#gail my beloved gail
evilwickedme · 1 year
No no you don't understand. It's not about Jason being always right or the person who suffered the most. It's that he's a victim's power fantasy. It's that he's fundamentally changed. The tragedy of Jason Todd is that he was the best goddamn kid - he was kind and thoughtful and smart and passionate and caring - and that that was taken advantage of, and that's what got him killed. It's that he can't ever be that kid again because his trauma is all consuming and yet he has used that to create a new identity where he is in control. That trauma defines him. It also leaves him frozen, incapable of true character development, makes it so he can never cross that gap between him and Bruce. He cannot separate being Bruce's son from being Robin, and therefore if he is not Robin, he is not Bruce's son. He cannot move on from being a victim, not ever, and therefore he is always going to be representative of victimhood being utilized for something else. When the anger consumes you and you mourn your past self because you can never be that person again. When it's the happy memories that hurt the most. That's where his narrative is the most powerful. It would be so satisfying on a certain level to see him grow past that. But he would no longer serve his purpose, not in challenging Bruce, and not in representing that need to empower yourself after the worst thing that ever happened to you.
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I will not tolerate the Amanda hair slander
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cheribl0ssom · 8 months
Hi Eri 🥹 this is so fun and cute! I can’t wait to see all the different characters and poses you draw! I think Mahito from jjk would look cute with pose B4. I’m looking forward to seeing whichever suggestions you take come to fruition 💚
the way i had sooooooo much fun making this actually. i almost started to simp… had to stop myself. i hope you like it!!<3
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dandy-daisylion · 1 year
if anyone needs me. no you don’t. i am in a dome six coma right now. rereading the trilogy and thanking god for my waterproof mascara as i cry my eyes out.
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honeycomb-fics · 2 years
Me: I have like 8 more days of vday fics to write. Better get to it!!!
Me instead: writes hurt/no comfort
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2, 18, 28, and 65 for abby please? :3c
HELLO my bestie percival i will absolutely talk abt the worlds most morally gray woman in dnd history rn
DND ocs questions link (send me a number + a name)
2. what was your original concept for this character? how did playing them change that concept?
well she wasnt even supposed to last this long honestly (not in a delilah way just in a . she wasnt meant to become main way) so . but also this happens CONSTANTLY to characters so ! i should get used to it sdjgfjhsd she was just too fun and charming not to bring back, plus i think at that point the 'person who was in the facilities but hated it' niche hadnt yet been filled so !
18. what dish brings back the best memories for them?
lasagna, her father was italian and used to make the best pasta in general but his lasagna was out of this world, itd get made for every special event and would make it all the more specialer, she didnt get the recipe before he died because she was really young when he died and ofc didnt think he'd even pass being young himself and she regrets it so much :(
28. do they collect anything?
bugs! she does the like pinning them to a board thing, her apartment is filled with bugs people have given her over the years to further her collection... theres a few bugs that are her white whale and if she lost her collection she would be DEVASTATED especially bc a few of the species had gone extinct since she started her collection!
65. what would their go-to karaoke song be?
I WAS HOPING SOMEONE WOULD GET THIS Q !!!!! anyway its love song by sara bareilles.
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foundress0fnothing · 4 months
3 and 11! 💕
3. A specific color that gives you the ick?
Answered here
11. anything from your childhood you've held on to?
I’m pretty sentimental, so there’s a lot of things, but probably the item I’m fondest of is my copy of Ella Enchanted. I’ve had it since first grade, I think? It’s been beaten up and looks like it’s about to fall apart, but it was my comfort book for so long that I’ll keep it forever 💕
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luck-13 · 4 months
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Deborah Harmon as English teacher Gail Gallagher in The Facts of Life S4E15 (Teacher's Pet) (。♡‿♡。)
Probably the mist beautiful character in the series.
I'd love to have Gail as a teacher (when I studied.)
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polarolds · 19 days
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abby(gail) and lev(iathan) my beloveds
+ bonus lev and ellie:
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fictionadventurer · 15 days
Top ten fairytale retelling novels/novellas you've read.
