#fusing human and pokemon
doctorfuse · 2 months
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[A flicker of static is all you see before the screen clears,
it’s another concrete room, but cleaner this time.
no red splatters, no stuffing, no broken glass.
just… empty.
aside from one thing, that is.
There’s a person in this cell as well. But they look different from the last person that was in one of these.
immensely different.
they’re sitting on the floor, chains around their torso, bonding a large tail to their back. Their hair is brown, and They’re clad in green and black clothing, with simple yellow and red accents. A jacket, shirt, and shorts. Through some of the fabric protrudes fins, almost like a fish, but thicker.
there appears to be black lines coming from their eyes, and horns coming from the top of their head, four total, two on each side. And from their eyes sprouts two golden chain-like… something’s.
Their legs aren’t human. More reptile like than anything, with four sharp claws on each foot, three in front, one sprouting from the heel.
They look up, directly at the camera. They seem to notice someone’s watching them. Sluggishly, they float up to the camera, and they just stare. Right into the lens. Their eyes are completely black exempt from white irises, fangs protrude from their lips, a golden oval lies on their forehead, half covered by their hairline, looking a lot like the golden chains from their eyes, and there appears to be scales on their cheeks.
The feed cuts off.]
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octoxicash · 4 months
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Me if i was pokemon trainer + my fave/oc mons! no type specialty tbh LMAO. where my lycanroc lovers at ?!
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worst ref i ever made but im kinda crunchin time rn i got alot of art to make.
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Guys, I just have possibly the worst idea for the kaijumorpha au
what if like in the manga, hilbert is in the white stone but is stolen by ghetsis and turns him into a human/reshiram hybrid and later kyurem as well (unlike with Kieran, he’s still Hilbert.) and during those two years he’s being tortured and enslaved by ghetsis because N isn’t around to be his punching bag when he gets angry and eventually develops ptsd and scars across his body. And During the battle against ghetsis, Nate/Rosa are forced to fight the human/white kyurem hilbert. And after fusing with Zekrom, becomes the original dragon and begins to question his humanity and goes with Hilda to help others like him.
And this is their dynamic btw
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grismavessel · 9 months
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Vessel AU: Pecharunt's Rot
The vessel au is about powerful legendary/mythical pokemon taking up human hosts/confidants e.i like Resirham and Zekrom would want hosts that embody their ideals for comfort and human connection or e.i like Arceus needing a helping hand in the form of turning someone into a puppet and guiding them along. Could be malicious, could be co-habitable and comfortable.
Kieran draws the short end of the stick.
Kieran finds Pecharunt before returning to the blueberry academy in Unova and strikes a deal. A devil's bargain.
Kieran is given strength and more willpower to become the best and strongest trainer, in turn, Pecharunt in brought to new lands and hitches a ride with Kieran.
Pecharunt isn't strong enough to just dip in and out of physical reality, it's no legendary, but it takes the form of Kieran's hair band and a 'scarf' instead to stay close.
While Kieran trains to become the champion, Pecharunt spread's the toxic chain to the pokemon in the terrarium. It corrupts the pokemon and infects the pokemon with malice and poison. The pokemon get stronger, but they also get weaker.
So does Kieran. He sleeps less, eats less, he's so unlike himself that Carmine can't even recognize her little brother anymore.
Unbeknownst to both Kieran and Pecharunt, their bond and traits are so similar, they blend into one another. Fusing into an amalgamation of toxic mentality of winning and never accepting losing, of take take take until they're nothing left.
Kieran starts to look stranger, act stranger.
(Also I threw in Volo because the main story of the vessel au has him getting no attention whatsoever from any cool possessive dieties so I had to give him more L's)
(feel free to use the design with credit!)
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fronomeeps · 1 year
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reshiremmet, now with 60% more dragon!
i have a lil plot behind this version of him, basically reshiram fuses with him after he gets fatally stabbed with the dna splicer during a run in with Plasma.
he struggles to pilot his new form (humans were never meant to fly or use pokemon moves!!!), but he's determined to learn the ropes! he has to, he must. he is emmet and he will figure it out! after all, mastering this new form may even help him find ingo...
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Hi! Is it okay to request another of Poseidon x Reader who's Kyogre's Priestess?
where Poseidon is a Yandere and they first meet during the Ragnarok
Add ideas:
Reader as a Human Highter and her Volundr would be her pokemon partner (or Kyrogre)
-Many knew of these wonderous creatures called Pokemon, creatures capable of unnatural things, and those they called trainers, who would partner with Pokemon, battling with each other to see who’s the strongest, working alongside together to build up the world, and being friends.
-There were many Pokemon and trainers in Valhalla, ones that had proved themselves worthy of ascending to Valhalla, people like you.
-You weren’t a trainer, per say, you had a Pokemon, a Psyduck, who was your baby, but you were a priestess, one who watched over one of the legendary Pokemon, Kyogre, ruler of the seas.
-You took care of the temple of Kyogre, welcoming pilgrims, praying to your sea god, and tending to his needs the few rare times that he visited your temple, hearing your calls, knowing he was safe there and could rest easy.
-When you passed you kept to your duties, watching over Kyogre until he passed as well, falling alongside Groudon, the two finishing their feud with their passing in one last fight.
-When Kyogre found you in the ocean area of Valhalla, he was pleased to see a familiar face, both you and Psyduck and he chose to watch over the oceans of Valhalla, alongside other deities of the deep.
-When Ragnarok was announced, you worried for humanity, and you worried for Pokemon, as they needed each other, as the bonds between them, even wild Pokemon, relied on humans for safety and care.
-Kyogre stunned you by coming to you, knowing the impending battle and he nudged at your hands, as if saying that he wanted to fight too, as he knew the same thing you did, without humanity, Pokemon would struggle and suffer.
-Brunnhilde accepted your request to fight, holding Kyogre in a Pokeball, just for this tournament, then you would free him as he should always be.
-When you walked out to fight, many voiced their concern, seeing a priestess there, not a warrior like previous combatants, and they were worried for your safety.
-Poseidon didn’t look impressed with you, thinking you would be an easy target until you called out Kyogre, who roared out, stunning everyone in attendance.
-They became even more stunned when your body and his own started to glow, as he became your Volundr, fusing his soul with your own.
-When the light faded, you looked so different, like you were part Pokemon yourself, you looked like a warrior now, ready to fight.
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Picture above belongs to the artist to drew it.
