#gabe is going insane about his sisters again
dickbutt21 · 1 year
Four Eyes (The Arcana Fanpoem)
I know a lot about my brother
I know that he got grey eyes and I got blue
I saw him picking at his eyes Pulling down the skin like a stocking
Flicking his eye
He stares at the ocean a lot He says he misses the seals
Those salt filmed furry tubs I nod He’s silly We have people again And he certainly takes advantage of it Yapping endlessly to the other sailors
They chuckle their pirate laughs And he chuckles too, imitating them I know he’s tall but everyone knows that He’s been bumping into the sides of the doorway
Knocking over his own books and scribbles
Maz says I’m lucky to not have his handwriting Even if I can’t write anything other then my own name I know he wears glasses
I know he needs them, but doesn’t wear them I caught him once, folding the spectacles over his eyes and off of them He folded them behind his back And told me that blood was thick He spit in his hand offering it to me and I shook it That was a while ago He shares more spit with the other sailors now He tells me what they speak of That they sing drunken tales and let him drink from their flasks He brings me a half stolen flask to share We giggled, behind the crates where the grains were stored
Red rimmed speaking parrots to the west Gold and sapphire earrings to the east North is where we’re from He says the sailors won’t say anything other then bad brandy But south, south is special He says there’s somewhere beautiful there With deep brown sand and thick wirey tree roots And pineapples that never go out of season That they just walk from tree to tree when they’re done growing He giggles That’s what they say anyways He thinks that pineapples with walking legs are funny Which they are, I don’t know why he thought they were serious
They’re telling you kiddie tales I say No, I swear they’re real! You just don’t get it because you’re not old enough to be a real sailor I am a real sailor, you goose! You’re barely 8! Turned 9 last spring! We don’t even know that! Well, when spring’s past I’m a year older Fine, but you’re not double digits yet That don’t mean anything!
Yeah-huh it does! Nuh-uh! I’m a real sailor when I say so cause I’ve always been on this ship! Yeah but you’re not mature 
Am too! Are not!
Am too! Are not! As time moves on I know more and less about him I know he doesn’t go to sleep until late Cause he’s too old to sleep early with me I know he smells weird when he comes back Bad, like warm sea water And no good brandy But I know he’ll never skip his lunch with me Cause I slip him an extra slice of bread into the soup And he asks me about what I’m looking forward to most When we land in the next port 
I know when he’s scared
I know he picks at his skin when he’s scared
And he always comes back with pimples And he cries at the red spots
Because he’s growing on up
And his friends now think he’s annoying
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maple-tree-hills · 3 months
Percy Jackson AU where instead of Poseidon being absent in Percy’s life, he helps raise him. But Percy doesn’t know his dad is Poseidon. He thinks Peter Johnson is a marine biologist and a fisherman who is frequently on long business trips for his job. Maybe Sally and Poseidon are divorced, and she marries Smelly Gabe or maybe they’re still together, who knows.
Just, instead of Percy being in anger at the gods for neglecting their children he’s in disbelief that his very normal father is Poseidon. They go on fishing trips together all the time and he dresses like a tacky Hawaiian tourist. Not a god. He refuses to believe this despite Grover being a satyr, and Mr. Brunner being a centaur.
I’m not sure if Percy should know all of the gods or not. Maybe he knows Mr. D already as Cousin Dexter. Cousin Dexter has shown up a couple of times in his life. He’s a devil for the drink and a known alcoholic, so why is he at this weird camp playing cards with Grover and Mr. Brunner? And they start talking about the gods and demigods again. And Mr. D calls him ‘mortal.’ And Percy’s like yeah, no Cousin Dexter has had a bit too much to drink despite the fact that he can’t smell any alcohol on him, and he’s only been drinking Diet Coke. Percy switches subjects as to why Mr. D isn’t drinking any alcohol. Apparently, his father won’t let him drink alcohol anymore and is forcing him to work at this summer camp. Percy is happy to hear this because at least someone isn’t having Cousin Dexter’s shit anymore.
Then they switch gears back into the conversion about gods existing and he’s sure Grover, or Mr. Brunner, or Mr. D will say sike, but none of them do. They all seriously believe in the gods. Well Percy is stubborn and won’t be convinced this easily.
And then he finds out that Hades stole the master bolt and has his mother, and he’s like uncle Hector? Uncle Hector is a god of the underworld? And he has my mother and stole Zeus’s lightning bolt? No way. Uncle Hector lives in LA and works at a music producing studio. He is not the god of the underworld. He is not Hades, this is insane and Percy does not appreciate being punked. He’ll admit some supernatural stuff is real because a minatur killed his mom, but being a demigod no way.
And they keep telling Percy about the family drama and he’s still in disbelief. All he knows about uncle Zane is that his father is not on good terms with him. There’s no way uncle Zane who his father HATES, who works in the Empire State Building is Zeus. There’s just no way.
And then he finds out about the Big Three and forbidden children thing. And he goes ‘That can’t be true uncle Hector has two kids: cousin Bianca and cousin Nico.’ And he just accidentally spoils to everyone that Hades has not kept his end of the pact about fathering more mortal children.
And then they’re on the road going through quests fighting against Alecto again, Echidna, and Medusa and Percy still can’t believe the gods are real.
It isn’t until he gets to the underworld that he starts believing. There seated on a dark throne surrounded by skeletons is Uncle Hector? Uncle Hector is actually Hades? He’s freaking out he’s never seen his uncle this way before. He’s terrifying and keeps demanding this Helm of Darkness thing in exchange for his mother. Where’s Nico he wants to hang out with his cousin?
And maybe Percy sasses him because what the heck uncle Hector sending furies after your nephew and holding your sister-in-law hostage and accusing your nephew of theft is not cool. And things for the most part will proceed like they do in the book for the most part. I could see Hades when he’s pretending to be a human behaving similarly to Jay Duplass’s portrayal of him in the TV show. Just a comical uncle who is most certainly not lord of the underworld.
(I’ve only seen the TV and I’ve almost finished the first book so far, but I do know Hades has two kids named Bianca and Nico)
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aita for not inviting a friend of mine into my dnd campaign?
so i (18nb) have a friend (18nb, Martin) who i play in a main dnd campaign with with all our other friends (Ill name them Dan, Virgil, Mark, and Ray). Dan is our DM after we kicked out the old one bc she was horrible. We're a pretty close group of friends, but lately we've all been really busy with respective school & work, ect. so we didnt play dnd for a solid, like,, 4 months. I DMed a one shot for everyone besides Ray cause she was flaky anyway, and added in my boyfriend Zeke for it.
Everyone had a really fun time w it and I loved everyones characters, especially Dan's. I watch a lot of dnd shows, so i just keep getting more ideas- but while the one shot was fun it was messy as hell. Ive been wanting to write a campaign for a smaller group for a while, (because when i tried making a campaign with the whole group the character creations were... disappointing to say the least. this sounds mean but i created a fairy world that was very magical & told everyone to go crazy on character creation in a world with few/no humans, and like 5/6 people opted to be a human with a fighting class :/ )
ive been writing a campaign that im really proud of and have a good vision for, and decided to include Mark (because we're best friends) Zeke (because he wants to play dnd more and has no opportunities) Dan (bc he never gets to be a player) and then another close friend of mine outside the group named Gabe (who i love but never get to see) I love their characters & we're all super excited.
Thing is. I was briefly talking with Dan, Zeke and Mark about it at school bc I'd sent everyone a little intro message for the world and they were all super excited and wanted to talk to me about their classes. Virgil had no problem with this and was excitedly asking abt the world + characters along with some other friends from school, but Martin got quiet and went and sat by himself. I could tell they were off, but Martin is generally a quiet person anyway and is often sad + doesnt want to talk for like a hundred different reasons, so i left her alone. Later that day in a different class I have with Virgil he showed me his phone where Martin had sent him a message saying she was really disappointed & felt left out that i hadnt invited them to my campaign.
i instantly felt bad and started to text him, but,,,, to be honest, i dont think im at all responsible for this.
i have reasons for leaving Martin out, the main one being that they just..... arent a very active player. Hes soft spoken and doesnt actually like rping their characters- her character in our main campaign is/was literally mute bc they said they didnt want to have to speak as him. (theyve since taken this back and went through with a curse breaking thing to be able to speak, but her character,,, still doesnt talk much.) he writes really good, sad backstories but doesnt actually play or do anything with them and gets uncomfortable acting. Their characters are not only emotional, but like. crazy. they play a bunch of cool tieflings with insane magic classes & features and then, again,,,, dont roleplay them. I didnt want the group to be big and had a good reason for including everyone that i did, and our other friends that arent in it (Virgil, Ray who is Martins sister btw, all our other d&d interested friends at school) literally dont mind at all. i just wrote a campaign that theyre not in. Martin also has their feelings hurt very easily, so to be honest i just find her being sad about not being in it just... stupid. id never say that to his face & i get that he feels bad, but like....cmon.
im aware im a very very incredibly low empathy person- to be honest i struggle with depression and bpd very heavily and am often mean to my friends & loved ones without really processing why or how much it affects them. i told Virgil that i thought Martins reaction was stupid, and he said that that wasnt fair bc Martin had always been in my campaigns before (which is, yknow, one. Martin and I were even in a campaign with a completely different group a while back and Martin willingly left it very early because the group was loud & their character wasnt doing anything (yeah)). Every time Martins expressed (or i guess not expressed) sorrow for not being invited to it ive just sort of ignored them. this again isnt that uncommon cuz when shes sad he doesnt like to talk about it, and also they havent directly confronted me with this at all.
ive been talking about the campaign a lot because it occupies frankly a lot of my brain because i have so much to write, and i especially talk to the people that arent in it bc theres no risk of slipping up and telling them something they arent supposed to know. The other friend, Gabe, is friends with Zeke and Mark and I, and Dan is good around new people,, but Martins really quiet around people he doesnt know well, so if i invited her anyway they'd probably play the game even less than they already do.
again, im really bad at having an actual perspecitve on this. Virgil said he feels bad for Martin but not for himself, as far as i know Dan doesnt know about the situation, and i literally just dont wanna involve Mark and Zeke (Zeke HATES conflict and when people fight so he really doesnt have to be involved.) Mark Martin and I have all been really close friends since literally 7th grade and I guess Martin especially feels left out that I involved Mark and not them but Marks both really good at character creation and also talking in character, and like, hes my best friend who i do everything with.
I dont wanna blow off Martins emotions but but i truly dont give a shit that they feel betrayed by my not inviting him. especially because they havent bothered actually telling me this. objectively i dont think its my fault even a little, and Martin is really horrible at handling their emotions anyway (this isnt an insult, just a fact. i am too). aita for not inviting him + not caring that shes upset by it and acting like they arent?
sorry this is so long i really like providing context
What are these acronyms?
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what-gs-watching · 6 months
So here’s a thing: I’ve been in a bit of a rut in terms of what I’m watching. I’ve clearly been doing a ton of comfort binging - Supernatural, Good Omens, Murder She Wrote, etc. because I can’t get my brain to focus on anything, I’ve just been trying (and very much succeeding) at turning it off.
But the other day, my sister came to the rescue. She and I definitely have different opinions on what’s good (again, she got all the way through Good Omens, and was like “I never got a romantic vibe from them…” which caused the biggest eyeroll of my life, possibly). Sometimes, though, she comes through. Which led me to…
You’ve never heard of it, right? Because I definitely hadn’t. Which is crazy because I am 10000000% their core audience. Like, so hard. And it’s soooo good.
Wherein a group of friends attend an afterparty, and somebody ends up dead. 
This is one show I don’t wanna ruin, because I had absolutely no idea what would happen going into it and it was SO delightful, so I won’t get too detailed but there is a ton to love about this show.
One of which is the cast. 
Tiffany Haddish is the detective that’s attempting to solve the murder. And sometimes I feel like she's wayyyyy too much, but she is the perfect amount of something in this show. Honestly one of my favorite parts. She’s fucking hilarious. Her method is insane and perfect, it’s exactly the way I’d go about solving a murder, and it’s just enough of ridiculous.
And Ike Barinholtz! And the dude who plays Gabe on The Office. AND JACK WHITEHALL, aka freakin’ NEWT from Good Omens season 1. Who you will absolutely not recognize because he’s hot as hell. And Ken Jeong. And John Cho! And weirdo Dave Franco. 
ALSO, Ben Schwartz, aka JEAN RALPHIO from Parks and Rec! Jean Ralphio is one of my absolute favorite insane characters, he’s so obnoxious and silly and his character Yasper in this show is similar, but also really charming. I was immediately in love with him because I’m a super weirdo, and his episode in the first season was definitely a highlight. I promise you’re gonna be singing “Yeah, Sure, Whatever” for a couple of days.
And that’s another thing - each of the episodes have their own motifs, which is clever and fun. A romcom episode, a musical episode. An episode that seems like a thriller movie. A heist caper. There’s even one that’s a fucking Wes Anderson love letter, which made me laugh out loud. 
Each season is dedicated to a murder and both are self-contained, which I appreciate, with a few characters recurring. Maybe people more clever than me can predict who the murderer is, but I have to say, I love the surprise. And both of them were definitely a shock to me. I was basically live-tweeting at my sister, who’d also gotten my parents into it,  while I watched and made her promise ‘no spooooilies’, so all she would say was “none of us could guess who did it.” 
The point is, it’s just a dope show. Again, satisfying my blood lust, but in a hilarious way. It’s FUN. And I haven’t been excited to watch anything new in a while, and it helped in my effort to wake my brain up (if only minutely, it’s an effing process y’all). Apple TV apparently canceled it after the second season which is a huge miss on their part, but there are no cliffhangers and it’s just silly and wonderful. And it made me happy, which I appreciate. 
So yeah, go watch it. You know you’re subscribed to Apple TV even if you forgot about it after Ted Lasso ended. And then, maybe watch Ted Lasso again…
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dadvans · 1 year
Would Love to know what SidNateAndy content you have cooking!! I feel insane about the fic you’ve already shared with us and I wasn’t aware more was coming 👀 (also need to know about cumming of age lmao)
(For the WIP Meme) (Asks Open)
I'm so excited people want more SidNateAndy! The SidNateAndy doc is 3 smaller fics + 1 large fic that are all sequels set to Say When. The contents are:
Nate letting Andy fuck him for the first time
Sid blowing Nate on a yacht in Cannes
Nate, Andy, and Sid getting together For Real at Sid's 2017 Cup Party
The big one, which I think I've mentioned, is a fic that takes place in what was once the future and is now an alternate universe where Nate hasn't won the Cup. It's the first year after Sid's retired, and Sid is Eat Pray Loving it up around the world to ignore his own problems, Andy moves to Denver to join the Avalanche, and Nate is dealing with pressure to become Captain after Gabe retires. I've been fiddling with this one again more recently and am just one ending away from finishing the blowjob ficlet at the very least.
Cumming of Age
AKA BDSM Summer Camp (sidnate with some gabe/tyson thrown in there). Worldbuilding is set up that at approximately 18 years of age you come into your secondary gender (dom/sub/switch). In the past 50 years, most places require 18 year olds to spend a summer away where they learn how to have a healthy relationship with their subgender, kinks, and the basics of safe/sane/consensual.
Sometimes a subgender isn't immediately obvious, which is how, on arrival, Nate finds out he's submissive. Despite initially rejecting this about himself, Dom Camp Counselor Sid literally shows him the ropes (and then some).
The hardest part about this story is so far Tyson is kind of this run away character and it's hard not to make it entirely about him, but he's so much fun to write.
It always sounded kind of like some kind of cult bullshit: puberty summer camp? Okay. Both of Nate’s parents and his sister were Switches. Everyone always sat at the table for family meals, and they all fought over the remote on weekday evenings after homework. When Sarah came home from Camp before she started college, she treated Nate like glass for at least a week, but she was back to normal before she left again. She even told Nate about the people she had connected with at Camp, and how the Switch bunks were on the right side of the lake to catch the sunrise and none of the drama. She never gave away details, but she came back seeming happier, free in a way Nate wouldn’t have known to look for, at the end of the summer.  The thing was: Nate always knew he wasn’t a Switch. He wasn’t going to share his parents’ or sister’s designation.  He was self-aware enough to know at a young age he’d be different. Everything he learned in Secondary Sex Ed through high school indicated he would present as a Dom: his desire for control, the way his friends said sometimes he was a little too demanding, too pushy; his need to win at everything, an actual drive for dominance. If forced to think about it, he would say he was allergic to vulnerability. Humiliation was not his fucking bag.
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gabriclknox · 2 years
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“i’ve always been crazy, but it’s kept me from going insane.”
Name: Gabriel “Gabe” Knox
Birthday/Age: April 14, 1980/42 years old
Gender & Pronouns: Cis Man/He, Him
Occupation: Owner of Zodiac Brewery
Residence: Canyon Point
Time in Great Falls: Entire life
Born to Thomas and Lyla Knox, Gabriel is the eldest of four. Early on, Thomas set his expectations for his son-- he wanted Gabe to become a lawyer, or a doctor, something with prestige. But Gabe was a wild child and had plans of his own. Between fighting and failing grades, he’s kicked out of high school during his sophomore year.
