#gangsters!LIONS actually . . .
raurquiz · 3 months
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#Happybirthday #chiwetelejiofor #actor #KarlMordo #DoctorStrange #MultiverseofMadness #Venom #TheLastDance #TheManWhoFelltoEarth #Amistad #LoveActually #Serenity #ChildrenofMen #AmericanGangster #12YearsaSlave #2012 #TheMartian #Triple9 #TheLionKing #Maleficent #MistressofEvil
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evita-shelby · 11 months
imagine a small drabble modern or not of begrudging luca being forced to take his and evas cute toddlers / kids all dressed up trick or treating 🥺🥺🥺 luv your work ~
A little late ,but given that my requests are actually closed 🤷🏽‍♀️
Thanks to @peakyswritings for the translation
The Pen(cil) or The Sword
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Leonardo giggles but stops moving enough for Luca to draw the handlebar mustache with Eva’s eye darkest eye pencil.
“Shh, don’t tell mamma about this.” Luca cautions his son who agrees to keep it a secret with a tip of his black hat.
“Zorro always keeps his word.” The six year old boy was then stopped from branding more furniture with his initials.
Eva had gone above and beyond to get him the costume, the little ---thankfully blunted--- sword was too much in Luca's opinion.
“Don’t tell me what?” Eva asked as she finished the last touches on Rosalba’s rag doll costume complete with a yarn wig.
“Really, Luca, you had to use that eye pencil? It’s very hard to find.” Eva complained the moment their son was out of earshot.
It was a particular favorite of hers, so exclusive Luca had no fucking clue how she got it. But it was dark and smooth enough to make a rather impressive mustache on Leonardo’s face.
“Consider it payback for the fucking sword you gave him.” The Italian Capo smirked in response.
“Oh, so the toy gun isn’t something to worry about but the little sword is?” his witch grumbles and he takes the bait.
She wants to get a rise out of him, or atleast annoy him a little in revenge for her ruined eye pencil.
“È una spada. Hai dato a nostro figlio una cazzo di spada, Eva!” Luca tried not to show his displeasure in front of the children ---lest they repeat the words in company again--- but here in the privacy of their room, he emphasizes the point with his hand gestures.
“It’s a blunted fencing sword, Luca. Its harmless.” Eva countered rolling her eyes at him. “You are overreacting.”
Sometimes she could be very annoying, so much so Luca felt the urge to bend her over his lap and give her a good spanking.
Hadn’t done that in a while, maybe he’d teach her some manners tonight when the children were asleep.
The ruined doors merited that.
“The Ls on the upholstery beg to differ, mia vita.” The gangster held her from her shoulders as if to shake some sense into her.
“You can punish me all you want when we get home, Luca.” The witch said with a wink and a playful tug of his tie. “Now go before Zorro decides the door is perfect for another L.”
Sure enough, his little lion is demonstrating his sword skills to Matteo and his little daughters by branding the wooden paneling of the living room with his initials.
“A sword, Luca, she gave him a fucking sword?” Matteo asks as his girls beg him for one as they take them trick or treating.
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Translation: its a sword. You gave our son a fucking sword, Eva!
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storycraftcafe · 9 months
What's your process like when writing dialogue? Has it ever happened to you that like, you know something is off about what your character said and how they said it, but have no idea what it is? and what do you do with such cases?
Hey, thanks for waiting for this!
Generally dialogue for me is fairly instinctual and I do a lot of the ground work in my head and I approach it with who and what this character is as a person in my mind. The way someone talks, the words and phrases they use, their accent, their speed and rhythm and how that shifts with mood and company can convey a lot about character in a really fast amount of time. So this means culture, age, education, personality, etc, all of which informs a lot about how someone talks. 
Are they blunt and direct or slippery and evasive, well educated or maybe less so, upper class or poor? Are they happy, playful, pissed off, talking with a friend, enemy, teacher, authority figure? Are they being honest and plain or are they hiding something?
All that guides me in writing their dialogue. 
It’s not terribly formal, and I tend to refine as I write, tinkering with a scene until I like their particular ‘voice’, until it’s distinct enough for the character and I can almost hear it in my head. Once I have that, dialogue comes pretty easily for me usually. And if I lose that sound, reviewing past examples of dialogue generally helps me to pick it back up. 
I also try to make sure my dialogue is doing ‘double duty’, by which I mean it’s conveying not just character and their wants, deceptions, etc but serves the story, gives exposition, and so on. It’s not possible all the time but that’s the goal I work towards. 
So when it comes to cases of dialogue just never quite sounding right and not knowing why? This happens to me on a fairly regular basis and it’s usually because I’m still figuring out the flow of an argument or a heartfelt conversation,  I’ve lost track of what the character’s want and are trying to achieve and sometimes just because what I’ve written is just off.
If it’s a first draft I try not to worry about it, I either retry by rewriting or flag it and move on, but if it’s during a rewrite or I get well and truly stuck, I take a step back and ask myself a few things.
What is this character trying to achieve? What’s their goal?
Why? And what are their usual methods? Are they doing something different here and why?
I also check my notes and try to remind myself what the point of this conversation and scene, both in the moment and in the larger story. I remind myself of this character’s voice, think about the way they talk and I try again. I write and rewrite and tweak until things start to click.
And if I still can’t get it, I poke at a trusted friend for their input.
Here’s some advice.
Listen to how people talk in person but also on screen and in books. Book/screen dialogue is far more refined and pointed than real life conversation so keep that in mind.
