#fun fact: Lyric would be a character related to my ask blog
did-i-do-this-write · 2 years
🎶 plsss wip playlist 🙏
WIP playlist time!!!!!! My absolute favorite!!!!!!
For this one I'll share my playlist for my RWBY Halfway House AU, since that's what I've been working on all week! 😆
The songs on this list fit a couple of categories:
Songs that remind me of characters because the lyrics relate to them
Songs I feel like any of the characters would listen to themselves
Songs that include a theme, idea, or motif that is mentioned in the story
Fun fact: making this list of categories made me think of another song to add 😂
Fun fact (2): some of the songs were added after a little music event I did on the AU blog (@ozpins-halfway-house) so not all the songs are from my personal library. Although a majority of them are still punk/alternative rock 😆
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This ask motivated me to write 109 words for Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest.
Experiment Total: 22,273
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just-jammin · 2 years
Me, watching all my friends get a name crisis of wanting more than one name: Hehehhe look at em go! So proud of them
I have met several people with about 20 names, and I have two as well! You guys are totally valid! You and Knight, and maybe even Orion! And anyone else who wants several names! It's actually super cool and sexy of anyone to have multiple names this is just the truth.
Honestly SO happy for you guys figuring your names out it's really nice and kinda amusing- Just take your time, I'd think ANY name is cool, Lyric.
while i don’t rly mind the name crisis, blame the Anon who asked us abt what name we’d have other than our own; it sorta flipped a switch within us :p
it’s just for me, having several names really boggles my mind
i do support people with multiple names, yeah, but i usually get confused on what to call them most of the time…
anyway, back to the topic, getting referred to as Lyric feels weird yet sorta satisfying?? kinda not to used to it, but it’s ok i guess—
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arrthurpendragon · 3 years
~*~ OC Ask Games Masterlist ~*~
10 Facts About My Characters HERE
50 OTP Things  HERE
ABCs of getting to know my muse(s)  HERE
Anonymously (or not) tell me which of my stories means the most to you / has the most sentimental meaning to you.  HERE
Anonymously (or not) tell me what you like about my writing or OCs. :)  HERE
Anonymously (or not) tell me which of my OCs you are looking forward to seeing more of?  HERE
Anonymously (or not) tell me which of my OCs you relate the most to.  HERE
Anonymously tell me which of my OCs is your favorite. HERE
Drop me a faceclaim & fandom and I’ll attempt to create an OC story summary.  HERE
FanFic Ask Game HERE
Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut  HERE
Fanfiction Work-In-Progress Guessing Game  HERE
For fun anonymously (or not) recast a faceclaim for my OC.  HERE
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing  HERE
Give me an oc and some canon characters from their fandom and I’ll tell you what they think of each other.  HERE
Give me a pairing (oc x canon or oc x oc) and I’ll give you three songs I associate with them.  HERE
Give me an oc and I’ll tell you some of the traumas/trials they go through.  HERE
Give me a fic and I’ll tell you what song/s would be in...The trailer/The opening credits/The closing credits HERE
Give me a pairing - canon character/oc or an oc crossover - and I’ll give you the song that most reminds me of them.  HERE
Give me an OC and a villain from their fandom and I’ll tell you who’d win and why.  HERE
Give me an OC and I’ll give you spoilers using only quotes from other characters in their fandom. HERE
Give me an OC and I’ll give you some spoilers about them using song lyrics  HERE
Go on anon and tell me what you think of my writing.  HERE
(Halloween) Give me a ship and I'll tell you who: HERE
Harry Potter OC Ask Game  HERE
Headcanons: Picture Edition!  HERE
How about a new game?  Flipped spoilers. Instead of you asking me for spoilers, how about YOU make up spoilers for my story and I’ll respond to what I think of your spoiler.  HERE
I came for _____________ (story) and stayed for ___________________ (story.) HERE
If they had a kid meme  HERE
im tired of all these askmemes being for otps tbhso leave a brotp/platonic ship in my ask and i’ll tell you: HERE
Jumbo Ask Game HERE
new ask game: send me 🔈+ an oc name and a scene from their fandom, and I’ll tell you what song would play if they were in a movie  HERE
new ask game: send me an oc and i’ll tell you what their theme song is  HERE
New ask game: send me “👗 + oc name and a scene from their fandom” and I’ll tell you what they’re wearing in that scene  HERE
new ask game: send me 💞 + an oc and ill tell you my top five favorite dynamics of theirs!  HERE
New game: When you think of me, which of my OCs immediately comes to your mind? Send me 🤯 + OC’s name! :)  HERE
OC “List Five” Ask Game HERE
OC Ask Game  HERE
♡ OC ask meme ♡  HERE
Otp parents meme:  HERE
questions to establish a relationship between characters HERE
Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it  HERE
Reblog if you're a fanfic writer and you wanna know what your followers' favorite story of yours is ❤  HERE
Recommend me a song for a specific oc or fic you think it would fit HERE
Send me a ✍️ and I’ll recommend you an OC blog  HERE
Send me an OC and I will give you a list of 5 things that would be on their search history. HERE
send me a FC and i'll make up a character on the spot.  HERE
send me a ship with a heart and i'll tell you...  HERE
send an ask: get to know your author  HERE
Send me 👀 and I’ll share a scene from a WIP  HERE
Send me one of my OCs +  🤢 and I’ll drag them because why not  HERE
send me a 🙃 + one of my OCs and I'll reply with a meme that relates to them!  HERE
Send me an aesthetic and I’ll tell you which of my OCs fit that aesthetic best. HERE
Send me a 📖 + an OC and tell me what you’d like to see happen in their story. HERE
Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC!  HERE
send me “Fun fact” + an oc’s name for a random fact about them  HERE
What Song Reminds You of My Oc? HERE
Write a Headcanon about my character  HERE
Yes/No Spoilers HERE
This is a work in progress.  More will be added as I find them.
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
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Hey Ho! :D
You will always find this post in my blog description.🥰
(Well, since there’s not really much information about me, here’s a post of things you’ve been interested in and some facts about me.)
(Thanks to the Anon for the motivation to do this here! <3)
So, Hi! You can call me HBJ! I don’t want to mention my real name and age here. 😁
I started publishing my fanfictions here on Tumblr a little over a year ago and haven’t left since. xD
My mother tongue is not English, I am from Germany. So if you find some mistakes, please excuse it, I’m doing my best and still learning. <3
I honestly have no idea what to write here so, have fun, if anyone reads through this here. 😂 At least that’s a little bit of me. :D
>The Ask Box is always open. So feel free to ask a question if you are interested (but I want to warn you, I am not answering everything, but I will let you know in this case) < <3
Let's start! ❤️🌹🎭
First of all 10 Random Facts about me. This was asked by an anon. Here is the original post.
I’m a giant nerd, there’s no place in my room that’s not full of merchandise.
I prefer to read stories that are self-published, for example here on Tumblr or on other sites, rather than real books.
I have a problem with jackets, I have tons of them.
I usually dye my hair according to the colors of characters I like.It all started with green/purple - because of the Joker. And the last color I have at the moment is all green because of Joker / Loki from Marvel (Oups)
Almost all tattoos I have are about fictional characters (also Oups)
No one, really nobody knows what books/stories I read because that’s something very private to me.
I listen to music 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Also, it’s hard for me / I don’t like to talk about the music I listen to because this is very intimate for me for some reason.
When I watch a series, it’s at least 2 times behind each other, sometimes more often. But never just once.
Films that I watch for the first time and that excite me, I watch every second that I have time. When the movie is over, I start again unless there are several parts. But then I always watch my favorite one 500 times.
Random questions from you.
(Asked by @procrastinatingrobin) -One place that you'd like to travel at least once in your life?
---- One of my biggest wishes is (what a cliché xD) New York. For example the “Joker Stairs”, which is one of my biggest dreams. *-*
I would love to travel to a lot of locations from my favorite movies/series.🤭
America in general is a dream for me (a German potato 😂😅).
But there are so many beautiful places to which I want to go. For example, I would love to travel to Tenerife. I know someone who lives there and every time I see pictures I get very jealous. xD
Unfortunately, I’m incredibly afraid of flying, so if that doesn’t improve, I’ll never get anywhere near these places.😫😂😂
(Asked by Anon) How many tattoos do you have?😄
I love tattoo questions. 😂🤭At the moment I have eleven tattoos🥰
(Asked by Anon) -What's your favorite animal?
Hmmm I don’t really know, I think they are dogs because I have a dog now. *-* But to be honest, turtles are so cool.🤔 My brother has a turtle named: Schiggy (based on Pokémon)🤭
(Asked by Anon) -The stupidest thing that ever happened to you?
Ohhh hahaha there I have something good!😅Story Time with Hbj xD
Okay: As some might know, I’m a big fan of The Joker by DC.🃏Well, in 2019, the Joker movie with Joaquin Phoenix came to the cinemas and I was at the cinema premiere with my best friend. And the movie was absolutely amazing. I really wanted to watch the movie again..Aaaaand I was lucky because my best friend’s boyfriend also wanted to see the movie in the cinema so I went back to the cinema 5 days later to watch the movie again. I was so excited and so extremely happy that I trembled and could not stand still. xD And for these two reasons, I accidentally dropped my not really old phone. It just fell straight down on the stones in front of the cinema and the display was completely broken..Well, what can I say? I needed a new one.. 😂😅But the movie was still fantastic!😍🤭This is actually one of the stupidest things that ever happened to me. xD
(Asked by @kyras-things) What are the little things that make your day happiest?
Oh that’s a really nice question! *-*Well, I have really little things that can make me happy. :)-It is enough for me when I wake up tomorrow and see my merchandise shelf😅 (This is right in front of my bed)This is for most something really small but for me really great and makes me happy. <3Other things are music, stroking my dog, messages on my phone, my hair color, my tattoos, when the sun is shining in the morning, coffee, riding longboard and of course (yes this is my absolute serious and not only so therefore said) tumblr and thus at the same time Duskwood. 💕I think these are the most important things. 🤭All I need is to see something that matters to me.😅🥰
(Asked by @leetjep) Seriously....Do you ever sleep?
Very rarely😂 Last time I slept was in fall.😂
(Asked by Anon) Ios or android?
Only related to the phone: Android.Yes, I stand by it!😂
(Asked by @booklover-01040) Hello!I was wondering have you got any paranormal or creepy experiences? If no, then a nightmare that you will never forget.
Hey Ho! In fact, I haven’t experienced any paranormal things. Which is probably also because I don’t believe in that and I’ve found a rational cause for everything so far. (Important: I don’t believe in it, but I don’t say it doesn’t exist, I don’t want anyone to feel attacked)
And a nightmare I’ll never forget? In fact, I can’t think of any one. There’s a dream I’ve have since I was a kid: It’s about two little wolves trying to eat me. xD And I can even tell where that came from.
The movie to blame for this is: Twilight xD
Yep… When I first watched this movie, I was way too young, and as a child I was always very anxious. Just such things and horror movies in general were terrible for me (today it is actually no longer so) (Even the dream is no longer bad today and yet it has a bitter aftertaste of childhood.)
In any case, I was much too young and that did not let me go back then. xD But a really unsettling dream I had was: Well.. Do you know the Pink Panther? 😂
I once dreamed that the Panther “chased” me through an endless long corridor. It was an endless corridor in pink with countless doors. He sang the theme song and threw clocks at me…😅 And that went on all night until I woke up.
(This, by the way, had a trigger too. A German song (the rapper only took the melody of the title music and wrote his own lyrics. The text isn’t really cool though and that’s the reason)
(Asked by @dreamer-writer-fangirl) What color is your hair?
Well, at the moment my hair is green🤭
Check HERE and HERE for pictures.
(Asked by Anon) Is your brother younger or older than you?🤗
My brother is older than me.🥰
(Asked by Anon) Do you have a nickname?
Yes, actually I have one. I can even say it because it has nothing to do with my real name. :D But please don’t laugh at me. 😂Well, I have the loving nickname: Little Onion. yep…My mom gave me that name for some reasons. 😂
(Asked by Anon) some information about your dancing?😄 you mentioned it a few days ago💃
Yeah, well, I danced for 13 years, in different groups, also several groups at the same time. :D It was the hip hop/breakdance direction. But at some point I stopped because I didn’t enjoy it in the groups anymore and time was getting tighter. :/ Unfortunately, there was and is no real other groups here, which is why I stopped completely and now only dance for myself and just for fun.🤭
(Asked by Anon) What's your favourite food ?
Uhhhm, I think everything with pasta is my favorite food.😂 I can eat noodles all day. 🤭🍝🍜Well, and of course, Pizza!🍕Pizza is adorable. 😂
(Asked by Anon) What type of video games do you like to play?
