brandstifter-sys · 1 year
These Dreams
Chapter 3: Amarante and Berylus                  (Ao3) (must be signed in)
For @dukexietyweek 2023 Day 3 - Mythology
Word Count: 1178
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, Virgil
Warnings: Genderfluid!Virgil, mtf Virgil, ftm Remus, death mention, fake mythology, dreams
Vi has a strange dream in which she is the god(dess) of storms and she needs help. How many places is she going to see the same person she’s never met?
Vi was not exactly thrilled about this. The deity of storms was used to getting visitors begging for rain. She was not a fan of coming to the ground to seek out help. 
As her bare feet grazed the sand, she thought about why she was even at the beach. It was a desperate plea. A prayer for one of her most devout followers. 
The frail old woman was weak with age, burdened and weighed down with the life she carried in her. She had one son who was still alive. One grandson who still visited. And that young man was expecting a child. He was going on a long trip to trade goods in a foreign land. 
For days on end she stayed in the temple, praying and begging for her grandson's safe passage across the sea. She did not eat, she refused to sleep, not until her desperate pleas reached Vi. 
Vi had personally gone to her to assure her that her grandson would see no storms. He would be safe. She needed to eat and rest. 
But Vi knew that reassurance was far from enough. To keep anyone safe on the sea, the sky could only do so much. She had to find him and ask for his help. Just the thought of seeing him made her heart race. 
She looked up at the stars, breaking through her clouds, wishing she could go back and sleep instead of dealing with an influx of feelings. But the tides licked at her ankles, reminding her that she had a mission. 
She descended into the depths, letting her purple aura glow around her. The currents rustled her loose flowing gown, but not her long dark hair or her hood. 
Despite the vast expanse of the sea, Vi knew she wouldn't have to travel far to bump into the mysterious god of the depths. 
It was strangely beautiful in the deep darkness. The odd creatures that flitted past her were misshapen and some could glow in the dark. 
They were a distraction.
Vi jolted when she suddenly appeared before a large cave. A green glow emanated from it, setting her on edge. 
Then a pair of glowing green eyes opened and landed on her. Slick tentacles curled and crept out of the cave, bringing a strange man into view. His torso was human, though his chest suggested he was a little different from the average man. His lower half was a mass of tentacles. And then his face came into view. 
He was grinning wildly, showing off his sharp, jagged teeth from under his curly mustache. But there was something almost childish about his expression, something sweet that was more than endearing.
"Hello gorgeous!" the being cooed and winked at her, "What brings a beauty like you from the clouds?" 
"I need your help," Vi bristled. 
"Me?" he gasped and rolled onto his back, "Only one goddess ever needs my help! And you don't look like Death!" 
"You don't recognize me?" 
"I would remember someone as enchanting as you!" he had the nerve to giggle, "But I would love to remember you and all of your curves!" 
One of his tentacles snuck around her and latched onto her hip. Vi growled low in her throat and zapped the tentacle with enough electricity to kill a human. 
"Yeowch!" the sea god yelped and pulled his tentacle back to nurse it. He pouted at Vi for a split second before his grin returned. 
"Stormy!" he cheered and flipped over, holding his head in his hands, "I didn't know you switch! You're too hot as a man and too hot as a woman! How do you expect me to survive?!" 
"You can't die," Vi scoffed and crossed her arms, "And I still need your help." 
"What do you need? I'm more than happy to provide a tentacle fantasy! Or if you just want to—" 
"I need to guarantee that a mortal doesn't die at sea. And that's your thing." 
"Again? How desperate was the person praying?" he pouted.
"No food or sleep for four days, and she was elderly and frail." 
"Damn! Okay, okay, I'll keep the meat sack safe—for a price!" 
"What price?" 
"Take me to the clouds and marry me." 
"Are you insane?" 
"A little bit! But that has nothing to do with my price!" he giggled, "Think about it, if we're married, you don't have to make the trip to ask me to protect mortals. You can just come here directly! It's a good deal for you!" 
