#fully ready to be wrong but this hit me like a truck and was too fully formed not to post
stedebonnit · 10 months
Ok i rewatched the trailer and I'm also looking at something Vico said at that convention about how the hardest episode for them to film (or most intense, something like that) was episode 2.
So, here's my poorly formed theory.
Episode 1 is lovelorn Stede and the establishment of Ed the wedding crasher Teach.
Episode 2, Stede is really good at tracking Ed down. Izzy has taken notice and is desperately trying to get Ed away from Stede because Izzy gets off to prefers kraken Ed
Usually, Ed is more astute and would notice the people trailing him, but whenever he isn't crashing weddings he's doing arts and crafts with wedding toppers so he's reeeally taking a backseat to captaining.
This is also why they sail head first into a storm, because Ed, who can usually predict the weather with near perfect accuracy, isn't bothering, and Izzy, as established, is a shit sailor and doesn't know the meaning of the clouds.
So, they're in a storm, a scene that I imagine was quite physically and emotionally intense to film (hence Vico saying it was intense, maybe there's even a moment of Jim thinking they won't see Olu again).
Ed is tuned out, but not as much as Izzy might think. He knew the storm was coming, at least within the last day, and he's already sick and tired of being the kraken.
So, he has a plan. They're sailing near the shore, and even in a storm, Ed is a strong swimmer. Or maybe he doesn't care much whether he makes it safely to land or not.
Either way, he's gotten everyone tied up against the ship and sailing her through the storm, he's not needed anymore, and if he were to mysteriously disappear during the storm, well, they'd all think he was dead. Whether he actually is isnt the point anymore.
The point is he doesn't have to be Blackbeard. He can be set free. He can live or die as Ed, and that's all he can ask for.
They hit a wave and Ed jumps ship, and washes up on the shore like we see in the trailer.
Izzy, for all his stupidity, doesn't believe that Blackbeard could fall off a ship in a storm. He underestimates Ed at every turn, but this time he doesn't believe it, not when believing it means he's lost his new favourite toy.
So, he let's Stede catch up with him. He decides it's time to make nice. Stede's tracked them down no matter how hard Izzy tried to drop him. They have the entire english navy after them and fucking Bonnet is the only one who made any headway in finding them.
Well, the truth is that its because Stede knows Ed, and Izzy isn't as good at losing people as he thinks, but that's for another day.
So, Izzy recruits Stede, he insists Ed isnt dead, but he's left, and Izzy needs him back. He asks if Stede has any leads on where Ed could be, and promises that he'll put up with Stede Bonnet's bizzare way of doing things if it means he can get Ed back.
Now, of course, Izzy doesn't actually plan to let this happen. The second that they find Ed he'll discreetly kill Stede and pretend like they never met. He'll do what he does best and take credit for things he hasn't done. But again, thats for another time.
The point is, Izzy asks Stede where Ed could possibly be going, and Stede has one answer.
And, of course, the moment Ed does wash up on that shore very much not dead, his thoughts go to exactly the same place. He realizes that, though his heart is broken, he would still rather be free and be Ed alone than spend another day as the kraken, and if Stede wouldn't come with him to China then he can damn well do it alone.
This brings us to what we see so much of in the trailer, the unlikely duo of Stede and Izzy both equally pretending not to despise one another as they sail under a common goal. Stede, who still doesnt like Izzy but is happy to work with him if it means he can forget Izzy exists the second he's back with Ed. And Izzy, who does in fact fully intend to murder and discreetly dispose of Stede the second Ed is in his sight.
Shennanigans ensue, and that brings us to episode 3 or 4.
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apothe-roses · 1 year
I Wanna Ride
modern Aemond Targaryen x reader
Part 1
Summary: After finally getting your hands on a ‘dragon’, you find yourself needing help with repairs. Enter hot yet rude mechanic Aemond Targaryen
Fic contains: swearing, Aemond beings prick, I think that’s it?
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this fic for weeks and am finally ready to post it. I tried to use the right terminology, but I know fuck-all about biker culture so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hope you enjoy!
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“No fucking way.”
Alysanne Blackwood turns and looks at you, mouth agape. “You actually got one.” You smile back at her, practically vibrating with excitement.
“I know. I didn’t fully believe it myself til I saw her in person.” The ‘her’ in question was a beat-up white motorcycle that was currently sitting in your workshop, but this wasn’t just any old bike. No. This was a dragon. The top of the line. Even non-bikers knew a thing or two about dragons. Made by Targaryen Corp., these beauties were prized for their powerful engines, speed, and endurance. The model you picked up was a Meraxes—one of the earlier models that has since been retired.
“I never thought you’d actually pluck up the nerve to buy a bike for yourself. Much less a dragon.”
“You know I’ve always wanted to learn to ride,” you tell her.
“Yeah, but you never acted on that. Well, ‘til now,” Aly quips.
“I already know more than enough about bikes,” you assert.
“Fixing a dragon and riding one are two completely different things.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t do both.”
“We’ll see,” Aly laughs. You smile back, shoving her playfully.
That had been six months ago. You were so close to being ready, but you'd hit a roadblock in her repairs. No matter what, you just couldn't get the transmission to run the way you wanted it to.
"If you stare at that engine for much longer, it's gonna burst into flames," Alysanne muses. You look over your shoulder and shoot her a glare. She only giggles at you, hopping off the workbench she was sitting on.
"You know, there's nothing wrong with needing help every once in a while," she says.
“I know,” you sigh back. “It’s just…”
“Too stubborn to admit defeat?” she teases.
“No!” you answer back a little too quickly.
“Maybe,” you mutter, turning your gaze towards the floor. “It’s also the money.” Mechanics who worked on older bikes were hard to come by in your area, and the ones that were in the area charged an arm and a leg for their services.
"Listen, I know just the place for you to go. There’s this one place Cregan loves to frequent. He swears up and down they're the best in town. I’ve met the owners several times, and they’re trustworthy. One of them even specializes in older bikes like this gal right here," she pats one of Meraxes's handlebars. That piques your interest. You knew Aly’s boyfriend was a man of his work, so this place must be good if he says so.
“And will this specialist leave me up to my ears in debt?”
“They’re pretty far when it comes to prices for service. Plus, you can always come to me if you’re short a few bucks,” Aly replies, going to grab her phone. You grimace at the thought. You love Aly and appreciate her generosity, but you don’t like the idea of inconveniencing herself to help you (even if she comes from a rich family). Aly walked back over to you, phone in hand.
“Do you want your bike fixed, or are you gonna stay stuck at a dead end for who knows how long?”
You look at her phone, open to the Contacts app, then back at your bike. You let out a sigh.
“What’s the name?”
That's how you found yourself pulling up to Green Auto Shop in the passenger seat of Aly’s pickup truck, your precious Meraxes securely tied down in the back. It was a rather unassuming garage located not far from Blackwater Bay. Alysanne looks over at you from the driver’s seat. "Don't judge a book by its cover," she says, undoing her seatbelt and opening her door.
You scramble to follow her as she walks confidently into one of the garages. You see a pair of legs sticking out from beneath an old car. Music blares in the background mixed with the sound of metal on metal.
"Egg," Aly shouts over the ruckus. "You've got company." The man working under the car slides out, giving Aly a bright smile. You can't help but gape as Aegon fucking Targaryen walks over to greet the two of you. You've heard and seen a lot about the eldest son of Viserys Targaryen. He has quite the reputation for drinking and partying, but the Sunfyre—a model he masterminded—is one of the company's most popular. In all the photos you've seen of him, he always looked sullen and hungover, a far cry from the relaxed and cheerful man before you.
"Aye, it's Cregan's girl, "he greets, wiping his hands off on a dirty rag. His gaze shifts to you, giving a quick once-over. “And who is this?” He asks flirtatiously while sauntering over to you. “Hi, I’m Aegon,” he holds a mostly clean hand out.
“She’s my friend,” Alysanne replies, pushing her way between the two of you. “And she’s here to see your brother, not you. She’s having trouble with her bike and could really use his help.”
Aegon pouts and puts his hand over his heart. “You don’t trust me, Aly? I’m wounded.” He rubs his hands together, walking out to the pickup. “Now let’s see what my little bro’s got to work with.” Without waiting for permission, he hops into the truck bed and whistles at the bike.
“Never thought I’d see a Meraxes in person again. Aem’s gonna have a field day with this beauty.” Aly grabs his pant leg and gives it a tug. “Off,” she orders. He hops back onto the pavement, his hands raised in mock surrender.
“Where is your cryptid brother? It feels like he’s never here,” Aly asks.
“You just missed him. He went to grab lunch,” Aegon responds. “He’ll be gone a while, but we can talk pricing in the office?” He leads the two of you back into the garage, to a small office off to the side. As you feared, the service would be quite expensive, but Aegon set you up with a payment plan. That put you at ease a bit. You’re also worried about the fact that you haven’t met the person who will actually be working on your bike. You voice your concerns to Aly over burgers that evening.
“Aemond isn’t…the best with people, but what he lacks in people skills he makes up for in his work. Cregan claims he’s a miracle worker after he fixed his Direwolf following a gnarly crash,” Aly reaches across the table and gives your hand a squeeze. “Trust me, your baby’s in good hands.”
About a week later, you borrow Aly’s truck to swing by the garage and check on your bike. One of the doors was up, but Aegon was nowhere to be found. You wondered if he left the garage open by mistake, but you could hear noises coming from in the garage.
You tentatively walk to the entrance and peek inside. Your Meraxes was propped in the bay where you’d left it. Someone was kneeling in front of it, clearly at work. His back was turned, so all you could see was his back and the long, silver hair pulled into a bun at the nape of his neck.
So this must be the elusive Aemond. You knew significantly less about him than you did his other siblings. Him attending public events was rare, and taking photos at said events was rarer.
Cryptid indeed.
You take a tentative step into the garage. He doesn’t notice you approaching, completely engrossed by the bike.
“Um, hello,” you say shyly. He goes rigid, the wrench falling from his grasp. He turns to look at you, and your brain shuts down. You fully expected some kind of Quasimodo-looking guy based on how everyone described Aemond. But this man looked like a Greek statue come to life.
From his nose to his cheekbones to even his lips, he was all sharp angles. One of his eyes was covered by a simple black path. The other was a soft blue, almost periwinkle. The coveralls he’s wearing are unzipped down to his navel, showing the dirty white singlet underneath.
“Can I help you?” He asks briskly, rising to his feet and snapping you out of your daze.
You’re taken aback by his bluntness, a far cry from Aegon’s relaxed demeanor.
“Yeah…I’m here to pick up my bike,” you reply, indicating to the bike behind him.
He gives you a small ‘hmm’ and grabs a rag to wipe his hands. Your gaze is drawn to his long, elegant fingers and the prominent veins that trail down from his arms.
“Your transmission clip was loose,” he explains curtly. “Had to replace it.”
He walks over to the bike, swings a leg over, and starts her up. The engine revs without a problem.
“Crazy how something so small can cause such a large problem,” you say. He once again doesn’t respond, only kills the engine and moves away from the bike. An uncomfortable silence falls between the two of you.
“Sooo…how many of these older bikes do you usually—“
“I need to get back to work. You can talk to Aegon about payment and such. He’s in the back,” Aemond interjects, turning and walking away from you. Your mouth falls open, eyebrows raised.
“O-okay. I was just trying to make conversation,” you mutter.
“Well, I Don’t have time to ‘make conversation.’ I’ve got work to do,” he replies, back turned.
“Apparently, you Don’t have time for manners either,” you snap back.
Aemond turns to you. “Excuse m-“
“Hey! What’s going on?” Aegon rushes in from a back room. He smiles, but his eyes glance nervously between the two of you. “I see you’ve met my brother.” Aemond casts his gaze towards the ground, giving yet another ‘hmm.’
Unfortunately, you want to tell him. Instead you say, “I can give you the first payment now.”
“Awesome! Let’s handle that in the office, shall we?” Aegon asks, ushering you away without waiting for a response. Not that you needed to give one; you were more than eager to get away from Aegon’s rude brother. You pay Aegon, then the two of you head back into the garage. Aemond is nowhere to be found. Busy my ass, you think, trying not to grimace.
Together, you and Aegon load your Meraxes into the bed of the pickup. When you're done, you both lean against the side. Aegon turns his head to look at you.
“Sorry ‘bout Aemond. He’s not…the best with people. But he’s wicked good at what he does. This shop wouldn’t be running without him.”
You don’t say anything, only giving a small nod in response.
“Hey, if you’re free this weekend, there’s a meet going on near Visenya’s hill. You should come. It’ll be fun,” he explains with a small smile.”Ask Aly about it. She should know all the details.”
“Alright,” you tell him. “I’ll be there.”
Next Part
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intimacyequalsdeath · 9 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Day 7: The Lost Boys x Reader (Poly) (Apple Cider)
And with that the first week of Fictober is over with! I hope you've all enjoyed the first 7 fics of this wonderful month and I hope you all stick around to enjoy the rest <3
Notes: Minors DNI, This one still isn't smut but do stay tuned for later in Fictober (wink wink). No pronouns or descriptions of reader used. This is a poly relationship fic so if you aren't into it this isn't the fic for you. (Not my gif but i loved it too much not to use) I used a lot of creative liberties in this so if it doesn't seem 100 percent canon that's why.
Fic specific notes: Star doesn't exist in this neither does Laddie.
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Rays of the light from the moon were peaking through the clouds as the coolness of the nighttime descended on Santa Clara. You had been awake for a couple hours and knew once the night came the boys would be ready to proceed with what you had promised them a year ago on the dot.
A year ago to the day was when David first brought it up.
"Become one of us" He rasped at you one night after a night out at the boardwalk.
At first you hadn't thought you heard him correctly, One of them? There was no way he meant a vampire? could he? Marko butted in before you could ask him.
"Yeah c'mon babe, You've been with us almost two years now we want you to be with us forever" You glanced at Paul and Dwayne and they both smirked and nodded.
You told the four that night that you wanted nothing more then to be one of them and be with them forever, but you needed time to process what that would mean for you. You promised them if they waited a full year you would drink the blood and become theirs forever. The past year had flown by and in reality felt like you had only had a week to process.
One by one you could hear the boys wake deeper into the cave and one by one in that order they emerged into the main room where you rested behind the sheer curtains that surrounded the bed.
Marko, Dwayne and Paul as usual entered first but as on any other day they stalled back waiting for David. David entered the main room a few minutes later fully dressed in his normal gloves and trench coat and approached your bed slowly and casually. He used a gloved hand to pull one of the curtains away from the bed and leaned over you with his other hand at the side of your face on the bed.
"Darling, I think you know what time it is" You opened your eyes to look up at one of the men you had promised yourself too a year ago but had been with for 3.
"Doesn't max have to be here?" you asked, you knew the answer was no but you still wanted to stall for as long as possible. David fixed you with an unamused look.
"Of course not doll, But you knew the answer to that, C'mon let's get you up and ready we have all night but we'd like to go to the boardwalk at some point" David said grabbing your hand and helping you sit up.
You noticed the other 3 had disappeared off somewhere probably to get a few things in order for you after you drink the blood. You placed your feet on the side of the bed and stood up pulling the shawl you were sleeping in tighter around you as the chill of Santa Clara night hit you like a truck.
"You're nervous" David stated, You turned to look at him and he chuckled a bit.
"The nerves are rolling off you like waves" He continued "Though I'm not sure why, You aren't second guessing this are you?" He asked you incredulously, You swiftly shook your head.
"Of course not David, that isn't it at all" He still stood next to the bed staring at you, you sighed.
"It's just, I don't know. What if the blood doesn't take or something, what if it goes wrong and makes me sick or something. I want to be with you guys forever but I'm so scared David" His face soften and he brought a gloved hand to your chin to bring your eyes to his.
"My love Max explained to you the worst things that can happen, Even if the blood doesn't take at first me and the boys are prepared for any situation. Even if something goes wrong we aren't going to let you get hurt, you just have to trust us darling" You sniffled with unshed tears in your eyes. David had a soft side but it was rare that he showed it.
Dwayne entered the room and fixed you with a worried look before turning to David.
"Everything is ready if you are David, Is everything ok?" Dwayne asked. You nodded and smiled at him.
"I'm fine hun. Just got a little nervous" You said wrapping your arms around Dwayne's middle, he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead.
"Well I guess that settles it then Dwayne, tell Marko and Paul that we're ready" Paul turned to leave and you grabbed his hand into yours and followed, David coming behind the two of you into the section of the cave where David's makeshift throne sat.
Marko and Paul had matching grins upon seeing you and you knew they were just as excited and anxious as Dwayne and David were even if Dwayne and David were better at their poker faces then the younger two vampires.
David stepped away from the group to walk up to the throne and grab the bottle that held the blood. Marko and Paul came up and wrapped their arms around you seemingly keeping you in place in case. Marko leaned over to your ear while David got the blood ready.
"Once you start drinking don't stop until David tells you, you might faint or pass out but me and Paul got you. If you do you'll wake up in an hour or two and we'll all take care of you till your fully turned" You nodded at him and gave him a small smile to try and show you weren't nervous.
David stepped forward and held out the encrusted wine bottle to you.
"Here Darling, Let's get this show on the road" He uncorked the bottle and handed it to you.
"Like Marko said, Don't stop drinking until I tell you too ok?" You nodded bringing the bottle up to your lips and with a final nod from David you took mouth full of the blood.
The metallic taste was sharp as the cold liquid made it's way over your tongue and down your throat as you swallowed the first mouth full of blood. Without any indication from David you took another drink followed by another. After the fourth mouth full you were feeling lightheaded.
"That's good enough" David said gripping the bottle and gently taking it from your hand. You let him take the bottle as you stumbled lightly. Your head was swimming in a way you had never experienced before, your vision was blurry.
Marko and Paul tried their best to steady you as you stumbled back and forth between the two of them like a ping pong ball.
"Get to the bed Marko" You heard David command before your world went black.
Two hours and some change later you awoke again. You were having the most weirdest vivid dreams before you woke up in a cold sweat sitting straight up in bed.
You immediately noticed all four of your boys sitting in chairs placed in different areas around your bed. You gather the blankets around yourself to try and fight off both the cold night and the shivers in your own body as your boys start to gather around you.
Paul reached you first and moved the hair from your eyes to place a hand on your forehead before looking to David.
"No fever" He said, David nodded.
"Good, I want us to check every hour or so to make sure" He said to all the boys. Dwayne leaned down and put his hands on your cheeks.
"How are you feeling?" He asked
"I'm ok, Just really cold and my stomach feels gross" You said, Dwayne nodded.
"That's normal angel, You're gonna have to deal with it till it breaks unfortunately" You nodded but inwardly groaned.
"By tomorrow night your probably going to feel some pain in your jaw area accompanied by more cold sweats and possible stomach aches, that's how you know it's time for you to feed" David stated, you looked up at him.
"We don't want you out there hunting yet till your better and we can teach you, so you'll stay here tomorrow night while we bring you food" Marko said from beside him.
"A fledgling" Dwayne said.
"A what?" He laughed at your confusion.
"That's what you are dear, A baby bat"
"Our little baby bat!' Paul exclaimed laughing out loud, you joined him.
Once you were able to conquer the mountain of fear and nerves the other side was much easier to deal with. Sure it didn't feel the greatest but if it meant spending eternity with your boys then it was a sacrifice you were willing to take ever since they had found you all those years ago they had shown you nothing but a level of love and protection you had never experienced before and you wouldn't know what to do if you didn't have that anymore.
You stretched your arms above your head and craned your back into a stretch while yawning.
"When do I get to learn how to fly?" You asked them at once, they all laughed before David answered.
"All in due time my love, All in due time"
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justfandomwritings · 2 years
This Moment (Hangman)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader (Addie)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: idk pining? cute shit? a final line that will leave you screaming at your computer in a good way?
Summary: She was his everything, his life, his love, his reason. And one night, on a deserted Texas highway she asked him if he would be there for her too.
Notes: You do not need to have read anything else for this story to make sense. But this story is part of the Only Thing Universe and is a prequel to the original series set during Addie and Jake's time in college so picture college-age Jake and Addie.
This prequel will be two parts, the second part will be smutty... very very smutty.
This is my magnum opus. If this isn't a hit I'm retiring from fanfiction forever cause I've fully peaked.
The Only Thing Masterlist
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“Jake,” Addie broke the silence, “Can I ask you something personal?”
Jake raised an eyebrow but didn’t open his eyes. “You know you can ask me anything, Addie.”
They were both lying down perpendicular to each other in the back of his old pickup truck. Jake was using Addie’s thighs as a pillow, and despite the unseasonable chill in the night air Jake had sacrificed his jacket to go under Addie’s head.
They’d driven way out into the middle of nowhere and pulled off the road on an otherwise deserted highway to look up at the stars. 
They’d been parked there for over an hour, and still no one else had driven by. It was the night of the biggest football game of the season, so everyone else in Texas was huddled up in their homes around their televisions anxiously awaiting touchdowns and field goals, but Addie hadn’t been in the mood. 
Jake and Addie were regulars at his friend Stephen’s game day parties. The parties were absolute ragers no matter who Texas was playing. In the world of game day parties, an invite to Stephen’s was an invite to the Oscars, and Jake and Addie were practically voting members of the Academy. They didn’t even get invited anymore; it was a foregone conclusion they would be there. Neither had missed a game all season. 
Normally they carpooled to Stephen’s house so one of them could drink, but when Addie had called and said she would have to follow behind later and meet Jake there, he immediately knew something was wrong. It was in her tone, practically dripping with melancholy. 
And when she pulled up, he was standing in the driveway, already ready to leave before the game even began. Jake liked college football as much as the next man from Texas, which was a lot, but he liked Addie more. He’d immediately pulled her out of her car and helped her into his passenger seat and taken off. 
They hadn’t exchanged words, and she hadn’t protested. She would talk when she was ready, and he would never pressure her. Instead, he turned the game on the radio and drove straight out of town for the entire first half until the city lights were a distant memory. 
Even while they lay in the back, the windows of the truck were rolled down, and the radio inside was blasting the game’s broadcast on the university radio station loud enough for him to hear. 
It kept the moment just on the right side of silence. Not too awkward, not too quiet, not too tense. A drone of noise to keep her sane and keep his mind off of whatever she was trying to muster herself up to asking him. 
Addie swallowed hard around a lump forming in her throat. “Marie Leonard?”
Jake’s eyes opened. He hadn’t heard that name since junior year of high school. “What about Marie?” 
“How did you know you wanted… that you wanted her to be… you know… your first?”
Jake shrugged, as much as he could shrug lying down in a truck bed. It was enough to get the message across when his shoulders bumped into Addie’s legs.
In all honesty, he wasn’t sure he had an answer for her. He hadn’t thought about Marie since maybe a couple weeks after that night, and he'd barely ever thought of her before it. She was pretty, nice, smart; Jake was sure she’d make someone very happy. That someone just wasn’t him. 
She wasn’t the woman who plagued his every thought, who influenced his every decision, who informed his every action. When he had good news, Marie wasn’t the person his fingers were itching to call. When he was sad or lonely, holed up in his room incapable of talking to anyone, Marie never knocked on his door because she just knew something was wrong from a nondescript text message.
“I guess I didn’t really. You know my first time didn’t really mean anything to me. I was a horny teenager at a house party; I guess I got caught up in the moment. I didn’t have any feelings for her, and she definitely didn’t have any for me. We both just wanted to have sex with someone and didn’t mind each other.” 
“Why’d you ask?” 