I don’t really have a favorite type / genre, I don’t play video games that often. I’m actually playing what looks exciting to me without any particular genre or type. 😁🤭
But if I do, I guess I’m the most Nintendo type. So most of the games I play are related to Nintendo. <3
(Asked by @mirajane01040-duskwoodmemes) Do you play... Minecraft?
I used to play a lot of Minecraft, but nowadays not so much, and if so, then only the mobile version. This is fun for in between and dispels the boredom. I even started building Duskwood several times, but never finished it. xD Well, yes, sometimes I play Minecraft.
Answer a few days later: Yes, I do!
(Asked by Anon) If you could be a fictional character, who would it be and why?
Oh, there are a few. xDBut the three main characters for me: Evey Hammond because of V for Vendetta. Harley Quinn because of The Joker. And, of course, my MC because of Jake. 🤭I know, very superficial reasons but I hope they are enough for you, because these are the main reasons xD 😅🤭
(Asked by Anon) Hey hbj i'm curiousFamily or a career? 😋
I choose the career.🤭 After that, there is still enough time, and who says that not both work?😉
(Asked by Anon) do you like alcohol?🍷
No, absolutely no. Not a little bit.
(Asked by Anon) What is your favorite drink?
If I don’t drink coffee, I only drink sparkling water, my entire life. I very rarely drink something different. Water for life! 🧊
Either/or questions from you.
(Asked by @duskwood-legacies) -What would you rather see, Northern Lights or sky lanterns?
That’s easy for me🤭 Northern Lights! If you ask me.. that is magical! *-* (Well, unless it’s like “Tangled” and I get a Flynn Rider.. then sky lanterns xD)
(Asked by @duskwood-legacies) -Strawberries or raspberries?
Definitely: Strawberries🍓 *-*
(Asked by@duskwood-legacies) Do you prefer angst or fluff?
I think it depends on the general mood I’m in.🤔 I think the best is angst with happy ending.😁
(Asked by@duskwood-legacies) Milk or cereal first?
Obviously: Cereal first! 😂🥣
(Asked by @justubi) Would you rather have a nosy neighbor pr noisy neighbor?
Unfortunately, I have both. xD But if I could choose, I would opt for the noisy neighbor as I wear headphones all day anyway.😂
(Asked by @justubi) Would you rather be poor but love your job or rich but absolutely hate your job?
One hundred percent and without having to think about: poor and love my job!I could never have a job I don’t like. This is a real horror imagination for me😂
(Asked by @kyras-things ) Prefer to write fanfics or read them?
Oh that’s a really hard question for me! 🤔 I can’t really make up my mind, but I think I’d rather read than write myself. With stories of others I can better dive into another world and relax. 🤭Because when I write, five hundred other thoughts always fly around in my head and I have to decide how to write something etc.I love writing but sometimes I wish I only had to think about a story and it would be written on a sheet right away. xD <3
(Asked by @leetjep) Would you rather have one eye in the middle of your head or two noses?
I take the eye in the middle of my head. 😂Then I would make the Jake eye as a tattoo around it, which would be really cool.🤭
(Continues on new asks)
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Why YOU should give Rush a chance
Okay, so right off the bat, this is not going to be like my other posts on my blog. This is not a post about some show that has captivated my interest or anything at all related to animation. If that's not your cup of Dot rambling coffee, than I would highly recommend you take your L right now and come back for your regularly scheduled programming in a few days.
Are they gone? Okay cool! For those of you that stuck around past my forewarning let me tell you about my newest special interest to join my now growing music love affair with 80's and 90's Rock n Roll. For those of you that don't know, I'm guessing that most of you do not know what Rush even is. If you are not somehow on the autism spectrum or know a lot about music in general than this band will be entirely unknown to you. Rush is a three man progressive rock band born in Canada made up of three incredibly amazing men Gary "Geddy" Lee, his best friend since he was 11 years old Alex Lifeson, and last but most certainly not least, the amazingness that was Rush's drummer and songwriter Neil Peart. Together, the three of them changed the world of progressive rock through Geddy's unique vocal qualities, Alex's incredibly underrated shredding guitar skills, and Neil's immaculate drums and lyrics. I am here to tell you, yes YOU reading this length rambling message in three sections to keep this fair. Each member will get their own sections and I will try my hardest to keep personal bias out of this. I also just watched Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage yesterday with my mom so I will mention some things that we talked about during it to try and sell people.
Geddy Lee:
* Geddy has one of the most unique voices in all of rock music. This will most likely be the thing that turns off the people that do listen to me and wind up listening to a couple of songs. He has had a lot of critics for his higher pitched voice usually yelling lyrics. However, I love his singing voice. It is filled with energy and power to it. His voice has a weight to it that not a whole lot of other people can really nail if they really want to.
* You want to talk about sheer talent? How many of you all know lead singers that are a one and done kind of singer? They can play one instrument and they're done? Well shove them aside because Geddy can play not only bass guitar but a double neck bass, synthesizer, and piano. Yeah I think all you haters can stand aside because this man will always be amazing technically.
* So many of lead singers in my opinion, think that they own the band. Because they get to sing the songs right? That means that they get to make all the important decisions and they can't ever do anything wrong. Well for those of you that know Rush, you will remember the synthesizer era. The era of new wave Rush where Geddy shelved his bass guitars for his synthesizer. This caused a small rift between Lee, Lifeson, and Peart who were not at all fans of the way that the synthesizer was going. While Geddy was having a fun time with it, he shelved the synthesizer almost for good and went back to his roots. I don't know many other lead singers that would put up something that they were legitimately having a good time with just for his bandmates.
* Geddy's just general goofball personality is something that continues to make me chuckle. Since he and Alex have known each other for practically ever (they met when they were 11) and have been there for each other for most of their lives they have very similar energy's.
Alex Lifeson:
* Alex Lifeson is an underrated guitarist. There I said it. I feel like of the three of them (Geddy, Alex, and Neil) Alex gets talked about the least due to the fact that Geddy also plays guitar. While it might be a different brand of guitar some people forget just how genuinely face melting his solos are. I could listen to his riff in Tom Sawyer all day long I swear. I'm still working my way through every Rush album in chronological order (I'm just now finishing A Farewell To Kings an absolutely beautiful album.) But his skills are not one to be downsized and I think he is an amazing, amazing guitar player.
* You want to talk about the group goofball? If Geddy is goofy, you look in the dictionary this man is the pure definition of a hilarious and quirky character. When Rush was FINALLY indicted into the Rock N'Roll hall of fame in 2013, after Neil and Geddy's beautiful and moving speech's about how important this means to them, Alex gets up there and his entire speech is spoken in very animated BLAHs. But what's really funny is that if you watch carefully he is actually trying to tell you a story. It's a story about how they all got there past the critics that tried to stop them along the way.
* I love the relationship between Alex and Geddy especially. They're just both such unique kinds of people but they have similar quirks and traits that are evidence of decades upon decades of friendship. I get massive big bro vibes from watching the three of them play together and it's really touching that they never let the fame go to their heads.
* While watching the documentary, I found myself in awe of just his general personality. He was a jokester and the life of the party, and even if sometimes Neil was exhausted by his presence it was obvious that he loved his bros.
Neil Peart:
* If you are asking me, the heart and soul of Rush, was their drummer Neil Peart. Neil wasn't just their drummer though, he also wrote all of Rush's songs after their first album together. Neil grew up probably the biggest bookworm to ever bookworm. He was a socially awkward kid it seemed since he was always reading as his parents explained in the documentary (more on this laster). This resulted in lyrics that are absolutely gorgeous in any context and sound like literature themselves. One of my favorite Rush songs is their song Rivendale themed to Lord Of The Rings.
* Peart was one of the most technically amazing drummers of all time. I don't think I'm saying new information when I say that. He has been praised for not only his technical prowess but the intensity of how he played as well. He was a force of nature when you put him in front of a drum kit. The drum solos in Rush are not easy. They are technically extremely difficult and always leave me to collect my jaw from the floor.
* Lyrically speaking, his lyrics were so intelligent and beautifully worded that it's hard to focus on them sometimes. I've listened to Fly By Night I can't tell you how many times just within the last few months. They are so unique, so beautiful, just so Rush. I can't think of any other word to describe them other than Rush. Nobody else could have written lyrics like these other than Neil himself. Even though he's gone now (Rest In Power you absolute Mad Lad.) I still feel like his music will resonate with millions of future generations to come. It could be the year 3000 for all I care and people will still be jamming to Tom Swayer, just you watch.
* Lastly about Neil himself, this is of the opinion of my mom and I, and you heard it here first, I think that Neil was aspie. He was the quietest of the three of them, he hated getting spotted by fans while the other two seem to tolerate it, he was constantly stimming with his drumsticks on and off the stage by spinning them around his fingers, he was totally nerdy and antisocial, he loved literature more than anything else growing up and would rather have a book in his hands than go out to a public place with his classmates, and he grieved in a different way than most people do. When his wife and daughter passed away, he hit the road with his motorcycle and most often Geddy and Alex wouldn't hear from him for months at a time. They had cute little nicknames for each other that Neil would always sign the postcards with. It was a different one every single time.
Thanks for listening to me ramble on this day guys! I really appreciate it, I know that this hasn't been your regularly schedule Dot programming but I really appreciate you sticking around! Give Rush a listen to if I've piqued your interest you will not regret it.
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scorndotexe · 2 years
1 (besides jean lol), 2, 8, and 19 for the ask game!
1. Who is your favourite character apart from Harry and Kim? (besides jean)
ah who could have predicted i'd have said jean, certainly not anyone that has ever seen my blog ghfdjskhfg
okay but i love soona so much, i loved her from the moment she started talking to me
2. What is the one skill you would use to best describe yourself?
anyone's who talked to me for more than five minutes is already sighing hgfdjkshfg you know what, anyone who reads my tags is also already sighing
encyclopedia. there's nothing more to it, i am a fun fact database. i also feel my brain getting comfortable whenever i go on a random wikipedia page to read about washer-dryer combos or answering machines or mickey mouse
actually for fun here are a couple random facts!
-mickey mouse's original name was supposed to be mortimer, but apart from that there are two mortimers in the mickey mouse universe or whatever it's called: one is minnie's uncle and the other is another love interest of minnie's apart from mickey
-snickers, the chocolate bar, was named after the mars family's favorite horse. it was also called marathon in the uk and ireland until 1991 when it got changed to snickers.
-macaulay culkin, the kid from home alone, is/was the vocalist and kazoo player in a velvet underground pizza parody band. the band covers the songs with pizza related lyrics. also, macaulay culkin's full name is legally macaulay macaulay culkin culkin. he chose that specific one because of a poll he had on his website where his fans could vote on his new middle name. among the other four options were "themcribisback" and "kieran."
but also, if i may choose a second skill: conceptualization. i am absolutely that bastard that goes on some massive bullshit metaphorical ramble and it's fantastic but also terrible ghjfkdfjhg
8. What is your favourite line from the game?
already answered!
19. Which character arc or piece of lore would you have wanted to be explored more in depths?
already answered!
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hatari-translations · 4 years
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga - Icelandic review
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga is a Netflix-produced affectionate parody film about Eurovision starring Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams. This wouldn't qualify it for coverage on this blog by itself - but as it happens, the main characters are Icelandic, Icelandic is spoken in it, and a significant portion of the film takes place in Iceland. So I think it's close enough to being of interest to readers of this blog!
As a film, my feelings on it were mixed - the Eurovision parodies were incredibly spot-on, I liked Dan Stevens' character and the amount of Eurovision cameos, and it definitely had some pretty funny moments - but it was far longer than it needed to be and wildly inconsistent in tone, flitting between utter ridiculousness and emotional melodrama played completely straight. However, this won't be a review of the film - instead, I'll be going over the portrayal of Iceland and its culture and language and sprinkling in some related trivia.
The Icelandic Opening
The film opens with a montage and a song that the subtitles identify as an "Icelandic folk song". The song is Sá ég spóa, which is indeed a genuine Icelandic folk song. The lyrics of the song go:
Sá ég spóa suður í flóa, syngur lóa úti í móa, bí bí bí bí, vorið er komið víst á ný
which translates to:
I saw a whimbrel in the bay to the south, a plover sings in the dry grassland, cheep cheep cheep cheep, spring is surely here again
The song references the common folk belief that the migratory European golden plover brings spring with it; we still have newspaper headlines when the first plover is spotted (or heard) every spring. The song is largely notable for being suitable for canon singing, which unfortunately can't be heard well in the movie, since the most audible part is the beginning, and the song kind of fades out before the other voices come in. I think this YouTube video is the same recording the movie uses, only you can hear all of it properly!
