#so like my best friend (g) has this friend she’s known her entire life (we’ll call her m)
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Every single day I wish I was on a sitcom or something so I could look into the camera like ‘do you see this shit?’ and break the fourth wall
#this is mostly in reference to my last reblog to be honest#so like my best friend (g) has this friend she’s known her entire life (we’ll call her m)#m is in love with g. has been probably the whole time. she WILL NOT admit it though#and g pretends like she doesn’t know but i’m certain that she does. she must. m does literally so much stuff for her like..#she has her by a fucking string. it’s absolutely ridiculous#m used to be really jealous of me in high school and i used to snipe back at her but now i legitimately can’t bring myself to care#they’re less insufferable to be around now but my attitude is just like.. i can’t be bothered to get in the middle of whatever this is#i am NOT making this into a bermuda triangle of toxicity. count me the fuck out. so i remain pleasant and don’t let her bait mr#*me and oftentimes i just leave if m is there so they can be weird together#but sometimes they just do stuff that is so…… like recently g was talking about moving to scotland right?#she’s not going to do it. there is literally no way on god’s green earth that she’ll do it. she doesn’t have the money#she lives with her mom in her mom’s house and her mom helps raise her baby. like unless her mom sells up and comes with she’s not going#fucking anywhere. she doesn’t work; she doesn’t have money; she can’t live in a van with a toddler. she’s fucking delusional#but tell me why M HEARD THIS AND STARTED APPLYING FOR JOBS IN SCOTLAND???#like???? you’re really planning on leaving the fucking country with her and you want to act like you’re not in love with her LMAO OKAY#she must know as well as i do that it’s simply not going to happen but she’s still making plans just in case. i’m…..#tl;dr am i the only person who sees this shit??? it’s fucking crazy#personal
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lockoutkey · 3 years
Key you have at least 8 people following you so I’m going to release this idea into the wild here
The song “Defying Gravity” from Wicked (the version by Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel because it’s the best one) except it’s Grian and Pearl
Pearl takes Glinda’s role and Grian takes Elphaba’s and it’s about them at the watchers in an au where they were raised there
Grian offended the head watcher or whoever and is running away while Pearl tries to convince him to stay and apologise so they can stick together like they always have
On the “It’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes, and leap!” bit he does a spell or something and in a flash of purple wings unfurl from his back
“Just you and I, defying gravity!” is Grian carrying Pearl and flying with her and they set down just before “Well, are you coming?”
That’s all I got and I would definitely make the animatic except people are hard to draw and dragons are easier
“You really did it this time, G, you went and did it huh. You managed to piss off the head watcher and get yourself a bounty. I’m risking my life right now. How could you?” Pearl ranted. “Are you happy?”
Grian scoffed. “Are you? You stood there while I was insulted and put down. I can’t take this Pearl. The watchers are corrupt and I’m over it. I’m sick amd tired of it.”
“Apologize, Grian. Please? You can still stay with us.” Pearl pleaded.
Grian turned away. He couldn’t believe she was actually agreeing with them.
“I don’t want this anymore. I need to go away. Everything in me is screaming to get away. I think, no, I know I have to leave. I can’t stay.”
“This is because of your friend you won’t tell us about, isn’t it?” Pearl accused. “He’s convincing you of this.”
“Mum- He has nothing to do with this. I done with this. The watchers. Their games. This entire world.” Grian stormed to the balcony. He threw open the doors, only stopped by Pearl’s arm.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Pearl screeched.
“Come with me.”
"I can't go and you know that. This is where we belong."
Grian and Pearl stood on the balcony of their home in the watchers realm. They were searching for him. They knew he would be there. It was only a matter of minutes.
“Please.” Grian begged. “We can leave now. No one will follow us. We’ll be safe.”
Pearl shook her head again. “Just apologize to them Grian. They’ll let you back. You’re the best of the best. What about Taurtus? Domrao? Gareth? You’re going to leave them behind because of what? You don’t like the rules here. You’re going to leave behind everything we’ve been though.”
Grian clenched his fists. “You don’t understand. I can’t do these things anymore. I can’t act like the god they want me to, forcing players to go through games just to get to an update. It’s wrong.”
“It’s for good! We do it to help! Why can’t you understand? You don’t know what you’re saying!” Pearl rambled. She knew it was useless but she had to try.
“Controlling the lives of players isn’t helping. It’s obsessive and should be stopped.” Grian grabbed Pearl’s hands. “Let’s leave. We’re unstoppable. We’re a team. You’re my sister, I don’t want to leave you, but I will if I have to.”
Pearl stared at their joined hands. She remembered the first time they learned to fly, their guardians taking them and the other trainees to a random world just for them. They still went back sometimes to practice building. They would practice their powers on Evo and grow stronger together. How would they go on without their missing member?
“You’re right, we’re supposed to be together until the end of time.” Pearl dropped her hands. “I can’t. They need me.”
Grian watched Pearl lower head. He should’ve known this would be the outcome, but he had hoped for something different. She wouldn’t go to Hermitcraft with him. She would stay in the hidden realm in the end.
Why them. Why did they have to be chosen. This was a curse disguised in a gift wrapped box. Mostly, why was he the only one who could see.
“I hope you’re happy., now that you’re choosing this.” Pearl whispered.
Grian kissed her forehead. “You too.”
Grian turned away. He knew in his heart if he didn’t leave now he would go back and give in. He would kneel in front of the head watcher and ask for forgiveness he didn’t want. He would stay with his family and live a life with everything he wanted.
His wings twitched. The dark abyss could take him in a few seconds. He would be stuck here if he didn’t leave now. Stuck with the rules and people telling him to control worlds. He would live with unimaginable power. He would live in a place where the system hid under a facade of righteousness.
Grian stood on the railing. The watchers were banging on the door and shouting. He had to go. “You know where to find me.”
Pearl closed her eyes. “Be safe. Whatever you do, just, don’t forget me.”
Grian grinned. He looked so happy. He was about to leave everything and he looked the happiest he had ever been. “I could never.”
The doors broke. Watchers poured through the door and rushed to the twins. Grian jumped, flying into the city. Guards gave chase, but they were no match for his speed. They had lost the best they had found in millennia.
“He’s really gone” Pearl heard a whisper behind him. Taurtus stared at Grian, now a distant dot as he flew towards his new server.
“He’s free.”
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passable-talent · 4 years
part 4 was so so good!!!!! can you make a part 5? i’m in love with your writing and that series!!! you’re feeding my need for zuko content and i love u for that.
it literally took exactly 19 minutes to get a request for part 5
been excited to get back to this one, y’all aren’t ready 😏
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 |
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For chapter five, and my five hundred follower special, we will go back to spring of the year 100 AG, right before Azula’s coup succeeded in their destruction of Ba Sing Se . . .
“So what’s happening?” You asked Mushi as the two of you hurried through the streets of the upper ring.
“Come close,” Mushi answered, and your footsteps brought you beside him.
“My nephew and I are more than refugees,” he began, “my name is Iroh, and I am the brother of the Fire Lord. My nephew, Zuko, is the banished prince of the Fire Nation. I’m sorry we lied to you, but we needed to, in order to stay in Ba Sing Se where we were safe from our family.” Your head reeled, but you kept beside him, because still you trusted this man. You were trained to react and to think, thanks to the Dai Li, so you analyzed his words.
“Were?” you questioned, wondering why he seemed to suggest that he was no longer safe.
“My niece, Princess Azula, has infiltrated the city. She tried to capture me- she did capture Zuko.” Your eyes widened, and your speed increased beside Iroh. “I need your help to retrieve him, and the Avatar’s. That’s where we’re headed.” You looked up at the house you were approaching, half caved in from some sort of destruction. What had happened here?
“The Avatar?” you asked, and Iroh nodded, pausing in front of the door to knock politely. You waited beside him, but held your forehead- you were so shocked about everything you were finding out.
Zuko- not Lee. The banished prince of the Fire Nation. You hadn’t even known that the prince of the Fire Nation had been banished! What else didn’t you know about the other nations of the world beyond the walls of Ba Sing Se?
Why had this information been kept from you? You were training to be in the Dai Li, one of the best and most important police forces of the Earth Kingdom, shouldn’t this information be privy to you? Why wasn’t it?
You were pulled from your thoughts as a girl opened the door, and regarded Iroh with friendliness.
“I need your help,” he began, and you watched the reactions of the other two at the door. They seemed frightened by Iroh- what kind of history had they that you weren’t aware of?
Why were you kept in the dark about everything?
“You guys know each other?” demanded the boy you had to assume was the avatar, who didn’t seem much concerned with your presence. Maybe it was the earth kingdom robes?
“I met him in the woods once, and knocked him down,” answered the girl, and with her gaze that didn’t seem focused on the avatar you wondered if maybe she was blind. She, however, seemed like a strong earthbender. It was one of the things you were trained to pick up on in the Dai Li, and relied entirely on how a person carried herself. “Then he gave me tea and some very good advice.”
“May we come in?” Iroh asked sheepishly, and you wondered why there wasn’t more urgency to his tone.
“Who’s your friend?” the clearly water tribe boy demanded, and you lifted your chin, being acknowledged.
“I’m Y/N, a soon-to-be member of the Dai Li,” you answered, “You can trust me.”
“The Dai Li?” Avatar Aang responded, more shock in his face than before.
“That makes us even less likely to trust you!!” the water tribe boy shouted, and your eyebrows knitted together.
“The Dai Li are the protectors of the city!” you said, though you felt doubt gnaw at your spine- they had kept so much from you, their own cadet.
Iroh turned his eyes to you, and something in his gaze told you to hush up.
“Princess Azula is here, in Ba Sing Se,” Iroh told them, his tone stern and serious.
“She must have Katara!” Aang said, and you looked to Iroh. You didn’t know these people- but that Azula would capture both Zuko and a friend of the avatar meant that she was one of two things: insanely brave or insanely stupid.
“She has captured my nephew, as well,” Iroh said.
“Then we’ll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko,” the avatar said, and you felt a little lightness crawl into your heart. You’d be able to help save Zuko, and a friend of the avatar? You were about to go on a crazy adventure.
“Whoa there,” said the water tribe boy, walking back into the conversation, “you lost me at ‘Zuko.’ “
“I know how you must feel about my nephew,” Iroh began, and your expression softened. There was definitely history here, and you’d be interested to learn it. “But believe me when I tell you, there is good inside him.” You brought your eyes to the avatar’s, and nodded, trying to fathom something to say that they’d believe. They didn’t know you, didn’t know what you stood for, and it seemed that you didn’t know much of that yourself.
“I’ve known Zuko for a while,” you said, “and he’s never been anything other than a scared and polite refugee.”
“Good inside him isn’t enough!” The water tribe boy insisted, “Why don’t you come back when it’s outside him too, okay?” Your chest deflated further, and you had to wonder: what had Zuko done, what had Zuko been, that they had this strong of a hatred for him?
Did you want to know?
“Katara’s in trouble,” Aang said to his friend, “All of Ba Sing Se’s in trouble. Working together is our best chance.”
On the way toward the catacombs of the city underneath the palace, you learned Sokka and Toph’s names, as well as the true treachery of the Dai Lee. You learned about the war with the Fire Nation, and had a smile on your face as you took in how lucky you were that the two firebenders whom you had come to love were the only two on the right side of this war.
“Well, whaddaya know, there is an ancient city down there,” Toph said, her hand pressed to the stone courtyard, “but it’s deep.” She opened up a large hole in the stone, heading downward.
“How can you tell?” You asked, and she cracked her knuckles in your direction.
“Right, you’re classically trained,” she mocked with a rude laugh, which made you smile. “I can sense seismic activity through stone. Maybe I’ll teach you, when this is over.” You nodded, intrigued, before Sokka grabbed your attention.
“We should split up. Aang, you go with Iroh and Y/N to look for Katara and the angry jerk,” he said. “No offense,” he added in Iroh’s direction, and once again you found yourself confused on the nature of their shared past when Iroh said “none taken.”
“And I’ll go with Toph to warn the Earth King about Azula’s Coup.”
Aang, Iroh, and you began heading down into the tunnel, Iroh holding up fire for light while you and Aang took turns lengthening the tunnel downwards.
“So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice,” Aang said, seeming to try to make conversation. “And great tea.” A smile came to your face- Iroh’s tea was the reason that you were, apparently, romantically involved with the prince of the Fire Nation.
Imagine that.
“The key to both is proper aging,” Iroh said, and you laughed under your breath. “What’s on your mind?” Aang paused, and took his turn lengthening the tunnel.
“Well, I met with this guru who was supposed to help me master the avatar state and control this great power.” You turned to look at the avatar as you walked, amazed at both his story and his mere stature. You never thought that you’d get to meet the avatar.
“But to do it, I had to let go of someone I love, and I just couldn’t.” You reached the end of the tunnel, and took stance beside Iroh to take your turn lengthening it. However, Iroh began speaking, and you figured it rude to interrupt him.
“Perfection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness, and love.” With a smile on your face you earthbent and opened up the tunnel further, deciding then and there that you would stick with Iroh. Surely you weren’t to stay and train with the Dai Li, and as it seemed he was teaming up with the avatar, maybe you’d get to help fight in the war!
“But what happens if we can’t save everyone and beat Azula?” You didn’t answer, and let Iroh, both because you didn’t know the answer, and because you felt that the scope of your knowledge and importance wasn’t what it needed to be to even participate in this conversation.
“Without the avatar state, what if I’m not powerful enough?”
“I don’t know the answer,” Iroh said, making you gaze to the side at him. “Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving...” Iroh paused as Aang took his turn to break through the stone in front of you, revealing light and a wide open new space, “...you will come to a better place.” You paused, standing on the edge of a cliff, to look out over the ancient city. There was a fountain in front of you, making the air smell fresh even though you were so far below ground. It was amazing, and part of you wished you could have stayed. However, you knew that there was much more pressing matters, and so you quickly moved along with Iroh and Aang into another chamber to hopefully find the prisoners you were looking for.
Aang burst through another wall of stone, and quickly disappeared through the hole as you and Iroh followed.
“Aang!” A girl shouted before embracing him, and you barely put it together that this must be ‘Katara’ before your feet had carried you to Zuko, and hugged him tightly. You yielded this, however, to Iroh, who hugged him with just as much relief as you felt in your heart.
“Uncle, I don’t understand,” Zuko said, a malice you didn’t recognize glinting in his eyes. “What are you doing with the avatar?”
“Saving you, that’s what,” Aang said, and Zuko began to lunge before Iroh caught his chest. You flinched- this wasn’t the boy you knew at all.
“Zuko, it’s time we talked,” Iroh told him, then looking at Aang and Katara. “Go help your other friends. We’ll catch up with you.” Aang and Katara turned away while you stood still, but Iroh turned to you. “You as well. It’ll be alright.” You nodded, and raced down the tunnel after Katara.
“We’ve gotta find Sokka and Toph!” Katara shouted, but you couldn’t answer her before you heard roaring behind you. You didn’t recognize the sound, but when you turned and saw blue fire, nothing could’ve prepared you.
This wasn’t in your training. It wasn’t in your index of attacks to react to. You had no idea what to do- if it wasn’t for Aang and the wall that he raised, you would’ve surely been charred on the spot.
You didn’t recognize the girl that had shot it, but you felt that it was safe to assume it must’ve been Azula.
Katara raced around the wall and picked up water, revealing herself as a powerful water bender before your eyes. The fight between her and Azula created a cloud of steam, and you staggered back even further from Aang’s wall, your chest rising and falling quickly.
You were panicking.
All of that training, everything that your instructors had ever done to harden your will and sharpen your reaction time, it stood nothing against this. This, with the sister of the guy you were crushing on shooting blue fire at the avatar, and you weren’t even sure who’s side you should be on.
That was stupid, of course you knew you should be on the avatar’s side. But something in your head whispered doubts- she was Zuko’s sister. She was the leader of the Dai Li, who you belonged to.
Azula appeared from the steam and shot two fireballs at Aang and Katara, who were forty or so feet in front of you. You just watched, dumbfounded, and realized quickly that she wasn’t aiming at you. She wasn’t targeting you at all.
She landed on a column, which Aang rocked beneath her, and she fell down to stand between Aang and Katara, her back to you. She kept her hands pointed at both of them, but suddenly, her attention turned toward you.
“You’re Y/N, right?” She asked, and your eyes widened. “I remember you. You’re a very impressive cadet, you could be an asset to me. I control the Dai Li, now, and so your allegiance is to me.”
Just for a moment, Katara’s gaze turned to you, wondering if there was any truth to that statement.
Was there?
A fireball impacted the ground between Aang and Azula and you staggered backward, looking up for the source of the flame.
Zuko. Relief filled your chest- at least you knew for sure you were on his side.
As though time was frozen, you watched as he turned his ready stance from aiming at Aang, to aiming at Azula, and your tension melted away. You could fight beside Zuko and the avatar and Katara, and surely between the four of you the princess would be defeated.
Then, from your position fifty feet behind Aang, you saw Zuko’s eyes land on the avatar.
The calmness drifted away, and all you saw was rage.
Fire blasted toward Aang, and he couldn’t avoid the plume, his air bending keeping him from harm but also sending him back beside you. Zuko’s fire kept coming, and you threw up a wall in front of you, turning to the side with your body made into a smaller target out of pure fear.
Zuko had turned on Aang. He’d shot fire at Aang- he’d shot fire at you.
Aang leapt away to continue his battle, which left you behind your wall of stone, paralyzed with fear and indecision and betrayal and anger and sadness.
Didn’t you know Zuko at all? That look in his eye... you had never seen that before. There was pure rage inside him, and you couldn’t understand it, you couldn’t comprehend how this was the boy you’d cared for.
You heard fire roaring throughout the cave, and the whooshing of the wind that Aang sent back. Rocks clattered to the floor and water shot around the cavern, and it was all too much, the sounds of martial arts and groaning and impacts, you couldn’t get a clear thought through your mind.
“I thought you had changed!” Katara’s yell echoed off the rocks, and just for a moment your hands lifted from your temple. Was she talking to Zuko?
“I have changed,” he answered, and it was in the silence that followed that you made up your mind, finally.