Marie Leonard couldn’t be what was bothering her. There were nights in high school when a toxic thought or two had slipped into Jake’s mind, and he’d hoped that Addie would storm into his room, propelled by jealousy of Marie, and declare her love for him. But those thoughts were always gone by morning. He knew, always knew, Addie wasn’t that type of person. She felt jealousy as much as the next person, but Addie would never let something like that fester. She would come to him about it. She always came to him about it. Even if he was the cause of it. And even in those moments in the darkness when the thought crept into his mind, he knew he didn’t actually want that from her, for her. It would mean he caused her pain. He couldn’t have that. 
“You know how I told you Paul dumped me last week?”
That was not the turn in the conversation that Jake had been expecting.
Jake shot up, completely abandoning even the pretense of stargazing. The peace of the night shattered around him like she’d hit a pane of glass overhead with the shards cutting into his skin as they fell. “Did that fucker try something? I swear to fucking god, (Y/n).” 
His mind had turned. He’d been coasting through thoughts of high school and Addie’s awkward phase. He’d been thinking about Marie and cliques and hometowns. Even though Addie was asking about it, he hadn’t for a second been thinking about sex and first times… pressure…
Jake looked ready to kill. 
Addie’s mouth fell open, and she scrambled to sit up as well. Her arms flew out, gripping both of Jake’s shoulders. “No! No, he didn’t do anything like that.” 
Jake’s face, drawn tight with rage, softened, but the rest of his body was wrought with tension. “What did he do?” 
Paul had to have done something, something heinous if it made Addie too upset for the biggest party of the year, too upset to talk with him about it immediately. Addie never hesitated to talk to him.
Jake was livid with Paul. He was ready to jump out of the truck, run all the way to Paul’s, kick in the door, and beat the shit out of him no matter who was there to watch.
“He didn’t do anything. It wasn’t like that,” Addie reassured Jake. She scooted herself closer so she was right next to Jake, facing him. Her hands, still holding onto him like they were the only thing keeping him in the truck, began to slowly work at his shoulders.
Her fingers pressed into his muscles and meaded them under her touch, trying to to loosen up the tension lurking beneath his skin. It worked like a charm. It always worked like a charm. 
“He asked me to… you know.” 
“Did he pressure you?” Jake was still on the warpath, but the fire was dying in his eyes as Addie seemed to slowly massage his anger away. 
“No, He was ready; I said I wasn’t sure.”
“And he dumped you for that?”
“Sort of…” She hedged, and it was putting Jake back on edge, not knowing if she was trying to think of the right words or trying to downplay what he’d done. “He was nice about it. We were two different people in two different places. I knew that going into it. He was just more honest about it. He wasn’t going to pressure me, but he couldn’t move at my pace. We both would’ve been miserable.”
It was a sad realization. Or rather it should’ve been. Addie certainly looked sad, but it didn’t seem to be about Paul. 
Jake could see it, could read it in her eyes. In the way her gaze flitted away from reassuring him, in the way her hands stilled on his shoulders and clenched against his shirt. 
“If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. That’s not your fault, Addie.”
Jake called it, and the frown that etched itself into her face told him as much. She wasn’t unhappy with Paul. She was unhappy with herself. 
“But that’s just it Jake. I am ready. I mean, I want to be. I just…”
“Just what, Addie?”
A thought washed over Addie. Jake saw it run down over her like water as it washed away first the look in her eyes then the expression on her face and the frown on her lips. It interrupted whatever she was planning to say. Her mouth hung half open, formed around a word that her brain simply could no longer communicate. 
“Addie?” Jake reached out a hand and gently rested it on her leg, giving her knee a reassuring squeeze. 
“Jake, am I hot?” 
It wasn’t a question Addie had ever asked before, and for a moment it stunned Jake into silence. 
He knew the answer. He knew the answer as her lips formed the question. He knew the answer before she even asked. He had told her a million times before.
“Addie, I’ve already told you you’re beautiful…”
“No,” Addie emphatically shook her head. Jake told her that all the time. While he watched her get ready for a date, while she nervously waited for one of her painstaking family dinners she dragged him along to, when she ran through the rain to his car without an umbrella and looked like a drowned cat… pretty much every time she got in his car now that she thought about it. But that wasn’t what she asked. “I asked am I hot?”
“Why are you asking me that?” Jake’s eyes were staring into hers with an intensity he was rarely capable of. He was normally too cocky, too chill, too much of a good time to look at anyone like that. It was a serious side of Jake that even she rarely saw, that was rarely necessary. 
“Cause,” his state made her hesitant to ask, hesitant to explain herself. But this was still Jake she was talking to, and she could tell him anything.  “It’s different than being beautiful. Like if we were at a bar, and you didn’t know who I was, would you notice me?”
It was the easiest question she’d ever asked him, maybe the second easiest. Behind every time she’d ever donned a dress and twirled around asking him how she looked. 
There was something about her that night that was screaming with the need to hear what he had been dying to say for years. 
“Addie,” Jake sighed heavily, “I wouldn’t be able to notice anyone else.” 
Several minutes passed in silence, only the mindless drone of the game coming to an end filled the scene with any noise, but neither could make out a word of what was being said.
“Will you do it then?” Addie finally whispered to him.
“Do what?” Jake asked in an equally quiet tone.
“H-have sex with me…”
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d1xonss · 7 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 6 ~ Metallica
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 1
✧ Word Count : 4.6k
In this chapter ~ With the plan of the CDC in motion, the whole group packed up everything and headed for the long and boring journey to get there. The trip hit a few unexpected bumps, leading to even leaving a member behind, but the question remained once they arrive if any of this was even worth it at all.
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"All right y'all know what to do if anything goes wrong, just honk twice and we'll all pull over." Shane said, clapping his hands together.
This morning was chaotic to say the least as we all got ready bright and early to head off towards the CDC like Rick had planned. Everything felt rushed as the group packed up everything from the camp, placing it all into small little bags as we gathered around for one last moment before diving straight into the unknown. It was nerve racking.
I could sense immediately that everyone was uneasy about this decision, now more than ever knowing that we were actually going through with it. Since I first woke up this morning there had been nothing but tension and anxiety filling the air, though nothing seemed to change. In fact we only seemed to need to get there faster with how fast Jim seemed to be slipping away. But at this rate, I knew he wouldn't make it before we got there.
After Shane's long and drug out speech he announced to all of us about where to go, Morales stepped up next as he looked to all of us with saddened eyes. "We're...not going." he hesitantly announced.
Our eyes all looked to him and his family that was gathered behind him, unsure if they knew what they were doing. "Are you sure?" Rick asked the man.
He nodded, "We have some family hauled up just a few hours away. We're sure. I gotta do what's right for my family." he confirmed.
The situation then only grew heavy as the rest were forced to say goodbye to some good people they had known for a while, feeling as if they were completely losing them too. But no one wanted to stop them from finding the rest of their family, only offering tearful embraces as they parted with heavy hearts. I only waved towards them with a small smile, silently wishing them the best even though I hadn't gotten to know them that well.
Through everyone's tears we all wished them luck as we watched them pile into their car and slowly drive off down the dirt road, honking and waving out the window until we couldn't see them anymore. Genuinely I hoped that they would be okay and have a safe trip, going off on their own, but there was something about the situation telling me that something bad was going to happen. Though I didn't want to jinx or dwell on it, so I just let it go.
Everyone then began moving towards their vehicles now seeing as they were fully gone, causing me to shake my head at my thoughts and jog over to retrieve my bag before we left. Though upon a second glance, I quickly realized that there was little to no room at all anywhere else in the many cars lined up in front of me. There was only one spot left in Shane's Jeep while the other was in Daryl's pickup. Awesome.
I couldn't lie though it wasn't that hard of a decision as I found myself instantly moving towards the truck, lingering towards the passenger side as I opened up the door. "Mind if I ride with you?"
He huffed, "Whatever."
My brows raised as I ignored whatever mood he was in, hopping in with my bag and set it down by my feet, and we began to drive to the CDC as soon as the RV began to move, anticipation weighing heavily in our hearts. I glanced out the window as my elbow leaned against it, staring at the entirety of the forest passing by as we slowly made our way down the little mountain. There was a long silence that followed, but it wasn't uncomfortable. However, I grew bored of it after only a few minutes and found myself mindlessly looking around for any cd's laying around if I was lucky.
Surely he and his brother had some type of music in here considering they either look like they listen to hick country or death metal. Which one, I couldn't know for sure until I found wherever their secret stash was in this thing.
Daryl quickly took notice of me poking around and I could tell he didn't like it. "The hell you doing?" he asked me, taking his eyes off the road for a split second.
"Do you have any cd's?" I asked him. I hadn't listened to music in a really long time and I was dying to get away from the silence.
"In here." he said, pointing to the center console.
I opened it and looked in, noticing he had a good amount lined up against each other and that brought a smile to my face. Flipping through them quickly, one immediately caught my eye and I removed it from the case and put it in without a second thought.
"What'd you pick?" he asked.
I just held my finger up, signaling him to wait for it to start playing. He rolled his eyes but waited somewhat patiently until "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica started to blast through the shitty truck speakers.
He looked at me in clear shock before shaking his head, "Nah, ain't no way yer a Metallica fan."
I looked at him with a smirk, "Well believe it, there's dead people walking around, clearly anything is possible these days."
I swear I saw the corners of his mouth turn up slightly in amusement before he looked back towards the road to keep driving. I leaned my head back on the cushioned seat, resting my eyes and tapping my fingers on my legs to the rhythm of the song as I listened. Although there was still some pressure in the front of my head that was causing me to get much more tired quicker than I expected. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep without even realizing it, feeling the truck vibrating soothingly as he drove.
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My heart about fell out of my chest when I felt someone lightly shaking my shoulder as I somehow submerged myself in a deep sleep, "Rose?" I heard Daryl's voice say. My eyes opened fast and I turned over quickly to face him, still trying to wake up as he continued, "Come on, somethin happened, we're all pulled over."
I nodded slowly and got up to leave the truck with a soft slam of my door, walking side by side to see what the issue was. Except I couldn't help but replay the moment Daryl woke me up in my head a few different times now that my brain was actually registering what was going on. That was the first time he called me by my actual name, and for some reason it caused a flutter to erupt in my stomach, hearing his gravel voice say it so clearly. Though I seemed to drop it before I could think about it too much, focusing on the actual problem that we all seemed to be surrounding outside of the RV.
Jacqui came out breathlessly, "It's Jim, he's looking really bad I don't think he's gonna make it." she said sadly.
It was a tough pill to swallow, nearly an impossible thing to accept, but Jim informed all of us that he wanted to be left behind. Nearly everyone began to protest, wanting to think of another solution rather than just ditching him on the side of the road, but it wasn't what he wanted. I didn't know how I felt about that idea, but in the end, it was his choice. And no one else could really seem to argue with that as there was simply no other solution.
Rick and Shane trailed back into the RV slowly as they removed him from the mattress he was laying on in the back, gently taking him by each arm to support him towards a tree up a small grassy hill to our right. They placed him down on the ground, making sure he was comfortable before everyone else began going up to him to say their goodbyes.
God this was depressing, saying goodbye to Morales and his family just this morning only now having to say goodbye to a dying man that was going to be all alone when he passed. The thought alone was enough to send my stomach twisting in guilt. One by one I watched everyone say something to him with tears in their eyes, some hugging him before swiftly turning back down the hill before it got to be too much. I just simply waved and gave him a sad smile, turning around to silently walk back to the truck.
"Rose, wait!" Jim called.
I was taken off guard but I turned around and walked back over to him. "Yeah?" I asked in a soft voice as I got down to his level.
"I wish I could've gotten to know you better," he said with a smile "you seem like a great person and you're strong. Never stop fighting"
I was honestly at a loss for words, I didn't know what to say. I barely knew this man at all and yet here he was, telling me how strong I was with only barely knowing me for a few days. If anything this just made me feel even worse for him than I did before, making it harder for me to turn back around and leave.
I just smiled one of my rare smiles and nodded in genuine appreciation, "Thank you Jim. I'm so sorry this happened to you."
He returned my smile, "It's okay, I'm seeing my family again." he said breathlessly, getting more tired by the second as he briefly closed his eyes.
I then left it at that and turned around slowly to trail back to Daryl's pickup truck, noticing that he called Daryl back over probably to tell him something just like he told me. I didn't look back even though I may have wanted to, opening the door and closing it again as I stared down at my feet, waiting for him to get back. I couldn't help but think this was all a waste of time now, heading towards the CDC while Jim was left behind here. It didn't feel right.
Not a minute later I felt Daryl return to the drivers side, starting the truck back up instantly to follow the others in front of us once more, not even giving the man a second glance as we passed. I didn't ask what he said to him because I didn't want to overstep anything, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious.
Another hour passed during the long drive before Daryl's voice broke the silence, which surprised me. I could've sworn at first that I imagined it.
"So, how'd ya end up findin the group anyway?" he asked, not looking over at me.
I hummed, "Well, when we were in Atlanta I got trapped in this alley and I guess they heard me before they came out to save my ass. Andrea wasn't a big fan of helping me and believe me she made that very clear." I said with a scoff, "But to be honest I didn't even want to come back with them to camp."
He then looked over at me curiously, "Why?"
I shrugged, "Because I figured I was better off on my own, away from people. I've been alone for a while now, so I didn't like the idea of coming into a group so suddenly."
He grew silent for a moment or two after my comment, leaving the entire conversation nearly up in the air as I thought he was done speaking. But again, he surprised me. "So, that means you ain't stayin?"
My eyes glanced over at him for a second, desperately trying to study him and figure out what was going through his mind. He looked like he had a hint of concern in his eyes but I could've been completely wrong about that. I mean why would he of all people care if I stayed or not?
But yet I still responded, "I wasn't going to at first," I started, "But then I came to realize that it's kind of nice having people around. And I don't know, maybe a change would be good for me."
I was trying to be more open to everyone in the group since I've decided to stay. I would've never in a million years said all of that to him if I knew I was going to leave, wanting to stay closed off in fear of being judged for what I had to say. I almost confused myself with how well I could talk to him so effortlessly, but then again I wasn't. He was very easy to talk to, just mainly listening.
He didn't say anything to that, but I caught a ghost of a smile appear on his lips, before he turned all of his attention back on the road, with Metallica still playing loudly in the background.
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It was a few long and painful hours later before we finally rolled up to the CDC, the giant and expensive building that seemed to be on the outskirts of everything else. But we all silently knew this was the place, the metal guard rails blocking every single thing was kind of a big giveaway. My brows furrowed with worry as I saw the amount of dead walkers laying outside, piling up around the sidewalks, but that didn't stop anyone else from getting out of their vehicles to scope the place out.
I was quick to follow as I stepped out of the truck, the worst smell hitting my nose instantly the moment my feet hit the ground. There were walking corpses scattered everywhere, a small group of them wandering around not too far off from where we were parked. Yet, none of them had taken notice to us, though I knew it was only a matter of time before they did, knowing we needed to be fast about this.
We all quietly took our weapons and gathered around together in a small circle, watching each others backs as we sprinted up towards the large, fancy building as quick as we could. My eyes stayed firmly on the walkers just a few feet away, glancing back at them over my shoulder every few seconds to make sure they stayed in place as we figured out how to get inside. I prayed that the doors would open, granting us a little hope that we all desperately needed after coming all this way.
But my hope was instantly squashed the moment we got close enough, seeing shutters over the glass doors that was blocking us from entering completely. Upon realizing that we had hit a dead end with darkness approaching, the group was quick to panic, even Carl clinging to his mother as he began to look around frantically.
"Rick- Rick, this is a dead end." Shane said to his friend, trying to pull him back away from the doors as there was clearly no way of getting in. But Rick was stubborn, trying to find a way we could break through as he paid Shane no mind from just behind him as if he wasn't even there.
I glanced over my shoulder again as if on instinct, this time seeing the walkers had now moved closer towards us, their eyes locked in our direction as their limbs flailed around wildly. "Walkers!" I yelled to get everyone's attention.
"You lead us into a goddamn graveyard!" Daryl yelled to Rick as he quickly began to load his crossbow, firing it towards one of the monsters.
"He made a call-"
"It was the wrong damn call!" I interrupted him. I was angry and very panicked. I didn't want anyone else to die and if we couldn't get in we needed to leave. Right now.
"Shut up! Do you hear me? Shut up!" Shane yelled right back at me as he went over trying to convince Rick to leave and try to head to Fort Benning.
That alone set everyone into a fit of different arguments as none of them liked either idea, wanting to just leave instead of standing here right in the open. To me it didn't matter where the hell we would go after this, it didn't fucking matter. What was important right now was getting the hell out of here before we were too dead to discuss the matter further.
I tuned out their frantic voices as they yelled towards each other, stepping up further towards the walkers to stab a few of them in the head before they could get too close to the others. Their blood began to spray in all different directions as I hit them, ripping my knives back out of their skulls quickly to move onto the next, seeing bolts fly by my head as Daryl had the same idea. Neither of us couldn't be bothered to listen to their disagreement, not when there were walkers heading our way in every direction. But before I could kill the next one in sight, I was being pulled gently by my arm towards the cars, and I looked up only to find Daryl.
"Come on, we gotta go." he said to me.
I didn't need to be told twice, so I let him lead me back towards the cars to make an escape. But we both stopped in our tracks when we heard the sound of the doors opening, squeaking as the shutters rose slowly. Daryl and I looked at each other for a split second, before we both ran back towards the door along with everyone else. I raised one of my knives once we stepped inside, not sure if I completely trusted this place or anyone who was here. Then a voice came from the top of the stairs, loud enough to give us a heart attack.
"Anybody infected?" the man asked, a shadow lining over his features.
Rick stepped forward, "One in our group was...he didn't make it."
My eyes moved from the stranger as I squinted at Rick in confusion as to why he would mention Jim, but I just brushed it off as my gazed searched to scan the big, white room we walked into. Everything was clean and neat like it hadn't been touched in years, a futuristic vibe circling through the entire place.
"Who are you?" he then asked, "What do you want?"
"A chance." Rick breathed.
"That's asking an awful lot these days." said the man before pausing to think. "You'll all submit to a blood test that's the price to get in here."
Rick nodded assertively, "We can do that."
He remained silent for a few more seconds as he eyed us suspiciously, almost as if he was rethinking his decision, before his eyes looked back to the outside as he saw the amount of walkers now filling the streets. He opened his mouth again only to tell us to grab the rest of our things as he planned to shut the heavy doors, informing us that they would be remained shut as this was our only chance to do so.
None of us hesitated then to take off back outside in a flash, gathering up everything we needed from our vehicles parked along the sidewalk before sprinting right back. We quickly slipped by the few corpses that continued to reach out for us, rushing past their slower steps as we all made it back just in time before the shutters came down once more at the press of a button. The locks then clicked to hold the doors shut, the sound nearly bouncing off every wall with how much of an echo was present in the room.
The man then nodded for us to follow him as he introduced himself as Edwin Jenner, telling us that he was one of the doctors that used to work here before the outbreak. Though I didn't fail to notice how he didn't linger on the subject for long before he went into talking about the structure of the building, how secure and safe it was as we all stepped inside an elevator. The space alone immediately made me grow uncomfortable because though it was larger, it didn't quite fit all of us as I was being squished in between Glenn and Daryl in the back, starting to feel a little claustrophobic. My shoulders were scrunched up uncomfortably by my neck, and Glenn tried to step aside the minute he noticed, muttering a small apology.
The ride was finally cut short after we passed a few floors, landing on the fourth as it dinged and came to a stop, the doors opening to freedom. Jenner led us further down a long hallway and towards a room at the end to take us all in to get our blood drawn just as we promised in the first place. I tried not to think about it too much as it didn't seem like a big deal before, but now that it was practically staring me in the face, it was all I could think about.
My breathing picked up a little and my hands began to sweat when I knew it was almost my turn to go next. I've always been afraid of needles, but I knew I needed to do this in order to have a safe place to sleep tonight. Imagine that. There were literal monsters outside that were constantly after us the second we let our guard down, but nope. Needles. That was my breaking point.
Daryl noticed from a distance how fidgety I was becoming and caught my eye from a few feet away across the space. He gave me a nod in reassurance as if that would somehow give me the confidence I needed, but I still appreciated it nonetheless as I managed to smile in return. Swallowing thickly, I anxiously inched closer to the table the moment Andrea was done and getting out of her seat.
A heavy breath passed through my lips as I sat, briefly closing my eyes as I prepared myself, "Afraid of needles?" Jenner asked.
I just nodded my head silently as my eyes remained closed to try and think about anything else other than the thing about to pierce through my skin. Then I was surprised to feel someone grab my right hand quickly before Jenner got a chance to do anything. I opened my eyes again to see Glenn giving me a smile as he squeezed my hand slightly, knowing someone was right there. I found myself smiling back at him before closing my eyes again, trying not to focus on the slight poke where my vein was.
"Oh son of a bitch" I muttered to myself when I felt the blood rushing out of my body.
Glenn snickered from right in front of me, but never let go of my hand as Jenner took as much blood as he damn well pleased, "Take it all why don't you. Bleed me dry." I spoke again.
"I just need a small tube full." he informed.
I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, "Small my ass."
A few people around me let out a light chuckle at my words, only opening my eyes again when I felt Jenner placing a band aid over the hole he put in my body. Exhaling through my nose, I felt a little more relieved now that it was over and done with.
"Hey, we think she might've gotten a concussion not too long ago, could you maybe take a look?" Glenn suddenly asked.
Jenner nodded his head and pulled out a small flashlight from his pocket as he shined a light in my eyes to check my pupils. He instructed me to follow his finger as he waved it back and forth over my vision a few times before clicking it back off with a nod. According to him I only was at a stage one of a concussion and it looked like the worst had already passed, informing me that I should wait another day before I should be back to normal. Thank God.
When I stood up from the chair I began to feel lightheaded and almost stumbled to the ground from sudden dizziness as I got an instant head rush. Glenn thankfully caught my arm the moment he noticed and helped steady me as Jenner glanced down towards me in question.
"None of us have eaten in a while." Glenn informed him.
Jenner looked at my state for a moment before nodding towards the doorway we once came through, "Follow me."
The man then surprisingly led us to a large cafeteria where he offered us food, water, and anything else we needed that he could provide. We all sat ourselves around a large table having our first actual meal in months. Everyone was talking loudly, laughing and drinking some wine that Jenner brought out as we enjoyed each other's company.
It nearly felt like some kind of movie as I lived in the moment, actually enjoying myself for the first time in a very long time. These people I now surrounded myself with made me truly happy and feel a little less lonely, thinking back to myself that I clearly made the right decision to stay put. That could be the wine mixed with the concussion talking, but my words were far from a lie.
The group then quieted down suddenly as Lori agreed to let Carl try some of the wine that was being passed around, after a little convincing from Dale and Rick. We all watched his face carefully as he raised the glass up to his lips, before slamming it back down on the table with a disgusted look.
"Eww!" he exclaimed, his face scrunched up, "That tastes nasty."
Everyone began to laugh at his reaction while Lori just nodded in approval, "That's my boy." she praised with a smile as she poured the rest of the wine into her glass.
"Why don't you just stick to soda over there, okay bud?" Shane advised towards the kid as he pushed it closer to his direction.
"Not you, Glenn." Daryl was quick to say.
The man heard the brief mention of his name and looked up from his spot next to me, "What?" he asked in confusion as he smiled.
"Keep drinkin little man I wanna see how red your face can get." Daryl continued with a slightly scrunched nose.
I laughed at his words which quickly caught his attention from where he was placed across from me. He sent a wink over in my direction and continued to eat his food, occasionally taking a swig from the bottle he was drinking straight out of. I liked seeing this side of him, or of anyone actually. It was nice to watch them all just enjoying themselves for one night, not having to worry about a damn thing. But it was especially amusing to see Daryl loosen up a bit, and Dale finding just about anything hilarious with the amount of wine he consumed.
