't."
"Can you still hear it?!"
Please? It would make us so happy, Steve.
"I - no, no, I -"
"Steve?! Guys! Code red, code red, please!"
Please, Steve. Please?
"Okay," he says, eyes drooping as the melody curls up around his waist, brushing against the inside of his skin, pooling around his chest, thrumming in time with his heart beat. It feels so sweet, so good, thank you, come here, come here. "Okay."
"El, do something, please!"
The song turns harsh, gnawing on his bones, piercing through his skull, pushing him to the ground as someone is interrupting, no interruptions, leave us alone, alone, alone. The pain builds up crawling and clawing up  to his chest to his shoulders to his head, his head, it hurts, it hurts so much, please stop, just stop. "Fuck, fuck -"
"Steve?" Dustin whimpers and he aches, he aches, he aches.
He screams.
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When he wakes up, it's to dawn creeping through the windows and rope around his body.
Red sunlight, just like in Mike's Superman comic books, covered by dark clouds.
A red sun to the blue moon. Right side up to the upside down. You to me.
"Whe -" Steve croaks, his eyes creaking open. Fuck, they're so crusty, that's gross. "Where?"
Robin's face in front of his, beautiful and terrified. He squints up at her, glancing over to find Dustin and Lucas staring at him with wide eyes, Hopper behind them. They watch him and they nod. Others are coming in, Mrs Byers and Jonathan and Nancy -
Steve hisses as something claws through him for the fourth time that night, pain, pain, go away, go away -
"Shit, shit, shit, everyone get in position, -"
"Will, get over here, he's gonna -"
Come here, come on, please? Won't you come back?
"Where are you?" Steve murmurs as the pain turns into the music, gliding over him, like a wave coming to shore, pulling him back to the water, back to us.
"He's talking to the siren! Somebody get -"
Come here, come back, come to me. 
"Can't find you," he says, slurring his words as the song combs through his hair, like fingers scratching against his scalp. "Where're you?"
"That's it, Steve, keep talking, we got you -"
Want you here, with us, want us together, don't you?
"Yeah, yes, together," he sighs, the melody trilling in his chest, happy, sweet, soft, perfect, it'll be perfect, together, all together, just before someone reaches for his hand
He hisses and the song pulls away roughly, leaving him floating in the void, he cries out for it to come back, but he betrayed them, shouldn't have done that, Stevie, you tried to trick us -
"Shit!" Steve drops back to the bed with lead in his bones. El is still holding his hand. He was so close, the connection just barely at his fingertips.
Dustin swears as the others start to argue. The frustration is building up in the room, everyone too tense to think about answers, you sly dog, that was clever, but we don't like traitors -
"Wait, no," Steve gasps as something claws in his wounds, amused, you tried to trick me? Fine, no more playing around. "Fuck, wait -"
And the song crashes into the shore, pulls him down under where everything is sweet and cold, right back where you belong.
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It's so warm out here, between the trees.
The skin on his back was blistering, biting at his flesh, before the song had gently cooled it down. He shivers at the chill, smiling when the song pulls him forward, looping around him with a sweet hum. It feels so nice, to hear the song without any distractions.
Without any interruptions.
Keep going.
Steve sighs when the song runs through his hair, laughing when it musses it all up. His hand twitches, he wants to fix it up until it's perfect again.
Keep going.
There are noises behind him, the sound of running and metal-on-flesh. It's all so slow, even slower than him. He doesn't know what's behind him, just the dark and gentle song pulling at his veins.
Keep going.
He makes it to the water, to the lake. There is no moonlight, but the song guides his steps, keeps him light. How sweet, he thinks, how sweet of you.
He makes it until his waist is plunged in the frigid water and then the song stops. He looks around but can't see anything in the shadows. There are sounds of humans yelling, of monstrous shrieks behind him, but where is the song?
He looks up and sees crimson eyes, half-lidded, and a smile staring down at him. Massive black wings blow gusts of wind at him. He shivers, and gives a smile in return.
