#genuine convertible sports
dear-ao3 · 8 months
genuine question what is the ao3 user to f1 pipeline because i swear to god in this past month??? i have seen several people convert and i don't understand what f1 is and i'm too afraid to ask
i was thrown head first into this about a month and a half ago by my sister so idk how anyone else converted but i have theories as to why we like it
f1 is cars go fast around track. vroom fucking vroom. extreme edition.
here’s why it’s appealing to fandom people:
-only 20 people in the whole f1 sport, they all race at the same time, easier to keep track of than football or soccer or anything with 583739297 million people
-most of the drivers are either himbos or need a redemption arc
-there’s an absolute fuckton of drama. like no other. rivals upon rivals. enemies to lovers to enemies to worse enemies kinda type beat. since there’s only 20 of them there’s always talk and speculation as to who’s going to what team, who’s getting cut, who’s signing the most insane contract, all that stuff
-the drivers really play up their bromances.
-did i mention the drama?
-these dudes would absolutely kill eachother on the track but off of it most of them are absolute besties (or they’re not and that’s more drama)
-again. drama.
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orangeocelotmartyn · 1 year
Martyn’s rant about homophobia in chat, transcript under the cut
Martyn: big big thank you to my mods tonight, for, um, keeping chat clear. Anybody who's been coming in this evening, if they're still lurking or whatever else, you've been coming in and being like, "ugh blah blah blah—“ just saying like, random homophobic shit, you're a fucking loser. Like, honest to god, like...(laughs) and I say that, sincerely. Like, you need that bluntness, and that harshness to give you a wakeup call, but, you are lacking compassion, currently. You are lacking compassion and understanding and love. You are wasting your finite moments on this planet by being horrible. And like, as much as I, like, wanna say that you're awful, I do sympathize that people are products of their environments for the most part, but you can change, and you should change. 
So, if you can—you don't even have to take time to like, read, or learn, or do any of that sort of stuff in relation to these topics. Just. Don't say anything. You know what I mean? Like, you just don't need to go and spoute horribleness. Nobody's out to get you, nobody's out to convert you, nobody's out to do x, y, and z, people just wanna love who they love, and they wanna live their lives, and, they wanna enjoy the same minecraft event that you do. They wanna go and see the same films as you do, they wanna watch sports, they wanna cook food, they wanna do paintings, all of it, like. It’s literally what they like to do, behind closed doors or even out in public, it genuinely shouldn't concern you. 
Like, it shouldn't take some kind of world shaking or near death experience for you to have this epiphany, thats all I'm trying to say, like. You really need to understand that—you know, you could be doing something so much more productive. You know what, even if you aren't like, a mega sweat, instead of spending time coming into someone's live stream chat and saying x, y, z, why don't you go get good at the game?
Why don't you go get good at something, like, develop a skill, or a talent, or...you know what I mean? If you wanna be heard, you wanna be seen, and whatever else, if you're doing it purely for attention, make people pay attention, but for the right reasons. That's my take on it. It's just not necessary, it really isn't. So...there you go.
Yeah, develop a personality. At the moment you are genuinely reducing yourself—unfairly so!—to being just a toxic soundboard, that's not saying anything different to all of the other people that are...devoid of their unique traits and personality. You don't want your mark on this earth to be just like other people. Be unique, but for good reasons. Be unique by contributing something. Something that will last not even to the whole world--not everybody has to remember you, but make sure that the people that are around you remember you for really lovely reasons! Really good reasons. That's all you can do.
So...there you go. "You can be funny without being discrimintory," Hundred percent, yeah. Hundred percent you can. I'm just funny with doing stupid puns and breaking the fourth wall every so often. That's my niche.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Bradley!
Pairing: Rooster x Wife!Reader
Author’s Note: I will always be a little salty that I wasn’t able to post this on his actual birthday, but I’m so glad that the shadowban has finally been lifted! This one seems like a good one to celebrate with!
Warnings: Lots and lots of fluff, hints at some spice (nothing explicit).
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- Every year, when June 27th rolls around, you make it your personal mission to spoil your husband rotten for his birthday.
- Rooster is always incredibly low-key about his birthday, and never asks for anything, but you always spend weeks planning something special for him.
- On his first birthday as your boyfriend, you got the two of you tickets to a San Diego Padres game. Rooster had mentioned several times how much he enjoyed baseball, and how he remembered his dad taking him to a few games when he was little, so he was incredibly grateful for the gift.
- “Just please tell me you didn’t have them put my name up on the jumbotron,” Rooster teased, tugging affectionately on the bill of your baseball cap.
- “No, no, of course not,” you winked, giggling when he jokingly groaned.
- What you hadn’t planned on was the two of you getting picked for the Kiss Cam. Everyone around you cheered and whistled as Rooster planted a big kiss on your lips, waving to the cameras as you blushed.
- “Happy birthday, Bradley,” you smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he settled an arm around you to enjoy the rest of the game.
- Another year, you planned a weekend trip to Miami for the two of you, figuring it would be a perfect time to hit the beaches and soak up some sun by the pool.
- Rooster ended up wanting to spend most of the time you were there in your hotel room. But, hey, he was the birthday boy. Who were you to refuse?
- “Happy birthday, Bradley,” you giggled in between kisses, feeling like you were the one getting the gift with him as your boyfriend.
- During the year of your engagement, you knew you wouldn’t be able to do anything too extravagant since most of your money was going towards the wedding or being saved for the future. However, with help from your friends, you were able to throw a lovely surprise party at Penny’s house.
- “I promised I’d drop something off for Penny on our way to lunch,” you told him as you drove the two of you in the direction of the Benjamin household. “Come inside with me. Penny made lemonade for your birthday,” you added with a wink once you pulled up outside.
- Rooster had been genuinely shocked when he’d stepped into the house and everyone had jumped out of their hiding places with a raucous shout of “SURPRISE!”
- Though it was nothing too elaborate, Rooster had been deeply appreciative of the barbeque and yard games in celebration of his birthday. He made sure to whisper in your ear over and over again how thankful he was and how lucky he was to have a fiancee as amazingly thoughtful as you.
- “Happy birthday, Bradley,” you grinned, playfully wiping some off the frosting from his cake onto the tip of his nose. He got you back by nuzzling it across your cheek.
- On his first birthday as your husband, you surprised him with a photo album you had made of all the pictures you’d discovered among his mother’s things. There were pictures of his parents when they were children, pictures of them as a young couple, pictures from their wedding, and tons of pictures of them with Rooster as a baby. You’d also included pictures of Carole and Rooster from his graduations and sporting events growing up, as well as some pictures from your own wedding, side by side with his parents’ wedding photos.
- “God, baby, this is amazing,” Rooster told you, reverently flipping through the pages as he sat beside you on the couch. “Thank you,” he murmured, choked up as tears glistened in his eyes.