"And what do you get out of it?" she pressed suspiciously. 
"A beautiful wife, a handsome husband, and I can pretend that you love me!" the sea god hummed and blinked at her innocently. 
"Why would you want to pretend that?" 
"Because you're one of the few people who keeps coming by and lingering. Because you're so kind and understanding even with me, even if you aren't always patient. Because I love you," he shrugged and floated up to her, to be at eye level. 
He was so open and vulnerable. Vi could see it in his eyes, the hope, the longing, the adoration. 
"Get rid of the tentacles and get dressed," she ordered with a little smirk, "You don't have to pretend." 
“Really?!” the sea god gasped. Before she had time to react, Vi was trapped by his tentacles in a tight hug and he was holding onto her with his other arms. He was so giddy and giggly, she couldn’t stay mad at him. 
“Really, really. But, seriously, lose the tentacles when we go. They won’t work well on the clouds and I’m not carrying you.” 
“Aw, but you’re so strong and pretty and I want you to cradle me like a dead lover on the battlefield! Pretty please?” he pouted. Vi shook her head and sighed fondly.
“I’ll carry you some of the way. But you still need to lose the tentacles if you want me to balance.” 
“I think you just want to see my naked lower half so you can get ideas for later!” he teased and wiggled his eyebrows.
“If I say ‘yes’ will you do it?” 
“I was going to either way!” he laughed, “But it’s nice to hear you admit it!” 
Vi woke up and groaned. She knew she should have had another coffee. She peeled her face off of the book she was reading and rubbed her eyes. She could research for her novel later. The tale of Amarante and Berylus really didn't fit the vibe she was going for, and it just led to yet another strange dream. 
"I'm not admitting to anything," she jeered and set off into the darkness to return home to the clouds with her new husband to be. 
She was getting tired of wondering who she kept seeing in her sleep. If she could bring herself to focus on anything other than that mustachioed bastard. She was going to have to do a little more research if she wanted to figure out why he kept showing up.
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glacierruler · 2 years
Of Magic And Mortals
Well thisTWs: Threatening to commit arson, prelude to future accidental misgendering
Waking up today, Virgil went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "Alright, let's get this over with. Virgil is such a great friend, she's the best. Okay, yeah, that sounds good for today. Now for the next one. Virgil's the best, isn't he? Nope absolutely not, guess it's just one today." She went to her closet and got her clothes and pronoun pins for the day. She put on a grey dress with intricate black designs on the sleeves and bottom of the skirt, black mesh gloves with chains on them, dark purple spiderweb tights, and black combat boots. Then she put the she/her pronoun pins on. Stretching out her wings she went downstairs to meet up with her friends, and for the daily wing care routine.
When Virgil gets downstairs she goes to the living room and picks up her wing care stuff. Looking around, she realized her friends weren't up yet. So she proceeded to yell, "If you two don't get down here right now I will burn the house down again!" Virgil heard her friends start running down the stairs, hearing their voices overlap each other. "Vee don't you," "not burn the house! We just bought," "fire damage is," "done with this!" Virgil started to laugh uncontrollably, "I can't believe that still works!" "Only because you mean it, if you didn't it wouldn't. The fact of the matter is that the one time that we didn't get up immediately and start our routine, you had the bathtub on fire! With water in it! How the follywock do you set the bathtub on fire if it's full of water! That's not your specialty." Said fairy was in a dragon onesie with a bedhead. They had fiery red hair and reddish-brown eyes that looked like the embers of a fire if the light hit them right. They also had a naturally warm aura, but right now their aura felt hot enough to burn. Their wings were different shades of a fiery orange, duller closer to the center and brightest at the ends of the wings, with bright red -a little duller than their hair- detailing. When Virgil looked at their wings, she was glad to see that there weren't flames frolicking on the edges of their wings yet. "Look Emble, I don't know how I did that. And I payed both of you back. Also, I promised I wouldn't threaten that again, unless it's important. I've got to look my best today the letter should be in!" The other fairy in the room laughed, but then his face grew serious. "I know