#furby discourse
mahou-furbies · 2 years
are you going to do a green cure for this season too? since you enjoy the designs, and if the purple baby turns out to be a cure too, she will probably have an unique designs, perfect for a partner, like the sky/prism and wing/butterfly. mascot/green cure, sounds fun.
Yes that is the plan! Though depending on when I have the time and motivation at the same time I probably won't wait for a mid-season Cure reveal for a matching design (overall the green oc cures weren't designed to have any relation to the existing characters)
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furrylikefurby · 29 days
i’ll give you a guide to my opinions on new generation furbies.
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these little shits? the 2023 furbies? ugly. disgusting. awful. terrible. taking away the charm of original furbies. evil. cursed even.
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the 2023 furbLETS? amazing. beautiful. perfect. the best. my friends. need them all. would kill for them again and again and again and again and again and again and aga
discourse highly encouraged
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zykamiliah · 7 months
Hey, sorry to bother you, but I've been seeing something in the fandom that kind of confuses me, so I'm leaving this ask to my favorite svsss blogs.
I've been trying to get more into Shen Jiu's character, as he is pretty interesting and arguably a fan favorite, and I've noticed that, so far of the fanfics I've read, he is more often than not depicted as a good teacher. A harsh one, but still good? Or not terrible?
One that likes teaching, is involved with his students, taking the little of what we've seen of Shen Yuan's teaching methods and just, giving them a twist, "improving" them even sometimes.
Often it ends up being a show of how Shen Yuan was clumsy, not that good of a teacher (or of a Shen Qingqiu) and I'm... Kind of confused by this trend? Like, is it rooted in canon? Obviously this is still more interesting to read than the "SJ is just a tsundere that never did anything wrong ever" thing, but it feels kind of similar.
I cannot imagine a character as genuinely bitter and angry as Shen Jiu enjoying being a teacher, having a nurturing bone in his body or even being hands on in the teaching of his disciples, several of which he literally bullied out of his peak. But maybe it's just me and I'm wrong?
Was Shen Jiu a good teacher?
I guess I'm just curious of where it comes from. I like Shen Yuan's character, and it often feels like people take Shen Jiu's to show how bad at everything SY is, even if it isn't consistent with SJ's character and often lack nuances, in my opinion.
(Or even if the story claims loving SY while also stripping him away of everything that makes him interesting other than his obliviousness, but that's a whole other thing.)
Sorry again, and I also apologize for the long ask, I'd just figured you or someone that follows you might have an answer.
(Also, I get that fandoms gotta fandom, and I'm not saying people shouldn't write it or anything, I may be a strickler for canon but I'm not the police. Write what you want. I just wonder where it comes from, as I figure that knowing its origins might help me in the future, but I promise I'm not trying to start discourse or anything, so I hope I've made my point clear enough without offending anyone.)
hello!! :DD
well sj being ooc in fics is a common thing by now. people tend to portray him softer than he's in canon, to the point it sometimes turns his whole character upside down. in extreme cases, you'll be dealing with a bitter, more tsundere version of sy with sj's backstory, which is secretly what many people want IMO lol often this people also perceive sy as an incompetent dumb nerd that only knows about monster lore and has no other skills or abilities aside from that-- essentially, they fall for the unreliable narrator's trap of believing every lie he tells about himself.
it's never outright stated, but sj didn't like children, so is fair to assume he didn't like teaching or caring for them either. taking into account qing jing peak's toxic atmosphere pre sy's transmigration, AND the fact that sj was paranoid about being overthrown since he hadn't developed a golden core even after becoming a peak lord and taking lbh in, I don't think he'd be interested in teaching anyone anything. in a lot of cultivation novels, disciples are just given manuals and left to self-study them (like he let lbh use the fake manual, expecting lbh would die from using it. haha. such a good teacher!). this could be the case. aside from that, I don't personally think sj would want to provide any kid guidance. and that's not mentioning how he allowed and enabled bullying, targeted talented disciples, and overall was more worried about his own cultivation and survival and reputation than other things or people.