- In addition, you’d also found a company online that could convert old home videos into DVDs and digital files. So you’d sent all the Bradshaws’ home videos off just in time to be able to play them for Rooster on his birthday. You’d both cried watching Goose’s and Carole’s bright smiles fill the screen, their infectious laughter present in every take as they brought Bradley home from the hospital, took him to the beach, celebrated his first Christmas, and shared so many other special moments together as a family.
- “This is the best gift anyone has ever given me,” Rooster whispered, squeezing your hand. He’d missed the sound of his parents’ voices and now he could hear them whenever he wanted.
- Once you and Rooster started having children of your own, his birthday celebrations became simpler. You and the kids usually surprised him with breakfast in bed or made a special dinner for him.
- Every year, you help the kids make cards for their daddy and pick out gifts which you claim are from the children. Rooster always makes sure to make a big deal about everything that they give him.
- Once the kids are asleep, you make sure to give your husband a little gift of your own.
- “Mrs. Bradshaw, you have really outdone yourself this year,” he whistled on his most recent birthday, smiling widely at the lingerie set you’d picked out just for the occasion. Lifting you up into his arms, he kissed you fervently as he turned and gently laid you down on the bed. “You spoil me too much,” he whispered, kissing his way down your neck.
- Laughing, you wrapped your arms around him and smiled as his hands roamed freely all over your body. “Happy birthday, Bradley!”
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starglowwos · 1 year
background info: during mcc pride 23, martyn reads a chat message thanking the mods yes! yeah yeah yeah, BIG big thank you to my mods tonight, for um, keeping chat clear
anybody who's been coming in this evening, if they're still lurking or whatever else, and you've been coming in like, "[mocking gibberish noises]", like just saying random homophobic shit
you're a fuckin loser. like, honest to god, like- and i say that, hahah, sincerely. like- you need that bluntness and that harshness to give you a wake-up call, but you are lacking compassion currently. you are lacking compassion and understanding and love. you are wasting your finite moments on this planet by being horrible.
and as much as like, you know, i wouldn't say that you're awful, i do sympathize that people are products of their environments for the most part but you can change and you should change. so, if you can, you don't even have to take time to like, read, or learn, or do any of that sort of stuff in relation to these topics, just. don't say anything, yknow what i mean? like you just don't need to go and spout horribleness.
nobody's out to get you, nobody's out to convert you, nobody's out to do xyz, people just wanna love who they love and they wanna live their lives, and they wanna enjoy the same minecraft event that you do, they wanna go and see the same films you do, they wanna watch sports, they wanna cook food, they wanna do paintings. all of it. like. literally. what they like to do, behind closed doors or even out in public, it genuinely shouldn't concern you.
like, it shouldn't take some kind of world shaking or near death experience for you to have this epiphany. that's all i'm tryna say, like, you really need to understand that, yknow, you could be doing something so much more productive.
yknow what, even if you are, like, a mega sweat, instead of spending time coming to people's livestream chats and saying xyz, why don't you go get good at the game? why don't you go get good at something, like, develop a skill or a talent, or, you know what i mean? like, if you wanna be heard, if you wanna be seen, and whatever else, if you're doing it purely for attention, make people pay attention but for the right reasons. that's my take on it. it's just- it's just not necessary. it really isn't. so, there you go.
yeah, develop a personality, at the moment you are genuinely like, reducing yourself, unfairly so, to being just like a toxic soundboard that's not saying anything different to all the other people that are devoid of all their unique traits and personality. you don't want your mark on this earth to be just like other people. be unique, but for good reasons. be unique by contributing something. something that'll last not even to the whole world, not everybody has to remember you, but make sure the people that're around you will remember you for really lovely reasons. really good reasons. that's all you can do. so, there you go.
you can be funny without being discriminatory, a hunnndred percent, yeah! hundred percent you can. i'm just funny with doing stupid puns and breaking the fourth wall every so often. that's my niche.
[unrelated, doing parkour: "oh i finally got it, let's go! mmmm… woop! ooh, it's a bit of a neo here.]
so there you go. that's my, that's my little, my little rant against hate.
and for anybody that's just coming in from owen's stream, this is the vibe in here all the time, not the shouting at people, telling them, saying be better be better be better, but, we have one of the most inclusive communities on twitch i feel. we have got people all across the spectrum, all kinds of, um, yknow, sort of representations. and it's just a nice place to be honestly, i genuinely really really am proud of this chat, and the same with the people that i collaborate with as well, people like owen and bek and eloise and oli yknow scott and people like that, like, it's just a good time. it's genuinely a good vibe.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I find it striking that the show gave us two shots of Trent stopping a door right before it closes, in back-to-back episodes, with the first instance inevitably informing our reading of the second. Meaning, once that particular, distinctive shot is associated with Trent following Colin to come out to him/reassure him about being queer, seeing that shot again - especially so soon - automatically makes us go, "Okay, so what does this have to do with the themes of queer sexuality and coming out? Is this another case of Trent, on a literal level, running after a queer man?"
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In a very general sense, this scene did have Trent 'come out' again: as a "dork," as autistic (based on many fans' reading of his enthusiasm and body language), as a total convert to the "Lasso Way," as a genuinely happy person after nearly three whole seasons of playing the cool, collected, despairingly cynical journalist. However, the takeaway is not just that Trent is finally comfortable enough to fully express himself, it's that he overtly acknowledges that Ted is the one who brought this about. Remember, "sport" is the metaphor and here everything Trent discusses about Total Football is really just a figurative expression of his love of Ted.
He's not even subtle about it, what with his language entirely focused on Ted's individual influence, rather than emphasizing the work the team has put in, or their own significant influences. (It's a biased focus that Trent indulges in despite Jamie straight up saving the day an hour before with Trent right there, watching him do it). He starts the scene by screaming Ted's name, says the strategy will work because of the Lasso Way, you haven't switched tactics, you've done this over three seasons. Trent might think that the fourth point doesn't matter, but really he's already discovered it. The last piece of the puzzle is Ted (or more broadly, the love that Ted helps flourish). A team can have conditioning, versatility, and awareness, but if they haven't formed the kind of bond we see when the boys are putting that water bottle into Will's basket, all of those others skills will come to naught when pit against the fluid, trust-based tactics of Total Football. That's the final condition that Ted has brought about and Trent's celebration of it is, by default, a celebration of Ted himself. Coupled with our opening door-stop that invites a, 'What gay quest is Trent heading out on now?' question, it's no wonder I've seen so many, "I thought Trent was going to kiss him" comments the last 24 hours. YEAH because that's how this scene is framed! Trent is newly out to the audience. He's paralleling his previous queer-focused plot-line. He's the most himself we've ever seen him while enthusiastically celebrating the existence of the man in front of him. What isn't romantic about that?
