#g x v playlist
darkpoisonouslove · 1 month
Have you ever heard of Lydia Bard? Or her song "Devil 'Fore The Fall"?
I think you'd like her singing, and that song in particular makes me think a bit of Griffin and Valtor. (Maybe after their "big breakup"/her conscience got the better of her?)
Ooh, yeah, I can definitely see this work for canon! I do think this would make for an interesting canon divergence, though, where Griffin didn't leave him but has still betrayed him and is secretly working to bring about his downfall and help the Company defeat him... Oh, no! I don't need another longfic idea now but her internal conflict in that sort of scenario would just be so delicious! Like, this man doesn't trust anyone but he's trusting her and she's actually betraying him with basically her every action? Chef's kiss!
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fereldanwench · 1 year
this is kinda random, but I was wondering if you ever made a playlist for Valerie and Goro? And if so, would it be okay if you shared it with us?
Oh, I sure have! They have... 5 playlists, at the moment, lmao. Then Valerie on her own has another 3 and will probably get more as I continue to dive deeper and deeper into her history.
And I don't mind sharing at all! They're all on Spotify, and I've never shared a playlist there before--Hopefully, I'm doing this right. (Also, I add and remove songs constantly, so these are almost always in constant flux.)
This is their canon playlist:
This is the canon (mostly) instrumental playlist for Goro & Valerie (this is usually what I put on when I'm writing since I can't write and have music with lyrics on at the same time):
And the rest are for their AUs--Some of these aren't as fleshed out as others. I'll put 'em under the cut for length:
AU - Corporate Loyalty
AU - The Open Road
AU - I Only Play for Sport
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leaderwonim · 6 months
pairing. ghostface!park sunghoon x fem!reader
summary. in a sudden turn of events, you ask with shaky tears why your boyfriend, park sunghoon, is doing what he’s doing. the answer he gives you is more terrifying than the whole situation itself.
warnings. kinda suggestive at some parts, vivid descriptions of killing, mentions of mental illness, hurt no comfort, cursing, one of the characters has a gun
tagging baes @saursoob @moons-v @wonniestars
recommended playlist. sometimes & race by alex g
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“You know I love you and I’d never do anything to harm you, right?”
Park Sunghoon always loved to say that to you, especially when you separated your mouth from his and you’d give him those eyes that told him you’d do anything for him.
You were just so easy. Easy prey to catch for big strong intimidating Park Sunghoon. Easy prey to feast upon.
He was a gentleman. Looking back at the past 7 months of your relationships, you never once remembered having to open a door handle by yourself. His hand was already there before you could even touch the metal knob.
“What boyfriend would I be if I let you open doors all by yourself?” He’d say with an eyebrow raise and a smirk.
Even though he was clearly teasing you, you felt giddy that you had such a great boyfriend like him.
You just wish you saw the signs sooner.
The first red flag was how twitchy Sunghoon would get at random times. Sure, it was normal for Sunghoon to be a bit shy—even awkward—but the sudden twitchiness didn’t go unnoticed by you. It was almost if he was uncomfortable in his own skin, desperate to get out.
But Park Sunghoon was perfect. He was the perfect boyfriend, the perfect son, and the perfect boy, there was nothing wrong with him, right?
“I don’t know,” Sana says as she shakes her head, clearly frightened by what’s happening. “I feel like someone is stalking us.”
Your friend group collectively starts comforting her, all besides your boyfriend who sat next to you with a frown.
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” you say, rubbing Sana’s hands comfortingly. “Right Hoonie?”
“Yeah.” If there’s another thing about your boyfriend, he’s good at reassuring people. “Maybe you’re overthinking Sana? It’s okay, you’re safe with us.”
“He’s right.” Hyoseop, one of your other friends, chimes in. “Besides San, you can’t let this scary moment dictate your life!“
Sana nods solemnly. “I guess. Are we still on that camping trip this weekend?”
“Hell yeah we are!” Your friend group cheers, which is more than enough to make Sana feel better about the whole situation.
“Sleeping tents?”
“Baby.” Sunghoon wraps his arms around you from behind, putting his chin on your shoulder. “I promise we have everything, let’s go before we’re late and Eunae makes a big deal about it.”
You giggle, turning around to give him a proper hug. He smelt exactly like the vanilla scented candles you loved so much.
“You’re right, I don’t want Eunae on our asses in the middle of the woods.”
Sunghoon drives the both of you in his green shiny Jeep, the one his dad had bought him last month. The camp site was about 2 hours from your house, so you plugged your headphones in, leaning against the window as one of Sunghoon’s hands comes to hold your thigh.
“Wake up sleepyhead.” He says, flicking your forehead which makes you jolt from your sleep.
“Yah Hoonie! Don’t do that,” your cheeks puff out in annoyance, and your boyfriend can’t help but laugh, pinching it between his thumb and index finger.
“I texted Hyoseop, he says they’re already all here.” Sunghoon opens up the trunk, pulling out all your stuff with a grunt. “Jesus, it’s just 2 nights and we’re packing like we’re moving here or something.”
You roll your eyes, “we need to be as prepared as possible! I don’t even like camping, but Eunae insisted.”
“Well Eunae’s a bitch.”
You slap his arm, making the boy jump. “Hoon! You can’t say that out loud.”
“You’re thinking it too baby.” He swings his heavy duffle over one of his shoulders, his other arm holding the gigantic tent you guys had bought to share for the 2 nights.
“I don’t know why you couldn’t just put all your things in our big backpack.” You say, already feeling out of breath as you guys make your way to the site. “You don’t even have that much clothes anyway Hoonie.”
“Just wanted my own bag, that’s all.” He smiles. “Plus, the backpack is already extra heavy with all your stuff.”
You whine at his words, making him chuckle.
“Y/N! Sunghoon!” The voice of Inyoup, Hyoseop’s brother, echoes through the area. “You made it!”
“Course we did.” Sunghoon dabs up the boy, which leaves you to say hi to Eunae and Jihyun.
“Where’s Sana?” You ask, not seeing the familiar ginger anywhere in sight.
Jihyun pulls out her phone, checking Sana’s location. “She should be here by 7, said she’s running a little late because of boyfriend things.”
Jihyun sends the group a wiggle of the eyebrows, which stirs up laughter and a gross! from Inyoup.
“7 is gonna be so dark though, I’ll make sure to go fetch her.” Hyoseop says. “Now c’mon, let’s get a bonfire settled!”
Night time rolls around quicker than expected, the sky above already clearing out with the few stars being the only source of light in the surrounding campsite.
“Are you cold?” Sunghoon asks, pulling you closer to his side as all of you sit on the pieces of wood in front of the fire.
“I’m better now with you generating all this heat.” You joke, digging yourself closer into his side. “Actually, did you bring any extra coats Hoon?”
He doesn’t really hear your question, too engrossed in whatever horror story Jihyun’s telling the group.
“Yeah yeah.” He says, waving you off.
You take yourself out of his hold, going over to your tent. Honestly, it was a mess, but you were able to make out Sunghoon’s filled to the brim duffle bag. You open it, trying to scuffle through for something warm to wear.
“Ah shit,” you whisper, taking your cut finger to your mouth before examining the cut clearer. “What the hell?”
You uncover the jacket that was covering whatever sharp object that had sliced through your finger earlier.
It was a long sharp knife.
Where did your boyfriend get this? You hadn’t seen a knife like this around in your house, and more importantly, why?
It’s probably for precaution. Your brain tells you. Sunghoon is always so careful, he probably wants it to be safe incase any wild animals come.
So you ignore the knife, placing it back inside Sunghoon’s duffle. You place his jacket and make your way outside.
“It’s already 6:50, maybe we should go pick up Sana now.” You say, blowing air into your hands since it was starting to freeze.
“Oh shit, I’m cooking right now.” Hyoseop looks at the grill he’s currently grilling meat on and then back to the group. “Can someone else go get her? Preferably a guy, we shouldn’t let the girls walk out this dark.”
