#fuck the transphobes
beakybeakybeaky · 6 months
Honestly, the cringe is worth it. The cringe is necessary. The UK is such a cesspit of growing transphobia and has been getting worse and worse and the biggest family show on air coming out as loud and proud and supportive of trans kids is EVERYTHING.
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pongonn · 7 months
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Trans kids, I love you so fucking much. You’re welcome here, I love you. I accept you, I embrace you. If a voice in your head ever tries to tell you that there’s no one there for you, no one who loves you, that voice is wrong. If I could fight everyone who would seek to harm you or take away your rights, I would, but I can’t. All I can say is that I’m here for you, and I want you to feel loved and safe. You have so many people standing behind you that you don’t even know about. You are so loved.
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spitfire0409 · 1 year
Fuck this world. Fuck this world. Fuck this world. Fuck catholic schools Fuck transphobes I honest to god want to commit murder right fucking now bc my school is so fucking messed up. We all just got our report cards back and my trans girlfriend is now so fucking upset bc they fucked up her pronouns and used he instead of she. "oh it might just be a minor mistake, everyone slips up sometimes" This is the second times this has happened. It has happened twice in a row now and on our roles it specifically mentions which students are trans. Her homeclass teacher did this on fucking purpose and it honestly makes me so fucking mad that this world is still treating trans kids like this. Honestly fuck all this Trans people are beautiful and handsome and deserve the fucking world we cis ppl do not deserve you at all u r all amazing and wonderful and i love all trans ppl bc this world treats u guys like shit and you all fucking deserve so much more than this. To all my trans brothers and sisters. You are amazing. I love you. You are all fucking Gods and Goddesses. You deserve more than this world. Transphobes can burn in blue pink and white fires
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Ight, so on march 31, there is gonna be a nationwide walkout in protest of anti-trans bills and other bullshit.
And because I'm sure some of you need to be reminded of this: THIS IS NOT A RIOT! This is a peaceful protest, do not be the motherfucker that turns this into a riot. I know we are all very upset about all the bullshit that's been happening, but if we are the ones that turn a protest into a riot, it will only hurt us in the long term. Stay civil, and keep the Molotovs at home. That being said: Do not treat anyone protesting our rights, you know the ones screaming about gays going to hell and stuff, with any form of respect, dignity, or care. They have done nothing to earn our respect, and every day they continue to lose any dignity they might have once had. Don't call them names or anything, but do ignore them, laugh when they speak, maybe hit them with the "I don't have to take this from someone who sucks toes" line. Just treat them like the whiny brats they are. Serves them right.
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thegenderisnope · 2 years
good morning this is your reminder to not read any of jk Rowling’s books
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a-gay-poptart · 3 months
I have found the best ally
Straight and cis people will say that they are allies, but you will NEVER measure up to my dentist.
Me: "Hey, is it ok if I can change my name on my info from [DEADNAME] to Aspen?"
Random woman that I wasn't even talking to in the chair next to me: "Honey, if that's the name you had at birth, [DEADNAME] is your only name."
My dentist, very slowly turning her rolley chair towards the woman: "Shush."
Random woman: "Excuse me?"
Destist: *closes privacy curtain while staring bullets at the lady*
Me: *pissing myself laughing*
My dentist while changing my name in my info (reminder that English is not her first language, she immigrated from Russia): "There, Sai, you have pretty boy teeth. Smile and make all girls swoon."
Me not having the heart to tell her I'm not transmasc but I'm Agender, and still pissing myself laughing: "Thank you [DENTIST NAME]."
Edit: Ok, I thought I would quit Tumblr, but the fuckin Pinterest posts brought me back, and this blew up apparently??? Thank you all for the attention lol, stuff has changed, and I go by either Damien or Aspen, either name is ok lol, and I'm genderfluid :] (if you don't know my pronouns just use they/them lol use those any day)
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sagethegayyyy · 3 months
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additionally, to people with ocd (or people who just don’t wanna reblog) that’s ok!! :]
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noonstate · 7 months
i need well meaning cis people to stop attemping to steelman trans healthcare conversations because it basically always ends with them just lying about easily checkable things "no minors are getting irreversible treatments" wrong not true "no minors are having surgery" also false, like instead just say the truth: currently some minors (few, but some) are able to access hrt that will have some irreversible changes on their body, some (even fewer) minors are able to access surgery.
the counter to transphobes screaming "these kids are being irreversibly changed" isn't "no children are accessing this care" it's "puberty is also an irreversible change" and "i think under 18s and even under 16s should be able to make medical decisions actually"
"no minors are accessing this care" means that transphobes can easily point to the examples of minors who are accessing that care, which just make us look like liars. sometimes teenagers and children need to make medical choices on their own. i think a 14 y/o should be able to get an abortion. i think trans kids and teens should be able to have the approriate care, which for some will just be like, picking a new name or haircut, and for some, sure, could be surgery.
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toasterghostie · 1 year
Imagine American Zelda fans slamming Brits over transphobia but they're shit talking the train service and incorrectly tagging their posts
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samijami · 1 year
Everytime this is reblogged, JK Rowling steps on a lego
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Welcome to the funniest set of memes I’ve ever seen thank you
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ace-of-pussy · 12 days
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thatheathen · 1 year
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Literal motherfucking genocide!
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bunny girl who hasn't been talkin g to you sends this video
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a-gay-poptart · 3 months
Say their name.
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Nex Benedict was a indigenous trans nonbinary teenager. Their head was beaten against the floor in a bathroom stall. Less than 24 hours later, they died, most likely from undiagnosed head trauma. Conservatives say they want to, "protect the children", where was the protection for Nex? That's the thing. There wasn't any. Nex died. And many more trans, queer, and nonbinary minors will if we don't step up and do something. What happened to Nex has and will happen to queer folk around the globe. Say their name.
Edit: I didn't expect this to get much attention, but thank you everyone. What alot of people, "forget" to mention was that Nex was two spirited, which means they were indigenous. The fact that I wouldn't have heard about this if I didn't have Tumblr is absolutely revolting. News needs to be covering this. But what are Republicans doing? Sucking their thumbs and crying about how, "trans people shouldn't be able to piss". What are Democrats doing? Twiddling their thumbs and groveling to an old geezer that somehow falls up the stairs and supports I$r3@l. It's disgusting and America needs to do better.
Edit 2: Any and all hate/saying that Nex Benedict wasn't murdered (they were) will immediately get deleted, just because you don't like trans people doesn't mean you can be an whiny little bitch. A child was murdered. This has nothing to do with politics, a child was murdered.
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