#general genshin fandom is on crack
rikyos · 11 months
every day i wake up and fight the woobification of kaedehara kazuha
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fishareglorious · 1 year
That one artist who makes crguang art in twitter I owe them my entire life
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yandere-sins · 9 months
Crisis Averted - Part I [Genshin Spoilers 4.1.]
New Genshin Updates always make my thoughts go brrrr. So here's a little something (with modified happenings to fit the story lol) of Wriothesley after he survived the encounter with the Primordial Sea!
Fandom: Genshin Impact Pairings: Yandere!Wriothesley x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Topics of death (Fear of death, Near-death experiences, Fear of loved ones dying), Reader got locked into a closet, Forced Relationship, Dub-Con touches, Long post
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Heavy were his steps as he finally made his way back to his office. 
The stairs seemed to drag on endlessly after exerting more energy in a matter of minutes than Wriothesley had done in months—actually, years. He couldn't even remember when he last needed to drain his vision for just one more blast of ice and then one more. Luckily, Clorinde was neither a talkative fellow nor in much better shape than he was after they both struggled to hold back the Primordial Sea from escaping. They were both tough and hard to take down in a fight, but even they had their bodily limits.
She left him on the floor beneath his office with a short nod, a few words exchanged out of courtesy and thankfulness. Then she was gone, and Wriothesley's heavy boots continued their ascend, disregarding any weariness in his bones and the burning of his muscles. In a way, the Primordial Water was a prisoner of this place, and Wriothesley chuckled at his own thoughts as he came to this conclusion, exhaustion making everything sound a bit more funny in his head. However, despite knowing that the crisis was averted and the seemingly inescapable destruction and ruin had been contained like an unwilling prisoner of the Fortress of Meropide, he didn't feel like he had succeeded in keeping death away from what he treasured.
Muffling the yawn ripping from his throat, how could he not be elated by the thought of returning to you, the feeling giving him back the pep in his step? Even after all that happened—and Wriothesley had thought of many, many ways this could have ended—you were both still here. Alive. 
Unless the ice had frozen you to the core by the time he reached you.
He skipped the last two steps with a jump to avoid this possibility, generating enough energy to jog from the staircase to the closet. Noticing the glistening ice still enveloping the doorknobs, Wriothesley let out a breath of relief before quickly grabbing them, unbothered by the frozen sting ramming into his hands. Not even his body heat would be enough to melt the ice, but he'd be damned if he let his own safety measures keep him from you. 
Bracing his body against one of the doors, Wriothesley made sure to keep the closet standing upright while he pried the other one open. More strength was needed to loosen the ice that had seeped into every crack, an airtight grave keeping him away from you. But even so, it would have been a better death than what the Primordial Sea would have done to you had they not been able to contain it. Wriothesley forced himself to avoid the thoughts of the pain and agony the water would have caused you, the idea of him suffering such a fate enough to rampage his skin with goosebumps. He had put you into an awful position, but at that moment, he had believed it to be more merciful than being dissolved and drowned in the water.
Jerking the door again, he could hear the ice cracking, more relief washing over him. Relief that it would have succeeded in protecting you until the worst was over, and even more relief that it was giving way now, returning you to him. Surely, you must have already been panicking with the cold raking at you and the slow loss of air. He'd have to apologize later for putting you into this position, wipe your tears if necessary, and get someone to smuggle some cake into the Fortress as a well-done treat. But all he wanted to do now was to have you back in his arms. Everything else was a worry for later, like the Primordial Sea threatening to destroy all life around Fontaine.
One more ice-breaking tug and the door finally gave away, revealing a trembling, miserable person. His trembling, miserable person. Your first instinct was to gasp for air, the few minutes locked away having taken its toll on you. You were coughing and gasping, clawing towards the light, more than ready to exit your makeshift coffin. Wriothesley caught you before you fell, your eyes unaccustomed to the brightness after spending so much time in the dark, and he sat you upright again, helping you out of the blanket he had wrapped around you in a hurry when the commotion started. 
More than any ice, your body had cooled down significantly, and other than when he touched the frozen doorknobs, Wriothesley noticed the temperature of your skin even through your clothes. It pained him, yet, it had been necessary. Pulling his trusty coat off his shoulders, he slung it around your violently shivering form, closing the front tightly so the fur collar would warm your cheeks and ears. There was no way he'd let you walk on legs that were fragile from the cold, and he never planned to let you go anywhere on your own in the first place. 
Strong arms wrapped around your body, now engulfed in his coat. His scent was so prevalent, even when it mixed with yours. Wriothesley appreciated how well they worked together. Had scent been enough to mark you as his, he might not have had to do so many things to keep you by his side. You two could have lived pretty normal lives if all it needed was him rubbing off on you, but alas, normalcy wasn't something he had ever been blessed with. Given that there was a very real chance of him dying from being submerged in Primordial Water, not even his death would be able to be claimed as normal. But neither would yours.
But not today. Neither of you died that day, and Wriothesley thanked whatever godly entity he had to thank for that. Even just having the chance to hold you once more was enough to convince him that everything would be okay. At least for now. For one more day. Lifting you out of the closet, he held you, unmoving. Your arms wormed out, desperately holding on to him as if for your dear life, his warmth seeping onto you. Wriothesley felt your nails rake over his chest, panic driving you closer to him. Every shiver, every squirm through the thick material of his coat, and every sob ripping out of your throat, broke his heart more than you'd ever know. 
"Why did you do that?" you asked, your voice so full of hurt and accusation, yet you pressed yourself harder against him, teeth chattering. For all you knew, you two had been drinking tea (albeit reluctantly on your part) when the alarms suddenly began to blare around you, and Wriothesley shoved you into the closet as if he was punishing you.
"I had to," he mumbled back, his words muffled by the fabric, his arms restricting tighter around your body.
"I could have died! It was so hard to breathe! And the cold… the cold…”
More sobs tore out of you, and Wriothesley closed his eyes, knowing he had to endure the blame your shaky, fragile voice rightfully accused him of. You were right, but would you understand? Could you understand that he'd rather allow you to die peacefully and whole than go through the same agony he'd be in at the same time? Wriothesley had laid awake countless nights thinking of the what ifs and what to do if push came to shove, only to still be unprepared and get run over by the events, wrapping you in a blanket and kissing your head before forcing you into a closet and sealing it shut. Your safety, or at least heightened chances of survival, were the only things he could think of at that moment, you being the only component in his plan that could make him panic.
But now you were crying in his arms, the fear of everything—the unknown, the darkness, death—spilling out of you. He wished he could have prevented it, but now he knew that the truth would only make it worse for you. If he told you what was happening, you'd react like most prisoners here would, and he couldn't guilt you. Not telling you and keeping you in the dark, doing whatever he had to do, regardless of the feelings, was the only way to keep you safe. Wriothesley was the only one to protect you from a fate much worse than what awaited him if he failed. But now that the danger had been averted, the least he could do was hold you.
"I'm sorry," he muttered, rubbing your back through the fabric, hoping to give you the comfort he needed almost as much himself. But other than you, he could only dream of being comforted by the person he loved. And even those dreams seemed unrealistic. Worse days awaited you two, your and his fate sealed together with that of the rest of Fontaine. But not now. Now wasn't the time for tears and worries, and if he hadn't been so damn exhausted—with you in his arms doubly, warm and soft—he would have celebrated your survival more. Soon, you'd come to your senses, fighting him again, and this time, he wouldn't stop you. He couldn't. 
So he'd use what little time he had to enjoy this moment. Walking over to his chair, you graciously let him carry you, allowing him this little, intimate gesture of holding you in his arms all throughout the short journey. Even though he sat down abruptly, knees giving out from under him, your body landed softly, enveloped in his while he let out a strained grunt. The feeling of gravity pressing you into him was one he would have liked to treasure for the next few days, and if it had been up to him, you two would have been cooped up for just as long. But beneath his calloused hands, he could feel your body warming up, your breath no longer icy when it brushed his neck and cheeks.
