#funky little creature of all time
polwigle · 1 year
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Fake Peppino My Beloved (sprite redraws)
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airborneice · 9 months
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i think we all know who the REAL star of season 3 is
i'm making a vague attempt to pace out this season by doing a drawing after each episode, so anyway here's my new fave character
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mykocalico · 1 year
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one of my sonas as a wyrm. just for fun... :3
i kind of want to update the ref sometime cuz it’s old but. i’m mostly just posting this silly doodle bc i might try taking a proper break from art for a bit so like. i wanted to post SOMETHING lol... but then maybe i won’t actually do that, the nd brain works in mysterious ways i might get bored of videogame in 5 seconds <3 cheers
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miodiodavinci · 2 years
mood of the day is having so so much pent up energy and excitement surrounding UTAU and wanting to design new characters and make new covers but ALAS i am TRAPPED in the personal HELL known as MAKING THE .OTO for SEVERAL libraries , , , , ,
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manglednatalia · 2 years
Started reading Homestuck, 1k pages in, the slurs encountered so far:
John: 3 r slurs
Dave: a variation of f word
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
ummm distraction okay!!! bird facts perhaps???
um! magpies are a corvid so they're related to crows, and are very intelligent! i think some magpies can even talk? and some crows and ravens can talk and mimic human speech suuuuper well, even better than parrots!! also australian magpies are not related to (european) magpies at all. if you wanna see a raven talk you can look up Mischief the raven!
also no longer a bird fact but did you know there's a type of deep-sea fish called the tripod fish that has like, these looong appendages on their fins that they can stand on. so they just kinda. stand on the bottom of the ocean and let food float into their face.
I've never seen a magpie I didn't know they could do that and I knew Ravens were like. Super smart and if you're nice to then they steal stuff for you but I never knew they could talk that's so cool woah
OR WAIT NO I THINK I SAW SOME MAGPIES they're the black birds with the white feathers on their wings right?? The ones because of which you shouldn't leave your shiny jewelry on gardening tables because they will come and steal it from you right?? In germany we say that about them I think it's true but that might be mainly because I grew up with the way you'd see one of them fly around and go ''Oop take care not to leave your shiny accessoiries outside or else it'll get stolen!" I love ravens they're my favourite birds dext to pigeons and doves they're such little guys and when you're nice to them they can steal stuff for you I think that's so sweet of them <33
In one of my favourite radioplays there's a little girl that has a raven that can talk and I always thought that was a little exaggerated suspension of dispelief and all that but I never knew that could actually do that that's so awesome!!
also I love how the australian magpie kinda just looks like the european one in reverse how funky of nature to do that
also what's it with deep sea fish and always looking Like That is there any deep sea creature that isn't the most creature you've ever seen I swear they just get more and more shaped
and also I envy that fish it must be so chill to just vibe at the floor of the ocean and the food just floats at you. What a lifestyle /pos
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flurmitcraff · 6 months
Comments on Mumbo's hermitcraft videos over the years are so funny to look back on because it's like people have been watching a weird skittish creature slowly progress over time. Like in season 6 when he got involved in the civil war his comments were all like "Mumbo's getting involved in a server event?!? Can this be real?". And s7 with HCBBS and the hobbitventure with XB and Cleo it was " It's nice to see Mumbo hanging out with more hermits he tends to be in his own little world most of the time...", or in more recent seasons where he's gotten better at building and would say that he's bad at this and then go "no no I think I did good :{ " you can guarantee people are going to be cheering for him not being self-deprecating you go you funky mustache creature. I dunno, it's honestly pretty wholesome.
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theblehthatbloos · 1 year
Checked out a live for the first time and got to see a nice person also having a rough time in the dating scene. Uncanny, we really are all going though it.
