#gemma golden
anotherwvba · 5 months
New Wallpapers for the Women's Circuit
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Since I've gotten all of my Women's Circuit OCs and @cyrah-is-cool101's OC Star Mika from the fantastic @cherryrollarts now, I thought I'd make some wallpapers inspired by the SPO pre-fight screens. Coming up with the quotes was loads of fun!
@cyrah-is-cool101, thanks as always for letting Star Mika appear in my stories.
@cherryrollarts, amazing work! Thanks and I look forward to working with you further!
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magicallymalted · 1 year
Han Family Mini-Profile Masterlist
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Since all of the relevant mini-profiles of the currently (alive) key players are complete, I figure this is a good opportunity to reconvene all of them into a sort of quick glance list at the family members and their connections listed out by age for easy reference.
The Adults
Vespera Han
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b. September 1968
Marco and Gemma's aunt
The head bitch matriarch of the family™
Eldest child of the four
Mother to Kate, married to Elphias
Current CEO of Wingardium Corp.
Understands the legacy entrusted to her and is not afraid to do whatever it takes to preserve it
Schemes with Oren and Mara
"There's no greater power than loyalty to one's family."
Strong advocate for magical higher education
Continues to expand the company's investments and funding for the development of privately-held magical schools
Was a hat stall during her time at Hogwarts
Inwardly cold, outwardly warm
Elphias Han
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b. May 1967
Marco and Gemma's uncle
Father to Kate, married to Vespera
Not part of "the family" but took the Han name
Married Vespera for the prestige; was married for his money
CFO of Wingardium Corp., formerly an international consultant at Gringotts
Moonlights as a pianist (for the hobby not the money)
Everyone's favorite uncle! (no, really...the Han men don't have the best track record)
A strong negotiator and very observant
Can easily blend in with super casual or very corporate settings
Quite supportive of Kate where it counts, up until...
"Did you ask your mother first?"
Gideon Han
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b. April 1972
Marco and Jeremy's father, Gemma's uncle
Former journalist for the Daily Prophet
Arrested for alleged death eater activity
Serving a not-life-sentence in Azkaban
Father of the year, amiright?
Second child of the four
Stern, serious, severe, and very very broken down
"Every family has its dark spots, I just never anticipated it would be him," — auntie Vespera
Would've preferred to be a food critic but got entangled in writing current events at the behest of his sister, Vespera
Faye Han
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b. August 1972 – d. March 1998
Marco and Jeremy's mother, Gemma's aunt
Gideon's wife
Heather's older sister
Death from mysterious poisoning
Although not without her flaws, all in the family but Oren practically sanctified her after her death
Excelled in charms
The war took a very harsh emotional toll on her
Was very encouraging for further investment in education
Percival Han
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b. June 1976
Marco and Jeremy's uncle
Gemma, Aline, and Dante's father
Heather's former husband
"We don't talk about your Uncle Percival." — Vespera Han to Marco and Jeremy
Oren Han
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b. November 1979
Marco's paternal uncle & godfather/guardian
Third child of the four
Prestigious hitwizard for the MoM
"No, I don't want to go to your 'afterwork mixer' Charlize; it's unprofessional."
Just one hair shy of being considered a dangerous criminal if he wasn't "working for" the "good guys"
Strong—and very particular—personal value system teetering between lethal justice and harmful retribution
Aided in the incarceration of his own brother
Loves his cat more than most people (Schrödinger, you absolute beauty)
Slutty black turtleneck™
Not very well-liked within his department
Besties that kiss w/Mara Burke
Heather Han
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b. March 1980
Marco's favorite aunt, Faye's younger sister
Gemma, Aline, and Dante's mom
Assists with Wingardium Corp's philanthropic activities
Magical artifact/art museum curator
Not the best witch but a relatively good person
Single mom™
Formerly married to Marco's paternal uncle Percival before his passing
Had a secret affair
Epitome of elegant simplicity
Always invites all the kids over for breakfast
Very knowledgeable about certain things even though she may not have been the best student in school
Compassionate yet has a short fuse
Mara Burke
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b. November 1981
Marco's godmother/"aunt," and namesake
Besties that kiss™ with Oren Han
Fascination with vampires and the macabre
Works at St Mungo's (and nabs blood for vampires) as the Healer-in-Charge of the Alchemy Room, started out as a mediwitch
Once attempted to promote the intrusive methods of muggle medicine in the hospital — was not looked upon favorably
Dabbling in blood magic...secretly
Manipulative, unafraid of violence
Wine connoisseur
Estranged from her family
Conspiring with Vespera...
The Kids
Kate Han
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b. November 1988
Marco's cousin, Gemma's cousin
Vespera and Elphias' Daughter
Only child (and it really does show)
Plays flute
Scary one with RBF™
Event Planner & Part-time Image Consultant
Arguably abuses her power the most in the family, yet also in the most covert way
Emotionally closed-off from the rest of the family
Competitive with her cousins
Wore red too much for any Slytherin to actually like her
Attended W.A.D.A after graduating from Hogwarts
Aline Han
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b. July 1990
Marco's cousin, Gemma's older sister
Likes crystals, cocoa, and ice cream (the last one especially)
Loves aurology
Marketer for Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour after successful part-time work and an internship
"Pure," sweet, did everything that she was supposed to and flew under the radar of her family's watchful gaze by being successful in her own rite
Not very forthcoming, inwardly plotting—grew up getting away with a lot by diverting attention away from herself
Likes playing Nintendo with Dante
Pastel and pink fanatic
One of the most muggle tech-savvy people in the family
Jeremy "Bear" Han
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b. July 1993– April 2013 (or is it?)
Marco's older brother, Gemma's cousin/favorite family member
Sporty -> fencing and baseball
Loves beautiful things and entertainment in general; arts, sports, theatre, poetry, etc.
Would be considered the golden child if it weren't for how much he doesn't want to actually do anything
"The Handsome One"
A little bit selfish and shallow
A little bit full of himself
One of the few in the family willing to break out of the mold
His lack of ambition places a heavy burden on Marco within the family
Lover of muggle things and "useless" skills
Nicknamed "Bear" because of Gemma's struggle with saying his name in her infancy
Went missing, to the distress of Marco and Gemma
Marco Han - Main OC
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b. September 1997
Younger brother™ The quiet one™ On guard™
Made Head Boy in 7th year
Lover of books
✨ Secret Seer ✨
"Headphones-in means don't talk to me"
Would probably be happy staring at the Black Lake as a statue for the rest of time if it meant less problems in his life
Incarcerated alleged death eater dad; dead mom; hitwizard uncle/guardian...yikes
An intellectual living off the bare minimum of foods—bonus points for Oreos, blueberries, and/or coffee cake
A little bossy
Pretty sociable once you get past the looming sense of dread and book/music barrier
Well dressed but pretty stressed
Gemma Han - Main OC
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b. February 1998
Marco's cousin with pesky little sister vibes™
Muggle tennis hobbyist
Enjoys flaunting wealth
Tried out for Slytherin Quidditch Team Beater in her 2nd year but didn't make the cut— consequently said "fuck you" to the captain and then tried out every time since until she made the team in her 5th year
Harshly teases as a form of love
Also harshly teases as a form of hatred
Is secretly a bastard child
Overcompensates for her anxiety
Loves jewelry and is a huge fan of metal-charming (and metal-charmers—her idols)
Dante Han
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Hufflepuff (eventually)
b. May 2003
Marco's cousin, Gemma's little brother
Too young to GAF
Likes aquatic life
Shares food with the giant squid while at Hogwarts
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hsficrecommendation · 6 months
Hello everyone! This is masterlist #4, #5 and #6 (Cont. Of June, then Sept, and Oct 2023!) for all the fics I have reblogged on this side blog I hold super close to me. Remember to leave feedback and reblog all the writings below!