Think about some books or media that you enjoy and how the dialogue varies not only from story to story, but from characters too. Screenmedia is actually really good for this since screenplays/stageplays are mostly dialogue and that's where those characters start. 
Consider The Lion King. How does Mufasa speak and how does that change when he talks to Simba, Zazu or Scar? Contrast that to how Timone and Pumba speak and then compare with Scar. The Guardians of the Galaxy is another example of distinctive character voices (and humour) in a single film.  
If you’re fine with the genre typical violence I recommend John Wick (basically every main character has a distinct way of speaks that is instantly recognisable) and Guy Ritchie’s Snatch which is a fantastic example of giving characters all from the same ‘world’, area, accent and class, very distinct dialogue that makes them stand out. (It is a ‘gangster’ film so TW again for violence and how Richie handles Irish Travellers.)
Then when you’re writing or developing a character, think about who they are and how that’d shape how they talk. Try writing them and tweak it until you’re satisfied. Then put them in a different situation with different people and figure out how they talk changes. 
Do try to avoid writing accents and overly pronounced stutters and be careful with slang you’re not familiar with and always keep in mind stereotypes and cliche. 
And if you get stuck, step back and try to pin down what they want and how they’re aiming to get it. What’s the end result that you as the writer want?
And of course, all this comes with practice and rewriting something until it works. 
Sorry for keeping you waiting on this, I hope you find something useful.
Good Writing!
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hannahssimblr · 10 months
Chapter Seven (Part 2)
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We park our car on the gravel outside my Granny’s old farmhouse, the place lit up with strings of lights, a little plastic wreath on the door with holly and cracked, peeling silicone berries on it. It’s the same wreath she’d had forever, and the sight of it is comforting and familiar, even if it is incredibly ugly. She opens the door to us and brings us inside her warm home, which is a welcome relief from the biting cold wind outside. Both the central heating and the living room fire blasting as hot as they can go, and as we peel off our coats I already feel better, the smell of cooking wafting out into the hall from her little kitchen.
“Hello mammy.” My dad says with a kiss on her powdery cheek. “Happy Christmas, how’s things?”
“Ah sure you know yourself. Here I am.” She says.
“Something smells good.”
“Bit of turkey and ham, as per usual.” 
“Ah, lovely.” He says over his shoulder as he makes his way into the living room with our bags of presents. “And the roasties too, I hope.”
“Anything for my youngest.” She says, and then throws her eyes to heaven for the benefit of my mother as if to say “Don’t we suffer for our boys?” 
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The house is busy as it always is on Christmas. We’re the last to arrive, so my uncle Sean and my cousins are already there, the three of them, big broad men with variations of the exact same face all sitting in the living room with some gangster film on. They all look up when we come in but they don’t get up to greet us, the film obviously too engrossing, but they do turn their heads and shout out some discordant hellos, Uncle Sean reaching over the back of the sofa to take my hand. 
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“You’re after getting big.” He says to me with a firm squeeze.
“Am I?”
“You don’t need to bring attention to it, Dad.” My cousin Conor smirks. “Sure all first years throw on a few kilos in the first few months.”
“Stop it.” Uncle Sean whips his youngest son in the leg with the rolled up TV guide as Conor laughs at his own joke. 
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“Best wishes to you too, Conor.” I roll my eyes, and he shakes his head apologetically, reaching out his hand to me, but still not getting up from his chair so I have to walk across the room to shake it. 
“I’m messing, obviously.” He tells me, crushing my finger bones in his hand the way that men do with each other. “But you might actually be waddling out of here later after having the feast Granny’s after cooking up for us.”
“I can’t wait for it.” I say, and it’s true. I can’t wait. I never eat breakfast on Christmas day purely because I want to leave room for whatever delights Granny Kilbride has cooked up for us, and now even the smells wafting from the kitchen across the hall are making my mouth water and my stomach growl noisily.
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“C’mere.” Decky, my other cousin says to me, and I turn around to him on the sofa next to his dad, and hold out my hand to him, but he shakes his head. “You have to give me a proper hug, none of this handshake nonsense.” He stands up and embraces me so tightly that I fear he will break a couple of ribs. 
Declan, or Decky as he’s affectionately known, is my favourite cousin. He’s the older, cooler one, who used to dangle me over the stair bannisters when I was an infant because The Lion King had just come out in the cinemas, and well, monkey see monkey do. He’s the first and most beloved grandchild, eight years my senior at twenty six years old now, and working in construction, and an out and out rascal of a man. There are none more quintessentially Irish than Decky Kilbride, from the top of his short-back-and-sides head to his steel toed boots. He’s the kind of man who doesn’t know what almond milk is and eats his lunch in a petrol station deli in CAT cargo trousers and a high-vis jacket, and yet, somehow, despite me being everything that he isn’t, we have always got along with one another to an astounding degree. 
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“Your hair’s gone short.” He comments, and I touch it self consciously. It’s almost at my collarbones now, but still makes me feel awkward and ugly, and I wish it would just grow back to the way it used to be. 
“Thanks.” I say to him, “But I dunno if I like it.”
“It fits in with your new arty look though.”
“I have an arty look?”
“Yeah, sure, aren’t you up in art college, like?” 
“Well, yes but-”
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My mam comes to the living room door and calls for me. “Evie, love, will you help with the vegetables?” 
“Yeah, okay.” I sigh.
“All the women, off to do the cooking.” Conor comments, and as I leave the room I look back on the sight; four big men lounging around watching TV, leisurely plucking wrapped sweets from the tub on the coffee table while their wives, daughters and sisters slave away in the kitchen. It’s the way that it’s always been, and yet now is the first time I feel I’ve really seen it, but I don’t protest, I just go with my mother.