Went to work as a hand on Ward Ranch. Learned a lot about life and becoming a man. Also discovered his love for the rodeo. Spent the next several years living for rodeo nights and neon lights. 
Eventually met his future wife, Addison, and proposed once she found out she was pregnant. Became a dad at twenty-seven to their firstborn son, Tyler. 
Had a major riding accent at the rodeo, ended up with broken bones and a concussion. Addison basically made him take a step back from ranching and the rodeo. During that time, he got his GED and started working with this uncle, who owned Zodiac Brewery at the time.
At thirty-three, he formally left Ward Ranch and took over the brewery. 
After a surprise pregnancy, he becomes a father once again at age thirty-five to twins, Logan and Lochlyn. 
Tragedy struck a year ago. After Addison’s car breaks down at Logan’s soccer practice, Gabe comes to pick them up. On the way home, a drunk driver struck Gabe’s truck, killing Addison and Logan instantly and critically wounding Gabe. He suffered two lumbar vertebrae fractures and as a result, had to relearn how to walk. 
He’s been a recluse for the last year and is still struggling physically and emotionally. Still attends physical therapy and now walks with only a slight limp. Has developed a drinking problem, but is trying hard to be the rock his broken family needs. Being a single dad is tough: Tyler is now fifteen and going through a rebellious phase, meanwhile seven year old Lochlyn is starting to ask questions that Gabe doesn’t know how to answer. 
Loves karaoke-- he will embarrass the hell out of you. Despite his antics, he’s actually a fairly decent singer and dabbles with guitar & piano when he gets the chance.
Has two pets: a Blue Heeler doggo named Ozzie, and an orange tabby cat named Goose (yes, that’s a Top Gun reference because it’s his fav movie).
Still loves the rodeo and loves to go ride whenever he can.
Friends, ride or die, buddies from high school, etc.
Family members (one younger brother, two younger sisters, multiple cousins)
Babysitter(s) for his kiddos
Enemies, rivals, etc.
Flings, fwb, blind dates, crushes, etc.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
I Get To Love You || Tyson Jost
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Authors Note: When you get an idea that keeps you up until 3:30 in the morning...So I basically planned out this entire wedding but I don’t want to clog up this already overly long fic with a dozen photos. So I’ll post all of those separately along with the first dance song. All three will be tagged ‘033’ for those of you that find this through tags and don’t want to search through pages of my blog. 
Song Inspiration: I Get to Love You - Ruelle
Warnings: none            Word Count: 4,987          Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
The idea had come unexpectedly. You’d been brushing your teeth before bed when Tyson had slipped in behind you, his hands falling to your waist. Leaning back against him, you relaxed, the fatigue of the day finally settling deep in your bones. 
You’d been running around since early in the morning, taking groceries to Tyson’s grandparents and visiting with them for a while while keeping your distance. Then you’d been roped into volleyball lessons with Kacey which only caused Tyson to laugh at you as you missed the ball entirely or failed to get it over the net on the off chance you did hit it. He’d hovered over your shoulder as you insisted on cooking his family dinner, your way of saying thank you for being so welcoming since you’d arrived. By the time you retreated back to Tyson’s childhood bedroom, you were ready to crawl into bed and cuddle your boyfriend. 
“We should get married.” 
For a moment you thought you’d imagined the words, but then Tyson squeezed your hip and you realized he had actually spoken and was waiting for a response. Nearly choking on toothpaste you quickly spit it out, twisting in his grasp. 
“Umm...excuse me?” You questioned, your eyes wide with shock. You’d only been dating for eight months, though you’d been friends for nearly a year before you’d gotten together romantically. Getting married was something that had been only vaguely mentioned...the future, in general, had only come up casually once or twice. 
“We should get married,” Tyson repeated, a shrug of his shoulders making light of his words while the look in his eyes revealed his sincerity and vulnerability. 
Leaving your toothbrush laying on the bathroom counter, you tugged Tyson back into his bedroom. There, you plopped yourself onto the edge of the bed, guiding your boyfriend to stand between your legs. 
“What brought this on?” You finally whispered, trying to figure out what was going on in Tyson’s head. It wasn’t that you were opposed to the idea, honestly, it was something you frequently dreamed about, but you needed to understand why this had come up out of nowhere, long before you had expected it. 
Tyson shrugged again, and you reached forward to take his hands, playing lightly with his fingertips. 
“Dunno…” He mumbled. Just as you were about to open your mouth to speak, he continued. “Honestly...I’ve been thinking about it for months…” 
“How long?” You breathed, the thrum of your pulse steadily increasing. 
“The charity brunch.” Your mouth formed a soft ‘o’ shape and you peered up at him through your eyelashes. Another thousand questions came to mind but you felt Tyson shift nervously in front of you, so you hesitated in voicing them. 
“I just…” Tyson’s voice was soft. “You’re so perfect. Sometimes I can’t believe you love me. Seeing you around my teammates, seeing you around complete strangers...you’re incredible. And I want...I want what Gabe has. I want an amazing, beautiful wife to come home to. Eventually, I want kids to cuddle and chase around. And you...you’re the only one I can picture all of that with. You’re the one I want all of that with.” 
You didn’t need Tyson’s explanation to be convinced...truthfully your hesitations were silenced as soon as he mentioned that this wasn’t some spur of the moment thing. 
“You’re the one I want all of that with too.” You admitted, tears pooling in your eyes as Tyson sunk to his knees in front of you. In his eyes, you saw steady warmth, the twinkle that only appeared when he was looking at you. At the same time, you saw that ounce of fear, his worries about never being good enough, his concerns that stemmed from not having his dad in his life. He’d never voiced them, but you knew that he’d always worried that he’d never have a complete family of his own. 
Leaning forward, you pressed your forehead against his and let out a somewhat shaky breath. 
“Do you really want to get married?” You questioned. 
“I wouldn’t have brought it up if I didn’t.” Tyson’s response that he was sure, the knowledge that getting married was for all of the right reasons, being certain that you both wanted the same things, that was really all you needed. Pulling back you reached up and brushed your thumbs along Tyson’s cheeks, a smile growing on your face. 
“Let’s get married.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, trying to quiet Tyson’s whoops at the same time as he tackled you backward onto his bed, wrapping you up in his arms. 
“Yeah?” He asked giddiness on full display. 
“Yeah.” You agreed. The decision was sealed with a passionate kiss, one that was only broken as Tyson brushed against a spot that made you giggle because it tickled. 
Eventually, you pushed him away, getting up to finish getting ready for bed. Though you knew you needed to sleep and your body was exhausted, your mind was filled with a new level of energy stemming from knowing that you were actually going to get to marry the love of your life and your best friend. 
Laying tucked into the crook of Tyson’s arm, you gently trailed your fingers up and down his chest. 
“So when can we get married?” Tyson murmured. “Tomorrow?” 
“Wait what?” You replied, your voice coming out in a squeak. Tilting your head up, you peered at him through the darkness. 
“You just agreed to marry me didn’t you?” Tyson insisted. 
“I didn’t know you meant like right away!” You whisper yelled. 
“Why wait?” The question was so matter of fact that it took you off guard. “I know you’ve never wanted a big wedding anyway.” He added. 
“Yeah but…” It seemed insane to just get married out of the blue but while you tried to find a reason why you couldn’t, none came to mind. “Don’t you want your family there?” Was the only thing you could think of. “Your teammates even?” Tyson’s fingers carded through your hair for a moment as silence filled the space between you. Fallouts with your family meant that there wasn’t anyone you needed to have at your wedding but Tyson had close relationships with his family and friends and you couldn’t believe that he wanted to get married without their presence. 
“I mean yeah I guess I want my immediate family there.” He murmured. “But I certainly don’t want to wait on a pandemic to end just to get married.” He added. The more you thought about it, the more that getting married now grew in appeal. Pulling your bottom lip between your teeth you pondered for a moment. 
“Well, we can’t get married tomorrow...I’m sure getting a marriage license will probably at least take a few days. You know...as will finding someone to marry us.” You reasoned. “And maybe you’re right that I don’t want a big wedding but I only plan on doing this once so can we at least plan something small and intimate? Not just do like a city hall thing?” Tyson’s lips pressed against the top of your head before leaning down to meet your own in a sweet kiss. 
“Whatever you want…” He agreed. “But let’s keep it a secret until we’re actually doing it.” 
“Tys…” You gasped. 
“What?” He laughed, mocking offense. “Don’t you think it will be fun to surprise everyone?” 
There was a certain appeal to keeping your impending marriage a secret for a few days. You just weren’t sure how feasible it actually was. 
“C’mon babe...imagine the look on my mom’s face.” He prodded. Sighing, you rolled your eyes. 
“Fine. If that’s what you want.” You conceded, a slight smile spreading across your face as you saw the triumphant grin spread over his. Gently he bumped his nose against your own before kissing you once more. 
“I love you.” He mused. “And I can’t wait to make you Mrs. Jost.” Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the thought and you leaned up to kiss him one more time. 
“I love you too, you crazy man.” You teased. “Now go to sleep. We have planning to do in the morning.” 
It had been a whirlwind three days and to be honest you were shocked that Tyson’s family hadn’t started asking questions. Immediately upon waking up the morning after you and Tyson had decided to get married, you went online to order a dress paying for rush shipping and praying that it arrived quickly. Breakfast with his mom and sister was followed by running down to the local registrar for a marriage certificate, calling a local florist and baker from the car to see about possibly having something done last minute, however simple. If there was one advantage to getting married during a pandemic it was that every business was eager for new orders and was happy to put something together even with the tight time frame. 
Day two of your wedding preparations was split. Tyson had insisted that he didn’t really care about the flowers or cake (as long as it was chocolate) and that he had something else that needed done. So you’d borrowed his mom’s car to go meet with the florist and baker, immediately falling in love with what they had planned and making arrangements to pick the items up in two days. It was harder than you imagined to keep all of the plans to yourself, and you were practically jittery by the time you and Tyson retreated to bed, eager to share with him. As you readied for bed you watched him slip two small boxes into his nightstand. 
“Did you get rings?” You questioned, voice practically shaking at the thought. Tyson chuckled and nodded as he pushed the drawer closed. 
“Did you think we’d get married without rings?” He teased. “But you can’t see them.” He added. Your pout and puppy eyes were met with resistance until you sighed. 
“Fine. Then you can’t see the dress.” It was silly for you to think that would sway him because Tyson only smiled down at you wistfully. 
“Perfect.” He declared. “I don’t want to see it until you’re walking outside to marry me anyway.” As he settled into bed beside you a few minutes later he pulled you closer, tucking you into his side. “I also arranged for someone to marry us.” He whispered. 
“Hmm...that’s good. That’s kinda important.” You declared. He proceeded to share what he had told the officiant regarding your thoughts for the ceremony and you nodded along. There were still moments where it amazed you that he was on the same wavelength as you but at the same time that was one of the many reasons you couldn’t wait to marry him. Together you decided that your vows were going to be maybe not entirely written given the time crunch but certainly chosen individually rather than the standard traditional vow. 
In only two days you had been able to knock off a good portion of a list for a simple wedding so the third day was spent just tying it all together. Tyson had convinced his grandparents to come over for dinner, outdoors of course, and you’d ordered catering for the six of you. Your dress had arrived and you’d sneakily tried it on, crying as the fabric settled over your hips. It was in that moment that it clicked how real this was. That tomorrow you’d become a married woman. 
Less than 12 hours later, the day of your wedding finally arrived and it was the hardest yet to keep your mouth shut. While Tyson went rollerblading, you convinced his mom and sister to do home manicures with you. It was clear that they were starting to suspect that something was up but thankfully Tyson arrived back home before the other women in his life were able to crack you. After lunch, he convinced his mom and sister to go shopping, before picking up his grandparents on their way back for dinner. 
With them gone you were able to set up the yard for a small ceremony while Tyson picked up the cake, flowers, and food. About an hour before the time you’d set, you slipped upstairs to do your hair and makeup, your excitement growing. When Tyson returned, he slipped into your room to kiss you quickly. 
“Next time I see you…” He trailed off, winking. A giddy smile lit your face as you watched Tyson grab a change of clothes before slipping into a different bathroom. As you slipped into your dress you could hear him talking to first your officiant and then his family, urging his mom and sister to change quickly before heading outside because he had a surprise for them. There was a rush of activity for a few minutes before it all went quiet and you peeked your head out of Tyson’s room before slowly making your way downstairs. 
From just inside the backdoor you could hear Kacey bugging her brother about what was going on. 
“What do you think?” He inquired. Shooting him a quick text to see if they were ready for you, you set your phone on the table and picked up the bouquet of flowers hidden in one of the pantry cabinets. Your phone quickly buzzed and then the sound of the classic wedding march drifted inside from a speaker you’d placed out there. 
“I guess it’s go time.” You whispered to yourself, taking a deep breath before letting your hand fall to the handle of the backdoor. As you slowly walked outside a part of you wanted to see the reactions of Tyson’s family. Instead, your eyes drifted to your groom watching as he broke into tears at the sight of you. You’d asked him the other night if he was going to cry and he swore he wouldn’t but...you were beyond glad he’d been wrong. 
Stepping forward you let Tys take your hand, his eyes drifting up and down your body. 
“You pulled this dress off in three days?” He mumbled. “You’re stunning.” 
“You clean up pretty well too.” You replied. “Well besides the hair.” You teased knowing he hadn’t been able to get it taken care of for far too long. 
“Are you two serious right now?” The sound of Kacey’s voice drew your attention and you glanced over to see his entire family getting emotional. Kacey was wiping tears from her eyes and you sent her a watery smile of your own. 
“You can blame your brother for making me keep it a secret.” You insisted, praying that his family would be okay with this. 
Before anyone else could comment, your officiant suggested that you proceed and you nodded, turning your attention to him as he oh so officially announced that they had all gathered together in order to witness the union of you and Tyson. He explained that per the wishes of the bride and groom that we were going to keep it brief and he asked Tyson if he wanted to start with the vows. 
“Y/N, from this day forward I promise to be worth it. Worth the time. Worth the trip. Worth the energy. Worth the embarrassment. Worth your love. I promise that you will always count. You will always come first. Yes, even above hockey, believe it or not. From the moment you entered my world, you have filled it with life, colour, and energy. You are my best friend, the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, and who I want by my side through all of life’s challenges and adventures. I promise to be faithful, I promise to make you laugh, and I promise to love you. Now and Forever.” 
Silently you thanked God for waterproof mascara and eyeliner as you wiped frantically at your cheeks. 
“Y/N,” Your officiant prompted. Clearing your throat you squeezed Tyson’s hand, trying to remember what it was that you wanted to say. 
“There are three words that are stronger than I love you. Today I stand in front of you to say ‘I choose you’. I choose you over all others. I choose you to share happiness with. I choose you to care for. I choose you to have a family with. I choose you to grow with. I choose you to love forever. You are the epitome of everything I have ever looked for in another human being. There isn’t another soul on this planet who has ever made me half the person I am when I’m with you. I am forever changed because of who you are and what you’ve meant to me and I can’t wait to see what our future holds.” 
By the end of your vows, your voice had cracked more than once and Tyson brushed his thumb over the back of your hand as a signal of strength. Your officiant asked Tyson if he had the rings and letting go of your hand for just a moment he dug them out of his pocket. 
In turn, each of you repeated after the officiant as you slid rings onto each other’s left hand. 
“With this ring, I thee wed.” 
Your hand was shaking as you slid the ring over Tyson’s knuckles but once his hand was back in yours you felt a wave of calm rush over you. 
“And now I guess it’s time for the part that I know Tyson has been eagerly awaiting.” Your officiant joked. “It’s certainly my pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife. You can kiss your bride.” 
Tyson didn’t hesitate to follow that directive, tugging your body close to his as he pressed his lips to yours, dipping you slightly. As he righted you onto your feet he reached up to brush your remaining tears away before taking your hand once more. 
“Mr. & Mrs. Tyson Jost.” Your officiant announced and you watched as Tyson’s family all stood to clap, smiles on their faces. As Tyson tucked you into his side, Kacey rushed up out of her chair and over to hug the two of you before pulling back and smacking her brother. 
“How dare you keep this a secret.” She scolded, scowling at him for just a moment before the smile broke through again. “I have a sister!” She exclaimed, her arms wrapping around you once more. 
“Kace...let her breathe please.” Tys chastised, ruffling his sister’s hair. 
“I’m sorry! I’m excited!” Kacey declared. 
“We all are.” Tyson’s mom, Laura, insisted. Her arms were the next to wrap around you and she whispered her thanks for making her son happy in your ear. Her hug with Tyson was much longer and you watched with fondness as he basked in his mother’s touch and words. 
