#fuck the diet industry
eisenkrahe · 5 months
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revginapond · 2 years
Eat the damn cookie, Karen!
or: Food is not inherently moral.
I had this good rant going in response to an article where Nestle was being chastised for the fact that 35% of it's food products were deemed "unhealthy" by this independent organization. But the original rant got deleted and I can't find the article, so...
Now, listen, Nestle can be chastised for a whole lotta things, but you know what, you raging band of Karens in that independent org? Fuck you.
Besides, if it's the zombie apocalypse and you're starving and you find a box of KitKats? YOU'RE GOING TO EAT THE DAMN KITKATS!
And before a bunch of y'all @ me about diabetes: diabetes is primarily genetic and eating too much sugar isn't how you get it. You've be lied to by a culture that prizes thin bodies on a moral and religious level (fuck you Christian fathers and Puritans) and a diet industry that wants you to believe that eating foods that make you feel good is somehow a criminal offense.
(And people wonder why we have rampant eating disorders, including medically sanctioned eating disorders.)
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majorbitchi · 2 years
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(pic above stolen from the Tamagotchi wiki)
What the actual fuck did I read??
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...More conventionally attractive??!?....!
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I was looking into what Neenetchi's personality stages were... And she only has this one. This... Is fucking ridiculous 😒 I guess the person who wrote the section I screenshot tried to be polite? The way it's written could be taken as an indictment of the diet industry ("she has less energy [while skinny] and isn't as happy"), but I suspect the opposite is true here. Why tf isn't she considered cute while fat?? 😱 I think she's adorable in her standard style 🥰
I suppose at the end of the day, the writer here didn't program this shitty take on Neenetchi's alternative personality, or make the only requirement to get her a higher weight 😡 Even Kuchipatchi needs 10 cooking points AND high weight as a requirement!! (and no, I don't like his skinny version either! 🙁) Seriously though... why is it this way? 😔 I'm really glad Bandai has gone away from weight based requirements for Tamas in the modern era. This shit ain't it, yo. 👎🏿
More kvetching in the tags lol
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gaminegay · 16 days
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Thanks that's the opposite of what I wanted to see
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inkskinned · 2 years
everyone talks about the clothing store and honestly everyone is expected to wear stuff from that store and you're a little young and curious, and what's the harm of looking. it's in all the magazines and everyone knows okay some of the things are ugly but! like generally everyone thinks we should be wearing these clothes. they're elite. they're precious. they are a symbol of wealth and status.
you walk into the clothing store and see a very nice sweater and you've been wanting to stay warm so you pick up the sweater. it turns immediately into a horrible fizzing froth, rushing over your skin, faintly acidic. it's tacky, it leaves behind a residue. horrified and a little ashamed - did you do it wrong? - you reach out blindly and your hands find a shirt. that one dissolves too. you think of the phrase you break it, you bought it. how much money did you just accidentally spend on that shirt and that sweater, both things that you'll never be able to wear.
more confused than anything, you turn to the first person you see, but she's experiencing the same thing, her brows furrowed. "i've been here since i was 13," she says. "one of these days i'll actually get to try on something."
you were raised with horror movies, so you look for an escape instead of trying to stay. you go to the front desk and wait in the front line and when you finally get to the front, a very angry man is sitting there, scowling at you. "i think your store is broken," you say to him. "i can't pick up any of your clothes. they don't work."
it is as if you have said something vile. every person within earshot takes a step back from you. the man gives you a cool look. "these clothes are good for you," he says.
"no, i know that," you've read about them, "but i can't seem to actually hold them."
again, everyone seems to think you've said the wrong thing. some of them are holding shirts, so obviously some clothes work. those are the people you hear whispering first. lazy. someone murmurs. i managed fine, you hear. i just had to keep trying.
the man taps a sign next to him. in big bold print: not everyone can have this.
"okay, um. if you're not going to be helpful, i'm just going to... not buy this," you manage, feeling yourself flush with heat. why are you so embarrassed? their clothes are the thing that aren't working.