“I’ll go get her.” Sunghoon offers. “Let me just put on another layer really quick.”
You take a seat next to Inyoup, sipping on a glass bottle of Coca Cola.
“You think we can curl our hair with these like Olivia Rodrigo said in her song?” Jihyun jokes, raising her empty bottle up into the air. “I’m gonna try it.”
“You go do that.” Eunae scoffs, clearly unimpressed with the girl.
It takes approximately about 25 minutes for you and the group to start worrying, not seeing Sana or Sunghoon in sight.
“The parking isn’t that far right? They should’ve been here 5 minutes ago.” Hyoseop says, setting the silver plate of food onto one of the wooden logs near the grill.
“No yeah, I’m getting worried.” Jihyun stands up, “I’m gonna get a flashlight and look for them at this point.”
Jihyun makes her way to the tent she shares with Eunae, which was right across from yours.
“Shit shit shit,” she mumbles, her hands rummaging through the messy tent. “Shit!”
“What’s wrong?” You ask, quickly running over. “Jihyun, what’s wrong?”
“Some animal might’ve came in earlier and ruined our things.” Jihyun places a hand on her forehead, clearly stressed about the whole ordeal. “Please tell me there’s still a flashlight.”
She checks through her and Eunae’s bag, only to find everything but a flashlight.
“It’s okay Ji, me and Hoon have a few in our tent.” You reassure her, which makes the girl feel a bit better.
“Sunghoon’s back!”
Inyoup’s announcement makes you practically bolt out of Jihyun’s tent right away.
“Hoon!” You rush over to him, cupping his face. “Why’d you take so long? Where’s Sana?”
He gently peels your hand off, looking back at the group with a smile. “She says she forgot her toothbrush on the way and she’s gonna drive to the nearest CVS. Should be back in 20 minutes.”
The rest of the group seems to buy Sunghoon’s words, all except Eunae.
“Well why did you take so long then, Sunghoon?”
“Oh fuck off Eunae.” Inyoup exclaims. “It’s too dark right now for you to start an argument.”
Eunae scoffs. “You know what? Fine. I’m gonna take a dip in the lake, I don’t want to be near any of you right now.”
When she’s finally gone, Inyoup whistles. “I still don’t know why we’re all friends with her when she makes everything miserable.”
“Let’s just calm down.” As usual, your boyfriend is the mediator, which makes you smile and lean into his side.
“You can’t be worrying me like that Hoon!” You groan, hitting him in the chest jokingly. “Had me thinking you were lost.”
“Baby you know me,” he grins. “I’m great at navigating in the night time.”
He suddenly pulls away, “ah, I’m so hot from all the walking. I’m gonna go dip my legs in the lake for a bit.”
“Okay,” you give him a peck on the cheek. “Do you want me to come with you?”
“You can come if you want baby.” He looks down to make direct eye contact. “I know Hyoseop just made beef. You wanna eat that first and meet me later?”
You think about it a second before nodding, placing one last kiss on his face. “You’re right. I’ll see you in a bit Hoonie.”
Sunghoon sighs in relief, finally glad to have you off his back for a while.
He takes out the familiar black suit and mask, the one that is seen so many times in the scream franchise. The ghostface mask and suit.
He places it over his body, the mask fitting his face so perfectly that he’s in awe.
He already knows his first victim.
Choi fucking Eunae.
God, did she annoy him. Always getting into petty disagreements, always making a ruckus out of nothing. And tonight? The way she accused him so adamantly, the way her eyes crinkled on disgust as she looked at him.
He had to get rid of her.
“Surprise Eunae.”
Eunae’s arms are no use to Sunghoon’s muscular ones that’s wrapped around her throat.
“Help!” Eunae tries to scream, but it only comes out squeaky and inaudible.
“Poor little helpless Eunae,” Sunghoon taunts. “Taking a dip in the lake to cool her nerves because she just can’t help her silly little thoughts in her head.”
He points the sharp end of the knife directly at her throat, making a slight tear which lets blood flow down.
“Why are you doing this?” Eunae chokes up, tears already falling like a waterfall. “Sunghoon?”
She wouldn’t have known it was him because of the mask, but the voice taunting her earlier gave it all away.
“Goodnight Eunae.”
Sunghoon stabs the girl repeatedly until she stops squirming in his hold. Then, he lets go of the body, watching as it floated face down on the lake.
They’ll find her by next week, he thinks. The cops—of course. Not your friends, not you. You all would be dead by tomorrow morning before you even knew Eunae was missing.
“Aw man.” He frowns. “She got my gloves all bloody.”
Sunghoon knew you would come looking for him later, he just didn’t know when. Therefore, he knew he had to leave the premises immediately as to not be caught near Eunae’s body.
He already knew his next victims, anyway. The two brothers, Kang Hyoseop and Kang Inyoup.
He had already gotten rid of Sana, who, at the sight of him in the ghostface mask and suit, barfed all over the parking lot. He found it both amusing and fascinating—how the human mind could freak itself out so much to the point of physical sickness.
“Eunae! Is that you? Look, Hyoseop said I should apologize earlier for what I did, and although I don’t want to, he might be right.”
Maybe Sunghoon didn’t have to leave. Maybe Kang Inyoup showing up now was a sign from the universe.
He quickly makes his way behind one of the tall trees, which was enough to hide him but also enough to see Inyoup’s movements.
Inyoup goes towards the dock of the lake, “Eunae? Why the hell are you swimming like that?”
He giggles, not realizing how serious the situation was and that Choi Eunae had been dead for 10 minutes already.
Inyoup gets closer, his fingers gripping at Eunae’s arm. When he flips her over, he lets out a scream of terror, which has Sunghoon coming to put his hands over the boy’s mouth.
“What the fuck—” Inyoup cries out, eyes still not believing what they just witnessed. “What the..”
“It’s a real shame.” Sunghoon whispers in his ear, the knife he’s holding is dangerously close to Inyoup’s abdomen. “When Y/Nie first introduced me to the group, you were so welcoming and kind to me. You even opened up to me before Hyoseop.”
“Sunghoon?” Inyoup breathes out, and he can’t help but feel betrayal sink into his heart. “No, please, you can’t do this.”
“Didn’t you say you got that job offer in Osaka? Japan is beautiful.” Sunghoon takes a jab, which causes Inyoup to move forward in Sunghoon’s hold, groaning from the pain and impact. “It’s too bad you won’t ever step foot in Osaka.”
And he kills him. Drags Inyoup’s body into the lake, which floats along with Eunae’s.
“You can apologize to her in the afterlife.” Sunghoon shrugs, finding himself oh so funny.
“One Kang brother down, the next to go.”
Now Kang Hyoseop was no idiot. He knew his brother and Eunae had been gone for far too long, he knew Sunghoon had been gone for far too long. And Sana? She didn’t even come to the camping site like Sunghoon had confidently stated earlier.
“Hyoseop.” Sunghoon shows up behind him, only this time, the suit and mask are off.
“Sunghoon.” Hyoseop tries his best to give a sincere smile, but Sunghoon knows.
He knows.
“You didn’t have any food Sunghoon, you must be hungry.”
Sunghoon doesn’t know what Hyoseop’s playing at, but he’s already sick of the boy. His body feels itchy, and he has the urge to kill kill kill.
“Where’s Y/N and Jihyun?”
“Oh you know, at the lake. They needed to cool themselves off after such a hot dinner.”
Sunghoon’s eyebrows raise, and he finds his itching fingers reaching for the knife that’s tucked behind him.
“Hyoseop.” He says.
“Yes Sunghoon?”
Sunghoon pins down the boy, which is a much harder struggle than Eunae or Inyoup. Hyoseop had been going to the gym, and the boy was no weakling when it came to fights.
