#fucking anywhere. she doesn’t work; she doesn’t have money; she can’t live in a van with a toddler. she’s fucking delusional
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Every single day I wish I was on a sitcom or something so I could look into the camera like ‘do you see this shit?’ and break the fourth wall
#this is mostly in reference to my last reblog to be honest#so like my best friend (g) has this friend she’s known her entire life (we’ll call her m)#m is in love with g. has been probably the whole time. she WILL NOT admit it though#and g pretends like she doesn’t know but i’m certain that she does. she must. m does literally so much stuff for her like..#she has her by a fucking string. it’s absolutely ridiculous#m used to be really jealous of me in high school and i used to snipe back at her but now i legitimately can’t bring myself to care#they’re less insufferable to be around now but my attitude is just like.. i can’t be bothered to get in the middle of whatever this is#i am NOT making this into a bermuda triangle of toxicity. count me the fuck out. so i remain pleasant and don’t let her bait mr#*me and oftentimes i just leave if m is there so they can be weird together#but sometimes they just do stuff that is so…… like recently g was talking about moving to scotland right?#she’s not going to do it. there is literally no way on god’s green earth that she’ll do it. she doesn’t have the money#she lives with her mom in her mom’s house and her mom helps raise her baby. like unless her mom sells up and comes with she’s not going#fucking anywhere. she doesn’t work; she doesn’t have money; she can’t live in a van with a toddler. she’s fucking delusional#but tell me why M HEARD THIS AND STARTED APPLYING FOR JOBS IN SCOTLAND???#like???? you’re really planning on leaving the fucking country with her and you want to act like you’re not in love with her LMAO OKAY#she must know as well as i do that it’s simply not going to happen but she’s still making plans just in case. i’m…..#tl;dr am i the only person who sees this shit??? it’s fucking crazy#personal
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littlespoonevan · 5 years
Ik you’re probably a busy person but if you ever wrote a fic about gallavich being soft, domestic husbands I think I’d combust
anon said:Can we pretend i didn’t just said that? Gallavich
anon said: "Can we pretend I didn’t just say that?“ for Gallavich please!
asjksdh okay i have been thinking abt this for weeks. this is disgustingly domestic and i’m so sorry but i legit Could Not help myself lol enjoy
Ian bats aimlessly at his alarm clock when it startsringing, curling his arms back around Mickey as soon as he gets it to stop.“S’your turn to make breakfast,” he mutters, words half muffled by Mickey’sshoulder.
Mickey makes a sound somewhere between a groan and agrunt, dragging the covers up tighter around them. “’m supposed to get Frannyup.”
“You did that yesterday,” Ian mumbles, half-heartedlypushing at Mickey’s side only to reel him back in close against him when hemoves an inch.
Mickey grumbles something unintelligible, pullingIan’s arm tight around him like it’s a blanket. “Can’t Carl do it? Earn hisfuckin’ keep here?”
“Carl’s got the early shift this morning,” Ianreplies with a great amount of effort. Fuck he wants to go back to sleep. “He’salready gone.”
Mickey huffs but neither of them make an attempt tomove, the cold January morning seeming far too unappealing when they’re wrappedup so comfortably in each other’s arms. Ian is just on the brink of fallingback to sleep when the tell-tale patter of footsteps make their way into theirroom. Holding back a whimper, Ian lifts his head, squinting over Mickey’sshoulder to where Franny’s standing patiently in front of their bed.
“Franny, who helped you get ready yesterday morning?”he asks.
“Uncle Ian!” she announces proudly, pointing straightat him, and Ian doesn’t need to look down to know Mickey’s grinning smugly evenwith his eyes still closed.
“Have fun making breakfast,” Mickey tells him,finally deigning to get up properly as he sits up and holds his arms out toFranny. “Come on, kid, let’s play naptime before you get dressed.”
Ian lets out a long-suffering sigh, climbing overMickey as he picks Franny up and plonks her on the spot Ian just vacated.“Remember, count to one hundred and then you wake Uncle Mickey up from hisnap,” Mickey tells her, waiting for Franny’s serious nod before he lies backdown, throws Ian one last satisfied smirk and closes his eyes.
Ian flips him off when Franny’s not looking and dragshimself into the bathroom.
Mickey makes his way down the stairs with Frannyfifteen minutes later, both of them fully dressed and presentable, and fightsback a grin at the sight of Ian at the stove. As soon as they enter kitchen hedeposits Franny in her chair at the table next to Liam and ambles over to Ian,hugging him from behind and burying his face between Ian’s shoulder blades.
“You already got like ten extra minutes in bed,” Iancomplains, smacking his hand lightly with the spatula. When Mickey doesn’tdignify that with a response he continues with a soft, “You want eggs?”
“Yes please,” Mickey mumbles, taking a second tomarvel at the fact that this is somehow what counts for normality in his lifenow.
“Liam,” Ian calls. “You want toast with your eggs?”
“Yeah,” Liam says as Mickey hears the scraping of thechair on the linoleum floor. “I’ll get the toaster, your husband seemsincapacitated.”
“Hey, I’m doin’ just fine right here,” Mickey retorts,mouth lifting up in satisfaction at the way Ian leans into him a little more.“But throw on a slice for me too, would ya?”
He doesn’t miss the very deliberate eyeroll Liamthrows him as he passes them but Mickey sees him put an extra slice of bread inthe toaster for him so he decides not to bitch about it.
Ian touches his hand then, looking over his shoulderto get Mickey’s attention. “You able to pick up Franny from Kev and V’s later?”he asks. “I’m not gonna be home ‘til after 6.”
“I got it,” Mickey says, leaning up on his toes to presstheir lips together before Ian can go back to focusing on the eggs.
“Thank you,” Ian murmurs, covering Mickey’s hand withhis own for a minute before he shakes him off to start divvying up the eggsonto plates. “Liam, make sure you got everything for school alright? We’releaving straight after breakfast.”
“Got it,” Liam says, sliding past them with aplateful of toast. And it’s weird, Mickey thinks, how much of a routine they’veestablished in such a short time. Hell, Debbie’s only been for a week or two.But this feels so settled, so comfortable, Mickey can’t really remember whatthey used to do in the mornings before this.
As soon as Ian steps through the door that evening hedrops his gear bag heavily on the floor, just about managing to hang his coaton the hook and toe off his shoes before he’s diving headfirst onto the couchand into Mickey’s lap. He spends approximately ten seconds rearranging himselfuntil he’s curled on his side with his head on Mickey’s lap before he’s contentthat this is how he’s gonna stay for the rest of the night. “Mm, hey.”
Mickey huffs out a laugh, hand travelling to Ian’shead as his fingers run through Ian’s hair. “Hey. Long day?”
“There was a car accident downtown,” Ian sighs,closing his eyes as Mickey’s ministrations ease the tension in his temples.“Three cars and a van. It was messy.”
Mickey hums in sympathy and Ian is so fucking gladhe’s home with him again. “You eat anything?”
“Not since lunch,” Ian yawns.
“Wanna order a pizza for dinner then?”
Ian feels his mouth lift in a smile, blindly reachingup to pat whatever part of Mickey he can reach. “This is why I married you.”
“Just this, huh?” Mickey asks sceptically. “Nothin’to do with you bein’ obsessed with me since you were fifteen?”
Ian rolls onto his back to stare up at Mickey withshrewd eyes. “Pretty sure it was a mutual obsession.”
“In your dreams, firecrotch,” Mickey scoffs but thesoftness in his eyes betrays him. It always does.
Ian loves it.
“Everything go okay with Liam and Franny?”
“Last I checked Liam was doin’ homework and Frannywas colouring,” Mickey says. “They’re in the kitchen.”
Ian nods, finds Mickey’s hand and gives it gratefulsqueeze. With Lip moved out and renovating the new house and Debbie potentiallygetting locked up, Ian honestly doesn’t know what he would’ve done if Mickeyhadn’t been here to help him deal with all of this.
As if knowing he’s being discussed, Liam comes intothe living room, announcing his presence with a snort – no doubt at theirposition on the couch.
“Hey, little man,” Ian greets, holding an arm out togesture Liam over.
He comes, albeit reluctantly since he’s currently atthat age where he’s pretending he’s too old for affection. It just makes Ianwant to hug him harder, make up for all the ways Liam got left to the waysidethe past few months.
He pulls Liam onto the edge of the couch, holding himin place with an arm around his middle. “You have a good day at school?”
“It was fine,” he says, ever an open book.
“How’d the book report go?”
“Crushed it, obviously.”
Ian grins, reaching up with his free hand to ruffleLiam’s hair. “Hell yeah you did. You want pizza for dinner?”
Liam turns to look between him and Mickey, eyebrowsraised suspiciously like they’re bullshitting him. “Always.”
“Get the takeout menu off the fridge and call it in,”Ian tells him. “Pick whatever you want.”
“No fucking anchovies though,” Mickey warns.
Liam waves him off, standing up when Ian releases himand scuttling back into the kitchen.
Ian relaxes back into the couch then, head stillpillowed on Mickey’s thigh as he closes his eyes once again.
“You plannin’ on staying like this all night?” Mickeyasks bemusedly, even as he reaches his hand up to run over Ian’s arm.
“Nah, I’ll sit up to eat my pizza.”
Mickey lets out a laugh, touch making Ian tingle ashe scratches at the base of Ian’s skull. “Whatever. Don’t come cryin’ to mewhen you get a crick in your neck.”
Later on, when they’ve gorged on too much pizza andMickey is slipping pleasantly into a food coma Ian begrudgingly drags himselfaway from Mickey’s side to put Franny to bed. “Come on, munchkin,” he says,swinging her up into his arms and stepping over the toys on the floor to getaround the couch. “Time to brush your teeth.”
Mickey watches him go and feels a fierce kind offondness burn in his stomach. He always thought he was immune to that girlybullshit of finding guys who are good with kids attractive but evidently not.Or maybe he just finds Ian attractive – in every context.
He doesn’t realise he’s being watched until Liamspeaks, making him snap his gaze guiltily away from Ian’s retreating figure upthe stairs.
“Are you and Ian gonna move out?” Liam asks andMickey screws his face up in confusion.
“Why the fu- why would we do that?” he says, clearinghis throat. He’s been trying to swear less in front of the kids. Fat fuckinglot of good it does when Carl curses like a champ. “We got a perfectly goodhouse here.”
Liam shrugs. “Fiona did and now Lip has too. It kindof makes the most sense for you two to move out next since you’re married andall.”
Mickey eyes him for a minute, catches sight of theway Liam’s shoulders hunch slightly under his scrutiny and feels his own oldabandonment issues come to the surface. He’s pretty sure he knows why the kid’sasking. “Nah, man,” he says casually. “Me and Ian are on probation and have nomoney after the wedding. We’re only both just getting back to work – we’re notgoing anywhere for a while.”
Liam nods and he looks way too fucking pensive for aten year old.
“Besides,” Mickey finds himself continuing, feelingawkward and entirely unsure of how to navigate this conversation. He’s stillgetting used to being sincere with people who aren’t Ian. “Even if we did moveout you know your brother’d kill me if we didn’t take you with us.”
And it’s worth it to see the way Liam immediatelyperks up. “Seriously?”
“Hell yeah. Ian’s not gonna leave you alone untilyou’re eighteen. Prepare yourself; you’re gonna be sick of him by then.”
Liam pauses for a moment before saying a quiet, “Thanks,Mickey,” and wearing a genuine smile on his face for once as he pushes himselfout of his chair.
Ian comes back down the stairs as he starts to leavethe room, stalling him with a hand on his shoulder. “You okay, buddy?”
“Yeah,” Liam nods. “Just gonna read for a while beforebed.”
“Nerd,” Ian teases gently, an affectionate smile onhis face that does things to Mickey’s heart. “See you in the morning.”
Ian locks eyes with him as soon as Liam’s gone andMickey really thought he’d be used to the way his insides go all warm when Ianlooks at him like that but apparently not. Ian takes a seat next to him againand Mickey somehow ends up with his legs half draped over Ian’s as he turns toface him. He’d say it’s part of the honeymoon phase but truth is, as soon as hefinally felt comfortable enough to touch Ian however and whenever he wanted hecouldn’t stop. He can’t now either.
“Thank you,” Ian says when they’re settled, one ofhis arms around Mickey’s shoulders while his fingers dance over the exposedskin there. “For helping out, I mean. I know this isn’t exactly how you plannedfor our first few weeks of married life to go.”
Mickey offers him a self-deprecating shrug. “You knowI don’t mind,” he says softly. “Besides, it’s good practice, right?”
As soon as the words are out of his mouth he wants totake them back. Not least of all because Ian is suddenly staring at him withwide eyes, mouth dropped open in shock.
“Okay can we pretend I didn’t just say that?” hestarts but Ian cuts him off with a frantic shake of his head.
“Nope!” he declares, looking way too fuckingdelighted as he grabs hold of Mickey’s wrist. “Did you just say you’re enjoyingdomestic life? With kids?”
Mickey rolls his eyes so hard they almost roll rightout of his head, shoving Ian’s chest. “No, I did not say that. Fuck you.”
“Little bit you did though,” Ian grins, wrestling himuntil he’s pulled Mickey beneath him and is leaning up over him on his elbows.“Mickey Milkovich: house husband. Who would’ve thought?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Mickey grouses but there’s noheat behind the words.
Ian’s expression softens and he leans down untilthere’s hardly an inch of space between them. “For the record,” he murmurs. “Ididn’t think it was possible to be more attracted to you until I saw youcooking dinner with a toddler on your hip.”
Mickey groans, covering his face with his hands tohide the fact he’s about to start blushing hard. “Jesus christ, Ian.”
Ian attempts to pull his hands away and after a smallsigh of defeat, Mickey lets him. “You need to go steal a car or something? Makeyourself feel like a bad boy again?”
Mickey glares at him and tries desperately hard notto smile. It’s not his fault Ian’s goofy-lookin’ grin is so fucking infectious.“I fucking hate you.”
“Hate you too,” Ian beams, closing the distance betweenthem and drawing Mickey into a languid kiss.
And Mickey’s helpless not to kiss back, helplessagainst the way his toes curl when Ian flicks his tongue against his. Twistinghis hands in Ian’s hair, he pulls him down further and holds him place.
Okay, so maybe he doesn’t hate Ian all that much.