so where this fanon sj comes from? I'm not sure, really, but I think some people just want a version of him that's palatable AND defensible, like my friend furby says, a declawed sj that's just a poor misunderstood meowmeow who deep inside is secretly good and nice. it's a thing that people who struggle with liking "villainous" or "morally bad" characters do: twisting the narrative around to justify this character's actions. It doesn't help that he's SO complicated, and people who have very black-and-white thinking struggle to place him in either side of the spectrum-- it's the problem mxtx outlined through sqh and sqq's voices
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ch.14 house arrest
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ch.19 shen jiu
really, the fandom has just proved mxtx's point xD
anyway, there's a lot of misconceptions about sj. there are some pretty wild theories around. some fans also treat his abuse as The Worst Abuse in comparison to the Child Abuse he did, because of the (unconfirmed) hints that sj was sexually assaulted by qiu jianluo, as if SA is the worst kind of abuse and child abuse falls back on the tier-list ¯_(ツ)_/¯ because obviously anything that involves sex in inherently worse, apparently
in other cases, people are simply more familiar with the fanon version of the characters, and that's who they portray in their writing. after all, many people read the novel once and then go on to read dozen of fics; it's normal the fanon sticks more on the brain than canon (not judging! it happens to me as well lol) and those fanon versions are more popular because, as i said, this version of sj is more morally palatable (and bland and less fun ┐(︶▽︶)┌)
thank you for the ask!! :DDDD ❤️❤️❤️ i love receiving asks~
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murruspins · 7 months
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Welcome to my blog!
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Hello!! Welcome to murruspins :3!
This is a special interest blog, however it also kind of acts like a diary. I write down what I’m thinking or hyperfixating on, same goes with my regular interests! This blog will also have alot of alterhuman content, as it’s a big part of my identity!
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About the owner of this blog…
My name is Murruyu! I’m a transfem enby, and would prefer if you used they/it/xe on me aswell as fem + neutral terms! If you don’t respect my pronouns, I’ll simply block you, no biggie! 🤍
My special interests are mcyt (hermitcraft & life series specifically), horror, metal music and bio! When I say bio and horror, I mean all aspects. I love horror games, movies, shows, etc. And I love all biology paths/subtypes! (Eg: wildlife bio, botany, palaeontology, and more!)
I’m the host of a minor bodied DID system, however I won’t get into that much on this blog, as this is my personal blog! However, I will talk about our physical disabilities because they impact my everyday life, and this is a diary blog after all! [I will mainly talk about my EDS and CFS]
As I said before.. I am an alterhuman! More specifically, here is a link to all my kintypes!
This list may be updated/edited in the future, but for now, these are all of my (known) kintypes! Some stronger than others. More specifically, I have a super strong connection to the feline clade, more so than my other kintypes. Obviously, due to being alterhuman, I do not identify as human. I instead identify as my kintypes, I may post about my alter-humanity frequently 🫶
I am ALWAYS looking for moots/friends!! Click here to see my interests + adult mutuals are okay, just no dms!
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• People who hate on ANY of my special interests. No offence, but you’re not welcome here, this is my safe space! [PS: being afraid of horror or animals is not the same as hating on them, if you have a phobia of something that’s completely fine! Just don’t insult my spintrest on my page 🤍]
• Anti alterhuman, Anti Age regression, Anti pet regression
• Endogenic systems, Profic/Proship/Darkship/anything that fits into that category.
• FURBY BLOGS!!!!! Furby centred blogs/Blogs with furbys as their theme/pfp dni. Moots r okay but please add a warning whenever you post them 😭🫶. I’m terrified of those little things.
• I’m autistic, I need tonetags! If you’re going to ask anything, I’d appreciate you using tonetags so I can understand you better! :3
• Adults may not ask to be my friends, No offence, just for boundary and comfort reasons, I am a minor after all. Mutuals are fine!
• I generally do not engage in discourse, if that’s something you’d like to know before following! This blog is focused on being diary, alterhuman and interest themed!!
• This is my main blog! If I’m active, it’s probably here. But my side blogs are…
> @liostims , my stim blog
> @lovesicksyndicate , our sys blog
> @faunafeature , my animal info dump blog
… Please keep in mind many of these blogs may be inactive, as this is my main!