The fight hadn't taken too long, evident by you still being alive, and yet it felt like he'd been gone for weeks, maybe months. Years of absence that made him miss the feeling of your body and the sound of your voice. His mind should have been on the enemy he was fighting, and yet, his only concern had been you. Getting back to you and not dying without seeing you one more time was everything he thought of as he pushed another punch of eyes to that gate that kept the Primordial Sea contained. You gave him the strength to keep going, if only to give you a chance of survival and to not die in pain like anyone else who'd get into contact with the Primordial Sea. To not give up until Neuvillette showed up, releasing him from this duty to society so he could return to the duty of loving you. 
It had been a lot, but when he raised a tired hand to push some of the fur out of your face, witnessing the tears having stopped and the warmth returned to your cheek, it had all been worth it. Wriothesley had to make progress on the project he kept hidden from everyone to ensure that you'd be protected from all the dangers surrounding him. If anyone, then at least you. So even if he couldn't push this tired body of his to do it that day, he knew that from the moment he'd open his eyes after a nap, he'd be back to working on it tirelessly. 
"This face," he sighed, cupping your cheek and snorting softly at the pout crossing your features. Tracing the bridge of your nose, he hummed, satisfied that everything was still right where it belonged and had not fallen off from the cold. 
"These lips," he mused, brushing his thumb over the soft cushions he dreamed about kissing every night. 
"And these eyes." 
His words made your gaze rise to his, beautiful jewels in the moody, damp lighting of his office, glistening from the tears yet raging like the sea in a storm defying his adoring stare. He wouldn't have wanted it any other way. If you had to hate him, then hate him. Despise him, he'd deal with it. Wanted to hurt him, he'd let you. Love him… A man could dream. But seeing a storm of emotions was better than the faded light of death you had when he pulled you out of the closet. That was something he wished to never see again. That he'd fight and strife for to never appear on your face again.
"Don't," he chuckled, grin splitting his lips as he pinched your cheek in a loving reprimand after noticing how you wanted to start arguing. Wriothesley couldn't help but laugh out loud when you let out the most adorable grunt in annoyance, squirming on his lap until you could hide your cheeks into the fur again, away from his touch. He settled for the nape of your neck, holding you there gently and noticing in the back of his head how long your hair had grown since you came to the fortress as he brushed his hand through it.
You glared at him defiantly from the safety of his coat, and Wriothesley couldn't imagine a better place or better look for you. "That's what I'm fighting for," he mumbled, pushing his strained muscles to move so he could kiss your forehead. "It's all worth it as long as I can hold you like this. Just a little longer, alright? I'll get you something nice in return."
Wriothesley wasn't someone who begged, not even for your attention. He'd take it and have it as he pleased, but in that moment, he worried he'd lose you if he let you go—for real this time. The uncertainty and inability to tell you what was happening, left a cold, dark hole inside him, wrenching his gut and bursting his heart with regret. All he had to soothe the pain it caused him was to hold you and feel your soft heartbeat through the layers of clothes around you two. 
It relieved him to know you were safe. He was safe. You both were okay, but mostly you. He never told you that if there was a way to save your life in exchange for his, he'd do it, no question asked. But it was a weird topic to bring up, especially when you considered him to be a heartless, manipulative asshole who used his authority to take advantage of someone less fortunate. So he didn't. Like many things, he kept his thoughts to himself, hoping that, in some miraculous way, you'd come to understand one day. Maybe even like him. 
"I hate you," you reiterated, and Wriothesley managed another chuckle to hide how much that statement hurt him. He fully expected you to jump off his lap now, walk away from him and out of his office, choosing to spend your time wisely instead of indulging him. You were no longer shivering, your teeth calm, and your heartbeat even, and yet, you didn't budge. 
Turning your head to the side, you placed it on his chest, stilling on top of his heart, this small gesture enough to make it threaten to burst out of his ribcage. Maybe he underestimated you. Perhaps you did understand, at least vaguely, that whatever happened had been pretty bad for him. He'd take the pity if it came from you. Wriothesley could only hope you magically understood that whatever he did in his absence, he did it not to harm but to protect you. You never showed him any mercy with your opinions or actions, so this side of you could only be explained by assuming kindness and understanding from you. But whatever it was, he was grateful. So, so grateful. 
This was all he ever wanted: holding you, burying his face in your hair in a moment of vulnerability for him. Where he wasn't stronger, wasn't exuding authority over you. Forcing you to bend to his will. A moment where he could forget the world as all his senses tuned themselves on you. Everything was you, from the softness of your body to the smell surrounding him. Your heartbeat in his ears and his eyes closing as Wriothesley was comforted by your warmth. Even if you'd never appreciate what he was doing, this was enough reward for all the hardships he went through for you daily, but especially on this day. It reminded him of why he was working so hard, even though he never meant to fall in love with you this deeply. Your tiny bit of compliance would satisfy this overpowering need for you for a couple of days until he'd be back on his feet. 
Wriothesley wanted to say more. In fact, he wanted to tell you everything. But it wasn't the right time, nor did he have the strength. Your feelings changed nothing about his, every beat of his heart screaming, "I love you! I love you! I love you!"
He was a little glad you didn't hear it. That would have been embarrassing. 
Grinning to himself, he could feel his conscience being pulled out from under him. His breaths even, despite the extra weight on his chest that he clung to desperately, his chair never feeling more comfortable than in that moment. He wished to stay awake for a little longer, muse about the fact that you were the best blanket he could wish for, feeling just so right. Sleeping while holding you like this would definitely improve his nights, as he wouldn't have to worry about where you were and who you were with. If you were safe or in the process of trying to do something stupid. But he'd take what he could get, even if it was just this one time of you not trying to tear out of his arms and run from him.
After all, this day could have ended very differently. But it didn't. 
He got to hold you again, the crisis averted so he could return to you. He had to be thankful for that, as his life would be worth nothing without you. And even waking up with you gone would be more pleasant than any thought about you dying far away from him. So he'd take this time to rest like he always had wanted, his beloved in his arms, his thoughts and dreams filled with you.
Trying not to be too greedy, now that he knew what it felt like not to lose you.
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ithinkinggenshin · 2 years
Can I request a jealous dom! Ei because miko keeps touching/touching fem and ei does something spicy 👀
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Belonging to her
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Ei, Yae Miko
Pairings: Ei x Fem! Reader, Yae Miko x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, electro stimulation, jealousy
Synopsis: There have been a LOT of requests for jealous sex with the women
Word count: 1.4k
Extra Notes: I put these together because I thought they fit well.
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Ei is generally used to Miko's antics. She's well aware that she wouldn't be able to avoid or deflect any of her teasing. But there are some lines that even her best friend shouldn't cross, and one of them is you. 
To Yae, the best entertainment involves her using your compliant nature against you to force you to play along with her, all while watching Ei slowly lose her composure. 
The Maiden's hands roam all over you as she talks. You shiver as her breath hits the shell of your ear. 
"Ei may be the one in a puppet's body, but you behave more like a doll. I can practically pose you however I want," she emphasizes this by taking your wrist in her hand and lifting your arm up, her other arm wrapped around your waist. You look like two lovers who have just finished a waltz. You, the damsel, red faced and wide eyed. Miko, the dame, who's just finished capturing your heart with her beauty and grace. Ei's glass cracks in her grip. 
"You even have the perfect body for playing dress up," she gasps, "We should see how you look in a shrine maiden uniform! Oh, I bet you'd be so adorable in a hamaka." Her hands start roaming again. She forces you to hold your arms outstretched, then wraps her arms around your waist, then puts her foot next to yours. She's sizing you up, informally taking your measurements. Ei stalks over to the two of you in front of the large mirror. 
