#fuckin musk
doubleappled · 10 months
Something we don’t talk about enough
is how Richie and Donna call each other “Ree Ree” and “Aunt Dee Dee” in s2e6. When Donna calls Richie into the kitchen, and Richie is tickling her on the kitchen floor (?!).
Ree Ree.
Aunt Dee Dee.
Thank you.
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stuffing-pillows · 2 years
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spicyraeman · 7 months
Back from the void, got the power back on and the internet immediately went out ripp
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I gotta ask, do survivors really hate playing against modern Skull Merchant? I find her aggressive setup playstyle really fun, and putting drones in unexpected places and then mindgaming survivors into going through them and injuring themselves I find super duper fun. Other setup killers like Trapper, Hag and Singularity rely really heavily on maps, while SM is workable most places (which is great for a dumbass with absolutely no ability to remember map layouts lmao)
Point is, I think that in her current state she's super fun. I played a round when she was first released and yeah, it was kinda lame, but I gave her another go recently and got completely hooked, pun entirely intended. I still see a lot of people hating her though and I try to make matches fun for everyone, so. Is she actually unfun to play against? Or is it just a bad reputation?
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vaportea · 2 years
so, for those who don’t know or haven’t noticed on the cursed bird app lately, the tab that used to be News which…y’know…showed news? as in news articles and news sources? has now been revoked in favor of a secondary trending. granted the news tab wasn’t perfect, it at least did what it was titled to do, which was to deliver news.
and if you wanna know just how much Musk has been inflating his ego as of recent, conveniently in ‘business and finance’ news trending is #StayElon, a hashtag filled to the brim with tech bros, right wingers, alt right, and no small amount of bots all ready to jerk the man off and shower him with praises as he continues to abuse his power, violate labor laws, be a pillar of hypocrisy to the first amendment, and just flat out torch Twitter to the ground. it is the first hashtag (or at the time of writing this was) because of course it is.
this all comes aside a poll of his, mainly asking if he should remain CEO, which—you guessed it—came out a clamoring “no, leave, we’re no longer asking”, where he taunted “be careful what you wish for” but naturally has announced happily he has no intention to leave just yet until he fully dismantles one of the platforms used by the left.
I am getting so goddamn tired of this fragile ass yt man, I wish he would crawl in a hole and stay there, but honestly I can’t help but feel sorriest for Twitter itself. again it wasn’t perfect but it was a bastion of free speech (for better or worse), was lax on nsfw content which helped artists and sex workers, and though it wasn’t as organized as we may have liked it did a good job serving as a platform for voices of the unheard as well as gave an avenue for world events in real time. to see Twitter dying like this absolutely sucks, this is no longer taking it out back and shooting it, this is a long, unyielding torture and dancing mad as it is observed suffering. and think of it what you will, I hope we can all agree, Twitter deserves better.
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i really do hate how like every other post about the muskrat is like "what a narcissist hahahaha" and "omg could it not pay for him to grow an EMPATHY braincell?????" and it's like. yeah i hate him too but stop being a fucking asshole to people with npd and aspd and hpd and disorders that can cause one to have low empathy or attention seeking or anything else you're insulting him for.
he's not going see your stuff and feel bad. I HOWEVER am going to see your stuff and say "wow. thanks for saying i am as bad as a horrible vile member of the bourgeoisie who hurts people constantly and sucks so much. i love that."
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soup-guts · 11 months
Saw a conservative anti-trans ad on my Twitter and finally decided to deactivate it.
I’m in a rage.
Trans rights are human rights.
LGBTQ+ people are worth more than any app or subscription.
And Elon musk is worthless.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 2 years
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Y'know, the strangest thing to me about the Titan Submersible is how adamant Stockton Rush and Oceangate were about how "innovative" they were being. They claim to have been, and I'm paraphrasing here, "pushing the boundaries" and "taking risks for the sake of progress" but like... what progress, exactly? Submersibles and submarines have existed for a very long time! There are subs that can go deeper, that have *decades* of research and development and engineering behind them - as well as a focus on the little tiny issue of safety and preservation of human life at those depths - and have genuinely contributed to our scientific understanding of not just shipwrecks but of the deepest parts of our oceans. So what, exactly, was the Titan pushing the frontiers of? Being able to uncomfortably transport people to get a negligible view of one specific shipwreck? Using the cheapest possible components to make a submersible? Making billionaire jam? Perhaps we will never know. But for all their "innovation" all they have to show for it is a >$1million crumpled wreck in five bits on the ocean floor, 4 grieving, unbelievably rich families, and a news story that completely overshadowed another sea-related tragedy from the same week in which hundreds of refugees lost their lives. That's not innovative. It's nauseating.
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hyenabrainedpup · 7 months
Wait warlock shat all over u how dare she
Lmao yeah she got really comfy and relaxed and shat all over my foot and the blanket
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yorufi · 1 year
i missed tumblr so much and altho it isn’t the same, i’m so much more comfortable sharing my creations and ideas here. i wasn’t really active after 2019 w their restrictions on art that contains nudity and that’s why i moved to twi
but this place made me rise as a creator and frankly tumblr is a good place for neurodivergent folks and every platform needs this kind of feedback that we have here. twitter is a hell for creators esp as i still have only 600 followers despite being active there for 3-4 years for sure. i never liked it to begin with, just at that time i couldn’t find a better place to post my art.. rn im trying tiktok as it has pretty good reach for creators, but i’m just very overwhelmed by learning montage,, i only posted a vid about emergency commissions there as rn i’m in a pretty dark place of my life and i need to start making money
also how the fuck does posting nsfw works here?? i feel like a grandma tbh
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Bruh, that's exactly what capitalism does, you fuckin twit.
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tittyinfinity · 2 years
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butchlifeguard · 6 months
my brother being pathetic again haha we love to see it. i feel like we had one week where the threat of our parents wasnt right behind us and we talked normally but now theyre back and hes like 'and ummm... how much money did you make over the summer 😂😂'
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landlordhateaccount · 2 years
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elon musk was really waiting with his finger hovering over the unban button the second that fuckin poll ended
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