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“Evie!” There’s a chorus of delighted, or maybe relieved voices as I hop down the steps into the steaming belly of the chaos in the kitchen. It’s such a small space that even with just four women in it it seems crammed to the gills. 
The windows are fogged up with steam, and copper pots on the aga rattle and bubble, boiling potatoes and puddings and stewed fruit, every ring on the thing taken up with something. Peel litters the tile and everything else, the doors of the cupboards and the fridge and the doors of the aga is dripping with condensation that even the roaring extractor fan can’t draw out of the room. 
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“Oh, you’re very busy in here.” I comment as I squeeze into the centre of the turmoil. The room is so hot that I instantly feel sweat on my brow under my new fringe. Granny hands me a vegetable peeler and directs me to a sliver of counter space where a heaping bag of carrots lies in wait.
“Off you go over there.” She tells me. “Peel and slice them into batons.” I go over and start pulling them out of the plastic, next to my aunt Catriona who is furiously dumping bits of food waste into a huge black plastic bin bag. 
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“Well.” She says to me in a hassled greeting. “You’re looking lovely.”
“Thank you.” I say, taking a knife from the counter and chopping the long green stems off the head of two carrots at once. She swipes them off the chopping board straight away and has them in the bag. “Is this what it’s like on Hell’s Kitchen?” I say.
She blows air upwards to her forehead to get stray pieces of her greying hair away from her face. “It’s worse than that in here I’d say. Gordon Ramsey has nothing on my mother, God bless her.” She turns around to grab a sweeping brush from the scullery and I go back to chopping and peeling the carrots. 
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“Hello sweetheart.” comes Fabiana’s soft voice as she rinses a handful of fresh thyme from the garden in the sink next to me. 
“How are you doing?”
“Very stressed.” She says, and then leans over and plants a kiss on my cheek. “It’s nice to see you.”
“Can I help?”
Her thumbs massage the dirt out of the roots of the thyme thoughtfully and she waits a moment before admitting: “I don’t know what bread sauce is.” 
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“Did you ask granny?”
“Yes.” She says in a low voice. “But I didn’t understand what she was saying, and I don’t want to ask again. She is very…” She looks at me with wide eyes, hands moving in circles as she tries to find the word. “…Tense.” 
I smile. “I’ll help you, just give me a minute.” 
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Fabiana is Uncle Sean’s new girlfriend. He met her on a trip to Venezuela, and she got pregnant, so here she is. She’s only a few years older than Decky and is so sweet and obliging that everyone just kind of pretends that the situation isn’t extremely weird. She still has a hard time understanding everybody’s thick, midlands accents. I imagine it’s even worse in this kitchen with all of these shrill voices speaking over one another, all of these new things to try and grasp, and I feel for her. 
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So I abandon my carrots and go into the scullery to find the battered cookbook with the recipe in it. I take it off the shelf, its spine missing and all of the pages stained and sticking together, and flip it open onto the bread sauce page. 
“Here.” I say, showing it to Fabiana who is hovering beside me. “You need milk, butter, onion, cloves, pepper…” I look at her and she’s nodding, anxiously holding her expectant belly. “…garlic, bay, breadcrumbs, cream and nutmeg.”
“It sounds disgusting.”
“I know, you don’t have to have it.”
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“I won’t.” She leans against the counter and wipes a hand across her brow. “I wish I wasn’t so pregnant.” She says. “Or I would be drinking a lot now.”
I giggle. “I know how you feel. And the men get to do nothing.”
“Yes! So lazy. They just eat chocolates and drink whiskey.”
“Not fair.”
Fabiana reaches into the wine rack behind me and slides an old bottle out, holding it up to me like a waiter at a fancy restaurant. “I can’t drink, but you can.”
“This is sherry.” I tell her. “We use it to cook.”
“Come on, have a little bit.” She says with a glint in her eye that makes me wonder if she was a party girl back in Caracas. She cracks open the lid and starts looking around her for a vessel, and the way she’s acting makes me laugh, like she’s a cheeky child looking for new ways to misbehave. 
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“You’re really going to drink vicariously through me?” I inquire, and she nods as she places an old Simpsons glass down in front of me and pours a generous serving. I drink it, and it’s not very nice, but the situation tickles me so much that I don’t mind. 
She holds up her fist and bumps it against my glass. “Salud.” Sighing, she leans back against the counter again and regards me with a curious, tilted head. “You live in Dublin city?” and I nod. 
“Yeah, for the last few months I’ve been there in college.”
“Is it fun?”
“It’s alright yeah, there’s a lot more to do than here.” I immediately feel guilty saying that to her, and follow it up quickly with: “But like, it’s boring too sometimes. Everywhere in Ireland is kind of boring.”
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“But I bet there’s lots of fun clubs and bars.” She says wistfully. “Do you go out on the town? Do you party a lot?”
“Yeah.” I admit. “I go out at least once a week, there’s actually a pretty cool scene if you’re into the party lifestyle. There’s really interesting places to go, like nightclubs in unexpected venues and things like that.”
She sighs, “it sounds really good.” and then I start feeling really bad for her. What must it be like for her to be spending Christmas in rural Offaly in the middle of a typical, dreary winter, heavily pregnant, unfamiliar with everything. I wonder if she often feels lonely, or what she does in her free time while she’s alone in Sean’s house. At times like this does she wish she was back with her family in Venezuela? 
