#gender dysphoria cw
padded-daydreams · 2 years
Shout out to trans people who wear diapers to cope with gender dysphoria. Can't have bottom dysphoria with big, smooth padding down there. Shout out to trans people who wear diapers as a part of coping over a lost childhood. Age regression often helps coping with how you spent your childhood as the wrong gender. Regardless of how you were affected by your childhood, it can be nice to incorporate diapers as a part of creating a gender affirming version of your childhood.
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windydrawallday · 7 months
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One-shot comic from the past year about my experiences coping with gender dysphoria and assigned binary roles. Feat my birdsona Maggie and Acantho (early design, changed a bit since then).
… practically I'm baring my heart and brain here; also my views are not facts, I know talking about these themes in public can help others to realize and reflect on their own views. Something I find pleasant and one of my main objectives when sharing my comics!
From my side: I always felt uneasy about my gender because, since my teenage days, I saw how different girls were treated than boys. Because I was a "girl" I needed to look like this or that to be treated like one and UGH.
I felt sad and angry with myself for not falling properly into my assigned label so I practically rejected all of it to the point of hating everything "femme" coded… I was so wrong.
It wasn't the fault of the label, the clothes, aesthetics, colors, etc, or even the roles but of society for imposing them without any flexibility or room to question and reinvent them.
The script for this comic is from October 2022 during a time when I was questioning if I was non-binary and--. I thought: if someday I wish to use that label, first I need to make peace with this other part of me. And in the next months, that's what I tried to do and I found I didn't hate it as I used to do.
That doesn't mean I will go back to it by default just that now I understand and cherish its existence as another option for me to choose when I feel like it! And even… I want to let some traits of it be part of my new gender expression in the future.
And to keep admiring and loving people that surround me and identify with it.
And because I have gotta admit: IT FEELS SO GOOD TO JUST BE SEXY FOR YOURSELF.
Feel your skin: make it yours from the inside out!
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masquenoire · 1 year
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Apart from upper body surgery, Roman didn't require much else to maintain such a masculine figure. When he was dropped as a baby, the resulting fall damaged the pituitary gland in his brain, causing his growth (and aggression levels) to go haywire the day he hit puberty. Before then he remained a very small child, one easily pushed around by his parents but remembering every strike, every insult and slap he suffered at their hands until he was old enough to fight back. It came as a nasty shock to Mr. and Mrs. Sionis when the child they resented for years as being slow, ugly and unfeminine seemingly transformed overnight into an uncontrollable monster hellbent on tormenting them at every opportunity.
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spicywhumper · 4 months
Whump Bingo – Self-Harm
Masterlist // Series: A Broken Boy // Warnings: self-harm and gender dysphoria
Allan’s chest was a collection of silvery scars and fresh red lines, new cuts in multiple levels of healing were scattered across his stupid skim. It was an empty hope, digging the blade into something like too-soft skin as if it’s to get rid of the weight in his chest – the metaphorical and the literal weight on his chest. Nothing he did worked.
It didn’t, and he didn’t dare cutting deeper, scared he’d try to carve into his heart and cut off the rotten pieces. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to die or just wanted to fit better into this body.
He dreamed of grabbing a butcher’s knife and just cut it off. Bleed and hurt and an ache just so maybe his body looked more like what it was supposed to look like. Maybe then people would call him by his name and see him as someone he was, instead of looking at him like he was insane for not fitting with what they wanted from him.
But he didn’t.
Allan kept the cuts small, shallow, nauseated as he looked at the mirror and saw this creature that couldn’t be him. That would never be him.
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punskiii · 8 months
gender rant /cw?
I think it's been well over 10-12 years of my life that I've been struggling with coming to terms with my gender identity. It's been a constant thought I've had for literally EVERY DAY since at least the start of my teenage years.
Been trying in vain--so hard--to push these feelings down down down down.....