you're going to pretend that you're human, but in order to do that we need to dye that purple hair purple. Don't want a lie detector catching you." He had a Batman pajama shirt and Superman pajama shorts on. His hair was a forest green color. His eyes were brown, the color of rich dirt. His aura naturally felt calm and peaceful, but it had a tinge of protectiveness right now. His wings were different shades of leaf green, the duller colors closer to the center and brighter colors near the ends, with some wooden brown detailing. Virgil scrunched up her nose in distaste at the statement her friend had made. "I know Birtlin. I'm pretty sure there's a chemical free fairy dye store nearby. I don't like it much either, but I'd rather avoid everything being a fairy brings. It's the best medical school sure, but I've heard the horror stories there. I don't wanna risk it." She sighed, before remembering why she had called both of her friends down here. "Come on! We need to do our wing care routine! I have to look my absolute best when we get the letter! It means free food and drinks from strangers if I'm not accepted!" She gushed out, both of her friends smiling at her. "And if you get in?" Emble asks. "Then we celebrate somewhere fancy of course! Now hurry up! The mail person will be here soon!" Virgil was practically jumping up and down. Neither of her friends had seen her this excited in years, so they were smiling almost as wide as her. "Alright princess, let's get our stuff. We'll do your wings first."
After all three of them got their wing care stuff out Virgil laid down on her stomach, stretching her wings out. They were a beautiful pitch black, like a cave with no light on, with royal purple detailing. A darker shade of purple than her hair, which was amethyst. After her wings were taken care of, she got up and helped her two friends; Emble first, then Birtlin. About ten minutes after they finished taking care of everyone's wings they heard the doorbell ring. Virgil jumped up and ran to the door, opening it up to reveal the mail-fairy. "Hey you have three packages and a letter. If I heard you three correctly yesterday, the letter is of utmost importance, is it not? Something about an acceptance into a certain college." The mail-fairy gave a wink to Virgil, she blushed. This was the cute one, Virgil remembered, who wasn't supposed to work today. "What are you doing here Junir? I thought today was your day off, and you ought to stop flirting when you have a partner." Emble got up. "Junir! We have a date tonight, what are you doing working? Also, Virgil already said that she won't join us, leave her be. Why don't you come in?" "Sure, that was my only delivery anyways." Junir went inside the house carrying the mail. She gave the letter to Virgil. "Open it up, read it out loud!" Virgil took the letter, and read.
"Dear Virgil Storm, We are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted into Cypress Independence University. We have also given you a full ride scholarship, but due to what you have told us, we will not be giving you a dorm. Instead we will be switching your scholarship with a different student. This only means that you won't have a dorm unless you pay for it yourself, everything else will remain the same. With this letter, you should receive three packages that contain your books for this year. We hope that you shall enjoy your time at our school. When you get to the school, please head to my office to tell me how you will want to present. I know that some people are still in the closet, so there is no pressure and you can change how you wish to present yourself at anytime. I will notify your teachers immediately. Sincerely, Headmaster Mars Gestingon"
Virgil was practically jumping up and down with glee. "I GOT IN!!!! I GOT IN!!!!" She reread and reread the note, before she paled a bit. "I don't know if I want to be out to a whole college of people I don't know. I mean, sure they won't know I'm a fairy, but if they find out I don't want more reason for being weird." Emble sighed, knowing that their friend was about to start overthinking. "Look, I think that you should present as yourself, but if you must insist then why don't you flip a coin." Virgil thought about that for a moment. "Sure, heads means I present as male and tails means I present as female." She reached into the pockets of her dress, knowing she shoved stuff in them all the time. Finally she found a penny and flipped it. When the coin landed, it landed on heads. "Alright, guess I'm a guy at school." The three other fairies looked a bit disappointed at the outcome, Virgil noticed, but it was probably because they would rather her be herself. Hopefully she could deal with what she just got herself into.