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Survey #397
“you’re my religion, you’re my reason to live  /  you are the heaven in my hell”
Do you think that you’ll always love who you love now? Even if we're never together again romantically, I will ALWAYS love her at least as a best friend. Have you ever made out with a random person? Yeah, no. If you could do your first kiss over, would you? No. I'm lucky that my first kiss was honestly cute as hell. Do you like your country’s president or prime minister? Well I voted for him, so I obviously can't hate him. He seems to be doing fine so far, though take that with a grain of salt seeing as I don't keep up with politics. Even before voting for him, I just did a small bit of researching on his values. What color is your house? Yellow with white accents. Do you listen to Christmas music during the holiday season? No, I don't enjoy it. Man, Jason's mom sure did, though... I loved how in the spirit she'd get and always played Christmas music in the car during that time of year. I miss that woman and I sure as hell hope she rests easy now. Do you like ginger ale? Solely if I have a stomach bug, and I can only ever sip it. What are you listening to? "Electric Sugar Pop" by Jeffree Star. What’s the last thing you watched on TV? The TMS office has the TV on, and the woman who overlooks it (I have zero idea what her position is called) tends to have it either on a cooking channel or a home improvement one. Today was a cooking one. Is your favorite author the author of your favorite book? I don't have a favorite author. Describe someone you find really attractive: M-Mark Fischbach. *___* If you HAD to look like someone else, but could choose who, who would you choose? Hm... maybe my friend Alon. I've mentioned I feel like a million times that she is like, ethereal with how gorgeous she is. Have you ever seen someone get a tattoo done? If so, what was it? Did they cry or were they in a lot of pain? Yeah; it was a watercolor feather with "ohana" written below it. She didn't cry at all, but she grit her teeth a few times. Do you have anything you couldn’t go a day without? Some form of technology. Have you ever gotten caught doing something illegal? No. What’s your favorite flavor of Vitamin Water? I don't even think I've ever tried it. Is there someone you wanna date right now? Yeah. What first attracted you to the last person you kissed? If we're talking the very first, our vast similar interests. How many brothers does your father have? None. Does your best friend have any tattoos? No. Do you like Ben + Jerry’s? Yep. Man, I want their Phish Food ice cream now. Would you ever wish to be the opposite sex? Nah. Do you think you’re attractive? Nope. What is your favorite card game to play? Magic: The Gathering. I really miss my PS3 where I had Duel of the Planeswalkers installed on it, it was really fun. Do you own a globe? I don't think we still do. What is your favorite wild cat? Perhaps clouded leopards. If your bedroom had three portals to anywhere, where would they lead? South Africa, Sara's place, and maybe a nice little cabin in the mountains for when I'm feeling a peaceful getaway. You can ask any author one question about their story. What do you ask? I have zero idea. What’s a place you have a strong emotional connection to? The pond behind the local community college. Jason and I took our first prom pictures there. Do you take yoga classes? No, but I'm actually considering it since they offer those at the YMCA Mom and I now go to. What is a decision you’ve made that changed your entire life? To let Jason go. It's pretty great, my PTSD has been less of a bother lately! Have you ever made any money from a side-hustle? Could you consider being paid to take pictures once in a blue moon a "side hustle" when I don't even have a main job? Do you ever wonder what kind of person you’d have turned out to be if a certain event never happened to you? Ugh... it's incredibly painful to wonder how life would be if Jason never left. If you could have anyone’s singing voice, whose would you choose? Adele's or Amy Lee's, probs. What are your top 3 favorite genres of music? Metal, hard rock, alternative. Do you think Mars will be colonized in your lifetime? No. Have you ever been homeless? If so, what led to your homelessness? Technically, yes, because Mom couldn't afford the rent. She, my little sister (who still lived with us at the time), and I each were accepted into the homes of willing, kind people, though. Have you ever been on a ship? No. Who was Van Halen’s better singer - David Lee Roth, or Sammy Hagar? David. Which fictional character has the most memorable quotes? Heath Ledger's Joker is quoted all the time, so probably him. What do you think of the "Healthy At Every Size" movement/philosophy? Before I answer this, I want you to keep in mind that this is coming from someone who is obese, so I would positively love to agree with that for my own self-confidence, but I don't. I believe it's a very dangerous mentality. I think you should cherish your body unconditionally, like it's an amazing machine, but I firmly believe you should have an active interest in becoming what is physically healthy. You couldn't pay me millions to convince me that, say, a 300 lb. person is healthy. What was the name of the first person you ever had a crush on? Why did you like them? I think my first *real* crush was this guy Sebastian my freshman year of high school. I thought he was very sweet, funny, caring, and attractiveness was a bonus. What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat? Sashimi, caviar, raw eggs... Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? Bindi Irwin, for one. What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Hurricanes. Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? No. Have you ever been bitten so hard that there teeth marks were there after? I mean I've had hickeys before if that's what you're asking. Ever gave one? Oh, I guess you were. Yeah. Do you think its weird if guys wear make-up like eyeliner? Not at all. Would you ever date a disabled person? (Be honest) Yes. Would you rather adopt or have your own child? IF I wanted kids, I'd rather have one myself because I'm well aware I personally need that special connection. Stepkids count, too, because they'd be my partner's and therefore very important for me too. What is the most personal question you have ever been asked? Probably TMI, so here's your fair warning, but I've been asked before if I "touch" myself and I was absolutely repulsed that someone would ask me that. Were you abused by your parents? No. If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara. Were you one of the smartest in your class? Up to finishing high school, modestly, I was. Where did you meet your first crush? Art class my freshman year of high school. Do you ever go places with wet hair? Yeah, idc. Who is your favorite little girl? My niece Aubree. She's such a wonderful girl. Does your best friend have kids? No. If you were pregnant, would you want a boy or a girl? Hypothetically, a girl. What place outside of your own home do you spend the most time at? Um, maybe my older sister's house? Have you ever participated in a medical study? No. Do you have any family members who are cancer survivors? Yes, including my mother. Twice. Are you allergic to any medications? None that I've tried. Do you have any licenses other than your driver's license? I don't even have that. If you’re atheist, would you raise you kids believing in God or not? No; I wouldn't intervene with their own spiritual (or lack thereof) journey. They'd learn what they'd learn and decide themselves what they believe. Do you like reading self-help books? No, I just can't get invested in those. What is your opinion on sex change? If you're unhappy with your body, you're more than free to surgically change that with no judgment from me. Do you have any goals for this summer? If so, what are they? Yes, to lose weight. Can you get a strike at bowling? I have before. There was one occasion where my first go was a strike RIGHT after saying I sucked at bowling, hahaha. Do you ever take pictures of negative moments? Well, I photograph roadkill, and that's one hell of a sad moment. I actually wouldn't mind broadening my horizons of photographing negative moments (with permission of course), because I actually find these very impactful and even builds empathy. I will never, ever forget this one picture I saw sometime of an emaciated boy huddled in the dirt with a vulture close by watching him... like fuck, it made me want to sob. No one should ever have to live like that, especially a child. Would you ever post a picture of yourself crying on social media? No. I know that sounds contradictory to what I just said, I just wouldn't be able to do it myself. Have you ever held a newborn baby? Once, when my last niece was born. I'm terrified of holding them because they're just so fragile. Do you know anyone who has twins? My friend just had triplets. What is your favorite country in Europe? Germany. Are you thriving in your life right now? BOY HOWDY- Do you remember to water plants? I don't keep plants. Name three YouTubers you aspire to be like. 1.) Markiplier in a vast plethora of ways; 2.) Jeffree Star for his incredible work ethic; and 3.) Shane Dawson for his incredible compassion. Yes. I know the controversy, but regardless, he cares a lot about people. Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? I wouldn't know, given I haven't read the books or seen the movies. Do you watch PewDiePie? Not anymore; his content doesn't interest me anymore. I watched him religiously back in the day when he was a serious let's player, though. Do you have a Steam account? Yes. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? No, not personally. I like watching LPs of it and I find the story fascinating, but it's not the kind of game I'd enjoy playing. Have you ever tried Akinator? Yes. I don't think I ever beat it, except maybe once. Are you wearing socks right now? No; unless I'm wearing closed-toe shoes like sneakers, I never do. I hate the feeling of them. Can you twerk? Haven't tried, don't wanna. Do you like dabbing? No, it looks stupid. Do you like fishing? I honestly do think it's fun with all the anticipation and thrill of seeing how big the fish is, however I don't support it anymore unless, like hunting, you genuinely need it for food. The only case where I'd go again was if my dad asked me, because that's always been our bonding experience. Do you have a Spotify account? Yes. Have you heard of Blizzard Entertainment? Well, they're the company behind World of Warcraft, so obviously. Do you like bananas? Yes, but only for a VERY short window of time. I am beyond picky with the ripeness of bananas. Are you addicted to anything? Caffeine and technology. Do you know your phone number? I actually don't. Do you swear in front of children? No.
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Wrote this a long time ago but it’s time to POST IT
Two years turns to three, and May buys Kass a van. Rather, she tells him she buys him one, but in actuality the dealer was horribly rude and when she had told Simon, the young man had gotten a suspicious look on his face and there had been, she could not believe, a heist.
She’d left money and gotten the paperwork certainly. Just..... after hours.
Regardless, on Christmas 2020 (and can you believe it’s been a year since the Foundation? Almost a year since she found out his birthday?) she leads Kass out onto the driveway and lets him absorb the sight of the old van, clean, with purple dice hanging off the rear view mirror and a mattress in the back cabin.
“You deserve to have your own space,” she says. He kisses her.
And that’s good! He’s happy, overjoyed even. He’s happy to drive her to get them ice cream or to lunch and such.
But then, belatedly, she’s reminded that she’s given him an out.
Which Kass deserves. He deserves to be able to leave, he doesn’t have to stay if he doesn’t want to. When May asked him to live with her, it was so he could escape to a place that would be less threatening, so he could recover. Could heal.
But he’s spent the better half of his life being on the go. She wouldn’t blame him if he was feeling cooped up, living in the same house for three years. She couldn’t blame him if he wanted to leave.
But if he did want to leave, she thinks her heart would crack wide open.
She’s shameful. She tries to put it out of her mind, and when she comes home after work and the van is in the driveway she pretends she doesn’t sigh in relief.
“Alright,” he finally says snappishly one evening, and May looks up, startled, from where she’s been cleaning dishes after dinner. “Something’s up with you.”
He’s gotten so good at reading her, it’s getting scary. She’d only been trying to not be too clingy, had not been the over affectionate idiot she was before the fear set back in. See, she knows she’s needy and it can frustrate people, and she knows he’ll probably want to leave at some point but she should do what she can to not give him reasons to want that and—
May grips the edge of the countertop with soapy hands, bracing herself because her hands have felt so shaky today. She’s been in the throes of an anxiety attack she can’t control. They happen sometimes. Things spiral.
He doesn’t deserve to deal with this. She shouldn’t make him deal with this.
“What makes you say that?” She says, as controlled as she can, but her voice is still so small.
Kass presses up from behind, arms looping her chest. She tries and fails to not lean back against him with a shudder. “I haven’t heard you laugh properly in the past two days,” he says, and her breath goes out of her. “Something’s in your head again, and it’s not leaving. Talk to me. What can I do to help?”
God, she’s pathetic, she shouldn’t have to have him help, it’s so much more work than he deserves. “You don’t have to do anything,” May whispers, and they’re both unable to ignore how, even gripping the edge of the sink, her hands are shaking. “I’ll get over it, it’s just a-a—“
Kass’s face presses into her shoulder. “I want to do something. I want to help, I hate seeing you get like this. I’m right here, just talk to me. Stop holding it in.”
It hurts somewhere deep in her chest. Her breath goes shallow.
“I’m sorry,” she says, wobbly. Already her eyes are watering. She’s so pathetic. Such a baby. “I just keep thinking about the future.”
Kass hums into her skin, and turns her carefully to be fully in his embrace. “What about it?”
May squeezes her eyes shut, feeling the first tears already spilling. “It’s just—you’re doing so much better. You’re so wonderful. And you, you, it’s—“
“Breathe,” he commands gently. She tries, god knows she tries. “Slowly.”
May looks up at him, at Kass’s face that she’s committed to her memory. The lines of age and stress, the narrow chin and thin cheeks. She loves him and she needs to remember his face, needs to keep it pressed in her head like a flower. Someday he won’t be there and she’ll only have the memory. It needs to be perfect.
“I don’t want you to feel obligated to stay,” she finally says in a hushed voice. “I know you moved in because you needed to get away from the others. I understood it wasn’t a permanent thing. I’m just going to miss you so much.”
There is a long silence, and then Kass says, flatly, “What.”
May sniffles. “I’m sorry. I’m—“
“No, hang on, go back, I must have missed something.” His voice edges on angry. “You think I want to leave?”
“Maybe not now,” she adds hastily, “but you, you’re not the kind to stay in one place. You’ll get bored, you’ll get restless—“
“Bored?!” Kass snaps, letting go of her, and oh no she’s fucked up she’s made him upset she should have kept her stupid mouth shut. “You think living with you is boring?”
May wipes her eyes. “Isn’t it?”
Isn’t it? Making dinner, watching movies on the couch, going on walks, it’s all very domestic and contained. It’s hardly monster hunting. It’s hardly driving cross country or fighting ancient evils. She thought, to herself, that she was bored of herself too.
Kass stares at her, an expression of bafflement on his face. “You’re so stupid,” he finally says. “You’re so clever and yet so outrageously stupid, it boggles the mind.”
She hunches her shoulders, flinching when he sets his hands on them. “Sorry,” she whispers, and she wants to curl up and disappear so he can stop being angry with her.
Kass sighs. He rubs her shoulders. “Princess—May. Look at me.”
She doesn’t want to, doesn’t want to see the impatience, but she looks anyway.
Kass is studying her, pinning her with his fixed gaze.
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No!” She bursts quickly. “No, no, I, I just, I want you to be happy Kass. That’s all I ever wanted for you. To be happy.”
Kass keeps watching. May finally states the rest of the sentence. The way she’s been finishing it in her head.
“Even if that’s not with me.”
His hand presses to her cheek, palm cool and steady. “You really are an idiot,” he sighs. “I’m not sure I CAN be happy without you.”
May lets put a breath she didn’t know she was holding, and it comes out as a shaky sob. Once it starts, it’s a burst dam, tears and gasps and sobs. Kass gathers her up in his chest and leads her to a chair to sit. He gets paper towels for her to blow her nose in. He rubs little circles on her knee.
“You’re not boring,” he says gently, when the sobbing is quieter. “You’re not boring, and I have no plans of going anywhere without you. You understand me?”
She nods stupidly, face hidden in her makeshift tissue.
“You’re the only living person who’s ever made me feel happy,” he continues. “I’m not giving that up for anything. Next time you start thinking you can predict my actions, tell me. I’ll prove you wrong.”
She blows her nose again, loud and wet. He pets her hair. “What even made you think something so inane?”
May swallows the lump in her throat. “The van. I... started thinking about how I could come home and it would just be gone.”
Kass’s brow furrows. He makes a face she can’t quite read. “You silly thing. Thinking I’d give all this up to live in a glorified tin can.”
That makes her laugh, a bit, a wet little noise that has Kass brightening. “There it is,” he says, fond. “There’s that laugh.”
He leans forward and kisses her forehead. She feels so little when he does it, like she’s six years old again and he’s just put a bandaid on a cut knee. It’s so grounding and safe.
“I love you,” he says, mouth still at her hairline. “And I may get antsy, and I may want to kick my wanderlust bug from time to time, but I want you there with me for it. I want you to come with me if I decide to go. I don’t want to leave you behind.”
May feels like she might burst into tears again. That he could love and want her so much, she never manages to comprehend it. That he would want her there, that he doesn’t think she’s clingy, that he doesn’t want to get away from her, it’s so impossible it hurts her heart.
“Come with me,” Kass says, on his knees in front of her again. “We’ll go on a road trip, just us. We’ll go wherever we want. You can show me the stars in Sedona.”
He remembered. It fills her chest with an aching ocean of love, that he remembered that story.
“I... I love you so much, Kass.”
“Say yes, then,” he urges, so eager he might be desperate. “Say we’ll go, say you’ll come with me wherever I wander.”
May smiles, watery. “If that’s where you want me.”
“I never want you anywhere else. And then we’ll come home,” he continues. “We’ll come back, here.”
God, she loves him. He’s wonderful. He’s beautiful, he’s shining.
“Yes,” she says. “Let’s go on an adventure. Let’s go someplace new. And then we’ll come home, and then we can do it again whenever you want.”
Kass grins. May smiles, and her heart fills to bursting.
It feels like home.
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spicy-mbti-memes · 5 years
How the Types Dump You
ESTJ: As you walk into the room, he is sitting at an office desk. He motions for you to sit down. (This confuses you greatly, because you don’t even have an office desk in your house; did he buy one just for this occasion?) He takes out his reading glasses and pulls out a file folder that you can see is extensively tagged with color-coded index notes. He opens it up and begins reading from a double-spaced, 5,000-word essay written in size 12 Times New Roman with in-text citations and a bibliography written in APA format. His essay lists every way in which you’ve ever failed to live up to his expectations in the relationship; the report concludes that there is no other rational choice but to fire you as his companion. He thanks you for your time and writes you a severance check (aka first and last month’s rent) before leaving. You shrug casually because, well, hey, it could’ve been worse: you could’ve been broken up with the way that the ENFP girl’s boyfriend on this list did.
ISTJ: ISTJs don’t break up with you. If you end up with an ISTJ, you’re either going to have to do the dirty work yourself, or you’re going to be stuck with them until you die.
Either that, or they’ll e-mail you from work while they’re on their lunch break (because they can’t send a personal e-mail during work hours, obviously).
ESTP: You walk into your apartment to see your ESTP boyfriend in the middle of having a literal orgy in your living room. “What the fuck are you doing?!” you scream at your ESTP boyfriend (and the twelve other people in the room, too, I guess), who seems genuinely confused somehow. “But I don’t even love them!” he continues to insist, not understanding how you could be so upset about this. “It’s just sex, what’s the big deal? Here, how about this: why don’t you join us? Would that make you feel better? The bowl of condoms is over there. They’re just for decoration and we’re not using them, but I thought I would show them to you anyway.”
ISTP: Sends you a letter in the mail from a clinic advising you to get tested for STDs.
ESFJ: You’ve been talking about starting to try for a baby for a while now, so you and your partner begin to make some preparations to help protect your future family - stashing away money for the down-payment on a house, trading in your car for a family van, filling out life insurance policies; routine stuff. But then, little things started happening; things so small that you only noticed in hindsight. The new lock on her phone that wasn’t there before. How often you caught her smiling to herself as she was texting. How much more often she was suddenly going on out-of-town work trips, or going out for a lady’s night, or having to stay late for work. How irritated she always seemed to be with you, and how little you were having sex despite actively trying to get pregnant. You were in denial at first, but slowly, you’re starting to put the pieces together. You make up your mind to confront her on the weekend, in case anything goes wrong and you suddenly have to go stay somewhere else.
Except you never get a chance to, because one morning, you wake up and your world looks completely different. You aren’t in your bed; in fact, you don’t seem to be anywhere at all. And that’s because you’re dead, because your wife poisoned you so that she could move overseas to be with her new hot 23-year-old boyfriend from Spain, and the money she got from your $250,000 life insurance policy.
ISFJ: Does it the proper, old-fashioned way: by sitting you down and explaining to you why it just isn’t working out. Fuck ISFJs and their wholesomeness and perfection preventing me from shitposting about them. =/
ESFP: Sends you a picture of themselves flipping the bird while sucking your best friend’s dick. Afterwards, texts you a detailed play-by-play of everything they did, and how much of a better lay he was than you. Oh, and how much bigger his dick was than yours, of course.
ISFP: Breaking up? Us? Oh, honey. Honey, no. You’re not going anywhere. I will murder your entire family if that’s what I have to do to stop them from being able to take you away from me. The police? Lmao, that’s cute. Let them come and watch me win the Oscar performance of the year as I cry about how you beat me, and drag you away to jail instead. No, baby, you’re not going anywhere. We’re never breaking up. We’re always going to be together. Forever.
ENTJ: He’s a wildly successful entrepreneur who ended up becoming a multi-millionaire. You’re the beautiful philanthropist and socialite trophy wife and stay-at-home mom who takes care of the kids. Together, you own homes in four different countries (one for each season, and several in Aspen and Montauk - just for the weekends, of course), a yacht, multiple sports cars, an entire room just for shoes, ties, and handbags, and a chef, a housekeeper, and a full-time, live-in nanny. Everything he owns is shiny, new, the latest model - everything, that is, except for you. So he cheats on you behind your back, divorces you when you find out about it, and then replaces you with a hotter, younger replica of yourself.
But hey, at least you got half of everything in the divorce. At least he was gracious enough not to have you assassinated, I guess.
INTJ: Calmly and rationally explains to you why it just wouldn’t work in the grand scheme of things. I mean, for one thing, having a wife (or even a serious girlfriend) just wasn’t a part of the life plan that he created for himself in the first grade; hell, it wasn’t even a part of the ten-year plan that he drew up for himself on the first day of high school. He’s not trying to be rude or insensitive, but he just doesn’t have the time to waste on pursuing empty, meaningless pursuits like social relationships or having a girlfriend. How is he going to meet his goal of becoming the youngest PhD holder in his state if he has to waste time doing things like talking to you?
Joke’s on him, though, because this is exactly how the movie Legally Blonde started, and doesn’t he know how that movie ended for someone like him?
ENTP: ENTPs don’t break up with you, because ENTPs don’t date anyone seriously in the first place. If, by some stroke of (horrible) luck, you actually did manage to get an ENTP to agree to hang out with you often enough under a context that could reasonably be construed as the two of you being “in a relationship”, they would probably get bored and cheat on you within weeks. But hey, if you’re a masochist and getting your heart broken repeatedly is your thing (lookin’ at you, INFxs), then do what makes you happy, man. I’m not judging.
INTP: Meh. Doesn’t really bother to break up with you. Continues to co-habitate with you while ceasing to continue putting any effort into the maintenance of the relationship, and just kind of letting it die a natural death. By the time it’s over, neither of you have cared for months.
ENFJ: Leaves you a length, caring, compassionate, “It’s not you, it’s me” goodbye letter on your bedside table in an attempt to soften the blow of gently explaining that she has decided to leave you and your life together in order to pursue her dream of cultivating relationships with multiple wealthy Sugar Daddies who fund her extravagant, globetrotting lifestyle.