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“Are you drinking in here?” A stern voice, and we both snap around to see my mam at the door of the scullery, decidedly unimpressed with her hands on her hips and gravy stains on her apron. I immediately pour the rest of the sherry into the Belfast sink, because the look in her eyes is deadly.
“Those carrots are still sitting there waiting to be prepared.” She says to me, “And my mother is still waiting on that bread sauce.”
“Sorry.” I say. “We were just chatting.”
“Well dinner is to be on the table at three o’clock.”
“Right mam.”
“So get on it.” Her eyes shoot from me to Fabiana and then back again. “Now.” We bounce to attention and scurry back into the kitchen. 
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noonesgaylikegatson · 10 months
November 18, 2023
TOKYO (AP) — Japanese actor-director Takeshi Kitano says he wanted his new film “Kubi” to show the world of samurai in ways that mainstream movies have rarely done before, by portraying the homosexual, love-hate relationship of warlords in one of Japan’s best known historical episodes.
“What is never shown is relationships between men at that time, including their homosexual relationships,” Kitano told a news conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on Wednesday ahead of the Nov. 23 opening of his film in Japan.
The story of “Kubi,” or “neck,” shows the 1582 ambush of Oda Nobunaga, one of Japan’s best-known warlords, at the Honnoji temple in Kyoto by an aide, Akechi Mitsuhide.
Past dramas from that period have only shown “very cool actors and pretty aspects,” Kitano said.
“This is a period when especially men were keeping up with their lives for other men within these relationships, including sexual relationships,” he said. ”So I wanted to delve into showing these more murky relationships.”
He wrote a script for the idea 30 years ago, then released the novel “Kubi” in 2019, leading to his production of the film. He also plays Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who takes over after Nobunaga, in the film.
Kitano, 76, began his career as stand-up comedian Beat Takeshi before becoming a TV star.
Kitano said he has seen the dark side of the Japanese entertainment industry, which recently has been shaken by a scandal involving the decades-long sexual abuse of hundreds of boys by the late founder of a powerful talent agency. Recently, the suicide of a member of a hugely popular female-only theater company Takarazuka prompted criticism over its alleged overwork and widespread bullying.
“In old days, in the Japanese entertainment industry, I wouldn’t go as far as calling it slavery, but people used to be treated a commodities, from which money is made while showing them off. This is something that’s still left in the culture of Japanese entertainment,” Kitano said.
In his early days as a comedian, there were times when he was paid not even one-tenth of the worth of his work, he said. “There have been improvements in recent years, but I’ve always thought severe circumstances have existed.”
Kitano, who debuted as a film director in 1989 with “Violent Cop” and won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival for “Hana-bi” in 1997, is known for violent depictions in his gangster movies like “Outrage.”
“Kubi,” which refers to traditional beheadings, has ample violence. Violence and comedy are an inseparable part of daily lives, he said.
“Laughter is a devil,” he said. “When people are very serious, such as at weddings or funerals, we always have a comedy or a devil coming in and making people laugh.”
Same for violent films, he said. “Even when we are filming very serious scenes, there are comedic elements that come in on the set, as the devil comes in and makes people laugh,” though those scenes are not in the final version of films.
“Actually, my next film is about comedy within violent films,” Kitano said. It will be a two-part film, with his own violent story followed by its parody version. “I think I can make it work somehow.”
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knot-ee · 3 months
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Someone else already claimed the moniker of wolverine, so his senses were as keen as that of a wolf, a lion, any predatory animal really. Wait... why did Akihiro even need the moniker of an animal? Akihiro was Akihiro or, to the public, he was Daken. Sadistic, sharp senses, beast of a mutant - Daken. He could have smelled a drop of blood in a river, and in a city filled with the putrid smell of death and garbage, that of blood tended to blend into the surroundings. Had Daken not lived in the filth of cities as he grew up, honing his skills and earning his keep, he would have been overwhelmed with the amount of olfactory stimulus.
However his nostrils still flared with displeasure when his mutant senses were hit with that of salinity from tears and urea from a leaky bladder. As of the sight of ten slaughtered goons had not been enough to strike the final blows of fear, seeing freakish claws of adamantium stained with blood and the tendrils of organs up close made the last man piss himself with fear, literally. Was shit coming next? The man was shaking and crying so violently, it did not take superhuman hearing to hear the way teeth chattered inside his skull. He had a good 80lbs on Daken, but the mutant dragged the crying, piss stained gangster with the ease of carrying a child.
“ Ever have that dream where you supposedly know how to fly but suddenly find yourself falling and end up waking up with a jerk? Man, I hate that. Lucky you, you won't be waking up with that sensation. ”
A scream of pure terror bounced off the concrete walls as Daken gripped the man's shirt tighter and flung him outside the window. Daken stayed true to his word. The man was flying, and he would not wake up. Eight stories up, the poor bastard was flung with such momentum he crashed into the wall of the neighboring building, bounced off, and fell to the street below in a sick crunch of broken bones and splattered flesh. Daken was so busy gloating and grinning he didn't hear the approaching footsteps, but then it hit him - the smell of sweat, body odor, and gun powder.
The sadistic mutant whipped his head around and stepped away from the window to set his gaze on the intruder. The floor was flooded with darkness, but gifted with nocturnal vision, the Punisher's @bigidiotenergy body stood out like a pillar of light. A pillar of vigilante righteousness. What was a human doing creeping up on Daken? Oh, right, Daken was pissing on his territory, wasn't he?
No other place on Earth held such a high density of wanna be gangster and actual gangster like Hell's Kitchen. Mutants didn't really keep up with the affairs of humans like the Punisher. He had heard of him and of Daredevil but such weak prey didn't strike any interest in him. While keeping eye contact with the man, Daken wiped his adamantium claws on his pants before retracting them back into his body.