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five-abs-and-one-peck · 4 months
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genderfluid Virgil? YES PLEASE.
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quackkaz · 1 year
Virgil : A woman last night asked Remus if he was "born a man or a woman" and he, drunk, beckoned her close to whisper and then hollered "I WAS BORN A BABY" directly into her ear.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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Pics that make me go 'Me and who ME AND WHO ME AND WHO!!!!!!!!!!!'
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soysaucevictim · 5 months
Having a convo about how bigenital gender affirming surgeries are a thing. (Where the goal is to have a mixed set-up down there.)
Being a med nerd who loves learning abt like. The anatomy know how needed to pull these things off is amazing. That said, I know and think there's more documentation out there for AFAB folks electing for this. (Leave in the extent vagina, but still do the phallo/metoidoplasty part of the process.)
There doesn't seem to be as much documentation of AMAB folks electing for it. But I'm going to assume it's going to involve techniques like using a segment of bowel to create a new vagina (because such folks would desire keeping their extent penis in place.)
Reason for me pondering about that is the whole Gymrat!Virgil learning she's bigender thing... he'd be at least curious about that option/possibility.
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coyidk · 1 month
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Proud to announce that I've become father to my first born child 😋😋🙏🏼 (it's the first ever plushie I've crocheted!)
It's a genderfluid cat called Virgil in reference to @anfieldroad and his headcanon of genderfluid Virgil van Dijk.
Their face is kinda off and I freestyled the whole thing with no pattern, please don't judge haha
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ronancebyler · 1 year
i find it hilarious when people think i think m*leven is unrequited because im a byler shipper, as if mspec mike can't be real. (link to my pov on that)
i don't think mike never liked el, i think el never liked mike. i am a lesbian el truther.
my girl literally came back from being a lab experiment and was closed off from society her whole life and mike was the first person to show love to her, and then it follows with traumatic experiences together. that is a misinterpretation of platonic affection and a trauma bond.
she was far too unfazed about being his sister to like him, she loves mike and he made the first move, so she thought that this is what her platonic love must mean and went along with it.
because of how much she loves mike and because he was the first person she's ever loved since the lab it makes complete sense for her to mistake that as romantic.
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hoybero · 2 years
I can't believe I have gender envy from a rat that was in a musical for like ten seconds
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skipp3r · 2 years
Im an imprisoned russian novelist, im a butterfly fairy, im dirt, im beatrice, im virgil, im the inferno, im paradise lost, im an owl, im water, im shakespeare’s inkwell, im the sound the black tiles make on the piano, im a 7 spotted ladybug, im angelina the ballerina, im gay, im a giant cat, im an illuminated manuscript, im a linen shirt, im the heights that wuther, im a pile of trash, im monet’s water lilies, im the alps, im a mountain lion, im a pea-sized schoolboy, im all the knowledge in the world, im a university, im a chalice, im a bowl of lentils
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analoceits · 4 months
i love DLAMP as a dynamic however i find it viscerally boring when theyre all boyfriends that have a completely normal relationship but also boring when they are just besties. i need them to be Insane and weird.
moceit is in an on-and-off again that could be straight out of a sitcom with how bullshit the dramatics are. they are so divorced and also married. this somehow does not effect the rest of the polycule.
janus keeps trying to break up analogical. virgil and logan both think this is him flirting. this pisses virgil off, and makes logan blush. logan and janus have made out abt this before. virgil and janus almost did but virgil panicked, bit him, and ran away.
moxiety and royality are both very VERY cute qprs. prinxiety arent dating or a qpr but they do occasionally make out. usually after sparring or after heated arguments. no one knows why, and no one plans to ask.
virgil one time, for sillies put out official polycule roles for everyone on the fridge. patton was the cook, roman was twink, janus was gender transer, and logan was tax-filer, before virgil scratched it out and replaced it with "poor little meow meow". the chaos after shouldve been expected.