"So where is everybody, Doc?" Shane suddenly asked after a few moments of bliss.
The room went quiet in an instant after that, all of our eyes traveling to the doctor. Jenner looked uncomfortable with the question but still answered it anyway as he felt he couldn't ignore the elephant in the room any longer.
He informed us that he was all that was left here and the others either evacuated with their families or "opted out"; committed suicide. There was no cure, and no hope for the future as far as he knew, leaving us all in an awful silence as the hope we once had, dimmed into absolutely nothing. It remained dead silent in the room as we all tried to process his words, Glenn being the first one to speak out of everyone.
"Dude, you're such a buzzkill man." he directed at Shane with a groan.
We all continued to awkwardly eat our dinner after that, still talking and laughing occasionally but the vibe of the room felt different considering the disappointing news. I really took the time to think about everything he said to us just moments ago and suddenly got a bad feeling about the missing details he obviously avoided. I told myself I wasn't going to get too comfortable here just in case something bad were to happen but for now, I just wanted to sit back and relax while we had the chance.
~ Thanks for reading!
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
I need a part 2 on the Alejandro choosing sides but bc that shit is GOOD and plus I’m ready to go cry my balls out
Here you go. Here's your comfort
Rodolfo curled up in the bed Valeria had given him. She'd allowed him to stay at the mansion while he recovered because she felt bad. He doubted that. He knew she was just being smug. Because Rodolfo didn't want to go back to Alejandro. She'd won.
But, Rodolfo didn't care. He couldn't bring himself to. She'd put all of the blood she could back into his body. He should be mad or freaked out or something that she decided to take it out to begin with but Rodolfo couldn't even care about that.
Alejandro still hadn't even tried to text or call him. He had his phone. Valeria had been so smug about him keeping it. Alejandro knew Rodolfo was alive, too. Maybe he was grateful he didn't have to deal with Rodolfo.
Whatever, Rodolfo wished he didn't have to deal with himself, either.
He sighed as he felt the bed behind him dip. "Well... It appears..." Valeria started, clearly irritated. "We were both wrong." She muttered.
Rodolfo frowned and looked at her. She was holding her phone and then she held it out. Rodolfo frowned a little but took it. He pressed it to his ear. "Hello?"
"Oh god, Rodolfo-" Rodolfo hung up. No. Alejandro didn't get to do that. He didn't get to just... abandon Rodolfo to die and then call like everything was going to be okay. Rodolfo handed the phone back and rolled back over.
Valeria... seemed shocked. "You won't talk to him?"
"No." Rodolfo shrugged, closing his eyes. "He made his choice. He didn't choose me. He chose you."
Valeria seemed to pause. "Alright..."
Rodolfo listened to her leave and then pulled the blanket up over his head.
Rodolfo woke up to a large commotion. He frowned a little and stood, confused. Valeria came in and growled a little. "Get up. Come on. Before he fucking kills half of my men." She didn't give him the chance to even stand, instead yanking him up.
"What the fuck?" He tried to yank his arm away but he was still recovering from blood loss and hadn't quite regained enough strength yet to fully wrench away from her.
She punched a code into a door and went through, half throwing Rodolfo into someone. "Jesus fucking christ, asshole, just take him back. He won't go with you, though."
Rodolfo winced as he slammed right into whoever she threw him at. Alejandro, he assumed, because he wasn't stupid. Rodolfo jerked away from him. "Don't touch me." He mumbled, a little light headed.
"Valeria, tell him the truth." Alejandro growled, but his arm went around Rodolfo. "Now."
"What truth?" She laughed, but Rodolfo could hear it. She wavered. He looked at her, frowning, and then looked up at Alejandro, who was... covered in a significant amount of blood but he looked like shit. His eyes were bloodshot and he had dark circles under them.
Even with how much Rodolfo wanted to hate Alejandro, he found his heartstrings being tugged at how awful Alejandro looked.
Alejandro let Rodolfo go and grabbed Valeria before she could leave. He yanked her over. "Tell the truth."
"No!" Valeria glared at him. "He knows the truth."
Rodolfo frowned. "Stop, Alejandro. Let her go. I'm not going back with you. You... made your choice."
"I didn't fucking have one!" Alejandro didn't look at him. He just looked down at Valeria, face in a half snarl. "So that's what you told him."
Valeria looked up at him and Rodolfo watched her face change. Her glare turned to a smug half grin and she shrugged. "He believed it, too. Ate it up. Makes me wonder just how much you neglect him that I barely had to enact 20 minutes of theatre and he just fell into the belief that you had abandoned him."
Rodolfo felt like a truck had hit him. "You lied?" He asked Valeria, frowning.
Valeria looked at him, shrugging. "I needed you to leave him. I knew it would destroy him and look what it did."
"Why would you do that to me?? It destroyed me!" Rodolfo yelled at her. He had spent so long believing Alejandro had just... left him to die and he just hadn't?! "What actually happened?!"
Alejandro let her go, finally, and she rubbed her arm, glaring at him, and then sighed. "I set it all up. I told Alejandro where to find me and to find you. But... I did it before we even had you set up to drain. I told him the wrong location. And then I faked the phone call that you heard. I did it brilliantly, too. Alejandro was met with an empty warehouse that only had the words "You chose wrong" on it and you were left with the idea that he would choose me before you every time." She laughed, softly. "And you believed it."
"You'll fucking pay for this, one day." Alejandro snarled at her. Rodolfo trembled. He had believed it. He'd believed that Alejandro just was fine with him dying.
Alejandro turned to Rodolfo and pulled him over. "We're leaving."
Rodolfo nodded, not able to fight him. He didn't even glance back at Valeria as he left with Alejandro, holding onto his arm. "You... you chose me..."
"Always, Rodolfo. She's a fucking snake, don't forget that." Alejandro mumbled. He helped Rodolfo into the truck and Rodolfo stared at his face the entire time.
"You chose me." He repeated, unable to help how relieved he was about it.
Alejandro stopped and then sighed, putting his forehead on Rodolfo's chest. "Every morning that I wake up, you are the first thought in my head. I glance at you and you flood my brain, I look away and you linger. Rodolfo, there was never a choice to make because I will go to you every single time."
Rodolfo melted and then tears filled his eyes. Alejandro had chosen him. He let out a soft sob and half threw himself at Alejandro, hugging him tightly.
Alejandro kissed over his face, hugging back. "Rudy, we need to go before Valeria changes her mind..." He murmured.
Rodolfo nodded and tried to calm himself as Alejandro pulled away and went around to the driver's side getting in. Rodolfo managed to keep himself together until they made it to the ranch and then the waves were pulling him under again. He sobbed and hunched over, everything hitting him again.
Alejandro pulled him into his lap and clung to him, kissing over his face again. "I will always choose you. I will always choose you."
Rodolfo couldn't stop crying. He wasn't even sure he wanted to. "I thought you'd abandoned me... I thought you had chosen her..."
"She doesn't even come close to you. She's a viper and you are the air I breathe..." He murmured. "Mi sol..."
Rodolfo sobbed harder at the nickname, falling into Alejandro and grabbing his shirt. "I love you... I love you so much..."
"I love you, too, Mi Sol. Please, please never doubt how much I love you..." Alejandro murmured, burying his face in Rodolfo's hair.
"You chose me..."
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superdcchick · 2 years
Henry x Female reader
Warnings: Drinking
A/N: Not sure about this one but fuck it XD
Word count: 595
It was just after 2 am and there were only a few episodes left in the series you were watching but if you didn't go to bed and get some sort of sleep, you would regret it in the morning. Your phone lit up from a message from your best friend Henry, whom you loved dearly but felt it could never go passed the friend stage. He didn't see you in that way.
"Date was studat" "Sturat" "STUPID!"
What the hell?
Then your phone rang and you answered.
"What's the matter?" "Texting is stupid" "What happened on your date?" You didn't want to know really but he brought it up first. "She was nice, nothing wrong, I just, I had stuff on my mind. She left, I stayed, and drank" "I can tell, so you're drunk dialing me?" "NO! No. I just needed to... tell you, I was actually at the bar near your place" "Oh well, you can sleep here if you want" "Okay, well I'm outside"
You hung up the phone and answered the door. He almost fell through the door when you opened it. "Hi" he whispered "Jesus, how much did you have to drink?" You said as you helped him over to the couch. "Way more than I should have," he said as he plopped down. He was already half asleep.
"Henry, your date couldn't have been that bad" "It wasn't, it was just me" "You?" "I shouldn't have gone on a date with her" "Oh, okay" You watched him as he started to drift off "It should have been... you" "What? Henry??"
Did he just say that? Did he really just say that?? Nah I'm too tired, I'm not fully listening. You lifted his head to put a pillow under him and threw a blanket over him and headed upstairs. Flopping onto your bed and going to sleep.
In the morning, you lay in bed thinking about what you thought you heard. Did he? Nah, couldn't have. You decided to get out of bed and make some coffee. Walking downstairs trying not to make too much noise. As soon as your foot hit the last step you heard him inhale deeply.
"Morning Henry" "Ugh, morning" "Coffee?" "Yeah, please," He says as he straightens himself up. "I guess I don't have to ask you how you're feeling?" He groans as he lifts himself off the couch. "Coffee will be ready in 5"
He sat down at the kitchen table with his face in his hands. "Do- Do you remember what happened last night?" "I remember the whiskey" He laughs "Ugh I feel like I've been hit by a truck" You left his coffee down in front of him and sat at the side of the table beside him.
"I remember what I said to you y/n" You stare at him "Last night, I told my date to go home because I couldn't stop thinking... about you" "Me?" "I should have asked you on that date, I've always wanted to but I don't know if-"
You cut him off with a kiss holding his face in your hands. "I'll take that as a yes?" you both laugh "Are you sure?" "Am I?- Why would you ask that?" "I didn't think I was your type" "I didn't think I was yours"
You shy away covering your face, then you feel his hand on yours, his fingers locking with yours. "Y/n, would you be so kind as to go on a date with me?" you giggle "Of course Henry"
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ghost-like-pale · 3 years
a flinch is enough
info: the past never forgets, and techno never forgives. 》 they/them 》 in canon + platonic 》 1.4k words
warnings: sexual assault, explicit descriptions of murder/blood, hurt/comfort, swearing
a/n: this was a request from my beautiful 🌹 anon, thank you for sending this in. i made the implications of sexual assault a a little more subtle but i still hope you like it.
this blog it meant as a way of coping with trauma/mental issues, please don't report it. if you don't want to see what i write, please just block me.
the moonlit sky was a beautiful dark blue as you stared at the light. you had been doing housework the entire day due to your counterpart being too busy with whatever he was brewing upstairs. the piglin hybrid usually helped you when he was home, it's his house after all. but today was different, you supposed.
you were so caught up in the moon's doings that you didn't notice the tall figure creeping down the stairs and right behind you. he assumed you were aware of him and went to tap on your shoulder.
as soon as he does you whip your head around, backing away from him as you hold one arm in front of your face and the other in front of your lower body. the shaking of your body became more prominent as time went on.
you couldn't look at him. you weren't strong enough.
"(y/n), please. look at me."
you lowered your arms hesitantly and looked him in the eyes still filled with fear.
"(y/n), i'm not going to hurt you. i promise."
you averted your gaze and drop both your arms. tears leaked out of your eyes and cupped your face with your hands, all the memories coming back and hitting you like a truck.
"i'm so sorry, techno."
you dropped to the floor, your knees buckling under you and techno barely being able to catch you. you felt a heavy, warm cape drape over your figure while a worried piglin grunt escaped techno's throat. he got on one knee and rested one of his hands on your shoulder.
"don't apologize."
two simple words managed to tug at your heartstrings so harshly you couldn't hold it in anymore. you sobbed loudly into your hands, completely losing any posture you tried to maintain. techno was startled, thinking he did something wrong. he quickly snapped out of it, however, and pulled your body by the shoulders into his chest. his firm grasp made you feel secure, stifling your cries a little.
"...are you alright?"
you knew he had no idea how to handle it from here, but you appreciated the concern and kindness he showed. you pulled back from his embrace and wiped your eyes gingerly.
"i'm.. a little better."
the voices wanted to know who did this - who made you this way. who the fuck hurt you? he tried to keep them quiet, but he wanted them dead as much as his mind.
"can you tell me what happened?"
everything was silent for a few seconds. the voices were quiet, nothing came out of techno's mouth. you sighed and shakily started explaining yourself. techno listened silently, trying to catch every detail and description of the man who scarred you. he had a basic image of him in his mind by the time you were done.
"thank you for telling me."
techno glanced outside the window, the soft glow of the moon telling him it's late. how long had he been brewing? he shuffled a bit and eventually stuck an arm under your legs and upper body. with a small yelp you were lifted a few feet in the air, the cape that you were siting under fell off your back and onto the floor in the proces.
"you need some rest."
you didn't bother trying to stop him. your mind was foggy and your body felt heavy.
"thank you, techno."
"shh, there's no need to thank me."
in comfortable silence you were carried up the stairs and into techno's room. you were confused, you had your own room after all. you didn't mind, though. he placed you on the mattress he slept on rarely. his bed was bigger, the blanket was heavier, the pillow was softer, everything felt better. you wrapped yourself in the plush blanket and felt your eyelids getting heavier already.
"sleep well, (y/n)."
just as he was about to stand up you grabbed a hold of his wrist. he looked at you quizzically, knitting his eyebrows together.
"where are you going?"
"don't worry, i won't be away for long. now sleep."
"fine. good night, techno."
"good night."
looking through his bag once more technoblade checked if he forgot to grab anything; he had food, arrows, ender pearls, potions and a small knife. on his hips hung his axe, crossbow and sword, yearning to be used. his bag was full and everything he needed was in his possession. before he opened the door techno noticed the red velvet fabric resting on the ground. with a few paces he arrived in the kitchen and picked up the cape. he swung it over his shoulders and adjusted it carefully. with a loud exhale he stepped out of his house and into the cold weather of the tundra. he whisteled a command and one of the wolves in the pack jumped out of the enclosure it sat in and rushed over to techno's side. he was going to find them.
you've shown him your previous residence multiple times, which is where he was going to look first. it was his best guess. while making his way over to your former abode the wolf that traveled with him was scouting out ahead, hoping it would find it faster than techno.
techno's eyes shoot in the animal's direction when it starts barking aggressively at a moving figure across the woods. the voices screamed at him to assist his pet, to shoot him, kill him immediately, to which he happily obliged. he sped over to his companion, hoping to catch a better glimpse of the person.
"stop him, now!"
techno ordered the animal. after a few seconds he heard a loud thud followed by a yell belonging to a man in immense pain. he made his way over to the barking wolf, it having a slightly stained mouth from its jaws going through the man's flesh and muscles. he found them.
"what's the rush?"
he towered over the other male pathetically writhing on the floor. his calf had a nasty teeth mark, bleeding profusely and covered in dirt and saliva.
"p-please... don't... hurt me!"
"why shouldn't i?"
technoblade hated these kind of men; not even willing to fight or run. just begging and whimpering for mercy. it made him sick. the wolf that followed him all the way here was still barking, ready to tear the man to shreds.
he takes his netherite axe off his hip and hoists it over his shoulder. techno looks the other man right in the eyes, fully aware it fills him with fear. he wanted to feel everything you were put through. he was going to feel your pain.
"i...i've never done anything to you..!"
technoblade froze at the sentence. nothing? he thinks he's done nothing? he's not completely wrong; he's never physically hurt him - he's never even met him before. his train of thought was interrupted by the voices yelling in his head. they were screaming at him to cut him, to strangle him, to burn him, anything. he needed to feel pain.
"does the name (y/n) mean anything to you?"
the horror on the man's face got worse by the second, him figuring out why techno is here. the piglin drops to one knee and gets about an inch away from his victim's face.
"am i going to get an answer?"
"y-yes! we were friends a few years ago."
techno let his axe fall off his shoulder and into the dirt, the blade only falling a few inches away from the other male's injured leg.
"do friends traumatize each other?"
the question filled the victim with dread, his monotone voice only adding to the fear.
"y-you don't know what we did!"
the sudden surge in confidence surprised techno, to be sure. there was nothing more pathetic than a man yelling at the brink of death in such a tone. he scoffed with an amused expression and retracted his axe back into the holder that rested on his hip.
"yeah! they were lying to you, i promise. that's the reason i stopped being friends in the first- GAH!"
his sentence was cut of by a dagger being plunged into his stomach and dragged up to his ribs, cutting open his body. he mewled and moaned in agonizing pain, unable to form any coherent words.
"you disgust me."
technoblade stood up, his ears twitching and voices pleased. the blood on his hand dripped on the dried leaves as he called the wolf he brought with him. as the animal sped over to technoblades' side the screams of the impaled man were completely gone. looking over his shoulder he sees the lifeless body of the man who has haunted you for a long time.
he'll never hurt you again.
thank you for reading, hope you liked it.
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dirty-brainrot · 3 years
(Not like him ²)
Here's the 2nd part to this!
Pairing(s): Stardust Crusaders x Reader
After traveling for weeks and days with the crusaders, all of you have finally reached Cairo. You helped them track down DIO to the best of your abilities. But you were able to only scout the area for them at night and kept an eye out for any stand users under DIO's influence. (And yet with all of your efforts, your relationship with Jotaro hasn't changed. He's still wary of you.)
Iggy had been wounded. None of you were there to see what happened so you could only guess that the boston terrier was attacked by a stand user. On the brighter side, Kakyoin returned fully healed after the incident with the water stand.
You all wasted no time and headed straight for DIO's mansion. Although, you had a hard time keeping up because of the thick clothes you wore to protect you from the striking sun.
The time you had there was excruciating. Your allies had a near-death experience at the fight with Vanilla Ice but good thing you were there to prevent that. Although, they had sustained heavy wounds, making them unable to help further, and had to fall back.
DIO's minions were able to stall you all until sunset. Forced to fight DIO at night, you discarded the heavy cloak, also gaining the upper hand. And all of you fled away thinking of a way to figure out his stand's powers. Jotaro chased after the vengeful Polnareff while you, Kakyoin, and Mr. Joestar figured out the body-stealing vampire's stand.
Currently, you were on the trunk of the truck, gripping tightly on the edges so you wouldn't get thrown off. You screamed to Joseph on the wheel. "DRIVE FASTER!! HE'S GAINING ON US—" You looked back at the car that DIO was in but you were only met with a corpse hurtling towards you at great speed. Startled, you jumped off and rolled around the pavement. The car slammed into a building and exploded with debris flying all over. Worried for your companions, you ran towards the car. The corpse sat there but they were nowhere to be found.
Relief washed over you once you saw them swinging from buildings to building and calling your name. You glanced behind you to see DIO's silhouette in the smoke, calling out to you. "Y/N... Join me..." Not wanting to handle him on your own, you ran after Kakyoin and Joseph. Jumping from buildings to another as your stand had no swinging abilities like theirs. "Joestar!!" Catching up to them, you spoke in panic. "What's the plan?! He's going to catch up sooner or later!"
"Don't worry Y/N!" Kakyoin grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Joseph. You both hid behind a building. Confused, you looked up at him waiting for answers. "We made a plan. I will set up a trap while Mr. Joestar distracts him." Provided with little context; You nodded slowly, unsure. He quickly made a platform with [Hierophant]'s tentacles for you and him to stand on. You stood beside him, watching the Joestar struggle to keep DIO away.
Once he was in the designated spot. He was finally able to entrap him in place, kakyoin used his splash move. "Emerald Splash!" Trapping DIO into his 50-meter Emeralds Splash web.
"Smart..." 'With this... we can get DIO to use his stand..!' You mumble and he flashes you a quick, small smile. "Hmm... Y/N... This will be the last chance I give you a chance to join me—" You interrupted him, growing frustrated with his repeated words. "Just stop with that already! After what you put these Joestars through... I'll never join your side." You growled at him and he laughs, mocking you. Kakyoin fired emeralds at him, making him halt his laughter.
As Kakyoin stated, nobody can deflect his emerald splash but DIO was able to do it with his bare hands. "That won't hold him for too long, Kak... Will this work?—" And right on time, DIO finally decided to reveal his stand's true power. "[The World]'s true power is, indeed, the power to reign over this world!"
A loud echoing noise, then suddenly, everything stopped. 'His stand...' You didn't get the chance to finish your thought as he starts to cut Kakyoin's trap while flying in your direction. "Dear Y/n... My beloved half-blood... You could've ruled the world with me... But it's too late for that now." 'This is no good... My secret weapon is the same as his too..!' [The World] pulled back his arm, getting ready to strike a punch. But it wasn't directed at you, it was directed at Kakyoin's stomach.
As [The World]'s fist was halfway through the air, you moved through stopped time, surprising DIO but that didn't stop him. You grabbed Kakyoin's arm and pulled him away, taking the hit through the stomach. Unlike DIO, your [The World] can only pause and move through stopped time for a second or two. Making it slightly weaker.
DIO was still caught off guard by your stand's ability, his own stand's arm still plunged into your stomach as time started ticking again. Your hair wildly slapped against your face as you flew through the air until you felt yourself hit a water tank. Kakyoin and Joseph called out to you but you weren't able to hear them due to the ringing from your ears from the metallic impact.
Feeling numb, you tried getting all your senses all together but it was to no avail. Slowly, you tilt your head up. you could see Kakyoin's silhouette swinging on buildings trying to get to you. Being strict by drinking anything but animal blood is giving you a huge withdrawal. Your regeneration isn't as fast as it was before... "-N...Y/N!" You snap your head back up to see Kakyoin looking at you with concern. "Y/N, are you ok?!" You cough out blood and weakly spoke. "Same stand... DIO can stop... time.." Kakyoin glanced back behind him and back to you. He avoids looking at your stomach, feeling sick that he can see through the hole.
"Wh—why aren't you healing?" He stutters and helps you get out of the water tank. You collapsed on top of him and he gently sets you down on the floor, kneeling beside you.
"Need blood..." His eyes widen and you shook your head. "Tell... Joestar that.. DIO...can stop time.." You croak. Your body is regenerating but it wasn't as fast as how you wanted it. Kakyoin nodded and stood up, expecting him to leave you and help the elder Joestar but you were wrong. He called out his stand and shoot the large clock, breaking its hands.
"Fool..! Just go find Jota—" He stops you and grabs your arm, pointing it to his neck directly at the carotid artery. "You said you needed blood right?" Kakyoin said with a stern face. Your eyes widen as you tug your hand away from his neck, failing due to lack of strength. "Yes... but I don't need it- I can manage." you croak out while Kakyoin kept a firm grip on your hand. "Y/N, you saved me. You need this to be able to fight DIO." 'He doesn't even know if I actually saved him... He has this much trust in me..' Biting your lip, you hesitantly shoved your sharpened nails in his neck. You only needed a small amount...
He visibly winced but it disappeared quickly. You drank a small portion of his blood while your wounds start to regenerate at a quicker pace. Slowly getting your strength back, you rose from your sitting position and quickly removed your fingers from Kakyoin's neck. He stumbled a bit but you helped him regain his footing. "G-go..." You nodded and prepared to jump through buildings to catch up with Joseph and DIO but before you did, you glanced at Kakyoin. The guilt slowly rising within you, he notices your look and smiles. "...thank you." You mutter and with that, you searched for DIO and joseph.
Jumping from buildings to buildings again, time would often stop but thanks to Kakyoin's offering, you learned that you could stop and move through time for at least 5 seconds or more. Following the trail of bloodshed, you saw Joseph's dried corpse in the distance. "Oh no..." No time for grieving, you continued. Getting closer, you start to feel the presence of your damned brother.