• I would appreciate if you tag your posts to do with war, guns & etc to do with tw war or war. I grew up in a situation that causes these to be big triggers for me. Thank you 🫶
• If you post dead animal imagery PLEASE add a tw or cut off or SOMETHING. I know this is specific but I’ve had a moot do this before and it was actually insane. I admit I’m a bit sensitive but I still don’t want to see that
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Finishing up/Extras…
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. . . Emoji games!
How these games work; ask via the ask option, and write an emoji + any other info you’d like, and I’ll answer! Just a small game for fun!
��� , info dump about a random animal I’m fixating on at the time! (Please include if you don’t want a specific animal due to a fear, for example: bugs).
🐈 , song of the day! ask and I’ll give you a song that’s been stuck in my mind recently, or just a random song off my playlist!
🐍 , daily check in! I’ll give you a small rant about my day so far, and tell you how I’ve been recently! (I’ll try to keep it positive.)
"(Therian/biology/metal/anything related to my blog) culture is…" asks are also always appreciated!! I love seeing them, and I love interacting with people!!
Blog tags . . . !!
#murru mews 🐾 | my general tag! Diary entries!
#murru hisses 🐍 | vent posts
#murru’s asks : replies to my asks!
#murru’s rants : rants!! Either in response to the emoji games, or just to infodump :]
#murru’s playlist : anything to do with music!
#murru’s toybox : anything to do with my collections!! I collect a lot of things, so this tag will be full of things in my collection :]
#murru’s games : an additional tag, just for my emoji games!
PS: blog creation date.. Jan 30th 2024!
Thank you for reading !
. . . Enjoy your travels, dear friend!
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Welcome to The Firefly Jar System!
[pt: welcome to the firefly jar system!]
last updated: 09/10/24 (mm/dd/yy)
we are a minor bodied, professionally diagnosed DID system
always open ask game is here!
we collectively go by they/fae or the pronouns of either host, and the names firefly or aster. we go by ash irl (name of one of our hosts), so feel free to call us that, too. we’re also an archaeopteryx (paleo)therian :]
in real life, we have been out as transmasc and genderqueer since we were 11-12. while not everyone in our system identifies with this, it's an important part of our identity and life!
we are a smaller polyfrag system (system of ~65). we are ‘brainmade’ heavy and fragment/low development heavy (~20 fully developed alters)
white and ethnically ashkenazi jewish (generally secular), most alters are pagan or agnostic and some others are more religiously jewish or athiest
we also have a sort of systemsona you can find here
don’t follow with an empty blog or we’ll report and block you! just add something so we know you’re not a bot
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we are/have (all professionally diagnosed unless otherwise specified)
(not everything is shared here, but the ones that are shared feel important to share as part of our life experience/what we talk about here often)
AuDHD (autism + ADHD)
polyfragmented/complex DID (and obviously CPTSD)
anxiety/depression/all that fun (/sar) stuff
an unspecified obsessive/compulsive disorder (no official dx but is being treated by our psych nonetheless)
NSSI (non-suicidal self injury) currently in remission! 9+ months clean :D (NSSI isn’t a diagnosis on its own, jsyk)
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syskids blog: @little-fireflies-syskids
vent blog: @trapped--in--a--jar (TW)
ash's blog: @chaotic---child
valentine’s blog: @decora-clown
fennel’s blog: @enby-worm-nightmare
basil’s blog: @flowers-and-bandaids
furby blog: @the-bumbling-furby
we also run: @obsessive-compulsive-culture-is
- intros are tagged #alter intro - our posts/posts we contributed to/things we said are tagged #firefly flickers
here is our carrd
our simplyplural is the-firefly-jar-system if you’d like to friend us!!
