#full time ensemble stars player
hamsterclaw · 8 months
Fic Library: Seokjin
Worldwide handsome, sexy, absurd, funny, steely Seokjin is always a star, and even more so when he's written by these amazing writers. Check these out and show them some love.
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Wrong place, wrong time by @bangtanintotheroom. Seokjin x f! reader in an established relationship, Seokjin's on good form in this hilarious story with the funniest one-liner I've seen in a Jin fic.
The Flower Bridge by @yoongsisbae features Seokjin as a ghost and is soft, sad, poignant and beautifully written.
You can take it by @7deadlysinsfics is soft and smutty and this Seokjin is naughty, sexy and charming.
Fall in hatred by @jimlingss. A sad, stunning and truthful fic about relationships and when they fall apart.
Mood lighting by @sugalaritae features new parents Jin x reader. Sexy, eager, sweet dad Jin is such a treat.
A game of two halves by @madbutgloriouspond was written as part of a sports Jin collab and features an injured soccer player Jin who's snarky, bratty and snappy with his physical therapist reader. There's so much going on below the surface in this story and I love the way Seokjin and reader are written.
Soul on fire by @vyduan is an ongoing soulmate touch AU with a ridiculous but self-aware Seokjin and characters that you root for.
HoHoNO by @imaginethisbts. I always have time for a cracky Christmas fic and this is cracky masterpiece made me laugh so much.
I dream of Jinnie part 2 by @bts-hyperfixation. Written for Kinktober, this is another cracky gem that features a semi-awkward striptease and a fez as well as a subby Jin.
Love language by @augustbutwinter. This office co-workers AU features Seokjin x reader and features a sweetheart of a Seokjin in full hyung mode caring for everyone.
Once bitten, twice shy by @fantasybangtan. A Christmas fic featuring a stellar Bangtan ensemble cast and a warm, fluffy, perfect enemies to lovers setup for doctors Seokjin x reader.
Kiss me by @minisugakoobies is a 90s throwback story set in a college AU with a BMOC Seokjin who's sexy, and dorky, and so so endearing.
A Comedy of Manners by @vyduan is punchy, funny, absurd and beautifully human. It features Seokjin x reader in an arranged marriage AU.
Second first meeting by @taleasnewastime is a supercute Valentine's themed story with an annoying, cocky but sweet Seokjin.
Winter solace by @floralseokjin. A holidays themed story with Seokjin x f! reader that's heartwarming and touches on themes of learning to trust and love again.
Love, lust and life mushrooms by @miscelunaaa is the explicit Super Mario bros themed Seokjin smut of my dreams and I won't hear any different.
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pienhime · 7 months
Ten Under-Recognized Jirai Kei Characters!
Ive been meaning to make a post on some jirai kei characters that i think are underappreciated by the overseas landmine community! Mostly i think its bc they don't wear girly kei, cybercore, or other fashions associated with us on SNS, and bc their media came out before 2020. So ive compiled a list and an explanation for why i think they're jirai! I have another list for pien kei characters who arent jirai in my opinion too. If u have any characters u think the western jirai comm sleeps on, comment/reblog and tell me who & why!
1. Celestia Ludenberg
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Celestia (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) has screamed landmine to me for like, ever! She's wrapped up in her appearance and at first glance makes the effort to come off as regal and formal. But she frequently lets that disguise slip and shows her sadistic side at the slightest inconvenience, threatening violence and screaming in peoples faces. She's got both a superiority complex AND inferiority complex, and has an unhealthy obsession with gambling, her super high school level talent.
2. Nijimin Anazawa
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Nijimin (Mahou Shoujo Site) is super popular in the japanese jirai comm, and its easy to see why. She's easily lovestruck and a borderline yandere (dependent type), murderous and hellbent on revenge, and her magical power literally revolves around manipulating others. She's a beloved idol and a symbol of cuteness, but she's a murderous magical girl? How much more jirai can you get!
3. Mayoi Ayase
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Mayoi (Ensemble Stars) is a very interesting character! From his obsession with the occult to his self depreciating behavior to his obsessive and stalkerish tendencies, he's an overall offputting yet charming guy. As an idol, he has fans who have a totally different image of him than the creep (affectionate) he can be at times behind the scenes. Also, not to stereotype, but his favorite sanrio character is kuromi, whos super popular within jirai.
4. Yuri
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Yuri (Dokidoki Literature Club) being a landmine seems a little self-explanatory to me. She's a yandere character who's probably the most unassuming of the cast at first. She's shy, smart, kind... and a self-harming yandere with a knife fetish who will literally kill herself if you get involved romantically or reject her.
5. Yoosung
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Wow, when's the last time I thought about Mystic Messanger? No idea, but Yoosung feels pretty jirai kei to me in retrospect. In the beginning of the game, hes the adorkable self-conscious junior with an unhealthy online addiction. But, by the end, he's a self-harming yandere who refuses to let the player character go, and is willing to do whatever it takes to secure a happily ever after.
6. Kusokawa-chan
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While I have an immeasurable hatred for her creator, Kusokawa-chan (Menhera-chan spin-off 4komas) is a comfort character of mine... for some reason. With a name that means "kawaii trash", her personality is probably predictable. She's human trash, a sadistic asshole with no respect for others who will insult and berate you at the drop of a hat, and turn on a dime on her fans. She tries to cover it up by putting on an exaggerated innocent act and kawaii-fying herself and her life, but she just cant stop herself from exploding on others with no remorse.
7. Azusa Mukami
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Admittedly, everything I know about Diabolik Lovers is through its fandom as I've yet to cave and buy the games. But from what little I know, Azusa seems pretty jirai. He seems innocent, fragile even- but has the typical amount of yandere tendencies for the series. He has a self harm addiction, and if you peruse his route you're in for a toxic time.
8. Satou Matsuzaka
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This might be cheating because she's so popular on yandere tumblr, but Satou Matsuzaka (Happy Sugar Life) is ultra jirai kei. It's no wonder she's such a popular choice of pfp on japanese jiraitwt! She's obsessed with living out a fantasy saccarine-sweet life with the object of her desire, and given her full-blown yandere nature and her lolicon status, its no doubt shes a toxic partner. She's beloved at her school and workplace for her seemingly sweet nature and cute looks, but her kindness is only for the purposes of manipulation.
9. Kosame Amagai
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Again, I'm no expert on Diabolik Lovers! But based on what my friends on yandereblr tell me, this guy is definately a jirai danshi. He's a lover of all things cute, who uses his cute shota-like appearance and polite manner of speech to lure others in. In reality, hes an abusive partner in his route, and takes his anger out on others verbally. He's willing to cry, scream, and threaten over the smallest of transgressions. Of course, he's also a yandere as per series standard.
10. Momonga
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Okay so this is only half-serious, but there's a reason Momonga (Chiikawa) is so beloved by jirai girls and often depicted fitting the visual jirai stereotype in fanart. She's ultra cute! But she uses her appearance and acting vulnerable and innocent to try to get away with shithead behavior. She's loud, erratic, and self-obsessed, and often cries when she doesn't get her way. She's obviously the worlds cutest little manipulator, and she knows it.
I hope you enjoyed this list! There's a list for non-landmine pien kei characters coming soon, so feel free to send me asks with recommendations! And feel free to add on to this list in reblogs and comments!
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crystal-lillies · 1 year
Okay okay okay first thoughts on the Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie, with my best effort to avoid spoilers this time.
