#gender pay gaps
martinstieger-blog · 3 months
Baden-Württemberg: Studie zu Gehaltsunterschieden an Hochschulen veröffentlicht
 Foto © as-artmedia – stock.adobe.com Eine Studie des Landes belegt relevante Gehaltsunterschiede zwischen Professorinnen und Professoren an Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg. Die Unterschiede sind verschieden stark ausgeprägt und liegen je nach Hochschulart im Durchschnitt zwischen 52 und 523 Euro im Monat. Eine Studie des Wissenschaftsministeriums belegt erstmals umfassend relevante…
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
For nearly two decades, the negotiation skills of working women have frequently been blamed for the gender pay gap. New research by Vanderbilt Professor Jessica A. Kennedy finds the gender difference in tendency to negotiate has now reversed, and the widespread narrative that women don't ask is outdated. While other measures are necessary to completely close the gender pay gap, the study also discusses how people who believe and adhere to the notion that "women don't ask" hinder progress. "Our research shows that women are willing to do their part to close the gender pay gap. Unfortunately, negotiating well isn't enough to close the gender pay gap. It's not the source of the problem," says Kennedy.
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mapsontheweb · 7 months
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Young women now make more money than their male counterparts in several US metro areas including NYC and Washington DC.
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whenweallvote · 7 months
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Today is Equal Pay Day. On average, a woman in the U.S. has to work until today — March 12th — to earn what a man was paid in the year prior. 🪙🙅🏽‍♀️💵
This #EqualPayDay, join us in bringing awareness to the gender wage gap, which is even wider for women of color. 
The politicians WE elect can implement reforms that address pay inequality across industries. Make sure you’re registered to vote NOW at weall.vote/register.
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It’s taken Manitoba women from Jan. 1, 2023 until April 4, 2024 to make the same income as their male colleagues did last year.
Numbers from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) show that, on average, women make $0.71 for every dollar a man makes, setting them back three months on an annual basis.
Molly McCracken, Manitoba Director of the CCPA, said racialized women make even less.
“Indigenous women earn $0.58 on the dollar compared to a white man, and women of colour earn $0.59 on the dollar,” she said, adding that none of these numbers have changed markedly in the past 30 years.
The impacts, she said, are not isolated to someone’s pocket. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @vague-humanoid
Notes from the poster @el-shab-hussein: I'm pretty sure "women of colour" here is supposed to mean Black, but liberals are allergic to acknowledging blackness or anti-blackness so they won't say that. Just a disclaimer.
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Craig Harrington at MMFA:
The economic policy provisions outlined by Project 2025 — the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration — are overwhelmingly catered toward benefiting wealthier Americans and corporate interests at the expense of average workers and taxpayers. Project 2025 prioritizes redoubling Republican efforts to expand “trickle-down” tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation across the economy. The authors of the effort’s policy book, Mandate for Leadership: A Conservative Promise, recommend putting key government agencies responsible for oversight of large sectors of the economy under direct right-wing political control and empowering those agencies to prioritize right-wing agendas in dealing with everything from consumer protections to organized labor activity. [...]
Project 2025 would chill labor unions' abilities to engage in political activity. Project 2025 suggests that the National Labor Relations Board change its enforcement priorities regarding what it describes as unions using “members' resources on left-wing culture-war issues.” The authors encourage allowing employees to accuse union leadership of violating their “duty of fair representation” by having “political conflicts of interest” if the union engages in political activity that the employee disagrees with. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023; National Labor Relations Board, accessed 7/8/24]
Project 2025 would make it easier for employers to classify workers as “independent contractors.” The authors recommended reinstating policies governing the classification of independent contractors that the NLRB implemented during the Trump administration. Those Trump-era NLRB regulations were amended in 2023, expanding workplace and labor organizing protections to previously exempt American workers. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023; The National Law Review, 6/19/23; National Labor Relations Board, 6/13/23]
Project 2025 would reduce base overtime pay for workers. The authors recommend changing overtime protections to remove nonwage compensatory and other workplace benefits from calculations of their “regular” pay rate, which forms the basis for overtime formulations. If that change is enacted, every worker currently given overtime protections could be subject to a slight reduction in the value of their overtime pay, which the authors claim will encourage employers to provide nonwage benefits but would effectively just amount to a pay cut. The authors also propose other changes to the way overtime is calculated and enforced, which could result in reduced compensation for workers. Overtime protections have long been a focus of right-wing media campaigns to reduce protections afforded to American workers. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023, Media Matters, 7/9/24]
Project 2025 proposes capping and phasing out visa programs for migrant workers. Project 2025’s authors propose capping and eventually eliminating the H-2A and H-2B temporary work visa programs, which are available for seasonal agricultural and nonagricultural workers, respectively. Even the Project 2025 authors admit that these proposals could threaten many businesses that rely on migrant workers and could result in higher prices for consumers. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]
Project 2025 recommends institutionalizing the “Judeo-Christian tradition” of the Sabbath. Under the guise of creating a “communal day of rest,” Project 2025 includes a policy proposal amending the Fair Labor Standards Act to require paying workers who currently receive overtime protections “time and a half for hours worked on the Sabbath,” which it said “would default to Sunday.” Ostensibly a policy that increases wages, the proposal is specifically meant to disincentivize employers from providing services on Sundays as an explicitly religious overture. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]
International Trade
Project 2025 contains a lengthy debate between diametrically opposed perspectives on international trade and commerce.Over the course of 31 pages, disgraced former Trump adviser and current federal inmate Peter Navarro outlines various proposals to fundamentally transform American international commercial and domestic industrial policy in opposition to China, primarily by using tariffs. He dedicates well over a dozen pages to obsessing over America’s trade deficit with China, even though Trump’s trade war with China was a failure and as he focused on China, the overall U.S. trade deficit exploded. Much of the rest of Navarro’s section is economic saber-rattling against “Communist China’s economic aggression and quest for world domination.”In response, Kent Lassman of the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute promotes a return to free trade orthodoxy that was previously pursued by the Republican Party but has fallen out of favor during the Trump era.