Zuko was on the wrong side of this war. Not as you’d thought.
You heard a yelp from Katara and brought up a hunk of earth underneath you, launching you across the cave and into a defensive position in front of her with a battle cry. Both Azula and Zuko seemed surprised by this decision, but before any of you could react, the rumbling of Aang’s reemergence interrupted the fight. They turned their attention to him, which gave you the moment to send a hunk of stone into both of their abdomens, knocking them backward. However, your eyes turned up with the sound of Dai Li stone chains, and you couldn’t pull your limbs in tight enough to avoid their sudden grip on you.
“No,” you snarled as Katara woke, and brought a ring of water around the both of you. You stood back to back with her, small finger movements slowly dissembling the stone chains around your wrists so you could help her in the fight.
But there were too many agents- you knew you couldn’t take them all on. Not even with a master waterbender at your back.
A gust of wind surprised you, and you broke free in time to see Aang rise from shattered crystal inside a beam of light. It was amazing- and you were stunned into awe.
Lightning struck the avatar.
Katara nearly drowned you in the wave she created, but you pulled up a slab of stone just in time to surf on it behind her, just like you had on summer days in Lake Laogai. Mowing down Dai Li agents, and the royal siblings, the two of you raced toward the falling avatar, before he was caught by Katara. Soaked, exhausted, and tears blurring your vision, you stood between her and the siblings, who walked toward her, as though they were predators, and she an easy meal.
Though you knew you should be watching them both, your eyes were on Zuko. Maybe, there was some of Lee left in him, and seeing you would bring it back. But his eyes were firmly on the dead-or-dying avatar, hungry, predatory, and your heart shattered.
Fire cut off their path and you looked up to see Iroh, who leapt down in front of even you.
“You’ve got to get out of here!” He shouted, looking back at you. “I’ll hold them off for as long as I can!” Katara stood and you joined her on Aang’s other side, carrying the avatar toward a waterfall, the sound of fire roaring behind you.
It was terrifying.
“Hold onto him!” Katara shouted, her grip tight on the avatar as she used her other hand to bend an upward spiral around the three of you.
You watched Iroh face Zuko until the rock covered your vision, and you closed your eyes.
Back on Appa, you kneeled behind Sokka, one eye keeping a watch on Katara as she attempted to heal Aang. But mostly, you gripped Appa’s fur, and cried.
The Dai Li had lied to you. Zuko and Iroh had lied to you. The Dia Li turned on you. Zuko turned on you. Zuko turned on Iroh, Azula killed the avatar. Everything was so messed up, beyond proportion, skewed beyond belief. The boy you thought you might’ve loved...
He’d never existed in the first place.
And though the avatar lived, you laid your forehead to the bison’s back, and sobbed.
tag list for this series- @furblrwurblr @eridanuswave
oh yeah request for pt 6 /// already been requested y’all are fine
edit: | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 |
-🦌 Roe
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joontier · 3 years
Parallel Palpitations | V1; report i
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pairings: dr. park jimin x female reader 
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: romance, slice of life, humor
warnings: none to note
word count: 2k
g/n: this is just an intro basically ksjdfksjdf but i’d also like to inform yalls this coincides with the Subliminal in Scrubs universe (jk’s installment of TWA) 
Parallel Palpitations (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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Closing his locker with his foot, Jimin tries to carefully balance his books placed precariously on top of each other in his arms as he walks back to the dean’s office where he’s also arranging most of his stuff to take home. It’s already been a week since he’d officially graduated medicine from Busan National University, and he had only kept going back to school to gather all his belongings so he could start reviewing. 
“Jimin, is that you?” The question almost knocks clumsy Jimin off his feet, surprised at how there was still any other person in the office besides  Kyungjo who was also collecting his stuff to take home. Jimin sets all of his books down first on a desk and turns, only to come face to face with none other than Jeon Jungmin himself, associate professor and chairman of the Jeon Medical Center. 
“Professor Jeon! Good evening Sir...It’s already late, professor?” 
Jeon Jungmin laughs, patting Jimin on the back, “I was going to say the same to you kid. You should go home.” Jimin flashes the older man a small smile, “Ah...yes, Professor. I’m just grabbing the last of my stuff then I’ll be on my way. This won’t take long.” 
“It’s fine, Jimin. The staff know you well anyways,” Jungmin sighs, then rests his weight on a pillar as he puts his hands in his pockets. “You know, Jimin...you’re a very bright student...I think even one of the best in Korea if I do say so myself.” 
The young man momentarily pauses with what he’s doing, taking in the professor’s words, “Oh, I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, Sir.” 
Jungmin chuckles as he shakes his head. “It’s true - you’re driven and you’re smart. It’s a fixed formula for someone who achieves great success in life later on. Your parents must be very proud. I would be too, if you were my son too.” 
“Thank you, Professor. Everything I do, I do for my parents.” 
The older man lets out a deep exhale and gives Jimin another pat on the back. “Just wanted to let you know that you’re going to be a fine doctor Jimin - and the Jeon Medical Center would definitely need fine doctors like you. I realized I shouldn’t be telling you this, but I really hope you will choose JMC for your post-graduate internship. We have a good program here,” Jungmin’s voice goes down to a whisper, “If you wish to, just let me know…” 
Someone enters the office and bows to the both of them and recognizes the same man as the professor’s driver. The man collects the professor’s briefcase and coat with one nod of Jungmin. “Well, I’ll head off first, Jimin. I can give you a ride home if you’re done with those.” 
Jimin shakes his head quickly, declining the one and only Jeon Jungmin’s generous offer. He’s unsure about the other offer though, but if he lets himself get a car ride home with the chairman himself, the latter might take it as a favorable answer to his proposal to which Jimin is still undecided. “No thank you Sir. I’ll be alright. This might still take a while after all,” Jimin says with an awkward laugh, tapping the top of the stack which was rivaling Jimin’s height. 
“Alright Jimin. Get back home safely. And I...hope to see you again very soon.” 
Jimin gives him a curt nod. “Good night, Professor.” 
He continues on with his remaining tasks, wanting to finish quickly so he could finally go home and rest. “Is he gone?” Kyungjo’s voice startles Jimin, the book in his hands nearly causing the tower of books to collapse. “My god! Stop doing that!” Jimin scolds his friend as it wasn’t the first time Kyungjo’s sleuthing had given Jimin a fright. 
“Yeah, he left already. You done with your stuff?” 
“Uh-huh. All set and ready to step into the real world,” Kyungjo replies, waving his hands in the air. Jimin narrows his eyes at the other boy, judging him silently. Kyungjo has a particular inclination towards alcohol and Jimin wonders if today was one of the days where his friend indulges himself yet once again. 
“Have you heard about his actual son? What was the kid’s name again...uh…” Kyungjo snaps his fingers in mid-air as Jimin asks what was the issue with the chairman’s son, likewise reminding Kyungjo it wasn’t best to talk about it in the dean’s office. “Ah! Yes, Jeon Jungkook. Heard that their relationship got so bad that Jungkook completely cut himself off from the family once he graduated high school and went to Yonsei instead of BNU because of his daddy issues.”
Jimin, unsure how to handle and process that kind of information, simply shakes his head at Kyungjo. “It’s wrong to gossip about other people's lives like that.” When Jimin looks over at his friend, Kyungjo is no longer listening, fumbling with the remote as he turns up the volume of the office television. 
“In other news today, two thousand five hundred sixty one students of Seoul National University graduated this afternoon 25th of February, 2023. The ceremony was held at COEX Convention Center in Samsung-dong, Seoul to accommodate the number of graduates this year. With a yearly average of at least two thousand three hundred graduates, this year’s commencement ceremony records the highest number of graduates in the history of the national university. 
“Not only did they record the highest number of alumni, but this year also marks the first year to have a foreign national graduate as the school’s valedictorian.” Jimin is listening just as intently as Kyungjo now with both boys focused on the TV screen. “Jeong Yeorum, also known as Summer Jeong by her colleagues, graduates with flying colors today from Seoul National University’s College of Medicine. Here is part of her valedictory speech this afternoon.” 
A girl appears on screen and she stands behind the podium with a bright and reassuring smile on her face. “As we embark on the journey of the rest of our lives, I implore you all, to do what you love, because I believe it’s what you’ll do best. There will be countless times of trial, but keep in mind that perseverance will always prevail. Always aim for the moon, because even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. Class of 2023, good luck. And remember, graduation is only the beginning.” 
“Wow!” Kyungjo claps his hands enthusiastically as he marvels at the girl. “The twenty-six year old, who along with her  family migrated to South Korea back in 2015 when her father was reassigned to an office here in Seoul. The valedictorian says she’s not entirely foreign to Korea as her paternal grandmother is actually a native of Jeju. Jeong Yeorum then attended a co-ed high school in Mapo District, where she likewise finished her secondary education with academic distinction.” 
The reporters, equally impressed with the girl’s achievements, couldn’t help but add their own comments to the news report, “Wow...I guess some people are simply born for greatness.” 
“I agree with you there, Dongho-ssi. We might be looking at the next Bae Jeonjoo, the only woman in the group of doctors who pioneered neurosurgery in South Korea. Ms. Jeong Yeorum, if you are seeing this, we’re rooting for your promising career. Fighting!” 
As soon as the news anchors proceed to report other news, Kyungko turns off the television and mentions the time. “Well, she was pretty cute, wasn’t she? Totally my type! Maybe when we get to Seoul to review, we’ll get the chance to meet her...and make her my girlfriend!” 
Jimin rolls his eyes at Kyungjo, placing a firm grip on the shoulder, “My friend...you are either drunk, hungry, or high. Either way, you should go home. Don’t worry about me, I’ll just close up here.” 
Kyungjo shrugs his shoulders. “You’ll still go, right? To Seoul?” 
“I will. Don’t worry.” Jimin gives the other boy a reassuring nod. 
“Still half half with the rent, a’ight? I’ll be counting on you, Jiminie...and don’t let me down. Also, tell me when you’re leaving for Seoul so I know when I’m not supposed to bring hot city girls home...they have the tendency to be...loud sometimes.” 
This boy was definitely high, and whatever substance he’s taking, Jimin wants none of it. 
“That’s your cue, Kyungjo. Go home and take a cab instead.” 
“I can drive! I’m not high or drunk!” Kyungjo puts his hands up in the air in defense. “Hey, look, I can even moonwalk!” He proceeds to dance wildly as he exits the office, leaving Jimin questioning how he even became acquainted with Kyunjo in the first place. 
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You barely hear the sound of your name being called on stage when the audio of Hoseok’s loud whooping completely dulls that of your professor’s. “Oppa! Nobody would be able to make out my name with your audio input!” Playfully shoving your cousin’s phone back into his hands, you continue to mumble your complaints about the poor video quality. 
Indignant with your words, Hoseok retorts, “Hey! I’m not a professional videographer, alright? What’s important is the actual moment happening and not how the moment was captured!” Hoseok hooks an arm over your neck, bringing your head to his chest as he gives you a noogie. “Oppa, my hair!!” 
Pulling yourself away from his grasp, you quickly pat your hair down but not delivering a solid smack on Hoseok’s back. As you’re fixing your hair, you weren’t able to put much thought into where you were walking, ultimately, and accidentally bumping into someone in a blue and black graduation robe similar to yours. 
Quickly, you look up, apologizing profusely at the person. “Oh! I’m so sorry- I…” “It’s okay,” the guy smiles a little, “_________, right?” You’re sure the surprise is evident in your face when he mentions your name when he barely even talked to you during the entirety of med school. “Yes! I mean...hello, Jungkook..” Clearing your throat, you quickly think of something to divert the impending awkward silence, “Well...um, congratulations to you for graduating as the batch valedictorian!” It now dawns on you that he really did graduate on top of the class, “Wow! You’re real smart!” comes your thoughts, unconsciously voicing them out. 
‘You’re real smart?’ Really? That’s the best you could’ve done? 
Jungkook chuckles, slightly taken-aback by your audible observation. “Oh yeah...um, thanks.” From behind you, you hear Hoseok clear his throat before speaking up. “Hello!” You hang your head low momentarily, already imagining Hoseok making fun of you later for this. 
“Right, Jungkook, this is my cousin, Jung Hoseok. Oppa, this is my classmate - Jeon Jungkook.” The two men shake their hands briefly before Jungkook speaks up, “Well, I’ve got to go now. Congratulations to you too Soomin. And Jung Hoseok-ssi.” 
As soon as Jungkook gets out of your sight, Hoseok nudges you with his elbow. “Please tell me that man was Jeon Jungmin’s son,” he says, shaking his head in disbelief. Nodding your head, you raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Got a crush on the dude?” Oh god. Here we go again. 
“No! Jeez.” 
“Why were you so awkward around him then?” 
“We barely talked in class. Hell, I don’t even think we were within at least fifty meters from each other.” 
“But he’s a handsome man?” 
“Maybe you’re the one that’s got a crush on him?” 
Hoseok glares at you. 
“Do you think maybe you’d know which hospital he might be interested in taking his PGI? Woocheon perhaps?” 
It’s your turn to glare at him. “I told you. This incident was only one of our very few interactions ever. I think the last time he talked to me was when he borrowed a pencil during a class and that’s it.” 
“Well...if you’d discover where, let me know. Because if he does apply for Woocheon, and we’d happen to get the girl from SNU too....” Hoseok nods his head slowly, stroking his chin “Woocheon will have the A-Team interns this year, you included.” 
You roll your eyes, resting your arm against the car door that Hoseok opens for you, “You really think that’s going to pay for you ruining my hair?” 
“No, but you’re going to thank me if Woocheon manages to snag the dream team!” 
© joontier 2021
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lordoftermites · 4 years
Part 2: made this one a flashback (and probably should do with part 1 as well) since I just finished reading A Visit to the Impossible Lands. We’ll just pretend I knew exactly what I was doing when I wrote it.
Pairing: Roiben x Kaye
Summary: A bit of G-rated fluff between Roiben and Kaye, because these two never have enough of that in their story and they fucking deserve it even if I gotta do it myself.
Part 1 here.
“Oh, come onnnn. Just try it,” Kaye says, nudging the paper cup nearer to his lips. Steam rises in lazy swirls to dissipate into the cool air of the brugh. It smells faintly of a berry Roiben thinks is familiar but can’t place, and even less like the coffee she promises it’s made of. “I mean, you liked the bacon and honey blend last week, and that was absolute garbage. This is the best one so far, I swear.”
Roiben inspects the cup in his hand, at the artwork representing Moon In A Cup—Kaye's coffee shop in the mortal world.
Printed on the side of the vessel is an intricate drawing of a tea cup. Its well is designed to look like the cap of a toadstool—a deep indigo, with silver speckles of varying size. Woven branches of spring-green thorn make up the handle. Inside the cup, on a wave of black coffee, floats a crescent moon. It seems to reflect the light of the hall, like a stolen sliver of moonlight. Just above that, as if drawn to the silver glow, a miniature green-winged moth hovers.
On the corner of the left wing is a letter H, written in a pastel pink flourish: Roiben takes a guess that Kaye must have finally managed to track down and enlist the talents of her favorite comic artist. Indeed, it’s fine work.
Kaye pushes the cup toward him again. “Would you stop looking at it like it might be poison and just take a fucking sip already? It’s going to get cold—and I’m not trying it until you do.”  Somehow, only she can make the avid impatience of a pixie an endearing trait. Roiben suspects he might have a small bias.
Although, her admission to not having tested the brew herself first is rather dubious.
Roiben raises a brow at her, but concedes with a small grin. “I was just admiring the new emblem,” he says, before taking a tentative sip of the still-actually-very-hot contents. It scalds the tip of his tongue, but to his surprise, it really is coffee. It’s light, and there’s a bitter, but pleasant aftertaste—something familiar.
The burnt spot on his tongue is beginning to dull, replaced by a slight tingling sensation that spreads upward. He frowns, contemplating. Kaye is watching him intensely, those moonless eyes of hers glittering with anticipation. She's very near to vibrating herself right off of the arm of his throne.
They’ve made it to her favorite part of the testing: having Roiben guess the flavors—and hidden tricks—of her new concoctions. He grins again: he was incorrect only once, and that had been for the simple fact he hadn’t known, at the time, what a Goo-Goo Cluster was.
“Ah,” he muses softly. “Rowan berry.” He smiles, and Kaye looks positively crestfallen. She huffs, but it’s a brief sulk; try as she might to be a sore loser, she inevitably cheers when Roiben chuckles and pulls her into his lap. He even takes another, longer sip of the coffee, to which her smile becomes full and genuine.
There are few things in his life that can warm the residual frost in his bones, and quite nearly all of them either begin or end with that smile.
He runs a finger across his lips. As he’d thought, it wasn’t just the coffee’s temperature prickling his mouth. While he’s had a brief education of what the berries might do, he’s not, until now, had to put that information to use. “A mortal safeguard from glamours when dried and strung,” Roiben says, “it seems it also contains much of the same dilutional properties when consumed by fey.”
Kaye frowns, so he elaborates, pointing to his mouth: “I can’t feel my tongue.” There’s the lightest slur in words there, a confirmation of mild insensibility.
The usual emerald green of Kaye’s cheeks have washed out to something closer to pistachio. Roiben’s laugh rings through the otherwise-stillness of the brugh, escaping him before he can help it; perhaps the berries offer a maddening effect as well. “And you said it wasn’t poisoned.”
“But... Ravus said!” Kaye exclaims, panicked and snatching the “poisoned” coffee from him. She looks at it as though it is an enemy, a vicious foe that must be slain in earnest. “Ravus said the berries are only poisonous if they’re eaten off the plant. And even then, you won’t like, die or anything—they just cause… stomach problems. He said, and I quote, ‘as long as they’re cooked, they’re one-hundred percent safe to eat.’” She huffs again, the forced air puffing her green cheeks, and sinks back against him with a sullen glare at the cup in her hands. “I was going to run a special—Free Biodegradable Necklace With Each Purchase—y’know, some rowan berries for the mortals that come into the shop.”