From there, the first chunk of the movie takes place in Iceland, in both the capital Reykjavík and Húsavík, a town in northern Iceland (the Húsavík scenes were genuinely filmed there). These scenes feature Icelandic extras and some actual spoken Icelandic, with English subtitles. Their lines are grammatically accurate and natural, clearly translated by a native speaker; however, when you're actually Icelandic, it's incredibly obvious that Pierce Brosnan (playing the main character's father) does not actually know the language. He tries, but it's only kind of intelligible, and when he's surrounded by actually Icelandic extras and the film wholly acts like he's just another one of them, it's pretty glaring.
The Names
The first really major issue to tackle about this movie is the character names.
The main characters are named Lars Erickssong and Sigrit Ericksdóttir. First of all, I understand that "Erickssong" is meant to be a pun because he's a musician - but it simply makes no sense to make a pun like this, any more than it would make any sense as a joke in English to consistently refer to somebody as someone's song instead of their son. You can absolutely make up punny Icelandic patronyms - but the part you make the pun out of has to be the name part, not the son/dóttir part, or it just doesn't register as a name at all.
But let's put that aside. Lars is an accepted first name in Iceland - but Sigrit is not, nor is Erick, and Lars is not a common name - it's pretty distinctly foreign-sounding. In general, nearly all of the Icelandic characters' names are not actual Icelandic names, and don't sound like they might be Icelandic names, either.
You might say, well, this is a comedy film, it's not supposed to be accurate. And there is some truth to that, sure. But the thing is that most of the names used in the movie aren't really humourous or systematically inaccurate in a deliberate-seeming way. Instead, they largely just sound like they're playing to your average American's idea of what generic Scandinavian names sound like, but with patronymic suffixes slapped on, and I expect the primary American audience would assume these are realistic Icelandic names.
This is unfortunate, because Icelandic names broadly really don't sound like generic Scandinavian names! We have a different alphabet from our Nordic neighbors: in particular, we don't have the letter c. And the overall sound of Icelandic is pretty different, such that the names in this movie sound distinctly foreign to us. The actual Icelandic equivalent to Sigrit Ericksdóttir would be something like Sigríður Eiríksdóttir, and in fact some of the Icelandic extras just went ahead and pronounced her last name "Eiríksdóttir". Naming her Sigrit Ericksdóttir instead isn't a joke; it's just inaccurate, and I don't think the film being a comedy really excuses stubbornly insisting on not doing the research here, especially when you involve a bunch of Icelanders who would definitely have pointed this out.
Húsavík and On-Screen Text
While Húsavík is a real place, the way it's pronounced and spelled is all over the place. I think the subtitles sometimes included the accents and sometimes not; on-screen text usually didn't include accents. It's important to note that u and ú are two different letters in Icelandic, pronounced differently; not using the accent is wrong, so although not including accents is acceptable for regular people typing in a medium where it'd be difficult or tedious to use them, on-screen text does not really have any excuse, especially in a movie that significantly takes place in Iceland rather than simply being a throwaway scene; they have plenty of time to spell the words correctly.
It's also a little frustrating that Húsavík is actually pretty easy to pronounce for English-speakers! It's just HOO-sah-veek - no sounds that don't exist in English at all. Despite this, the last syllable gets pronounced 'vick' sometimes, and in the song during the climax, Rachel McAdams' Swedish singing double Molly Sandén makes it sound Swedish and like it actually has a u instead of an ú.
Elves and Folklore
Elves are a plot point in the movie, with Sigrit being a true believer in elves but Lars not. She leaves food at a little 'dollhouse' built into a hill while asking the elves for favors. Needless to say, this is a comedic element, and the way it's used is pretty fun - nonetheless, however, I feel obliged to say that no, Icelanders do not do this. Even the true believers (who are few and far between) don't leave them offerings or pray to them for favors - and in Icelandic folklore, elves are not tiny! They're thought to live in actual rocks - no little houses necessary - and they're pretty intimidating and vengeful as described in folklore; if you were to give them offerings or ask them anything, it'd be more along the lines of pleading with them to please tolerate something you're about to do without taking bloody vengeance on you, not asking them to do something nice for you.
(The movie's use of elves was actually ultimately more accurate than it seemed; I won't spoil the details, but it's pretty good.)
Another plot point involves Sigrit's inability to sing a "speorg note", which is stated to be from Icelandic folklore. There is no such folklore, "speorg" would actually be pronounced spee-org with a hard g if it were an Icelandic word, and the way they're pronouncing it is once again something that sounds more vaguely Swedish than like Icelandic of any kind. Obviously this is a pure joke concept not to be taken very seriously.
The Problem With Winning
A major plot point in the movie is a businessman, "Victor Karlosson", who points out early in the film that if Iceland won Eurovision, it'd practically bankrupt the country. This is a genuine concern that Icelanders talk about any time we seem to have a chance of doing well. However, that scene also features someone suggesting hosting the contest in Keflavík, a town about 45 minutes outside of Reykjavík, which causes him to respond that a town of 15,000 wouldn't be able to do that. The joke here is obviously meant to be that hosting it in such a small town (actually pretty big on an Icelandic scale) is especially obviously absurd. However, I'm pretty sure I remember it being actually seriously suggested that if we won Eurovision we might have to host it in one of the aircraft hangars at the US army base that used to be in (near) Keflavík! We don't actually have any Eurovision-sized stadiums in the country, so that was legitimately one of the more realistic possibilities.
Perceptions of the Contest in Iceland
In the movie, while Lars is absolutely obsessed with Eurovision, this is implied to be pretty weird. There's a recurring joke of nobody wanting to hear Eurovision songs, and a lengthy scene in a Húsavík bar where the TV is showing a football game and one of the inhabitants makes an impassioned speech about how they should switch to Eurovision to see Iceland's entry because the contestants are from Húsavík! This is pretty hilarious, because man, Icelanders who don't like Eurovision have a hard time getting away from it when it's on! Potentially you might have a bar making a point of showing something else on Eurovision night and advertising itself specifically to Eurovision-haters, but the idea of no one in a full bar of random Icelanders wanting to watch Eurovision, especially when Iceland is competing, is pretty absurd. We're obsessed with this contest!
The bit where the teenage boy who plays drums in their band doesn't accompany them abroad because "my friends think the song contest is for losers" is valid, though; I can absolutely believe in a friend group of musically-inclined teenagers who think it's trash and they're too cool for it.
A Song in Icelandic Would Never Win
Sigrit says before the Icelandic semifinal that she wishes she could sing in Icelandic, and Lars counters by saying a song in Icelandic would never win. It's true that after Eurovision dropped the rule about all contestants singing in one of their country's official languages, most of Iceland's Eurovision entries have been in English, largely because of the perception that nobody will understand Icelandic lyrics ("Hatrið mun sigra" was only the second entry to be in Icelandic since the change).
However, a lot of songs are still sung in Icelandic in the Icelandic contest - in fact, the last couple years have required it! So technically this should not have stopped the characters from singing in Icelandic there and just translating it to English for the main event. This is a minor nitpick, though, and can be considered merely one of the many pieces of artistic license taken with the contest rules in the movie.
"Semen and Garfunkel"
There is a scene where Lars tells Sigrit that romance ruins bands, and he lists off a few supposed examples, including "Semen and Garfunkel". This probably seems like a really weird, random joke to everyone else, but it's actually kind of enjoyable when you do know Icelandic, because the Icelandic equivalent of the name Simon, Símon, is actually pronounced very similarly to "semen". It's a joke about them being Icelandic and therefore pronouncing his name that way, only probably nobody outside of Iceland would actually get it. I enjoy this.
Some Transcripts/Translations
There are a couple of pieces of unsubtitled Icelandic in the film. At the end of Ólafur Darri Ólafsson presenting the points from the Icelandic jury in the semifinal (yes, they have public jury points in the semifinal; another one of those bits of artistic license), after he says thanks, he adds in Icelandic: "Takk fyrir. Fyrirgefið þið aftur." This just means "Thanks. Sorry again [about the technical mishaps during Iceland's entry]."
During the climax of the film, Sigrit sings a song about her hometown, which has a couple of lines of Icelandic in the chorus. Our initial reaction to the [sings in Icelandic] subtitle was actually "Thaaaaat's not Icelandic," but when the chorus came on again I just about managed to make out that yes, it was in fact supposed to be Icelandic, which Molly Sandén was just pronouncing in a pretty Swedish way. The main line goes "Eina sem ég þrái er að vera með þér í Húsavík," or "only thing I long for is to be with you in Húsavík." There is another line after that, but I can't make out what she's trying to sing there at all, even after going back and rewinding it a few times.
License Plate Trivia
This is only barely relevant, but the license plate on Fire Saga's Eurovision tour bus is R 373. This is one of the old-fashioned black license plates that were in use before 1987; the R stands for Reykjavík, as license plate numbers were allocated by county. In 1987, we switched to white license plates independent of county with two letters followed by three numbers; later, when they ran out of numbers, it was tweaked so that the first number slot could also be a letter. However, some cars that had the old license plates are still on the roads today. I can't imagine why they'd put an old license plate on the bus unless it's genuinely just an old Icelandic bus with pre-1987 license plates.
The Reaction
The most realistic portrayal of Iceland in this movie is when Lars and Sigrit return from Eurovision to a crowd of extremely enthusiastic people waving Icelandic flags. Icelanders who accomplish anything cool abroad tend to be treated as heroes on their return; when our handball team won a silver at the Olympics, there was a whole sea of people and a ceremony to welcome them back, and they were all awarded with the Order of the Falcon. This is absolutely what Icelanders would do, accurate Iceland, A+.
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werifestaria · 3 years
Hi I love your blog layout it so tidy!! Also would it be alright if I got a bnha matchup please?. My pronouns are she/her and I'm bisexual. My personality type is ISTJ, I'm a sagittarius sun, scorpio moon and libra rising. To the public I'm pretty closed off/reserved but with my friends I'm brave, loyal and love to laugh. I don't trust easily and I'm pretty cautious of everyone so I try to keep out of the way.
My hobbies include gymnastics which I did competitively and won a few medals, I also do figure skating and have leveled up pretty quickly at that. I workout everyday because even though I dont compete now I still want to improve and if anything I'm better now than I was back then.
I like indie music, horror movies mainly psychological, nature and wildlife and the peace and quiet it brings. I hate loud, busy places, untidy, dirty things and people messing up my routine.
My love language is quality time like I just wanna be around that person a lot. I think the love language that speaks to me most is probably also quality time, like the fact that they would want to be around me willingly seems so unfamiliar I love the idea of it. Also words of affirmation or physical touch, I'm awkward at giving those but receiving them would make me melt cause I'm not really used to any of it. My ideal dates are simple things like going on walks at like 3am or dancing in the livingroom or movie nights just cheap simple things like that.
hope that's okay sorry it kindof long :)
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𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐚
Thank you so much for one of our first requests! We appreciate your love for the layout as well!! Tbh, I spent multiple hours straight getting it just right, so it’s a relief people find it pretty- and also, Scorpio moon gang! anyways, I hope you enjoy your matchup from me! Have a lovely day, hun
𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 . . .
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𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 !
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runner-up : hanta sero
Easily, Kirishima is one of BNHA’s most easygoing, compassionate characters. His heart is big and always in the right place. Based off of your description and his own array of traits, I think he is the perfect character for you! Like, almost a little too perfect. A Sagittarius and a Libra (Kirishima’s sun sign!) are said to be very compatible and harmonious. Even better, it’s also said that people are often drawn to others who have their sun sign in the ascendant—Kirishima being a Libra sun and you being a Libra rising! To make things even more fantastic, perfect, and everything in between, Kirishima’s MBTI (according to The Personality Database) is ESFP. Guess what? ISTJ’s and ESFP’s are said to be extremely compatible! Of course, he’d find your inner demeanor to be extremely attractive. As he is naturally social, he wouldn’t mind your reserved nature and would pursue you in both friendship & romance regardless. Your outer shell would only lead him to appreciate your comical inner-self even more! He’d greatly admire your bravery and loyalty as well—it’s not something you see often anymore, after all. He’d try to bring the best out of you as naturally as possible, letting you do the same to him. Easily, he’s the most supportive boyfriend you could ever get! This man would adore you with patience, admiration, and sheer love, all with his own cheesy, dorky flair. I imagine Kirishima is careful in love, yet just as bold as the sun. He’s grounded, but on his most passionate days, his admiration can never be paralleled. You’d simply make him weak in the knees with every glance you’d spare him!