"i don't have time for people who don't dress themselves well," he says. "it's disgusting."
you don't know what else to say because actually you dress fine, you're pretty sure, you're just not in their clothes. you leave the store.
but your hands are still tacky from before. you find yourself weirdly sensitive about your clothes. maybe you should go back in, try again? there were people who were able to make the clothes stay present, you might have just been doing something weird.
plus there's the rest of the world. how people look at you in airports. how shame rushes over your cheeks during job interviews, worried you don't look "professional" enough. the people across you are all wearing those clothes, and you're not. in the doctor's office, the nurse's eyebrows skyrocket. are you sure you actually went into the store and tried on the clothes? you're staring at her - i'm here to see about my cough, not about my wardrobe.
but of course it fucking matters. when you google it, you find out that most people can only hold onto the clothes for about two years or so, and then they fizzle out too. that the clothes only "stick" for 5% of customers. it just means that any person in those clothes matters more. it's a scarcity. at first, you're horrified by the idea of something that almost never works. but you learn it soon enough: being in the 5% means you have taste, class, are exceptionally pretty.
you try to ask why exactly it's these clothes, but you usually are answered with an eye roll. you ask why the prices are so high. why nobody seems to care about the way their clothes leave that weird strange residue for years later. there's a sizing chart online you find, hoping it might explain your weird inability to lift anything. most of the news articles all read the same thing - this chart was made by someone cruel and definitely isn't accurate, but for some reason it is still used as our golden rule.
so you go again. you fall too. it's worth it to try. even kind of ironically. even kind of privately, shamefully. this time you go and manage to hold onto socks, but it means you sometimes get that strange residue on your floors. you get used to the tackiness after a while, but when you manage to hold onto pants, you discover the tackiness spreads. sure, it's irritating - this sense there's a barrier between everything you touch, even you and your friends - but it's worth it, because people notice you're in those pants. and you don't want to be one of the 95% who lose them after all this fucking work you put in, so you let the tack get all over everything until it dries down into a fine powder that coats your floor in a brick red flurry. when you walk, your footprints look bloody, so you just learn to step gently.
and since it worked for you once, like gambling - you will come back. you will teach others how to get into the store. you will tell your own children - oh, you just have to keep trying at the clothing store. you will let others treat you badly when you are not wearing the right things. you will spend all that money over and over and over again and you will feel ugly if you are not wearing their brand. you are simply treated better if you dress like this. you feel better if you dress like this, secretly winning over your friends who are between sizes. it doesn't matter how much time you spend at the store, missing birthday cakes and parties because you're trying to make a dress look nice before dissolving. what matters is that when it works, all that relief and joy and peace rushes in. when it works, people finally love you again.
the diet industry promises you - it'll all be okay, once you're thin.
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daisy-mooon · 2 months
Kpop girl group "FIFTY FIFTY", known for the song "Cupid" (yes THAT Cupid), is making a comeback with three new members. Here is what you need to know:
Last image by me, other infographics by @/FightForFifi on Twitter.
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Former Fifty Fifty Members' health issues:
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Unofficial Translation of a Post the Former Members Made About Their Health Under the Company (via @/updatesfifi on Twitter)
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Translated Doctors Notes
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ATTRAKTS Lies In the Media:
ATTRAKT's Lies in the Media About Sacrifices For Fifty Fifty:
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ATTRAKT Staff's Questionable Followings On Social Media:
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ATTRAKT's Lying In Investor Meetings:
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ATTRAKT's Financial Issues:
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ATTRAKT's Lack of Professionalism In Statements:
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ATTRAKT's Contradictory Statements:
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ATTRAKT's impersonation of Fifty Fifty in Social Media posts:
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Original Members Criminal Complaint against the CEO:
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I do not have infographics for these notes, but here are other details about this horrific company (I have already talked about these on another blog)
For 12 out of 33 months, the company gave FIFTY FIFTY zero money to pay for food. For the months that ATTRAKT did provide FIFTY FIFTY with meals, they spent $41 a month.