Roiben knows all too well the potion-maker would not have given Kaye information with the intent to deceive; for a start, of the meager list Roiben keeps for friends, Ravus has proven himself, far and away, a creature of honor and loyalty—self-exile notwithstanding. Moreover— and more importantly, Ravus now has the greater duty of being a father; no doubt he would be remiss in a few, finer details. Roiben is almost certain he would be, should such a day ever come (though he lingers not long at all on that thought and does not allow himself the further consideration of what touching Impossibility feels like).
He knows, too, that the rowan berry will do no more harm than it already has: as some mortals have adverse reactions to the pollen of flowers, the fey suffer something similar with rowan, with only a more... mystical variant. Should the berries be ingested, the ability to glamour by speech is thoroughly subdued, until the berries are expelled one way or another. Roiben had learned of its effect on their kind years back, when Ravus had been a lone, exiled alchemist beneath a bridge, and Roiben had been naught but a fool in a king’s costume, taking many an ill-advised risk to win an unwinnable war.
He had proffered sanctuary to the exiled fey in the city then—of which that asylum had extended to Ravus and his mortal lover. And now, their small child of clay and air, with her curls of flaming copper, aurelian eyes and horn-tipped ears, carried with her the protection of the Court of Termites in its entirety; from Unseelie borough to Seelie grove, the girl would be safe.
Roiben had not, neither then or now, forced fealty, and not for more than one night and one day had he requested the man’s aid in the plan he had used to thwart Silarial. A faerie sigh, Ravus had called that brief servitude. How on the mark that turn of phrase had been—Roiben is still not so sure he had taken a single breath at all that day.
“Fret not, little fox.” The private moniker brings Kaye’s ink-black eyes back up to him. Her brows are woven together in real worry. Roiben gives his consort a pitying look, and brushes a wild lock of deep-green hair from her face. “It’s…—ah, an allergic reaction, I believe mortals call it?” Kaye exhales a wavered breath of relief, before nodding affirmatively. He kisses her pout and smiles; she tastes of honey chapstick, and a phantom of roasted dandelion tea—his favorite.
“It’s very possible,” he says, taking back the newfound nemesis and holding it out for careful examination, “as it is rarely put to use by our like due to the nature of the thing, Ravus meant it’s only safe for human consumption, and likely did not think you would try it outright on your own monarch.” Roiben winks down at her, but she doesn’t seem to enjoy the joke.
“In any case—”
With a shocked gasp of dissent from Kaye, he grins, tips the cup to stinging lips, and drains it to the dregs.
“You were right: it’s much better than the bacon.”
He smiles at her—or, at least, he hopes he’s smiling. He can’t tell: his mouth has gone entirely numb.
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et-in-arkadia · 5 years
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ok listen friend the hacker au was 7 years ago and so much has changed in computerlandia since but like i am incapable of not biting at this so let’s consider:
jaskier as a defected senior systems engineer from a company we’ll call, hmm, bookface who quit in a spectacular fashion by leaking the company’s most corrupt and illegal policies to journalists and basically getting them subject to congressional hearings and under fire for antitrust violations. he made a lot of money there in the early days but now feels sick after the company essentially helped destroy democracy so he dedicates himself to hacking for good and exposing the worst players in the tech world with these dramatic disclosures but this gets him persona non grata status and it’s an open secret that there are huge bounties from massive corporations for anyone who can find and expose him to the authorities, and it’s also known that no few of those companies would mind if something more insidious were to happen to him, so he goes underground
geralt as a former special agent in the fbi turned private detective who lost his g-man job for consistently refusing to carry out unethical practices but his decisions still culminated in the death of an informant, renfri, he’d been working with for a long time and he’s haunted by his failure to protect her. he’d like nothing more than to retreat entirely but he can’t, since he somehow inherited a kid. he’s hard up for cash after his goddaughter’s parents die in an accident and he becomes her guardian, and he tries his best to keep food on the table with whatever private cases come his way and odd jobs, but it’s a struggle. he hears that there’s a windfall for finding the whereabouts of that hacker brat “thebard” who seems to be peacocking about on the world stage for attention and for ciri’s sake he’ll do anything, so he decides to track jaskier down and succeeds via good old-fashioned detective work where all other efforts had failed
geralt lets himself into jaskier’s safe house and confronts him, ready to drag him out and turn him over for breaking countless laws, but jaskier talks very fast and shows geralt what he’s working on and manages to convince him that his next project is going to indict the worst people and change the world for the greater good and all he needs is a little bit more time. after that, geralt can do whatever he likes with him (no really, thinks jaskier). eventually geralt is begrudgingly won over and agrees, and that’s when jaskier offers to hire him as security because if geralt found him, someone else could, and a lot of people want him dead. geralt doesn’t want to get any more involved in this mess, but jaskier’s offering enough to pay for ciri’s college fund and set them up in a comfortable life (and there’s something earnest and resilient about jaskier that geralt likes, though he’ll hardly say that) and he can’t say no
against his better judgment, geralt is now jaskier’s private security, and he decides to bring jaskier and his operation back to his house, which is as secure and fortified a space as geralt can make. he’s nervous to be possibly endangering ciri but doesn’t see another way, and then ciri and jaskier get along like a house on fire and after a few days it’s hard to remember what life was like before jaskier lived with them. the rapport between jaskier and geralt grows, with geralt respecting him more and more as he comes to understand jaskier’s work and jaskier impressed with geralt’s wide-ranging competency and his dedication to ciri and, well, geralt’s everything, pretty much, and the sexual tension is getting to be unbearable, resulting in a bunch of near-kisses and finally a wildly passionate kiss that geralt walks away from because it’s fucking stupid to get involved with his client, who is also a criminal, and he tells jaskier as much and jaskier retreats to the basement where he’s staying and they stop talking. ciri, meanwhile, is doing her level best to make them stop being so stupid and get them together, because she knows what jaskier doesn’t—that geralt has never been so happy as he has since jaskier came to stay
jaskier releases his project, which threatens to bring down multinational corporations and possibly some governments, with reverberations worldwide, and he becomes the most infamous person on the planet overnight. he diverts geralt and sneaks out, leaving behind a note saying he can’t risk their safety for his sake and telling geralt that he loves him, and a bank account in ciri’s name with most of his money. it’s clear he thinks he’ll never see them again. geralt just goes absolutely feral trying to find him, but it’s ciri who’s able to track him down in the end, using the white hat skills jaskier had been teaching her
geralt goes to where jaskier’s hiding out and they both apologize for being fucking idiots and end up fucking for just hours and hours and hours, and then some more. but even then jaskier says he won’t come back and put ciri in danger, and geralt tries to assure him that he can keep him safe, and that’s of course when they’re attacked by a band of delightful blackwateresque mercenaries. geralt manages to fight them off and finally kills or injures enough to know that jaskier can escape, and then geralt collapses, showing that he’s been hiding how badly he was hurt in the melee. he tells jaskier he has to go, but jaskier refuses to leave him, and he calls for help knowing he’ll be apprehended along with getting help for geralt. he tells geralt he doesn’t care about anything else if it means losing geralt, and geralt thinks that this is it, he’s dying, so he tells jaskier that he loves him too and closes his eyes
geralt wakes up in the hospital with ciri by his bedside. he’ll live, but jaskier is in custody, and the government is not happy. however, it turns out that geralt still has some friends in high places who haven’t forgotten about him. his former fbi partner yennefer is now an assistant director, and after a whole lot of wrangling and string-pulling, jaskier gets a plea deal with only a few months in prison contingent on him working for the fbi’s cyber crimes unit under yennefer for, well, as long as she feels like it. geralt and ciri visit whenever permitted, and they’re waiting the day of his release to bring jaskier home
smash cut to: a very comfortable house in a lovely leafy neighborhood in d.c., where ciri is at the best school, geralt has started a thriving security consulting firm, and jaskier finds he really likes sticking it to tech criminals, even if he lives in perpetual fear and awe of his boss, yennefer. ciri has two dads who are madly in love, even if they keep up old habits and play at bickering a lot about it. ciri knows—and they know—that they have never been so happy or so lucky as they are now.
wait sorry was there a question? anyway. hacker aus, yeah, i’m done with those no way they’re still in my system at all
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Broken Wing Job
leverage 5.08
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I love how casually she sets up her rigging in headquarters
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Hardison: Yeah, basically not true. Look, babe, six weeks of bed rest. Doctor’s orders. Not optional. And don’t forget to take your pain pills, okay?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: They make everything go wibbly-wobbly. (grabs a bottle of orange pop and opens it)
Hardison: Yeah, that’s how you know they’re working.
Parker: But I got to be sharp... on the edge. It’s where I got to be. Can’t have nothing in my life I can’t walk away from in 30 seconds if I feel the heat coming around the corner.
[Equipment Closet]
Hardison: Parker, look, I know that you’re... Wait, hold up, babe, did you just quote “Heat”?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker (chuckling): Yeah, that’s where that’s from. Ha, watched your Netflix queue... Twice.
[Equipment Closet]
Parker: Think I’m going stir-crazy.
Hardison: You think?
wow, this ep already hits different during quarantine
- - - - -
Hardison: Babe, love, kisses, snuggles.
[Equipment Closet]
Hardison: Other romantic verbs. Take your pills, be nice to Amy. Look, we’ll be fine without you. (blows on equipment)
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: Yeah. That’s what I’m afraid of
- - - - -
the montage of parker going crazy in the chair HITS SO CLOSE TO HOME IN CORONA SEASON
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also parker drinks orange soda when she’s sick ,,, im soft
she probably should be drinking something healthier, though
I’m sure somewhere in the distance eliot’s Stupidity Senses™ are tingling and he’s internally screaming at her for not being healthier
- - - - -
Parker looks at her pill bottle, then at the bear. She begins changing the channel, then offers the remote to the bear)
Parker: Oh, what? You want to choose? Okay, fine. But no “B.J. and the Bear” And no reality dating shows... Except “Beauty and the Geek.” I like that one. Oh, what? You’re gonna sulk now? Okay, fine. I’m just gonna keep choosing, then
I love learning little things about parker, like how she likes beauty and the geek (it probably reminds her of her and hardison)
- - - - -
Parker: Hey, you know, these are really good. No, I’m serious. These are really good. Trust me, I’ve seen some of the best.
Amy: Thanks. I wish you could tell my father that, though.
Parker: Well, has he seen these?
Amy: No. He has never seen any of my artwork. Doesn’t stop him from having an opinion about art school, though.
Parker: What, he’s not a fan?
Amy: Not of any degree that doesn’t have an “m,” a “b,” or an “a” in it. He wants me to take over the family business.
Parker: And what is the family business?
Amy: What isn’t the family business?
okay, y’all, I get it now
I get why everyone loves amy now
it’s because she’s a cinnamon roll with a heart of gold and I too am now in love with her
ALSO parker has come far and she cares about people and compliments people she’s baby
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Parker: Who are you guys? (thinks, writes ‘thieves’ on the board) You guys picked the wrong brew pub.
this SCREAMS home alone energy
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(Eliot sits meditating with his eyes closed when his phone rings)
Eliot: Parker.
Parker: Hey, what are you doing?
Eliot: I’m waiting. How’s the knee?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: Ah, driving me to crazy town. Pretty much like it’s on cruise control, cruising me through crazy town. And you know what? Let’s face it. I have way too much to do. This knee—I need to be on a bullet train through crazy town. I don’t have time to stop for gas, go to the museum.
Eliot: Parker, breathe. Identify your limitations. Turn them to advantages.
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: Okay, good. How do I do that?
Eliot: Adapt. I got to go
eliot will ALWAYS pick up for parker, even when he’s about to be attacked by a samurai
- - - - -
the air vents are SO HUGE and I don’t doubt for a minute it’s for parker
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Amy: Okay, you want me to what, now?
Parker (hopping around the bench): Those guys are gonna rob this store, right? Which is fine. I don’t mind robbers who aren’t robbing me or my friends or kids or... But they brought a gun to the party, and that changes all the rules.
plus no guns in their house anyways because Eliot Does Not Like Them and the team accommodates him for that
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Parker: Because that’s what you do. I’ve seen your résumé. Volunteer work, charity efforts. Of all the people who work here, do you think Hardison really picked you at random? No. He knew you were one of us.
Amy: Okay, “one of us”? What does that mean, “one of us”?
Parker: People who have to help.
Amy (sighs and holds out her hand)
it’s officially canon that hardison handpicks the BEST people to hire and I love it
- - - - -
I love how they showed how parker was noticing things about the getaway van by taking notes on screen
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Parker: Oh. I’m fine. (shrugs off her help) I got it, I got it, I got it. I got it. I’m fine. (nearly falls) Ugh!
Amy: Oh! Okay, tell me.
Parker: Tell you what?
Amy: You know what to do, and I know how to walk. No offense. So let me be your legs.
Parker: It could get scary in there.
Amy: I get it.
Parker: Okay. (hops back to the counter)
+ this is so important how parker is caring about amy and wants her to make sure she knows what she’s getting into
- - - - -
Amy: Right, I’ll just tell them we’re short on servers. We do it all the time when we don’t feel like working. (catches herself) And you’re dating the boss.
Parker: You guys think of him as the boss?
Amy: Well, yeah, because that’s what he is.
Parker: Yeah, guess so. Is he a good boss? Do you—you guys like him?
Amy: What, are you kidding? He’s awesome. But don’t take this the wrong way. He is way too smart for this place.
Parker: I agree. He’s the smartest man I’ve ever met, and I’ve known some very smart men.
Amy: And I asked you about a brother, right?
Parker: Twice
my aesthetic is people in love with hardison (parker and eliot) telling people how hardison is the smartest person they’ve ever known
- - - - -
Parker: Hey. Hey, wait.
(V and K turn to look at Parker, who walks up to V)
V: What?
Parker: I’m gloating.
(Police take the two men away)
- - - - -
Parker (lifts a glass to toast): To new friends, new food, and no fish.
James: No fish.
Amy: No fish.
(they drink)
Parker: Mmm. Start with Eliot’s chili. It’s the best
parker IMMEDIATELY recommends eliot’s food bc she loves him and supports his passion
- - - - -
- - - - -
Nate (eyes the bullet holes in the walls): How were things here?
Parker: Fine. Same. Boring. Like Japan.
Hardison: You know, I don’t believe you. (points at Amy) And, you, you’re a part of this. See this—all this? It’s not just any zombie movie. This the original zombie movie. Babe, it’s on Blu-ray. How is it possible to be bored? You know what we’re gonna do? We’re watching this from the beginning, because, obviously, you’re doing something wrong.
Eliot: I’m in.
Sophie: Sure. Why not?
Nate: Maybe a little more popcorn?
Amy: I’ll get some.
Nate (softly to Parker): Nice job while we were away.
(Parker smiles)
the whole team joining in to watch the movie with parker AND amy!!!
also, nate whispering good job to parker after an entire episode of establishing her as a mastermind? *chef’s kiss* iconique
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shouldhavebeenyou · 3 years
The Storm
Its not fair.
Its been seven years since I fell in love with you. Every single day since then, my life has been turned upside down. It was raw, rough, passionate, incredible, painful, young love. I had no clue what I was doing with a girl like you. You were so high above me, all I knew was that I wanted it to last forever. You had the dopest soul I ever encountered, and I never knew I could care for someone so much. You may never know the effect you had on me. The moments we spent together replay in my head over and over, eroding away my will to live with every painful memory. 
But are the memories really painful? No, I suppose not. Those memories are full of complex emotions; happiness, sadness, longing, regret, love, despair, hopelessness, and yes, pain. Those memories are all I have left of our time together, aside from a few obscure landscape photographs where you were just out of frame. I try not to look at them.. but when I do it brings it all back. I wish I kept more of a record of us. As time goes on, it gets harder to remember. I lay awake at night just trying to play it all out. Just trying to remember your beautiful face, the feel of your lips, the sound of your laugh, the smell of your skin, the endless puns and witty jokes. The places we discovered and adventured together. The trouble we got in. 
Its not fair.
I can’t sleep. It’s been a few years of this. Each night is filled with hours of replaying my mistakes in my head, hours of picturing your face inches from mine, hours of remembering the nights spent at your childhood home out on the trampoline talking, replaying the memories of taking so long to leave that your dad flips the porch light on and off to say “hurry up.” After hours of recalling the best and worst of it all I might finally slip into an exhausted state where I just can’t think anymore. It’s like sleeping, but altogether different too, like a restless trance. Images flash through my head, some of them memories, some of them inventions of the dreaming mind. About every hour I’ll awake from this trance for a few moments, my heart racing and feeling broken, only to slip back into this nightmarish world of what could have been. Should have been.
Its like a slow, drawn out death. With every restless night the next day gets harder. The last time I truly felt alive was with you. The last time I truly felt in love was with you. The last time I truly felt, was with you. The last thing you said to me runs through my head over and over daily. I’ve held on to that memory since then like it was my only shot at freedom, at redemption, at life. Its naïve, I know, but I still think maybe, just maybe, we’ll run into each other on that crowded city street and pick up where we left off, just like you said that day you last left me. 
Its not fair. 
I did everything I thought I was supposed to. I’m such an idiot. You said to go to finish my degree, move away, and maybe when I’m finished with it we would run into each other on that crowded street. Well I’m done, I got that expensive piece of qualifying paper. In my fight for it, I lost sight of you. I became romanticized, deluded. In my degraded state of emptiness without you I became ravenous for something, anything, that would make me feel again. I tried more things to fill that void than I would like to admit, but the one that stuck was skydiving. The rush of air beneath me, the sky around and above me, the horizon seemingly stretching endlessly in every direction, the deafening roar of wind, and the feeling of soaring miles through empty space are the closest I have felt to you since you left. And yet, it falls so short that even hundreds of skydives couldn’t make me forget you, couldn’t measure up to the way you made me feel. If only I told myself to ditch the parachute and fly to you before it was too late. You are truly irreplaceable, and I can only hope he knows that as well as I do.
