chubbymuffinclub · 6 months
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Body size is NOT a disease. There are so many things that affect our well being! Chronic stress is a better predictor of whether somebody develops heart disease than weight is. And living in a larger body is STRESSFUL because of the rampant and socially acceptable fatphobia in our society. It’s not fat that kills, it’s fatphobia.
Weight loss is also often extremely dangerous. When we malnourish our bodies it jeopardizes our mental and physical health and can often be fatal. So, if we ACTUALLY valued wellbeing as a society, we wouldn’t be promoting weight loss as the cure-all.
The studies proclaiming the benefits of weight loss and the perils of fatness leave this out - weight loss is NOT sustainable. Also those studies are often written by pharmaceutical corporations selling weight loss drugs (that don’t work) for profit!! 😠THEY ARE GREEDY AND THEY FEED OFF OF FATPHOBIA AND US FEELING SHITTY ABOUT OUR BODIES! 😠
✨Dieting and weight loss goes totally against our brain’s wiring of KEEPING US ALIVE AND FUNCTIONING!✨
Weight cycling (when somebody loses weight bc they’re engaging in ED behaviors, gains it back because weight loss is not something the body can sustain and our survival mechanisms kick in when we attempt to starve ourselves, and then loses weight again bc society tells us that we’re failing as a human if we can’t lose weight and then the cycle repeats) is actually associated with a higher risk of death AND is associated with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: who benefits from the idea that fat people are unhealthy?
ANSWER: the diet industry (mostly run by rich, white, cis hetero men) and literally nobody else
There is nothing wrong with you if you are struggling with an ED/if you want to lose weight. That makes TOTAL sense in a society that values thinness over all else. Knowing this stuff doesn’t necessarily make recovery any easier!
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
💕💕💕 CW: Eating Disorders, Fatphobia  •
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90363462 · 2 years
CW: fatphobia
Credit: @recoveryrebecca
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zefbarbie · 3 years
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quashstigma · 3 years
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I’ve lost my appetite a bit this week. But as someone with a history of a restrictive eating disorder I cannot afford to under fuel my body. - In situations where I lose my appetite I still eat 3 meals and snacks. I make myself eat. It’s easier for me to do that than deal with pulling myself out of a relapse. - I saw a smoothie stand today when I was out shopping. I fancied a smoothie. This would have been really hard for me to allow myself to have when I was in the depths of my eating disorder. I would have used the fact I have allergies to avoid it. But I gave myself permission today. I don’t need to micromanage or question my cravings. And no I did not just have a smoothie- a smoothie is not a meal. I’m about to go and make myself lunch too. - I also don’t need to question why I have lost my appetite. It doesn’t matter . I just have to make sure I give my body what it needs. #hypothalamicamenorrhea #hypothalamicamenorrhearecovery #eatingdisorderrecovery #edrecovery, #anorexiarecoverywarrior #anorexianervosarecovery #anorexiarecoverymeal #bulimiarecovery #bulimianervosarecovery #bulimierecovery #fuckana #fuckeatingdisorders #fuckanorexianervosa #fuckbulimia #fuckdiets #fuckdietculture #fuckfatphobia #ditchdietculture #ditchdiets #atypicalanorexia #atypicalanorexiarecovery #atypicalanorexianervosa #healthateverysize #healthatanysize #HAES #anorexiarecoverywarrior #anorexiafighter https://www.instagram.com/p/COB3utyJmdz/?igshid=smzyzavujcrx
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supercodi · 4 years
Restrictive diets suck balls and can lead to unhealthy relationships with food, BUT there is a difference between restriction and restraint. These two things are very often confused. 😬 . . Restriction sounds like: “I can’t have that.” “I’m not allowed to eat that.” ... Restraint: “I’ll enjoy this at a different time.” ... When you think of a “diet” the first thing that probably comes to mind is what you can’t eat...but even within the lines of a balanced diet there will be times that you may need to practice restraint. This is okay. It doesn’t mean you can never have what it is you want! It just means you are actually creating a balanced diet vs. just eating anything at any time you want. Things also tend to taste better when you make them a treat vs. an everyday occurrence 😁 . . Food cravings, creating new habits, and healthier relationships with food is by no means an easy or quick process. There will be times when the cravings win but all you can do is keep on moving forward when they do. Don’t beat yourself up! You are human and beating yourself up isn’t going to help ❤️ . . @deelovesdeadlifts and I will he talking more about this in tomorrow’s @mindhubpodcast if you want to hear more 😁 . . #diettips #fuckdiets #weightloss #fatloss #fitness #food #eating #health #calories #treats #nutrition #motivation #parenting #exercise https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRqjkCHrB7/?igshid=14r45ug2h1dy4