I've already answered my top 10, so here's my shot at listing 11-20.
11. A Long, Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan: Would probably be higher on the list if I'd remembered it in time. Sci-fi story that's a very loose retelling of "Sleeping Beauty", but so rich and emotionally devastating.
12. Maid and Minstrel and The Beggar Prince by Kate Stradling: Putting both of her short "King Thrushbeard" retellings in one entry. The first is more of a "Beauty and the Beast" tale that makes both leads decent people caught up in a misunderstanding, but I appreciated how it (probably accidentally) made me see the Christ-imagery inherent in the original. The second gives King Thrushbeard some character flaws and a good arc, and has an excellent explanation for why the princess didn't want to marry any of her suitors.
13. Fairest by Gail Carson Levine: Snow White retelling set in the world of Ella Enchanted, and retains that book's creativity in adapting the fairy tale elements. Has an excellent full-cast audiobook.
14. The Stepsister and the Slipper by Nina Clare: Georgette-Heyer-esque Cinderella retelling. Very rushed ending, and not the kind of romance I'd advise anyone to pursue in real life, but very fun.
15. Soot and Slipper by Kate Stradling: Cinderella retelling with an excellent twist, adorable characters, and a convoluted ending.
16. Before Midnight by Cameron Dokey: Short and basic Cinderella retelling that gets on the list because I have extremely fond autumnal associations with this book.
17. Unseen Beauty by Amity Thompson: A "Beauty and the Beast" retelling from the point-of-view of one of the invisible servants. Since I'd had that idea for years before finding this, I was thrilled to find that this story does a pretty good job with it.
18. Exile by Loren G. Warnemuende: The first book in a trilogy that retells "Maid Maleen". I haven't finished the series yet, so maybe it's unfair to put it on here, but I loved the section of the story that takes place in the tower, so I couldn't leave it off the list.
19. The Seventh Raven by David Elliot: A retelling of "The Seven Ravens" that does a decent job of retelling the fairy tale, but I mostly love it as a very well-structured novel-in-verse that structures each POV character's poems with their own poetic form.
20. The Tales of Ambia by Allison Tebo: Fun, slightly Wodehouse-ish retellings that are a breath of fresh air in the romantasy-dominated world of indie retellings
Honorable Mentions:
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: Objectively as stories, these should be pretty high up on the list. It had great characters and adapted the fairy tale elements in some amazing ways. But I'm not a fan of a lot of the worldbuilding elements here, so I couldn't bring myself to rank it above some of my beloved, but more-flawed indie retellings.
With Blossoms Gold by Hayden Wand and Sweet Remembrance by Emily Ann Putzke: Both contained in Once: Six Historical Fairy Tale Retellings. The first is "Rapunzel" set in Renaissance Italy with an agoraphobic Rapunzel, and the second is a beautifully devastating retelling of "The Little Match Girl" set during WWII. I haven't read these in a long time, but I remember them both being very good.
Masque by W.R. Gingell: An excellent "Beauty and the Beast" retelling with a very lively Beauty, a Beast who works as a police detective instead of brooding in a castle, and some clever adaptations of the fairy tale elements. Unfortunately, I've decided a couple elements of the magic go beyond what I'm comfortable with, so I couldn't put it on the list, but I had to give it credit.
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evilwickedme · 4 months
Has anybody used the new Taylor Swift song "Robin" as inspiration for a truly tragically painful piece of art about any of not all of the five Robins yet? ESPECIALLY Dick
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cheribl0ssom · 5 months
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the lovely @honey-oak and kenjaku <3 i had so much fun making this! thank you for always being so supportive of my art 🥺🌸💗
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badn3w · 1 year
In all honestly, my ideal ending for iasip is a simple one. The gang would play Chardee Macdennis one last time, bringing back a beloved concept with lots of references to the show brought up in the trivia portion. It'd be fun and light. It'd give us one last glimpse into these characters' dynamics, playing a game they invented in their 20s now in their 50s. Still a gang, still together, in the bar of Paddy's on a slow day, passing the time with a game they invented out of boredom.
