#genuine representation of that I’ve ever seen
fill-me-with-dirt · 5 months
Saw some old postal promotion on tiktok and literally started fucking stimming I love that game so much. Need to play it soon
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thedandelionthief · 4 months
thinking about OCD rui
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btw my pfp is from a French kids show called Aux trésors de Kerubim which is just a cute little cartoon which I do not recommend because it’s for like ages 3-10 but anyway I’m here to say that I’m surprised I’ve never seen anyone on tumblr dot com mention it for having a canonic lesbian couple in it. And not like background characters who hold hands, I mean one of the main characters gets a girlfriend and starts going on dates through the course of the show in a completely normal way. it’s the youngest-targeted show I’ve ever seen with canonic gay representation. and it’s from 2013. and it’s nice. there’s also an episode where the entire conflict is that the kid got locked in a box
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moved-to-cyarinka · 1 year
I just watched the latest episode three times in a row and I just. I need to talk about this.
More specifically, I need to talk about THIS moment:
…because this is some of the best autistic representation I’ve ever seen. I know, this is funky Star Wars animation how good can it be, but just bear with me for a minute.
When Omega asks Tech why he doesn’t act like they’re a family, he’s taken aback—he physically recoils. And then, instead of the simple, clumsy answer I expected, the writers did something I have NEVER seen before, not in a show or a movie or a game or ANYTHING.
They show him struggling to find the words. And they let him take his time to do it, because that’s what he needs.
You can see how hard he’s thinking about what to say to her. Finding the right thing to say doesn’t come easily when there isn’t technically a right answer. You can’t calculate the perfect response to a question like Omega’s, but you can try. He IS trying.
I have done this before. It sometimes takes genuine effort to phrase things the right way to not offend people, to force my tone to be acceptable, to communicate in a way that just doesn’t come naturally. I’ll sit in my therapist’s office for 3 minutes turning over a question in my head, trying out the answers until I have one that feels and sounds right. I have never seen anything like this before.
And then Tech hangs his head. It’s the weary acceptance that he’s different, and people don’t understand him, and he’s inadvertently hurt someone he cares about because he just. Doesn’t. Express himself the same way she does. But he doesn’t blame her for not understanding. When he sighs, you can tell he’s frustrated at himself.
I have felt this before. I have never felt so understood by a piece of media in my entire goddamn life.
All of this to say: I’m genuinely blown away by the nuanced understanding behind this scene. I never wanna hear that Tech is a negative stereotype of an autistic genius again—just because his autism isn’t some groundbreaking new uwu flavor doesn’t mean it’s not REAL. Ty for listening to my ramble if you got this far :))
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wetsocksinbed · 9 months
shit people need to hear about COD:
Ghost isn’t some broken uwu boy. Infantilising assault victims is demeaning and disrespectful
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, König is extremely overrated for a character that only appears as a playable operator and not as anything in the campaign
You’re allowed to ship whoever you want, it’s a free world, but throwing a tantrum when people say they don’t ship GhostSoap or Korangi, and calling them homophobic (I’ve seen this too many times at this point) is disgusting and you’re essentially stereotyping us LGBTQ individuals as aggressive and pushy when it comes to queer ships. The characters of Ghost and Soap are canonically coded to be like brothers, and you need to stop thinking that a headcannon is the same as real cannon
Stop replacing Gaz with König, it’s giving ✨racism✨
Alex, König, Farah, Alejandro, Rudy and Horangi are not part of TF141, stop including them in it?????
König and Ghost are canonically enemies and wouldn’t have each other on speed dial just tag your fics as OOC at this point
the entirety of the Call of Duty franchise was coded for straight white “alpha male” boys who live in their mothers basements, stop acting like it’s anything more than that. You won’t find the representation you’re looking for in it and honestly with the way it’s headed at the moment, I don’t think you ever will
we can tell if you’ve never played the games based on how you write the fics. You don’t have to be a game fan or player, but at least do your research on the characters you’re writing about before you hit “post”
Makarov and Graves are terrible people and shouldn’t be idolised. Before you tag me with your “let people do what they want” let me remind you that Graves is canonically racist. @mockerycrow made a good post about why Makarov is a shit person and I recommend you read it
All of the characters have their flaws. Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Price, they all have done bad things. Price is known to commit war crimes if it means getting the mission done
König having social anxiety doesn’t mean he’s a broken husk. You can function completely fine with the disorder if you can find a way to distance yourself from who you are as a person. Say, like, constantly wearing a mask? I promise you that the Austrian soldier wouldn’t be a sobbing mess because he got looked at funny
Also, he is only obsessed over because of his mask and the weird obsession people on this app have with infantilising people with trauma and mental illnesses (see first paragraph regarding Ghost)
The way some of the fans obsess over the actors is uncomfortable and genuinely creepy. It’s like this generation thinks that anything behind a screen isn’t real and can’t feel anything. They’re people who act. They’re not the characters you play.
feel free to add more to this, I’m tired and sick and wanted to rant
don’t attack me with the “yeah but not me” shit. Obviously I don’t mean everyone.
this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the games the way you want, it just means don’t fucking police it and gatekeep it and expect everyone to accept your interpretation of it
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bemorechiill · 6 days
wc fans try not to bring down wr challenge go!
but genuinely, me personally i prefer will c and will r in their own different ways. you don’t always have to make stuff complicated !! there was a reason after all that wr was casted as jeremy. i’m trying not to go there but atp just say you don’t like seeing actual autistic rep. wr himself said that he was playing jeremy as a neurodivergent, and as a autistic person myself i’ve never felt more represented in media.