“I fucking knew it.” Hyoseop spits at Sunghoon. “You were the common denominator. Always so secretive and weird around us. I knew it.”
He says that with such disgust that it has Sunghoon cackling, impressed with the guy beneath him.
“But you didn’t say anything Hyoseop? You just let yourself go on a camping trip with the one guy you knew had bad intentions?”
“Fuck you!” Hyoseop tries to kick Sunghoon off of him, but it only makes the boy on top press on him harder. “I wanted to be wrong you know. I wanted to be completely wrong about thinking you were some fucked up loser for the sake of Y/N. But God, you are even worse than that.”
Sunghoon leans closer to Hyoseop, their cheeks touching.
“See you in hell Hyoseop.”
Then all the struggling stops.
It’s so easy, Sunghoon thinks. He didn’t even have to take months to plan this all out, when Choi Eunae said she wanted to go on a camping trip, he knew it was the perfect opportunity to strike.
“We have to go.” Jihyun says, grabbing your arms.
You were busy crying, feeling disgusted and horrified at the two bodies of your close friends in the lake.
Who the hell had done this to them?
“Where’s Hoonie?” You cry out. “We have to get Hoonie.”
“We’ll find him.” Jihyun reassures you, but her brain says the opposite.
She didn’t want to find Sunghoon. Like Hyoseop, she had a weird feeling about your boyfriend from the get-go. She just didn’t have the guts to tell you.
“Y/N, shh.” Jihyun places her index finger against your lips. “You hear that?”
It’s the sound of a body dragging, and you could make out the silhouette of someone tall.
“I have a gun in my tent,” Jihyun whispers. “I have to go get it. Can you distract him?”
You nod timidly, feeling fear strike every nerve in your body.
You throw a big stick across to the lake, which makes a dipping sound that has the man turning.
Jihyun, who had been the star of the track team in her high school days, runs like she’s never ran before, almost tripping over her own foot.
The man drops the body, and starts getting closer to the lake, making your breath hitch.
You watch Jihyun in the tent, letting yourself let out a breath of relief when she shows you the small gun in her hand.
Suddenly, the man’s sights are no longer on the lake, but on you.
His ghostface mask bashes against your face, making you let out a whine of pain.
“Jihyun! Jihyun!” You scream.
Jihyun panics, her hands shakily try to position the gun so that it won’t hit you.
She shoots, her eyes closing from the shock after the bullet leaves the gun, making a loud sound.
The man who had a hold on you falls back, grunting in pain.
His arms are behind his back, trying desperately to keep his body sitting upright.
“That’s what you get fucker!” Jihyun shouts, running over to you and pulling you close to her side. “For what you did to our friends.”
You hesitantly walk to the man, who’s body was shaking. You take off his mask, only to reveal the one person you wished it wasn’t.
Park Sunghoon.
Your boyfriend.
“Sunghoon?” You sob out. “What? Why? Why? Why are you doing this?”
You’re practically shouting now, horrified at the thought of your boyfriend killing your own friends.
His mouth was dripping blood, and his body looks like it was spasming.
Still, he grins, eyes filled with something you can’t recognize. He has no remorse.
“Why not?”
Jihyun decides she’s had enough, pointing the gun directly at Sunghoon’s head.
His once shaking body crumples to the floor immediately, and you feel your knees buckling at the sight.
“Shhh,” Jihyun hugs you from behind, although she too is crying. “Let’s get out of here.”
It all starts to make sense now. The flashlights disappearing, the knife you found in Sunghoon’s duffle.
Although all of this is terrifying, his last words still rang in your ear.
Why not?
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taintandviolent · 2 months
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Something 'bout Her ; Jimmy Darling x Reader
summary: Jimmy Darling has fallen hard for the new lemonade stand girl (reader). She consumes his every thought, and one summer day, he decides to invite her on a picnic date. Little does he know, she's had a thing for him, too.
word count & w a r n i n g s: 2.4K | female reader, smut, use of pet names (mainly baby since I overuse that in Jimmy Darling fics), no use of y/n, some light fingering, grinding, and good ol' fashioned fucking (p in v).
a/n: a quick little somethin' somethin' - requested by @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re! divider by @/strangergraphics!!
full fic under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here! / playlist here! / I don’t have a taglist anymore, but please turn on post notifications if you’d like to be notified of future fics!
There was something about her. 
Something that had wound Jimmy up so tight; his heart gave a squeeze every time he saw her. He knew he was in too deep, too deep for a gal that he’d have to leave in a few months, but there was just something about her. 
But before he’d gotten himself in trouble… he’d met her. It was Elsa’s fault, if anything. The Freakshow had gained popularity, a moving, breathing machine that was ever-changing. One of the most recent additions was that they now needed to provide refreshments for the patrons. With that, came the need for employment – and Elsa, of course, had only hired the prettiest girl to run the lemonade stand. It was good for business, she said. And, it turned out, it was. People flocked to her during their open hours. 
She was everything Jimmy dreamt about when he laid his head against his pillow; from the way she moved, to the light, breathy sound of her laugh, she was a gem. A diamond. One that twinkled so bright, it had blinded him. So, really, could anyone blame him when he decided to lay the flirt on nice and heavy one summer day? 
“Hey there,” he said. 
“Well, hi,” you replied, a slight lilt in your voice. You leaned forward on the podium, resting your elbows on the painted wood. 
Jimmy grinned a lopsided smile and leaned against the edge of the stand. 
“What can I getcha’?” You asked, innocently. His heart thudded in his chest. There she went again, just living and driving him crazy. 
“Well,” he started, scratching the side of his face with a conjoined digit. That was another thing, he didn’t have to hide himself around her; she accepted each member of the troupe with open arms, treated them as if they were normal. She was kinder to him, to everyone, than most girls ever were. “I’d like a lemonade… but most of all, I just came to talk to you, baby.” 
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks flush at the mention of baby, your heart fluttering desperately in your chest. Every interaction you’d had with Jimmy Darling had been viewed through rose-tinted glasses. You were enamoured with him and his undeniable charm. You licked your bottom lip and leaned back a little, questioning his response. “Talk to me? About what? Lemonade?” 
“No…” He trailed off, looking into your eyes. 
Thud-thud. Your heart skipped another beat and you had to fight to control your breathing. 
“Then– then, what?” 
“What’re you doin’ tomorrow… before the show?” 
“Oh, I don’t know. Nothing, I suppose.”
Jimmy swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. He had to just come out and say it, it was now or never. He’d mustered up the courage and if he waited any longer, he’d lose it. “Wanna’ have a picnic?” 
You clasped your hands together, your eyes glittering with excitement. “Who is going to be there? I can bring cherries… I just bought some from the mark–” 
“No, baby. I mean, you can bring the cherries, but nobody’s comin’. Just you n’ me.”
“Just you and me…” You repeated, trailing off. “Jimmy Darling, are you asking me out on a date?” 
“What if I was?” 
“Well, I suppose I’d have to say yes.” 
“Yeah? You would?” 
“Yeah… I would.” You leaned forward on the podium again, your eyes flicking towards the empty field. A few cars were pulling in, arriving early for the show. “I’d love to.” 
So, Jimmy had performed that night with an unusual energy in his step. Eve noticed. Paul noticed. Elsa noticed, but didn’t care enough to speculate why. Performers… a fickle bunch. He’d spotted you in the audience, at your usual spot at the entrance, with your arms crossed over your chest. He’d winked, and you’d blushed. 
The next morning, Jimmy was up early. No earlier than he usually was; Ethel was a hard worker, and was usually up with the first birds and Jimmy had inherited that habit from her. Today however, he had a reason. He’d showered, and was in the kitchen tent, making chicken salad sandwiches before the sun had even started to warm the tent. 