I also can't help but think about the door itself as a metaphor; of a possibility almost closing... only to be halted at the last possible second. We have the expression "When God closes a door he opens a window," yet in this episode we're explicitly told that God is not a part of this dynamic, so instead it's Trent - the supposed "observer" - who stops the door before it can close in the first place. He kept alive the possibility that Colin could find peace with someone about his sexuality and now he's keeping alive Ted's faith in his own coaching style... as well as the possibility for their romantic involvement (canon-based or fanon-based).
I know the "straight" comment disappointed a lot of fans, but the way I see it we have an episode where Ted's sexuality is framed in the past tense, while we get a shot of Trent giving him a I Know What You Are look similar to what Colin received, right after Ted gushes over loving a great head of hair + a clean-shaven look (Trent's vibe), alongside the meta (Lance's interviews) and canonical ("No, Sir / Yes, Ma'am") queering of Trent's gender, during a stint where a whole group of men are tied together by red strings of fate, right before one of those out men literally runs rom-com style after another to gush over how much he adores him while they're connected by their own strip of red.
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[gnashing, wailing, etc. etc.] I BELIEVE
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adobe-outdesign · 19 days
could you review the sweet kacheek?
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Kacheeks are one of those Neopets that I feel has pretty iconic status in terms of being recognizable as a Neopet. Part of this is because it's been around for a very long itme, but I also think part of it is that they're one of those pets where they're obviously an animal, but which kind of animal remains unclear; in other words, it's a great abstract design.
Visually, they're pretty straight-forward; long tails and a simple vaguely rodent-like body with a flat face and large head. The body is broken up with lighter cream areas on both the tail and underbelly, almost like a fox if a fox was a bipedal rodent thing and not a fox at all. I do wish the off-putting hairs on the head were an actual tuft of fur or something, but otherwise it's a fine design.
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Kacheeks are a little hard to place in terms of customization. Stickly speaking, the design itself didn't change at all, but their heads become more proportionate with their bodies, their bodies became less chubby, and their faces got subtly altered, with extra eye highlights, a bigger mouth, and less mirthful eyes.
I'm also not big on the customized version's tail, which feels too long relative to the body and gained an odd shape where it flares out at the base, becomes thin, and then flares out again. Some of the lineart there also implies bends in the tail that don't make sense.
In other words, the customized version is probably better in the sense that it matches other Neopets' visuals a lot more, but it just became a lot less cute in the process.
Favorite Colours:
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Plushie: Kacheeks are one of those species that feel like they don't have a lot of stand-out colours, which I attribute to being around for a long time (getting low-effort versions of early colours and whatnot). That said, the plushie Kacheek is really nice. The little heart-pattered fabric swatches are super cute, and there's lot of stitching and and patchwork in the design. The color palette also looks good, using a soft pastel in contrast with the bright blue accents.
The UC/styled version looks cuter and more plush-like, but the converted is still good and accurate for the most part (except for missing the stitching on the tail tip and inexplicably mirroring the blue patches; the pre-conversion art was facing to the left, but the patches would still be on the other side regardless).
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Disco: Disco is normally just one of those "whatever" colours, but I don't know, I find myself really liking this one. The Kacheek was originally known as the Badeek, sporting sunglasses in its earliest design, and this colour gives them a fresh pair of adorable oversized green glasses that really add something. Beyond that, the color palette works surprisingly well together and there's lot of details, like plenty of flowers, some striped, and multi-layered coloring on. Groovy.
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Halloween: What I really like about the Halloween Kacheek is the mouth, which is perfectly haggard-looking and appropriate for the colour. The green palette works well here, and I love the clothes, which compliment the green with a nice brown and a cream collar to match the tail accents. As a bonus, the clothes are removable in customization and the base itself looks pretty good.
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BONUS: I'm counting the mutant Kacheek as a bonus because I really like it but also feel underwhelmed by it, and I'm not sure if the iconic-ness of the design is genuine or just me being biased (being a filthy Mutant Graveyard of Doom lover). The head looks fantastic, with the exposed brain coming right out of the skin, black eyes, and fangs.
However, the lower body is just so... nothing-y. It looks exactly the same as a regular Kacheek minus the much-needed markings. Couldn't you have like, changed the body shape? Added more black or pink accents to the palette? Put more brain matter elsewhere in the body? Like, anything? But like I said, the head looks fantastic, and adding clothes via customization will go a lot way in hiding the mediocre rest of the design.
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splxtduxlies · 2 years
some headcanons based on what we learned from the splatoon 3 site because im abnormal
translation provided by yumeparadox on twit!
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Agent 3
love that she's from the splatoon equivalent of "the country" i think lmfao
also probably like. the first mention of parents in splatoon lore???
random self projection agent 3's parents are just like her in terms of affection and outward caring - theyre pretty aloof, when 3 said she wanted to leave they were like meh sure see ya kid
goes along with how i hc her as being very serious and mature, and a lil affection/friendship starved :*)
i want to believe 3 calls inkopolis a ""high color city"" it matches my hc that she thinks surprisingly maturely for their age and are basically an old person in a teens body ajsjdn
i also want to believe that 3 has no fashion sense. the trends keep changing and she can't keep up so she just wears her hero outfit and cape because it makes her feel cool and important
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Agent 4
the "club activities" has so much potential. does she play sports. is it splatoon anime club. is she in the like. telepathy club i need answers
i feel like in general 4 has no concept of idols and pop culture. not in the same "old person" way as 3 she just. genuinely has no idea what is going on at any given time. just absolutely clueless and enjoying life
they blended in really well to city life when they moved to inkopolis. so who better to show 8 around and get them acquainted! :) they get an apartment together really briefly before 4 spends all their rent money on sneakers and they get evicted
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Agent 8
deep *admiration* for 3 huh 👀👀👀👀👀
i love how specifically 3 and how cool they think 3 is is what converted them. yes a little of the inkantation but watching 3 specifically and looking up to 3
they admire 3 sm it makes my heart warm :*)
compared to what they had to go through in the metro, turf wars is a cake walk lol they dont even competively play with other inklings bc they wipe them out every time after they emerge
theres probably more..... i always have more ;;____;;
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kyzielanzxyri · 1 year
Vroom Vroom
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Jaehyun x M!reader
Warnings: male reader, bf Jaehyun, sports car, typos, i didn't proof read this
You fought, you fought during dinner, and now hes taking you to the penthouse you share in his convertible, the Chevrolet Corvette 2023 in the color Carbon flash, you can feel his anger, one hand on the wheel and one hand on your thigh, but you were mad too "stop the car" you said "what" he said in deep and surprised voice "i said stop the car" you repeated "why?" He asked, "i need some fresh air, so stop the car, " you said, slightly raising your voice, "you can do that here, " he said in an unbothered way, and before you could even protest or say something, he pushed a button and dropped the top of the car, you could feel the air flowing through your hair, the cold night air making you feel calm and relaxed, you always loved this, these late night drives with him, you made the first move and turned to him "Im sorry" you said, "why are you saying sorry babe, i should be the one saying sorry" he said while pulling up, "Im just really overwhelmed with things right now you know, grandma is telling me to prepare to ascend to the position of ceo, father is telling me to make rub elbows with politicians and other ceo's.... but the only thing I was pleased to hear from them was them telling me to hurry up and marry you, " he said, going out of the car and opening the door for you for you to also get out of the car, he knelt in front and pulled out a box, inside of that box was a 15 carat, round cut, diamond ring, "Jaehyun!" You squeeled and covered your moth as you tried not to cry, "m/n will you marry me?" He asked you."Yes! Yes! Yes! Jaehyun, yes!" You screamed and ran to him and jumped. He catched you and lifted you up, spinning both of you around and then he took your hand and put the ring on "thank you m/n for saying yes" he said while smiling, that smile you always saw him wearing when he was genuinely happy. " Of course, even without a ring, i would marry you" you chuckled, he leans forward and kisses you under the sky lit up by countless stars, it was truly the sight, it was romantic, and most importantly it was with your boyfriend (or should I say fiancé) the one and only person you love.
