#gaslighting ment
mental-ch-illness · 2 years
i grew up with a chronic illness and parents who believed i was ‘milking’ my pain. they said things like ‘it’s not that bad’ and ‘you have to get through it and do what everyone else does’. i never got the chance to know what my limits were because i wasn’t allowed to have any. because of that, i underreported symptoms until my disease became severe. scariest part is that i didn’t even realize i was underreporting. i had just been doubting my own body for years.
i still struggle to accept and seek support for pain. recently, i developed a large kidney stone. as i’m laying in the emergency room, crying from pain, i have a thought like ‘this really isn’t that bad’. and i’m like, ‘oh my god, i’m gaslighting my own pain’. meanwhile, i’m being given morphine and bumped up in triage. these should validate my experience, but suddenly i’m thinking ‘i don’t need this, i’m probably milking it’ because that’s what i’ve been told my entire life.
parents and guardians, take any pain your child reports seriously, especially if they are chronically ill. otherwise, you’re teaching them to ignore their own needs and limits, leading to the worsening of conditions and appearance of easily preventable problems. they’ll be much worse off then they’d be if they missed a day of school for supposedly faking a tummy ache.
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ruinationz · 7 months
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realizing i have the power to make the worst images ever in the world
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2hiit · 9 months
hello again, dashboard.
my name is jenga, and you might recognize me from @2hiit, @mikucaptor, @spellbookbindings, @oberonnie, @goodnatured, @uzufoxy, and @autochaton. if you do, you may have also noticed my various absences from the tumblrsphere in the last year or so. although i've been trying to stay as uninvolved from this as i can, i've reached my breaking point. this is in part due to the newest of the false allegations sunnie has lobbied against me, and in part due to the health of my wife, who was supposed to be wearing a heart monitor this month to track some irregular beating, but whose results have most definitely been skewed due to the repeated stress sunnie has been putting our family through this past week. 
this post will include every shred of evidence i have against sunnie (@sunniehub), with the hope that once i've said everything i can, i never have to address this again. i deserve peace. my family deserves peace. i have been forced to accept we will not get any if i continue to just wait for this to blow over.
sunnie runs the following blogs: 
sunniehub / carcins  / softdweller / 8ad / goresports / paiinball / w2f / stuckyfanfiction / w33dgod69 / diqqiebitch / hissassin / dowwn / eredan / hotdoxxed / apedshit / acabemy / mistaklen 
xe has been relentlessly block evading and stalking my various blogs, as well as attempting to tarnish my online reputation beyond repair with false accusations in an effort to drive me off of this site. i have been dealing with sunnie and xer inexcusable behavior ever since i blocked xem on january 2nd, 2023 for the sake of my mental health. i made a response post once before addressing these false allegations against me, but i now realize that will no longer be sufficient, as sunnie seems to be content with making up new and worse accusations when the previous ones fail to stick.
content warnings for this document include: mentions of r/pe, mentions of CSA, stalking, harassment, emotional abuse, gaslighting, guilt tripping, suicidal thoughts, and mentions of transphobia. there are also descriptions of physical stalking, as well as graphic descriptions of violence, but these things are warned for before they occur, and are skippable if need be.
over the course of THIS DOCUMENT, i’ll be showing you chat logs, screenshots, and data supporting the claims i’ve made about sunnie, as well as offering you some context as to how this situation came to be. this is quite an extensive log and i'm aware it may be hard to follow, and some of you may want to skip to the parts that are most striking to you. i have taken the liberty to include an outline in the sidebar for the ease of moving around the document at your own pace, and i’ll be using formatting to make it as neurodivergent friendly as i possibly can. please bear with me.
i truly believe sunnie is a danger to this community, most especially those xe interacts with on a regular basis, just like i once did.
[as a disclaimer: while i have censored sunnie's previous name, i will not be altering any outdated pronouns as they appear in our chat logs. this is to maintain the integrity of the logs and readability. i no longer use xer former pronouns or name, and there are plenty of people who can vouch for this fact.]
i will be temporarily disabling anonymous asks, because i will not be addressing this matter publicly any longer. when i do eventually re-able them, any asks pertaining to this post, or the events this post addresses, will be promptly deleted. replies, reblogs, and DMs are fine, but otherwise, i am considering this matter closed until further notice.
furthermore, i do not want to see any commentary, speculation, or prodding for details whatsoever regarding the individuals in this document whose identities i have censored. this is a stalking accusation. they are censored for their protection.
they are not the focus of this document, sunnie is.
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majachee · 1 year
I have an hour before work starts so!!! OC LORE TIME!!!
Athena took over Olympus after the death of Zeus, she was the closest to their father and Zeus clearly favored her over the rest of his children.
Because of this favourable treatment, Athena has much more positive lingering feelings towards her father compared to the rest of her siblings. She doesn't blame them for not mourning him, nor does she really fault Ares for jumping at the opportunity to kill him - especially after the self-proclaimed King of Gods threatened Ares' younger children.
Logically, she agrees it was for the best. Logically, she understands why her siblings don't like Zeus. Logically, she understands why they have a strained relationship with her. But emotionally she's perplexed.
Zeus raised her to embrace the tactical aspects of war, and while she passionately studied mortal philosophers and adapted their wisdom abd philosophies, she struggles to see the emotional side of things and apply such wisdom in her own actions.
Her heavy reliance on tactics and logic make her come off as cold, and sometimes unintentionally manipulative. And while her siblings know she is capable of warmth in her own ways, her close relationship with Zeus casts a dark shadow over her behaviors and beliefs.