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[pt: dni]
basic DNI criteria (racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, sexist, etc)
anti xenogender/neopronouns/MOGAI
radqueer/transID/etc and supporters
pro-c/anti recovery disordered paraphiles (this is specifically for those with paraphilic disorders, not general paraphilias)
endos/tulpas and supporters (endo neutrals are fine, tulpa neutrals (term) are not)
anti otherkin/therian/alterhuman
NSFW/kink main blog (we don’t have anything against you just personal comfort)
pro SH/ED/ana/mia/etc, including "pro for me but not for thee". we've been in that boat, and we no longer support that mindset
anyone who brings up ship discourse (we’re neutral and will interact with both parties as long as you’re not being an asshole)
if you harass anyone, even people on our DNI. even if we disagree with you, nobody deserves to be harassed (very few exceptions)
since we’ve been getting a lot of asks related to this, this post explains the endos/tulpas DNI!
let us know if we missed anything or if you have any other questions!
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[pt: Userboxes: /end pt]
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credit to sysboxes for all userboxes | credit to rpinkling for image divider
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lilietsblog · 2 years
hi, i noticed you reblogged my post highlighting my tags talking about how i don't appreciate likes, specifically saying something to the affect of "artists do appreciate likes" and i'd like to clear something up, I Am An Artist, My Posts Don't Often Get Reblogged and so i'm Not Getting New Eyes On My Posts and i'm Getting Discouraged‚ like why should i post art if nobody's gonna see it?
i don't really care for likes, all a like is to me is a "hey i saw your post! not gonna say anything about it, just saw it!" and its so easy to do with double tap to like, if i could turn them off on my posts i would, i promise you that. you literally highlighted my tags and said the opposite about People Like Me, basically about Me, which is just an absurd thing to do
also, did you see what blog of mine you were reblogging from? my sideblog for reblogging things to, because my main is for my art, other things "wouldn't match that wallpaper" so i put them on a dedicated blog so i can add tags and interact more without just liking posts, because i've been on the other side of getting like 11k likes or whatever and 5k reblogs‚ meaning i got hardly any feedback and people are now seeing it through the top posts of #long furby or whatever (not to mention that 5k reblogs started with a staff member reblogging it to the radar? so like, reblogs can really do some work)
i know its a bad idea to interact with discourse, especially when its something i could just block you for, i mean i'd really rather not talk to a like truther, but i'd like to tell you these things so you get a perspective of where i was coming from with those tags‚ and so you reconsider your argument against them
i hope you have a nice day‚ feel free to not answer this ask if it doesn't match your wallpaper, please stop telling artists what they should think
here's an idea for you too, turn off double tap to like, try to only interact with posts Intentionally, treat a day like you only have 100 likes or something, make a like matter, show us artists we're wrong
First, I'm not on mobile, "double tap for like" is not a thing in the browser. And I do interact with posts intentionally - if I don't like the post I don't put "like" on it, I just like the overwhelming majority of what's on my dash and I'm always happy to see (almost) any art that people on here actually made. I like it! Quite intentionally! It all matters to me! Like if I don't have the headspace to consider the post I don't - don’t scroll further I get off tumblr and go do something else
I didn't actually see what blog of yours I was reblogging from, no, I don't normally look at those things /sideglare into the "dont reblog from terfs" discourse/
And no, likes don't just mean "I saw your post". Yes, it's easy to put them, but people still choose to. They mean "I saw your post and I am glad I did and I want to see more of these". Literally tumblr has actual algorithms that determine things based on likes - whether to show something in a tag, the "based on your likes" recommendation thing.
>I Am An Artist, My Posts Don't Often Get Reblogged and so i'm Not Getting New Eyes On My Posts and i'm Getting Discouraged‚ like why should i post art if nobody's gonna see it?
>all a like is to me is a "hey i saw your post!
people. seeing your posts. which is what you're saying you want. ???
Anyway, the real reason I'm wading into this discourse is that arguments like yours ARE MAKING PEOPLE STOP LIKING ART. Engaging with it at all in any way. Instead of going "ooh I should go through this blog and like this person's art, make their day, ooh look this picture is cool enough I want to reblog it!" people just go "artists are touchy, better not go on this dude's blog at all lest I accidentally like something"
like... not just yours. You're not the only person losing out on potential reblogs here. Everyone is. This campaign is driving art appreciators away, period.