I had a blast watching it. I loved seeing the practical costumes and makeup for the creatures and I loved seeing the different ways spells were interpreted. And I did tear up a few times! Nearly full cried, but definitely got emotional on several points which is almost always a good sign for me.
I did not expect how the story played out the way it did. It was marketed definitely as a GOTG-style movie but Fantasy(tm) which both is and isn't what we got.
The whole thing felt like a campaign, or maybe the first arc of a campaign, but squeezed into a 2 hour and 15 minute movie. That being, it felt like a fast pace mostly because they sped-run the traveling bits with some gorgeous montage shots. Mostly fine by me, but at some points, it definitely felt like the scale of the world and time was off. It's by no means unique to this movie, and definitely not unique to the movies this film is emulating in spirit.
It's got somewhat of an Indiana Jones/Goonies/The Mummy/even OG trilogy Star Wars vibe in that certain logics are hand waved in order to get to the good stuff (tm), but it isn't unforgivable nor a detriment to the enjoyment of the film.
The characters are all very enjoyable, each in their own ways. I wish we spent just a bit more time on each of them, but there's the rub with ensemble films. And truth be told, to no one's surprise, Chris Pine's character Edgin gets the most prominent focus. I was surprised, however, at the focus Hugh Grant's character Forge had, especially compared to Rege Jean Page's Xenk.
Forge is a very charismatic antagonist, who has a lot more to do in the story than I anticipated, and definitely is a delight to watch onscreen. Hugh Grant dips a bit hammy into his performance but it's in a fun way that reminds of a Saturday morning cartoon. Smarmy, not entirely serious, but occasionally shows a hint of the person beneath, good and bad.
I found myself a little disappointed that Xenk got a really interesting focus, with an emotional and engaging background, and then seemed to not get a satisfying conclusion to that focus. He felt like a guest player character, rather than a full time player character, like the others in the group. While it does still tie up in a self-contained story, I'm hoping this movie does well enough to maybe explore into his journeys beyond this one. They did say that he is the Archetypal Hero that doesn't really fit with the rest of the group, so I suppose that was their way of saying he isn't permanent, which is fair. And while watching I definitely felt it, and wondered how he would be past his point and if he would have dragged the story in a different direction than it needed. (Or maybe if he was too much of a higher level than they were to justify keeping him around.) But that still didn't keep me from wanting to see more of his character later down the line.
Justice Smith's Simon has a nice self-esteem arc, and I enjoyed watching his growth through the movie. He also has an interesting backstory that sort of gets played with, but has plenty more room to grow, and I also want to see more of him and his character.
Sophia Lillis' Doric is a lot of fun and strikes me as a Circle of the Moon druid. She gets a small, engaging focus of her own, but in keeping with the pacing and the ensemble directed at Edgin, I find myself wanting more of her as well.
Doric and Simon are paired up, sort of, and I'm not entirely sure if it works since they don't get too much time, but such is the curse of a fast-paced ensemble film. Hell, Casino Royale was barely an ensemble film, if you count the sidekicks and villains, and Bond got a life-and-sequel-movie-altering romance that was built through the whole thing and I didn't feel like the relationship had enough there by the time she was killed at the end of it, so mileage may vary I suppose.
Michelle Rodriguez's character Holga was also a delight to watch. She's not the lowest of Intelligence but she for sure rolled a nat20 on heart. (Yes I'm keeping that.) It may be since I've been watching a lot of the Mighty Nein campaign, but she reminds me a lot of Yasha. And given that this movie was filmed during the pandemic, and the people behind it are huge nerds themselves, it may be very likely they were in part inspired by Yasha when writing Holga. Who could say?
But Holga holds up the party with Chris' Edgin, and they have a great dynamic with each other. Edgin is the bard, and while he doesn't have his own colorful Bigby's Hand, he certainly and deftly weaves the story as his class is wont to do. And I worry for his lute because he swings it around like it's a sword sometimes and every time I think it's going to break.
The writing is fairly tight, fast pacing aside, and there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments and heartfelt moments. I want to see deleted scenes for this movie because I just want more of this story and these characters. And I feel like some things may have been trimmed that might have bloated a scene or two, but also would have been good to see. Hard to say at this point, but that's the vibe I get.
Overall, this movie is so much fun and worth going to see in theaters, more than once if you can. There is so much love in this story and it is absolutely felt when watching. You can definitely have fun with it if you have no experience with Dungeons and Dragons, if you're only familiar with separate properties like Critical Role or Dimension 20 and not so much the Classic Stuff(tm), or if you're a hardcore fan. There's good content in here for everyone, and it's treated well, and it treats its audience well.
If I were to give it a score as a movie, I would err on the side of 8.5/10. It's far from perfect, but it's a hell of a lot of fun and really well put together. Seeing it with friends/family in an engaged theater I would bump it up to a 9 or a 9.5.
I will be seeing it again, so I am going to reserve any Spoiler/Context-Specific Thoughts for after that time comes, and I will be interested to see how my experience with the movie changes depending on the theater and who I see it with, as I went alone this first time. But I'm very glad I saw it and look forward to seeing it again, and I hope they do get more opportunities to tell more stories in this world and other of the D&D worlds.
Both this cast, and John Francis Daley and Johnathan Goldstein as writer/directors, and all the people who worked on this movie, hit one out of the park and I would be very excited to see what more they could bring.
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sunnnfish · 4 months
Tagged by @aranarumei !!! Thanks!!
five shuffled songs from my favorite playlist
My current favorite playlist is. Ensemble stars songs. Im going to refrain from that one. If anyone cares it would be all Valkyrie songs. instead we’re looking at my general favorite songs playlist i called “high energy” because they’re mostly fast and well. High energy. And a little evil sounding. Minor notes and all that.
Got long bc im in verbose freak February. Going under a cut
1. Channel 01 Clown by Teddy Hyde
this is what I mean by evil sounding. Like YELLING and EMOTION and a strained smile and wild eyes. And like an almost cyclical sound. Fun fact i found this song from a cover i found on tumblr and im really sad that version isnt on Spotify. It was so good. Alas….
2. I Am… All Of Me cover by Victor McKnight, Penny Parker, Noah McKnight
yeah the shadow the hedgehog song. This is also what i mean by evil sounding. And fast paced. Also yeah this is the cover used in Snapcube Shadow The Hedgehog realtime fan dub. Really funny stuff…
3. Inside Story by Little River Band
got into this band bc i got really into cassette tapes and my grandma gave me a tape of this album and told me they were one of my grandpas favorite bands. And he was so right for that. This ones got a little of that evil sound… those minor notes… did you hear what the victim said…. One time i looped this song manually on my cassette player while doing a puzzle for like 5 hours probably
4. フィクサー (Fixer) by ぬゆり (nuyuri)
linking a specific cover on YouTube that i listened to. An embarrassing amount truly. And im sad its not on Spotify. But i love this song soooooooooooooo so so so much. Like the radio sounds the clapping snapping clicking sounds. So good.
5. Dr. Sunshine Is Dead by Will Wood and the Tapeworms
mmmm yeah those silly circus cyclical sliding evil sounnddssss… yeah just a really fun fast beat i love it
BONUS. Seishunnante Iranaiwa by Sangatsu no Phantasia
bonus because this was the next song that came on and i love it SOOOO MUCH… song associated with my favorite fic ever. Just looked up the full translated lyrics for the first time im crushed. Been going on vibes and slight japanese understanding alone which were mostly correct but ooohhh. Song about summer and growing up and not wanting to grow up. Let this summer last forever. Don’t let it slip through my grasp. Don’t move on without me. Im in shambles.