She's also, intentionally or not, adopted Zeus' apathetic cruelty towards mortals in certain aspects. While she (usually) doesn't go out of her way to harm the mortals she cares about, by blessing Diomedes of Argos and Odysseus of Ithaca with immortality (to work alongside her as her trusted soldiers and liasons) she is torturing them as their mortal organs fail and must regularly be replaced with Olympian automatons, and keeping them separated from their loved ones with false promises of reunion once she steps down. Whether she's aware of this cruelty or not is dubious.
There's also something to be said about her relationship with Diomedes, taking him under her wing after the untimely death of his father and training him to become a stoic killing machine to avenge him, and act as her pawn in the Trojan War. While many cruelties from the gods were committed during that war, many would look back and feel terror at the thought of Diomedes... who still looks far too young even in his immortal form.
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I know it’s probably more trouble than what is it worth but I am losing my mind keeping it in. As someone who had been bullied, abused and gaslighted multiple times I am shocked to see how everyone seems totally ok with this movie. Even like it! I mean Sasha’s ENTIRE character LITERALLY just normalises bullying, gaslighting and toxic abusive behaviour!
Just a heads up. I am going to get into some serious shit here. So trigger warning for I will be mentioning more abuse…although again the Barbie movie literally normalises that. But I am here to talk about the real dangers that behaviour can cause, such as depression, self harm and even suicide.
I was really upset watching that godawful scene where the group of girls decided to chew out Barbie like that. I am so SICK of people saying “Oh that’s just teen angst”. NO it is abusive behaviour and it doesn’t matter if it’s a kid or not! If a kid is harassing someone you HAVE to confront them about it or else someone will get REALLY REALLY HURT! They will never learn and continue to hurt others like that as well! This is coming from someone who had to endure this type of behaviour and got into some serious self harm habits. Many kids at school have ACTUALLY committed suicide because of girls like Sasha and her friends! DO NOT ACT LIKE IT IS A NORMAL THING!
I felt so angry at Sasha at that time and I still am but what sickens me is how she gets away with it. I thought it may be introduced as an obstacle to show how HARD it is on people who are the victim. For example, Wreck it Ralph does a good job at showing how hard it is and how that behaviour can effect others and why said behaviour is BAD. While Wreck it Ralph is hard for me to watch when I feel vulnerable other times it makes me feel stronger as it shows I am not alone. I figured it was taking that sort of direction, to show how it is hard but it happens. As a small way to show awareness.
Barbie bounces back and literally forgets it ever happened and Sasha was just a horrible person all the way through and she NEVER apologised. She got away with it as if it was NORMAL and OK! She was even portrayed as one of the heroines of the story! With NO growth or apology or ANYTHING! You see where I am going with this?
I actually ended up crying and having a serious meltdown after the movie because of that. My mother also agrees with me and says she couldn’t stand Sasha and how she reminded her of the girls who used to bully me and torture me like that. I don’t know how the directors didn’t even THINK about how awful that would look! I am surprised that no one in the making of the movie even thought “wait a minute…”. Also this is just going to show kids that it’s normal to do that. NO! It is bad! If your kid treats someone like that you have to talk to them and tell them how harmful that behaviour is!
Am I literally the only one who sees this problem???
Oh and I should also mention how Sasha and her friends thought Barbie was a crazy person who had mental issues. They literally thought she was mentally disabled and decided it would be hilarious to harass her! Like WTF?!!!! HOW IS THIS OK?!!!!
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oathtorn · 9 months
// Minthara leaves with her consort to Menzoberranzan post-game and decides to put to practice some of the most valuable things she's learned during her adventure which are that making them feel valued and wanted for the first time in their lives is actually a great way to manipulate drow into servitude.
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jacksmusesdrv3 · 11 months
Just saw someone refer to Ouma as a ‘gaslighter’
First of all, words have meanings, and ‘gaslighter’ ain’t it. Gaslighting is specifically longterm mental abuse, with the intention to distort someone’s reality
Second of all, if you’re really gonna play that card consider that the one who’s unable to speak because his reality doesn’t ‘match’ the narrative that’s being ‘spun around him’ is one who doesn’t have that kind of power in the first place
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orcelito · 2 years
The increase in public comfort of telling people (even random strangers) to kill themselves as a "joke" is pretty disconcerting, actually.
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normalsproutanon · 1 year
I’ve never hated anything anyone has told me more in my life. 
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giseleportesautora · 5 months
Hipnose - Diagnosticada com ansiedade e depressão,  já fui em tantos médicos — tudo em vão.  Quase desistindo da vida, encontrei um especialista.  Por favor, liberte-me da morte e sua lista.  #poema #poesia #psicologia #mente #pensamentos #controlemental
Diagnosticada com ansiedade e depressão, já fui em tantos médicos — tudo em vão. Quase desistindo da vida, encontrei um especialista. Por favor, liberte-me da morte e sua lista.  Abandonada em um triste vale. Me olho no espelho e oro para o que ele mostrar não me abale. Juntei patrimônio e história, mas tudo foi levado.  Agora meu coração não acredita em nenhum mentiroso palavreado.  Ninguém…
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b1mbodoll · 10 months
i love ur works so much ㅠㅠ
could i req for some noncon/dubcon with momo? her with 10thmember!maknae!reader n just sneaking up on r while she's doin something mundane and r's jus soo confused because why is her unnie doing this to her :(?? why does it feel good???? (n then maybe after she goes to jihyo for advice because she doesnt know how to feel about the experience but jihyo just takes advantage of that n fucks her too!!)