"ROAD ROLLER!" There they were, on the bridge with Jotaro losing to DIO. Quickly, you made your way to them. "DIO!" You screamed before freezing in time. He laughs and throws the road equipment towards you, it gets stuck in time after it was inches from you. At least Jotaro doesn't have to worry about getting crushed.
Once time started ticking, you evaded it by punching it with your stand. Given the opportunity, you stopped time. DIO froze due to his stand's ability cooldown. You gave him a hard punch in the stomach like what he did earlier. Your stand's hand goes through him then you slow down and freeze while DIO starts moving again. He starts laughing at your attempt. "Foolish Y/N.... I am stronger than you." He pushes you. You flew back and your stand's hand went out of his stomach. It regenerates as nothing had happened.
DIO approaches you, your body tilted as it was frozen in time. "Why couldn't you just let me kill the Joestar's bloodline?" [The World] raises its arm, ready to decapitate you as DIO spoke. "Just for this, I'll make you suffer to what I had to go through just to get this body—" Then suddenly, he froze too. Behind him, you could see a towering Jotaro. "It seems like you can only stop time for 9 seconds..." He glances at you and nods, as a way of thanking you for distracting DIO to help him regain his strength.
"Now, it won't take even a second to finish you off!" Jotaro shouts and points at DIO. He approaches him from behind. Jotaro starts his monologue and kicks DIO on the legs, breaking them. "Time has begun to move again." Time starts and you dodged the falling DIO. He falls into the concrete, his legs bleeding. Jotaro hops off the road roller. "How long will your legs heal? Two seconds? Three seconds?" He stood in front of DIO. Ready to give him a beatdown. "The moment you heal. I'll throw [Star Platinum] at you."
DIO elevates himself, his knees shaking. He seems to be mumbling something. "-How I do it, does not matter!" He splurts out blood to Jotaro's eyes. 'He's playing dirty-' You jumped into action, helping Jotaro counter [The World]'s leg attack. You and Jotaro both punched its leg. [Star Platinum]'s hand starts to crack as well as your stand's but it healed quickly. DIO smirks at Jotaro but it instantly switched as the three of you heard another crack. [The world] starts cracking and falling apart. DIO screamed in agony. "WHAT?!" He starts splitting apart while yelling. "IMPOSSIBLE! I-I AM DIO!" He repeats his words and explodes into pieces. Body parts flying around and his blood tainting the floor.
That's it. It's done.
You sat down and sighed in relief. "Glad he's gone. He always stole my food..." Jotaro chuckles but abruptly stops. "Do you think... The old man's blood can be retrieved back?" You look at him with wide eyes. He looked determined and from his question, you could guess that he had a plan. "What do we have to lose?" And with that, the two of you called the Speedwagon Foundation.
Everything went well in the ambulance, Jotaro nearly punched his grandfather and you laughed at their antics. Avdol and Iggy gained prosthetics, Polnareff was mildly injured (comparing to Iggy and Avdol.) And Kakyoin is gaining some of his blood back.
You stayed with the Joestars while the others flew back to their home country.
But you can't help but think about the sweet warm blood that Kakyoin offered you. Maybe drinking a few more human blood wouldn't be too bad...
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rightsockjin · 3 years
Tumblr media
Summary: Your best friend of your near entire life has been a total asshat to you ever since you started to casually date which didn't seem super fair to you since he did the exact same thing and you were nothing but supportive! It just sucks that you two are growing apart over a coping mechanism that you adopted to distract yourself from your overwhelming crush on said idiot. If only he knew. Wait- did you say that OUT LOUD?
Rating: M (What isn't on this blog?)
Genre: Maybe a little angst? Smut for sure tho.
Word count: 8003
Warnings: Thongs, sex, lewd thoughts, erections, physical pushing, raw dogging, cream pie, mentions of giving head, a looooooottt of swearing, mentions of slut shaming. Oh right- oppa kink and little splashes of korean as well.
yeo-chin= girlfriend
nam-chin= boyfriend
halmoni= grandma
apa=to hurt
aya=expression to express pain equivalent to 'ow'
Author’s note: HI EVERYONE! We are somewhat back!! So sorry for the long wait for content. Things have been insane and we’ve been working on a much- much longer fic for this blog which will involve all of the boys! It’s a long story but this hit me like a truck yesterday and it was initially meant to be a reaction but I couldn’t stop writing… so it’s 7k and the other boys will get their own version of this prompt “best friend is jealous of the attention you give to guys” thing. Starting once again with the one and only Yoongi! Hope y’all enjoy:)
“You know it’s funny, I don’t remember asking,” Yoongi said virulently, his attention centered solely on his phone as he scrolled through instagram... or twitter... or maybe it was tinder. Your heart sank. You had been excited that this guy- Woojin- had given you attention. He was good looking by a lot of standards and it had boosted your confidence significantly. Of course, you wanted to share that excitement with your best friend. Rejecting someone that good looking always made you feel really powerful and attractive but you had barely shown him Woojin’s picture and commented on how attractive he was before your so called best friend had brushed you off and went back to his solitude and avoidance.
You had noticed that something was off for a while now but hadn’t commented on anything to avoid any conflicts but this was ridiculous. You had constantly listened to the stories of how girls would trickle in like water for him. He seemed to be going out with someone new every two weeks.
It wasn’t fair that you had to put up with his annoying descriptions of how beautiful these girls were while you sat and gave him your undivided attention as your heart slowly chipped and broke with each new conquest of his. Especially when each girl was so different from who you were. At first, you thought that maybe you were annoyed by this simply because it was hurtful to think he didn’t at least think you were pretty. It wasn’t long after that that you realized that it hurt you when he went out with women who were your polar opposite because it meant that he would never date you.
This had been shocking in itself. You had known Yoongi for your entire life, or at least a good portion of it, and you had always seen him as a brother. Your oppa in the least sexual or boyfriend-y form possible, but when you looked at him now… he was looking a lot more like well- an oppa.
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish. His words stung more than you would like to admit. Whenever Yoongi got this snippy, you liked to equal him in snip and double him in sass, never showing how vulnerable his disinterest made you feel, but this time, it felt like he had punched you in the chest with all his force and told you you were ugly to boot.
You didn’t want to cry in front of him either. He’d make fun of you. Last time you had cried, he’d awkwardly pat you on the head and quickly changed the very serious topic of your parents' relationship with yours to something totally different and not even a little relevant to helping you feel better. Given, that had been years ago and he’d never been very good at comforting you nor had he so much as expressed his support of you. Not since that one time when you had broken your wrist and he’d promptly pushed the girl who had been the culprit off the swing set thus getting himself suspended for a week and a half when you were both in elementary school.
But this… this was just cruel. It was ugly. It made you look at your “best friend” in a light that was not so shiny and pristine. He’d changed so much since then. He’d pulled away from you since then and you hadn’t even noticed. Or maybe you had and had just ignored it. Maybe you’d hoped if you didn’t mention it, that it would go away and he would come back full force with one of his dumb dances and pretty smiles. Maybe you hoped he’d realize soon what you had realized in your early twenties.
You loved him. And not the brotherly love that you had always had for him, no, you, Y/N, were very much in love with your best friend. Which made this whole situation so much worse.
When you said nothing, Yoongi briefly glanced up at you from his seemingly important phone conversation with most likely another of his soon to be dates only to look back down.
“What? Cat got your tongue? No snippy rebuttal? You’re not gonna chew me out for being mean to you again?”
His face was illuminated by the blue lights of his screen; he had it at the near darkest setting and his eyes were squinted to see it better. Something that had always annoyed you because you knew it was only hurting his vision.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. When that didn’t help, you cleared it, accidentally catching his attention. He clicked his phone off and looked over at you as if ready to argue but something in your face must have given away your inner turmoil because his hard features softened and his lips fell slightly open.
“Are you crying?”
No. Of course you weren’t crying. You never cried. Not ever. But then your cheeks were wet and the onslaught of emotion seemed to burst. How far had you fallen for this indefinitely cold man that his sarcasm made you fall in hysterics? Far it seemed. Too far.
You angrily wiped the tears away from your burning skin and crossed your arms over your chest. The hoodie you had stolen from him earlier that day felt like sandpaper against your skin as opposed to the comfort you’d initially felt when slipping over your head and smelling the fresh scent of his cologne clinging to it.
You felt him shift on the couch to face you fully, out of the corner of your eye, you could see his features had turned worried, alarmed even but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him nor care. Too little too late.
“Hey, Y/N, I’m sorry.”
The words hung in the still air like a wrong note played in a symphony. It made your head spin and ache.
You didn’t dare speak. It would only give away how truly hurt you were by his words and actions. You didn’t want to be around him anymore.
Abruptly, you stood up and yanked the hoodie from your body. The tank you had on pulled up slightly showing the skin of your belly. It was lopsided, you noted when you looked down and saw that one side was pulled over and under your bra and the other was too high on your chest but you didn’t really care.
Yoongi watched you with conflict evident in his eyes, if only you would turn to see. He hadn’t meant to offend you. He’d only been trying to keep you at arms length. You had also been going out with multiple guys, telling him how good looking and tall they all were. Most of these men were also built like rocks and he himself was toned at best. Contrary to what you thought, Yoongi had come to the realization that he’d been in love with you since you were kids. He did not tolerate when anyone made you feel like shit, and, being a very mature kid, he’d told his mother quite early on that he would marry you someday. Of course, she’d only chastised him and told him that he couldn’t possibly know what love was nor could he force you to marry him, but he was adamant.
He’d stopped telling her about it after that though, and instead of telling you how he felt, he’d opted instead to watch over you and make sure nothing happened. So when in high school, you had started to date and it had not been him whom you had chosen, he’d made sure to keep the sorry excuse of a man you had chosen in line. That was… until the incident.
Yoongi would never forgive himself for not being there. For not stopping the bastard who thought he owned you. He’d never forgive the idiot either and if you hadn’t stopped him, he would have killed him with his bare fists then stuffed his own socks in his mouth.
It was then that Yoongi realized that you deserved better than him, and at the same time, no one was worthy of you. It was a strange dynamic. He’d never once approved of your dates, but had decided to start dating other women because, let's face it, he was a guy and he’d like to have children someday but not even in his wildest dreams could he think that you would ever settle for him. Someone who’d failed you as your self imposed protector.
Not that you knew any of that. You didn’t know that Yoongi often teamed up with your other best friend, your girl best friend to scope out your dates once you’d left. You’d almost caught them once as well and it had been by pure luck and the hair of a very out of place clown that both of them had escaped your wrath that night. You also didn’t notice that after you had fully broken up with that first asshole, he’d threatened to beat him to a pulp if he so much as breathed in your direction once more and later, he’d threatened ‘asshole’ two and three with the same things.
But then your dates had gotten taller and stronger and much harder to intimidate. He’d once made the mistake of threatening a casual date that you’d set up who was at least a solid half foot taller than him and he’d been laughed out of the restaurant only to find out later that the jerk had forced a kiss on you.
No, Yoongi’s days as your protector had dwindled and left him feeling half of the man he’d already thought he was and so his only defense, his only way to keep you safe- though now that he was watching tears well in your eyes he wondered what logic he’d used to justify this behavior- was to be the asshole himself and teach you how to deal with them on a first hand basis.
He hated himself for making you cry. He hated that you looked so dejected and hurt and like you never wanted to speak another word to him again. He hated that your shoulders slumped and that your pretty eyelashes were coated in wet tears and it was all on him.
“You know what,” you finally managed to say with some semblance of calm under the storm that was brewing in the irises he’d so loved, “I think we’ve grown apart a little too much. Maybe we should just- cut our losses and,” you heaved a deep breath, trying to keep yourself calm, “stop seeing each other.”
Were you breaking up with him? How were you even going to break up with him if you weren’t even dating? Yoongi’s heart sank into the pit of his stomach. He had tunnel vision. All he could see was you and the way that you seemed to pull yourself up from the ground, rebuilding before his eyes.
“Stop see-what? Are you demented?”
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Was that all he was capable of being? Wrong. Incorrect. Inexact. Erroneous. Mistaken. He was plain stupid for the words he’d let slip but there was no taking them back now.
You let your eyes widen as you wiped more of your furiously falling tears from your skin. You turned to face him, your shirt fixed and covering you exactly how it should and your features set and intentional.
“What’s the point? You clearly don’t want to be around me anymore and I’m tired of being berated every time I mention a guy. You’re the most unsupportive friend I have and that’s because I’ve known you the longest. If you don’t want to be my friend just say so instead of slut shaming me and bullying me every chance you get you asshat.”
“Asshat,” he chuckled, crossing his sleeve-covered arms over his toned chest, “real clever, Y/N. Is that all you got, kid? You never were one for words were you? Why don’t you just sock me instead?”
Oh you were considering it. He seemed so unbothered by the prospect of losing you that you realized maybe you had already lost him and hadn’t realized. You had dealt with your fair share of jerks in your life, but you had always counted on Yoongi to be your hope. He’d shown you that there were men in the world that seemed to care about women. Men who could love you even when you felt unlovable, unworthy, but here he was, proving to you once again that all men were the same evil and vile creatures, incapable of love or kindness if they weren’t getting their dicks wet.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you? Then you could go around saying that I’m a crazy bitch. You know what? Fuck you Min Yoongi. I hope you get well and royally fucked.” You yelled, grabbing the tote bag you’d brought over from your apartment and stomping to the door.
“Fuck you too,” he yelled, following you to the door. He caught you at the landing strip, prying on your chunky sneakers with a bit of difficulty, your house slippers, the ones he’d bought you, lay haphazardly nearby.
“And fuck all of those asshole guys you keep bringing home. Better yet, I hope you don’t fuck them.”
You turned your head up to look at him, confusion and disgust written all over your face.
“What the fuck do my dates had to do with what a fucking jerk you are?”
Choosing to ignore your question, he focused instead on your insult, “A jerk, am I? Well you’re a bitch. How do you like that?”
He didn’t know why he was insulting you. He didn’t think you were actually a bitch, but the anger on your face made him feel better.
It was followed by near instant regret as you drew yourself up to your full height and looked at him with pure venom in your gaze.
“I’m a bitch?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, trying to keep his shoulders square, but you were scary when angry and he’d never fared well in fights with you.
“I’m the bitch?”
“You heard me!”
You balled your fists at your sides, your eyebrows connected in the center and your breathing was heavy. He knew better than to use the B-word.
“You’re a piece of shit.” It was low but your voice carried and hit all of the bones in his body before it hit his heart and burrowed deep in the wounds he’d stitched up but pulled open multiple times over the years that pertain only to you.
“You are a sorry excuse of a man,” you growled, pushing him by the chest. Somewhere in the back of your mind you noted that it felt really firm and stronger than before.
“You’re an ass, Min Yoongi,” you continued, giving him another push so that he stumbled slightly back into the living room of his apartment once again.
“You low life,” another push, closer to the couch, “weak minded,” you shoved him, he sidestepped the glass coffee table where your untouched coffee mugs still rested, probably cold by now, “son of a bitch, fucking baby, involved sorry excuse of a man-” He fell onto the cough. Your vision was red.
“You already used that insult.” Was all he said as you stood over him, your chest heaved with the exertion of trying to keep yourself from slapping the now blank expression from his face.
A slew of incomprehensible noises escaped from your lips as words completely left your brain. Damn him. Damn this idiot of a man that you were in love with. He could go to hell for all you cared and you hoped that the devil himself ripped his testicles off and served them on a platter with some kimchi and fried rice.
“Okay first of all- ow,” The asshole said, pulling you back to reality and not your fictitious rework where Yoongi was now sitting at the end of a long table being force fed his own balls, “And second…”
You held your breath. Fear ran down your spine. You hadn’t meant to say that out loud-
“You-you’re in love with me?”
Well… he got his wish, you were royally fucked. Instantly, you tried to back track. Your mind kept replaying in your head what you had said and tried to correct itself but you couldn’t think of anything that could possibly absolve you.
“Like a brother,” you said finally, your voice shaky and thin.
Yoongi only blinked up at you. What you said was bullshit and he knew it. You knew it too.
“You’re in love with me… like a brother?”
“Oppa,” you clarified as if that would somehow make more sense, and it did kind of, but it didn’t absolve you at all. In fact, this only made a smile tug at his lips, his pearly teeth suddenly on display, blinding. You fought the smile that threatened to pull at yours too. It was always hard because his smile was so contagious.
Yoongi stood. He was less than an inch away from your own body. You felt small, meek. You’d misstepped this big game of chess you seemed to be playing. He was going to make fun of you. He’d never let you live it down. You liked him.
“You like me,” as if he had read your mind, he echoed your thoughts, or maybe you had spoken that out loud as well.
“No I don’t,” you argued, taking a step back just so you could have some space to breathe.
“Oh yeah you do,” Yoongi argued, his smile so wide you were sure it would hurt the muscles in his cheeks
“No,” you said again, not really thinking anything you said at this point would convince him otherwise. The son of a bitch was stubborn.
“Admit it,” he said, closing the distance between you again, his neck craned down to look directly at your face.
“I don’t like you!” You tried to take another step back but the coffee table knocked your feet out from under you. You fell onto it knocking Yoongi’s mug of coffee over. The black decaf liquid seeped into your shorts.
Yoongi’s rusty laugh was pried from his throat as he watched your face contort. He was having the time of his life, it seemed. Good for him.
“Stop laughing at me,” you groaned, your cheeks red. You were practically sweating from how feverish you felt.
It was like you hadn’t spoken. Your shorts were wet and made you feel sticky. In a fit of anger, like a child throwing a tantrum, you unbuttoned the denim and ripped them from your legs. This shut Yoongi up instantly. With the soiled fabric, you cleaned up the liquid before it fell onto the light grey carpet.
Yoongi stilled as his eyes traveled up and down your long legs.The way you were twisting, he could see the back of your left thigh up to where it met your ass- your bare ass. You were wearing a thong.
God help him, he was rapidly getting hard. He forced his eyes away from you, his walls being pulled back up at seeing you naked. Well partially so. He pushed his hands into his oversized hoodie and made sure that it covered his front. The last thing he needed was for you to see.
But then you turned and pulled your legs together, your thighs squishing attractively. What he wouldn’t give to be choked by those thighs.
“Let me wash those for you,” he said tightly, pulling a hand from his hoodie to take the soiled shorts, the hem of the fabric pulled up enough for you to see exactly what he’d been trying to hide.
Yoongi had a hard on. You weren’t sure why exactly you were surprised. You were attractive, that much you knew, but you never really expected for your best friend to see you in that way. In fact, you were pretty sure that you’d been in your underwear in front of him before and he hadn’t even given you a second glance, but there was the evidence. And God was there a lot of evidence.
Slowly, you handed him the shorts. His hand grabbed them tightly, avoiding touching any part of your hand with his. Then, after a slight pause, he turned on his heels and walked towards the kitchen to put the shorts into the washer.
You’d called him oppa. You rarely called him oppa and it had hypersensitized him to the word coming from your lips. Other girls called him oppa sometimes and it had no effect on him but there he was, stiff as a board and it had something to do with you calling him oppa and your state of undress. Fuck. He was fucked. So fucked.
At least he wished he could be… But no. He pushed those thoughts from his head as he threw in some nice scented soaps into the wash and clicked it to life. He shut his eyes, trying to think of anything that would drain the blood from his member- halmeoni maybe?- but your voluptuous ass kept intruding, giving his halmeoni some nice curves that messed with her wrinkled face. He shook his head once more and decided he’d just have to hide his boner until it went away, or go beat one out in the restroom really quick.
He grabbed a pair of his clean sweat pants from the drying rack to give to you, just so you would be comfortable, he told himself, not because the thought of your naked butt in them made him unspeakably horny.
But when he got back to the living room, what he found was not you, covering yourself with a pillow like he’d expected, but you, only in your thong- fuck did it have to be a thong?- and your bra. Your shirt was nowhere to be seen.
“Fuck me,” he groaned, burring his head in his hands and turning away from you.
“I mean, if you ask nicely enough that can be arranged,” you answered rather boldly. There was no way for him to know that you were quaking in fear for his rejection.
Yoongi’s dick twitched in his sweats.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said under his breath as his heart beat faster. He felt like he was having a whole heart attack. He patted his chest, hoping to calm it down knowing it was useless.
Should he go for it? You had just admitted accidentally that you did have feelings for him and you were clearly propositioning him. Should he just-
He turned around, back to face you, determination paining his expression. Still on the coffee table, your legs were spread open, only covered by the thin sliver of fabric that your thong allotted. You were a little cold, but all of that melted away when you saw the way that Yoongi’s eyes roamed your exposed body, then stopped abruptly to meet your own.
He was in front of you in seconds, his longer legs carried him farther and faster than you had anticipated. Then he was pulling you to stand. You wobbled on your legs but one of his arms found its way around your waist. His free hand came up and held your jaw with two fingers on either side of your face, squishing your lips together slightly. His hot, heavy member pressed against your stomach through his sweats. He was so close that you could smell the coffee on his breath and the fading smell of his cologne you loved so much. All you wanted was to grind against him but you were held too tightly.
“You never know when to shut up do you?” But he didn’t let you answer. He crashed his soft lips onto yours, his hold on your jaw ached but you didn’t care. There was a passion in his kiss that you hadn’t expected, subtly dwindling to something more like tenderness, and the kiss continued. His lips dragged against yours delicately, pinching your top one with both of his. Small breaths came out of his nose, whistling softly against your cheek. You timed your breaths with his, high on the feeling of finally being kissed, coveted by him. Was it real? Was this actually happening?
Your brain suddenly caught up with your body. The rightness that came with the way he was kissing you, like he couldn’t get enough of you, like he needed you to properly breathe, was like nothing you could have imagined.
The hand on your waist was drawing small circles where the elastic of your thong rested, his index finger casually hooked onto and under pulling lightly. You pressed yourself tighter than he had you against his erection. He groaned, his mouth opening and his tongue suddenly darting out to taste. He pulled your jaw open, granting himself entrance and exploring your mouth.
You moaned, a sound so sensuous and wanton that Yoongi felt that he could cum just from those sounds alone. He wanted more. He wanted you to sing his praises as he fucked into you and caressed your chest. He wanted you to drool around his cock and to have your sweet mouth wrapped tight around it. He wanted to feel you gag at his girth and he wanted to pull at your hair. But most of all, he wanted to kiss you, just like how he was at that moment. He wanted to kiss you until he’d taken your soul from your body and replaced it with his own. He wanted to kiss you until he could erase every trace of all of the men who’d hurt you and made you doubt that you were worthy and wanted. Yoongi wanted to kiss his love into you no matter how long he had to do it. If he was locked in a room with you for months, so be it.
But your hand had found its way between your bodies and was slowly coming down to his hips. Suddenly, he realized what he was doing and panicked. He hadn’t gotten your consent. He hadn’t asked you if it was okay for him to kiss you or to hook his fingers on your thong. As stupid as it sounded, even to Yoongi himself, he needed to make sure that you wanted this to happen, even as your hand had found the outline of his cock and you had started to trace the outline of it over the fabric-
“Tell me to stop,” he gasped, ripping himself away from you. The hand around your waist was now on your shoulder to keep you at enough distance so that his brain could function and wasn’t clouded by the horniness he was feeling.
“Wha…?” You slurred, your eyes were glazed over and your body was completely relaxed.
“Tell me to stop,” he repeated, fighting his every instinct to push your mouth open and have you suck on his thumb before he pushed you onto your knees to suck him off, “and I will.”
His eyelids were heavy and he was sweating slightly. He was so hard that it hurt and the circles you were drawing on his penis were not helping at keeping him at bay. He knew if he looked down, there would be a stain of precum on his sweats.
“I don’t want you to stop,” you whispered, leaning in and kissing his jaw before you nibbled and kissed down his taught neck.