Also, a huge thank you to all the writers mentioned, I adore you so very much and I hope you keep writing for yourselves <3
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••• JUNE (Part 2!) •••
Stablehand!Harry x Princess!Y/n | Part 2 | Part 3 | Harry loathes Y/N and she's just a little tease. - @angelsanddaisies
Poetry In Your Mailbox | Part 2 | Part 3 | Y/N and the rest of her nosy neighborhood friends ogle at the man who just moved in next door — a man of mystery, silence, and someone who seemingly doesn’t want anything to do with his neighbors… until Y/N begins to receive anonymous mail. - @episkystyles
Changes | ♡♡ Harry returns home. Based on- Changes by Cam. - @hes-writer
Prince!Harry x Princess!Y/n | Harry is a prince, Y/N is a princess, and Harry is insufferable. - @novelistrry
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes | Every Rose has its Thorns | Petals and Prompts | Harry’s a prince looking for his princess… but perhaps she isn’t inside the ball. Includes: flowers and gossip and promises and true love’s kiss. - @jarofstyles
Out by the Docks | Underneath the Stars | ♡ A story of clandestine meetings, conspiracies, and stolen glances by the sea. (Princess!Y/n x Spy!Harry) - @fishnets-fingers
Dentist The Bad Boi | ♡ Harry’s a med-student and Y/N’s an art student, being neighbours with Y/N was already a living hell for Harry but when she fusses over his cat getting her cat pregnant – he mighty looses it. - @muffindaddystyles
The Empowering Hearts | ♡♡ In which you're a lonely model until you meet a baker. - @havethetimeofyourstyles
Say It | in which a new relationship sparks up in the restaurant. - @havethetimeofyourstyles
The Joker and The Queen | In which Harry is a florist, has a crush on the baker next door and dreads his Birthday. - @harrysonlylover
Breaking the Ice | It's no secret that as a figure skater, you're fed up with the local hockey team being treated like royalty... and your ex's status as a player isn't helping much either. - @purplekiwis
Harry is a young professor and Y/N has never felt this kind of attraction before - @novelistrry
••• OCTOBER •••
Stop Thinking so Much | In which Harry teaches english and some poetry is hard to pick apart. - @meetevieinthehallway
Dog Days are Over | ♡ In which Y/n and Harry walk their dogs in the same park. Though, over the course of time, buying each other coffee turns into something more. - @nationalharryleague
The Witching Hour | ♡ Despite Harry being the witch in this situation, maybe his crush on gemma's new friend was going to be the most bewitching thing he ever encountered. - @moonchildstyles
Nest | Harry is y/n's best friend. He also happens to be an alpha. Spending a week at his place has her brain doing weird things. - @moonchildstyles
Pebbles and The Scarecrow | ♡ In which Harry doesn’t like Halloween until a certain pair of trick or treaters knock on his door. - @havethetimeofyourstyles
Banana Pancakes | Nanny!Harry falls in love with his little girl, and the mother of his little girl. - @ill-be-your-honey-bri
Golden | In which Y/n's life is dark but the Harry, The Fae King, sees she's golden. - @angelisverba
Better man - Harry and Y/n are famous and dating. Now, Harry is attending a party just 'cause he knows that Y/n would surely be there, and Y/n seems to be escaping her date so hard that she meets Harry outside the bathrooms. - @bopbopstyles
Masterlist for more recs! My Writing account - @0oolookitsme
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harrysfolklore · 1 year
him and y/n dressed up warm for a walk after christmas dinner hosted at his house and theyre walking slightly behind anne and gemma in their big north face jackets with their arms around eachother and talking about how good the day went
ahhh idk if this is good but i really wanted to write something about that pic bc i love him so much
SUBSCRIBE TO MY PATREON i might post an insta blurb about this later on <3
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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Christmas dinner was completely successful.
You were nervous about it to say the least, it was the first time you and Harry hosted the traditional Christmas dinner that always took place at Anne’s house at your own place in London.
It was also your first Christmas as a married couple, and that was the main reason why Harry was eager to be the host of the evening, he wanted his family to spend the holidays at their newly bought house that would be their home as a family for the rest of their lives.
The night consisted in a lot cooking with your mother and sister in law, teaming up with them to take the piss at Harry, Anne’s now traditional stories of her kids when they were little and a lot of love and gratitud to be sharing the table with you loved.
The morning after, with full bellies after having delicious breakfast cooked by Anne, you decided to take a walk around yours and Harry’s new neighborhood, it was a really secure area in the outskirts of London surrounded by a lot of nature and away from paparazzi or any prying eyes of that kid, so Harry felt completely safe with taking his family out of a walk there.
“Last night was lovely, wasn’t it?” Harry said with an arm wrapped around your shoulders, you were both clad in at least three layers of clothing including your puffy North Face jackets to fight the cold air outside.
“Yeah, it was, definitely one of my favorite Christmas yet” you were walking sightly behind Anne, Gemma and Michal, they were too immersed in their conversation about how the neighborhood was so lonely to notice your absence.
“I knew you were nervous about playing host but,” he scratched his nose for a moment before continuing, a habit he had when he was cold that you found absolutely adorable, “You were great, lovie, proper housewife material if you ask me.”
You chuckled at his teasing before replying, “I mean, I am a wife now, right? I need to stick to my role.”
“Yeah you’re all wifed up now, a rock on your finger, the deed to a house in your name, my last name next to your name, there’s no escaping now.” He kissed your head for a moment to hide the excitement that always made an appearance when he talked about your marriage.
“What you’re saying is that it’s too late to let you know that this is just a summer fling for me?” It was your turn to tease him, making him roll his eyes with a smile on his lips.
“Definitely, you’re tied down,” he grabbed your chin to place a quick peck to your lips, “All jokes aside, I loved our first Christmas as husband and wife, and I can’t wait for our first Christmas as parents next year.” he casually said, as if he wasn’t bringing up the long awaited babies topic
“Parents? Next Year? You really wa-“ and your rant was interrupted by Anne calling out for the both of you to gather up of his traditional Christmas selfie that was going to be posted on her socials.
Harry only sent you a wink before grabbing your hand and kissing your wedding ring and leading you where his family was standing.
Both of you excited to continue with your conversation when you were alone.
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @eviesaurusrex @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @harrybabyyyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things @juiceboxrry @lomlolivia @itsgigikay
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bignosebaby · 5 months
You know her
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This little ape is pretty iconic on tumblr, having a niche popularity as a meme from the "and me" post that is around ten years old! That's a long time for this mysterious (and cute) face to circulate.
I get a decent amount of people both in real life and online asking me about her, which makes sense because as a big advocate for primate welfare I can tell you the golden rule is primates are not pets and should not be kept in domestic human contexts. People attuned to the inherent cruelty of keeping primates as pets and raising apes like human children are wary of images like this, because that is exactly what it looks like.
Good news! This baby (as with all babies with Silver Tree Nursery watermarks) is completely fine. Because she's a doll.