pairings: hirai momo + park jihyo x f! reader
warnings: g!p + noncon + gaslighting + victim blaming + creampies + degradation + mommy kink + virginity ment
💌: this is wordy and idk how much sense it makes but i tried!!!!!!! enjoy
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debuting with twice as their maknae means you’ve been in the industry since you were young, having to drop out of school n focus on your career as an idol. you’re so innocent n its obvious when your older members make dirty jokes n ur silent, looking like a confused puppy as the girls continue joking around.
momo is the most affected by your innocent nature, her cock hardening when she thinks about how you don’t even know what sex is n if she wanted, she could ask you to touch her cock n you’d do it bc you dont realize its inappropriate.
she’s finally had enough of you strutting around in the tightest outfits, fabric clinging to your skin n decides to have sex with you. she tells you her dick hurts so bad n she needs to fuck your tight little pussy to make the pain stop. momo grins wickedly when you cry n tell her that you’re sorry but she can’t use your pussy n ur not ready to have sex.
“quit crying, slut. ‘s not gonna make me stop.” she’s being so mean, not bothering with prepping your cunt n it’s so deliciously painful when she slides in. your sobs only grow louder when she calls you a dumb whore n tells you that no one is gonna believe you if you snitch on her. momo’s torment lasts for what feels like forever before she sends you to your room with your womb full of cum.
the next day you go to jihyo, informing your leader of what momo did to you and she laughs condescendingly, says it’s your fault that momo did those things to you bc you were teasing the older girl. jihyo’s no better than momo n she forces you down on her cock, wails of pain escaping you because she’s so much thicker and it hurts. makes you call her mommy and says that you better get used to taking dicks cus theyre never gonna stop fuckin u ><
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hansolsticio · 5 months
ᝰ.ᐟ yoon jeonghan — "(im)paciência".
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— namoradinho insuportável ! jeonghan × leitora.
— gênero: smut + crack (talvez?).
— conteúdo/avisos: brat tamer! jeonghan (sendo que ele é muito pior), fingering, dom! jeonghan, oral, hannie manipulador, hipócrita & mentiroso ♡, linguagem imprópria, um hannie muito boca suja, orgasm denial e eu acho que é só isso (?).
— word count: 2744.
— nota da autora: absolutamente ninguém pediu, mas veio aí! eu nunca escrevi smut na vida, então pode ser que essa seja a primeira e última vez ♡♡.
Você já havia se convencido: se "gaslighting" fosse uma pessoa, seria seu namorado. Yoon Jeonghan era fisicamente incapaz de passar um dia inteiro sem tirar uma com a sua cara. Nas palavras dos amigos mais próximos do Hannie "a linguagem do amor dele é ser meio filho da puta" e sim, você já tinha consciência disso antes de virar namorada do moreno - pior ainda, o jeitinho malandro foi o que te atraiu.
Jeonghan é um homem contraditório, a cara de anjinho faz um ótimo trabalho em esconder as tendências perversas, é o combo perfeito para te fazer cair no papinho dele. As provocações variam em relevância, gênero e intenção, mas Jeonghan consegue te tirar do eixo todas as vezes. São coisas pequenas como:
1. Esconder o seu carregador e discutir contigo, porque, segundo ele: "você nunca sabe onde coloca suas coisas";
2. Mandar mensagem dizendo que precisa falar sobre algo muito sério, sumir por horas e meter um "nem lembro mais o que era" quando você finalmente vê ele pessoalmente;
3. Fingir esquecer datas importantes só para ver sua cara de desespero (mas ele sempre faz alguma surpresa no final).
Para você, é até complicado listar o repertório enorme das vezes em que seu namorado tentou te levar a loucura. Era a combinação perfeita, Jeonghan parecia sentir um prazer imenso em te ver com raiva e você se estressava com ele todas as vezes, sem exceção.
Para Jeonghan, é difícil se conter. Poxa, você fica tão gostosinha quando tá puta com ele, não dá para segurar. Ele genuinamente se sente mais apaixonado por você quando consegue te irritar. Ver você de bico, toda cheia de marra, faz ele querer te encher de chamego. Além disso, ele prefere nem pensar sobre como sente o pau latejar dentro da calça toda vez que você grita com ele. E, caramba, Jeonghan não é idiota, sabe muito bem que você só entra nos joguinhos dele porque também sente tesão na dinâmica de vocês dois.
𐙚 ----------------------
Não entenda mal, desde o momento em que acordava, você passava o dia esperando o momento em que Yoon Jeonghan resolveria virar o carrasco da sua paciência, mas aparentemente esse momento ilustre havia chegado cedo demais.
Seu corpo acordou antes que sua mente conseguisse, transitando entre vários níveis de inconsciência e consciência, você sentiu mãos grandes apertando suas coxas e uma respiração quente na sua nuca, levando alguns segundos para lembrar quem seria o único possível dono daqueles toques.
"Hannie?", você sussurra meio atordoada. Nem se esforçando para abrir os olhos ou mesmo se mexer.
"Oi, meu amor. Demorou 'pra acordar, hm?", ele não cessa o aperto nas suas pernas, movendo as mãos para o interior das suas coxas.
"Eu quero dormir mais.", você faz manha. Havia trabalhado até tarde no dia anterior, seu corpo ainda pesava com o cansaço.
"Dorme então, princesa. Mas você deixa o Hannie brincar com a sua bucetinha um pouquinho, não deixa? A gente mal se vê esses dias, 'tô morrendo de saudades.", o moreno se aninhou ainda mais ao seu corpo enquanto falava. Você tinha certeza do biquinho no rosto dele, o tom dengoso entregava.