His song.
The wings slow down until big, red eyes are level with his own, curls of black falling with gravity to brush against his cheek. The song hums in his chest, satisfied, delighted and sweet.
"Miss me, big boy?"
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deoidesign · 9 days
Joked about Adam being divorced one too many times that now I'm getting anti-divorce ads
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Adam think of the children... Please...
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soupinaboot · 8 months
I don't know what he is but it sure as hell ain't American.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
Rooms (Whose Thighs Are Lilac Rose Gardens) Preview: CH2
Eddie wakes with a hot, wet mouth on him.
It’s this thing about Steve, he’s slutty when he’s happy. Like, it’s his natural default, it’s where he lands. Effusive and bright and openly tactile, but undeniably underlined by his tendency to slut himself around and weaponise it for fun.
No surprise whatsoever then to wake up with his pretty fucking mouth wrapped around Eddie’s dick.
OK, yes, maybe some surprise because holy fucking god, the boy’s got no gag reflex and his nose is buried in Eddie’s dense, dark curls—fuck.
Eddie’s back arches before he’s even fully awake, his body responding and he’s barely fucking conscious, but he knows he’s like ten seconds from coming, Steve’s too good, fucking hell.
‘Baby,’ Eddie utters, half slurs. ‘Stevie.’
It’s not an objection, it never would be. Steve can do whatever he wants. He just wants to say his name, just wants to speak it into existence.
Eddie’s arm stings still.
It hurts.
He loves that so much.
And when he looks over, Billy is there too.
Waiting, not like Steve who wouldn’t wait to dispense pleasure, not when he’s so happy.
But Billy waited.
Eddie kisses him.
He thinks there’s a ghost of something caught in a mirror inside him. Shattered, bright and sharp, it’s not normal, none of this is, but it’s so obvious when he’s kissing Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington is sucking his god damned soul right out his cock first thing.
Eddie thinks it’s this house.
This country.
Earth and the moon, their Momma, as Steve calls her.
Only Eddie knows why.
Only Eddie knows the story of that night.
Maybe Steve will tell Billy soon, Eddie’s not sure.
Billy’s kisses are fresh and minty where Eddie’s are not, but the older boy doesn’t seem to care. He kisses warm and slow, rumbles contentedly, but he grips Eddie hard, almost painful, especially when he comes.
Comes in Steve’s mouth, all over his tongue.
Sharing, nourishing, loving.
Then Steve emerges from the covers, his hair all static-fucked, lips red and cheeks blush pink, eyes bright.
Steve crawls over, nudges against his face, closed mouth secret smile and Eddie grins indulgently, knows what he’s got.
‘You wanna give me somethin’, baby boy?’
Steve strokes his face, nods.
He is the personification of sin; angelic and so lovely it cuts all that it touches, demands nothing less than blood.
Lips touching, but not to kiss, Eddie opens up and lets Steve spit his own come into his mouth.
Eddie swallows, drags Steve against him to kiss him stupid, to fit all that love where he breathes so it’ll live inside.
They’re all cut up, the sheets are bloody and ruined.
Eddie says, ‘I love you,’ to Steve and Steve just smiles.
Then he pulls off, kisses Billy too.
‘Can we make waffles again?’
Billy makes waffles and Eddie smokes outside.
It’s cooler in the morning.
His arm hurts.
Eddie touches it, presses down on the sorest parts.
Nicotine and smoke and the low burn when he lets it get too close to his fingers, but it’s good, it helps.
Eddie thinks about the man whose throat opened up when Steve sliced it, he thinks about sharp objects and blades and the first time someone realised they could use tools to kill rather than teeth.
He’s shirtless.
Likes the bite in the air.
Clean and fresh, it runs counterpoint with the cigarette he finishes.
There’s waffles inside, he can smell them.
And he kinda wants to stay outside, look at the sky, but Steve calls him in, so that’s where he goes.