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Far better that any lollipop, thank you very much Kim Kardashian. Never heard of intuitive eating or honouring your body? An appetite is a natural part of having a human body - something we are gifted with to keep us alive and our bodies working to optimum health. #eatingdisorderrecovery #edrecovery #edrecoveryfamily #adutswithed #edrecoverycommunity #loveyourself #healthateverysize #healthymindhealthybody #fuckdiets #selflove #fighted #selfesteem #loveyourbody #recovery #mentalhealth #bopo #bodyconfidence #prorecovery #selfconfidence #edfree #fuckdietculture #effyourbeautystandards #boycottdietculture #embracethesquish #honourmycurves #bopo #bodypositive #allgoodisgoodfood #antidiet #haes
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thedeafzebra · 6 years
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#chronicallyill365 Day 125: Today is national No Diet day. I wish I could go back in time and tell this girl it's okay to eat. It's okay to weigh more than your friends. This picture was taken during football season of 7th grade. I was 12. I wouldn't have anything more than a snack bar for breakfast, pretzels and a diet iced tea for lunch, and trail mix before cheering practice. I kept this up even after I quit cheering. It wasn't anorexia or bulimia, I just didn't want people seeing me eat because I thought I was fat. And back then, fat was like a curse word. This disordered eating went on for years. Diet culture screws people up. When I was little, I'd spend recess time walking laps around the playground, trying to calculate how many miles I'd walked. I was around 10 when I started Weight Watchers for the first time. I still remember my grandmother calling me "husky" and talking about my weight when I was 5 or 6. Up until a few years ago, I was nose deep in diet culture. I was always on some sort of diet. Weight Watchers, tracking with My Fitness Pal, The 30 Day Diet, low carb. You name it, I've tried it. And now I'm done. Fuck diets. Fuck diet culture. All it did was screw up my metabolism and make me feel bad about myself. Screw that. I don't need a diet to make me feel better about myself, I'm already awesome. As for my health, I make sure I eat things that has the nutrients my body needs. That's it. No counting calories. No exercising until I can't feel my legs. To that little girl crying because she feels guilty for eating two cupcakes. It'll be okay. You will grow up and realize that diets aren't for you. And you are going to be amazing and rock some super cute plus size dresses. #dietday #diet #diets #dieting #dearpastself #fuckdiets #dietculture #disorderedeating
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When your social media is starting to fill with the “GET THE PERFECT SUMMER BODY” and “TIME TO LOSE THE WINTER WEIGHT” 😑
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90363462 · 2 years
CW: SA, SH, ab*se, EDs, fatphobia
First a big disconnect in this discussion is individuals thinking abt their own eating disorders and knowing that their ED was caused by other very specific things. And discussing it from that perspective. And other people talking about it as a cultural phenomenon. So please consider that
1.EDs are the cultural phenomenon that they are in the West because of fatphobia, hands down
2.Also each individual has multiple factors driving their ED. Usually internalized fatphobia is a part if it- a part that we’re often unaware of and don’t want to admit. But also trauma and other risk factors play a role.
3.You’re allowed to admit to yourself that you have some fatphobia to work through- because we all do. And that doesn’t make you a bad irredeemable person. Your trauma is still real. And your ED was still painful and real and not something u chose.
4.Because society hates fat people. Disordered eating generally more socially acceptable to society than other coping mechanisms. (Hence one reason it’s so common). We often end up using the coping mechanisms that are readily available to us and more accepted-cue —> diet culture. I know that people are shamed for having EDs definitely! But I’m speaking relative to other versions of SH, which will land u in inpatient immediately. Whereas depending on your size, EDs are often even encouraged.
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fall 32538 times, get up 32539 times.