"Oh Ei! I didn't see you there. We were just talking about swapping outfits. Be a dear and hold my hair so I can get out of my dress easier." 
"Miko, I think it's time for you to go. I'd like to spend some alone time with my love." 
The kitsune fakes a pout, wrapping her arms around your neck from behind and leaning her boobs against your chest, making your face heat back up. 
"Don't be so mean, Ei. We were just getting to the fun part. Right, doll?" 
You can't bring yourself to look at either women in the mirror's reflection. Ei's gaze is burning holes into you, and the only other thing you can focus on is how Miko is smothering the back of your head with her breasts. The inside of your mouth is dry, and no matter how many times you open and close it, you can’t seem to get any words out. 
Ei steps closer and tugs you into her arms, wrapping them tightly around your midsection, just below your chest. You’re positive she can feel your heart hammering against your rib cage. 
“Miko. Leave us.” 
You draw a sharp breath. She’s using the Shogun voice. Pure authority and intimidation radiating off of her. Were it anyone else, Ei would have simply cut them in half and dragged you back to your shared chambers. 
Yae knows when she’s fighting a losing battle. She sighs and waves her hand.
“Alright, alright. No need to get so worked up. I’ll be going now. See you soon, dolly.” She winks at you before turning around and sauntering out of the room. 
Not a second after the screen door shuts, Ei has you pinned to the floor. Her long fingers tear your clothes off, and you bite your lip as you feel a few threads dig into your skin. You can’t help it when your arms come up to cover your chest, self conscious as you’re exposed. You only hesitate and become aware of your action when you hear Ei growl. She’s told you time and time again not to hide yourself from her, and you shouldn’t be testing her patience right now. 
Apparently you aren’t fast enough in your response, because Ei takes matters into her own hands. Not even two seconds later, she has your arms pinned above your head, her large hand wrapped around your wrists. You squirm a little as the cold air hits you, and Ei tears the last bit of clothing off of you. 
She’s too fast. You have no time to even stop the moan that’s ripped from you. Your girlfriend sucks your nipple hard. She bites around the areola, and you arch your back into her. Her free hand grips your thigh, her nails digging crescents into your skin. You barely have time to register all of the different sensations before she’s switching to your other breast. Her thumb extends and presses against your clit, you tremble in anticipation. 
Ei never lets you walk out of the palace without at least three different marks and symbols that indicate that you belong to her. You convulse as her hands produce electricity. The veins on your wrist tingle, and your pussy spasms around nothing as she pumps her power into you. It’s barely even a fraction of her might, and you’re already wailing. Tears build up in your eyes, but you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t getting horny because of this. Ei doesn’t stop sucking hickies. Each time her lips connect with your skin, you get shocked. 
You cry her name, your voice breaking as you shout. 
Her long digits fill you up in one swift motion. You howl as the electricity zaps at your inner walls. You jerk and shake as shocks pulse through you, spaced out and firing at what feels like random intervals. Your girlfriend pays you no mind as sucks a particularly purple bruise onto your neck right on your pulse point. 
Her pace is breakneck, and you don’t even have time to process your first orgasm as she keeps pumping into you. 
You moan as another orgasm crashes through you. Ei doesn’t relent. You can already feel your third building inside of you. 
“Say my name. Let Miko hear you.”
You yell her name loud enough that the people working outside could probably hear you. 
Your head is spinning, completely unable to process anything other than the woman above you. Ei forces you to cum a third time, not breaking for a second before she’s flipping you up. Making you sit in her lap. 
When your vision clears you’re met with your reflection. You’re covered in Ei’s marks, your whole body glistens with sweat, and your hair is frazzled. 
Ei plunges her fingers into your cunt. You can’t tear your gaze away, watching as they slip in and out of you. You shudder as your oversensitive pussy greedily sucks her fingers into it. 
You stare down as her digits pump in and out of you, only brought back to reality when you suddenly feel cold against your skin. Ei pushes you against the mirror. You leave fingerprints and smears on the glass. It fogs up where your hot breath hits it. 
You barely manage to process the rest. At some point Ei fucks you with the hilt of her sword. The bumps made by the rope on the handle provide extra stimulation, making you cum on the weapon even faster. Ei fucks you in the air, easily holding you up as she thrusts into you. She fucks you against every wall in the room, and on the low table at the center. You pass out at one point and wake up to her fucking you in your bed, the sheets burning against your red ass. She eventually flips you over and forces her thumb past your puckered entrance, and the process starts anew. 
Yae Miko pants as she cums for the third time. She shouldn’t be taking so much pleasure from hearing you and Ei fuck. But the sounds of your cries make the kitsune lose her mind. Her fingers find their way inside her before she can even stop herself. Miko imagines you beneath her. She imagines fucking you against a piller at the shrine. She imagines it’s her, shoving her sacred wand into your cunt and letting it electrify your insides. She can’t help but look up, watching as Ei carries you out of the room. You’re completely out of it, dumb and fucked out. The image burns into Yae’s mind and she has to stop herself from following Ei. The kitsune races out of the palace and up the mountain, where she cums again, the image of you completely ruined at the forefront of her mind. She wishes Ei would share you, even just once.
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arkhammaid · 1 year
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fandom. genshin impact
pairing. alhaitham x dancer!gn reader, baizhu x anemo!gn reader, kaveh x architect!gn reader
content warnings. none, written in lowercase
word count. 1.6k
notes. i wrote this when baizhu and kaveh leaks dropped and actually finished it in a day. i justify the long wait because i didn't have the pngs of them back then LMAO ty sophie for proofreading 🫶
 — ˚₊‧⁺˖ alhaitham. 
as a dancer and singer under the zubayr theater, you generally dislike everyone from the akademiya
maybe that wasn’t the nicest, nor the right, thing to do, but every student and official scholar has mocked you and your fellow artists, trying to shut down the theater
you keep your dislike, the almost hateful feelings you have, silent, no matter how problematic those scholars are. after all, you try not to create more problems and you don’t think nilou would forgive you for being so mean to others, even if they’re mean to you
it was not until the maddening mission of freeing the dendro archon you met him. the scribe. you’ve heard about him, of course you have, and of course you already had your thoughts about him
when he joined the group to celebrate the successful mission, you avoided him, keeping close to nilou and the traveler, distancing yourself and paimon with food and keeping an eye out on him
just because he helped to free the dendro archon didn’t mean you trusted him. you would rather trust the general mahamatra with your life than him, the feeble scholar and now acting grand sage
instead of thinking about the handsome scholar, you busied yourself with learning new dances for the next performance. like nilou, you owned a vision, but you used it only on the stage
your cryo vision could create the most beautiful forms and shapes, entrancing your audience while you danced with twirling arms and complicated steps. and it was then, in the middle of the most important performance of the year, when you caught the acting grand sage, alhaitham himself, in the audience, following your movements with an intense gaze
you almost stumbled, the ice you created cracking and your body hesitating, but you had to focus. you had to focus, while alhaitham kept his eyes on you and only you
“i see you have joined the festival, acting grand sage,” you muttered politely. nilou had nudged you to talk with some of the scholars who visited and witnessed the performance, stating it will be good for both sides to talk. 
“i have,” he smiles, tall body towering over you. “and i especially enjoyed your performance. it was truly magical. i’ve known nilou is a great dancer, but i didn’t know there is someone who can surpass her.” his sudden compliment made you blush and you stutter a thanks, completely blown away by his honest words. a scholar, complimenting you? 
and then he smiled at you, eyes earnest and dendro vision glittering, his element suddenly filling the space between the both of you. 
“i’ve heard it’s tradition to gift flowers to the actors and dancers after their performance. will you accept them?” with wide eyes you slowly take the beautiful bouquet, still showing traces of his element. 