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tinydefector · 4 months
Do you think cybertronians ever get a bit freaked out on how tough we are? Yes they can break us like toothpicks but humans seem to be able to take a good beating as well with adrenaline helping. Even our own body and oxygen trys kills us and yet we stick around like roaches. We're fragile in some reasonable and dumb ways and then resilient in the most dumbest ways.
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Oh definitely, alot of the bots are very off put by how fragile humans are just in general and tend to avoid them.
But then there's the moments like Ratchet working a late shift and a small knock on the door alerts him someone's there, he turns around expecting it to be Rodimus or Whirl who he's about to scold but instead it's one of the humans and they look worse for wear. After fussing over them for a moment, detailed scans relay fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, and a heap of bruises and yet the humans just like. "Can I have some Panadol, Nurophen, and a glass of water?" Because they don't know what else to do its what they would get. Most of the times they ended up in the hospital. Ratchet is losing his God dawn mind as he rushes around looking for the best painkillers he can find for orgaincs in the smallest dosage he can give, hoping to primus it doesn't shut their heart down. In the end, they end up on a medication that makes them extremely drowsy, almost like the green whistle/ Weed.
Ratchet ends up doing alot of study on the human body and realises just how fucked up little monsters we are. We literally need oxygen to survive but he we have to much pure oxygen it will kill us. Water, we need a certain amount of it, if we don't have enough we will get dehydrated and die, if we have to much we will get water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in our cells, such as the brain and blood cells, causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain, resulting in death. The issue is that it can become an addiction to drinking too much water for the effect it has on the body. Same with nearly everything we consume, it can kill us, but we need a lot of it in moderation.
Human: "I just need some basic pain killers and a nap"
Bot: "No, you need full surgery, sedations, and 3 weeks of recovery!"
Human: "nah she'll be fine!"
Bot: "Absolutely Not, bed now before I cuff you"
Following that imagine a first contact AU where Cybertronians and humans are just slowly getting to know how the other works and next thing a human is kneeling over in horrific pain and it send the bots all into panic mode trying to help them, wondering what's happening and thinking they are dying. And the human after about ten minutes some pain killers still looking rather pale and unhealthy just go. "Sorry about that fuck I hate, Cramps/palpitations/ phantom pains/ and such" and the bots are just looking at them horrified like.
Human: what you talking about?
Bot: everything that just happened you literally just short circuited!
Human: nah that's causal wait till you see the really funky shit.
Human pet AU
Cybertronian's keeping humans as pets is like humans keeping hamsters. Humans are some of the most homicidal, suicidal and just deranged creatures that Cybertronian's could keep as pets. It's gotten to the point that they are a luxury/ exotic pet because if you do not feed them the right stuff, give them the right amount of light and socialising, and they will just die. There are so many Cybertronian's who take their human into clinics worried as and its just the human being a little bustard because they didn't get the treat they wanted 2 weeks ago and are still holding that grudge. Not to mention, we are prone to causing as much trouble and issue. We are like cats.
But we are also very easily sick and primus forbid a human gets sick because to a bot they think it's a death sentence for their sweet little spitfire of a human who they have had now for ages. And the human looks ready to die, and the next day, they are up and about like nothing ever happened.
Human: if you don't feed me the meals I want I'm going to pretend to die. If you do feed me what I want I might actually die because I shouldn't be eating it.
Human: totally worth it.
In conclusion, the cybertronians are rather wary/ concerned about how resilient humans really are.
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gumycandyyy · 1 year
୨♡ Winter King HCS ♡୧
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I am ashamed of tumblr for not making more fanfic of this funky fruit.
We got some general HCS and then some romantic ones under the cut! (I went a little overboard with the romantic ones, hehe!)
୨♡ General ♡୧
-Man's self care routine is off the charts
-I'm serious, he has like- 80 different bubble bath concoctions.
-Smells like mint
-or some kind of cold scent.
-I feel like he loves dressing up fancy, so he has a closet full of sparkly suits
-maybe even some dresses if he's feeling special.