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hindahoney · 1 year
hello! i'm interested in Judaism and am thinking of converting. I couldn't find anything about this online so i wanted to ask someone personally. and I'm sorry if i get anything wrong, i just started learning about Judaism not too long ago
so about Shabbat, from my knowledge, it happens every week on friday/saturday. I was thinking about things like vacations, nights out with friends, school sports, and working at home, which are all things i do/will do. what do i do about Shabbat on days like this. for example the sports one, i am in marching band at my college and i have late-night rehearsals on fridays and all day rehearsals and football games on Saturdays all fall semester, all during Shabbat. I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive but this is a genuine question, thank you!!
So this heavily depends on what movement you're interested in and the answer you'll receive will vary accordingly. I know plenty of Jews that go out and do activities on Shabbat, and plenty who only celebrate Shabbat by lighting candles.
For me, however, Shabbat is meant to be a day of rest, and there are many prohibitions on what activities you're allowed to take part in. This ranges from no use of electronics, such as cell phones, TV, cars, light switches, or elevators, and no activities which could be considered work, like rehearsals and football games. Those would be prohibited. You're also not supposed to finish any activities (for example, if you are embroidering a project, you cannot finish the project on Shabbat). A night with your friends is totally fine, as long as you're not getting into any vehicles and also not exchanging money by purchasing anything.
Converting to Judaism is a lot of work. It isn't meant to be easy, and should be difficult. You have to be in a place where you are comfortable giving up certain things in exchange for a hopefully more fulfilling lifestyle, whatever that means to you. But in my opinion, it's important to receive a rigorous and lengthy education on Judaism and Jewish lifestyle & practice, in order to be able to choose what fits you once your conversion is finished.
Finally, I'm not a rabbi, so this is something you should talk about with whatever rabbi sponsors your conversion.
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violetmuses · 1 year
No Rules - Maxwell Lord
TITLE: “No Rules” || Maxwell Lord 
FANDOM: “Wonder Woman” Film Universe
CHARACTER: Maxwell “Max Lord” 
PAIRING: Maxwell Lord + Female Reader 
MAIN STORYLINE: Meeting each other could change everything. 
Author’s Note: Hi! Here’s my very first Max project. Happy reading and feedback would be greatly appreciated. - V. <3
Main Masterlist <3
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Black Gold Cooperative shattered not long ago, leaving him no other choice but to file bankruptcy. Even speaking with Raquel deemed nearly impossible to do. She was kind, still aiding him despite countless setbacks in an otherwise horrible shift. 
One town car pulls up to the main office curb around sunset, giving Max an opportunity to hide once again. Behind that spot, for a while longer, he can’t face late bills. Simon already shouted at him and he’d rather ride home in silence.
Awaiting the end of never-ending traffic, Max turns his head, looking out towards other drivers who beamed this weekend. Shining convertibles. Big-time sport wheels. Even Jeeps look glamorous to him as he yearns for success nowadays. 
Beyond that rear window, Max notes the sound of bright laughter, pitched and wonderful. You, a stranger, are in a car jamming to the radio, tapping fingers onto that steering wheel. The red light hasn’t turned green yet, but you don't even care. 
From his slight angle, Max can see the way professional attire clothed your shoulders from the top. He quietly raves as one sliver Rolex clasps around your wrist. Your head bops to the music, a particular song he doesn’t recognize this time. 
What is your story? Max thinks to himself. 
Before he could roll down the window and ask you anything, the stoplight turns green at last, prompting both cars to move away from one another. You vanish from his sight, only seen to him as a glimpse of joy. 
You’ve driven this company car since the beginning of summer. If not for your skills as concierge, the hotel would’ve crumbled for good last year. 
Now, it’s Friday evening and you’ve settled that ride into the parking garage, clicking your heels towards the apartment elevator. Just as both sliver doors open and you step through, distant but quick steps raced towards the outdoor entrance. 
Meanwhile, you roll both eyes, sure that another suited idiot wanted to loiter near the building again. There was a huge difference between cons and genuinely struggling people. You knew that feeling of the latter far too well. 
At one point of time, you dreamed of staying in this very apartment, working near affluence in so many ways. 
After climbing roles, your complex unit is breathtaking. Spacious living area. High-end entertainment center. Two bedrooms. Perfect kitchen. Picturesque windows reveal emerald trees, almost romanticizing Washington’s downtown zone. 
Pouring this well-deserved glass of wine, you toe off your heels and feel sure that security is dealing with that loitering idiot in the lobby. Even shouting echoed through walls as you sat on the couch, watching a movie. You’re not phased at all. 
Not the first, never the last. You’ve always believed. 
In the middle of your favorite scene, the man’s shouting stopped. This time, curiosity peaked your attention and you somehow pause the film, listening out instead. 
“Please…what is her name?” The man nearly begs, asking for someone else’s attention. 
You find yourself returning downstairs and soon heading towards the lobby. Commotion settled down, but there’s a man standing near that front desk. 
Light brown hair, almost blond, looks dishelved around his sweating and pale features. He’s leaning over, bunching up the fabric of his blue suit and slipping the placement for that sharp tie. 
“Ma’am!” The receptionist calls to you, immediately motioning for you to see this man right now. 
“Yes?” You heels scurry without question and your body straightens up, planning to introduce yourself. 
“I’m so sorry for the noise, but I’m…” The man trails off his own introduction, realizing your own face. 
“Maxwell Lord….” You catch on, folding both arms and slyly  acknowledging the stack of magazines found on one table with chairs in this lobby. His face plastered everywhere at one point in time. 
“Yes.” Maxwell settles back into his brand of charm, completely ignoring how sweat trickled earlier. “And who do I have the pleasure of meeting now?” 
“Y/N.” You reveal your name without shaking his hand. “A phone call during work hours would’ve been enough.” 