“I want you to fuck me.” You licked a thick swipe up his jugular, “I want you.”
“Then admit it,” Yoongi heard himself say. He was just as surprised as you were to hear those words from his lips, “admit that you like me.”
You pulled away then, dropping both your arms in exasperation, “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m in my underwear, stroking your cock and you want me to stroke your ego too? Un-fucking-believeable. You’re a dumb ass.”
You rolled your eyes and flicked his forehead.
“Aya, apa~” he groaned, rubbing his head, the dynamic that you were used to suddenly restored.
“Yeah? Great! I’m glad that it hurt! I hope it hurts really bad you jerk. Then maybe you’ll understand what it was like for me to listen to you go on and on about all the girls you went out with every fucking week. In fact-”
“Aya! What the fuck? Stop flicking me,” he nearly screamed, clutching the tip of his nose.
“Make me.”
Big mistake. Yoongi didn’t take your dare lightly. His eyes darkened then he leaned down and picked you up. You squeaked, wrapping your legs around his waist as he walked you to his room. His hands cupped your butt fairly comfortably, like this was something you did often. He kicked the door open and threw you on the bed.
“You think I wasn’t hurt as well?” He asked, clasping a hand around your neck and lightly pressing his fingers against your skin.
“You think I like knowing that everywhere we go, men are watching you, coveting you the way I do? You think it isn’t torture when you go out and I don’t hear from you until the next day?”
He pushed you up against his pillow. The duvet was already all messed up under your body. He was between your legs, pressing himself into your core. Fuck, you wanted him. You wanted him all the way inside you. He wanted nothing more than to do the same but he had to make sure you knew first.
“You think it was easy being in love with you when you wanted nothing from me but friendship?”
Your eyes softened. Yoongi was in love with you too? When?
“Since we were kids,” he answered. Again you had spoken without meaning to. “I always knew it was you, Y/N. It was only ever you.”
But something wasn’t adding up. You fought your rising feelings of elation. You wanted to understand what he was saying. If he had liked you since you were kids then why had he never asked you out? Why become the serial dater he’d become? But he’d never had a girlfriend, you reminded yourself. He’d only ever “dated” and then dropped these women. You always assumed he was screwing them all.
Yoongi became sheepish then. “I uh… I did have sex with some of them but-” and the hurt in your eyes would be enough to kill him,” it was only at the start. I thought that if i had sex with other people I’d stop chasing after you. But it didn’t work… I haven’t slept with anyone since junior year of college.”
Your eyes widened. “College?”
He nodded, his pale cheeks blushing prettily.
“They just...were never you… and then I thought if I pushed you away that would help but that only made us estranged and-”
You pushed yourself up and shut him up with a kiss. He was over thinking and you could talk about all that later.
“You’re an idiot,” you started and he rolled his eyes, “but if you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to do it myself.”
Yoongi’s eyes rolled into his head and he thrust lightly into your wet center.
“Talk after?”
“As long as you want,” you agreed, already pushing at his sweats. Yoongi sat up and pulled his hoodie and shirt off in one fell swoop, then, at the speed of lightning, pulled off his sweats, leaving him in his boxers.
After a moment of hesitation, he pulled his boxers off as well and then he was naked before you. Your mouth went dry. He was big. You could tell just by looking at him that he would stretch you good and you wanted so badly for him to pin you down and have his way with you.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Really? Cause that would be really helpful on days when I’m home alone-”
You chuckled and lay down on your back, making sure that your legs were spread wide for him to have his fill. Like a moth to a flame, he was between your thighs, his tongue licking at the wet fabric.
He moaned against your covered lips, sucking up the arousal that clung to your underwear.
“Fuck, Yoongi yes,” you said without meaning to say much at all. You unclasped your bra and threw it somewhere in the room. You could look for it later. This caught his attention. He thrust his naked dick into the mattress, needing some sort of stimulation.
“Damn it… fuck, if I wasn’t so desperate to be inside you, I swear I could get you off with just my mouth all day, Y/N.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved off, gesturing for him to come up to your face, he did so without question, “Hurry up, I’m dying. Please.”
“Are you begging?” Yoongi’s lips curled lightly, teasingly,
“Do you want to get your dick wet or not?” He kissed the wrinkle between your eyebrows lightly.
“Yeah, can I take these off?” he hooked a finger on the elastic of your thong, pulling it a little higher than he probably should have. It was an old pair. You heard rather than saw the stitching on it pull apart and then the thing was hanging limply from Yoongi’s fingers, his expression shocked.
“What? I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“For fuck’s sake! That was my favorite thong!”
“Well, clearly it was cheap,” he countered, throwing it across the room somewhere too.
You groaned, shifting slightly under him. His dick nuzzled between your wet lips. His mouth dropped open and a pleasured grunt escaped his lips.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he rut against your wetness, hitting your clit lightly, far too lightly, “you are so wet. God, this should be illegal.”
“Y-Yoongi… more,” he reached down between you two and found your sensitive nub without much hassle. It was like he knew your body already. Your body twitched under him and he circled the bundle of nerves for a couple of seconds. The noises falling from your lips were heaven on earth and Yoongi realized you were his new favorite song.
He gave your clit one rough stroke, ripping a small gasp from your throat. He gathered some of your slick with two practiced fingers and brought it up to eye level. It caught the low light of his room from the window, the smell enough to threaten to send him over the edge.
“Jesus Christ that’s hot.” Then he smeared it all over his penis and gave himself two rough pumps.
“Can I-”
“You don’t even know what I’m asking-”
“Don’t care. Just do it. Yes.” You said angrily, pulling him closer and closer, his toned chest flush against yours.
“Have you been working out?” You asked, breaking the intense way he was staring into your eyes, his smile pulled wide over his gums.
He shrugged but clearly was glad that you’d noticed, “Namjoon and Jungkook convinced me to join them in the gym. It’s no big deal.”
“But your arms,” you complimented, squeezing his bicep. He flexed it lightly for you. You blushed when you realized exactly what you were doing.
“It’s just a little muscle,” he commented offhandedly.
The conversation lulled, he smiled down at you, and you up at him. He kissed the tip of your nose.
“So can I put it i-”
“I already said yes.”
“In your ass?”
“Ew no!”
Yoongi laughed loudly, “see this is why you can’t say yes to something without knowing what you’re agreeing to.”
“Shut up and put it in the right hole,” you groaned, then for good measure, “oppa.” It was a joke. You thought it was a joke, but something lit up in his pupils as two measly syllables rolled off your tongue and hit his eardrums. You felt his skin prickle under your touch and his member twitched against your folds.
Like a deer caught in headlights, you looked up at the handsome man. His eyes had narrowed as well as darkened. He looked absolutely ravenous and you wanted him to eat you up.
“Say that again.” He commanded as he pushed the head of his massive, and now that you could properly feel it, you knew that you had been right, cock at the entrance of your lower lips.
“O-oppa?” you questioned, astounded that the simple word that he’d no doubt heard his whole life had this effect on him.
“That’s right yeo-chin,” he growled, his voice gruff and harsh as he pushed lightly into you. His dick opened you painfully, perfectly.
“Yeo-chin?” You ask through the explosion of pleasure between your thighs.
“Is that okay?” He asked, suddenly looking really vulnerable and scared. You reached up, stroking his cheek lightly with your knuckles.
“Oh honey,” you trailed off, bumping his nose against yours before you pulled back abruptly, “If you want me to be your girlfriend, you have to ask me properly.”
Yoongi sighed, his smile telling you he expected as much and wasn’t hurt, “Talk after?” He asked again.
“As much as you want,” you reiterated.
And then he was pushing into you once again, surprising you because you could have sworn you had been full before but inch after inch, he pushed into your awaiting hole, filling all the emptiness you’d felt your whole life until his balls tapped your ass softly.
His face was contorted in pure ecstasy. At least from your perspective. Yoongi, in all truth, was trying his hardest not to blow his load into you already. He couldn’t believe his luck. He was inside you. He’d waited his whole life for this and he was finally inside you.
You wiped a bead of sweat from his temple and playfully licked his lips. He grunted against you, holding himself up by the forearms. Suddenly, he was really grateful that he had started to work out and that Jungkook had him doing three minute planks for fun. He’d have to thank him later, even if he did complain a whole lot.
“Can-can I move?” Yoongi gasped. Your walls fluttered around his member as if welcoming it home with soft caresses. You were so warm, maybe hot, he wasn’t sure, but you were tight and wet and all the good things in the world.
You only breathed, feeling so unbelievably full. It felt like he had pushed in all the way to your throat. You were no size queen, really, you weren’t, but if this is what they were going on about, you understood.
“Y/N,” he panted, his body begging him to move, “please.”
“Are-are you begging?” You giggled mirroring what he’d asked you before.
“Yes.” Without hesitation, he admitted, “Please… please…”
Well fuck. How could you say no? You nodded fervently, all mirth erased from your expression as he pulled out slowly, your juices squelched as your lower muscles tried to keep him in.
“Gah- ash-Y/N… you’re so tight.”
You only moaned in response, the head of his cock was still in you, stretching you to the point you didn’t think anyone could fully make you feel this way again.
“You’re so big,” you complimented scratching at his back. His muscles rippled under your touch.
He pushed back in, still torturously slow. It felt like you were being split in half. You felt like Olaf in the first frozen movie after he got stabbed by an icicle.
“Yoongi,” you gasped as he pulled out again at the same speed, his face screwed up in concentration.
“Oppa,” he growled into your ear, kissing roughly at your skin.
“Oppa,” you agreed, though it wasn’t your favorite word, he seemed to be getting of fairly
well so you let it slide, “move faster.”
“You sure?” He asked.
You nodded, knowing it was probably going to hurt but you wanted to feel him and you wanted him to cum.
He didn’t need to be told again; he drew back, once again leaving only the mushroom tip inside you once again, and then he thrust. Hard. You nearly choked as he pumped himself over and over again hitting the nerves in your vagina. The slap of skin against yours was loud in the empty room, only accompanied by your moans and his pants and grunts. Your names mixed in every once in a while, your lips kissing any and all the skin that you could possibly reach. He licked at your lips and sucked bruises onto your neck, your chest. He wanted to mark all of you. He wanted to make sure you knew who you belonged to… as soon as he asked you right after he finished up.
This idea itself spurred him on, to thrust faster, deeper. He wanted to finish and make sure that you finished too, not quickly but soon. He wanted to talk. He wanted to make sure that you were in the same place.
So he reached between you both again, his fingers blindly found your clitoris and began to rub abstract shapes into it. Your back arched off the bed, your hair and boobs bounced with each thrust, his balls slapping against your ass. You were seeing white, your mouth wide open in a silent ‘o’. You were so close. So so close.
“Come, Yeo-chin,” he whispered against your temple, and though you weren’t technically his, the title sent you over the edge along with his fingers and the deep thrusts that hit your cervix.
“Oppa,” you groaned, your face screwed up.
That did it for Yoongi. His fingers on your clit stuttered along with his hips. His thrusts became erratic and he hit the sides of your walls. You squeezed around him as he over stimulated you through your orgasm.
“One more time… say it one more time,” he begged.
You complied, whispering it into his ear, it was cut slightly by a particularly pleasurable thrust. Yoongi felt pure euphoria fill his blood as his hips paused, then buried deep into your hole. Ropes of hot cum shot into you, filling you.
Yoongi panted heavily over you, his head resting on your shoulder as he struggled to keep himself up. You were breathing heavily as well, your nipples brushed against his chest. You were sensitive. You hissed.
“You can lay down,” the words had barely left your lips before he had let his weight settle on top of you. A smile crossed your face as his hands tangled in your hair and stroked it lightly. You wrapped him up in a hug, wanting him to stay like this for a while. It was nice to feel him so close.
After a couple of minutes of both of you just recovering and your breathing getting much harder, like a wrestler, you tapped Yoongi twice.
“I’m out,” you joked, “can’t breathe.”
With what looked like a lot of effort, he pushed himself up and off you, pulling out of your suddenly. The cum inside of your vagina gushed out.
You made a face as you felt it drip onto his sheets. Yoongi watched it ooze out of you, not really caring where it was going. He looked mesmerized. He reached out as if to swipe at the cum on your lower lips but you grabbed his wrist before he could.
“We talk now,” you sighed, a bit calmer than before but still a bit worried.
“Now?” He looked so vulnerable again, like he was a scared child. He lay on his side, resting his head on his elbow. He looked down at you, waiting for you to take the reins, the way you always did but this time, you didn’t know where to begin.
Yoongi cleared his throat looking around uncomfortably. When you said nothing, his mind had started to race.
“So… do you… want to be my girlfriend, or are we friends with benefits level right now? Ow!”
You’d smacked his shoulder, not hard at all but he was dramatic and you knew that. He frowned at you, his lips tempting you into another kiss that could lead to something more once again. You were already feeling a little turned on again just looking at the results of his recent gym trips.
“So no to yeo-chin then?”
“Don’t you mean Oppa?”
You smiled up at him, a teasing glint in your gaze, “I didn’t know you had an oppa kink. This whole time, I was right to refuse to call you oppa. I knew you looked way too happy whenever I called you that!”
Yoongi scrunched his nose and looked away, “I don’t! It’s just… when you say it.” He admitted waving a hand as if to bat away your inquisitive and teasing stare.
Not really knowing how to answer that, you chose instead to answer his previous question.
“Nam-chin,” you ran a finger down the center of his pecks, tracing all the light visible muscles that made you want to get off on just riding his chest. Yoongi tensed under your touch. He seemed frozen.
“Did you just call me nam-chin?” You, for once, were not embarrassed. You smiled brightly, happy that the title finally had a head to sit on.
“Is that okay?”
Yoongi pulled you close, his arms wrapped tightly around you, his heart beat erratically in his chest, singing to yours. To its credit, your heart synced and harmonized almost instantly. He smelled like pure sex and fresh water. He buried your face into his bare skin, listening to his song. After all these years, after all the tiptoeing and fear, you were finally where you belonged.
“Of course it is,” he paused, kissing the top of your head a couple of times, “yeo-chin.” This time, the word made a shiver roll down your spine. Arousal began to pool between your sticky thighs once more and if the third leg on your stomach was anything to go by, he was as well.
“Can- can we take a shower?” you asked him, biting your lips and pushing your chest against his suggestively.
He smirked, his mouth watered at the thought of taking you in the shower. He could almost hear your moans echoing in his wet room as he sat you down and ate you out until the water ran cold. Easy clean up even.
“Yes.” he breathed, connecting his lips to yours. You kissed for a while, your lips meshing together lovingly. Yoongi was a good kisser, you realized. He was a good lay as well. And he was cute to boot. Suddenly, he pulled away and picked you up bridal style and walked you to his restroom. He once again kicked the door open to avoid using his hands and walked you through, but this time instead of throwing you down, he set you on the toilet, him on his knees between your pushed open legs.
“I hope you don’t have any plans,” he said, kissing up your thighs and pulling you close to the edge, “because I have all the time in the world and I’m really, really thirsty.”
He ran two fingers over your abused center, collecting his cum and your new arousal. Sure, there were still a lot of things to talk about between you two. Yoongi still wasn’t sure if you fully understood the depth of his feelings nor was he sure if you simply liked him and the slip of the L-word was nothing more than that. A slip. But like he’d said, he had all the time in the world to ask and all the time to make sure he earned you and your trust. He would do anything he could to prove it and some day he would be.
But for now, he was royally fucked by the sinful sounds that escaped your pretty lips and he wanted nothing more than to just enjoy.
Masterlist -in case you want to read more....
I hope yall enjoyed it and that this is a good come back after our roast session from permission to dance:)
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spencerspecifics · 3 years
I absolutely love your energy fuck yes!! I’m so sorry this took forever, ive got school, work and some other personal things happening so I appreciate your patience!
No TW, B u t, a creep hits on Spencer at pride, so if that is upsetting please note that! Thanks :)
Garcia had been pestering Spencer about going to pride for the past week now, and it was slowly driving him insane.
He used almost every excuse he could think of. When he first turned her down, he had simply said, “Sorry, I’m going to be busy that week.” And of course, Garcia being Garcia, she stole his calendar to see what he was busy with (spoiler alert: he had nothing. Except a reminder to go grocery shopping, and email some professors and research scientists back).
So, she persisted, and he came up with a dozen more excuses; “I was considering flying out to see my mom”, “The local museum has a new interactive archeology exhibit for adults, and I want to learn more about ancient structures”, “I have to do a presentation on thermodynamics”.
None of those excuses work, as she sniffed out every lie, “Spencer, you hate flying to Vegas last minute, that archaeology exhibit has been open for months, and your calendar is empty!”
So with her persistence, and legitimate bullying, Spencer found himself finally agreeing. “Fine, but come over to my apartment before we leave so you can help me.” After all, he wasn’t really familiar with pride parades, and what the scene was like there. He was going to be a fish out of water, he already knew that for certain.
True to her word, Garcia showed up an hour before the pride parade was set to start, carrying a coffee in each hand- how she possibly knocked on his apartment door, Spencer didn’t know.
“I brought you a pick me up, that way you have no excuse to be in a bad mood!” She spoke in her signature sing song voice as Spencer let her inside, she barreled in like a hurricane. God, Spencer wasn’t ready for this.
“Thanks..” Spencer decided to reply with that lame response, and not with what he was actually thinking. He took the coffee from her wordlessly as she stepped in further, going to sit down on his couch.
“You excited?” Garcia asked as she set her cup down on his cluttered coffee table. Reid just shrugged, “I don’t know. I don’t do great with crowds.”
“But you do great with disarming murderers?” “You know that’s different-” Spencer said, doing his best to argue, “Reid it is literally not. Both are anxiety inducing, but one is life or death, and it’s not pride. So you can do this.”
Spencer sighed, resigning himself to not arguing with Garcia. Because she was right, though at times her arguments sounded wild. He just had to get over this anxiety and show up at pride, he could do this, right?
Wrong. So, very, wrong. They had left his apartment with thirty minutes to spare, deciding to walk over to where pride was being held- as it was only a few blocks away in a public park.
And as soon as they got there, Spencer wanted out. There were so many people, more than he estimated (and his estimations were usually spot on.), and there was just chaos everywhere. Music, dancing, shouting, singing, drag queens running around happily. Spencer wasn’t sure what to do. He was out of his element.
Garcia seemed to sense that, though, as she dragged Spencer over to some stalls that sold pride flags, pins, and other miscellaneous pride related things.
“C’mon Reid, why don’t you look around and find something you like?” She offered up, something for him to do- something for him to stay busy with. He could do that. Spencer nodded simply, Garcia stayed by his side- looking at pride related wear for herself.
Spencer ended up deciding on a small pin that simply said; “love all”, planning to stick it on his messenger bag strap. Garcia bought a pin as well, but hers just had her pronouns on them; “she/her/hers”.
Looking at all the pride apparel was a good distraction for Spencer, he felt a lot more calmer now- though that didn’t stop him from feeling like he stuck out like a sore thumb. He’s just not familiar with this world, and it’s awkward to suddenly be in the middle of it.
Spencer was in the middle of looking at another booth that sold flags, possibly considering buying himself a small one to stick in his pencil cup at work, because Garcia left him to go compliment a drag queen- when a voice broke through.
“Hey, pretty boy!”
That was a voice all too familiar, what on earth was Morgan doing here? Spencer looked up at him as he made his way towards him. “Hey,” Spencer spoke awkwardly. Not sure what to say.
Spencer was gay. He was fine with admitting he was gay, but he hadn’t really told the team. He thought they figured it out on their own. And they probably had, but still, having his coworker see him at a pride event- it was anxiety inducing.
“What’re- what’re you doing here?” Spencer asked, stumbling over his words as he dropped the small flag he was holding back onto the vendors table.
“Oh, well I’m on the local PFLAG committee. I’m just here to hand out flyers and stuff. But I’m glad to see you’re here, I’m guessing Garcia’s here too?” He asked Spencer casually, as if he hadn’t just dropped a bomb on Spencer.
He was on the PFLAG committee? Why? To help queer people, obviously, but that had to mean he was gay or something- Spencer couldn’t stop his mind from coming up with every possible answer to why Derek was on the committee.
Spencer just nodded in response, he moved himself back from the vendors table to get out of the way, so other customers could look at the flags being sold.
“Yeah, she’s- there.” Reid pointed her out, as if on cue she came out of the thick crowd that had started to gather back up, the parade portion of pride had concluded by now, and people were coming over to the vendors section.
“Hey, Babygirl!” Derek called over to her, and Garcia somehow lit up with a smile brighter than the one she was wearing before, “Well, hey!” She responded enthusiastically, walking up swiftly to give Derek a quick embrace, which he happily returned.
“I wasn’t sure how long you were staying for, but I’m glad I caught you!” Garcia started rambling to Derek, about how the drag queen she met was so nice; “Her name was Mysteria Hysteria. Isn’t that genius?”.
Spencer just stepped back from them both, not sure what to do, not sure if he fully belonged. Pride was a nice event, it was. But the longer he stood around, the more he felt like he should be leaving. Everyone was laughing and smiling, everyone was just happy. And Spencer couldn’t stop racking his brain. In the beginning, he couldn’t stop thinking because of his anxiety, but now he was searching his brain for a reason why Derek was here and what it meant.
Of course, a stupid large portion of Spencer’s mind went to “maybe Morgan likes men”, and then an even larger and stupider portion of his mind had the absurdity to think; “maybe he’s interested in me”. Which Spencer did not even want to remotely entertain, because if he fell down that rabbit hole, he’d never climb back out.
Because yes, he did like Derek. He liked him a lot, the start for his liking towards the man was innocuous enough- which is why it was a problem for Spencer. He didn’t realized he liked Morgan until it was too late. And now he had been battling these feelings for years. Spencer wasn’t ever going to act on them, he just had to live with them- which he had been doing, which he has been content with. But this new information, about Morgan being here, being part of PFLAG- it was going to make Reid’s mind implode in on itself.
Reid decided the best thing was to say; “I’m gonna get some water, I’ll be back.” To which Derek and Garcia both nodded to, and Spencer was off, away from the vendors stand and the only two people he knew at pride.
And while that was a good thing, it was simultaneously not so good. Because now he was alone, overwhelmed, and thinking too much. And now he had a task to do, find himself some water.
That task seemed to be more difficult than anticipated, as the prides layout was a confusing maze, spencer had to pass in front of a group of drag queens in order to get to the food trucks that were on site- but he eventually got there.
He walked up to the first food truck he saw, it didn’t matter what they sold, he wasn’t getting it.
“What can I get for you?” The cashier asked him, “Just a water, please.” He ordered, the cashier nodded and pulled a bottle out from a cooler that was nearby within the truck, handing it over to spencer as they told him his total, a dollar twenty five. Spencer paid quickly, stepping back and away from the food truck, as he wasn’t sure where else to go now. He didn’t want to go back towards Derek or Garcia, he honestly wanted to go home.
He just needed a minute, some space and time to breathe and relax. He was stressing himself out. And about what? Nothing of goddamn importance, just a stupid crush he had been living with for a while now.
Spencer had been leaning against the back the food truck for not long, only a couple of minutes as he was absorbed in thought as he fiddled with the cap on the water bottle.
He was doing his best to follow the grounding techniques he had learned, something to help him calm down, when suddenly- a stranger emerged out of the crowd.
“Hey there, handsome.” The man said confidently as he strode up to introduce himself Spencer. Spencer looked up to meet his eyes, the man in question was a fine looking guy, chiseled jawline, long shoulder length hair, a bit of facial stubble. He was handsome. “Hello,” Spencer answered hollowly in response. In an ordinary situation, he would try and seem more lively- but he wasn’t in a normal situation, not at all.