(janus's official role is Gender Transer bc her being genderfluid made both virgil (bigender, she/he) and logan (transfem, they/she) realize they may Not Be Cis.)
remus isnt in the polycule but he has Something going on with every non-roman member of the polycule. no one can quantify exactly what, but it is Something. roman covers his ears and goes "LALALALA" when anyone brings this up.
roman AND janus both have an official Boyfriend Leaderboard. they are both permanently at the top of each others leaderboards because "mutually assured destruction". somehow, this causes very few problems.
remy has had a Thing with all of them. all of them really want to ask abt adding him to the polycule, but none of them know abt remys Things with the others so they dont know if its appropriate yet. remy knows and finds this fucking hilarious.
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brandstifter-sys · 1 year
These Dreams
Chapter 7: Not Dreaming               (Ao3) (must be signed in)
For @dukexietyweek 2023 Day 7 - Soulmate
Word Count: 1583
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, Virgil
Warnings: ftm Remus, genderfluid Virgil, mtf Virgil, sexual themes, horror mention, soulmate dreams
After a long year of earning a PhD and several strange dreams, Remus decides that he’s earned a treat and goes to meet his favorite horror author, little does he know that the hot stranger on the subway researching soulmates is a lot more connected to her and him that they’re willing to let on.
It had been one hell of a year! Remus was finishing his last semester and getting his PhD, despite his sleeping troubles and crazy dreams. He was gonna therapy the shit out of people! And to celebrate he was going to a book launch and signing. And yes, it was tame and boring, but it would be worth it to meet the woman behind his favorite horror stories. He’d been dying to meet her for years! 
Remus truly hated the winter and bundling up, especially when it got too warm on the train. There was nowhere to put his trenchcoat if it got crowded! Still, he was happy to people-watch as the subway rolled down the track, stopping to let people on and off. There were so many different kinds of people on public transport, from odd old ladies to bros to musicians to edgy kids. And sometimes there were people who just stood out.
He was sitting away from the doors, holding his messenger bag in his lap, excited to get his favorite novel signed. Breath of Filth was probably Violetta Hoffmann’s masterpiece. He was bouncing his leg with anticipation as the train pulled to a stop. Just three more stations and he would be right outside the bookstore.
And that’s when his heart stopped. He was used to edgelords coming and going, but the man that stepped on the train with a backpack was eerily familiar. Remus swore he knew him, from that pallid complexion to the purple in his hair. And then that person decided to sit next to him without saying anything. 
“Hey, where’s a snack like you headed?” Remus hummed once the train started moving again.
“Uh, why would I tell you?” he asked. His voice was so deep and rumbling. Remus swore he might swoon like a fool, or his brother…same diff, really. 
“I dunno! Because I’m not like those guys in the Matrix and because you like me more than you like anyone else on the train!” Remus giggled and shimmied. The guy rolled his eyes, but he smiled slightly. 
“Pharmacy. Bookstore.” 
“Really? Me too! Ooh! Are you going to the signing? Vi Hoff is signing copies of her new book! She doesn't make public appearances, so this is extra special! Are you into horror stories?” Remus gushed and held his bag to his chest. 
“Yeah. Are you bringing another book?”
“Mhm! It’s my favorite, probably her best work yet! But I’ll let you know if Once Upon a Nightmare measures up once I read it! I’m excited too. Apparently it’s about soulmates who lost their souls and they’re tormenting this young couple living in their house. I hope there’s lots of blood and zombies and horrible body disfiguration! She writes them so beautifully!” Remus rambled. He was gushing so much that he didn’t notice the stranger was blushing. 
“I heard she isn’t signing anything other than that book. Hate to break it to you.”
“That’s okay! Meeting her is more than enough,” Remus beamed, “Even if she’s a raging bitch, I’m too stoked to let that get me down!” 
“Why’s that?” he questioned as the train came to a stop and the announcer droned the name of the station.
“I just finished my PhD, and there’s no way I’m not getting that document now!”