As much as you wanted to hug Tyson’s grandparents you knew that you should keep some distance so instead, you settled for a squeeze of each of their hands. His grandmother commented on how she had never seen Tyson so happy and his grandfather declared that he hoped his grandson knew how lucky he was because you were a special woman and looked absolutely beautiful. Thanking them both, you expressed how much you appreciate them being there to witness your special day and how you knew Tyson wouldn’t have wanted to do it without them. 
After a moment Tyson’s arms came sneaking around your waist and he leaned down to kiss your cheek. You felt him dig in his pocket again before he reached for your hand, slipping another band onto the same finger as your new wedding ring. Glancing up at him with a puzzled expression, you felt him squeeze your hip before speaking. 
“Did you really think I’d deprive you of an engagement ring?” He teased. “Figured I at least owed you that since I technically didn’t propose. Plus they just look better as a set.” He added. Glancing down at your newly ring laden left hand you had to admit he was right. While your wedding ring was gorgeous all on its own, the addition of the second band made it all feel complete. 
You didn’t have long to bask in the arms of your husband...that was something you weren’t sure you’d be over saying any time soon...before the sound of his stomach growling filled your ears. 
“Think we should maybe serve that dinner we promised everyone?” You inquired, turning to kiss Tyson before pulling away. 
Before you could even make it into the kitchen, Tyson’s mom and sister waylaid you. 
“You are not serving dinner in that dress.” Laura scolded. “We can do whatever needs done.” Throwing your hands up in surrender you backed off. 
“Everything is in the oven keeping warm, it just needs served.” You explained. “And a bottle of wine or two needs opened.” You added. Kacey and Laura jumped into action, pulling the food out of the oven and cracking open a few bottles of wine. Tyson insisted that you settle into a chair at the table on the patio and he’d bring food out so you complied, leaning back and just examining your rings. You were married. It just hadn’t fully set in yet. 
Dinner was full of questions: when you had decided to get married, how you had pulled it all together, how you had managed to keep it a secret. Laura mentioned that it was the best surprise her son had ever managed to pull off and that even if she wanted to be mad she couldn’t, seeing how happy the two of you were. It was Kacey that asked when she could expect to become an aunt and a panicked expression flittered over your face for a moment as you looked at Tyson. 
“Give us some time okay sis?” Tyson declared, his hand rubbing over your thigh. “We just got married…” He took a sip of his wine before shaking his head. “We want kids but let us enjoy being newlyweds for a while before we think about adding that responsibility.” 
“You know...my first thought when I realized you were getting married was ‘did you knock her up…’” Tyson’s grandmother declared. A flush littered your cheeks as you shook your head frantically. “I’m glad that’s not the reason.” She added. “Though I certainly wouldn’t mind having a few great-grandbabies at some point when the two of you decide you’re ready.” 
With the obligatory topic of kids covered you relaxed back into your chair, letting your dinner digest as you basked in time spent with Tyson’s family. Your family. 
“So what’s first…?” Laura inquired. “First dance or cake?” Glancing at Tyson you shrugged leaving the choice up to him. When his hand reached out to you, you let him pull you from your chair. As he stood in the middle of the yard he paused. 
“We didn’t pick a song.” He mumbled. Giggling at him you quickly pecked his lips before moving to grab your phone from the table, scrolling to the song you had in mind before pressing play and letting it spill from the speaker. 
“Now we do.” You replied, wrapping your arms around him as he pulled your body into his own. You’d danced with Tyson plenty of times, but this time definitely felt different as you swayed slowly to the music. This song was everything you wanted to say to him, everything you’d been feeling not just the past few days but since you’d gotten together in the first place. As your favorite part of the song approached you reached up to cup Tyson’s cheek, singing along to the words as you looked up at him. 
And they say love is a journey
I promise that I'll never leave
When it's too heavy to carry
Remember this moment with me
You felt the shudder pass through Tyson’s body as the tears filled his eyes once more. Stretching to press your forehead to his, you kissed him softly. 
“I’m yours.” You whispered. “You don’t have to worry about any of that anymore.” Tyson’s grip tightened and he buried his head in your neck as you settled back onto the flats of your feet. “Shh.” You whispered, your hand carding through his hair as you pulled him tightly against you. Glancing over at where Tyson’s family had been watching the two of you, you noticed that they had all disappeared, giving the two of you a moment of much-needed privacy. 
It took a few minutes for Tyson to regain control of his emotions and you kissed him again, smiling up at him. 
“I’m so goddamn lucky.” He stated. “I love you so much.” 
“I love you too. My husband.” Your grin turned to a burst of laughter as Tyson spun you around the yard. “Now should we go get cake?” You asked. “You know before your family eats it all.” 
He insisted that they wouldn’t and you knew he was right but it had made him smile and that was the goal. The cake was on the counter ready to be cut by the time you got inside and with Tyson’s hand over yours, you cut the first piece. His mom took over from there, handing you a plate and you quickly cut off a small piece before lifting it with your fingers to smash into Tyson’s face. 
His shocked expression was worth any repercussions and the fact that Kacey had gotten video of it on her phone made it that much better. After wiping his face clean, Tyson took the plate and while you expected him to do the same to you, he simply got a bite on the fork and fed it to you gently. Though you’d kissed him what felt like a hundred times today, you kissed him once more before taking the fresh piece his mom had served, this time all for you. 
After dessert, Kacey and Tyson’s grandparents left so that she could get them home and Laura insisted that she would clean up and that you two should just go relax. That was how you ended up curled in Tyson’s lap outside as he pressed kisses to your head and ran his fingers over the bands on your left hand. Lost in his presence and touch you hadn’t even noticed him reach for his phone until he was flashing the screen in your face showing you a picture he’d just taken. It was clear that you were curled in his lap and wearing a white dress, though you couldn’t see either of your faces. Instead, the focus of the shot was on your left hand draped over his right forearm, your rings on display. 
“Cute.” You whispered, snuggling further against him as the excitement and wine caught up to you. He lifted his right arm a bit to type frantically before putting the screen back in your face again. This time it revealed a possible Instagram post with the same picture and the caption “Here’s to Forever. #surprisinglyjost”. 
“Can I?” His voice was tentative. 
“Babe it’s your social. You can post whatever you want….within reason.” You could feel him roll his eyes and you sighed. “If you want to you can. I don’t care.” You knew why he was asking, people could be cruel online after all. “Maybe just restrict the comments.” You suggested knowing that way only people he followed would be allowed to reply. Nodding you watched as he adjusted his settings before hitting ‘post’. 
You had kind of expected his phone to blow up when people noticed but when his phone started ringing off the hook you were more surprised than you expected. For the most part, he ignored them, even his close friends like Barzal, Fabbro, and JT. But when Gabe called first once, then twice, before requesting a FaceTime the third, you murmured for him to just answer the damn thing. Sighing Tyson complied, accepting the request before adjusting his phone in his hand. 
Gabe was utterly dismayed that Tyson had gotten married and hadn’t bothered to tell anyone. Laughing to yourself, you watched as Tyson bantered back and forth with his captain before eventually agreeing that Gabe and Mel could throw you a dinner when it was safe to do so. Before he got off the phone Gabe asked one more question. 
“How gorgeous did she look?” Smirking down at you Tyson kissed your head before responding. 
“Absolutely stunning. I’m sure Kacey took pictures.” 
“You’ve got it so bad. Good for you man. Mel and I are so happy for you.” 
When Tyson hung up the phone he immediately turned his ringer to silent before gently guiding you up and off of him. 
“No more distractions. I think it’s time to take my wife to bed.” He smirked. As he drug you inside, past the living room you heard Laura’s voice shout after you. 
“Kacey and I have headphones but please try and be quiet.” 
You could have sworn you flushed from your head to your toes as Tyson nearly choked on his own spit. Lifting and carrying you over the threshold to his room, he then gently laid you down on the bed, his body moving to press over you as his right hand trailed down your side. 
“Well now that’s it's out there...what do you say, Mrs. Jost?” He smirked. 
“I’d say I think you’re wearing too many clothes for that Mr. Jost.” 
“Oh, that can be remedied.” He insisted, his tongue fighting for dominance as he kissed you. 
And remedied it was. 
A week ago you were sleeping in this bed next to your boyfriend with no idea of what the future held. Tonight you were sleeping next to your husband, and though the future may still be unclear, at least you had the most incredible man by your side for all of it. 
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 4
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(Y/n)'s POV
We tear through the night along dark country roads. Wind slams against the Camaro. Rain lashes the windshield. I don't know how Mom can see anything, but she keeps her foot on the gas pedal.
Every time there is a flash at lightning, I look back at Grover sitting beside Percy in the back seat and for a few moments, I wonder if I'd gone insane, or if he is wearing some kind of shag-carpet pants. But no, the smell is one I remember from kindergarten field trips to the petting zoo - lanolin, like from wool. The smell of a wet barnyard animal.
The only thing it seems Percy could say is, "So, you and my mom . . . know each other?"
Grover's eyes flit to the rearview mirror, though there are no cars behind us. "Not exactly," he says. "I mean, we've never met in person. But she knew I was watching you."
"Watching me?" Percy asks.
"Keeping tabs on you. Making sure you were okay. But I wasn't faking being your friend," he adds hastily. "I am your friend."
"Um . . . what are you, exactly?"
"That doesn't matter right now," Grover answers.
"It doesn't matter? From the waist down, my best friend is a donkey -"
Grover lets out a sharp, throaty, "Blaa-ha-ha! Goat!" he cries.
"What?" Percy asks.
"I'm a goat from the waist down."
"You just said it didn't matter."
"Blaa-ha-ha! Some satyrs would trample you underhoof for such an insult!"
"Whoa. Wait. Satyrs. You mean like...Mr. Brunner's myths?"
"Were those old ladies at the fruit stand a myth, Percy? Was Mrs. Dodds a myth?"
"So you admit there was a Mrs. Dodds!" Percy says accusingly.
"Of course."
"Then why -"
"The less the two of you knew, and weren't together as much, the fewer monsters you'd attract," Grover says like that should be perfectly obvious. "We put Mist over the humans' eyes. We hoped you'd think the Kindly One was a hallucination, Percy. But it was no good. You started to realize who you are."
"Who we - wait a moment, what do you mean?" I ask, highly confused.
The weird bellowing noise rises again somewhere behind us, closer than before. Whatever is changing us still on our trail.
"(Y/n), Percy," Mom says, "there's too much to explain and not enough time. We have to get you to safety."
"Safety from what? who's after us?" Percy asks.
"Oh, nobody much," Grover asks, obviously still miffed about Percy's donkey comment. "Just the Lord of the Dead and a few of his blood-thirstiest minions."
I let out a soft noise of disbelief and Mom glances over at me before yelling, "Grover!"
"Sorry, Mrs. Jackson. Could you drive faster, please?"
I try to wrap my mind around what is happening, but I can't do it. I know this isn't a dream. Even I, with a vivid imagination, could never dream up something this weird.
Mom makes a hard left. We swerve onto a narrower road, racing past darkened farmhouses and wooded hills and 'PICK YOU OWN STRAWBERRIES' signs on white picket fences.
"Where are we going?" Percy asks.
"The summer camp I told you about," Mom's voice is tight; she is trying for our sakes not to be scared. "The place you want to send you."
"The place you didn't us to go," Percy asks and I swallow thickly.
"Please, dear," my mother begs and just the desperation in her voice makes tears well up in my eyes. "This is hard enough. Try to understand. You're both in danger."
"Because some old ladies cut yarn," Percy says.
"Those weren't old ladies," Grover says. "Those were the Fates. Do you know what it means—the fact they appeared in front of you? They only do that when you're about to...when someone's about to die."
"Whoa. You said 'you.'"
"No, I didn't. I said 'someone.'"
"You meant 'you.' As in me."
"I meant you, like 'someone.' Not you, you."
"Boys!" my Mom yells.
She pulls the wheel hard to the right, and I get a glimpse of a figure she'd swerved to avoid - a dark fluttering shape now lost behind us in the storm.
Percy's POV
"What was that?" (Y/n) asks, fear creeping into her voice.
"We're almost there," my mother says, ignoring my sister's question. "Another mile. Please. Please. Please."
I didn't know where there is happened, but I find myself leaning forward in the car, anticipating, wanting us to arrive.
Outside, nothing but rain and darkness—the kind of empty countryside you get way out on the tip of Long Island. I think about Mrs. Dodds and the moment when she'd changed into the thing with pointed teeth and leathery wings. My limbs go numb from delayed shock. She really hadn't been human. She'd meant to kill me.
Then I think about Mr. Brunner...and the sword he had thrown me. Before I can ask Grover about that, the hair rises on the back of my neck. There is a blinding flash, a jaw-rattling boom! and our car explodes.
(Y/n)'s POV (Again)
I feel weightless like I'm being crushed, fried, and hosed down all at the same time, and my head slams against the dashboard.
Stars erupt before my eyes and I hear Mom yell, as if in a long tunnel, "Percy! (Y/n)!"
"I'm okay . . ." I hear Percy say.
I try to shake off my daze, as blood drips down into my eyes. The car had swerved into a ditch. Our driver's-side doors are wedged in the mud. The roof had cracked open like an eggshell and rain is pouring in.
Lighting. That is the only explanation. We'd been blasted off the road.
My head, feeling as though it was made of lead, I lift my head and it falls against the head-rest.
"Percy, (Y/n)," Mom says, "we have to . . ." Her voice falters.
My head lolls back, and in a flash of lightning, through the mud-spattered rear windshield, I see a figure lumbering toward us on the shoulder of the road. The sight of it makes my skin crawl. It is a dark silhouette of a huge guy, like a football player. He seems to be holding a blanket over his head; his top half is bulky and fuzzy, and his upraised hands make it looks as though he has horns.
I swallow thickly, "Who is -"
"Percy, (Y/n)," my mother interupts, deadly serious. "Get out of the car."
Mom throws herself against the driver's-side door. It is jammed shut in the mud; Percy tries his as well.
"Climb out the passenger's side!" Mom tells the two of us. "Percy, (Y/n) - you have to run. Do you see that big tree?"
"What?" Percy asks.
Another flash of lightning, and through the smoking hole in the roof I see the tree that she means: a huge, White House Christmas tree-sized pine at the crest of the nearest hill.
"That's the property line," my mom says. "Get over that hill and you'll see a big farmhouse down in the valley. Run and don't look back. Yell for help. Don't stop until you reach the door."
"Mom, you're coming too," I say softly.
Mom's face is pale, her eyes as sad as when she looked at the ocean.
"No!" Percy shouts. "You are coming with us. Help me carry Grover!"
"Food!" Grover groans, a little louder.
"He doesn't want me or Grover," my mother tells me. "He wants the two of you. Besides, I can't cross the property line."
"But . . ." I start to argue.
"We don't have time. Go. Please."
"We're going together," I say, slamming my shoulder against the door.
Together, the three of us escort Grover, stumbling up the hill through wet waist-high grass.
Glancing back, I get my first clear look at the monster. He is seven feet tall, easily, his arms and legs like something from the cover of Muscle Man magazine. He wears no clothes except underwear; the top half of his body is so scary. Coarse brown hair starts at about his belly button and gets thicker as it reaches his shoulder.
His neck is a mass of muscle and fur leading up to his enormous head, which had a snout as long as my arm, snotty nostrils with a gleaming brass ring, cruel black eyes, and horns - enormous black-and-white horns with points you just can't get from an electric sharpener.
I blink the rain out of my eyes, "That's -"
"Pasiphae's son," Mom interupts. "I wish I'd known how badly they wanted to kill you."
"But he's the Min -" Percy begins.
"Don't say his name," she warns. "Names have power."
The pine tree is still way too far - a hundred yards uphill at least.
I glance behind me again.
The bull-man hunches over our car, looking in the windows - or not looking, exactly. More like snuffling, nuzzling. I'm not really sure why he bothered, since we're only about fifty feet away.
"Food?" Grover moans again.
"Shhh," Percy hisses. "Mom, what's he doing? Doesn't he see us?"
"His sight and hearing are terrible," she says. "He goes by smell. But he'll figure out where we are soon enough."
As if on cue, the bull-man bellows in rage. He picks up Gabe's Camaro by the torn roof, the chassis creaking and groaning. He raises the car over his head and throws it down the road. It slams into the wet asphalt and skids in a shower of sparks for about half a mile before coming to a stop; the gas tank explodes.
Not a scratch, I remember Gabe saying. Oops.
"Percy, (Y/n)," our mom says. "When he sees us, he'll charge. Wait until the last second, then jump out of the way - directly sideways. He can't change directions very well once he's charging. Do you understand?"
"How do you know all this?" I ask, fear creeping into my voice again.
"I've been worried about an attack for a long time. I should have expected this. I was selfish, keeping the two of you near me."
"Keeping me near you?" Percy asks. "But -"
Another bellow of rage and the Minotaur starts tromping uphill.
He'd smelled us.