Anyways i could genuinely go on forever about songs. That Unwanted Animal by The Amazing Devil came on next i could probably write an essay on that one if i really wanted to. But im not i promise. Maybe some other time. I love sooonnngggsssss you guys…. Not tagging anyone specifically but feel free to do it yourself ^_^
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pruechaosbracket · 11 months
ROUND 2-B: Team Confidence VS Team Musical Number
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About Wataru: President of the Theater Club and one of the Three/Five Eccentrics. He is extremely dramatic, and very talented in multiple music/acting related fields, including mimicking others' voices, magic tricks, hypnotizing, and (what he as claimed to be) sentient hair. He nick-names most people he meets, along with being known as "Masked Freak" himself. Others' believe that he lives in his own world, meanwhile he's normally hyperaware, not letting let his act down and always ensuring that everyone isn't bored.
About Lyer: A demon-like creature who seems to enjoy confusing and teasing World, who he attempted to kill in their first encounter. He shows a lot of confidence in both the way the way he talks and acts, along with often dancing and singing. He has a set of red strings that he uses to manipulate others (mainly World) and grab things, he can also shape-shift and has repeatedly appeared and disappeared out of nowhere. While it has not happened in the comic yet, it has been heavily foreshadowed in the animations that Lyer is going to use World to kill Mia.
About Oli: An isekaied bard, the first player on Empires SMP, and the sole survivor of Afterlife SMP, having found himself in Empires SMP after trying to find his version of Sausage and instead finding Pearl, he quickly noped out due to the large amount of both Pearl's and Sausage's heads and him wanting to be alive. During his first day/episode on Empires, he named his new home the Olipoligo, built a "mega base", named his wolf after Sausage, found and raided an ancient city, outran the Warden, speedran killing the Ender Dragon, kicked the server's first mystery, stole Gem's horn, got deemed a bard, and got arrested by Fwip. He has also; gathered a bunch of Ender Men via Ender Rail (In Afterlife), fell into dept with Fwip and the Goblin Empire, tried to return to Afterlife which failed, organized the Rift Festival, and accidentally hatched the Ender Dragon Egg.
About Doofensmirtz: An "evil" scientist with ambitions to take over the Tri-State Area. He has a giant building/house/lab with "Doofensmirtz Evil Incorporated", which is also sang every time it's first seen per episode. Everything he creates ends in -inator, with their purpose ranging from the previously mentioned taking over the Tri-State Area or at least minorly inconveniencing it, to getting petty revenge on someone, to some kind of weird revenge related to his awful childhood. He named an evil organization L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., which is technically an acronym the full name isn't much better as it stands for "League Of Villainous Evildoers Maniacally United For Frightening Investments in Naughtiness". After he retired from evil he temporarily joined O.W.C.A partially thanks to him being legally an ocelot, and made an time machine shaped like a taco stand with no option for day; as it was replaced with a cup holder, and diverged a major world-saving plan to get his favorite orange soda.
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reisakumaproducer · 2 years
Serious post but Ensemble Stars Players need to remember that with the stories being taken down from the wiki, it is so incredibly hard for newer Enstars players to gain access to stories from the ! era. Not every Ensemble Stars player is going to know every single detail about a character because it’s now incredibly hard to find that information, and that’s okay
If you’ve been playing this game from the early days of the !! era or even before that, please try to put yourself in these new Enstarries’ shoes. Don’t try to belittle new Enstarries for not knowing the lore, instead try to help them learn it. If you see something written by someone who only plays Engstars that is inaccurate, try to correct them because they’re probably going off of !! era stories they read, and don’t have the full context of the ! era (or suggest stories they could find to get the context). Don’t be mean, just be respectful. 
Not everyone has the time to learn about their favourites in Enstars. I think about my favourites from this franchise a lot and I never have the time to read any stories from this game anymore due to school. Just try to be a considerate fan. Just because you don’t know every single detail, doesn’t make you any less of a fan
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IMAGINE in a ensemble stars self aware au. Where the player only know a bit JP which only in the category of hearing the Japanese and bad on reading the text. And is super new to the game but played all server when they just thought they'll just go with one server to have full attention to it and manage their time with work or school but they fall in love with the game. They don't have friends to tell them what's normal and what's not, as they just discovered the game when an ad appear on their social search one day for a class work.
So in basic ensemble stars, their always choices and such, but the player never understand what the Character Is asking and just randomly click what felt fancy text. They could never know they could be promising absorb or odd stuff to the character, they just know the character is either happy or sad about their choice base on the look they show afterwards and forget about it.
a.) What? No.
b.) Sure sure.
You chosen B.
Hiiro: YEY. BROTHER IS REALLY RIGHT. I CAN ASK YOU FOR PERMISSION. I'll wait for you to arrive in this world then!
Maybe they notice how they have the same exact cards from each server, through the server aren't the same patch or have banner as the leading older server with more content, they always get the card when the banner did come to that certain server. The player probably think it's odd but they love all the cards they have even so they probably don't know the backstory and lore of them, they play for the looks, the voice and the songs after all. They do know the names of the characters at least, they base on the voice in some lucky event or main story voiceline they somehow skip over or heard when they farm for gem.
|| A/N: I know narrate using you, instead of player. I got lazy. ||
They probably only know what they say when ENG server come out, as well the lore and back story of character making them like the idols more even so some are crazy and evil psychopath that did nothing wrong as his simple bored. That being said, idols who hear you commenting how they are fine even so others hate them or dislike some part of their personalities. They are all the player innocent meow meow. Even how cringe or embarrassing being called that by someone, they still like the nickname with denial and fakes rejection of such horrible nickname!
Koga, who's face is super red: I cannot believe I'm called a meow meow! I'm a wolf!
Hiiro: yey, me and brother are meow meow too!
They have always pull to each banner, through they are free to play. They still at least pull 10 to each banner as they want to try their luck. Sometimes they get lucky sometimes not. They still fine about it either way, the only thing that trigger them is "BAD" and "MISS" in combos. They once cried in frustration when they were in special mode and have the very last note went BAD. They don't know that as they cry in the real world the idol in the mv that supposed to ended since earlier, have the idols stood and watch over through the screen, worried about you. They saw that blue text and know your going to be affected than not getting 5* in a banner. The idols you always set on random for each day so everyone would get a chance would think of a line to motivate you after such event. Through, you never really know if it's a official line or not and felt happy that fictional friends of yours have comforting line.
Hiiro: don't worry! Practice makes things perfect!
Rinne: don't you give up just cause of one bad note! That's what loser do! Your not a loser right, big sis? Gyahaha.
The player have a hobby when they have a free time to spend on gaming than other days, they would go and pat and talk to all idols, one by one. The idols who get affection gesture from the player who don't like being touch like kohaku would pout but won't say his usual words that "it's rude to touch someone without approval." since you always pat their head and chat with him. When you learn facts about them from ENG server help, you talk about it.
Like to hiiro and Rinne who they always set to have the same time as fav at free time they have, at JP server you always put them in their hometown cloths and teen form since they are super cute in it (your secretly favor the brothers more than others like 10% more than others) : "I want to see your home town, it seems very interesting!" since you learn about their odd and unique hometown. Your curious about it. You can't understand what they says but if you did. You would have is read:
Rinne: well, well, we have to take you there one day then.