-Doesn't actually need to wear glasses, he just likes how they look.
-While he loves his winter wonder world, I feel like he'd enjoy rainy weather more than snow.
-He got rid of all his madness and sadness, yes, but I think he'd cry at something especially cute. Happy tears, y'know?
"Why are you crying, sir? Are you okay?" "Oh, it's nothing. *sniff* Just those two rabbits that are cuddling."
-He is really bad at any percussion instrument
-like.. REALLY bad.
-His hands are too delicate for such a garish instrument as the drums!
-He loves playing duets on the piano, but rarely has anyone to play with.
-I mean, he could always concoct up an ice creature to play piano with him, but that's honestly quite dull.
-His favorite movie would probably be an old Christmas movie, like It's a Wonderful Life.
-He gets kidnapped by the Candy Queen so often, that occasionally he brings a book or something snuggly to help him wait for his ice scouts to rescue him.
-He once got so bored while kidnapped that he tried to read to some of the mutilated candy people
-That was the last time he saw his favorite book.
-Safe to say he doesn't bring his favorites anymore.
୨♡ Romantic ♡୧
-Will literally spoil his love interest rotten.
-You want that thing you saw earlier?
-Consider it yours
-You'd like for it to snow outside?
-A sprinkle or a blizzard?
-Literally anything, this man will go to the ends of the universe to get you what you'd like.
-Love languages are definitely gift giving and physical touch
-probably acts of service too.
-Loves dancing.
-Loves dancing.
-Whether it be a slow dance or ice-skating, he will take every opportunity to dance with you!
-He adores short people.
-Good, because he's tall as a giant.
-if you're shorter than him, he will no doubt use you as an armrest.
-He always makes remarks on how cute you are.
-Even if you're only two inches shorter than him.
-If you're taller...
-hoo boy.
-Expect him to be all over you.
-figuratively and literally.
-Will want you to carry him everywhere, sit in your lap, rest against you, whatever.
-Just let him touch you.
-He'll talk about how strong you are, how you'd be the perfect chair, etc. etc.
-He does the stupid "How's the weather up there?" jokes.
-Loves your body, no matter what it looks like.
-You're skinny?
-You're easy to carry around and dance with.
-You're chubby or fat?
-Literally will always be holding onto or resting on part of you. He loves squishy people.
-Somewhere in the middle?
-He could not care less. He loves you regardless of what you look like.
-And he makes sure to emphasize his point by complimenting you endlessly.
-He will never leave your side.
-Even if you need space, he doesn't.
-So why wouldn't you?
-Back to our regularly scheduled fluff-
-Candy Queen hates your guts.
-She thinks you're an obstacle, keeping her from the Winter King.
-No doubt tries to kill you.
-Multiple times. a day
-Her plans are always foiled, but if she gets too close to genuinely hurting you, Winter will be so upset.
"Oh, Dearest, please tell me you're okay!" "You are?" "Phew. I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt in any way."
-His petnames for you are probably
-My love,
-There are a lot more, but those are the main ones.
-LOVES kissing you.
-Anytime, any way.
-He finds it adorable when his nose bumps your face.
-Favorite place to kiss would probably be the back of your hand.
-He is a gentleman after all.
-Overall, he just adores you.
-And he sincerely hopes you love him just as much as he does you.
Headcanon requests are open for Winter King! Don't be afraid to send an ask, and be shameless! I know I am! (No smut tho. Some spice is okay, however.)
Have some free WK art for coming this far!
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reblog for a beginner writer?
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evilminji · 7 months
You know what's my JAM?
Extremes being treated as the Serious Dangers they ARE, even when they aren't "oooh its a spooky Grey morality and BADness!" Extreme.
Like? No, people. ALL of them are bad. They are ALL face melting dangerous. The void may crush your soul, but look upon the Face Of GOD? Not gonna be having a fun time! Doesn't MATTER if he's a cool dude! Face melting!