“ Oops? Did I hone in on your action? I'm going after the wife next if you're interested in that sweet piece of ass. ”
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time-bone-swap-au · 1 year
question for everyone of destiny lament: What do you think about bai-he
Tang: She’s my daughter! I love her with all my heart! I do wish she would tell me things sometimes though…sometimes I feel like she talks more to Macaque than me…
Pigsy: Tang…you’re doing great, you gotta be patient with her.
Tang: I know…I just…I’m worried…
Pigsy: Well I think she’s just a small female version of you.
Tang: Wha-
Sandy: Yeah! Remember when you were younger, and you first met Pigsy, you yelled at him to watch himself.
Tang: Oh- wait don’t-!
Pigsy: You were a sassy nerd back then, sure you got bullied sometimes, but no one wanted to mess with ‘Tang Shifu’ Top of the Class.
Sandy: All the roasts you used to give…dating the gangster-
Tang: Alright, Alright I don’t wanna hear this!
*Both Sandy and Pigsy chuckle*
Mei: I think she’s one cool, and badass girl, sure she’s like younger than me, but damn is she doing well! That girl won’t let anything stop her, trust me!
Red Son: An annoying little sister.
DBK: I thought you were somehow in love with her.
Red Son: What?! Ew, no!
PIF: You can’t blame us, our marriage was an enemies to lovers book but it all happened in one chapter.
PIF: Then it’s the DragonHorse Girl you like?
Red Son:…
DBK: Actually you know what they look perfect together, but then I remember you blushing when that MBK pinned you down.
PIF: You and your father are the same then.
Mayor: I didn’t mean no ill will to her, but…every time I look at her…I feel like…
Mayor: She has a part of the King left in her…
Mayor: And I have no idea why…
Mayor: Perhaps I should continue finding Yin and Jim to keep my mind off it…
Macaque: One crazy and smart kid, seriously that girl was able to beat Azure Lion?! With Jade Emperor Powers?! Ha! I wouldn’t be able to do that even with me alone!
Wukong: I…don’t know anymore…
Nezha: We’re trying to research all that we know about this ‘Lady Bone Demon’ however, as far as we know there’s no record of such demon…either what MBK is saying is all something he made up in his mind or there’s something else going on
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queenofadarkworld · 1 year
𝕂𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕜𝕚: 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕖 - 𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝟛
Uh.. I mean.. Well.. It just.. It happened! 🤯
First things first: Episode 3 showed me EXACTLY why I'm never ever coming out of this rabbit hole ever again. That's it guys. I'm done. From now on I'm going to live right here with my little blond bunny right beside me. Anyone else want to move in? Yes? No? Maybe? Well no matter what you decide at the end - let us sit down first and talk about what just happened to us shall we? 😏
To be honest I was actually a bit surprised about the "amount" of flashbacks/daydreaming scenes. Seeing the fact that this was only episode 3 with 26 minutes screen time [after episode 1 with 26 minutes and episode 2 with 25 minutes] I don't think it was already necessary but it's ok for me cause it probably should've helped build up some emotions. Even though I would've picked the Bai Zong Yi and Fa Zherui thunder scene from episode 2 for it cause that was beyond sweet. 🥹
But I definitely won't complain cause episode 3 still delivered a lot of good stuff. After episode 2 already showed us that my little blond bunny sure knows how to torture people they seemingly wanted to top that. What can I say? Hell yeah they top it! 😳
Nothing weird to see here, everyone. Only a little blond bunny going a bit - uhm - crazy. Just a normal monday in the life of a gangster I assume. The way Chen Yi looked at him in total disbelief once he realized what he's about to do though had me laughing quite hard. I mean come on, Chen Yi. You wanted him by your side didn't you? Learn what your boy is willing to do for not just you but the whole gang.
Well and then out of a sudden that happened. 🥵
Oh.. My.. God..! WHO DO I HAVE TO THANK FOR THIS? I asked for more of my little blond bunny and I freaking got more bunny. Much much more bunny than I ever expected at this point. And as if him running around half naked [by the way: I NEED his bathrobe!] wouldn't already be enough to get a heart attack we also see a very good reason to like and follow Chen Yi. Well technically two reasons. I mean.. the tattoo on his spine? He has a freaking lion tattoo on his spine!! Lion father, lion son. Please! How cute and amazing at the same time is this? I totally get why my little blond bunny fell for him in the first place. He's in every single way beautiful. Oh! Talking about lions. Shout-out to Chen Yi's father who without a doubt had one of the best and funniest unexpected appearances I've ever seen. 🤣
Two scenes coming right up for you. Both scenes are simply incredible in their very own ways. Firstly we learn about bunny's class clown side and how easy it really is to provoke Chen Yi. Bunny sure knows which buttons he has to push doesn't he? 😏
Secondly we have Chen Yi and Bunny picking up Fa Zherui. Apparently his so called vacation at Bai Zong Yi's place has come to an end already. Why am I so annoyed because of that? Right at this moment when Fa Zherui realizes his true feelings towards Bai Zong Yi he just freaking leaves? Yeah so.. thanks for nothing brother. Definitely going with bunny's middle finger reaction here. 😮‍💨
Coming to the last scene of my own crazy perspective for episode 3. Well what can I say guys. This scene kinda broke my heart. Our cute Bai Zong Yi happily came home after he bought some strawberry cake for Fa Zherui to enjoy just to find his apartment empty. And then there's Fa Zherui's note saying: "Don't be too touched." DON'T BE TOO TOUCHED? Are you freaking kidding me? After everything including the kiss from episode 2 you really tell him to not be too touched about you just leaving him out of nowhere? Gosh you're such an idiot Fa Zherui. If you ask me, you just should've stayed in Bai Zong Yi's apartment and started a happy life with him. The situation couldn't have been any better for him though. No one knew exactly where Fa Zherui was hiding after the attack in episode 1 and the only contact he still had ongoing was with my little blond bunny. I'm pretty sure he would've understood the situation and kept his mouth shut for as long as possible. But you made a decision didn't you? 💔
And that's it everyone. My thoughts and feelings for episode 3. Holy darkness. There still happened quite a lot in this episode huh? We definitely got some little emotional ups and downs along the way which makes me want to have episode 4 like now. Right now! Heaven help me. Well.. I'm just going to stay here in my comfortable rabbit hole and watch the bathhouse scene over and over again until the new episode is out. Sounds like a good plan right? 🫣
What are your thoughts about episode 3 though? Any favorite scenes? What's your favorite character so far? I would like to know whatever you're willing to tell me. Please be my dear guest inside the rabbit hole. 🫶🏻❣️
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pastaanglerfox · 5 months
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The Gangsters in "The Great Piggy Bank Robbery"
The first one we see in the gangsters hide out is Mouse Man a giant snarling humanoid mouse.