INFJ: INFJs never truly break up with anyone. They keep the door open just the tiniest sliver, so that they can keep you around as their potential back-up plan in case their current relationship falls apart. After all, where are they going to get their identity and sense of self from if they’re alone?
ENFP: You come home after work and she isn’t there. None of her stuff is missing, so at first, you aren’t worried - she must just be running late, or made an impromptu decision to go see a friend. By 10 PM, you’re riddled with anxiety and the fear that something has gone horribly, horribly wrong. You call her friends. You call all the local hospitals and jails. You file a police report. But nothing ever comes of the investigation, and no one can figure out what happened to her - it’s like she dropped off the face of the Earth. The whole ordeal is emotionally devastating for you, but eventually life goes on, as it inevitably must.
Years later, you turn on your computer and have a new friend request on Facebook. It’s your ex-girlfriend. You find out that she’s been living on a hippie commune in the Costa Rican rainforest for the past three years. She felt “stifled and trapped” by her old life, she tells you, and felt like she “needed a change from the oppressive grind of daily life”. She can’t understand why you’re so upset about it; shouldn’t you be happy for her for finally getting to live out her dream?
You hang up the phone and never think about her again.
INFP: Ghosts you.
That’s it. That’s literally it. You’ll never hear from them again. It’s like they just never existed. After a while, you start to wonder whether they ever really did, or if they were just a figment of your imagination.
(If you’re an INTP, then this is probably true. Your caring, squishy uwu INFP senpai girlfriend was all a product of your lonely imagination.)
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Two Minutes to Midnight: Part One
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,165
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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Dean’s becoming more distant than usual. His words are ringing in your head from last night.
I’m saying I don’t trust you anymore. And it’s going to take a lot more than a conversation for you to earn it back, but the way I see it, you never will.
You’re lucky I’m not treating you like the other witches. But, with the way things are going, maybe I should start.
The one thing you never wanted to hear from him is that you lost his trust. You never meant for all of this to happen when you did what you did. It’s not like you wanted to deliberately hurt him, and as much as he doesn’t believe you, you did do it because of Amara. If only she could leave you alone, then maybe you might have kept it. Castiel can’t bring it back, and right now, you’re not so sure you want to.
Having another kid isn’t going to make this magically go away. It’s going to take some serious work on your part if you and Dean are ever going to go back to the way things were. Your relationship is breaking, and you’re not so sure you can save it this time. You want to work on getting his trust back, but with what you just learned about Sam, it���s kind of hard to stay on track.
When your dad got possessed by a demon that left him paralyzed, he was able to gain control by fighting from within. Sam thinks he can do the same thing if he lets Lucifer in. There are a few problems with that. One, Sam isn’t strong enough since he made it clear he doesn’t have any self control when it comes to angels and demons. Two, even if he was strong enough, Lucifer is the third fourth most powerful creature on Earth with Michael, God, and Amara being above him. How can Sam keep something like him at bay from within?
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Dean yells at his brother when he figured out what Sam has in store.
“Dean,” he sighs.
“No, don't ‘Dean’ me. I mean, you’ve have had some stupid ideas in the past, But this,” he shakes his head and turns to your dad who has been silent throughout this whole ordeal. “D-did you know about this?”
“About Sam's genius plan to cram the devil down his throat.”
“Yeah,” he whispers.
“Thanks for the heads up, dad!” you accuse.
“Hey, this ain't about me!”
“You can't do this,” Dean turns to his brother again.
“That's the consensus.”
“Alright. Awesome. Then, end of discussion,” he shrugs, ending the conversation so he doesn’t have to think about this for much longer.
He’s not going to let his little brother get possessed by the devil when he knows it’s not going to work. You trust Sam to do a lot of things, but this is much bigger than he realizes, and he’s going in headfirst without looking at the bigger picture. Everyone is on edge, and you’re not really sure what to say at this point when your phone starts ringing. You take it out and look at the caller ID which is unknown.
“Hello?” you answer.
“Castiel?” you ask, and all heads turn to you.
“Is he okay?” Sam asks.
“We all thought you were dead. Where the hell are you?” you ask, ignoring Sam’s question.
“A hospital.”
“Are you okay?”
“Okay, want to elaborate on that?” you sigh.
“I just woke up here. The doctors were fairly surprised. They thought I was brain-dead.”
“So, you’re in a hospital? Do you know which one?”
“Apparently, after Van Nuys, I suddenly appeared bloody and unconscious on a shrimping boat off Delacroix. I'm told it upset the sailors. No, I don’t know which one. Not yet, at least.”
“Okay, well, you couldn’t have picked a better time to call. We figured out a way to send Lucifer back in his box.”
“It’s a long fucking story, but we’re going after Pestilence now. I’d be nice if you can zap over here,” you chuckle.
“I can't ‘zap’ anywhere.”
“What do you mean?”
“You could say my batteries are drained.”
“You’re saying you’re out of angel mojo?” you ask and look at the men who just seem disappointed.
“I'm saying that I am thirsty and my head aches. I have a bug bite that itches no matter how much I scratch it, and I'm saying that I'm just incredibly—”
“—human. Wow, I’m sorry. That must be tough for an angel,” you sigh apologetically.
“Well, my point is that I can't go anywhere without money for an airplane ride, food, and more pain medication, ideally.”
“Okay, don’t worry. My dad’s here and he’ll wire you the cash you need.”
“I will?” your dad asks, and you just nod in his direction.
“Wait, Y/N, tell Dean I’m sorry. He said no to Michael, and I underestimated him.”
“Yeah, he’s not really talking to me. You can tell him that when you get over here,” you say in a low voice.
Dean looks at you when you mention your situation, and he just looks away in annoyance. He just wants to get this over with so you and he can go your separate ways. He doesn’t know what this means for your relationship, but it’s not looking good right now. He doesn’t want to break up with you because a tiny sliver of him hopes you two will work it out. If it wasn’t there, he would have dumped your ass the minute he found out about what you did.
“Right, of course.”
“Just get better and head over here. You may not have mojo, but we can use all the help we can get.”
“Okay, I promise.”
You hang up after that and get ready to go to pestilence. The brothers pack up the car while you say goodbye to your dad. He hugs you tighter than usual, and he’s got a guilty look on his face that you know is bad.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Is there something you want to tell me?”
“Not right now. Just go get that son of a bitch.”
“Be safe,” you smile and kiss his cheek.
You get into the car right before Dean peels out of your dad’s junk yard. He would have left without you, but he knows your powers will come in handy when facing a Horseman. He hates how much he needs you, and if he is going to leave you, then he has to know how to live without you.
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Pestilence lives in a nursing home, Serenity Valley Convalescent Home, filled with sick people. There are nurses bringing in people, others moving about in the rooms you can see through the open windows, and workers moving about outside to make sure the grounds are neat and tidy. You three have been out here staking out the place for about twenty minutes with no game plan.
“So this is Dr. Evil's lair, huh?” Dean comments to his brother.
“It's kind of more depressing than evil.”
“It's like a four-color brochure for dying young. Of course, to Pestilence, it's probably Dollywood in there.”
“Great. A whole building full of people. We don't know who's human, who's demon, and who's pestilence. So, what do we do?” Sam asks.
“Hello, you’re forgetting about me. I know who are demons and who aren’t. Plus, there isn’t a demon in sight. We’re in the clear. If you’re not sold on that, then why don’t we sneak into the security office to watch the tapes. Or have you not seen the cameras yet?” you ask and pat the front seat before getting out.
“She’s good,” Sam chuckles.
“Let’s just go,” Dean mumbles and gets out of the car.
The place is crowded with elderly people and their nurses, so it’s not hard at all to sneak past the front desk. There is a door nearby that says ‘security’ on it, so you know you’re in the right place.
“Stay here, I’ll do this,” you take over and knock on the door. You enter the room with a shy smile on your face. “Hi, I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for my grandmother. She’s really sick, and I promised to come visit her. She really likes it when I visit.”
“Go around front and see the nurse,” the security officer shrugs.
“Do you mind helping me out, sir?” you ask and close the door behind you. “I saw her come around this corner, and I know it’s easier to ask you. Would you please check?”
“Stay right there,” he sighs and turns to the monitors.
As he clicks a few buttons, blue magic swirls around your hands. You flick a good amount at his head, and his skull absorbs it instantly. The dosage you gave him is enough to put him out for hours. He slumps in his chair, and you knock twice on the door to let the brothers know it’s okay to come in. Dean enters first, and you roll the man out of the way so you three can take over the monitors. You wheel over two chairs for the brothers to use while you cop a seat on a nearby desk.
“What are we even looking for?” Sam asks and takes a seat.
“Well, he's Pestilence, so he probably looks sick,” Dean answers.
“Everybody looks sick, Dean,” Sam sighs.
This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Everyone on the monitors look normal as they go about their days. Doctors and nurses pass by, trying to get their patients to enter their rooms without a fuss. They don’t have cameras in the room, so you’re relying solely on the hallways to look for pestilence. As you’re waiting, you’re tossing a small magical ball into the air and catching it since there is nothing else to do in this room. It feels like all night has passed before something good comes along.
“Hey, look,” Sam perks up when he notices something weird.
You and Dean get up and look at the monitor. One of the doctors is setting off distortions in the monitors. It’s only at his head where his eyes should be, and it’s a long thin strip of static that runs through the monitors. When the doctor goes into another hallway, the previous monitor goes back to normal, and the monitor he shows up on shows the same distortion. He enters room 210 which is on the other side of the nursing home. This is your man. You found pestilence, but where are the demons?
“Oh, now we’re talking,” Dean chuckles.
“Come on, we might lose him if he doesn’t already know we’re here,” you say and grab your gun.
The hallways are empty by now since everyone is in their rooms. The nurses and doctors are doing their checkups and paperwork, which allows them to stay in their offices. Only a select few of nurses roam the halls, but you three do a good job avoiding them. Sam holds Ruby’s knife, Dean has his shotgun, and your weapons is your magic. There’s no use for a gun when your magic is ten times more deadly.
The closer you get, the more Sam and Dean are affected by his influence. He radiates sickness, and the only two that are affected are the ones that aren’t protected by Amara. Sam and Dean cough as they round the corner. The room you need is less than thirty feet away from you, but it looks like they won’t make it. There are two bodies on the ground—a nurse and a doctor. They are both dead because of something pestilence did.
He knows you’re here.
“Ugh, must be getting close,” Sam coughs up a small amount of blood.
“You think?” Dean snaps.
“Are you guys going to be okay?” you ask, perfectly fine and healthy.
“Yeah, we’re good,” Dean nods.
He starts to sink to the floor from weakness, and you immediately try to help him.
“Dean, you’re going to be okay. Come on, you can do this,” you grunt and let him use your body as a support system.
“Sam? Are you okay?” you ask when Sam starts to do the same thing.
“Yeah, just go,” he coughs louder and more frequent now.
Dean slips from your grasp and crumbles to the ground. Blood drips out of his mouth, and you lean down to try and heal him. There is no way he’s getting back up, and you don’t think you can help him right now. Room 210 is right across from you, and you know Pestilence is in there. Sam reaches for the door, but it swings open by a nurse inside. A demon is inhabiting her body due to the black smoke around her body.
“The doctor will see you now,” she grins before looking at you.
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alanncs · 5 years
hi my angels ! my name’s dani , i’m from toronto ontario aka best city in the worldt , & i’m 20  !  i’m the kelsey m on the main  &  i can’t tell u how excited i am to have wealthy up n running again !  i literally can’t wait to plot with all you beautiful peoples , so pls like this  &  i’ll slide in the dms , otherwise u can also hit me up on discord 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958  !!  i’m gonna put all you need  2 know about alanna below aaand i hope y’all like her ! <3
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new york’s very own alanna d'alessio was spotted on broadway street in gucci bee sneakers . your resemblance to hailey baldwin is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty first birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being reticent , but also gracious . i guess being a scorpio explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be anything pink , the lingering smell of weed , and a cigarette between her fingers . &  ( cisfemale & she/her  )  +  ( dani , 20 , she/her , est . )
                    *  /   𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
full  name  :  alanna  marie  d’alessio  .
age :  twenty  -  one  .
hometown  :  new  york  city  .
zodiac  chart  :  scorpio  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  libra  rising  .
character  inspo  :  alyssa  (  the  end  of  the  f*cking  world  )  ,  marissa  cooper  (  the  o.c  )  ,  hanna  marin  (  pretty  little  liars  )  .
                   *  /   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚   !!  tw  : kidnapping , ransom , drugs
alanna was born heir to the d'alessio family which came with the billion dollar dynasty that her parents created . 
her dad is an italian government official  but they grew up in ny basically bc her dad is an ambassador/representative for italy  &  her mother is a super model who also wanted to raise her kids here having lived here her whole life , and so they did . 
she had everything handed to her on a silver platter and her parents expected nothing but success from her because of how wealthy they were, they knew they would never have to worry about providing for her and her siblings , and so they spoiled her with whatever she asked for and more
but that came with a price, she was expected to do everything they wanted of her, go to an ivy league college, follow in one of her parent’s career footsteps
alanna did just that, she got amazing grades in high school and was head of many student clubs, organized prom, got almost perfect on sat’s and exams, and busted her ass to get into a good college despite the fact that her parents could’ve easily gotten her a spot if she didn’t do as well as she did
her life was going so well, she had the perfect boyfriend, perfect group of friends, was on her way to brown university in a couple of months, her parents and her couldn’t have been in a better spot with their daughter
the last thing they expected was for someone, a stranger, to get their hands on their daughter . a week after her 18th birthday , she’s walking to school on a monday morning and before she knows what’s happening , there’s something over her head and she’s being dragged into a van and taken from her life
the one thing that was expected, was the $10 million ransom she was held for
basically her dad had some shady dealings with the italian mob & didn’t pay his debts to them for some time - so they kidnapped alanna in retaliation for that
they kept her for 3 days before her parents were able to work with the authorities to get her returned and pay the people in full
surprisingly, she was returned alive but she had to spend two weeks in the hospital afterwards with injuries
once alanna was returned, she wasn’t the same
she told the police what happened to her , but only barely . she didn’t tell her parents or anyone else about what they did to her when she was gone .
she didn’t speak , eat or sleep for two months after she got home
she spent the last few months of her high school in bed, she didn’t attend her graduation, deferred from going to brown in the fall, she didn’t see her friends anymore and she broke up with her boyfriend
the people who took her were never caught & she is still to this day completely terrified of going anywhere alone
she never walks anywhere alone  
it took her months to be able to get back to doing normal things again and being who she was before
to this day ,  alanna still struggles with the memories and the ptsd from what happened to her , but she doesn’t speak to anyone about it and she refuses to bring it up in any scenario
she also has a horrible relationship with her father now , having trouble forgiving him for what happened to her
some people know about it as obviously, being as famous as her family is, it was on the news at the time, and everyone she went to high school with knew what happened so sometimes it can be hard to avoid it
she wants to forget - here comes her secret - she got into drugs after the kidnapping and it quickly spiraled out of control , now she can’t seem to function without them because they’re the only thing that make her feel normal and make the memories fade
anything she can get her hands on rly
but the media think she’s an angel , her reputation has been kept p much pristine her whole life . and her parents have no clue how much she’s struggling or how much she’s changed . so if this were to come out , it would tarnish not only alanna’s reputation but her family’s  as well
                                         *  /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !!
after deferring from brown ,  alanna knew she had to find some way to keep herself occupied and make money , even though she could live off her parents for however long she wanted
alanna wants to be . miss independent .
so she started getting into modelling , bc of her mom it was easy for her to book gigs
she was able to book gigs like adidas , guess , calvin klein  etc  !
so  that was super exciting for her bc she got really into it and  enjoyed doing it sm
she started acting about a year ago - started off in a few movies , & now she’s currently starring in a netflix series - smth similiar to elite or on my block !
oko so in high school alanna was super bubbly , and just like the really overly nice girl that would talk to literally every 1
but it worked for her bc she was  voted prom queen  and valedictorian ! even tho she missed graduation . yike
Anyway now ! she is not v much like that anymore , except  when she’s super high .
since her kidnapping alanna has been closed off and aloof . in general , she’s not as talkative
she says what she thinks but it usually comes in one word mumbles
can sometimes b very entertaining  . she’s kinda like paris hilton a little bit
also think Marissa from the oc !!
call her a  spoiled brat she’s gonna be like “ yah… and ?”
she  can be very selfish to a fault  in certain situations
and very defensive if she feels attacked, judged , put into a corner , physically cornered , etc
she’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of having an epic love story
but she  has Hella trust issues which easily lead to commitment issues for her so … she will cheat “by accident” lol
that’s why she tries to steer clear of relationships but she also has such a big heart she  falls in love 5 times a day sffsdkj
also w  how much this girl  can sleep around it’s not happening any Time soon 4 her ! she enjoys being single a lot
Bc she likes to get wild
shes like nicole richie on the simple life when she’s partying  lmao
like she likes 2 fuck with ppl sometimes lol , like she will flirt w anyone and everyone just cus she’s bored
umm she lives  in sweatpants n crop tops !
her hair is either in a  bun or just down , she’s rly lazy when it comes to hair and makeup   . like if her makeups done someone else did it lol
Unless she’s like fully in the mood
ooverall she’s a rly sweet lil bean whos just scared of humans ! :’(
um ya idk im always developing  her but IF U read  all this  ilysm !
here’s her pinterest board for more of an idea !
                                  *  /  𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  !!
EVERYTHING   !  here is a link to my wc page & a link to my wc TAG which are both full of ideas so  msg me  & i’ll throw tons of ideas at u <333 let’s do it i luv plotting sm okay
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nefariouscryptid · 4 years
Hi, do your ocs have some sort of non-business hobbys? To spend the time with when they trail off or have some spare hours, ya know?
It’s kinda funny I haven’t thought about this too much with everybody, but why yes they do.
Peter: video games. He’s a huge gaming nerd, and since he’s rich as hell, he has a huge gaming set up, both pc, PlayStation, and Xbox. He uses a fake alias online and avoids using a headset in case of being tracked, also managing to get rid of his IP address, but he plays alot of online games. Specifically gta online... he’s level 1000.