“Sincerest apologies.” Max utters once more. “Could I interest you in meeting tonight?” Maxwell continues, gently trying to salvage what happened just moments before. 
You watch him lie regardless. Yelling for assistance on this property should’ve left him booked with police.
“No, thank you, Mr. Lord.” You stay firm, knowing that he interrupted your time off on such a beautiful evening.
No. Maxwell sadly thinks to himself. I’m watching Alistair next week. 
“Very well. Apologizes to everyone for the disruption.” Maxwell steps out, finally leaving this apartment complex. 
You find one unexpected note in your mailbox soon after crossing paths with Mr. Lord.  
You are my greatest mystery, forever reaching my thoughts as I move through life’s everlasting questions. 
Please forgive my behavior. 
Until next time, 
Maxwell Lord. 
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themetalvirus · 1 year
Do you have any recommendations for fountain pens? I was looking at some but i dont know if the ones i was looking at are any good lol
anyway, the most recommended beginner pens are the lamy safari and pilot metropolitan. i personally don't like the metro (the grip section is slippery and makes my fingers inky, and the ink capacity is tiny teeny baby size), and i have never owned a lamy safari, but some people hate the triangle grip. their nibs can also vary greatly in quality, so buying one is a gamble, but a lot of people seem to like their safaris (and metros, some people swear by the metropolitan)
if you just want something cheap, you can try the platinum preppy - they're reliable for the price. the catch: the pen body will crack after about a year. they are not built to last, but if you wanna just test out if you like the (BEGINNER) fountain pen writing experience, then they're a fine choice
personally, i'm a big fan of the twsbi eco, but they are also prone to cracking over time and they get into a lot of shitty corporate slapfights with other pen companies who make piston fillers (my favorite kind of filling mechanism, so much ink capacity [but harder to clean!]). their nibs are reliable and juicy. you can also try the twsbi swipe for a very similar experience with a... cheaper price and look to match. the swipe comes with the same awesome nibs though
there's also the kaweco sport, which a lot of people swear by, but i've never owned because i personally find it ugly and unappealing (SORRY). it's a pocket pen, which means it's tiny when closed but full length when posted (when you put the cap on the end), making it a versatile everyday pen for people who have, like, jobs and stuff. i haven't heard many complaints about the quality control with the sports' nibs. i personally don't think it's the best pen for someone JUST starting out because of its status as a pocket pen, but again, lots of people swear by it. the ink capacity is piss tiny
there's also, of course, the pilot kakuno! cheaper than the pilot metro with what sounds like a reliable nib. i've never owned one, but they seem good for students and the like. it has a fun little smiley face on the nib =) because it's a pilot, the ink capacity is PISS TINY. but it's a good pen.
a word of warning. do NOT buy the ooly splendid. i repeat, DO NOT BUY THE OOLY SPLENDID. cleaning it is a NIGHTMARE because it has a little wick in the nib. like a marker. imagine trying to get all the ink out of the tip of a marker. it is a nightmare. do not buy the ooly splendid it sucks it doesn't even have a good seal so all the ink gets all boogery on the nib. bad
SOME NOTES: lamy and pilot use proprietary cartridges/converters, which basically means you can only use their way of refilling your pen. converters let you use whatever ink you want, which i greatly prefer. kaweco uses international standard short cartridges and converters, which gives you more options for cartridges if you choose to go that route. twsbi uses the piston fill mechanism, which has the most ink capacity by far, but it's harder to switch colors because of the way you have to dismantle the pen to clean it
ok. one thing to note is that these pens will either come with one (1) cartridge or no ink at all. so. what ink do you use?
WELL! one thing that is important to stress is to not use india ink. it will clog and destroy a fountain pen. make sure you only use inks that are clearly labeled for fountain pen use - any other ink may damage your pen.
in any case, i really like waterman intense black for a nice black ink that's easy to use and clean out of pens.
don't use any piddly shit they sell at michael's, it sucks (know from experience)
for any other colors, some brands i can fully endorse are diamine (cheap AND very very reliable!!) and pilot iroshizuku (more expensive, but the ink writes wet [more ink flow] and is vibrant).
brands i would warn against for ink are... NOODLER'S. the owner of noodler's ink is a rabid trump supporter and conspiracy theorist, and with ink names like "1984" and "censor red", i'm surprised more people don't know/care. another is ferris wheel press just because their shit is overpriced and underperforming compared to most other brands. if any ink is more that $40 it's basically a scam
also, shimmer inks are NOT for newbies; they are prone to clogging pens and ruining them. no glitter for new people you will regret it
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doctorwho-rewatch · 8 months
S4E4 & S4E5 - The Sontaran Stratagem & The Poison Sky
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Not even four episodes since we bid Martha farewell and here she is bringing the Doctor back down to Earth!
Child genius Luke Rattigan is just so smart and no one understands how difficult it is to be the genius he is. He aligns himself with the Sontarans, to help them take over the Earth with the promise he gets taken to a new planet where he can be fruitful and multiply with mini geniuses of his own. Icky icky icky.
Holding a gun and threatening to shoot his students who didn't want to follow him, really did nothing to help the school shooter vibe.
We are introduced to the Sontarans, a formidable warrior race, who dispose of humans so efficiently, it's like sport to them. Sontar-ha!
With the planet choking to death on toxic ATMOS fumes, Martha replaced by a Sontaran clone and working against UNIT, and Donna trapped on the Sontaran ship, the Doctor again faces a difficult choice on how to save the world and not commit genocide. Rattigan, coming to his senses, steps in and takes the atmospheric converter up onto the Sontaran ship and detonates it, sacrificing himself to save Earth. A small redemption of his character.
When a current companion meets an old companion, sparks usually fly. But with Donna and Martha, it is just genuine wholesome happiness to meet each other and see where life has taken them.
But Donna is concerned with how...militarised Martha has become. She is now in the upper echelons of UNIT directing soldiers as easily as if she was ordering takeaway. It is good to see her thriving after her time with the Doctor, but the unshakeable feeling that the Doctor has turned her into a soldier remains...
QUOTE: "It’s like a potato. A baked potato. A talking baked potato." "Now, Ross. Don’t be rude. You look like a pink weasel to him."
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catcake24 · 4 months
Okay, I made a post awhile ago about making a Foamstars Splatoon AU, so I’m gonna share some ideas I have about that!
Also disclaimer - I like splatoon and I am using this as an opportunity to basically make some OCs and play around in the Splatoon Universe using Foamstars as inspiration at best. I like the designs and some of the kooky ideas in Foamstars, but I am not a fan nor have I played it. I don’t have any intention to play it, I honestly think it doesn’t look very good.
Okay? Okay!