“Yeah! It took forever! But when you’re set on poking brains, it’s worth it!” 
“Psychology?” the man asked, half expecting Remus to be a mortician or forensic specialist. 
“Yeah! What do you do?” 
“I research and write. It's nothing special." 
"Are you researching something like medieval torture or fucked up mythology?" 
"I dunno, you shrugged it off so you're trying to hide it, which means either it's juicy or you're not confident. I'd rather think it's juicy than a hottie, like you, isn't confident!" Remus said brightly. 
"I'm researching soulmate myths and trends in fiction." 
"Like the eye color thing and the red string? That's so cool! What's your favorite one?" Remus gushed. 
"Uh, soulmate dreams," he winced and rubbed his neck. 
The train came to a stop before Remus could ask for more details. He and the stranger got up and got off. He was determined to keep up the conversation. 
"What are soulmate dreams?" Remus asked as they climbed the steps. They made their way across the street to the bookstore in silence. This guy was hesitant, probably not used to talking about his interests. 
"Uh, it's an old myth," he finally responded as people rushed past them, "Basically if you're near your soulmate, you'll share dreams." 
Remus paused once they were above ground and looked at the stranger. He was avoiding eye contact and blushing furiously. There was something so familiar about him. 
"That's pretty cool! Maybe you can tell me more about it after the signing, since you have to go to the pharmacy first and stuff. We could grab coffee, uh—I never got your name. I'm Remus!" 
"I'll find you inside," he said shyly, "And you can call me Virgil, or Virge." 
That name hit Remus like a piano in an old cartoon. He knew that name. He knew that face. His mind was fucked up but there was more to this guy. He needed to know more! 
"Okay! I can't wait!" Remus beamed. Virgil tilted his chin and hurried off to the pharmacy next door. Normally Remus would take that as a sign that someone was too nervous to say no, but this time he was hopeful. 
He headed inside and skipped past the line of people waiting for the illustrious horror author. He had his eye on another book by his old professor that he just couldn't find anywhere. 
But luck was on his side! He found the book and paid for it just as Violetta Hoffmann showed up and sat down. He was quick to get in line, even if he was near the end.
From his vantage point, Remus could admire her without losing his mind. Vi was really pretty, with long dark hair and strong arms on display—arms with tattoo sleeves! He was there as a fan, but he was having a straight moment. And it only got worse as he got closer to the front of the line. 
"It was so nice to meet you! I can't wait to read this story! Thank you so much!" the teen girl in front of him gushed and hugged her signed copy to her chest. 
"Of course. And don't stop writing your story, it sounds cool," Vi said and the girl ran off. 
Remus stepped forward, realizing that he wasn't last in line. Vi looked up at him with a smirk and motioned him closer. Remus got a better look at her ink and his heart thundered in his rib cage. He knew that tattoo pattern—he had a drawing of it!
"I thought you might've decided to leave," Vi hummed and signed the next copy of her book on the table. 
"Me? But I never—" Remus started but froze when he saw her face again. He knew that face from his dreams! 
"Subway," she said quietly. A grin split his face.
"It was nice meeting you, but I have to sign a few more books, and I have plans after this I don't want to miss," she said and handed him the book. 
"Thanks! Me too! I'm meeting him here after this!" Remus giggled and skipped off to find a seat in the cafe to read. He didn't miss the soft blush on her face as he left.
Remus was excited and comfy with his jacket on his chair, a coffee in front of him, and completely engrossed in Once Upon a Nightmare. It was such a good story with just the slightest hints of the terror in store! He was just finishing up chapter one when someone cleared their throat. 
"Is this seat taken?" Virgil asked when Remus looked up. He was holding a coffee, back in his jeans and hoodie, without any hair extensions or make up, except for the eye shadow. Remus marked his page and grinned. 
"Only if you take it!" 
"Thanks," Virgil muttered and sat down. 
"So, soulmate dreams," Remus mused and marked his page. Virgil winced and rubbed his neck. 