I tried telling my mom when I was 15, and her reaction made me panic; it wasn't explicitly negative, but it was enough for me to tell her "never mind, I think I was wrong after all haha....." just a handful of weeks later. I kind of get why, but the way she sighed in relief after that really stung... Hearing how she and most/all the rest of my family talks about people similar to me (especially non-binary people) has done anything but boost any confidence in myself and my will to come out to them.
Ever since then, I've only expressed my feelings about gender through my art and on this site, and a few select friends outside of this space. Only two people have I told directly any concrete feelings that I have about my body and how I actually want to be seen, and even that took a lot for me to do and be open about because of how much I've been doubting myself and trying to "dumb down" the way I present myself.
I think I've reached a breaking point.
I can't live like this any longer. I need things to change.
I don't want to think about all these things EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. anymore... There are so many other things that I want to do besides dealing with these feelings and thoughts, and I'm so indescribably tired of it.
I want to get help to become comfortable in my own skin. I want the clothes I wear to be a way to express myself; not to hide under. I want to enjoy the way my body feels under my hands or someone else's without the urge to flinch away when they get too close to parts that remind me that my body is not the way it should be. I want to no longer feel like I'm wearing someone else's skin, or speaking with a voice that sounds nothing like me. I want to no longer have to feel restraint for every single decision I make.
I want the world to see me the way I see myself.
I want to be free.
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brynnmclean · 1 year
Having a week where the body hating is so real, compounded by recent (it's not recent, I just keep having to notice it recently) weight gain which means that I'm not fitting into shorts and shirts that fit me last summer and I am Afraid to try on all the dresses in my closet even though maybe they would be more comfortable in the sweaty, humid summer heat-- but I am more and more conscious of playing A Woman for the first time in awhile which (why! Am I surprised by this!) has me in my "have to be masc leaning in my personal life" feelings which is such a weird knot to unravel. I don't even know how to explain it. I miss my side-shave. I miss cooler weather and sweaters. I'm so extremely reluctant to go clothes shopping. Why is the idea of putting on a dress so weird. I feel like I'm going to have to shave my legs and it fills me with dread. I'm being possessed by a queen three evenings a week. I'm a boy in my brain. I want to start binding again but Hermione needs to have the little tits that I do have. I'm researching so much about pregnant people (and how to embody all of that physically in a body I regularly try not to think about owning) and it's all so gendered and daunting. It's a bad week, folks, sorry.
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novastrae · 1 year
new decima drawing ft decima when they were 20 and started realizing some things about themself :3
tws for: artistic nudity, implied gender dysphoria
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oh my body i hate this body, i'm a skeleton and i am dead and gone
i think decima probably wouldve realized they're nonbinary sometime a Little bit before the cataclysm tbh
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Tw: gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia
Being kin with mostly male characters is weird as a cis girl. Because I've examined my gender for years. I've looked through the nonbinary, trans masc, trans man, agender, and gender fluid pamphlets and came away from it completely cis. But i still occasionally experience body dysmorphia that is similar to my trans friend's gender dysphoria, just without it actually impacting my gender. Like some days I'll wear a hoodie, baggy t shirt, and jacket so my chest appears flat. But not because im a trans guy or nonbinary but because i just feel weird about my chest sometimes
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lunarscaled · 1 year
so i stop writing paragraphs of text in Turbo's DMs I'm gonna unload info here re: Lyric + children / child birth cw for pregnancy, gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, discussions of post-partum, etc
Lyric is actually very good with kids despite what they think. Lyric's assumption that they are not a good influence around children and a poor caretaker is directly from their own struggle and lack of energy to care for themselves; their biggest concern is they wouldn't be able to maintain a standard of care that a child deserves, especially since their life has been particularly rocky. That doesn't mean they're mean to children or push them away or anything---Lyric tries to be very levelheaded around kids and give them room to make mistakes and learn. They weren't normally offered that as a child, so they try to give it now. They're very compassionate especially for children clearly struggling; they are empathetic to ones who have lost family or parents and try to support them. Garret, Abel, and the Circus were a large makeshift family of people who often had estranged or lost family members, and they put value in forming family out of the people who cared for them and not people related by blood, so that ideal is also instilled in Lyric.
when it comes to HAVING children, I've discussed before how 1) egg laying Dragons in Lyric's lore have low fertility rates as a species whole, which is why they started crossbreeding in the first place 2) Lyric is obviously young and wouldn't ever seriously consider children until they're older.