Setting - Wash Vegas
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First off, the setting isn’t Bath Vegas (the canon name) but Wash Vegas. It’s a city somewhat far away from the events of the main Splatoon games, but still located in Inkadia. This city is full of rich people, and is a mashed combo of Silicon Valley and Las Vegas. It’s where the rich and elite live, investing in technologies to make a business from and partying it up at night.
After Turf Wars became a massive thing among the youth, a new kind of performative sport also started cropping up in this city- Foam Battles. Instead of a team sport, it’s more like a death match pro-wrestling. Instead of gaining points from inking turf, it’s by how many splats you get in a limited time (with different battles having different gimmicks), with the battles switching between team based objectives and all out battle royale.
The participants in these Foam Battles are the Foamstars, who craft a persona around themselves and unique weapon to each. These weapons can convert the natural ink from Inklings and Octolings into foam-like substance which can still splat their opponents but also change the environment they’re playing on by making walls and ramps, and destroying it again with their specials.
Now… this sport, despite its differences, is seen as a rich person rip off of turf wars so the Foamstars aren’t there for fun or challenge but to gain clout and make connections among the elite. So they’re basically influencers but they fight eachother, and even if the games aren’t technically meant to be rigged they often are so the favourites win more.
I’m going to give a short description of each AU character along with an image of the actual Foamstar character webpage from Square Enix for an idea of who I’m talking about since I doubt anyone here knows who each character is (ignore the bubble beastie stuff that’s gonna be a whole thing and a WIP). Also there’s surprisingly very little info on their personalities on the website, so I’m pretty much flying solo here and I have no idea what they’re actually like in-game lol.
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(Just one letter away from “Soap”, real creative.) So this is Soa, her stage name being Bubbles Blobba. She is an amateur inkling idol, among many trying to make it in Wash Vegas, but has been given a new chance in this gig of being a Foamstar.
Soa is very naive though, the classic “wide eyed newbie trying to make it in the cut-throat entertainment world”. She is bubbly and energetic, and is willing to make friends with almost anyone. But that Optimism is often taken advantage of, she didn’t even know what a Foam Battle was when she signed up and just went along with it. Her genuine spirit and great singing voice has made her quite a few fans already though, so she’s got a real shot at fame.
Her weapon is a modified dualies, shooting bubbles of foam, with her special being a variation on Baller. She is light on her feet and nimble, and is an expert at dodge rolling, but often gets in over her head during battles.
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Next is Frenzy Hohojiro, known as Agito online, and his basic backstory is similar to his Foamstar one - He’s a pro-gamer trying to prove himself outside of gaming. He is an octoling hailing from the Splatlands, and was even apart of the well-known Hohojiro clan - making him Shiver’s older brother (their sibling dynamic is very much spiting one another out of love).
The Hohojiro Clan is a long line of Shark riders and warriors, however Frenzy didn’t really care for all that and was much more enamoured with gaming and eventually left his family to peruse it - gaining massive success much to his family’s chagrin. He is very competitive and doesn’t back down to a challenge, wanting to dominate the Foam Battle leagues to prove himself, so his shark has become somewhat neglected.
His main weapon is a modified rapid blaster, with his special being a version of Reef Slider. He isn’t great at dodging but is very skilled in on-the-fly tactics.
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Tonix here is an inkling born and raised in the Wash Vegas science division, being home schooled by her father who is a brilliant scientist (Tonix is her nickname). She lives and breathes science of almost all kinds, gaining a very… odd personality as a result. She is very energetic, seeming almost manic at times, and has severely neglected social skills from her life among socially awkward scientists.
She also has a bad habit of doing experiments on her friends without asking, or on herself, seeing herself as a genius and not really caring about consequences. This attitude is why she has a state of the art prosthetic leg, as after an experiment gone wrong she jumped at the chance to make her own leg. She’s also Bioluminescent - seemingly no one knows why, not even Tonix herself.
Her weapon is a modified Brella, with her special being a powered-up auto bomb which seeks out other players and explodes. She made them herself, of course.
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Jet Justice
Jet Octopada, known widely by some as Jet Justice, is a former Octarian soldier from Octo Canyon - one of many defectors after the infamous Calamari Inkantation was played. He is now a civilian hero in Wash Vegas, using his military experience, and wanted to be a force for change which brought him to Foam Battles.
He is kindhearted and genuine guy, but not naive like Soa or even Frenzy is. He sees the system is corrupt and wishes to use his position to advocate for better conditions for the lower class workers in the city, and maybe even steer it towards something better. (This leads him to take Soa and Frenzy under his wing, as he sees they’re good kids deep down.)
His weapon is a modified blaster, and his modified special is splashdown. He is a force to be reckoned with in foam battles, able to counteract even the worst cheating or bias using his own skill. However, because he is so caring of others he will sometimes help his opponents as well by accident,
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Navie South
(Okay I basically had to change Pen Gwyn to be a different character because global warming isn’t really a thing in the Splatoon world anymore, since they use Zapfish and power eggs for energy rather than fossil fuels.) (also her name in Foamstars has been changed to Penny Gwyn, these are old screenshots lol)
Navie South is an Octarian, like Jet, but didn’t defect from the army. She lost her honour and status after she failed to stop the agent who ended up taking the Great Zapfish back, so she’s on a quest to correct her mistake outside of Octavio’s knowledge. She’s participating in Foam Battles to gain connections among the elite, her fans think her military outfit and personality is an act.
She is disgusted by basically everyone, seeing the inklings as enemies and the octarians as traitors. She is ruthless in Foam Battles, having been one of the top decorated soldiers in the Octarian army, and will do anything to win.
Her weapon is a modified shooter, specifically an splattershot with a rapid fire rate, and her special is a modified curling bomb which slides forwards and explodes.
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One of the younger Foamstars, he is a giant squid inkling whose family came from the Deep Sea Metro. Rave Breaker isn’t his real name, but he insists everyone call him Rave Breaker since it’s cooler.
Basically, he’s a teen who heard about “sanitization” during his time in the deep, but never actually learnt what it meant… which is why he made his whole persona around ‘cleaning the filth from this city’ and ‘ending all the parties’ as an edgy anti-hero/villain. His fans love it though.
He’s really a sweet guy, a cinnamon roll if you will, who studies and works hard and doesn’t want to let his family down after they funded his career into being a Foamstar - unaware that his family’s business has made them super rich, and his parents are gaslighting him into thinking they’re only scraping by to drain his own money. He needs a better support system.
He’s also a very skilled mechanic and fighter. Due to his skill and being very tall, people often assume he’s older than he is.
His weapon is a modified heavy splatling, and his special is a modified Inkstrike. He made both of them himself, and actually does repairs for other Foamstars if they ask since he’s more trustworthy than Tonix most of the time.
(I’ll admit, I have a strange fondness for this guy. He’s my edgy son.)
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Vulgan Glacia
He’s old money from Inkopolis, an Octoling whose family fled Octo Valley generations ago. He’s snooty and arrogant, but polite and dignified. He his participating in Foam Battles for fun, and to promote his grandkid’s coffee house business since they don’t like him just dumping money on them.