You have become the Daisy to my Gastby, the green light at the end of the dock across the bay, the unobtainable end to my story. I don’t know who I would be without that force driving me, but sometimes I can’t help but think I would be better, happier. Like Gatsby gone to war, I have probably romanticized your memory too much in those years since you left and I moved, distorting the dope soul I once knew and loved unconditionally into an impossibly perfect idea of you. Before I knew it, I was done with school, left skydiving by the wayside, and trapped myself with someone who reminded me of you. Someone who sparked something in me for just a moment, and gave me hope again. I chased her hoping it would come back, but it didn’t. I don’t know why I settled. Maybe after the exhaustion of sleepless years I just wanted to take the easy way out, and be done with the chase. Maybe I didn’t feel like I deserved you, and I gave up before really even trying. I hate myself for that. I feel like a masochist torturing himself because he just doesn’t know better, or perhaps because he thinks the pain and despair will make him stronger. Well, it hasn’t. I’m weak. Broken. A shell of the man I used to be. I was once able to smile, genuinely. Now, it’s like I’ve lost the muscle memory to smile or laugh. I look back at pictures of myself before I moved to this fiery hell, and that man is unrecognizable. You can see the hope that was once in my eyes, the youth in my face, the ambition and energy. Its all gone now. 
Its not fair. 
I tried to move on. I spent hours reading, occupying my mind with something else. I’ve read hundreds of books just trying to think about you less. But some days, I just can’t help myself but to look you up and see how you’re doing. I always regret it. It pushes me back into that deep depressive state where I just can’t do anything anymore. It breaks me nearly every time. Your engagement broke me. Your wedding broke me. You look so happy with him, and that alone is maybe the only thing that keeps me alive, albeit hanging on by a thread. 
I tried to focus on the future, and not dwell on the past. I tried to fully engross myself in my relationship, my work, my hobbies, to find some source of happiness outside of you and your memory. Finally, one such source came. I was going to have a daughter. A new love of my life. Someone who maybe could finally make me happy again, give me a sense of purpose, of hope, ambition, the energy to get out of bed in the morning. 
Its not fair. 
She died. The only thread of hope I had, the first taste of feeling anything real since you left. Gone. I thought I had known pain and depression before, but this cut through me like an icy blade. And it just kept cutting. I saw her, I held her lifeless body in my hands, her precious form only the size of my palm. It killed me. I remembered you. You had once told me you always had a feeling you could never physically have children. They say that God has an ironic sense of humor, but I don’t find this humorous at all. With some sick twist of fate, it was not you, but I, who could not beget. Months of pain and anguish went by, as I slipped deeper into my state of peril.
I’m 25 now. This was a hard birthday this past weekend. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how over and above you always went with gifts and birthdays. I also couldn't stop thinking about how the only thing I wanted was my daughter back. I had some sick day dream that maybe you both would come back to me, the best birthday gift possible. I fought it. I pushed hard against the thoughts that crept into the dark corners of my mind, the thoughts of us. I wanted the pain to just end. I fought against it for a few nights, until last night. Yet another sleepless night filled with memories, flashes, flooding into my closed eyes and keeping me restless. Irrationally I thought “Maybe if I could just see her face, it would hurt a little less.” I was wrong. 
Its not fair.
You have a daughter of your own on the way. Due nearly the same time as mine was, in the Fall. We always loved Autumn. The leaves, the air, the color, the fading daylight and cool breeze. It always reminds me of you, and our naïve “Something Day.” I’ll never forget we chose our favorite month, October, and our favorite number, 4, that we just happened to have in common. Its a painful day every year. Its not fair. Why does my daughter get taken from me the same time you’re given one? Why does everything I love get taken from me? Why am I not deserving of the life I wanted? What did I do to deserve this life of consistent pain and inadequacy? I hate it. I want out. I don’t know how much longer I can live with this pain. A scene from one of our darker days plays on repeat in my mind. You wanted to meet near the library to talk. It was late in the summer, the middle of monsoon season. In typical monsoon fashion, there were clouds all around us, thundering and flashing with lightning, though immediately above us a hole penetrated the clouds, allowing the sun to shine through on us. It seems like a scene from a novel, the weather meant to foreshadow what was about to happen in my heart. You looked more broken than I had ever seen you, with your eyes downcast and wrists bloody. That sight alone shattered my heart. You told me all your friends, the people that made you happy, hated that we were together. It was your last year of high school, I would’ve hated myself if you were miserable at school your entire senior year, all because of me. You said you couldn’t do it anymore, and that we needed to break up. It might not have been our last break up, but it was the most painful. Perhaps it was all amplified by the scenery and my young, dramatic, broken heart. We parted and I sat in my car there at the library for hours, sobbing uncontrollably and praying to God asking why. The storm that was raging around us quickly descended upon me, and upon my heart, ripping a hole through the middle of it like the hole of sun that was above us. Before I knew it my tears were one with the downpour that was all around me. 
That scene is all I can think about now. The storm is so vivid, I could paint it with the minutest detail. A new hole has been rent through my scarred heart and left there by my departed daughter, reminding me of the hole that was first left there 7 years ago by you, and which has been repeatedly reopened and scarred over since. I’ve tried to heal, but I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel true happiness again. I don’t know if I’ll ever find true passion again, like I had with you. I don’t know if I’ll ever know true hope again, like when my daughter was alive. Its not fair. You’ve moved on. You’re happy with him. You’re creating a beautiful family with a new daughter. Here I am, stuck in the past, unable to let go of the storm you left in my heart. 
Its just not fair. 
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rainiedeforest · 4 years
Attempt the impossible
Fandom: Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed) Pair: Madame Yu | Yu Ziyuan & Madame Jin Link to AO3: [here] Resume: Seemingly vain conversations with much deeper meanings between Yu Ziyuan and Madame Jin Words: 1917
Madame Yu Birth name: 虞夜花 – Yú Yèhuā
虞 yú – to worry 夜 yè – night 花 huā – flower
Courtesy name: 虞紫鸢 – Yú Zǐyuān
虞 yú – to worry 紫 zǐ – purple 鸢 yuān – kite (bird)
Madame Jin Birth name: 星笑甜– Xīng Xiàotián
星xīng – star 笑Xiào – laugh 甜tián - sweet
Courtesy name: 星紫星– Xīng Shèjì
星xīng – star 紫星 shèjì - wish
“Why not?”
Xiaotian's question, now Xing Sheji after her naming ceremony, made her roll her eyes. Was she really asking her something like that? Was it a joke?
“Because not and that’s all,” replied Yehua, lifting her legs to the bed in the small room they had reserved for the night. “I have enough with having met him again. Is there no more inns in the entire city?”
Xiaotian took off the delicate golden crown that decorated her long black hair and looked at her best friend, raising an eyebrow and clearly amused.
“It was more than obvious that we were going to meet him. Only you thought it wasn’t going to happen something like this.” Xiaotian's words fell like a bucket of cold water on her. “He is guarding the new disciples of his sect towards Cloud Recesses. It is what is expected of a cultivator like him.”
Yehua growled and dropped back onto the bed, covering her face with the pillow so that her best friend wasn’t able to see the frustration that paint each one of her features. Even though she hadn't had too many encounters with Jiang Fengmian since she was given her courtesy name three years ago in that pseudo-ceremony (which she was grateful for, because the kind smile ha gave her, though she thought he was just teasing her because of the sparkle in his eyes when he saw her in the room, had embarrassed her enough to almost annoy her), the few encounters that had happened between them were enough proof that the uncontrollable rapid beat of her heart was something she didn't like too much.
Because that implied that she wasn’t able to keep herself under the rigorous control that she appreciated so much and that filled her with calm.
Her hands absently caressed Zidian's silver ring that remained cold against her skin and she snorted, getting up to remove the outer layers of clothing.
“I don't want to keep talking about it.”
“Someday we'll have to talk about it,” Xiaotian reminded her with a certain sardonic tone, smiling mockingly before continuing to undress. They would soon get into bed to sleep, since tomorrow they still had a long way to go until they reached the GusuLan sect.
“I don’t see why we have to.”
Xiaotian turned, looking at her incredulously, before throwing her own pillow at her.
“I don’t know? Perhaps because you've been completely and hopelessly in love with him since you was twelve.” And there it was the reminder that she couldn't control something as simple as her own feelings. “Look, I don’t want to put the finger in the sore but the boy is handsome, I won’t deny that, and he is very nice, but he doesn’t look like a god. I wouldn't turn to look at him twice. And we have to think that he doesn’t particularly stands out especially by his cultivation skills,” she replied with a laugh, without a single pause, glancing at Yehua and adjusting the tie of her underwear. She expected a great reaction from her friend. “He is good with the sword, that’s true and I cannot denied it. But…”
“And here comes the but…”
“He doesn't have a gold core as strong as yours and that makes him a rather unsuitable candidate for you.”
“Xing Sheji!”
“Yu Ziyuan!”
“Agh! You are impossible!” Yehua exclaimed angrily, almost getting into bed with her shoes. “Let's see. Who, in your wise and valid opinion, is better than Jiang Fengmian?”
Her friend smiled before going to the other girl's bed, climbing on it and getting too close to Yehua. A shiver ran up and down when she felt her so close, staring her into her eyes.
“Jin Guangshan, for example,” Yehua tried to hold back the dry, scornful laugh she doesn’t wanted to share, but failed miserably, causing Xiaotian to look at her with pursed lips. “What?”
Yehua continued laughing, shaking her head before pulling back, at the risk of hitting herself with the wall.
“Tell me you're kidding.  Yes, you have to be joking because you would never name him.”
“Yu Ziyuan! I don’t get why you are laughing at me. What’s so funny?”
“Gods ...” Yehua managed to say when she calmed down a little, seeing how her best friend was not only getting angrier, but was looking at her waiting for a response with her arms crossed. She wasn’t kidding. “No way, you mean it… You really mean it… It can't be true, Sheji.” But one last look made her snort. “He spends more time thinking about his appearance and which maiden is better to seduce, than in his cultivation skills! Which are quite mediocre, if we compare them with your measuring stick.”
“That's not true. Liar”
Yehua raised both eyebrows and shook her head.
“Liar? Come on, A-Tian. He wasn’t able to beat that yao from the forest. And my little sister would have finished it in a single blink!” Yehua replied, pushing the opponent's pillow against her chest to push her away. “Though, he was very good at crying. I think I will sympathize with the poor woman who has to marry him.”
“At least she will be really happy at night,” Xiaotian commented as if talking about the weather, being hit with the pillow. “Ouch!”
“You are shameless,” Yehua chuckled, feeling her cheeks flush, and was soon accompanied by Xiaotian.
It wasn’t that the affairs of lovers were strange to them. When they reached an age, the maids were more than willing to tell them all kinds of details. The married maids, of course, the others were too suspicious to tell anything, not even for a small price. And, fortunately for them, not only the maids, but they could easily see it in the cities.
In fact, Yehua still remembered one of the first nights they met on a hunt... It was in a brothel, not because both girls went to that place consciously, and they both saw things that they would rather not have seen.
“I think one of the two had the wrong gender at birth,” Xiaotian replied once they calmed down.
“What do you mean?”
“Neither of us is too feminine.” Yehua stared at her incredulously and pointed to her clothes. “Just because I like to take care of my image doesn’t mean that I behave like a lady.”
“At least you do it more than I do. Haven't you listened to my mother?” She asked, snorting. “She says that she doesn’t make a career with me, that I should be married or with a view to be, and that she hasn’t educated me to be a little savage. I don't know what she expects from me, really.”
“Do we ever know?” She asked, letting out a big sigh.
Yehua looked at her before beginning to fiddle with the delicate necklace around his neck.
“Exactly. Sometimes I think it would have been easier to be born as a man. They can do whatever they want, go to a lot of places, improve their cultivation and they don't have to get married so soon as we. If they don't want us to behave as one… Why do they teach us cultivation then, if our only goal is to get married and have children?”
“Mm… Yes? Because we have to be able to bear strong children who can inherit, be it a sect or some kind of legacy.”
“If I ever marry...”
“Something that you will do in the end...”
“I wouldn't be so sure, A-Tian,” she replied, trying not to think about it. She didn't know if there was really anyone in the world willing to spend the rest of his life with her. “But if I marry, I will make sure that my husband doesn’t prohibit me from remaining the way I am right now.”
Xiaotian looked down and smiled bitterly, even giggling, silenced by the movement of her sleeve.
“Good luck. We both know that it’s impossible.”
“Then... I'll attempt the impossible,” she replied before laughing. Because even she knew how complicated that would be.
Xiaotian helped her get rid of the ornaments in her hair in silence, neither of them speaking since neither of them knew what else to say. The topic of marriage was something that had been weighing them down since they first bled. And as they approached a suitable age, their families put more and more pressure on them to put aside everything they enjoyed and had known since childhood to become the women they wanted.
“In the next life, one of the two will have to born as a man,” Xiaotian commented casually, setting the decorations on the small table.
“So that we can marry each other?” Yehua asked amused. “You know? I would be a great husband.”
Both girls shared a knowing look before laughing, but their laughter was soon silenced by a high-pitched moan.
“Oh, Young Master Jin!” They heard a woman exclaim through the thin doors of the room they shared.
Xiaotian and Yehua shared a surprised look. Young Master Jin? They only knew one young master, the heir of the LanlingJin sect, but he didn’t stay at that same inn as they. What's more, they had no record of them going to share lessons in the Cloud Recesses with him. However, both girls couldn't help but laugh, covering their mouths so they won’t be too scandalous and attract the attention of both lovers. This was such a coincidence.
“At least someone is going to enjoy the night,” Xiaotian replied before getting out of bed. Although they hadn’t seen him at the inn, because they knew that the Jin clan always reserved the best inn of all for themselves, even if they didn’t fill all the rooms, they imagined that he would also be escorting more disciples or that he would go to attend himself to the readings, the latter somewhat improbable given that he was older than them.
“Yes... I just hope that their enjoyment will let us get enough sleep. Or I will have to visit him with Zidian,” Yehua replied, closing his eyes. “Seriously, couldn't he have gone to his own inn?”
Xiaotian ignored the latter and smiled as she moved provocatively by the room.
“Mm... You better not give him too many ideas. Maybe he will even like it.”
The look of horror on Yehua's face was enough to make her friend laugh again before running to her bed. She loved to make Yehua rage, because she blushed very easily despite the fact that she believed she gave an image of a hard and impassive woman, but she wasn’t so stupid as to stay close to her, especially when she had Zidian in her hand.
“As I have said before, poor of the woman that has to marry him. She is going to have to carry it straighter than a stick.”
“Mm... It can be an interesting challenge,” Xiaotian murmured more to herself than to Yehua, covering with the sheets.
Yehua looked at her confused, frowning slightly. She hoped she had misheard, but when she received no signal from her best friend, she snorted.
“Xing Sheji! You cannot be serious!”
Xiaotian was silent for a few minutes, as if she was really thinking it up, before smiling.
“Mm... why not?”
And after a few seconds in silence, Xiaotian asked, talking again:
“Do you think they will do the postures of the book that we took from your brother?”
“Xing Sheji!”
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worryinglyinnocent · 4 years
Fic: Dreams of Home
AU-gust Day Seven: Childhood Friends AU Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Pairing: Scorpia & Entrapta (platonic)
Rated: G
Summary: Growing up in exile in Dryl after the Horde landed in the Fright Zone, Scorpia has never given much thought to returning home – she has her best friend Entrapta, after all.
Dreams of Home
Scorpia didn’t know if the fact that the palace at Dryl was a labyrinth was cause or effect of the fact that the palace at Dryl hardly ever received any visitors, but it was one of these things that she never questioned, because it had been that way for as long as she could remember. Well, it had been that way for as long as Entrapta had been reigning princess of Dryl, and frankly, Scorpia would have it no other way.
Sure, Entrapta had her fair share of quirks, but then, so did everyone. Scorpia looked down at her own pincers as a case in point. Entrapta had never held the pincers against her, even when their inherent clumsiness had broken the delicate electronics that Entrapta had spent months working on. Such things never caused Entrapta any annoyance. To her, they were just a chance to go back and improve on her designs. She always took Scorpia’s eagerness to help in her stride, happy to have a lab partner with enthusiasm even if without the innate knowledge. Entrapta loved to talk about her projects, and Scorpia loved to listen, even if she could only understand one word in every seven. 
When Entrapta had decided, on a whim, to redesign the interior of the Dryl palace into a giant unnavigable maze, Scorpia had supported her decision. In her turn, Entrapta had dutifully made her friend a map without which, years later, she still never left her room in a morning, and despite which she still ended up at the complete opposite end of the palace from where she wanted to be at least once a day.
Scorpia looked down at the tray of tiny breakfast foods that she’d prepared and carefully balanced it on one pincer, taking her own regular-sized bowl of porridge in the other. Like with the labyrinth, she wasn’t entirely sure where Entrapta’s thing about tiny food had come from, but since it didn’t hurt anyone, Scorpia saw no reason not to give Entrapta the things that made her happy and comfortable. It was something that she’d argued with her and Entrapta’s parents about, back in the day. It made no sense not to be accommodating to Entrapta’s needs just because they felt odd to other people.
Thinking of their parents made Scorpia stop in her tracks for a moment, and not just because she needed to put the trays down and consult her map again. She and Entrapta were alone now. They had always been isolated in Dryl, but at least they’d always had their families. Now they were a family of two.
Scorpia wondered if there was anyone left in the Fright Zone, or if her people had all been wiped out by the Horde. As much as she always tried to remain optimistic, it was the moments like these when she found it increasingly hard to stay positive. She remembered the stories that her mother used to tell her of the Fright Zone in its heyday, back before the Horde had crash landed on top of the palace. It had been a beautiful place, a true sight to behold and the jewel of the Eastern Desert. Scorpia had only been a baby when the Horde had arrived and the royal family had been forced to flee, sacrificing their runestone in order to get away. She remembered nothing of the Fright Zone or the transient life that they’d led in the weeks after their escape. None of the other kingdoms really trusted them, blaming them for abandoning their people to the horrors of the Horde. It was the Dryl royal family who had given them shelter in the end, another kingdom that didn’t quite fit in with the rest, a royal family who could sympathise with the terrible plight that had befallen the Scorpions, and who had a daughter of their own just a couple of years older than the infant Scorpia.
Entrapta and Scorpia had been firm friends from the moment that Scorpia had mistaken one of Entrapta’s first prototype robots for a cat and had adopted it as a pet. She had been two and a half at the time. Scorpia couldn’t remember a life without Entrapta in it and honestly, she didn’t want to. 