Steve eats waffles and drinks milk from the bottle and Billy watches him sometimes, Eddie helpless but to watch them both. This far from the gritty demands of their usual life together, this place, this house is something removed from time.
They’re wearing each other’s scars.
Shapes cut into skin.
Eddie thinks of the first time someone cut him, the shock of it, how he’d cried later, all alone. Didn’t realise he could be split, ruined, hurt in such a way.
Now, it’s just love.
The rose in his arm, the one on Billy’s chest and the newest blossom on Steve’s thighs. They’ll heal well, Eddie thinks.
Steve’s energy though, it’s a little fractured.
His knee is jogging, expression blank and calm as it so often is, but there’s just something off.
‘You OK?’ he asks Steve.
Steve smiles at him, nods and then takes his plate out to the kitchen. Eddie and Billy share a brief look.
‘He’s not OK,’ Billy tells him quietly.
And Eddie, he could be real fucking smug, he could be a bitch, say shit like, ‘Yeah, no, I think I’d know, seeing as how we’ve been together for years, thanks.’ He could say that, remind Billy whose claim to Steve is greater.
Eddie doesn’t want to, though.
What scares him is that he doesn’t even believe that.
‘I know,’ he simply says. ‘It’s the Vegas thing. Always takes a while for… well. Bad shit comes in like the flu for Steve.’
Billy nods slowly. ‘What do you wanna do?’
‘Keep him safe.’ Eddie leans forward, elbows on the table. ‘What do you wanna do?’
Billy’s eyes are blue, they’re steady.
He’s like a mountain.
He is Nebraska.
He’s this house.
‘I want whatever you want.’
They go shopping.
It’s a small gathering of local stores; no chains, no big brand names. Billy warns Eddie not to shoplift.
‘I wasn’t gonna,’ he chuckles, and Billy grins, seemingly charmed by the brashness of the lie.
Steve is humming to himself as he wanders through the rows, examining medicine and greeting cards. Eddie thinks he recognises the song, which brings dread to his core. He can count on two hands the number of times he’s heard Steve singing that fucking song and every single time without fail, it has preceded a breakdown.
And because sometimes, Steve would call Billy, because they would talk alone without Eddie in the space of the last (first) time they saw Billy, Eddie’s not sure.
He gets noodles for himself and Lucky Charms for Steve, dumps them in the cart and throws Billy a glance, measuring.
‘What?’ Billy asks.
‘Did he tell you about Texas?’
There’s no reaction at first.
And Billy’s the kind who thinks slow, feels slow, but Eddie’s looking for a specific reaction which, when he doesn’t find it, says all he needs to know.
He won’t be the one to tell Billy, not in a million years, but he did wonder. They seem like they know each other, those two. Strange familiarity that Eddie sometimes feels side-lined by.
‘Is it to do with the song he’s singing?’
‘Kinda. Doesn’t matter.’
‘He was humming it in the car while you slept.’
‘It’s fine. Just.’ Eddie stops at the dog chew toy section, scans for whatever is cutest. ‘Sometimes, when he sings that song, it means he’s headed for a bad few weeks.’
He chooses a fluffy black dragon without a squeaker. Something that’s intended to be playfully torn apart and shredded, he knows Steve likes to rescue them. Never buys a toy intended for a life of love, only the rescues, the strays, whatever he can keep from the jaws of happy death.
Billy selects a plush squid.
‘I’m here,’ he says.
It’s two words.
They don’t mean much, and yet they mean everything.
Eddie might not have to face this alone.
He’s never had that before.
Risks touching Billy’s hand where anyone could see, grasping it briefly.
Billy’s thumb rubs over his knuckles and then he lets go first, pragmatic as ever.
Eddie won’t trust it¸ of course not.
Billy doesn’t know what Steve gets like sometimes. Nobody does, only Eddie. If anything in the world is gonna shake Billy Hargrove awake, make him see sense about the both of them, it’ll be the storm that’s coming.
