brandstifter-sys · 4 months
Prearranged Arrangement
@dukexietyweek 2024 Day 4 - Soulmates + Colors
Word count: 3038 (Ao3)
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, Virgil, Roman, Dragon Witch
Pairings: Dukexiety
Warnings: ftm!Remus, arranged marriages, mild violence, sex mention, soulmate au,
Remus always knew he would have to get married for political reasons, despite being one of the few royals with a soul mark. His only caveat is that his husband has to share him with his soulmate. But his latest suitor has him questioning that condition.
Sometimes being a prince was a pain in the ass. Remus sure thought so! He was supposed to be a good little boy and play nice with his little brother, play nice with all the snooty hued nobles and dignitaries, and get married off to secure more political power with his puss. Granted, he would be fine with that last part, if he didn't have a stupid mark on his neck. 
Like most commoners, he had a patch of skin that was a different color than the rest, dark purple in his case, where his soulmate would first touch him. No one else in his family had a soul mark, not since his great grandfather, and it only led to tragedy for him. Remus absolutely refused to let that sorrow attack him. And he would have fun keeping it away. 
“Remus,” the queen hummed as she cut into her fish with the utmost dignity, “We received a marriage proposal for you this morning.” 
“Who's the poor sap who's rejecting me?” Remus jeered and set his silverware down. Roman was scowling at him, waiting for him to make a scene. 
“The eldest prince of Blinthansa, the Vigilant Violet, and he won't be rejecting you. Queen Millicent informed me that she is aware of your mark, and it is not a problem for them,” the Queen said and took a dainty bite of her food. 
“Then I get to reject him!” Remus gasped and wiggled his shoulders. He was a handsome little imp, and any rejection from him would hurt! He was looking forward to causing a little upset! Roman, who was judging those wiggles, glared at him, daring him to step out of line again.
“You will do no such thing,” she huffed, “I have gone out of my way to ensure that our allies and subjects address you as a prince while discarding every proposal letter that dared to revert to your former title. You are Prince Remus the Veridian, and you have to get married for political reasons, you know this—this is a wonderful opportunity for you to make the most of your situation.” 
“So this guy knows I can make babies, and he's still calling me a man? You're really not letting me worm my way out of this! What if I meet my soulmate? I'm not pulling a gramps and letting this suitor kill them because he thinks my cunt is his!” 
Roman jolted to his feet and knocked his chair over. 
“How dare you say such a thing in front of Mother!?” Roman snarled, “Have you no shame!?” 
“Mmmm, nope! I don't see why you care about my future marriage, it won't keep you from the crown when you come of age! If you make it that long!” Remus responded with a dastardly grin.
“Veridian! Vermilion!” the queen snapped, “Enough!” 
Roman wilted and picked up his chair, pouting like a kicked puppy. Remus rolled his eyes and picked up his silverware. He was used to the lectures about his manners. 
“Now then,” the queen sighed, “Remus, you will set off for Blinthansa in three days to acquaint yourself with the royal court and the territory.” 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Remus said and waved his hand, “Isn't he supposed to come here?” 
“Seeing as you would be the prince consort, you would have to go there. If he were merely a noble, it would be as you said.” 
“So I have no idea who I'm supposed to marry, I have to go to a foreign country, and I have to give up my soulmate? And I'm getting kicked out in three days?” 
“You say that as if I wouldn't let you return. Granted, I want this to go well, as a mother and as a ruler. Blinthansa is a hub of magical trade and a powerful ally,” she said and took a sip of her wine, “So give the poor prince a chance.” 
“Fine! But I'm going incognito, no guards or fancy carriage.” 
“Aren't there monsters in Blinthansa?” Roman pouted. He was right, of course, but that wouldn't stop Remus! 
“I'm the best fighter in the kingdom! A couple beasties are nothing!” Remus beamed. The queen knew it was pointless to argue with him over this. Remus would go off on his own anyway, regardless of her concern.
“You must carry a satchel of lavender and wolfsbane if you want to venture off alone. I will send a carriage with gifts for the royal family and your amenities, so I urge you to stay close to the party. And don't forget your scarves. The last thing you need is a scandal over your mark.”
“You got it!” Remus beamed. He would make it to the capital, meet his supposed fiance, and flee into the night after rejecting yet another proposal. It was the perfect way to take back his own life! 
A week later…
Remus was so bored! He arrived in Blinthansa a whole day before the royal caravan, and he had no one to talk to or annoy. Queen Millicent was kind enough to welcome him and show him his room, but she was busy being the queen! After two days of doing nothing but building a ballista out of his tea set and ribbons, and wandering the grounds, he needed social interaction! 
He made up his mind to go out on the town and see the sights, without some boring escort. He let a couple of the maids know where he was headed and why he was wearing commoners clothes without a scarf and left before they could protest. What were they really going to do? Get the guards?
The capital of Blinthansa, Spinnaha, was a bustling city on the Webbilubbi river. Remus could fall in love with such a chaotic place. The streets were lined with shops and merchant stalls, and in the middle of the square there was an ornate fountain of a dragon on a spider web. The back alleys were shady and dangerous, there were street performers and plenty of opportunities to pickpocket, and the music that filled the air was eerie and cheerful. 
Remus didn't have much money on him, so he wasn't too worried about getting robbed. He was more concerned about the odd magical creatures that seemed to follow certain people around. There were cats and dogs, ferrets and birds, dragons and butterflies—and so many creatures from myths. Blinthansa was known for its magic, so it was possible they were familiars. And if they were just pets, that was even cooler! 
He noticed one that seemed to be out of place, perhaps even attacking someone. He was near the edge of a small crowd, cheering for a fiddler who was going to town, when he saw a giant spider on the back of a tall, cloaked figure. Its glistening purple fangs were moving as if it were chewing on the cloak with the intent to kill. 
Remus didn't think, he just reached out and smacked the spider off of the cloaked figure. 
In a flash he found himself pinned against the nearest alley wall with a gloved hand holding him up by the neck. 
“What do you think you're doing?” the man growled. Remus couldn't see his face, but he could see how built this guy was when he wasn't hunched over and hiding. 
“Oh, just hanging,” Remus chuckled, happy that he could still breathe. 
“Try to rob me again and kiss your fingers goodbye,” he huffed and brandished a knife. Remus had never been more turned on. 
“I was just getting a bigass spider off your back! I'm many things, but thief isn't one of them! Unless you want me to steal your heart!” Remus argued. He was enjoying himself too much! He could only imagine having this much fun when he met his—
This guy was holding his neck exactly where his mark was! 
“Don't you dare hurt my familiar!” the man snapped and squeezed his throat. This guy was doing things to Remus and he had no idea! 
“I didn't realize!” Remus gasped, “It won't happen again!” 
The man dropped him on his ass and sighed. To him, Remus was obviously just a confused foreigner, not worth the frustration. To Remus, this man was a total babe!
“If I hurt your pride, I could always kiss it better!” Remus cooed and fluttered his lashes, “I am at the perfect angle!” 
The man snorted and shook his head. 
“You're at the perfect angle to get your teeth kicked in.” 
“Use your third leg and you can!” 
“Are you always this horny or do you really think I might kill you?” 
“That's partly why I'm horny!” 
The man put his knife away and rolled his shoulders. He was clearly not used to this reaction. He even seemed flustered.
“Go jump in the river and cool off. I have better things to do.” 
“What could be better than teaching a sexy little imp a lesson?” 
“Meeting my fiance,” the man shrugged and left in a hurry. Even with that cloak, Remus could tell that the man had a biteable ass. 
Remus swore under his breath. Of course the first person who could be his soulmate just had to be engaged! He was getting cock teased by the universe right before he had to meet the prince. It was so unfair! 
He got up and brushed himself off. It was probably time to go back to the palace and get ready to deliver his rejection. And then maybe flee for his life. 
Once he was squeaky clean and dressed in his favorite green and black jacket, minus the tall collar, he was ready to meet royalty. But a certain sadness hit him as he navigated the castle. Remus was about to deal with a marriage proposal from a stranger, a stranger who knew that he would choose his soulmate over a political marriage. And the thought that his future husband would kill his soulmate, just like what happened to his great grandfather, made him sick. 
Remus approached the parlor and knocked on the door, rubbing his exposed neck, since Queen Millicent requested he leave his scarf back in his room. He was not ready for this.
A woman opened the door and smiled at him. She was in a simple, elegant black dress with red scales adoring the collar. Her piercing red eyes matched her lips and her raven hair fell around her horns and over her shoulders. 
“Your Majesty, Queen Millicent the Cerise Dragon Witch, it is an honor to be summoned to your parlor at such a late hour,” Remus said with a bow. Queen Millicent snickered and ushered him inside. 
“Spare me the formalities,” she said and led him to one of two couches. 
“Oh thank gods!” Remus gasped and flopped on a couch, “Formalities are worse than pulling off my fingernails one at a time!” 
Queen Millicent sat down on the couch next to his and chuckled. 
“You really are the perfect candidate for my son's hand. And for the country,” she said and motioned to the coffee table in front of them. It was loaded with tea and sweets. 
“I don't know about that! I’m pretty clueless about the culture here, and I might not even accept his proposal,” he said and poured himself a cup of tea. 
“Why wouldn't you?” the queen asked with a smirk and eyed his mark.
“I might have met someone else,” Remus shrugged, “I like to keep my options open.” 
“Then perhaps you should meet him before you decide. He's having second thoughts as well, but he agreed to at least meet you first. I think that's a reasonable request,” she hummed and got up. 
Remus watched her ghost to the door and open it. It was as if she knew someone was on the other side. 
“Virgil, darling, take a deep breath,” she said as she ushered a young man inside. He was tall and strong with shaggy raven hair and the prettiest pout. He wasn't dressed up to meet a foreign dignitary, in a plain tunic, leggings, and gloves, but he made it look good. 
“Prince Remus, allow me to introduce my eldest, Prince Virgil the Violet of Blathansa,” Queen Millicent said and dragged Virgil to stand next to her. He was staring at the floor and fidgeting like a scared child. 
“Nice to meet you,” Remus said with a smile. Even if they didn't get hitched, he wouldn't mind being friends with this guy! 