It took Nutrionists and Health Experts to complain before ATTRAKT allowed Fifty Fifty to eat at a nearby salad shop, but they were only allowed to spend $8.21 a day.
ATTRAKT claims they spent around $750 a month on meals, but this includes the meals of multiple other trainees as well as photographers.
In training, the dorm had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. One of these rooms were occupied by a manger. Up to TWELVE PEOPLE shared TWO rooms. There were only two bunk beds in each room and the other trainees had to sleep in the hallway or living room. The CEO lied about giving FIFTY FIFTY a dorm in an expensive part of Seoul.
There was CCTV all around the dorms and this CCTV was personally viewable in the CEO's office.
The diet prepared by the agency only consisted of chicken and butter coffee.
When the members parents brought them food, the food was thrown out and the members were insulted.
Translated quote from a health trainer in 2021: "Lack of protein and vegetables. Please provide breakfast. Insufficient supply of nutrients, essential nutrients must be consumed. Konjac jelly should be used as a snack, not as a meal replacement."
In conclusion: BOYCOTT FIFTY FIFTY. Yes, this includes Cupid. Yes, this includes songs with the new members that ATTRAKT are trying to replace the old with. Their company is treating them like shit.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 6 months
hello! I've just found your blog and that's AMAZING, but I have a question: what do you think about industrial food? it's super low quality, and furthermore, they produce a lot of trash as plastic (unnecessary) packaging! It would be easier just to say "starting eating organic food", but for poor people, buying grapes or apples, even not organic, costs more than buying cookies full of fat, sodium and carbohydrates (not talking about all the chemicals). I personally, think about non conventional food plants as an alternative since most of them are super resistant to weather changes and easy to rise. I wanna know what you think about
Hi! Thanks for getting in touch. The long and short of it is, I hate industrialised farming. It pollutes the air, soil and water, poisons and impoverishes farmers, increases the likelihood of zoonotic pandemics, reduces the genetic diversity of plants and encroaches upon wildlife territories. We need a massive return to local, small-scale regenerative agriculture if we are to feed everyone and equitably share the earth with other species. But you’re right, it has to be done in a way that’s just and fair for people who can currently only afford plasticked, pesticided and processed food, as well as making a living for farmers. We’re all on the same side here, but people often don’t realise that. I also think we need to massively diversify our food plant range - a system that relies on just a few staple crops is insanely vulnerable, especially with more and more extreme weather coming our way. So many plants I was raised to think of as ‘weeds’ are not only edible but highly nutritious and often medicinal. Where are the dandelion farmers? The mycologists selling turkey tails? And foraging should be taught in all schools so kids can feed themselves in the wild and pass these skills on to future generations. As with most climate solutions, I don’t think it’s an either/or - I’d welcome pretty much any solution as part of a wider melting pot of alternatives. The only thing I won’t budge on is that we have to change, because the way we in the North and West farm right now just isn’t sustainable.
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swingsetindecember · 2 years
diet culture really has gone off the rails post-mid pandemic like, it was already a trashfire but now they are using the pandemic to just bombard all social media with diet apps, crash diets, supplements and body dysmorphia. every decade there is a new crash diet and newer beauty standards that just aren't healthy or attainable jfc i just am 100% done with it all and if i see one more noom ad or keto recipe i am going to throw my phone at the wall
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yourheartinyourmouth · 4 months
i am so fucking glad i escaped the cult of Weight Loss.
i walked into the changing room at the gym and a group of women were there with a scale and a measuring tape. jesus christ. that’s straight up eating disorder/orthorexia territory.
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zoyalaisobachka · 2 months
I need people to stop responding the way they do when fat people say they're fat. "No you're not!" "You're not fat, you're beautiful!" Bitch, I can be both. These are not excluding each other. I'm fat AND I look good. I'm fat AND I'm okay with it (most of the time nowadays, thankfully). I'm fat AND I have no desire to waste my life with trying to fit into a society that makes trends of BODIES. Saying things like those above isn't the nice thing you think it is. It tells me a lot about how you view fat people and that you see them as less. And we also know that you're not actually concerned about our health ;) We're fat, not stuipd, It's a description. Just like tall, slim, blonde, etc..