I’m here.
Eddie doesn’t fully trust it.
But he dares take a little comfort from it all the same, and feels no guilt in spending Billy’s money at least.
He still shoplifts a beaded bracelet just for the hell of it, Steve will like that he stole it. He’ll like the way the cheap glass beads catch the light.
Old habits die hard, don’t they?
(Touched Preview coming a little later today💜💜💜)
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ultravhasart · 1 year
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have a comic wip
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findafight · 10 months
(Okay, gonna try and send this again)
I had a whole spiel about how R0nance has the potential to be very interesting and stimulate character growth on both sides in a similar way to Steve and Eddie. Not to say that Nance needed “ego death”, but she has built too much of her identity around being the smartest person there/the only person who can find the answers, and having Robin challenge her in that way (at times without even needing to) would provide some much needed growth. Because at the moment she’s giving “gifted student who didn’t struggle in school and is going to be eaten alive at college”.
Or, if you wanted to lean into the “Bad R0nance” side of things, they have the potential for a lot of interesting dynamics, scenes and conversations that they couldn’t have with other characters. Like, Barb is already such a charged subject with Nancy - add to that the fact that Barb ditched Robin to become Nancy’s best friend. To say nothing of Steve, who is such a big part of Robin’s life, he’s going to be part of Nancy’s what her she likes it or not.
Hell, assuming that that argument prompt wasn’t meant to be cute or funny, that’s a dynamic that could be interesting to explore. Honestly, I find Nancy’s difficulty with admitting that she’s in the wrong/having to have things done her way interesting, especially in contrast with a lot of the guilt she carries being over things that weren’t really her fault (if a bit too close to how certain loved ones of mine act sometimes). And I already see enough of her sticking to her guns despite common sense going unexplored in the show (quite literally; I love surprise gun-toting badass Nancy as much as the next person, and her and Max sawing down the shotgun was a cool visual. That being said; WHEN have guns ever worked against the Upside Down?).
Anyway - my point is that it’s not that I dislike R0nance, I just find a lot of the stuff written to be OOC, that it ignores many of the elements that I think would make them interesting together, or that it downplays Steve’s importance in Robin’s life/ignores it in favour of treating him more as Nancy’s ex-turned-kinda-friend.
haha yeah I got the first one and was like hm. that's not finished...hope they continue!
yeah Nancy doesn't need the same kind of ego death as Eddie did, but she's in desperate need of the realization she doesn't need to form her identity around her academics and journalism and her ability to Solve the Mystery etc, she can be something other than that. The tidbit from rebel Robin that if Robin tried a bit more, she could be valedictorian or something is so juicy for this! I don't think this is exclusive to romo rnce tbh i think them getting a kind of friendship could be really interesting and change them.
The Barb of it all would be so good and neat to explore. God. the hurt and guilt on both sides? I want them to have a conversation about Barb!! How robin mourned her even before she died, and maybe felt like a fraud for crying herslef to sleep when Barb went missing, because they weren't really friends anymore. How Nancy feels guilt for letting Barb leave, how she wishes she could take it back. How Robin resented Nancy for "stealing" barb away, about her insecurities in her friendships because of that. I want to see it! They could have such a rich friendship!
I want to see them argue! yell! scream and cry! There's so much potential here! their personalities would clash in glorious ways even in a friendship, let alone a romo relationship! hoo hoo!