We are creatures of BALANCE. Tiny, fragile, little motes of dust. That can only exsist in the careful, blended, dances of territories and powers that be. We squishy.
Ghosts? Less squishy.
Poor impulse control, too. Especially ones with Fenton genetics. ABSOLUTELY ones with Fenton genetics and a trauma based aversion to therapy. That one? Pretty hardy. Made pretty tough, what with being Fates third favorite chew toy. But? Still gets the Sads, you know? The slightly longer then just seasonal depression.
Would medicine and some therapy help? Oh like a dream!
If medicine WORKED on his Ectoplasmicly contaminated ass. And he TRUSTED therapists.
But... surely, Danny thinks, as he sits grossly in his Depression sweatpants and eats suspect pizza on the floor of his moldering shoebox of an apartment, there must be SOME way to address his Depression? He should... he should DO something about it. Take a break maybe. Look up some ghost doctors or something.
Oooooooooor..... >.>
He could break out that OMENIOUS af, bound in suspect leather, Big Book Of Forbidden Knowledge(TM) that he got from Pariah's.... what, fourth? Fifth? Library? Fuck that Lair is huge. He's STILL cleaning it out and it's been over half a decade. He swears it spawns more floors just to mock him. Bastard. Don't know HOW a building can be a Bastard, but it sure found A WAY.
Book it is! *horrifying Eldritch light as he opens it* huh. Neat. Comes with its own visual effects. *another bite of suspect pizza* Funky.
And so! Danny, the depressed King Of The Zone... fucks of to go cheer himself up in the Fields Of Bliss(TM), an area of Absolute Bliss. Which! Sounds GREAT in theory, now don't it? Lovely even.
Remember that little comment about extremes?
You can ENTER those fields. But no one leaves. No one CAN. The deeper you go? The more doomed you become. Less will to do anything at all. Eat, talk, move. So much as think. Like ALL extreme "Goods", it sounds lovely, but the reality is no gentle little thing.
It's a glue trap.
But how could Danny have known? Honestly, who would have TAUGHT him? Textbooks can only go so far, after all. And placing blame will not rescue the young monarch.
I imagine it's one of his helpers that pieces together what's happened. Come for further clarification on WHERE exactly he wants certain statues moved. Only? Your Majesty? Your Majesty...? Where ever could he BE? Oh? He's left out some of his books. Well, I'll just assist by putting them away for-.....
But! What can the poor man DO? Ghosts are Beings of Will, Emotion, and Obsession. Were it some sort of Holy Blade or Sentient Tree, you know, something INDIVIDUAL with a will they could FIGHT? Oh no problem. But an area of effect? Especially an EMOTIONAL area of effect!? Ooooooh, this is bad. The Zone can't AFFORD to lose ANOTHER King!
Wait. He's heard that there's an organization for this! That loudly cursing fellow who got violently thrown back into the Zone. "Ruined his fun" and all that! Perfect! He'll just hire THEM!
Smashcut? To a nice, peaceful, everybody's screaming Justice League Meeting. John's cursing life, extremely hungover. Zatana still has three cracked ribs. Wonder Woman is enjoying the new sword she... liberated... mid battle. Truely stunning craftsmanship. When?
Knock Knock!
Heads swivel. There... is a glowing green... accountant? Dandy? Dandy accountant. With an equally radioactive day glow green Actual Pirate's Chest Of Treasures, floating next to him. In the void of space; Just beyond the glass. What, the, fuuuuuu-
He seems to be under the impression they are some sort of Heroic mercenaries. And has come to request the retrieve-
"NNNNNOPE! Pariah can SHOVE it!" Snarls a suddenly very awake John Constantine, sitting up straight for the first time in hours. The rest of Dark grimly nod in agreement. Let the fucker rot. It's a kinder fate then he deserves.
No, no, NO! King PHANTOM! Pariah's SUCCESSOR by right of combat! They are not, and were never, allied in any way!