At last she reached the lab and let herself in. Entrapta was nowhere to be seen, but the clanking and muttering coming from a corner of the room told Scorpia that she was definitely here somewhere. She put the tray of tiny bagels down on the desk and settled in with her own meal. Entrapta would notice that there was food in her own time. 
A nudge from behind made Scorpia turn away from all the screens that she was trying to make a go of interpreting, and she found herself face to face with a robot.
“Hello there. I don’t think I’ve seen you before. Do you have a name?”
“Oh, that’s Louise.” Entrapta came out of the corner where she had been rummaging through boxes of bits. “I just finished her up this morning. What do you think?”
“I think she’ll make an excellent member of the Superpal Team.”
“Great! I was hoping that she would be able to help me with this First Ones’ crystal. I can’t figure out what it does.” Entrapta came over and sat on her hair at the level of the desk, beginning to nibble on a bagel. Another strand of her hair came up and started playing about with the shards of the First Ones’ crystal. Scorpia herself was a little dubious about First Ones’ tech, especially broken First Ones’ tech, but none of Entrapta’s accidents had proved life-threatening so far. 
Little did Scorpia know how much she was going to regret thinking that.
It was only once Adora, Glimmer and Bow had left Dryl and the palace was more or less back to normal – well, as back to normal as the Dryl palace ever was, which was not everyone else’s definition of normal – that Scorpia could really think about everything that had just happened. Aside from the robots going rogue and nearly killing everyone (she was now even more sceptical about Entrapta’s love of First Ones’ tech than ever), she had to admit that the ideas Glimmer, Bow and Adora had put forward were enticing ones. An alliance of princesses working together to fight the Horde… Scorpia might not be a princess in the normal sense and she certainly didn’t have an area to rule over, nor did she have any special powers like the other princesses, but she couldn’t help wanting to be a part of what they were describing. Maybe this would be a chance to take back her family’s legacy. She might finally get to be a princess in her own right again.
She glanced over to Entrapta, who was working on Louise, repairing the damage that the virus had wrought earlier. She should probably talk it over with her before making any decisions. Dryl had been her home for as long as she could remember, after all, and she couldn’t just abandon it. Not when the Horde might be around the corner at any moment.
Scorpia sighed. She couldn’t skirt it any longer.
“Yes, Scorpia?” Entrapta’s hair kept working on Louise as she turned her masked face towards her, but Scorpia knew that she was listening.
“I’ve been thinking about what they said. About the princess alliance and going after the horde.”
“I’ve been thinking… Maybe I could join them. I would feel terrible leaving you, and I don’t want to seem ungrateful, because you’ve always been good to me and I’ve always felt at home here, but the Fright Zone… I know I haven’t been there since I was a baby, but…”
“It’s your home,” Entrapta finished for her. She left Louise and came over, one tendril of hair patting Scorpia’s knee gently and letting Scorpia take it carefully between her pincers. “It’s ok.”
“So, you understand?”
“No,” Entrapta said truthfully, “but then Dryl’s always been my home and I’ve never known I had a home anywhere else. But you’ve always been my best friend, and if you want to do this, then we’ll do it. It’s going to be an excellent opportunity to test out the new modifications I’ve made to Louise!”
Scorpia could only smile, letting Entrapta get back to whatever technological miracles she was working in the corner. It was good to know that no matter what might happen with the Fright Zone and her own princess powers, she would always have Entrapta as a friend.
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andrewdz · 5 years
Favorite Albums of 2019
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2019 was a big year for me in music. According to my Last.FM stats, it’s the most music I’ve listened to in one year. That played a big role in why I have a top 50 albums list for the year. There was a lot of stuff I really enjoyed.  
I tried to find new bands this year because I’m over 30 now which they say is around the time you stop seeking new music and I want to prove that wrong. 14 out of my top 50 were brand new artists to me, which I wish was higher, but that’s a goal for next year now. 
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I also reignited my love for some bands. I got really into the Go-Betweens in 2019. I bought a documentary about them, a book about the two founders of the band, and got a box set of their last three albums that is now one of most prized music possessions. I also found some Deerhunter records in Nashville that I listened to quite a bit. I also got to see them live this year which was a real treat. Other artists I got really into this year was Townes Van Zandt, Guy Clark, Bombay Bicycle Club, Chris Isaak, Hightide Hotel, The Brave Little Abacus and Titus Andronicus (who I was already into, but got almost all of their albums on vinyl now).
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It was another terrific year for live shows as well, as I got to see a lot of artists I loved as well as ones on my bucket list. Kacey Musgraves, Sharon Van Etten, Priests, mewithoutyou (2nd time), Tigers Jaw, Titus Andronicus (2nd Time), Angel Olsen (3rd Time), Deerhunter, Trampled by Turtles, and Miami Horror. The best month was late April to late May when I got to go to five amazing but very different shows. It was one of the most fun months of my life. I got to see the Drums (2nd Time), PUP, Ratboys, Doomsquad, Operators, Desire, Chromatics, and Passion Pit! All of them were some of the best shows I’ve ever been to.
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Now enough about my music year, let’s get to the list. I only wrote things about the top 30 but wanted to highlight some other ones so expanded the list to 50. Like I mentioned earlier, it was a really great year of music. Not sure if I will release a list of favorite songs this year, but we’ll see. I’ve lately become more of an album fan instead of singles. Let me know what you checked out this year!
50. Chromatics – Closer to Grey  
49. Hatchie – Keepsake
48. Nilufer Yana – Miss Universe
47. Denzel Curry - ZUU
46. Pedro the Lion - Phoenix
45. Proper. - I Spent the Winter Writing Songs About Getting Better
44. Turnover – Altogether
43. Jay Som – Anak Ko
42. Big Thief – Two Hands
41. Jimmy Eat World - Surviving
40. Titus Andronicus – An Obelisk
39. The National – I Am Easy to Find
38. Priests – Seduction of Kansas
37. DIIV – Deceiver
36. Mildura - Mildura
35. Jamila Woods – LEGACY! LEGACY!
34. Doomsquad – Let Yourself Be Seen
33. Charly Bliss – Young Enough
32. Operators – Radiant Dawn
31. Black Marble – Bigger Than Life
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30. The Get Up Kids – Problems
I was late on the Get Up Kids (I know, I know, I’ll turn in my emo card after this article), and I’ve been trying to catch-up these past couple years. And what perfect timing because it’s the first album in eight years (They also had a terrific EP in 2018). It’s a really good return album from them. They can still write amazing pop punk anthems, and few bands leave songs stuck in my head as often as the Get Up Kids do. It’s interesting that the early wave of emo are now elder statesmen of the scene and they touch on that a little in this album. Reflecting on the past and what it means to be a band in 2019. It’s always good to see a band not only not just rely on nostalgia to tour on, but still release relevant music that stands up with some of their best material.
Favorite Track: Satellite
29. Bon Iver – i,i
It’s interesting where Bon Iver has gone in the past decade. First bursting on the scene with the perfect story of going to a cabin and recording a heartbreaking breakup album. Since then he’s won some Grammys, been featured on Kanye West songs, and embraced the synthesizer. For some reason, however, this album reminds me more of “For Emma, Forever Go” than his previous couple albums despite still using the more electronic approach. It has that same raw honesty that his debut had. He’s not alone in the woods anymore. He’s commanding a large group of musicians now, creating this huge sound without losing any of his heart. He also sounds more assured in himself. It’s seems like the beginning of a new era for Justin Vernon and the last song “RABi” sounds like his “riding off into the sunset” moment. Awaiting the next adventure.
Favorite Track: Faith
28. Yola – Walk Through Fire
A really strong debut album from singer/songwriter Yola. It’s really soothing with a nice wall of sound production that just sweeps you away. It also helps that she has such an amazing voice. Songs like “Faraway Look” & “Lonely the Night” feel like songs I’ve known my entire life, but was just waiting for Yola to record them. Really excited to see what she does next.
Favorite Track: Lonely the Night
27. Prince Daddy & the Hyena – Cosmic Thrill Seekers
“Cosmic Thrill Seekers” is an ambitious album, like “The Monitor” level of ambitious. It’s written almost entirely by Kory Gregory about his cycles of struggling with mental health with allusions to Wizard of Oz. They take you on a journey on this album. The feelings of self-destruction, to wanting to escape from people who aren’t even your friends, and not quite fitting in with rest of the world while also playing the most anthemic guitar riffs and crashing cymbals.  I can only imaging what the experience is like seeing this album performed live. It would have to feel like a sonic tornado, and you would wonder what just happened after you’re walking away on the street. This album didn’t make it number one on any charts, but this album is going to mean so much to so many people. Also, the last track goes right back into the first one to begin the cycle again.
Favorite Track: Lauren (Track 2)
26. Strange Ranger – Remembering the Rockets
It’s amazing how much this album reminds me of 90’s indie rock. It is so easy to picture Strange Ranger playing this album in between sets of Mazzy Star and Teenage Fanclub. I had not really clicked with Strange Ranger’s earlier stuff, but this album just seemed to make sense to me. It sounds like a fully formed album with a band that is confident enough to be more adventurous. There are some incredibly poppy hooks, but also some interesting synth beat choices. Also the switch of singing songs about the end of the world to being excited to go on a date gives the album a little extra something. A good mixture of despair and hope.
Favorite Track: Leona
25. Lost Under Heaven – Love Hates What You’ve Become
I love when a band just says “F*** It! Let’s make songs meant to be heard in a stadium,” even though they will never get a chance to. This is one of those albums that is meant to be turned all the way up with you screaming along to every chorus in your car. They are definitely wearing their hearts on their sleeve on this one, encouraging you be the best version of ourselves so by the time the album reaches it’s colossal closer “For the Wild,” you are ready to take on the world. It’s fun when a band decides to be super sincere on an album. You actually feel like rock and roll will save us, just like you did when you were a teenager and first found music for yourself.
Favorite Track: For the Wild
24. Mark Ronson – Late Night Feelings
I think my favorite thing about a Mark Ronson record is how much they seem like an awesome compilation album, and this one lives up to its name and is a perfect soundtrack for late night out on the town. He’s got a great ear for collaborators creating the perfect songs to best suit their voices. Lykke Li, Angel Olsen, Alicia Keys, and even Miley Cyrus have some terrific showings on this record. There’s no super hit like “Uptown Funk” on this album, but it is a fun listening experience, and I cannot get enough of Angel Olsen’s “True Blue” on here (Which really should have ended the album. It’s a perfect end credits song).
Favorite Track: True Blue
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23. The Drums – Brutalism
The Drums are a group that has had quite a decade. They’ve released four albums, and every member but Johnny has left the group. “Brutalism,” however, is still a strong album in one of the best indie rock discographies of the past 20 years. There are some throwback songs to the early Drums days (Body Chemistry), a rare acoustic ballad (Nervous), and one of the catchiest songs they’ve ever written (626 Bedford Ave). The Drums get overlooked, but they’ve quietly created an impressive catalogue that is just begging to be reevaluated with “Brutalism“ adding a lot to that conversation. Not many indie rock bands make it to five albums, let alone having songs on that fifth album that fit along their biggest hits.
Favorite Track: 626 Bedford Ave.
22. Brittany Howard – Jaime
When I first heard this album was coming out, I thought it meant that Alabama Shakes were done as a band and Brittany was going to be an exclusively solo artist now. However, after listening to this album, I understand why it was not an Alabama Shakes record. This is a very personal record that just wouldn’t sound right as a band collaboration. This is Brittany’s story. She’s singing about life on the road, her faith, first crushes, family, and making sense of what it’s like growing up in the south. This solo record also gave her a chance to explore some different sounds than she would have on an Alabama Shakes record. You can hear some Prince influence, especially on the final track “Run to Me.” Not sure if she plans to release more solo records, but I hope this isn’t the last.
Favorite Track: History Repeats
21. (Sandy) Alex G – House of Sugar
“House of Sugar” has probably got my favorite Side A of any record this year. It just gives a chance to showcase what I love about (Sandy) Alex G so much. You’ve got the psychedelic drone style and that fast almost folk-punk style. It’s just filled with this fun eclectic sound and his voice, while probably viewed as limited in sense of range, just captures so much emotion in the music. I found this record to be one that rewards you the most the more you listen to it. I feel like I’m always discovering something new with each listen. I always enjoy checking out the latest (Sandy) Alex G record because his albums are always adventurous, and “House of Sugar” is definitely that. I would have a tough time describing this album. It’s like when you’re in a dream and there are those moments that completely change the scenario and location, but for some reason it makes sense to you in a way you can’t explain. That’s what this album is like for me.
Favorite Track: Gretal
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20. Angel Olsen – All Mirrors
If I had to describe this album, I would say it’s Angel Olsen’s “Nebraska” if she had Bauhaus as her backing band. This is a big sounding record, and it’s easy to let the emotional crescendos take you away. You feel every emotion she’s putting on this record, and it is a wild ride. It’s a breakup record, and this album does a good job of capturing that feeling fresh off a breakup that just feels like a tornado of feelings. It’s a storm of emotions, but sometimes there’s a beauty in a storm as well. She said there’s an acoustic version of this album that will come out next year, but I’m glad we got to hear this version first. We get to feel the real raw emotion on this, and then when more time has passed a chance to be softer with a more reflective look back.
Favorite track: All Mirrors
19. billy woods + kenny segal – Hiding Places
It really sounds like Woods is letting it all out on this album; frustrations with music, other people, the current state of things, and his intensity is only amplified by the beats from Kenny Segal. The samples on this album are not catchy, and they shouldn’t be. This is an album that wants you to reckon with what Woods is saying. That’s what makes the final album so impressive. It’s a perfect blend between Wood’s lyrics and Segal’s beats. Complimenting each other in frustration and uneasiness. I was not familiar with either artists before this album, but I’m definitely a fan now, and I hope they will collaborate again in the near future.
Favorite Track: Red Dust
18. Truth Club – Not an Exit
There is something very old school about Truth Club. They’ve got this post-punk nasty guitar riff energy that just make this an album a delight to hear. They sound like a band with something to prove, delivering exactly what you want from a post-punk record. Sweet riffs, monotone vocals, and done in less than a half-hour. Love it.
Favorite Track: Student Housing
17. Helado Negro – This is How You Smile
Sometimes records just feel like a dream as if you can just see the music and travel in it. That’s how I feel every time I listen to “This is How you Smile.” The mixture of electronic and folk makes such beautiful music and Roberto Carlos Lange’s voice is perfect on top of these amazing collections of sound. Apparently he invited a lot of different musicians to play on this record and it really sounds like a group of friends got together and had the perfect jam with Lange’s artistic vision taking the lead. Some songs tackle today’s issues with even some field recordings from an Abolish ICE March in Brooklyn and singing about being proud of being Latinx, but not being confrontational about it. It’s beautiful music with a message.
Favorite Track: Please Won’t Please
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16. Deerhunter - Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?
You’ve got to give credit to Deerhunter for continuing to make really interesting albums throughout all of the 2010s, and this one seems like a good one to end the decade with. When so many of their contemporaries have disbanded or walked away from music, Deerhunter has kept going. Not resting on their past success, but creating new sounds and challenging their audience to go somewhere new with them. They can still write an amazing hook and the lyrics are as sharp as any previous album. It’s an ode to a world that seems to be on the brink of destruction by its own design.
Favorite Track: Plains
15. Anderson Paak – Ventura
Anderson Paak is on quite a creative streak with this being his fourth album in five years and I think this one may be my favorite. He’s got some amazing guests singers on this album including Andre 3000, Brandy, and the legendary Smokey Robinson. It just sounds terrific too. The 70’s soul-funk inspiration makes for some of the best grooves I’ve heard this year, and it’s a perfect album for a night drive.
Favorite Track: Jet Black
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14. PUP – Morbid Stuff
Few bands do “ANGER” as good as PUP, but Morbid Stuff is not the typical angry record either. It’s like “I’m angry. You’re angry. Let’s be angry together” kind of record which is perfect for the general attitude of 2019. PUP inspires a real passionate fan base, and on this record it’s easy to see why. They packed it with cathartic anthems for the disenfranchised. Not getting along with your family? Not quite over your ex? Feel like you missed that turn you were supposed to take in life about four years ago? Get over here and let all that anger out by singing along with us. This album is community even though you can’t be with this group in person. It also helps that this is a band that can PLAY. The musicianship is just fantastic which is probably helped because this is a band. These four guys have been PUP since the beginning and they sound better and better on each album. So let’s get angry!
Favorite Track: Kids
13. Raphael Saadiq – Jimmy Lee
It’s been eight years since the last Raphael Saadiq album, and it’s understandable because this album is dealing with a lot of heavy issues; addiction, incarceration, faith, and losing family. It’s also an album that Raphael Saadiq could have only made after being a bit older with some life wisdom to look back at. Sometimes it can be uncomfortable to listen to, but also necessary. It feels like a very personal album, and you can tell how much work must have been put into producing it. The album sounds terrific, which makes sense for how much experience he’s had producing other projects in-between albums. I also forget how talented of a singer he is. This album is a real showcase of his vocal skills. Some songs sound like he’s pouring his soul into it, and just somehow keeping his voice from breaking. You get swept up in that anger he feels. This album will make you really think about where the world has been, where it’s at today, and where it’s going. A powerful and necessary album for 2019.
Favorite Track: Rearview
12. Orville Peck – Pony
Orville Peck’s music is the kind of music that would sound just as perfect being performed on stage at the Grand Ole Opry as it would hearing it off a jukebox in a dive bar in the middle of nowhere. Peck’s really tapped into that timeless country sound that just seems to sounds good anywhere in any situation. Feeling sad? Perfect. Feeling that freedom you get from just hitting the road alone? Perfect. That baritone voice is so beautiful to listen to as well. It’s a new generations Roy Orbison or Chris Isaak. Beautiful but haunting, and it wouldn’t sound out of place in a David Lynch film. The storytelling in the lyrics are also astounding. I can picture the desert riding while listening to “Dead of Night.” It’s fascinating to know that this is Peck’s first album because it’s so well formed in terms of lyrics, vocals, and hooks. Makes me even more excited for what the next album will sound like.