After the scene with Mouse Man we see a group of ghoulish criminals
Snake Eyes is a pretty cool design, a guy with dice for eyes
Eighty eight teeth is a more goofy but still creepy design , a blank stare with a mouth full of oversized piano keys
Hammer Head and Pussycat puss aren't as interseting as the others but still have cool designs
Batman is literally a grumpy baseball bat
Double Header is a baseball player lookin' dude with two conjoined heads, he gives of a strange Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum vibe
Pickle Puss is actually pretty strange looking it's mostly due to how bumpy he is and his demonic yellow eyes
Pumpkin Head is probably my favorite because I LOVE pumpkin headed characters also he is later seen weilding two guns
Neon Noodle is a humanoid outline made of a single neon noodle , he gives of a Frankenstein's Monster vibe
Jukebox jaw is another oddly freakish design I don't think I need to explain why
Wolfman is just a wolf in a fedorah but due to his color scheme he has a more unique kind of design.
When Daffy (Duck Tracy) says "You're All Under Arrest" all the gangsters snarl at him like lions , which is really creepy. After a chase scene we see a few more criminals.
Rubber head is a guy with an earaser for a head , he earases Daffy from existence while saying "I'm gonna rub ya' out see ?!"
After Daffy locks all the crimanals in a closet he shoots at them all, before they all fall dead on the ground we catch a glimpse of a tin man licking a candy cane
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shitcomscriptwriter · 2 years
A (non exhaustive) list of Whitestone related dreams I’ve had. Please note this is all in the span of about four months. I will elaborate upon request.
The whitestone church camp dream where The Briarwoods and Anders found Jesus and banded together with Cass and Percy to try and lead Anna Ripley to God’s love.
The one where Delilah Briarwood had to talk to my therapist for me (and neither of us knew who that therapist even was). Mystery therapist informed me that everyone has an owl, a snake, a lion, and a skunk in their brain, and that they must learn to work together if we wanted to get anywhere in this life. In this same dream, Delilah looked at me with a mix of pity and exasperation upon learning that I had 50 brothers who were all dancing gangsters.
The one where it was literally just the basic plot of whatever happened in whitestone during the Briarwood occupation, except it took place in the house from American Horror Story and one of the side characters was played by Jack Black.
I forgot the actual plot, but I do know it included weeping angels-esque glass statues, pike blasting a demon horse with the everlight, a really crazy apartment complex, and Percy levelling up to become the almighty Percival.
The dream where both percy and dr Ripley very seriously informed me that marine biology was a huge red flag
The one where Delilah worked for a couples therapy/conflict resolution agency and was telling this married couple to remember to use “I” statements and be honest about their feelings. Then the dream jump cut to the room being set on fire and everyone shooting laser guns.
Fish abortion.
The one where Ripley and Cass were on some secret mission and Ripley insisted on using the pseudonym “Hannah Ripley”, swearing that no one would ever guess it was really her.
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raurquiz · 1 year
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#Happybirthday #chiwetelejiofor #actor #KarlMordo #DoctorStrange #MultiverseofMadness #Amistad #LoveActually #Serenity #ChildrenofMen #AmericanGangster #12YearsaSlave #TheMartian #Triple9 #TheLionKing #Maleficent #MistressofEvil #TheOldGuard #infinite #TheManWhoFelltoEarth
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The Wagons Roll at Night
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Warner Bros. was a whiz at retooling plots. If a story worked with gangsters, redo it as a Western. If it worked as a Western, make it a war film. One of the strangest remakes they did would seem to be turning the war between boxers and gangsters in KID GALAHAD (1937) into a battle between a lion tamer and a rogue cat in Ray Enright’s THE WAGONS ROLL AT NIGHT (1941). But it’s not really that strange considering the source novel was actually about a lion tamer. In the remake, boxing manager Edward G. Robinson becomes carnival manager Humphrey Bogart, girlfriend Bette Davis becomes fortune teller Sylvia Sidney, accidental boxer Wayne Morris becomes accidental lion tamer Eddie Albert, and vicious gangster Humphrey Bogart becomes the killer cat (on loan from MGM’s Tarzan series). It’s fast moving, and the banter between Bogart and Sidney is dynamite. Albert is charming when not forced to deliver the writers’ idea of bucolic humor, and so is Joan Leslie as Bogart’s sister and Albert’s love interest until she has a big impassioned speech at the end. Those scenes usually stretched her talent beyond the breaking point. Anyway, Albert becomes a lion tamer when a runaway cat wanders into the small-town store where he works. Bogart builds him up until a chance meeting puts him in contact with Leslie.  Desperate to keep his sister away from all those crooked carny folk (the film isn’t edgy enough for it to be repressed incest), he starts plotting against his biggest star. Parts are corny as all get out, and Enright isn’t much of a stylist. But somebody put together some great montages tracing Albert’s rise to stardom, and it’s easy to get through the weak parts knowing you get to see Bogart and Sidney do their thing.