-Poseidon was curious, seeing that you were fused with a Pokemon, the ruler of the seas if he remembered correctly, it made him curious of the bond you had with Kyogre to be able to fuse like that.
-Poseidon knew that you respected the seas, as he had seen you before, but never bothering with you, as you were beneath him, since you were a human, but you’ve managed to get his attention, he found you more respectful than the other humans, due to your position and new power.
-As Poseidon dodged an attack, shooting a sharp stream of water at him, he couldn’t help but smirk, he was going to win, but not kill you, not willing to risk Kyogre, but he also didn’t want to kill you. He was curious about you, and he wanted to know more.
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mewintheflesh-2 · 1 month
(Warning!! If you dislike hearing about the characters Kieran and Carmine in emotional or physical pain, please do not read this post, I do not want to make anyone upset. :) CW: mentions of torture, medical settings, laboratories.)
So I’ve had this AU for awhile, Don’t Trust Dr. Fuse, right?
For those of you who don’t know, Dr. Fuse is an Mandjtv character, a mad scientist researching Pokemon fusion. Now in his original source, he’s already a bit unstable, but I was like, okay, let’s make him fucking batshit.
So, he owns an underground bunker lab where he lures humans and experiments on them with fusion and tortures them. He takes his human subjects and fuse’s them with whatever Pokemon he sees fit.
So I was like. Why not put Kieran and Carmine in the lab?
So here’s my concepts for their DTDF AU designs.
First up: Kieran! Fused with Pecharunt. (The idea of fusing him with Pecharunt was very much inspired my @tealmaskmybeloved’s Toxic Consequences AU)
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Being in the lab has him more reserved than ever, preferring to be alone, but for other reasons as well. There are poisonous cracks all over his body, which are very painful to him when they grow, but otherwise are painless. There’s a crack over his right eye, so he can no longer see out of it.
Poison types are always a ticking time bomb when it comes to losing their minds or death, Kieran has been awfully resistant to the normal effects of the poison type on humans, however. Perhaps because the subject of the fusion was a mythical, therefore a legendary?
But his mind does tend to feel cloudy all the time since he got there. But maybe that’s just because of his solitary most of the time.
He has the tendacies to hide in his shell when he’s distressed, but Fuse took those away as to freak him out emotionally and to leave him with no comfort. He did a similar thing with Carmine as well.
(All mythical’s are legendaries but not all legendaries are mythicals etc. etc.)
I will get into his and Carmines relationship with eachother in Carmine’s section. (REMINDER. Relationship does not inherently mean romantic, dumb dumb.)
And Carmine! Fused with Ogrepon :)
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Carmine wants desperately to reach out to Kieran, to talk to him, but Kieran refuses. Probably because the last time they were in the same room their bodies acted on their own and wouldn’t stop attacking each other until they were both exhausted.
Carmine lost her normal arms, replaced completely with Ogrepon’s
Carmine is also not allowed to have her masks, or cudgel. Her cudgel, the cornerstone, hearthflame, and wellspring masks are all kept in Dr. Fuse’s main office. The teal mask was given to Kieran as to cause even more tension to form between them.
Kieran fighting with Carmine is especially tough for him because it means he’s hurting his sister and the Ogre.
Please feel free to ask any questions about this AU or Kieran and Carmine’s situation!
There is an ask blog for this AU but Kieran and Carmine have yet to make an appearance there. @doctorfuse
(Briar is also in the lab! But she has yet to be finished)
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thegnomelord · 7 months
okay i finally caved and wanted to talk about my idea for a nishruu inspired monster of sorts? i just enjoy rambling a little bit as you may be able to tell
so nishruu. red whisps that endlessly hunt down magic and magical items to sate their hunger, so these creatures are a nightmare for mages and magic wielders. all of my knowledge for these guys comes from dnd, so ill have to take a few creative liberties but im not complaining! pure nishruus are rare - as well as humans that have under some circumstances become fused with these little magic eaters. they're slightly similar to wraiths - having whispy bodies that are impossible to contain considering how they can slip through even the smallest of cracks. they look... mostly human, besides the way their forearms, into their hands, fade into a red mist that flows off of their form, and how they can turn fully into whisps and slip away. these half-nishruus rely on magic to sustain themselves the same, so it isn't uncommon for these acceptionally rare monsters to seek out mages or other magic wielders and make a deal. i really love symbiosis - and considering that half-nishruus have human intelligence, making a deal is typically the best plan for them.
the deals are usually simple - in exchange for some magic to keep them sustained, the nishruus will fight to keep the person they made the deal with alive. after all, it's wise for them to keep their... supplier? alive, considering how many magic wielders will likely throw salt the second they see red whisps. oh, and nishruus main weaknesses are salt. it deals damage similar to poison to them. some magic wielders have even been spotted with sealed amulets containing a strange red substance inside, containing these nishruus until battle comes, where they release the magic eaters (which are likely very hungry) to aid them against any enemies who may have magical weapons or spells
also just imagining a nishruu hybrid crawling over to ifrit and begging for a deal, then ifrit keeps them like a pokemon lmao
Okay this is cool and got me brain doing the hyperfocusing thingy so here's a noncannon blurb with Ifrit set at a time when Ifrit's been, mostly, redeemed lol. Probably doesn't make much sense but idk
You stare at Price, unmoving, unblinking. Then your gaze slowly slides to the man sitting across Price's desk. Corporal Simmons shrinks into himself, shoulders hunching and looking down, unable to meet your eyes. He doesn't know why he feels like a little boy in your presence, he's your superior for fuck's sake, but the way you look at him. . . if fucking scares him.
Finally, you speak, voice softer than Simmons expected it to be. It only makes the cold edge to it press against his throat harder. "Captain, with all due respect, which is none." You say, your hard gaze falling back to Captain Price. "What the fuck?"
Price lets out a low sigh, already done with your shit yesterday. "Don't make me write you up private." You both know he won't, you've said and done worse things than this. "You heard me clearly."
"Yeah, I heard you." You say, unable to hide the way your muscles tense, your fingers curled into fists. "I just don't understand why I have to keep the damn leech alive."
Simmon's tries to speak up, "Hey, I'm not-"
"Shut your mouth." The way you say it leaves no room for argument. Even without using magic, Simmons can feel the way it simmers beneath your skin, like lava bubbling beneath the earth. So plentiful and vast it makes his mouth water, stomach coiling itself into knots as red smoke fizzles at his fingers. God, he's so hungry, he hasn't eaten in weeks.