Virgil went rigid and his eyes snapped to Remus. There was a mix of emotions on that pretty face that Remus couldn't place. 
“If you don't mind,” Queen Millicent hummed and kissed her son's cheek, “I have to make sure that your father's room is ready for his return. You two should get better acquainted.” 
Before Virgil or Remus could protest, she zipped out of the room. The tension in the air tripled. 
“Are you just going to stand there and admire my sexy mustache or are you going to sit down?” Remus jeered and wiggled his upper lip. He was proud of his mustache—it took so much time and so many potions to grow! 
Virgil reluctantly sat on the other couch, keeping his distance from his guest. 
“So you aren't much of a talker, or are you pissed off I'm marked?” Remus said and took a swig of tea. 
Virgil was silent. 
“Well if the mark bothers you, I have worse news, I think I found my soulmate, and I want him carnally. So if you have a problem with sharing me, we can call this whole thing off!” Remus said and set his cup on the table. 
“I might have a problem with that,” Virgil said softly. If that voice didn't set off the alarm bells, the giant spider that crawled onto the back of the couch did. 
“That was you?!” Remus gawked, wearing the brightest grin. Virgil shrugged and took off his gloves. 
“Back in the market, yeah. I thought it was weird you were flirting with me. I was threatening you and you're out of my league.”
“So that means I didn't meet my soulmate,” Remus suddenly pouted. He was the only royal he knew with a mark. It was silly to think that Virgil would have one, much less one that matched his. 
“You think so?” Virgil hummed and held up his hand. Remus noticed that his forefingers and thumb had a single green mark across the palm side. 
“I get it if you're disappointed—” he continued and averted his gaze. 
He did not expect to get pinned to the couch by a hyper prince. 
“Why would I be disappointed? I'm getting engaged to my soulmate, he's hot and scary and adorable, and I like it here!” Remus laughed, “This is better than anything I expected!” 
“You’re really excited about marrying the guy who threatened you with a knife,” Virgil grumbled and met his gaze. 
“Hell yeah!” Remus grinned and nodded, “I love a man with a dark side and a sexy voice! Don't tell me you're disappointed that I'm the prince they sent! I'm no refined gentleman! I'm a menace!” 
“I’m not disappointed. You don't have to be refined. You're cuter the way you are,” Virgil said with a faint blush. 
“You think I'm cute? You'll change your mind when I'm unbound!” Remus jeered and ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair. Virgil melted into the touch and shook his head. 
“Doubt it. You'd still be a cute little prince.” 
“I’d be a sexy little prince!” Remus countered, “But you're sweet! We should go on a date tomorrow and handle the marriage contract! I'm not letting you get away!” 
“I'll show you around the castle and the training grounds before I have to go  practice. After you apologize to Cass.” 
“Practice? Cass?” Remus pouted and sat on his lap. 
“I play piano and violin, I have to practice,” Virgil explained, “And Cass is my familiar.” 
“Can I stick around for your practice? Please?” Remus gasped and wiggled, “Can you get any hotter?!” 
Virgil blushed furiously and nodded. At the same time that spider chirped and crawled towards Remus cautiously.
“Hi Cass!” Remus giggled, “I'm sorry for slapping you earlier! I thought you were attacking Virge! No hard feelings?” 
The spider chirped and crawled up his arm. Her spider paws tickled, but he didn't jerk away. She rubbed against his cheek and crawled back to the couch. 
“She likes me!” Remus beamed, “I really hit the jackpot! I'm not magic or musical but I get a musician and a witch as a soulmate!” 
“I'm a witch, but you're the spellbinding one,” Virgil grumbled shyly. Remus froze and hid his face in his hands. Oh no, he was smooth too! Remus was going to combust! 
“You okay?” 
“My face is going to explode!” Remus whined and lowered his hands. He was beet red. And Virgil just had to smirk and make it worse. 
“Maybe you're not too far out of my league,” he teased and grabbed Remus' hands, “I'll stop by your room tomorrow morning to show you around.” 
Just to make Remus implode, he kissed his knuckles. 
“Who gave you the right to be romantic?” Remus whined, “Threaten my life and manhandle me instead!” 
“Does that make you uncomfortable?” Virgil hesitated and let go of his hands. 
“It makes me want to cuddle you and rip your clothes off!” Remus argued and crossed his arms. 
“Then I'll just hold off until the wedding night,” Virgil said and gently placed his mark over Remus'. 
“I can't believe this is real,” he said and let Remus lean into him. 
“It's real, I'm real, you're real, and I really want you to kiss me!” 
Virgil chuckled softly and kissed his cheek, releasing his throat. Remus pouted at him and cuddled up to his chest. 
“I'll kiss you on the lips when my mom isn't waiting outside the door. She's waiting for the right moment to catch us in a compromising position,” Virgil explained and hugged him. 
Remus giggled and cuddled closer. He was with his soulmate and they were going to get married. He couldn't be happier. 
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ericacherrys-blog · 5 months
Wanna know what happens when you get sent to horny jail?
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raphael-angele · 2 months
Meeting Regulus
Set on Sirius' 4th year, Regulus' 3rd. First year back since his transition, Regulus sits with Sirius in their train car cuz he's not ready to face the Skittles yet.
Regulus: ...you sure your friends wont mind me sitting here?
Sirius: 'course not.
---Remus, The Casual One---
Remus, entering: Hi, Sirius.
Sirius: Hey, Remus.
Remus, noticing Regulus: Oh, hi... *recognizes him* Reg-
Sirius: Regulus, this is Remus. Remus, this is my brother, Regulus.
Remus: Brother?
Sirius: Yeah. Sorry, you two haven't offically met yet, have you? Three years in Hogwarts and I never introduced you two to each other.
Regulus: Uhm, we've met actually.
Sirius: You have?
Remus: We have?
Regulus: Yeah. The library? You helped me get the books from the higher shelves?
Remus: ...Oh, right! Wow. You've grown much taller since.
Sirius: He has. He's almost taller than me.
Remus: Well, in case you don't know yet, I'm also your brother's friend and the one responsible with keeping him out of trouble
Sirius: HEY!
---Peter, The Friendly One---
Peter, entering: Hey, guys.
Remus: Hey, Pete
Sirius: Hey, mate.
Peter: *notices Regulus* Oh, hello. Who's he?
Sirius: Peter, this is Regulus. He's my brother.
Peter: I didn't know you had a brother.
Sirius: What are you talking about? He's been going here for three years. And I always talk about him
Peter: ...You do?
Sirius: Yeah.
Peter: ...Really?
Regulus: Well, you're in 4th year, I'm in 3rd so, we probably don't see each other often.
Peter, recognizing him: Oh, wait, I do see you around. Aw, now I feel bad. I didn't know you were Sirius' brother.
Sirius: Well, now you do!
Peter: Yeah, now that I look at you, you kinda do look like Sirius. Almost like carbon copies.
Sirius: Well, he got his looks from me
---James, The Dumbass---
James, entering: Gentlemen! Your 2nd best form of entertainment has arrived!
Remus: 2nd best?
James: Sirius already called dibs on being the first.
James: Anyways, I am here, and I- *sees Regulus*
Regulus, watching out the window: *turns to look at James*
James' Perspective: flowers floating around, a halo floating on Regulus' head, light shining down just right, everything in slow motion, "Take my breath away" playing in the background
Sirius: James?
James: Peter, move *shoves Peter to the side and sits next to Regulus*
James: And who is this charming young prince sitting with us today?
Sirius: This is Regulus.
James: Regulus. A star that shines so brightly in the night sky. *takes Regulus' hand* And a fitting name for one who is undoubtedly *kisses his hand* a king.
Regulus: ...Siri...
Sirius: James. Let. Go. Of. My. Brother's. Hand
James, looks at Sirius then back at Regulus: To be continued. *kisses his hand*
Regulus: *pulls his hand away*
Train Attendant: Any of you fancy a snack, dears?
Peter: Oh! Fizzing whizzbees, please.
Remus: 2 Chocolate frogs, please.
Sirius: I'll take a pack of Exploding Bonbons. Reg, you want anything?
Regulus: Do they have Peppermint Toads?
Sirius: And a pack of-
James: We'll take the lot!
James, to Regulus: You can have all the Peppermint Toads you want and more, my prince.
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Draco at the Potters for dinner
James: Draco, we’re so happy to have you here
Draco: Thank you Mr. Potter
Sirius: *constantly judging Draco*
Remus: Oh come on Sirius. Aren’t you happy that Harry got a boyfriend?
Sirius: Harry, you know that he’s your second cousin right?
Regulus: Well at least he’s following the family tradition
Remus: *spits out his tea*
James: wtf just happened…
*Harry and Draco totally traumatised*
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twink-remus-lupin · 2 months
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haven’t posted my art on this account yet but here’s a little remus sketch bc i’m bored :]
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regulus-cannot-swim · 4 months
Headcannon that ftm Regulus' period synchs to around the full moon, so both Remus and Regulus usually end up cuddling together on one of the common room couches, grouchy and crampy.
Bonus if James and Sirius wait hand and foot on them, even before Starchaser and Wolfstar got together.
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mind0zone · 5 months
Regulus didn’t get to cut his hair until after Sirius ran away in his third year. Regulus went to school for two years straight with long curled hair. Regulus went to school sent with the girls dressed robes and pretty headbands.
It wasn’t till Sirius ran away that his parents accepted him being trans and cut his hair for him so they could have an heir.
Suddenly having a hair cut and being sent with the male uniform and robes was less pleasing as Regulus thought, cause it did make him feel like a man, it just made him feel like a replacement of Sirius.
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northlt03 · 2 years
James trying to flirt: I love your name
Trans!Regulus: Thanks, i picked it myself
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trohpi · 1 month
Hiya ^^
I heard that you take one-shot requests with trans characters and so I was wondering if you could maybe help me out with this...
I git the idea bc I just got my fcking period (suxks as a trans person) and needed some comfort so I thought trans!Sirius (ftm) having his period after hogwarts where he and Remus live together and he feels like sh!t because he's bleeding out and it's giving him dysphoria and then Remus takes care of him and makes him hot chocolate.