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allfortzu · 3 months
Eagle Dahyun!!?? Like She will have the Biggest CLAWS EVER!! Girl would feed us to her stomach.
Btw wanted to say owl-hyo but BlackCat-Zyo seems so fuckin good!!(Mina gives me that Vibe as well) BunnyNY is Sooo Just Chef's Kisssssu!! 😍🤌
I see chae as one of the Big Cats... Baby-tiger, lion so on. Vixen-Sha!!! Like mah gurl be laughing like babies, n tricking like gangsters.
Raccoon/orange cat Momo!!!!!!! Listen!!!! JUST U LISTEN!!!! ORANGECATOWOW!!!!! ☝️😍
well I'm like the fakest hybrid!au writer ever I know nothing about it.. I just know cat ears are cute and that's rlly all I like about it I fear 💔 so I don't have many thoughts to give you, I myself don't even read hybrid!aus 😭 but vixen!sana and tiger!chae do seem cute!!! owl!hyo is reminding me of kujou sara from genshin so I'm starting to see it! maybe the eagle isn't so bad either then lol
please do keep our hopes down tho;; it was a moment of spontaneity! idk if I'll actually write smth for it 🤧
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Chiwetel Ejiofor as Huey Lucas in American Gangster (2007). Chewy was born in London and has 55 acting credits from a 1996 episode on the telly, to 10 episodes of The Man Who Fell to Earth (2022).
His other notable credits include Amistad, Love Actually, Melinda and Melinda, Kinky Boots, Phil Spector, 12 Years a Slave, The Martian, Doctor Strange, The Lion King (as the voice of Scar), Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,
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zooterchet · 2 years
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Notice the Champlain gene, of Afrikaans mariner Boer, the English variety of the Pretorians, a Siciliac-Serb gene.
The left eye, isn't the dead eye. It's actually the right. The left eye is folded,. The pistol hand, is on the right. The sides of the brain are unique, on this guy. He thinks type A-side and type B-side. The A-side, leads, the right, and the B-side, follows, the left. Bundy, pirates, James Knox Polk, all the same. This is Salvatore "Lucky Charlie" Luciano. Pictured. Featured on Boardwalk Empire. COINTELPRO, out of the British police services, a range undercover. Countering Vincent Gallo, for claiming to give minorities in Europe, stuffed animals, then feeding them to a lion, to mimic the Polish-Jewish language inflection, however opposite in intent. For instance, I'm supposed to have steel-toed boots, so my right foot doesn't club, I'm part Shoshone-Polish. The entire Gallo organization, had this single narc inside, calling down English cops, specially trained to mimic American police services, hence "cop", versus "constable", British or Italian. The myth of the "mob hitman" remains, actually a British trained service officer. Vincent Gallo's logic was from a Chinese-Yen cult. He got a book on it. It's where Chinese gangsters that work in finance are from, particularly the film stereotypes.
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any headcanons / favorite things / silly ideas you have about dimivain? 👀👀 either romantic or platonic or everything in between, it's just always a delight to find a fellow connoisseur who loves these two trucks
[I'm gonna cite some cute little dialogues between them from Three Hopes, so tread gently if you're trying to go into the game absolutely blind.]
Okay these two make me deranged. Like as individuals they fucking rot my brain. Self-destruction in different genres; unwavering loyalty that's bone-deep; a view of themselves that's so damaged that there's no choice but to follow through on behaviours they think suit the worst they have to offer--and then they get SLAPPED TOGETHER and HOO BOY do they hurt!! Oh god the lads!! The dudes!! Agony!
I very much like to read romances that are devoted in nature. They're smitten, they're gone on each other, wrapped around each other like a braid of distinct colours; still their own entities, but woven together in a way that lets them both shine. These two? Oh boy. It's them. It's the dudes.
Because like. Hear me out here. Sylvain flat-out loves Dimitri. I take no criticism on this because there has always been evidence to that effect. And what's great about them is that it's just. Sort of always there? It's quiet but it's always there, showing in little ways the great way they care for each other. So allow me to compile a list of all my favourite dimivain moments.
Spoiler. It's all of them.
Dimitri before the Lions fuck off to tell Miklan to get good: "House Gautier is Sylvain's home. It would be nice of you to check on him as well."
Sylvain while everyone is trying to parse out Dimitri's breakdown: "I knew he'd been carrying the burden of that tragedy. I understand his thirst for revenge. His family and closest friends...all massacred right in front of him."
Dimitri feeling safe comfortable enough to say, "Will you never let that rest?! It was many years ago! Perhaps a good knock on the head will help you to finally forget about it..." and not have it be an outright threat/ruin the mood with Sylvain.