The anxiety of attending pride was stress enough on its own, but now knowing the guy he had been drooling over for years was here- and worked as a PFLAG volunteer? It was enough to make him lose his mind.
The man didn’t seem to notice Spencer’s empty response, however, as he answered suavely in response; “I couldn’t help but notice you from across the way. I’m Fabian,” Thankfully, the man- Fabian, didn’t stick his hand out for a handshake, instead casually pushing his hair back a bit.
“I’m Spencer,” Reid replied simply, knowing it was best to ride this odd social interaction out, rather than try and fight it. “That’s a lovely name,” Fabian complimented, “Is this your first time at pride, Spencer?” He asked him casually, taking a step forward, closer to Spencer. He was all too confident for Spencer, he too comfortable with invading Spencer’s space. If Spencer could’ve, he would’ve stepped back.
“Uh, yeah. My friend dragged me along.” Reid explained, twisting the bottle cap back onto his half empty water bottle. Fabian nodded, “Your boyfriend didn’t take you?” Fabian asked him. That was a leading question, Spencer had alarm bells ringing in his head the second he heard it. “No. He- um- he met up with us here.” Spencer replied unconvincingly, Fabian obviously did not believe a word he said.
“Well,” Fabian took another step forward, practically blocking Reid in against the back of the food truck, leaning in farther to whisper in Spencer’s ear; “I don’t see him around. So, why don’t you and I get out of here? Hm?”
Spencer wasn’t sure of what to do. He wanted to kick this guy in the crotch and just book it, but he wasn’t sure if his FBI status would protect him in this scenario. He wasn’t sure what could protect him in this scenario.
“Pretty boy! There you are!” A saving grace broke through, and suddenly Fabian was stepping back, and Morgan was walking up.
Thank god, thank fucking god, that’s all Spencer could manage to think as Derek came to stand beside him. “Hey, babe.” Spencer said, cringing at his voice, at what he just said. But that feeling only lasted for a moment as Fabian was still standing right there, staring them both down now.
Spencer could only throw his wish in the sky and hope Derek caught it coming down, ‘please catch along to why I’m calling you babe’ Reid was trying to say.
And Derek caught it, “Hey, baby, was worried about you. Who’s your friend?” He said in his smooth voice, a voice Spencer couldn’t forget. He especially couldn’t forget now, being called ‘baby’ was something Spencer especially could not forget.
“I’m Fabian, you’re Spencer’s boyfriend?” Fabian asked, as if them both calling each other ‘babe’ counted for nothing. “Yeah, I’m Derek.” Morgan responded simply, sliding his hand around Spencer’s waist as if to prove a point. Fabian just nodded, looking between Spencer and Derek one last time before talking; “Well, it was nice to meet you, I’ve gotta get going. See you.”
And then, he was off, fast walking away from Derek and Reid, escaping the terrible situation he had created. Fabian quickly disappeared into the thick crowd, and by then Spencer had his hand squeezing his water bottle all too tightly- as evident by the terrible crunch sound it made. He was too anxious to let go.
“Hey, are you okay?” Derek asked him softly, pulling his hand away from Spencer’s waist. “Can we find somewhere else- can we go sit down?” Spencer asked him quickly. Reid didn’t want to talk about it right this second, right where it had happened. He wanted to leave, he wanted to leave pride and never come back.
Derek didn’t ask a single follow up question as he led Reid away from the food trucks, taking him back towards the vendors stands, and then a bit further back, into the normal-not-so-pride-parade-filled park area. Somewhere less stressful, less scary.
“What did that guy want?” Derek asked Spencer casually as they made their way towards a bench that was sat under a large oak tree. Spencer didn’t speak right away, instead he waited until they were seated to start talking.
“He was trying to flirt, but then he wanted me to leave with him.” Spencer explained as he took a deep breath in, just being away from all the loud sounds and sights was helping him calm down. Derek rubbed Spencer’s back in slow, circular motions as Spencer kept talking.
“He was a classic example of a narcissistic personality, it just made me so uncomfortable- he invaded my space.”
“He was a creep, Reid. Simple as that,” Derek kept rubbing Spencer’s back slowly, Spencer nodded. “I know. Sorry, it shook me up.” Spencer attempted to apologized, and Derek was immediately having none of that.
“Reid, no. Don’t apologize for that, don’t you dare. He was a creep, I’m sorry you got caught up with him. It’s okay if you’re shaken up. We can stay here until you feel up to going back, or we can leave. But I’m not leaving you.”
And so they sat for a good amount of time on that park bench, at one point Derek stopped rubbing Spencer’s back, instead just keeping his arm stretched out against the back of the bench and against Spencer’s back. Spencer loved it, but he knew if he thought about it for too long he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking. That was his biggest problem, he couldn’t stop thinking.
He had to know, he decided, he couldn’t just wonder why Derek was on the committee for PFLAG. He wanted to know, he had to.
“Derek?” He spoke up softly, sounds of laughing and shouting and music were still heard in the distance, but they were safe from the sounds under the tree. “Mhm?” Derek hummed in response, looking up at the aforementioned tree that was providing shade for them.
His eyes were tracing the way the branches curved and bent around each other, it was something he did to pass the time. Spencer thought he was extraordinary for it, Derek loved to see where things went; he was curious- after all these years, and all the bad they had seen together, Derek still loved to search and find the beauty.
“Why are you on the PFLAG committee ?” Spencer asked him, it was thankfully an innocuous enough ask to not draw too much of Derek profilings side out to pry apart his question. Derek shrugged, and was quiet for a second before responding, “I know what it’s like to be a scared kid, unsure of his identity. If I can help someone through that, that’s all that matters. Same reason I’m in the BAU, to help people.”
Spencer stayed quiet, Derek’s reason was so sincere and so sweet and kind- and only driving him to think further. Was Derek still unsure of his identity? Was he an ally? Why did he have to make Spencer swoon so hard without even trying?
“So, you’re just an ally?” Spencer approached Derek carefully with that question, not wanting to impose or be rude- but just feign simple curiosity, praying Derek wasn’t using his profiling skills right now to decode Spencer’s fake motive.
Derek didn’t notice, thankfully, as he chuckled lowly in response; “No, pretty boy, I’m bisexual. I don’t really tell the team, but it’s not confidential information. Plus, Garcia found Grindr on my phone. Can’t hide anything from that girl.”
Spencer nodded, mumbling something in response about how Garcia had hacked his email to make sure he was free for pride. And then, the two fell into silence again. But it didn’t last for long, because Derek wanted to know just as much, why was Spencer here?
“What about you, Reid?” Derek asked him cautiously, the way you approach a puppy you find on the side of the road. Calm and slow, trying to get him to trust him bit by bit. “What about me?” Spencer asked, not wanting to answer anything about himself unless Derek was specific.
“Are you an ally?” Morgan asked him, leaving the question open ended. Spencer could say as little or as much as he wanted. This is how you get him to open up, Derek knew that for a fact. “Um.. yeah, I mean- who isn’t? I just- I have to be. I’m.. gay.” Spencer admitted all too awkwardly, not at all in a normal fashion. But nothing about Spencer was in normal fashion.
Derek nodded slowly, not responding as he stared back up, tracing his eyes over the tree branches yet again.
A few hours had passed, Spencer and Derek eventually left their peaceful bench under the large oak tree, and instead moved back towards the parking lot.
“Garcia’s got a ride home already- I think she got that drag queen to get her home.” Derek explained as they approached his truck, Spencer nodded as he followed Derek. “Anyways,” Derek continued speaking, “I can give you a ride home. Let’s get going.”
“You don’t have to-“ Spencer started, Derek immediately shut him down. “I want to, c’mon. It’s late, you’re tired. I know you are. Let me take you home.” Spencer just nodded in agreement, he couldn’t argue with Derek, even if he did try. Morgan was a stubborn man.
So, Spencer followed Derek into his truck, and they sat in comfortable silence as they started on their journey back to Spencer’s safe space, his apartment.
By the time Derek pulled his truck into the apartments parking lot, Spencer knew something was just the slightest bit wrong. Derek had barely spoken for the entire ride, and usually he loves to say something, to make Spencer smile or laugh, or even just nod and mumble in agreement. But he had done none of that on the way to Spencers.
“Are you alright?” Spencer asked, turning to face Derek as he put the vehicle in park. Derek didn’t meet his eyes, staring at the steering wheel instead as he spoke; “Yeah. Sorry. I’m just thinking.”
“About what?” Spencer pried, absentmindedly unbuckling his seatbelt as he spoke, “About today.” Derek said, not explaining further. “Was today bad?”
Derek shook his head, “No. It started weird, it’s ending pretty good, though. But I’m gonna regret today forever if I don’t do something right now.”
Now, Spencer was confused. Not sure at all what Derek could be talking about, “What do you mean?” He asked, voice quieter than before.
Derek said nothing as he unbuckled his own seatbelt, turning to face Spencer as well, and then he leaned in- closer than they had ever been before. Their noses were almost touching, and Spencer didn’t move. Instead, he watched Derek’s eyes expectantly.
Then, Derek broke through, they were no longer intersecting each other’s personal space- now they were fully destroying each other’s atmospheres. Derek’s lips were on Spencer’s, a chaste, soft, quick kiss- something Spencer would have wanted to go for a lot longer. But then, he pulled away just as fast.
“...That’s what I meant..” He mumbled after a second, looking back towards the steering wheel, looking away from Spencer- and more importantly, not seeing the smile on Spencer’s face.
Spencer couldn’t help it. He knew it was terrible to be smiling right now- he should jump and say something to fix what was happening. But he had to smile, he couldn’t believe that had actually just happened, his brain was still computing and re-circuiting, trying to savor the memory and not forget how Derek’s lips felt against his.
Spencer dragged himself out of his own head quickly, though. He did all he could think of to do in the moment, get Derek back. “Morgan.” Spencer said, tugging on Derek’s sleeve as he did so, forcing him to look back at Spencer and meet his eyes again.
But Spencer didn’t say anything, and he didn’t give Derek the chance to speak, either. Instead, he leant forward, pressing his lips against Derek’s. This is all he had wanted to know for the longest time, and now he had it.
Maybe pride wasn’t so bad after all, you just have to be with the right people for it to work out.
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starlightblueninja · 3 years
Ciao! can I please request headcanons for the bayverse turtles with a gender neutral S/O where they’re hanging out one day and they have music playing on shuffle, but then the reader suddenly starts crying because they used to listen to that song all the time when they were little and it just hit them right in the childhood? Comfort ensues 👉🏽👈🏽 please. and thank you.
Thanks for the request! This took a little while because it’s my first one and I wanted it to be nice UwU and I enjoyed playing around with the bois being comforting since I’ve never really done that before. Hope you enjoy 💙♥️🧡💜💚 @sleeplessdreamer14
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You’re laying on the couch reading while Leo’s doing katas about ten feet away. Every now and again you’ll look up at him, smiling as his practiced movements resemble a dance. Mikey left some playlist running in the background on his boombox before disappearing to make food, and normally music with lyrics makes it difficult for you to read but you were only really half paying attention to the book. You almost enjoy watching Leo practice more anyway.
The music barely distracts you, at least until you hear that… familiar intro. The rest of the world kind of fades away as the song takes you back years.
Nostalgia clogs your senses, eyes watering before you know it and a lump forming in the back of your throat as you try to hold back from crying. You close the book in your lap and let the music fill your senses. It’s been a while since you’ve heard this one. Memories resurface and you try to simply blink away the tears, but it’s inevitable, they fill your eyes until your vision is watery.
“Hey,” you look up to see Leo sitting down next to you, his eyes filled with concern but voice gentle and comforting as he asks, “What’s wrong?”
“It’s dumb, but… this song just… takes me back,” you respond quietly. “I used to listen to it a lot when I was younger.”
You wipe your eyes with your free hand just as Leo takes your other hand in his. His warm, strong, big hand in yours makes the tears easier to swallow. You squeeze his palm reassuringly and he moves a little closer to you before you continue talking.
“It reminds me of the places I used to go and the friends I used to have, feels like a lifetime ago, when things were less… complicated.”
Leo perfectly understands the wish for things to be easy, and he understands how it feels to not want to carry responsibilities. He knows what it’s like to have a weight on your shoulders. And so, instead of telling you it’s dumb or offering simple platitudes, he presses a kiss to your knuckles and nods in understanding.
“I miss it,” you say simply.
“If it’s any consolation,” he starts. “I’m glad that you’re here now.”
You look up at him with watery eyes but you’re wearing a crooked smile at his remark. The song still plays on in the background but right now you’re more focused on the way the terrapin kisses your forehead and buries his face in your hair. You feel his inhale taking in your scent and you smile against his collarbone, relaxing against him.
Yeah, you still miss your old friends and family, when things were easy and you bore less of the world on your shoulders. But for now you have him, and really, what else do you need?
Raph’s got his workout playlist on while you sit next to him, bantering back and forth with him as he does his routine. The music is a surprisingly varied mix, you didn’t expect to hear the couple of 80s pop and early 2000’s girl band songs that you did. You teased him a little about it at first but it was all well meaning.
You don’t really notice what song is playing until about halfway through the first verse. You know this song too well. It’s been a long time since you last heard it, though, and maybe that’s why it affects you the way it does now. Raph had been saying something, but his voice kind of fades away as your focus shifts to the music and the memories it brings back.
Flashes of your childhood flit past your mind’s eye. The good, the bad, the in between, and all the other things you thought you had forgotten about. You don’t even realize there’s tears in your eyes until they’re falling, running hot trails down your cheeks and it’s too late to try and hold them back.
“Hey, hey baby, what’s wrong?” Raph must have noticed you go quiet since now he’s kneeling in front of you with so much concern on his face. “You okay? ‘S it somethin’ I said?”
“No! No no no,” you’re quick to reassure him and he relaxes, but only minutely since it’s clear you’re still upset. “I-It’s stupid, don’t worry about it.”
“‘Ey, don’t say that, whatever it is, it ain’t stupid,” his hand sets itself gently on your knee.
“I just used to listen to this song as a kid a lot, takes me back.”
He’s sat down in front of you now, cross-legged just as you are so your knees are touching his, “That ain’t stupid.”
His hand brushes away the tears from one side of your face, your own hand coming up to dry the other side before you lean into his warm touch. The way his hand cups your cheek comforts you immensely.
“Feels stupid to cry over it.”
But he knows what it’s like to miss the innocence lost with age, so he pinches your cheek lightly and playfully in disagreement, bringing a smile to your face even as you push his hand away.
“I can turn it off if ya want,” he offers gently, and you hesitate before shaking your head no.
“It’s fine, I’ll be fine,” you respond.
“Whatever ya say, shorty.”
And with that you two are right back to your usual lighthearted teasing. He leaves a chaste kiss on your forehead before he goes back to working out, the memories fading away to make room for the new ones you make with him. He makes sure to remember exactly what song it is, though, and you don’t consciously pick up on this fact but you never actually hear it from any of his playlists again after that moment.
You two often sit in peaceful quiet. Donnie will work on his projects, you sitting there on your phone or working on your own stuff, occasionally handing him various tools when he needs them. He’s often got something going on in the background, usually podcasts or heavy music when he’s alone, but always soft music when you’re around so he doesn’t miss if you say something to him. Like now, with him under the truck fixing something and you sitting cross-legged a few feet away playing a puzzle game on your phone. You’re waiting patiently for him to be done. Bed time for you two was about an hour ago now but you know how important this fix is for him and that it should really be done tonight. So you don’t press the issue but you are ready to sleep.
You don’t often notice the music he’s got playing unless it’s a song you really like or dislike, it’s just some shuffled Spotify playlist that he thinks fits the vibe of today. But you notice immediately when that song starts playing. It’s so familiar to you, after listening to it so much in the past, that it would be shameful not to recognize it now.
Your vision goes blurry as your focus shifts away from your current self. You’re reminded of the past, the radio in your old house, your parents, the way they always had the same station playing in the house and in the car and at cookouts. You’ve heard this song so much now that it immediately throws you back into the past. It happens so fast you might as well have whiplash, but you just get misty eyed instead.
Your bottom lip trembles, warm lines running down your cheeks soon after and Donnie notices quickly that something is up when you don’t respond to his request for the torx screwdriver. He slides out from under the truck but you don’t even notice at first. The music has all but consumed you now.
“Y/N? Darling, what’s wrong?” He’s immediately at your side, a large hand gently on your bicep pulling you back to reality.
You look up at him but realize that it’s a little hard to see him with the way the tears have pooled. He can’t help but think that, even though he hates hates hates seeing you upset, that those tears make your eyes glisten so beautifully under the lights.
His other hand not on your arm comes up to brush the tears away as he repeats the question now that he’s got your focus.
“I used to listen to this song a lot as a kid,” you supply an answer softly, gaze falling from his. “Just makes me sad… I dunno why, I guess it just kinda hit me. Sorry.”
“No, no, dove, don’t apologize,” he says. “I understand and you’re alright, I’ve got you here, now.”
His sugar sweet words and oh so gentle hands comfort you. You offer a watery smile before moving into his arms, letting him wrap his arms around you. You return the hug the best you can with his shell in the way, face tucked into the crook of his shoulder, and he can feel the way more tears fall from your eyes and onto his skin. He doesn’t mind though, he simply holds you. He enjoys just holding you even if he’s never admitted it out loud before. He likes knowing he can be there for you.
And he may not fully understand how your memories attached to this song make you upset, but he understands the pain and will do anything to make you feel better.
His hands run over your back, soothing trails on your shoulder blades over your shirt. Then he’s reaching for a remote he set nearby to turn the radio off. He doesn’t even need to ask you anything to know when you want his hands back on you.
“You’re the best,” you say when your gaze has fully refocused and the tears have calmed.
“No, actually, I think that’s you,” he responds, before pressing a kiss to your hair and deciding to bring you to bed, putting off the truck repairs for grumpy morning-Donnie in favor of treating you like a queen now.
You and Mikey will play a video game together quietly with music on in the background. Sometimes you’ll lay on his chest and watch him play, but in times like this, when the week has been rough and you both need some quiet down time, you lay on opposite ends of the couch with your legs tangled together playing a multi-player game that relaxes both of you. Tonight it’s Minecraft, and though you both like the music of the game, you’d both agreed on having a playlist on too.
You’re mining out a coal deposit in the game when you hear that song come on the background. Mikey notices faster than any of his other brothers would that something is off. He can practically smell how the air around you sours.
Childhood memories flood back to you as you recognize every line of the song as it plays, pulling you back and away from the now. Good memories give you life vests in the flood, bad memories tie weights to your ankles. You’ve paused in the game, your character just staring at the block wall. People, places, events, all of it suddenly overwhelms you as the music plays.
Mikey is on you in seconds though, throwing himself into your arms as soon as he notices that there’s an issue. You’ve got a lap-full of buff turtle man pulling you back into the present.
“Babycakes, you smell grump, what’s wrong?” He says while littering chaste kisses across your face.
He doesn’t even give you the time to get truly upset, let alone start crying, as he’s so in-tune to your emotions that he’s always right there to comfort you.
“I’m okay, baby,” you responds, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Just… thinking about childhood stuff. This song reminded me of it.”
“This song?” He says, suddenly jumping up.
You don’t know where he’s going but can see the humor practically dripping off of him. He storms up to the boombox, blatantly glaring at it. While watching him poke the speaker a few times like he’s threatening one of the many criminals he often fights, you can’t help but smile. He’s so lovely, and always knows how to make you laugh.
“You!” He snaps at the machine like it’s sentient, the same song still playing. “What’d you say to my girl, huh? Punk? Wanna act like a tough guy now? Too late, fella.”
You laugh as he jabs his finger at the skip song button and it changes to something different. You like this song, Hopeless by Khalid, Mikey likes it too. His attention is recaptured when you laugh at his antics. He smiles at you before making his way back over to the couch, crawling easily back into your arms as you continue giggling.
He kisses you before booping your nose, “Don’t be sad about the past, cherry tomato, we got the whole future ahead of us.”
“Cherry tomato?”
“Yeah,” he says, offering no further explanation as he relaxes on top of you with his controller, easily shifting back into the game.
He’s quick to go from one thing to another, but you can tell he’s truly there for you when he continues to lay his head on you, announcing that he’s coming to find you in-game. Every now and again he presses a little kiss to your stomach or chest, wherever his lips meet in that moment. Your confusing and bittersweet past is left buried under your love for your beautiful, caring, protective terrapin.
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spenciegoob · 3 years
Who Needs Luck?
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A/N: hi! I solely wrote this because of my 3 recent visits to NY (no, I sadly did not meet mgg)... plus i’ve been going there my whole life.. this is becoming the longest authors note, but as i’m writing I just want to say the people who work at food trucks in nyc are the nicest people ever, ask them about their day (AND TIP OMG PLS)
Summary: Reader invites Spencer to go to New York City with her where he finally sees the beauty right in front of him.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff!
Content Warnings: reader can’t drive very well (I apologize if this is a callout post), slight road rage, language
Word Count: 2.4K
I never considered myself a lucky man. Life had proven time and time again that no matter how many four leaf clovers I set out to search for, how many pennies on the ground faced heads up I stumbled across, luck was never on my side. I’ve learned to live with it, accepted my fate as the world’s smartest punching bag long before I was even in college.
But then I met her, and as cheesy as it sounds, I didn’t need luck that morning.
The second I woke up, the universe seemed to have it out for me specifically. I swung my legs over my bed, and in my half asleep daze stepped on my glasses, successfully breaking them. Unable to see on my short trip to the bathroom, I stubbed my toe… twice. Once I finally finished my morning routine more methodically, I walked out of my apartment only to bump into a stranger, sending the coffee she was holding all the both of us.
I had tried to apologize so many times, cutting my words short when they didn’t feel right. I had gotten through a series of “I’m, uh, oh, I, you,” before her smile interrupted my thought process, leaving me awestruck instead.
“That’s okay, but you owe me a coffee now.” She giggled, actually giggled, even with the scorching liquid causing her shirt to stick to her body. “Maybe… together?”
I didn’t hesitate to agree, taking her up on the offer that weekend and never looking back. Even when a loud crash, followed by a quiet, harsh ‘shit’ woke me up in a startle, there was no regret. Maybe just a little concern for my girlfriend who now that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness, can be seen holding her knee on the floor of our bedroom.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she whispered out, grabbing onto the dresser to stand straight again. Once she was on her feet, she came over to sit on the edge of our bed, immediately running her fingers through my hair. If I wasn’t so worried about her knee, I probably would’ve fell asleep again.
“Are you okay?” She giggled at my scratchy morning voice before nodding her head. It’s then I realized how the sun hasn’t even begun to rise, the room still pitchblack. “What are you doing up?”
“Getting ready to go to the city, sleepyhead,” she said as if it was the most obvious answer, but truthfully, it left me with more questions.
“At... 5 am?” I sat up, glancing at the alarm clock three times just to make sure I was reading it right. She may have always been a little strange, but usually at a reasonable hour.
At this, she stood up to continue getting ready for the very early morning. Now I notice why she fell, the piles of clothes leading to the closet had to have at least half of her outfits compiled together.
“Well, yeah. I want to get there before noon.” Even in my perplexed state, I rose from the bed and carefully tiptoed around haphazardly thrown clothes to reach her.
While wrapping my arms around her waist still hidden under my t-shirt, I questioned. “It’s right outside? You have 7 hours.”
She turned to look at me funny as if I wasn’t the one digging through clothes and waking up before dawn to walk literally 5 minutes to my desired location. My eyebrows must have subconsciously furrowed at one point, because she brought her hand up to stroke her thumb on my forehead. Immediately, I felt the tension melt, no longer caring to correct my confusion. She still did it anyway.