I'd rely appreciate it. Thank you so much <3
hello!! hope youre feeling better, periods can be tough ik. this will actually be my first request, sorry it took longer than expected. i hope i did your idea justice and that you enjoy <3
wolfstar w/ ftm sirius • 2.4k words • cw: periods, dysphoria
cross-posted to ao3
Sirius wakes to the sound of incessant meowing and a low ache in his gut. Bleary-eyed and sleepy as he is, he doesn’t even register the pain at first. He shifts under rumpled sheets, mid-morning sun flooding the room and blinding him. A ball of splotchy tri-coloured fur sits in the window sill, pawing at the glass and disrupting the blackout curtains Sirius insisted they have in the bedroom. Unwanted light filters through the window and he groans.
“Linette,” Sirius calls, voice thick and almost whiny with sleep. “What are you doing?”
She only meows again, tail twitching eagerly as she watches whatever it is that has caught her attention outside. Likely a bird or a squirrel, or perhaps one of the bunnies that moved into the backyard. Sirius huffs and moves to sit up, aiming to grab Linette and exile her to the living room, when a painfully familiar cramping of the abdomen hits him and Sirius’ mouth goes dry.
All remnants of sleep wash away in an instant, leaving him hyper-aware of every feeling, every minute sensation in his body. The incoming headache, the tight soreness of his lower muscles, and— Sirius discovers with a shudder as he shifts— the warm wetness of his underwear.
“Fuck,” Sirius mumbles, a sick feeling churning within. He quickly gets up, swallowing thickly at the small blood stain on the pale blue sheets. Moony just bought those, he thinks fuzzily, and suddenly he feels the urge to cry.
Sirius’ periods have always been irregular, no way to consistently track them, and it’s only gotten harder in the months since he’s started his masculinization potions. It's almost worse when he’s blindsided like this, wholly caught off guard by the onslaught of hormones and emotions. At least when he knows it’s coming, he can mentally prepare. This time, his walls were down, and now his mind buzzes as he stares at the stained sheets below.
He can’t handle this right now. He quickly looks away, resolving to deal with it later. Numbly, he scoops up a squirmy Linette from the window sill and makes his way out of the room.
Remus is curled up on the sofa, cup of too-sweet coffee cradled delicately in scarred fingers as he reads a book, the Muggle one his mother gave him when they moved in last month. He perks up at the sound of footsteps, turning to see Sirius in the hall entrance. The small, fond smile on his face quickly falls into a concerned frown when he sees the paleness of his face and tense line of his body.
Sirius’ breath hitches, a tangled mess of emotion swelling within him. He wants to not exist, and yet he wants so desperately for Remus to hold him, to cradle him just as delicately as he would the chipped porcelain mug he drinks from every morning.
Remus sits up, setting the well-loved mug aside as his book falls facedown on the cushion beside him. “Cariad?”
Sirius’ eyes well with tears, but they don’t fall. Sirius hates crying, has hated it since he was a child and his mother would punish him for it. Even now, nearly three years since he got out of that house, he can’t shake the urge to bottle everything up and hide.
Linette squirms in his arms again, dragging him back to reality. Sirius sniffles, letting her drop to the floor. The mostly-white calico wastes no time sprinting back to the bedroom, no doubt to meow at the window once more, but Sirius hardly pays attention to that. No, his eyes are locked on his boyfriend, who has already made his way over to him with an air of worry.
“Are you alright?” he asks, hands twitching as if he wants to reach out but is unsure if that would be okay. It would be. Sirius craves his touch, always will.
Sirius reaches out and tangles their fingers together for him, squeezing harshly as if doing so will tether them together.
“There’s blood on the sheets,” he mutters, and the concern melts into understanding.
“That’s alright,” Remus says softly, squeezing back. “I’ll handle the bed, you go take a bath.”
Sirius immediately shakes his head. “No, Moony, you don’t have to—”
“Sirius, it’s okay. I want to do this for you.”
“But…” Sirius chews on his lip, looking away shamefully. “It’s gross, Rem.”
Remus reaches up and gently grips his chin, tilting his head up to make Sirius look at him. His hazel eyes are tender and reassuring, immediately making Sirius melt just a bit.
“How many times have you cleaned up blood from my sheets after a full moon, Sirius?”
“It’s not the same.”
“Isn’t it?”
“Not at all. That blood isn’t from… from down there.”
“It’s just blood, love,” Remus says patiently. “Doesn’t matter where it came from.”
He hesitates, chewing on his lip once more. On one hand, he thinks he’ll end up in a ball of tears if he tries to clean the sheets himself, but on the other hand, he can’t help but feel self-conscious. Despite having been together for close to two years, Remus hasn’t seen that yet. Sirius has made sure of it. Sure, he’s been there during his period— he’s cuddled him and helped fulfil his cravings and warmed up the Muggle heating pad Lily gave him in their fourth year— but he hasn’t actually seen the blood. Sirius’ dysphoric mind is convinced that he will be disgusted with Sirius and his body when he sees it, even if he knows that Remus would never.
“I can see you spiralling,” Remus mutters, running his thumb along the backs of the other man’s knuckles. Sirius sighs.
“Sorry, I just—”
“Sirius,” he says softly. “Let me help you, please?”
He swallows thickly and, before he can change his mind, says, “Okay.”
“Okay,” Remus repeats with a smile, tugging him closer and pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. “Now, go take a nice long bath, cariad. I’ll have your heating pad and a cuppa waiting for you when you’re done.”
Sirius hums, a warm feeling settling in his chest. “Switch the tea for a cup of that special hot chocolate your mother sent and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
“A cup of mam’s hot chocolate it is, then,” Remus says easily and Sirius feels a small smile slip on his face, his first one all morning.
“You’re too good to me.”
“You deserve good.” The other man puts some space between them and before Sirius can even mourn the loss, he’s being gently shoved in the direction of the bathroom. “Now go. I’ll get your clothes too once you’re in the tub.”
“Alright,” he says softly. “Thank you, Moons.”
“Of course, love.”
And with that, Sirius moves down the hall and stops by their bedroom. He grabs his wand and some of his clothes— minus the fuzzy knit sweater, which is actually Remus’ and two sizes too big— and makes his way to the large, tiled bathroom. The door shuts behind him with a quiet snick and, carefully avoiding eye contact with the mirrors, he quickly casts blurring charms on them all. He usually doesn’t have to resort to such measures, rather comfortable in his body now that he’s been magically transitioning for over a year, but his periods always bring about a particular sense of discomfort regarding his appearance.
Trying his best not to let his thoughts drift negatively, he strips off his bloodied clothes and sends them to the laundry hamper in their bedroom with a flick of his wand.
The water is warm and relaxing when he sinks into the tub, soothing aches he didn’t even realise he had. Sirius sighs, letting his head fall back against the tile and his eyes fall shut.
Sirius had almost thought that he was done with periods. He hasn’t bled in months, and he had just started getting his hopes up that the potions had finally stopped his cycle as they were meant to, but no. He feels a bit defeated, if he’s being honest with himself. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to handle this on his own.
But you’re not on your own, a voice in his head reminds him as he begins to clean himself.
And the thing is, the voice is right. He has Remus.
Sirius has always had trouble seeking help from others, most especially those he’s close to. It always sparks a sense of shame. Maybe his mother moulded that into him, or maybe he was always like this. Whatever the reason, he struggles.
Remus tells him it’s okay to need help sometimes. Sirius knows that, logically. He’s been on the receiving end of that request more times than he can count for Remus— in the days leading up to and following the full moon he needs all the help he can get. He also knows that if someone cares about you, they won’t mind lending a hand when you need it. It just takes some getting used to, Sirius supposes. The care, the support, the concern.
He is getting used to it, slowly but surely. Has to, when he lives with Remus Lupin of all people. His tall, scarred, mean-looking werewolf boyfriend is actually the softest and most loving person he has ever met, and he refuses to let Sirius get away with shutting him out.
Sirius loves him even more for it.
Only a couple minutes later finds him dripping onto the bath mat, towel wrapped tightly around his waist as pink-tinged water swirls down the drain. He quickly pulls on Remus’ sweater and begins rummaging through the cabinets, searching for his cloth pads. He finds one buried underneath a pile of hair scrunchies and he places the pad in his boxers, securing it with a light sticking charm just so he doesn’t have to worry or think about it.
He tugs on his baggy sweatpants with a wince, lower muscles cramping in protest at the lack of soothing warmth now that he’s left the bath. It’s not quite bad enough to need a pain relieving potion just yet, especially not before he’s got his hands on his heating pad, but he can already tell this one will be rough.
At least he’ll have Remus to help him through it, even if he has to force Sirius to let him do so.
Sirius feels a bit like a wet cat as his damp curls drip onto the muted orange sweater he stole borrowed. He quickly grabs his abandoned wand off the counter and casts a quick drying spell, feeling the weight disappear off his head as his curls become light and bouncy once more. With a huff of satisfaction, he slips his wand into his pocket and opens the bathroom door to leave. Immediately, he hears a pleased mrrrp followed by Linette darting between his legs, purring and rubbing all the while. He chuckles, bending over to scratch at her cheeks.
“Finally more interested in me than the birds outside the window, huh, ma pépette?”
Linette purrs even louder in reply, rubbing so aggressively against his hands that she nearly stabs herself in the eye with his fingers. Sirius snorts inelegantly and scoops her up, letting her perch herself comfortably on his shoulder before he finally steps out of the bathroom.
Immediately he can smell the faintest hint of chocolate and nutmeg wafting from the kitchen. Warmth bubbles in his chest as he shuffles into the living room. On the sofa sits the quilt Effie gifted them when they moved in, Sirius’ heating pad folded with care on his seat. Gentle music plays from the wireless and he has to bite back a soft smile. Merlin, he loves this man.
“Have a nice bath, love?”
Sirius turns to see Remus standing in the doorway, two steaming mugs held in his hands. Linette chirps happily at the sight of him, and Sirius privately agrees.
“It was alright,” he hums lightly. “S’that for me?”
“Ah, no, actually. Figured I’d get two hot chocolates all to myself while my poor, sweet boyfriend wastes away on the couch all by himself.”