Well, all right then. Road trip to save a young idiot then.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hypewinter @lolottes @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe
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Mr Qi is a pretty funky guy.
His skin is blue, he owns a casino and his clothes shine like the night sky.
He also happens to have continual surveillance on every person in Stardew Valley, several underground hideouts and an advanced knowledge of magic.
I've been wanting to make a post about him for a little while but I kept on putting it off
“I was born an ordinary boy, but I made a decision early in life that I would become extraordinary.”
We know that Mr Qi was probably born human, as he does say it himself. He also shares many human features, such as the nose, mouth and ears. His eyes? Well, perhaps its best the glasses stay on. There is a very popular theory that Grandpa is a ghost, and it does kind of fit. I kind of agree with it, but it could go so much deeper.
Mr Qi, as far as we have seen, does not have any magical abilities. There are several other powerful creatures in Stardew, such as the Shadow People, Rasmodius, Fairies, the Witch and more. They all have their own magic system, and are all powerful to some degree. Mr Qi on the other hand, seems to only have the strength of his will and the determination to fight.
He appears to behave like the Farmer, instead of accepting and becoming part of the magic, he harnesses it for his own benefit, reaping it's rewards. He almost certainly uses warp totems and obelisks. The iridium snake milk fortifying the Farmer. Imagine how many times he's drunk it for himself? The unique properties of the golden walnuts. What has he traded in return for power?
But it's not the magic that makes him so much more unique, so much more threatening than any other being in Stardew Valley. It's the sheer amount of knowledge that he contains, on everyone. Your steps, your gifts, your friends. He watches everything closely because the best way to keep yourself at the top is to moniter those beneath you. And the best way to keep them from turning on you is to befriend them. No amount of violence will ever stop the next willy-nilly hero from knocking on your doorstep to take your crown, but if you knight them and make them your willing servant, they will bow before your throne not even aware that there is one.
But perhaps there's a method to the madness. Order to the chaos. Mr Qi is not a vengefull dictator, but a quiet presence, working behind the scenes to keep the curtain from falling. Who knows how many threats have been countered, the lives that don't even know they were saved? It must be lonely to be so different.
I wonder if that's why he sent the chests out to the mineshaft. The golden walnuts on ginger island. The random quests. He wants to find people like him, bold and determined enough to seek beyond the regular. Grandpa found him. And then the Farmer. How long has he waited for someone else like him to emerge?
There are many different ghosts in stardew, some that lurk in the mines, the ones chained to the skull Caverns, and some like Grandpa, that return from the beyond...
But Mr Qi is different. Stuck in a limbo, not dead, not quite alive. A corpereal form hiding a decayed soul, traded away in exchange for the power to shape the real world. But why doesn't he leave? Perhaps his wait is over, and he's found a successor, someone that can take over the rigorous job of ensuring the world doesn't fall into chaos.
And perhaps the Farmer is the right person for the job.
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missashketchum · 2 months
Vice Dorm Leaders and Ash’s Pokemon!
here we are, it’s the vice dorm leaders time to shine!