So. I’ve tried it all. Every diet. I’ve tried low-carb, no-carb, low-fat, starving myself, obsessing over every calorie, binge eating, bulimia and intermittent fasting. I had a liposuction, tried pills to reduce hunger, pills to reduce fat in food. And I’ve had months were I didn’t give a fuck at all and stuffed my face with everything in sight. Eating in secret, going to stores to buy tons of junkfood, ordering food online for 2 and pretending I have friends over when the delivery boy rings. Eating before I meet friends at a restaurant so I would “only” order a salad. Knowing there’s cake at work and wresting with yourself for hours and hours if you should have a piece or not. 
And you know what? I’m fucking over it. I’m tired of food not being a source of vitamins and energy for my body, a normal and healthy part of being alive. I’m tired of fighting with myself, tired of food being and issue ALL. MY. LIFE. When I was born, the first words I heard as a baby were the nurse saying “wow, that’s a big one”. Hah, yea I know. All my life I was a little too tall and mainly a little too fat to be pretty. And all this time I was feeling pretty good about myself. I like myself on most days. I think I look good. I’m horrified when I see photos of me. I’m not that fat, that’s not how I look!?! Is it? I guess it is. And there’s a million excuses. Loosing weight is hard. I feel good about myself the way I am (really, then why all this struggle in the first part?) I love food. I mean I really love food. More than people. More than naps!  But then there’s people talking about you, calling you fat. There’s all the boys you think would like you if you were skinnier, there’s all the clothes you could wear. There’s seeing a random photo of yourself and liking it.  All of this is bullshit and all of this is important at the same time. You can be the girl who wants to be pretty and still love food. You can be the girl who likes to eat but still is healthy. Because there’s one way I never tried it. Because it’s the easiest and the hardest way. Are you ready? Here it comes... I want to have a normal, healthy, balanced relationship with food. (tadaa) I’m done with food having all this power over my life, my happiness and my appearance. This balance is hard, because I can feel myself tipping to the diet or the binge side about 32432 times a day. Every time I eat I feel like I should eat less calories and feel like I’m depriving myself and should eat (Insert junkfood here) at the same time. It’s hard. But I feel like this is right. This makes sense. More than any diet. I have to learn to stop abusing food, stop emotional eating, stop filling the void inside with sugar and carbs. This is hard because it’s the hard way, the right way, and the long term solution. It’s been a long loong time coming. But I’m finally getting it right the 32539th time.
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- 20 Kilo
It took me 8 years to reach this and you know what's funny? I don't even care so much about weightloss, being skinny anymore.
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supercodi · 5 years
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I can’t stress enough how important sustainability is when it comes to diet and exercise. There are a ton of fad diets out there that might work great in the short term, but then what? 🤔⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Small yet long lasting changes that you can make now: ⁣⁣ ⁣ - Stop drinking your calories (soda, juices, smoothies, mixed coffee drinks, alcohol, etc. ) ⁣⁣✅ ⁣ - Start walking (even if you can only do 10 minutes at a time ). ⁣✅⁣ ⁣ - Eat more vegetables. ⁣✅⁣ ⁣ -Drink more water.⁣✅⁣ ⁣ - Get more sleep ✅⁣ #fitness #health #diet #weightloss #fatloss #fuckdiets #onlinecoach #nutrition #motivation #changes #smallchanges #humpday #fit #ftm #exercise https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MOL2ZgosB/?igshid=ktz9csgqmsgz
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brendaoelbaum · 6 years
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Oh yeah baby! I know this diet book will be the ticket!!! #venusofwillendorfproject #fuckdiets #dietsdontwork #haes #sendmeyourdietbooks #godisadiet #whatwouldjesuseat https://www.instagram.com/p/BufEUvVFk4h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r1cim2pio6o3
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rebeldeck · 7 years
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Now THIS is a bouquet! What does a girl have to do?! 🍩 #rebeldeck #tarot #fridaynight #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #life #lifestyle #love #loveu #dounuts#funny #funnyshit #spiritual #spirituality #spirit #entrepreneur #bossbabe #mystic #smile #lifecoach #bouquet #motivation #healthy #natural #laugh #instadaily #realshit #awesome #selflove #fuckdiets (at San Francisco, California)
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joss-lescaf · 5 years
Twins Time ✌🏿....#gauffre #chocolate #fitnessmotivati🖕🏾🤣🤣🤣#Fuckdiet🖕🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/B71JgVwIoDg/?igshid=jyfj8v8kyi53
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