"Captain, there are other mages that would be more than happy to have this parasite attached to them." You grunt, motioning loosely to Simmons. "I don't get why I have to feed the damn thing." You make your disgust for Simmon's painfully clear.
"That's enough private." Price's growl forces you to listen, your attention on him as he stands. "This is an order." His hand reaches out to grip your chin, his touch making your skin prickle even when the balaclava you wear dampens the touch. "You will follow." His blue eyes stare into yours, thumb tracing the curve of your jaw. It's almost endearing, the way he does it, but you know enough about dragons to see the hidden dominance in his touch. "Am I clear?"
You feel yourself frown, your eyes narrowing. "If it tries anything funny I'm taking it behind the barn and putting it down."
"Ifrit." The latter half of your callsign rolls off his tongue into a low rumble. Price tightens the hold on your chin, making it clear you're skirting the line of how much you can push before he needs to tan your ass to get some obedience back in you.
It makes your lightning prickle beneath your skin, "Yes sir." You grumble. "I understand."
"Good mage." He tuts and lets you go, "Dismissed."
You nod your head, your eye catching Simmon's as you turn to your heel. "Follow." You say, the sharpness in your voice making him scramble out of his seat after you. He sticks close to you as you walk through the hallways until you reach the training area, the walls and floors singed and blackened from weeks of training.
"Just so you know." You say, turning to look at Simmons. "As far as I'm concerned, death would suit you better." You say as you take off your glove, revealing the cooled mana texture of your mage marks. You hold your hand out, your fingertips starting to glow as you let a bit of mana flow to your palms.
Simmon's nearly stumbles over his feet, hands reaching out to hold your hand. He can't help but moan as he presses his lips to your palm, the smoke coming from his arms curling around your skin. He feels like a starving man finally getting a glass of water, feeling the mana flow into his body. He feels hot, his tongue tingles like he's just eaten something spicy, but god if feels wonderful.
He doesn't think he's ever met a mage with so much plentiful mana as you, his teeth nibbling on the volcanic chunks of your palm as he devours more mana. It curls in his belly, traveling through his veins, making him feel so warm and he just wants more, more, More—
"That's enough." You growl, pulling your hand back and quickly putting your glove back on. "Should be enough for a week." You grunt, leaving him standing where he is.
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krimsonkatt · 1 month
Magical Girl Noel!
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The main protagonist of Noel and the Tower of Doom and a pseudo self insert character. She used to be a human boy named Noah, but was transformed into a female alfar (fairy, or elf depending on how you look at it) when the incursion happened and fused the world of man with the world of magick. This caused Noel's male, human self on the human side to merge with his female alfar "other self" on the magick side, and since the Noel on the other side was her "true form" her new combined form mainly took physical characteristics from her female alfar self. Turns out Noel was a trans girl this entire time, and is rather happy with the transformation.
Sterling Snow, leader of the American branch of O.P.T.I.C. (Occultic, Paranormal, and Temporal Intelligence Commanders), a secret UN-run organization that manages and investigates supernatural, paranormal, and temporal anomalies, fills in Noel on what is happening, and brings Noel along for her journey into the Enochian Pillar Fornax-3, the first of many enochian pillars that have to be disabled in order to stop the false one's plans. On her journey Noel also recruits her younger brother Goliath, a once bedridden, sickly young man who was transformed into a muscular and well-trained frost dwarf, and Zed, a mysterious masked swordswoman with an even more mysterious past.
Eventually Noel and the gang begin taking out the False One's delusional beasts, the guardians of the tower, and learn more about Zed's dark past. It turns out Zed was actually from a previously destroyed starsphere named Olgard, and was actually acquainted with Seraphim Kairos, though they were not on good terms at all. It turns out Zed was actually a projection of the false one's powers taking the form of Zed based on Seraphim Kairos' darkest fears, and was an unknowing spy and sleeper agent for the false one. Eventually Zed is released from the false one's control thanks to Kairos' intervention, and the team continues up Fornax-3.
In one timeline, the team reach the top of the tower and defeat the administrator of the tower, a wizard-like delusional beast known as Magistrate. Magistrate calls on the power of Archon Eos to transform into his ultimate form Magus-Eos, but is defeated. The tower is then disabled and soon after self-destructed by bombs Sterling's O.P.T.I.C. team placed on the parameter of the tower. Everyone seems to be falling to their deaths but at the last minute Noel learns to fly with her wings she's had this entire time and saves everyone. The team then travel across the world disabling the Enochian Pillars across America, and assist the other groups of heroes in defeating the false one once and for all.
In another timeline, Noel and her allies are able to disable all the Enochian Pillars worldwide thanks to disarming the "central dogma", the psychic battery powering all the enochian pillars across the planet. This central dogma is actually alive and is in reality the Pokemon Mewtwo, who the team defeat in his corrupted form. Mewtwo thanks the party before using his powers to disable all the enochian pillars worldwide, and leaves to his own starsphere of Arkus. While on this journey to the central dogma Zed, Goliath, and Starling confront their pasts and their fears and ascend, becoming ever stronger in preparation for the final battle against the False One.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
cw: giratina volo, pokehybrid au, volo centric, 3333 words,
pairing: Volo/Reader
summary: Volo escapes from his banishment and plans to forcibly usurp the powers of Arceus. Sadly, he finds himself played in a trap by the deity with a certain human sent to stop him and his own feelings.
It was a lonely existence that he lived.
He lived in shadows, in a corrupted, distorted world that was unlike the one he could only observe from a distance.
Why was he banished here, unable to interact with others, you may ask? Well, the Renegade pokemon had perhaps made a certain creator deity a bit too mad with his violence. Still, Volo could not help but feel anger for his situation.
Cogita – Arceus – Whatever the damn deity wanted to call herself today, banished him to this world and prevented his reentry into the one he observed. Sure, he had foolishly attempted to stand against her and take her power as his own, but her own strength and that of Dialga and Palkia sent him here and left him. He felt his blood boil the longer he watched humanity through his empty glances.
Hisui, the land in which Arceus supposedly first made, had caught his attention for numerous reasons. It was where his first violent outburst had happened. The blond sighed.
Was this envy? Desperation? Did he want the deity that had created him and then refused to take responsibility for him to be forced to lay her eyes on him once more? He was lonely, he knew.
His long wings, shadowy and like tendrils, swished behind him as he moved. He wished to leave this place. It was both his home and his prison, but he was tired of being locked inside. Centuries of isolation could weigh heavily upon even an immortal being like himself.