Anahii: exercising. It’s a great way for her to blow off steam, and she loves doing cardio. She’s tried to get into yoga, but could never do anything super advanced. She hated the slow pace. So instead she runs, bikes, lifts weights. It’s the reason why she managed to stay crazy shredded... and from the fact she only has 1 real limb.
Jason: like the lonely, rich, near middle aged man he is, he likes tennis. He’s pretty damn good at it too, normally he’s plays against some lady and then they fuck after, but he really has fun when he manages to drag Peter, or even Anahii in. With Peter he enjoys kicking his ass, and with Anahii he enjoys the fear her eyes set in him. When he’s alone he just smacks a tennis ball against the wall.
Cooper: guitar. He used to be an avid guitar player back in highschool, but as life happened and he got dragged into the buisiness more and more, he stopped. A while later he picked it back up, and now that he can afford whatever the hell he wants, he has a whole room that’s filled with those sound proof styrofoam wall things, amps, peddles, guitars, and some signed records from people like Buckethead. He would have loved to join a band.
Plethora: baseball. He doesn’t have many hobbies really, interests sure but not actual hobbies. But this fucker loves baseball and used to play as a kid for a long time. Stopped once highschool hit for... reasons. But he managed to pick it back up as an adult. He has his own private batting cage and field. He wishes he could join a team, or at least play with people outside his work force, but his job prevents him from so. Sometimes it bums him out to the point where he can’t really play.
Cassandra: art, she used to be a tattoo artist as a side job before she got really heavily involved with Durante and had to quit. She’s done most of her own tattoos, and pierced both coopers eyebrow and plethoras bridge and ear piercings. She would like to tat them but they got more involved with Durante before she did, so she got the tats before she couldn’t. In her own time though she has a sketchbook and paints, doodles, and has a drawing tablet. She doesn’t post anything anywhere, just hangs it up on her wall. She’s sad she can’t, but it’s for security reasons.
Michelle: hiking and camping. She likes the outdoors, likes starting her own fire, cooking over one, setting up a tent, and walking through forests. If it were up to her, she’d be a vagabond, or living the van life. She feels happier, more in peace outside. She loves nature. But with her current life she has to settle for just hikes and maybe camping once a year by her house. It makes her angry.
Gwen: dancing. She follows YouTube video choreography’s, and dances along to them. She wishes she had just dance but her unit doesn’t have a wii, just an x box. It’s truly torture. But in her mean time she teaches herself how to dance and will dance with some of the other kids, and if she’s lucky some of her advisers will join.
Aj: sewing and knitting. She likes diy, and making her own clothes. It started out by sewing her and gwens tattered clothes, to sewing spare fabrics to make a pajama shirt, to making full fledged dresses and outfits. A lot of her off day clothes are made by her, and she sometimes gets paid by advisers to make them clothes. She uses that money to either by more supplies or treats herself to whatever she’s allowed to buy. She loves shit like Pinterest and Instagram for clothing inspiration. She’s trying to get into leather craft too.
Ivan: does staring out his window like an evil overlord count? He says he doesn’t have time for hobbies, too preoccupied with work, and that’s such a petty thing to do. His own delusions get in the way of him really indulging in anything. But he used to like swimming a lot. Had his own massive pool and everything. And before he was rich and an almost dictator, he’d swim at his private school.
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hoeranghae · 4 years
Okay so this is probably gonna be all over the place but I really need to get these thoughts out. I have one thing to say about the people who work in immigration, deportation centers, and the police.
They say that they're only following orders, they're only following the law, they're only following what the current government says, they don't have any power, they can't do anything about it, they can't change decisions, their hands are tied, they don't have the power to stop a morally and humanly incorrect decision.
That is the biggest lie I've ever been told, that is the biggest lie I've ever seen, that is the biggest lie they've made themselves and others believe.
In Immigration Nation there was one ice officer who said that he only followed the orders from a judge and that he was simply a "taxi driver taking someone from point A to B", that he had no power to change the decisions made, that he wasn't hired for his morals.
I was already extremely disturbed by the amount of comments these officers were making but that one particular comment truly made me enraged. How can you tell us while you take us to our guillotine that you have nothing to do with this? How can you go to sleep every single night and wake up every single day and go to a daily job that literally consists of ripping families apart, traumatizing generations, and sending people to their deaths? Your soul is rotten, your heart is rotten, your morals are rotten, and everything you are is rotten inside.
You might be a victim of the system but you have the power to step out of that, every day you have the power to say no and you have the power to change things, but your comfy life and the money you get are more valuable than human lives.
I've never talked here about how traumatizing it was for me to get deported from Finland, because even after a year of that, some days it still feels like it happened yesterday. I can so clearly remember how the police officer told me to my face the same things that those ice officers told the people they had detained. How she couldn't do anything, how she was just following orders, how there was nothing that I could change. I felt helpless, I felt betrayed, I felt like someone slapped me in the face and told me that my life didn't matter at all, that my life wasn't in danger, that I was disposable.
And the thing is they just want us to live with that fact. They want us to live with the fact that we are worth nothing in their eyes and yet they want us to feel "lucky", to feel like they "saved" us, to feel like they're just "protecting" us when all that is bullshit. It is bullshit.
I was one of the lucky ones and I was able to come to Chile to live with my mom, but my experience is not the universal experience of every person that has been deported. There are people who have nothing in their home countries, there are people whose lives end the moment they touch the ground where they were born, there are people who never make it.
And these officers, they think they have nothing to do with that, they truly believe it's not their fault, when they're literally the one holding us down while their "boss" or the "law" takes their final blow on us.
These inhuman laws were designed for us to fail, because no matter what you do you, no matter if you follow everything they say, you will fail, and they will make sure of that.
Not a day goes by that I don't get struck by the anxiety inducing thoughts of me getting deported from Chile, from Canada, from Finland, from Europe, from anywhere in the world. I am fucking terrified of traveling because what if I do something immigration doesn't like and they deport me again? what do I do then?
And that officer who told me "I can't do anything about it", the two police officers who took me in a police van to the airport and had the nerve to tell me "to come back soon"? They're sleeping well and sound, because my life didn't matter to them.
I am here fucking traumatized and will probably need therapy for the rest of my life and these motherfuckers are living their best lives. Fuck that and fuck them.
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
Greater Good  Prologue
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(Dean x Reader? Sam x Reader ?)
Serie Summary :
            There is a prophecy.
When Lucifer's true vessel will find his one true love, it will tilt the world's scales on the side of good and light. The balance that this love will bring, is to be the start of a new era, where evil will be weaken for the first time in centuries.
            When the Winchesters find out about this, they decide this is the opportunity of their life, the only way to make a difference once and for all. And now they have a way to find this girl, things should be easy, right ?
            What happens when the prophetic girl doesn't fall in love with Sam ?
Serie Warnings : Swearing, Angst, Fluff, Smut, and maybe other stuffs. 
Note : This is the new story I’m writing. This is a short prologue to start. I hope you’ll like it.
Prologue words : 1k
             Sam keeps looking out the window, his eyes jumping from tree to tree has the impala rushes through the land. He doesn’t say anything, why would he? And what could he say anyway ?
            Sam Winchester is used to crazy, to unbelievable. This just might be a little too much for him. So he stays silent, and tries to let his brain come to term with this new kind of weird.
“I can’t believe you’re a Disney princess, Sammy !” Dean suddenly jokes, shaking his head with that wide teasing smile that hides his own worry.
The truth is Dean is terrified. Sam’s one true love, what does this fucking means ? Does it mean fate wants to choose for his little brother once again ? And anyway : What is one true love ? Does it really exists ? Love exists, Dean knows that, he can feel it in every cell of his body, maybe because he’s a love child. But destiny’s love shit… This may be a little too much.
            How is it supposed to work anyway ? Will Sam fall at that girl’s feet the second he’s going to see her ? Will he realize he can’t live without her, take her to the bunker and keep her there, giggling for the rest of time ? Dean frowns. What if he doesn’t like her ? What if she’s a witless little princess ? What if she makes them grow apart ?
            And if she’s so special, where was she all those years ? Where was she when Sam lost Jessica ? When he was addicted to demon blood ? When he went to hell ? During the trials and after ? Why now ?
            Dean won’t admit it out loud, but he hates this prophecy thing, he hates it with every part of his soul… And he knows Sam doesn’t like it either. But this is for the greater good…
            Y/n gets out of the shower and sighs, the heat is killing her these days. She closes the curtains to hide the sweltering sun, not wanting to loose all the benefits of the cold shower just now. This is a good day, she tries to convince herself, if she hurries, she’ll have time to study in the bus. And tonight is pay night.
            She dresses like she always does, simple jeans and oversized t-shirt, even with this burning sun, there is no way she’s going out in a sexy outfit. She takes her books and verifies she has all of them before putting them in her bag. History of witchcraft during the middle age : from healers to heretics, check. A study of demonic pictorial representations in Europe, check. Mythology of the bible, third volume : Michael, the warrior angel, check. Introduction to Hebrew, fourth volume, check. From Abraham Van Helsing to Buffy : History of the monster hunters figures in popular cultures, check.
            She has to hurry, that essay on the angelic symbols in eighteenth century’s literature isn’t going to write itself, and she can’t afford grade below excellent, she can’t afford another year, or she might end up in jail for murdering a guy.
            “Y/n, you’re making the girls freak out with your stupid books” Alan says. “This is not the place for studying, I don’t pay you to be smart, I pay you to be pretty.”
“You pay me to cause boners, Alan…” she sights, putting her books back in her wide bag.
“And you’re so talented” the bald man says, giving her an envelope ful of cash. “If you weren’t so obsessed with college all this nerd crap, you could make a shit ton of money.”
“I know… And hate my body even more” she says between her teeth.
“Come on, don’t be like that you don’t even do specials…” he frowns.
And she leaves the room before he can talk about that again, avoiding a never-ending talk. She just isn’t going to do private shows, or private parties, whatever men are ready to pay ; she knows how it ends. And none of those sick perverts is going to lay a hand on her, their stare is already more than she can bear.
            The music starts. The crowed room is filled with whiskey, sweat and testosterone smells, the silence is heavy, an impatient silence, right before the primal roars ring out… This is it, six months to go, she thinks, hiding the lace thong under her sexy secretary skirt. She takes a deep breath, pulls her stomach in and tries to imagine she doesn’t hate the men in the room.
Show time…
            Sam knows so little about that girl he’s supposed to find. She’s in that town, that’s sure even if the tracking spell didn’t work the first time ; now Rowena is positive. And their life already crossed at least once, she said to him. It means he knows her, at least has already seen her.
            While Dean is eating his burger, Sam’s thoughts drift again. He tries to think about every girls he’s known, is there one of them he could have liked like that ?
“So… Is there anywhere your heart leads you” Dean says with his mouth full.
“Home…” Sam grunts.
“Oh come on Sammy, you’re about to meet future miss Sam Winchester, aren’t you existed ?” he tries to hide his own worry. “I guess she’s boring as hell and has very long hair” he jokes.
“You’re so funny...” Sam shrugs.
“So, where do we go ?” Dean insists.
            Where do we go ? Sam doesn’t know. He’s supposed to be drawn to her when he’s near. Just let your envies and heart lead you, Rowena and Cas said. Yeah, super easy… And it won’t be awkward at all to ask every dawn girl of this town to touch her skin, and see if a little mark appears on her chest.
            Sam sighs loudly again, not even realizing how sulky he his since they left the bunker. And this stifling weather is not helping. He feels nothing special, just the need for air conditioning.
When Dean takes the local newspaper to check on the news, Sam notices a commercial about the town’s library.
“Maybe we could check on the library, you know, to start somewhere” Sam says.
“See ? Boring...” Dean rolls his eyes.
                   ***FEEDBACK IS EVERYTHING <3***
Forever Tags : @vicariouslythruspn​ @tftumblin​ @deans-baby-momma​ @roonyxx​ @thefaithfulwriter @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @marvelfansworld @holylulusworld @cocklesbelli
Greater Good Tags : @wanderer-08 @mbanejr @chimchimslight  @neii3n​ @superlockedtimelord​ @nothinbuttrouble2​ @carliewinchester​ @maddiepants​
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groomlakeprojects · 5 years
Crash(test) The Ballad of Faded Wolf
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Barry Mick is a struggling tour manager for a young US rock band in his 30's working in the rock world and mainstream pop; but also works several part time real jobs. The band he is currently managing is a young band “Faded Wolf”; full of notorious stories and behaviors including sex,drugs, and rock and roll. Will they crash and burn? Or live and learn? Probably neither.
Crash(test) The Ballad of Faded Wolf
Story written by Joe Bruno
Edited by
Max Barksdale
There’s something peaceful about waking up in a moving vehicle. The scenery moving like an old movie reel as we make our way to the next destination is the best part, I guess. From what my folks told me when I was young, you actually had to dedicate a person, with a license, to controlling the vehicle; which sounds like a terrible idea looking around my immediate company.
“Tommy Rocks”, as he’s known, is in the next bunk over; putting his genitals on one of our roadies face while he’s asleep. Classic. The band I’m currently out on the road with, (for way less money than I should’ve negotiated; had I known the shit storm I had agreed to) Faded Wolf, are one of the new growing bands in the heavy metal scene. And they are all about attention.
These guys just cost the label $600,000 in damages; leading cops on a two hour chase after stealing a old school collection car from a classic car show, then proceeding to manually drive it onto the highway.
Fucking psychos I tell you. Especially in 2044.
A human messing with with our great, automated highways? It’s crazy they’d let anyone touch a real steering wheel. Thankfully the van doesn’t have one or I’d never sleep with this band around. Not that I do much.. From what I heard growing up, people died like all the time crashing these things it was something crazy like the plague, it was in the millions of people dead all of the time, senselessly. And you’ve got to be an idiot to get out on the roads with the old cars and attempt to drive with the cars we have today. Nobody stops and goes and burns gas anymore. The road system today is cars going everywhere all automatically timed to drive without hardly stopping. Except out here, there’s some drivers still not enough automatic services out this way yet.
Suddenly, there’s a loud pop and the van comes to a stop on the side of the road. We are somewhere on I-70 near Anywhere, Kansas. The van operator broadcasts on to the intercom, “Hey fellas, we are really sorry to inform you but your ‘Bandvan’ rental has had an internal problem with it’s charge system and needs repairs. With your insurance purchase, we will be covering stay at a hotel for you guys until we can get the next van in your area. The nearest one is a day away. Really sorry about the inconvenience. We can give you two free days on your next trip. Again, so sorry. Local tow resources are on their way and should arrive in 25 minutes.”
Damn. We had one more date for tomorrow in Colorado, then I was to catch the Interstate speed train to California; where my next job starts. A pop artist, “Yuki”, is playing the VENUE on Mars’ grand opening. This is like the big stadium time too; bigger than the theaters and bars that host Faded Wolf.
I was asked to smuggle some personal belongings they had left when they took off last week. Oh, and it’s going to take two months to get there. The band managers “great joy of the music world”, is basically being the babysitter to the most irresponsible group of people in the world.
Not now.
I have to figure out what we are going to do. The tow truck is pulling up now I guess I’ll go settle up with the service and oh hey it’s the gang is already around the front. Shit. Tommy, Jim, John, and Freddy are chugging beers and flashing their private parts to oncoming traffic. I used to hear stories about bands like Motley Crüe and Guns N Roses, in my grandparents younger days, who did this kind of stuff.
It was wild.
I think that’s what they want.
Shock value.
It sounded fun at first; but after two months of living it, breathing it, and smelling it with this group, it has lost it’s appeal. I can’t wait to go Mars and get away for a bit.
But what are you gonna do?
These guys want it all.
And unfortunately, they’ll do anything for the attention.
We arrive at a local hotel. It was one of these small mom and pop ones with a kind of old “Bates Motel” vibe; except this was Conways motel. It’s almost like a slasher film; but instead of killing you in the shower, you would step back in time to what the elders would call, “the eighties baby!” The room was filled with neon colors on the walls and 80’s movie and music posters on every wall.
A short older man, maybe in his 60’s, in black pants and a faded blue vintage nascar shirt approaches us. He introduces himself as Earl Conway and asks if we are the rock band staying the night. Tommy and the gang, the kind of wild living guys they are, of course are already shotgunning beers behind me with the roadies and some local fans who are also staying at the hotel.
They have also recognized the band.
I shrug and go into “manager mode”.
We get away to settle up the insurance at the front desk.
“Well, I know it’s y’all’s misfortune, but it is just our treat to have y’all stay with us at ‘Conway’s’ tonight. We never have too many city folk stay here; especially real rockstars. Let us know if you need anything; food, beer, some coke, ‘Ya know’,” Earl brags with a grin.
Well, at least I know these guys are mostly safe to party.
“Thanks Mr. Conley. I really hope we don’t need too much. Our next van will be in town around 12 tomorrow. And then, we are back on the road to the rockies. Though, I can’t speak for the band. It looks like they are already making friends.”
I gaze out the door.
The crowd partying with the band has tripled since exchanging info at the front desk. It appears Tommy and Freddy are now signing several women’s breast and taking some suggestive photos. They probably assumed I quit paying attention, went to my room take my sleep aid, and pass out.
What the hell could go wrong? This is what they do.
That’s not managing though.
I’m thinking I got to go break this up.
“Mr. Conley, I’ll make sure we keep the crowd and noise down,” I assured him.
“Nonsense Barry! You know what; on the weekends we have a 25 Acre track, just behind the motel, where we race good old human driving cars. I saw the band’s mishap with that car out in California on the news. Compared to that footage, I’ll gladly let them rip it up tonight!” Earl responded.
Well there goes my peaceful night.
It’s not even night, and two of the old classic cars that drove by earlier have rolled up to the growing party in the parking lot. Freddy, Tommy, and the gang, are now doing what are called “donuts” in the parking lot. I’ve seen videos online where the human controlled vehicles speed and then brake during a turn, to slide across parking lots at shopping centers and apartment buildings. I suppose it’s better they can do that here; instead of the theft and driving on automated highways charges.
I head to the room to try to get some peace and quiet. Maybe I can try to go over my lists for the Mars trip; which I’m surprised about it being a whole 4 month thing and I’m not that nervous yet. I guess it’s hard to think to that far in the future when you live in “Faded Wolf’s” now.
As I’m approaching the room, I can hear sounds of giggling. Nope thats moaning.
Someone is having sex in my room.