Hiiro: that's right, our hometown would welcome you happily, producer!
So your probably don't realize your game have become self aware and would not. You did wish to meet your digital friends one day. Maybe in a dream, you would meet them. Such thing did happen, you wake up in a dream, being waken by hiiro who smiled at you.
"(name) I been waiting for you! " With that being said he grab your hand to proceed to kidnap you as you promise him a consent unconscious sometime ago. He only been stop by his older brother as he get nag that other would want to meet you too. Your too shook and somewhat don't understand what they are saying as they still speaking Japanese. There's no sub like in English server. So you stayed mute as your dragged to meet other idols who welcome you to ensemble stars world. Either way your happy in your dream, to meet your fictional friends and don't want to wake up because your happy with colorful people like them yet... Such dream always comes to an end... Before it become a nightmare.
Anyway, this just an imagine for Self aware au.
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crones-trash · 10 months
Asteroid City, A Personal Review
Movies by Wes Anderson are an acquired taste. Most people don't like them but those of us who do really, really love them. His style is beyond quirky, way-out-there bizarre unrealistic plots, constrained performances, & brazenly artful scenery. Anderson doesn't even try to make commercially-viable movies. He makes ART! And he employs large casts of serious actors putting them in circumstances that turn straight actors into comedians & comedians into drama stars.
Under his direction, his ensembles are forced to conform to his insistence on them doing a parody of normal speech & behavior. They drone in emotionless monotones w deadpan demeanors, which puts the emphasis on the content of their speeches. His clever scripts are laugh-out-laugh funny when you listen to the words. But, if you don't, their performances can look utterly boring. And this leads your eyes to feasting on the background details. (I confess I've sat thru a couple of his movies only absorbing the set designs & camera angles but came out feeling refreshed & happy.)
Asteroid City is The Most Wes Anderson movie EVAH! He's got an All-Star cast including Tom Hanks, Scarlet Johansen, Brian Cranston, Adrien Brody, Edward Norton, Tilda Swinton, Willem Dafoe, and many, many more. Even the bit players have recognizable faces like Margo Robbie appears in only one scene that blows your mind. And Jason Schwartzman as the central character is amazing! He was allowed to project surprising micro-bursts of real emotion within the straight-jacket of Anderson's usual affectations.
The plot is impossibly convoluted: a 1950's B&W TV show about the writing of a play about a Technicolor movie w B&W Behind-the-Scenes inclusions of the play's actors behaving more naturalistically. This might actually be a first for Anderson & he uses it to press against the boundary of his usual creative methods. Leading up to the Grand Finale, Schwartzman steps outside of his primary Technicolor role to confront the writer of the play in B&W & demands to know what the story means!
In this moment, Anderson confronts his critics because one of the main complaints about his work is "WTF was that about!" I often recommend to people who have no previous experience w his movies to enjoy the snappy dialog & lush scenery; don't even try to make sense of it; simply let it roll over you & feel whatever you feel. Usually, after the fact, I examine what I felt & find some meaning for myself.
But, this time he has the entire cast arranged in tiered seating & they crash thru the 4th Wall by directly chanting at the viewer,
My eyes flooded w tears & I felt what Anderson intended me to feel—GRIEF! Yes, indeed, the Technicolor movie is centered on a story about a man processing the death of his wife, having to tell his children their mother is dead, & making peace w the father-in-law who never liked him. It's about letting go & moving on w the rest of your life.
I realize the chant is open to interpretation &, after the fact, I googled what others thought it meant. Most of them got the message about grief from it but have varied explanations for was the literal statement means.
My interpretation is: Movies are like dreams & the best way to watch them is to suspend your disbelief & enter a semi-conscious state to allow them to "happen" to you. Then you wake up when the movie is over & apply your critical thinking to what you experienced. If you obstinately remain self-conscious & busily critical, you simply won't get THE FULL EFFECT!
And, ya'know what? Grief is like that. And so are all traumatic events. If you don't give into the process of feeling your emotions, you'll never get over it. It will always be like a ghost haunting the back of your mind that spooks you until you confront it.
As someone who has experienced traumatic grief for going on 2½ years that evolved into a state of confusion since moving to Portland, I think this movie helped me "wake up".
Hey, look! I'm writing from my heart again!
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
My major problem with GOTG 3 is in the third act (of course)...
Overall, solid movie. It was a nice closer. And even tho it was 2 1/2 hours, it still felt like it kinda force rushed character growth finality. 'THIS is who EACH person became and ended up. END OF STORY!' Then the post credits with 'Star Lord will return.' WHO THE FUCK CARES? They are an ensemble cast and Peter Quill, no powers, by himself, sounds boring as shit.
But the third act, for them being the HEROES, they did one of the most short sighted, stupid, even cruel possible choice.
Knowhere is now a giant mobile city for 10s of thousands. In the final act, they need to board the enemy ship. So they transport Knowhere, a city full of THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE, right into the heat of the battle to attack the enemy ship. Again, putting at risk everyone, and 100% getting some of them killed. Kids too. To save ONE person? I'm sorry, but that's the most unhero thing you can do: 'My friend is at risk, so I'm going to jeopardize thousands of lives.' WTF. <fairly, Starlord and Thanos shows he doesn't care about EVERYONE. I always hated that scene too. Thanos killed Gamora and you think your tempter tantrum will help anything? Saying this all out loud...Starlord is a POS.>
Also, you KNEW the lead baddie was creating a new world with new creatures. You kinda KNEW there were 100s of lives on that ship, but still attacked it without considering all the facts? Starlord is not a hero. I do not want to ever see him anything without the rest again.
My fav part? 3 fold.
3-Mantis FINALLY sticking up for herself. She needed a backbone.
2-The trilogy kinda hinting that the main focus, the whole time, was actually rocket racoon (and him finally admitting he's a racoon). Seriously, when they tease this, you reflect on EVERY movie he's been in (and remember him and Nebula were alone for 5 years after Thanos which I never really thought about. The impact of this movie being all about Rocket possibly dying & her reaction hit that much harder.)
1I love/hated Gamora's ending. I'm glad she kinda got her heart back, and did NOT end up with Quill (It wouldn't of been the same). But how buddy budddy/family she was with the ravengers seemed out of place. Forced with the tiny Stallon cameo. Either she IS doing it for the money or she DOES care about them. Quill didn't even love them all that much. Coworkers? Cool. But now they're family? Weird. Out of place.
Least fav thing?
Starlord going back to his grandpa. Sorry, but he basically never showed any interest ever, but now, because someone mentioned it, he changes the rest of his life? This movie solidified that Starlord is my least favorite guardian. He's a selfish short sighted baby man.
Overall, better than 2 (but 2 was needed), and a fair (but not the best) closer.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3: 7.2/10.
<What would I have done different? Starlord dies. It would have been better. It really genuinely would have been better if he died exactly when it looked like he was gonna. And it would have been perfect: dying for his music player? He came in a dumbass, he went out a dumbass. THEN it would give a comfortable opening for Gamora and Nebula to reconnect and fix everything they broke thru the years. Everything else could've stayed the same. Maybe Mantis going to find her own species would've been cool. As I said, it was a decent ending. But that 3rd act....a little wishy-washy.>
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glazeflower · 1 year
Ensemble Stars Characters playing Genshin Impact PT.2
FT. Sora Harukawa, Aira Shitori and Shu Itsuki.