Maybe they'd invite some old friends to form new teams. Maybe we'd see Cricket, the Lawyer, the Waitress, the Waiter, the McPoyles, Artemis, Ponderosa, and Gail the Snail all join in on the fun. Surprisingly, everyone shows, probably because they have nothing better to do. Maybe Frank and Pondy would form a team. The Waitress, Artemis, and Gail would group up, bringing the Fridge-It Bitches back. Maybe we would finally learn the Waitress' name. We'd get to see each member of the gang at their best, deranged, manipulative, and evil as always. Charlie would probably fail a task because the Waitress made him nervous. Cricket would join forces with the McPoyles because they're the only ones not disgusted by Cricket. Their group would be really good at the pain and endurance portion. The Lawyer and the Waiter would form a team, bonding over the years of strife the gang had caused them. They would grow very frustrated at not understanding the rules of the game. They're the only group that is normal enough to find the whole thing preposterous, but for some reason they see it through.
The episode would wrap with Mac and Charlie finally beating Dennis and Dee after losing to them for 30 years. We'd close on the pair stomping on Dennis and Dee's dolls, victorious at last. Dennis and Dee would be sore losers, complaining that Mac and Charlie must have cheated. Frank would be celebrating with Mac and Charlie, telling them he was proud of them. Mac and Charlie would realize that perhaps Frank really had become a father figure to them. They would allow Frank to smash Dennis and Dee's dolls with them and Frank would be over the moon. We would pan out, through the front door of Paddy's, still able to hear the gang rejoicing and bickering, only now from a distance. The last thing we would see is Paddy's sign, old and decrepit as ever, never to change, as the gang's arguing begins to fade out, transitioning into the final end credit theme.
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honeycomb-fics · 9 months
Thank you to the people showing love to my Kenjaku fic 🥲 means the world to me because I haven’t been posting my writing in awhile
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the-bug-eaterrrr · 8 days
Big fan of the new Tav I made bc of patch 7.
Gail: "Hi it's a pleasure to meet you!!! I'm Gail a cleric of Mystra!! :333
Gale (sweating) "What?.."
I plan on making them kiss.
Gail my beloved
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martiandmichelle · 9 months
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Is there a profile anywhere to match my Marti's? It seems to defy gravity that she can stand up straight!
Hey guys, it's Roxy. Those of us ladies who appear here on tumblr with Marti took a vote as to who should tell the stories we need to tell to bring you, our beloved readers and followers, up to date on what's going on both at Marchelle (our home estate) and at Studio M - our adult studio. It was almost a unanimous vote with only one dissent; I was the dissenting vote while everyone else voted for me. So I'll make a small start here and can hopefully finish it all next week since the studio is closed. Most of what I'll write will be in the past - some near, some far - but I'll start in the present, with, what else THE TITS.
I suspect all you Marti aficionados have already noticed from the photo that THE TITS are growing again - and quickly! But that's how it's usually been with Marti: several months of little to no boob growth followed by a short but rapid and intense growth. She's in that intense phase right now, and though she only recently graduated to a T cup at the rate she's growing she'll be a U cup sometime this winter. Fucking amazing!!!
Of course, at her size now, we all worry about whether the rest of her body and especially her back, shoulders and neck can continue to support her massive hooters. She says she has no pain whatsoever aside from some minor pain from her tits as they grow so quickly. She has a group of doctors, therapists (that would be Dana), a live-in nurse (Gina), a nutritionist (Gail), and a trainer working with her and monitoring her at least once a month. They all say she is perfectly healthy and truly seems to bear the weight of her breasts with no difficulty - well, except that the sometimes get in the way of everyday activities, like putting on her shoes.
As we said here earlier, Marti lost some 12 pounds during her sickness and yet her boobs actually grew! She's determined to keep the weight off and plans to get back to her rigorous work-outs after Christmas.
I'll try to write more later today, but in case I don't: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!
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