“How utterly cruel of you, Moons. I’m heartbroken.”
Remus snickers. “Go sit down, Pads.”
“Mm, alright.”
Sirius plops down on the couch, jostling Linette whose tail flicks in displeasure, and burrows under the cosy red quilt. Before Sirius can even think to do it himself, Remus has set the mugs down on the end table and grabbed the heating pad.
“Rem, I can—”
“No, I’ve got it,” he reassures. “Drink your hot chocolate, I’ll set this up.”
“If you say so,” Sirius says a bit reluctantly.
Linette drops off his shoulder onto the couch cushion next to him as he reaches for one of the mugs.
The first sip is heaven, always is. Hope Lupin’s hot chocolate recipe is a gift from Merlin himself.
“Godric, this is fantastic,” Sirius groans delightedly. Remus chuckles as he plugs in the heating pad.
“Isn’t it?”
“Tell your mother she’s a saint for me next time you phone her.”
“‘Course, Pads,” Remus says as he walks back over, careful to avoid tripping on the cord. Linette hops down and starts smelling it curiously.
“C’mon, baban, leave it alone,” he chides while batting her away gently.
“Aw, leave her be, Remus! What’s the worst that could happen?”
“She could chew on the cord and be electrocuted,” he deadpans. Sirius blinks.
“Right. Forgot Muggle technology is utterly terrifying. Carry on, then.”
Remus snorts and picks her up, setting her on Sirius’ lap which has already started to warm up. She purrs, cuddling into the heat and closing her eyes contentedly. Sirius runs a hand through her fur while he takes another sip from his mug. A weight settles next to him on the couch as Remus cuddles up to his side, reaching over him to grab his own hot chocolate from the end table.
Sirius hums happily, tilting his body into Remus’ and melting against the cushions. A little peck on his temple makes a soft grin slide on his face and he lets his eyes fall shut.
“Thank you for this, Moons.”
A hand reaches out to tangle with his own, squeezing gently but firm. “Of course, cariad. You mean the world to me.”
“You do, too. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you, you know.”
Remus hums, pressing another kiss to his head before he says softly, “Well, good thing you don’t have to, then.”
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goblinpuppy35 · 4 months
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Paw Prints in Fresh Soil
(Previous Chapter) - Part 8 - (Next Chapter)
Professor Remus x Male Reader
Summary: While teaching at Hogwarts Professor Lupin tries his best to conceal his strong crush for the green fingered grounds keeper Y/N but soon a strong friendship blooms into something more.
CW: 18 YEAR OLDS + ONLY: Long chapter with A LOT of smut
Remus was unable to hide his flushed cheeks and gleeful smile throughout the rest of the teaching day. His students simply assumed he was in a particularly good mood that day. The Professor religiously checked the time after every class, assessing how long he had to wait before seeing Y/N again. He could still taste the wet fabric of Y/N's pre cum stained boxers on his lips. It made the wolf inside him feral. 
Once teaching concluded for the day Remus eagerly returned to his chambers. Despite lust filling his head Remus was suddenly overwhelmed by the concern of hosting and began to quickly clean scattered books and papers off the floor and table. Then in an attempt to set the mood the Professor brought out a number of candles, placing them around the room and lighting them accordingly. Afterwards Remus lit the fire and then looked around the room satisfied, the low amber glow around him vividly reminded him of taking care of Y/N's cold body during his recovery. 
Remus attempted to preoccupied himself as he waited for Y/N by laying on the sofa half heartedly flicking through one of his books. This distraction only worked temporarily as the thought of what if Y/N would be hungry on arrival entered Remus' mind. Panickily he hurried to his small kitchen. Similar to his poison skills, his cooking abilities were extremely limited and lacking. As Remus frantically tried to figure out why the eggs he was trying to scramble were producing storm clouds of smoke from the pan, he failed to notice the latch of his door quietly opening and Y/N entering the room.
Remus was completely oblivious to Y/N's presents until the groundskeepers fingers slipped passed Remus' to take hold of the frying pan. Remus' surprise was promtly replaced with relief and then embarrassment as he let Y/N save what was left of his scrambled eggs which took on more of the apprentice of scrambled charcoal. Sitting on the candle lit floor by the fire Y/N insisted on eating the least burnt parts of Remus' disastrous meal, insisting it wasn't that bad. Remus laughed and watched Y/N, his long arm stretch across the sofa that their backs were resting against. His hand on Y/N's shoulder Remus rubbed his thumb up and down the fabric of the groundskeepers shirt tentatively. The contact between them felt so natural. 
Although both men knew exactly what they had came here for, as the night progressed the pair stayed in each other's arms talking. Y/N told Remus about his transition and how he struggled connecting to his family because of it, "They never planned to have a Muggle child, let alone a queer son" Y/N said pensively, looking into the fire. He then turned back and smiled warmly at Remus, "It's okay though, I manage" his words were genuine but Remus could still see sadness behind Y/Ns handsome eyes. Remus squeezed Y/N shoulder lovingly and pulled him in closer. 
Midnight came and went as the men talked relentlessly, as Y/N continued to tell Remus about his life the weary Professor found himself equally opening up. He told Y/N about his affliction and the toll it put on his body every month. He talked about how he often felt a great deal of guilt and shame for the way he was. With each personal secret of their lives they shared with one another their emotional bond grew as well as thier physical proximity, by the time the last fire embers extinguished themselves Y/N was curled up in-between Remus' open legs. Their hands weaved around one another like ivy up and old stone wall. Gently Remus kisses Y/Ns ear and whispered "Shall we go to bed?", looking up towards the Professor, Y/N nodded. They walked to the bedroom hand in hand. Their eyes slowly adjusted to the dark as they watched one another start to remove their clothes. Deep conversations about everything and nothing flowed between the pair again once they were laying on their sides facing one another, just in their underwear. Y/N explained which parts of his body were still sensitive after surgery and in general how he preferred being treated in bed to not feel dysphoric. Additionally Remus told Y/N which parts of his own body where most fragile, showing which scars had healed poorly.
Both men were not sure when they'd drifted off to sleep but the comfort of being engulfed in each other's arms was too tranquil to resist. Early morning owl cries woke Y/N up from the deepest sleep he felt he'd had in a life time. The room was still completely dark. Y/N had rolled to his opposite side, with his back against Remus' front, the taller man's arms were cradling Y/N and he could feel Remus' hot exhaling breathes in the crook of his neck. Considering he was a light sleeper Y/N appreciated the fact Remus didn't snore. As Y/N wiggled his body to get my comfort he felt his back press further into Remus, who's peaceful breathing suddenly got lower. Y/N moved a little more and felt the small of his back push against Remus' crotch, he was noticeable hard and the sensation made Y/N blush. Remus' lower breathing grew into a deep growl, his body shifted and then his grip tightened around Y/N.
"I'm sorry.. did I wake you? Sorry" breathed Y/N unsuccessfully hiding how flustered and arose he was becoming, Remus pushed his body closer to his. "Don't be" Remus' voice rumbled through Y/Ns ear and made his body shake. Y/N's limbs suddenly felt limp and stupid as Remus' hand slowly pulled down Y/N's boxers and then his own. Even in the darkness Y/N could feel Remus' impressive length resting against his leg, a small wet patch at the end. Tenderly kissing Y/N's shoulder Remus positioned himself then carefully began to enter Y/N from behind. Hums passed through Y/N's pressed lips which turned to whimpers as he became overwhelmed with the sheer sensational volume his body was feeling. "Hold onto me pup" Remus' low sleep filled voice said softly, "It's alright, I've got you". These sincere words followed by blankets of kisses up his neck helped relax Y/N, his forearms gripping onto the strong arms wrapped around him, as he loosened his tense body he could feel Remus' whole cock fully inside him, it was enough to make Y/N's brain fully switch off. 
"That's my boy" Remus huffed rocking his body and guiding Y/N's to do the same "your doing so well... god You feel amazing". The room was silent except for the steady creaking of the wooden bed frame and both men's heated moans. The air was filled with privacy and intimate passion. "Y/N.. are you okay, dose it feels good for you?" Remus asked between pants feeling himself getting harder inside of the smaller man. Having seemingly lost the ability to talk Y/N took hold of one of Remus' hands and delicately pulled it down his own body, reaching his thighs he pulled apart to folds to reveal his throbbing cock tip to Remus. The Professor's breathing paused momentarily as he felt how large and stimulated Y/N's cock was. A new pleasure swept across Remus' body now he could tell how turned on Y/N was. "I ... I" Y/N was barely able to whisper while he showed Remus' fingers how to rub against his tip "I want you to make me cum AH" before Y/N finished his request Remus took to for filling it. Coating with thumb and forefinger with Y/N's precum he slowly started to rub Y/N's erection, taking note how even the slightest touch down there made Y/N's back arch . "With pleasure my love" Remus cooed before thrusting his hips harder behind Y/N.
Y/N very rarely let himself fully go in any situation, even when he was alone. Yet Remus was sending every fibre of skin he had alight. His throbbing cock ached spectacularly from Remus' meticulous touch, he knew he was going to cum soon. Remus' body was having the same reaction to Y/N and as the groundskeeper widened his leg span, giving Remus more space, his pleasure tipped over the edge. "Fuck Y/N I'm" was all Remus could announce before overflowing feelings of ecstasy escaped his body. Y/N was getting drunk feeling all of Remus' inside him. Extending his high Remus continued to pump Y/N slower but with harder thrusts, his own body starting to buck. These sharp movements were too much for Y/N "Oh Christ Remus .. I'm ..I'm. Fuck. I'm going to scream. Please stop me". Swiftly Remus lifted up his free hand and clasped it fully over Y/N's trembling mouth, pulling his head back slightly. Remus' other hand stayed on Y/N's cock as he synchronized his hip thrusts to his wrist jerk. The hand gag seemed to have the opposite affect on Y/N for each muffled moan came quicker after the others and became more desperate. Even though his own high was fading Remus was loving this display and pure lust and with each moan from Y/N he tighter his grip over his mouth and tilted his head back further. Suddenly Y/N's body stopped squirming, become unbelievably still and tense as he let out a muffled moan which sounded as if he was crying. His body arched and then rubbed against Remus' fingers enthusiastically, at which point Remus felt warm cum over his fingers. He waited until Y/N had finished rocking and then withdraw his fingers to his open mouth, licking around his knuckles he devoured Y/N's taste. "You taste beautiful" Remus whispered causing Y/N to shake and twitch now Remus had pulled out. Y/N shock so hard he made the mattress quiver so Remus sitting up, scoped Y/N in between his legs and pulled the blankets up to wrapped around both their shoulders. Shushing and petting the younger man's Y/H/C hair Remus kissed his warm cheeks "You were perfect Y/N". 