Again it can be ooc just saying.
TW: genshin impact
Sora Harukawa
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He's good
Like 1 million dmg with Amber good
Got all the achievements in game
Mobile main but I can see him also having all the consols that can run genshin on.
Yes even a graphic calculator
And also a apple watch or what the heck they have in the Enstars univers
Loves to play co-op especially with friends
Loves to help his friends do big pp dmg if they never reached super high
I can see him as a Yoimiya Main or Bennett main
When ever there is a event and there is rthyme game in it.
Full score
All perfect
Loves to make his own maps and play them
Aira Shitori
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Sorry I got to say this
He screams to me bad luck
Like he knows how to play the game helps others to but...
The worst artifacts luck
Losing 50/50 everytime
Also also climbing a mountain and not having enough stamina. Died.
Watches his Idols play genshin on livestream
When ever the idols say they want to do co-op with the viewers
Aira spams the chat so much he is on the edge of being blocked
Was for a very long time f2p but he wanted to join a 4 same character in co-op with a idol that he spend a lot to get that said character.
He stopped whaling thought because Tatsumi said to him to not gamble
Also his wallet was empty af
He's a person who switch mains per week
But he will always go for the most pretty character
Or the character that on of his idols mains
When Alkaloid are playing Genshin together he is the one eith the plan
But will die first most of the time ( also depends on Hiiro)
But Tatsumi is there to help heal him so they all can play together.
Even though he isn't the luckiest genshin player he has the most fun with the people around him :)
Shu Itsuki
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Ye no he's not playing
It will distract hime from making 🌟Art🌟
Mika will try to convince him to atleast look at the clothing design
Shu takes one glance at Mika's phone and go back to sewing or doing what ever he just did
When Mika and Shu are apart Mika will send some of sewing he did and will say it's based of this genshin character send pic of said character
When Mika came again with the genshin talk Shu was a bit done with it but still listend
Up hearing that there will be another nation added that is based of France and with Valkyrie's aesthetic he'll listen closely
Will create an account but won't play on it
Probly asks Mika to progress through the story do his dailys etc
Will only open it when Mika announce that Fontain is out and that there are new Fontain characters on the limited gacha
Will pull every Fontain character with all the wishes Mika had saved up
Will get every Fontain character easily winning the 50/50
But with the hydro archon he losses but still got her
Doesn't build them or use them Mika does thought
Will only open it when he need inspiration and will look at the model of said character and look at the detail and write all that up will close the game again
As I stated before he doesn't play at all so Mika will pick one it's probly the hydro archon
His characters do pretty good dmg
Mika happily runs his Oshi-san's account and his own
Also Shu complaints a lot about the amount of storage it use on his phone so he deletes it often and asks Mika for detailed screen shots of the Fontain characters.
That was it again I hope I did some justice to thes characters. Also sorry that Sora's part was short and Aira's and Shu's were long. But I hope you like them.
Bye have a nice day of night
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bcomic-blog · 2 years
This is an experiment. I’d like this to be a bLog for analyzing and discussing webcomics. One format that might be a way to prompt that conversation is a summing up of the week in webcomics. We’ll see how this goes!
Careful: spoilers may lurk
(By Rich Burlew; www.giantitp.com; updates infrequently; Full Color, Stick-Figure Art; D&D parody, ensemble, longform closed-ended, comedic action-drama; support)
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No. YES! Surprisingly, during the writing of this post! (New page here)
The story is in a bit of a lull, with the party inventorying minor assets in the run-up to a major (possibly climactic?) confrontation with Team Evil. On the previous page they accounted for minor skills, this page minor monsters, specifically five Mimics (D&D mosters that lie in wait in dugeons camoflauged as common objects, in this case, two of the five stools)
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(By Dan slash Dana Shive; egscomics.com; updates daily M thru Sat; Grayscale, fully illustrated; suburban fantasy w transgender themes, ensemble, open-ended, time-dilated, mix of SoL, Soap & Adventure; support)
The M-W-F full-page storyline, “Balance,” wrapped up yesterday after 18 months and 198 pages. The final page resolved so many ongoing mysteries, confirming or debunking so many fan theories, that I have already posted a deep dive into that one page!
Before that, Elliot collapsed, probably of exhaustion and had a vision of himself berating themself as “pathetic,” evidently over having worried Tedd:
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Meawhile, the T-Th-Sat comic strip (running concurrently and idependently) is smack in the middle of the “Who Is Ellen” storyline, and the impromptu D&D players are revealing their characters to one another. Rich tries shaming George for playing a woman character. This goes poorly:
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The  M-W-F comic will be on hiatus for 10 days for the Shive to prep for the new arc, but meawhile the T-Th-Sat storyline will continue!
(By Ryan North; www.qwantz.com; updates M-W-F; Color, Simple Pixel Art, every page identical; observational humor and absurdity; support)
Sometimes a comic panel is best with no context at all:
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The context
(By Tom Siddell; gunnerkrigg.com; updates M-W-F ; Full Color, fully illustrated; magic-school fantasy, longform drama adventure; support)
(No parethetical explanations, they’d each take paragraphs and paragraphs!)
Jerrek wants to see the “Star Ocean” for himself, but as the train pulls closer, he is growing convinced that it would destroy him. Hilariously, his new “girlfriend” seems oblivious of his distress:
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But in the most recent page, she seems to finally notice, break through his indecision and pull him off the train before it’s too late!
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(By Jeph Jacques; questionablecontent.net; updates Weekdays; Full Color, fully illustrated; Almost real-world setting with some SF elements, open-ended long-running SoL Soap; support)
Claire (recently graduated library scientist) has been offered a weird and possibly too-good-to-be-true opportunity to build and run an IS dept from scratch for oddball research commune, the Cube. She is on a quest to get all the advice she can, and has finally come to talk to her Mom, who suggests she talk to her nice AI friend Yay. Yay is basically Skynet, if Skynet wanted to integrate into society and live a normal life.
However, Claire’s boyfriend has heard about Yay helping out his best friend’s AI girlfriend, which leads to instant acceptance! But also... misunderstandings
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I also read Girl Genius, but the current side story... I’m not really feeling it. Also, I’ve gone on long enough. I hope this prompts some conversation or maybe leads someone to discover a new read!
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littleroaes · 1 month
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, tbz [ TEASER ]
Y/n's stale love life gets a catalyst at the start of the autumn semester when two weeks earlier; her younger brother got egged on by his friend to post the box of secret love letters she has collected during 12 years. how does she handle the end of summer and five leaked love letters?
PAIRING ( 3rd pov, she/ her ) fem!reader x lee hyunjae, lee juyeon, ji changmin, kim sunwoo, eric sohn
GENRE, WARNINGS fluff, university!au, humor, to all the boys i loved before!au, 2000s and 2010s au, summer!au, sprinkle of angst, sporty people, nerdy people, parties, friends2lovers, childhood friends, bickering, slice of life, coming of age ( more info in full fic ! )
RELEASE DATE end of may / beginning of june
this will be my fic for the @deoboyznet love letter collective event! ( idk if i should use the dbn tag since it’s just a teaser ) i've wanted to write a "to all the boys..." fic for so long and i'm finally doing it! if someone wants to be tagged for the full fic lmk!
like and reblog are highly encouraged!