As far as Lyric getting pregnant is concerned, it is hard for them, statistically. They personally aren't bothered by that, but it's possible a partner may be; it also doesn't mean they're 100% guaranteed to NOT get pregnant, so using protection is still very important. If / When Lyric gets pregnant, as long as it is any period outside of their Nesting ( a two week period in late November / December when their species would be preparing courting couples and laying eggs ), it's basically a standard human pregnancy.
Lyric's symptoms are very heavy, though, especially symptoms like nausea and fatigue. They're much more depressed and emotional, which is compounded by their deep-set unease and disgust with the physical changes of their body that naturally happen when someone is pregnant. They hate being unable to do anything or lift anything; they feel worse the less they can do. They hate people wanting to touch their belly or talking about pregnancy glows or discussing the birth or how their tastebuds are all fucked up and some things smell awful and taste awful now. They don't like the baby kicking. when Lyric does have the baby, they have severe postpartum depression. Realistically, Lyric would be unable to care for their child for as long as the first year. They would rely HEAVILY on the Guild and its members ( who would willingly do so. Garrett and Abel have helped with plenty of kids before ) as well as their partner, because otherwise they couldn't keep it. Lyric is likely to self-harm, either by injuring themselves or by doing things like refusing to eat or care for their body. They cry a lot. They isolate a lot. They feel deeply dysphoric in their own body in a way they didn't before, and it takes a long time before they can calm down and approach even their own child safely.
If Lyric becomes pregnant while Nesting, rather than a standard human pregnancy, after about a month and a half they'll lay an egg! It will be roughly the same size as a child, and it's not any less painful or hard to do, but the majority of the child's growth is in the egg and outside of their body. Lyric will spend roughly until mid Spring incubating and nesting with the egg ( possibly two eggs! ), and because the baby will hatch in a state able to consume solid food, Lyric's body does not go through standard human pregnancy changes. That makes the whole ordeal infinitely easier on them, because they do not experience the gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia human pregnancy causes them; they're still able to work and do things normally when they are taking breaks from their nest, they do not rely on a partner after the hatchling is born (as Lyric's species is only together for the incubation period.) An eggnant Lyric will require a number of dietary restrictions to support their body, like a lot of calcium from cuttle bone, and meats and organs that support the necessary chemicals to properly grow the egg and the fetus. They'll need fresh supplies of snow and ice to maintain the temperature of their nest and routinely add and remove old and fresh snow from it. They spend a lot of time guarding their space as they would from predators who eat eggs or other dragons. Their body may express more draconic features in this period to make caring and laying their egg easier, but likely will return to normal after a year.
Having a kid is still insanely scary for them, and Lyric doubts their general ability to be a good parent, but re: methods of conception it is infinitely easier for them to have an egg than have a baby. they're still not aiming to be a milf though---Lyric would likely only ever have 2 children maximum in their whole life. They find child care to be stressful and only consider it at the interest of a partner. ( do not listen to the Nesting behavior, it is instinct and not the truth. no matter how cute and breedable they are, they will beat your ass later. )
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coulsonlives · 1 year
Y'all, people can't purposefully 'hold it in' when they're menstruating! Unlearn this.
Unlike your bladder sphincter, it's impossible to purposefully close your cervical opening to keep the blood in your uterus. If you have weirdly freakishly strong kegels/pelvic floor muscles, you might be able to delay things, but that's very uncommon and it definitely will not be the same efficacy as holding your pee in. For all intents and purposes, having your period is just like having an intermittent nose bleed... and you can't stop those either, right?
Pls for the love of basic anatomy, learn how periods work. Stop telling people they should be able to 'hold it in'.