His eyes landed upon the clans of Hisui, led by the two that had helped seal him. More rage bubbled up inside him. There had been enough of him waiting around.
An attack called forth from him, slashing the very fabric that tethered the space and time of where he was trapped and into the other world. Without hesitation, he stepped inside.
For a moment, there was nothing.
Then… there was everything. His body forcibly shifted in this world, wings fusing together into a singular entity and his ridges along his neck sealing into the pale flesh underneath. He gasped in a breath. Icy winds lashed around his as chilled water fell from the clouds. He tried to flap his wings, but he had not yet adjusted to his new form. The ground grew closer and closer…
And he crashed.
Volo laid on the muddy ground, eyes peering at the sky distantly. The portal slowly closed, leaving him where he was. He felt exhausted. Everything around him was too distant for him to gasp on to. His eyelids felt like lead as they slowly began to close.
Suddenly, however, a weight crawled onto him. He opened his eyes from the surprise to see a small pokemon had got onto his chest. The pokemon was egg-like and let out a small chirp, nuzzling into him. Confusion rushed through the dragon's mind. Carefully, he reached a hand out to touch the pokemon. It rubbed its cheek against his skin.
Volo felt completely awake.
A smile spread across his lips.
He had made it.
Arceus could no longer restrain him, and he would usurp her power for certain this time.
Time passed, Volo entirely managed to hide his features that gave away his true nature, both physically and psychologically. A merchant's guild had taken him in and employed him, much to his luck. He easily became a friendly face among the humans of the Galaxy Team and the clans. A travelling merchant who preferred to spend his time staring at ruins and artefacts rather than selling things.
He felt lucky.
His disguise had given him a perfect opportunity to go to the temple that lied at the peak of Mt. Coronet and begin his plan.
Once again, he unleashed his move and tore a rift in space and time above all of Hisui.
He watched as a poor sap was pulled through from some other place and time in the world. There was little reason for him to seek after the by-product of his destruction, however.
Over the coming days, he watched as the populace of Hisui became aware and frightened of the looming portal hovering above their lands. The person who had fallen through his portal had not a single a memory of what had happened to him before waking up in the frigid lands of the north most icelands. A certain pokemon of the lake had made sure of that.
He watched as speculations went wild, but not one dared to involve him. Volo escaped any suspicion of foul play by his friendly yet distant nature as a merchant.
Soon, the portal would force the clan leaders to act and try to stop the portal, lest it pull them in itself. Dialga and Palkia would fail, he knew. This trap of his design was impossible to stop otherwise.
That was what he thought, but then something he never could have expected came forth.
Arceus sought to spite him by bringing out a human to stand against him. Taken from out of space and time, falling through a portal similar to his own. He encountered them carefully, observing how they acted. They were nearly as confused and lost as the person he had accidentally brought through his own portal. He even challenged them to a battle to observe their capabilities there.
Needless to say, they easily beat his low level Togepi. He could feel their potential and pondered how to stop them before they became too much of an issue for him. There was something that he noted as they spoke to him, however. A twinkle of trust in their eyes toward them. He could not understand it himself, but any opportunity that bared itself to him would be exploited.
The legendary would set out to become your trusted ally. His friendly demeanour was obviously a welcome change to the harsh looks and suspicious glances of the Galaxy Team. He felt smug as he watched you head out to do your tasks, keeping an eye on you from a distance. Even scaring you once, much to your obvious distaste. You gave him a glare, but he offered you catching advice and an amicable grin.
It was only after you truly quelled a raging Noble, another side effect of his plan, that he realised that you would truly become a problem if he did not stop you. Volo felt frustrated Arceus would spite him with such an odd and cruel punishment. He felt even more mortified when you presented him a plate of Arceus.
… But Volo was no idiot. If his first plan failed, having a backup would never be a bad idea. You had a plate. A plate he knew very well could call out Arceus from her realm.
Poor you just had to be dragged into this by a cruel deity.
Volo's continued monitoring involved battles and attempts to dissuade you from your actions or helping you to the best of his abilities. It was most unfortunate that these involved your random bursts of bright smiles or blissfully ignorant words.
It was only after he found you utterly dejected after being banished from Jubilife when you had just helped everyone with their nobles that he realised something. A strange feeling had been beginning to bud within him for a quite a while. You were pitiful, truly. Brave and reliable, but pitiful. An outsider forced from your home by a deity to fulfil its job since it refused to play its game. When he called out to you, he watched as you turned to look at him, completely deflated. Even the clans had denied you assistance in your grave time of need, fearful of Team Galaxy.
He wanted to laugh at how pitiful the gods of time and space had proven themselves to be. Softly, he laid a hand on your shoulder and promised to take you somewhere for you to stay.
His campsite was certainly lacking, but it was not as though he could take you to his true home. Then you would be fully aware of how easily he was playing you. A pokemon from the team had appeared not long after you settled down. He shook his head at the action. If they truly cared for you, why would they have allowed your banishment? Volo understood your situation with ease. Which is why he decided to go with his second plan completely now. He was well aware of the plates you had collected through your journeys.
That is why he helped you mend the very disaster he had started. Gathering the power of the lake trio and using the red chain to stop Palkia and to stand beside her to stop the frenzied Dialga. He felt annoyed, watching from a distance, but amazed that you had the willpower to stand against the very people who wished ill-will upon you and stand alongside legendaries regarded as deities so easily.
Of course, he remained out of sight and away from them for good reason. One glance at him from either of those two would blow his entire cover completely away. Even disguised as a human, they would recognise him. He did not miss the glance back they would give back to his general area when he stood out too much.
Volo felt something when he watched Dialga embrace you after snapping him out of his frenzied state. Rage poured into his heart. Something about you made him want you all to himself, just as pitiful as you were during your stay in his camp. His plans were to keep you at his side after he stole Arceus's power for his own.
He would just have to convince you now, to help him with his next plan. After all, gathering the plates now on his own would be useless, as he only had a single one in his possession. Besides, he found himself oddly entranced with the idea of spending time with you.
Of course, you eagerly agreed, clearly happy to spend more time with him and wanting to know more about the mysteries of Hisui, too. Volo easily led you around the region, searching for the item required for his next plans. An unintended side effect of his plan unfortunately arose as he spent more and more time with you.