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Dad told her once after an argument with a best friend to take a paper and a pen; then, let it out. Fold the paper, lay it in a box, and shelter under your bed. 
It’s inherently the same concept as a diary she suppose. Though, somewhat more effective. 
Nonetheless, from that first letter a series of what one can only describe as an uncontrolled teenage angst ensemble of love letters emerged over the course of twelve years.
There are five of them. 
The first one is Lee Jaehyun, a three year older popular student who she had a trivial crush on in middle school (together with everyone else). In all honesty she didn’t know much about him; just that he was cute looking. There’s a sort of emotional torment in recalling her one sided adoration while leaned out the school window to see him play football. Even his name haunts her still in uni as her roommate had a crush on the shining hockey player the entire two semesters.
In short, everyone liked Lee Jaehyun. 
Next is Eric Sohn, her childhood friend, the boy next door, her first love? He has many titles she realize. He lived in an impressive house north from hers, one that hosts many parties every time his parents take the trip to their summer resort. At some point, it felt like he knew every kid in town. Luckily for her; Y/n has never been the jealous type. Despite being each other’s ride or die since ten, Y/n has never confessed the secret ways she looked at him back in the sandbox.  
Third is Sunwoo–just Sunwoo; she never got his last name–from summer camp who she even (jokingly) got married to. Her first summer at thirteen, away from her parents, with kids her age. When recalling it all back, that summer feels as if taken right out of a movie, and she fell head first, three meters deep with the boy. Sunwoo always stood in the center (bad and good…mostly bad tbh). They got paired up for the kayak; it pissed rained and their coordination couldn’t take them ten meters. But she remembers every word he said as butterfly inducing nonetheless. After that, at night they snuck out of their cabin’s to watch the stars. And when that summer too ended, she swore her heart shattered into million pieces.
The fourth is Lee Juyeon, a boy she had never seen before until his cat got pregnant by her own. Scuba Steve (long story) had been gone for some days until another family came up to their door with him. For half a year, it felt like she saw Lee Juyeon everyday. He was just as enchanted by kittens as her (if not more) and they would visit each other just to cuddle with them. Her teenage heart used to rush with the mere presence of him and they together named all the kittens–until they were sold off. Then they eventually stopped seeing each other. Though he still lurks around as a poet’s ghost around campus (source: Eric). 
The last one, Ji Changmin, the son of her mother’s friend. He teached her calculus for a while in high school. To be fully transparent, she didn’t learn much from him that year because all she did was leaning on the kitchen table while adoring him until the rims of his glasses slipped. He always scolded her endearingly when she didn’t listen (which was the majority of the time). Ji Changmin always wore cute polos with neat pants–now when thinking about it, her mother might have approved if they got together. But it’s too late. He went to uni; and simply left her with a newfound thing for glasses (still wearing cute polos in uni). 
And that's all five. She sometimes wonders if it was a mere symptom of youth that resulted in those letters. Since uni–outside a campus crush or two-–that compelling yearning for someone has never come back to her. 
to be continued
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© littleroaes, written and all
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daymusik · 4 months
► New Song: "For the Stars"
Song 1 of 8 from my debut album "I Would Like to Introduce" --> Watch the associated music visualizer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMwnC4q5EUc ► You can listen to the album in these places: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/daymusik/i-would-like-to-introduce-2
🐾 A bold choice to open an album with a slow song, I'm sure, but if people don't like it, that's not my problem. I decided, for my debut album, that I would open it with a modern take of the very first song I ever made. "For the Stars" was a song I made in 2010 during a road trip from Kentucky to Nevada to visit family. As I sat in the backseat of the car (because I was 14 at the time), I looked out at the clear, starry night sky and was just taken by how many stars I could see out in the desert sky. I remember having this feeling, I can't explain it, but I wanted to express it somehow, so I opened up my little ol' iPod Touch, opened my Xewton Music Studio app, and made a pretty similar version of what you hear here, just much, much less developed, of course. I have the original song uploaded somewhere on SoundCloud (but you can't see it right now because I haven't been able to pay for it), and it was also my first full-length song. 🐾 Opening with this song shows that I'm a band kid at heart, while I was never in an orchestra, the use of strings, flute, oboe, clarinet, glockenspiel, and vibraphone instruments (and the strings are individual instances of Edirol Orchestral for Violins, Violas, Celli, and Contrabasses, just one for each, though, as the VST has, like, "Violin ensemble" and whatnot to get a fuller sound) — the use of these instruments is meant to signify my connection to classical music and traditional instrument performance, me being a percussionist myself. Near the end, I have a marching snare drum solo meant to signify my connection with marching band as a percussionist, one year having marched in the drumline, but for the other 4 years, I marched in the front ensemble. Then, of course, the song shifts to a more EDM-style vibe to better represent the style of music I will most likely be making, but with the classical instruments mixed in as there will always be that element of classical and traditional music in what I do.
🐾 Support my music production: https://daymusik.bandcamp.com https://ko-fi.com/daymusik
🐾 Where to find me: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6N6Yxpe5ruM1Ogy52BpOzL Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/za/artist/daymusik/1556234296 Amazon Music: https://www.amazon.com/music/player/artists/B08XWM5RJ1/daymusik everywhere else: https://linktr.ee/daymusik
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halxwilliams · 5 months
𝓗𝓪𝓵 𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓼 𝓑𝓲𝓸
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Name: Henry "Hal" Williams
Nicknames: Hal
Age: 16
Hal Williams was born into a world of fame and glamour as the son of the famous French model Amelia Le Blanc and renowned actor Ryder Williams. He has an older half-sister named Sabrina, who is both a talented singer and actress. Hal's mother had a previous relationship with Tristan Bailey, an actor and director in London, before meeting Ryder. When Tristan left, unaware that Amelia was pregnant with Sabrina, Ryder stepped in and adopted her, keeping their true relationship a secret. Hal's world was turned upside down when Gossip Girl exposed the truth about his sister, leading him to run away from home before eventually accepting the truth and returning.
Growing up as the son of a renowned actor, Hal's childhood was filled with excitement and curiosity. He was immersed in the world of films and entertainment. From a young age, he watched his father captivate audiences with his performances, leaving a lasting impression on Hal's mind. Being an actor's son had its perks. Hal attended star-studded red carpet events, rubbed shoulders with celebrities, and witnessed the magic of film productions firsthand. He was exposed to the behind-the-scenes chaos and creativity that went into bringing stories to life on screen.
However, it wasn't always easy for Hal. Being part of a famous family came with its own set of challenges. He felt the weight of expectations, the pressure to live up to his father's legacy. There were times when he struggled to find his own identity and establish himself as an individual outside of his father's shadow.
Nevertheless, this unique upbringing shaped Hal's love for the arts and ignited his own passion for acting. It fueled his desire to carve out his own path in the creative realm, to make a name for himself on his own terms. He carried with him the lessons learned and the indelible memories of his upbringing as an actor's son.
Hal used to be quite the ladies' man, enjoying the thrill of the dating scene. However, as he matured, he realized the importance of genuine connections and left his player days behind.
Hal possesses an enigmatic and captivating presence. With his striking features, including his green eyes and tousled dark hair, he effortlessly commands attention wherever he goes. His fashion sense is a perfect blend of classic elegance and modern edge, always making a statement with his stylish ensembles. Hal's eyes are a warm and inviting shade of green. They are expressive and have a hint of mischief, reflecting his playful and adventurous nature. Hal's eyebrows are well-defined, adding to the intensity and depth of his gaze.