“thank you, alhaitham.” the moment you utter his name, he gives you another smile, making your heart race and face. how dare he be so nice to you!
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ baizhu. 
you’re a merchant and a collector of liyue, having built a small business with three other people. you supply those in need with herbs and flowers, especially from liyue but also from sumeru and mondstadt
it’s hard work and keeps your days busy. trekking through the lands, defending yourself from hilichurls and other monsters, all while trying to collect the flowers and seeds you need
but, in the end, it’s rewarding work because many will pay big amounts of mora for herbs since they’re so hard to gather. lucky for you, you received an anemo vision many years ago, rather easy to collect the rare plants
your business is split up– while you founded and technically also own it, it’s your dear friend who acts as the main merchant and seller. you supply them and the other two make sure to gather other herbs in more distant places, traveling on horse to deliver them faster
but then your friend falls ill and you have to go out and sell your gathered herbs. selling them is not a problem, the people in liyue would fist fight to get the amount of herbs you offer at a fairly reasonable price
yet your friend recommends you to the bubu pharmacy, telling you that the doctor is currently in need several herbs
you’re surprised, since you know hat the bubu pharmacy is technically self sufficient, but you pack your things and climb the many stairs to the building
meeting the doctor, who immediately introduces himself as baizhu… is an experience. he’s a very handsome man and his smirk has you hiding your sudden blush
you try to tell yourself it’s just the warm weather, or your sudden shyness and inexperience in dealing with customers
it’s really not. because then you start running more often into baizhu, eyes wide when he stops whatever he’s doing to greet and talk to you. his kindness, no matter how much he teases you, is something unexpected and maybe that’s why you fall for him
“ah- hello, my dear. i was just thinking about you. do you have another batch of qingxin? it seems that my inventory is currently suffering,” he sighs, shaking his head and already worrying about the many orders he received. 
“the current cold that’s going around is eating up my reserves. do you know how long it took me to build such an impressive amount of treatments?” but you don’t listen to him, too busy repeating those two words he just uttered without any care in your head. 
my dear, my dear, my dear- he called you his dear!
“uh, yes- j-just a moment,” you stutter when he glances up from his papers, a questioning gaze heavy on you after you didn’t answer him. “i think- we should have some left, but i don’t know if it will be enough…” 
“fuck,” you can only mumble when baizhu turns his back to you again, leaving you with your thoughts screaming in your mind. did you really fall for him? a teasing smartass? 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ kaveh. 
as a fellow architect, you can recognize kaveh’s talent, even if you would never say it out loud. there has been a rivalry brewing between the both of you, with neither of you showing any signs of stopping
the two of you fight for clients, reputation, and especially partners, which are your fellow scholars. the rivalry goes so far that many of them don’t even want to work with any of you anymore, fearing their lives and, even worse, their own reputation. but neither of you notice, too bullheaded and blinded by the unofficial competition you have going on
yet during all those years of this serious competition between two architects, you’ve never exchanged a friendly word. not even a greeting. oh no, it’s always spitting insults and spiteful remarks that often end in a screaming match
it would’ve probably never stopped if it weren’t for alhaitham. he had enough of the pettiness and decided to sit you down, have both tighnari and cyno watch over you and locked you in the room. the two other vision owners were here to ensure no one would end up dead;, but that wasn’t needed
silence filled the room for almost an hour, until kaveh cracked and asked how you were doing. you, of course, snapped at him, telling him you had much better work to do than sitting here with him
“listen, i’m really sorry… about everything. neither of us stopped and so i just continued,” he started speaking and you lean back, eyes wide and trying to hide your gasp. kaveh apologizing? that was really something new.
“i’m sorry for stealing your clients and saying all those stupid things about you. now that i think about it, it was petty and we should’ve just talked it out and act our age,” he continues, not looking at you, all the while apologizing for being an ass to you. it surprises you, silent as you are, but there is a sudden desire to apologize to him as well. 
“you don’t have to say anything. i know it’s a bit much, but i hope we could try out as friends? i mean, you’re so talented and your commissions and works are absolutely beautiful! if we work together… we could create masterpieces.” kaveh finally looks up and notices your wide eyes, your whole body frozen in your seat. with a sigh, he stands up and nods to the two other men in the room and makes his way to leave. 
but before he knocks on the door to ask for alhaitham to let him out, he turns back once more with a smile and says “i would love to call you a friend of mine, such a fierce person,” a chuckle escapes his mouth and he shakes his head. 
“let me know when you’re up for my offer.” 
and you can only stare after him, the man who had tormented you for years offering friendship and even partnership. furiously, you try to hide your blush that’s spreading, noticing once again how handsome he is. stupid kaveh with his stupid smile. 
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taglist. @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @keqism , @kamiiyaka , @venexus , @stellumi , @wanderersbell , @uraqtttt , @spiriteddreams , @lxvebun , @ineshapanda , @baeshijima
if you want to join the taglist, please read this post!
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756 notes · View notes
/ / Obsession
Fandom: Genshin impact AU: loyal obsessed reader + imposter au + reverse character creator au + yandere creator/character characters: Any
🌙━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━⭐ Devourer: i cannot pick any character, so u can imagine whoever this is.. i am not good in doing headcannons and imagines with each character, but im learning about their personalities and ambitions and i am trying to learn from amazing writers and i hope u all forgive me.
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imagine that... You were obsessed with the overseer, you worshipped them more than those archons (if its one of them is the archons then imagine they got replaced), you were the creators first character that came home, as well became the one that the creator mains. Your creator gave u all that one could even hoped for, so how dare u not worship them? and its even better that you were their favorite! Ever since you became self aware about the overseer you were scared at first. what will they do to you? what will they do to the ones you care for you? u were afraid from the hundred of possibilities that this... God can do. but once you were basked in their presence of the overseer you felt.. relieved, so warm and so... dangerous. their presence just wants to make you want them more. make them yours to keep so u can feel this amazing sensation always. you loved it. You had that smirk u always wear whenever u see a character in world quest, side quest and main quest as u were always with aether/lumine whenever they go, you were basically their companion now. and to be always by the creators side is such a bliss... You laughed with the overseer, chatted (ai generated), had fun and many more memories you cherished to the bottom of your heart.. you just cant stop your growing obsession on waiting to always be with them.. its so addicting! so so addicting.. until one day the overseer stopped gifting u with their presence. Did something happen..? that was your first thought when the overseer did not log in at the designated time they always do. they must have something keeping them busy right? they did tell you they were gonna be a bit busy. that must be it... yes. it must be. Until those little times became days and now turned into weeks. you were getting restless. the hunger u crave from them, is beginning to show itself and it is feral for it. where could they possibly be?! have they forgotten about you? have they lost interest in you? no no no, it cant be, it cant! you were having a breakdown from the possibilities that could have happened to them! until u got a hearing on an imposter on the loose. hah? an imposter? how come u just knew about this now. how.. how dare they impersonate the overseer! they must be the reason their grace hasn't been online. and now they take their appearance? preposterous. you took your weapon that the overseer obtained for you and gripped it making it crack.
You grabbed a picture frame of the overseer and caressed it with deep care. "dont worry your grace. i will take this damn imposter and make them bring you back. no matter what." you put the frame down and headed out with deep hatred on this damn 'imposter.'
When u found where the last location of the imposter was last sighted, u went to the area and scouted it. they wouldn't have ran far with an injury on their leg can they? you scouted every grass and air u came across. you were far more keen on the surroundings here in teyvat due to always adventuring with the overseer... oh how u wish it continued like that. but alas an imposter ruined it.
crunch. sway. crunch. sway. snap. crunch. sw-
you turned your directions towards the sound. someone was here. you were sure none of the acolytes would be here and the knights. no sightings of monsters near by aswell. so it must be...