Hi chest tightened when you smiled at him, leaned against him during colder nights, hugged him after a difficult battle, or said such sweet words to him. There was no time to second guess himself at this point. He was too far into his plan to lure out Arceus once more to snatch you away and hide you in his dimension for all eternity, but, he supposed, if this plan failed, he would do just that.
Somewhere in the middle of his hunt with you, a familiar woman appeared before him and you while searching for information on the final plate he needed. Her grey eyes identical to his own, and an ancient, primordial energy swirled around her. He bit his tongue, knowing better to play her in her own domain. She just sighed and shook her head at you both. You tilted your head at her sudden appearance in the village.
“… Volo,” her voice was filled with heavy disappointment, “Have you learnt nothing?” Your gaze went between them curiously.
“Mistress Cogita, how rare to see you,” he forced a smile on his face to continue playing his part, “You know very well how deeply I love to learn about Hisuian legends and myths more than anyone.” As if he had not watched them develop over time from his prison as her unwanted child. She shook her head.
“You haven't then, I suppose,” her attention shifted to you, “He hasn't been too awful, has he?” You shook your head and turned to him with a sweet grin.
“I… I really like him, actually,” your voice was soft, “Doing all this with him has really made me see how much he loves his hobbies…” Cogita's eyebrow raised curiously.
“… I see,” she turned away from them both and gave one last look over her shoulder, “The Pixie Plate is in the Ancient Retreat. You know the place well, Volo.” With that, she walked out of the village and disappeared.
You looked at Volo curiously. He sighed and made up a story about her being his grandmother. They were distant, and that is why he never mentioned her before. You believed it easily. Assembly much easier than you would have believed her to be, the very being you were working towards summoning.
When he told you the story of Giratina, himself, as you walked to the remote location of the location given to you both by Cogita. Your brows pressed together as you listened to him carefully. In the end, he wondered what your opinion of the situation would be. You stopped dead in your tracks and hummed.
“If Giratina was unwanted, why would Arceus make it then?” you asked him curiously, “… You make it sound almost personal, actually. Do you sympathise with Giratina, Volo?” He froze, too. How astute were you? He supposed his bias was not hidden.
“I do,” he said plainly, “I believe Arceus should have taken more responsibility for its creation rather than banishing it. You should know all too well how cruel banishment is.” You were the stunned one this time. Your eyes went to the ground, but your hand grabbed his own.
“I do, Volo, I do know,” you told him, “But… I suppose I can understand why Kamado did, too… I don't know. Is Giratina still banished even after all this time?”
“… Yes,” he said simply, “I'm hoping it will make its appearance at the Temple of Sinnoh after we obtain all the plates.” You nodded but kept your hand locked with his. Stepping to his side, you leaned against him.
“Well, maybe after freeing Giratina from its banishment, it will understand why it happened,” you wondered aloud. Volo resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Still, the feeling of being so close to his goals, and you, made him elated.
The time came as Volo stood in his true form at the destroyed Temple of Sinnoh. Cold winds lashed at his skin as he stared intently at the sky where his portal once reigned. You were going to arrive soon. How would you react to this truth? Anger? Rage? Dare he even consider… Acceptance? Either way, you two were about to stand opposed. He could already tell that you would not support his urge to create his own, better world than this one.
As much as he had come to care and even… love you. He knew you could not support this, not as Arceus's chosen one. His brain had been a mess since that horrid portal spit you out and laid you before him.
“… Volo,” your voice was soft as he turned to face you. Your eyes were not wide but rather red and glossy. No words had to be said, you understood it all at a glance. “… You were behind it all, weren't you?” you decided to ask the question which held the weight of the world.
“Of course,” his eyes grew cold, but he would still try to have you see his side, “This world is cruel. Ruled by an apathetic deity who would rather banish a being she created rather than take responsibility for him. She is only intervening now as a means to preserve her power. I will create a new, better world.” His hand reached for the pokeball of the first being that had greeted him in this world. You shook your head and imitated his action.
The battle was intense. Volo had not shown you his true hand until now. Battling was something that came naturally to him, especially in a moment where everything lied upon his victory. You were no pushover, either, obviously experienced in your own way. Even after you defeated his last pokemon on his team, he refused to accept it.
If he…
If he lost, he would be banished again. Left in complete and utter isolation and only able to observe distantly.
He would lose you.
In his madness, Volo himself took to battle against you as Giratina, both of his forms employed. Still, even despite the harsh adversity of going against someone as physically strong as he was, you managed to rip victory from his hands.
He fell to his knees. Rage and terror brewing heavily with him. Sadness creeping in from the edges. You breathed heavily, watching him for any more unpredictable actions.
Nothing came.
A hand rested on his shoulder as light poured too brightly behind him.
“… Volo, that is enough,” Cogita's voice was harsh yet pitiful, “I do not hate nor do I consider you unwanted. I simply do not trust you to interact with humans and pokemon of this world without harming them.” You gasped at the sight of her, thoroughly different from the dark clothing she had worn in her human disguise.
You stood up tall.
“Please… Don't banish him alone,” you begged her, “Don't banish him at all… I'll watch him. So, please.”
She gave a curious glance at you and shook her head with a sigh. “Volo… You claim you love them, do you not? Why not protect the world they so love, then?” she questioned him. His head remained low.
You had been through so much pain, just as he had at the hand of Arceus. You were kindred spirits, but you had her favour while he did not.
“… Would you even allow me to come and go into this realm as I pleased,” he wondered? Cogita gazed down at him intensely.
“Of course, if you swear to quit causing problems,” she knelt down and softly brought a hand to comb through his hair, “I do care for you and want you to be happy despite what you believe me to be. Why do you think I even bothered to let you do all of this?” He froze from both her words and the unexpected affection.
You smiled down at him. He felt stuck. If he denied everything Cogita had said, he would be banished back into the Distortion World with no hope of ever escaping, and you would be let here alone. If he agreed, he did not know what to do.
“Fine,” he relented, “… Just don't expect me to be like those two.” Cogita laughed, unexpectedly.
“I never expected you to be like Palkia and Dialga in the first place,” she stood herself and him up. Her eyes, now glowing green, turned to you, “I will hold you to your words to watch him.” You nodded.
You walked over to carry him on your shoulder as you took him from her, his injuries from the battle still needing to be tended to. She watched you both with curious eyes.
Before she left, Cogita leaned into your ear and whispered that Volo was truly her favourite of the three before disappearing into the clouds above. You understood her feelings entirely as you watched the blond man barely keep himself on his feet.