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me when rook just rooks
Trey- Noctowl
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Out of all the students, if Ash couldn't take Noctowl anywhere with her, he would rather stay with Trey over anyone else
The two just vibe together, being rather calm within the chaos of their respective places
Noctowl is also very helpful with his psychic moves
There's really not much to say about these two, they enjoy each other's company
Jade- Buizel
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Buizel’s a smart cookie, so at first, he doesn't even glance at Jade
It wasn't until Buizel began getting interested in Twisted Wonderland and began picking random plants that Jade garnered his attention
Imagine this, Buizel's picking some flowers and mushrooms and stuff to show off to the others when Jade approaches them
And Jade is curious about what Buizel has, and he wants them
Eventually, after a lot of charades, they made a deal
Buizel gets plants and stuff for Jade's terrariums, and Buizel gets the terrariums in return
Cue Ash being hella confused as to where Buizel's getting all these terrariums from lmao
They're chill, but one wrong move and Buizel's using Ice Aqua Jet on his ass lmao
Jamil- Heracross
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hahaha F E A R
The first time Jamil saw Heracross, he was terrified, mainly because he fought the bug while Overblot
And the idea that this bug can fight and toss him like a sack of potatoes made him very uncomfy
Heracross actually hates Jamil in the beginning and actively went out of its way to scare him
But that eventually evolved into Heracross scaring Jamil because he thought his reactions were funny
Jamil is having a BadTime™
And see the gif? Heracross would do that SPECIFICALLY TO FREAK HIM OUT XD
Rook- Glalie
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i know this one seems a bit random but i put Unfezant with Vil AND Rook so i had to change it lmao
Rook is very curious about Ash's Pokemon, but for some reason, Ash's Pokemon are always on alert when he's around
Glalie is as cheerful and curious as his is protective, however
The Ice-type is one of the first of her 'Mons to approach the hunter
And despite his funky looks, Rook is smitten with him, finding him rather cute, in it's own little way
Is entraptured by Glalie's ice attacks, and is constantly singing his praises, which both embarrasses and makes him huff in pride
So Rook is... okay in Glalie's book, but the others? He still has a lot of work to do...
Lilia- Noivern
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Noivern! The baby!!!!
Despite his large stature and intimidating aura, Ash's Noivern is still technically a baby
And Lilia, if given the chance, would absolutely SPOIL HIM ROTTEN
Just... don't let him get close to Noivern with his concoctions...
Noivern is the ONLY creature that can and is willing to eat Lilia's food and keep it down
Baby is indestructible
Also likes Lilia's taste in heavy metal music and would sometimes join in on the jam sessions the Light Music Club has
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thesunnysunsun · 2 months
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So uh.. I blinked and a new Isat au happened (Ima call it a lighthouse au cause Loop's a light that guides Sif's way :3) MER LOOP MER LOOP MER LOOP!!!! And itty bitty baby Siffrin :) Look at them their so smallll (Spoilers) The general premise is when Loop makes the wish, they wished specifically for a light to guide them home. Instead of waking up at dormont Loop wakes up in the middle of the ocean on the day the Island was wished away, and sees itty bitty Siffrin running away. Anyways au ramblings are under the cut if you want more vv
So for the Au I was thinking Loop used a very specific kind of wishcraft. They did the blowing on a leaf thing, but this time they set it in a pool of water and then submerged themselves in the water. Like a baptism but funky and wishcraft. This is Loop, so they were really just trying to drown, and ended up performing the wishcraft on instinct. They've pretty much given up at the start of the au. Loop proceeds to wake up in the middle of a raging black ocean, very confused, and sees the island with a giant red tear in the sky over it. They naturally race towards it, but as soon as soon as they get close the timeloop resets and their right back in that raging ocean. A few failed tries later they spot a small rowboat sailing away in the storm and follow it, finding none other than a young Siffrin. Loop slowly bonds with Siffrin as they try to get Sif back to the island over the span of several more loops. The first time Siffrin catches Loop they throw their big net over Loop, forcing a very stubborn loop over like their a big fish or something. They spent a lot of loops bonding, talking, catching fish and stuff. Loop knows Siffrin is suppose to go to vanguard, but that just leads to tragedy and suffering, so obviously the answer must be getting to the island.. right? Siffrin can recall the loops, though he is very young and thats a lot to process for a little kid. Their slowly forgetting about the country and history, and are very scared, but they got a pretty mermaid friend, so maybe it's not all bad? The Au is about Loop's thoughts and feelings about their home and them not wanting to move forward with their life. They know what kind life awaits Siffrin. They know all the scary, tragic things that happen to them, how alone they are. But no matter how hard they try, trying to drag Siffrin back to the island always leads to a reset. Deep down Loop knows their avoiding their own future too. They've spent a long, long time in the timeloops, an unpredictable future, one their sure will be filled with tragedy is terrifying to them. But over the span of the au they begin to realize scary things do happen, and they can't help that. But someone will always come along and light their way. In the same way Loop guides Siffrin someone will come along and guide them they just have to accept the help. and at the end Loop finally gives in and takes Siffrin to Vanguard, leaving their past behind. Loop is Sif's lighthouse now, guiding their way, and when at long last Loop lets go and returns to their own timeline, they look up and find an older version of the Siffrin they knew waiting to guide them into the unknown.