The pine tree is only a few more yards, but the hill is getting steeper and slicker, and Grover isn't getting any lighter.
The Minotaur closes in. Another few seconds and he'd be on top of us.
Mom must've been exhausted, but she shouldered Grover. "Go, Percy, (Y/n)! Separate! Remember what I said."
I didn't want to split up, but I have the feeling she is right - it's our only chance. I sprint to the left, turn, and sees the creature bearing down on me; his black eyes glowing with hate. He reeks like rotten meat.
He lowers his head and charges, those razor-sharp horns aimed straight at my chest.
The fear in my stomach makes me want to bolt, but that wouldn't work. I could never outrun this thing. So I hold my ground, and at the last moment, I leap to the side.
The bull-man storms past like a freight train then bellows with frustration and turns, but not towards me this time, towards Percy, whose standing in between my mom and Grover, and me.
We'd reached the crest of the hill. Down the other side, I can see a valley, just as Mom had said, and the lights of a farmhouse glowing yellow through the rain. But It is half a mile away; we'd never make it.
The bull-man grunts, pawing the ground. He keeps eyeing Percy, whose eyes are wide. I sprint towards my brother as the Minotaur charges at him. I dive forward, knocking Percy over as the horns were mere inches from his chest.
The bull-man lets out a roar of anger then eyes Mom, who was just setting Grover down in the grass.
He keeps eyeing Mom, who is now retreating downhill, back towards the road, trying to lead the monster away from Grover.
"Run!" she tells me. "I can't go any farther. Run!"
But I stand there, frozen in fear, as the monster charges at her. She tries to sidestep, as she'd told me to do so, but the monster had learned his lesson. His hand shoots out and grabs her by the neck as she tries to get away. He lifts her as she struggles, kicking and pummeling the air.
"Mom!" I cry, stepping towards the monster.
She catches my eyes, which are welling with tears, and managed to choke out one last word: "Go!"
Then, with an angry roar, the monster closes his fists around my mother's neck, and she dissolves before mine and Percy's eyes, melting into light, a shimmering golden form as if she's a holographic projection. A blinding flash and she is simply . . . gone.
"No!" Percy wails, collapsing to his knees.
Anger replaces my fear; newfound strength burns in my limbs.
The bull-man hunches over Grover, whose lying helpless in the grass. The monster hunches over, snuffling my brother's best friend, as though he were about to lift Grover and make him dissolve too.
I strip off my red rain jacket.
"Hey!" I scream, waving the jacket, running to the one side of the monster, Percy doing the same with his own red jacket. "Hey, stupid! Ground beef!"
"Raaaarrrr!" the monster turns towards me, shaking his meaty fists.
I had an idea - a stupid idea, but better than no idea at all. I put my back to the big pine tree and wave my red jacket in front of the Minotaur, thinking I'd jump out of the way at the last moment.
But it doesn't happen like that.
The bull-man charges too fast, his arms out to grab me whichever way I try to dodge.
Time seems to slow down as my legs tense. I can't jump sideways, so I leap straight up, kicking off from the creature's head, using it as a springboard, turning in midair, and landing on his neck.
How did I do that? I wonder. I didn't have time to figure it out. A millisecond later, the monster's head slams into the tree, and the impact nearly knocks my teeth out.
The bull-man staggers around, trying to shake me. I lock my arms around his horns to keep from being thrown. Thunder and lightning are still strong; the rain is still in my eyes. The smell of rotten meat bringing my nostrils.
The monster shakes himself around and bucks like a rodeo bull. He should have just backed into the tree and smashed me flat, but I am starting to realize that this thing has only one gear: forward.
Meanwhile, Grover starts groaning in the grass. I want to yell at him to shut up, but by the way, I am getting tossed around, if I opened my mouth, I'd bite my tongue off.
As if reading my mind, Percy does yell at Grover, but Grover just groans, "Food!" again.
The bull-man wheels toward him, paws the ground again, and gets ready to charge. I think about how he had squeezed the life out of my mother, made her disappear in a flash of light, and rage fills me like high-octane fuel. I get both hands around one horn and I pull backward with all my might. The monster tenses; gives a surprised grunt, then—snap!
Percy's POV
The bull-man screams and flings my sister through the air. She lands flat on her back in the grass. Her head smacks on a rock. I catch sight of a horn in (Y/n)'s hand and I dart over, grabbing it out of her hands and roll to one side as the monster charges. As the monster barrels past, I drive the broken horn straight into his side, right up under his furry rib cage.
The bull-man roars in agony; he flails, clawing at his chest, then begins to disintegrate - not like my mother, in a flash of golden light, but like crumbling sand, blown away in chunks by the wind, the same way Mrs. Dodds had burst apart.
The monster is gone.
The rain had stopped. The storm still rumbles, but only in the distance. I smell like livestock, and my knees are shaking.
I stick my hand out and pull my sister up from the ground.
My head feels like it is splitting open, and it doesn't help as I look at the back of my sister's head, which was bleeding heavily. I feel weak and scared and trembling with grief. I'd just seen my mother vanish. I want to lie down and cry, but there is Grover, who my sister had stumbled her way towards and was trying to lift the limp figure on her own. Both my sister and my best friend need my help, so I manage to haul him up and my sister and I stagger down into the valley.
(Y/n)'s POV
The pain in my head was almost blinding - from it slamming against the dashboard and the rock - and I hear Percy crying out from our mother, but we both hold onto Grover - neither of us letting go.
The last thing I remember is collapsing on a wooden porch, looking up at a ceiling fan circling above me, moths flying around a yellow light, and the stern faces of a bearded man and a pretty girl, her blond hair curled like a princess's. They both look down at me and Percy, and the girl says, "They're the ones. They must be."
"Silence, Annabeth," the man says. "They're still conscious. Bring them inside."
Word Count: 2896 words
20 notes · View notes
fictionalabyss · 3 years
Saving face with the dicks downstairs.
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Pairings : Sam x Reader, Sam x Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Dean
Word count : 4,144
Written for : @samwinchesterbingo
Square : Fake dating.
Beta’d by : @iflostreturntosteverogers
Warnings : AU. Reader is Michael, Lucifer, Raphael and Gabriel's baby sister. Quick best friends, Sam's in the closet, Gabriel is out, Raphael is a dick, over protective big brothers Michael and Lucifer, especially Lucifer, Dean is no fool, party, drinking, high school politics, almost smut (none depicted in detail, but some faked), threats, Lucifer threatens people, talk of Lucifer being arrested in the past for beating a minor, talk of a past shitty 'relationship', talk of parent abandonment (Chuck and John are similar in the dad department), Sam gets a boyfriend, hint at a possible new relationship at the end.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
Sam Winchester Bingo Masterlist.
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Sam Winchester. Okay, maybe not the hottest guy in school, but he had his charms. He was sweet, quiet, good looking and tall. Damn, was he tall. You’ve talked to him before, at school, at parties like this. Drinks were flowing, music was blasting through speakers that shook the windows. And you got lucky enough that when you whispered to Sam that it was too loud down there, he nodded and led you up to a bedroom.
As soon as the door was shut behind you and you had locked it, your lips were on his, drinks discarded onto someone’s dresser and forgotten. Sam’s kiss was reluctant, awkward. You figured it was the shock of you making that first move paired with all the drinks he’d been pounding back all night, so you continued to lead. Guys like that anyways, right?
You started pushing him back, keeping him moving and not letting him go, keeping the kiss going until he fell back against the bed, sitting there, looking up at you with something in his eyes you couldn’t quite read.
Your lips met his again, a little sweeter this time as you climbed into his lap, knees digging into the mattress on either side of him. “Wait.” he mumbled as you pressed yourself closer to him, fingers in his hair and holding him close. “Wait, wait-” He pulled back, and you gave him a confused look.
“What’s wrong?” He didn’t answer right away, and you chuckled. “It’s okay, Sam, I’m sober enough to know what I want. You don’t have to-” as you spoke, you were leaning in for another kiss, but he stopped you. “Do you not want me?” Sam looked down, licking his bottom lip as you sat back against his thighs, giving him a bit more space. “Sam-”
“I’m-” He started to speak but he couldn’t seem to finish.
It was like it clicked in your head. “I don’t have what you want..” you breathed out in realization. Suddenly there was fear in his eyes, his nails scratching against your jeans as his fingers tightened on your thighs. “Hey-” You cupped his face, making him look up, but he pulled his head away.
“Fuck off.”
“Sam-” He shook his head, but you grabbed him again, forcing him to look at you. “It’s not a big deal.” you chuckled softly.
“Says you. Lesbians are ‘so hot’.” he mocked.
“I won’t tell anyone.” You chuckled softly, watching him but not getting off his thighs. “You can trust me.”
“Yeah, right.”
“My brother’s gay, Sam.” His eyes came up to meet yours at the confession. “It’s really not a big deal to me. All you had to do was tell me and I wouldn’t have thrown myself at you.” you smiled at him.
“Didn’t exactly want anyone knowing.” Sam mumbled, picking at a loose thread on the edge of your shirt.
“Know what you need?”
Your smile widened. “A fake girlfriend.” Sam cocked an eyebrow. “Look, we’re up here, right? There’s no way that went unnoticed. We’ll just pretend we had a bit of fun. You save face with those dicks downstairs, I get to have a hot date for lunch hour, and I’ll introduce you to my older brother.”
“Just because he’s gay too, doesn’t mean I want to fuck him.”
You laughed and shoved at his shoulders. “To have someone to talk to, you idiot.”
“Why would you do that for me?”
You shrugged. “Because I remember what he went through. We’re friends, Sam. I don’t want to see you as broken as I remember seeing him.” Sam gave you a small nod. “Deal?”
“Deal. So how do we-” he was cut off by you shoving him back on the bed.
You leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Don’t be quiet.” with a grin, you sat back up, still on his thigh, and started bouncing on him. You chuckled at the surprise on his face as the bed under him started to creak and groan with the motion. “That’s it, Sam.” you praised out loud. “Yeah, right there.”
Sam started to laugh, but the look you shot him made him hold it in. His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, before he blurted out “Your.. pussy feels so good.” You couldn’t help but snort, and you both muffled your laughs. “Sorry.” he whispered behind the hand he had covering his mouth. “Dirty talk is not my strong suit.”
“It’s good.” you shook your head at him, getting yourself back up right. “It was just.. so weird coming out of you like that.”
“Fuck off. Dirty bitch.”
“Oh! That’s the good stuff. Say it again, Sam!”
“Oh, god.” Sam rolled his eyes at you, but smiled all the same. “You’re disgusting.”
“I’m your girlfriend now, handsome. That means you’re disgusting, too.”
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You chewed on your bottom lip as you knocked on the open door. His room was the last in the hall, right next to yours. “Gabe? Can we talk?”
He looked up from his computer, turning his chair completely around as he watched you stand awkwardly in his doorway. “What’d they do, now?”
You smiled at him. “Nothing, I promise.” He motioned for you to come in, so you stepped in before shutting the door behind you. You crossed the room to his bed and sat on the edge before sighing.
“What’s up, kiddo?”
“I uhm.  I sorta of have a boyfriend.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ.” Gabriel muttered with a shake of his head. “Mikey and Luci are gonna lose their shit.”
“I said ‘sort of’ Gabriel.” He waited for you to elaborate. “I want you to meet him.”
“Why? Why me? I don’t usually meet ‘em unless I’m holding Luci back from killing them. What changed?”
“He’s gay.” Gabriel’s eyebrows shot up at that. “He’s scared about people finding out.” Gabe shook his head, and turned his chair back towards his computer. “Please, Gabriel? He’s really nice, especially to me. He always looks out for me at parties.”
Gabriel turned to look at you again. “Pumpkin-”
“He reminds me of you.”  That gave him pause. “Remember when everyone found out? Mike and Luci didn’t care too much, but Raph, he spread it everywhere and treated you like shit. You cried, Gabriel. Every damn night. I remember it because I was there, I held you any time you would let me.” He sighed. “Please. I’m covering for him, I don’t mind that, it was my idea. I just want him to know he isn’t alone, you know? Please? He’s a really sweet kid and I don’t want them to break him.”
“Mikey’s got work tonight. Luci is out doing whatever the fuck he’s out doing. I’ll tell Raph to fuck off. Invite him over for dinner.”
Your grin was wide when you leapt up and threw yourself at him. “I knew I could count on my favorite big brother.”
“Yeah, yeah. You owe me.” he muttered.
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When Sam showed up for dinner, he had smiled nervously at you as he stepped into the house, but once his attention turned to the man who stepped out of the kitchen, he froze, smile falling from his face.
“Sam, this is one of my brothers, Gabriel. Gabe, this is Sam.”
“I’m the favourite brother.” Gabe smirked, hand reaching out for Sam’s.
You smiled, watching Sam as he tried to sneakily wipe his palm along his jeans before taking your brother’s hand for a shake. “S-Sam. I’m Sam.”
“Yeah, I got that.” Gabe chuckled, glancing to you and how you smiled so brightly. “Dinner will be ready in about 10. You want anything to drink?”
“Wa-” Sam’s voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “Water will be fine, thank you.”
Gabriel laughed. “If you insist, but we’ve got beer, too.” he started for the kitchen.
“Glad I introduced you?” you whispered to Sam with a shit eating grin before skipping off to follow your brother. “Can I have a beer?”
“Hell no. I don’t got a death wish.”
Dinner went well. Gabriel was able to make Sam relax and laugh in no time, but you knew he would, Gabriel had that effect on everyone. Sam was amazed by Gabriel's cooking, raved about it, which just had you wiggling your eyebrows between them and laughing every time Sam blushed bright red.
After dinner, the three of you moved to the living room. Some movie put on that you all half paid attention to. Sam sat between you and Gabriel, letting the two of them talk without them having to talk over you. Sam seemed to be more and more comfortable around Gabe, and that made you happy.
You were all smiling, laughing at some comment Gabriel made when you heard the front door open and everyone got quiet. Your face took on a look of panic when Michael appeared in the hall and glanced in.
He looked from Gabriel, to you, then to the boy between the two of you. “Who’s this?”
This wasn’t good. You were about to answer when Gabriel spoke first. “A friend.”
“A friend?” Michaels eyes shot to you, and he found you biting your bottom lip nervously. “Bullshit.” he spat before heading up the hall.
“Mikey, wait!” you shot up from your seat and hurried after him. When you caught up to him, he was entering the bottom floor master, and he was fuming. “Please, just listen to me-”
“Did you think I wouldn't fucking find out? That I wouldn’t be pissed?” he spun around on you. “I’m fucking livid! You know how we feel about you having a fucking boyfriend, and you bring him here when I’m not home? Are you fucking insane?”
“What if Luci had come home first, huh? You think Gabe alone could stop him from killing the fucking guy?” Tears brimmed in your eyes. You hated disappointing him, he might be your brother, but he’d always been more of a father to you. “You know how he is when it comes to you. Remember when you were fuckin’ 13? Remember what happened?” You nodded sadly. “You want that to happen again?”
“Then tell me why you thought this shit was a good fucking idea?”
“He’s gay, Michael.”
You sighed, and wiped at your eyes before looking up at him again. “He’s gay.”
He stared at you for a minute before scoffing. “Yeah fucking right. His ass better be out of here in 5 minutes or I’m letting Luci-”
“He’s gay.” you reiterated. “No one knows. Remember what happened to Gabe when he was in school and everyone found out? Remember how fucked up he was? I don’t want Sam to go through that, so I told him I’d be his pretend girlfriend and I introduced him to Gabe so he’d have someone to talk to. Please, Mike, I’m telling you the truth.”
He kept his eyes on you as he moved past you, only taking them off of you when he was out in the hall and then he stormed his way back to the living room, you rushing behind him, begging him to believe you. “You fucking gay?” the words exploding out of his mouth the second he stopped in the doorway. Sam was standing with Gabriel, eyes wide with fear before they shot to you. You gave him a small nod, letting him know it was okay to answer. “Are you fucking my sister?” he demanded.
“No.” Sam swallowed. “I’m not fucking her.”
“You could stand to have a little more tact, Mikey.” Gabriel scolded.
“Fuck your tact.” Michael spat at him, still worked up.
“Mikey, please..” you moved around him, stopping in front of him and doing your best to play on his heart strings. “You can tell Luci if he swears to keep it quiet, but Raph can’t know. You remember how much of a dick he was to Gabe, he’s an asshole and I don’t want to risk it. If you and Luci seem okay with it, he won’t do shit about me and Sam.”
Everyone was quiet for a minute, Michael’s eyes burning into Sam and Gabriel, then he looked down at you. Before he could say anything, the door opened and Raphael strolled in. “Am I allowed in my own fucking house now?” he asked as he slammed the door behind him. “What’s going on?” When he looked into the living room and saw Sam, he furrowed his brows. “Who the fuck is this?”
“Please, Mikey.” you begged.
“Oh shit!” Raph’s face all but lit up. “I got kicked out so the little princess could sneak in a boyfriend! Fuck, you’re dead. Luci just pulled in.” He pointed to Sam.