"i know you're there." the person hitched their breath, the imposter was just behind that tree.. just a meter close to you. so so close. "i wonder.. how such a lowly person like you impersonate the overseer."
you began to walk towards the tree. your eyes fixated towards it. weapon clenched and ready if the fly runs. "i mean.. you must be something much extraordinary right?" your vision starts to shine. " pathetic."
when u finally got closer to the tree bark, a sudden wave of a familiar presence ignited something within you. huh? this feeling and wave of pleasure is the same thing u have always been craving from them.. it cant be. can it?!
you looked over the bark and saw the imposter? bleeding gold and littered with healed golden wounds. ah.. you tremble and fell down onto your knees. "your grace..?" they were here, it has to be them! the same feeling u always have with them. it cant be a hox nor lie, especially the golden wounds/blood.
you immediately went into action and start to heal them by using your vision to heal the bleeding wound.. it was gushing out so fast.. it was so... fresh. but u didn't care at all, u loss your questions for now. but now the top priority is their grace.
after getting the wound be sealed and to check the surroundings, u knelt Infront of them, head bowing in respect. "your grace I'm so sorry to be so late in rescuing u! please forgive my insolence!" the overseer looked at your bowed form and grinned widely. but soon turned into a small smile when u lightly lift your head to see their reaction.
(character) hugged u tightly on their chest as u lightly blush and burry inside. is.. this a dream?! their grace.. your light.. they are really real.. you hug them back tightly, afraid to let go even for just a moment. you close your eyes to basked in their presence so close to u.. no more restrictions, no more obstacles.. just.. pure bliss.
you hope this dream wont end.. please.. don't end.
as u silently cuddle and cling to the overseer, they had hearts in their eyes as they grinned. they burry their face on your neck to conceal their blushing and panting self. 'you're here with them! finally finally finally FINALLY'
they waited for this moment to finally be with you. HAH imposter au? fuck that shit, they control teyvat and seized the throne immediately after they arrived, it took so much effort for you to not know about their descend, but of course with little to no manipulation it was easy as when u burry a kids corpse.
you are finally here with them. no one shall take u away, NO ONE. even when u believe that they are in danger, wont u gladly protect them from danger right..? ofc you would, u are their most powerful and loyal acolyte. their most precious treasure..
ah.. such bliss to receive, as long as those no bodies do their job and act like their hunting the 'imposter' then its all good. participating a fun game with your close and favorite person is the best dream u could ever have. good luck. dreamer.
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zooburrygon · 30 days
Writing Requests Open!
Hello! My name is Zooby. And Im new to tumblr!!- opening to requests for writing!
Free of charge,but it may take me a week or so to finish a request based on how long it is.
What I will be writing
Hannibal, Hazbin, BG3, Genshin, Helluva, South Park, HxH, Venom, Arcane, Dead Plate, Marauders, Chainsaw Man
Fandoms/Ships I am familiar with (Please Ask)
I will take x readers prompts and headcanons
Vampires, monsters, fantasy in general!!
OC prompts and requests
Angst, Whump, hurt/comfort, fluff, enemies to lovers, etc.
Alternate Universes
Crack fics
I can write NSFW but I will reject it if it makes me uncomfy!
What I will NOT be Writing
Incest, Underage Smut, pedophilia,
Romanticized abusive relationships (I can write abuse however I will NOT romanticize it)
Age regression, age up, etc.
Real people
My ao3 user is Zoobers! Which I will use to post larger requests or personal projects!
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frankenjoly · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cursedvibes thanks!!! i love these things
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
68 but for Reasons (a fanweek i'm very hyped for), it's gonna be 69 next week.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
287,330 (and counting ofc)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly bsd, jjk & a bit of genshin, but i throw in ficlets and/or one-shots of other stuff to let Thoughts out.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Connecting the dots. silly pre-canon fluff and humor won people over after arcane's s1 finale.
Between the pages: part 2. mix of bsd ficlets/drabbles, bcs i love doing small thingies (i'm already finishing part 4 laksdjflk).
Misread. aka jealuc from barbara's pov, aka humor that stemmed from a teensy lil angst.
Remnants. more of me letting thoughts out after arcane's s1 ending, this time timebomb with pining Jinx.
Por el amor de estepresidente... the bsd crack fic (or my first one, at least), in which Mori and Fukuchi sort of ally to crash fukuzawa's date with any 3rd person but are also competing against each other.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do, bcs i either have the need to thank ppl or ramble about the fic they're commenting on (or both).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably Remnants, though i intended to go with the "it's not/won't be unrequited" vibe.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i'm a pussy and a slut for happy/hopeful endings, so i have those by the ton aldkjfl.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
not hate per se, but i've had complaints about tagging all ships from the start in my genshin ficlet compilation... when i was gonna throw them all into ao3 in one sitting.
also that one person who came to one of my Utahime Week fics, who was tagged as both gojohime and shokohime, to tell me "nooo shokohime are just friends yadda yadda" while praising gojohime as canon (i love it too, but it isn't). it was odd.
9. Do you write smut?
i have this thing when it comes to nsfw in general and smut in particular, aka up to certain point it makes me uncomfy but below that idgaf and even go like "nice, my ship having sex"... so.
most i can offer is barely-explicit stuff, and for fic specifically i see "depictions of character bein horny" and "pre- and post-sex" rather than actual smut.
10. Do you write crossovers?
not a lot, but the bsd+jjk thingie that came from rp and also birthed the dnd-ish au got me by the throat.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as i know, nope.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
as far as i know, nope (x2). though i do translate some rp solos to turn them into one-shots adding up stuff as well (i could just post them in spanish, but).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i guess rp is like schroedinger's yes here? but when it comes to literal fic... not yet, but i know what and with who.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i can't choose, sorry laskdjf.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
not really a wip, but i had one Uraume-centric fic that i'm not sure if it'll see the light for... some reasons. long story short, it's based on another fic that's a roleswap and has modern socerers (and students) Uraume and Sukuna.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i apparently never run out of insp and will to write, so i can go fast as fuck. and my writing is one of the things i'm most confident about like fr.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i still feel like english nerf me, at least when it comes to narrating, bcs i cannot be as descriptive or poetic as i am in spanish.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
as someone who's first language isn't english but writes fic in english, you go ppl. and also, native english speakers can be kiiinda entitled lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
both for rp and my first fic ever, abc's once upon a time (that was also my first fandom being online).
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
another instance of me sucking at making choices alsdkf, sorry.
no pressure tag: @ildi-dragonheart @bungoustraypups @monday-headache @noirewaves @rhymbic @minluce @bunniezai @neonganymede @fyodorkitkat
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ao3feed-dilucnkaeya · 8 months
How Can I?
Read on AO3
by Winterlogy
On his way back to the city, Kaeya encountered an Abyss Lector who cast a sleeping spell on the Captain, ensuring that he would never wake up again.
Concerned about the well-being of their beloved Captain, the knights searched high and low for a way to wake him up, only to find out that the only way was to wake him up from the inside.
AKA. The author has been reading way too much reincarnation manhwa, so I'll write my own, but let's make it ragbros. This plot should not make sense, but I'll make it work.
PS. English is not my first language.
Words: 3013, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Kaeya Lore (On Crack)
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin Impact), Jean (Genshin Impact), Venti (Genshin Impact), Nahida (Genshin Impact), Albedo (Genshin Impact), Lisa (Genshin Impact)
Relationships: Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Kaeya Get Along (Genshin Impact), nahida is present for a little bit though she plays an important role, Protective Diluc (Genshin Impact), Diluc is Protective of Kaeya (Genshin Impact), It's the Abyss Order Again, Worried Diluc (Genshin Impact), Worried Jean (Genshin Impact), Kaeya is from Khaenri'ah (Genshin Impact), Khaenri'ah Royalty Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Why Did I Write This?, it's fun though, really fun, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Attempt at Humor
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lychniis · 2 years
↷ multiple characters x reader | event masterlist
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利口な君は夢を見た儘, 悟った振りで水を注いだ
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I DO NOT OWN THE characters mentioned, with them belonging to their original creators. the above image was taken from pinterest. however, i will not tolerate plagiarism of any kind of this work. please do not steal / repost / copy my work onto this or other websites and if you find it anywhere else ( save tumblr, quotev or ao3 ) then kindly let me know.
