#gender pseudoscience
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At this point, Pseudo-Scientific American is basically as reliable as The National Enquirer.
This is what ideological takeover looks like.
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pjharvey · 2 months
i found out recently that the guy who invented love languages was a sexist conservative who basically did it so he could tell his wife "see, your love language is acts of service so you can keep doing all the dishes, and my love language is physical touch so i just show love by having sex with you" men are lame as fuck!!!
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venacoeurva · 1 year
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Is this anything
Edit: now super trans edition, because
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hadesoftheladies · 7 months
gender isn’t a social construct. it’s flat out pseudoscience.
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feckcops · 1 year
Psychology Today’s conversion therapy problem
“In 1992, religiously-motivated conversion therapist Joseph Nicolosi founded the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. NARTH provided a ‘clinical’ hub for the ex-gay movement, and was a melting pot of pseudoscience ...
“In 2014, after realizing they’d fundamentally (eh, get it?) failed to convince the public that they were anything other than ardent homophobes, and that science had long since moved on to realized that being gay is not only non-pathological, but a natural part of human diversity, NARTH rebranded under the Association for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity. Like so much of the anti-LGBT, pronatalist far-right, ACTSI refocused on transgender people as part of a political strategy shift to ‘separating the T from LGBT’ ...
“One of the pivotal strategies during the early days of NARTH, was to focus on the specific language of ‘same-sex attraction’ ... Conversion Therapists wanted to inculcate the public with the idea that SSA was a test of one’s moral or religious convictions, but not a part of a person’s innate sexuality ...
"A cursory search of Google’s index of the site shows an alarmingly high rate of results for SSA ... [For mentions of] ‘sexual brokenness’, a term that comes from evangelical Christianity to describe having normal sexual feelings, you get 1,300 results, the overwhelming majority of which are in the United States. Among these results includes Joseph Nicolosi’s son. David Pickup, an LMFT who deals exclusively in the empirically disproven notion that ‘same sex attraction’ is the result of trauma and sexual abuse, is also listed on Psychology Today. Pickup has the distinction of being one of the more prolific purveyors of alleged ‘expert’ testimony on behalf of states like Florida and his home state of Texas. 
“Perhaps just as disturbingly, it is host to a range of ‘Gender Exploratory Therapists’ like Lisa Marchiano, the original author of ‘Outbreak: On Transgender Teens and Psychic Epidemics’, an absolute nonsense paper which argues that the apparent rise in transgender youth is due to what Jungian psychoanalysts refer to as the ‘collective unconscious’ after too much LSD.”
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josouhenshin · 6 months
I thought this blurb from the trans 2 site's FAQ was cute:
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my very very rough attempt at translation (read: don't quote me on this) (I had to look a lot of shit up):
is this aimed at men? or women? since our debut, we've been asked this question many times. with women's clothes, one crosses the borders of their original gender. when mingling with men, if you think about original sex, you might see it as BL. but going by outward appearance, it just looks like a regular straight couple, right? and if you mingle with women, at first glance it seems like yuri. but again, if you think about original sex, it's not impossible to call it a regular couple. because of that, this is our answer: IF YOU LIKE WOMEN'S CLOTHES THIS IS FOR YOU
looking back, I think people may have some complaints about framing, but wanting to give these often pretty divided (stateside, at least) groups equal weight comes off as good vibes for 2005. and looking through the CGs they posted it looks like the protag is spoiled for choice there.
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cacaitos · 8 months
of course theres contrivances this is in no way stadistic like. the three strictly women are all from the same manga bc the manga itself revolves around IS; in simoun, unlike Marginal, im infering from the you choose your gender (implied ''sex'')/it gets chosen for you in your adult/teenagehood ie Magic and Dont Think Too Much About It, similarly in Seibetsu; dvmn satan itself doesnt have gender BUT the most common of his human forms is ryo BUT Lan is a thing too, so whatever you think they lean more into; usumgallu learned what gender was yesterday so they mostly present as a dude bc it's convinient in mesopotamia lite; frol changes gender like careers in college so whatever.
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This is "atheism is a religion." Or "atheists are angry at god/worship the devil/worship themselves." They won't let you just not be part of the thing. Saying you're not part of the thing becomes a way of being part of the thing.
No, I don't accept the underlying premise of your belief, that incorporeal sexed thetans have been incompetently sorted by Xenu's intern into mismatched meat prisons.
I don't know who told you that every mundane thing about your personality deserves its own flag and special day, but you've been wildly misinformed.