uh.. COUGH COUGH ANYWAYS! Some design notes!!
Loop -Loop's head is suppose to look deep sea creature-esq mixed with a bit of angler fish -Loop's star is shaped like a compass now :3 -Their tail is a broken star!! -The stars on Loop's skin are glowing scales now Siffrin -Siffrin wears a compass around their neck to match Loop's star (When they grow up they eventually use it to find Loop again) -His clothes like.. barely fit. To a cartoonish degree. Siffrin is SO small. -They tried to tie a rope around their cloak so it doesn't fall off. Its.. somewhat working. -The Net is an excuse to make Net puns every 10 seconds. Loop has heard "Are we there Net? >:3" Like 15 times. Mostly though Siffrin just thinks it makes them look like a proper sailor. Sif isn't a very fashionable kid. (I think Loop would ask about it once, and Sif would be like "I wanna look like my da- .. d." And just sorta, trail off.) -Sif's hair is longer and matches Loop's fins
I have more ideas for this au, I might make more for it later i'll put it under the lighthouse au if I do
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
I’ve seen many fic writers exist literally everywhere on the scale of how much/how little scaramouche would praise his partner (all the way from ‘never says a nice thing ever’ to ‘begrudgingly says sweet things’ and everything in between) and as one of the sacred scholars of the puppet boy, where do you think he falls on that scale? What if his s/o outright asked him to be nicer to them?
why does this actually feel like such a difficult question AAAAAAAA i could really see both arguments???
scaramouche is a funky little fella. he's full of bitterness, spite, and everything not nice. his insistence on denying himself any meaningful connections is something he prides himself on. self-sustainability spares him further hurt, so it's his default approach. when you, terribly stubborn creature you are, squirm your way past his fortified defenses, he starts to panic. why are you here. how'd you get in. why doesn't he want to throw you out. he doesn't want you to stay either, he thinks. who knows what damage you'll cause with your revolting empathy and naïve care. ew.
for that reason, you're subjected to his unfiltered scorn. but, there's an upside! you haven't been disintegrated, thrown into a dungeon, and your limbs remain intact. all promising signs.
at a certain point, he comes to begrudgingly accept the thorn in his side that is you. his threats become less severe (and rarely directed at you, those in your closest circles have the privilege now). loving him is a process. a process that goes as smoothly as trying to give a hissing, bristling cat a bath.
he's always going to be blunt and tactless. fortunately, that honesty extends past colorful insults. his compliments begin as curt acknowledgment in the areas you excel at. go easy on him, he's trying his best for you, and that alone is nothing short of a miracle. it comes easier to him after he realizes that saying something nice about you... isn't so bad. you get this gleam in your eye, like you hold his opinion in high regard (which you should!) and that realization makes him feel weird. warm. content. he could make you cry but your smile isn't so bad, he supposes.
it's a long, convoluted experience that would test the patience of any saint. falling in love for the first time isn't easy. he can be 'nice' (he says the word like it's a personal insult) but that means you have to take responsibility. you've made a lovesick fool of him and he's not going anywhere anytime soon. or, ever, to be precise. so, as recompense for infecting him with your gross, human sentimentality, he won't be a lover who "croons nauseating platitudes" (direct quote).
however, the way he looks at you communicates everything his mouth never could.