Você não fez questão de responder, só se moveu para deitar com as costas apoiadas na cama e abriu as pernas para Jeonghan, aquele era o sinal verde para que ele fizesse o que bem queria com você. O moreno não conteve o sorriso ao ver você se entregando tão facilmente, naquela mente perversa, era como se seu corpo fosse propriedade dele - mas ele nunca te diria isso em voz alta.
Jeonghan não perdeu tempo, começando a distribuir selares demorados no seu pescoço e clavícula enquanto brincava com seus seios por cima da blusa do pijama. Os dedos habilidosos faziam questão de estimular os biquinhos do melhor jeito possível, o moreno fazia questão de levantar o olhos sempre que podia, observando suas reações.
"Hannie, você não me pediu 'pra brincar aí, 'tá demorando muito! Sabe que eu não consigo dormir assim.", agora era sua vez de fazer bico. Só queria gozar e voltar a dormir, sem ter que aguentar as provocações de Jeonghan.
"Mas eu preciso te deixar molhada antes, amor. Minha princesa sabe que é muito mais gostoso quando você tá molhadinha 'pra mim, hm?", disse esfregando o nariz no seu maxilar, num beijinho de esquimó meio esquisito. "Me deixa dar atenção 'pra esses peitinhos antes, tá bom?", selou sua bochecha com carinho, como se tivesse acabado de dizer a coisa mais adorável desse mundo.
O moreno levantou a camiseta do seu pijama, deixando-a meio enrolada acima dos seus seios. Desceu uma trilha de beijos molhadinhos desde a clavícula até o umbigo, mas subiu antes que você pensasse que ele mudou de ideia. Começou a massagear seus seios levemente, com os olhos agora presos nos seus, dava alguns apertões mais fortes só para ver suas expressões se contorcendo.
Jeonghan desceu o rosto lentamente, abrindo a boca para finalmente abocanhar um de seus seios, mas sem deixar de massagear o outro. Sugava-o com vontade, soltando alguns grunhidos no processo. Alternava as sucções entre os dois, vez por outra mordendo os biquinhos e rodeando-os com a ponta da língua.
Hannie era um amante dedicado, sabia que se fizesse direitinho já já você estaria implorando pra ele te fazer gozar. E não era mentira. Seu interior pulsava, o tecido da calcinha tornando-se transparente. Você levou uma de suas mãos para os cabelos de Jeonghan, pressionando ainda mais o rosto do moreno contra o seu colo.
"Jeonghan, por favor!", suspirou manhosa. A paciência curtinha já se esvaindo da sua mente.
"Você é tão apressada, ______.", ele te olha com o semblante sério. "Tá bom. Já que você quer assim...", aquele tom de voz deixou seu corpo em alerta. Jeonghan não era de se conformar tão facilmente, algo estava errado.
Ele desceu o corpo devagar, sem tirar os olhos do seu. A expressão continuava séria, mas conhecendo-o por tanto tempo, você sabia que aquele brilho nas orbes de Jeonghan não significava coisa boa.
O moreno beijou o interior de suas coxas, deixando uma ou duas mordidas no processo. As mãos subiram pela parte fora das suas pernas e puxaram o seu corpo para perto dele. O rosto se aproximou do seu centro e ele esfregou o nariz bonito no seu pontinho sensível. Não satisfeito, também te estimulou com a ponta da língua, ainda por cima do tecido. Você suspirou, impulsionando os quadris para frente, querendo mais contato com a boca do seu namorado.
"Quieta.", o tom era ríspido, indicando que não era um pedido. Jeonghan usou as mãos grandes para pressionar seus quadris contra a cama, te mantendo parada. Começou a sugar seu pontinho com afinco, como se as peças de roupa entre vocês dois sequer existissem.
"Hannie, me chupa direito!", você soou o mais manhosa que conseguiu, tentando conquistar a compaixão do seu namorado. Até mesmo arriscou dar umas puxadinhas nos fios macios, para mostrar a necessidade que sentia.
Foi tudo muito rápido, quando você percebeu, Jeonghan já havia prendido seus pulsos acima da cabeça com uma mão e segurado o seu maxilar com a outra. O corpo quente fazendo pressão em cima do seu, o cabelo que caia para frente, era longo o suficiente para tocar o seu rosto.
"Tá exigente 'pra caralho, 'cê não acha não?", estalou a língua no céu da boca, demonstrando desaprovação. A mão que estava no seu maxilar faz mais pressão, apertando suas bochechas ao ponto de você fazer biquinho. "Você me deu passe livre 'pra te usar do jeito que eu quiser. Por quê tá sendo mal criada agora? Hm?", balançou seu rosto de leve, como se aguardasse uma resposta que sabia que você não ia dar.
E a sua 'resposta' veio de outra forma: as pernas inquietas pressionando uma contra a outra, buscando dar alívio ao seu íntimo que já estava encharcado. Jeonghan, que dificilmente deixaria algo assim passar batido, olhou para baixo e encarou os movimentos necessitados do seu corpo.
"A verdade é que você tá tão preocupada em agir como uma vadiazinha desesperada que nem deve estar me ouvindo, não é, amor?", voltou os olhos para o seus. O moreno se sentiu pulsar ao ver o seu rostinho tão desnorteado, ele conseguia te deixar tontinha com tão pouco. "Não é isso, putinha? Diz que é.", cessou o aperto no seu rosto, dando alguns tapinhas leves na sua bochecha, exigindo que você falasse.