The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 agenda would be a boon for the wealthy and a disaster for the working class folk.
See Also:
MMFA: Project 2025’s dystopian approach to taxes
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disco-troy · 1 year
DC: So what is ur previous leadership experience? Jason: I lead a wildy OOC team of 2 people, uhhh I was a drug lord for a bit Artemis: I was a part of the trinity, I lead a bunch of demons, I lead a bunch of amazons in a battle, I worked tirelessly to make peace between 2 factions of amazons so much that I was elected as co-leader of the Amazonian people after they abolished the monarchy DC: soo... Jasons the leader!
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justinssportscorner · 5 months
Gideon Taaffe and Charis Hoard at MMFA:
Instead of celebrating the rising influence of women’s basketball, right-wing media seized on the highly anticipated draft to attack the WNBA and dismiss the low wages of some of basketball’s biggest stars.  After a historic women’s NCAA tournament, the Women’s National Basketball Association draft drew substantial media attention both praising the rising influence of the league and criticizing the low wages of the league’s stars. Right-wing media chose to denigrate the sport and its players rather than engage with critiques of how women athletes are treated.
With the WNBA's popularity surging due to several college megastars such as Caitlin Clark being drafted, right-wing media launched unhinged sexist attacks against the league (and women's sports in general). These same people attacking the WNBA and women's sports launch attacks against trans women participating in women's sports under the purported guise of "saving women's sports."
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mouth-almighty · 2 years
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This Twitter bot is amazing.
Edit: oh and...
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uninspiringdyke · 2 months
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yeah trans men identifying as lesbians definitely is why *checks notes* the gender pay gap exists (??)
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whats-in-a-sentence · 6 months
Elite, mostly male, thinkers remained convinced that men should be paid more than women, and the government passed the 1834 new Poor Law on that assumption:
It is clearly a waste of strength, a superfluous extravagance, (an economic blunder) to employ a powerful and costly machine to do work which can be as well done by a feebler and a cheaper one. Women and girls are less costly operatives than men . . . what they can do with equal efficiency it is therefore wasteful and foolish, economically considered, to set a man to do. By employing the cheaper labour, the article is supplied to the public at a smaller cost and therefore the demand for the article is increased.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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dkettchen · 1 year
Ok I get the Gojo Geto shippers now I get it now y’all are justified it’s fine I’m fine they’re perfect I understand now I get it now this is fine
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moonlovesskunks · 5 months
Some people will try to tell you that for every dollar men make, women only make 82 cents.
This is actually not true in the slightest!
For every dollar a cisgender, white-passing man makes, a cisgender, white-passing women makes only 82 cents.
Everyone else is paid less.
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pewresearch · 2 years
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The gender pay gap has barely closed in the United States in the past two decades. In 2022, American women typically earned 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. That was about the same as in 2002, when they earned 80 cents to the dollar. The slow pace at which the gender pay gap has narrowed this century contrasts sharply with the progress in the preceding two decades: In 1982, women earned just 65 cents to each dollar earned by men.
There is no single explanation for why progress toward narrowing the pay gap has all but stalled in the 21st century. Women generally begin their careers closer to wage parity with men, but they lose ground as they age and progress through their work lives, a pattern that has remained consistent over time. The pay gap persists even though women today are more likely than men to have graduated from college. In fact, the pay gap between college-educated women and men is not any narrower than the one between women and men who do not have a college degree. This points to the dominant role of other factors that still set women back or give men an advantage.
Read more: The Enduring Grip of the Gender Pay Gap
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indizombie · 6 months
One 28-year-old woman, who worked in HR, said she'd seen people who were forced to leave their jobs or who were passed over for promotions after taking maternity leave, which had been enough to convince her never to have a baby. Both men and women are entitled to a year's leave during the first eight years of their child's life. But in 2022, only 7% of new fathers used some of their leave, compared to 70% of new mothers. Korean women are the most highly educated of those in OECD countries, and yet the country has the worst gender pay gap and a higher-than-average proportion of women out of work compared to men. Researchers say this proves they are being presented with a trade-off - have a career or have a family. Increasingly, they are choosing a career.
Jean Mackenzie, ‘Why South Korean women aren't having babies’, BBC
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