“I love you, Volo,” you told him plainly as you headed back towards the nearest base camp, “I didn't want you to be alone again… I didn't want you to be banished from this world.”
He was silent for a moment after your confession. Closing his eyes, he soaked in the feelings that the words brought him.
“I love you, too,” he managed to get out.
Sadly, despite your love, he was still a wanted criminal in Hisui for the whole nearly destroying the world thing, so he had to return to his dimension for the most part. On the bright side, you could visit him and get away from the stresses of your Survey Corps duties.
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ciciciron · 3 months
When the when the autism kicks in and suddenly it's 1 am and I have a completed Lear design despite the fact he doesn't show up in my au until the sequel fic
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Naturally the best course of action to take with Hoopa!Lear was to make him more emo, and also pink, and also tan because I felt like it. Severe infodump under the cut cuz I am so. about him
Brief overview of the au- it just involves a lot of multiverse bullshit, as well as pokemon-human hybrids known as either gods (for mythical or legendary pokemon, created by being blessed either by an Arceus or fusing with the pre existing legendary) or demons (people who sell their soul when they die and tangentially become part Pokemon because fun character design). The story follows this guy named Akagi as he works to defeat his father once and for all...to put it simply.
Lear, or actually Lyer because he's from the first universe in context of all of this and therefore I have to use the Japanese name, was originally human just like most of the gods. This relates to the bigger picture but like 10,000 years before the story takes place there was this big event that left half the world destroyed and time all fucked up, bro almost died lmao loser but Hoopa fused with him to save his life
He then spent the next 10k years doing fuck all but being silly and visiting random universes until it was decided he was to be plot relevant where all he did was make travel easier which some how proved him more useful than any other traveling companion the mc had before
He only agrees to it because he's searching for the prison bottle so he can actually unlock his full power instead of just being 5'2" and able to teleport. And it's convenient enough that their destinations line up pretty well and he's more protected this way
Also not to get too angsty because it'll be at least a year before I can write any part of this story because I physically cannot work so out of order but given the fact he never had his character development in masters and has also genuinely lost everyone he's ever cared about because that long ass stretch of time (where bro didn't age, I'll add, he's still 17 here smh couldn't even drown the pain with alcohol or smth) he's even more difficult and it takes a lot more for him to accept that he doesn't have to suffer alone
(Also lowkey oc x canon but you cannot come into my house and insult my gay furniture when I have good lore reasons)
Also unrelated but when I was autistically scrolling the tags for him on Tumblr I learned that other people have made Hoopa!Lear design's and I was so like...that was so fun to see hehe it inspired me to finally draw mine. I've been obsessed with him recently which came out of no where- he wasn't in the story at all until a month ago
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doctorfuse · 2 months
Last but not least, security camera 1.
[Once again, there’s a second of pure static before the screen clears itself up. It’s another one of those concrete cellars that've been seen twice before.
it appears dirtier than the reptiles, but cleaner than the mouse’s. Atleast in terms of there not being any trash on the floor. There’s still quite the lot of red splattering and various other unidentifiable colors splattered across the floor and walls.
There’s someone in this cellar too.
This time, it appears it’s that “rouge” that had appeared in Dr. Fuse’s office. They lay down on their concrete slab of a bed, using their hands as a pillow. They appear to be staring off into nothing.]
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another-lost-mc · 10 months
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obey me x pokemon crossover au: the three realms
headcanons | sfw | wc: 0.8k+
a/n: this is an evolving list of worldbuilding headcanons for obey me! with pokemon fused into it.
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Pokemon rely on sunlight or darkness to evolve rather than specific daytime or nighttime hours
Each realm has their own collection of common, rare, or exclusive Pokemon
Pokemon that are bonded to angels or demons have extended life spans due to a soul/life connection they share with their trainer
All three realms have their own varieties of herbs, stones, and berries that can be made into treats or used to empower Pokemon
The Devildom and Celestial Realm have offered these rare or exclusive Pokemon as gifts or gestures of goodwill in the past when attempting to negotiate truce/peace between them
Example: Diavolo gave Lucifer a Houndour puppy, a type of Pokemon not found in the Celestial Realm, as a gift the first time they met (it's now named Cerberus and has since evolved into Houndoom)
The Human Realm has its own Pokemon League with regional championships/gyms
Sometimes angels and demons visit the Human Realm just to watch the championship battles that take place
Since most of the Devildom is in a constant state of perpetual darkness (even if it fluctuates due to time of day/seasons/etc.), dark-type Pokemon thrive here
Access to the small amounts of sunlight in the Devildom (ex. at Diavolo's private beach) is limited to most demons and not reliable/not tested
Demons that want to find Pokemon that thrive in sunlight or evolve theirs using the sun have to travel to the Human World to do it (the angels obviously aren't gonna let them in just for that)
Common types of Pokemon in the Devildom include dark, ghost, fire, electric, steel and poison (found in/near the major metropolis areas)
Rare types of Pokemon in the Devildom include grass, water, ice, fighting, ground and dragon (found in very limited locations or under specific conditions)
The Devildom has its own realm-exclusive Pokemon and realm-specific evolutions
Some Pokemon are connected to certain sin attributes, and a demon with that sin can boost their Pokemon's strength in battle
There are some rare evolutions tied to the demon trainer having a complimentary sin and empowering their Pokemon with it
Human Realm Pokemon are common sights in the Devildom; demons are regularly summoned to the Human Realm for pacts or rituals so there's more access
Pokemon that are exclusive to the Celestial Realm are exceedingly rare in the Devildom, unless one of the fallen angels is willing to breed one of their own
The Devildom doesn't have a formal league or champion system, but Pokemon battling is a common way to settle disputes/avoid violence
Pokemon battling is a popular gambling sport and most large businesses/institutions have designated arenas for battles to take place
Contests and pageants to show off a Pokemon's strength and beauty are very popular and constantly trend on Devilgram and DevilTube
Boutiques like Majolish also sell their own brands of Pokemon beauty accessories
The Three Legged Crow conglomerate sponsors a lot of Pokemon research and preservation in the Human Realm
Portable Pokemon storage and other common features are built into the D.D.D. as part of KARASU OS
Grass-types are very common and exceptionally strong here due to the constant presence of sunlight
Angels that have Pokemon that require nighttime to evolve have to visit the Human World to do it
The Celestial Realm is focused on studying the impacts of Pokemon on the world and on human souls
Part of raising young angels involves their mentor helping them choose their first Pokemon and learning to care for it
Battling Pokemon in the Celestial Realm is less common and only taught on a fundamental level (so angels can defend themselves if they encounter an aggressive Pokemon in the wild)
Angels that specialize as warriors tend to be the most battle-savvy trainers and fight alongside their Pokemon in special arenas
Common types of Pokemon in the Celestial Realm include grass, bug, flying, water, fairy and ground (found in/near the Celestial Halls where most of the angels reside)
Rare types of Pokemon in the Celestial Realm include ice, psychic, ghost, electric and rock (found in very limited locations or under specific conditions)
Pokemon that live in the wilderness tend to be calm and less hostile, but increased aggression is a sign that some sort of imbalance or disaster is present or imminent
Witches, wizards and sorcerers can use Pokemon to enhance their magical abilities or rituals
Ex. having a strong bond with dark types can make rituals and spells more successful or easier to cast, while using fairy or grass types can make the power of prayer more potent
Parts of the Sorcerer's Society apprenticeship trials have tests that require and forbid the use of Pokemon
Swarms of Pokemon that are common in the Devildom or Celestial Realm appear near the place where demons or angels visit the realm
The human world has the most advanced Pokemon-related technology which is recreated by the Devildom and Celestial Realm
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read more: obey me x pokemon au masterlist | obey me masterlist
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I made a reference of Kieran for the "Power Always Comes At a Price" au!