Favorite Track: Dead of Night
11. Great Grandpa – Four of Arrows
“Four of Arrows” sounds like a level up album from Great Grandpa after their terrific debut “Plastic Cough.” It’s a great example of a band expanding their sound without losing the identity that made their first album special. The band sounds tighter, richer (especially with the addition of strings and synths on some songs), and more ambitious. It also helps to have the amazing Alex Menne vocals. She really conveys an energy that escalates these songs’ emotional payoffs. Especially on a song like “Digger” where she sings (almost screams) “That’s why I hate you,” “That’s why I love you” with almost the same energy. You may not know what each song is about, but you certainly know how it feels.
Favorite Track: Treat Jar
10. Holy Ghost! – Work
Sometimes all you need is great dance album in your life, and Holy Ghost! provided that for me this year.  They have a kind of style of dance music that has fallen out of critical favor by the end of this decade, but I still love to hear it. They continued the tradition of Daft Punk’s “Random Access Memories” of applying their flavor to 70’s dance music, and it’s terrific fun. This album is super catchy, has wonderfully danceable grooves, and features a 7-minute plus dance closer. A perfect dance record.
Favorite track: Do This
9. American Football - American Football (LP3)
With emo revival being a big topic of conversation this past decade in certain music critics’ world, it’s only fair that one of the greatest emo bands ends the decade with a terrific album. After reuniting a couple years ago for an okay album, I’m glad they went back to studio to create an album worthy of comparison to their first album that influenced so many amazing artists. The musicianship on this album is just stunning, with a rich tapestry of melancholy permeating throughout. They also happened to create possibly the best duet of the decade by having fellow emo legend Haley Williams join them for “Uncomfortably Numb.” Just beautiful. #defendemo
Favorite Track: Uncomfortably Numb
8. oso oso – Basking in the Glow
To be honest, I feel invested in oso oso. I remember a few years back he released “the yunahon mixtape” as a pay what you want on Bandcamp and planning to walk away from music. I checked it out, and loved it on first listen. Then the album got some nice shout-outs from critics and other artists and eventually found an audience. So to see not only oso oso stick with music, but to release this terrific follow up record as well, feels like a win for everyone. There is a common misconception that emo=sad music, but this album shows that is not the case. There’s a joy on this album that is super infectious. He wants you to feel a part of his joy. It’s an album of positivity that we needed in 2019, and it helps that so many of these songs are very catchy. This is the “dance around your bedroom” kind of album, and just let yourself go for a half-hour. I’m so happy that this album is getting recognized on so many year-end lists. It feels like a win for the entire emo scene that usually gets ignored. The fact that it happened to oso oso makes it all the better.
Favorite track: The View
7. Big Thief - U.F.O.F.
I always thought of Big Thief as a perfect band for fall. Something about their music feels like the end of something before dealing with something that will be tough but necessary. That they’re the ferryman taking us into the next stage in life, and the cost is you’re going to feel a little sad listening to some heartbreaking tales. U.F.O.F., their first album of 2019, can break you down. In the first track “Contact” we hear lead singer Adrianne Lenker let out these howling screams. Giving ua permission to let yourself go. Be your most pure self as this album takes you on a journey. I don’t mean to make this album sound depressing, because even though there’re numerous allusions to death it is quite hopeful. You get to LIVE because one day you will die. It makes life more important because it has an ending.  This album doesn’t have a lot of hooks on it, but it just makes it more important to listen to it as an album. It’s one big piece that feels so right together. It’s hard to imagine anyone having as creatively successful year as Big Thief did in 2019. Kind of apt they got it in right before the end of a decade. A necessary end, I think.
Favorite Track: Cattails
6. Mini Dresses – Heaven Sent
Listening to Mini Dresses’ “Heaven Sent” feels like I found some hidden album demo from the early 2000s that was secretly a masterpiece. I truly do not know why hardly anyone seems to be talking about this album. If it came out in 2008 it feels like it would have been huge on indie blogs. This album is so catchy and a style of indie rock that doesn’t seem to be big anymore, which is a shame because it’s too good to miss. This album reminds me of Blondie if they would have been part of the indie wave of the mid-2000s, which if that sounds cool to you, please check this album out.
Favorite Track: Rank and File
5. Better Oblivion Community Center – Better Oblivion Community Center
After hearing “Would You Rather” on Phoebe Bridgers’ phenomenal debut album “Stranger in the Alps,” I suppose we were all secretly hoping for more songs from Conor Oberst and Phoebe. There are few songwriters that can capture the feeling of loneliness and emptiness, but still have that sense of hope that it can somehow get better like these two can. “If you’re not feeling ready, there’s always tomorrow” on their last song “Dominos” really hits that point home. Their voices sound great together and the production on this album is fantastic. They’ve got the hooks, they’ve got the ballads, and they’re ready to make you cry, but they will be the first ones to help pick you back up. This album feels like an old friend that knows you get sad sometimes, but is always there for you when you need them.
Favorite Track: Dylan Thomas
4. glass beach – the first glass beach album
There’s nothing better than when a band just goes for it on an album. I haven’t listened to an album that has made me think of emo, Disney, Hellogoodbye, and Playstation video game soundtracks all before I’ve even made it to track 5. It’s like they threw everything on the wall and everything stuck. I would not be surprised to find out that this band is around my age. It sounds like an album that only someone who grew up in the 90’s and early 2000’s could make.  Just picking sounds from everything in that era and making an album out of it. It’s pure chaos, but somehow completely makes sense. This album is not for everybody, but if it clicks with you, it’s like it’s looking into your soul.
Favorite track:  cold weather
3. Slaughter Beach Dog – Safe and Also No Fear
I was a big fan of Modern Baseball, like all good emo revival fans should be, and was super sad to hear they were going on indefinite hiatus. When I heard Jake Ewald was starting a new project as Slaughter Beach Dog, I checked out some songs from his album “Birdie” but didn’t really connect with it. Probably because I wanted something more like Modern Baseball. Then when this album came out, it had some buzz from critics whose opinions on music closely line up with mine, and I checked out this album. Whatever opinion I had on the first album, this one was the exact opposite. I really connected with. Listening to it feels like those times where you visit your old hometown, driving around the old spots you used to hang out. Then you realize these spots don’t mean what they did to you anymore, and they never could. No matter how much old friends want you to be that old person again, you can’t go backwards and you’re fine with that. This is also a beautiful sounding record. It sounds like Jake let the other musicians have a bit more say in the sound, and it does sound like a band collaboration. It’s a sweet indie/folk/alternative sound that just pierces my soul. If we don’t get another Modern Baseball reunion, that’s fine. It sounds like Jake has moved on, and I’m ready to follow wherever his new music takes him.
Favorite Track: Black Oak
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2. Sharon Van Etten – Remind Me Tomorrow
It’s always exciting to witness an artist make the album they were always meant to. All of her work has lead up to her masterpiece. You feel her soul on this record. Not one moment feels faked. She’s not hiding anything from the listener. Talking about letting go of your past self (I Told You Everything), making a new version of yourself (Comeback Kid), letting yourself love again (Jupiter 4), and what it’s like to be a mother (Stay). Also, on this record she embraces the synth and it makes for some tremendous production. The anthems have an extra kick to them. Not only is this a terrific album for 2019, but one of the standouts of the decade from an artist who already had an impressive discography these past ten years. I’m not sure where she will go next, but I’m hoping this is a sign of what to expect from her in the 2020s.
Favorite Track: Seventeen
1. Purple Mountains – Purple Mountains
This is my favorite album of 2019, and it’s not even close. I was not familiar with David Berman until I heard the first couple singles before the album came out. His name was one that I heard critics tweet about or referenced by other artists, but had never really checked out his music. However, after hearing “All My Happiness is Gone” and “Darkness and Cold” I could not get enough of this music. The melodies were incredibly catchy, I thought the lyrics were super memorable, and they just felt like they really connected with me. He sounded like a natural storyteller, and I was hooked on every word he said. I’m not usually a lyrics person, but I paid attention when I heard these songs. Then when the album came out, it was a treasure trove of an album that I could really dive into. This heartland country sound with a terrific backing band, Woods, complimenting David Berman’s unique voice. I loved it immediately. Then when the tragic news came out of David Berman’s passing, it hit me hard. It’s difficult to talk about this album without acknowledging David committed suicide shortly after it was released. However, I don’t think of this album as a suicide note. This really felt like an album about life. There are struggles, but there are the good moments too. Find the happiness where you can. Margaritas at the mall, that lovely connection of a child with their parent, and if the snow is falling and it’s looking bad, enjoy how warm it will be inside. Berman’s legacy will be everything he contributed to culture; his poetry, his wit, his dark humor, and especially the music. Every once in awhile now when I hear “All My Happiness is Gone” on the radio or if it comes up on a shuffled playlist, my eyes start to well up. Not because I’m sad, but because I’m happy David shared a piece of his soul with us. That’s the real power of music.
Favorite Track: All My Happiness is Gone
41 notes · View notes
cecilspeaks · 5 years
157 - The Promise of Time
If it walks like a duck, and sings like a duck, And excretes slime like a duck, Then it’s a d- uh, you know? I don’t think that’s a duck. Welcome to Night Vale.
The future is here, listeners. The future is now. Dying has become a bad joke, and we wonder how we ever put up with it.t The Quality Cryogenics Corporation, run by one Casper Rhodes, is offering a simple solution. They will remove your brain upon death, freeze it, and then revive you hundreds of years from now, when the technology exists to live eternally. The town was recently traumatized by time working correctly and us all having to deal with aging, so this solution is exactly what we are looking for. And it only costs 10,000 in cash, no refunds. I am currently getting together the funds to purchase this service for both myself and my husband Carlos, because I believe that the two of us can live together forever. No more is there this awful time limit ticking down from the moment of our meeting until the moment of our parting. Now our brains will sit snugly next to each other, until we are weakened anew to a bright future.
Carlos says he is a little unsure about this, because he thinks that death is one of the most scientific processes of all. But he’ll come around. We’ll just talk about it, and he’ll see it my way. After all, we have the rest of our lives. And our lives – will never end.
Here’s the news. Now that we all know we’re going to get to live there, all any of us can talk about is the future. What is it going to be like? Will there be trees? Will we still have that insufferable moon? These are the questions we are all having to consider now that we will live forever. And one person is claiming to have those answers. A professional futurist and digital prophet named NZ has released a lengthy report outlining what the future is like. Apparently, skyscrapers will be twice as all, but also twice as thin. Each floor will only hold about one medium room or three very small rooms. But also, skyscrapers will have thousands of floors. The biggest revelation in NZ’s report is that in the future, menial labor will be done by robots! Robots will wash our cars, clean our toilets, and cook our food, leaving us all the time in the world to quietly boil in existential dread. According to NZ, these robots first enter the market in about a hundred years, and then really catch on until everyone has three or four at their disposal. And also everyone is so, so bored.
Man, the future sounds great. I can’t wait to get there! This has been the news.
Let’s have a look at today’s horoscopes. Leo. This is a fantastic month for new business plans, travels, meeting new people, and breaking out of the windowless prison cell you woke up in this morning. Good luck on all those exciting ventures!
Virgo. I hope you are not too attached to your left hand. Either way, you won’t be soon.
Libra. You will walk out from your house. The sun will look strange to you, even though you think it perhaps always looked like that. It will look like it always has, and it will look so strange. As you walk down the street, you will see a path you’ve never noticed before, leading away from the familiar into a dark and twisted wood. You will follow this path, the warm dirt softly crunching under your feet. At the end of the path, you will come to a small and cozy home. In the window will be a boy, and he will give you a sign. A hand to the side means it is safe to go on, a hand by the air means the burrowers are hungry tonight. A covered mouth means the time is nigh. You may proceed accordingly. Even the stars do not know what happens next.
Scorpio. You’re a great brother-in-law, husband, father and friend. And if it’s up to me - and let’s be honest, it is – the stars will never say another mean thing about you again.
Sagittarius. You are really walking on thin ice here, buddy! No really buddy, you are walking on thin ice, buddy look down, the ice is about to crack and the waters below are so cold and clear. You have never seen anything so beautiful.
Capricorn. You have spent your life searching for your soul mate. Finally, having given up on love, you have volunteered to board a starship destined to never return to our world. You will live out decades on that vast arc, developing close but platonic relationships with the few fellow humans that are with you. Finally, in your 83rd year, you will land on a planet that’s surface will appear to be made entirely of silver. You will step out onto that foreign terrain, and waiting for you will be an alien being made entirely of vapor, a wisp of a creature whose droplets will curl around you, and you will smile and realize that you have finally found your soul mate.
Aquarius. Your lucky number is five, which is also how many days you have left. That’s an auspicious coincidence!
Pisces. Everyone knows your terrible secret, and they think it’s really boring.
Aries. This just says “spiders” in increasingly large fonts for about seven pages. Aww, that’s cute!
Taurus. Turn your eyes to the heavens. Honestly, it’s better not to see what’s approaching from below.
Gemini. There will come a day in which you will have to go to the ocean. Who knows when that day will come. You might be hundreds of miles away form the ocean, you might be in an airplane or working on a farm in Ottawa. But there will come a day in which you will have to go to the ocean, and so you will travel in whatever attire you were wearing when you were called, barefoot and groggy, walking day and night until you see the glitter of water, until you hear the hush of the waves. And then you will walk into the ocean until only your head is above the surface, and you will laugh and laugh and laugh. And the ocean will laugh with you. But today is not that day. Who knows when it will come?
And lastly, Cancer. Uh huh. OK. Yeah. Everything is basically fine with you, yeah. You’re good. Nothingggggg tooo report.
This has been horoscopes.
Demand has become so high for the services of the Quality Cryogenics Corporation that Casper Rhodes announced that he has run out of space for brains. “Gotta stuff these head blobs somewhere,” he said, “but where to toss ‘em?” City Council agreed that this is an important problem, and immediately requisitioned large swaths for Night Vale real estate to serve as eventual brain storage locations. There are rumors that this move was made in exchange for free use of cryogenic services by the City Council. But the council vehemently denied the allegation and said to prove their innocence, they would arrest anyone who tried to say that they were guilty. Initially, the public library was one of the buildings intended to be converted to brain storage. But a single librarian scuttled out from the front door and stood eye to eyes with the City Council, until the City Council whimpered and backed down. At which point the librarian silently retreated, their deadly point made, their library safe. This is quite a change from when the only customer of Casper Rhodes was Charlie Bear, weekday shift manager at the Ralphs. Now there are only a few people left in town who haven’t signed up. I am a little ashamed to say that Carlos and I are one of those few, it’s y-, eh, taking me longer than I thought to scrape together the money and Carlos still wants to talk about it more but don’t worry, we will definitely join you all in the future. I will see you there!
Speaking of which, local futurist and digital prophet NZ is giving a seminar on the future. But attendance is expected to be low. Frankly, people find NZ’s predictions a little silly. After all, what does this NZ know about the future that we don’t? All any of us know about the future is that some day we will end up there, and by the time we get there, it won’t be the future. In any case, we expected more exciting predictions. Frequent space travel, miracle cures to the disease, and contact with more alien species than the three we know about in our primitive time. But NZ just won’t shut up about robots, and how much of the future is defined by robots serving us hand and foot. Only three people showed up to NZ’s seminar, one of whom was your faithful reporter, and one especially upset attendee even threw popcorn and led a chant of “Booriing!” during the part about the robots. And I’m not sorry I did it, either. It was very boring.
The family of missing person Frank Chen has filed a lawsuit against the city, declaring criminal negligence in allowing a five-headed dragon to claim the identity of their one-headed human family member, merely because the dragon carried about Frank’s ID. “You are all monsters,” said Frank’s sister Lauren. “Monsters! Monsters! Monsters!” She said this through a bullhorn, as she drove her convertible up and down the city streets. “But how could we have known?” the City Council fumed. “What, are we supposed to look into every suspicious disappearance in Night Vale? We only have 18 hands, we are doing the best we can.” The lawsuit will start with a document review and depositions. Currently, they are seeking all records on the suspected killer of Frank Chen, one Hiram McDaniels, who has not been seen in town for a couple years now. They also want to interview friends of Hiram, including a radio host who wouldn’t describe himself as a friend, more a dedicated observer.
And now a look at the stock market. [squeals] Wheee, ahahahaha! Ahahaha ooh, oo-hohoh, whaaaaaaaaa, hahah, wow!! This has been a look at the stock market.
Now let’s go over to – hello? Oh sorry, wha-what are you doing here? Listeners, the futurist NZ has entered the studio. They are waving at me frantically and holding up signs, um let me just put on my reading glasses. Embarrassing, but I suppose we all eventually reach that age. I never thought I would, but now that time is working correctly and I have aged – yes. Yes, no I see you, pointing at the sign, screaming NZ just give me a moment now where did I put those glasses? It’s in my pocket, oh [chuckles]. Now there’s some sort of metal man next to NZ. Oh, yes you have a sign, OK alright, alright, here’s my glasses! [clears throat] Uh, NZ’s sign reads “I am not a futurist, I am from the future. A time traveler sent back to warn you all.” And they’re still pointing at the metal man. Ah, this is one of those robots that NZ is always going on about! NZ is saying that everything they told us about the robots was true, and they brought one just to prove it, well hi robot! Oh, oh the robot has something to say? Oh, wait, it’s saying “I’m hardly a bear.” Well no, [chuckles] I’d say you’re not. You’re more of  a robot. Oh no, I misheard, they’re saying “Time carved a pear.” What? NZ, I think your robot is malfunctioning. Wait, not it’s saying… it’s saying, “I’m Charlie Bear.” Charlie Bear? Well he’s the weekday shift manager at the Ralphs, this makes no sense. The robot is saying again: “I’m Charlie Bear.” And then it is saying: “Help me.” It is saying “help me” over and over in a hollow digital moan.
Listeners, uh.. Let’s check in on the weather.