Many people know about reborn dolls-- The hyper-realistic baby dolls that look and feel like the real thing-- but not everyone knows that there are also ape reborn dolls. Silver Tree Nursery is a (now defunct) Facebook page for an artist named Gemma who painted and customized reborn dolls and specialized in apes. The artist behind this doll has done several orangutans as well as some gorillas and chimps. While the iconic "and me" model above is a little too cutesy to be perfectly realistic, some of her work is so realistic that it would fool me (if not for the handy watermark). Here are some more shots of this doll:
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And some of the other apes she has done:
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I'm not the first person to post this-- while searching for more pictures I found this tumblr post which seems to have been the big reveal for most people that these are dolls. However, I thought I would tackle 2 follow up questions:
Are these dolls ethical?
Well, yeah. Some might ask if these dolls encourage the idea that this is an acceptable way to treat primates, but personally I think that the very small community of primate doll enthusiasts is a non-issue especially when you consider the impact of social media accounts that promote actual primates being kept as pets and treated like babies. Frankly if you want to snuggle a baby ape this would be the only way to do it (short of working as a surrogate caretaker for orphaned wildlife) without seriously contravening the endangered species act. Still, being vigilant against primate exploitation content is important, so:
How can you tell the difference between super realistic dolls and real primates?
In this case it was as easy as following the watermark. Googling Silver Tree Nursery brings up the Facebook page of the artist who makes the dolls. In general, sourcing is everything. If you know where an image comes from you can determine what the larger context is and whether what is happening is good. Here's an example:
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Is this a reborn doll or a real baby? The framing makes it look very similar to the Silver Tree dolls with the stuffed animal and baby blanket, but if you were to reverse Google image search the picture you would find out that this is Yakini, a gorilla from the Werribee Zoo when he was a baby in 1999. Reverse searching is your friend, and it only takes a minute.
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justmystyles · 10 months
Lost and Found
read my other work here!
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 2.4k
summary: in the follow up to lose you to love me, you and Harry reconnected a month ago, and he insisted you come along for the final show. when your emotions start to get the better of you, you wonder if you and Harry could ever really just be friends.
warnings: a couple of curse words, but other than that, it's tame.
a/n: i had a couple of people ask for a follow up to lose you to love me, so here it is. i have a couple of ideas to possibly continue this story, so if you'd like to see more of these two, let me know!
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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“... I couldn’t have done it without you, thank you. For loving me in the way that you have, thank you so much. Thank you.” 
Your watering eyes were locked on Harry’s as he professed his gratitude for his friends and family. It was the final night of Love on Tour, and despite the fact that you had only reconnected just over a month ago, he insisted that you be there. He wanted you to be a part of this moment. 
“Pleeeeeaaaasssseee,” Harry begged from the other end of the phone. 
You chuckled at his desperation. “I don’t want to be in the way, you’re going to have so much going on, so many people there.” 
“Yeah, but you’re the only one I want there.” You sat in a knowing silence. “Okay, maybe not the only one. But definitely top five… maybe three.” 
You chuckle into the phone. “Alright, fine. I’ll come.” You groan.
“That’s the enthusiasm I like to hear!” He joked. “But seriously, it’ll mean a lot to have you there. And I had another thought, if you want to…” 
“Oh god,” you braced yourself.
“No, it’s not bad, I don’t think it is at least. After the show, I’m staying in Italy for a bit. The family’s going to be there for a few days, a bunch of my friends. Do you think maybe you’d like to come along?” He asked hopefully. 
You thought to yourself for a moment, he hadn’t been back in your life for long, but he had been determined to show you the new Harry. The Harry that valued you, and wanted to make you a priority. You wanted to show that same effort for him. “Sure, I haven’t been on a good holiday in ages.” 
“Oh, this isn’t just going to be a good holiday Y/N. It’s going to be an amazing one!” 
You were pulled back into the moment when an arm wrapped around your shoulder. You looked to your left to see Gemma, who was also tearing up, pulling you close. You chuckled, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her into a hug, your emotions starting to get the better of you as a few tears began to fall. 
Sure, the tears were about the show, about Harry living his dream on a level neither of you could have predicted. The energy at that show was like nothing you’d ever experienced; over one hundred thousand people were there screaming, crying and singing along to Harry’s words. People who had been a part of his journey from day one all around, crying, laughing, dancing, celebrating. But more than that, the tears were also about lost time. All those years you spent apart, all the milestones he’d hit without you. You didn’t feel like you deserved to be there. 
The people surrounding you in the VIP area had been with him this whole time, celebrating his wins, comforting him in his losses, but you weren’t. You were so happy to be back in Harry’s life, and as great as it was to fall back into old jokes and stories, there was a sadness that came with it. You would think about all the jokes you would have had, the things you would have experienced together, and even though you know you’d made the right decision all those years ago, you couldn’t help but feel like it was your fault. 
“H?” You say softly, nervous to ask the question, but your curiosity was getting the best of you. 
“Hmm?” He hummed softly on the other end of the phone. 
Ever since you and Harry reconnected, you were talking regularly. He would text you throughout the day, and make it a point to call you after he got offstage. Those phone calls would run up to, and sometimes well over an hour, Harry telling you all about his performance, and the fans, and then asking you about your day. 
Having him back in your life so much, so quickly was starting to play mind games with you. You loved it, you were so glad to be talking to him again, but you couldn’t help the what ifs that crossed your mind. And late into one of your post-show phone calls, your intrusive thoughts won, and you decided to ask the one question that seemed to be popping up in your mind the most. 
“Do you ever… I mean have you ever thought about what life would be like, what we would be up to if we had stayed together?” You were glad he couldn’t see you, you winced at your own question, your face turning bright red. When he didn’t immediately answer, you panicked. “Nevermind, forget I asked that. I shouldn–” 
“No no,” Harry interrupted you. “It’s okay. I do think about it, actually,” 
“You do?” 
“Yeah,” he chuckled at your disbelief. “We would definitely be married, we would have been a while ago. Probably a couple of little ones running around.” He sighed at the thought. “A little girl that looks just like you.” 
“And a little boy that looks just like you,” you finished his thought. It was the future the two of you had always dreamed about. “The three of us following you around the world in our family tour bus.” You say wistfully. 
“I think about that a lot,” he says. “Whenever I see a family out and about, or if there’s a parent in the crowd, holding up their little one with those big earphones on, I think about how that could have been you with little Harry junior, or Harriet.” 
“Oh god,” you groan at the names that he has chosen for your hypothetical children. “Maybe it’s for the best if that’s what you would have named them.” 
Harry laughs at your reaction, but quickly goes serious again. “I still want that someday.” 
“You’ll get it,” you assure him. “You’re only twenty nine, you have time.”
I want it with you. He thinks to himself. “Thanks.” Was what he actually said.
He meant what he said when he told you he just wanted you two to get to know each other now, but he definitely meant it with the hopes that you could find yourselves back in that place. He wasn’t going to be the one to make the first move though. The last thing he wanted to do was to scare you away, if the only way to have you in his life was as your friend, then he would take it. He couldn’t go through losing you again. 
You watch the stage curiously. The last song had been played and everyone had run off stage, but the crew was now setting up a piano. “What’s going on?” You ask Gemma. 
“You know my brother,” she shrugged. “Probably something dramatic.” 
You laugh and nod in agreement, but before you can respond, Harry reimerges. He goes on to sit at the piano and play a ten minute instrumental. The crowd was so silent that you could hear a pin drop, you’d never seen anything like it in your life. Your tears were flowing freely as you watched the sight before you. There were so many emotions running through your body that you could barely breathe, but you wouldn’t trade being there for anything else in the world. 