Poor Steve is just. He's there too. He can't not be, because he might be an ex Nancy didn't talk to unless the world was ending, but Robin would see him everyday? and that's awkward. idk I think people also miss that for Nancy, dating the best friend of an ex she broke up with in....not the best circumstances and tried to avoid since then would be majorly awkward! idk like Nancy has warmed again to Steve in s4, but clearly didn't interact with him a lot between seasons, but she was also flirting with him and then went back to Jonathan, so it's probably not a situation she wants to be in! Besides the whole mess it would be for Robin considering if she actually wanted to date a friend's (best friend's) ex, the ex, Nancy would probably have to consider spending time with an ex like that. (because you're correct! for robin Steve is non negotiable)
(the prompt was absolutely supposed to be cute it blew my mind) But it's such an interesting dynamic, and absolutely something that I can see Nancy doing. It's been haunting me for weeks! Her feeling guilty over things she had no control over, but then not taking accounatbility for things she did and could change, that's so neat! With her relying on body language, and not adequately communicating to partners what she actually wants/needs/is thinking, Combined with Robin not being good at reading people and generally nervous about that inability to read more subtleties, it would be brutal. They would both dig their heels in, but robin wouldn't know why. FASCINATING.
Common sense doesn't exist in Stranger Things <3 Also I know next to nothing about guns but for some reason I know (am pretty sure of?) that sawed off shotguns have worse accuracy. I was like "nooo nancy you don't need to do that! It will also not help at all!" please let Nancy get a meelee weapon please let her beat the shit out of a demogorgon please let her actually inflict damage!
Uhg yes agree. I think it's one of the few ships I dislike more because of the shippers and how they interact with the characters, and that I see it as sort of a relationship that wouldn't last, and the shippers wouldn't like that and also want it canon. So much stuff I find ooc, and also for some reason a number of steve haters (super uncharitable ones that really, idk why they like robin, a character who loves steve so much she wants to combine with him, if they hate everything about Steve). Big turn offs. Not a lot of nuance happening! (which is NOT rnce exclusive!! I exit out of fics with ships I like because I find them ooc etc.) It could be a really interesting ship that would be messy and possibly implode but oof it'd be neat to explore. I've said before that I can see them liking each other and just not working out in an au where Steve and Nancy never had that history, because honestly another part of it is that I just don't see them as compatible (and included it in one of my not at all canon adjacent aus!).
I am with you on a lot of the content fumbles how Steve fits into it. The complexities his relationships both past and present to both Nancy and Robin would bring up between them could be explored more. Like yeah maybe steve's fine with his bff dating his ex whatever. but how would they feel about it? how would Nancy feel about steve being Robin's ride or die? how does Robin's friendship with steve effect that relationship? there's interesting bones here but alas. He's often shoved to the side as Robins friend and nancy's ex-turned friend. WHERES THE JUICE THERE? c'mon! i get some folks want non-conflict romance but maybe the ship that has potential to be so so SO messy that isn't going to be the most incharacter interactions.
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scuddish · 2 years
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
Steve's been on the phone for- it didn't matter!
All Billy wanted to do was cuddle with him, and Steve had the nerve to put up a hand and say, "In a minute, Muffin."
More than a minute later, and Billy's going crazy. He's pacing around in the kitchen, juggling lemons in the air (when he sees an article on snakes he ends up dropping the lemons on his head), huffing and puffing...
He knows he's being unreasonable. Billy is many things, but he's not stupid. He can't be with Steve every minute of every day. His... buddy has a life to live, and friends to see.
Billy didn't have any friends. He told himself he didn't mind, and he was almost starting to believe it.
As cliche as it sounds, his mother had been his first (and best) friend. And then she left.
Things with Steve are weird. They've slept together a few times (actually sleeping, and only hints of the other thing) and they certainly spend a lot of time together. But they haven't put a label on whatever they were yet.
Putting a label on a relationship frightened Billy. It made things all... official. Besides, Steve wouldn't want to be Billy's anything.
Damn intrusive thoughts.
He ignores reason and stomps into the living room, where Steve basically ignores him.
Fine. If all Harrington was in this for was his body, then he would simply have to milk it.
He starts with his wife beater (a weird fucking name for a shirt, and it kind of unnerved him, to be honest), taking it off slowly.
What if Steve doesn't like it?
No, no. There was only one remotely good quality about Billy, and that was his body. The rest was, quite frankly, a dumpster fire.