Here's the major story for the AU
After being beat by Florian/Juliana In the champion's league, he decides that if his pokemon couldn't get stronger, then he will. After scouring the library for any information on humans getting stronger, he finds out about a tale of a human who became a pokemon hybrid inside the crater of area zero alongside both the tale of Pecharunt and the Terapagos of Area Zero. After going back to his home town of kitikami and capturing Pecharunt with his masterball instead of terapagos, He is sent alongside Carmine and Florian/Juliana to a trip to area zero by Briar to find the "Greatest Treasure of Area Zero" (Terapgos) and asks the protagonist if he could borrow ogerpon while they’re down in area zero. The protagonist obliges and gives him the ogre. As they ascend further into area zero, Kieran finds lost Pokémon fuse tech amongst the rubble from when sada was still working in area zero (she’s alive in this au but her fate is a whole other story on it’s own.) When they reach the bottom of area zero, Kieran grabs Terapagos and turns on the machine with both pecharunt and ogerpon also inside the machine. When the process is complete, a great ball of light shines before dissipating away reavealing the machine, now burnt and useless, and in the center of it all lies Kieran no longer human or Pokémon anymore.
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post fusion, he got really screwed up after the transformation. With his head and face being the only reminder of what Kieran once was pre-chimerization. As while the three legendries were gone physically, Kieran soon realized that they began to hear the voices in his head, these voices being terapagos, ogerpon, and pecharunt. As Kieran, at first, was unable to quell the ogre and the peach's arguing alongside the cries of the divine terrapin. Quickly, this drove Kieran "feral". After Florian/Juliana and Carmine were able to defeat the crazed Kieran; He was able to regain most control of his new body afterwards.
For inspirations for the design, I based the body on the Kothoga from The Relic and the Scorpius rex from Camp Cretaceous alongside the barbs of the tripe strike from the HTTYD tv show for the toxic chain barbs that sprout from Kieran's waist (if you wanted to know what those were.)
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here are the shade-less alts and the tranpsarents with shade and shadeless alts.
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aethersocietyofficial · 2 months
Pelipper Mail! A letter from Lumiose City. It reads...
"Let us get straight to the point. I have discovered some things about fusing people with Pokemon, and succeeded in doing so twice. Since you wish to understand and harness the powers of Pokemon for the betterment of humanity, I think this information will be valuable to you. Mind me collaborating with the Aether Paradise for a while?"
It is wonderful to see interest in scientific achievement still persists. I as the lead scientist would love to collaborate with you.
Eeeee!! ♡♡ Hi!! ♡♡ Welcome to the teeeeeam!!! (^^)/~~~
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familiaralien · 6 months
Giant monster tamer megathread
Decided for the sake of education and my own neurodiversity to make a post including every video game series or stand alone title I know of that focuses on creature capturing competitions that isn't Pokemon.
One big exception: the game has to be a reasonably playable state. So no games that are effectively or literally lost media (like Micromon) or games that only playable state is currently a short demo (like Bestieball). With that in mind here we go:
This one is pretty obvious. While more of a multimedia franchise it has tons of games to its IP. The one that probably would appeal most to Pokenerds is Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and its sequel as they're turned based RPGs with a monster capture mechanic.
Monster Rancher
Another one I think a lot of folks have heard about or least millennials would remember. I haven't personally played any of these titles myself but from what I gather they're raising sims with tournament combat. For a while their availability was mostly limited to emulation but Monster Rancher 1 and 2 have been ported to modern systems like the Switch.
Yo-kai Watch
A mid 2010s franchise that had a whole lot of initial success in Japan. Its an RPG series that doesn't take itself very seriously with cute and goofy monster design based on the Japanese folklore creatures called... well yokai. Has real time combat instead of turn based and more luck based capturing mechanics than Pokemon.
Brand new game that's only in its alpha release as of now. Its effectively a parody of Pokemon where you're stuck trying to survive in the wilderness so you must build a base and farm resources to survive. Game did have some initial controversy due to some of its designs stepping a little TOO close to being outright ripoffs of existing designs. Also you can capture and enslave humans which may not vibe with some folks.
Basically Pokemon meets a MMO lite. The game can be played mostly as single player campaign but does unfortunately still require a constant internet connection. Battles are turned based but 2 versus 2.
Shin Megami Tensei
What could be consider the original monster tamer game. The series is aimed at a somewhat older audience and the plots tend to be more philosophical then like "gotta be the best *insert title here* ever". Focuses a lot on fusing monsters as well as trying to convince them to join you. You actually battle alongside your monsters.
Dragon Quest Monsters
Monster Capturing mechanics do exist in the mainline DQ games as well (at least since DQ5 I think?) but its these games have them as the main gameplay. Much like SMT it focuses on fusing monsters as one of the main ways to expand your library off available species.
Franchise that started its life as a mobile game but has since gotten ports to other systems. Its very similar to Pokemon in terms of creature designs and combat but the worldbuilding is quite different as is its tone being a lot more comedic.