“Who’s dead?” Lucifer walked in, shutting the door behind him. “What the fuck happened now?”
“Someone’s got a boyfriend.” Raph grinned. He always did like to rile either Lucifer or Michael up as much as he could.
“What!?” Lucifer started to storm in, pushing past everyone to get into the room. “You better fucking start running.” he threatened, finger pointed right at Sam who looked terrified.
He wasn’t the only one. At the look of fear in your eyes, Michael grabbed Lucifer and pulled him back. “We need to talk.”
“She knows the fucking rules.”
“Now. Raph, fuck off.”
“No, this is the most interesting thing to happen-”
“Fuck off!” Michael screamed at him. “You two, upstairs.”
“So, what, she’s got a boyfriend and we’re just going to let that happen?” He looked from a fuming Lucifer to you standing between them and Sam. “Since when don’t we let Luci just beat-”
“Fuck, okay. Jesus Christ.” He glared at his two older brothers before storming back towards the door and out. “Fuck this bullshit.” he spat.
“Upstairs while the grown ups talk.” Michael spoke again, just a little calmer as he pinned a fighting Lucifer to the wall.  You grabbed Sam’s hand and rushed for the stairs while Lucifer spat profanity at everyone.
The sound of it followed you up the stairs, only cutting out once your door shut behind Sam. “So.. how many brothers do you have?” he asked nervously.
“Just the 4, thank fuck.” you groaned, dropping onto your bed.
“They’re uh- they’re really over protective..”
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry, I should have warned you about that.. I had hoped I’d have time to talk to Michael before you met anyone other than Gabriel.”
“If they’re that protective, I don’t think I want to meet your dad.” Sam chuckled nervously before sitting next to you on the bed.
“Luci is who you need to worry about. My dad isn’t really around, Michael pretty much raised me. I’m not just the baby of the family, I’m the only girl. I’m the last link to mom. Luci loved mom more than anything and he was her favourite. When mom died..”
“Mom dies, dad goes off the deep end and big brother takes over?” You looked up at him, confused how he knew. “Dean, my older brother, raised me too.”
“Luci doesn’t let anyone near me. Michael raised me, but Lucifer… he was my prince when I was little.” you smiled. “My knight in shining armour, always protecting me. There’s a reason I’m not allowed to date despite being damn well old enough.” you sighed. “When I was 13, I liked this guy. Rob. He liked me.” you smiled softly before ducking your head down. “He was 15. No idea why he was interested in me, but I wasn’t questioning that. I only knew him because he was always at my friends house with her older brother. He took me out on a date, Michael had approved of it, and it went fine.”
“What happened?”
“Rob told his buddies that he’d done more than he did with me. When I heard, it broke my heart. I called Luci crying from school during 5th period. By the final bell, he was waiting outside. We found Rob with his friends, Luci threw him at my feet and made him apologize for lying. Then he punched him. Broken nose, broken jaw.. One of the other kids called the police and Luci was arrested.”
“Jesus Christ..”
“He has anger issues, that’s no secret to anyone who knows us. But he looks at me like I’m his last link to mom because I look just like her. I remind him of her. To him, I need protecting at all cost, especially from men who would just hurt his precious little princess.”
Sam nodded, understanding a little better. “Well, I have no intention of hurting you.” he gave you a smile, hand going to your thigh to reassure you.
“Let’s hope Luci believes that.”
The door burst open so fast it slammed against your wall and the knob left a dent. Sam’s hand jerked away as if burned when he saw it was Lucifer in the doorway. “You hurt my fucking sister and I’ll rip your balls off and feed them to you, am I fucking clear?”
“Crystal.” Sam nodded quickly.
“Did Mikey-”
“Are you going to tell Raph?”
“Thank you, Luci.” You got up from your bed and rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight. He held you tight, and you were sure he was still glaring at Sam over your head, but the fact that he wasn’t swinging a fist, you’d take it. “I knew my prince would understand.”
“Fuck off.” he pushed you away, but you could tell he was fighting to hide his smile. “I’m serious, fake or not, you better not hurt my fucking sister.”
“I have no intention to.”
“Good. Now fuck off. Go home. It’s getting late and there’s school tomorrow.”
“Can you try to be nice?” You gave him an annoyed look.
“Please.” he ground out. “Happy?”
“Getting there.” you teased, sticking out your tongue.
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“Hey, Sam.” you leaned in from behind him and kissed his cheek. He was sitting at a table, surrounded by his friends as he ate lunch.
“Hey.” he looked up at you and smiled.
“You two!?” Jason, one of Sam’s friends who was also in your English class, looked between the two of you. “That’s who you were with at the party?” Sam shifted so you could sit on the bench next to him while Jason continued to look shocked. “And you’re still fucking alive!?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sam laughed, arm going around your waist as you shifted closer to him.
“Dude, I gave her a lift home and her brother almost broke my fucking arm!”
“No, you tried to come into my house and my brother almost broke your fucking arm.” you smirked over at him.
“Luci?” Sam asked, and you nodded. “He’s not so bad.” he shrugged as if it was no big deal.
“Not so bad!? Have you even met him? Dude is fucking nuts! No offence.”
“None taken by me, but he might not like the comment.” you teased.
“Oh fuck, don’t tell him.” Jason groaned. “Please don’t fucking tell him.”
“Winchester’s got balls.” someone walking past chimed in, clapping Sam on the back. “Half the fucking school has been too afraid to touch that.”
You leaned in closer to Sam and whispered “I told you. All you needed was me.” He smiled, pulling you closer and kissing your forehead. “So, who’s hosting the next party?” you asked, eyes scanning everyone else at the table as you friends started to come over and join it.
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You had been “dating” Sam for about two months now. You hung out at lunch most days, always went to parties together, and he’d often come over after school, though he had his own reasons for that. He was smitten with Gabriel, not that he would admit it.
You walked out of school, hand in hand with Sam and grinned when you saw Gabriel waiting by a car outside. “Want a ride, cutie?”
“Yes!” You grinned, rushing forward to hug your brother.
“Wasn’t talking to you.” he teased as he hugged you back, laughing when you shoved at him and called him a name.
“Hey Gabriel!” someone called out, and Gabe sent them a wave.
“I’m the cutest damn person here.” you grumbled at him.
“I beg to differ.” he teased, looking to Sam. “Ride? You’re coming over again, aren’t you?”
“Uh-yeah.. Yeah sure.” Sam smiled shyly.
“Then get in.” Sam started for the back door, but Gabriel cut him off by opening the passenger side door and motioning for him to get in. Sam glanced from the door, to Gabriel, then to you only to find you opening the back door and getting in with a smile on your face. “Get in.”
Sam swallowed at the sound of Gabriel’s voice so smooth and so close. He just nodded and hurried around Gabriel and ducked into the seat. Gabe smiled as he shut the door and made his way around to the other side. When he turned to look at you in the seat behind him, he found you pretending to be focused on something else.
“So.” Gabe cut into the silence as he shut the door behind him and started up the engine. “Take out and movies tonight?” He glanced to the rear view at you before side eyeing Sam as he pulled out of the school lot.
“Your room?” you asked.
“If you guys want.”
“I think Sam wants.” you teased under your breath with a shit eating grin.
Sam’s face went beet red as he turned towards the window, shooting you a glare in the side mirror. Gabriel did his best to hide the way his lips curled up at that, pretending he didn’t hear for Sam’s sake. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” you grinned, and when he glanced to the rearview at you again, you could tell by his eyes he had damn well heard you.
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Dean loved you, joked you were too good for his baby brother. You had finally met Dean about three months into the relationship. Sam didn’t know it, but Dean had known about Sam for years. He was grateful for what you were doing, though he wished his brother could just be himself. He understood why Sam was afraid. And when Dean met Gabriel a month after that, a shit eating grin had spread over his lips at the way Sam had said Gabe’s name and when he looked at you, and you nodded, confirming his unvoiced suspicion of his brother’s crush, he happily extended his hand to your brother.
Seven months into the relationship, and high school was over, summer had passed and it was off to College. You and Sam celebrated your 1 year anniversary in the California sun. He was your best friend, the one person you trusted more than anything. He was your world, and however long it took him to be comfortable enough to tell others who he was, you’d wait, letting him have that time. He deserved it.
While Michael and Luci had lost their shit about you thinking of moving across the country to go to school with your ‘boyfriend’ (no thanks to Raphael who egged them on constantly) Gabriel had instead bought a house, handed you a key and said “Now you don’t need to live on campus.” and winked.
He had ulterior motives, of course.
Because 6 months after your 1 year anniversary with Sam, you walked into the house after class to a massive mess of baked goods all over the kitchen, and a trail of filthy discarded clothes making its way to the bathroom. You couldn’t help but smile at the sounds coming from behind the closed door.
Banging on it with the side of your fist, you yelled out “HAPPY ONE YEAR, YOU FILTHY ANIMALS!” only to hear them laugh in response.
About 15 minutes later, they had moved to their shared bedroom, and your phone was going off.
>> Hey, I’m in town. Was thinking of grabbing dinner and stopping in, but Sammy isn’t answering.
You smiled seeing the text was from Dean.
<< Sam can’t come to the phone right now, he’s a little occupied. I’m up for a meal, but might I suggest your place, since I doubt you want to hear the animal-like noises coming from their room that I’m being subjected to. It’s loud and messy, cakes everywhere.
>> Point taken. >> What’s the occasion?
<< 1 year of these too being love sick dorks.
>> Oh shit, that’s today? >> guess you’ll need a place to sleep? I’ll switch my room for a double, you can crash here.
<< Sounds like a plan, handsome.
>> I’m at Motel 6.
<< Sunnyvale?
>> Yeah, need me to pick you up?
<< I’d never say no to a ride, Winchester.
>> Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me. >> I’ll see you soon, kid.
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*If you like this, please consider supporting my work* Tagging :  Sam -  @evyiione  @hoboal87
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons   @thoughts-and-funnies  @lyarr24  @dreaming-about-fanfictions​
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27 notes · View notes
I have to say, I really enjoying Laws of Attraction. I really do. This book makes it up for PB to give up on heavy potential books like Distant Shores and Foreign Affairs. (The tragedy they did to those books even tho I still like them. Side Note: Slow Burn is a great book too) It feels like whoever the team is behind this book actually took their time to stay on course with the plot, characters have well placed personalities...it's just outstanding so far. This is a prime example of how Open Heart should had been. (Not to talk about that messy book.)
I even love all the characters.
The MC: There have been some incompetent MC's that makes me want to choke them, but this one I like.
Gabe Ricci: Sorry but not actually sorry Ethan and Sam stans but Gabe to me is a perfect written boss. He is much more chill. He recognizes MC's work ethnics unlike Ethan who belittles the MC, keep their relationship a secret, and doesn't appreciate the MC until the third book when the MC had to save his ass from a huge lawsuit. And Sam who would risk everything and destroy his/her home for the nanny. Like, I love the slow burn with him and MC. Like he knows he want MC but he want to focus on the case and I can respect that. Especially, if he's your route, It looks like MC is the one who perusing Gabe and when Gabe is fighting to not cross that taboo line, MC goes to have these random hookups. The angst and drama is keeping me interested. And I know it is working because I see people in the fandom PISSED that Gabe isn't dicking them down yet. Lol. I love it.
Ashlinn: What a sweet angel. She is perfect wifey material. I love how she started as a quiet nervous person and by each chapter, she grows into a much more confident woman. That chapter with the actors and she placed Beau in his lane, I lived. If she was my type, I would romanced her with my MC. Maybe in my next run of the book.
Beau: Ok I knew Beau would be that fuckboy character just because he has family ties to the firm. Typical frat boy. I knew we would hate him, especially after he took credit from MC's hard work, but again the character development of him to be more serious just make me like him. He earned extra points for taking the heat for MC and the rest of the team in today's chapter. I would loved if he was an LI option.
Martin: I know he supposed to be the villain and be this "I'm better than you" jackass but I can't be mad at him. Again the character development. He's trying to stay snarky but he's slowly warming up to the team. It's cute that he thinks he's MC's rival, but we all know. But real tip, the man needs to be laid. MC would help.
Gigi: Sis! Queen! Ride or die! I. LOVE. THIS. WOMAN! Just her everything is just god tier. I know she mentioned a girlfriend in the beginning of the book, but what would it been if our wlw sisters get to romance her? The dynamic between them would be powerful. (I wish my MC could romance her. I'll put a ring on that finger fast.)
Sadie: Boss ass bitch. I like her. I seen people upset that she yelled at the team in the chapter, even tho it is the team's fault to give Marcus information before them. Honestly, they could had waited to tell Marcus after they notify Gabe and Sadie. I've even seen folks on here saying "She does nothing for the case but judge" that's the point. She literally put trust in the case in Gabe and the team's hands and Gabe keep her up to date about it. So she has all the right. Plus, she the type to like it when people go for what they want. I saw comments about when Mac requested a room by the lake at her home. Sadie expressed the expression "Closed mouths don't get feed" and I kinda respect her for that.
Marcus: Yeah I dig this character because I can relate to him. As a black man myself, I get why he don't be too comfortable with lawyers. In RL, it is so hard for black people to trust the justice system. There would be so much evidence that proves that you're innocent but the police would do the bare minimum or none at all policing because they made up their minds that you did it. Then there would be slimy lawyers that tells you to plea guilty because you can't win. So I can understand why Marcus acting this way. Yes, he should believe in this team more, but I understand where he is coming from. (Sorry that I put real issues in this lol) Now to the juicy topic. I knew Marcus wanted MC since that walk they did in a couple of chapters before. And yes it is so unprofessional and unethical for a lawyer to sleep with their clients. But, did I spend the night with him regardless? Yes. Yes I did. To be fair, Marcus asked MC for comfort and relief. MC never showed any interest in Marcus or perused him. He ASKED out of trust. So to me this part got me actually thinking. Should my MC give in to him so he can keep the trust in MC or MC turn him down and he would change his perspective of MC later down the road. Either or I feel like consequences is going to happen and as I am an angst trash, I went and gave Marcus the night of his life. If it's not your cup of tea (Again shout out to the wonderful wlw ladies out there) totally understandable. But I like Marcus. If he becomes a potential LI which it looks like then Gabe has some serious competition because I might switch up.
The Hookups: I enjoy them. I like Lisa (The Robin sprite I think is her name in this book. I can't remember. How awkward it is to be playing The Nanny Affair while playing this book because of Robin/Lisa) And Tyler. Yes my MC did do that mlm threesome with Tyler and the PI (who name I also forgot). Yes MC gave the PI that good dick while Tyler watched. I feel robbed slightly that my MC didn't dick down Teddy after we made out with him in the club but the threesome made up for it. These hookups wouldn't happen if Gabe and Ashlinn isn't giving us this wonderful slow burn romance. But I enjoyed it.
Overall, I really like this book. I say this book is A tier. It has it moments like the group trust trip..that was weird but still. A tier. Close but not S tier like Blades. (That book is *chef kiss* Closer we are to the what will be insanity that is Blades 2 and I can not wait!) I hope this is the same team that is doing Crimes of Passion. (The acronym of Crimes of Passion is CoP...I see what they did there.) That book screams LoA's spin off. But still I'm really enjoying LOA. I just hope this not going to be a standalone book. It said it is a series at the beginning of the book, but PB been shady about that lately. Let it stay as a series. Hopefully it is a series.
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1787americanrevnerd · 3 years
The Life of Rebecca Barnes
Sorry if the dates are wrong, I tried my best to do the math.
The Howling Commandos had finally tracked down the only living family of James Barnes. James never talked about his personal life before the war to any of the Commandos and he really only talked to Steve. And since the Barnes' family is very closed off, it was hard to find James's family to offer condolences. He had died a while ago in the Swiss Alps, the army was going to send a letter but the Commandos thought it would be better to say it in person.When they came to the small apartment in NYC and knocked on the door they were not expecting a young girl with three other kids clinging onto her. The girl had frizzy, curly, hip-length dark brown hair. The Commandos knew this was the right house because the girl had the same smile as James.
"Hello, what can I do for you?" she asked. Dum Dum spoke next, "Is it okay if we come inside we worked with James." The girl nodded and ushered them inside. "Rikki, who are these people," asked a little girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. "Well, Lizzy these are some of Jamie's friends." Rikki picked up Lizzy and put her on her hip. "Is Stevie coming?" The Commandos felt guilty at the question Lizzy asked, Steve died the day previous."Anyway, what brings you to my apartment?" asked Rikki. "Well we are looking for a Rebecca is she home?" said Gabe Jones. "Oh, that's me, Rikki's a nickname my stupid brother gave me when we were kids." The Commandos now felt even more saddened by the news they were about to give the Barnes family. "Could we talk in private," one of the Commandos asked Rebecca.