Hal has a slender and athletic physique. He carries himself with a confident and graceful demeanor, showcasing his natural elegance. Hal's fashion sense is classic and timeless, often opting for tailored and sophisticated outfits that reflect his refined taste.
Hal possesses a captivating personality that is both charming and full of life. He possesses a natural charisma that draws people to him, but beneath his confident exterior lies a sensitive soul. He exudes a youthful exuberance that is infectious, always bringing a sense of joy and energy to any situation. Hal has a mischievous charm that can light up a room and bring a smile to anyone's face. He is known for his playful nature, always ready for an adventure or a spontaneous outing.
Hal is a romantic at heart. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is not afraid to express his emotions. Hal is sensitive and empathetic, always attuned to the feelings of those around him. He is a true friend, offering support and understanding to those in need.
In addition to his charm and romantic nature, Hal is also intellectually curious. He is an avid reader and a lover of knowledge. Hal enjoys exploring new ideas and perspectives, always seeking to expand his horizons. He is a deep thinker, often pondering life's big questions and searching for meaning and purpose.
Ryder Williams is Hal's father and he is a famous actor. Hal looks up to his father not only as a talented actor but also as a role model. Ryder has been a mentor to Hal, guiding him in the industry. They often bond over their love for sports, cheering for their favorite teams and even playing friendly matches themselves. Hal and Ryder also appreciate art and often visit museums and galleries, discussing and appreciating different artistic styles and works. When they want to unwind, they enjoy spending time in nature, going for hikes or relaxing by the beach.
Amelia, Hal's mother, plays a crucial role in his life as a supportive and protective figure. As a model, she understands the challenges and pressures that come with being in the public eye. Recognizing Hal's passion for acting, Amelia has been there for him every step of the way, despite her initial reservations about him starting at such a young age. She takes pride in his accomplishments. As Hal continues to grow as an actor, Amelia remains his biggest supporter and advocate. She ensures that he remains grounded, protected, and focused on his dreams, allowing him to flourish both personally and professionally.
Hal shares a deep bond with his half-sister Sabrina, treating her as a full sibling despite their complicated family history. Their unbreakable connection serves as a pillar of support in his life. Hal feels a strong sense of responsibility to protect and support her. He is always there to lend a listening ear whenever she faces challenges or needs someone to confide in. Despite being only one year apart in age, Sabrina has a nurturing side towards Hal that often manifests in spoiling him. She enjoys taking him to the mall and indulging in shopping trips together. Beyond their sibling relationship, Sabrina and Hal are best friends. They enjoy spending quality time together. Whether it's watching movies, exploring new hobbies, or simply engaging in heartfelt conversations, they find comfort and joy in each other's presence.
In terms of romantic relationships, Hal has had his fair share of passionate entanglements.
Hal and Ivy's fling started off like a whirlwind romance, full of excitement and passion. From the moment they laid eyes on each other, there was an undeniable spark between Hal and Ivy. It was love at first sight for them. Hal was mesmerized by Ivy's incredible voice and her stage presence that could make anyone swoon. And Ivy couldn't resist Hal's charm and his ability to bring characters to life on the screen. Their time together was filled with amazing moments. They went on romantic dates, exploring the lively streets of New York or just cuddling up together for movie nights.
But as time went on, things got messy and complicated. The main reason for their breakup was the clash between their careers. Hal is an actor and he was always busy with auditions and filming. He had to travel a lot, which made it hard for them to spend time together. Ivy is a singer and she had gigs and recording sessions that took up a lot of her time too. They were both so focused on their careers that they didn't have much time for each other. The pressure and gossip from their industries made things even harder. People were always talking about their relationship, which added stress and drama.
Hal and Ivy were always at each other's throats, constantly arguing and bickering.The tension between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife. On top of their constant arguments, there was another issue that added fuel to the fire in Hal and Ivy's relationship. Hal had a reputation for being a bit of a playboy, charming and charismatic with the ladies. This reputation often made Ivy feel even more jealous and insecure whenever he interacted with other female celebrities. After a while, they both realized that their relationship just wasn't working. The fighting had become too much, and it was taking a toll on their happiness. They finally came to the tough decision that it was best to call it quits.
Hal and Amber had a friends with benefits thing going on. They were buddies who also enjoyed some extra fun on the side. It was a casual and no-strings-attached arrangement that allowed them to have a physical connection without the pressure of a committed relationship but as time went on, they found themselves catching feelings for each other. The more they spent time together, the deeper their connection became. They started craving more than just physical intimacy – they wanted emotional closeness too.
Hal's fear of entering into his first official relationship with Amber is understandable. The past experiences he had with Ivy, where fights and conflicts arose, have left him apprehensive about the potential challenges that may arise in a committed relationship. Regret fills Hal's heart as he realizes that he made Amber wait for a long time before taking the leap of faith to be an official couple. He feels guilty for not being more decisive and courageous in pursuing their relationship. He acknowledges that he may have acted cowardly, but he also recognizes the importance of Amber in his life and the strong feelings he has for her. In an effort to make amends, Hal tries his best to make it up to Amber. However, he also understands the need to give her space, as she is hurt by his previous actions. Seeking advice from his friends, he decides to respect her feelings and give her the time she needs to heal and process their situation.
Despite the challenges and uncertainties, Hal's love for Amber remains unwavering. He hopes that one day she will be able to forgive him and that they can build a serious and committed relationship together. He patiently waits for her answer, understanding that healing and forgiveness take time. Hal is cautious about spending time with his ex-girlfriend Ivy Garcia, aware of the potential discomfort it may cause Amber. He values her feelings and understands the importance of maintaining boundaries.
Blair Waldorf and Andrew Peak are his cousins. Hal has a unique relationship with his older cousins, Blair Waldorf and Andrew Peak. Despite the age gap, they have played significant roles in shaping his life and providing guidance along the way.
Hal wants to be a cool and fun uncle to Blair and Chuck's children so he visits them a lot and makes sure to spend time with them.
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tilbageidanmark · 7 months
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Movies I watched this Week # 146 (Year 3/Week 42):
The wolf house, a very disturbing and very unique nightmare from Chile. A dark, adult stop-motion animated art film about an abused little girl who tries to mentally escape from some kind of a frightening colony. All the reviews I read consider this one of the most insane and mesmerizing films ever made. Similar in style to Jan Švankmajer and Yuri Norstein.
The story is narrated in Spanish and German, and is rendered extra horrifying, because it was 'inspired' by the real-life story of 'Colonia Dignidad'. This was a secluded, barbed-wired camp in Chile, which for decades operated as religious center for a cult of Nazi pedophiles, who slaved, abused and tortured generations of young natives, especially during the Pinochet years.
The trailer.
🍿 Another bizarre film [Found on somebody's list of 'weirdest movies of all time'] is The Dancing Pig from 1907. A short burlesque piece about a naked, anthropomorphic pig dancing on a stage with a woman. There are other versions, each with its own music, which gives each one a different interpretation, just as Eisenstein said.
2 by Spanish director Rodrigo Sorogoyen:
🍿 The beasts, an extremely tense thriller about xenophobia, based on a real event. An older French couple moves into a remote Galician village in the countryside (in Spain), and tries to build a quiet life there growing vegetables. But a neighbor dispute with some locals escalates and ends badly. It's like a darker, modern day 'Manon of the spring', or 'Straw dogs' without the blatant violence. Denis Ménochet is terrific. The score is eerie with dissonant tambourine sounds. 9/10.