"Is there any chance you're having them? I'm starting to think I might be. I keep seeing this total babe with these gorgeous blue eyes and this deep rumbling voice." 
"You know what, I have. A little gremlin of a man keeps showing up," Virgil chuckled, and flipped his bangs. 
"He sounds sexy!" Remus laughed, "Unless you're looking for something platonic." 
"Not necessarily, but I don't mind a little intimacy and a lot of bumping uglies and smoochies!" 
Virgil snickered and shook his head. Remus was cute. He scooted closer and gently grabbed Remus' chin, getting the impish little man to look at him. 
"I know this is a little sudden, but can I kiss you? I keep waking up before I can." 
Remus shook his head and grabbed Virgil's face. 
"Not if I kiss you first!" he jeered and pulled Virgil down to meet his lips. It was instant, the euphoria and connection came easily. Remus was melting inside. 
Virgil moaned softly and pulled Remus closer. Remus never wanted the kiss to end. It was almost magical. He didn't know how much he believed in soulmates, but he did know that he wanted to make Virgil a huge part of his life.
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glacierruler · 6 months
Genderfluid Virgil :)
If you like, please reblog!!!
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Taglist: @cutebisexualmess @nebulous-astronaut @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous
Please tell me if you'd like to be added/removed!
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parentsbesluts · 6 months
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after a full month theyre finally done . these designs took a lot out of me to make but i really like how they all turned out. more design info for each under the cut
patton: black cis man, he/him, 6'0 (the tallest except for remus*). 4b hair. he has patches of skin that developed into frog skin following the events of svsr. its functionally similar to vitiligo, as it was caused by the high amounts of stress patton went through, but not the same. his shirt was a gift from janus that was suggested by remus. he has chronic back pain (not a part of the design but this is important to know). he wears the bff bracelet that roman made for him when they were young. he has stretch marks around his shoulders and chest.
roman: italian + latina bigender woman, she/he/star, 5'10. he dyes her own hair often but favors stars natural color with streaks of blond. her sword is longer than that when star actually uses it. i fucked up the proportions when drawing it and didn't have the strength to fix it. she had an entire royal cape but he opts not to wear it in most situations. similarly he owns a lot more jewelry than just the stuff stars wearing in the picture but its often not practical. her bff bracelet is in a drawer in his room right now.
logan: indigenous (specifically mayan) agender person, they/xe, 5'6 (the shortest except for remus*). xyr hair has gone gray from stress despite attempts to fix it, so they have accepted their fate and moved on. xe has a nose ring because virgil is a terrible influence on them. the heart on their cheek marks the first spot that virgil ever kissed xem. xe's been carrying around that orange book a lot recently for some reason. xe has stretch marks around their chest, shoulders, armpit, and hips.
virgil: irish (she makes their skin gray just because) genderfluid person, she/he/they, 5'8 ½. he took up smoking (though they prefer weed over cigs) to try and reduce her and thomas's anxiety. it's seemingly working but now their room smells like weed. her rat tails are 100% real. after accepting anxiety she cut off their jacket sleeves and jean shins to show off more of his body. we love body positivity. the scar on his face is remus's fault. they have many anxiety reducing habits such as can tab collecting and biting her nails. enrichment. the heart on his neck marks the first spot that logan ever kissed her. he changes hair color in accordance with shirt. she has stretch marks around their hip and armpits.
janus: french + spanish trans male, he/hiss/venom, 5'8. the cane is not optional. despite having the fashion sense of an upper class victorian man hi is actively socialist. ve claims he's "reclaiming the style". the tree patterns on hisses overcoat and gloves have absolutely no symbolism related to them whatsoever. the eye he wears around venoms neck is made from serpentine. the ring pattern on hisses gloves is solely because its hard to put rings on over gloves, even though it doesnt matter at all and ve could simply summon rings on hisses fingers if he wanted to. the snake pattern around venoms coat is not sentient.
remus: italian + latino unlabled person, he/it/that thing, height is incredibly unstable but averages to around 5'10 most days. it can see out of the eyes on his earrings and right sleeve. the spikes on that things clothing are indeed real teeth. it misses his friends. it wears some sort of weird lingerie under his uniform. that thing ended up getting the uncontrollable hair genes and it dyes its hair in shrimp colors. he wants to dye its hair with virgil again. the chain can be stored inside of the mace handle, allowing the mace to be used as a morningstar. the preportions on it are also bad sorry. that things shoes are sentient and want to kill you. it wishes janus wasn't so busy. he doesn't want to be alone.