He absolutely loves his kids and grandkids though, and will let you know even if you don’t ask. He has all their pictures in his wallet, and makes sure to know what they’re all doing. He used to have a wife who is now deceased, so he raised his kids all on his own and is a fantastic dad. (He’s also worried for Rave, his dad senses are tingling when Rave talks about his family, but isn’t particularly close to the boy.)
His weapon is a modified splatling, and his special is inkstorm which dissolves foam as it passes over.
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Sweet Beak
The most mysterious Foamstar, the Inkling Sweet Beak acts as both the mascot, poster girl, and secret CRO for ‘Sweet Dreams’ - a candy and sweets brand whose products are massively popular in Wash Vegas. Sweet Beak herself acts as the promoter and mascot, while behind the scenes she’s a cut-throat CEO who will do anything to dominate her competition.
She doesn’t care for ethics or standards, only winning and power. She lives a double life, pretending to be an innocent and cute young girl in Foam Battles but dropping the act in private. She will cheat, lie, backstab, and punch her way to the top - never caring for who she hurts along the way. This persona also allows her to forge connections with higher ups of other companies, and to keep herself clean from any accusations that might be thrown the company’s way.
Her fans love her for her sweet and girly personality shown online, and for her sweets themed gear and weapons. Her main weapon is a Blaster, and her special is a foam themed big bubbler which will disperse foam when going through or popped.
Note: These characters were first made before Foamstars released, and since the website has barely any info on them, this isn’t reflective of their characters in-game. I might check that out on YouTube, but idk right now.
Right now this is the most unfinished part, but here’s the basics.
Originally, Foam Battles were just done for fun, but recently it’s been found the foam weapons are very effective at fighting monsters called ‘Bubble Beasties’. These monsters started appearing with no warning from an old waste dump outside the city, and now it’s overrun with these creatures and they have been attacking parts of Wash Vegas for unknown reasons.
Our main characters get caught up in one of these attacks during a game of battle royale between these 8 (there are more Foamstars than just these guys in the world) and they managed to stop the attack. So the head of local the Wash Vegas Defence Force recruited/drafted them to fight these attacks when they pop up, and now they’re all having to learn to get along.
TLDR: The plot is basically celebrity and entertainment drama, mixed in with some superhero action.
((I’m not 100% on this, and this is based on the in-game story mode stuff which I skimmed, so this is the most subject to change part of this AU))
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riddlemethisjeremy · 2 months
On that post about autism winning you put in the tags how cannibalism isn't a great survival food source can you elaborate more on that because I'm genuinely curious
yes actually !!
So there are a few reasons for this
The first one, which im pretty sure i mentioned in the tags, is that human flesh is actually really low on calories.
And i know
"calories bad 😡😡😡 high calorie food isnt good for you etc. etc."
This is a diet culture myth
Calories are actually the human body's main source of long term energy your body converts it into fat to store it and then burns the fat to make energy when food is scarce/when you're using a lot of it at once.
Having a high calorie diet is like pretty good for people in stamina sports because it means they won't burn out too quickly.
When you're in a survival situation where food is scarce, you're gonna want foods either high in sugar so you can get your energy boost straight away (humans are not this because we burn through sugar like its gasoline) or high in calories so that you can preserve your energy and live longer, and so you can last off the same bit of food for longer. Food that is high in calories tend to be filling because your body is getting a bunch of storable energy really quickly and you do not need as much of it at once to live.
Because humans store energy as fat, though, a lot of the calories in it tend to burn when you would be cooking human flesh, meaning that most of the useful survival nutrients likely will be wasted. And making the assumption that this is a city person who is resorting to cannibalism as a final option, they probably would not be able to stomach raw human/not a hundred percent but it could possibly kill you? I know human meat gets compared to pork/chicken quite often and they're both white meats, which you can't eat raw. So in the basic sense of getting energy off of the food you're eating, humans just don't have the correct nutritional balance to sustainably keep you alive you'd have kill and eat another person every like two-three days whereas animals like pigs/goats/sheep you could live off for at least a week before they start to spoil (and even then if you cook it thoroughly uts still technically safe to eat for like almost a month) so if you can find something similar in your wilderness environment do so
Also don't quote me on this but pretty sure a good way to tell for meat with decent calorie intake is muscle vs fat
Beef cows are often bred for muscle as opposed to fat because the fat just lacks nutrients and doesnt satisfy hunger very well
So if you have a himbo friend they're going first just saying
But also humans aren't really naturally built to build muscle as well as they build fat, so either way chances are you'll still end up lacking calorie intake.
Reason number two !!
A pretty fuckin big one
Kuru is a protien disease (i think thats the word). I dont know all the sciency shit but basically inside your brain you have these little chemicals and theyre unique to you. They like float around your body a little and vibe idrk why they're there.
When you ingest human flesh
The other persons little protein things attack your ones.
Most of what i know about the symptoms of kuru come from this one zombie game my dad used to play (z nation or gen z or some shit like that it was a super hardcore survival game) so like dont quote me too much on this
But basically it deteriorates your brain functions. You like start getting forgetful/judgement/risk evaluation gets affected/emotional management fucks off completely (you get all manic sometimes i think and like hysterical laughing is common in later stages) and eventually your brain just kind of in general stops functioning and you die.
And it takes a little while like a couple weeks or something i think depending on the amount of human flesh you consume.
And like you won't always contract a lethal level of kuru i think, like generally the further away from the brain you are the better off you'll be? Like if you eat a human brain you're practically dead on arrival but if youre munching on toes you have to eat like four or five people's worth to die
Fun fact: the penis is the only place on the human body this protein isnt found which means eating dick is safe.
But yeah kuru is nasty and i do not recommend to the average tumblr user.
Please bear in mind that i am not a science nerd do like the more scientific shit i am not a hundred percent on and you should probably take this with a lil grai of salt because i might have oversimplified or misunderstood something
But this is more or less why cannibalism is not a great survival tactic and should definitely be the last of last resorts
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wellhalesbells · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 (or whatever) Tags
I was tagged by @kikiroo​ - thank you!!  *heart hug!*
1. Were you named after anybody?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Um, I cannot stress enough that I cry at the drop of a hat in fictional situations (pretty much never in real life) so it was either Ted Lasso or reading The Celebrants by Steven Rowley, or it could’ve been The Emperor’s Bone Palace by Hailey Turner - I just finished that.  I can’t remember if I did or not, but I was so stressed out, I probably did, things went poorly for a bit there and I was a wreck.