I can’t really count at this point how many times this has happened. But I’m not surprised really. It’s Faded Wolf. What did I expect. At least I have my bag. I can work on some things in this old chair at the end of the hall.
Luckily, I brought my headphones to tune this out.
And they are dead.
Goddamn Bluetooth!
I really miss the older devices my grandparents showed me when I was younger, the headphones may have had to be plugged in; but you weren’t left hanging.
Well, i passed out in the hallway on the floor for couple hours and awake to Earl right in my face and shaking me “buddy I got other customers rolling in soon can’t have you here like this.” I agree. I startle but get up in a haze.. I haven’t really felt this low since i turned 30. The world keeps turning though, I get up and grab my bag and computer I used as a pillow. The room was cleared out and I can finally catch a shower.
There’s clearly cocaine residue on the dresser and all of the room beers are gone. As much as I’m disappointed they didn’t leave any to share, I’m guessing Earl may have to order more for tonight.
I finish my shower, get dressed, and head out to the tracks. It’s a sunny summer day, with green trees and a field view; not that Kansas is known for its landscapes. It was a nice break from the crowded cities we usually stay in.
The guys are all hammered and driving these cars, I’d say, 90 miles an hour back and forth through a loop called a “race track.”
I’ve seen these before on the web. This used to be a popular sport, and still has a strong presence in the south to this day.
More of the local community has shown up looking for a chance to party with this band of fools.
I finally take a seat in the stands, with my own beer, and a little cigarette of ‘grass’, as they used to call it. One of the cars with Tommy driving, and yelling something obnoxious out the window, suddenly turns too quick. It goes up sideways, and flips several times in a barrel roll before stopping on it’s hood.
I drop everything and run over to help.
Tommy quickly climbs his way out, soaked in blood and yelling out in pain; which seems to be coming from the arm he’s holding. I look over inside. One of the fan girls from earlier is inside; luckily with a seatbelt on, which is holding her up. Kind of dangling, but still not awake. She looks a little cut up and I can’t tell if she’s breathing.
This right here is why they did away with letting humans drive. This is what my parents used to ramble on about when I
was young and driving had just been banned. I can’t believe they did this for over 100 years. This is a horror movie in real life. The shock and anxiety. You know, cannabis can make you very anxious without any bad shit happening; but this anxiety was something completely new.
One of my clients may have just killed someone.
As the local ambulance and fire response vehicles roll up, so do several police cars.
This is it.
We are fucked.
I am fucked.
The mars trip, is super fucked.
There is no way we are getting out of this mess by the time our next van rolls in tomorrow.
The rest of the band and I stayed back and talked to the cops about what we saw. I look over to the medical team, and see the fangirl miraculously retain consciousness; with no visible broken bones. Just a few scrapes and bruises on her faces. When her eyes finally opened and she got up and walked off with her friends quickly to the ambulance and seemed to try to keep looking over seeing Tommy at the ambulance, my anxiousness subdued a bit.
But now, we had a new set of problems. The law.
Tommy was immediately arrested and was being charged with an older charge called a “DUI”, reckless driving, and driving without a license. Apparently, this whole track operation is mostly for skilled drivers who still get a thing called a “drivers license.”
After they take him away, local news crews start rolling in to film the documentary of the end of our careers.
I had to call the label to let them know what had happened.
Well look at that. Faded Wolf news travels fast. Tim, the A&R rep, is calling me.
“Hey Tim, buddy! How are you?” I ask, trying to cool tension. “What the fuck did you let happen Barry? You’re the manager! Do you know how much this is going to cost us?” He yelled.
“Look man; you know these guys! Okay? They don’t listen to anybody! I just clean up the mess, like always! But I’m gonna go down there and get Tommy out, okay? These people are super fans; so we might get lucky,” I explained.
“Try what you will Barry; but if you can’t fix this, you’re done.” He hung up.
Earl comes up, still shaken from the event. I immediately start apologizing.
“Hey man. I’m so sorry these guys are idiots, And that poor girl”
He interrupts, “It’s ok Barry, it’s my fault. I encouraged it, and we’ve had accidents from time to time. I could’ve done more to set some ground rules. You guys being here has just been the most fun we’ve had in a while. Look. I got a lawyer buddy who helps me with my books. I’m gonna call him for us. Would you like a ride to check on Tommy?” He asks.
“Of course man! That would be amazing. I actually don’t know how to drive; really none of us from out west do.”
The rest of the crew stayed back.
The buzzkill shook everyone into retreating back to the rooms.
The parties over.
The drive was quiet.
The local radio report is already talking about the accident. I had to change the channel and the next station is, of course, a rock station ironically playing the “Faded Wolf” song “Crash”. I change it again, and finally tune into some obscure classical channel.
It was finally peaceful.
We get to the police station and go check in.
You know in jail movies, this part always sucks. Going to meet your friend or family member; locked up in the jump suit.
It is an all around shitty experience.
It also has be somewhere around 1 AM; about 12 hours away from our van departure schedule. At this point, I feel we are not gonna make it. And I’m not gonna make that Mars trip. We get to the front desk and ask for Tommy.
The desk lady grins and says, “We are hanging that mugshot up in the break lounge; as soon as we get it autographed. We’re holding him a bit longer. You know, y’all are so lucky that girl and her family likes him. He could’ve been here a while.”
I reply confused, “So he’s getting out?.”
“Well, yeah. Some lawyer came in representing that girl. Says she’s his daughter and he settled up with the judge. He will be free to go in just a bit”.
I look to Earl, “Dude, your lawyer is the girls dad?”
He looks shocked, “Shit I had no clue. I hope he doesn’t shut me down.”
The lawyer pops around the corner. “No real harm, no foul; I suppose. We live a little wild out here with these cars, and have accidents from time to time. Regardless, my kid, for some godforsaken reason, has been obsessed with this band for years now, since her high school days, and says it would be the most embarrassing thing to put you away for this. She just wants this to go away. And she really likes this “Tommy” guy, so we’ve made a hefty financial settlement that will take care of her, myself, and get some money flowing down at city hall again. Anyways, we will be in touch with the label for payment soon. And, please. Never. Ever. Let Tommy, or the rest of the band, drive. Or maybe never come here again. I’m serious. Goodnight, gents.” He leaves the station.
Well only in this rock and roll world can such scenario play out. Apparently everyone in this jail is a Faded Wolf fan even the judge. Tommy finally comes out of the back putting his shirt back on and a little bandaged up it seems. He signs a few copies of his mugshot for the station employees. Tommy then comes running at us jumping “ dudes I can’t believe it they love us here, apparently that girls dad is a lawyer, and begged him not to let me stay locked up and pay a fine instead” I reply “ so what’s the damage how much is this going to cost us?” Tommy smirks “ well let’s just say the label is not going to be happy about it and I’m sorry Barry if they blame this on you” I reply “ blame what?” Tommy deeply inhales and answers “eh it’s gonna cost about 20 million or so”. Well in my mind I was thinking a lot worse but that is still probably enough that it’s coming out of the next albums check and probably my check too. He continues “ it’s all good Barry we are getting that next advance and the last album just hit platinum”. This guy has no clue how completely fucked we could’ve been. But how could he? We let this happen and now by paying it off we encourage it.
We all get back to the hotel it’s probably close to 4 AM everyone’s passed out. Earl comes by as I’m packing things to be ready to go in the morning. “ well I’m glad it all worked out for you guys and I’m sorry about letting this happen” I interrupted “ look Earl these guys like to do crazy things and don’t think much, don’t blame yourself
We are all lucky it wasn’t worse.
And crazy lucky that the girl’s dad was lawyer; in our favor.
“You’ve been a great help to us! I’ll make sure to send you a postcard from the new venue on mars!”
He sort of gets excited, “Mars? No way! Is that the pop star everyone is going crazy for? ‘Yuki’ right?”
I replied, “Yup! That’s the one! I actually have to bring some things they forgot when they left the other day.”
Earl grabs a postcard from his folder he was carrying. “Well, could you show some love to the motel up there?”
I look at the picture of the motel which had several cars driving in the background, “You bet Earl, thanks for everything”.
I caught some sleep and woke up just in time for the “15 minute warning” for the vans arrival. We all loaded in and waved goodbye. Tommy was, of course, holding up the show and making out with the girl Alice. You know, the girl he nearly killed last night. I think that’s what her name was. Actually, I’m not really sure what her name was; but I guess it’s best we leave town on a good note.
And there we were; back on the road, heading to Colorado, cracking jokes trying to laugh off the bizarre events from the night before.
Tommy leans from his seat to me, “Barry, man, thank you for being there. We all appreciate it and I promise you that I’m never driving again! Well, unless I come back out here and see her again” he chuckles.
It had been on my mind all morning though, that maybe it was time for a career change. Possibly something with less responsibility for those least responsible. Maybe I’ll start my own band or label and just be in charge of myself. Who knows?
The Colorado show went off without a hitch; other than arriving right as soon as the band was scheduled to be on in 30 minutes. I’m glad we made it, but also just as glad to be out and not in charge of these maniacs for a long time. I left early to catch my train to the launch pad in California.
I can’t believe I made it.
Still sleepy and still taking in the events of the last two days, I figured it was a perfect time to take a sleep aid; seeing as I’ll be boarding a space shuttle to live in (which is basically a hotel lobby) for two months.
From what I’ve read, these launches can make you feel sick quickly; so it’s probably best to be passed out for that part. I get through security, get my bags checked, then board the ship. As I’m seated and buckled, I lay back with freshly charged headphones and some classics playing.
I slowly doze off.
I wake up, and I’m not in the ship anymore, but back in the port at the launchpad in a wheelchair. A flight attendant is near me, sees that I’m awake, and jumps up.
“Sir we are so sorry to inform you like this, but our ship had trouble taking off and was grounded. A second ship left later
in the day, but you have been out for about 10 hours and we could not get you into the next one passed out like that.”
I feel ambushed by the whole situation.
I’m still waking up but I take a second to process it “So when’s the next one?”
She replies, “Unfortunately, the Mars shuttle only flies three times a month, twice a day. That was the last one, and there are currently no options for two weeks. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience”
I’m still processing, but try to negotiate with her, “So what else can I get? my clients need their package.”
She responds, “Well your boss, Tim I believe, has left a package and note for you about that.”
I open the packages and letter.
“Hey, Barry. Give me a call when you get this. You’ve got a new mission. You're now taking the daily flight tomorrow to the moon for ‘Faded Wolf’s’ surprise show next week for the moon colony at the Lunar Lounge.
PS: Mars mail carrier will take the package; don’t worry. But you gotta watch these guys again!
You owe me!
And the label!”
Really? I quit.
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strayycarrot · 5 years
Take care of you - Chapter 2 (Seventeen Hoshi X reader)
Words: 1961
Genre: Fluff? I don’t even know anymore
Warnings: y/n murders someone in this chapter, but it’s not graphic. Also, y/n interacts with a pedophile, so that might be a trigger for some?
Notes: This is strongly inspired by Criminal Minds. I’m sorry, I’ve been watching that show too much.
You had known that he wouldn’t stop. You had tried to intimidate the asshole but he just couldn’t help himself.
You watched as he watched. You gritted your teeth when he stood up and walked over to a little girl on a swing. You couldn’t hear what he said, but you saw her nod and he began to push her on the swing. To anyone else, this would have looked harmless, just a dad or an uncle having a fun time with his daughter or niece. But you knew better. He was a coward. He attacked only those who couldn’t defend themselves.
You could easily call the police right now, turn over your information to them and they would make sure he went away forever.
But that wasn’t what you were being paid for. For your employers, a life sentence wasn’t nearly enough punishment for those monsters. You were paid to make them pay. Your employers were parents, teachers, neighbors, the ones with enough anger to stop caring about the law, the ones who didn’t trust the system.
Once, you had been one of them. But you’d decided that you couldn’t just sit around and watch. You had to protect the innocent.
And that was why you were at the park today, your eyes focused on the middle aged man in overalls talking to the little girl with blonde pigtails. Nobody else knew what his search history looked like. Nobody else knew that he routinely watched his neighbor's kids playing in the yard. It was your responsibility to stop him.
The bastard took the little girl’s hand and led her towards his truck. You stood up and followed them, trying to draw as little attention to yourself as possible.
He was showing her his dog, a golden retriever. He had used this ruse several times, but you had never caught him in the act before.
“Hey sweetie, your mom is looking for you.” You smiled at her brightly, and she ran back to the playground. The immediate danger had been eliminated, but the monster in front of you was still breathing. He shouldn’t be allowed to breathe.
“Why don’t we go for a ride, Sam?” You got into the passenger seat of his van without waiting for a response.
He sat down next to you.
“Who the fuck are you?”, he asked.
You smiled.
“That’s not important. The real question is: are you going to stop harassing minors, or do I have to use what’s in this bag to convince you?”
He laughed.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Now get the hell out of my car!”
“I don’t think you want me to do that.” You calmly unzipped your bag and pulled out your phone. 
“There is a bomb under your seat. By sitting down, you armed it. One wrong move, and this entire car blows up. Now I can leave, like you said, and let you die, or you can tell me where Miriam is, and I will disarm the bomb. It’s your choice.”
You leaned back and closed your eyes.
“You think I’d believe you? You’re what, twelve? There’s no fucking bomb. Now get out!”
You sighed and reached the phone under his seat. You snapped a photo and showed him the device you had planted there earlier.
“Just tell me where she is, Sam. I don’t have all day.” Technically you did, but Miriam didn’t. She needed her insulin. She would die if you didn’t get to her in time.
“You’re not with the police are you?”
You shook your head. “But you’re going to wish I was.”
“Look I don’t know how you found me, or what you think I did -“
“- cut the crap, Sam”, you interrupted him. “I know you have her. Where is Miriam?”
You could tell he was weighing his options.
“If you kill me, you’ll never find her.” He smirked.
“That won’t do you any good, buddy. I will track her down eventually. You, on the other hand, are stuck. You don’t really have a choice.” You returned the same smirk. Sam’s forehead was covered in sweat.
“Who the devil are you?”
“I’m nobody. Call me whatever you want. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is, do you want to live or die?”
Minutes later you walked away, an address in your head and Sam screaming at you, still in the car. Thankfully he waited until you were far enough away before he tried to get out. You’d never planned on defusing the bomb. He deserved to die. The children in the area wouldn’t have been safe if he survived.
Half an hour later you kicked in the door of the cabin. It took you a while but you finally found her, tied to a chair and barely alive. Relief surged through you when you found her pulse, faint but definitely there. You were not too late.
“Come on, sweetie”, you whispered, cradling Miriam in your arms. “ Let’s get you home to your mommy and daddy.”
Onto the next job, you thought, wishing things always turned out this well.
“Nobody can know about this.” The man sitting across from you was whispering, even though there was nobody else in the house.
You raised your eyebrows.
“Confidentiality comes without saying in this line of work.” You leaned forward. “You give me a name and I’ll make him go away. You give me half the money now, half later. Deal?”
He fidgeted in his seat.
“It’s a she, not a he. I’ve seen obsessed fans before, but this one…”
He took a crumpled piece of paper out of his jacket pocket and flattened it out for you to read.
“She taped this to the hotel door. I don’t want her anywhere near them again.”
You focused on the message on the paper.
“She’s been sending Hoshi letters like this one for more than a year. We asked the police for help, but they refuse to do a thing. Now she’s following us on the world tour. I’d like to hire you as a personal bodyguard for Hoshi. A friend of mine said you were very… efficient.”
You looked up at the desperate man and frowned.
“I usually only take on cases with underage victims.”
You took a deep breath and thought about the cute guy you met less than a week ago, drunk and all alone and not at all safe. You’d helped him then. If you didn’t help him again now, then it would all be for nothing. Back then you’d had no idea that someone was stalking him. 
“Please! We can’t let this get any more out of hand. We already have bodyguards, but apparently that’s not good enough. I’m their manager, I’m supposed to keep them safe.”
You smile.
“Don’t worry sir, I will take care of it.”
“Good. Now let me introduce you to the boys.”
Two hours later you were standing in a cramped hotel room. Somehow, all thirteen of the members and their three manager had fit themselves into the small space, and they were all looking at you.
You focused on Hoshi.
“I’m going to need your phone, laptop, any tech you have used during the past year.”
Then you turned to the manager who had sought you out.
“I also need all the information you have on this woman. Every letter she’s sent, anything that might give us an idea about her identity.”
Hoshi jumped up from where he was sitting in the floor and you followed him to the next room. Wordlessly he pointed to the laptop on the bedside table, and went to his suitcase to look for something.
You plopped down on the bed, making sure not to let your feet touch the covers, and opened the laptop in front of you.
“The password is -”
“- ilovecarat1234?” You grinned.
“No! What? Of course not!” You looked at him over the shoulder. His face was bright red. You figured it was probably because he’d been staring at your butt.
“Yo! Over here!” His eyes snapped back to yours. “I was joking. I don’t need your password.”
And with that, you took your trusty magical usb stick out of your jeans pocket and stuck it into the slot on the side. Not a minute later, Hoshi’s home screen popped up. You felt Hoshi come up beside you.
“Are you a magician?”
You laughed.
“Something like that. And that’s why I will never reveal my secrets.”
“No, you’ll just stick your nose in mine”, he mumbled.
You sat up quickly and grabbed his arm just as he was turning away.
“This is my job. If I could help you in any other way, trust me I would. But you’re in danger, and I have to do whatever is necessary to change that.”
He nodded and went back to his suitcase. So far, he hadn’t let on that he recognized you. Maybe he didn’t remember you. After all, he’d been drunk, and then hungover. Now that you thought about it, this was the first time you saw the real Hoshi, able to think clearly and make sensible decisions. You wondered why he had gone to that club all alone if he knew that someone was stalking him.
You decided that you weren’t going to mention the fact that you’d met him before unless he did. It was better to pretend you didn’t know the victim. You definitely couldn’t afford to get attached to him in any way.
You turned back to the laptop and scrolled through everything. There wasn’t anything important in here. You were sure it was important to him, but you couldn’t find a specific reason for someone to target him. He was talented, passionate, funny and kind. You already knew that though. Cat videos and movie reviews weren’t all that special. The only thing on this laptop that seemed unique were the notes he took for his choreographies. You leaned your head to the side. You had a feeling that his mind was very sharp, even though his notes were chaotic and confusing at best.
You sighed and closed the laptop.
“Find anything?”, you both asked at the same time.