Rikki led them into a separate room so that they could talk privately. "So why are you at my house?" asked Rikki. The Commandos knew that they should rip the bandaid off but it's still difficult to take off the bandaid. "Rikki that's a funny nickname," said Jim trying to start a conversation. "Yeah, I would always try to annoy my brother by calling him Jamie because he didn't like to be called, and I quote, "A name meant for a girl" so I always called him Jamie. He then started to call me Rikki since it sounds like a boy's name. And it just kind of stuck.""Ms. Barnes we have some unfortunate news to tell you," said Jack. Rebecca stiffened, "Is Jamie okay?" All of the Commandos looked down and Rebecca gasped. "He died in action, we were ambushing a train in the swiss alps and your brother fell off the side. He died fighting, I'm sorry for your loss," said Gabe. "Why isn't Steve here telling me this then?" questioned Rebecca. "Steve died crashing a plane into the ice in order to save millions," explained Dum Dum. They tried to say nice things to her like, "It's okay." "They died for a greater cause" but with every word Rebecca got angrier. Rebecca stood up and wiped off her tears, " No it's not okay my brothers died! For you people, and then you start saying meaningless words to me about it. Get out, get out of my house goddamn it!" The Commandos left silently not wanting to upset Rebecca further.
Rebecca went to her siblings, "I have some bad news, Stevie and Jamie died in the war." Lizzy and Martha went quiet and Linda, who was only a baby, started to cry. Rebecca wanted to cry too, but she had to stay strong like Jamie always did.Once the kids went to bed Rebecca dropped on the floor and started crying. "We can't even bury a body," she said over and over again. Jamie was always so full of life it's hard to imagine him dead. Deep down inside Rebecca believed that he was not dead, they had always had a twin-like bond, even though there was a 3 year age difference, meaning that they always knew what the other thought and the other well-being. Rebecca Barnes hated the people responsible for her brother's death and Rebecca needed to bring them to justice.
One Year Later
Rebecca wanted to do something worthwhile and she thought joining the S.S.R. was the only way to do so. Rebecca had good grades and experience with things the S.S.R did. She had taken criminology and forensic science in school and had just finished her combat training.When she was in the office and the man put down her file her looked up at her and said, "Why should we hire you?" he asks. Rebecca thinks about it and says, " I want to make the world a safer place and-" The man cuts her off, "No, no, no, I mean why would we hire you a woman. We already have Margret." Rebecca stands up and slaps her hands on the table, "Listen here you short sexist piece of sh*t, if a man came in here with the file I have I know for a fact you would hire him. Also, it is my human right to be able to work if I want to, I'm leaving so give me a letter when you make up your mind."
As she stormed out she was cut off by Margret Carter, "I agree with what you said about the chief being a short sexist," she didn't finish her sentence being a proper lady. Rebecca however was not, "Piece of sh*t." Peggy nodded. "I know a great Diner around here would you like to go once my shift is over?" Rebecca didn't have many friends this would be good for her. "Sure I would love to."
When they went to the diner Peggy led them to a booth and she sat down. "So what's your name?" asked Peggy. Rebecca hadn't even realized that they didn't know each other's names. "Rebecca Barnes," she said simply. Peggy froze at the surname remembering someone who was lost in the war. "Peggy Carter," Peggy said thinking that Barnes was a very popular surname it could be a whole other family.
"Do you have any siblings?" Peggy asked. "I have three younger sisters, Elizabeth, Lidia, and Margret. And I ha- had one brother, James," answered Rebecca. Peggy was now sure that this is the sister of James Buchanan Barnes. "What about you do you have any siblings?" asked Rebecca in return. "Yes I also had an older brother," replied Peggy. "I'm sorry for your loss," replied Rebecca. "It's okay, it was a long time ago." Rebecca was very easy to talk to, and she wasn't like the people Peggy was usually drawn to. She was far from a proper lady, she sat like someone who was not taught proper edict, and she was wearing pants. Not pants made for women but pants that probably belonged to a man at some point. "Your pants where did you get them?" Peggy asked. "They're hand-me-downs, from my brother. Money was never tight at my house but it just made me feel more normal, you know wearing hand-me-downs like most other younger siblings. Anyway enough about me, what's your deal?"
"I have worked in the SSR for a long time and I didn't get many jobs or respect until the war when I helped with Project Rebirth. After the war, well I turned into the secretary. I want to show people that I can do just as much as a man can and that I didn't just become an Agent because there weren't enough men to do the job. Why are you here?" Rebecca knew her answer, " You might not like it or agree with it but, I want to take down the people that hurt me and so many families. I don't want anyone else's brother to die because of a war. And the only way to do that is to rid the world of insane people who want to take over the world." Peggy nodded, "Well seeing as we will be the only women in the department I look forward o filing papers with you and hopefully putting "villains" in jail." Rebecca smiled and took a sip of her water, this felt like a good thing.
2 years later
It was Rebecca's first mission, there was no one left to do it. She had to take down some drug dealers. When she got to the location something was wrong the drug dealers were there all right but there were other people there. They had the HYDRA symbol on their jackets. Oh, how stupid had we been to think that if we killed the leader that they would die she thought. She had to move closer to get a better look.
She went up in the vents in order to hear and see everything clearly. Unfortunately, the vents were not very strong and she fell from them. The drug dealers left and the HYDRA soldiers pinned her to the ground. "Let's see who you are," the soldier said as he reached for the dog tags she wore. "These say, James Barnes, you can't be him. You must be his sister but which one? Are you Martha, Lidia, or maybe Elizabeth? Wait you are in your twenty's oh yes you must be Rebecca. Your brother's favorite."
"What are you going to do to me now that I know you still exist?" she asked. "Nothing, we know that you will be too scared to tell. Now run along and don't come back. She ran back not wanting to die. But she will tell people about Hydra.
Once she was out of earshot the soldier said, "Send the Winter Soldier after her. We can't have her knowing about us, or him."
---------------------------------------------------------------------Rebecca was on a date with her boyfriend of one year, William Proctor. They had stayed at Rebecca's house since they were an interracial couple so no one would serve them at restaurants. "So how was work today?" asked William. "It was good," lied Rebecca. She still hadn't told him about her real job he thought she was working at a DMV. "You're lying, you always take a sip of your wine and look left when you lie," said William. If he wasn't catching her lie Rebecca would have thought that it was very sweet that he notices the small things about her. "It wasn't the best but, I did get to try something different. William, I don't work at the DMV, I'm working at the S.S-" at that moment a metal hand went through the wall.
It was a man dressed in what seemed to be kevlar, he had a district metal arm, and was wearing a mask. Or a muzzle, part of Rebecca thought. "Is this someone from work?" asked William sarcastically. "Yeah, I was trying to track down some drug dealers, ran into HYDRA. I guess they sent their puppet after me," she replied. The man didn't like her comment very much because he started to attack her. Rebecca blocked most of his punches until his knife cut into her right shoulder, he then pulled it down to her wrist causing a massive cut along her arm. "Rebecca are you okay?" asked William from where he was standing in the kitchen. "Yeah just throw me a wrench or a knife!" yelled Rebecca. She had an idea, it might not be great and was based on a very flimsy theory but she wanted to try nonetheless. Once, William passed her a long kitchen knife she tried to shove it into one of the slots on the metal arm. She was successful she then twisted them with great struggle though since the man was trying to kill her. William came from behind and put two more objects in the man's metal arm. By this time Rebecca had already done quite a bit of damage. Knowing that he would lose the man left. Rebecca then collapsed in William's arms.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------"So how did you really cut the entirety of your right arm?" asked Peggy. "What do you mean? I was in a car crash and I cut myself on the window," answered Rebecca. "That's absolute rubbish, you're a great driver. Also, you're a terrible liar," Peggy told her. Rebecca sighed, "A man broke into my house, probably working for the people I "met" a few days back, he cut my arm." Peggy nodded, "What did he look like maybe I know about him." Rebecca thought back to the most distinct thing about him, "He a metal arm for his left arm." Peggy's eyes widened, "People have been talking about him, civilians I mean, a man with a metal left arm comes up at least once with every political murder after the war. People started to call him the Winter Soldier, the S. S. R. has been looking into him for a while now, but nothing comes up, he's like a ghost." Rebecca smirked, "Well then it must be a miracle that I'm still alive."
2 years later
This was Rebecca's first mission since she found out she was pregnant. She and William had decided that William would stop working, he didn't like his job much anyway. Rebecca almost got fired because the S. S. R. didn't want to pay for her maternity leave. She told her boss that she wouldn't take the leave, her husband (they aren't technically married but they have known each other for three years) would be home taking care of the child. She still went on missions since she only had a small baby bump. Nothing dangerous though, just a stakeout with Peggy and Howard. She told them about HYDRA well, she told Peggy and Howard overheard. She and Howard didn't get along, he was egotistical and cocky, two traits Rebecca hated. Howard had an equal despise for her, she was too reckless, something that wasn't always a good thing.
HYDRA was loading a truck nothing too interesting until the Winter Soldier came out to help them. He doesn't have his mask on but he was far away so no point in trying to figure out who he is, thought Rebecca. "Hey he kind of looks like Barnes," pointed out Howard. "I'm right here Stark, " growled Rebecca. "No, I mean your brother," explained Howard. Peggy leaned forward and squinted her eyes, "I mean from a distance." Rebecca laughed, "Why would Jamie be working for HYDRA? Also, my brother is incredibly vain, there is no way he'd let his hair get like that!" Peggy nodded then looked at Howard, "She has a point." Howard thought for a minute, "Maybe they put his brain in a blender?" Rebecca looked sick, "Please stop." Howard did, there were only a few things Howard was afraid of, and one of them was an angry Barnes.
3 years later
Rebecca had just had her second child, Myla, and she was already worrying. Her son, James, was a tiny terror she hoped that he didn't rub off on Myla. James had skin a little darker than Rebecca's, he had Williams nose and eyes, everything else about his completion looked closer to Rebecca. Kyla had very dark skin, she also had curly brown hair like her mother, she had her grandfather's eyes, and had Rebecca's jawline. Rebecca felt bad that none of them would ever meet their Aunts and Uncles since both Rebecca and William's family did not agree with the pairing. Rebecca felt especially bad that the one Uncle who would love to meet the kids couldn't be there. She and William had bought a small three bedrooms one bathroom house, because of the new family edition. All in all, Rebecca couldn't wait for the adventures to come with her family.
12 Years Later
Peggy had brought Rebecca to a diner to talk. "I and Stark have started something, called S.H.I.E.L.D. it's basically the S. S. R. but private would you like to join us. Rebecca nodded furiously, "Of course, I've been meaning to get out of the S. S. R. and I'm sure anything you're founding has to be worth it." Peggy laughed, "So what do you say we go and hand in our letters of resignation." Rebecca got up from the table excited to have a new beginning.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Seriously though Stark, why haven't you found someone yet. You're almost 43, times running out," said Peggy. "Look not all of us want to get married and have kids super young like Ms. I'm Fine over there," retorted Howard. "What do you mean young? I was 29 when I had James, and 32 when I had Mayla," said Rebecca. "The point still stands and I'm in a relationship now and it's going great," states Howard. "What's her name?" asked Peggy. "Maria, speak of the devil, I have a date with her. Nice talking to you ladies." Rebecca scoffed, "Let's hope this one isn't insane."
5 Years Later
"Top of the class aye?" asked Rebecca. Mayla blushed, "Yeah which means that I can choose any job I desire." Rebecca smiled, "What do you want to do then?" Mayla looked down, "Well I already applied for a job at S.H.I.E.L.D. and they hired me so I guess that." Rebecca was a little confused as to why her daughter would go behind her back on this one. "I just didn't want people thinking I got the job because of Aunt Peggy. I'll be working in the science division so I don't want people thinking I'm just dumb and spoiled." Rebecca laughed, "No one will think that you graduated top of your class from college when you're 19."
That same year Anthony Stark was born, Howard was nervous. He was worried that Tony would turn out like him, Peggy worried the same thing. Rebecca tried to tell Howard that Maria was a good lady, she probably toned down the Stark genes in that kid.
21 Years Later
William had come to pick Rebecca up from work. That was when something strange happened William noticed something Peggy didn't. "Hey why have these guys neer finished their mission?" asked William. Howard went to get their files, "Maybe they forgot to check in?" Rebecca shook her head, "But all of them admit to not completing the mission. And they have outrageous reasons as to why. Who believed these guys?" Peggy went to the back of the file room and took out a few more, "They were all signed by these men, we don't have any records on them until the year 1965." William spoke up, "Maybe they are in on something together, like a rival agency type deal." Howard scoffed, "There is no way SHIELD could be infiltrated." Rebecca hit him upide the head, "Your arogence will be the end of you, Stark." Peggy shruged, "We'll look into it in the morning. Howard your son is home you should be spending time with him. Rebecca if I am not mistaken you have your grandchildren Kimberly and Scott waiting for you to teach them how to properly use a gun." They all left but none of them knew that this was the last time Howard, Peggy, and Rebecca would be in the same room together.
They were all invited to the funeral, even if Rebecca wasn't that close to Howard. Peggy and Rebecca sat next to Tony the whole time knowing that he needed someone to be there with him. Peggy and Rebecca were like his Aunts, they were usually at the Stark estate. Rebecca and Howard would be bickering most of the time but Rebecca was still present at the house often when Tony was a child. Everyone was telling Tony about how his father was a great man and how they were sorry that he lost his dad. However Peggy and Rebecca tod him that Howard wasn't perfect and that they were sorry he had to lose his parents but they never tried to tell him what to feel or how to think about it.
18 Years Later
Rebecca had grown old and now had great-grandchildren, but she still worked at SHIELD. She didn't work in the field anymore though, she was a therapist of sorts. One day they sat her down with a young lady with bright red hair and told Rebecca to make the girl safe to be around. They were then left alone to talk and to help this girl through whatever was going on with her."My name is Rebecca Barnes Proctor, and you are?""Natasha Romanoff.""What would you like me to call you?""...Natasha.""Well then Natasha let's get started. Why are you here?""I worked for the KGB a kind man named Clint Barton dragged me here and they told me to sit through this until I was stable enough to go into the field.""I used to be a SHIELD Agent you know, I was here when this place was first built. Now I work here, helping people like you.""...Who is that a picture of on your desk?""That was my brother, he died in the war.""I'm sorry.""It's okay he's been gone for a long time. Anyway why would people think you aren't stable?""I was a Russian Spy, they just want to make sure I'm on their side.""Do you promise not to betray us?""I wouldn't dream of it. I can't go to a prison cell, again.""Great then I will tell themyou are stable as long as you come help me watch over my great grandchildren every Thursday.""I will Mrs. Proctor.""Oh please, call me Rebecca.""Thanks Rebecca."
1 Year Later
"You seem quiet today Natasha is something wrong?""It's nothing I just got out of the Hospital that's all.""What were you there for?""A man with a metal arm shot someone through me.""So I see you've met the Winter Soldier.""The Winter who?"The Winter Soldier, he's an assassin.""Why haven't I heard of him?""He's like a ghost no one can track him and every file we have of himis erased gone. You see this scar he gave me it."Natasha looked at the scar, "Looks like it hurt." Rebecca sighed, "It did for a long time, but what's done is done. Be careful Natasha." Natasha smiled, "I always am."8 Years Later"Rebecca!" called Natasha, "I brought some company for you!" Rebecca smiled, "I'm in the kitchen." She was trying to complete the crossword when she saw Natasha. "Hello, dear I'mso glad you found time to visit me." Natasha looked at the other visitors, "Guys this is Rebecca, she's a few years younger than Steve. And Rebecca this is Sam-" Rebecca inturpterd her, "Stevie! Why haven't you visited me since you came back from the ice?" Steve looked dumbstruck, "I thought you would be dead or you wouldn't remember me." Rebecca wacked him upside the head, "That was easier to do when you where shorter but this will have to do. How dare you think me dead! And I'm not that old, this brain's still ticking!"
Bucky was behind the wall he didn't really know who this lady was and he wasn't sure she would be happy to have a murderer in her house. He noticed something on her left arm then, a scar going down it. Bucky remembered that, he did it to the young women who was trying to have dinner with her boyfriend, then he tried to kill her. Bucky stepped out of the shadows to say he was sorry for hurting her all those years ago when the women hugged him. She started saying, "Jamie, I knew you were alive! Everyone said that you were dead but I knew deep down that you were alive!" Natasha smiled, that was the first time Bucky had ever seen her smile. "As I was about to say, this is Rebecca Barnes Proctor," said Natasha. When the name was said Bucky started to remember her, he would call her Rikki. Bucky hugged her back, "Long time no see Rikki." Rebecca looked at Bucky's arm, "I know what you did and I forgive you."
1 Year Later
Rebecca died peacefully in her sleep a few months after seeing Bucky again. Evryone said that since she saw him her heart had been ready to go, knowing that he was alive. Others said that she missed her friends and loved ones. Whichever you choose to belive just remember that Rebecca Barnes lived an amazing life.