Once Harry had finally left the stage, you walk with the group to the backstage area. The room you were waiting in was abuzz, everyone raving about what they had just seen, the room filling with love and pride for Harry. 
When he finally entered, the cheers and shouts that erupted were overwhelming, causing you to jump slightly. As everyone was rushing to greet and congratulate him, you slipped to the back of the room. Everyone there had earned their place by his side, you didn’t want to take time away from the people who had truly supported him on this journey. 
As you grabbed a bottle of water, you could hear Harry’s voice. “Where’s Y/N?” 
You snapped your head around to see him searching the room. A wide grin spread across his face when he locked eyes with you, and he immediately rushed to your side. 
“Harry…” you say, unable to put into words everything that you were feeling.
“Thanks, angel.” He said, pulling you into a warm embrace. Even after all this time he was still able to read you, know exactly what was going through your head without you having to say a word. 
He held you close for a few moments, you relished in the feeling of being in his arms, pressed against his bare chest. Your emotions began to get the better of you once again, and more tears began to fall. 
“Hey,” Harry said gently, pulling back to look you in the eyes. “What’s with the tears? This is a happy moment.”
You nod, trying to collect yourself. “I know, I’m just…” your breath hitched as you tried to compose yourself. Harry ran his hands up and down your arms to soothe you. “I’m just so damn proud of you, H.” There was more you wanted to say, so much more, but this wasn’t the time. 
Harry looked down at you, a warm smile plastered across his face. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get a word out…
“Harold!” You both look over to the other side of the room where James Corden is signaling for him to come over. 
“You’d better head over there.” As much as you wanted more time with him, you were thankful for the interruption. Afraid of what you might end up saying. 
He nodded, a hint of disappointment on his face. “You’re coming to the after party, right?” You nod in affirmation. “Great, I’ll see you there.” He squeezes your arm gently before running off. 
The after party was a hive of excitement, everyone still on a high from the show. You did your best to be social with those around you, but it was overwhelming. You had seen Harry around, but kept your distance, not wanting him to feel as though he had to entertain you. This was his night, he’d find you if he wanted to. 
Feeling overstimulated by the loud music and the crowds, you stepped outside for some fresh air. As you stood in front of the restaurant that had been rented out for the occasion, you contemplated just leaving and going back to the hotel. Harry wouldn’t even notice that you were gone. 
“There you are!” Harry’s voice startled you out of your thoughts. You turned to him, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. “Hey, you weren’t planning on sneaking out without spending time with the guest of honor, were you?” 
Damnit. He still knew you better than anyone. “I would never,” you brush off his accusation with a coy smile. “Not like you would have noticed, you’ve got a whole bar full of people in there just for you.”
“Yet you’re the person I’ve been looking for all night.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you to his side. “Y/N, I am so happy you’re here.” 
“Me too, H. Thank you for including me, you didn’t have to.” 
“Of course I did,” he looked at you curiously. “All that stuff I said up there tonight, thanking my friends and family, you were included in that Y/N. I owe a big part of this to you.” 
You scoffed, stepping out of his grasp. “I haven’t been here though, I left. All those people in there, they’re the ones that got you here.” 
“Are you kidding me?” He asked completely seriously. “FIrst of all, you were completely justified to leave. I don’t hold that against you at all. Second of all,” he turned, putting his hands on your shoulders and turning you so that you were facing him. “You supported me before any of this. I wouldn’t have gotten here if you hadn’t believed me when we were kids.
“I’ve told you already, every achievement I’ve had in my career, you were the first person I wanted to share it with. I will never be able to truly express how much you and your support have meant to me. Always. Whether we were in each other’s lives or not. And to have you back? To have heard your beautiful voice every day for the last thirty five days? It’s the greatest feeling in the world, better than all of this.” 
Your eyes are filled to the brim with tears, your heart racing. Before you can stop yourself, you surge forward, crashing your lips against his. You feel him tense at first, but he quickly melts into you, one hand on your hip, the other running through your hair. You pour everything into the kiss, everything you’ve been feeling, not just over the last month, but in the eleven years without him. 
When you finally pull apart for air you search his eyes, trying to read how he’s feeling. His chest is heaving, he’s watching you with an overwhelming expression of adoration. 
“I love you Harry,” you watch his eyes widen at your confession. “I always have, I never stopped. No matter how much I may have wanted to, how hard I tried to forget you, it was always you.”
A tear rolls down Harry’s cheek, and you panic slightly. He sees the worry in your face and immediately cups it in his hands. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hoped and prayed that I would hear you say those words to me.” He brushes his thumbs across your cheeks, wiping away the tears that have fallen. “Say it again.”
“I love you,” you croak out, your emotions making it hard to speak. He pulls you in, kissing you again. 
“I love you too,” he whispers against your lips. “Always have, always will.” 
“So…” you hum. “Are we still doing the just friends thing?” 
He lets out a tearful chuckle. “We’ve never been just friends. You’ve always had my heart.” 
“Me too.” 
He places one more lingering kiss on your lips before taking your hand in his, interlacing your fingers. “C’mon, let’s go back to the hotel.” He begins leading you away from the restaurant. 
“But Harry, it’s your party. You can’t just leave!” You tug on his arm, trying to get him to stop.
“Don’t care,” He stops, pulling you into his chest. “There’s only one thing I want to celebrate right now, and only one person I want to celebrate it with.” He pulls you in for another kiss, this one slower than the previous ones. He knew that he had all the time in the world, you were his again, and you always would be. 
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lovecanyon · 2 years
harry styles x reader
harrystyles wants to send you a message!
harrystyles: I was wondering if we can meet soon? I have a show Friday night and I can get you and Phoebe in, if you would like?
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liked by y/nfan3, harryfan6 and 462,410 others
joekeerydaily Joe with Y/N and her daughter Phoebe in New York today!
view all comments
y/nfan8 WHAT
harryfan10 harry and now joe…y/n is living the life
y/nfan5 i honestly love them together
harryfan7 they just make sense.
y/nfan4 you know harry is having a breakdown
harryfan9 phoebe was also at the stranger things premiere 😭
harryfan13 they are praying on harry’s downfall
y/nfan15 y/n and joe are so cute together…i don’t care what anyone says.
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liked by harryfan12, y/nfan14 and 620,112 others
ynupdates Y/N at Joe Keery’s show tonight!