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✧ — i will accept sfw + nsfw works for the following fandoms : ( i ) GENSHIN IMPACT ; ( ii ) DEMON SLAYER ; ( iii ) ATTACK ON TITAN.
✧ — once a prompt has been requested, it cannot be requested again in the same fandom. bouquet prompts are an exception though just as long as you don't use the same prompt combinations. the genres accepted are fluff, angst, hurt / comfort / no comfort, crack.
✧ — requests may take time to answer, mainly because i have a lot on my plate in real life. please be mindful of that and be patient. if i am unable to complete a request after accepting it, i will personally let you know.
✧ — requests may take time to answer, mainly because i have a lot on my plate in real life. please be mindful of that and be patient. if i am unable to complete a request after accepting it, i will personally let you know.
✧ — i will be writing headcanons ( bulleted points ) and drabbles ( a really short one - shot ). please specify which of the two you would like. the maximum character limit is three characters.
✧ — the reader will be passing as gender neutral for most of these requests unless specified. i want to be as inclusive as possible for all genders so i will be using the second person narrative as well as they/them pronouns. if you do want a reader for a specific gender please say so.
✧ — please use the following format while requesting :
[ character name ] + [ given flower / prompt ] + [ genre ] + [ additional notes, if any ]
or bouquet combinations [ character name ] + [ flower one / prompt one ] + [ flower two / prompt two ] + [ additional notes ]
✧ — characters i am comfortable writing for reference :
genshin impact : zhongli, diluc, kaeya, childe, yelan, ningguang, shenhe, xiao, kazuha, itto, ei + the fatui harbingers.
demon slayer : kyojuro rengoku, shinobu kocho, sanemi shinazaguwa, tanjiro kamado, akaza, kokushibo, douma.
attack on titan : levi ackerman, mikasa ackerman, jean kirstein, hange zoe, eren jaeger, armin arlet.
✧ — i will be taking requests now and start with answering them after my tests are over and done with > . < !!! till then thank you guys for your support!
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acacia ― beauty in retirement
acorn ― your love is reciprocated
anemone ― forsaken
arbutus ― i love you
azalea ― take care of yourself for me
begonia ― beware
bells of ireland ― good luck
cactus ― endurance / strength
pink camellia ― longing for you
red camellia ― you're a flame in my heart
white camellia ― you're adorable
general carnation ― fascination / i find you fascinating
pink carnation ― i'll never forget you
red carnation ― my heart aches for you, admiration
purple carnation ― capriciousness / how bold of you
yellow carnation ― you have disappointed me
cyclamen ― good bye / i can't stop you
daffodil ― the sun is always shining when i'm with you
daisy ― loyalty / i will stay by your side
fern ― shelter / let me protect you
flax ― domesticity
forsythia ― anticipation / i await you / i await something
gardenia ― secret love
gladioli ― i'm really sincere
lavender heather ― solitude / i need space
purple hyacinth ― please forgive me
white hyacinth ― loveliness / i'll pray for you
yellow hyacinth ― jealousy
hydrangea ― frigidity / heartlessness
iris ― your friendship means so much to me
ivy ― wedded love / fidelity
ivy sprig with white tendrils ― anxious to please / anything for you
jonquil ― affection returned / desire / i'll give you attention
orange lily ― hatred / i revile you
white lily ― it's heavenly to be with you
yellow lily ― i'm walking on air
daylily ― flirtation
lily of the valley ― sweetness / you've made my life complete
marigold ― grief
mistletoe ― kiss me / affection
monkhood ― beware, a deadly foe is near
narcissus ― stay as sweet as you are
nasturtium ― conquest, victory in battle
petunia ― your presence soothes me
white poppy ― consolation / you'll be okay
yellow poppy ― wealth, success
primrose ― i can't live without you
tea rose ― i'll remember always
white rose ― you're heavenly
stephanotis ― desire to travel
stock ― you'll always be beautiful to me
sweetpea ― departure, thank you for a lovely time
red tulip ― declaration of love / confession
yellow tulip ― there's sunshine in your smile
violets ― i'll always be there
viscaria ― will you dance with me?
magenta zinnia ― lasting affection / always and forever
scarlet zinnia ― constancy / routines
yellow zinnia ― daily remembrance
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© lychniis 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
tag game from @cadriona~~ 15 questions for 15 mutuals
1. are you named after anyone? uhhh my middle name comes from like, One of my white ancestors, though i don't remember the exact tracing of the bloodline rn
2. when was the last time you cried? honestly not sure, but i feel like it was not terribly long ago. less than a month ago, i think; i can be a crybaby sometimes
3. do you have kids? legally no; biologically also no; but emotionally? the number is fathomless.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? i don't feel like i'm a terribly sarcastic person, but many other people disagree. just today one of the kids at work asked me why i use sarcasm a lot! i think at this point my habit of "saying ridiculous things with full sincerity and then expecting people to understand that its sheer absurdity means it's a joke (but still actually doing said ridiculous thing if people call it a bluff)" is just hard for people to parse in general, but since i just roll with whatever they think i'm being, it's not a big deal.
5. what sports do you play/have played? this question is so funny bc recently i've been joking that i'm the only non-jock at my workplace, but my coworker in aquatics tried to rope me into lifeguarding for the summer when he found out i could swim, and i did marching band in high school. oh, and i took a fencing course in uni before plague.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? their jacket, then their hair. if you change both of these things at once i might have trouble recognizing you.
7. eye color? brown. you know how dominant genes are.
8. scary movies or happy endings? for the most part happy endings, but if you're too saccharine about the beginning and middle then i'm going to wish you gave me a scary movie instead.
9. any special talents? i can do calligraphy with italic / oblique pen tips (think gothic blackletter, even tho gothic is probably one of my shittiest hands); i can burp at will still; i can touch type at around 92 wpm (certified)
10. where were you born? in a hospital <3
11. what are your hobbies? good lord that's a doozy these days. regularly i read n write fic (obviously), play genshin (still), study fandom (specifically the weeb sphere and its history), and code my shrine of cringe neocities. (and also sometimes stream any one of these things to friends) irregularly i watch youtube, keep a diary, read manga n watch anime, press flowers, do calligraphy, scanlate manga, typeset n bookbind fic (physically restrained by everyone from buying $500 worth of fonts bc Literally no one understands my font disease except other typesetters) mostly, but i have god knows how many other dormant hobbies (arranging music, editing fonts, edit videos, etc.) hiding in the cracks that i should probably just put on a resume by this point. you know how it is with adhd.
12. do you have any pets? not anymore, unless you count [pet] projects, in which case yes, the spreadsheet project abt fandom migrations in particular
13. how tall are you? abt 5'6", more specifically 166.4 cm.
14. favorite subject in school? chemistry, though i english/literature was a close second, and math (aside from geometry and statistics) is still beloved.
15. dream job? someday i'm gonna teach chemistry to a bunch of high school idiots, and i'm gonna love them all so fucking much, and i'm gonna be so fucking happy that i'm still alive.
tagging (if you want!!) @stardust-make-a-wish @reach-4-thesky @cece-0708 @yongnep @kanonavi @krackerka @isnt-it-pretty @yume-fanfare @aranarumei @italiantea and now staring at my mutuals list i have started to lose my nerve so i'll leave it at ten LOL but if you wanna do it too you can just say i tagged you ( •̀ ω •́ )y
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100 Follower Event!