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poebrey · 2 years
also my thing is that the answer to this would be to involve more science not less so *shrugs*
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ghavialis · 2 years
Any chance they get people will cite phrenology it's getting out of hand actually
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enbycrip · 19 days
The Cass Report demonstrates a truly ridiculous ignorance of literally *anything* to do with not only trans lives, but basic medical treatment protocols.
You *cannot* do double-blind tests where an intervention very clearly has distinct observable effects. Medicine also frequently does not do double-blind tests when doing so would be a) basically impossible, and b) inhumane. It’s particularly common to measure efficacy of an intervention by follow-up and statistical analysis where children and young people are concerned because experimenting on kids is so fucking unethical.
The report is treating reports following established medical protocols as though they are some kind of pseudoscience. Literally the only reasons for this are either a) an ignorance of basic medical and research procedures so profound as to show an utter unsuitability to be involved in reporting on anything to do with healthcare or b) blatant disingenuousness to find an excuse to discard the results they don’t want to acknowledge. Which also renders them deeply unsuitable to report on anything to do with healthcare.
They have used to existence of nonbinary people as an excuse to deny under-25s transition care, treating our entire identity as some sort of adolescent identity crisis. As a 40-year old nonbinary person, I can only say how *utterly* this betrays a profound ignorance of trans culture and identity and/or a commitment to patriarchal and colonial gender norms so profound they are utterly unwilling to dive into the easily-available evidence of adults all over the world with nonbibary identities today, and the anthropological and historical evidence of cultures all over the world with an understanding of gender outside the binary.
And the recommendation that transition should be forbidden to people with mental illness or neurodivergence only betrays how deeply and profoundly transphobia is entwined with disableism. There is a line which literally says “transition did not affect manifestation of symptoms of autism spectrum disorder”. As if this was remotely relevant to anything other than pathologising both transness and neurodivergence.
It of course also attempts to ignore the reality that millions of British adults are seeking neurodivergence diagnoses through the NHS and being turned down or stuck on waiting lists that can easily be *seven* years long.
I am sick with fury and fear, and trying to mute my own reactions because I have a dissertation draft due in tomorrow I *need* to work on.
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timwrightt · 2 years
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We stand behind our recent obsessed-seeming torrent of articles and essays on trans people, which we believe faithfully depicts their lived experiences as weird and gross. We remain dedicated to finding the angles that best frame the basic rights of the gender-nonconforming as up for debate, and we will use these same angles over and over again in hopes that this repetition makes them suffer. As journalists, it is our obligation to entertain any and all pseudoscience that gives bigotry an intellectual veneer. We must be diligent in laundering our vitriol through the posture of journalistic inquiry, and we must be allowed to fixate on the genitals
It is against free speech to stop us from fixating on the genitals.
Much of the recent debate concerns medical procedures, particularly in children, and whether things like hormone replacement therapy or gender-affirming surgeries are safe and appropriate. Indeed, there are critical questions to be asked about the social complexities of gender, as well as medical ethics in a profit-driven healthcare system. We are simply not interested in any of that. Instead, we will use flawed data and spurious logic to repeatedly write the same hand-wringing arguments asking whether there are suddenly too many trans people around. Journalistic integrity demands nothing less.
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female-malice · 1 year
Wait, do you have examples? (of what you just posted about, artists just adding boobs to male references) I haven't seen this before and it sounds weird
here's what gen-z artists think buff women look like:
"buff musketeer"
and here is what literally the buffest woman on the planet looks like:
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fencers/duelers/musketeers are thin and agile, not buff. but whatever. that's not the point
buff women do not look like buff men with boobs. you can't just take a reference photo of a buff man and add boobs.
women's ab muscles look different from men's
women have different fat distribution than men do so we look different when we put on muscle
boobs on strong women don't look like two random circles on top of a male chest
pseudoscience gender lunatics went around saying men and women are physically identical so now kids don't know anatomy
rhea exists and yet still. still. these hacks refuse to honor the raw power of the female form
i'm so tired
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anamericangirl · 18 days
Being against trans people is being against science and God. Science shows that it is NOT a mental illness, it is how their brains are made by God. Scientific studies have shown that trans women have the same brain structure as cis women and trans men have the same brain structure as cis men. They are born that way. Science has also shown sex and gender are separate and can be different, which we see with trans people’s brains not matching their biological bodies.
Pseudoscience may have shown that sex and gender are different but real science hasn't :)
And saying it's not a mental illness because it's in their brains isn't the win you think it is lol
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