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harryfan17 my mother
y/nfan16 this is giving me deja vu
harryfan20 SHE IS SO PRETTY
y/nfan18 her and joe are really dating then 😭
harryfan21 i wonder how harry is feeling right now…
y/nfan19 he literally broke up with her, who cares how he’s feeling
harryfan23 the way joe and harry sort of look the same
y/nfan25 she’s such a supportive gf 🫶
harryfan27 i would write songs about her too
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liked by yourinstagram, sadie_sink and 3,201,667 others
maya_hawke phoebe on set with a fan
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y/nfan30 joe is in his dad era 😭
yourinstagram fan turned babysitter
maya_hawke babysitter turned best friend
y/nfan26 phoebe and joe…i’m literally crying
harryfan29 i really just want phoebe and harry content
y/nfan31 right 🥲
taylorswift i support this so much
harryfan34 well…
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liked by nattyiceofficial, taylorswift and 5,730,144 others
yourinstagram life currently!
view all comments
y/nfan36 i love how y/n’s posting again
harryfan39 omg steve harrington ❤️
gemmastyles miss you!
yourinstagram gemma, i miss you as well!!!
harryfan43 gemma 😭😭
niallhoran phoebe my best mate
y/nfan45 y/n and joe supremacy 🙏
gigihadid loving everything about this
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liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 2,610,374 others
gemmastyles look who i ran into.
view all comments
harryfan40 IS THAT PHOEBE????
y/nfan44 phoebe and gemma 😭
yourinstagram she had so much fun!
gemmastyles phoebe is so much fun, i can’t wait to see her again!!!
harryfan45 does this mean harry and y/n…
y/nfan48 she’s clearly with joe
pillowpersonpp how cute 💞
harryfan46 twitter is literally going insane
annetwist the styles girls!
y/nfan49 DID ANNE JUST 😶
One new message from harrystyles!
tag list : @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @hrryscherrys @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @newyorker14 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @gublerscherry @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @bisouma @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @harryistheonlyoneforme @stellarossii
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leighllbealright · 2 months
It was the joy of my life to get to know Harry and Gemma and Louis and Goldie and Sienna and Niall and Lottie and all the amazing teachers at Canyon Moon Preschool and I can't wait for you to meet them, too.
All in the Golden Afternoon
For the
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35 notes · View notes
katcoquette · 2 years
Heads Up
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x f!Reader
masterlist | taglist
summary: you and your friends have an encounter with the navy boys while enjoying a day at the beach.
★ word count: 979
★ author's note: a little late to the game but god I can't get him off my mind. part two
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You sigh contently, before lifting your head off the makeshift towel pillow just enough to take a sip of the drink sitting next to you. You and your friends were enjoying a relaxing day at the beach: good company, a brand-new book, a beautiful view, cold drinks- it didn’t get much better than that.
The sun was less intense than it had been a few hours earlier, your beach umbrella now folded up and sitting next to the rest of your stuff. You stretched your legs out, absentmindedly toeing the sand as you pushed your sunglasses back up your nose and picked up your book.
“What page are you on?” One of your friends, Z, asks. You pause and check the corner of the page. “98.” She takes a deep breath in and pulls a face, eyebrows raised. “Tell me when you get to 104.” You laugh and agree, now excited to see what had given her that reaction.
Your group goes back to a comfortable silence, engrossed in various activities, an occasional comment breaking through.
“This has been such a good day.” Your friend, Gemma, says and you notice her sit up. “But that… that brings it to another level.”
“Holy hell…” You hear Z mutter under her breath, pulling down her sunglasses.
“What?” You turn to see what they’re looking at.
You’d heard that there was a navy base near here, but you’d never thought you’d actually run into them while you were here, let alone a massive group of them.  
“Dibs on the one with a moustache.” You hear Max chime in from behind you. She puts her fingers to her lips, but you slap her hand down, stopping the whistle from forming. “Be subtle!” You scold.
 Z twists around, raising an eyebrow at Max, “Half of them have mustaches, hun.”
You all watch as shirts are shed, and a football is pulled out of someone’s bag.
Max grins, shares a look with Z, and attempts another whistle toward the group, succeeding this time.
Simultaneously, half of the guys turn to face the four of you, some of them obviously loving the attention more than others. One of them flexes with a smirk, causing Max to cheer.
You hide your face in your book but can’t help laughing along with them when you peek over the top of it a few seconds later.
The one that catches your eye stands to the side, amused by the situation but also removed from it. He’s flipping the ball in his hands, watching the two groups interact from across the beach.
When he glances at you your stomach flips.
He breaks eye contact first. It takes you a few seconds to catch your breath and zone back into the conversation.
Then it becomes one of those moments where anything that anyone does sets off another round of breathless laughter.
When you finally calm down, you go back to the comfortable silence, taking turns sneaking glances while they start playing football. At some point, your quiet day is interrupted again, and not by the rowdiness of their game.
This time, it was by one of the men yelling, “Heads up!” and Gemma calling your name in a panic.
You roll onto your stomach in an attempt to avoid the ball hurdling toward you, and instinctively reach to cover your neck. You yelp as you hear the ball hit the ground by your head, barely missing you.
You sit up, eyes shifting between the ball, your friends, and then the culprit. You let out a breathy laugh. “Nice one!” Gemma yells sarcastically.
And then he’s jogging toward you.
He’s practically glowing in the golden light of the sunset, brown aviators balancing on his nose, his skin glistening with salt water or sweat, you’re not sure.
You see an opportunity and take it, grabbing the ball and jumping up to meet him halfway.
The closer you get to him, the more sheepish his expression becomes. You cross one arm over your chest, resting your hand on your other arm that held the ball out to him.
“I believe this is yours.” You purse your lips, only letting a small smile slip.
He scratches the back of his neck, then takes it out of your hands. You can’t help but notice the subtle, but unintentional, flex of his biceps.
“Yeah… I’m sorry about that.” He’s grinning now. “I was gettin’ a little carried away over there.”
You cross your other arm over the first. “I can see that, sailor.” He scrunches his nose playfully. “Not a sailor.” When you raise an eyebrow, he continues. “Pilots. We’re pilots.”
He holds his hand out to you, “Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw.” You shake it, smiling at the gesture, "Y/N." You return, bringing your hand up to shade your eyes as you continue.
“Bradley Bradshaw? Did your parents do that on purpose?” He shrugs, then gives you a smile. “You can call me Rooster.”
You give him a casual salute. “Will do Rooster.”
He clears his throat, “Look I’m sorry again about the almost hitting you thing.” He’s back to tossing the ball in his hands, just like earlier. “Can I make it up to ya? Maybe you and your friends can join us for a drink?”
You can tell that he’s squinting behind his sunglasses. Was he nervous? You look back at your friends, who panic under your gaze and attempt to look like they were doing anything but eavesdropping.
“I think we’d like that, Lieutenant.” It was fun to tease him.
“Great! Though, full disclosure, I’m planning on stealing you away once the rest of the guys are there to distract your friends.” He says, grinning. There was the suaveness you had been expecting.
You laugh at that. “We’ll see.” With one last smile, you turn on your heel, heading back to tell your friends the day wasn’t ending yet.
part two
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anotherwvba · 7 months
More doodles from Lukas!
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Another batch from @lukasdoodle are in and I absolutely love them! I can't speak highly enough about working with Lukas on commissions. His communication and collaboration is top notch and he really cares about getting you vision down. Here are Lukas' takes on Star Mika (@cyrah-is-cool101's OC), Gemma Golden, and Reina Adora from my ongoing fic. If you want to commission Lukas (and you really should), check the link below:
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The Red Pencil
A not-quite-microfic written for @thethreebroomsticksficfest A Very Harry Birthday mini event! Happy birthday Harry!
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Harry steps into his Year 5 classroom, tucking his too-large, dingy white shirt into his equally oversized grey trousers. His glasses slide down the bridge of his nose and he pushes them back, looking up at the colorful calendar next to the blackboard. 
“Move!” Harry is knocked to the floor by Piers Polkiss, Dudley’s rat-faced friend. Harry deflates; he expected a Dudley-free classroom, as Aunt Petunia demanded her Ickle Diddykins be placed with Mrs Croft, the sought-after Cedar class teacher. Harry is in the Holly class with Miss Turner, a new teacher, who doesn’t notice one of her pupils is rubbing his scraped elbow. 
Harry stands, only to be pushed against the wall by another one of Dudley’s friends, Gordon, who laughs and finds a seat next to Piers. 