Hello lovely duckies! (I really like ducks, and when I get the energy I wish for my blog to have a stronger duck theme)
Thanks to all of you, I've reached 100 followers! Thank you!
So let's try this event thing: pick a character (no more than 3 please) and a headcanon and I'll make some quick headcanons and post them under #that_student_100_event
these are gonna be x Reader
you may pick characters from different fandoms
When requesting hc’s you can chose one or two that are similar for one request, and I can combine them
I might cap this at 20 asks in case I get overwhelmed. Life has been very...life...
Alrighty: let's get cracking!
One Piece:
Monkey D. Luffy Roronoa Zoro Black Leg Sanji Cyborg Franky Nico Robin (platonic only) Nami (platonic only) Portgas D. Ace Characters I'm not too confident about, but could do Silvers Rayleigh Akagami no / Red Haired Shanks Marco the Pheonix Trafalgar Law White Hunter Smoker Crocodile Buggy the Clown I've started Dressrosa, so any characters there are OUT, because I have yet to meet / properly understand them, this includes Doffy. If there's a character I haven't listed but you want to see, ask (but provide a backup in case I can't please)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Nanami Kento Gojo Satoru Geto Suguru Toji Fushiguro Megumi Fushiguro Itadori Yuji Inumaki Toge Okkotsu Yuta Maki Zennin (platonic only) Kugisaki Nobara (platonic only) If there's a character I haven't listed but you want to see, ask (but provide a backup in case I can't please)
Call me basic, but I only feel like I can confidently write for the main entries of the following schools (else I gotta do research so it's not OOC - and I don't have the energy for that folks to be perfectly honest) I finished the manga so you can ask for others. Karasuno Aoba Johsai Nekoma Fukurodani Inarizaki
Genshin Impact
Tall Men Kaedahara Kazuha Gaming and the Fatui (minus Tartaglia) are not characters I will write for. (Haven't met Gaming)
Attack on Titan
Levi Erwin Hange (platonic only) Jean Connie Springer Zeke Jeager Reiner Braun Eren (it will be aimed at Mikasa tbh)
These prompts were collected from @make-me-imagine from her Headcanon Prompts List
A-Z Relationship Headcanons
Crush > Confession > Dating
Crush: How would they act with a crush, do they pine?
Relationship: General Relationship Headcanons
First Date + First Kiss
Flirting: How they flirt, how they react to you flirting, etc.
Intimacy: How they show intimacy; physical and not.
Confession: When and how they admit their feelings for you
Hobbies: What hobbies, interest, etc would they share with you.
Holidays: How they celebrate the holidays
Comfort: How they would comfort you after a … (bad day, nightmare, your choice)
The moment(s) they realize they have feelings for you (pre-relationship)
The moment(s) they realize they are in love with you (established relationship)
Cuddling: Do they cuddle, how do they, when do they, etc
Kissing: Do they like kissing, how do they kiss, when, etc.
Love Languages: What is their receiving and giving love language (and how do they show it)
Jealousy: How they act when they are jealous, what would make them jealous, etc. (before and/or during the relationship)
Cooking/Food: Cooking for each other, food preferences, etc.
Taking care of them when they are sick
Them taking care of you when you are sick
Romance: Are they romantic, how do they show it, etc.
First Meeting + First Impression
Domestic Headcanons: What it’s like to live with them, how they show domesticity (Note: I don’t write for pregnancy/kids/children)
Protective: Are they protective? How they show it. Etc.
Taking care of them when they are hurt.
Them taking care of you when you are hurt.
Friends > Lovers
Love: Ways they say or show they love you.
Anniversaries: How do the two of you celebrate your anniversaries
Proposal + Wedding
Traveling: Where would you go, what would you do?
Platonic/Best Friends: What is your friendship like
Gifts: What kind of gifts would they give, how often, when, why, etc. And, what kind of gifts do they like?
Pet-names/Nicknames (for you and for them)
Regret/Guilt: How would they act, what would they do if they hurt you, or you had a fight (wont right for abusive styles of fighting, just general arguments and misunderstandings)
Aesthetics: What smell(s) are they, what flower are they, what season do I associate with them, do I think they have a favorite aesthetics, songs, etc.
Surprises: How would they surprise you, what with, why, etc.
Magic/Fantasy AU: If they were in a world of magic, what powers would they have, what would their role be?
Meet-Cute: If you were to have a meet-cute with them, what would happen during and after.
Secret Admirer: What would they do as a secret admirer
Enemies > Friends > Lovers
Dates: How often, and what kind of dates do you go on?
Royalty/Fantasy AU: In a world where there are such things and princes, princesses, dragons and knights, what would they’re role me, and how did it coincide with yours? ((42))
Thank you everyone!
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Okay preeeeetty generic ik but like, Heizou fluff hc/scenario (yes I saw ur post asking for requests) 🥹
A/n: Your fine.
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character(s): Heizou
Readers Gender: Gn
You and Heizou are like Sherlock and Watson
And with that, you both work on cases together either making it a contest or taking in seriously (mostly making it a contest)
You both got together because of working on case
It was getting late, you and Heizou were still up trying to find the culprit, but no leads.
As you looked up from your case file you saw Heizou who was trying to keep his eyes open. When you looked at the clock you decided that you both should get some rest.
You got up from your desk and went over to heizou, who hasn't notice your presents. You grabbed the file away from him as he jumped seeing it was you he got annoyed and tried to take it away from you.
"Y/n give it back, Im close of cracking it" "Nah go to bed Red head" "Stop playing around" "Heizou look at us we are tired, we need rest, maybe just having a bit of sleep we can crack this". Heizou didn't look at you as you grabbed his hand sitting him back down at his chair.
You dragged your chair to his desk as you both rested your heads.
After that shown of care he wanted to repay you by wanting to take you out
So once the case was solved he took you out for some drinks, hoping you two can share some drink together
And that night with liquid courage from both of you that os when you both confessed
Having not so many shots you looked over Heizou who was still drinking his beer. "Heizou i wanna tell you something" "*hic* yeah Y/n" "I love y-you" "*hic* I love you too".
Your dates were work dates, going out for lunch and breakfast, indoor dates.
Heizou is the one who talks as you just listen
He is a flirt and you are too so flirting contest
Back to you two being Sherlock and Watson, he says he is the front man a you are just at his side to provide assistance (well that is how Heizou puts it at)
I really don't know what to say about you two. Last time I saw you two was when he was trying to pin you at a wall but you just switched it.
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cloudysleepingzone · 1 year
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Welcome to my Blog!
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I'm Dust/Star! A writer that enjoys making stuff.
This is a side blog I made for fanfic writing and or just writing in general, I normally make what ever comes to my mind but I do take requests sometimes!
Requests are open though <3
No current event
Request book
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P0rn/Gore Accounts dni
Homophobic/Racist/Transphobic people etc dni
Please be respectful
Fandoms i write for✧⁠*⁠。
Genshin Impact
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
South Park
BanG Dream!! Girls Band Party/Bandori
Project Sekai
Demon Slayer
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
The Promised Neverland
Bungo Stray Dogs
Spy x Family
The Amazing Digital Circus
Scott Pilgrim VS The World/ Takes off
Honkai Star Rail (NEW!)
What i will WILL write✧⁠*⁠。
Random drabbles
Character x Character
Character x Reader
Platonic and Romantic relationships
Gender neutral and fem reader (I'm not the best at masc reader but I can try!)