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masquenoire · 1 year
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He remembered it like it was yesterday, eight years old and dragged to yet another stupid party hosted by his parents. Hiding under the table which was covered by an ornate table cloth, it was the perfect place in which to hide away from prying eyes and judgemental gazes of other people. Roman had little interest in talking to any of them, with their fake smiles plastered across their equally fake faces, pretending to like those they were forced to socialize with. His parents were the worst, basking in the attention of their peers like how snakes would bask in the sun. Roman hated them all, scowling from beneath his protective cover. Bored eyes scanned the crowd, looking for those select few people whose company he was able to stomach. Mary wasn't here; he'd have spotted her blonde hair flashing amongst the crowd by now. Similarily there was no Viktor, hiding behind Mr. and Mr's Zsasz's legs. Dark hair caught his attention, and Roman suddenly froze. Bruce Wayne. Roman recognized him instantly, even with his head down as he wandered between the forest of bodies dirtying his family's garden with their presence. How dare he show his face here? Roman's blood boiled, hating every inch of him. His fingers tightened around the knife he’d stolen from the table above, wishing he could give the other boy a sharp poke with it. It wasn’t as though it would be dangerous; the blade was only sharp enough to cut slices of beef and other food that had been dished out to guests, make him squeal and go running back to his mother perhaps. But then Bruce wandered closer, his attention elsewhere and Roman froze, fingers clutching the dinner knife so hard his knuckles turned white. Then Bruce turned in the opposite direction, his mother’s hand suddenly on his shoulder to gently guide her son away. Roman stared from beneath the table as they vanished into the crowd, eyes cold and hard before widening in surprise as he felt himself being yanked to his feet by his hair, his own mother hissing obscenities when she thought nobody else would be able to hear over the din of voices and music all around. It hurt, Roman wincing further as her fingers twisted hard before mercifully letting go, only to slip her mask back on as though nothing had happened. Roman had never hated her more in that moment, Mrs. Sionis suddenly acting every bit the loving mother concerned about her child's disappearance and urging him back into the fray to socialize and play like a good little girl, and to not be a bother again or else. Before the table cover fell, Roman cast a longing gaze back to the knife he’d dropped when his mother had found him, still gleaming on the grass where it had fallen until the waiters would find it later, none the wiser as to how it had gotten there.
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bi-gray · 3 months
Does anyone have favorite transmasc-positive books/ podcasts/ blogs/ etc.? Been having a bit of an anxiety spiral this week about
where I am on the trans spectrum (am I a guy? Just genderqueer/butch? All of the above?)
how to deal with new standards if I start passing as male when I get back on T
if being masc/ male adjacent/ etc. somehow makes me a bad person (I know this isn’t literally true but my brain likes to fixate on ways I’m not good enough)
Just been having A Time and working on a more positive outlook + ways to self-soothe.
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sparklemaia · 1 year
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yes I'm now on the other side of top surgery and I'm allowed to lift things again 💪 You might have already seen this one on my substack -- did u know you can subscribe to my substack for early access to comics like this?! Sent directly to your email inbox??? FOR FREE????? (there is also an optional paid tier for exclusive bonus content for five bucks a month but like 80% of my posts will be free and publicly available) ty ily♥
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medicasino · 11 months
this song should Not make me feel so Sad and AUGH but. like. it does. its really cute but it really casts +100 dysphoria on me every time i listen to it. and yearning too . ough im homosexual
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nightiingaled · 1 year
∗ 64﹕ sender  [ applies / touches up ]  receiver’s  makeup . (& one for 8L1NK too!!)
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She never really does her makeup. 8L1NK had taken up a very tomboyish persona since they were younger, just sort of on accident. She didn't dislike more femme designs, but sometimes when she tried certain styles she didn't feel very....femme looking, more like a lumberjack in girl's clothing. It made her a little sad, actually and jealous of Byan for looking way better than her in anything they wore. But that was neither here nor there.
"You better not be making me look like a pansy," she says, eyes still closed as they did her eyeshadow.
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shrewisweird · 1 month
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sometimes i want a new face
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