Sylvain being the one of Dimitri's only friends to use his name regularly (interchanged with "Your Highness")
And it's so goofy but like the fact that their dynamic shows in part in their support when Sylvain is all "Relax, Your Highness. Relax. I'll sort this whole thing out, real easy. [...] You just wait right there, and I'll fix everything."
and the VINDICATION i feel whenever I think about their Three Hopes interactions. Oh god. Spoilers are in tiny text
Sylvain, post-chores: "See, even I can be useful sometimes! I probably could've gotten away with doing less, actually ;)." Dimitri, post-chores: "I've never once doubted your utility, Sylvain :( Do not be so quick to belittle yourself."
Sylvain, in-battle: "That's our king! ;) Wherever you go, we'll be right there with you." (THIS ONE . . . HOO BOY IT FUCKED ME UP. I had to pause the battle and set down my damn controller.)
Also the sheer difference of Dimitri's Sylvain introductions between Hopes and Houses gljdflkgj like "He's a good person, even if he's a bit of a whore" and "he's a slut, and he's smarter than all of us combined. i would know" is just such a wild range for talking about someone for the first time that I'm forced to confront how well Dimitri really does know Sylvain.
Sylvain reminding Dimitri to stay calm when they march on Enbarr <//3
The AGONY of "Striking down the Empire is my offering to His Highness."
Everything about the Tailtean Plains to be honest. Like getting to Dimitri inherently means going through Sylvain first. Sylvain is a Gautier, at the end of the day, and he does it well; the crown doesn't walk into hell without a Gautier watching their back, picking off the threats that aren't close enough to be an immediate danger.
And, of course, my favourite: "I don't feel like I can just forget all the awful stuff he's done...But if His Highness is owning up to his past, and trying to move forward...I figure I can give him that chance. We've been friends since we were kids. I'm gonna be there for him all the way to the end." (i teared up reading through this on the datamine. they're fucking insane. i love them.)
I mentioned this in the tags of my recent post, but the dynamic between House Gautier and House Blaiddyd is an untapped gold mine, at LEAST as far back as Lambert (though that may be expanded upon with Three Hopes, if word on the street is to be believed). Gautier's responsibility is to protect and defend; Blaiddyd's duty is to bear a crown worth protecting. They're so tightly woven that it makes me dizzy. Sylvain, for all intents and purposes, is a defender. He's cited to have come in in clutch and saved his friends over and over again, and that combined with his complex relationship with his destiny as margrave/his destiny that's only as awful as he lets it be lends itself to a man that fights for one thing and one thing only: what he loves.
What's also wild is that like. Plonk them into any AU and it simply works. Tortured souls in the form of overly empathetic gentleman and self-deprecating clever manwhore is just so universal. Organized crime is a personal favourite of mine; I'm also partial to a sugar daddy AU. Absolute TRAVESTY that there seems to be only one fic per each of those AUs for these two. I will be rectifying this personally. Like they're so elegant in their own ways but they're so STUPID that I want to see them love the worst and best in each other.
These two have such intimate understandings of each other that jealousy is just. not a factor at all. Sylvain will make some dumb flirtatious comment and Dimitri will just wait patiently for a tender cheek kiss he knows is coming. An apology, an I love you, a thank you for not turning away at the hard-to-break habits. Sylvain reads books whenever Dimitri wakes them both with a particularly bad nightmare. Sometimes he'll read them aloud; others he'll be utterly silent so Dimitri can focus on things like their breathing and the wind.
It's less that they're little and big spoon and more . . . interwoven forks. There's never a night where they don't want to both hold and be held, so limbs are all over the place and faces are buried into whatever warmth they're closes to, but it's so good. It's so them.
Dimitri calls Sylvain beautiful--thanks him for trusting such careless hands with a heart so tender. Sings his praises and kisses him softly and fumbles the cheesy romantic stuff, but it's so much sweeter for it. Sylvain cries sometimes, but it's a good cry.
Sylvain does not leave Dimitri's side, even when his psychosis eats up the better part of his week, or the stress of trying to negotiate peace wears him down. Dimitri will try to bury himself into Sylvain's very soul, because that's always where he'll feel safest. Sometimes that manifests in sexual intimacy; sometimes it's just Dimitri pressing them together, head to toe. Their similar heights and builds are good for it.
Dimitri wears an eyepatch whose stitching is Gautier-teal. Sylvain accepts a gift from the blacksmiths specially employed by House Blaiddyd to craft weapons to withstand their strength; a promise that everything in Dimitri's power will be used to protect Sylvain as Sylvain's protected him. It's peacetime now, but a child of Faerghus knows a weapon better than most know the pen. It's a lovely gift regardless, and a little better than a dagger with the rising sun.
Byleth marries them, and the ceremony is limited to the Lions and whichever of the Academy's students/staff are free. Sylvain cracks jokes the whole way through, even when they both start crying, and Dimitri is so annoyed and so in love and when they tie together little ribbons of their regions' colours, cutting the newly woven rope in two to tie around their wrists, he whispers a quiet vow only for Sylvain's lips, his heart.
Once it becomes public knowledge that the Saviour King and his margrave are more than allies and friends, they decide to adopt a pair of siblings who were orphaned by the war. Neither really thinks themself incapable of being a good father, but they both have a fair deal of hangups over it. Sylvain knows he has to usher in peace, but teach their children when it's right to refuse to budge. Dimitri imparts to them the knowledge of both bodily and mental strength, all without forfeiting their heart.
Anyway. It's 4AM. I've been thinking about them for three hours. I'll probably wake up with more thoughts of them but this is all the dimivain word vomit I can manage in one go. Thank you so much for the ask though! I love thinking about them in any capacity.
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