𖥸 Your music taste simply infects him. Imagine him listening to indie music with you 🥺🥺 your head in his lap as he plays with your hair- omg!! he loves to just sit and vibe with you. Nothing can compare to the fun you have on your chilliest days- he loves spending time with you in little ways like that
𖥸 Workout dates!! He’s infatuated with you for many reasons, but one of them is because you work out. The dude literally thinks it’s the coolest thing in the world and he adores working out with you. It’s easily his kryptonite lol
𖥸 Kiri has no concept of grace, so he is extremely impressed with your gymnastics and figure skating skills!! He could watch you do your thing for hours tbh. Like, slack-jawed and wide-eyed. In fact, I think he’d try to incorporate more nimbleness to his moves even though such a feat is kinda difficult when you can turn into rock. You gotta give him some credit tho- we all know he can be a little too opportunistic!! Just imagine him tripping all over himself because he wants to be nimble like you- that little blush on his face as he apologies for being a dummy- aww 💕💕
𖥸 Simply the king of casual dates. Sure, he’d love to spoil you with the stars and more, but he knows you like it calm- fr, you two are actually the cutest when it comes to staying up late and just messing around with no care in the world 💕 also, nature dates? Small picnics in the park?? I bet he’d love to go hiking with you. He likes to point out cool flowers or pretty weeds whenever you two are outside for even the shortest amount of time
𖥸 He loves watching horror movies with you.. even though they scare him a little bit LMAO- but just cuddling with you as your favorite movie plays in the background is simply heaven to him. Maybe you can turn him into a psychological horror buff!!
𖥸 He is also the king of words of affirmation~ the dude loves to remind you about how much you mean to him and how confident you make him feel within himself
You two really are couple goals imo 💕💕💕
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𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡
Gahhh!! I was so excited to ship you with someone!! Thank you so much for requesting!! Also! Don’t worry about long bios in your matchup requests! The longer they are the more mod Ara and I can assess who’s best for you! Its definitely preferable. I hope you enjoy who I match you with. ^w^
𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 . . .
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𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐨 !
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runner-up : hanta sero
In my opinion, I feel that Mina is the perfect match for you!! First lets get some compatible basics out of the way. Like our good friend Kirishima above, Minas MBTI is also an ESFP (according to the personality database lol). As we know, ESFPs tend to be the most compatible with ISTJs. To add onto that, Mina just so happens to be a Leo!! Leos and Sagittarius's are often compared to soulmates and having a twin flame like connection! It’s a little scary how well you two fit each other, personality dynamics and all. Though you may have been cautious and quiet at first meet, Mina most likely pestered and wiggled her way into your life! She loves making new friends anyhow, and saw no issue in going out of her way to talk to you every chance she could. Now becoming your girlfriend later on would just be an added bonus for her! You better believe she finds your bravery admirable, it drives right up her alley. The two of you would make an absolute power couple, even a fan favorite!! Often, she’d make jokes or even play along with ones that you make in return, just to be able to hear your laughter. It fills her stomach with butterflies and she’s near falling apart at the seams with every melodic giggle. Get ready to be showered in compliments and praise, that’s this girls specialty, and she’d happily fluster you any day with her sickeningly sweet words. 
𖥸 Mina would probably ask you to spar with her a lot. Practicing new moves and quirk related techniques. God knows she loves staying active, and doing something she deems this fun with someone she loves. It makes the moment even more worth while. With your experience in gymnastics, you’d find that you’re able to run circles around this girl with your skill. Afterwards she’d probably offer a massage to ease any sore muscles. 
𖥸 Now as much as Mina would probably prefer a night on the town as a date, she would not think twice about choosing a secluded casual option for your comforts sake. Be that stargazing or even staying in to watch one of those horror films  that you love oh so much over popcorn and sodas. (She’s actually terrified of them, and has a weak stomach, but she’d never tell you that.) 
𖥸 Aimless car drives. Picture the sun setting, painting the sky in a soft pink and an orange hue flickering off of the distant buildings. Your preferred indie song blaring through the speaker while the two of you belt out the lyrics. Neither of you can hear each other over the sound of the wind rolling in through open windows, or how high she cranked the volume. You’ll definitely have to be the one to turn it back down, she can’t help but love loud music, even if the music wasn’t intended to be loud in the first place lol. 
𖥸 Don’t be surprised if she comes to you one day with a gift bag in hand. Every time she goes into a store she has to come out with something that reminds her of you. She’s not even aware of it either until you point it out. This could range from something as simple as your favorite drink to a giant teddy bear that she claimed resembled you. The possibilities are endless. 
𖥸 My word is she in love, infatuated even. That one night she caught you dancing about in the kitchen, probably making a late night snack, she couldn’t look away. In fact, she still thinks about it from time to time. How happy and carefree you looked lip-syncing the lyrics, in the silliest kinds of pjs you owned. She tried to sneak her way in, trying her best to not to make you jump in surprise, though she probably failed with how eager she actually zoomed in. Her love for dancing couldn’t go unnoticed here, oh no, not now. She brought you in close with a twirl under her arm, her smile the widest you’ve seen it. Her flirty nature, only for you, had her compliments laced with sugar and honey. Who knows how long the two of you spent dancing and goofing off to your playlist in that darned kitchen. 
Gosh the two of you make me squeal!! There’s absolutely no way you aren’t made for each other!  
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𝐰𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭-𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 !
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
6, 12, 14, 15, & 21 for the writing asks? -megs 💙
hachi machi okie dokie how many more nonsense rhymes can i say ok that's it great let's go
6. What fic is on your back burner, waiting to be written when you feel your skill matches its potential? answered this one here! i'm SURE there are more though let me check my fic ideas doc (fun fact my fic ideas doc is still called "Malum fic ideas:" from back in the early days of this blog when i was chiefly writing malum because of helen). oh! well. the major league baseball au is still uh, kinda back burner-y. that's another one that i started and then ran face first into a wall known as The Wall of Trying To Realistically Represent A Situation I've Never Been In But Also Include Romance Which Would Not Typically Exist In This Setting So I'm Really Setting Myself Up For Failure Here it's a really annoying wall i know hazel hits it too so i'm just ignoring it for the moment. i also think a castaways fic (the concept, not the song) would be really awesome but tricky because, once again, i've never actually BEEN a castaway, and my knowledge of the topic is pretty heavily based on the book hatchet so like. yeah. i have a lot.
12. Where do you commonly find inspiration for your stories? everywhere! i saw in your answer you said you hear song lyrics and think they'd make good fic titles, i do EXACTLY the same thing (hence the doc "good lyrics for titles"). one day ill make that doc into a prompt list and post it on here and just fuck myself over. previously ive gotten some inspiration from movies but i shortly after completing baby driver au i realized that was a fluke and that in general i am pretty bad at making fics out of movie plots because i am very bad at remembering salient details about movies in the order that they happen. like i started a robin hood (2018) au but barely got anywhere with it because i realized i had never actually understood the plot well enough to write it. i would say the things that inspire me the most are songs (we know i loooove a songfic, mostly bc they make the job so easy by just laying out the plot and vibe for me) and also things that happen to me and feelings i have about those things. unfortunately many of my experiences are not universal (hello jewish summer camp) which may be part of why i've had so much trouble coming up with ideas lately. but as soon as i'm back at school i get the feeling i'll be doing fine again.
14. Share a few sentences of what you’re currently working on? what AM i currently working on? technically speaking i'm kinda sorta working on two things but one of them just doesn't have a good snippet and i don't wanna do a Reveal yet so ill give you this one instead, from a fic i might never even post:
“Oh, I meant to tell you, my mum called earlier, she asked if you’re okay.” Ashton’s mum always asks if Luke is okay. Exactly that way, is Luke doing okay?, like Luke gives off some kind of not-doing-okay vibe. He suspects it’s a leftover instinct from his and Ashton’s mutual breakdown a few years back, but honestly, he’s doing better now. It’s sweet of her to ask, but she could just ask about him the same way she asks about Michael and Calum. How’s Luke? would be fine.
“I am great,” Luke says. “How’s she? Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s okay,” Ashton says. “She’s started taking Harry to look at some universities.” He pauses. “University. You know? What the fuck?”
“No way,” Luke says, and tries to work out if he’s meant to be surprised by that. He can’t remember how old Harry is. Clearly almost uni-age. Ashton’s told him this a million times, but Luke can’t keep track when the answer keeps changing. He doesn’t want Ashton to think he’s forgotten, so he just says, “That’s insane.”
15. What are some of your favorite tropes to write? Do they match the ones you read? answered this one here as well! i've managed to get unbelievably long-winded answering every single one of these questions so far so i won't write another answer for this one
21. Do you have any stories you’ve written completely but never posted? Why? Please tell us about them? yes!! i have a handful. let me hunt them down. okay final answer, i have five!
one is an au based on the prompt "we’re at a party and someone asks what your type is and you describe me perfectly while staring right at me” which i never posted because i wrote it a while ago and honestly i don't think it's good enough to post. also i kinda don't like the background character i made jack barakat. i could edit it. but. ehh
one is a fic that is set in the daydream jalex fic 'verse, but the only way it's relevant to that 'verse is because it has ace!jack, and it's highly personal and probably the most projection-heavy fic i've ever written and i never posted it because i'm nervous to be Known like that lol
one is technically emo lashton, but not actually set in the emo lashton 'verse that i've created, and that one is ALSO one of the most projection-heavy fics i've ever written. it's usually the fics that are full of projection but in a specific way that i think isn't really relatable that i write but don't end up posting. it's a good fic honestly i wouldn't be against posting it i just never have. also partially because i'm between two titles for that fic lol
one is.......something that was originally going to be set in a different fic universe (for a fic i havent posted or finished writing lol), but now i don't know if it will necessarily fit in that 'verse, so it's kind of its own very short but complete thing. i never posted it because (1) it's super short, less than 1k, and i don't like to post stuff that short, and also (2) just in case it DOES fit the fic 'verse, i don't wanna give away the ending, lmao
and lastly there's a fic i wrote in an excited haze when sam and meghna and i made the ssf and the aces plans, which is like, ot4 meeting but they're all internet friends. guess what inspired that. i'll never post it because it really wasn't written with the intention of posting it, i sent it to sam and meghna and they were the only people i wanted to read it and they have so <3
writing asks
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Writing Blog URL(s): @bumblebeenct 
Name: Milly
Age: 18
Nationality: Welsh
Languages: English
Star Sign: Capricorn
What fandom(s) do you write for?
 I write for NCT, but I have written for Harry Potter in the past
When did you post your first piece?
Around the empathy era I’m pretty sure, 2018? I used to do moodboards only but I was inspired by other writers to give it a go
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?
I find that I stick to the fluff/angst tropes because they’re easier to formulate because I can relate myself to the scenario more. I also find that its also more interesting to write angst because there's complications to a story that take longer to form and you have to really think about the different emotions the characters are feeling.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?
I write x reader mostly, but at some point in the future I’m thinking of writing an OC purely because the concept I want to focus on has a particular emphasis on name and I don’t think it would work with y/n
Why did you start writing on Tumblr?
I used to use Wattpad but it was very difficult to promote myself and I struggled to meet anyone through it. On tumblr it was much easier to orientate and the community was so much nicer. 
What inspires you to write?
My mutuals! And other writers on tumblr, everyone is so supportive and kind it’s amazing. Also the feedback I sometimes get from readers, it makes me really happy whenever I get a comment or someone interacts with a piece I enjoyed writing, or alternatively when someone supports a fic I wasn’t confident in as it really boosts my confidence :)
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?
School/ College aus because they’re very familiar and I am confident in getting the tropes and ideas right. But I also like works inspired by movies or songs because there’s so much to work from and it’s nice to see where you can take the plot and lyrics in your own story.
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?
That writing is for everyone, honestly at the end of the day I’m just a kid in my room writing stories about artists I’m a really big fan of. If you want to write you can, and you don’t have to necessarily be a “big” blog or writer to do it. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?
Take a break, that’s my first port of call - usually in the method of food or I look at the inspiration material again, I listen to the song, read the lyrics, consult my friends and mutuals for help. It’s always good to be able to put something down to start again later when you’re struck with inspiration
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?
My favourite personally at the moment (since one I really like is currently, as of answering this question, unpublished) is ‘Remember Me’ purely because it was the work I was the most passionate about writing and it really let me explore a new field of writing, since a lot of my stuff had been fluff before. My most successful in terms of notes is my Mark one shot ‘Sugar and Spice’ and I’m very proud of it.