3. Do you have kids?
I do not and have no plans to.  I’ve never wavered on that, I’ve always been very ‘who knows, could change,’ about it but so far: nah.  And I feel like if I had ever wavered, my sister having two pandemic babies and me being her entire village (I am the only relative who lives in the same state.  And the people who are best at babies do not live in the same country.) has nudged me more firmly towards: that’s really not for you, broh.  I love them to death but I am so glad I get breaks where I just get to be a selfish monster for seventy-two hours straight.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played soccer for maybe a few weeks in middle school and then I was like: this is just running, and running is so much worse than sitting, was everyone aware of that?  I’ll be on the bench if you need me. *throws up a peace sign*  Though I did just tell my sister that I would absolutely fucking kill at basketball against K-1st graders and I stand by that.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Sense of humor.  Honestly, I don’t know if it’s an ace thing or not, but I can’t even describe people beyond: heightish and hairish until you interest me as a person, which is usually because you make me laugh.  It’s kind of embarrassing sometimes because I really do not notice, and sometimes I’ll be asked to describe someone I’ve been in the vicinity of for, like, two months and I’m like: I genuinely cannot tell you a single thing about this person, I’m so sorry.  I just don’t track details.  That’s why I try really hard with names.  I can’t tell you what they look like in any detail (do they wear glasses? Have freckles? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), but I can tell you their name.  And sometimes that can feel like a superpower tbqh, because you know who people come to find out the new person’s name: moi.
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Oh scary movies, hands down.  They’re my favoritest things.  I regularly have them on as background noise.
9. Any special talents?
If I do have them, they’re a secret even to me.  I like to have that Kathleen Madigan mindset about it: “What if we’re all prodigies, but it’s just at something we’ve never tried yet? ... What if I sat down at a pottery wheel and made a cup and people were like: Holy Christ, lady, that is the most phenomenal cup ever made.”  It could happen!
10. Where were you born?
St. Pete, Florida.
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, tending to an imaginary beluga whale that lives in my nephew’s bathtub, creating to do lists over and over again that I have no intention of ever completing, and playing Pokemon Go.  There’s a girl at my work and we were the two nerds who were really into it, we would get together, do the fests and the raids and community days and such.  We have now converted half our workplace into either reactivating their accounts or creating them and there are now at least two more people who are just as - if not more - into it than we are.  (Like, they had to make a Pokemon Go policy because of us spreading it like a virus, lololol.)
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a doggo that I accidentally made obsessed with me and super introverted.  You know how they say owners start to resemble their dogs?  Nope.  I broke her and now we like to stay in, are wary of strangers, and essentially try to occupy the same space at all times - I blame COVID, honestly, we were both way more normal before that.  Or she was, anyway.  The good news is I can let her off leash ‘cause she’s going precisely zero places without me.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
English in high school, Evolutionary Psychology in college.
15. Dream job?
I hate to say it but: I do not dream of labor.  Anything I’m passionate about doing, I would immediately tarnish by needing it to now be the source of my livelihood.  It would lose all its joy because I would put immense pressure on it.
Though if I could somehow make bank through sleeping? Yeah, that.
I don’t know who to tag because I feel like I’ve seen everyone do this on my dash so: um, whoever hasn’t done it yet and wants to - consider this me tagging you!
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
daniel stans: max B-A-D! needs daniel to repair his PR image and make him likable.
daniel stans: lando B-A-D! -insert conspiracy theory of your choice about how he's talentless and only outperformed daniel due to favoritism-
daniel stans: oscar B-A-D! hope he flops for sealing my amazing, talented baby waby's seat!
then there's me, hoping he just decides to retire and get into commentating or something because he can't even go to a team as a 3rd driver without his stans spreading toxicity everywhere he goes.
and frankly, I'm just going to say it: i know other max fans get frustrated at the way checo fans talk about max. trust me, i don't like it either. but as someone who supports both red bull and mclaren, trust me when i say daniel's fans would be much worse.
lots of dts converts who legitimately believe daniel was better than max and had to leave red bull because they were needlessly favoring max (basically the same shit you hear about lando and mclaren), lots of people who genuinely believe every other driver is evil and needs goofy daniel to teach them how to be good/fun people, lots of people who were literally willing to put their entire fucking moral code aside and harass the social media admin of a mental health charity because "oh my god, you allow mclaren to promote your charity when they just fired my fav multimillionaire driver? you're absolutely useless!!!" also like, checo fans will make shit conspiracy theories about max needing favoritism to win or beat his teammate or whatever, but Dan stans take conspiracy theories to a whole new level. most of the shit you've seen about how lando got into f1? completely inaccurate, started by a salty dan stan who couldn't accept him being outperformed.
like I do think, especially if the frontrunners are closer and checo doesn't improve his performance, red bull should look into replacing him, but trust me - replacing him with daniel would do NOTHING for the toxic teammate (remember, he left because he couldn't accept being 2nd driver to begin with) or the toxic fan dynamic the team is already dealing with.
You really just dropped the best anon I’ve gotten and dipped oh my god😭😭
But I agree with all of this. The amount of people who are saying how Daniel being back is going help Max for his image and show him how to be fun again is literally a joke. If people watched red bull content over Sky Sports they would see that Max is literally so fun, so nice and so chill when he’s around people he is comfortable with. The Lando and Oscar thing I agree with too, neither have done anything wrong at all. Oscar got a seat he deserved and Lando was racing which is what he is there to do yes McLaren fucked up calls for Daniel but that isn’t Lando’s fault and the amount of people wishing Oscar the worst season ever are just fucking annoying and constantly commenting under his posts are fucking weird.
I don’t mind Dan being here for PR honestly I don’t overly car but I wouldn’t want him in the car cause of his fans who have in all honestly turned me off him. They shit on Max, Christian and red bull so much, saying how now they have to support them, I’ve seen some people saying how they want Max or Checo to get sick but Dan left he did that. Like look I’m glad he’s happy and he’s content with his decision but he isn’t the driver, he is there to drag in the views but I’ve already seen people commenting under Max posts “give us Daniel” and all that shit and honestly the thought of just reading all of it is annoying. There was an article about how Max wants to do his own sim time and people were jumping to abuse him cause they interpreted it as him not wanting Daniel to do it…like tf.
The thing with DTS did really annoy me cause Daniel must have known that Max was being unfairly treated but he was getting the best coverage cause he was portrayed as the fun, happy driver and anyone who upset him deserved to be abused. At least Max stands up for the others who got fucked over as well, he doesn’t ignore it. Like he is a grown ass man who has not preformed and as you said the social media admin got abused for literally nothing and it will always be funny for me to see them and other talking about mental health when they abuse Lando and Oscar and every turn.
I think he should have never left Renault and he fucked up and now he’s back because he didn’t want the Haas seat cause he doesn’t want to be at the back but he also doesn’t want to be second to Max??? Like right now he isn’t a first driver personally I think for a top team. If Checo got dumped then I’d prefer to see an actual red bull youngest take it tbh. Daniel coming back into this team is for PR and that’s all I can see it being, I can’t see him being a number 1 in a top team and I can’t see him being number 2 with Max unless he drops the ego
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