"Some .. Sometimes I get .. I .. very non verbal after.. af" Y/N jittered through his wobbling lip. Caressing Y/Ns hand Remus kissed it gently, "That's okay" He reassured, "as long as you are okay?". Y/N smiled and nodded, snuggling into Remus cosy embrace. After a moment of peaceful recovery Remus asked "Shall we both get cleaned up and then go back to bed?". Y/N nodded again and was about to gingerly make his way off the bed but gasped in surprise as his weight lifted off the sheets. Supported by Remus' arms the Professor carried Y/N to the bathroom, switching the light on with his elbow. Both men couldn't stop bashfully smiling at each other. 
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teenagecupcakecat · 26 days
5'11 under, skinny asf, trans Remus Lupin.
over 6', muscular, biker bf Sirius Black
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brandstifter-sys · 4 months
Webs We Weave
@dukexietyweek 2024 Day 6 - Rockstars + Stuffed Animals
Word Count: 3016 (Ao3)
Rating: T
Characters: Virgil, Remus, Patton, Remy, Andy, Dragon Witch (Millie)
Pairings: Dukexiety, Remdy (Shorts Sleepxiety)
Warnings: ftm!remus, hitch hiking, anxiety, mild threats, sex mention
Remus is an avid fan of Webs We Weave, and his internet crush just so happened to give him to tickets to every show on their latest tour. Naturally, this disaster fanboy is going to make it to all those shows without questioning his friend's connections, even if he has to hitchhike to get there! But hitchhiking can have unexpected consequences!
Remus was not just an average fanboy. He was obsessed with his favorite band, their music and seeing them perform. Every show was amazing and he craved the rush of the crowd. So what if he was following the band on tour by any means necessary? He wasn't stalking them, just chasing the sound and the thrill. 
His own brother couldn't stop him when he got tickets to every show, not even asking how he afforded them. They were gifts from a friend from Tumblr, and crush if he were being honest. And they were legit! He swore he would bend over any way xxelectric-spider-rainxx wanted him to!
After three nights of musical ecstasy, Remus was perched in a big rig truck, headed for the next city on his list. The driver, a bespectacled man with a heart of gold, was kind enough to offer him a meal on the drive. 
“So, kiddo, you said you were going to meet your friend and go to a concert, what group is worth the risk?” the driver, Patton asked, keeping his eyes on the road. 
“Have you heard of Webs We Weave?” Remus asked and took a sip of his slushie. He could go on about them if he wanted, from Millie Drake's fire vocals, to Remy Traum’s bass riffs. But he didn't have to. 
“Have I ever!” Patton laughed, “My son is in that band!” 
“He is?!” Remus gawked. He wasn't digging into their personal lives, but he knew a lot about their back stories, except for Virgil Hawthorne. That beefcake drummer was so mysterious.
“Yuppers!” Patton giggled, “I can't tell you how proud I am of him for making it so far with his friends! He would spend all his free time playing those drums until my ex got a headache!”
“You’re Virgil's dad?” Remus gasped. Now that he thought about it, Patton had a similar smile and build to the drummer, only he was a little bigger in the middle. He could believe it. 
“That’s my boy! He's such a sweet kid, sent me a backstage pass good for every show on this tour! I feel bad I won't be able to make any of them, but he knows how much I support him!” Patton said with a sly grin, “If you want it, it's in the glovebox, right next to his old bunny.” 
“Really?” Remus gasped and set his drink in the cupholder before he made a mess. He opened the glovebox and saw the pass and an old black bunny toy that was well loved, obviously stitched together with white floss. Its eyes were white X's and its left ear was missing fuzz on the tip. 
“Yeah! I'd hate for it to go to waste, and I think he'd like you,” Patton responded, “And if you do take it, can you give him Mr. Fuzzy? He loves that bunny!” 
“You trust me not to keep it?” Remus gawked. 
“Yeah, you don't seem like the crazed type of fan who would. Plus you need to have faith in people.” 
“That’s really idealistic,” Remus said and carefully tucked the pass and bunny into his bag, “But you don't have to worry, I'll get it to him. It's the least I can do for the ride and food!” 
“Thanks Remus,” Patton said and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, “Mind if I put on some dad tunes?” 
“Classic rock?” Remus grinned, “Only if you let me sing along!” 
Patton beamed and turned on the radio. He was happy he decided to pick up this hitchhiker, and happier that he might've found Virgil's newest friend. 
“Ugh, you have to stop pacing, Virge!” a young man with shaggy brunette hair groaned from where he lounged on the couch. 
“I can't help it!” Virgil, a large man with even shaggier black and purple hair, snapped. He was chewing his thumbnail and walking the length of the dressing room. The other two band members were getting coffee, leaving the two most anxious messes to wait. 
“You'll run out of energy before we go on. Isn't there something else you can do?” Andy groaned and adjusted his jeans. 
“I left Mr. Fuzzy with my dad and running a lap around the building will drain me faster. What else can I do, Andy?” 
“I don't know—why are you freaking out?” Andy huffed and crossed his arms, hugging his chest for some security. 
“I haven't heard anything from them in days, and their blog is all queued. What if they hate me? What if they're in trouble? What if they're just busy or too excited to go online? What if they show up at this show? I won't be able to recognize them. What if they're a creep? What if I put us all in danger?” Virgil rambled. Andy rolled his eyes. 
“You gave them a ticket to every show. They're bound to show up at some point.” 
“My dad got tickets to every show and he's never shown up,” Virgil argued and ran a hand through his hair. 
“You didn't notice, did you?”
“Notice what?” 
“There's been one person at all of the shows so far in the front row. Your Tumblr buddy is probably taking advantage of those tickets.” 
“Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I've been shirtless on stage every time!” Virgil yelped and lunged at Andy, grabbing him by the shoulders, eyes bugging out of his skull. 
“Dude. We only had three shows, all in the same area. I'm not jumping to conclusions yet,” Andy yelped. Virgil was too strong for his own good. 
Virgil immediately let go of him and shrank back. He knew he was overreacting but he couldn't calm down. He flopped on the couch and groaned. 
“Why do you care so much? Especially about the shirt thing? You don't know what they look like or their pronouns,” Andy huffed, “Don't tell me—you have a crush.” 
Virgil curled into himself and grumbled. He couldn't stop himself from feeling. He was freaking out over a crush like some teenager and he was making a mess of his band. 
It was so stupid. He only knew their username, krakendickenpuss, and that they could handle his bluntness and his rants. They actually liked talking to him about monsters, movies, and music. They were the first person in a long time he could connect with, without his mild game getting in the way. They were lewd and flirty but they never crossed any lines, and they were just so adorable! 
“Oh god, you do,” Andy gasped and got up. He needed some water and a snack and the vending machine was outside. 
“I'll grab a gatorade for you,” Andy said and opened the door. 
Andy yelped and jumped back. He was not expecting a little man to be at the door with his fist raised, especially not one he swore he saw at the last couple of shows. Virgil jumped to his feet and got between Andy and the intruder, ready to fight. 
“Oh! Perfect!” the man cheered, “Millie and Remy said you were here!” 
“Who are you and how did you get back here?” Virgil snarled, ready to fight. A good scuffle might have been just the thing he needed to calm his nerves. 
“I'm Remus,” the man said with a shiver. Virgil assumed it was just evidence this guy was intimidated. Remus was enthralled—what could be hotter than a big strong guy getting protective of his friends? A big strong shirtless guy getting protective of his friends! 
“Virge—” Andy muttered, his heart still racing.
“I can handle this,” Virgil said curtly and nudged him towards the couch before his knees gave out. 
“I was looking for you since Venomousse got off the stage! I need to give you something! I promise it's not dangerous!” Remus beamed. He was damn cute, and Virgil hated that. 
“How did you get backstage?” Virgil pressed and loomed over him menacingly. They didn't sell backstage passes, not even for the press. 
“I have a pass!” Remus chirped and held up his lanyard with the pass. 
“Where did you get that?” Virgil snapped and grabbed him by the shirt, lifting poor, aroused Remus off the ground. 
“Your dad gave it to me! He's a really nice guy! He gave me a ride and I didn't even have to offer any suckies!” Remus said without an inkling of fear. He would have killed to get socked in the jaw by his favorite drummer! He would kill for this man to do so much more than that!
“I know! He's a good guy! He asked me to give you something!” Remus said, “So can you put me down? You're stretching my binder.” 
“If you hurt him, I swear I'll—” 
“Call him. He should be fine,” Remus cut him off, “My binder won't be if you keep holding me like this. I don't have another one with me! Unless you want to see these lumps—all you have to do is say so!” 
Virgil immediately dragged him into the dressing room and dropped him on the couch by Andy. Remus landed with a thud and scrambled to get his gym bag off his back. 
Andy watched him dig through his bag when Virgil called his dad. He was pacing again and biting his thumb. 
“Heya kiddo!” Andy could hear Patton greeting his son, “Sorry I couldn't make it tonight! I just crossed into the next state!” 
“Dad, are you okay?” Virgil gasped. 
“I'm not in Oklahoma!” Patton giggled, “But I'm alright. Are you okay? You sound stressed.” 
“Did you pick up a hitchhiker?” Virgil asked and bit his lip. He didn't even notice Remus pulling something out of his bag. 
“I did, but don't worry, I dropped him off and I'm safe. Actually, he was headed to your concert, so I sent him with something to give you since you probably need it,” Patton said brightly, “His name is Remus, he's short and stocky, has a little mustache. I think he was wearing green shorts and a black tank top.” 