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Park Jisung, my ult bias, I have to convince myself to write for other members sometimes as I often resist the urge to be a Jisung blog. However I have been enjoying writing for Mark and Hendery recently, as my other NCT biases
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?
To a certain extent yes, it really depends on the writer. For many fanfiction stories, including ones we may label “cliche” the only difference is who it’s about, there are countless amazing fics I’ve read which I would assume could be made into a novel, the only thing making it fanfiction being the characters themselves.
What do you think makes a good story?
Feeling! There’s nothing that really constitutes a “good story” as it’s all subjective, but if you can read a story and feel what the characters feel, or even just see the emotions the writer is trying to portray then it’s definitely a good story. I’ve cried while reading most of, if not all my favourite stories.
What is your writing process like?
I plan first in a little notebook so I don’t forget any of my ideas or plans and then I try to churn it out whenever I have access to my computer, my speaker and a comfortable blanket. I like to “get in the zone” and then write as much as I possibly can. I usually think of ideas as I write so the notebook helps me put them in order and make sure I don’t get too ahead of myself.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?
I have thought about it and honestly, I’m not sure. My fics are not series’ and they’re all very short - most of them under 4k so I’d have to turn the idea into a full length thing you know? But I have thought about doing the opposite with a very old original story of mine I’ve otherwise given up on but still holds a special place in my heart.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?
I am a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope mainly because the character development in these stories can be so much more interesting and complex. On the other hand I’m not fond of “yandere” type fics, however I have read several well written ones which I cannot speak against because they were actually really good.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?
I’d say a lot, in terms of how much I write feedback means a lot to me - it’s also nice to hear what people think of things you’ve written because it’s a different view from your own and sometimes can boost confidence. I am also open to constructive criticism if any writers have any tips or suggestions for future works I’m always open to listen. 
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?
When I see anyone interacting with my work it’s really rewarding and I love when people reblog with custom tags because it lets me know that people actually like what I do and to me, that’s a success.
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite food: Pasta
Favorite movie: Heathers (1988)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookie Dough
Favorite animal:  I would say bees, but I don’t think that counts so I’ll say dogs
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?
Coffee, either black or a really fancy one with frothy milk
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)
 I’d love to be a singer honestly, but at the moment I’m working towards education I hope one day to be a lecturer
Go-to karaoke song
 Best Part by Daniel Caesar or Escape (the pina colada song) by Robert Holmes because it’s funny
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
 Stopping time because there’s so much you can do - except the question is, would I continue to age even if time has stopped?
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?
My mind goes to two extremes, I think either ancient Greece because why not and the 1950’s purely for fashion and music.
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?
No, but I think if I could restart specific moments I would. There are so many good moments but some things you don’t want to relive even if you can change the outcome.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?
100 chicken sized horses, I’d be terrified of a horse sized chicken it would probably be able to eat me and I’m not about that life, tiny horses I can deal with. Kill them with Kindness or whatever haha.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?
A mix of quiet teachers pet and loud side character friend. The duality kills me, I can be shouting with my friends one minute but whispering the minute the teacher asks me a question.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?
I’d like to, I think some are really cool and it would be amazing to live among them, but also some are dangerous, but I would love to see or meet some creatures. Imagine living with dragons man that would be epic.
What are some of your favorite hobbies and how did you get into them?
I really like reading, courtesy of Harry Potter, but I also enjoy singing and playing the piano which I started doing more often in secondary school when my piano teacher suggested I started to sing as well :)
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?
I did Karate for about 10/11 years, and I’m a black belt *insert awkward smile here*
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?
A lot of the time yes, there is a stigma around fanfiction and often paints us in a negative light but we just happen to be a community of creative fans who want to share and support the people we write about. But I can see where the stigma comes from, sometimes it can be taken a bit far and I am aware that some things make the artists themselves uncomfortable. I think if people who judge fanfiction are referring to it as a single idea it becomes unfair because it is all different, but I also think that writers of fanfiction themselves have to make sure they don’t cross any boundaries when writing that could make readers or the artist (if they ever happened to stumble across your work) uncomfortable.
Do you think art can be a medium for change?
Yes in some ways of course. Art is not only a way to express what the creator themselves is feeling but it is also a way to teach others about issues, prejudices and ideals. For literature specifically it allows you into the shoes of another person you may not have understood before, in art pieces there’s a clear message and encourages people to educate themselves on certain issues which in turn makes room for change.
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?
Sometimes if i’ve been suggested or requested to write something because it isn’t an idea that comes for me but mainly if I am aware that someone is waiting for a fic or someone has said they’re anticipating it I feel like I’m writing for others, but I don’t particularly mind it because it almost encourages me to write to a better standard.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?
Not particularly, I'm often as clear as I can be when portraying meaning, or I will straight up say it in a different thread or to different people because I can’t keep secrets and I’m a sucker for a spoiler. Although I am constantly worried about the way I come off in messages and things like that - I am a terrible overthinker.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?
A few of my closest friends and other kpop stans I am friends with irl are aware of my blog and support me as much as they can with what little information I give them. I think only one of my irls has my url because she reads and I send her my binge reviews when I do them.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?
Thank you so much, honestly it’s cheesy but without them I don’t know where my blog would be. The amount of them surprises me everyday and I don’t think I believe it half the time. Also if anyone ever needs help or support or just wants a chat I’m open, its 100% likely that if you interact with me or my posts on the regular then I will recognise you when you come say hi, I’m not that scary I promise.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?
Just do it! It’s better to get your stuff out there and circulating to get a better idea of what people like and where your strong suit is, the more you put out the more you grow. But if you’re scared, talk to other creators, we’re always open to help and we can let you know what to do, it was something that helped me out :)
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?
When I first started there was a lot of struggle with me trying to figure out my style and what I wanted to do, and it was a learning curve of what can I do, what should I avoid and who am I doing this for. Sometimes when I’m really down I will question why I do it, but I never regret it because it has allowed me to make some wonderful friends and be exposed to some amazing creations and get more into something I’ve always liked doing, writing.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?
I don’t want this to be too long, but I feel like it could be. I’ve met so many wonderful people and I love all of them so much, but in terms of being formative and supportive these are some of the people I talk to the most. @renjunwrites - I am a huge fan of Denise and to even be able to be in conversation with her about the stuff she writes is mindblowing to me, @nanasarea - nana was one of the first people I spoke to (before I joined discord) and was really accepting of my antics from day one. @glossyjaems - me and Louna have become very close recently and I can’t wait for our project to launch, keep an eye out for that. @mjlkau Anie is really one of the biggest supporters I have, always willing to read what I send her and give me support and love. There’s so many more people I’d love to mention but this would go on forever, to anyone ever involved in my writing process I’m thinking of you as I write this and I love you all (I feel really bad not talking about every single one omg).
Ending thoughts:
“We’ll be alright, I want to try again” - Try Again d.ear (ft. Jaehyun) because this is something I hold close, ‘try again, we’ll all be alright in the end’
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thescentoflavender · 4 years
20 Things About Me
I got asked these by @bettertoliveinstories! Thank you for sending in these questions, they were fun to do 🙂
I’m supposed to tag three people so here goes: @ginkgo-dreams @ikesensrandomninjagirl24 @paopufruittt (no pressure though! Only do it if you want to.) 
1. What is your favourite cartoon character? Belle from Beauty and the Beast! (I’m including animated films in my definition of cartoon.) She speaks to me a lot: Like her, I’m bookish and probably eccentric to some people. 
2. If you could be fluent in another language, which one would you choose?  This is a tough question! I’m currently trying to learn Japanese, French, Italian and German with limited success. If I had to pick... probably French? The novels I read sometimes have French passages in it and I really wish I could read them without the help of Google Translate. It would also be nice to be able to understand the lyrics when I listen to French operas. 
3. What kind of food do you like the most?  Tom yum, Mala, mee siam, basically anything that’s spicy and sour! I also like Western desserts with bittersweet flavour profiles. 
4. What is your favourite holiday memory?  Releasing sky lanterns in Taiwan. It was five years ago, but I still remember what I wrote till this day. I don’t really believe in these things, but sometimes, I like to think that it was because of this that I managed to get into my dream university. So some part of me will always cherish this memory 🙂
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?  The country I’m currently living in, I think. 
6. What is the worst job you've ever had?  None, actually. I’ve been really lucky to have had good colleagues and mentors for all my internships so far!
7. If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be? Jane Austen, Rosalind Franklin and Dorothy Hodgkin. 
8. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?  Mmm, nothing. My personal motto is to live in the present, and never think of the “what could have been”. 
9. What is something that few people know about you?  This blog. Believe it or not, only one of my friends in real life knows about the existence of this blog, and that was because I asked her for permission to use her drawings of me as my avatar and background. I haven’t told anyone else in my family or my circle of friends about it. In fact, none of my friends even know that I play IkeSen, and a grand total of two know about MLQC. 
10. If you had to evacuate your home, what would you take with you?  I actually had to do this not so long ago, when I had to leave the UK quickly because of the COVID-19 pandemic. To be fair, I had booked my ticket quite well in advance because I was planning to go home for the holidays, with the intention of returning in Easter. However, just a week later, the university notified us that Easter Term would be moved online, so lots of my things are still in the UK now. Anyway, here’s what I took with me: Notes, notes and more notes... 
11. You only get 3 words to describe yourself, what are they?  Reflective. Candid. Free-spirited.
12. If you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?  Clean water. 
13. If you could stop time for 1 hour, what would you do?  Figure out how to make time stop for longer. 
14. If you have a love potion that will make anyone love you back, who would it be?  No one. I want people to love me for who I am, not by artificially-induced means.
15. If your life was a movie, what would it be called? Beauty and the Beast. Other than Belle, whom I think I’m quite similar to, there are other parts of the movie which I can relate to. Especially that part about hope fading with the falling rose petals—there was a time that I was really depressed because without a scholarship, I wouldn’t be able to go to my dream university. But in the area of study which I had wanted to specialise in back then, it was nearly impossible to get one, and every rejection felt like a rose petal falling from the stalk.  Thankfully, like Beauty and the Beast, everything wrapped up nicely, so I’ll always be grateful to the people who helped me through.
16. If you have a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?  The past! I have a particular fondness for the Song and Qing dynasties in China, as well as the Regency era in England. 
17. If you could be anyone in a movie, who would it be?  Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. (I like the Harry Potter books better than the films, though.)
18. If you can choose your couple's name, what name would you choose?  I... actually don’t quite get this question haha. I like my name so I’ll just go with that.
19. Where would you go for your dream holiday?  Japan. I’ve heard so many good things about it, but I haven’t had the chance to visit yet. 
20. Would you rather live in a large urban city, a small town or in the countryside? Why? None of the above—I’ll rather live in a small urban city. Admittedly, the thought of being a hermit in a mountain once appealed to me, but I can’t live without the comforts of modern technology and medicine. Also, in my first year at university, my friend and I travelled to a nearby village for a short trip, and being from an urban city, we were shocked to find that there were no streetlights for a few streets. It was also very quiet compared to the bustling night life that I was used to. Since then, I’ve come to accept that I’m a city dweller through and through.  Why not a large city then—it’s a bit too impersonal, a bit too overcrowded for me. I like the place I currently live in! 
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hello i am asking you all of the questions from that hyperfixation ask game. every single one. go wild
okay I am. I am gonna do this. because I can do whatever the fuck I want. 
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
 the plots vary from game to game but basically. a teen or pre-teen wakes up, has a brief conversation with their rival, and then gets a pokemon from a professor named after a tree. then they go around battling their rival, defeating evil gangs, and becoming champion and shit. (also its … technically a video game series but it has a whole bunch of adaptions in different media) 
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation? 
...I do not know. I got into it like 5 years ago lol.
 ✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it? 
its like collecting plush toys except it doesn't take up so much space in my room. 
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
 the scene with Wallace and Steven at the end of ORAS (the one where Wallace declares his intentions to "bow to the whims of the pampered heir"). I also really like the one with Wallace and lisia where its revealed that they're related.
 🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it? 
ooh! ooh ooh I have another special interest in music so this is super cool to me! I have the entire ORAS OST on my phone but a couple faves are: literally all of zinnia's themes, the rival's theme that plays in the final battle, and a Secret Song! if you buy the ORAS soundtrack on iTunes you can get a couple bonus tracks that don't appear in the games and one of them is called Appeal Love, its a lyrical version of Lisia's theme and its literally just her singing about her love for the player (contestqueenshipping confirmed)
 💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them! 
may because I can project my entire personality onto her lol. in my mind she is Butch and Chaotic and has a weirdly large amount of trivia knowledge. (I once did my hair like hers every day for a month because it was May... didn't do it this year though because, may was pretty chaotic)
 💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them. 
honestly? professor oak. the way he treats his grandson is shitty. 