[“Good Intentions, Bad Advice” by Nicky Flowers https://nickyflowers.bandcamp.com]
The robot told us everything. Once the robot was Charlie Bear, weekday shift manger at the Ralphs, and then a man named Casper Rhodes came to town. Casper offered the idea of living forever, freezing Charlie’s brain after death so that he could wake up in the future once mortality was a bad dream. Once sickness was a memory. So Charlie signed up. He took out his life savings plus a couple loans and paid the 10,000 dollars. And Charlie became the first customer of the Quality Cryogenics Corporation. And Charlie was so happy. He is so happy somewhere in town, even while this robot tells us its story. Charlie is unaware, and he is happy. Because Charlie believes he has defeated death. And Charlie will continue to believe this for another 15 years until the unfortunate whistle pig incident. And after that, his brain will be removed from his mangled corpse and will remain frozen for centuries in the grain silo outside of town. And then one day, Charlie will awaken. It will be the future, as promised, and as promised he will not be dead, but all will not be well. He will have awoken as a brain in a metal body chained to that body’s programming. It will be explained to him that he was brought to the future by the Quality Cyborg Corporation, in order to take care of any errands or busywork needed while the humans of that future relax and watch him toil. You see, when we deny death and toss ourselves into the future, we do so with the strange delusion that the future feels it owes us life. That in the world of the future, they would want nothing more than to devote time and money into resurrecting each of us into eternal wellness. But the future does not feel any obligation to us at all. The past means only one thing to the future, the past is a resource. Every brain saved by Casper Rhodes is a resource.
It is a trick. We are being used. We must put a stop to this, we were all wrong trying to fight death this way, to put our trust in the future is though it would be anything but some other person’s present. Carlos was right, I was wrong! Who is this Casper Rhodes, and why is he doing this?
Oh, Casper’s calling to the station. He must be calling to confess or otherwise explain his crimes. Casper, is that you? What have you done? What have you done? Casper: Hi there, Cecil. Was listening to your show and really disappointed to hear what you were saying about me, buddy. But as the Smiling God says: when your enemies try to bring you down, just smile wider and wider until your smile eclipses the sun and then all other life in the universe. Believe in a Smiling God, buddy. Believe in a Smiling God.
Today’s proverb: As Dolly Parton said: tumble out of bed, and I stumble to the kitchen. Have to fight an evil magician, yawn and stretch and fight him for my life. Wise words.
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Sometimes you just gotta write a story about a really particularly satisfying D&D session
“Guys. Something stinks about this place,” the half-drow muttered to his travelling companions, cutting his eyes left and right around the sparsely-populated tavern. “Have you noticed it’s all humans around here? Ever since we got into town, nothing but humans.”
The members of the ragtag party that had managed to make it down from their rooms, a nobly-dressed tiefling and an armored dwarf, nodded. “I’m starting to feel a tad...noticed,” the tiefling lady admitted. It was true, the barkeep was looking at them somewhat askance as she washed a glass past the point where it really needed it.
“All except the street kids. Even the kids in the orphanage were all human,” Errikas the dwarf pointed out.
“And no sign of Lorsan in either,” frowned Meteora the tiefling. They’d come across the little elf girl while traveling and convinced her to come with them, but on the way to Vercon she’d either run away or been taken--and neither option appealed to Meteora, whose smallest foster sisters reminded her very much of Lorsan. Their attempts to find her so far had been fruitless, but had turned up some interesting ripples in the world of the thieves’ guild and given them a name to look into.
“Well. Maybe the innkeeper can help us out,” Mattias the drow said, putting up his hood, squaring his shoulders, and taking a seat at the bar. Being half-human, when his ears were hidden, he could nearly pass for full. To the woman whose glass was now cleaner than it’d ever been in its life, he said, “I was wondering if you might answer a few questions for us?”
The human visibly startled, but she recovered well and responded, “If I can, sure, what do you want to know?”
The dwarf took his seat next to the drow, with the tiefling claiming a stool a safe distance away, past a stuffy-looking human man who was nursing a light amber glass of something.
“Have you heard of a man called Veren Zehra?”
The innkeeper blinked thoughtfully. “The family name is familiar, I’ve definitely known someone by that name, but I don’t know much.”
“Do you know if he’s a trustworthy sort?” the drow pressed.
“Can’t say that I do.” Her voice began to get a bit frosty, and she fixed him with a suspicious eye. “You aren’t from around here, are you? You don’t look...local.”
A few seats down, Meteora tensed, silently pulling her hood over her horns. Nothing could hide her dull reddish skin, though, and she felt dreadfully vulnerable in this place.
“No, we’re just passing through,” sidestepped Mattias airily. “Lots of humans around here, aren’t there? Do you know why that is, or where the non-humans go?”
“I’m--I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the woman stammered, face flushing a bit. “I think maybe you should g--”
“BARKEEP!” roared Errikas in a thick dwarven accent he didn’t normally sport, slapping his hand on the wooden bar. “A PINT OF YOUR FINEST DWARVEN ALE, IF YOU PLEASE!”
The innkeeper jumped back a step, concentration broken, but nodded professionally and drew a pint of something from a barrel nearby. She slid it to the dwarf, who took a healthy draught, then frowned into his tankard. “This isn’t dwarven ale.”
“I do apologize, we don’t have anything like that here--only local cider. It’s a specialty, though!”
The dwarf harrumphed, but drained his pint in one mighty gulp and asked for another, beard a tad soggy. The human next to him sniffed disdainfully.
“Whatsa matter, lad, got a cold?” Errikas asked, starting on his next pint.
“How disgusting and uncivilized,” the man sneered at him.
Errikas threw his head back and laughed heartily and long. “Aye, lad, certainly! You’re lucky I’m wearing pants, what with my lack of civilization! Barkeep, a pint of--what was it, cider? A cider for my friend here!”
He was still laughing as the man made a squawk of dismay and fled the bar. The party finished their drinks and made to leave, only to be met at the door by the flustered human man, with two city guards following.
“There he is, sirs! The ruffian who threatened to take his pants off and flash me!” he accused.
“I wh--I did no such thing!” Errikas protested indignantly. “In fact, I offered this man a drink, we’re friends now!”
The guards looked not a bit convinced. Sensing trouble, Meteora swept in between them all velvet and lace and serenity, and murmured in her best picture of a refined noble, “Now now good sirs, no need for such unpleasantness. You see, this man has had a bit to drink and gotten a tad excited, we’ll get him up to his room where he can compose himself.”
Still sputtering, the man insisted, “No! Arrest them!”
The guards looked from one party to the other uncertainly. One suggested to his friend, “We should have the captain straighten this one out.” 
The other nodded. “That’s probably for the best.”
Casting a glance at her companions, Meteora inclined her head gracefully and put her hand out as if expecting to be escorted down a grand staircase. The closer guard gulped and offered his arm with an almost reluctant air--but offer he did, and down they went to the guard station.
It wasn’t a far walk, and soon Meteora’s escort was calling, “Captain, we have a dispute that needs settling!”
The captain of the guard was a tall, broad-shouldered fellow in armor, with long hair and good features that furrowed wearily as he saw their accuser. “Not you again,” he groaned. “What is it this time?”
Meteora again took point, smoothly explaining as she had before, “I do apologize, my companion meant no harm--he’s merely had a pint or two and got...overexcited, and I believe he’s managed to offend this gentleman.”
The walk over had, if possible, only worked said gentleman more into a frenzy. “This--creature slammed his fist on the bar and frightened that poor woman! And then threatened to flash me! And that one was harassing her with all kinds of impertinent questions--”
The captain cut him off with a gesture. “I see no reason to arrest anyone here, honestly. Please leave, I’ll speak to these three and make sure it doesn’t happen again.” He nodded to a subordinate, who took the still-raving man firmly by the arm and led him to the door.
To the tiefling, drow, and dwarf, he said, “Come with me, back here,” and led them to a back room.
As they fell into step, Mattias muttered to the other two, “Think we can trust this guy?”
Meteora immediately nodded her confirmation--the man had treated them with none of the ill-disguised contempt or stifled fear of nearly everyone else in town--while Errikas scrutinized his back intently, then shrugged. “Don’t see that we have much choice.”
The captain closed the door behind them, then let out a long sigh. “Right then, we can speak freely. What are the three of you doing here? Clearly you’re not from Vercon.”
Meteora smiled enchantingly, the fully opaque picture of innocence. “We escorted a pair of merchants here and thought we might stay for the festival. We’ve been told it’s something we simply must see.”
The captain raised an eyebrow skeptically. “I see. Well, it is that. But why are you really here?”
Mattias appraised the other man, deciding to tactically lay some of their cards on the table. “Something isn’t...right here, is it? We’ve hardly seen anyone but humans in this town, except for the street kids. What’s happened to their families? Where is everyone?”
He nodded, considering the three carefully and apparently finding them acceptable. “We have had some...disappearances, lately. A lot, in fact. I know the Thieves’ Guild is trying their best to take care of the children, and they’ve turned to petty theft.” He rubbed his brow. “A large part has to do with the lord’s recent crackdown on crime.”
“The order he’s given is that any crime, no matter how small or petty or even imagined, must be cause for...re-education. He’s repurposed a temple nearby for the process, and I haven’t seen a lot of people return from it. Those who do are...changed, skittish and afraid of their own shadows.”
“Are most of the arrested non-human?” Mattias asked, already knowing the answer.
“Nearly all.” The captain turned away from them and spoke to the wall. “I myself am in a...precarious situation. I’m, well...I’m confined to these barracks until such a time that I...” His voice went bitterly sarcastic. “Until I choose to comply with our lord’s directives.”
“That’s some bullshit,” the drow said bluntly.
The captain snorted a laugh and moved back to face them, not noticing Meteora’s gaze suddenly piercing him. She studied his features but wasn’t entirely sure she was seeing what she was seeing. She caught Mattias’s eye and cut hers at the captain--casually placing a hand to her ear, tilting her head inquisitively.
Comprehending her signs after a moment, Mattias slowly and deliberately lowered his hood, tucking his hair behind slightly pointed ears. Meteora, with only the slightest hesitation, followed suit, revealing delicate horns peeking out of her blonde curls.
The captain froze a moment, then relaxed--and ruffled his long hair and smoothed it, confirming their suspicions with elf-pointed ears. He cleared his throat and asked, “Now that you know the score--how long do you intend to stay in the city?” The unspoken implication hung heavy in the air: how long did a party of nonhumans mean to gamble their safety and sanity in a city clearly hostile to them?
There was only one possible answer.
Meteora took a breath, resolutely met the captain’s gaze, and spoke, knowing she spoke for all of them. “As long as it takes,” was all she said, her words a vow unbreakable.
He let out a long, slow sigh. “As long as it takes,” he repeated almost wonderingly as understanding dawned. “Okay.” He scrutinized each of them in turn and nodded approvingly. “So then. Tell me what you need from me.”
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irenaemilija · 5 years
i can’t believe i haven’t done this task? usually i overshare whenever i can lmao
001. name / age / pronouns
laura / 19 (buuut my birthday is next week yay) / she/her
002. which character(s) do you play?
irena filipovic, keneilwe zulu, irina romanova, pia de jong, aarne talvitie & lucien talhouët! if someone would have told me a year ago i’d be having six characters now, i would not have believed that. i’m pretty sure the only one who is missing from the ensemble is johan wow
003. nationality / ethnicity / timezone
finnish / white as snow / i never remember what it is? gmt+2????
004. tell us a bit about your  ( home / current ) country / city / etc. your pick
i’ve lived in finland my entire life but i moved to helsinki in august. it wasn’t that big of a change since i had already gone to high school in helsinki so i pretty much knew the city already, but the transition to considering the city as my home has been nice! i really like finland bc it’s safe and small. the only thing i don’t like is the lack of light during the winter!!!
005.  favourite color / fruit / season
blue or purple / watermelon / autumn
006. favourite books + writer whose writing style you admire the most
i love reading but i have so little time for it nowadays. it’s sad. but my favorite books are the help by kathryn stockett, pride and prejudice by jane austen & ensemble, c’est tout by anna gavalda! i really love classics which is a good thing that’s what i have to read for uni. writer whose style i admire the most is probably a finnish author named laura gustafsson. her style is very interesting and captivating.
007. what kinda music do you listen to + any fave bands / musicians
mostly indie pop and then pretty much all sort of other genres, too. french music is close to my heart for obvious reasons, and my fave musician of all time is cœur de pirate!
008. what are you doing for a living / what are you studying?
i study french and i’m planning to take english as my minor! i’m also gonna go through a year worth of teacher studies (idk what the proper term in english is, basically just where they teach you to be a teacher) so hopefully in five-ish years i’ll be a teaching french and english to some high schoolers.
009. what’s your dream occupation?
i’m gonna become a teacher but i’m not sure if that’s my dream occupation? not gonna think about that too much or i’ll get sad
010. relationship status
s i n g l e
011. coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
tea! i love my hot leaf juice
012. dream holiday destination?
i would love to go to senegal! or then to martinique or guadeloupe. and also iceland. and the states. and vietnam. and thailand. the list goes on
013. the thing you’re most proud about yourself
uhhhhh maybe the fact i made the decision to study french? i come from an environment where i had a lot of pressure to choose a career from a very limited selection of options (law, medicine, economics, engineering). i am proud that i chose something that truly interests me over what was expected of me.
014. tell us a bit about your family!
i have a twin sister and a younger brother! my sister is basically the complete opposite of me but we’re still very close. i literally had separation anxiety for a couple of weeks after she moved out of our childhood home. my brother is 14 and he is a terrible little gremlin. but he’s kind of funny and can be a pretty solid guy if he wants. usually he doesn’t lmao
015. how long have you known your closest friend?
i have two close friends and we kind of form a triad together: i’ve known the other for 3,5 years and the other for threeish years? we met in high school and have been friends ever since.
016. superpower you’d like to have?
mind reading bc i’m a nosy bitch
017. celebrity you’d like to meet?
uhhhhh maybe natalie portman? or maybe helena bonham carter??
018. guilty pleasures
cheesy romance novels bc i love love and also asmr videos, especially those stupid soap carving ones
019. pet peeves
i have some but rn i only remember this one: when someone interrupts a speaker with a completely unnecessary and irrelevant comment! i hate that! it’s not all about you!
020. do you have any hobbies?
this. this is my hobby. i also try to knit socks but the heel part kicks my ass every time so maybe i should change my focus to making leg warmers lmao
021. where would you like to live in the future?
i’m pretty sure i’m going to be moving to france for the next academic year so that’s neat! in theory living abroad sounds cool and interesting but i’m probably going to stick with finland after i come back from france. we’ll see.
022. tell us a story about a thing that recently happened to you! it can be a funny, scary, sad story, your pick!
okay so in finland we have this thing called sitsit. it’s an academic mostly non-formal dinner event where students eat, sing and drink. i absolutely love them, and we had one yesterday! they usually have some kind of themes and yesterday’s event’s theme was the 90s. i really don’t know anything about the 90s since i was born in 2000, but i tried and i did get plenty of compliments about the terrible lip gloss i had. the best part of the evening was when we sang sinä lähdit pois, a classic finnish song from the nineties (that even i know by heart). imagine 80 drunk people singing very loudly a song they all know and banging the tables mostly in rhythm. awesome. then i proceeded to get absolutely wasted. it resulted in me missing the last bus home so i had to pay 30 euros to get home. still, no regrets.
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Flower Road
Here we are attempting to continue writing. I hope you enjoy this one.
Warnings: Injuries, gang shit, blood, violence, swearing
“Again? Jesus, whoever your soulmate is, is a total fucking klutz.” You were not the least bit shocked that your best friend, Lisa, used the small flowers, that were blossoming from your cheek as a greeting.
“Honestly, at least it's Baby's Breath this time and not like when the damn peonies popped out of my leg the other week.” You shrugged. You were used to the flowers by now, having had them blossoming since you were 17. Part of you wanted to believe that your soulmate was just clumsy, but you couldn't think of any way of cutting your cheek in the same way without being either punched or lightly shot.
“Luckily it goes with your dress, are you ready?” Lisa was here to force you into social interaction, aka, come with her to a party hosted by the company she worked for.
“Almost, I need my bag and shoes. Is it cold out?” You asked, letting her into the apartment and going back to your room.
“It's chilly. That fake fur jacket I bought you would look good.” She called as you slid on the gold heels she asked you to wear.
The two of you had met during college a few years prior when you were studying fashion and textiles while she studied dance. When you had graduated YG had swooped in to snag her as a model while you ended up working for another company as a designer. Tonight was some big Gala held by Kwon Jiyong, the CEO of YG and of course Lisa was dragging you with her.
“Let's go, we're gonna be late.” She called as you wrapped your jacket around your shoulders.
“Alright, how do I look?” You asked, pausing in the living room to pose.
“Fantastic, baby. No one's going to be able to take their eyes off you.” She gasped, grabbing your bag for you.
“You have no room to talk.” You noted, poking her side through the large cutout.
“Maybe so, but just do me a favor and text me if you end up leaving early with a hookup?”
“Lalisa Manoban!” You scolded as she scurried out of your apartment. “You little shit.”
Lisa disappeared an hour into the party, so you ended up finding your way to the open bar at the back of the room. You knew your dress had ridden up your thighs a bit as you continued to enjoy your drinks, but the longer you sat, the less you cared. You were halfway through a martini when someone next to you made their presence known.
“Hello there. I'm Hyuk,” He didn't seem intimidating, but maybe you were just drunk. He wore a crisp suit that did nothing to hide his muscular body.
“I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you.” You smiled.
“Beautiful flowers.” He remarked, fingers ghosting over the small bloom, making your skin erupt in goosebumps.
“Thank you, there from my soulmate.” He grinned at you, waving down the bartender for a drink.
“I've never seen you around, do you work for YG?” He inquired, you shook your head.
“Nope, I'm just really close with a few people that work here. So I got invited, but I seem to have lost my date.” You frowned, turning your bar stool to look out at the crowd of party-goers.
“I can be your date.” You turned back to Hyuk, “I mean its a shame someone as exquisite as you would be left on your own.” You felt your cheek burn under his gaze.
“You're too sweet. You're alone too, how come?” He smirked, cocking his head slightly.
“Do I look alone, sweetheart?” He down the rest of his whiskey and cleared his throat. “Dance with me?” You through back the last of your martini before accepting his hand and partially stumbling your way to the dance floor.