“What did you give him?” Virgil demanded, getting even more tense by the second. 
“This!” Remus butted in loudly and held up the stuffed bunny for Virgil to see. 
Virgil’s jaw dropped. There was no way this Remus guy was holding Mr. Fuzzy. 
“Oh it sounds like you found him!” Patton said over the phone. It was hard to miss Remus' voice! 
“I gotta go, Kiddo, break a leg tonight!” Patton said after a beat of silence. 
“Thanks, Dad,” Virgil choked out and hung up the phone. Virgil hung up and stowed his phone almost robotically. 
He stared at Remus for a long moment, trying to make sense of the situation. Andy was uncomfortable with the silence, but Remus seemed to be at ease. 
The tension snapped when Virgil snatched the toy from Remus and held it to his chest.
“Tell anyone about this and you're dead,” Virgil growled and rubbed the bunny’s ear between his fingers. 
“About what? How you're taller and beefier than the photos let on? That you got aggressive enough to make me cream my pants?” Remus jeered and wiggled his shoulders, “Because only one other person will know what happened when I met you! And they won't believe me anyway!” 
“He's having a really anxious moment,” Andy cut in, “He really isn't aggressive. Whoever you plan on telling, mention that part.” 
“Who are you telling?” Virgil asked warily as he finally started calming down. 
“A friend on Tumblr. They gave me the tickets so I want to tell them all about it when I don't have to watch my phone battery!” Remus beamed. 
Virgil's face blanched. 
“Your friend gave you tickets, plural?” Andy asked with a smirk, “So we'll see you at other shows?” 
“Hell yeah! I'll be at every show! I can't believe they could give me so many tickets!” Remus beamed, “So don't get any ideas about calling me a stalker!” 
“Oh god, you plan on hitchhiking to all of them?” Andy gawked and got up. He still needed a snack, and he had to find Remy and Millie. 
“Yup! But I'm a tough puppy! I can handle anyone!” Remus beamed. Virgil stared at him like he was insane. 
“Geez,” Andy sighed, “I'm hitting the vending machine. Do you want anything?” 
“Gatorade or iced tea if they have it,” Remus said and dug into his bag. He could pay for his own drink! 
“It's on me,” Andy cut him off and headed for the door. Once Andy was gone, Virgil’s anxiety started creeping over him again. Virgil was going to kill Andy. 
“So, uh, your friend on Tumblr gave you tickets?” Virgil muttered, not daring to look at Remus. 
“Yeah!! Electric Spider Rain has some crazy connections! When I finally get to meet them I'm totally smooching their breath away! I would've done that even without the tickets,” Remus giggled. 
“Krakendickenpuss?” Virgil asked, praying that he didn't just threaten his crush. 
Remus squealed and pounced, intending to hug him on the floor. He wrapped his arms and legs around the drummer and rubbed his cheek on Virgil's shoulder. 
“I can't believe it's really you!” Remus squealed, “Who would've thought that the person I've been talking to online is actually the sickest drummer in the world!” 
“I can't believe you decided to hitchhike around to get to every show without telling me,” Virgil scoffed incredulously. 
“You would have tried to stop me!” Remus giggled, “And then I would have never gotten to meet you!” 
Virgil set Remus on his feet, only for Remus to hug his waist and nuzzle his chest. Virgil was beet red but gingerly hugged back with one arm. Mr. Fuzzy didn't need to be crushed any further.
“You know I can't let you hitchhike to get to the rest of the shows without worrying,” Virgil said softly. 
“But I don't want to miss the rest of the shows! You guys are my favorite band and you gave me all those tickets!” Remus whined, “And I want to spend time with you in person!” 
“Then join us on the bus,” a woman said as she entered the room. She had a knowing smirk on her ruby lips and long dark hair. She had two guys trailing her, a twink in sunglasses and Andy. 
“Millie, you can't be serious,” Virgil huffed, “What if we get in trouble for kidnapping or worse?” 
“My brother knows I'm hitchhiking so you don't have to worry about that!” Remus pipped up, refusing to let go of Virgil. 
“I'm serious, we talked about it. I would rather have some mild trouble with the law than him getting hurt,” Millie shrugged, “You would've suggested it too.” 
Virgil couldn't blush any harder. Not only was Milie suggesting bringing Remus along, but she and Remy could see Mr. Fuzzy in his arm. There was no way out of this. 
“As long as he doesn't knock you up, it's fine,” Remy added and sipped on his iced coffee. 
“So it's fine,” Virgil muttered, “Since that's impossible.” 
“It's not impossible the other way around!” Remus jeered, “But I'll behave! Even if you're shirtless and sweaty!” To make things worse, he rubbed his face against Virgil's chest. 
“Since that's settled, introductions?” Millie hummed and sat down. Andy dragged Remy away from the dressing room, probably to tell him to keep his mouth shut about the stuffed animal. 
“I'm Remus! Remus Reyes Cuesta!” the little imp beamed and finally let go of Virgil, “And his internet friend!” 
Millie narrowed her eyes at him and studied his face. 
“Is your brother Roman?” 
“Yup! How did you know?” 
“Do you remember Millicent Wieczorek?” she hummed. Remus' face lit up. 
“No way! Is that you? You kicked his ass in middle school! He totally deserved it, so I'm not mad! I was so sad when you had to move away! What are the odds we meet again here?” 
“Yeah, he can ride with us. He's safe. Just like Mr. Fuzzy,” Millie said to Virgil. 
“Uh,” Virgil hesitated. Millie shrugged and grinned at him. 
“I still sleep with Barfolomew the cat dragon. I'm not judging you. Remy might, but his boytoy is grilling him. Actually I should make sure they aren't making out in a closet. You two have fun.” 
With that she got up and left Remus and Virgil alone. Virgil was absolutely mortified. 
“Sit! Sit!” Remus chirped and patted the seat next to him. Virgil reluctantly sat down and let Remus lean on him. 
“Thanks for the tickets and the ride. And for showing me your dark side! It's hot!” 
“Sorry about that, I was out of line,” Virgil wilted and hugged Mr. Fuzzy. Remus pouted and scooted closer. 
“It's okay, Virgil. I'm not hurt, just turned on. Who knew my celebrity crush would be my Internet crush, and who knew he was feral and a sweetheart?” 
“Yup! I won't deny it!” Remus giggled, “But don't think that means I'm coming on to you. I can behave! Even if I'm jealous of that bunny!” 
“Why would you be jealous of a toy?” Virgil huffed. He was practically squeezing the life out of it. 
“Because you love it, and more importantly, you're hugging it to those bara tiddies!” Remus jeered. He was pleasantly surprised when Virgil wrapped an arm around him. 
“I-I like you too,” he said shyly, “But let's not rush into anything.” 
“I can work with that!” Remus beamed, “I'm gonna go back out to the pit, and I'll come back here after your set.” 
“You can leave the bag, no one will steal anything,” Virgil said and loosened his hold on his bunny. 
“Really? Thanks Virgil! You're the best!” Remus beamed and kissed his cheek. 
He bopped to his feet and giggled at how Virgil's blush traveled to his shoulders. He waved cheekily and skipped out of the dressing room, letting Virgil follow him with his eyes. 
Virgil touched his cheek where Remus kissed him and smiled like an idiot. 
That night he performed better than ever before. 
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
teacher remus noticing reader is upset and asks them what's wrong after which reader basically comes out as trans (ftm)?
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acceptance; remus lupin
synopsis: remus's student confides in him something that's been plaguing them.
warnings: PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP, father figure remus ong, trans (ftm) reader, f/n: friend name, f/n doesn't know y/n is trans
reader's pronouns: he/him
y/n looked up. he had been stuck in That Feeling for the third day in a row now, and it was hurting him. he was forgetting to do basic tasks such as eat and make your bed. he was barely talking, and had no will to go to classes.
"yeah?" he croaked, suddenly aware of the class's eyes on him.
f/n eyed him. "are you okay?"
y/n nodded. "yeah, yeah i'm fine."
turning f/n nodded to professor lupin. "she's fine."
y/n visibly shrunk back at being referred to as "she". the fucking pronouns followed him everywhere, tormenting him and telling him he wasn't a "him", but a "her". it made him feel a way that he couldn't describe.
at least the lesson continued, and all eyes moved back to lupin.
y/n spent the rest of the class in an uncontrollable daze. his head was spinning, but not quite enough to want to get up and leave. though not soon enough, class was dismissed.
the milling of students past him finally grounded y/n back, but his name being called alarmed him.
"y/n? will you stay for a little bit?" professor lupin asked, scarred face patiently awaiting the answer he knows he'll get.
y/n swallowed. "yeah."
once the last pupil was out of the room, remus turned to his desk and waved his hand. within moments, two steaming mugs appeared side by side.
"cocoa?" the professor asked with a smile. "i know it isn't really the season for that, but i think you'd like this better than the tea i've been drinking lately," remus explains. y/n slowly stands up, and takes the cup from the professor's hands.
"oh don't worry. there's no truth serum in this, i solemnly swear." remus stated before taking a sip.
"so, dear child, what's been on your mind as of late?" remus finally asked.
y/n looked down, back slouched violently. "i- it's truly nothing. just stress, i guess."
it was a pity y/n was a bad liar when upset. "i won't judge. i simply want to know what the change in attitude is about," remus explained, eyes trained on the teen in front of him. "if this is a family thing... well, i had a friend who... if it's a family thing just say so and i'll leave you alone of you so please."
y/n felt horrible. he felt like the professor genuinely cared. and all the emotion in his voice was stabbing y/n in the heart. "i'm trans- transgender," y/n whispered, eyes to the floor.
he barely registered the mug being taken from his hand, or remus leading him gently to the floor, but he didn't realize he was openly bawling into his professor's arms. "i'm trans, professor," he sobbed, gasping on air.
remus soothingly shushed his cries, and patted his back in a fatherly way. it pained remus to see one of his favorite students so upset.
five minutes flew by. y/n sniffed miserably as he harshly wiped tears from his eyes. "are-are you gonna t-tell dumbledore?"
"would you like me to?" remus asked.
y/n shook his head.