“Not DC, silly. New York!” I wish it were untrue, but my heart dropped at her words. She was leaving, going to a city I wasn’t familiar with beyond reading about, solving cases, and memorizing subway maps. Is this how she feels every time I board that jet?
“W-what? You’re just going to New York City?” I inwardly cringed at how desperate and sad I sounded, but I really didn’t want her to leave.
“Mhm,” she mumbled, turning back around to return digging in her closet.
“For how long?” Please change your mind. Please change your mind. Please change you-
Realizing that I was fully awake, she let out a boisterous laugh, allowing the way it bounced off our four little walls to return back to us. It was a sound most treasured. “I was hoping to get back around 9.”
“What?” I leaned back to look at her like she was absolutely preposterous. I mean, she was!
That’s how I found myself in the passenger seat of her car, no coffee in my hand because I wasn’t allowed until I have “a real cup of coffee.” Whatever the hell that means better happen soon, because as much as I loved watching the way she concentrates on the road in front of her, my eyes were starting to droop.
“It’s going to be another 4 hours. You can sleep, my love.” How she knew me so well, I will never be able to figure out, but I was out before we even made it across state borders.
That however, didn’t last very long. My girlfriend may be short and sweet, but behind the wheel? That’s a different story. The horn to her car is a very familiar sound when I’m jolted awake by a sudden stop.
“Really, asshole? Go!” She yelled, slamming her hand against the top of the steering wheel before looking over at me. “Hey, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to wake you yet. I forgot how awful drivers are here.”
“Where is here exactly?” I questioned, sitting up from my slouched position to find cars practically on top of each other on a road not wide enough for two lanes.
“New Jersey. We’re 10 minutes away.” Wow, I didn’t realize I slept for that long, and I have to admit I’m a little surprised I wasn’t woken up sooner.
“How are we 10 minutes away? It’s at least another 30 to get to the tunnel.” Looking at our surroundings didn’t help me determine our exact location. To the left of us, there were dozens of graffiti murals on the side of what I assumed was another elevated highway. To the right, sidestreets with local businesses ranging from auto repair shops to fast food joints to gyms.
“Nuh uh, stop analyzing mister. You’ll know when we get there.” She waved a finger in my directions, putting a pin in my scrutinization. I pouted right back, successfully playing along to the theme of her scolding me like a 5 year old.
“I don’t like surprises you know.” It was the truth, but her contagious laughter that filled the car made me slightly less disinclined to stop asking questions.
“Oh I know, but trust me, you’ll like this one.” She went to go reach over to grab my hand from where it was resting in my lap, but stopped short and retracted in favor of slamming the horn. “Oh, come on!”
“So you drove to a train station... in New Jersey?” I asked while she was… attempting to park the car.
“Well, yeah. I’ve been taking this route since I was a little girl.” Once she finally figured out how to evenly space a two door convertible in a very spacious parking spot, she unbuckled her seatbelt, and was quick to grab her bag from the backseat. “Well, come on mister, we’re going to miss the train.”
To be quite honest, I have never been so lost in my life. I could probably pinpoint our exact location on a map if I wanted to, granted I was given any sort of information, but part of me didn’t want to. Scratch that, all of me didn’t want to, because my entire life has been planned out in front of me before, but right now, I get to be spontaneous with the most beautiful girl on the planet.
“Don’t let go of my hand,” she told me, lacing our fingers together and pulling me forward. “Don’t stop to look around, you will get pushed.”
We made it inside, and if I thought the DC transit system was bustling with people constantly, this place was so much worse. There were hallways left and right, all packed with people in a rush. It seems everybody had some place to be and zero time to get there.
“Upstairs.” We walked up two flights before reaching a platform, buying our tickets and making it just in time for a train to arrive. “I know they come every 8 minutes, but thank god we made this one,” she said as she sat down.
The cart we were in wasn’t too crowded, and once I finally found a map on the wall across from us, I saw that it was a direct ride to the World Trade Center.
“You said you took this train when you were little?”
“Yeah, I went to the city a lot as a kid. This was the easiest, and the cheapest way there.” A small smile played at her lips, obviously the product of some childhood memory. “I used to hop it.”
“Of course you did,” I laughed back with her, thinking about how an innocent looking child would be the first person to get away with sneaking onto the train.
“I said it before, I will say it again. Do not let go of my hand.” This time it was more stern, and if I were being honest, I would say that it got me the slightest bit nervous. She must have noticed, she always does, because she continued. “Don’t worry, it just gets congested and I don’t want to lose you.”
She was right about that, it indeed was very congested, but that was okay because she was holding my hand, and I would follow her just about anywhere if it meant she kept looking over her shoulder and smiling when she saw me. Once we made it across the way, and in front of heavy looking glass doors, she turned to me and started walking backwards.
“You okay? This is definitely not off to a great start.” She was wrong, it was off to a perfect start.
“Yeah, I’m okay, but you might want to watch where you’re going,” I said before her back hit the door.
“Please I can get here with my eyes closed.” And then we were outside, and all 5 of my senses were hit immediately. The sun was shining down on us, and before I could complain about not bringing my sunglasses, she handed them to me. My heart fluttered at the innocent act, taking the sunglasses with such gratitude even though she had already moved on to retrieve hers. “Do you smell that?” She asked.
“There are a lot of answers to that question,” I told her, not knowing if she was talking about the smell of the construction happening at the corner, the permanent garbage smell or something entirely different.
“The hotdogs, silly. Come on, there’s nothing like ‘em.” This time, I laced our fingers together, not because I was scared of losing her, I was, but I just really wanted to be closer to her. She didn’t mind, in fact, she let out a content hum and leaned her head on my arm as we walked to the stand.
“Can I get four hotdogs with sauerkraut and two grape sodas,” she asked the vendor, who politely nodded before moving on to prepare our food.
“You’re going to have a heart attack by 35,” I said as I nudged her with my shoulder. She gave me a small push back before answering.
“Is that a doctor’s diagnosis?” She asked as she took our now ready food into her hands, after paying the man before I even had time to blink. I just grabbed the two cans of soda and followed her where she was making a beeline for a park bench. “Watch out for skaters.”
“Yes, it is indeed a doctor's diagnosis.” I unwrapped one of the hotdogs before taking a bite. I closed my eyes and let out a content hum. “It may be a little worth it.”
“Exactly.” We sat there quietly, enjoying the warm weather and sounds of wheels against pavement. At one point, she rested her head against my shoulder, and I am convinced wherever she went would be Heaven.
“Are your eyes closed?” We found ourselves with both our hands interlocked, my eyes closed while she walked backwards. I gave an ‘mhm’ before she continued. “We’re here, just keep them closed, and…” her words trailed off. “Okay open.”
I opened my eyes to her holding her arms out in the middle of the largest bookstore I’ve ever seen. “Surprise!” My eyes were bouncing everywhere. It wasn’t too crowded, the large stairwell across the store catching my eye first. There were bookshelves tens of feet high, all loaded with different genres and authors. To the right of us, tiny knick knacks and pins and socks. It was beautiful.
“Wow,” I whispered out, still stuck in my place admiring our surroundings. She was beaming up at me, a hint of pride at her successfulness to drag me 6 hours away to the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.
“The Strand has always been my favorite place in the city. Come on, let’s go explore.” She grabbed my hands again, pulling me deeper into the store towards a shelf labeled adult fiction.
Six books, three pairs of socks and a postcard later, we were back on the busy streets of New York, aimlessly walking and admiring the tall buildings and different attractions. Well she was, I was admiring the way she was looking around like it was her first time here. Maybe I should have been paying more attention to our surroundings, but no amount of skyscrapers or fountains could possibly ever match up to her level of beauty. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” I asked randomly, startling her into jumping a tiny bit before giggling. She stopped us, turning to face me fully before reaching up to grab my face in her hands.
“Once or twice.” The kiss we shared on the New York streets were no different than the ones before, but this time, it felt like a silent promise. A passing between two lovers that no matter where we are, our love is the most beautiful thing there is. “I love you too, dork.”
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refriedweeb · 4 years
A/N: HEY BABIES! I'm back from the beach and ready to fuck up some feels. This comes requested by @peregrinestook <3 I listened to the softest, gentlest, saddest music writing this, so I hope you enjoy my babies
Prompt: “how about some hawks fluff with a pregnant reader? 🥺”
Tags: fluff, pregnancy, pregnant reader, domestic hawks
Word Count: 2,151
You shouldn’t have been surprised that what felt like a blink of time in you and Keigo’s relationship, you’d wound up pregnant. It was a two to party sort of ordeal, and as two adults there was only so much that could be spoken for. You knew Keigo went into periods of rutting in the spring, where all he did was want to claim a mate and to have babies with them. It was part of his instinct as an avian hero, and just because you’d been some several fresh months into your relationship didn’t make you exempt. As a matter of fact, while you’d been doing the deed that had gotten you pregnant, Keigo had uttered over and over again how he was going to put a baby in you. How excited he was to get you pregnant.
And you knew what they said about the things you spoke into the universe becoming a reflection of your reality...
Four weeks later, your period had been late. The first thought in your head had been that it’d just been thrown off by some hormonal shifts from the other women that worked around you on a day to day basis, but then it still hadn’t come after another week had passed. And then that lingering thought in the back of your mind had rolled all the way to the front of your thoughts. You might have been pregnant. It certainly would have added up, your last period before the missed one having fallen just in front of Keigo’s rutting season. Without telling Keigo what you thought was up (partly out of fear that he’d react poorly now that he was out of his rutting season and partly because you didn’t want to instill a false sense of hope if a family was what he wanted) you took a handful of pregnancy tests. They all came back positive. You made an appointment with a doctor to get tested. That came back positive.
Of course, Keigo had noticed it before you had. It was something in you that had shifted in a way he’d never seen before. The way that your skin just seemed to glow more than it ever had before. It was the way that the smell of you changed to something else he hadn't ever had to know before. Yet, even with his suspicions that you were carrying his child, Keigo didn’t say anything to you about it while you were still working out what was going on. The thing about Keigo wasn’t that he didn’t want a family. As a matter of fact, he did want one. The reason that Keigo waited for you to come to him with the realization that you were pregnant, was one much darker. He’d grown up without any true idea of what a family and unconditional love was. For someone like Keigo, the want and realization that he could have a family was terrifying. What if he wasn’t a good parent? What if he’d fuck his child or children up in the way the commission had done to him because that was all he’d known in terms of parental figure? Keigo couldn't imagine doing to an innocent child what had happened to him. What if his child came out with wings and the commission saw some way to capitalize or exploit it? There were so many points of confusion and contradiction in his head about how to feel about the impending news you were bound to tell him, he didn’t know how to feel about it.
He wanted a family. He wanted what he’d gone his entire life without. But just because he wanted that...didn’t mean he’d be any good at it.
Keigo had been relatively quick to change his tune on that. It’d started when you approached him with the collection of pregnancy tests you’d been hiding and the ultrasound you’d gotten when you’d gone to the first appointment to confirm with hard proof that there was indeed a baby growing inside you. He’d held those pregnancy tests in his hand, stared down at all those positive pregnancy signs on the little sticks. It’d hit him pretty hard in that moment, but had been nothing compared to the semi-truck that had plowed right through him when he’d seen that ultra sound of a little tiny chicken. One that was supposedly growing inside your belly. Keigo had been silent for a long period of time, his avian eyes glued to that little tiny thing that was developing inside you. He’d been quiet, stoic while you shifted around nervously, waiting for him to say something. 
When he finally remembered he had a voice, Keigo’s words were simple. Effortless in how they’d fallen off his tongue. “I’m going to be a dad.”
That’d been months ago, and since you’d handed that ultrasound to him, Keigo had known what he wanted with you. Now, you’d just passed your four month mark, just over halfway to when your due date was. And Keigo had been nothing shy of perfect. Every weird or odd craving you had, he’d jumped to get it or find it, or find someone who could get it. If he’d been obsessed with touching you before, it’d only been amplified since the appearance of your baby bump. You knew it’d always been in Keigo to have a breeding mindset, but the sex had turned an entirely different corner during your pregnancy as well. Things were different, though not in a bad way. He’d never thought you as weak or needing coddling before, but Keigo handled you in a very different way now. He was mindful that his child grew inside that beautiful belly of yours.
The past couple of months had gone by in a whirlwind. The place you and Keigo had gotten together (though really before that you might as well have been living together with how often you were at his place) was fully furnished, the nursery that would become your child’s slowly coming together as you and Keigo worked together to make it perfect. Despite the chaotic schedules you both worked around, Keigo hadn’t missed a single appointment. On his patrols and when he did his hero work, he carried a tinier version of that first ultrasound you’d given him. Folded up and creased well from how many times he’d opened it up to either show others or to look at it when he was hovered in the sky with a soft smile on his face. Despite his fears, his worries about his own ability to parent a (hopefully) mini-version of the child he’d been (and could hardly remember) before the commission had gotten a hold of him.
And you...he was so in love with the thought of you as a mother. As his wife, as his partner for the rest of his life. Keigo had never felt particularly fond of the domestic approach to life, so sure that he couldn’t have one of his own. But all it’d taken was the right person, the right time. All it’d taken was you.
Such were thoughts and memories that filtered through his mind as he rested his head on the bump of your belly, his index finger tracing idle shapes over the soft skin there. It was a lazy day, and neither one of you had thought it worthwhile to get out of bed. Keigo’s cheek was pressed up against your belly, letting out little coo’s and trills from the back of his throat, hoping that his son or daughter could hear him through the skin, muscle, and fat. He nuzzled his head against it, which only brought a giggle from you, causing your belly to shake as his head popped up.
“What?” Something that you’d taken notice to since the moment Keigo had jumped on the fatherhood bandwagon, was how much more protective he’d become over you. Any moan or groan from stretching or even the smallest pain that had nothing to do with your baby, set him on edge. There were times where it could become overwhelming, but you knew he did it with the best intentions. He just wanted to be able to protect the things that he thought were most precious to him. You and his unborn child.
“Nothing,” you answered, head propped up on several pillows. You reached out and pushed some golden blond hair from where it’d flopped onto his forehead. “You just tickled me, is all.” Keigo watched you for a beat longer to make sure that was all that was wrong, before he dropped his head back to your belly and resumed his tracing. He traced your belly, you combed through the usually windswept and knotted golden hair of his with gentleness. The two of you lapsed into a stretch of quiet, though it’d always been comfortable. You stared down as Keigo followed the route his finger too, the only sound following shortly after the sounds and tongue clicks that came from the back of his throat. 
“Do you think they’ll like me?” Came his sudden question. “Our baby, I mean. Do...will I be a good dad?”
It’d been a question you’d seen in Keigo’s eyes several times throughout your pregnancy so far, but never one he’d actually vocalized. To hear it asked then, his voice so hesitant as if he really considered the fact that the answer would be a no, broke your heart. You sat up straighter in your position. Keigo stirred, twisting around so that he could look up at you. His brows were turned up, eyes open and vulnerable as he waited for your answer. 
“Keigo,” you said, feeling the (pregnancy hormonal) shift of emotions overtake your thought process. Quickly enough, tears prickled at the corner of your eyes. “Keigo, how could you not be?” You leaned in as much as you could with your protruding belly. “You are going to be the best dad to our little chicken nugget,” you said, hand reached out to cup his cheek, the stubble tickling your palm. “And they are going to love you so much, and nothing is going to change that.”
He thought about the things he’d done in his life prior to meeting you. Prior to wanting to be a better version of himself that didn’t rely on a cynical sense of self-preservation in order to get through the days. It’d taken so long for Keigo to admit to himself that he had a life worth living. He averted his gaze from yours, looking down to your swollen belly. “You think so?”
Your grip on Keigo’s chin tightened, bringing that look back up to meet yours. “Of course I do. You know why I think that? Because you didn’t have it, and you would never want anyone to have to go through what you did. Because you have so much love already in your heart, for me, for our baby.” Your thumb brushed over his cheek, and Keigo leaned into your touch with closed eyes. “Because it’s too easy to imagine you waking up in the middle of the night and tripping over some toys in the nursery to feed them, teaching them how to tie their shoes, how to fly if they have wings like they’re incredible dad,” the tears in your eyes blurred your vision, and you felt wetness on Keigo’s cheek from his own tears. “Taking them up to look at the stars, to chase the sunset, and giving me a heart attack the entire time you’re gone,” you whispered. “I couldn’t have picked a better person out there in the world to raise a family with.” was your conclusion, the words final as you swept away his tears. “Please don’t doubt yourself like that ever again, Keigo.”
He opened his eyes slowly, golden eyes noticeably softer. The emotion behind your words were ones he felt straight to the center of his being. How heavy the conviction was behind them. Keigo leaned over and pressed a series of chaste kisses against your belly. A belly that held his future and half of his world in it. The imagery you’d made with your words played in his head like a movie he had yet to see. “I’m sorry, kid. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
You shook your head, hand moving back to his hair. “Don’t be. Just know whatever it is you think you won’t be able to do...you’ll be able to do. Especially with me at your side.” Your stomach gave a little rumble, drawing both of your attention to it. “Though, I do think baby Keigo could do with some chocolate and marshmallow ice cream right about now...”
This perked Keigo right up, and with one final press to your belly he was sprung from the bed, throwing on some grey sweats and the jacket he wore when he flew. “I’ll be back in ten.”
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
can you do a fic that’s like the ep’s “hit” and “run,” but it’s Y/N and Spencer’s child they have to save, and not JJ’s?
pairings: spencer reid x reader, platonic!bau x reader
warnings: mentions of getting shot, bank robbery, blood, kidnapping, worry, cm stuff.
about: requested! s7 e23-24 but spencer and y/n’s child is at risk (jemily is canon btw, will knows)
thank you so much for requesting! sorry it took me so long and it's going to have to be in two parts, since apparently it was too long lol, it'll be up as soon as i'm done editing it! (i also promise it gets better in the next part-) part two
the ticking clock on your wrist seemed to pulse with each move the arms made, each one notifying you that you were running a little later than before. when spencer rounded the corner to your mother’s house, you sighed in short relief, unbuckling your seat belt when he parked and getting out of the car to open the door to the back, smiling at your son in his booster seat. “hey, bug,” you whispered, undoing his seatbelt and pressing your lips to his head in a weak attempt to wake him up. spencer was taking things out of the trunk hurriedly, setting them down and walking to the door of the house, where your mother was already waiting.
you pulled your little boy into your arms, seeing as he wasn’t fully awake yet and would probably stumble over his feet if you set him down. you only hummed when his fingers twisted in your shirt, holding you close.
“hey, mom,” you greeted, giving her a kiss on the cheek. spencer’s hand rested on your lower back, the other adjusting emiliano’s hair.
“i’m sorry we’re so late, it was supposed to be a day off so yesterday we stayed up late, and emi wouldn’t wake up,” you said, your mom nodding as a response, "oh it's no problem, honey," she assured, stretching her arms out.
you kissed emiliano on the head again as a goodbye, smiling when he made a little noise and handed him to spencer, who pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before giving him to your mom. you waved goodbye to your son, heart stinging a bit from the disappointment that you weren’t going to spend the day with him like planned. “bye, mom! we’ll be back later, i love you!”
your mom sent you a goodbye you barely heard as you and spencer sped walked back to your car, driving to work late.
the ten minutes you were running late didn’t seem like such a big deal when you realized practically everyone else was behind schedule as well, although you couldn’t blame anyone, it was supposed to be your free day. spencer had even planned to go to a comic con with penelope, but he had only been able to start to get dressed before everyone got called in.
you and spencer were still in the car, examining the scene before getting out. outside, spencer planted a quick kiss on your lips, and you smiled, giving his hand a squeeze, then joining your team.
you stood between spencer and jj, greeting the others with a small nod and a smile before hotch began to list facts about the case. out of the corner of your eye, you noticed jj and emily’s hands tangling together, and a small smile sneaked onto your lips. your eyes flicked up to will’s face, realizing he had seen it too.
you looked back to hotch, who was still talking.
“... killed one person in each robbery.”
rossi voiced the question you had before you could, “m.o.?”
“single gunshot wound. each of the victims has bled out,” hotch explained and you all began walking towards the large vehicle housing penelope, sometimes cutting in with thoughts.
“serial killers with a thirty day cooling off period and we’re only just hearing about this now?” emily asked.
“headquarters identified them as robbers first and killers second,” hotch said, and you raised an eyebrow, “no one kills seven people without serious psychopathic tendencies- especially in the span of seven months.”
“i agree; i disagreed with the original assessment, but i was overruled.”
you nodded, continuing to listen to what hotch was saying as you walked into the fbi rv.
“why haven’t we been able to id them off of surveillance footage?” derek asked.
“they hack the security feed and turn off the cameras. both during the initial canvass and during the robbery, until the masks come back on, and then we’re allowed to watch.”
you squeezed penelope’s shoulder as a greeting, and she only smiled, blowing you a kiss as she continued to type.
you looked up at the screen showcasing the surveillance, running your eyes through the hostages. “they’re using the hostages as human shields,” you observed out loud.
“this is the first time they’ve been interrupted. what went wrong?” jj asked; the rest of the team voiced their thoughts until hotch gave everyone orders on what to do and where to go.
“jj, reid, and prentiss, look over past robberies, that’s going to be our victimology. pull another analyst if you need to. dave, handle negotiations, and morgan and l/n, strategize tactical options with mpd.”
you all nodded, and you squeezed spencer’s hand once more as a goodbye, walking out with derek.
you only had a few minutes to introduce yourself to mpd when a gunshot rang, making you flinch slightly and realize you would have even less time you thought.
“l/n?” a staticky voice you recognized as penelope interrupted your talk with the officer who was going to go in to help the injured bank robber, and you apologized as you pulled the intercom from your pocket.
“yeah, pen?”
“we got names. chris and oliver stratton. they’re brothers. oliver is the injured one”
“chris and oliver stratton," you repeated, "thank you, penny.”
“always, sweetie.”
you relayed the information to the officer with you and derek, who was currently loading up his weapon before reaching to put it in his pants. derek stopped him before he could, “no, no, no, no, i want you to put that in your bag.”
the officer paused, as if asking why, and you responded, “the woman’s probably going to want to search you,” you pushed the medical bag closer, watching as he put the weapon inside, “but chris is going to be too worried about his brother to delay long enough for her to check the bag, too.”
derek and you shared a look, “you’re going in to provide medical assistance, no unnecessary risks, hear me?” derek said, and the officer nodded.
“once you stabilize oliver, check on the hostage they just shot, he might still be alive,” you added. “understood,” officer green replied.
“do not draw your weapon unless you can subdue the unsubs without endangering the hostages,” derek told him, and green nodded again, zipping up the bag. “yes, sir.”
he began to walk over to the bank entrance, and you went over with rossi and hotch with derek; you stared at the screen with the surveillance, spotting the officer you’d just talked to walk in,
“shit,” you muttered, realizing the brother was probably going to die. “this isn’t good, hotch,” you said, and hotch didn’t reply.
“morgan, tell green to make a move before chris does.”
morgan touched his mic, pushing it closer to his lips, “green, you gotta go. green, go.”
you saw as he reached into his bag, pulling out his weapon in silence. chewing at your thumb, you froze when you saw chris reach for his own weapon, shooting green in the chest. you didn’t even have time to think over what just happened when chris shot him again in the head.
you could only blink and stare at green’s body lying lifeless on the floor, jaw clenched and hands shaking in frustration, trying to remain composed.
the next few minutes were a blur, swat was called and hotch and strauss argued about something you didn’t really pay attention to, “you okay, l/n?” derek asked and you nodded, “yeah. yeah, i’m fine, are you?”
derek only nodded, his attention taken away by rossi, who was waving him over.
“they called,” you realized, walking over to rossi.