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coochiequeens · 8 months
I'm annoyed that the article didn't go touch on how so many fad diet and gimmicks are aimed at women. Ladies, every healthier choice you make gives these conartists less money.
Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day is celebrated every Tuesday after the third Sunday in January, which starts Healthy Weight Week. This year, it takes place on January 16. It seeks to promote weight management and encourage people to eat healthily and have a balanced diet.
Weight management includes specific techniques and physiological processes that enable one to attain and maintain a certain body weight. Most of these techniques comprise long-term lifestyle strategies that promote healthy eating as well as daily physical activity. It involves developing meaningful ways to monitor one’s weight over time.
By the standards of the early Greeks and Romans, a healthy body was equated with a healthy mind. Being “fat” was not only considered ugly — it was also regarded as a sign of mental imbalance. The Greeks were so obsessed with physical fitness that wealthy people who had free time would spend eight hours a day working out in a gymnasium, usually naked.
Hippocrates, a Greek physician (acknowledged as the father of medicine) who lived around 400 B.C., believed fat people suffered from lack of restful sleep, aches, pains, and a number of other illnesses. He then recommended that overweight individuals follow a strict diet, increase their exercise rate, and — believe it or not — vomit! The ancient Greeks admired ideal bodies, with their ideal look being chunkier and more muscular — a far cry from the “skinny” physique being pushed by the fashion and entertainment industry.
In the mid-1800s, the ideal masculine and feminine beauty gravitated toward thinness. Overweight romantics got the short end of the fashion stick as clothing became form-fitting for both sexes. From 1850 to 1920, women’s dresses required a tiny laced-in waist. Men wore tights or breeches with tight-fitting jackets until close to the end of the 19th century when the vogue switched to looser pants. Being overweight was such a social handicap at the time that a book published in 1881 even suggested that governments arrest and imprison overweight people.
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Eat healthyEat only food that nourishes the body. There’s no time like the present to start.
Do some exercises. Start exercising to get into shape. Start off with light exercises and build your way up as your strength increases.
Spread awareness onlineSpread awareness online about weight management and the perils of excess weight. Use the #RidTheWorldOfFadDiets&GimmicksDay hashtag.
It increases the risk of illnessBeing overweight increases one’s risk of falling ill — your vulnerability to illness in this context varies according to how much excess weight is in question.
A shorter life expectancyStatistically speaking, obesity may shorten life expectancy.
It can affect one’s mental health. Overweight people may become vulnerable to mood and anxiety disorders.
Healthy eating, longer lifeMaking it a habit to eat only healthy food may stretch one’s life span.
Diet gimmicks fail. Diet gimmicks are simply a way of conning people out of their money or savings, capitalizing on their desperate attempt to lose weight — the most effective ways to manage one’s weight are eating healthy food and doing structured exercises.