At around 9:30, he’d knocked on your trailer door. You, too, had already been up, your nerves making it impossible to sleep past 7:00. By 9:00, you’d done your hair and makeup, and sat on the edge of your bed, picking at your manicure. The bowl of cherries sat on your small table, along with a few Cherry-A-Let’s, as a treat for afterwards. You’d made an extra pitcher of lemonade the night before and stored it in your trailer. So when Jimmy’s big knuckles rapped on the door, you bolted towards it, smiling wide. 
“Hi Jimmy,” you cooed, dreamily. 
“Hi, baby…” He had a folded, checkered tablecloth tucked under his toned bicep, and his hand was wrapped around the handle of a basket full of sandwiches. There it was again – baby. He had a real habit of making your heart go berserk underneath your rib cage, causing it to hammer against the bones like it was trying to escape. 
The walk was a short one, but the summer heat still coated you in a thin layer of sweat as you walked, carrying the pitcher in your arms. The ice had long since melted, but you hoped it would still be refreshing. The field was surrounded by long, slender trees, and up ahead, you saw another clearing. It was smaller, and a large Willow tree provided some shade. Once you were upon it, Jimmy dropped the basket, shook out the table cloth and laid it on the ground. 
“Sit.” He demanded, walking you towards the fabric. You set the lemonade pitcher down next to the tablecloth and sat, smoothing your dress out as you did. Jimmy made quick work of laying out all the food, and got you and himself a sandwich from the basket. He pulled a radio from the basket and set it down, using his thumb to twist the knob until a clear station came in. Music floated on the warm air, and you began tapping your toe against nothing in time with the beat. 
“You take all the girls up here, I bet…” You took a bite of a sandwich and set it carefully on the tablecloth. 
He cleared his throat, readjusting his position. “Would ya’ believe me if I said I didn’t?” 
“I don’t know. I see the way you look at all the pretty girls in the audience, Jimmy. I’m no fool.” 
“Yeah, well… none of ‘em even hold a candle to you. And I mean it, this is uh… where I come to clear my head. Only Eve knows about it. She found me up here once.”
Your gaze softened at his confession. Whether or not it was true, the sincerity in his voice had you believing every word. You reached for a cherry, before popping it in your mouth. Your teeth punctured the flesh and the sweet juices flooded your mouth. 
“Lemme’ have some of that sweet lemonade you made, would ya’?” 
You reached for the pitcher and looked around, a disappointed expression muddling your features. Jimmy furrowed his brow, wanting to know what had upset you.
“Oh…” you said sadly. “I forgot to bring glasses… how foolish of me!” All that prep, and you had no way to drink the lemonade. Suddenly, a lewd idea popped into your head. Your cheeks and neck immediately flushed, and your hand came up to your chest, where you pressed it softly. No… I couldn’t…. But I could. 
“Jimmy,” you started. “I could pour some in your mouth… I’ve got real good aim, I promise.” 
Jimmy’s dark eyes widened and he swallowed, cocking his head to the side. “You wanna’... uh… alright.” 
You brightened up at his acceptance and got to your feet, bringing the pitcher with you. He didn’t have to know – but he did  – that this was also selfish, because the idea of pouring lemonade into Jimmy Darling’s mouth was oddly erotic. 
“Tilt your head back,” you said, as you moved to slot him between your legs, kneeling down over him and looking down at him with an unbridled lust in your gaze. Jimmy, the wonderful, willing man he was, obeyed and tipped his head back, looking up at you with a slightly nervous expression.
“This is one of my good shirts… don’t miss, huh?” He chuckled warmly. 
You shook your head, your coiffed waves bouncing with the motion. You lifted the pitcher above his face and lined the spout up carefully with his mouth, before tilting it forward and letting a healthy stream of the liquid fall down his throat. The sun caught the lemonade as it went down, a glittering flow of sunlight and lemon juice. You couldn’t help but stare at his throat, stretched and exposed, sunkissed and warm. Jimmy swallowed once, twice, and then reached up to tap your leg, signaling that he’d had his fill. You brought the pitcher upright and silently congratulated yourself on keeping your focus. 
With his cheeks full of lemonade, he swallowed again, and looked to you, grinning. You were still happily on his lap, your knees on the outside of his thighs. Though originally innocent, the heat between your bodies was quickly doubling, tripling even, and you felt him shift his hips back. You immediately shifted yours forward, pressing your core against his. 
“Can I taste…?” 
Jimmy’s eyes went wide. Wider than before. “I don’t know about that baby, I’m afraid I’d…” 
“No, I meant…” You leaned forward, pressing the tip of your nose against his. “Can I taste it? Here…” 
Jimmy’s eyes searched yours for a moment, his heart pounding, before he crushed his lips against yours. They were soft and sweet, and your breath rushed out into his mouth, smelling faintly of cherries. Your tongue darted out, slipping into his mouth, and sure enough, the taste of lemonade met your tastebuds, sugary and refreshing. 
You deepened the kiss and readjusted your legs, bringing yourself closer to him. Jimmy let out a deep, throaty sound that reverberated in your mouth. You felt your core clench with arousal, twinging with heat and couldn’t deny the wet pooling between your legs. 
“Jimmy,” you murmured into his lips before pulling away. “No one is going to find us up here, right?” 
Still reeling from the kiss, his jaw hanging slack, Jimmy shook his head. The silence hung heavy, but he blinked, forcing himself out of the daze. He cleared his throat before down the length of your body. “No, babydoll, no one is gonna’ find us up here. Eve knows we’re up here, and she’d stop anyone that tried.”
“Good,” you said, your hands snaking underneath the side of your dress, to your waist. Your fingertips brush along Jimmy’s cock, which is already hardening rapidly. You gasp and pull back, looking at him with big, bright eyes. “Jimmy!” 
“What?!” He harshly whispers. “You can’t… kiss me… like you are and not expect me to get all riled up.” 
You look at him, a slow smirk twisting around your lips. 
“C’mon baby… touch me. I know you wanna’.” 
“I do, Jimmy… I have for so long.” 
“Then, go ahead. Nobody’s gonna’ find us. I promise.” 
Your hands drifted in between your bodies again, and that time, when the hard bulge met your fingers, you didn’t pull back. Instead, you palmed him outside of his trousers, rubbing your hand in a vertical motion. Jimmy tipped his head back, his big, wide hands climbing your backside up to your waist. “Hoh’, god…”
It isn’t long before you’ve undone his belt buckle and reached into his pants to pull his cock free. Every touch brings a carnal reaction from Jimmy and it fuels you, pushes you forward. You’d been waiting weeks for this, to have any sort of attention from the Lobster Boy, and now, you had him underneath you with a hard-on. 
“You wanna’ do it, baby?” 
Jimmy hooks his thumb around the hem of your underwear, pulling them to the side and moving his hand to your thigh. With his cock now free and bumping into your swollen clit, he adjusted his hips, and tapped your backside once. “Lift up a little, baby.”
You do and Jimmy quickly reached under your dress to line his cock up with your entrance. “Okay,” he murmurs. “Come on down…” 
You started to, and the velvety soft head presses against your slick hole, pressing past it. You hesitate at the fullness, but Jimmy bucks his hips up a little, forcing him in halfway. He nods encouragingly, and with his hands on your hips, slowly urges you down onto his cock. The sensation is overwhelming at first, but the ache is quickly replaced by something you need more of – a dull throbbing, a hunger. 
“Oh my god, mmph!” 
You fell forward into Jimmy’s sunshine-warmed neck, and pressed your lips against the skin there, sucking it gently into your mouth. Jimmy’s hips bucked up into yours, his dick sliding wetly from you with each thrust. 
Jimmy found his rhythm and fucked you hard in that little clearing. Your moans were muffled by his skin, but his weren’t. He couldn’t help himself and groaned loudly with every movement, tilting his head back. The way you felt, the way your cunt clenched around his cock, squeezing him in a wet, slick heat was unbelievable. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt something so good… even the last time he fucked. 
“Yeah,” he slurs, lust-blown and heavy. “Yeah, baby. It’s okay, I feel those hips movin’...”