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thunder-pride · 5 months
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It’s the 1st of May! One month until June and a whole lot of fun awaits us! While you’re counting down with us, now’s the time to gather your art supplies, sharpen your pencils (and your typing skills!), and queue up your faves!
Whether you want to use each day to explore headcanons both new and old, get ready to take part in events, or celebrate Pride with us - we’re excited to have you and look forward to seeing what you make!
If you’d like some inspo - you could combine these prompts with our random identity generator!
A post regarding the Gift Exchange sign ups is forthcoming and when posted, a link will be added [HERE] SIGN-UPS CLOSED
A text version of the calendar can be found under the cut below 😊
EVENT - 1 & 2 June - Ask Game
3 June - Bingo #1 Prompts
4 June - Gordon Day
5 June - Gay Men and Lesbian Day
6 June - Scott Day
7 June - Agender and Bigender Day
EVENT - 8 & 9 June - Palette Challenge
10 June - Bingo #2 Prompts
11 June - Aromantic and Asexual Day
12 June - Tin-Tin and Kayo Day
13 June - Genderqueer and Genderfluid Day
14 June - Virgil Day
EVENT - 15 & 16 June - Headcanon Weekend
17 June - Bingo #3 Prompts
18 June - Alan Day
19 June - Transgender Day
20 June - Brains and Jeff Day
21 June - Multisexual Day (e.g. Bisexual, Pansexual, Omnisexual)
EVENT - 22 & 23 June - Photo Prompts
24 June - Bingo #4 Prompts
25 June - Polyamorous Day
26 June - John Day
27 June - Demisexual and Demiromantic Day
28 June - Lady Penelope and Parker Day
EVENT - 29 & 30 June - Gift Exchange
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Because I am a slut™ for genderfluid!Virge....
Human au where Remus constantly brags to his brother and friends and anyone who will listen about his online boyfriend and girlfriend. He gets poetic and swoons like some sort of 19th century poet. Roman is appalled because he thinks Remus is cheating.
And then Virgil moves into town and he gets a job at a coffee shop. Roman's favorite coffee shop. And they meet and Roman's first thought is, this guy is Remus' type, better keep him away.
And then like a week later, Roman regrettably has Remus with him, because Remus wants to introduce him to his boyfriend later, and he needs caffeine for that. He's praying that the edgy guy isn't working. He's in luck, the guy isn't there, but a new woman is, and she's also Remus' type!
And Remus can't help but flirt a little. Roman understands but he doesn't like it. He doesn't like that she flirts back. How dare Remus whore himself around like this when he's supposed to introduce his boyfriend to his brother!
Roman is seething for the rest of the day until it's time for Remus' boyfriend to show up for movie night. He's the one who opens the door ready to rat his brother out.
And he is stunned when the barista from earlier is there, like she were invited. And then Remus pushes him aside and leaps into her arms.
Remus explains that this absolute death goddess is Virge, his girlfriend and boyfriend! And a total babe!
Roman just faints, unable to take anymore whiplash, and because he's dramatic. Movie night goes well after he gets up again but Remus holds it against him forever
Y E S I fucking L O V E Genderfluid!Vee and this S O fucking much oml XD!!! I absolutely adore how dramatic and oblivious Ro is he will not stand for his brother shooting his shot with this Emo barista woman and being uncommited when his boyfriend is out there waiting to be introduced but little did he know Ree had a two for one deal all along XD
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