Next he unbuckles his belt, and begins to take off his jeans. It's a bit of a struggle, but he gets them off.
He stands before Steve in his underwear, and he clears his throat.
"What, Bills? I said- oh my lord." Steve drops the phone, and Billy jumps at the clatter it makes when it hits the floor.
Oh no. He doesn't like it. He's disappointed. He's-
"Sorry, Steve-"
Steve cups his ass cheeks and pulls him close. "This was a nice surprise."
"You were on the phone forever." Billy cringes inwardly at his voice. It sounds so unlike him.
"Sorry, Nance was just checking in. She wanted to know if I was up for going out for a movie-"
Billy is already trying to shimmy his pants up his ass, wishing he had two extra arms so he could plug his ears.
"And I told her I wasn't gonna go. That I was with you."
Billy stops mid-hop, staring at Steve.
"I'm not ashamed of people knowing that you're my boyfriend, babe." Steve's smile fades. "Unless you don't-"
Billy shakes his head immediately; how could Steve even think for a second that he wouldn't want to be in a relationship with Steve Harrington?
They're both idiots.
"I do. I'd like... to be... what you said just now," Billy says awkwardly. If Max were to see him now... she would never let him hear the end of it.
Steve's face illuminates like Joyce Byers' Christmas lights, and he kisses Billy, gripping the part of his hair that's not so close to his skull.
"The little show you put on... any reason for that, Muffin?"
"I... I wanted your attention."
"Well, you certainly have it now." Steve then frowns, and adds, "But Bills, I hope you do know... I'm not in this because I think you're hot."
"I-I mean not that you aren't! You're really, really gorgeous- too gorgeous for a shithole like Hawkins! I just... didn't want you to feel as though I was objectifying you. I wanted you to know I was in it for more than your body."
"What else is there?" Billy finds himself whispering, on the sudden verse of tears. Was he on his period or something? Jesus, get a grip, Hargrove!
Steve has a determined look on his face, and he replies instantly, "You're brave, you're protective, you're smart as a whip, you tell funny jokes, you're resourceful, you have a way of seeing through bullshit, you put on a front but I know you love Max more than anything-"
"I'm not done! You're a good swimmer, you're good with cats, you don't cut off Robin when she goes on ramblings, you're genuine, you're dependable, you're passionate, you care deeply even if you don't always know how to show it, you stay in that house with that fucking scum because you won't let him break your little sister-"
"Like he broke me?"
Steve cups his face, wiping away the tears he didn't realize had been trickling down his cheeks. "You're not broken, Billy. I have no intention of fixing you. You aren't a fucking house, and you don't need to be fixed. You just deserve to-to have good things, and I wanna be one of those good things."
Billy smiles, sniffling. "You're the first good thing I've had in a while, Steve."
"Not the last, I assure you!" Steve says in his "King Steve" voice, hands on his hips. "So do you wanna... fool around? Or do you wanna cu-"
Billy jumps in Steve's arms, and the brunette oofs, stumbling back a little.
"Am I too-"
"I'm stronger than I look, alright? Chasing after a bunch of children and my favorite person in the world keeps me fit as a fiddle," Steve huffs, booping Billy's nose as he lies on the couch, positioning Billy right on top of him.
"Can you breathe?"
"If I weren't breathing, I would be dead, William."
"Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious."
"I heard that!"
"It's good to know your ears haven't failed you yet."
"You asshole, I'm not even that much older than you!"
"Uh huh. I saw a grey hair this morning. Didn't wanna say anything-"
"The movies are sounding really tempting right about now." Despite Steve's pouting, he grips Billy's hips tighter, letting him know: hey, I'm not going anywhere.
Billy sticks his tongue out at the landline, and snuggles deeper into the forest of hairs on Steve's chest.
@thatawkwardlittlefangirl (welcome 🥰🥰)
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toburnup · 1 year
Steve is really fucking hard to ignore.