You whimpered. He’d brought you so close to the edge of ecstasy that your hips had unconsciously started rocking back and forth, forcing yourself against him, forcing friction on your clit. Never losing his rhythm, Jimmy coaxed your orgasm out of you, taking fistfuls of your ass in his conjoined fingers. He used his grip as leverage, pulling you hard onto his dick as he chased his own orgasm. 
“Lemme’ hear those moans, honey… C’mon. Don’t be shy.” 
The overstimulation started to build in your core, and you couldn’t help yourself – whether Jimmy Darling had asked for it or not. A moan left your lips, one that came from your core. That was enough for Jimmy; his thrusts went erratic, losing their steady pace. 
“Oh god,” he groaned. “Oh god!” 
You felt immediately full, your insides pumped full of white heat. Jimmy felt it drip out of you, onto his legs, and grinned. There were few things greater than filling a gal up… especially one as pretty as you.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
3k words, joel miller x f!reader
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Jojo playlist, joel master list, @toxicfics for notifs
SUMMARY: PWP. Phone sex and just-got-out-of-jail sex.  
WARNINGS: I8+, dirty talk, jacking off, groping while driving, oral F receiving, Unsafe P in V intercourse, semi-public (bathroom). Reader can sit on a sink.
A/N: cellmate's nephew!Joel, part 3 of 3 (just 8k total) , follows Jailbird and Collect Calls but you just need to know his aunt Mabel is your cellmate. This is the last of Jailbird for the foreseeable future. It’s been a fun diversion.  This is not the last of Jojo.
All goes well at your parole hearing. After you get your 72 Hour release notice, you call Joel. 
He answers the phone, "You're gettin' out," and you can hear his smile. 
"How did you–did Mabel tell you?"
"Had a feeling.  So what, 3 days now?" He opens and squirts the lube. 
"9pm Monday."
"You just made my dick so hard, baby."
"Jojo. . ."
"God, sorry - Joel"
"Call me whatever ya want, jailbird. Mm. Call me joel, call me jojo--mm, call me call me any time baby”
“Can’t wait to be on the other side of that glass.” 
"And I'm gonna pop that post-penny cherry" (post-penitentiary) 
"What they're gonna un-parole ya 'cause there’s a hard dick waitin’ for ya?"
“Well, I like the sound of that,”  you purr. 
“Oh we’re gonna get nasty, baby,” he breathes. 
“You wear thongs, g-strings, whatcha wear?” His fist slurps up and down his cock. 
“Thongs,” you tell him. “Boy shorts if I wanna be comfy.” 
“Damn. . . that ass in boy shorts?  Whew.” 
“How ‘bout you?”
“Boxer briefs.” 
“Mm, shoulda known. Those tight-ass pants”
“Yeah, ya like’em?”
“Like how ya wear’em”
“How’s that”
“Packing somethin’ fat and juicy for me.”
He moans. “Fuck yeah i am, just for you baby”
“Just for me?”
“‘S’all for you, baby. How ya want it first?”
“Honey, I just want it.”
“Can i come inside ya?”
“Mmmm, yeah. . .” 
“Fuck, i’m gonna pump you full,” his voice tells you he’s already close. 
“You better.” 
“Fuck yeah, baby.” His hand is moving faster. “Ohhh, fuck” He shudders and groans long and drawn out as he comes.
“Started without me didn’t ya” 
“Wouldn’t do that,” he says in a transparently false tone. 
“Hope ya can last longer than that,” you tease.
“Fuck you,” he laughs. “Shit, maybe I can’t. ‘S’what ya do to me, baby.” 
“Then we’ll just have to do it again.”
“Oh I’m grocery shoppin’ like it’s the apocalypse. Won’t have to leave the house for a week.”
Mabel gives you one last poke-and-stick tattoo, a heart on your other hand, mirroring the location of your "clover." The last thing she tells you is, “He’s snipped, ya know. I took care of him after he did it. ” 
“Yeah, he knows he's not dad material," she explains, then lightens the mood with, "he's daddy, not dad," and a wink. 
You're gonna miss her. But if things go well with Joel, you’ll see her again in a few months. 
Walking down the ramp from the tower toward the jail lobby, you can taste the freedom and almost forget what you’re wearing – booty skirt, platform heels, mesh crop top, fishnets. 
His posture is what catches your eye first. Feet spread, arms crossed. Your eyes fall to his bulge then pan up to a white t-shirt struggling to contain the tattooed arms crossed in front of him. Gold chain, Adam's Apple. As his face comes into focus, he tilts his head back and squints, pursing his lips in a pained expression as he looks at you. His expression is enough to remind you what you’re wearing. By the time you reach him, he’s biting his lip, shaking his head at you with his eyes smiling. 
He opens his arms and wraps around you for a full-body hug. He smells like fresh cologne, and he feels safe and comfortable.  He feels like – ohhh, yeah, he’s already getting hard. You’re holding a plastic bag of your belongings—phone and keys—against his back. 
“God damn,” he whispers into your hair and his pelvis subtly presses his growing arousal into you. He murmurs, “Mmm, let’s get the fuck outta here.” 
He grabs your hand and your shoes click as you walk through the sliding doors to the parking lot. As soon as the doors slide closed behind you, he drops your hand and grabs your ass.  His hand spans much more of your asscheek than you're used to. The beauty of the sky at dusk overwhelms you, even with the lights from the jail. 
“Let’s make it to the car,” you laugh. 
He puffs out his cheeks with an exhale and gets his keys out of his pocket with his free hand.  Then he points to a big truck and unlocks it. 
He opens the truck door for you and his hand on your ass helps you up into the seat. Oh the simple joy of getting in a vehicle. You start to grab the seatbelt, and he tells you, “nah, hold on a sec.” When he gets in the driver’s seat he slams up the center console, slides over and you turn to face him as he reaches you.  
He grabs the back of your head and pulls your face into his. His tongue parts your lips and his mouth is minty.  He sucks hard and gently chews your lips as he grabs your far thigh and puts it over his lap.  Then he grabs you by both hips and pulls you all the way into his lap with your help so you’re straddling him. When your crotch meets the warm steel rod in his pants, you whimper and he sighs vocally. Then your mouths connect again. You’ve been dying of thirst and he’s a tall glass of water; you just can’t get enough. 
His hands run down your fishnet thighs as you grind on him and make out. He playfully plucks one of the diamonds and murmurs in such a deep voice, “Thought ya weren’t wearin’ these, hmm?” Then he attacks your neck with his mouth, and you sigh.  Out of the corner of your eye, you see a Corrections Officer headed your way. 
“Shit,” you say, “We should go.” 
He groans. 
“They're comin’, we gotta go,” you repeat and pry yourself off of him. 
He takes a deep breath and his hips lift out of the seat as he adjusts himself, then scoots back over to the driver’s seat and buckles his seatbelt. You start to go back to the passenger seat and buckle yours, but he says, “get back over here.”  He hands you the middle seatbelt. 
You tease, “we 'bout to peel outta here?”
"Buckle up, baby.” 
He puts his hand behind you to back up. A whiff of his sweat under the cologne makes you want him even worse. 
You awkwardly try to keep your hands to yourself. He’s the one driving, so you’ll let him initiate any distraction. "Where we headed?"
"How ‘bout we get ya some real food, ya hungry?”
“Yeah, I could eat.” 
He gives a low whistle and says, “so could I, baby. can’t wait to taste ya." He looks at your legs. “Fuck.”  He puts his hand on your thigh, a ring pressing into your skin. “Mmm.” His voice is so deep. “Been savin’ this just for me, huh?'' His wrist pushes your skirt out of the way as his hand slides toward your crotch.  He finds your clit with ease, even while driving. He clearly knows what he’s doing and he could get you off like this in a minute or two, but he needs his hand back to make some turns. 