Oh, and maintaining a sideblog is not something you can expect from other people as a mandatory obligation. It's not tumblr tax to be obligated to have a sideblog. Nor to blog anything at all. "Hey, if you don't post anything people are going to think you're a bot" =/= "hey, if you don't post anything you're evil and don't belong here".
P.S. If I did do that? If I did limit myself to 100 likes per day for ONLY STUFF THAT REALLY MATTERS?
You would have no way of knowing that, would you? Even if the likes I gave your art were from my Precious 100 Likes Supply, you would still be upset by them?
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fruitea-furbs · 1 month
Hello again!! The fruitea furby family has been growing so much quicker recently!! Here's Nimph (she/they) supervising/modeling a name bracelet for Dirtbag (he/him)! More info on them both below the photos <3
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These two are both dear to me in very different ways hehe! Nimph (spelled with an I because I had no Y beads at the time) was my first ever furby custom and although I do think she could look better I'm very proud of how far I've come since then. Dirtbag was actually a gift for my boyfriend, hence why Nimph is modeling his bracelet (and why I don't have any nicer photos of him 😭). His only prompt/request was "emo furby" so I did my best 😅 he called me a "furby Frankenstein" though which I hope is a compliment? I'm gonna take it as one hahaha
I would also like to add: it might be obvious that Nimph was heavily inspired by Melanie Martinez but I would like to say I no longer support her in any way. Whatever your stance is on the allegations is fine and I don't want to cause any discourse, but personally I am no longer supporting her regardless of if the allegations are true or false. Thank you <3
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arcadequeerz · 2 months
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.................🌠🌈26 Yrs old🌈🌠 🔆✨Nonhuman - Fictionkin - Otherkin✨🔆 🌈Pronouns here & Find Genderhoard here🌈 🌠🌈Cade / Moss / Rosie / Henry / Happy / Neon🌈🌠 🧁Queer, Femme Bear, Transmasc/Multigender/Hoardfluix🧁
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My blogs Icon is drawn by @/thegameartist03​!
Ocs & Characters tag: Cade’s Characterz General Aesthetic Tag: Cadecore My kin tags: 🖤❌🐇, 🐰🎶🎸, 💚🌿🥀 & 🌟🌊🛰️ -----------Sideblogs ----------- Stimblog: @smilestimz Comfort blog: @cozycade Ft Foxy blog: @funtimezfox Fredbear blog: @70steddybear Archive Stimblog: @arcadestimz Werewolfkin blog: @howlinqueerz Photography blog: @lagomorpix Liminal/Horror blog: @liminalqueerz Theme/Pixel Archive blog: @lopbonniez
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*Mogai blogs if you see me Liking a bunch of your posts, It’s to keep track of them so they can later be rbed to my Genderhoard blog!
**Stimblogs if you see me Liking a lot of your gifs, It’s to later possibly use them in a stimboard I’m working on currently! Sorry for the like spam.
⚠️BYF & DNI Listed below⚠️‼️
+ Please note that I call myself ‘Freak’* often and call myself a queer & fag. If that is something you don’t want to see then probably don’t follow my blog. I will not stop calling myself these things if you ask me to, You’ll just be blocked. *look at tags on post.
+ Since I am a Adult myself, I’d rather not have rly young minors following this blog. If you’re younger then 15 Please don’t follow my blog, Thank you! -Note: I won’t be posting outright adult content here, this is just for my own comfortas I am a adult! Suggestive jokes n such may be a thing sometimes but I’ll mark the post as mature.
+ Do not involve me in any sort of community drama or discourse. I do not care about any of it and sending me anything relating to it will just get you blocked. I do not want to know about any of it or put myself around that due to things like that causing me anxiety. Please respect that. If I interact w someone you know is bad, or has done some horrible thing send me a ask explaining things.
If we’re friends/Mutuals I’d appreciate if you could tag: Animal Death/Injury, Any Mention of Child abuse or death, Heavy/Intense Gore/Blood, Rotten/Dirty/Broken teeth, Pictures or videos of cats in dryers, and Furby Hate/Furbies being destroyed. My catchall tag is: Cade No Lookie.
Anywho! Here is my DNI: This is just a list of those I’d rather not follow or interact with my blog. If you’ve read this please send me a 🎊 to let me know you did, thank you!