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
 I headcanon basically every character as autistic honestly … I also see all of the female protagonists as being lesbians. 
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation? 
I don't kin but I guess I have comfort characters? which is basically uh. every character that's appeared on my blog lol. 
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share? 
so much... 
-Satoshi Tajiri, the guy who made pokemon, is autistic 
-Originally Clefairy was going to be the mascot of the franchise but it was changed to Pikachu to seem more gender-neutral 
-Pikachu is based on a mouse and Meowth is based on a cat. In the anime, Ash has a Pikachu as his signature Pokémon and Team Rocket has a Meowth. Their pokedex numbers are the same but reversed (Pikachu is 25, Meowth is 52) 
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it? 
god knows I wish they'd made Steven and Wallace the dual champions in ORAS
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
Thanks for the 200 +2  followers!
Hi guys! I haven’t been updating frequently (my schedule sucks) but I really wanted to thank you guys for making me hit...
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Like wow, that’s a nice number! So, like I did for the last post showing my appreciation for the first hundred followers, I consolidated all the replies I wanted to address and talk about some of the upcoming works and all. Especially those requests that I haven’t done. I am a bad person, I’m sorry. Please wait for me.
Also, if this post makes you uncomfortable in any form, please PM so I can edit it! 
Sorted by users: 
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Thank you so much for your comment! I was very worried about ‘Why He Doesn’t Sign‘ because it’s my first time ever doing something related to angst and I still wanted Oji to be in character but sadly observing Aoi. I hope to improve my writing gradually (hence why this blog exists other than me just spazzing about Ayakashi and all)
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Oh, thank you so much! Nachi technically doesn’t want to be seen as our younger brother but he’s really the best family Futaba has ever had and I’m glad it was fluffy enough to be appropriate for his birthday!
Speaking of birthdays, I have 2 works for Yura and Gaku respectively although if you know me well enough by now, Gaku is going to get roasted in his severely. 
Thanks again! uWu
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@aromantic-misguide-to-romance You’ve actually reblogged my works and that helps it get circulated a lot so I really appreciate that! 
And yes, Facebook doesn’t exist. No one in my class uses it. Deal with it. 
I’m joking though, I just had to dig out some of the older social media sites to match the oresamas in the game because their interfaces are more intuitive and easier to handle. Even 100 eyes can get strained when looking at a tiny smartphone. Thanks again for sharing! :D
PS: They made the Ayakashi Discord Channel so head over to them to join everyone who loves Ayakashi... and see my puns. 
I’m a punster :D
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I think I have previously thanked you for the last time I did this sort of post but that’s because you are perpetually sweet <3. I’m glad that the headcanon appealed to you! I was a bit worried about it getting repetitive so I tried to vary the type of dragon MC was. In fact, more of the recent headcanons involving both the Twilight and Dawn factions were about different types of MCs, including the latest requests that I have been staring at during my free time so if you enjoy them, I hope the next few posts will make you happy! Thanks again! 
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Thank you so much for following me! I’m always happy to see your comments and messages. Plus, a fellow Aoi fan that I can relate to! 
For the first comment, yeah, I don’t know why but the moment I roast Gaku, the whole piece goes haywire and you get Twilight: Breaking Dawn and Relationships! 
Nobody should scroll down to Gaku for their own sanity.
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The best compliment for a fic if the fan for that character of that fic gives you a sweet comment like this. Checklist: To do You (SFW) was when I tried to see if I can imagine Aoi frantically planning for a perfect outing but having a teenager’s problems like insecurity... and desserts. Yeah, don’t ask. 
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I was a bit scared of doing this list specifically because of Aoi. It does feel weird imagining his size considering the stated age but I’m glad nobody found it offensive or illegal. Seriously though, I might have to make it more explicit that he is eighteen years and above for these things. Speaking of which...
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HELLO, FELLOW TRY GUY FAN! I did the PG-rated version of Eugene Lee-Yang’s ranking skits with the girl scouts but you caught it and loved it! Thank you so much for the comments! It made my day seeing someone catch that reference. :D
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This is still about Rank-kings but this is also about the sweetest fellow Koga fan! Aye there! If you want more of Koga being perfect... get ready to spell with your ABCs. 
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I edited the first picture because that account is deactivated and I don’t think you’d be comfortable with me showing it so I cropped it out. But I cannot crop out your words that got me thinking... that I should eat. LOL! Seriously though, thank you so much! 
Will I do a sandwich? I did with Kuro and Aoi but admittedly, I don’t have much experience in writing threesomes. I do have drafts of them, along with other pairs. 
I also have bleach for any of the professors who might have noticed it. Just in case.
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Ok, bear with me, you don’t get photos because YOU DO TOO MUCH. Like seriously, when I was typing this, my fingers were starting to ache from pressing the screenshot button on my laptop repeatedly. Thank you so much for reblogging my works! It’s really helpful :D 
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As you can see folks, this sweetheart actually sent me this sweet message in my ask box. Seriously, this was very nice! Thank you so much! I hope I can still produce decent stuff and improve! :D
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Your replies are what makes me hate my works less, like the first comment. How the Dawn Faction Pleasures their MC was something that made me struggle for a while because I wanted it to be extensive. And honestly? Anywhere for any of the Dawn Faction member gets set on fire upon their touch, hehe!
You even commented on my crack pieces as seen with Joining… the inari sushi cult with Toichiro Yuri. Made simply to apologize to the poor Nonnie who got her request on Toichiro very late for the explicit version of the Twilight Faction’s First Time with MC. 
Hopefully, I produce more Aoi and Kuya fics like the most recent one celebrating the release of the Event Stories. A Feathery Kiss - Kuya was frankly a rushed job so I hope to do a better one next time!
Finally, Kuro as a Yandere -NSFW edition, was what made me wonder... why do people like Yanderes? Your comment was what made me like this piece in the end because it was pretty fun to see how others reacted to one of the least likely characters to stab someone suddenly going psychotic or something.
Thanks again for your supportive and engaging words! And I will get back to your ask because I am combining it with the other 2 as a sort of comeback piece (if my professors ever free me). 
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Wow, the first time someone ever made a playlist based off a headcanon of mine. For The Koyurona Group and the Onmyoji Girl, I did try writing lyrics (terrible ones) for each of the group members. I did record it... before deleting it. LOL. So it’s a good thing someone with good ears, like a certain Nekomata, made this! Thank you so much! :D
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@singingonmyojileyka and @saeryenkalador
Nonono, thank YOU for following me and always reblogging my pieces... even the very questionable ones like for the second comment since it really was a random ramble on roasting Gaku again in Random Headcanons #1: Gaku’s Diet. And it was so nice to do Nachi, Koga, Kuya and Kuro because those are also my favourite boys! Plus Aoi... plus Yura... plus Gaku... plus Toichiro... plus Ginnojo... you get the idea.
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I couldn’t help it! Your country is very beautiful and it was a great trip! :D I’m glad Gaku is a spirit haunting wasabi-flavoured snacks now and hope we can be munching on some, one day together! Thanks again!
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Yes, fellow comrade! Your wish is my command and I shall always try to present Oji-San(sClothes)! I hope to do justice for him so that all of his eyes can look me in the eye. Thanks again!
PS: Follow them for Ayakashi matchups! They are super good!
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Thanks for mentioning the list! :D Although honestly, it really isn’t the most accurate, LOL. But yeah, I really should tag these lists more. It would be great to gather everyone here... 
To roast Gaku.
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And everyone else! Seriously, if I could, I would have dumped all those notes but I’m already behind in making my study notes. Whether it’s a ‘like’, a reply, a reblog, a suggestion, a critique or a funny request, I love everything from all of you. 
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Once again, thank you for following me! I’m so happy to be part of this loving and funny fandom and hope to get know more of you! :D
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callioope · 5 years
Questions Meme!
Hello, yes, this HAS in fact been sitting in my drafts for ages and ages. Thank you to both @crazy-fruit and @ruby-red-inky-blue for tagging me and for waiting forever for me to answer (oops)! I’m sorry I took so long, but y’all ask really good questions and I had to think about some of them!
Question Set 1
1. How are you?
Oh, I’m doing alright! Thank you for asking. The earlier part of this year was rather rough, but therapy has been helping. I’ve been rather busy these past few weeks with traveling, and my schedule going forward is rather busy, too, so while I’m excited for those things, I’m also excited for the eventual moment I can just relax.
2. What would you say are your talents?
Writing. Making fancy color-coded spreadsheets. I’ve been told that my super power is getting random (annoying) songs stuck in other people’s heads. Does that count as a talent? 
3. If you had the chance to start your life again, would you take it?
NOPE. No thanks. I like where I am at right now, and I would not want to relive my awkward years. Er, at least, my more awkward, younger years. Cuz I’m totally still awkward. Just less awkward. I hope?
4. Which language would you like to speak instantly? 
HMM. ALL OF THEM. It’s really hard to choose! 
Language fascinates me, and in another life I feel like I would have devoted a lot more time to learning more of them. Unfortunately, I really hated German class in high school because of the teacher’s tendency to put people on the spot -- I think that is sort of inherent in a language class, but I get anxiety speaking in public. 
Anyways, I suppose I’ll answer Turkish to this question, since spouse and I keep saying we’re going to try to learn Turkish via Duolingo. For the record, my HS offered six languages, which was the most I’ve ever heard of an American school offering, and I was always quite happy with my choice of German. (The others were Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, and Latin.) I do wish I had maintained my German better, and I that I had more time to learn Spanish. 
5. Where would you like to be right now?
Honestly? I’m pretty happy when I’m at home. But if I had to answer where “else” would I like to be right now, out of the whole world? Being back on safari in Botswana is a top contender, as are a variety of places in Turkey, and also Munich. 
6. What name would you give yourself?
I’ve always liked my actual name (Elizabeth). I know I go by Liz; one of my HS friends was quite stubborn and I’m a bit stuck with it now, but I don’t mind it. There are worse nicknames that come from Elizabeth. I used to go by Fiona online; I’ve always been fond of that one. 
7. What is something you’re currently learning?
OOF, what a good question. I sorta blanked on this at first, and my first thought was uhhhh learning how to cope with my OCD??? I’m doing exposure therapy right now, ish. Emphasis on the ish. Also mindfulness. Does that really even count? I started a beginner’s knitting project several months ago that I never finished, does that count? (I just need to seam it, that’s what I’m putting off. I have knit plenty of scarves; however, this is my first hat.) I’m sort of teaching myself ukulele although I haven’t really learned any new chords or songs in awhile. I would very much like to take more photography classes with a focus on wildlife photography. That involves buying a new camera and... signing up for classes. 
Question Set 2
1. What is a detail in a piece of art/a text that you like that you really admire?
This was very difficult, at first because it was like looking at a bin full of loose things and just seeing an assortment of color and being overwhelmed by it all, and then because once I did start digging around, I kept finding different ideas and it was too hard too choose.
Character-building: In the A Song of Ice and Fire series, when Arya starts working for the House of Black and White, Martin stops using the name “Arya” as she dons different identities. For example, he uses “Cat” for a bit, among other names. It shows she’s trying to be someone else, but the caveat is that there are still little mannerisms and such that show she hasn’t really left Arya behind (I think maybe she bites her lip or something? I don’t remember specific examples because it’s been over 5 years since I read these books, but I do remember really appreciating the general technique at the time). 
Music: In The Beatles’ “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)” I love those repeated arpeggios, over and over, building, intensifying, as the white noise comes in and you can just feel the heaviness of desire, of want... (and then I love how it just breaks so suddenly! And I know it wouldn’t have been intended this way because that’s the end of side one, but since I listen to the whole album on spotify, then those bright chords of “Here Comes the Sun” come in and god Abbey Road is the best Beatles album)
Writing: the poetry of Florence + The Machine’s “All This and Heaven Too,” obviously, since literally the title of my blog comes from that. I’d quote that whole song honestly. There’s something that speaks to me about the incapability of language to fully encompass just... everything. I mean, love in specific here, but also just everything. Words are just these little boats we put meaning on and we hope they make it to the other side but everyone takes ‘em a little differently. 
Like, look at this: 
And the words are all escaping, and coming back all damaged And I would put them back in poetry if I only knew how 
And this: 
Words were never so useful So I was screaming out a language that I never knew existed before
Anyways, there’s also something just incredibly soothing about the music, too, and how she sings the song. There’s another line, from Sara Bareilles’ “Miss Simone” that goes “How does she know what a heart sounds like?” which pretty much sums up how I feel about “All This and Heaven Too” (and also many of Sara Bareilles’ song, especially that particular album, but I digress).