“Is everything all right?” asks a wispy voice. Miss Turner fiddles with her big, beaded necklace and blinks down at Harry. He peers around her, where Piers and Gordon are eyeing him threateningly. 
He won’t say a word.
“Yes, Miss Turner,” Harry replies dully. “I slipped when I was looking at the . . .”
Harry nods and turns to face the grid, noticing his name printed in one of the squares.
“Why is my name here?” he asks, pointing to the square. His Year 4 teacher always put his name on the blackboard if he misbehaved; Aunt Petunia would lock him in the cupboard all night.
Miss Turner frowns. “Your birthday isn’t on the 31st?”
Harry glances at the calendar once more. He finds Piers’s name in the square reserved for 28 July. An American film about dinosaurs was released that day; Dudley and Piers went to the cinema for it. They returned to taunt Harry, saying that an animated orphan was far better than a real one.
Swallowing the memory, he counts the squares. If Miss Turner’s calendar is correct, his ninth birthday was only three days later. 
“I didn’t know I had a birthday.” 
“Everyone has a birthday,” Miss Turner says, confused. “Did you forget?”
Other boys and girls are watching them, falling silent. Harry feels his cheeks grow hot. He knew he had to have a birthday, but Aunt Petunia told him she didn’t know when it was, which is why he couldn’t have a birthday party or presents. 
“I forgot,” he lies, as Piers and Gordon snicker at each other. Miss Turner shrugs and nudges him toward an open seat near the front. 
The school bell rings only a few moments later, sparing Harry from further embarrassment. He keeps his gaze on the date shown in the grid, memorizing it so he won’t forget. 31 July 1980 is my birthday, he thinks repeatedly, wondering what that day was like for his parents. He knows they died when he was already over a year old.
Had his birthday been celebrated once, when they were alive? 
“Harry Potter!”
Harry blinks up at Miss Turner. She holds out a red pencil, topped with a star-shaped eraser, wrapped with a golden ribbon. It has a card attached to it, with “Happy Birthday!” printed in big, bold letters.
“Here you are,” Miss Turner says, handing him the pencil. “We’re celebrating everyone who had birthdays in July and August.” She moves onto the next student, Gemma Rollins, whose birthday was two weeks before the start of term. Harry holds the pencil gingerly, the only birthday gift he’s received (that he knows of). He chooses not to write with it. It’s special, just for him, something Dudley can’t take away. 
But Piers can take it away, and by lunch, it’s no longer in Harry’s possession. By the end of the day, Gordon snaps it in half and tears the star-shaped eraser in two. The card is in shreds, carried off by the wind. 
Harry knows better than to complain. Now that he knows his birthday, he can tell Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. He won’t get much for his birthday, if Christmas is anything to go by, but something is better than nothing.
It’s much later that day, after Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon have heard about Dudley’s marvelous first day of school, that Harry brings up his discovery. He’s done washing the dishes and finds Aunt Petunia in the garden, trimming the hydrangeas. 
“Aunt Petunia?”
“Have you broken something?” she says, snipping a stem with a scowl. 
“I found out when my birthday is.” He pushes his glasses up his nose, wishing they fit his face better. “The 31st of July. My teacher, Miss Turner, has a calendar with our birthdays on it.”
Aunt Petunia flinches. “It must be correct.”
“If I know my birthday now, can I get pre—”
“Only good, well-behaved boys get presents,” she snaps, twisting the head of a hydrangea clean off its stem. “Father Christmas doesn’t bring presents to naughty children. Why would naughty boys and girls get presents for their birthdays?” 
Harry almost tells her he did get a birthday gift, a pencil, but Piers took it away. “Yes, Aunt Petunia,” he says miserably.
“Go to your cupboard. You’re going to get filthy if you stay out here.” 
He shuffles away, avoiding Dudley’s chocolatey smirk and Uncle Vernon’s glare, and throws himself on the thin mattress in the cupboard. He feels something jabbing his side and hopes it’s not a mouse. Turning over, Harry sees the golden ribbon. The red pencil is on his bed, whole and untouched, with its star-shaped eraser and attached card.
With a grin, Harry stores the gift in an empty shoebox at the foot of his bed. He falls asleep, dreaming of flying, a gentle, tinkling laugh, and warm, hazel eyes crinkled with joy. 
*The Land Before Time (1988) really was released on 28 July 1989 in the UK.
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artbygem · 4 months
Say hello to Gemma! 🖤
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Captain John Price has recruited a new member to Task Force 141. 
Name: Gemma Miles. 
Callsign: Widow
Age: 25
D.O.B. 16/04/1998. 
Height: 5"3. 
Nationality: British, English. 
Born in Crawley, England. 
Likes; drawing, reading, gaming, loves the rain, own company, music.
Dislikes; rude or annoying people - can't stand them, being told what to do, being disturbed for no reason.
Favourite Colour? Black
Spoken languages? English (Native language), Spanish and Russian
Star sign? Aries ♈️
Personality; Gemma is VERY stubborn, she has a very hot head due to the temper she's got, though she likes to be independent. "I don't need a man" Mentality. Does what she wants, which ties with her not taking anyone's crap. She will fight you, 5'3 or not.
Traits; Loyal (when trusts you), heart of gold (once she has warmed up to you), trust issues, distant, guarded, heartless.
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"What are you calling this task force?" 1-4-1 ☠️
Gemma's mood board. Made by the gorgeous @cloudofbutterflies92 🖤
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**TW; SA, ABUSE AND DRINK ABUSE IS MENTIONED!** Her mother died during childbirth which then left Gemma and her siblings with their father. The death of her mother hit him badly then he turned to drinking as a way to cope with the drink but he then got aggressive and abusive. Unfortunately, this was only ever aimed at Gemma, her siblings were seen as the 'golden children'. The abuse started when Gemma was 3 years old and didn't end until she was 13. during this time she was abused and tortured by the hands of her father before him and the friends of her father each took turns to SA her.
At the age of 13, she had to do something that no child should have gone through at that age or should have needed to do. Her was about to SA again before she eventually killed him in order to get away and feel like she was free from all the pain and torture. After doing so, she then ran away from the family home, leaving her siblings behind and basically was on the run and living on the streets for most of her life since then. Her siblings were much younger than her so they never knew Gemma.
Gemma now lives with the nightmares and the haunting images and visions of what happened that night. She suffers with Depression and now trusts no one. She did seek medical help during this time but they wanted to admit her to a mental hospital and Gemma didn't want that and left without ever seeking it again.
There were many times she was sent to Foster homes but she ran away from them every time and didn't like them one bit. By the age of 24, she joined the SAS before she was then approached by Captain John Price and offered to join TF141.
Her relationship with Soap was purely FWB because she used to have one-night stands as a way of coping with her nightmares. Soap did catch feelings for her but Gemma dismissed it because they agreed no strings attached and purely FWB only. She tells him that she can't be loved or love anyone and has no heart. If he were to fall for her then he would get his heart broken. They argue over this which then leads to her having a one-night stand with Ghost. This then leads to her and Ghost questioning what their relationship actually is..
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
please use taylor giavasis for dad!harry 🤍
ab extra cute father’s day blurb for you <3 i really hope you like it
ask me anything | masterlist | don’t forget to reblog!