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Please do not follow or Interact with my blog if you are: (or allow interaction from people listed below):
Do not Follow or Interact with my blog if you are a: non-system little blog, cgl, cglre, or ddlg littlespace blog
Age Regression blogs are a okay to interact and follow this blog (So long as you don’t interact/allow interaction from anyone listed here)
Do Not folllow if you are: anti otherkin, anti therian, anti alterhuman or anti fictionkin or if You don’t believe in systems
Do not follow me if you are anti lgbtqia or anti mogai. Or if your anti mspec identities, or anti mspec gays/lesbians We support all good faith lgbtq/mogai identites on this blog.
Do not follow me if you are a Exlusionist, TERF, Radfem, TEHM, Truscum/Transmed, Or Transandrophobe.
Do Not follow me if you’re anti he/him lesbians or she/her gay men. Do not follow or interact w me if you are against lesboys. Do not follow me if your anti neopronouns. Pronouns ≠ Gender
Just don't follow or interact w me if your a exclusionist who thinks they can decide who is or isn't a part of the community. Yes: this includes if you think straight trans people & straight ace or aro people aren't a part of the community.
Do Not follow me if you’re a true crime blog [aka if you romanticize literal murderers fuck off]
Do Not follow me if you’re a pewdiepie stan, Do not follow me if you are a fan of Harry Potter or South Park, Do not follow me if you support/defend Scott Cawthon & Do not follow me if you watch hazbin hotel/helluva boss
Do not Follow me if you're a Zionist or Anti Palestine, Do Not follow me if you’re Anti pro choice & Do not follow me if you are Anti BLM
Do Not follow or Interact with me if you are: Pro harmful para, Transid, Transrace/Trace, Transx, Transabled, a Proshipper, Xenosatanic, Medpunk or Radqueer or support those groups.
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norman-ratri-truther · 9 months
pinned / about me post, u dont have to read to follow or anything but i thought id make one anyway bcz i havent had one in a while
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16 (17 soon)
my art blog is @polychromatiica , is mostly for fanart
i mostly just rb fandom stuff and then sometimes make my own posts , 99% of my brain is dedicated to gwen from torchwood. will go insane if I don't post about her every day. sorry.
my fandoms include (but aren't limited to)
Torchwood (main hyperfixation at the time of writing)
Doctor Who (specifically rtd era 1&2, as well as season 10 twelve & bill)
Five Nights at Freddy's (mostly afton family + movie continuity)
Supernatural (unfortunately)
LEGO Monkie Kid
The X-Files
Disney TVA Cartoons (owl house, gravity falls, amphibia, moon girl, ducktales etc)
Watcher/The Ghoul Boys
note: i do not support a lot of the creators, writers, actors etc that are involved with media listed above. I try to seperate art from the artist and consume it critically
generally I don't have a strict dni, I just block if any boundaries are crossed. the closest I have to a dni is obvious stuff like homophobes, transphobes, racists, ableists, aphobes etc etc i dont fuck with you guys
also im so so so tired of ship discourse but if it matters to anyone where i stand: im not in support of harrassing people over ships obviously BUT i still do think rpf shipping and "pro ship" ships are incredibly weird, gross and uncomfortable and i really dont like to see that shit so id rather you didnt follow if u enjoy and post that kind of content because i hate it a lot.
also i am a minor so obv dont follow me if you have a no minors rule on ur blog
also this is more of a silly one but gwenbashers dni kinda like i wont get angry if u follow but also. why would u want to follow me she is literally my favourite character ever lmao
sorry if i accidentally follow ppl who i break the dni of / break my dni , I try to check for these things but sometimes i miss them !!
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g30citiesexe · 2 years
goncharov is like that one time an old discord server i was in made up an entire fake season 7 of gumball complete with shipping discourse, aus and everything. there was an entire where we would discuss season 7 like it had actually came out. tobias died and we said that tumblr made a tobias lives au. the furby ripoff became a tumblr sexyman.