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fatedbutblinking · 4 years
when hades!reader dates percy jackson
relationship headcanons are actually pretty fun to write so expect more of these soon. i might do like some brother-sister kinda ones from pjo (like siblings in a cabin, for ex) but ofc can’t wait to tackle the nico-will dynamic <3
Percy was too scared to admit he liked you so he instead was extremely overprotective.
One time, at a party a Dionysus camper threw, an Aphrodite guy was getting touchy-feely with you.
Percy splashed the guy’s beer in his face using his powers, angering him, but he only winked at you and walked away.
Eventually you caught on that he liked you and kissed him by the Canoe Lake.
Initially you tried to keep your relationship a secret.
There was always sexual tension during Capture the Flag.
It was even worse at the nightly campfires, where you stole lustful looks from each other.
You snuck into his cabin most nights as you couldn’t do it with Nico around.
That’s when you found out he was a big cuddler. All night he would warm you up, as children of Hades are unnaturally cold. And because he likes smelling your hair.
Nico was the first to know. He told you that he was dating Will and you would have felt guilty if you didn’t tell him about Percy, so you did it right after. You made disgusted looks at each other jokingly—but not before Percy bust into the room with chocolate-covered strawberries. He always seemed to be in the right places at the wrong time.
Despite being popular on campus for your powers and ethereal looks, you never had many friends. People were intimidated by your dad being the god of death.
Until Percy introduced you to those from the Prophecy of Seven and you all became really close.
He made it seriously obvious that you were dating, even though the whole point of keeping it a secret was to protect it from them.
Whenever Leo tried to flirt with you, Percy held Riptide in the pen form against his back and glared.
When Jason stared at your bikini bod at the beach, Percy sent a wave of water over him before he could finish stuttering.
When girls flirted with Percy—which was and is all the time, especially the mortal ones—you kissed his cheek in front of them and got the message across that he was yours.
“I’m the disciple of death, so,” usually did the trick.
Percy got sick of keeping the secret. He didn’t want guys flirting with you anymore.
So, at your birthday party, he pulled you onto him in the Canoe Lake and kissed you passionately. Everyone stopped swimming to cheer you on.
An Apollo kid took a picture of the moment. It turned out like one of those aesthetic Pinterest couple photos with the sun setting in the background and the silhouette of your chests against each other.
Percy often asks you to replicate the silhouette in the picture as a shadow on the wall.
From that moment on, PDA became a big thing between you two.
Everyone knows you’re dating and if they’re new, they learn quickly.
You’re like the mother and father of Camp Half-Blood.
The first time you told Percy you loved him, he hugged you tightly and pulled you into his chest to stop you from seeing him so happy.
“I love you too,” he’d said quietly. “More than anything—everything.”
After a few moments of you being buried in his chest, he kissed your forehead, and then all over your face, and repeatedly said, “I love you,” until you laughed.
Nobody makes you happy the way he does.
“I’ve never seen you smile so much,” Leo said one time, not really joking.
“That’s because I’ve never been so happy.”
Nico threw a pillow at you. “Out.”
Your dates are at the beach, where Percy steals kisses from you in the water and you laugh at how dorky he is explaining the anatomy of a hippocampus.
You’re accustomed to riding dolphins, watching the sun set and swimming with sharks.
“Aren’t you scared?”
“Of what?”
“Of the sharks biting you or killing you. Girls are always scared of that.”
“I’m not scared of death, Jackson.”
You and Percy binge-watch Netflix and binge-eat all the time.
You and Percy are very powerful and competitive, being children of The Big Three, resulting in long and rough fights.
There is a literal rule that you’re not allowed to be on the same team. You’re both too powerful.
Because of the paleness you inherited from your father, you blush easily. Percy thinks this is adorable.
He always talks about how beautiful you are, saying Aphrodite can’t compare. He knows that you secretly like the compliments, in spite of smacking him and calling them moronically cheesy.
He is always in awe of you when you take people down in fights.
He genuinely admires what he calls the ‘badass bitch’ vibe.
You make him blue pancakes.
It isn’t very often that you’re open with people, but you’re very open with Percy. You wouldn’t admit it to him, but you’re sure he’s the only one you could love that much.
Percy appreciates your honesty, though others might find it startling. He appreciates most your ability to conceptualise what he’s feeling when he explains something that happened to him.
For example, he told you about how much he hated Gabe Ugliano. You recognized it as abuse and Percy denied it.
“Oh, come on. He was just a mean dude. I wasn’t abused,” he had chuckled.
“He hit you, Perce. He bullied you. Just because you’re a demigod doesn’t mean you’re a strong mortal incapable of feeling pain. Your problems as a human guy matter just as much.”
“You know, you’re nicer than you think.”
“Don’t insult me again, Jackson. No matter how cute you look doing it.”
Everyone at camp is envious of your relationship.
The Aphrodite girls go insane shipping you guys.
One time, Piper had to stop the Aphrodite girls from spying on you guys through the crack of the Poseidon cabin.
They like the contrast between you two; Percy is the warm one and you’re the cold one; he’s the tan one and you’re the pale one; he’s an idiot and you’re smart.
And yet you have a balance of similarities. You’re both illegitimate children of The Big Three, powerful, good-looking, brave and would do anything for each other.
One time, a mortal tried to capture a mythical seamonster on video in the middle of a Greek ocean. In the corner of the video were you and Percy heatedly making out; he had taken you there for a date.
Your accidental sex tape became worse when Poseidon used Mist to get rid of the hippocampus in the video so no mortal would find out about it.
The video was debunked, but also broadcasted on the news where the world got to see you two making out. And no seamonster.
Whenever you and your brother Nico play with Mythomagic cards, Percy always shows up.
He says he wants to learn to play, but rubs your love life in Nico’s face simultaneously.
You’ve always thought it was because of the ‘Nico saying Percy wasn’t his type’ thing, but it’s actually because Percy wants Nico to know that he really loves you and wants his approval.
Hades only accepts your relationship because you’re happy, but that doesn’t stop him from threatening Percy’s life.
“Break her heart and you’ll have wished you became immortal, Percy Jackson. Of course that wouldn’t stop me.”
Poseidon loves you like his own daughter.
But when you talk to him, you’re pretty awkward, as he knows about the things you and Percy do in his waters.
Sally thinks you’re good for Percy because you save his ass whenever he does something stupid.
With Paul Blofis being a smart, docile guy and Percy being a rowdy goof from a different world, they didn’t get along well initially.
So you’re the middleman. You educate Paul on the world of gods and you tutor Percy so he passes Paul’s English class—his worst class due to his dyslexia.
You’re pretty much the rulers of Camp Half-Blood and the high school you both attend.
Overall, you’re both strong and powerful in your own rights, but the two of you together are these soft cuties. Your relationship is passionate on all fronts and you’re sure you won’t find a connection as strong as this one.
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billiewena · 3 years
3, 12, 23, 24
OKAY I HAD TIME TO THINK ABOUT THESE (thanks you for making this ask game BTW!)
3. What's a scene that you think is underrated?
- 4x19: Adam's funeral and the comment about Sam becoming John (which he takes as a compliment when Dean clearly doesn't). This ep is probably the closest they get to discussing their Daddy issues tbh.
- 8x08: Sam & Cas in the cartoon world, where Sam gives the speech about not running away from problems anymore that motivates Cas to do the same (feel like it gets ignored over the Deancas scenes)
- 8x19 Dean meeting Naomi. THE most twisted villain, the amount of damage she did caused with "I admire your loyalty, I only wish he felt the same"
- 12x10 ending w/ Dean & Sam tell Castiel how much they appreciate him! I love the bickering in this ep but am such a hoe for them just TALKING OUT their issues.
12. Rank the eras and opinions on it (1-5/6-7/8-11/12-15)?
Before I go into it my season-by-season rank is 4, 5, 8, 1, 2, 3, 12 11, 13, 9, 15, 6, 7, 14, 10
1. 1-5: TIGHTLY written, every ep and conflict felt like they mattered and would pay off (and usually did), character and family dynamic development that always felt grounded/realistic. Cons are the misgoyny, racism and homophobia (def don't miss the only female characters being Innocent Mom, Evil Skank or Girl With Knife) but that's the 2000s baby
2. 12-S15: Love the overall tone and the show expanding to include more hunters, allies, universes, etc. Sadly these seasons would introduce the most INTERESTING and COMPELLING concepts...only to do little to nothing with them. Wayward Sisters, Empty, Banes twins, Witch!Sam, apocalypse hunters, death of the author, and (obvs) Dean/Cas. Even Jack! All his relationships were more tell than show, never fully developed on-screen. ESPECIALLY him and Cas! They have 2-3 whole scenes together in S13. Jack's born, but Cas is dead. Cas returns, but Jack leaves. They find Jack, but Cas was kidnapped and then Jack gets trapped. The show just kept following Dean and Sam from crisis to crisis with little room to breathe. The era is so cool in theory and a great playground for fanon, but...ugh.
3. 8-11: Some of THE dumbest writing decisions happen this era, usually to cause manpain or brother drama. But Carver did reign things in a bit with more overarching plots and storylines again, especially in S8 and S11. The trials! Rowena and Crowley! Re-introduction of Chuck! Purgatory! Cas and Claire! Jody and Donna! Sam's "God" visions! The Baby episode! Also nostalgic because this was when I finally got internet access and joined the fandom.
4. 6-7: Besides having a few of my fave eps (Death's Door, Man Who Would Be King, etc.) mostly unmemorable and all over the place. Like, you can TELL they didn't have any idea what to so once they ended the Kripke arc and threw anything and everything at the wall to see what stuck. Resurrected grandpa? Sure! Cas is evil now? Cool! Ancient monsters that can be killed by cleaning supplies? Why not? Wait, we need Dean and Sam drama...right, let's make up a childhood friend Sam has never mentioned for Dean to kill! And give Dean a Reneesmee monster daughter for Sam to kill! We're so good at writing!
23. What are some lores/world building that you love from Post s5?
- The morality of monsters and bad guys. We got redeemed vampires (Benny), witches (Rowena), demons (Crowley), werewolves (Garth), nephilims (Jack), etc. The MOWs are inconsistent but SO GOOD when they take this route. One of my faves is the Shapeshifter in 13x04 who becomes a Grief Counselor to use her abilities to help people
- Purgatory! Love the vibes, the every-man-for-himself energy, how harsh it feels
- The Trials! These crazy stakes! Prophets! Sealing the gates of hell! Angels falling!
- Apocalyse World! Again, the VIBES! Michael vs. Lucifer is supposed feel so world-ending. So to see a world DEVASTATED by their war? Insane! And Apocalypse!Michael was a cool villain, very strategic and focused, knowing what alliances to make and how to make the situation work in his favor
24. What are some lores/world building that you love from s1-5?
- The angels: so cool before they got nerf'd. Perfect soldiers, orders from above, varying levels of cynical, too powerful to be seen by eyes, SMITING! I miss the smiting.
- THE SEALS! I wish we saw more of them but the creativity! The stakes! And Lilith being the final seal remains one of THE best twists!
- The Trickster! I love Gabe as an archangel too, but do miss him messing with the Winchesters to teach 'em a lesson
- Special Children! All of these powerful lonely people who've been weird all their life, thrown into a hunger games where they either kill or survive! So crazy.
SPN Ask Game
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toogayforthistoday · 3 years
More tales from the Borderlands!AU DrabbleLands
As usual, I couldn’t sleep, and my sleep schedule has gone completely insane, so I’m indulging myself in this bullshit once again.
This one hurts to start. Forewarning.
Trigger warnings: Surgery mention, Graphic depictions of needles, Graphic depictions of injections, Child Abuse, Medical Experimentation, Medical Experimentation on Children, Fantasy Drug Use (Eridium), Fantasy Drug Use on Children (Eridium),
If I’ve missed any tags, I apologize, please message me so I can add them!
Onto the pain!
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“The Siren’s abilities seem to have increased with that last dose.”
 A voice rang out loudly, seemingly coming from right beside their head. They attempted to roll over, away from the noise, halting the motion when the shackles and straps reminded them they weren’t allowed to. The voice chuckled at the attempt before continuing.
“Make a note to increase the Eridium levels for tomorrow's tests. We’ll keep the same dose for the rest of today's tests, and have Kido send this report to-”
“No need, gentlemen. I’ll be observing the next test.” A second, louder voice came from speakers mounted high on the walls around the room, seemingly echoing through their head. The voice made them tense up, forcing themself to open their eyes. 
Standing in an observation room above them, looking out over the surgical tools and machinery, stood a tall man in a suit, impossibly red hair his only defining feature. They snarled in disgust, doing their best to spit at him and his cushy throne room. The red man chuckled before looking to his side, placing a large hand on a boy they hadn’t noticed yet. A rather young boy, younger than them, who shared the tall man’s impossibly red hair.
“She’s just a kid, like me...”
“You see, son? There’s nothing to be afraid of. This Siren will be the strongest the galaxies have ever seen, and she will lead your forces, one day. Thus is the might of the Endeavor Corporation. Nothing will stop our march forward.”
The boy stared down at them, terror and concern in equal measure painted his face. His small hand reached out to his father, almost grabbing at his pant leg, before withdrawing it to clutch at his own hand, worrying the skin around his fingers.
“I… I don’t think she likes us…”
The red man laughed deeply, slapping his son firmly on the back. The small boy flew forwards, bracing himself to land against the thick glass separating the observation room from the surgery below. The red man continued to laugh, uncaring towards his own son's plight.
“She simply has not yet learned her place with us. In time, she will. Until then, a liberal use of restraints will be needed. Now!”
The ‘scientists’ around them paused in their preparations, looking up at the observation room, awaiting further command from the man who signed their paychecks.
“There’s no need to wait until tomorrow to increase the levels. Have them increased for the rest of today's tests, and give my son here a show of a Siren’s true potential!”
The ‘scientists’ nod in unison, most resuming their tasks, and two others walked away. One headed to a cabinet off to the side of the room, the other to a terminal that beeped loudly at her prodding. The terminal exuded a vial of purple liquid that immediately drew their attention away from the red man. The purple glow sang out to them, calling them home as a mother would a child. They despised that glow, and it’s song, holding nothing but disdain and hatred for the calming tune. 
The second man returned with a large syringe, handing it to the woman at the terminal. They watched as she extracted the contents of the vial into the syringe, and they knew what would happen next. They screamed out, yelling profanities at the liquid, the ‘scientists’, the red man and his son, all while pulling at the restraints keeping them tied to the table.
“Dad, are they gonna hurt her?”
“Of course not. This is for her own good! Now, stop asking stupid questions and pay attention.”
The woman with the syringe drew closer, and they screamed louder, their insults rang out faster and more desperate with each step she took.
“Hold her down!”
Many hands reached out to grasp their limbs, holding too tightly and restricting their movement. They screamed out louder, begging them to stay away. The felt the needle slowly enter their arm, and their screaming turned to sobs.
“Dad, they’re hurting her! You said they weren’t gonna hurt her!”
“Touya, they’re not hurting her. Siren’s don't feel pain! They’re not human!”
The plunger sank down, injecting the purple glow under their skin. They felt the syringe pull out of their arm, ripping another sob from them. The hands all slowly let go as the singing liquid called out louder to them, sinking deep into their being. They could feel their markings pulse in time with the song, glowing bright blue in response. An off beat pounding from above them caught their attention through the haunting melody. Shifting their tear-streaked gaze up, the small boy pounded on the glass separating them, bright blue eyes reflecting their Siren markings.
“Let her go! LET HER GO!!”
Gabe shot up, breathing heavily. Their hands quickly rubbed over where the restraints had held them down, confirming they were free. The sickly green glow of their markings illuminated the small make-shift camp in the early morning light, reflecting off the face of their still sleeping son. They sighed in relief and rubbed at their face, forcing themself to count their breaths, and turn off the glow. A hand at their shoulder made them jump, turning to see a surprised pyro with his hands up in surrender.
“Sorry. You started glowing, and I got worried…” Dabi lowered his hands and sat down beside them, grabbing the canteen and holding it out to them. Gabe accepted it with a nod, taking a long swig from it before swallowing thickly. They capped it off and handed it back to him with a quiet ‘thanks’. “...Bad dream?”
Gabe nodded, absently bringing their hand up to rub at the injection spot. The scar-tissue was all that remained of their childhood, but the nightmares never stopped. Dabi’s eyes followed their hand before he spoke up. “You get a lot of those?”
They nodded again. “Almost every night.” They grinned sadly with a chuckle, “It’s a wonder I can function, half the time.” 
Dabi hummed while leaning back, moving his hands under his back to support his new position. “...Do you wanna talk about it?”
They looked up at him in question before shaking their head. “Not really.”
He nodded in understanding. Sitting back up, he uncapped the canteen and took a drink himself. “Something my sister told me, long time ago, was that… If you told your nightmares to someone else, it’d spread the weight of the fear. The more you talked about it, the less scary it would be, until Poof!” Dabi wiggled his fingers for emphasis. “The nightmare would go away.”