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furrysmp · 10 months
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decided to go sunbringer designs for once. I have so many words oh my god
so. uh,
I am so normal about sunbringer joel smallishbeans so normal I swear. he's planning to throw the o from his name at scott btw.
... he and scar are related but I'm not explaining further until the actual fic about it comes out because there's so much plot significance in the smallishbeans.
... grian. has a book. that he borrowed from the Library. it's very relevant I swear the concept of the library is a plot point.
Also grians eyes are technically green! With a bit of purple and just. a layer of Dark over them to make them less neon green. its not in his genetics to have neon eyes. unlike scar and I swear their eye colors are relevant but like in a weird queerplatonic scarian dl based bit in the grian chapter of the fic
Mumbo is a long cat and being held by me specifically those hands are how I draw my mc skin. I wanted to draw him as this meme since 2021 but he's very hard for me to draw so I took the one time I'll ever draw him and did this.
Jimmy is. a creature. that has bird features but also cod features bc again half of the plot of sunbringer is based on empires 1. Also the bird he's holding is singing. And joel is stealing the song bc he has music type magic.
Scott! Is the one guy I can talk about! Because he already appeared in the fic. He's part ender dragon and like. a child of stars? I have a lot of times I drew him before I think but idk how much of it I uploaded before so yeah. Please ask me about sunbringer scott smajor he's one of the only ones I can talk about and he has so much lore going for him he's so dear to me
impulse is. technically part ender dragon too? the specifics will be explained in his chapter of yhiwu (alongside. a lot of magic lore. like a lot. I have half that speech written already it's basically looking the empires fic in the eyes and going "fight me uwu")
And because impulse is aligned to shadows skizz gets to be some form of light dragon descendant? Like light isn't directly an element in the magic of this universe but it does have an equivalent in the element of Life, which connects to truth and love, whereas shadows and theatrics (and storytelling in general) is always aligned to whatever element is considered dark; in this magic system, being Void.
Tango is looking up at mumbo. thats all. I don't have a lot of notes because my tango is just a little guy.
(Etho is checking smth on his smartwatch and also doing his best to ignore bdubs rn bc bdubs is in his villain arc/hj)
... ngl the only note I have on the bdubs design is that it's accidentally inspired by my human design for the main character in the show I'm writing. Bracelets and sparkly eyes and a t-shirt and. Crimes.
also not much on the cleo design she was just fun to draw but the implications of her existence are spoilers and also not really visually indicative bc idk what a "zombie hybrid" would look like so she just looks. funky. her background is all stitched together btw I finally had a use for the dashed lines brush :D
martyn and ren are. BIG spoilers. But only to like chapter 5 of the current fic. I will say I highly enjoy their existence tho. Also my ren designs always have hawaiian patterned shirts its a personality trait he seems to possess. Also his glasses are like. a hologram? bc his ears are Dog so he cant have normal glasses w like. the things that go behind ur ears.
lizzie is. also very important. she gets the two animals thing like jimmy bc axolotl and cat were her empires animals. also her buns are heart shaped I saw some fanart of that and its really cute so I also have that. and she's also looking at the long mumbo! very confused.
bigb. scares me. like yeah secret life really be mans villain arc. I tried to reflect that by actually straight up mirroring his eyes and having him be. the only guy looking straight at u. he can see u. u can run but u cant hide. also he gets cookies. also also drawing facial hair is hard he's the only time I ever managed to make facial hair look. normal. ever. wont happen again.
gem is being adorable and also definitely a deer hybrid dont mind the magic or stuff its fine (her chapter is. third in the roster. I literally just need to finish the impulse chapter to convince myself that its ok to upload her immediately after ch2).
and pearl! who we know bc she gets first chapter of the fic and thats already out. her eyes are a bit like moons btw. also she's doing magic back at gem which is cute I think. idk.
also half of them have fancy hair shines. like joel having beans that get progressively smaller. or pearl having moons. :D
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