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sangu1vore · 1 year
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hiii you can call me vik, valentine or any of my kin names
lesbigay genderqueer futch faggot beast thing
19 yrs, pronouns fluctuate but it/he/she is a safe bet
feel free to request art if it aligns with my interests 😸 if youd like something specific my commissions are usually open, u can dm me here for quotes/more info
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my sideblogs:
@furbylair - furby blog
@uaremyliberty - selfship blog
@bowyourheadslow - shadow kin/fictive blog
i dont like fandom, ship or mental health discourse and dont want any of it near me. that being said, i do not like people who are obsessed p*dophilia and i would really like you to fuck off
i block liberally and to avoid things i dont like
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pubbi3pupp3t · 1 year
꧁ Welcome to My Nostalgia Blog! ꧂
Themes yu will find on here include:
• sfw clowns/clownery
• 90s and 2000s childhood nostalgia
• furbies
• toycore + primarycore + schoolcore etc
• webcore/old web nostalgia posts
• childhood themes
(This blog is completely sfw)
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⇊ Before interacting, please keep in mind ⇊
- I am an ADULT (2002), feel free to block if you come across me & are not comfortable with adult interaction
- Anybody of any age can interact with my posts or follow me, but please NO MINORS IN MY PRIVATE MESSAGES.
- I encourage you to check my blog out on browser! I have an “About” section that would be worth checking out to know me better (\☻/)
- DNI IF YOU ARE AN ENDOGENIC SYSTEM/SUPPORT ENDOGENIC SYSTEMS (‘fake systems’, did not arise from trauma, includes non-human systems and fictives)
- I don’t want the discourse, I just want 2 safepost
- agere blogs r welcome! Just no PMs!
- all original posts are tagged #Pubbi3Pupp3t
- I don’t tag anything else besides #tw food
If I break your dni by accident, please block me! I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable! /gen
(last updated July 7, 2024)
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worldend · 1 year
around 2018-2019 i had a really obsessive fixation on 90s furbies for a while but its not like i had one so i had nothing to share or say but obsessively look at other ppls furbies on here and look at websites selling them or lists of each types of furbys made and etc. i remember there being discourse abt a few popular furby bloggers as well
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!!Temporary pinned!!
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Hi welcome to our page!
We are the Chaoticlimes system
The host is Denny, Me (Pepper) and Spamton are co hosts, I am helping Denny with making this pinned post
We are a system of 16, we are a DID system (yes we have DID)
We are intersex and we collectively are systemfluid, genderqueer, daisy gay, abrosys and polyamsys and our collective pronouns are He/they/it, our collective name is Limez
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Members and pronouns
Denny - They/it/xe/ne/bun (He/him accepted) (Xe/xim, xe/xem, ne/nym, ne/nem)
Pepper - They/it (she/her accepted if only referring to Pepper)
Luca - It/zem (They/them accepted)
Rick - He/him
Yosh - He/him or name
Tash - Void/he/it
Stocks - He/xim
Spamton G. Spamton - He/it/them/nya
Jevil - He/they/it
Mia - they/it/nya/meow
Minmin - They/it
Nacho - He/it/they/ze
May - They/them
Zwapz - He/they
Razch - They/it/vamp
Razz - He/it
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We are extremely tired of system discourse, queer discourse, neurodiverse discourse and disability discourse
We (especially Denny and Yosh) are not afraid of fighting back or biting scumbags
If you’re here to start fights or discourses over small things like flags, identity, gender, orientation, mental health, systems/plurality, personas, oc’s (especially Mary/Gary stues), disabilities and/or neurodivergency please fuck off, we do not have time or spoons for you - Denny
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Not sure what you're looking for
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We post content involving clowns, horror, body positivity, feminism, LGBTQIA2S+, MOGAI, anarchy, furbies, animatronics, furry, body horror, food, Pokemon, My Little Pony, space related stuff, frogs, autism acceptance, neurodivergent acceptance and anti ableism
Art that we post usually have this content