"what do you go by?" remus asked quietly.
"still y/n but i'm thinking of going by something else. my, uh, pronouns, though, are he/him," y/n explained, fingers knotting together. he hadn't told anyone that he was trans. this was huge.
remus smiled. "would you like me to use your pronouns in front of the class?"
y/n nodded. he hadn't thought of that question, but maybe hearing his pronouns from his favorite professor would help validate him.
remus grabbed the desk to help him up. grabbing the teen's hand, remus pulled y/n up. "i may have... something that could help make your voice lower..."
y/n looked up, wide-eyed. "really?"
the professor smiled at y/n's glee. "yes. it's a potion that i can give you the recipe too, but i don't have the ingredients," remus explained, summoning some potion book.
flipping through pages, remus finally found the page. grabbing a piece of paper, remus enchanted a quill to copy down ingredients, the process of making the potion, and when and how to drink.
y/n gingerly accepted the paper. "i- i really don't know what to say, professor...'' he trailed off.
"just a simple assurance that you'll be smiling tomorrow is all i need," remus chuckled, nudging y/n gently in the arm.
y/n felt wholly accepted by professor lupin, and the feeling made him want to cry again.
but all y/n could do was smile in gratitude and hope lupin knew how much this meant to him.
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resident-gay-bitch · 21 days
🏳️‍⚧️ Trans Tuesdays 🏳️‍⚧️
Trans Marauders Chaos (MtF Sirius, FtM James + Remus, NB Peter)
So, imagine all the Marauders are actually trans in one way or another. The way the sorting of their rooms works, is literally a matching spell or something that pairs up the boys and girls based on their compatibility, interests, and values. So the Marauders all get clumped together, being the four trans kids (presenting masculine in 1st year) in Gryffindor.
At this stage, Remus and James have both started their transition, both trans masc and passing well enough. Due to money and his amazing family, James is passing extremely well, and Remus not so much. He kind of has to make his own methods, thankful he didn’t get his mam's pretty genes and instead his dads ruggish nature, fugly face and crooked nose, makes things a fair bit easier when he’s not typically ‘pretty’. Sirius is MtF, but she doesn’t know it yet, going about her days as a bloke without much of a clue yet, used to constantly feeling a little off and uncomfortable from growing up in 12GWp. Pete's non-binary, but they don’t know it yet either. 
Remus and James have absolutely no intentions of ever admitting that they’re trans to these random boys they share a room with, and so they keep it so well hidden, they don’t even clock each other. 
By the time Sirius figures out she’s a girl, and Pete figures out they’re NB, they’re all playing a secret game of hide and don’t get caught. None of them question why they all change in the bathroom, none of them question why they’re all so tidy about their clothes, ensuring no one sees anything that might give them away (like binders, packers, pretty skirts or makeup), none of them question the other peoples odd and secretive behaviour, because they don’t want their own weird demeanours questioned. 
It literally takes years before it gets anywhere. 
It’s only when Sirius runs away, when James is there hugging her and consoling her in the middle of the night, without having time to bind since he was in bed. And well, from their close proximity Sirius feels something she doesn’t usually feel whilst being held by James. So she does a little snooping, and finds James’ binder awkwardly stuffed into his bedside drawer, and sees pictures of a tiny little girl with James’ face. James pretty quickly fesses up, making Sirius promise to never breathe a word to anyone, so Sirius comes out to James in turn, and it really solidifies their bond. 
So, back at Hogwarts, Sirius now knows James is trans, and James knows Sirius isn’t a bloke, the other two deep in the dark. Shenanigans ensue. 
Sirius and James are joined at the hip now, constantly around each other, so much so that they’ll both change together in the bathroom at the same time now, not caring around each other because they’re each other's safe space and never feel judged in the other's proximity. Ensuring James sometimes gets lazy with his bindings in the morning since he doesn’t sleep with them on anymore, when he and Sirius share a bed, and sometimes walking through the dorm without them under his baggy shirt. Creating some suspicion from Remus, who sees his own body in James’. 
And sometimes James slips up and refers to Sirius as she or her or a girl in conversations with other people, so mindlessly he doesn’t even notice he’s done it, doesn’t “correct” himself. Most people just assume it was a natural slip of the tongue and bypass it, but it can only happen so many times in their dormitory before Pete and Remus catch on. 
And then they all start noticing more and more things about each other, as they get older, because they’re more perceptive now and notice when things are a little off kilter. Like, they put two and two together as to why Remus always already has bandages around his chest after a full moon and completely hides away his middle but won't hide the rest of himself, even when his legs or face are more scared than his middle. And they notice empty bottles of hormone potions in the rubbish, and ends of bandages sticking out of drawers and makeup in the bathroom. 
They’re all very suspicious of one another, but far too scared to actually come out and say something in fear of being wrong, and then ostracised by their most trusted comrades. 
It all implodes one afternoon, after a very rushed morning to get out of the dorm and to the quidditch pitch on time for the game, because they were all up very late pranking and overslept their alarms. James was shouting and chasing them around the room because he couldn't believe he, the quidditch captain, was running late to his own game. And of course Sirius is running around after him, guilty for maybe waking up earlier and ignoring her alarm without much thought. And then they’re all out the door and in the cold, ready to play and watch the match, just in time for the kick off. 
It’s when they come back to the dormitory that everything unravels. They walk into the dorm together, all having a laugh, when Remus suddenly stops in his tracks and asks, “Erm, what is that?”
It's then that they all turn to face the middle of the room, where right there on the carpet is a soft blue item of clothing. And both Sirius and Peter dive for it, recognising the shape and colour in an instant. 
They both are on the ground, fighting over it for a second before freezing and looking at one another with flabbergasted expressions. 
“What the bloody hell do you need a bra for?” Sirius asked. 
“Why do you know this is a bra?” Pete asked back. 
“Because it’s my-” Sirius shut her mouth immediately. 
“What? No, it’s mine!” Pete sassed back. 
Sirius furrowed her brow, “No, look, it’s mine.” She said, wiggling it in the air, suspended between each of their hands. 
They both looked down at the material between them, one pale blue bra with purple flowers all over it, stretched out from each of them holding one side of the clasp, both sure it was their own. It even has the sweet little bow in the middle that they picked it out for! 
“What the bloody hell do you have a bra for?” Remus asked, cutting in. 
“My tits-” Sirius shouted, at the exact same time as Peter said, “On the days I want boobs-” 
They both looked at eachother again, “No, see, look.” Sirius huffed, tugging at the undergarment, “I picked this out last Christmas, it has a stain on the top of the left boob from my shaving cream- A cup.” 
Pete glared at her, flipping their thumb on the tag to turn it over, reading out the label, “Well, this is a B, so-”
“Wha-” Sirius muttered, freezing in her tracks, remembering a very crucial piece of information. She pulled her own collar out, looking down her top to notice she was wearing the exact same bra already, “Oh, well…”
“Told you.” Pete sassed, grinning as they snatched the garment away. 
“Wait, why do you have a bra?” Sirius asked again. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” Pete narrowed their eyes. 
They stared at each other for a moment, both glaring with hard expressions, neither one willing to break. 
Standing above them still, James groaned, dropping his head forward, “Erm, this is awkward. Perhaps we should go, Rem, before her head explo-”
“Her.” Remus interrupted, “You always call Sirius she.”
“Yeah, you do.” Pete nodded, looking at Sirius still, “Last I checked, you’ve got a dick.”
“Yeah, well maybe I don’t want it.” Sirius sassed, “Last I checked you did too.” 
“Yeah, well…” Pete huffed, “I don’t have a good comeback for that.” 
Sirius swallowed, looking at the blue fabric clutched in Pete's hands, “Are you like me?” 
“Okay, we should definitely leave, Moon-” James tried. 
“Nope.” Remus shook his head, putting his hand on James’ chest to stop him. 
“I don’t know, are you like me?” Pete asked back. 
“Well, I don’t fucking know. What are you?” Sirius sassed. 
Peter glared at her, “You first.”
“No, I asked first.” 
“Well, how am I supposed to fucking answer if I don’t know what you are?”
“Right…” Sirius swallowed, “So… you’re a girl?”
“No.” Pete muttered, and Sirius went pale.
“N-no neither am I. Obviously, I’m not- that would be weird. I’m- it’s not… I was just joking-”
“I’m not a bloke either.” Pete cut in, “I don’t know how to explain it.” 
Sirius tensed, staring at Pete with desperate eyes, “But you… you have a bra?”
“Cause sometimes I like wearing one.” Pete swallowed, “And sometimes I like makeup, and sometimes I don’t. And sometimes I wanna have a beard and put glitter on my eyes and wear a bra and boxers and… I- I don’t know.” 
“Oh…” Sirius nodded, “Well, I don’t…. I like makeup too, and bras… and skirts, and stuff. Don’t like that boy shit though.” 
“So, you’re not….”
“A bloke, yeah.” She sighed, kind of relieved to get it off her chest, “Shit, yeah, no. I’m a girl.”
“Oh…” Pete swallowed, “So… was that your hormone potion I found under James’ bed?”
“No, I don’t take mine anywhere other than the box on my bookshelf.” Sirius said defensively, before tensing and glancing up at James, “Wait- no, it probably was. I might have accidentally-”
“Nah, it wasn’t.” James shrugged, sighing, “It was mine.” 
“Wait, what?” Remus asked, gobsmacked. 
“Your’s?” Pete asked, “Are you a girl too?”
“No, I’m a bloke.” He shrugged, lifting up his shirt and running his hands over the little scars under his chest, “See, bloke. No tits, chopped ‘em off… wow, that was great to get off my chest-”
“Oh my fuck- stop making that joke, James. It’s old.” Sirius groaned. 
“Not to them, it’s not!” He defended. 
“You know about each other?” Peter asked, looking between James and Sirius. 
“You weren't born a bloke either?” Remus muttered, staring at James in awe. 
“Nah, I’m on hormone potions-”
“Wait, either?” Sirius asked from the ground, looking up at Remus. 
Remus turned red, “Well… yeah.” He huffed, leaning over for the box on the end of his bed, opening it up to show his own hormone potions inside, “Me too.” 
