#they’re on vacation
tinyclownhours · 24 days
Two borrowers living together and one of them suddenly growing to human hight. And to their horror they find that their friend is now scared of them.
Could begin with a simple misunderstanding, with the now not so tiny borrower knocking on the entrance to their little hideout inside the walls, trying to entice their friend to come out. Because they need them right now, they’re so scared, they’ve never been big and need the comfort of the only person who’s ever known them. But the tiny borrower just does not want to come out. Because from their perspective the human of the house has finally found them. Maybe they manage to let out a quiet and shaky “go away”, but nothing more.
After a while of grueling negotiations the giant manages to get the tiny to come out. Maybe they managed to talk them into it, maybe - in their panic, they reached into the hole, wrapping their fingers around the squeaking and squirming borrower and pulling them out. They desperately try to show them that it’s okay, it’s them! And while the tiny can see that it’s them, and they’re talking to them, it’s clear that they’re still freaked out. The subtle trembling of their hands, the way their eyes are darting around, the way they squirm around in their grasp.
They can’t stay in the humans house anymore. They need to venture out and find another place to live. And the tiny is struck with the uncomfortable reality of having to rely on the giant in a way they’ve never had to before. They have to let them carry them around when they’re trying to find shelter, and they have to let them warm them up while they’re sleeping outside until they can find a proper home. The dynamic between them has changed so much, and while the giant likes to pretend that it hasn’t, and everything’s okay, and the tiny doesn’t have to be nervous cause- it’s still them! They’re the same person they’ve always been!
It’s clear that the tiny is uncomfortable, nervous, and sometimes even afraid of their friend. They’re so much bigger now. Their the size of a human, creatures both of them had been afraid of their entire life. With this new size, their bond has been altered permanently in a way neither of them would’ve expected.
Or wanted.
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kate-kitkat · 9 months
Bruce driving: We’re going to the barbecue place. All of the fish restaurants are closed on Sunday.
Dick: Cool!
Damian: If we must.
Jason: Hell yeah! Love BBQ.
Tim leaning over to Steph: The fish went to church.
Steph: °0°
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lume-nosity · 2 years
i’m staying up tonight because when the clock hits 12, that’s when one of my school friend’s birthday happens. not only that, i will finally upload my two birthday fics out here and send them to the birthday person :D
pretty nervous abt it ngl bc i hope they like them
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crismakesstuff · 6 months
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happy memories , happy family
redraw of these two images from the show !
The first one is from s2 and the other is from s1 (I hope we get to see a better quality version of it one day)
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fuumiku · 7 months
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ACNH AU but it’s just Chil as Tom Nook giving out lax loans to people in need with his half-foot guild, and his close friend Isabelle Marcille helping out and hanging around. Been playing ACNH and came to the realization that Tom Nook & Isabelle give Chil & Marcille energy, and immediately had to draw it…
Man wanted to retire early but still hasn’t stopped. What I want for post-canon Chilchuck is just for him to have Tom Nook energy fr fr
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giganticism · 2 months
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The Hughes brothers actually are that close and obsessed with each other. You just have to accept it.
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nitro502 · 1 day
How come everyone else got an internal Senshi telling them to eat healthy? All I got is an internal Chilchuck and Laios.
Chilchuck is neat because he tells me to remember my worker’s rights and take advantage of being in a union.
But all my internal Laios does is tell me to eat whatever weird shit I want and wear a tail.
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roykentschesthair · 9 months
I just feel like Jamie would move in with Roy before they ever start dating. Before they even realize that a majority source of their tension is romantic/sexual. First it just makes sense that Jamie comes in after their early morning practice, he needs to eat and Lord knows he can’t cook, but Roy can, and he knows his dietary guidelines and he has a shower and yes it’s only two-in-one shampoo, but he doesn’t need all that fancy shit, just go shower!
But Jamie brings a bag of toiletries the next morning because he’s not subjecting his beautiful hair to that monstrosity again, and then it only makes sense that he’d have a change of clothes, because the first time he’d had to borrow stuff from Roy, and he doesn’t think anyone on the team noticed but Beard had given him one of those weird looks of his and Jamie isn’t meant for black or dark heather charcoal so he brings his own stuff.