Horror, clowns, body horror, horror, gore, My Little Pony, Pokemon, animatronics, robots, demons, angels, anthros, ferals, humans, humanoids, aliens, monsters, certain kinks, nudity, violence, vent art, self ship, self insert, body positivity, trans bodies, queer couples, fat bodies, chubby bodies, anarchy, feminism and characters from media (Take Undertale and Super Mario Bros as some examples)
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Ableism, demonisation of cluster b disorders, fatmisia/fat phobia, queermisia (queerphobia), flag or sexual/romantic/tertiary orientation discourse, flag discourse, exorsexism (anti enby), intersexism (anti intersex), anti xenogender, anti neogender, demonisation or stigmatisation of mental illnesses psychosis or disabilities, general nastiness, catcalling, think it is okay to harass minors or anyone in general, harassing our alters or us in general, harassing individuals for their hobbies (geek, furry etc.), general nasty people, people who send unsolicited gore (fictional AND/OR IRL) to people to trigger people
General DNI criteria, if you stigmatize or demonise cluster B disorders (This includes using narcissistic and/or narcissist as insults), if you stigmatise or demonise mental illness disabilities and psychosis, if you believe or do eugenics, BMI scale, Anti-recovery, act like assholes towards individuals struggling with addiction, Sysmed, Proana, Promia, Fatmisic, Ableist, Kodocon (loli/shotacon/both), Proship/Neuship/Comship, Anti-anti, Pro/neu/com contact (you’re a predator), Overall nasty people, Pro-fetus, Pro-birth, Pro-life, TERF/SWERF/TIRF/TEHM, Radfem, syscourse/flagcourse (People are literally fucking dying out here Susan), exclusionists or neutral on exclusionism, exorsexist, intersexist, anti cringe, support/promote or even neutral on Autism Speaks and ABA
Scott Cawthon endorser, JKR endorser, Emily Gwen endorser
Think mspec sapphics can't: use butch/femme, reclaim the d-slur, use the ⚢ symbol, call themselves lesbians
Think that fiction can't or doesn’t affect reality (It indeed can)
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Teeth divider by @mmadeinheavenn
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beautifultransfag · 2 years
Hi there! My name is Jax and I use he/they pronouns. I'm a non-binary adult who is making their way through the shitshow that is America.
My interests include:
World of Warcraft RP: I play on Moon Guard (NA) and Epsilon. I am one of the leaders of the guild <Blood Cult> which can be found on both platforms. I play Father Underlight, Demetri Eel, Rolance Essex, Archelaos Redright, and others.
Dragon Age: Mostly Dragon Age 2 NGL, but I've played all of the games and read a few of the books. My blorbos are Fenris, Anders, Sebastian Vael, Merrill, Isabela, Carver, Morrigan, Loghain, Sten, Zevran, Vivienne, Flemeth, and Solas. I mostly play Dalish elves. Mage rights or mage fights.
Furbies / vintage toys. I own 3 custom furbies and a bunch more that haven't been customized yet. I have a fascination with toys from the 80's-2010's.
Digital art: I mostly draw things related to roleplay. Lots of OCs!
Queer theory/queer history: but not discourse. I really love to read books written by historical queer people to learn more about queer culture in North America. If you ask me to participate in discourse I will bite your fingers off.
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mahou-furbies · 2 years
Hi! I really love your Green Cure Discourse!
However, I'm just asking, are you planning on doing more Precure colour discourses in the future? Like a white one, a orange one or even a rainbow one?
I use the Green Cure Discourse tag for discussion (usually complaints) about the lack of green themed Precures, because it was getting frequent enough that I figured that plenty of people were getting sick of it and would like to blacklist it. But I've been thinking that I should maybe have a general Cure Colour Discourse tag, or even an even more general Magical Girl Colour Discourse tag, because those are pretty common topics over here at mahou-furbies as well. I mean debating whether a character should be classified as yellow or orange or where Cure Milky stands is pretty pointless even if nerds (myself included) find it fun, how well the character is written should probably be more important than some abstract colour grouping that has no bearing on the story.
However I figure you mean the green OC Cures I drew around a year ago, and the answer is yes, I would like to do more. Or in fact I even started a new series already, but I got to Yes5 and then lost all steam on the project. But the file still sits on my desktop and I would very much like to finish it some day.
(also nobody get your hopes up the chosen colour is pretty lame and was chosen for the reasons of pettiness)
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