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 204,489 others
yourinstagram Mr. Giggles & I
view all 7,038 comments
harryfan1 he’s gorgeous omg
annetwist My little boy, he’s getting so big 😢❤️
harryfan2 BEAUTIFUL
harrystyles Lucky x
↳ harryfan1 HARRY STOP
↳ harryfan3 adorable im going to cry
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liked by harrystyles, jefezoff and 583,264 others
yourinstagram Happy Father’s Day to the love of my life and baby daddy ! We love you so much, H. You do one hell of a job at making us happy and you’re our favorite person in the world. Thank you for being the amazing dad that you are and the best role model to our bub. This is your day 🤍
view all 9,934 comments
harryfan1 IM SOBBING
gemmastyles It’s still hard to believe that my little bro is a dad 🥲🥲❤️
↳ harryfan2 i felt this gemma
annetwist The best one out there, happy father’s day my love @harrystyles ❤️
harrystyles Without you I wouldn’t be a father, so thank you. I love you x
↳ harryfan2 AHHH HARRY
↳ harryfan1 everyone is making me cry today
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 2,987 others
harryupdates Harry via instagram stories 🥺
view all 964 comments
harryfan1 SO CUTE 😭
harryfan2 i love dad harry so much
harryfan3 they’re celebrating at the beach im crying
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 2,759 others
harryupdates Harry in Malibu today !
view all 950 comments
harryfan1 A DILF
harryfan2 he was playing with his son my heart
harryfan3 BABYYYY
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liked by yourinstagram, niallhoran and 7,906,257 others
harrystyles Being your dad has been, by far, the best thing life has allowed me to do. Happy Father’s Day to all dads around the world x
view all 105,367 comments
niallhoran Happy father’s day lad, you’re one of a kind ❤️
annetwist My boys ❤️
yourinstagram You’re the light of our lives 🤍
↳ harryfan2 they’re my favorite family in the world
↳ harryfan3 can they adopt me
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @maria-r @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @evanjh @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @lollypopsx @multiplums @89evrs @trulymadlykiki i @piscesrecord @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ivegotparticulartaste @springholland @harryhoney-bee @harrysgloves @ayeshathestyles @comfort-reads @stylesmygucci i @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @sleutherclaw @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden
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madeintheniamh · 1 year
slipping through my fingers - a one shot series (harry styles AU/dad!harry)
"i try to capture every minute the feeling in it slipping through my fingers all the time"
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welcome to my dadrry empire &lt;3
hey my loves! welcome to the masterlist for my dadrry/dad!harry one shot AU series, all about Harry Styles' experiences of being a father to his two little girls - matilda gemma (tilly) & charlotte anne (lottie).
I aim to post at least one one shot every week (work permitting) but sometimes i post extras! my requests are always open - if you have requested anything dadrry, it is probably in progress. and feel free to request anything else, I always love writing for you guys!
the ordered masterlist so far...
i think she said, 'i'm having your baby,'
needles, cuddles and orange juice
just how fast the night changes
wherever I go, you bring me home
results day blues
I want to write you a song
daddy/daughter spa day
you can let it go
broken ankle, karma rules
bathtime cuddles
record shop rescue
late night (boy) talking
teenage girls
i want you now
posh boys with rich girls
she's having his baby girl
little pink dress
darling, don’t you ever grow up
a hairstyle for a styles
vocal rest
daddy's in trouble, big trouble
baby you're the end of june (!)
golden girl
(i am going to organise the masterlist into categories eventually, just haven't got around to it yet)
“in this world,
it’s just us.”
355 notes · View notes
foxes-that-run · 9 months
2024 Haylor timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
1 January - 17 HSleaks - Guess I’m alright, One and only Voice note, Spanish Girl.
3 January - Harry in the Caribbean with TR. Taylor LA.
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6 January - By your side lately leak on anniversary. Rumour H LA.
7 January -Taylor at Golden Globes in LA.
11 January - Harry bought stake in SS Daley. Taylor in NY zebra top & sunglasses at night
12 January reports Travis and Taylor are fighting after Christmas Day, (helmet throw).
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15 January - HS too much sauce leaked.
17 January - Deux Moi H LA 6 - 16 January
19 January - a photo of TR with Jeff at LOT Wembley last June.
20 January - Joe, TR and Zayn at Loewe show at Paris FW, some guy gives TR a neck rub. Stalker arrested at Taylor’s NY apartment
22 January - a stalker was charged for harassing Harry :( after he came back to  London earlier. TS stalker on the same day
29 January - inappropriate viral deepfake images of Taylor. X bans ‘Taylor Swift’ search. TK kiss Back to Nashville after 10 hours.
30 January - Taylor search on now kiss viral. 
1 February - Harry’s 30th birthday.
4 February - Grammys, LA TTPD announced
5 February - Joe Alwyn whinging he dated TS. Joe liked tweet
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7 February - eras Tokyo, Holy Ground/Dear Reader. Says “I’ve been working on Tortured Poets since right after I turned in Midnights …I’ve been working on it for about two years, I worked on it throughout the US tour” Tyler share snippet of music
9 February - Travis Kelce hasn’t spoken to Taylor in a week since the Grammy’s, didn't know rest of line in Karma or what country she was in said he felt the power of his beard.
11 February - TK wins Super Bowl. Taylor fly's Tokyo-LV-Melbourne to be there and drunk dances. TK yelled at and pushed coach then partied after kids killed at parade for Chiefs. Harry wears packers beanie. Taylor makes ick face when TK screams 'Viva Las Vegas'
14 February - Harry and TR photographed leaving dinner at night. Blind item that TR is calling paps, they are then not seen together again for a month.
15 February - Daily Mail: “Put the beer down, Travis - it's not IF Taylor dumps you... but WHEN: After the coach bashing, drunken disorder and tone-deaf post-shooting selfies, image-obsessed Swift will now shake off brand Kelce”
16 February- Melbourne,  Red and YLM
17 February - rumors Joe cheated in October 2021. Taylor said “a song to match the moment” and played a medley of "Getaway Car", "August" and "TOSOTD" , then TIMT
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18 February - Taylor “Melbourne, you are the love of my life”. Surprise songs - CBBH (3rd ever play) and Daylight mashup then teardrops on my guitar on piano. Harry then went to a Man U football game (in pants without elastic!!) smiling!!!! With Sony CEO.
20 February - Taylor dinner in Sydney. Harry train London - Paris, bodyguard Paddy indicates work. FW next week
23 February - Travis comes to Australia, not for the 4 days Taylor had off but when she went back to work. Taylor fly's jet back to the US to bring Travis and friend to Australia. Taylor goes to the Zoo twice, once with the band and once with Travis. Travis rents a silver Lamborghini and drives it too fast and runs red lights in the Sydney CBD. Travis comes to one concert. Scott swift again lined up TK for a photo ops to kiss Taylor. Surprise songs HYGTG and White Horse/Coney Island mash up with Sabrina Carpenter.
24 February -  Gemma has a baby! 8 months after Harry sung Sweet Creature at Wembley. 💚 Travis flys back to the US to attend a Chiefs party, left noon the day after the show. His total flight time was 26+ hours to spend 51 hours in Australia. Counting return time for the jet the time in air was longer than he spent in Australia. IION/IWYW and Haunted/exile.
26 February - Columbia records shares a TikTok of empty as it was scene ‘where you want to go?’ Maroon
27 February - Scott swift punches a pap in Sydney. Harry at trader Joes in la.
2 March - Taylor plays IDWLF/Dress and Mine/Starlight. At the Brit awards Roman Kemp pranks Calvin Harris to drink a drink called Harry Styles Bath water, a Saltburn joke. This all happened almost on the anniversary of the Shake an Apple of a Tree Tweet
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3 March - TR play opens in NY, Harry doesn’t go. He was in LA.