“No”, you said. “I think the letters will shed more light on the situation.
“Right.” Hoshi sat down next to you. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Why do you do what you do?”
You hesitated. You had heard that question before, but usually only from those who were in a position to understand exactly where you were coming from. Hoshi probably had no idea what kind of monsters lurked in the shadows.
“Someone has to do it.” You thought of Miriam, who would have died without you. “I take care of others. It’s what I do.”
“Don’t you have a family?”
You shrugged. “I don’t really like people.”
Hoshi laughed. “Yeah right.”
“I’m serious! You never really truly know anyone. I mean how many people have, unknowingly, lived with a serial killer? I just can’t let my guard down like that.”
“That’s sad.”
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t throw me a pity party. We don’t have time for that.”
At that moment, the door opened and you were in front of Hoshi in less than a second.
“Just me”, the manager called out, holding up a stack of letters. “I got your reading material right -“
“Oh my god! Hoshi turn on channel 7!” One of the other boys, Joshua?
Hoshi grabbed the remote and turned on the news. The volume was turned down, but you didn’t need to hear in order to grasp what was going on. Someone had been murdered. An idol. And, judging from the look on Hoshi’s face, it was someone he knew.
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adelia-adelia · 6 years
Just a little|| taeyong - l.ty - nct | M
Tumblr media
Type: step brother/sister au! Smut
Paring: taeyong x female reader
Summary: you worked at a sex shop. Your father , new found step mother and step brother all believed you worked at a cafe and oh god did you intend to keep it that way.
(I apologise for any spelling or grammatical errors as I cannot be bothered editing 🤪)
“Taeyong stop!” You yelled as he held your phone above you , way too high for your short self to reach. “Give it back , we need to go to school jackass,” you spat as you jumped up and down repeatedly for your phone. “Calm down , you might cause an earthquake,” he snickered “ are you calling me fat!?” You screamed , you punched into his chest with your tiny fists multiple times , all that came out of him was little grunts and lots of laughter. “Taeyong stop being mean just give me my phone,” you whined. You had just left the house to walk to school with your step brother and unfortunately you were dumb enough to let your guard down and he snatched your phone out of your grasp.
He just moved into your home with his mother. You knew taeyong before your parents got together , he’s one of the ‘popular’ guys at school. He acts like such an angel when I front of the adults but he’s such an asshole!
“If you want it you gotta catch it,” he smirked and held it even higher. “Stop being a jerk and give me my phone before I cause a scene at school about how you tried to cop a feel from a poor , innocent school girl! You wouldn’t want any rumours spreading around would you , how the popular guy tried to take advangtage of me because I was alone walking the streets? Everyone would hate you, it would ruin your reputation,” you glared. “You wouldn’t,” he said with wide eyes “ oh I very much would.” You smirked. He lowered his hand and passed your phone before you snickered and skipped off. And no , taeyong did not try to feel you up. You just needed something to make him hand it back.
✿ ✿ ✿
It was after school , yerin and sohee has left to the bus to go home. You were now walking back home by yourself , taeyong had said he was staying out in town with his friends for a bit before dinner so you had the afternoon to yourself...kind of. As you entered your house you saw your step mother baking in the kitchen , “afternoon , y/n” she smiled “what are you baking?” You asked happily “just some muffins for you kids,” she giggled. Tastings mother was beyond nice , she reminded you a lot of your own mother before she passed. She was so understanding when it came to you and it felt good because going through the teenage phase you didn’t have your mother to help you so finally having her in your life was a big help.
“Ah , taeyong said he was coming home late. He wanted to hang out with friends he said,” you informed her. “Okay , as long as he’s home before dinner, that’s okay”. You nodded and heaved a relieved sigh “well I’m going to get ready for work , I can’t miss this shift , the cafes doing double pay today!” You say excitedly. “That’s good , more money to spend on clothes,” she laughed “you read my mind,” you joked along. “You go get ready , I’ll have some warm muffins for you when you finish work,” “thank you,” you smiled.
Making your way to your room you open the big door and close it. You go into your closet and bring out your uniform. You put on the grey hoodie and black leggings with some plain black vans. You sit at your vanity and brush your hair as you hum to a tune in your head. You apply lip balm and do your lashes before standing up and grabbing your phone that was on charge. “Time to go~” you sing as you walk down the stairs and pass the kitchen “goodbye!” You say lively “have a nice day!” Taeyongs mother yells back from the kitchen.
You walk to the bus station and wait silently for you to arrive into town. After making your way out , you walk down the busy street and into the store you work at , which is not a cafe. “Y/n , just in time. I’ve just finished putting the new stock on show for customers, I’m gonna clock off now. Have a good shift darling,” your coworker naeun said as she made her way to the back. “I’ll try,” you chuckle as you make your way behind the counter and grab your ID card. You put it around your neck and take a seat on the stool. “When’s your next shift?” Naeun asks as she makes her way out from the back “I have Wednesday night , Friday afternoon and Sunday morning,” “hey , we’ll be working with each other Sunday morning. Anyway I’m getting the hell out of here. Have fun babe,” she waves as she leaves the store and you sit in silence.
You grab the blue tooth speaker from the back room and connect your phone , finally replacing the silence with music. You walk around the store and well...it’s just full of sex toys. Dildos , anal beads , chokers , whips , lube , gags you name it it’ll be here. You chill at the counter and serve the customers that come in. After a while it got quiet , you look out the window and see a huge group of guys , you look more carefully and gasp. “Taeyong cannot know I work here,” you put your head down as the loud group passes the store. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were keeping in as they go past.
Two hours go by and it’s already 6. “I have 4 hours left , why did I have to close tonight?” You whine. You hear the door bell jingle and you look up. The person didn’t seem to pay attention to you as they walked around the store in bordem. You took a second look and it’s the exact person you didn’t want here. “Fuck you taeyong,” you whisper. You panic on the inside as he goes through the aisles. Just as you stare at him he looks back at you. “Y/n? I thought you worked at a cafe,” he asked as he walked closer , “I-I do?” You stuttered “is that so? It doesn’t really look the case right now,” he raised a brow. You didn’t know what to say, you regretted working here already. What was wrong with working anywhere else y/n? Out of all places why did you pick a sex shop? “You’re so dead when our parents find out,” he smirked at you , your eyes go wide , you were ready to slap yourself “you can’t,” you nervously panic “of course I can , don’t forget about what you did this morning,” he smirked at you. You but your lip , you were sure you wanted to die at this moment. Your life would be ruined. “This is a sex shop y/n , what would your father think if he knew you worked here?” Taeyong teased “please don’t tell them,” you begged “I’ll do anything for you , whatever you want. anything!” You desperately shout.
He looks you up and down , smiling to himself he laughs. “Anything?” “Anything. Just don’t tell our parents , please. My father would never get over this,” You were in the heat of the moment and you didn’t know how much this would effect you afterwards.
“Alright. Do whatever I say for as long as I want and I won’t tell them. If you refuse by any chance , guess what doll face , Mum and dad are going to put you in the ground” he evily smirked. “Fine!” You give in.
“Alright, follow me,” he said as he walked away from the counter into the lingerie part of the shop. Your eyes widened again and you could not believe him. “You’re going to model one of these for me,” he snickered. You bit your lip to keep your complaints quiet. He picked out a black lace piece. He chucked it at you and winked. “To the dressing rooms,” he followed after you and you sadly closed the door. You stripped out of your clothes and put the piece on. It barley covered anything at all , there were too many strings and the breast areas had strings around them with a thin piece of lace covering the nipples. It had two ribbons around your abdomen and lace underwear. You liked in the mirror and tilted your head. You looked nice , your boobs were large so they filled it out nicely.
“Ready yet?” You could hear taeyong from the other side of the door and you sighed. “I’m coming out now okay?,” you said in a small voice. You flipped your long black hair on your side as you opened the door. Taeyong was leaning against the door as he watched you walk out. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you , you looked stunning to him. Your skin matched perfectly with the dark colour. “Spin for me,” he said with a deep voice. You slowly spun around , you were getting cold due to the lack of clothing. You took another step inside the change room that had your clothes on the sofa inside it. “It’s freezing,” you said as you folded your arms. Taeyong stood behind you and shook his head “it’s not cold,” he laughed. You turn to face him and you glare , “I’m so cold,”.
Taeyong didnt reply , instead he stared at you intently. You watched as he walked closer to you. You were cornered and he had locked the dresser room door. You had no where to go. “What are you doing?” You ask as he gets close to you. “I’m just enjoying what’s mine,” he said in a whisper as he came face to face with you. You looked up at him , lips centimetres apart , so close they could graze if you moved a slight inch. Taeyong put his arms around your back and pulled you closer. He connected your lips in an instance and that’s where it began. A simple kiss turned into a heated make out as you too pulled each other so close there was no more room. His hands felt everywhere , your back , your arms , your tummy and your face. You both pulled apart to catch your breath. He pinned you to the wall and grinder up against you , you could feel his hard member on you. “All for you y/n , this is what you did to me,” he whispered in your ear. You swore you couldn’t get any more wet then you already wore but oh god were you wrong.
Taeyong felt you up , your breasts , your arse. His touch was hot , it lingered on your skin like a spell. Eventually his lips made their way to your neck and they pulled moans from yours. You were sure that you’d have purple bruises all over your neck and colour bone after tonight. “Taeyong...more,” you moaned. He was touching all the right places ,sucking all the right spots. It felt like magic.
He stepped back to take his shirt off and you stripped out of the lingerie. Your breasts fully on display , his eyes on you and his hands roaming your body. It was all in rhythm , Like the perfect melody. You tilted your head giving him more room to explore on your neck , your hands made their way from his back to his chest. moans and ragged breaths left from your mouth.
“Why do you look so good y/n?” Taeyong whined as he came closer to your face. “Me? I’m decent I guess,” you lock eyes with him “I’m decent I guess,” he mimicked. You rubbed your legs together as you stayed silent , you could feel your wet core , it felt like a slip and slide just by doing that. Taeyong got rid of his jeans and all that was left was his raging boner through his boxer briefs. Your eyes didn’t move , he brought his lips closer and gave you a long kiss. He grabbed onto your hips and pushed himself on you , you gave a throaty moan before pushing yourself even harder onto him.
Taeyong licked his lips , he pulled your leg up and kept it around his waist. His other hand went south to your burning core. Your breath hitched as his finger slid up and down your slit. Whimpers and begs came out as he teased your hole , he watched your expression as he filled you with his fingers. You looked a mess , your hair everywhere , your face scrunched up in pleasure and your skin hot. “Moan for me baby,” he ordered in a low voice as he plunged his fingers into you. The squelches of your own wetness turned you even more on.
As your orgasm built up your walls became even tighter and taeyongs last remaining piece of clothing was off. His tip was an angry red as it stood tall , your eyes widened at his size. “What if you’re too big?” You asked a little nervously “don’t worry y/n , you’ll be fine,” he said in your ear as he lined the two of you up.
“Are you ready?” He looked you in the eyes and you nodded , “Yes”. Taeyong dipped the head into you and you whined “I’m not hurting you am I?” He asked , you could sense the worry in his voice and you smiled to yourself , “you’re not,” you said. And with that he slowly pushed the rest of himself into you. You never felt so full before , it was like heaven to have taeyong inside you. He was just perfect. “Please move,” you begged with closed eyes.
Slowly , taeyong started to thrust into you , “please....go faster,” you moaned. He picked up the pace and soon moans were the only things leaving your lips , he continued to suck on your neck only to find your good spot which unlocked a cry from you. His thrusts turned deeper , harder. You loved the way he felt when he plunged into you only to have that strong suction as he pulled out again. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his busy hips worked wonders to make you feel amazing , you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your high.
“God taeyong , don’t stop,” you breathily moaned as you leaned your head against the wall of the dressing room , “I wouldn’t dare to stop those lovely sounds dripping from your lips,” he smirked as he continued in his fast pace and all you could do was grip onto him like your life depended on it as your body felt like it turned to flames due to the immense amount of pleasure that the boy was giving you.
He hit your sweet spot in a deep thrust and you came. Taeyong moaned out as your walls became tighter around his length . your legs spasmed around his waist and you worked on catching your breath. Taeyong rode out your orgasm as he built up his own. You could feel him twitching inside you and little by little you started to become overstimulated, and just as it started to hurt he came within you. The hot spill of his seeds , his deep breaths in your ear , the sound of his moans , it was amazing.
As he pulled out you set your feet on the ground again. You immediately got dressed and with a red face you stayed silent , you couldn’t believe that just happened. You picked up his clothes and shoved them into his arms , “put them on,” you hurried him as you turned around to face a corner. You heard him laugh and you looked down at the floor “no need to look away y/n , you’ve now seen my naked body,” he teased. “Shut up,” you hushed him.
✿ ✿ ✿
That night you didn’t talk to him at all , you avoided him at all costs and in the morning you did the same. “I’m leaving early today,” you said as you rushed through the kitchen grabbing a piece of toast. “Somewhere to be? Or rather someone to get to?” Your father teased , you shook your head “I’m just meeting up with yerin is all,” you said as you made your way to the door. You looked back at the table and taeyong was staring at you , you felt a shiver up your spine and quickly made your way out.
✿ ✿ ✿
As it hit 8.20 more and more students filled the school and you weren’t as lonely as you were half an hour ago. Yerin and sohee has just walked to the canteen to grab hot chocolates for the three of you , you however , decided to stay at the table in front of the school gates. After a few minutes you listened to the school as all the girls started to squeal to what it sounded like their vocal chords breaking. You got out of your seat to see what the big riot was about and you’d never had a more disappointing sigh leave your mouth as you watched taeyong walk through the school gates like a king. In this moment all you could think was ‘ thank god no one knows he’s my step brother ‘ you rolled your eyes and walked away from the crowd. But to your dismay taeyong walked right up to you , you eyed him down and irritatedly asked “what do you want?” . With folded arms you looked up at taeyong as you waited for an answer “I want you to kiss me , in front of everyone. Show everyone that I managed to get with the schools ace student,” he said emotionlessly. You scoffed “and why would I do that?” “Don’t forget that you have a dirty secret I can spill at any moment,” taeyong pulled you closer from your back and you yelped at the sudden proximity “,I basically own you babe.” He smirked. “I-“ cut off by taeyongs lips on yours , you couldn’t do anything but kiss him back. As much as you didn’t want to admit it...you liked him quite a lot. “Taeyong...you can have me as your slave to deliver you food and give you money as long as you have my secret , but instead , you want the school to think we’re together....why’s that?” You ask as you look up at him “I know I suck at these or whatever so I’m going to embrace it. But I’m just gonna say I want to protect you so much that it might kill me,” you raised a brow at taeyongs sudden randomness , “what are you trying to say?” You asked , amused. Of course , you didn’t need to ask but hearing him say it might make you scream internally. “I think you already know, from the day I saw you ,even now , you still interest me strangely. You’re not my type but I linger for your touch, you’re a strange girl y/n but all I know is that I want you,” he whispered seductively. You inched your face closer to his as youplaced your hands on his chest “ you’re one confusing guy , Lee Taeyong,”
“Ho...ly....shit,” yerin gasped , “gee all I wanted was a hot chocolate not some cliche romantic couple,” sohee rolled her eyes jokingly. You turned your head as taeyong held you in his arms , “I swear this wasn’t planned,” both you and taeyong said in unison.
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atmilliways · 6 years
Are you still doing the prompt thing? If so can you do 46 please?
I am always and forever doing the prompt thing, gentle reader. Sorry for taking so long. 
(prompt meme)
This one is “Nathan, baby.” I’ve actually written something for this before, which you can read here if you like, but here’s something fresh off the top of my brain as well. In other news, this was originally going to be a different pairing, but it, ah… took a turn. In other other news, Skwisgaar is a sex addict and no one is surprised. 