You put your hand on his meaty thigh and ask “can I. . .”
“*can* you? Fuck yeah you can” He lifts his elbow, welcoming your hand to his lap. 
You grab the bulge in his jeans and get a zap of need in your core. You slowly press your hand into his warm, hard package and feel the outline of his thick cock.  You’re aching for him. You’re about to ask him to pull over when he puts on the blinker and see you’ve arrived at Waffle House. 
“Here good?” He says as he pulls into a parking space.  
“Hell yeah,” you answer. 
He breathes a sigh of relief. “Cause if ya don’t like WaHo, we ain’t gonna work anyway.” You both unbuckle your seatbelts.
"Oh, here," you take your hand back as he reaches back behind the passenger seat, and your eyes glue to his huge bulge. He hands you a leather jacket, and says, “Just if ya want it.”  It’s a little warm for it, but it’s a nice thought if you wanted to cover up. At WaHo, you don’t really care. That’s the magic of it. He reaches back behind the seat again and you glance at his earring. He returns with a target bag.
You peek into the bag. There’s a casual tank dress, flip flops, and . ..boy shorts. Your heart flutters that his dirty question led to such a wholesome gesture. 
“You bought me clothes?”
“Yeah, coulda brought some’a Mabel’s but–”
“That could get weird”
You walk in front of Jojo into the breezeway, then into the restaurant. No one bats an eye at how you’re dressed.  You hold up the bag of clothes and ask, “Mind if I change ‘fore we eat?” A waitress behind the counter leans to the side to look around you, checks Jojo out and says, “get it, girl.” 
“That’s what i’m talkin’ bout,” Jojo murmurs to you and gives her a wink. 
Both the individual bathrooms are occupied. Joel stands with his back against the wall facing the bathrooms, so y’all are waiting out of view of the grill. You’re facing him.  He grabs your ass with both hands, pulling you into him, massive erection straining his pants, yearning to get to you. His cock digs into your front.  You kiss him and he kneads your butt cheeks as your mouths consume each other. He moans quietly into your mouth.  His hard cock twitches against you. 
He breaks the kiss and breathes heavily against your ear, then whispers “feel like i’m gonna die.” 
A toilet flushes. The bathroom smells faintly of cleaning supplies, and it doesn’t look dirty. The illusion of cleanliness is enough to not think about it. 
You wanna be right on top of him, but as he locks the door, you find yourself slowly taking a step backwards, watching him in anticipation, almost like you’re daring him to come after you and show you what he’s got.  He looks at you darkly and prowls toward you, unbuckling his belt, lips parted, eyes dark like a stalking animal.  You freeze. He unbuttons his jeans and walks until his hardness bumps into your thigh. 
Then, at a faster pace, he walks you almost all the way to the sink, then grabs your butt to stop you.  He hikes up your skirt so it's all the way over your ass. He grabs your ass with one hand and pulls you into him again. The strength of his erection through his exposed boxer briefs gives you another shock of arousal on top of your already desperate need. He pulls back his hips enough for his free hand to engulf your crotch.  His thick middle finger presses down on the (very) damp spot in your leggings. 
"Soaked for me, aren't ya?" The hand on your ass slides down and curls between your legs. His warm finger slips into one of the fishnet holes. 
He uses both hands, one from the front and one from the back, to rip open the fishnets. “Fuck yeah,” he growls. The hand from the back returns to your asscheek, while the other hand remains between your legs.  The side of his index finger meets your dripping seam. “Mmmmmm,” he slides his hand up and down for just a couple of seconds, then looks at the sink. “Think ya can sit up here?”
“mm. yeah, if you–”
He helps you onto the edge of the sink. You hold onto the sides and he immediately squats down with his head between your legs. 
“Just fuck me,” you say, dying to have him inside you. Your walls are twitching as though your cunt is making a gimme gimme motion like a fist.
“i gotta taste ya," he mumbles as he spreads your thighs.  “Sorry, just a sec.” He further rips the fishnets, exposing you to the cool air then sighs, “fuck,” as he reaches behind you to hold your ass. He whispers “just real quick,” his hot breath on your mound, before he plants his mouth on your cunt. 
He licks at your entrance.  “Mmmm,” he tongues and sucks your clit, then takes one hand off your ass to palm his boxer briefs. 
You fist his hair, sighing, “Ohh God, I need that cock, baby. We got time for this later.” You’re physically aching to be filled. 
He kisses your clit goodbye, then whispers, "god damn."  He puts both hands on your thighs as he stands up.  When he’s standing, he yanks his boxer briefs down and his naked cock bobs heavily, making you nearly drool. He’s shaved. It’s thick. Length-wise you might be able to take it. The girth will be a stretch. 
He curls his fingers under your mesh crop top and you raise your arms as he discards it. “Fuck it, you’re changin’, right?” He tugs at your bra, and you take it off. 
“Oh, fuck me,” he takes in the sight of your tits and can’t resist sucking a nipple into his mouth while palming the other. 
You grab his cock. “Are you gonna put this in me tonight or nah?”
“God damn, you need it don’t ya?” He wraps an arm around you  and you put your arms around his neck. He nudges you by the ass toward the edge.
“fuck just give it to me.” 
He runs his swollen, mauve tip through your slick, then notches it at your entrance and plunges into you with a groan. You gasp as his girth spreads you apart. You can’t remember the last time you felt a stretch like this. But he pushes it right in. You’re so turned on, it works. You watch his cock disappear into you. You glance up at him to see his mouth hanging open with a sigh of relief as his tip nudges your cervix and makes you whole. He sucks in a deep breath as he retreats, then says “FUCK, that’s a nice cunt.” 
His fingers dig into the plush flesh of your ass and he begins to fuck you. You pull up his shirt and it’s so tight that it stays where you leave it. He has a slutty little hip tattoo that says yeah. His lips latch onto yours as he buries his length in you again and again.  It’s all sucking and biting and hot, humid breath as you moan against each other’s cheeks before your tongues are in each other’s mouths again. The bottom half of your face gets slobbery.  He fucks you like he means it, grunting and moaning, “oh yeah.” Your bodies are dewy where your skin meets. 
You wrap your legs around him. Your pelvis grinds against his and your orgasm is building. You tell him,  “Don’t hold back”
“You want me to last?” He asks as he pumps in and out of you. 
“In here?--ohhhh–time for that later” 
“Oh, you already close, ain’t ya?” he speeds up and his chain bounces with the power of his motions. “Fuck yeah, baby, c’mere, c’,mon” His cock pistons into you. It’s even better than you imagined so many times in your pathetic excuse for a bed. Oh shit, will you really sleep together? The thought of it melts you. The thought of a real bed alone melts you, but with him, with this cock inches away, god this cock, it feels so, it’s so—A primal grunt comes from his chest. His heavy breathing and grinding against your clit have you on the edge ready to tip. 
You whimper, “baby,” pinching your eyes shut. 
He grips your ass harder and grinds his shaved pubic bone into you as he fucks you smooth and fast. He fucks like a porn star. “C’mon, jailbird.” 
He buries his length in you even faster, then pleasure seizes your whole body and you come on his fat cock. 
“Ohhhhh yeah, fuck yeah,” he breathes. 
He thrusts into you a few more times, “fuck, baby,” then bottoms out and erupts. He sighs a long sigh as his warm release coats your insides. 
“Mmmm,” you savor the pulse of his cock and you twitch with aftershocks. “Oh, god.” He hugs you and you rest your head on his chest while you both catch your breath. His chain feels massive on on your cheek.
Someone finally knocks on the door.  He pulls out and helps you down off the sink. 
“Someone in here,” he tells them. He pulls up his pants, then leans against the tile of the bathroom wall as he zips them up and fastens his belt while you change. 
You thank him again for the clothes as you look in the mirror and turn around. 
“Look good on ya. Guess I did alright.” 