"Hannie... não fala assim!", sua voz quase não saiu. Você sentia seu rosto queimar, as coxas pressionando ainda mais.
"Por que não, amorzinho?", o tom carregado de deboche. Jeonghan usou o peso das duas pernas para abrir as suas coxas. A mão livre desceu rapidamente e entrou pela barra das suas roupas, agora em contato direto com o seu íntimo. "Sua bucetinha gosta quando eu falo assim, princesa. Ela tá molhadinha, piscando 'pra mim.", os dedos longos esfregavam sua entradinha, brincando com o líquido que saía sem parar.
Hannie enfiou o dedo do meio em você, só para provocar, sabia que um só não te deixaria satisfeita. Estocava lentinho, sentindo o quão quente você estava. Seu interior apertava tão gostosinho que ele não conseguia parar de imaginar o pau dele dentro de você.
"Tá tão apertada. Porra, se eu pudesse não parava de te comer nunca.", roçou o nariz no seu, sem parar de estocar. Se não fosse pelo autocontrole invejável que Jeonghan tinha, ele jura que já teria te fodido até desmaiar.
"Mais, Hannie. Me dá mais, por favor.", seus gemidinhos eram tão suaves, que ele não ouviria se não estivesse com o rosto pertinho do seu.
"Quer mais um dedinho, amor? Mas que buceta gulosinha. Acho que te mimei demais, meu bem.", a voz áspera e grave bem perto da sua orelha era quase o suficiente para te fazer gozar. Você se sentia muito quente, o corpo desesperado por alívio.
Jeonghan acrescentou o dedo indicador na sua entradinha, curvando a mão para conseguir estimular seu clitóris com a palma ao mesmo tempo. Curvava os dedinhos para cima, te estimulando do jeito que você gostava. Estocava mais rápido, a vontade de ter você toda molinha já subindo a cabeça do moreno.
Talvez seja o fato de você ter acabado de acordar, talvez tenha sido toda a provocação do seu namorado ou mesmo uma mistura das duas coisas, mas você já estava quase gozando. Os olhos apertadinhos, que você nem sabe quando fechou, os gemidos ficando mais dengosos e a respiração descompassada. Tão perto... sua entradinha apertava sem dó, seus gemidos e os barulhinhos molhados eram tudo o que você conseguia ouvir. Mesmo com os movimentos limitados, você se esforçava ao máximo para rebolar contra os dedos do seu namorado.
Seus gemidos cessaram, as sobrancelhas agora franzidas e a boca abertinha em formato de "O". E foi aí que você se sentiu vazia. Sem aviso algum. Seu íntimo ainda pulsando desesperadamente, sentindo uma dorzinha entre as pernas já que seu orgasmo havia sido interrompido. Seus olhos finalmente se abriram, dando de cara com um Jeonghan extremamente satisfeito. O moreno sugava os dedos que anteriormente estavam dentro de você, os olhos fechados, soltando uma série de "hmm's" como se ele estivesse provando algo delicioso.
"Jeonghan! Seu filho da puta!", você disse exasperada enquanto se debatia embaixo do corpo maior. Seu namorado abriu os olhos, surpreso com a sua explosão repentina. Os dedos retiraram-se da boca rapidamente e ele fez o máximo para segurar o seu corpo no lugar.
"Ei! Calma, calma! O que foi?", soltava risinhos baixos, não conseguindo se conter. O rostinho assumindo uma feição inocente, como se ele realmente não soubesse o que acabou de fazer.
"Você sabe muito bem o que foi, seu idiota. Qual que é o seu problema, hein?", suas mãos, agora livres, tentavam desferir tapas pelo torso do seu namorado. Mas ele conseguiu te impedir, segurando seus pulsos novamente.
"Juro que não tô te entendendo, amor. Não fiz nada de erra- ah! você não gozou, gatinha?", fez cara de surpresa, como se tivesse acabado de descobrir algo esplêndido. "Foi sem querer, meu amor. Eu juro 'pra você! Achei que você já tivesse terminado e parei 'pra sentir seu gostinho, gatinha", um ator nato, esse era Yoon Jeonghan.
"Sai de cima de mim, Jeonghan.", você não era burra. Depois de quase três anos de relacionamento, você era vacinada na malandragem desse homem.
"Não, amorzinho. Perdoa seu Hannie, por favor.", fez dengo, sabendo que não era difícil te conquistar. Começou a deixar beijos molhadinhos no seu pescoço, que logo se tornaram chupões acompanhados de apertos na sua bunda. "Deixa eu te compensar, deixa? Juro que te faço gozar rapidinho.", subiu os selares para o canto da sua boca, quase que te pedindo permissão para te beijar. Deu uma mordidinha no seu lábio inferior, não perdendo tempo e te beijando assim que você cedeu.
Beijou sua boca com lascívia, ele sabia perfeitamente o que fazer para te deixar fraca. Esfregava a língua na sua e chupava seu lábio inferior com vontade. O beijo era molhado, a saliva quase escorrendo pelo cantinho da boca de vocês. Sujo, do jeitinho que Jeonghan gostava. "Vai me deixar chupar essa bucetinha gostosa, não vai?", mordeu seu maxilar. "Hm? Quer gozar na minha boca?", agora o lóbulo da sua orelha. "Quer, meu amor?", levantou o rostinho bonito para te olhar de cima, esperando sua resposta.