Most stuff
What i will NOT write✧⁠*⁠。
Adult x Minor
Smut/Sexually explicit content
Incest and Stepcest
Major Gore
Toxic Relationships
Assault of any kind
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Enjoy your stay✧⁠*⁠。
(Banners used for this blog are made by Me, @/cafekitsune, @/saradika-graphics, @/bunnysrph)
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lunanoc · 5 months
Shipper tag game
tagged by @sunriseverse (thank you for tagging! <3)
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
uhh probably sakura/syaoran from cardcaptor sakura? very original i know i continue to be Very Basic. to be fair i was 13 and i’d just discovered what fanfic was so there’s that. now it’s more of a nostalgia thing? they’re cute but yeah not much else
Which ship would you consider your first one?
probably sakura/syaoran or link/zelda from the legend of zelda, again very basic but technically i discovered fandom through zelda forums so
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
still sakura/syaoran, and yes it was terrible because i was still like 13
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
i honestly have no idea but i’m going to assume it was probably link/zelda just because of the forums (i keep repeating the same two ships over and over rip)
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
no. not in a public setting anyway. i tend to keep to the ships i like and steer clear of the ones i don’t, and if for some reason i come across one i don’t like enough times that it starts to annoy me i’ll bitch about it in private because i’m a big believer that occasional bitching with your friend group is healthy, or at the very least while not tagging it/censoring it so it’s not going to end up somewhere the people who do ship it can see it
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
i don’t think i ever had genuine notps before dmbj really, at most 99% of the time it’s not really what i’d qualify as a notp, more just ships i don’t really care for? but i don’t have any strong feelings about them either way. dmbj fandom is particular for me in the sense certain spaces and people have pushed certain ships onto me enough directly or indirectly i just immediately get annoyed whenever those ships pop up so i avoid them like the plague now. i’m not going to say what they are (even if if you know me you probably have an idea) but they do exist
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
pingxie from dmbj the brainrot is very real 😂 though for lack of food i mostly read chinese language fics these days (reminds me i should also make myself some more food one of these days too)
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
absolutely no one is shocked it is once again pingxie my beloveds who’ve had me in a chokehold for the past two years now atp i am literally here forever help
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
uhhh you know what i was going to say not really but actually. and it’s weird i have such strong feelings about this since i never hardcore shipped them anyway but ichigo/rukia from bleach i just refuse to perceive that is not the endgame
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
not really? if anything the closest i can think of is zhongchi/tartali from genshin that i initially didn’t really understand the appeal of but i got curious and ended up liking it. i’ve drifted away from it now because i don’t really enjoy the genshin fandom in general, and i don’t agree with a lot of the takes on them but that happened i guess
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
honestly i can’t really think of anything besides hopelight from ffxiii? and i guess kaeluc from genshin but i also don’t super actively ship those it’s more of a casual thing. oh wait i thought of this coming back but i kinda vaguely like ardyn/noctis from ffxv also casually but that is definitely cancellable over material oops
What is your favorite crack ship?
i don’t do crack ships really because i’m Very Basic and have zero imagination so i need substance to connect dots 😂
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
i can’t tell if this is past or present tense so i’ll just answer both. if it’s purely the amount over time it’s probably a toss up between destiel from spn and soukoku from bsd. if it’s currently what do i read about it’s pingxie
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
this is such a loaded question, weirdly a lot of them start off with differing degrees of antagonistic or challenging/playful relationship going on (on the surface anyway) and it progresses from there, and the care is both intense but not so easily expressed. there are clearly exceptions to this exhibit a: pingxie but those tend to pop up more for some reason. this is not discourse by any means but for example it’s why i preferred klance over sheith and that’s all i’ll say about voltron because that’s a can of worms i refuse to open ever again. what i’m saying is sometimes i wonder why i’m not a heihua person because on paper that’s what i should be and yet here i am with the old married couple 500k slowburn of a ship instead 😂
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
i wasn’t sure about what to put here but @sunriseverse is right, anything that fundamentally changes either of the characters for the sake of the ship or a trope. fanfic by nature is ooc to a degree anyway, but there’s a difference for me between when people make the effort to understand the characters and how they work/would work together, and when they either reduce them to two-dimensional cardboard cutouts for the sake of smashing them together, or make them out to be something they’re not. even more so when it then becomes the Universally Accepted Fanon Characterization
tagging @shaish, @tatchling, @tiesanjiaoshenanigans, @kelly42fox, @thatlittlemouse and uhhh honestly anyone else who wants to do it
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Hello! I hope it’s not a nuisance but can I request a Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rall and One Piece matchup? 2 character from each fandom
I do like a romantic pair with a male character!
Hobbies: I spend most of my time drawing, playing, watching anime or anything with the horror genre involved (movies, series, games, criminal cases anything with horror or mystery!)
Appearance: I’m pretty short, about 5′ 3″, brown medium hair with no bangs and brown eyes, my head’s empty about fashion lmao, but I’m a mix of cute style (not extreme), goth style and Victorian style
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexually: Bisexual
Age: 20
Aesthetic: Dark Academia, Withcore, Kawaii and Soft Girl
I would like a character that wouldn’t care about my physical disability (Wheelchair user) and mostly liked make me laugh and feel more positive about myself!
Anyway, take good care of yourself, drink enough water and get enough rest! Also please tag me when you’re done with my request 💕
Hi! Thank you for your request! I've given you one detailed matchup for each fandom as well as an additional matchup suggestion. If you'd like me to write full matchup thoughts for the additional suggestions, let me know! Also, I am currently up to episode 370 (Thriller Bark) of One Piece so please keep that in mind while reading. Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Itto probably won’t even notice your disability until it’s pointed out to him. It’s not that he’s completely blind. He knows you’re in a wheelchair. But he’s so focused on the sort of person you are that he doesn’t even consider you “different”.
Honestly, he’s probably your biggest cheerleader. Itto’s very supportive of you as a person and your hobbies.
Itto would enjoy watching anime with you. I think he enjoys energy filled, action shows but he’s more than happy to settle into a rom-com as well. Just be prepared to comfort him if anything sad happens.
Loves watching you draw. I don’t see Itto as someone with good artistic skills so he thinks all of your creations are amazing.
Super funny! Itto will be cracking jokes left, right, and centre. He loves hearing you laugh, and it’s even better when he’s the cause.
For an alternate matchup, I would likely say Mika. I think you’d get along well though he’s not sure about horror.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Much like Itto, Sampo would be your biggest cheerleader. He’s going to support all of your endeavours and will give you words of encouragement when you’re feeling down.
He is aware of your disability and all it entails so he’ll be great at supporting you. Need him to get something that’s out of reach? He’s on it. Want him to come to the doctor with you? Of course he’ll be there!
Sampo claims to enjoy watching horror movies with you but in reality he’s going to be clinging onto your arm and sleeping with the lights on for a few nights afterwards.
He’s much more into anime and is happy to watch anything you sit him down in front of. I see Sampo as someone he likes shows that are a balance between action and rom-com.
Also enjoys making you laugh. I see one of Sampo’s main love languages as making his partner happy, whatever form that takes.
For an alternate matchup, I would say Caelus. He’ll be very supportive but isn’t as likely to make you laugh as Sampo is.
In One Piece, I match you with...
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Rounding out your matchups with a third and final supportive partner. Luffy doesn’t have a single unsupportive bone in his body so you can bet he’s going to be cheering you on for even something as simple as waking up in the morning.
Enjoys watching you draw but struggles to sit still for too long. If he can do something while watching you be creative, he’d like that very much.
In the same sense, Luffy would enjoy watching horror movies or anime with you but he has to be doing something else at the same time, for both your sakes.
Luffy’s always making you laugh, whether it’s intentional or not. Sometimes he makes a concerted effort to bring your spirits up, other times he’s just being Luffy without a care in the world.
Is aware of your disability but thinks you’re even more amazing for it. He’s not one to think people who are disabled are any less capable of being wonderful people, even if there are certain things you can’t do.
This was actually a very close second but as your alternate matchup I would pair you with Sanji. He’s equally as supportive as Luffy but can be a bit smothering at times.
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