🍿 Mother (“Madre”) is a tight short, filmed exclusively inside of an apartment (and nearly all of it in one shot) which becomes increasingly horrifying as the story draws out. A woman receives a phone call from her 6-year-old son, who had gone on vacation with his dad. But the child calls to say that he's lost and alone on a beach somewhere, and he can't say - before his battery runs out - if they are still in Spain or in France.
Sorogoyen expanded this tense nugget of panic into a full feature 2 years later. I'll probably watch it as well.
Re-watch: Bergman's 1958 gothic horror story The magician ("Ansiktet"). The enigmatic 'Vogler's Magnetic Health Theater' plays stage tricks and spiritual magic in front of a skeptical audience. With all of Bergman's ensemble players (except of Liv Ullmann). 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. 9/10.
2 more by Douglas Sirk:
🍿 Magnificent Obsession, my second romantic soapie starring Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman (Last week I saw their 'All that heaven allows'). It's a weepie melodrama full of chick-flick tropes: A handsome, spoiled millionaire who atones for his rude behavior by turning his life around, dedicating himself to selfless philanthropy, a love story that survives all hardships, blindness that is caused by a car accident, but is healed when the only surgeon who loves the patient operates to remove an unrelated tumor, etc. etc. I loved that the "Magnificent obsession" concept is being symmetrically introduced at 52:00, the exact middle of the film.
🍿 Imitation of Life, Sirk's last American film, opens with a montage of shower of diamonds, and ends with Mahalia Jackson funeral singing at a black church. In between it lays it thick with a melodrama about two single mothers, one white and one black, and their two daughters, one of which passes for white, and tries to hide her heritage. With Dan O'Herlihy who played Buñuel's Robinson Crusoe. (Photo Above).
The cow ("Gaav", 1969), the first masterpiece of the Iranian New Wave. A deeply resonant story of a simple villager whose only precious possession in the world is his cow, which (like in the Kelly Reichardt film), is the first and only cow in this village. This is maybe the most primitive locale I've ever seen on film, just some mud houses built around a waterhole in the middle of a barren desert. But the small community is cohesive and everybody tries to help the despondent peasant when his cow suddenly dies. The black & white cinematography is stunningly beautiful, and the emotional punch of the story is carefully timed. This was one of the Ayatollah Khomeini's favorite films, and may have helped keep the Iranian film industry alive after the Islamic revolution. 9/10.
Sadly, the director, Mehrjui and as well as his wife, were murdered last week, after he publicly denounced the state censorship. RIP, Dariush Mehrjui!
2 by iconoclast Joseph Strick;
🍿“Hey. How’s your middle leg, darling?…”
After watching a new 15 minutes segment from 'Great Books Explained' channel about James Joyce's Ulysses, I decided to watch the then-controversial 1967 adaptation. This is my 2nd Joyce adaptation (After John Huston's wondrous 'The Dead').
I'm glad that I read all of Joyce (Except of 'Finnegans Wake' of course) when I was younger. I miss reading and I hope that I'll pick up the habit again before I die.
I was skeptical about any effort to turn the rich virtuosity and Stream of consciousness of the original into a movie, especially when it updated the story from 1904 to the 1960's. But I loved it nevertheless. Blasphemous and sensuous, it fetishes much of Joyce's Dublin mythology; The musical life, politics, landmarks, even some of the melodious language. Milo O'Shea, (who looked exactly like the Israeli poet Pinhas Sadeh), was memorable, sad and sensual; I need to look for more of his movies. Molly's 20-minute inner monologue was wonderful. 8/10.
🍿 Strick's 1948 short documentary Muscle Beach, when it was still located by the Santa Monica Pier. A wholesome, innocent look at the emerging counterculture of bodybuilders, and the adoring children running around the waterfront. 8/10.
4 more short films:
🍿 La Fonte des neiges (AKA "Thawing out") is a unique little French film about a 12-year-old boy, whose young mom brings with her for a vacation at a nudist colony. In the beginning, he's not too keen to be there, but after meeting a pretty girl, he 'thaws out'. In spite of the overall nudity, it's a sweet, wholesome story.
🍿 In the Israeli animated short A letter to a pig, an old holocaust survivor tells a class of teenage students how he hid in a dirty pigsty. Rendered in a beautiful surreal style.
🍿 A new Irish version of Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf, animated in a lovely black & white style with some red accents here and there. Written by Bono, and using a narrator whose conspiratorial voice distract from the visuals. 4/10.
🍿 Feral, made by a Portuguese animator, about a wild child brought back into civilization. Nominated for Oscar in 2013. Now I want to watch Truffaut's 'L'Enfant sauvage' again.
My first (?) by Rouben Mamoulian, the musical Silk stockings. A ludicrous political story about Soviet communism vs. American capitalist hedonism. Syd Charisse, the tough (but sexy) Russian operative abandons her principles as soon as she's wooed by Fred Astaire (here named “Steve"!) and learns the meaning of "love". All are enchanted by the irresistible magic of "Gay Paree". Most of the tunes were sub-par, but the best dance and song numbers are superb.
2 by Antoine Fuqua:
🍿 "When you pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too".
Because I watch so few vigilante-action movies, I liked the Denzel vehicle The Equalizer, especially the reflective, quiet parts. Part All-powerful Jedi, part Almighty Janitor, he's a Home Depot James Bond who never sleeps, and very good at killing people. 5/10.
🍿 Brooklyn's Finest, another gritty crime film, about 3 separate "bad" NYC cops, who get to meet in one location in the projects for a final "Ballet of death". One is an uncover cop, who betrays his friends, one steals money from drug raids in order to support his family, and Richard Gere is a week from retirement, and he doesn't care at all about anything. Thankfully, he is able to heroically save some young sex slaves, and for that, he's the only one to survive.
"I can't be a father of anything. I don't even read the newspapers."
Dark horse is my second quirky film by Icelandic director Dagur Kári (After the terrific ‘Virgin mountain’). Completely off-beat 'Indie' style story of two Danish slackers in Copenhagen who both fall in love with the same girl working in a bakery. Precious and humane.
With young Nicolas Bro. The trailer. 7/10.
After 'Monty Python’s Flying Circus' ended, Graham Chapman worked with an up-and-coming young writer named Douglas Adams on a new sketch comedy show for the BBC. It was called Out of the Trees, and it bombed. Only one episode was made, and that aired only once, on January 10, 1976. It was considered lost, but 30 years later, a single copy surfaced. Now that it’s available on YouTube, it’s terrible by all means. With annoying laugh tracks and without the synergy of the other Pythons. 1/10.
The Onion used to be cutting edge & prophetic in the old days, when they published 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over' four days before Bush inauguration, or when they re-publish ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens, every time there's a 'big’ mass shooting.
But these days are long gone. Life absurdities have caught up to the satire, and when they tried to come The Onion Movie it wasn't there any more. A movie so bad, it couldn't get distribution. A long string of comedy sketches, out of which about 15 were very funny. But it wasn't 'Airplane!', Saturday Night Live, Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker or even National Lampoon. And the main guy was definitely no Lesley Nielsen. 2/10.
3 times Honk; The first by Cyriak, and a follow up from Mr. weebl. Also, an old one by Felix Colgrave.
(My complete movie list is here)
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