It felt like hours passed, moving between drinking at the bar and dancing to your favorite songs. As you paused to breathe, leaning partially on the bar, you looked at Hyuk, really looked at him. His tie was undone and the top two buttons of his shirt were open. To put it gently he was hot. He noticed you staring and looked over at you, smiling.
“See something you like?” He asked.
“Actually yeah, very much so.” He moved closer to you, a hand going to rest on your hip.
“How about we get out of here?” He offered, “Head back to my place?”
“Sounds like a plan.” You grinned. “We need to get my coat and purse though.” He nodded, a smile plastered on his lips as he offered you his arm. As you made your way through the crowd, Lisa spotted you from where she was dancing with another friend of hers. She sent you a confused look as Hyuk ducked into the coatroom to grab your things. You mouthed back that you were leaving and turned back to Hyuk as he came out, not seeing the look of shock that plastered across Lisa's face.
Jiyong was observing the party from the VIP section, a good-sized balcony above the party itself where he and a few others, namely his right-hand men, affectionately known as Big Bang by other mob groups, and Youngbae's dear wife. He leaned on the railing, nursing a scotch and soda, and debating leaving early. He was thankful for makeup and bandages, even as the cut on his cheek stung as he sweats. No one needed to know about his other life, no one that wasn't part of YG, as many of the people below were.
“Jiyong Oppa!” A voice cried. Ji glanced to the side and saw the ginger mop of one of his closer colleagues, Lisa running up the stairs to him.
“VIP members only.” The giant of a security guard stopped her.
“Oppa, please. I think someone is about to be hurt. Someone very dear to me.” She practically begged. Ji nodded, prompting TOP to call for her to be let in. “Thank you Oppa.”
“Explain, quickly.” TOP ordered.
“A friend of mine just left with Bang Hyuk, she's very drunk and-” Before she could continue Ji had turned to her.
“Bang Hyuk was here, and no one told me?” He nearly growled.
“I didn't see him until just before they left.” She bowed her head in shame. When she looked back up at him, he could see the tears in her eyes. “Please help her, she's my closest friend.”
Setting his glass down on the railing, Ji pondered a moment. Looking over at his closest friends, he wondered what it might feel like to lose one of them.
“You should help her.” Hyorin offered. “Perhaps he let something slip.” She shrugged from her place on Youngbae's lap.
“She has a point.” Dae shrugged. “I can go.” He stood, shrugging off his jacket.
“We'll both go. I want out of this party anyway.” Ji sighed. As he too shrugged off his jacket, there was a sharp pain in his side. Lifting up his shirt, he discovered a bunch of Peonies blossoming from his side. Lisa gasped. Ji was used to small injuries, which usually blossomed Baby's Breath, the only other time this had happened was when his soulmate had cut open her arm a few years prior.
“Let's go,” Ji ordered, yanking his shirt back down. “Dae with me, you two, be ready to shut the party down.” He instructed the remaining boys as he moved towards the stairs. “And Lisa, go home, take someone with you, the more the merrier. We'll contact you if we find her.”
“Yes, Oppa.”
The boys made it outside, into the quiet air, but the sound of shouting, alerted them to the side street.
“What good was stabbing her before she answered?” At the voice, both men pulled their handguns from the back of their waistbands. Ji motioned for Dae to get to the other side of the entrance, as they heard footsteps approaching them. “What are you doing? Go get her.” Ji knew that voice, Bang Hyuk.
“What's the point? She'll bleed out before she gets help.” Someone scoffed. The footsteps grew closer and Ji and Dae raised their guns, ready to kill whoever it was. To their shock, a woman in a pale gold dress, came stumbling into their field of vision, clutching her abdomen where a huge red stain was spreading.
“Shit.” Ji gasped as her legs gave out and she fell towards him. He caught her before she could hit the ground, cradling her in his unoccupied arm as he knelt on the ground.
“Fuck it's G Dragon.” Someone yelled Ji looked up, down the alley where Bang Hyuk and a few of his lackeys stood, staring at them. Gun raised, with Dae standing just behind him, Ji silently dared them to make a move, but instead, they turned tail and ran. Dae moved to give chase but stopped when Ji set his gun down.
“What the hell is going on? I heard yelling.” CL, a good friend, and Big Bang associate inquired as she made her way towards them.
“I need you to get the doc, and tell Taeyang and TOP to shut the party down.” Ji ordered, focusing his attention back on the girl in front of him. There, resting along the cheekbone, was a small bloom of Baby's Breath.
Your whole body felt heavy as your brain began to wake up. You usually never got hungover, so the dull throb of pain was new. As you cracked your eyes open, you were greeted with what you could only think to call “not your ceiling.” There was no way in hell you had gotten so drunk you couldn't remember your one nightstand. You tried to sit up but a stabbing pain in your abdomen made your head fall right back onto the pillow. You heard a door creak and turning your head you were greeted to a strange young man.
“You're awake! Thank god, hyung's been worrying his ass off.” He smiled broadly at you. “How are you feeling?”
“I-what happened? Where am I?” You asked. He sighed, smile falling into a frown. Before answering he helped you sit up, resting your back on the fancy headboard and letting you see the room. Which was huge, to say the least.
“I think, it might be best if the boss explains.” He fluffed the pillow and handed you your purse. “All your stuff is still in there. I'll get Ji and bring some food.”
“Okay, thank you, um”
“Daesung, but my friends call me Dae.”
“Thank you, Dae.” He bowed and left the room without another word. Opening your phone you found nearly 50 missed texts from Lisa and your boss, Lisa telling you that Jiyong had told her you'd be staying with him for a few days and the ones from your boss basically just yelling at you for not showing up at work and threatening to fire you. According to your calendar, you had missed an entire day, or at least most of one.
When the door creaked open again, a man with red hair entered, offering you a gummy smile.
“How are you feeling, Y/n?” He asked.
“I've been better, I can't remember what happened.” You confessed as he sat down on the end of the bed, resting his back on the fancy footboard.
“What do you remember from last night?”
“My friend Lalisa took me to the YG party. I was sitting at the bar drinking when this guy came over and started chatting me up. We danced and drank a bit but after that it's fuzzy.” You explained, hand absentmindedly going to play with the flowers on your cheek.
“The man you were with was Bang Hyuk, the leader of a very powerful mafia, that let's just say, doesn't like YG. As far as we know, he thought you had information about Big Bang, and stabbed you.”
“Oh, my poor soulmate, I almost never hurt myself, this is probably quite a shock.” You gasped.
“It's not so bad,” Your eyes shot over to the man, finally seeing the bandage on his cheek. He raised his shirt partially, exposing the Peonies that were blooming on his side. “I forgot our flower was a peony.” He mused. “I'm Kwon Jiyong.”
“You're my soulmate?” You asked quietly.
“It appears so.” He smiled his big gummy smile, which made your heart skip a beat. A knock at the door stopped you before you could say anything and Daesung opened it bearing a small array of fruits and yogurt.
“Doc said nothing too extravagant just yet.” He explained, setting the tray on the bed. “Sorry boss, but it looks like the fancy first date will have to wait.”
“Get out Daesung,” Jiyong ordered, scowling playfully at the younger man.
“Thank you.” You called as he left.
“You were gonna say something before he interrupted.” Jiyong prompted.
“Oh, um. See I've had this suspicion for a while now, about how you keep hurting yourself and-”
“I'm the leader of Big Bang, the mafia.” He blurted.
“Oh, fun, see I was worried you might be a boxer or something from how ridiculous your wounds were.” You joked, laughter from both of you echoed through the room until his phone rang. He answered it and frowned deeply.
“I've got to go, something came up at the company.” He sighed. “I'll be back soon though, and I'll take you home okay?” Stood up from the bed but before he made it to the door you called out;
“Wait. Before you go.” He turned back to you and you motioned for him to come closer. Cupping his face, you placed a soft kiss on the bandage on his cheek. “Thank you for saving me.” You whispered as you pulled away, but before you could get too far, he had captured your lips with his. His lips were mind-numbing and soft, nearly making you forget how to breathe until he pulled back, resting his forehead on yours.
“I'll always save you.” He confessed. Pulling back, smiles were plastered on both of your faces. “But I would text Lisa sooner rather than later. Otherwise, you may have to save me from her wrath.” He joked.
“I will come back soon.” He placed another kiss on your lips before scurrying to the door. “I will.”
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blog-in-a-corner · 5 years
TSOTBL - Sorrows of the Past PT:2
"Garroth? Gaaarrrroooooth?" Aphmau shouted, keeping up her pace.
Her words just bounced off the walls and echoed back at her. "Damn it where are you, you better be okay!" Aphmau thought, her mouth had become much too dry for her to talk to herself, the ice cold air entering her lungs made it harder and harder to run let alone talk. "Aph! Wait up!" Zane panted, finally catching up to her. He obviously wasn't used to running so far so fast. "Z..Zane…." Aphmau stopped for a moment, to take deep breaths of hair. "A-Aphmau...you-you shouldn't have...have r-run off like that!" Zane scolded her between breaths, he was far more tired than she was from the run they just took. "What choice did I have?! We were taking way too long!" Aphmau yelled, regaining her composure. "The smarter thing to do would have been for all of us to stay together!" Zane lectured her. "Well…well sometimes the smart thing to do isn't the best thing to do!" Aphmau retorted. "Wh-what is that even supposed to mean?!" Zane asked in confusion. "It doesn't have to mean anything, I just need to find Garroth!" "Why is finding him this important to you?!" "Because! I need to talk to him!" Aphmau yelled, as she proceeded to continue running forward. "About what?!" Zane shouted, as he struggled to keep up with her.
Zane ran after Aphmau until she came to a screeching stop, she appeared to be staring at something. He nearly tripped trying to slow down.
"A.. Aphmau…!" Zane panted, struggling to stand up. "Shhh..!" Aphmau whisper-shouted. "Why are you shushing me? It's not like we're in a library-" Before Zane could finish his sentence, he noticed what Aphmau was staring at. "-What the hell?"
Garroth stood in the center of the dead-end of where the path lead to. He held the book close to himself.
"I-I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do.Y-You said... you said…" Garroth sobbed quietly into the book. "I-I never thought…" he trailed off, holding it tighter. "Is-is he talking to it?" Aphmau whispered, continuing to stare at the bizarre sight of her friend. "Lucinda did say the book was possessed, didn't she?" Zane whispered back, starring alongside Aphmau. "I-I…." Garroth stuttered, as he lowered the book. "Garroth?" Aphmau spoke aloud, catching Garroth's attention. "Y-you two…!" Garroth stammered in surprise, stepping back. "Garroth I just want to talk with you." Aphmau stated softly, attempting to calm down her friend. She took a step forward. "N-No! Stay away from me!" Garroth yelled defensively, taking a few more steps back, holding the book closer to himself. "Garroth I'm not here to hurt you, I'm your friend!" Aphmau tried to assure him, taking a step back. "Y-you're not my friend! You're not a friend at all!" Garroth shouted angrily. "You're just a taker! You take what you need from people, you have your good times, but when times get tough, you scram! You don't really care about anyone!" "Garroth, what are you talking about?!" Aphmau yelled in concern. "You call me names, you call me stupid all the time! In front of my face and behind my back! You don't take my emotions seriously-none of you do! All you do is laugh at me and treat me like an idiot all the time! But no, it's all fine because surely Garroth isn't affected by it at all! You call that being a friend?! No wonder you and Aaron broke up!" Garroth hissed, clenching his fists. "I….Garroth…." Aphmau started to tear up, it was bad enough that Garroth was talking to her in such a way, but bringing problems with Aaron into it too? "Garroth...Garroth, listen to me, my relationship with Aaron isn't a part of this. I know that I've never been the greatest friend, or the best person, and some of these things you brought up just now, I never knew they bothered you! But-" "You didn't think that calling someone an idiot all the time wouldn’t bother them?" "I'm sorry for that! I should've known better than to do that kind of crap, but Garroth, I am your friend! We've been through everything together, thick and thin! Our childhoods, highschool, the Jury, college! If we weren't friends then why would we still be here? We've done our fair share of crappy things to each other, but we've had so many more good times! We've made our mistakes and grown from them, and we'll still make more mistakes along the road and we'll grow from those too! Garroth, I've always been grateful to have you as a friend, you're one of the best friends I could have ever asked for, and I don't want to lose all of our years of friendship, not like this, not ever!"
Garroth stood silent for a moment, staring at Aphmau and Zane.
"...So you really care about me that much?" Garroth mumbled, not breaking eye contact with Aphmau. "Of course I do! I'd fight anyone who tried to speak bad about you, or any one of my friends for that matter!" Aphmau assured, giving Garroth a light smile. "So…So why didn't you defend me when Zane said all of those horrible things about me...?" Garroth asked, choking back tears. "I-I...y-you heard all of that?!" Aphmau said in shock. "That's it I've had enough of this!" Zane yelled angrily. "Y-You wanna know why she didn't defend you?! Because everything I fucking said was true! You're nothing but a selfish fucking idiot with the iq of a lint ball! You really think it's any wonder at all why you're friends treat you the way like dogshit?" "Zane stop!-" "A-All your damn life everyone has-has catered to your stupid ass hand and foot! Everything you've ever had has been handed to you on a silver platter, you never had to work hard for what you wanted!" Zane ignored Aphmau, continuing to yell at Garroth. "Zane you're making it worse!-" "Nothing but-Nothing but the best for the oh-so-perfect Ro'meave! You got all of the attention from everyone! Teachers, peers, complete strangers, mom, and dad. But even everything dad gave to you just isn't enough huh? You stupid fucking selfish asshole. But oh no! We mustn't displease Garte Ro'meave's favorite son, the golden child!" "Zane!" Aphmau yelled, trying to stop Zane from continuing. "What? I'm right and you know it!" Zane hissed. "Being….being the "golden child" wasn't as grand as you think it was Zane...I...I always…" Garroth muttered weakly, tears strolling down his cheeks. "Oh? What, you didn't get the toy you wanted for Christmas when you were eight? Wow, being the golden child must've been horrible huh!" Zane replied sarcastically. "I ALWAYS FUCKING HATED IT!" Garroth yelled at the top of his lungs, catching Aphmau and Zane off guard. "Being Garte's ~favorite son~ wasn't all sunshine and rainbows Zane, my entire home life leading up until I finished college was a fucking nightmare! You think father always gave me everything I wanted? Well guess fucking what! It was the other way around! My entire life was carved around what he wanted me to be! The people he allowed me to be friends with, he barely even let me see Vylad let alone talk to him! The hobbies he let me have, the extracurriculars and all of my classes, the ones he wanted me to do! I had to be absolutely perfect for HIM!" "Garroth...I never realized…" Aphmau quietly trailed off, shocked at everything he had to say. "I never wanted to play stupid fucking baseball, but he wanted me to be on some kind of sports team! For three fucking summers straight I went to that stupid baseball camp because he wanted me to be "the best of the best!" I was in that horrible etiquette school up in Skystead for three years before I went to high school! And then, for my last year of high school I had to go to FUCKING, MILITARY SCHOOL, BECAUSE I TOOK THE FUCKING FALL FOR YOUR DUMBASS AFTER YOU FUCKED UP ALL OF YOUR PLANS UP WITH THE JURY! FATHER WANTED TO "FIX" ME SO THAT I WOULD BE THE SAME, "PROPER, ELOQUENT YOUNG MAN I WAS" BEFORE I SUPPOSEDLY DID ALL OF THAT SHIT. AND THEN RIGHT AFTER I JUMPED INTO COLLEGE, TO TAKE THE DAMN MAJORS HE WANTED ME TO TAKE SO THAT I COULD ONE DAY OWN THAT STUPID FUCKING COMPANY OF HIS." Garroth screamed full of rage, letting his book a bit looser from his grip. "Irene I regret not letting Vylad tell mother and father about all the shit you did! That probably would have done more good for everyone! Even for father. All. Of. My life. Zane. All of my life I've had to do nothing but please that bastard, that fuck is nothing but a control freak, you can't even begin to imagine the fucking hell he'd put me through if I fell short of the expectations he had for me. But noo~ let's feel bad for poor Zaney-waney! He's sooo miserable having the freedom to do whatever he wants! Everyone let's stop what we're doing and come hear Zane whine about how he didn't get enough attention, about how he was so alone! Totally not like a certain younger brother of ours had it way worse in that aspect! About how people just didn't give him a chance! The fucker manipulated and hurt people but it's their fault because the world hurt him! He was so hurt and alone! It's not like his older brother, younger brother, and his mom always tried to reach out to him! It's not like he was so fucking hell-bent on gaining approval from his father because of his small little fragile ego, that he didn't notice the people who tried to be there for him! No everything he's ever done is justified! He has no reason to, dare I say it? Apologize to those he's wronged! Even Vylad had more of a reason to do the half the crap you did. Fucking face it Zane, I may be a bad brother, but you're even worse." "You….you!" Zane stammered in anger. "G-Guys let's just calm down..!" Aphmau stuttered, trying to play peacemaker. "Y-You're the worse brother! You're the-the damn reason I can't even see out of my right eye! You never bother to acknowledge other people's feelings, you just try to make them as good and perfect~ as you want them to be! You're just as bad as dad! I never opened up to you because someone with your fucking puny intellect would never understand me! All you would have tried to do is fix me in your image! All you've done is make me miserable my entire fucking life!" Zane screeched, holding back tears. "Good. I'm glad I made you miserable. It's what a piece of shit like you deserves." Garroth hissed, the poison in his voice hit Zane harder than anything ever has. "You...you…" Zane cried in anger. "Guys!" Lucinda cried, entering alongside Aaron and Kim. "Lucinda, Aaron, Kim!" Aphmau yelled in shock. "You!!!" Garroth shouted in surprise. "Alright Garroth." Lucinda muttered, pulling out her wand.
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"Zane! Zane stay with me please!" Aphmau yelled, tears pouring down her cheeks." "Come on guys we have to take Zane back inside now!" Aaron stated, picking Zane up.
// Heya! I’m gonna be on a two week hiatus because this took me a looooong time and I’m big tired. Regular posting will return September 9!//
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