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theygender · 1 year
As an afab nonbinary butch who's trying to gain muscle without losing weight the sexism in the exercise industry makes me fucking see red. Just found an exercise program that boasts being entirely based in science and has the sources to prove it with well-controlled, recent, and relevant clinical studies backing up all of their stuff and as someone who's pretty well-versed in scientific research and fed up with fad-based pseudoscientific bullshit in the health industry I was fucking ecstatic. They had a little quiz you could take to find out which program would suit your needs the best so I filled it out and when it asked me about my goals I selected "I have a low amount of body fat and want to build more muscle" and it took me to a program called Strong. Great! ...Except as I read into it I kept finding references to "burning stubborn fat" and other similar shit. Scrolled down to the FAQ and found a question where it explained that this program was different from their Build program bc Build is "better suited for those who are skinny and at a relatively low body fat" ...even though that's exactly the option I selected in the quiz. Turns out they have three options for males: one for people who want to lose weight without focusing too much on muscle mass, one for people who want to become leaner by focusing on both weight loss and muscle mass, and one for people who want to gain muscle mass without losing weight (Build). But for females, they've only got two options, and neither one of them are designed to help you gain muscle mass without losing weight. I would ask why tf it's ALWAYS assumed that women have to want to lose weight but I know it's fucking sexism
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butchlifeguard · 4 months
i would love to do a really long essay about food conspiracies and fatphobia
#the conspiracies are so easy to arrive at because those engaging in the conspiracy don't accept that the burden of proof is on them#see that one tiktok where someone was like 'i was told i was gluten intolerant in the usa and when i got to europe and tried bread there...#... my 'gluten intolerance' disappeared 🙄 because of pesticides and chemicals in the usa'#when the answer is just that europe has different wheat#ultimately this is pretty innocuous but the 'they're trying to make us fat I Mean Unhealthy' narrative#is so fucking rampant and just serves to give social media users righteous anger against something that isn't a real problem.#while at the same time the us government and corporations are actually doing way worse shit?#we're getting concrete evidence of the extreme price gouging that chains have been engaging in for the past 4 or 5 years#but user1294042569 is pissed because there's gmos in lunchables#same narrative as 'ooohgsbfghh usa portion sizes are so BIG' yes because of the great depression.#like literally its just that more food for less money is seen as more desirable especially when money is tight#and it became seen as a distinctly usamerican thing as the usa was building its own image and trying to prosper after the great depression#finally every one of these narratives has an undercurrent of 'this is why people are sooo fat'#usually from people who don't know what the main cause of fatness is (fucking genetics)#and actively fear fatness because of. idk theres a multi billion dollar diet industry that i remember seeing ads for in kindergarten#please let me make this video essay aughhhh#< i dont need permission i just need motivation which is not happening any time ever
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mildmayfoxe · 5 months
doing collage packs again at work today (😈) and was absentmindedly ripping up a martha stewart living from june 2000 when i noticed one of the ads was like “4th grade is far too late to have baby fat. we are sending aid to schools to get kids to lose weight” (paraphrasing) and i ripped it straight up and threw it directly in the trash
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burying-brightness · 6 months
not me getting irrationally angry about people completely being misinformed about or misinterpreting the classifications of carcinogens by the american cancer society. no you fuck head, aspartame being listed as possibly carcinogenic in group 2b by them does not mean it causes cancer. it means there has been ANY scientific evidence that shows a correlation. it doesnt need to be proven to be true or consistent as per their article on the classification. in addition the grouping does not take into account potency or actual probability of causing cancer. Processed meat is literally in group 1, carcinogenic to humans, because we know it DOES but i don't think you're gonna stop eating bacon or hot dogs all of a sudden are you
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dreamlogic · 2 years
#shit chat#disordered eating cw#how to. politely ask my housemate to stop fucking telling me about her diet progress#she's trying to lose weight cause she's a musician & her band is traveling to this big thing at the end of the month#by doing really strict by-weight portion control and it does NOT seem healthy#she's trying to get back to her 'italy weight' and like. girl. u went to italy in high school 10 years ago & biked everywhere for a month#if you are at that same weight a decade later without exercise by simply making yourself eat less food there is a problem!#that is not aspirational that's horrifying!!! no u don't look hot in your gig outfit from 2013 you look disproportionately skinny!#so i gotta sit her down at some point and be like listen. ur an adult ur gonna do what you do#& i know ur industry puts insane pressure on women to look a certain way on stage.#but as someone with a history of disordered eating i will not cheer you on and support your 'progress'#and quite honestly it makes me uncomfortable to even talk about it and see your stupid little diet scale on the kitchen counter every day!!#i strongly associate weight loss with poor health for a number of reasons#and firmly believe that weight gain is cool and sexy and that everyone should be less afraid of being actually!!!#it was a struggle w/ dysmorphia for a while but putting on some chub is one of the best things i've been able to do for my body as an adult#i love my squishy tummy and hearing you obsess about having a perfectly flat (ie concave) abdomen daily is deeply saddening!!!#bleh. it's hard. i feel like i should gently intervene but also i do not want to get involved bc it's more than i can handle rn#*less afraid of being fat actually
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