“...i want an... armored truck and a plane with a cleared flight path to switzerland.”
a female voice cut in, “no, no, no. chad. we want to go to chad.”
“yeah,” chris said, “no agents with guns this time. we’ll fly ourselves.”
there was a click that indicated the conversation was over, and you swallowed hard, “i don’t think he’ll be happy she injected herself in like that.”
“these guys were too good to get caught. so, why did they?” rossi asked, and will, from next to you, answered, “911 received a call alerting them to a robbery in progress.”
penelope cut in from the screen in front of you, “actually, it was a text. dc added 911 messaging after the virginia tech students’ texts went unanswered during the massacre.”
“can you trace it, garcia?” hotch asked.
“yeah. that message was sent from a cell phone that is currently inside the bank that is registered to a… larry phillipis jr.”
will paused, “why does that name sound familiar?”
rossi was silent for a second, thinking, “that’s the name of one of the gunmen from the ‘97 north hollywood bank shootout in california.”
“so, is this an homage?” derek questioned, but no one was able to answer.
“guys, that message was sent thirty seconds before they blacked out the security feeds for entry.”
another voice offscreen that you recognized as strauss asked how that was possible, and derek answered, “it didn’t come from a hostage, it came from one of the robbers.”
you swallowed, “she wanted us here.”
jj and emily were back, and walking over to you and derek. “there’s no clear line of sight to the vault,” will noted, observing the map.
“no, but if we come in, that’s where they’ll go. we need to be ready for it,” derek stated, gazing up at the building.
“garcia caught us up. why instigate a hostage situation?” emily asked from next to you, and you shrugged, “what’s a narcissist without attention?” you answered, “she thrives on it.”
jj was looking around, “she must have something bigger in mind.”
you agreed silently, “well, we need to separate chris and the female to find out what that is.”
“it’s not going to be hard, they’re already on edge,” emily supposed.
rossi walked from the rv to the phone, taking your attention with him. you stared at him before noticing emily stepping over to him and leaving you to stay behind with derek, jj, and will. you all talked between each other, talking strategy and theories.
the next thing you knew, chris was asking for will, and jj was staring at will like he was crazy to even consider it. you were sat next to will, only listening to their conversation.
will was shaking his head, looking between jj and hotch before he turned to you. “i know you’d do it if you were me,” he told you, and you saw jj roll her eyes. “will, i get what you’re feeling, but you’re too close to this case to make this call.”
“you’re damn right i’m close,” will mumbled, “four people are dead because i shot his brother. and no one else needs to die because of what i did.”
you shook your head, “this isn’t about you.”
“risking your life won’t bring them back,” jj pointed out.
from in front of you, hotch sighed, “i’m sorry, will.”
you all stayed in silence for a while until emily walked in, a look on her face that made you sure the news she had wasn’t good. “he’s threatening to shoot more hostages until he has will.”
you sighed and will shook his head, standing up, “screw this, i’m going in.”
there was a panicked look across jj's features, mouth open to argue, but she didn't get to say anything. “no you’re not, we are,” hotch interjected.
in under three minutes, everyone was ready to go, vested up and anxiously waiting for the signal. you stood next to jj, biting your lip and staring at the map in your fingers, trying to strategize. you had barely looked up when you recognized will, walking towards the doors of the bank, seemingly unarmed with his hands raised. your eyes widened, lips mouthing an unheard no and you immediately turned to jj, who had barely seen him.
her mouth opened in a scream of protest, feet beginning to take off to try to stop him in any way she could, but derek had wrapped his arms around her chest, holding her back and off the ground, even as she fought against his arms. emily touched her arm in a useless attempt to calm her. you were frozen, only able to stand and stare and wait for the best that was probably not going to happen.
it was only three seconds that jj’s feet were on the ground, body trembling and eyes already rimmed red.
ten seconds passed by and three gunshots rang, loud and piercing and you pulled a hand to your lips, eyes following jj’s as she tried to run again, but you and derek pulled her back, letting her go when she planted her feet on the ground unsteadily, hand on her mouth.
you were all surrounding jj, apprehensive and waiting for her to blow up or scream.
“did you see where he was shot?” she asked finally, waiting for anyone to reply.
no one did, and after a moment of loud silence, she sniffed, her red brimmed eyes staring at penelope, “is he alive or dead, garcia?”
penelope stuttered, “i- i don’t know.”
“he was wearing a vest,” emily reassured, “he might be okay.”
jj scoffed, staring at her girlfriend, “might be,” she repeated bitterly.
one of the two missing from the group walked inside in a hurry, bad news no one needed from rossi’s mouth, “they’re not answering.”
jj stood up, shaking her head, “alright, we need to get inside.”
derek grabbed her arm gently, “it’s too risky, jj, we don’t have eyes inside anymore.”
jj’s eyes were wet as she looked up at hotch, pleading. “aaron...” she begged, and after a second, hotch nodded. “let’s go in.”
you all stood, walking outside.
not two minutes later, they called, just before you were about to go in.
“want to save the life of mister william lamontagne jr.? one medic that won’t pull the same shit the last one did, or else i’m killing them both.”
“we’re going in anyways,” derek pointed out, and emily nodded, “yeah, but the way we’re going in, it’s more likely the hostages and will won’t make it. if we send someone in, there’s a higher chance we can get them out.”
hotch was thinking, his forehead creasing as he stared at the paramedics. “we need an agent in there.”
“send me,” you said promptly, all eyes going on you. “i have medical training. i was an intern at the hospital before i decided i wanted to be a profiler. i can help him and i can take them down, hotch.”
“absolutely not- that would just be sending another agent in there for them to kill,” derek argued, but you ignored him, staring at hotch, “hotch.”
“we don’t know how he’s doing, but chris just said we could send a medic in, i’m going to guess that isn’t a great sign. i can do it, i’m an agent, i’m capable, they haven’t seen me or heard my voice, i can fight well without a weapon, you know that.”
jj was staring at you, her fingers tangled with emily’s.
hotch was silent for a second, contemplating what you’d just said, “get your vest on,” he said finally, and you nodded, squeezing jj’s hand before putting said object on.
before going in, you grabbed morgan’s arm, pulling him aside. “i don’t know where spence is, and i’m really not sure what’s going on in there so, if anything happens-”
“please.” you begged, and derek only nodded.
“if anything happens, my will is in my second drawer, tell him i love him and please don’t let him think it over too much.”
a voice that belonged to hotch interrupted you, “l/n!”
“i’m gonna be okay, tell him that. tell everyone that, okay?” you asked, and derek nodded,
you took a deep breath before walking over to hotch and grabbing your medical bag, double checking you had everything.
hotch had stood in the tent, behind you, only watching you from afar while you pulled on your vest straps, tightening it around your chest. you put on another shirt over it, leaving it invisible to anyone who wasn't looking close enough. you had smiled at hotch before beginning to leave, one of his hands wrapping around your arm and pulling you still.
“hey,” he said softly, “be careful.” you nodded, “yeah. of course.”
his hand loosened, and you sighed, walking away and towards the dreaded bank, arms up and medical bag hanging off your fingers.
the moment your fingers touched the door handle, you could just feel something was wrong, but you couldn’t risk anything- especially will and the hostage’s lives just because of a feeling.
so you pulled the door open, and stepped into the bank, eyes searching for will, who confirmed your bad feeling because he was sitting up, someone putting pressure on his wounds.
“get inside! right now unless you want both him and you to die!”
you should’ve known it was a trap, you should’ve just listened to hotch and derek and stayed put, but you didn’t and now it was probable you were going to die.
will was fine, for the most part, he had a bullet wound to his shoulder, but he was up, talking to one of the hostages. you set your medical bag down, observing chris.
the woman had gone somewhere else, and you took the time she wasn’t there to try to communicate with her partner.
“chris,” you started, walking over to him. his gun was quickly raised at you, and you slowed to a stop, raising your hands. “i’m unarmed, as you requested, i’m just a medic.”
his hold on the gun wavered but it didn’t lower, “what?” he demanded, and you swallowed.
“you can’t trust her- the woman. she’s taking orders from someone else.”
chris shook his head, “she’s taking orders from me.”
you shrugged, “chris, take a look around you. when this place is stormed- and it will be stormed, they are going to take all the bad guys, but right, now, i only see one.”
chris looked away from you, and you heard will walk up behind you, “she’s setting you up to take the fall for this, boy.”
chris peered at him, “that’s not true.” he stated, “and how would you know?” he snapped, eyes staring back at yours, “aren’t you just a medic?”
you nodded, “they told me. the feds- they told me they found evidence of that. you can’t trust her.”
the answer seemed to please chris, and he shook his head again, “that’s not true,” he repeated, and you shrugged, trying to act natural, “then where is she?” you asked. chris pointed to his right, “she’s back there.”
you heard will hum from beside you, “huh.”
chris got up all of the sudden, pointing the gun at you and will. “alright, you both, come here. i’ll show you.”
you and will exchanged a look, and he gazed behind you at something you couldn’t see.
“go on,” chris urged, and you began to walk with will, almost falling when chris pushed your shoulder harshly.
you and will were ushered into one of the rooms of the bank, where a few black duffel bags were discarded on the floor. you dismissed them, too busy with the sensation of a barrel of a gun pressed against your back. the woman stepped out of a door, eyebrow raised as she studied at you.
“what the hell are you doing down here?” chris asked, pushing you and will aside to point his gun at the woman.
“calm down,” the woman responded calmly, “you’ll find out soon enough.”
chris didn't like her answer, shaking the gun, “tell me.” he demanded, and a sour look passed by the woman’s face.
what happened next was a blur. the woman muttered something to chris and he picked up the duffel bags, ushering you and will outside. you dropped the bracelet emiliano had made for you outside of the door- in the hope that someone of your team would find it- before you were pushed into the backseat of a car.
on the road, you looked around, trying to figure out where you were and making sure will was okay, while the woman- who you heard chris call izzy- played the recording of the bank on a loop in front of you. you pried your eyes away from the screen, instead trying to form a plan in your head.
“what the hell is that? you recorded it?” chris asked, but izzy didn’t look up, too preoccupied with the images on her tablet.
“i’m talking to you, izzy!” chris said, “you planned this whole thing,” he thought out loud, looking back at the road, “you didn’t tell us any of it, you set us up.”
izzy wasn’t paying any attention to him, but chris continued to talk, “you killed my brother.”
at this, izzy responded, but she still didn’t look at him, the gun in her other hand still pointed at you, “no, that would be him.” she stated, bored.
chris eyed at you and will from the rearview mirror. “how do i know they aren’t your partners?”
izzy watched you, “why would i work with them?” she questioned, and chris was getting increasingly frustrated, “why would you do any of this?”
izzy took her eyes off yours to turn to chris, who glanced at her. “fbi said you got somebody else.”
izzy smiled, “you sound jealous.”
chris raised a gun to her, “who is it?”
izzy rolled her eyes in response, “put that away. this isn’t about revenge, it’s about survival.”
a confused look passed over chris’ face, and izzy continued, “if you haven’t figured it out yet, i’m your only way out of this mess.”
chris moved the gun from her to will, “alright, let me kill them so we can get on with it.”
izzy shook her head, eyes drifting back to the tablet, “we need them.”
izzy’s was now distracted by the video, replying distractedly. “leverage. we need to fix him up.”
“and how do you propose you do that?”
izzy shrugged, pointing at you, “she can do it.”
you shook your head, “i can’t, i don’t have my medical bag. and even if i did, i don’t have what i need to do anything.”
izzy was attentive at this, and she gave instructions to chris, driving to an unknown destination.
shit, you thought, staring at the outside of your window when the car pulled up to a fire department. you flinched when chris opened the door to your side and pulled you out, a gun held against your back. izzy did the same to will, standing behind the ambulance door and demanding the medic to fix will.
you were shoved to the wall, a gun against the side of your chest and a promise you would die if you moved whispered in your ear while will was getting fixed up. you only heard a gunshot when you were back in the car with will and chris, and you shared a look with will, fingers curling around the cushion of the car in frustration.
izzy was taking a call, the voice from the other line muffled, and you couldn’t make out who it was or what they were saying.
she gave a location when she hung up, but chris locked his jaw and rounded the corner harshly, parking the car.
“i’m not going anywhere until you tell me the plan,” chris declared, and within a second, izzy had moved the gun from you to chris, shooting him twice.
you flinched at the loud noise, looking from chris to izzy. “what are you doing?” will asked, and izzy shrugged, “he talks too much.”
“go ahead officer, get him out,” she ordered. “and do what, just leave him there?” will asked.
“yes please.”
she turned to you before will got out. “if you move an inch, i will kill him.”
you only nodded, staring at her as she motioned will to leave the car.
when chris was out, writhing on the floor, she glared at you. “you’re driving. get out.”
i can leave, but i can’t leave will here and she’ll shoot me for sure if i run. will can’t fight her right now. without a safe option, you agreed, eyeing will as he entered the backseat again, and you climbed where chris resided, only able to stare as izzy hastily cleaned the blood off the seat.
when you were inside, hands on the wheel, she pointed a gun at will, “go ahead. drive.”
so you did.
you stopped where she told you, watching in the rearview mirror as the hostage will had been talking to climbed in, patting will on the back. “hey will. you see that?”
“i want to do it again,” izzy smiled, watching the man- matthew as izzy referred to him. “we will,” he assured.
izzy turned back to you, “drive. you know the way.”
you glared at her, unmoving. she frowned, shoving the gun into your ribs, “drive,” she hissed. when you still didn’t react, she squeezed will’s gunshot wound, pushing the barrel on the side of his head. “or he dies.”
“drive,” matthew stated simply, and at the sight of izzy’s finger dancing around the trigger, you did.
you could only tighten the grip you had on the steering wheel when you parked in front of your mother’s house, already spotting her playing with emiliano on the lawn.
izzy was staring at you, admiring the frustration on your features, “come on, medic,” she urged, pointing the weapon at you again before putting it in her bag.
you opened the door of the car and walked out, forcing a smile on your face when izzy leaned up to your ear, “you better play nice, or i’ll kill them all.”
you picked up your son when he saw you and squealed, his little arms wrapping around you. you kissed his forehead, “hey bug, i gotta talk to grandma, how about you go back to playing?”
“okay, momma,” emiliano nodded, and you put him down, watching as he ran over to one of the play houses you brought for him.
“hey honey, what are you doing here? i thought you and spencer were supposed to come later?” your mom questioned, her eyes scanning over izzy.
“have you been watching the news?” you queried, and she shook her head, “i heard what happened on the radio, is spencer still working?”
you nodded, “yeah, i wanted you to go with molly because of everything that was going on.”
“are you sure? i can stay,” your mom assured, and you shook your head. “no, no, it’s dangerous right now, and i trust molly.”
your mom looked back at izzy, asking a question with her eyes. “this is izzy, one of the detectives, she’s going to watch over emi.”
“okay, are you sure?” she asked again, and you nodded, relieved you had set up a safe word with her and that she had remembered. she only glanced back at you and emi before she got into her car, “call me for anything.”
you didn’t respond, calling your son, “c’mon, emi, let’s go inside.”
emiliano skipped ahead, running into the house, past you and izzy, who had been surprisingly quiet.
you turned back to her quickly, “if you touch him, i will kill you,” you promised, and izzy didn’t flinch. “if you touch me, he kills will, then a certain spencer reid, then you. you wanna leave your kid an orphan? be my guest.”
you clenched your jaw, glaring at izzy until emiliano ran up to you, tugging on your arm.
“momma, can we watch a movie?”
you took a deep breath and crouched down to him, offering your son a smile as you shook your head, “i can’t, not right now, bug, i have to work, so you’re going to stay with izzy and play with her for now, okay?”
emiliano nodded, and you kissed his head, assuring yourself you would not lose him, and he wouldn’t lose you. “i love you, bug, daddy and i will see you soon.”
emiliano smiled at you and planted a kiss on your cheek, giving you one more squeeze before you straightened up, staring at izzy for a second.
you walked out, hands trembling as you climbed back into the car, wanting more than anything to run back inside and take your son to his father, where you knew he'd be safe. but it wasn't an option right now. because right now, you had to leave your baby with a serial killer and you had to go sit in the car with another one.
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pairing: iida tenya x male reader
req: yes | wc: 1.38k | cw: cockwarming, riding | minors dni
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He was eating his soft serve ice cream all wrong. His mouth was wide open, the tip in his mouth, holding the dainty cone with his two big hands, the ice cream melting and dripping down his fingers…
Was he trying to arouse him?
(y/n) eyed him up, almost forgetting his own cone laying in his hands.
They were enjoying ice cream on (y/n)’s porch, the soft serve ice cream truck on the street up front, line full of excited children.
“Iida.” (y/n) breathed out when he saw his lover swirl his tongue around the tip.
“Yes, love?” A small blush covered Iida’s cheeks. He still wasn’t used to calling (y/n) by a pet name.
“You’re eating it all wrong.” 
Iida titled his head like a cute puppy. “Am I supposed to bite it?”
“Well, no, but—“
Iida bit off half of it and swallowed before (y/n) could say anything. “Ah, brainfreeze.”
His tongue hung out of his mouth and a bit of ice cream dripped down the corner of his lips as he tried to breathe in hot air.
Now, taking a bite out of ice cream or a popsicle while insinuating it’s a dick isn’t very arousing, but seeing your partner basically do an aheago face with some ice cream dripping off their lips is arousing, especially with them blushing as well.
A blush coated (y/n)’s face and he could feel more blood rush down somewhere else.
“What’s wrong, love? You’ve barely touched your ice cre—“ Iida looked down and blushed harder. His plan had worked but he didn’t expect it to be so… efficient.
(y/n) took notice of Iida’s blush and looked where he was looking, down at his hard-on.
He stood up and went inside, Iida knew to follow after him, both still had their ice cream in hand.
When Iida reached his boyfriend’s room, he was sitting on his desk chair, which was turned to face the door.
(y/n) motioned for him to lock the door and then when Iida did, motioned for him to come over.
“Take off your pants and underwear.”
Tenya obeyed as if he were mesmerized. He stood in the chilly air, privates unclothed and ice cream still in hand.
As he undressed, (y/n) took his dick out his pants. “Get on my lap.” He commanded.
Tenya got up on (y/n)’s lap, dick right in front of (y/n)’s.
“Raw or—“
(y/n) was surprised. Though he always gave Tenya the two options, raw or condom, Tenya would always pick condom.
“Okay, uh, raw or lubed?”
“Are you sure—“
“Yes, I'm sure.” (y/n) nodded, giving Tenya his reassuring smile. Tenya is the type of lover who prefers the safe way and would always need reassurance. To have him choose to have him wear no condom meant Tenya was putting his trust in (y/n), and it made (y/n) feel great.
(y/n) huffed out a laugh, thinking it out. “Okay then,” He put his barely touched ice cream on his desk, avoiding all the books.
“.. go on.” He handed Tenya the lube from his bedside table.
Tenya gulped, looking down at the length in front of his own. He put his ice cream next to (y/n)’s and dipped his already sticky fingers into the lube. He coated (y/n)’s dick in the lube, slightly jerking him off along the way.
(y/n) threw his head back, moaning out. “That’s it, Tenya.” Tenya blushed, a little embarrassed.
When Tenya felt like he was done, he wiped his hands off on his shirt and left them there, too shy to make the next move. “Need a little help?”
Tenya nodded, having not spoken a word since he stepped inside the room.
(y/n) lifted him up Tenya’s ass a little, making him sit up on his knees. He pushed Tenya forward by the ass until he was hovering above his dick.
“Are you ready?”
Tenya nodded again. (y/n) slowly lowered him onto his dick. They moaned out together when all of (y/n)’s length was fully inside Tenya. Tenya was about to start bouncing up when (y/n) stopped him by putting his hands on Tenya’s hips.
“Our ice cream’s going to melt.”
��Oh.” Tenya breathed out. He wasn’t quite the talker during sex, usually too shy to say anything at all.
(y/n) reached out for their ice cream, giving Tenya his. He watched intently as Tenya gave the swirl little kitten lips, eating it properly unlike last time.
Tenya noticed that what they were doing right now was called ‘cockwarming’, something he searched up along with various other terms when (y/n) and him just started dating. The thought of warming (y/n)’s cock while doing something else that wasn’t just eating made him let out a small mewl, making (y/n) laugh.
“Were you trying to arouse me earlier?” (y/n) asked when the laughter died out.
Tenya nodded. “Use your words, darling.”
He struggled to try to find the right words in his mind, so (y/n) thrusted up into him to ‘clear his mind’.
“Yeah!” Tenya shouted, covering his mouth with his free hand afterwards.
(y/n) laughed and pressed a kiss on Tenya’s forehead. “Why all of a sudden?” (y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’ve been studying a lot lately and..” Tenya licked his ice cream, trying to think. “.. I haven’t interacted with you much. Plus, we haven’t had.. s-sex in a while.”
“Well, I appreciate it.”
Tenya blushed at the grin he was given. “Y-Yeah..”
Tenya was done with his ice cream and his cone, and was sort of sitting on (y/n)’s cock silently, not knowing if he should start bouncing or wait for (y/n) to finish.
“Do you want some more, baby boy?” Tenya quickly glanced at the ice cream in (y/n)’s hand but looked back down just as quickly.
“Yeah.” He muttered.
“Here, then.” He looked back up, (y/n) offering him the cone. He took (y/n)’s wrist and pulled his hand a little closer, taking kitten licks from the ice cream.
Suddenly, (y/n) pushed the cone into Tenya’s mouth, making him take it into his mouth up to (y/n)’s fingers. He moaned around the cone, holding eye contact with (y/n).
(y/n) snickered, starting to take the cone out but Tenya held his wrist tight, making him stop.
He raised an eyebrow, to which Tenya replied to by licking around the cone and swallowing the ice cream.
“You dirty prince.” (y/n) breathed out in disbelief.
He let go of the cone and let Tenya eat it too.
“All of that while warming up my cock, huh?” Tenya blushed, burying his head in (y/n)’s chest in embarrassment.
(y/n) smiled and ran his hand through Tenya’s hair, rubbing his scalp to comfort him. “Do you want to move to the bed, or-?”
“N-No.” Tenya interrupted. “I want to be in charge t-today.”
“Hmm? Oka--” (y/n) was interrupted by his own moans as Tenya started bouncing up and down at a fast pace. “You’re doing great baby!”
He bounced with a consistent pace and in no time, he bounced up with (y/n)’s cock hitting his prostate dead on. “Mmgh, fuck!” He cursed out, which was uncharacteristic of him.
(y/n) helped him angle himself to hit his prostate with each bounce, giving them both fast pass to ecstasy. (I-- FUCKIN 🤣)
Tenya was getting closer and closer to his release and his bouncing was getting slower. (y/n) took over with thrusting making Tenya’s nails rake down (y/n)’s back and leave marks. “S-Sorry! Awugh!”
“Agh, Tenya-- Can I-?”
(y/n) sloppily kissed down Tenya’s neck, finding his sweet spot and marking it with a bite. Tenya mewled out at the biting feeling.
Tenya leaned forward to plant a kiss on (y/n)’s lips, though teeth crashed instead and saliva dripped out.
“Mmgh, fuck, I love you!”
“I love you too!”
They reached their climax together.
(y/n) stood up while carrying Tenya, making himself pull out of him. Tenya mewled at the loss of the feeling of being filled up.
“Do you need anything?” (y/n) asked, laying Tenya down on the bed.
He might have been exhausted, but taking care of each other came first. “I-I’m fine.” Tenya replied, giving (y/n) grabby arms to signal him to cuddle.
“Okay.” (y/n) chuckled, laying down next to him.
They cuddled to sleep, glad (y/n)’s parents were out for the weekend.
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