6 March - DBATC/Babe surprise songs. TKs BFF unfollows Taylor
7 March - blind item rumor boybander and GF seeing other people.
8 March TK at the Singapore show, brings a friend and manager, TK texting during IKYWT. Sparks fly/ gold rush and false god/slut surprise song. Harry back in London, TRs play from 3-31 in ny and not seen attending. Pleasing ‘Single at last’. Jacks album released, Taylor didn’t mention.
9 March - TK at last eras for 2 nights looks bored, a bit dazed with glasses in dark, phone taken off him, no kiss at end.
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10 March - twitter users say x, x highly publicised that Taylor and Travis attended exclusive Gucci post Oscar’s party where photos are banned, Taylor not seen. 5 days later a photo of Travis holding an Oscar inside the Gold party…. No Taylor… TK liked photo with trump
12-14 March - TK no Taylor at gym, Justin Timberlake concert and lunch. Taylor hasn’t been seen since Singapore.
14 March - Eternals 2, a marvel movie starring Harry was cancelled because the studio is focusing on movies that are assured success.
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14 March - Harry backstage at Mitch’s show in NY!! TRs play was on 10 mins away, she came after, arriving at 9:30/10, they left before encore with TR look to be arguing, Harry was walking alone an hour later. First time seen in a month. New leaked angle of MSG Karaoke with Harry and Taylor - maroon added as a surprise song to eras film
15 March -Harry walking around NY with TR and separately with Maxwell Ritz. And at the white cube gallery.
16 March - page 6 reports Bob Iger who paid Taylor $70m for the eras movie, says saw TS & TK in no photo event.
17 March - Harry in Brooklyn at townhouse with TR with bag, last sighting for another month+. Taylor repeats Joe in Bahamas holiday with TK for beach. 300 photos from Backgrid drop at once and TMZ video.
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19 March - Harry returns to London. Seen carrying a white rose with James Cordon.
20 March - on his podcast TK talked about babies life&style. Blind item that Taylor doesn’t appreciate narrative contribution.
22 March - Harry in UK studio RAK. Taylors flight goes via KC>LA. TK Cleveland funeral
24 March - Taylor seen for the first time in a week at Nobu with Travis, Taylor stern words. TK sweatpants with holes. The 300 Bahama's photos all drop the next day.
26 March - TR VF article where she says “My work is the most interesting thing to me, so that’s what I’ll say about that.” And talks about finding safety for herself, in August she talked about safety within a relationship.
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28 March - Harry swan lake London, later hosts football party and runs from paps
1 April - TK and umbrellor arrive in LA, plane flew L.A.-Nashville-Philli (his brother)-La for Easter, Taylor not seen for a week, not at iHeartawards. TR Columbia
5 April - Taylor barnies diner no LK
6 April - Taylor releases Apple Music playlists of her own songs in stages of grief. Video emerges of Joe saying his costars Alison’s name in a love scene (in the Final Cut of CWF episode 3, (at 11:55 in) Character name is Frances (and Joe says F Frances at 12:10). He threw a party in Taylor’s house with the co star on 19 April 22, Taylor’s 22 Brit award is in photo. One tweet Harry in LA Aiport.
7 April - rumour Taylor’s jet went to Nashville. Photo of TR Columbia.
8 April - LT Larry denial got him lots of media.
9 April - Taylor seen in a car LA TK dinner
10 April - second sighting of Harry in LA
11 April - Harry pictured at Masters golf torment, Niall also there! Taylor “recently” with Selena, Sabrina. TK graduation, blind drinking too much.
12 April - DM: “Taylor Swift must be getting sick of this about TKTK & Taylor sushi park in the evening.
13 April - Taylor and TK at Coachella, watch bleachers and ice spice, TK very possessive manhandling, picking her up, shaking and smothering her. Taylor looks out of it, happy
15 April - Harry Japan w/GF Twitter sighting. Also sightings in Hampstead.
19 April - TTPD, Harry seen in Japan. Taylor posted short with TK included
20 April - Harry seen in Japan with TR, TR seen at airport on 24th last TR sighting w H
25 April - Taylor, Gigi, TK & Bradley Cooper (Gigi's partner) dinner in California. Blind MH didn't sign an NDA and there is mutually assured destruction.
27 April - TK and Taylor at mahomes charity event, Travis embarrassing, yells viva Las Vegas again and Taylor looks intoxicated /out of it while he pulls her along. TK party no TS in Vegas. Plane flew to LA then Nashville next day (Taylor wore the Cartier necklace to after party)
29 April - Harry seen in London
3 May - Taylor on way to London ahead of first Paris show 9 May. Travis seen at a Chainsmokers gig within 2 hours.
6 May - Harry on lime bike London not at met gala. TK parting alone again. Taylor not seen since charity thing
8 May - Taylor arrived in Paris, meaning she probably stayed in London for 5 days.
9 May - new eras setlist with TTPD in Paris. IION/OOTW, lomlHarry looks happy in London. Harry goes to the London ballet with the 1D and TPWK Choreographer
11 May - Taylor seen travelling to hotel in Paris
12 May - TK eras last Paris show only. Alchemy/treacherous and Begin again/paris, said BA was was memory of MV in Paris
14 May - Deux Moi reports Tarry ended
15 May- Harry at Kacey Musgrave concert alone
17 May - Taylor and TK in Lake Como, wears Cartier Necklace. First show in Stockholm, asks Paramore to play Misery Business. Plays I think he knows/Gorgeous and part of DBTAC. Plays Peter on piano and says it is one of her favourite songs on TTPD and would only play it for a crowd she is absolutely in love with.
18 May - Taylor’s 89th show, Stockholm, played GAS, Say don’t go/Welcome to NY/Clean, LK tweeted Still your Boy lyrics about falling in to be somebody’s, Harry in London
19 May Harry and TR broke up last month: Sun & Mirror
20 May - tarry break up picked widely, rumour Harry in Italy
21 May Harry seen in Italy. Taylor Mia 5 days between shows in Stockholm and Spain, unverified rumour Taylor in Ibiza (reported local media) and reddit jet people think TK flew from us for 1.5 days.
23 May - Harry went kitchenware shopping in Rome wearing a Blur ‘modern life is rubbish’ he also wore in 2014.
24 may - Harry Italy Taylor said 70 in Betty speech then played CBBH/the other side of the door/The way I Loved You and FOTS/High Infidelity. First time TWILY was played in 14 years.
25 May - Taylor flew to London after show, not seen
26 May Travis booed at NBA playoffs
28 may - Harry seen in Florence, rumoured there the day before and back to Rome.
29 May - Harry Rome
31 May - Taylor seen at Kit Kat Club in London. Photos of Travis with Margaret and the Mahomes with Jack leak. Taken in Taylor’s break. No photo sighting h lake Como
7 June Taylor in Edinburgh, Harry still in Italy
8 June - plans for Harry to renovate houses lodged, will take 2 years, reinstating and entire new floor
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talentforlying · 7 months
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thomas constantine (father, deceased)
mary anne constantine (mother, deceased)
cheryl masters née constantine (older sister, deceased)
john constantine (alive, for now)
the golden boy (twin, deceased)
gemma masters / constantine (niece, daughter of cheryl, alive)
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