Indie game with visuals similar to Pokemon Black and White. Its story was originally kinda so-so and its ending pretty abrupt but its since gotten a free patch that smoothed that out quite a bit. Also has a sorta unique "shiny" system where alternate colors are associated with higher potential which can actually be altered once. Also has a built in randomizer and "nuzlocke" mode.
Cassette Beasts
A pretty recent indie game. Unlike all the others you don't capture or hatch monsters but rather record them to transform into them yourself. Battles are always between you and a companion which there are multiple to befriend throughout your journey (including a dog!). Has some really interesting quirks with its type chart that adds a lot of extra depth. Will soon be releasing a mutiplayer update for anyone that's into that kind of thing.
Monster Crown
A game with visual based on the Gameboy era. It has some pretty fascinating breeding mechanics and a somewhat darker tone than Pokemon. WARNING: DO NOT GET THE SWITCH PORT! For whatever reason its especially glitchy and I have genuinely gotten entire save files ruined by game breaking bugs (such as my player character getting stuck in walls or clipping out of a bounds). As far as I'm aware the PC version is not nearly as much as a mess though.
Monster Sanctuary
Monster collecting meets metroidvania. Has a really fun skill tree type move learning system that allows for quite a bit of strategy. Also the monster designs are way less Pokemon and more inspired by traditional roleplay monsters (so there's like Goblins and stuff). My only gripe with the game is how you get monsters involves getting specific scores in battle which makes getting 1 of each monster way more tedious than it needed to be.
Fossil Fighters
Franchise is maybe dead since there hasn't been a new entry in it since the 3DS but its still easy enough to these games. Anyway this series involve reviving dinosaurs (and some other ancient animals) into new lifeforms called vivosaur and using them in 3 on 3 combat. Vivosaurs are obtained with a fossil digging minigame which is kinda neat.
Another franchise that's been pretty dead for a while (it last entry was on the Wii). Spectrobes has a more sci fi like setting with its monsters being aliens you revive from fossils. Combat is real time and you participate alongside a couple of your monsters. I'm btw describing only the first game because I haven't played either sequel!
Mobile only monster game with a style similar to Pokemon Black and White not unlike Coromon mentioned above. Has a lot of focus on split path evolution. The devs are apparently going to release a sequel soon but its been in development hell for years so I'll come back and edit this if that actually happens.
Monster Hunter Stories
I have not played nor watched gameplay of this one so I can't really describe it that deeply all I know is its a spinoff of Monster Hunter involving befriending and using the titular monsters in combat.
Its sad this game series is most famous for being badly translated and repackaged as a Pokemon game. Anyway these are Japanese only titles though fan translations exist. The gimmick of this game is that you call monsters up on your cellphone to get them over to participate in combat. This series this sprout out when cellphones were consider newfangled and hip so it makes sense.
Anode Heart
Pretty sure this one is PC only. Takes some inspiration from the Digimon World games and is semi open world. Sadly this one I don't know much about outside of that though it does have a free demo on Steam for anyone that wants to try it for themselves.
Extremely wholesome monster catching and farming game. Battles are actually dancing competitions instead of violent confrontations and monsters are recruited simply by beating them in a fight. Thing is monsters will only fight you if you offer them their favourite food so that's where strategy comes in.
Moonstone Island
I know very little about this one except its also a monster catching and farming game. I've heard that its really good though and I believe its PC only right now but has a planned Switch port.
Probably the most obscure ass monster tamer on this entire list. This is a Japanese exclusive set of Gameboy games featuring very cute monster designs... and Hello Kitty. Yes Sanrio made a monster tamer back in the late 90s. I only learned this even existed after scrolling down a comment section on a random YouTube video.
Abomi Nation
I'm mostly excluding roguelike games due to most having nothing but battles an 0 plot but this one does actually has a story! You play as the actual monster as you make your way through somewhat randomly generated maps with lots of other randomized elements. The game allows for a lot of customization including turning off permadeath if you're not a fan of that. The visual style is a bit crude but its still a pretty cute game.
Jade Concoon
Another somewhat obscure entry but at least this one got an English release. Anyway its an old RPG for the PSX with monster capturing and a very fascinating monster fusing mechanic that uses an algorithm to determine the appearance of the fusion. The player character can also participate in battle and the plot is very complex. The game also has a sequel on the PS2 but I know even less about that one.
Now if you thought Palworld was bordering on some copyright infringement this game is basically nothing but "Pokemon but the designs are robots". Still worth bringing up I think!
Ni No Kuni
Not sure how I got to mentioning several obscure titles and somehow didn't mention something that really isn't. Ni No Kuni is real time battles between you and 2 party members. You can both battle as the actual human characters or switch into a monster. Wrath of the White Witch's visual style in particular is very whimsical and even has some animated cutscene done by Studio Ghibli. I haven't played any other game in the franchise.
I haven't played any entry in this series yet (there's apparently 4 games + a spinoff) but from reading up on the most recent entry these are basically procedurally generated dungeon crawlers with an insane level of depth. The story is apparently not that great but the games themselves apparently also make fun of it so it seems its an intentional dev choice. Battles are 6 on 6 and there's over 1000 monsters to collect.
Disc Creatures
A monster tamer with a visual style similar to the Gameboy and Gameboy Color. It has 3 on 3 combat. Impressively I'm pretty sure it was developed by just one person in the RPG Maker engine (I'm honestly surprised this is the first indie game made with ya know... an engine meant for turned based RPGs).
Monster Harvest
A Dungeon crawler mixed with farming. Its a bit shorter than anything else I've mentioned here and its a bit glitchy but its a cute little game worth picking up on sale at the least. Notably also only about a 1/3 of the monster in the game are combative with the rest being either used for farming resources or as mounts.
Loomian Legacy
A Roblox monster tamer.... yes there's 2 of those in this (I could even have added 3 but I think one is in still a pretty early state). Pretty sure this started as a Pokemon fangame and become its own thing later. It has your typical 1 on 1 turn based combat and all that. I think its free to play and there's like several hours of content on it so maybe worth a gander.
Tales of Tonorio
Pretty sure this is the same basic deal as Loomian (Roblox game, started as a Pokemon fan game, etc etc) though its has its own world building and creature designs since I'm pretty sure its made by a completely different team.
So yeah that's all of them I can think of right now. If I learn of others and/or there's new releases I may expand this.
PS: There is almost certainly numerous typoes in this. This post is way longer than anything else I've ever made on Tumblr so I can't be arse to fix them you're just going to have to deal!
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