His face is flushed pink and his hair is a little messed up.  He seems to notice you looking at his face and he pushes himself off the wall to look in the mirror. He rakes his hand through his hair, then scratches one side of his beard, turning away from the mirror. 
You sit down for a late dinner. Neither of you look at the menu. Jojo orders cherry coke and a texas cheesesteak with double hashbrowns covered, smothered, and chunked. You order your favorite meal and he compliments it. Your eyes are on his forearms and tattoos. As he brings the sandwich to his mouth. God damn, how’d this fine ass man practically fall in  your lap? You feel like  you owe Mabel big time. 
You ask, “You really go grocery shoppin’?”
He raises his eyebrows and smiles with his mouth full, nodding.  “Mmm-hmm.” After he finishes chewing he washes it down with a sip of cherry coke, then adds, “but you know what i really want.” He looks at you darkly. “So tell me it’s all you can eat, baby.” 
“Just for you, Jojo. . .”
yeah he wants to be covered and smothered in that.
Thank you so much for reading and engaging. I love your passion and your comments and reblogs really motivate me. <333
@toxicfics for notifications, make sure your phone is set to enable push notifications from tumblr.
⚠️ Since so many people are saying tags aren't working, I may discontinue the tag list ⚠️
All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @milla-frenchy @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @am-3-thyst @may-machin @pedromania91 @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret @bean-is-reading
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ghost-proofbaby · 7 months
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“I’m out of wine and flowers, so I hope an introduction will suffice,” his blood-red eyes meet hers, and something in her gut twists. As if she already knows. As if she’s just realized that she’s missed the obvious. “My name is Astarion. I was in Balder’s Gate when-” Astarion. Save Astarion. Astarion.  All the breath leaves her lungs as she interrupts, “You’re Astarion?”
summary: how far would you go to save the one you love? what about a stranger?
pairings: astarion ancunin x sorcerer!oc (aruna)
warnings: canon angst, canon trauma, canon violence, memory loss, sort of enemies to lovers?, sort of soulmates au?, overuse of pet names, eventual smut. 18+
cross-posted on ao3
spotify playlist
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S H A R P A X E , S H A R P E R H A N D S
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Beel A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me!)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Oct.1.2023 (6 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
You only went into the kitchen for a snack & you somehow ended up pushed against the counter with Beel dry humping your ass. Still, the gentle(?) giant wouldn't let go of the devil croissant in his mouth & managed to swallow it with another bite. "Mmph. Sorry. C-couldn't resist." You moaned as you felt his cock twitch against you, desperately wanting more. His arms were wrapped easily around your waist. "C-can I?" He asks as he continues grinding & a hand slipped to reach for your waistband. "Beel what if someone walks in!" You whined yet still pushing up against him. He swiftly pulled your bottoms down, "...it'll be really quick."
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
You're always going to cum first about 90% of the time. The only exception really being if you decide to just give him a blowjob. Anyway Beel's a giver, he loves to eat, we know this already! He could stay eating you out for hoursss. He's the type to say thank you & ask for more when you cum on his tongue. He tells you how delicious you taste.❤️ Now if he's cumming, you know by the sudden gasp and low groan he always does, always pushing himself as deep as he can go & you always eagerly await the big load this giant gives you. :3
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
He doesn't really feel one way or another about it, he's just a big teddy bear that loves to make love with you.🙂 Of course the few sounds you do make when he stuffs his massive cock in you does turn him on, he prefers to see the pretty sexy faces you make as he fucks you senseless. ^^
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Beel has his moments & he can be blunt. If you're dating, he'll tell you & ask, respectfully, if you want to fuck lol. If you're not together quite yet... well, he's going to be a little clingy & you'll notice him smelling you a lot more often like some tasty snack he can't wait to have. He'll have a flushed face & somehow eat more than he already does until something is finally done about it.
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
He's not too picky & usually finds whatever is on the first page or two of a porn site. Sometimes he will look at food porn but tbh it's a lot more distracting & he always ends up feeling hungry after it. He doesn't really watch it that often & prefers to imagine his own little scenarios in his head.
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
tags: biting, breeding He's a biter, he loves to mark you in so many ways. Some are soft bites & others are harder love bites. He loves to leave his scent on you!!! Also sorry if he does get just a little rough, he can't help it when you look so small, all he wants to do is breed you. He loves doggy & the mating press, please let him go wild with you ♡
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 months
Immortals by Fall Out Boy as a Covenshipping song?
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Love it, anon. I did lose my shit, however, at the "I'll be the watcher" lyric because I just watched The Watchers yesterday. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It was so surreal to be hit with that. XD
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fereldanwench · 2 years
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🥰🥰🥰 [template by @arcandoria]
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crappymixtape · 8 months
honey, i've got it bad for you
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REQUEST → @hollandweather, 1K FOLLOWER CELEBRATION // FIC PLAYLIST ❝ 💌 can i pls request a love note from steve <3 as for mood anything a little lovelorn and fluffy will do ( love letter from steve harrington x reader, lovesick and fluffy )
H O N E Y, I ' V E G O T I T B A D F O R Y O U 🎶 iris, nightly
Steve's assistant shows up at your place around 2pm after you get done at work. Knocks on your door and gives you a big smile when you answer.
"Hey, this is from Steve. He's stuck in a board meeting, but as soon as he's done he says he'll stop by."
She doesn't say anything else, just gives you another smile, smaller this time, and passes you a folded up piece of lined notebook paper before heading back down your steps and out to her car.
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crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist ♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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rizzolixisles · 26 days
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The Rizzoli & Isles Alphabet Challenge
Hi everyone! We're so excited to host our first event — the Rizzoli & Isles Alphabet Challenge!
This will be an ongoing challenge, meaning you can start whenever you want and go at your own pace! Each letter has a couple options and some are pretty general so that you can interpret it as you wish. There are also some repeats to add flexibility.
Participate in whatever way you wish—gifs, photo sets, fan art, playlists, fanfic, etc.—and get as creative as you want! Tag #rizzolixisles and #rialphabetchallenge so we can see and reblog your posts!
A - Angela Rizzoli / Agent Dean / Apartment B - Barry Frost / Bass / Bucket List C - Charles Hoyt / Car Rides D - the Dirty Robber / Dinner E - Episodes / East Meets West (6.16) / Extras F - Flashback / Family G - Grammar / Games H - Hope Martin / Hugs I - I Kissed a Girl (1.06) / Imitation Game (6.04) J - Jane Rizzoli / Jo Friday / Jealousy K - Kitchen / Killer in High Heels (4.04) L - LLBFFs / Living Proof (2.02) M - Maura Isles / Money for Nothing (1.05) N - Nina Holiday / Nicknames O - OTP / Ocean Frank (7.13) P - Pilot / Paddy Doyle / Pajamas Q - Quotes / Quips R - the Rizzolis / Rizzles / Running S - Sleepovers / Sean Cavanaugh T - Tommy Rizzoli / Teasing U - Undercover / (homicide) Unit V - Vince Korsak / Virtual Love (3.13) W - What Doesn’t Kill You (3.01) / Water X - xoxo / x-rays Y - Yoga / You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone (4.16) / Your favorite episode Z - Zzz / Zen
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blessed-by-umbral · 3 months
─── ───
. ⸸ ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 ⸸ .
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ℌello and welcome to the in-character Tumblr for Ondrea (O) Cress of House Cress on Balmung, Crystal Data Center in FFXIV! This platform features inspirational visuals not only for O but also for her House and the aesthetic representation of the Cress Estate. ⸸ W A R N I N G: ⸸ It is important to note that O is characterized as a villain with lawful-evil inclinations, indicating that this page features potentially triggering and NSFW material. This blog includes written and visual depictions of violence, macabre writing and imagery, blood, semi-sexual themes, and nudity. Access is restricted to adults only. Minors DNI. ⤷ My art tag: You'll find art I make/post under the tag ' hex draws ' !