"Seja rápido.", você tentou soar ríspida. Mas estava na cara que seu Hannie já havia te conquistado. O homem te deu um sorrisão assim que ouviu tua resposta, levantando o corpo rapidamente ficou no meio das suas pernas.
Te ajudou a levantá-las e retirou a calcinha junto com o short do pijama, jogando as peças no chão do quarto. Com pressa, abriu suas coxas e se colocou deitado no meio delas. Usou os polegares das duas mãos para abrir os lábios e examinou seu íntimo de forma minuciosa.
"Hannie, para com isso!", seu rosto ardia. Jeonghan sempre te matava de vergonha quando resolvia fazer essas coisas.
"Só tô admirando ela, amor. É tão gostosinha, porra.", usou os polegares para fazer carinho. Aproximou o rosto e lambeu desde a entradinha até seu pontinho, só para observar sua reação.
Fez questão de chupar o buraco abertinho, para engolir todo o melzinho que você soltava. Enfiou a pontinha da língua, lambendo seu interior com empenho. Você já se contorcia com os toques, o corpo ainda sensível pelo orgasmo interrompido. O homem levantou o rosto, agora dando atenção ao seu pontinho inchado, que pulsava com necessidade. Esfregou a língua vagamente, fazendo você rebolar na boca dele, buscando por mais. Dessa vez, Jeonghan não impediu seus movimentos, deixando você livre para roçar contra o rosto dele.
"Ah! Hannie!", você soltou um gemido surpreso, quando sentiu-o inesperadamente sugar seu pontinho com força. Querendo mais reações suas, o moreno voltou a estocar os dedos que anteriormente estavam dentro de você, te pegando de surpresa novamente.
Seus gemidos haviam se tornado mais desesperados, o prazer se tornando quase insuportável agora que Jeonghan sugava sua buceta como se sentisse fome. Suas pernas tentavam involuntariamente se fechar em volta da cabeça do seu namorado, mas ele usava as mãos fortes para segurá-las no lugar.
"Por favor, Hannie! Por favor, por favor...", você nem sabia pelo quê estava implorando, sua cabeça completamente vazia. Seus olhos começando a revirar, você apertava os lençóis entre os dedos, buscando algum tipo apoio. Era como se sua cintura tivesse vida própria, empurrando seu íntimo para mais perto de Jeonghan.
Você estava na beira novamente, esperando um último estímulo para finalmente poder se libertar. Por algum motivo, esse orgasmo deu a impressão que seria mais gostoso que o anterior. E foi assim que Jeonghan te deixou de novo, se levantando abruptamente, mal deu tempo para você raciocinar.
Seus olhos abriram em surpresa, você jurou que estava prestes a chorar. Caralho, isso só podia ser mentira. De todas as vezes que esse homem te tirou do sério, você tinha certeza de que essa foi a pior de todas — e isso é um grande exagero da sua parte, mas depois de ter sido impedida de gozar duas vezes seguidas, você achou que era chegado o momento: Yoon Jeonghan não passaria daquele dia.
Encarando o quarto vazio e ouvindo as risadas descontroladas do seu namorado — que você sequer sabia onde estava —, você prometeu a si mesma que faria mil vezes pior. Mas não antes de (carinhosamente) encher ele de tapa.
"Yoon Jeonghan!"
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swords-of-a-soilder · 6 months
It's Christmas I'm drinking wine and thinking about sugar duo
Specifically that time Forever confessed his love (again) to Phil by wearing the love shirt with Phil's skin edited in instead of Burinim's.
And that moment always gives me such whiplash, because despite Phil staying, "you only love me for my looks" and forever is insisting it's not that and he's saying over and over "it's not about that"
And I believe him, but the problem was his attempts at gaslighting Phil before and I look at his edited shirt and I wonder if this was supposed to represent him letting go off burinim's and if he editing the shirt wasn't an act of gaslighting and rather an attempt to show Phil how he ment to him; That it wasn't about burinim and that place he held in Forever's heart had been replaced by Phil?
I do know it's hard to believe that, considering he was gaslighting Phil not long ago before this.
But if want to believe him, I want to believe he's telling the truth, and maybe that makes me delusional but I can't help it
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salty-an-disco · 14 hours
narrator >:)
ohohohohoh, the most present absent parent himself! (joke stolen from a discord friend lol)
ask game link
• First impression
"Oh, we have a Narrator? Cool! Love stories where the narrator is a character. Oooohhh– an unreliable narrator, is it? This guy's really sus, but I do like the atmosphere he brings to the whole thing–"
• Impression now
What a fuckin' bastard. He's such a great character and antagonist, I love to hate him and hate to love him. Him being the sole reason this game even happened, and arguably causing more irreversible change to the universe as a whole as opposed to if he were to just let things play out as they would is such great dramatic irony. I love him and I hate him and I want to put him in a jar and shake it till he's nothing but sludge.
• Favorite moment
Any time he shows genuine fear (endlessly fighting Adversary and Networked Wild ending) is just incredible, and feels particularly cathartic when you interpret him as a gaslighting parent lol. Also special shout out to the 'I think you know who I am' when you go to the last mirror. Just. so good.
But for my fave moment, I think it gotta be the Moment of Clarity sequence. I saw many interpretations of it, and I think there's truth to all of them, but my personal favorite is that, in that moment, Narrator was able to relate to the princess.
Her suffering, her fears, the worst of her and how it can break her down, he saw himself in her, and didn't know what to do with it. Which is part of the reason he couldn't continue. And the most tragic of it all– that was still just another Echo. And any development/realization he had dies with him the moment he fades away to make space for the next Echo.