And then it makes sense to ride in to Richmond with Roy because they’re going back to his place after for their next training and more home cooked meals and maybe sleeping over makes total sense because they’re going to be up and training at four anyway
And then it’s been weeks, months, and Jamie is at Roy’s more than he’s home, and even the off season keeps the same way, except they don’t go in to practice during the day and Jamie convinces Roy to play FIFA with him and Roy cooks and makes Jamie read and watch old movies and they hang out with Phoebe together because she adores Jamie and Jamie adores and spoils her and Roy goes to visit Georgie and Simon because why wouldn’t he?
All of this to say I honestly think they’d get married before ever going on a first date because to them it just makes sense.
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comradekatara · 3 months
my thing with katang is that i simply cannot understand or accept the logic of patriarchal marriage rituals and so the monogamous nuclear family structure that they present us with as their supposed ideal within the text is just not for me. but i understand the logic of weird lesbians very well, so ideally i conceive of their relationship in those terms, within that framework, and then it makes perfect sense to me. like the gaang will be hanging out and katara leans over to give aang a kiss and sokka is just like “um. didn’t you guys break up” and katara’s like “what why would you think that” and sokka’s like “bc a couple weeks ago u came up to me and said ‘we broke up :|” and katara’s like “oh so just because we broke up means that i can’t give my best friend in the whole world a little kissy what are you the kissing police” and sokka’s like “FINE. WHATEVER. I DON’T CARE AS LONG AS AANG IS SATISFIED WITH THIS ARRANGEMENT” (he is). but also sokka loves taking advantage of their technical status as “exes” to refer to aang as “my sister’s ex bf” as often as he possibly can. so it actually works out for everyone
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Frank better hope there’s never any rogue letters fluttering around his living room anytime soon…
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carbonateds-oda · 2 months
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they look so fucking adorable oof
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lomltrentarnold · 1 year
❛ alleged girlfriend. ❜ — trent alexander-arnold
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❪ part one / part two ❫
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‣ warning : fem!reader, somewhat fake relationship au but not really, trent and reader aren’t really dating but there are rumours 👀 and they are not denying anything sigh, flirting, i think they like each other idk 🤷‍♀️
‣ hana’s notes : i really liked writing this concept idk why 😭 it was making me smiling and shit 😭 maybe i’ll do more fake relationship au with trent!! hope yall enjoy this mwah 🫶
trent never really liked parties. sometimes its way too loud, way too stuffy, and way too many people. if it was his teammates or friends he was fine. but sometimes it was strangers that just loves to ask too many questions that he feels like he’s in an interview more than a conversation. some just wanted to hear the drama about the transfers and relationships rumours.
“so trent, the fans want to know if you’re seeing someone or not.”
speaking of relationship rumours.
trent involuntary scrunched his face. if he hears that question one more time or anything related to that he is going to go crazy. the amount of times he has to dodge answering that question this night alone was insane.
it all started with a viral tweet recently that went out on how trent was always “seen” with this one person, a girl specifically, over these past weeks. everyone went haywire with assumptions. articles were posted, people were flooding his dms and his ig posts are full of comments about this mysterious girl.
who? when? how?!
“hello, pardon, i’m so sorry to interrupt, but can i steal him for a bit.”
timing couldn’t have been anymore perfect.
he snapped his head towards you so fast, you can positively hear his neck crack. with the sound of your voice, he could suddenly feel the clouds clearing, the room felt less stuffy, the birds were chirping and everything seemed fine.
your hands wrapped around trent’s forearm, moving to stand close to him, as you smiled politely at the person in front of him.
in all honesty you have been keeping your eyes on him ever since you saw an interviewer that you recognised speaking to him. with trent’s body language, anyone could tell that he wanted to get out of that conversation. so you excuse yourself from your friends and made your way to trent, a strategy already in mind.
the person nodded their head quickly, “yes, yes of course miss.” before they cheekily added, “wouldn’t want to keep you away from your man.”