“Oh…” James said, looking down at the potions before up at Remus, “You’re like me?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Remus shrugged. 
“Okay, wait, are we all…” Sirius started, looking around at the other three, “Are we all a different gender than what we were born with?” 
“Yeah.” Pete shrugged, as the other two nodded in agreement. 
“Bloody hell.” James laughed, “Six and a half years of running around in secret for nothing, then?”
“That could have saved me so many problems.” Remus groaned, “I made Madame Pomfrey come up with a binding spell to help compress my chest after full moons so you all wouldn’t fucking notice-”
“I got Effie and Flea to find me a glamour spell to cover the fact that I’m growing tits all the time.” Sirius said, smiling up at them, hurriedly reaching for her wand to rid herself of the glamour, “Look, there's a lump!” She said, turning to the side. 
“Merlin, you can have mine, if you want.” Remus offered with a laugh. 
“So we’re all just fucking stupid?” Pete asked with a smile. 
“I guess so.” James shrugged, “Do you reckon we were all put together in this dorm on purpose?” 
“If they did do it on purpose, then why the fuck didn’t they tell us.” Sirius huffed, “Do you know how many times I’ve whacked James for calling me a girl in front of you lot? I mean, it feels great but it stresses me out.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.” James blushed. 
“Do you reckon Minnie will make you move into the girls' dorm if she finds out?” Pete asked. 
“God, I hope not.” She grimaced, “I don’t think I’ll survive living in a dorm without James.” 
“Oh, hey!” Remus grinned, pointing down at her, “You’ll be able to get into the girls' dorms now, right? We can finally pull that prank on the girls… put those frogs in their bed, get them back for the spiders.” 
Sirius grinned, “Oh, you’re brilliant, Remus-”
“Do you reckon Pete will be able to get in?” James asked, looking down at them.
“I don’t know?” Pete replied, furrowing their brow, “I’m not a girl.”
“Yeah, but you’re not a bloke. The charm is there to keep boys out.” 
Peter squinted their eyes, “Should we go try it out?” 
“Yeah!” James shouted, as they all scrambled towards the door. 
“Oi, imagine the look on the girls' faces if you can get in.” Remus added. 
Pete could, of course, get in. And the look on the girls' faces was golden. Marlene was rendered into a giggling heap on the ground, because they already knew about Pete, they’re the same. Mary just stared, jaw dropped, and when Sirius waggled her eyebrows and stepped into the room too she jumped up on her chair and shouted, “Bloody hell, Sirius! Are you like me?” Shocking the shit out of them all. Lily was just very confused until they all explained what was happening. 
The girls also did not appreciate the frogs in their dormitory that night. 
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Anyway, they’re all stupid (affectionate). Joanne, fuck you, all your characters are trans in my eye’s. Just you wait. We will take over. 
Also, I just know James would make so many top surgery / trans jokes, it would annoy everyone so much. He would think he’s so funny though.
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oxydiane · 2 years
‘If you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us too!’ Ron says fiercely, the fire in his eyes not weakened by his injury despite the way all colour had drained from his face. He can barely stand, holding onto Harry’s shoulder and shielding Harry’s body with his own.
Black doesn’t retort, a confused expression taking over his face as he blinks a few times. When he finally speaks, Harry’s chest tightens.
‘Who the hell is Harry?’
‘You know what this means?’ asks Black what feels like hours after, as they walk through the tunnel back to Hogwarts. ‘Turning Pettigrew in?’
‘You’re free,’ Harry replies.
‘Well… Your parents appointed me your guardian, if anything happened to them…’ Black mutters looking anywhere but at Harry. ‘I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you — I’m your Godfather.’
‘Yeah, I found that out for myself,’ Harry thinks back to the bitter memory of finding everything out during a snowy day in Hogsmeade. Back when he still had it all wrong.
‘I was so happy, when your dad asked me,’ the man’s eyes are fixed on the floor, a slight smile twisting his face. ‘You were a little miracle, for all of us, during the war… I still remember the first time I held you, that day I swore I wouldn’t ever let anything happen to my Godda—‘ Black must realise his mistake, because he cuts himself off with a sudden cough.
Harry frowns and Black resumes.
‘Yeah, I… I didn’t do a good job keeping any of those promises,’ he twists the wand in his hand. ‘But I… I want to… Of course, I’ll understand if you would rather stay with your aunt and uncle but… If you think about it and decide you want… If you want a different home…’
‘You’re asking me—‘ Harry interrupts his muttering, eyes shining. ‘You’re asking me to live with you? Leave the Dursleys?’
‘Of course, I thought you wouldn’t want to,’ Black replies frantically and Harry almost laughs because he couldn’t have got it any more wrong. ‘I get it, I just thought I’d—‘
‘Are you insane? Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! You got a house? When can I move in?’
Black turns to look at him, a surprised expression as he meets Harry’s smile.
‘You— you really want to? You mean it?’
‘Of course I mean it!’ Harry half-yells, barely able to keep his excitement under control. He was going to leave the Dursleys and live with Black! His… Godfather. A sudden thought makes its way inside Harry’s head as he remembers Black’s previous slip-ups and his smile falters for a second before adding. ‘But, uhm… You have to know that I’m not… I’m not your Goddaughter.’
A strange glint passes through Black’s clear eyes.
‘Then,’ he says easily. ‘I guess I’ve got a Godson.’
‘Yeah…’ Harry’s smile comes back tenfold, his chest a lot lighter. ‘That you’ve got.’
Black smiles back and they both ignore the rough sound of Snape’s passed out body bumping the low ceiling.
‘You know, I kept telling Lily they would have a baby boy, she had so little morning sickness! And the hunger, James ought to have earned some kind of chef title by the end of it.’
Harry can’t help but grin at the fond look on Black’s face.
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"I thought you weren't religious?"
T4T wolfstar
Remus stared as Sirius got out of the bathroom his hair still wet. The aroma of sandalwood and rosemary hit his nostrils. Sirius turned around while he was drying his hair. "What?" He asked as he stared at Remus. Remus swallowed. He looked so good with his hair and his shorts and blue shirt. He didn't know if Sirius wanted to go there now. "Nothing" Remus said and laid back down on the bed.
Sirius just frowned confused and got under the covers. He wrapped his arms around Remus and kissed his cheek. Remus stiffened at the touch. Sirius noticed, he stopped and gave him more space. "Are you okay?" he asked concern covering his features. A squeal left Remus' lips. He cleared his throat. "Uh yes" he said as he looked at him but turned away quickly. Sirius just stared in front of him. Did he look bad? Did he upset him? Did he smell bad? While all these thoughts went through Sirius' head Remus was trying not to freak out Sirius of how bad he wanted to touch him. They only snogged but hadn't gone further.
"Do I look ugly?" Sirius asked as he touched his arm self-consciously. Remus turned his head. "What?" Sirius looked down "Do I look bad?" That was enough for Remus. He placed his hand under Sirius' chin. "Love look at me." He demanded. Sirius looked up. "You're the most beautiful boy I have laid my eyes on." "Then why did you get all weird when I touched you?" He asked unsure. "Because I have so many unholy thoughts about you right now I can't handle it." Remus said looking him dead in the eye. "Well I've never been a religious person." Sirius answered with a sly smile. Remus smirked lightly. Sirius placed his hands around Remus' neck. Remus' lips crashed against Sirius. Sirius placed his hands in Remus' hair. The kiss deepened. Sirius could taste the peppermint on his tongue. A groan left Remus' lips. He moved his hands under Sirius' shirt and traced his back with his fingers.
"Mhm." Sirius mumbled. Remus stopped. "Want me to stop?" He asked. Sirius shook his head. "Use your words love." Remus answered. "I want you to touch me." He said as he was breathing hard. "Where?" Remus asked smiling lightly. Sirius took his hand and put it against his crotch. "Lay down for me darling." Remus answered. Sirius did as he was told. "Can I take these off?" He asked with his hands around his shorts. Sirius nodded. Remus lowered and removed Sirius' shorts and underwear. "Spread your legs for me." Again Sirius did as he was asked. Remus traced his inner thighs lightly with his fingers. Sirius chuckled. "That tickles." Remus laughed and licked the skin instead. Sirius let out a gasp. Remus smiled and placed kisses on his inner thighs but just ignoring the place that needed it so bad.
Sirius was going crazy. "What do you need love?" Remus asked as he looked up. "I need you to use your fingers and tongue inside me." Remus hummed in agreement. He slowly licked as the wetness that had been there a while hit his tongue. Sirius moaned. Remus took that sound as approval and started licking and sucking lightly. Sirius arched his hips. Remus chuckled. He licked his finger and slowly entered it inside. He moved slowly as he searched for the perfect spot. "More." Sirius said with a flushed face. Remus entered another finger inside him. "Yes!" Sirius said. He moved his hips in the perfect rhythm. Remus sucked harder. "Oh God!" Sirius moaned. "I thought you weren't religious?" "Oh shut up Lupin." Remus just chuckled. "Ah I'm gonna come!" Sirius said out of breath. "Come for me love." Remus said as he moved his fingers harder. "Ahh!" Sirius whispered as his orgasm hit him. Remus placed a kiss on his forehead. "Was that good?" he asked. "That was amazing!" Sirius took Remus' face in his hands and kissed him hard.
"Let me please you." "I probably won't last long you where so hot." Remus answered between the kissing. "Don't care." They sat up. Remus leaned against the headboard. Sirius moved his hand in Remus' underwear. He felt the wetness. "Wow no kidding." He said with a chuckle. "Told you." Remus answered. Sirius took off Remus' pajama bottoms. He kept kissing as he entered his two fingers inside. "Hmm" Remus answered in approval. He moved his hips hard. "Inpatient much?" Sirius said looking in his eyes. Remus' lips where parted. "You made me way to turned on so yeah." Sirius chuckled at the response and moved his fingers faster. "Ahh!" Remus moaned. "Are you going to come?" Sirius asked. "Yes!" He said as his orgasm hit him hard, his body slacked against the matters. Sirius licked his fingers clean. Remus chuckled. "You're perfect." He said as he kissed Sirius again.
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