• Idea for a story
I have many scattered ideas relating to him, but a main one that keeps coming back, is Echo meeting other versions of himself. Other Echos from different loops, and, mainly– the one that started it all, Echo pre-construct, right before he killed himself. I think that'd be a really interesting character study, to make Echo face with the whole of what his choices did to him.
• Unpopular opnion
Uuuuuuuhhhhhh, not sure if it's really unpopular, but Echo's choices and character is more interesting if we take his claim of 'the world being close to an ending' as an extreme exaggeration, or smth like his personal world ending (a relationship, his main support system, his community, etc). There's just something incredibly human about it, and also, I just don't think it's interesting to make him smth of a 'hero of humanity' or whatever. Neither is it to make him purely a villain. He's literally just a guy who decided to mess with gods cuz he saw no other out to his situation.
• Favorite relationship
Echo & Shifty. Just– the vitriol, the hatred, the fact any time he actually interacts one-on-one with her, Shifty barely acknowledges him or return any of his resentment. How similar they actually are, but how they can never see each other face to face cuz of how fundamentally different their beliefs are.
• Favorite headcanon
This one is very heavy, so– [TW: suicide ment and suicidal ideation]
Whoever Narry was pre-construct was a deeply broken person who saw no out for his situation, but wanted to make sure he wouldn't leave without a significant mark on the world. So– he made the world's most convoluted suicide plan, with 'saving the world' as its rationalization for why he needed to go through that.
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eriexplosion · 1 month
I seriously think CX-2 was ment to be Tech but a higher up at Disney told them not bring him back and to cut that part of the plot out. EVERYTHING pointed to him being Tech! I'm honestly frustrated at how they handled Tech! They started out so good, even gave him a love interest! Only to completely waste such a good character! I feel so completely unsatisfied with the plot and ending of the show💔 what a complete waste of such a good concept.
Also, we don't get to see who cx2 even was?! He's just dead? All that build up and bam! Just dead! Don't even get me started on killing off Scorch 🙄
Honestly we weren't delusional we had valid reasons to believe Tech was alive! The writers are just cruel gaslighting people like that knowing we would think Tech was alive( I HATED all those cripted tweets they would do). I honestly don't want to watch any show they write for again if they are this cruel to their audience😐😡
It really... REALLY felt like it was leading there all the way up until he got killed off honestly. Like, there were so many points that felt like they were teasing it, Hemlock talking about how they're going to repeat Hunter losing a squad member when he turns them into CXs like, it feels like it was all still there and just never followed through on.
I'm not going to like, ignore anything that they write from here on. Just not going to trust as firmly that things are actually going to work out in a satisfying way, especially in regards to neurodivergent characters. I'm hoping that reading some fix it fic will heal me up a little bit and in a few weeks to months I'll be able to rewatch at least some of the show. Up to Pabu or Tipping Point at least.
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lemonmaid · 2 months
Yea “I’m not okay” felt like a punch to the gut let mama suguru have his miracle baby please he has enough trauma 🙏😭😪☝🏼
I was NOT in a good headspace for that, I almost ended with Suguru getting a lobotomy. Honestly, I wouldn't mind written a small wip for the non-canon ending for "I am Not okay."
It will be okay
Warnings: male pregnancy, omegaverse, angst, family law/divorce court
A year ago today, Suguru had his breakdown.
A year ago today Suguru and Satoru had a fight, which led them where they are today. Separated but coparenting.
Suguru learned a lot in a year.
Like how it wasn't his fault for the accident, therapy helped him with that.
And it wasn't his fault that he couldn't have a baby. It was Satoru's. Four months after separating, Suguru finally found the courage to go to an OBGYN. He learned that he was fertile, so when he spoke to Satoru while at pick-up. He learned that Satoru had a vasectomy and had been lying to him for y e a r s.
Suguru filed for divorce/bond breaking, but Satoru refused to sign the papers, which led to a long court case of Satoru saying that "Suguru is mentally unwell blah blah blah". Suguru pledged to never ever forgive Satoru for the gaslighting, even if Satoru swears he never had ill intention. The damage is done. His omega literally can not stand the scent Satoru leaves on the kids.
'This is bullshit' .
Suguru was waiting for Satoru at their agreed pick-up spot; trying to keep four pups busy while they wait for their sire to come get them.
"Mom, I don't wanna go" Nanako mumbled.
Suguru had Megumi laying on his chest, scentinh the pup before he leaves, "I know sweatie, it's just for the weekend remember? Then you'll be home Monday. Why don't you go play on the playground?"
Mimiko picked at her fingers, "Dammy, why can't you come home with us?".
Suguru took a deep breath, "Because that's Daddy's home, mommas home is over here now".
Megumi whined, pushing his face deeper into Suguru’s scent gland.
"Hey pups!".
All three pups whined and groaned before latching to Suguru’s side.
"Where's Tsumiki?" Satoru asked.
"She wanted to sleepover at her friends this weekend".
Satoru hummed, "wow already breaking custody agreement-".
Suguru felt his heart dropped, "you know damn well-".
Satoru "hey hey now, not in front of the pups. Anyways, let's go everyone!".
Satoru tried to pull Megumi away from Suguru’s hold. Megumi refused to budge, holding a tight grip on Suguru.
Suguru tried to pull Megumi away, "now megs-".
"No! No! No!". Megumi was crying, his grip was locked on Suguru.
"Megs you have to go to your sires-".
Satoru huffed, "wow thanks Suguru, I wonder where he learned this now".