trent internally cringed, he doesn’t want you to be embarrassed but instead he heard you giggle, your hands squeezing his bicep tighter. but trent knows you, he knows that was not your real laugh.
but when he turned to look at you, he can see that your eyes were sparkling, you were wearing an adorable smile that pulls on his heartstrings, the lights of the room making your skin all glowy and he thinks he might pass out.
as you both bid your goodbyes, trent immediately rested his warm hand at your back, guiding you through the room. you both ended up in a secluded area, hoping that it was out of the eyes of other people. but that proved wrong because you could feel every pair of eyes on you and trent as you both walked together.
leaning against a wall, you turned to look into his brown eyes that you have become fond of. you smiled at him, eyes involuntary dropping down to his rose tinted lips as he licked them, before it curls into one of his pretty grin that never fails to make you swoon.
suddenly you look over trent’s shoulder, you saw a group of people taking picture of both of you.
you can already see the tweets.
trent alexander-arnold seen with the same girl at a party last night!
trent alexander-arnold getting cozy with someone?
is trent alexander-arnold in a relationship? or is it just casual?
is trent alexander-arnold no longer single?
you smile dropped, and trent grew concerned, “what is it?”
you looked at him, an apology ready in your mind. “i’m so sorry. you just looked uncomfortable and i thought i’d came in and save you. but i am so sorry if that was crossing a line. because with the way it looked we aren’t beating the rumours anytime soon.” you rambled.
trent shook his head, a chuckle leaving his lips. “nah, it’s fine. thank you for savin’ me.” he smirked, at your relief face before a teasing look appeared on his face, “but, ya didn’t say anything when the guy said i was ‘your man’.”
you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore how your heart was beating like crazy, —this gorgeous man was standing right in front of you. you could smell his cologne, you needed to calm down— “you’re very welcome by the way.”
with the smirk never leaving his face, he took a step forward towards you, closing in on your space. you could see his dimples better like this.
“aren’t worried that people are going take our pictures together? with the rumours?” you voiced out, concern plastered on your face.
he shrugged, “nah, not really. reporters say a lot of things, doesn’t really bother me.”
you slowly nodded your head in understanding, lips pursed as a second of silence passed. “so…”
“so…” trent coughed out, he moved between the balls of his feet, “wanna get out of here?” he whispered, scrunching his nose in a way that has you smiling like a lovesick fool.
your nervously looked to the crowd, seeing if anybody was still staring. when you were positive no one was, you looked at trent, nodding with a smile, “yeah, okay.” you took his hand in yours, missing the way his eyes went wide and a shy smile appeared on his lips.
he interlock your fingers together, “let’s go, then.”
you don’t think you’re going to beat the allegations anytime soon.
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tell me what you think babes <3 also part 2 ?? update : i posted pt2
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 276
Fuck it, let’s do another three-way crossover prompt, it’s been a little while since I did that. 
And y’know what let’s do legend of zelda crossover too. After all, liminals are already uncanny-valley towards humans, but hylians? Who already have pointed ears and less human features? Oh how ecto-contaminated beings look to them is horrifying. Like something predatory mimicking them, like some sort of body horror vibes. 
Well, to everyone except for Link, who happens to also perhaps be slightly contaminated, what with the reincarnation, ghost-seeing and the fact that he died… and then was revived. Huh. You died too huh? Hey Dami (“Don’t call me that”) Jay, Ellie, we have another undead pal! 
Everyone else? Would like these beings to get out of their village now, please- oh goddesses one is looking at them- 
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darkxsoulzyx · 1 year
(Made this for a goofy AU me and friends are doing for Dakota/into the y/n verse)
Dakota has two new house cats guys— /lh
@bunmuffin @garbagechocolate @bbonkie @nebuladreamz
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ineffableaddiction · 2 months
Even if Aziraphale had said yes, I don’t think Crowley would have been able to leave humanity to destruction. He loves Earth too much.
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boxalienist · 2 years
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Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi ca. 19 BBY
Oil on canvas | 2022
Art Reference: Pruett A. Carter
(Click for better quality)
Buy the print
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