When Toki first joined the band, they all figured he was the youngest out of all five of them. He was scrawny, kind of high-voiced, and relentlessly optimistic. It was the natural assumption. Even Toki had thought that. Then it came out — at some point after their new manager had tracked down Toki’s birth certificate and obtained things like a work visa and valid passport on his behalf — that he was born in late March. Which would have been fine. Except… Nathan had been born in May. Of the same year. The jokes were relentless, and there wasn’t really anywhere he could go in their shitty shared apartment to escape them. Doesch baby want hisch bottle?Mine eyes ams older then yours, can you reads what dats say to me?Dood, I’m gonna have ta see some ID before I letcha have this. Yous, kid! Gets off my lawn!You’re the youngescht, you get up and do it. So, whens am you olds enough to drink legalies?Jest call me Grandpa! … Wait, no, don’t do theat. I’m drunk. … Sonny. Nathan hadn’t wanted to strangle a group of guys to death more since he’d made the varsity football team at fourteen and the older boys had singled him out for hazing. And the most unfair part of it all was that when he confronted Offdensen — whose fault all of this obviously was — in his swanky corner office in the nice part of the business district, the guy wouldn’t let him throttle so much as one of the bastards. “We, ah, can’t afford to miss any performances this quarter,” Charles explained patiently, “and, well, giving any of your bandmates a beating might injure their arms or hands, rendering them unable to play. Crystal Mountain won’t appreciate their newest signed band having to postpone their first official tour.”Nathan growled in frustration. Charles raised an eyebrow. “I could… speak to the rest of the guys on your behalf, if you want.”“No! That’ll just make it worse.” Nathan slouched angrily into one of the chairs in front of the desk. “Fuck. Who cares if I’m younger than Toki? It’s only by a month and a half, and I’ve done way more shit than that fucktard. Did you know we had to explain what sex was to him a couple weeks ago? He didn’t even know.”“I see.” Pausing only to jot down a note for later on a post-it, Charles folded his hands and regarded the frontman seriously. Which Nathan appreciated, because Charles wasn’t giving him any crap or just saying something dismissive and waving him off so he could get more work done. “Perhaps it would help to brainstorm some, ah, ways you might demonstrate that being the youngest doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be taken seriously.”Nathan blinked. “Uh… okay. Well… I’m the leader, right? Dethklok is my band.”“Yes, that’s one point,” Charles said. “But that might be a little on the abstract side. Best to play to your strengths, Nathan.” “You just told me I couldn’t punch or tackle anybody!”“First of all, not exactly. I told you not to punch and tackle your band mates in order to facilitate solving this particular problem, at least for now.” Charles inclined his head just a bit. “Secondly, that would be too easy. You are by far in the best physical condition out of anyone in Dethklok — although remind me to have a conversation with you about the results from your most recent liver panel, once this has been resolved.”Maybe it was shallow, but Nathan perked up a little at the compliment, while at the same time tuning out that bit about his liver completely. “You think so?”Charles nodded and steepled his fingers. “Absolutely. Toki is probably the next strongest, but he’s still recovering from the effects of malnutrition and a few other downsides of living on the streets.”Nathan found himself nodding in agreement. “Yeah, he keeps complaining about those rabies shots. I mean, it’s just a shot, why does he have to be such a pussy about it? I wish I were at risk for rabies, fucking brutal…” “Yes, well.” Charles gave him a perfunctory smile. “I wouldn’t know about that. But I hope this little chat has helped and that, ah, we should be able to stay on schedule for the upcoming tour?”It was pretty clear after that that Charles had work he wanted to get done, so Nathan left. He walked back to the apartment, hands in his pockets, idly mulling over some ideas for a song about getting bitten by a bat and turning into a rabid vampire while knowing he probably wouldn’t do anything with it. What Charles had said in his office had made sense to Nathan, at the time. The longer he walked, though, the more dissatisfied he felt. Advice was all well and good, and getting compliments on his physical prowess was a decent bonus, but it didn’t actually settle anything. So he couldn’t actually hurt any of the guys — that was fine, he could figure out some way around that. He just had to beat them at something. Maybe even just one of them. … Toki. Toki was new, the weak link. All Nathan had to do was prove he was the crybaby. Once was probably all it would take to cement that reputation with the rest of the guys forever. When he finally reached the apartment, he was disappointed to see that the van was gone. They’d pooled their money, back before they’d really had any, and bought one of those white vans that only perverts owned — there had been a token effort to repaint the thing black, except they’d put Murderface in charge of getting paint and he’d gotten the wrong kind, so it looked even shittier but in a dull, lumpy kind of way. But the thing still ran, on a good day, and getting it to start usually meant celebrating with a bar crawl. Which was kind of a bummer to be left out of, but Nathan figured that at least it gave him more time to come up with a plan to take Toki down a notch. Maybe if he started scribbling down ideas in his trust notebook, something good would jump out at him. When he let himself into the dingy three-bedroom, he heard something. A soft, rhythmic squeaking. Heavy breathing… Two sets of heavy breathing. Nathan rolled his eyes in annoyance. It wasn’t exactly unusual for Skwisgaar to stay home and invite a skank (or three) over for some fun while the rest of them were out, but he and Nathan shared a room. He knew from experience that whatever the guy had going on in there could take hours. Better to just barge in with his eyes screwed mostly closed to avoid seeing anything that might scar him for life, get his notebook, and get the the hell out. Ideally without tripping over any discarded granny panties like last time. Ugh. Or maybe it would be someone young and actually still hot… It was a toss-up, really. You never knew with Skwisgaar.He put one hand on the doorknob, the other over his eyes, and bellowed, “Skwisgaar, I’m coming in!”Three things happened immediately. Nathan pushed the door open with a little too much emphasis, sending it against the adjoining wall with a bang. It bounced back and he caught it with both hands to keep from getting smacked in the face. Skwisgaar, with a yell of “WAITS,” tried to jump up and lunge for the door, but got his feet tangled in the blanket. He ended up rolling off the bed and landing on the floor with a hard thud. Toki shrieked and grabbed for a pillow to hide his naked chest. For a moment, there was nothing but deep, awkward silence as Skwisgaar picked himself up and sat on the edge of the bed with the blanket covering his lap. “What…” Nathan looked back and forth between the two guitarists, before finally settling his glare on the lead. “… the FUCK, Skwisgaar! What did I fucking tell you? No screwing anyone who’s in the band! That’s how your last seven bands ended up breaking up!”“Knowds I shouldn’t had tells you dat,” the Swede grumbled under his breath. “And you!” Nathan jabbed an accusatory finger in Toki’s direction. “What the hell are you doing, covering yourself up like a damn girl? You don’t have tits!”“Sorries,” Toki squeaked. He did not release his death grip on the pillow, or lower it even slightly. Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose, unconsciously mimicking something his mother had always done whenever she was particularly exasperated with him. “And god, don’t even get me started on how fucking gay this is. This is really going to fuck with the band dynamics.”“Pft, no it won’ts,” Skwisgaar said dismissively. “We’ve already beens fucking for a weeks and none of yous jackoffs notice, no big deals. Besides—” He smirked. “—I don’ts remembers no complaints to suckings yous off dat one times.”Toki’s eyes widened even further, and he stared at the frontman with a cross between nervous solidarity and mild jealousy. Through the roar of blood rushing to his face, Nathan wondered if it was possible to open your eyes so wide that your eyeballs just fell right out of their sockets. “That’s… different,” he mumbled. “We were both really drunk, so it didn’t count. And… I didn’t realize you remembered. That.” Just thinking about it, to his continued embarrassment, sent some of his blood rushing south as well. Drunk or not, that had been a pretty good night. “Well I does, so whats?” Skwisgaar shrugged, his long blond hair clinging slightly to his sweaty skin. Whatever he and Toki had been doing before Nathan had barged in, he must’ve been really into it. “You had never hads your cock sucks by a guy, and little Tokis here never hads sex with anothers porsons evers. Now you both has. No big deals, you don’t gots to be a bigs baby abouts it.”The word baby made Nathan’s eye twitch, and he was one hundred percent sure that was intentional. Part of that insight was gut instinct; the rest was the way Skwisgaar licked his plush lips and winked lasciviously. Nathan knew he was being manipulated, but it was working anyway. By the time he kicked the door closed behind him he already had his sleeveless t-shirt over his head and onto the floor. “Anyones here ever dones de threesome befores?” Skwisgaar asked with a shit-eating grin. “Noes? Well, pays attentions, school ams in session—”Nathan reached the older man’s bed and shoved him down flat on his back, landing across Toki’s lap. That took care of the leer. He straddled Skwisgaar’s hips and barely had to press down to feel his arousal pushing up beneath the blankets. Toki must have seen it too, because he let out a gasp and followed Nathan’s lead, grabbing for Skwisgaar’s wrists to pin his hands above his head. The younger guitarist looked up at Nathan with an earnest puppy dog look. He really just wanted to fit in and be accepted. Nathan, flushed with pleasure at coming out on top in this situation both literally and figuratively, magnanimously gave him a nod of approval before turning the majority of his attention back to the struggling Swede. “You’re not in charge here, Skwisgaar,” Nathan growled, putting more of his weight on him to prevent any real squirming around. He was starting to regret not taking his jeans off yet — what little movement the trapped guitarist could manage was targeted and stimulating — but there would be time for that soon. Right now he had a point to prove. In fact… He’s the weak link, Nathan realized with a feral, triumphant grin. Skwisgaar, not Toki. Of course! Offdensen had even said it, Toki would probably be among the strongest of all of them once the malnutrition wore off. Murderface was borderline scrawny but the guy bounced back from most things like a rubber ball and always had a knife on him, and Pickles was small but scrappy, and claimed to know twenty-two different ways to kill a man with a broken bottle. But Skwisgaar, his default approach to life was fucking. His libido was legendary, but it was also his weak spot. Anyone who’d ever been within fifty feet of him on the rare occasion a girl took off and left him with blue balls knew that. Making him submit would get him and Toki both to shut up about the whole baby thing, and the other two guys would get bored faster if they were the only ones making the jokes. Teeth still bared, Nathan leaned down and nipped at the pale skin connecting Skwisgaar’s neck and shoulder. He felt Skwisgaar suck in a sharp breath under him and, beneath that, Toki’s legs tensing. The kid was wound so tight that, Nathan realized belatedly, his erection was pretty much right in their faces… Time to see how far this situation could be pushed. Skwisgaar’s eyes widened as Nathan grabbed his chin between one thumb and forefinger. That other time they’d messed around, it hadn’t been anything more than straight-to-business pleasure, and he could tell Skwisgaar was wondering if some sort of kiss was about to happen. It was tempting — just to mess with him, of course, of course, what kind of guy would Nathan be if he admitted to himself that kissing was more than just a means to get ladies to agree to have sex — but no. He turned the blond’s mouth towards Toki and gruffly ordered, “Suck it.” And although Skwisgaar rolled his eyes, his pupils dilated at the command, and he did as he was told. Toki’s head hit the shitty plywood headboard with a thunk. Fuck, Nathan thought as he watched Skwisgaar go to town, rolling into the task with gusto. He really, really wishing he’d taken his jeans off earlier. Last time he hadn’t exactly been in a position to, you know, watch, but he remembered how good those lips had felt.
Nathan scrambled back up onto his knees on the edge of the bed and yanked on his zipper so hard it nearly came off, but holy shit it was a relief. For a moment he got lost in just watching and just palming himself through the front of his tented boxers, but then Toki whimpered. What a baby, Nathan thought, and that reminded him of the increasingly forgettable point of all this. He scrambled off the bed to shuck both his pants and boxers in one go, and sat next to Toki at the head of the bed. Skwisgaar was kind of in the way, but Nathan just threw his legs over the guy and used his bony-ass hip as a leg rest. Then he grabbed the rhythm guitarist’s hand and shoved it towards his cock.
The hand gripped, and Nathan groaned. In this, it seemed, Toki needed little to no instruction, presumably because he’d been practicing this particular activity on himself for longer than he’d known what to call it. No willing to be outdone, a second later Skwisgaar’s hand was there too, taking over any of Nathan’s length that needed attention. The frontman even couldn’t muster any shits to give when Toki’s head thumped down on his shoulder, mouth turning wetly against his skin to muffle the squeaky little sounds that Skwisgaar was wringing out of him, or when Skwisgaar started grinding against the backs of his thighs. It felt too good, too warm, too temporary to bother with second thoughts, and he really hadn’t ever had a threesome before.
Maybe this was something to look into doing more often… With, uh, chicks, of course. Obviously. It didn’t take long after that. Toki came with a choked cry into Nathan’s hair, his grip spasming just right to bring Nathan to the edge but disengaging as he slumped bonelessly in the other direction. Nathan growled and groped blindly until he found a handful of blonde hair and tugged Skwisgaar’s obliging mouth over to finish. He felt immensely pleased with himself for managing to turn an otherwise aggravating day around, with very little resistance or backtalk from the other two men. That was real leadership. Nathan’s last thought before he went over the edge was that if anyone was a big gay baby it was probably Skwisgaar, for being so into sucking cock. And for swallowing both times. And getting off to it into his own hand. Nathan waited a few minutes to get his breath back, then languorously got to his feet. He surveyed the battlefield of tangled sheets, strewn pillows, and sweaty, limp guitarists with a warm glow of dominance and superiority, then left without comments to take a shower. It wasn’t until he was under the hot spray and working some 2-in-1 shampoo into his hair that he realized, none of them had the excuse of alcohol to hide behind. He’d been basically sober — at least, as sober as anyone who’s breakfast had consisted of beer and potato chips could be — and he hadn’t smelled anything particularly strong on Skwisgaar or Toki’s breaths. So what did that mean? Shit, what if it happened again?After a moment of silent contemplation, Nathan shrugged and continued washing. As far as he was concerned, his problem was solved. Everyone would still be able to play for the tour, so Offdensen would be pleased, even though this probably hadn’t been what he’d had in mind when advising Nathan to use strength to his advantage. And however things went from this point, he sure as hell wasn’t going to let it fuck up his band.
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reifromrfa · 7 years
Avenged: Jumin
What happens when MC’s ex begins harassing her?
This is a collab between @god7072therescue​ and me! We wanted to explore the darker themes related to harassment and managed to come up with this series. Hope you like it! 
Warning: Contains rape, abuse, violence, death, explicit language
Please don’t read if you’re under 18.
She’s been acting distant lately
And Jumin is worried
Had he done something wrong? Was it because he was busy with work lately?
So he decided to work from home and make sure to spend more time with MC
Much to Assistant Kang’s dismay
And everything went back to normal
Whenever MC’s phone rings though, she tenses, the smile on her face wavering
She thought he didn’t notice
But when it comes to her, he notices everything
“Is anything the matter, MC?” he asks
Her smile would brighten and she would reassure him that everything is fine, that there was nothing to worry about
Of course Jumin worried
His wife was hiding something
Something that made her uncomfortable
He made sure to ask her bodyguards if there had been any signs of anyone bothering her but they said she hardly left the building
But something wasn’t right
“MC, I really need to attend this meeting. But I’ll be home for lunch,” he says one morning, kissing her forehead
He hated leaving her when something obviously felt wrong
But his wife smiled and wrapped her arms around him
Holding him for a heartbeat longer than she usually did
“I love you, Jumin,” MC whispers to him
“I love you too, MC. Please wait for me, I’ll be home before you know it.”
She gives him a kiss on the lips and for some reason, he felt afraid
He should have listened to his instincts
He shouldn’t have left her
As Jumin was about to close the business deal, Assistant Kang interrupts the meeting
Saying there’s a family emergency
And Jumin pales
He quickly excuses himself from the meeting and goes outside
Where he listens as his head of security explains how Mrs. Han stepped into a black van and the van drove away
How they missed their chance to go after her because someone had punched a hole through their cars’ tires
How they couldn’t track her because she left her phone in the penthouse
“Sir, she left a note for you too.”
Jumin reaches out and grabs the note from his head of security
Anger coursing through his veins
Confusion clouding his mind
He unfolds the note and opens it and his heart stops
“Jumin, please don’t look for me. I know I should have told you…but you’ll find everything you need to know in my phone. I’m so sorry, my love. Please forgive me. Please forget me. I will always have you in my heart.”
“Get me Seven now.” Jumin practically screams at Assistant Kang as he strides toward the elevators
“Get all your best men now,” he says to the head of security
“Search every street, every building, every corner of Korea for her. I don’t care if you need to call every cop in the country.”
“Find her.”
“Mr. Han, I’ve already briefed Seven on the situation. He’s already searching for her.” Assistant Kang says
She was worried about MC too –after all, they were best friends
And MC getting into a van of some man?
That didn’t sound like her at all
MC was head over heels in love with her boss and she would never do anything so reckless without a reason
Someone was definitely behind this
And Jaehee feels sorry for the poor soul who incurs the wrath of the most powerful man in South Korea
“I found the van your security guy described. It’s headed to the outskirts of town, in the middle of nowhere.”
“Jumin, I can only trace their location. I have no visual on what’s happening so hurry.”
“Thank you.” Jumin says as Saeyoung hacks the car and places the coordinates on the map
“Driver Kim, there’s no time to lose.”
They rush past the traffic, Assistant Kang staying behind to coordinate with the cops on which streets to close so Jumin would have a clear path
He’s trying to keep calm
But he’s going out of his mind with worry
His wife was out there with people he doesn’t know
She just wrote him a letter asking him to forget her
How can he forget her when she was the only person he ever thinks about?
Finally, he spots the entrance to a forest
And Jumin sees the tire tracks on the ground
And when they follow the tire tracks, he sees the van
Oh God
Jumin practically leaps out of the vehicle and runs to van
Because his MC was screaming
Screaming as two men held her down in the back of a van
Her legs dangling over the edge of the car as a man stands between her legs
Fidgeting with his pants
While two more watched and laughed
But when they heard the screech of Jumin’s car against the ground
They turned
And one man was met with the fist of Jumin Han
“Fuck!” another screamed, running for the trees
But his body was flung into the air as Driver Kim runs him over
Jumin doesn’t stop and heads for the man in front of her
Between his wife’s legs
The man tries to grab MC, to use her as a shield
But Jumin will not let him touch her again
He grabs the man by the collar of his shirt
And yanks the man down harshly
Smashing his knee against the man’s face
The two men in the van grab MC and one of them places his arm around her neck
“Don’t come any closer or I’ll k–”
He never gets to finish his sentence as a bullet soars through the air
And hits him right between the eyes
The man crumples to the floor as the other man raises his arms in surrender just as Jumin’s bodyguards rush to the scene
“MC,” Jumin says, reaching for his crying wife, who was curled into a ball, covering her chest because her top had been removed
Jumin takes off his coat and places it around his wife, carrying her into his arms
“MC, it’s alright now. You’re safe.”
He holds her close and rushes back to his car
“Mr. Han, what should we do about these men?” his head of security asks him
Jumin gives him a look
And the head of security’s lips form a tight line as he nods in understanding
“Very well, sir. We will wait for your orders.”
Jumin carefully places MC inside the car and follows after her, holding her in his arms once more where she sobs uncontrollably
“Jumin, I’m so sorry.”
She cries in his arms, her hands balled into his fists against his shirt
“Shh, it’s alright now. You’re safe. I won’t let them harm you ever again. Do you hurt anywhere? Do you want to go to a hospital?”
MC shakes her head
“I want to go home.”
Jumin stares at MC’s phone in his hands, a little afraid of what he would possibly find it in but knowing he has to look through it
He’s sitting beside their bed as she sleeps
They hadn’t spoken after he had brought her home, MC’s health and safety his top priority
She was exhausted after what she’d been through
And to be honest, Jumin could feel the adrenaline wearing off, exhaustion seeping into his body
But he needs to know what was in that phone
He keys in MC’s password and immediately the screen opens to the start of a conversation
?: Hello, MC.
?: Congrats on finally reaching the top of the social pyramid!
MC: Who is this?
?: Oh man, I can’t believe you’ve forgotten about me already
?: Would you like me to refresh your memory?
Jumin holds his breath as he scrolls down to a video
He glances at her sleeping form again and steps out of the room, not wanting to wake her up but needing to watch the video for himself as well
In the living room, his finger hovers over the video, his heart hammering against his chest
He clicks the video and watches
As MC’s face appears on the screen
She was blindfolded and tears were running down her face
“And here we have our lovely MC! Smile for the camera, sweetie!”
“Please, let me go!”
A hand appears and grabs her face and makes her face the camera
“What’s the matter? Didn’t you say you loved me? Didn’t you say you would do anything for me?”
MC sobs into the screen as she shakes her head
“Not this. Please. I’m begging you. Don’t do this. Please.”
“Ah, fuck. I love it when women beg.”