"Guys. Seriously, you can fuck later, let me in." His voice is muffled through the door but Tommy's focus is cut in half. His fingers slip and Carol groans until they find their place again.
Finally, she devolves into quiet panting, her eyes screwed up. Tommy is sweating and his bed is creaking when she starts grinding her hips down, against his hand, against him. She's so close, she just needs a bit more and then Tommy can fucking finish and this will be over-
"One fucking minute!" Tommy practically bellows at the door, and Steve finally goes silent.
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scattered-winter · 10 months
it's so funny to me when i see people talk about the mcu like "oughhh they should have used [x] character's theme in the soundtrack in the 5 second scene they appeared in" like you really think the mcu soundtracks are cohesive enough across movies to be able to incorporate motifs and themes in a meaningful way. you really think that. lol. lmao, even.
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steakout-05 · 2 months
headcanons i have about Craig the scientist :)
as are most of the characters i have headcanons for, Craig is on the autism spectrum. he has a flat effect to his voice and facial expressions, doesn't really get most social cues, doesn't know how to react to others in pain the "right" way, misunderstands metaphors and speaks in quite a direct manner because it makes the most sense to his brain. he's quite a literal thinker. he also tends to hyperfixate so hard on a task that he forgets his basic needs and hygene, and thus has quite an unkempt look underneath that hazmat suit of his (which i will get into later!). Barry often ends up needing to get Craig something to eat because of how long he hyperfixates on something.
Craig sometimes doesn't exactly pay attention to his tone of voice, so sometimes he can say something that, to him, sounds completely normal, but because of his tone, can end up sounding really ominous to other people by accident ("We know who you are, Barry.")
Craig has traumatic cataract in his left eye (or wherever the fuck craig's visor crack is supposed to be in canon lol) from the explosion in 'Level 2' and is half blind in that eye. his eye has a very clouded look as a result of the injury. he's also got a huge scar there too that required some pretty gnarly stitches later, and his skin is almost completely numb around that area.
Craig also never really had the best eyesight before the injury, so he's always wearing these big ol' nerdy glasses underneath his helmet. and yes, they are tacked together with a band-aid lol
Craig is one of the few scientists who is not a clone of Peter Simpkins, the late friend of both Professor Brains and (in my headcanon'd canon) Craig. i like to think that Craig and Simpkins knew each other when they were first recruited by Legitimate Research and was pretty close to both him and Brains, and since Simpkins died, Brains has kind of taken more of a liking towards Craig (mostly out of loneliness and needing someone to help around at the lab, but he has a genuine fondness for him under his demanding and angry exterior).
There's a bit of a fan theory that Craig is the same guy as the scientist in the 'Robot Bird' rock opera, which i like to believe is the case. i mean, he's got the same monotone voice as Craig, it's gotta be him. i hope this does end up becoming canon because i think it'd make for an interesting conflict between Barry and Craig!!
Craig may or may not be related to Lab Lady.
Craig's counterpart in the mirror universe is named Kayla.
Craig is demiromantic and is questioning his sexuality (he thinks he might be bi or pan), though he definitely knows he loves Barry <3
Craig has an unhealthy habit of wiping his embarrassing memories, like, a lot. he wipes memories of awkward accidents in the lab, particularly painful failures, and most importantly, the memories of losing literally all his stuff and his career to Barry, which is why he doesn't immediately recognise him in the shorts. Craig has a lot of trouble recounting stories from the past because of this memory-wiping and felt a sense of emptiness, which getting hit in the head certainly didn't help with, so he tried inventing that apple in the Multiverse Madness event to get some of them back. it was pure dumb luck that Barry didn't end up witnessing what happened to Craig in the 'Robot Bird' opera and both are completely unaware of the disastrous can of worms that could have opened. bro's gonna end up like wallflower blush if he doesn't keep that memory erasing under control
and finally...