Below are links to my social pages! Feel free to take a peek! ⤷Art Blog: Art, art, and more art!
⤷ X/Twitter: Art art and again! More art! ⤷ Ondrea Cress Carrd: You can view it here! ♥ ⤷ House Cress Multiverse Index: You can view it here! This page is currently under development and showcases the artwork reflecting my journey of storytelling and building friendships through House Cress and the characters associated with it since its inception in 2012. ⤷OOC Blog: You can view my OOC blog here! ⤷ v 2004 Character Playlist
⤷ About the mun Thank you for taking the time to review the content that has been shared thus far. Should you be interested in collaborations or role-playing opportunities, please feel free to contact me! ♥ My dance card is open! All the best -H E X
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lightwing-s · 2 years
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!! My masterlist is your main source of knowing who I'll be writing for, so please check this out before requesting. However, you can still ask for another character to see if I can possibly write for it, but no promises will be made in regards to that.
last updated: january, 13th | ♤ angst ♢ smut ♥︎ fluff
picture © lomlisyou on pintrest
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g e n e r a l h e a d c a n o n s
✾ the batboys' favorite male marvel heroes
✾ the batboys as spy movies
✾ the batboys as 2000s pop hits (female vers.)
✾ the batboys as 2000s pop hits (male vers.)
✾ the batboys as words
✾ the batboys when mute! reader writes 'i love you' on their backs
d i c k g r a y s o n
i m a g i n e s
✾ home ♥︎
✾ midnight kiss ♥︎
✾ impressions | pt ii | pt iii ♥︎
✾ hello officer ♢
b l u r b s
✾ loving all his sides | pt ii
✾ migraines
✾ the better detective
✾ my pretty boy ♢
✾ cupid
✾ one bed
✾ curious
j a s o n t o d d
i m a g i n e s
✾ midnight kiss ♥︎
✾ i want to k__ you | pt ii ♢
✾ i'll teach you ♤
✾ gravity ak!jason ♤
✾ shower thots ♢
s e r i e s
✾ baby steps ongoing
b l u r b s
✾ making a playlist
✾ nice catch
✾ please don't leave me
✾ moon
✾ shoot me with your arrow then, cupid?
✾ red like roses
✾ you're in love with me, ew
✾ I failed to protect you
✾ aftercare
✾ overuse
✾ flustered easily
✾ biker!jason | x | x | x | x | x | x |
✾ study late at night
✾ food vlogger series
t i m d r a k e
✾ late night park walks ♥︎
b r u c e w a y n e
✾ affection in the workplace
w a l l y w e s t
✾ winter warm cuddles ♥︎
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p e t e r p e v e n s i e
✾ not the best at being discreet ♥︎
✾ post duty affair ♢
✾ jealous confession ♥︎
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s i m o n ' g h o s t ' r i l e y
✾ secret haven ♥︎
j o h n n y ' s o a p ' m a c t a v i s h
✾ soon...
j o h n p r i c e
✾ soon...
k y l e ' g a z ' g a r r i c k
✾ soon...
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g e n e r a l h e a d c a n o n s
✾ soon...
s i r i u s b l a c k
✾ soon...
nav // rules // request or let's talk
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fujoshirealness · 4 months
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— a painfully earnest phan playlist
all my ghosts, lizzie mcalpine // mudroom, tiny habits // halloween, phoebe bridgers // secret life (ft. lana del rey), bleachers // naked in manhattan, chappell roan // how to stay with you, troye sivan // fri(end)s, v // adore you, harry styles // secret, peach prc // serendipity (full length version), bts // when the day met the night, panic! at the disco // younger now, miley cyrus // i can and i will, searows // no big deal (i love you), dodie // friends, ed sheeran // peace, taylor swift // we're in love, boygenius // 18, one direction // imperfect for you - acoustic, ariana grande // paradise, (g)i-dle // birds of a feather, billie eilish // miracle, tomorrow x together // pansy, taemin // to someone from a warm climate, hozier
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ire-as-iris · 1 year
What do you need to hear right now? [Divination Reading no. 1]
🚩 Remember to take what only resonates to you.
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┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈
Pile 01
"I can't give up now before its too late." "I've had enough shit in my plate, get lost" "It's better to stay than to go with you" Pile 1, you maybe moving on from something or someone/staying on the path you started. For those who are dealing with a person: You can't move on from the memories but you know deep down this relationship was doomed from the stort and the universe gave you a chance to see it but you ignored the red flags listen to your intuition carefully to avoid this mistake again (is this the third time you let this person in?) I'm sensing that this pile is too focus to this relationship and for a few of you that is not dealing with a person but a situation to yourself, you're going to be at a better place right now (even if you don't notice it). You decided to fight for this passion, you're not letting the doubts take your dream away Additional messages: Nape, neck, taurus, capricorn, 939, B, V, X, Y, Z, W, chick style clothing, pasta, hoodies, jeans, milk, cereal
Pile 02
I'm hearing: Temptation, don't let temptation get the best of you
This pile has an addiction
I'm also hearing drúgs, I was almost going to cough when I write that but I managed to stop it, something about your throat seems blocked. For some of you, you may have fever or feeling sick of everything in this life So you cope with it using that addiction.
My spirit guides are telling me to take care of your mental health, are you depressed? If you're going to cope with something, make it hhealthy One example would be talking with the people you love to reduce the stress, anxiety; doing something you're passionate about etc.
Some of you are fighting the negative self of yours.
Stop whining and doing nothing (oh, some people are demanding change but lazy.)
Remember that in order to heal, you don't need someone (some people have it but they lack what?) cooperation, resiliency, and determination...that's what it takes to heal from your mental struggles.
As a psychology student, I'm begging you please, don't let a thing or person ruin everything for you. You already have passed so many obstacles in life just by being here, look how far you have come!
Additional messages:
Throat chakra meditation, blue, 2, 8, 9
Pile 03
Self love is the main of this pile, you're healing the wounded parts of yourself, CONFIDENCE seems to the number of people who picked this is working on. Keep on going bro! I feel like there are more guys in this pile than 2 and 1 (you're may be drawn to pile 1 as well)
My spirit guides wants to tell you that you've been doing a great job! Also, they said to consider exercising and include healthy foods for your diet to boosts your confidence more.
Something good will happen... you'll see it soon.
Additional messages:
4th house, 5th house, 6th house
┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈
METHOD USED: AUTOMATIC WRITING and spotify playlists
Facebook Pages: IREN & IRE
Instagram: iren_n_ire
Pinterest: iren_n_ire
Twitter: iren_n_ire
Tiktok: iren_n_ire
Tumblr: iren_n_ire
YouTube: iren_n_ire
❤ Thank you! See you on my next post! ❤
💋 Be you, Do you, You are You! 💋
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Lucifer A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me!)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Nov.28.2023 (2 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
Leave it to him to drive you both insane. I imagine one of the things he'd do is find a way to "pass" by you. his hands will find themselves along your waist, his dick print rubbing against your backside. He'd smirk while saying "Excuse me" while you stay contemplating jumping him in front of everyone.
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
If you're not dating Lucifer, it's going to be a little hard to tell...at first. He won't outright ask you for assistance. You notice the way he tends to hover around you & how his red eyes seem to linger for a second too long. Its also hard to miss the very faint blush across his cheeks when you happen to get close to him while in this state. Is he breathing? The biggest giveaway when he's pent up is the extra bitter mood that seems to last for days. Please, won't you fuck him for his (& everyone elses) sake? Feel free to surprise him for a late night visit in his office or room, he won't say no. ♡ Now if you are dating him... he'll say he's horny without really saying it. Prideful bastard. Perhaps he will ask you to sit on his lap & watch as you squirm, wanting what's poking you. Or perhaps he'll hold you against the wall, kissing & biting your neck, grinding his hard cock against you. Every time, he'll find a way to have you begging for it first.
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
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