A man appears on screen and starts kissing her and there’s an explosion of laughter through the speakers, along with MC’s muffled cries as she struggles to push away the man
But another man comes up behind up and holds her arms behind her back
A sickening feeling comes over Jumin as he watches the men rip off her clothing
Her screams fill his ears as they drag her to the same fucking van
And throw her across the floor
Clad only in her underwear
Her skin scraping against the rough surface
And she scrambles to back away from them but they pull her legs and drag her to the middle of the van, where the same men proceed to hold her down
And take off their clothes
All the while the cameraman zooms in on her terrified expression
Her cries of help and pleas of mercy ringing in Jumin’s ears
Then the camera shifts as one of the men reach out and take the camera
And another man is shown on the screen
The man he kneed in the face
“Anything you want to say to your fans who are watching?” the new cameraman asks, snickering
The man smirks
“And now, gentlemen! Watch as my pure and innocent girlfriend screams for my cock!”
Then he turns to MC, whose legs are held apart by two of the men
Jumin closes his eyes and turns away from the phone
But that doesn’t stop him from hearing her tortured screams
Her desperate pleas for him to stop
How could you do this to her?
For half an hour, Jumin agonizingly watches as the five men have their way with MC
His tears fall to the floor, his heart shattering
His blood boiling
How could she have kept this from him?
As the video ends, he scrolls down to read the rest of the messages
?: I did. And look where you are now. In the arms of the richest man in the country. You’re a real piece of work, MC
MC: Don’t bring him into this.
?: Aww how sweet. Remember how you used to care about me that much too?
?: Would you like to fuck me again, MC?
?: Because I want to fuck you again.
?: MC you better not fucking ignore me.
?: Or else your husband will be sorry.
MC: What do you want?
?: Money.
?: And you.
?: I want you back.
MC: Not going to happen.
?: You’re going to make it fucking happen or the whole world will see this video. They will see how much of a whore Mrs. Han is.
?: Do you want that, MC? Because all I have to do is hit send and everyone will be able to watch your little porno.
?: Including Jumin Han.
MC: How much do you want?
?: $10,000,000.
MC: I don’t have that much money.
?: Your husband does.
?: Make it happen, MC. Make it happen or I will ruin your husband.
The next few messages were instructions on where and when to meet
What MC should wear
Jumin closes his eyes and grips his hair in his hands
How could he let this happen?
How could MC not have told him?
How could he not have known about this ex-boyfriend of hers?
How could she still be so kind and loving after all that?
He runs his hand down his face, wiping his tears and getting his phone
He dials the number of a friend, a man he can trust
Because he would need him to stay with MC for a while
The man is strapped to a chair in the middle of an abandoned warehouse outside of town
One of Jumin’s purchases that his father thought was a waste of money
But Jumin was glad he bought this place
He watches in the dark as the man –MC’s ex-boyfriend –struggles against his bonds, grunting in pain when the rope cuts into his wrists
The man has been there for at least 6 hours now
6 hours since he dared lay a finger on Jumin’s precious wife
Jumin finally decides to step forward and the man’s head turns at the sound of his footsteps
“Who’s there?” he croaks out
Jumin steps into the light and he sees the man get even paler
“I don’t think I’ve introduced myself.” Jumin says
“My name is Jumin Han.”
“I believe you’re the man who intended to violate my wife.”
“Ah, I’m sorry.”
“Who violated her before and intended to re-enact the same scenario.”
Slowly, he folds up the sleeves of his polo
“I take these matters very seriously,” he says in a low voice
“I do not do things half-heartedly. I want you to know that I fully intend to make you suffer to the best of my abilities.”
“You have the chosen the wrong man to turn into your enemy.”
“You should’ve thought twice before hurting her.”
“You shouldn’t even be allowed to breathe the same air as her.”
“If you presume that I will show you mercy.”
“Let me assure you that I will not.”
Slowly, he takes huge, ornately decorated rings from his pockets and slips them on his fingers
“Come on, man. You can’t do this.”
“I saw the video,” Jumin says, as though he didn’t hear the man pleading with him
“How dare you touch her.” Jumin says, leaning close to the man, all the rings placed on his fingers
“How dare you force yourself upon her –you and your buddies. How dare you do that to a woman.”
The man loses his bravado and shrinks back in fear at Jumin’s cold piercing gaze
“Your cronies already beat us up, man. You don’t have to do this.”
“On the contrary,” Jumin replies, straightening as he flexes his fingers. “I’ve just set my mind into ridding the world of vermin such as yourself.”
“Men who enjoy raping women. Hurting them.”
“You shouldn’t be allowed to run free. Not just for MC, but for all the women in this planet.”
“Scum like you do not deserve to live.”
“You have approximately one hour left to live.”
“I am here to ensure that you suffer for the next 60 minutes.”
“Starting now,” he snarls, reeling back his arm and punching the man across the face
The ex opens his eyes with great difficulty
His entire face is swollen
Beaten and bloody from Jumin Han’s rage
He hisses in pain as he opens his eyes wider, taking in his surroundings
He can’t move his hands
Oh God
His hands were taped to the steering wheel of the van
And his foot was taped to the gas pedal
The car was slowly edging towards the cliff
“Help me!”
Behind him, he could hear his friends stirring
And then all of them were screaming, trying to get themselves out of the van
But all the doors were welded shut
The men screamed as they watched the car moving closer and closer to the edge of the cliff
Below them, the sea raged furiously, as if it was impatient to swallow them up
Jumin Han’s head of security stood beside him, watching the scene unfold in front of them
He watched as Jumin Han stared at the van with his intense gaze, eyes devoid of emotion
His boss’ arms were crossed, but he could see the bruised and bloody knuckles of Jumin from where the rings had cut into his skin upon impact with the other man’s face
They could hear the screams of the men who had tried to…God
Mrs. Han didn’t deserve that
She was the sweetest, nicest person in the planet
As the car teeters off the cliff, the head of security watches his boss’ face for any signs of remorse or anger or guilt –maybe even satisfaction
But Jumin Han’s face remained blank
He didn’t even blink as the truck fell off the cliff and crashed into the sea beneath them
He simply turned around and walked back to his car without saying a word
And the head of security didn’t know whether to fear the man or whether his respect for the man grew
Because he had a wife and daughter too
And the thought of those men roaming the same streets with his family…
He had to thank Jumin Han someday
“Did you give him hell?”
Jumin looks at the man he had called to keep MC company –the man he trusted would keep her safe should anybody try to infiltrate his home
Jumin merely raises his bandaged hands and Zen gives him a small smile
“I would have loved to get some punches in too. I have to say though, I’m surprised you really went through with it. I never thought you had it in you to…you know. But I’m glad those fuckers are off the streets. I can’t believe they did that to MC.” Zen tells Jumin, his fists clenched
“How is she?” Jumin asks quietly
Zen frowns as he grabs his jacket
“Well, she’s awake. She said she wanted to take a bath. I tried speaking to her…but she wants to see her husband first.” Zen replies, laying a hand on Jumin’s shoulder and squeezing gently
He gives his friend a reassuring smile
“It’ll be okay. We’ll get through this. The RFA’s always here for you guys, okay?”
“Take care of her, Jumin.”
The actor leaves and Jumin heads to their bedroom, tired but anxious to see his wife as well
He enters their room and heads for the bathroom
He knocks on the door softly
“MC, it’s me. May I enter?”
He hears her soft reply and slowly he opens the door
She’s sitting inside the tub, her hair piled atop her head, her eyes downcast –red-rimmed and puffy from crying
And yet to him, she was still the most beautiful woman
He walks over to her and sits on the ground beside the tub, facing her
His calculating gaze doesn’t miss the scratches and bruises on her shoulders
The rest of her body is submerged in the water, but Jumin makes a mental note to try to convince her to see a doctor after her bath
“My love, I am so sorry.”
MC’s eye flick to him nervously, like a wounded animal and Jumin reaches out slowly, his fingers brushing against her cheek
“I should have known. I should have protected you.”
“You did,” MC says softly, her voice shaking
Jumin shakes his head
“It’s not enough. You shouldn’t have gone through that. I failed you. I’m so sorry.”
He strokes her cheek gently and MC’s eyes fill with tears
“But I need to know,” Jumin continues, his own heart breaking
“I need to know why you went there.”
“I need to know why you didn’t seek my help.”
“Why you didn’t tell me about your past.”
“Why you nearly left me.”
Tears spill from her eyes as she holds his hand on her cheek
She feels the bandages on his hands and she knows
She knows her husband already took care of that horrible man
And while it was wrong to take justice into your own hands…
She felt relieved
“Oh Jumin,” she says, wiping her tears with her other hand
“I don’t know where to start.”
“If you’ve seen the video on my phone, then you already know about my past.”
“I didn’t tell you because I was ashamed. I was afraid you’d change your mind about me.”
“I never filed a case against them because I knew they had that video. And it was always the one thing that kept me from fighting back.”
“I didn’t want…I don’t want the world to see me like that.”
“As the woman who got gang-raped by her boyfriend and his buddies.”
“Not everyone is as nice as you,” she whispers
“Not everyone will see me as the victim. Some men might’ve harassed me even more if that video had leaked.”
“And I was so scared.”
“That was years ago. I moved away from there and I met you. And I never wanted anybody to know about my past.”
“Especially you, Jumin.”
“When he threatened to leak the video now…I was terrified.”
She lifts her eyes and meets her husband’s gaze
“The whole world watches your every move,” she says. “Even now, your business associates are confused as to why you chose me to become your wife. They think I’m only here to steal your money.”
Jumin opens his mouth but MC moves the hand that was on her cheek and she presses her lips against his hand
“You and I both know it’s not true,” she whispers. “But that didn’t stop some of your business partners from doubting you. They thought I would steal the money they invested in you eventually.”
“I see you work hard every day, Jumin. You pour your heart into your work and I love you for that.”
“But I didn’t want to cause you anymore trouble. If that video had leaked…Jumin, it would’ve been a terrible blow to C&R’s image.”
“I can’t even imagine what your partners would have thought.”
“I couldn’t let all your hard work go down the drain.”
“So I –”
“You thought the solution was to confront the man alone?”
MC bites her lip as her husband’s eyes blaze with a quiet anger
Jumin stands and places his hands on either sides of the tub, leaning close to his wife
This woman
This woman
Instead of caring for her own well-being at a time like this
She was still thinking of him
And he didn’t know whether he wanted to lecture her
Or if he fell even more in-love with this reckless woman
“How could you even think about C&R at a time like that?” he asks quietly, trying to keep his emotions at bay
“Haven’t I told you to always put yourself above everyone else?”
He rests his forehead against hers and closes his eyes
“I could lose everything in the world –everything I have –and still be the happiest man in the world.”
“As long as I have you, I’ll be happy.”
“I will face any storm with you, MC.”
“I will shield you from it.”
“Please…please keep that in mind.”
“When I saw those men…I nearly forgot that I was a man. I felt more like an animal who was ready to rip apart those foul creatures with my bare hands.”
“…I guess Zen is right. All men are wolves.”
MC lets out a soft chuckle despite the tears flowing down her face
“Jumin…I’m so sorry,” she whispers
Jumin leans down and kisses her, feeling her soft lips against his own
“I don’t love you any less, MC,” he tells her
“I love you even more for being such a strong woman despite that ordeal. You stayed kind and you saved me…I’m glad I was able to save you this time.”
“Let me be strong for you now.”
“Promise me you’ll never do anything as reckless as that again.”
“Promise me you’ll rely on me.”
“I will not fail you, my love. I will always always do everything in my power to protect you and provide you with the best.”
“I promise, Jumin.”
He holds her close, not caring if he got wet
At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to be with his wife
They’ve both had a long day and they both went through a horrible ordeal
But he knew that they would be able to heal and put this behind them
Whew this was long. HAHA please let us know what you think!
Check out @god7072therescue‘s Masterlist!
And my other Mysme writings here!
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okay, moving day story.
so. i woke up and packed up my few last things (computer, bathroom stuff, etc.) and then left around 11 to get the moving van. i had a 12pm reservation but figured early was better than late. before i left, i put the cats in their carriers already, both because felix can be difficult, and i didn’t want to have to do it while the movers were there. i got the moving van, got gas, and headed back to the apartment. everything was fine. my roommate was up, but he didn’t say anything to me at all. (my friend had come over the night before and helped me pack up the living room, kitchen, and library, so by then he knew that i was moving.)
the movers arrived, and i showed them what was going. the stuff in the apartment was fairly straight forward (just a few things in the living room, boxes of books and kitchen stuff in the library/back porch, and... everything in my room). but i had some stuff in the basement, and it was in various places in the basement, so i went downstairs with one of the movers to show him what was mine. while i was down there with the mover, my roommate came down, starting off asking when he’d be getting his keys (as soon as the last box was packed, don’t worry). then he claimed that i owe him $1100 (i don’t), and wanted to know when i was paying him for that. i told him i don’t owe him anything, he replied that i haven’t paid the bills in six months (i paid last month!) and also owed him for rent. i told him that i’d already discussed rent with the landlord. he said “you don’t pay the landlord, you pay me.” i just kept repeating that i’d already talked to the landlord, until he walked away. i’m about to leave, i give (almost) zero fucks at this point. after he leaves, the mover asks if i’m alright, i comment a little on the situation, and he was like, “he doesn’t beat you, does he? he looks like someone who’d beat a woman.” great when that’s a complete stranger’s first impression of you, right?
so, having finished up showing him the stuff downstairs, i go back into the apartment. i notice immediately that my bedroom door is open, but i thought maybe the other mover had opened it. i also note that the apartment door and the building door are wide open... and then i notice that ginny’s peeking her head out of the bedroom. my roommate’s standing right there, just smirking. i just made a comment, “you let my cats out?” or something, and go in my room and close the door. (remember how i said i had almost zero fucks left? my cats are the only thing i care about. he KNOWS this.) thankfully, all the cats were still in my room, they’re too scared of him to go anywhere. avocado, though, was standing in the middle of the room hissing up a storm. this is a super gentle cat that i’ve NEVER heard hiss in eleven and a half years of having him. (ginny and felix? sure. especially felix, she gets scared easily. but never avocado.) hissing, and all puffed up. i picked him up and he immediately calmed down and went back in his carrier (which, by the way, he generally hates). so, my roommate must have done something abusive to get him out of the carrier, and probably to try to get him to leave my room. (ginny also went back into her carrier no problem. felix never left it, was pushed up all the way against the back, which says a lot because she hates the carrier, she’s usually out of there the second the door’s open.)
so, i make the decision that i’m not leaving my cats’ sides until the movers are done. i stay in my bedroom, with the door closed, for the rest of the two hours. at some point, my roommate realizes this and starts to try fighting with the movers over them taking my bikes. (i’m pretty sure it was just a diversion to get me away from my cats... but then again, he’s not that clever, so maybe not. my bikes are worth money, at any rate, so that might’ve been it.) one of the movers came and told me, like, “your roommate’s starting shit about the bikes” but i told him, my roommate tried to make my cats run away, i’m not leaving them. so they went and handled it. (amazing review for the movers, by the way. pack n stack if you’re ever moving in chicago.) i would’ve let him have the damn bikes if it came to it, they’re not worth nearly as much to me as my cats are.
anyway, the movers are aware of the situation, so they’re super supportive and don’t say anything about me locking myself in my bedroom while they work. (which, by the way, i didn’t like. even though i hired them to move my stuff and it was nearly 100 degrees, i still like helping!) every once in a while they check in to give me an update, and make comments about what an asshole my roommate is, which makes me laugh a little. my anxiety’s sky high, i’m shaking and about to cry, so i appreciate every attempt they made. they promise to stick around until i’m in the van driving away, and i’m super grateful about that.
then, apparently the movers picked up a bag of my roommate’s stuff (i’m pretty sure he put it by my stuff on purpose for this reason, but let’s not point fingers). it was an honest mistake, i can’t supervise them because he tried to abuse my cats, but my roommate comes in ranting about how i’m trying to steal his stuff, and he has to make sure i’m not trying to take anything else of his. whatever, dude. i just want to get out. so he sets up a chair on the front porch and watches the movers for the rest of the duration. if that’s what you want to do with your sunday while it’s 100 degrees out, be my guest. i don’t care anymore. 
finally they load the bedroom stuff last, and all that’s left are the cats. i leave the keys on the bedroom windowsill, pick up the carriers, and walk outside and put the cats in the van without even glancing at my roommate. i thank the movers for their amazing work, handle the payment, and drive off into the sunset. or... sunshine, rather. 100 degrees of it.
i could stop there, that’s the end of the roommate stuff, but might as well finish the rest of the day, right? anyway, it’s an hour drive to my friend’s, i get there and drop off the cats and the few things i’m keeping there (computer and clothes, mostly). i’d scheduled the other movers to move everything else into storage for 4, and it was already 3:30, so we leave pretty quickly. (i felt bad just dropping the cats off, especially after what they’d been through with my roommate, but turns out it was fine. they’d spent some time here already and were immediately comfortable upon their return.) we get to the storage a little before 4, i call the moving company, the boss says “they’re just finishing up another job, they’ll be there soon”, cool. i confirm the storage unit, go back to the truck... and wait. and wait. my friend and i start unloading the truck and staging the boxes so they can be brought up faster. and we wait. (i told my friend to stop doing their work at one point, but he pointed out that he didn’t want to be here at 8.) it’s five, the facility is closing, so i pay extra for 24 hour access. (awesome! just what i want, spending more money!) i call again, “they just finished and are heading over now”. i’m trying to be understanding, sometimes jobs take a little longer than expected (but not calling to let me know that?) we wait some more. aaaaand more. six o’clock, i call again. he says he’ll have the actual guys contact me directly. they do, in about ten minutes. “we were just told about you five minutes ago, when are you available?” well, we’ve been waiting two hours, so... two hours ago? they finally arrive at 6:30, then they’re sooooo slow so it takes another hour (despite my friend and i literally unloading the entire truck and staging it for them already). so. first moving company? five stars, amazing review, huge tip. these guys? not so much. i’m just glad they were the second movers and not the ones i desperately needed to get out of my apartment (also, just a gut feeling, but i don’t think they would’ve been as awesome about handling my roommate).
anyway, we finally get back to my friend’s house sometime after eight, i’m glad to see that the cats are happy, and we finally have dinner (i hadn’t eaten all day, mind you). a very long day. but we’re safe and sound now. have to find an apartment, might have to deal with court shenanigans regarding my roommate, but i don’t have to put all my mental energy into just getting out and keeping my cats safe now.
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