under his helmet, Craig has messy dirty-blonde hair, a rounded face that has a few stray facial hairs he forgot to shave, a long scar down the left side of his face, hazel coloured eyes and pale skin. this design is inspired by the designs made by @dexterno-artz and @schnabel53 respectively :D
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this is a sketch of my finalised(ish) craig design!!! i've shown earlier versions of this guy in a couple of older posts but i haven't really revised his design much until now. i kinda had the idea of him looking like a stereotypical nerd and then made him messier. i might tone the amount of hair he has down a tiny bit but also i really like the nerdy bird's nest thing he has goin on :) i like to think he literally hasn't brushed his hair in several weeks and it's just become a bird's nest from nights of staying up doing science stuff
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how i feel about barry tbh. he's literally so dumb i love him
(also apologies for the photos being kinda blurry and me forgetting to turn off the filter. again. in my defence it looks really nice and orange on my phone)
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sometimes i like drawing him saying stuff from the shorts to get a feel of how he'd look when talking and make sure he looks juuuust nerdy enough for me to go "yep that's craig". also his big,g, handns,s,
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drew this as a quick side profile sketch to get a general idea of how i want to draw him from this angle. he's talking to barry offscreen and falling in love with him <3
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stupid little comic with a stupid little interaction that would definitely happen between these stupid little guys <3 barry being a little asshole every now and then is very entertaining to me. i need to see him antagonising craig and starting an old couple bickering argument with craig, that would heal me i think
i think i'll post more of this design in the future, i really quite like it a lot :)
#jetpack joyride#craig jetpack joyride 2#jetpack joyride 2#headcanon design#yeag sorry the photos are so fucked looking#my room does not have good lighting.... like..... at all#my sketchbook is also literally falling to pieces lmao#i'm gonna get a new one soon but damn. my poor sketchbook#i didnt even do anything to it....... why must it fall apart and die on me..........#anyway YEAH craig design!!!!#i quite like this design a lot#i feel like there's something that could be added to it but i don't wanna make his design more complicated than it already is#that first drawing of him kinda looks like his eye is bleeding lol#it's just a really big scar dw#craig having traumatic cataract was inspired by my dog getting traumatic glaucoma in his eye#also i think craig would go hard as like. a character who's similar to wallflower blush#except instead of everyone forgetting her but her remembering them#it's craig forgetting everything that happened to him and then finding a way to restore the memories and then he gets SO PISSED at barry#they'll sure need a lot of couple's counselling after that blunder#i kinda wanna make designs for steve and toni#especially steve!!!#how do you think they'd identify steve from the other scientists. would barry just stick a big piece of paper with an S on it to his face#answering my own question: yes he would absolutely do that#steve is the one i feel like both barry and craig tease the most#i find steve literally being so nervous about being perceived that he runs away and damages property to be extremely relatable#also fun fact: craig's hair and eye colours are kinda based off the colour i see the word craig in???#ok this is gonna be tricky to explain but i think i might have grapheme colour synesthesia#it's basically a condition where you can see or VERY heavily associate colours to a specific number or letter#and for some reason my brain has christened 'craig' as being a very specific sort of yellowy green! it's what i see in my head when i think#-of the word 'craig' so i decided to make him kinda blonde and have hazel eyes (which is basically a mix of green and yellow)!! neato!!
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musicalchaos07 · 2 years
Me trying to do the mental gymnastics required to calculate Jonathan and Nancy's birthdays based on the information the Duffers have given
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kurokoros · 2 years
Eddie being killed at the end of S4 is already infuriating, but it’s even worse when you remember there was another gate nearby that should have opened when Fred was Vecna’d. Assuming the gates have to attach themselves to something physically (they’re never shown floating in the air--Patrick’s gate was at the bottom of the lake, not above it where he actually died) there should have been a gate on the ground, on the road where Fred died. That gate easily could have been used as a backup escape route for Eddie or Dustin to use if/when being overwhelmed by the bats. Also the fact that no one thought to make covers for the gates to prevent the bats from getting through was... a choice
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