Suguru looked at Satoru with wide eyes, "Satoru stop it right now".
"I feel awful".
The sound of the clock ticking and Suguru panicked mumbling was in the room.
"Do you understand why you feel awful?".
Court mandated therapist.
Suguru's lawyer said it would look good on his side to show "improvement" to his mental health and that he was "fit to raise children".
"Gosh, Uraume, you should've seen the way he looked at me when Satoru finally grabbed him. Betrayed... how can he... Jesus... he was already abandoned by his original dam and sire and for Satoru to take him away from my arms... I makes me sick".
Uraume hummed, "you do care about them".
Suguru scoffed, "why wouldn't I? I'm their mother or dam.... they're mine..".
Uraume shuffled to their desk, "I ment to grab this last session". Slipping a paper to Suguru’s chair.
"A flyer to a speed mating? Uraume I'm not-".
"I know. But there will be a lot of single parents.... a lot of them just go for a basic support group aspect, not the dating or mating part".
'This is ridiculous'
Suguru standard in front of a run-down jazz club, or what remains of said structure.
"I think it would be good for you to make connections to those who have been in your shoes, family law is.... a bitch if you'd say".
Suguru rolled his eyes, recounting Uraume's "words of thought". Sighing, Suguru made the decision to walk inside.
Surprisingly, there were a lot of people, soft jazz music was playing in the background, the lights were dimmed. In the front of the door was a table with a name tags, a scent patch and an option red or green wrist bracelet.
A sign that red, 'Red for not looking for a relationship. Green for looking for a relationship'. Suguru could almost smile at the courteous display.
Suguru walked around the small club, grabbing a champagne glass before sitting at a table and watching everyone mingle.
"Do you come here often?".
Suguru's eye widen, the last person he expected to see at speeding mating night, "Nice to see you Sukuna, how's Yuuji?".
Sukuna rolled his eyes, "the little shit can not stop talking about megumi and the sleepover he had the other night".
Suguru smiled, "Well I hope he had a great time".
"You were there?" Sukuna adjusted himself in his seat and pulled out the menu from the corner of the table.
"No. Me and- well, I am trying to separate from Gojo".
Sukuna huffed, "If I knew that I wouldn't have sent Yuuji over there, kinda don't trust pups without a dam or an omega in the house." Snaping his hand a waiter, bringing attention towards the table.
"Do you want anything?"
Suguru hummed, "nothing sweet".
Sukuna smirked, "gotcha babe".
Suguru smiled, taking a sip from his champagne glass, "I would have never thought you'd be the type for a speed mating."
Sukuna smirked before lifting up his wrist, showing the red bracelet, "I come for the support group of it babe".
Suguru smiled, lifting up his wrist, "I guess we had the same idea".
"I guess we did."
The night was going smoothly. Nothing too outrageous that stood out, just two adults enjoying a night of drinking. After the event was done, Sukuna decided to walk Suguru home
Sukuna laughed, "Wow, it sounds like the girls were hard work".
"No kidding, when they first started talking, I swear their first word was 'mine'. Trying to get those two to share made it seem like mission impossible".
Sukuna hummed, "it sounds like you really love those kids".
Suguru smiled at Sukuna before letting out a relaxed sigh, "Yeah.. they are mine".
There was a good quiet pause, not awkward, but quiet, before Sukuna would interrupt the moment, "Can I ask why you and Gojo-".
Suguru rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his drink, "fucker made me believe I couldn't have kids, when in reality, he got a vasectomy without telling anyone".
Sukuna stopped his tracks, mouth agaped, "You're kidding."
"Nope, wish I was".
Now, there was an awkward pause, but instead, it was with a small tone of aggression or disbelief in a way.
"I would offer to be a sperm donor-" Sukuna joked to lighten up the mood.
Suguru laughed before shoving the male.
"But! At least I'm masculine enough to admit that I got my knot tied as soon as possible." Sukuna stopped, "I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that."
"I know, now if that fucker could sign the papers to legally break the bond I could finally feel... free.. in a way. Not in a way to say Gojo was abusive-".
Sukuna stopped the both of them before resting his hands on Suguru’s shoulders, "No, it's fine, I understand."
Suguru raised an eyebrow, "Sukuna, you may be intoxicated, but why are you... being..".
"You remind me a lot of my dam." He quickly stated.
Maybe that's all Suguru needed to hear.
When they arrived at Suguru’s place, Suguru made the decision to let a tipsy Sukuna stay over until the morning.
Sukuna watched as Suguru pulled out the mattress from the couch, grabbing a clean liner and blankets for the alpha.
"Do you have a lawyer?".
"A good one? What's the deal?"
Suguru stopped and looked at Sukuna before rubbing his forehead as a stress response, "The only way Gojo is going to break the bond, which he knows I won't understand the circumstances given, I break the bond but that means no custody of any of the pups, no contact. Intensionally, his side is trying to paint me as a "bad dam" for a miscommunication."
Sukauna thought for a moment before pulling out his phone.
"What are you doing".
"Calling my sire's family lawyer. Sounds like classic defamation. "
"Sukuna you don't have to-".
"I can, and I will."
Sukuna took a deep breath, "You really remind me a lot of my Dam."
04/03 fuck it we making it a series.
Probably one last part which I will continue when I get back from vacation, I have so many drafts.
I can't decide if I want this to include a reader or not, whether it be child reader! Or Suguru just ends up with reader. But also accidentally leaned on Suguru x Sukuna. Accidental, ran out of people.
Ending was kinda rushed that's my bad. Let me know what yall think.
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