Gabe snickered quietly, smirking at the black and white haired man. After a moment, they reluctantly shot back “...Did it work?”
“Yeah…” Dabi smiled back at them, offering the canteen to them again. Gabe reached out to take hold of the metal bottle, fingers gently brushing against Dabi’s, as a grumble came from the purple haired teen beside them.
“Mom…?” Hitoshi yawned out as he sat up, stretching the kinks out of his shoulder.
“Maybe another time…” They whispered to Dabi as they stood, walking over to their son. Dabi nodded slowly to himself, bringing his hand up to rub at his staples around his neck. “Morning, Bee. You sleep okay?” They spoke softly, smiling at the teen. He nodded, rubbing the sleep out of his eye. “That’s good. You wake up Atsu, and I’ll get breakfast started, okay?”
“Okay…” He yawned out again, reaching for his jacket and boots. He tossed a boot at the magician, landing the heel on his temple. “Uncle Atsu, get up, we got shit to do.” Dabi snorted at the display, ducking his head as he laughed.
“Hitoshi Shinso, that is not what I meant by ‘wake him up’!”
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justjessame · 3 years
The Deal Chapter 67
The storm rolled in while Mom was still at Hilltop. A gorgeous, wonderful storm that crashed in, but we had ample warning. Judith had asked if we could move the slumber party to my house, but I shook my head and told her that Mom’s house was better, if only because I was getting updates from the community, and the people seemed happier to speak to me there, than at my house.
I knew, before Mom left, that Rosita had been harmed, which made Siddiq going with her an even better idea than we first thought. Aaron was off, without Michonne’s knowledge I knew, working with Jesus on getting into better fighting shape. A part of him still wanted to be able to recruit new people to our community. The loss of Eric, coupled with his role as a father, made him want better for us. And I had a suspicion that Jesus and Aaron were wrestling with more than just their urge to fight, if the way Aaron blushed when I asked him how his studies were coming was any indication.
Eugene was probably with Rosita, but with no word on him, I forced back worry. I wondered, as Jude and RJ and I snuggled on the couch with a book and a promise from me that I wouldn’t make the stories too scary (RJ didn’t love the scary stuff, and I couldn’t fault him for that either), if Rosita and Siddiq were going to tell Gabe about their after hours activities? I knew, from some of Negan’s share sessions, that he’d heard it too. The whispered conversations, the sidelong glances, there were moments, I thought, reading the book that RJ had picked while letting my mind wander, that Alexandria had the feeling of becoming Melrose Place.
I had no idea how much was changing outside the house that I sat in with my little sister and brother. No clue, just yet, of what darkness was slowly coming closer as the storm crashed around us. The whispers, the chill of fear, I’d grown so used to them that they were no longer a divining rod for the danger facing a loved one. It seemed constant, whether Judith was beside me or not, even during the peace that we’d managed since Negan was locked away. And so, as I felt the cold fingers of warning creep up my spine, I shook it off and ignored it because if there was one simple truth I’d learned since the beginning of all the madness so long ago, it was that there was no safety, no peace, only pockets of easiness like the eye of a storm, before the next strike of lightning and the boom of thunder followed.
I woke up in my bed, later that night, darkness still all around and had to take a few beats to remember that I wasn’t in MY bed. I was in the bed that lived in Mom’s house. One hand was on RJ’s tiny body, feeling the reassuring rise and fall of his breathing and the serenity of his warmth, but the other, which had been tucked around Judith’s body was empty. Her side of the bed was cool to the touch and I felt my fear ratchet up. We’d gone to sleep, after the storm was dying down, and both of my siblings had been curled up on either side of me.
Lying there, thinking about my next course of action, I worried that I’d lose my mind, but I heard it. I tiny squeak on the staircase, and thought that must mean that she’d gone downstairs for a drink of water. Careful to get up and not wake up RJ, I stepped out of bed and opened the door. And there, in the dim light of the half moon, stood Negan.
I wasn’t sure which one of us was more shocked. Him or me, honestly, but my eyes were wide and his were, well resigned.
“Jessi-” It was a breath, clearly he wasn’t sure how alone we were, but I noticed that he had Judith’s compass around his neck and I knew.
I shook my head and smiled at the floor. “You’re leaving.” I sounded as resigned as he looked.
“I have to know, Jessi,” he took a step toward me, but I surprised him by taking a step back. “I have to see-” he sighed. “That cage, sweetheart, it’s driving me insane.”
I snorted softly. “Even with my visits? I guess I should be happy, it took longer this time.” My eyes met his. “Go, Negan.” I started to turn back to join RJ in bed again, but his fingers on my elbow stopped me. “I’m not enough, am I?” I should have known, somewhere deep inside I probably did know, but the realization always sucks.
“It’s not that, Jessi, God it was never that.” The fingers of his other hand tilted my head up so I could face him fully. “I just- I’d ask you to go with me, but I know that-”
“I can’t,” shaking my head and whispering. “Because I have to make sure that they’re safe, Negan.”
“I know that, sweetheart, but I can’t stay here.” He sighed, his fingers brushing my skin and touching my lips. “I promise you this, Jessica Grimes, I will find you again. And we WILL be together, but first I have to find us that place.”
Another soft snort from me. “You sound like Dad,” his eyes widened at that. “That elusive safe place, utopia.” I shook my head again. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Negan.” I let my hand cover his where it was cupping my cheek. “Be safe, and-”
His lips met mine and I felt like dying. Not suicidal, not wishing for death, but actual dying. He was saying goodbye, but using his kiss to remind me that he did love me, and he truly believed that we’d end up together. Who would have guessed that Negan of all people would be so delusional about the dangers of our world?
When he pulled away his eyes were locked on mine. “This is NOT goodbye, Jessi, do you hear me.” A nod from me and then he started back down the stairs. “I do promise, and sweetheart, I plan on keeping that one.”
Judith was back beside me in bed after morning had fully dawned. I could feel the chill of her skin, and I knew that she hadn’t been in the house. I had searched, after Negan was gone, but hadn’t found her inside. I heard her sigh, and turned to face her.
“He’s gone,” I nodded. “He promised not to hurt anyone, not even if they hurt him, Jessi, but he lied.” My confusion must have been obvious. “He hurt you, didn’t he?” Oh.
“Negan,” I considered my words, having always been as truthful as possible with her. “He can’t stand being caged, Jude, so he had to go.”
“No,” she sounded so sure and calm. “He didn’t have to go. He has you, and he tells you he loves you all the time, but he just walked away.” She looked indignant and irritated. “I let him, though, and-”
“It’s ok,” I cuddled into her, knowing we had a little time before RJ was up and raring to go. “You didn’t make it worse for me, Jude.” I brushed her hair back from her face. “I let him go too.”
Trying to get through the normal morning routines and NOT worry about Negan out on his own in the wild world that he hadn’t been free in for too long to keep me comfortable about his chances, wasn’t as easy as anyone would assume. Not even with my experience and the truth of our world reminding me that nothing was guaranteed. If anything, the reality made it harder.
I couldn’t be sure that Daryl would live day to day on his own at his shabby camp by the river, and he’d been out for far longer than Negan had, and had far more experience living off the land. These were the thoughts that kept intruding as I put together RJ and Judith’s breakfast. I felt her eyes on my back, but as though we’d come to a mutual understanding, neither of us were willing to speak about it again, not now.
It doesn’t take long. Breakfast is barely finished when the first alarm is raised. And I knew, even before the first knock came, that they would come to me first. Even if I hadn’t been staying in Mom’s house, even if I wasn’t Rick Grimes’ daughter, they’d come to me, because they all knew how I felt about Negan.
Judith, a far better actress than me, offered to help search. While I swore that I had no idea that he’d escaped, or HOW he’d escaped, since I had only visited the OUTSIDE of his prison the day before, Judith got dressed and ready to go. I knew I should tell her not to go, but I also knew that even if she’d promised to shoot him the next time she saw him, he’d be safer if she found him than anyone else.
“I have to stay with RJ,” I told the suspicious eyes that were watching me as RJ wrapped himself around my knees. “I promised Mom.” Nods, but the clear look of distrust in their eyes told me more than anything else. “Why would I help him leave?” I finally snapped. “Since having him HERE means that I get to be WITH him, helping him go would be stupid, wouldn’t you think?” I reached down for RJ. “I hope you find him,” and that was true of Judith at least.
Judith did find him, but not before all hell seemed to break loose for the rest of our world. Mom returned, and everything was a flurry of news and irritation and frustration. Negan escaping was almost the least upsetting thing that could have happened.
Jesus is dead. I feel a rush of pain at the loss of a man who was far too kind for this world, even if he had brought Negan and his people to my dad’s attention. I wonder how Aaron is taking it. Since I’m getting the news from Mom, I know he must have gone to his daughter’s side. Comfort from the unconditional love of a child is unbeatable, I would know.
There’s a prisoner in Hilltop, a member new group of badness that seems to actually use the hordes to make their attacks. And not in the same way that Negan used them for guarding the Sanctuary. And Daryl, Mom mentions with a look in my eyes that tells me more than words ever could, is in charge or learning more from the prisoner. I feel a rush of fear and terror at what tactics Daryl will use to get what our people need to keep safe.
Negan’s return is almost anti-climatic. Mom, I can see, is shocked that I don’t want to go and speak to him. Questions and a suspicion in her eyes that I shake off. Offering to take RJ with me for the afternoon, since she plans on confronting the Council after what she considers their duplicity and backstabbing, she nods, but I know the conversation isn’t over.
Judith finds me, playing with RJ on my porch, and I wait to hear what she feels like sharing. Taking a seat on the top step, she watches while RJ runs around the porch trying to grab and catch the ball I was rolling around for him.
“He was coming back on his own,” she offers, and I tilt my head to show her I’m listening. “He knows I was right, Jessi, that there’s nothing out there now, not for him.” Nodding and clapping as RJ catches the ball on the first go this time, I wait for whatever else she wants to share. “He told me he promised you-”
I chuckle as my baby brother launches himself at me and tackles me onto my back. “People promise a lot of things, Jude, you know that.” I know she knew it, she’d shared Carl’s letter he wrote to her with me. “Promises mean nothing without actions.”
“And he’s back, Jessi,” I was wiggling under RJ’s attempts to tickle me into submission. “He’s back and he’s right there-” I didn’t have to look to know she was pointing at his cell. “He loves you.”
“Oh, Jude,” I sit up, holding RJ’s now squirming body as I tickle him back. “I wish that was enough.”
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lycorogue · 4 years
Graham de Vanily Twin Rings and Gabriel Agreste
I’ve seen these rings come up quite a bit since “Félix” aired. A lot of people seem to be speculating about them somehow being magical due to how much Amelie wants them back and the extremes Félix went to in order to get at least one of them back for his mother.
Another reason people seem convinced they’re magical is because of how adamant Gabriel seems to be about not giving the heirloom rings back to the Graham de Vanily family; his in-laws. Also, the strange ability for the same ring to fit Emilie’s ring finger as well as both Gabriel’s ring and middle fingers...
Now, I will admit the door seems to be open for these rings to have some major significance, and I would love to see the writers explore them more. That being said, can we maybe just explore the idea that they are nothing more than silver bands?
I’m the daughter of a widow, and daughter-in-law of a widower. It feels too obvious to state, but I will anyway: people grieve differently. My father-in-law, after standing beside his wife during a LOOOONG battle with stage-4 cancer, took his wedding band off THREE DAYS after she passed. He had already said his goodbyes when she was declared terminal, and he needed to move on for his own sanity.
My mother, on the other hand, also dealt with a spouse’s long-battle with cancer, but wore both her wedding band and my father’s after he passed. She still refuses to answer to anything other than Mrs. and she’s been a widow for 22 years. She didn’t even really start dating until my father’s wedding band fell off her hand one day and she lost it. She figured it was a sign from him that he let her go and it was time for her to be happy again; that she should try to find someone new.
Before she came to that conclusion, however, my mother was a WRECK about not having the ring. Heck, one day when I was particularly cold, my own wedding band fell off and got lost under MY OWN SOFA CUSHION AT MY OWN HOUSE for all of 40seconds and I nearly had a heart attack trying to find it!
Maybe Amelie is an orphan, and with her sister “missing” the only thing she has to remember her family are those bands. Maybe she wants them back specifically because they’ll help her remember her sister. Maybe one ring used to be hers, and the other was Emilie’s, and Amelie is mad she had agreed to give hers up so Gabriel could use it for a wedding band. Maybe she’s always hated Gabriel and blames him for her sister’s disappearance, and wants the rings back because she feels he doesn’t deserve them. Maybe she’s feeling especially sentimental after her husband’s passing and wants to gift Félix key heirlooms from both sides of his family, and is mad she doesn’t really have anything from her side to hand down. Some families, like my husband’s, have more heirlooms than most descendants care to keep, and other families, such as mine, have only a small handful to pass down. So perhaps the Graham de Vanily family is the latter.
Also, when my grandfather passed away there was a MASSIVE battle between my mom’s side of the family and their step-mother/step-siblings because of of THEIR heirlooms - mostly their mother’s jewelry that my grandfather never passed out despite being a widower for decades - were being inherited by the step-siblings (who had no emotional attachment to those pieces; but they had financial value being things like pearls and diamonds). Maybe Amelie is just as concerned about a family heirloom going to Adrien, and then distancing further from the Graham de Vanily family from there. Kinda crappy since Adrien is part Graham de Vanily himself, but whatever. I understand family feuds.
So, maybe that’s all there is to the rings. Maybe the only reason Félix is so interested in them is because of how much his mother treasures them (he’s at least a good boy with regards to his apparent love for his mother and desire to make her happy), or maybe because of the story of how the Twin Rings “came to be” or how they started to be passed down; like all heirloom stories.
As for Gabriel’s obsession with the rings? THEY’RE HIS WEDDING BANDS!
They are his connection to his wife; a way to have her with him when she normally can’t. I hearken back to what I said before about my mother. If Gabriel has any positive traits, it is his undying love for his wife. He misses her. He grieves her. Please note the episode “Félix” and Gabriel’s reaction to Adrien DARING to suggest that Gabe “move on” and start dating Nathalie. This is a man insanely devoted to his wife (emphasis to the “insanely” part). He even told Amelie: “These rings are obviously very special to me.” That doesn’t have to be because they’re magical. It’s because they are his friggen wedding bands!
They are his way of letting the world know he’s still dedicated to his wife, and that there will be no other (his recent softness towards Nathalie notwithstanding). Those rings - at least him wearing one - is his way of showing that, despite being considered legally single, he never will be in his heart; he is firmly still married to the love of his life. The fact that Emelie still had hers on at first was his tether to her, but when the one ring was stolen, he’d prefer to have his connection to her than have her keep her connection to him. It wasn’t as important as HIM wearing a ring.
Could it be because there’s something magical going on and he literally needs the ring? Sure. I’m open for the writers to explore that. But I’m not a fan of so many people seemingly shrugging off the much more simple explanation of HE NEEDS THAT RING FOR HIS OWN GRIEVING. Something he’s clearly purposefully avoiding; stuck in Denial, convinced Emilie can come back to him with the Ladybug earrings and Cat ring.
Now, I have to admit I haven’t taken the time to go back and re-study the timing of Gabriel wearing the wedding band on his middle finger vs ring finger, but I think he switched back to his ring finger right about the time of “Queen Wasp” when his hope is restored and he felt he was closer than ever in getting Emilie back.
Perhaps he wore the wedding band on the ring finger for a while, but slowly moved it to the middle finger as a way of symbolizing that he was distancing himself from Emilie; realizing he’s a widower. But then his hope is restored, and back to the ring finger the band went.
I mean, in “Gorizilla” he is playing with his ring while talking to Adrien about keeping secrets. He could have simply been playing with the ring because they were about to watch Emilie in a movie, and it was a reflection back to his tie to his wife, but it could also be his guilt of hiding Emilie from their son (let alone Gabe being Hawky).
Perhaps as the Gabe/Nath relationship continues to develop we’ll see the ring return to his middle finger as he again starts distancing his heart from Emilie, and start to come to terms with the idea of being a widower. Maybe the ring will bounce around, not for lack of animation continuity, but because certain instances have Gabe be more sentimental than others. He’s thinking more of Emilie and how much he misses her? Ring on the ring finger. He’s becoming more emotionally connected and drawn to Nathalie? Time to distance himself from Emilie: ring on the middle finger. Etc.
It will definitely be interesting to see where the show goes with those twin rings, but I hope more and more people remember that GABE IS A GRIEVING WIDOWER, and MAYBE those rings simply have sentimental value.
TL;DR: Yes, there is a LOT of significance behind the rings, but why must everyone automatically assume it’s because they’re magic? Why can’t the significance be the very real world sentimental value of wedding bands? Also, while I get why Amelie might want the rings back, she’s kind of a bitch demanding a widower who clearly hasn’t properly grieved to give up his wedding bands.
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