Anyways I did have some art examples, but I think I’ve rambled long enough.
2. Is there an idea that you really liked but had to discard because you couldn’t get it to work?
If I really like an idea, I don’t really “discard” it so much as put it on the shelf to attempt later. Out of recent fic ideas, I’ve really struggled with “How to Lose a Spy in 10 Days.” I first thought of this in late spring 2017, and for awhile I couldn’t stop thinking about it, but I was working on Whatever I Do at the time, and wanted to wait before starting another WIP. By the time I got to writing this, the inspiration well had sort of dried up. 
I really like the idea of a fun cat-and-mouse rom-com idea where Jyn and Cassian keep outsmarting each other, with a whole lot of competency kink, some “oh shit we actually work well together!” and maybe some battle couple. And I was really looking forward to both the moment when they both finally let their guards down around each other and the big confrontation when they actually find out each other’s identities. But it involved more mission writing than I was prepared for, and I really struggled with it. I think I need to start over but that involves a lot of working, so it’s unfortunately shelved for now, and I’m working on a “You’ve Got Mail” concept instead.
3. Is there something fandom-related you would like to be able to do (i.e. I’d like to be able to make gif sets but can’t)?
Oh, yes, absolutely! Really anything that’s not writing related, lol. Gif sets, art, etc. But most of all, I have a music video idea for the song “So Close” from Enchanted--like I have a whole story board plotted out in a google doc. But I don’t have any video editing software, don’t even know how you get the scenes for a music video, etc. I have made videos before, but not since high school, and I don’t even have the cheap, basic video editing program I used back then. Sometimes I think I should just attempt make a gif set instead, but there are so many lyrics! and scenes that go with the lyrics! that I don’t know how to consolidate it into that format anyways. 
4. What is a skill you’ve acquired through fandom work?
Hmm, this was tough. I’m going to say HTML. I’m not up-to-date on webdesign at all, but back in my early fandom days, I ran a few fansites. I still sometimes use HTML while leaving comments or to edit posts on dreamwidth or w/e. It’s super basic, but it has helped me at work at a variety of jobs. I take it for granted that people my age should know basic HTML, but a lot of them don’t, and then a lot of people I work with now are older and definitely not tech savvy. 
5. Do you think anyone can learn to create great art, or does it take talent?
Well, I’m going to cheat a little. I do think think that anyone can learn to create great art, but I also think that everyone has a talent at something, and part of learning to create great art is recognizing your skill sets and honing those. If that makes sense? I’ve sort of seen both sides to this. I’ve seen naturally talented people create great things, but I also think that they’re probably cheating themselves if they’re not learning and honing their craft and trying to get better. But I’ve also seen people who started out making things that maybe you wouldn’t call great, but they worked hard over and over again, and looking at their work now, you’d say they were talented without ever knowing the difference. Great art = talent + learning + passion. Did that even answer the question? ...moving on
6. Do you prefer AUs or in-universe? Why?
I prefer to write in-universe, for sure. I find modern AUs more challenging, mostly because--and I feel kinda bad saying this--it’s very difficult for me to tap into Jyn and Cassian’s characters without some kind of tragic background. Their experiences and how they coped with them shape their personalities, and it’s really hard to separate them from those. My WWII was easier because, hey, it’s war, not so different from in-verse. But I initially tried to write Learning Curve in a modern AU and I was just totally bored. Putting it in universe made it more interesting to me, especially having to finagle a happier plot inverse. IDK, it might even be that I generally struggle to make up any conflict in modern AUs that feels interesting.
THAT SAID, lol, I definitely read either. So it’s probably strange for me to be hung up on it because I’ve read nice fluffy modern AUs and found them perfectly engaging.
Tagging: @theputterer, @magalis, @allatariel, @mythologicalmango, @threadsketchier  MY USUAL DISCLAIMER APPLIES: no pressure if you just don’t wanna, AND if anyone sees this and was like “aw hey i wish she’d tagged ME” well guess what, I wish I did too! so go ahead and do it and let me know and then i’ll know to tag you next time, too :-) 
When you suffer a setback or a series of setbacks when creating (writing, drawing, knitting, any kind of crafty project thing you work on... even work), what are some strategies you use to cope with that stress and move forward?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to create/make and what did you learn from it?
What part of a bicycle would you be?
What’s a helpful writing (art/crafting/work) technique you’ve learned?
What’s a piece of art that made you see things differently?
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
What was the last board game you played and what did you like or not like about it?
*sorry these came out rather writer heavy!
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hyunarkarchive · 6 years
oh my stress;;
“'tis i, a writer, togetherslapper of words.” 
knowing that my own five year anniversary at rookies is in about two months makes me actually really emotional, and most of you know, i don’t really get emotional about stuff like this.
i’m here to talk about all the fucking shit storms i brought. starting from good ol’ ellyrk, who turned into yuriirk and currently known as hyunark, as well as, rkxwoozi, aka jihoonrk, fucking namtaerk, eunwoork, minhyunrk, younghyunrk 1.0, junhoerk aka younghyunrk 2.0. i am about 100% sure i’m missing someone BUT YOU KNOW, we can let that muse stay in dungeon vile. 
not even 10 minutes later 
oh yeah- minhork was it? minhxrk??? idk what his url was, shortlived lovely muse i tell you. jisungrk was a thing for like 6 months. however, as you can see, i have a lot of muses, 11 in total, well 8 if you remove younghyun 1.0 & 2.0 and jihoon.
its been nearly five years since i joined rookies and ive made a lot of memories here. good, bad, amazing, mediocre. a lot of memories than pretty much just range. can you believe i’ve actually cried a few times about rookies related thing? yeah, me neither, but here we are hahaha. i will probably not edit this at all, so if you see spelling mistakes, or maybe something is repeated, just ignore it please, its from the heart.
this place really helped me develop my writing, vocabulary and definitely social skills. i might suck at threading and replying on time, but i have to say, all the muns here are amazing!!! i remember when i first joined, oh boy was i fucking terrified of the fact that i SUCKED at writing. i was so cautious about what i write and how i spoke and i think some of you could remember it haha. i’ve also managed to make some amazing friends throughout my stay here, all of them older than me, as well haha and i was babied so much i always found it funny, but very thankful because some of the life lectures i got where definitely needed.
however, i will take a few minutes to write about the last three standing; hyunark, jihoonrk and younhhyunrk
my first ever tumblr muse. my first rookies muse. my longest standing muse. she;s gone through a lot, and honestly, she will continue to do; i wasn’t all that good with her in the beginning, now i see a lot of gaps and weird stuff whenever i have to go read something to remind myself of events and so on. however, i really love her, and i’ve gotten a bit too attached to her haha. can you blame me tho? from ellyrk, to yuriirk, now hyunark, there have been alot of ups and downs but i am happy where she’s come. to being a potential walking scandal, to being in two survival shows, to being the first muse at rookies to not be offered a contract renewal, to another survival show, to a nova trainee after being cut short twice by hyunbin. she had gone through alot of character development and its shaped her a lot better than i ever could, for which i need to say my thanks to the mods of rookies for it, because without them, hyunark would probably be headed in a completely different direction haha. however, she still focuses on producing, writing lyrics and ever since she got into nova as a trainee, she’s focused on her dance as well because she doesn’t wanna be called an uncooked noodle anymore. her dream is to be a recognized producer and lyricist, and will fight for that title.
jihoork was previously known as rkxwoozi. i even used his original blog when i re-applied with him;; he lasted a bit under a year in all honesty the first time and i specifically remember that the reason for that was being signed under trc. it was a pretty unfortunate time for him to be signed, with all the scandals that happened and what not. i was a tad regretful that i dropped him to be honest, which is all the reason to why he was brought back. tbh, he didn’t change in that like 6 months gap he was away. he was the same moody gremlin everyone knew and loved. if you had asked me, a few years ago if i thought jihoon would debut, i’d laugh and say no fucking way, but here we are, when he is a member of convex and got to debut with his longets lasting friend, sehun and best friend seungcheol. so he is living the dream you know? even if he doesn’t show it, he is grateful and appreciates everything that’s happening around him and to him. his main goal right now is to be the variety ace of convex and is working slowly to achieve that goal.
ahhh here we go;; my last muse who had to undergo something similar to jihoonrk;; i brought him in, because i had this idea of a metal head, who really just wanted fame and girl and guys. however, stuff happened, i couldn’t get him to have threads i wanted and so i dropped him. again, i pretty much reapplied a few months later with junhoerk which was basically younghyunrk 2.0 and eventually, i realized that the muse deserved its original fc and here we are again with younghyunrk. to be honest, i don’t even know how i managed to get him to go to mga4, but he went and caused chaos with chungha and we all know how much fun he actually had haha;; he still doesn’t like dance, and will probably not enjoy it until he gets signed and coach tells him he can’t dance and JUST out of spite, he will get better at it. ultimately, he wishes to debut on a band, he wouldn’t really mind if he gets placed at any instrument, as long as he gets to sing. he still wants to reach paradise city, as guns ‘n roses have said.
quick mentions to some of my other muses as well. its funny how all my other muses lasted for months as well;; honorary mentions will go to namtaerk, minhxrk and probably minhyunrk, i won’t be really talking about them, so focusing on eunwoork and jisungrk;
i can without a doubt say that these are my more interesting muses, or eunwoo at least. her dream was to become a musical actress and was a serial dater; she’d date a lot of people, girls and boys, and wouldn’t really bat an eyelash once it was all over. never really had long term relationships either. she was into photography and her photography instagram was more popular than her personal one and she didn’t mind haha.
jisungrk wanted to be a professional football player and he was never really interested in becoming an idol, which made him fun to play. however, he was a really young muse, i think i made him 16? yeah, i think he was 16 and after that i realized i can’t do young muses;; its just weird for me, i have no clue what middle school kids actually do haha, i remember i just slept and did nothing all day, didn’t even study whoops. 
but yeah, these two muses were very short lived but fun and i think that one day, if rkforthmuse is allowed, i highly doubt it, i will bring back eunwoork because she deserved more attention than i ever gave her.
now i will do a few mentions, by a few i mean it will be a lot;; i’m sorry if i get sappy or anything;; please accept my love <33
ABBIE - @seungcheolrk​ & @rkwon​ & @rkgwen​ - sunshine, my lovely amazing sunshine;; thank you. thank you, thank you. its been nearly five years of friendship, can you imagine it? soon, in just two months, it will be half a decade and i am extremely grateful;; i can’t explain it and i know that even saying it on a daily basis to you, it won’t be enough;; its funny how we started talking through rksoo and ellyrk, and now here we are, four years later, rkjicheol being in the same company, debuting together, in the same group. in all honesty, i remember when i dropped jihoon and then picked him up after like, literally two months, and it was one of the best decisions i ever made. i always have fun talking to you, plotting and threading and i honestly wish i did it a lot more than i currently do, but you know, uni is kicking my ass hasljdhlas anyway;; thank you, sunshine, thank you a lot and for these almost five years i love you a lot 🍅🍅🍅
HUNNIE - @yutark​ & @rksunwoo​ & @rkseokwoo​ - where do i even start?? like, oh wow, there is A LOT;; i can definitely say, we started talking when i suggested jihoon as sunwoo’s first kiss and look where the are now? dating, for what? seven months, can you believe that? SEVEN!!! this is insane haha;; and look and where we are now, talking on a daily basis, and its very very nice;; i don’t know what i would do nowadays without you, so i’m really really thankful you deal with my sorry ass so much ahdsdsalla it started with jihoon and sunwoo, then it transitioned to younghyun and yuta, and most recently, its been yuta and hyuna and their lil game of cat and mouse;; its always fun plotting with you, threading, talking, everything really;; and i really hope it will continue to be this way;; i love you
LYN - @rkxsnn & @rkavery - hello there mum!!! impressed im starting with you? anyway, i have A LOT OF THANK YOUS TO TELL YOU, starting from dealing with me, to helping me get through college, to life advice, to all the skype calls we had, a lot of things in these past few years. even if we don’t talk as much and i know you have life kicking u in the ass, i wish we could change that soon;; i miss you a lot;; all of your muses are amazing and i absolutely adore them, as much as i do you!! hmu soon;;  minsoo and elly were iconic, and he will forever be a huge part of her;; remember that mino and taehyun ship we had? good angst times lbr.
JEN - @yujurk - sup there mum number 2 even though i act older than you, you can’t even lie about that haha; you were one of the first people i started talking to in rookies, and still do on a weekly basis? daily? you get the point haha;; damn, i don’t think we ever argued as well, which is insane and you do give good advice and oh my god your muses are so funnnnnnnnnn bring all of themmmmmmmm innnnnnnnnnnnnn;; i’m so so happy that you came back to rookies after that hiatus;; really really happy;; jieun and hyuna are iconic partners in crime;; jihoon is grateful that jieun taught him how to sing;; hyuna thinks soyeon will forever haunt her, no doubt;; jkook is forever jihoon’s bunny you can fight him about it;; eunwoo says jkook never took her on a date, she’s upset about it haha
CLARA - @rkwendy​ & @rkjohnny​ - clara clara clara. you really love having me send the group chat into gay panic huh? i will forever continue to do it, do not worry. once a week sound good? hahah;; i wish we talked more than we do lately, but its always fun no matter what it is;; i also know for sure, you have my back and we can take over a country if we tried hard enough lbr;; i think we mainly stared talking when the brosquad/antisquad happened, which was pretty much when i joined rookies haha;; so again, nearly five years of friendship look at that!! we need to talk more and you need to tell me more baking recipes!! i think it was hyuna and wendy that we first got to interact and then wendy and jihoon and funny enough, i feel like jihoon and wendy are closer than hyuna and wendy haha;; then younghyun joined the picture to fully annoy wendy out of this word;; we need to thread more sobs;; lets make that happen yeah?
SHINOBI - @rkkangjoon​ & @rkgray​- hello there shinobi. i think our meet up scenario was the same as with clarea, huh?  brosquad/antisquad;; we should talk more, that’s a definite but i think that with hyuna&kangjoon we have gotten a lot closer than before and its really cute and nice and i love it qwq gray and hyuna need to release a hit song someday, we better make that happen yeah??? good!!
SACHA - @rkrose​ & @rkkyungri​ - i am super super duper ultra mega giga happy we got to talk a lot in the past few months, get to know each other and its very very nice;; i always have fun talking to you and i know i can lean on you if my day has been shitty, and i am sorry if i’ve had a lot of shitty days sadhljsajldnl ahhh, but yes, our muses will go through a lot and i’m really happy you enjoy it and i hope we can see them grow and develop!! 
ANI - @rkchungha & @rksohee& @rkmiya​ - what am i actually gonna do without you, that’s a very very good question i was asking myself recently. its really weird we never really talked a lot until younghyun was brought into rookies, which was i think this year huh? funny, very weird, what life was i living without you in it?? hahaha, anyway, i’m really glad and happy having chungha and younghyun so close got us to be closer as well, even if i set you into rp panic with random questions and potential scenarios haha;; i’m glad you enjoy them;;; love you lots!!
CARLY - @taeminrk & @rkluna & @danielxrk - we don’t really talk much, but in reality, i actually don’t know where i’d be rn if i couldn’t come to you with stupid questions and inquiries;; i wish you all the best in every possible aspect of life and love seeing you on the dash;; ngl i am also extremely and forever sorry that you have to read through hyunark’s post from like three years ago, that;s some nasty writing right there yikes;; but thank you for taking rookies under your wing and just expanding it and making it better and better with the rest of the mod team;; keep up the good work!!
a very special thanks to all of the royal girls, @rkxnarong , @rkyena , @rkella , @rkcheri , @rksoohyun , @rklisa , @rkrose who made royal survival a blessing, her stay in royal amazing as well;;  special thanks to all the royal boys, ex ones count as well, fight me @rkbyunbaek , @jaehyunrk , @kibumrk, @yienrk , @rkseonho,  thank you for being a part of hyunark’s journey in royal fun and emotional lbr;; you guys managed to make royal fun for me as well, so thank you so so so much to every single one of you guys;;
a huge thank you for og trc roster that’s still here and dealt with jihoon;s sorry ass back then; a huge thank you for the kt roster that had to deal with jihoon as well, even if it was for a short amount of time;; a huge thank you for sphere, and convex members @seungcheolrk , @rkhyun , @rkjinwook , @kibumrk , @rkjinkis , @rktaeyxng , @tenrk , @rkxroyal , @rkohsehun , @yienrk , @rkromeo , @rkzyx, who will now have to deal with jihoon like it not, but i apologize on his behalf;; even if i don’t say it often, i am really really happy jihoon got to debut with your boys and i’m happy i get to interact with all of you so much;; thank you, thank you, thank you;;
thank you rookies, for such an amazing time!! i can only wish and hope for many more!!!
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jackshithere · 6 years
How would you describe each of the Rammstein members to someone who knew nothing about them?
Oh man… If we’re being honest, you don’t really start with the juicy bits (that keep making people come for more) if it’s someone who really doesn’t know anything about them. But I will try to make this as newbie-friendly as possible, and add enough simple details to maybe explain the level of fanatic adoration for them. (But I must admit that 1- this will be loooong as fuck and 2- I fangirl about them for their professionalism, so it won’t be as humorous as one might hope)
I’ll do a collection of posts later throughout the week tagged “Rammstein glossary” about each member, maybe get other blogs on board, but I’ll keep this exclusively newbie friendly, if a tad bit too long 
Ok, so, first things first. Facts you can gleam from any wikipedia, with a little introduction on the side.
There are 6 members of the band:
Till Lindemann - the singer, the poet and a professional pyromaniac
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He’s an intimidating man, with tall frame and a build of a panzer tank. Till commands the stage with incredibly rich baritone voice and penchant for being set on fire, or carrying big ass flame throwers.
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Matter of fact is he’s shy, introverted, doesn’t like being stared at (hence the fire, to distract from his form) and is a soft spoken, polite man - also, his speaking voice is much much softer and gentler. People generally find him fascinating for this paradoxical character.
Richard Z. Kruspe - the guitarist and founder of Rammstein
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He is..how do I put this? The typical artist. Diva and control freak, plagued by doubt and striving for perfection, which all make for one hard man to work with. Richard is somewhat of a Tumblr’s sweetheart. He’s aware of those traits, and the most talkative of the group - especially about his mental health, and the problems he faced. Which means people often relate to him, and he’s genuinely a kind and engaging conversationalist, so there are a lot of his interviews to be found online.
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Also, it helps that he’s easy on the eyes, let’s be real. Also, he’s a natural meme inducer. Everything that man does and say is meme-able as shit.
Paul Landers - the other guitarist
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Always smiling and extraordinarily exuberant, he’s seen as the most approachable and somewhat of a goofball of the group, always up to some antics in the background. He’s the shortest and openly the silliest of the group, so Paul does sometimes get a bit.. infantilized by some fans.
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He’s got an unexpectedly rich singing voice, and he’s probably a bit of a control freak himself. For a guy that talks a lot, he doesn’t share personal details as often as Richard, so he’s also somewhat of an unexplored entity. He used to be in a previously successful punk band “Feeling B” with Flake
Christian “Flake” (fla-keh) Lorenz - the keyboardist
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This is all you need to know about him. Joking. He’s extremely tall, lanky and born with a soul of a cranky old man. He was with Paul in the previously mentioned band.
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He’s.. how do I describe him.. I think he’s the only member you have to go anecdotal to explain him. When they play live, he has a treadmill that he paces on during the entire concert because he gets bored easily. Flake has this sort of… interpretive giraffe-being-tazed-by-electric-fence dance that he does. He’s …somehow he’s the craziest of the group, I really have no vanilla explanation for him. If you get into Rammstein, you’ll get it.
Oliver Riedel - bassist
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True to the stereotype about bassists, he’s tall as fuck, quiet and people forget he exists most of the time. Ollie is the youngest of them all, extremely private, and generally a sweetheart. There really isn’t a lot to be said about him - he’s the outdoors-y, athletic type and he also joins in on Paul and Schneider’s antics.
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That’s how you do proper crowd surfing
Christoph “Doom” Schneider - the drummer
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The sassiest of the bunch. I would categorize him as an extrovert, but a very well contained one. He prefers being called by his last name, though the Doom nickname came from the time he needed a name for the German copyright agency (Christoph Schneider is like John Smith of Germany), and he was suggested by Paul to use Doom, because they like the game. Incredibly confident, but also quite silly man.
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In one video, he was dressed as a woman - often referred to as Frau Schneider - and he did it so well (uptight mannerisms, pursed lips, sitting posture that would bring Petunia Dudley to tears all packed in a shockingly beautiful face - I mean, look at him!) that it’s now a part of the live show for him to appear with make up and a wig.
Now, the band, Rammstein.Let’s skip the things you’ll find out from a quick read through of wikipedia, like the name, when they were founded, and all that, instead let’s go for:
What genre are they even?
What songs would you recommend a first time listener?
Why are they so well liked?
What’s so special about them?
The debate about the genre is still on going. You have people claiming they are metal band, you got the German Neue Deutsche Härte genre, you got… tons. Best way to describe, if you want to go for a solid genre label, is Alternative Hard Rock - because they are not really a metal band. But if you’re aiming for the heart of it, it’s Industrial. It’s “abrasive and aggressive fusion of rock and electronic music, with a side dash of punk”. More on their style later.
For a newbie, you got different types:
Not a fan of metal or hard rock at all - If you want to go for easier sounds, where Till’s vocal’s are more prominent, and the instruments are not as aggressively in your face, I recommend Amour for an easy introduction to his vocal style, Ohne Dich, Rosenrot and then Seemann and Mutter
Preferes rock to metal - Amerika, Mein Land, Ich Will
Fine with metal, but generally sticks to upbeat songs - Ich Tu Dir Weh, Weisses Fleisch, Haifisch and Du Riechst So Gut
Open to metal, but prefers the gothic or more alternative genres - Mein Herz Brennt, Engel, Rammstein 
Metal (take it with a grain of salt, not everyone would call it metal, but the sound is hardest in these) - Mann Gegen Mann, Mein Teil and …Benzin? hesitant on the last one
Of course, this is purely my suggestion, and some won’t agree with this classification, but I think it’s a solid introduction to them. Also if you can convince a friend not to watch the video until they hear the song first, I think that would make it somewhat easier to get them into it (because hey, you made them listen to it twice, and they are watching a video so not as focused and they’ll get int— is it obvious that I forced 3 friends to do exactly that and that’s how I got them all into Rammstein?)
This is getting so long at this point, I am putting more effort into this than into my college essays..Why are they so well liked? In short: Fire, Professionalism, Democracy, Music and Controversy1) Fire. “Other bands play, Rammstein burns!“
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 Ok, not just fire. Though it’s pretty cool.
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2) The ultimate professionalism. I am not kidding when I say that giant, well planned Broadway Musicals pale in comparison to the sheer perfection and amount of panache they put in their live gigs.
It’s considered that it should be on everyone’s bucket list to see Rammstein live at least once. 
I don’t want to stereotype Germans and working like machines, but what makes Rammstein so good, is that they really stick to that stereotype where everything is a perfectly executed machine with no space for fucking around. 
3) Democracy. This influences the professionalism part in the sense that, since all the members of the band have an equal amount of vote over what gets done and how, it means that they all criticize each other’s ideas until they find the middle ground. That middle ground is how they kept their specific genre, while managing to churn out wonderful after wonderful album (I am being very biased here, I just really like every single album, all for different reasons), all with a firm idea of what Rammstein is for all of them
4) Lyrics
First of all, about the lyrics - they are all written by Till. Yet on all songs, credits go to all the members, because everyone gets an input. It really cannot be understated how much of a group project this is. It’s a democratic band where everyone holds the same weight. 
My personal favourite ones are Dalai Lama and Klavier. I am sucker for story telling songs and the words he uses are so perfectly chosen! The first one is a twist on Goethe’s poem while the second one is a very dark love song.
5) Controversy
Since this has gotten embarrassingly long, let me say this in shortest way possible: Some people like provocative, others abhor it and together when they argue they market Rammstein like no other. Rammstein has been blamed like any other metal band for school shootings, Nazi imagery, promoting physically abusive relationships, inciting youths to unlawful/harmful behavior etc. while doing none of that.
But in general, Rammstein has a wonderful attitude of “Interpret out lyrics anyway you want to, we just draw the line at being called Nazis.” and they usually make a point of just telling a story/ presenting a song whose lyrics and/or video are but an element to the entire thing.
Oh my god, I finally scrolled up to check if I answered everything, and you didn’t even ask for all the rest, I just kept spewing on and on D:Sorry!Once I start about Rammstein, I keep going on and on and on. I hope that at least was a good enough introduction, I’ll do those little glossaries with in jokes and fun facts later, as I promised all the way at the beginning
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