“will roland butchered the vocals!!” “will roland plays the roll weirdly!!” “will roland does to much!!” SHUT DHOP. IF YOU ACTUALLY PAYED ATTENTION. YOUD REALIZE… ITS TWO DIFFERENT ACTORS!! 🙀🙀 MAYBE.. JUST MAYBE.. THEY PLAYED THE ROLES DIFFERENTLY! 🙀 “will roland butchered the vocals!!” if you look closely.. he’s playing A TEENAGER.. have you ever thought that MAYBE just MAYBE some of the choices were PURPOSELY DONE. “he plays the role weirdly” will roland himself said that he played the role to be seen as autistic representation maybe you just don’t like proper representation 🤗🤗 i lobe wc but oh my god do not slander another actor for it 😭😭
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Sans is one of the most accurate older sibling representations I’ve ever seen. Yes, he would do anything in the world for his little brother, but also he’s going to make “womp womp woooompppp” sounds with his trombone when something doesn’t go papyrus’s way. He’s going to offer to untangle papyrus when he gets stuck in their hammock, but he’s also going to trick him into trying new foods by lying about what they are bc his little brother is too picky. Everyone else thinks his brother is a dork, meanwhile he genuinely thinks papyrus is the coolest person ever because he’s his little brother. He’s just so real bro he’s the epitome of the older brother experience
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ifiwere-idbe · 2 years
Yaz’s Representation Was Kind of Amazing
There’s a common assumption among non-queer folks that I’ve seen that queer people should essentially always know what their sexuality is/if you were ever unsure, your identity is somehow a little less valid. But that’s just not true. Whether you realized you were gay when you were 9 or 90, your identity is valid.
The debate over whether Yaz was always written to be queer is something only the writers can answer. But is it an answer we really need? What we know is that Yaz was incredibly focused on tackling sexist and racist barriers in her career - a career she pursued to help others fight back against their bullies. Romance was not a priority for her (something refreshing to see), so I would guess she also wasn’t fretting too much about WHO she wanted to be romantic with. 
Now, writers can sometimes fall into a trap when they write women who aren’t focused on love: they write cold, closed off women who refuse to be emotionally vulnerable. This is my favorite thing about Yaz - she LOVED. She was vulnerable, and compassionate, and affectionate. It was just that romance was never forced on her.
A sexuality was never forced on her either.
Some folks interpreted her mom asking if Yaz and Thirteen were seeing each other as a nosey parent, or a joke from the writers. I heard that line - followed later by Yaz’s mom asking the same thing about Ryan - as a beautiful normalization of NOT assuming heterosexuality. Each time her mom asked, Yaz responded with “We’re friends,” not “I’m not [gay, straight, whatever]!” This not only left her sexuality open for exploration, it also drove home the point that this wasn’t something she was caring about.
Throughout series 11 and 12 (some of 13) Mandip captured all of this beautifully. From my deep-dives, there seems to be confusion about when Thasmin was planned/when Mandip knew. I kind of like that. And I kind of like that it didn’t seem to matter to Mandip. She just played to that genuine love. So when her admission with Dan finally came, I thought it was a lovely moment of acknowledgement. Some people don’t know, or don’t think about romance/sexuality/gender until it comes along. And that moment can be shocking, and scary, and absolutely beautiful. I thought Mandip depicted that really well.
All this to say, I’m not mad that Yaz wasn’t rocking a lesbian pride shirt from day one. I’m not frustrated that Mandip says she didn’t really know how Yaz felt until she read it on the page. I love that Yaz loved Thirteen. I love that Yaz never had to defend her sexuality to anyone, including her mom. I love that Yaz was just - Yaz... focused, affectionate, open-hearted, WOC(!!!!) Yaz.
I say all of this as a lesbian hungry for good representation. 
I’m totally open to dialogue on this perspective so long as it is kind and respectful.
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girl4music · 5 months
You guys have no idea how happy it makes me to see so many people discovering and rediscovering Xena.
When I tell you that I have been watching this show since I was 5 years old and - at the age I am now - I believe that it’s the most incredible thing that I have ever watched in my life… I mean it so very sincerely.
With a burning conviction. Like no joke guys…
I have just watched and completely fallen in love with what I think is probably the second greatest TV show for genuine WLW representation in it - Wynonna Earp - but I can still say that Xena is still leagues ahead in ways that shouldn’t have ever been possible for it to be in the times that it was created and aired on TV in.
What they did with Xena was so remarkable that I honestly believe that it can never be done again.
It existed in a time and place that allowed for it just the once and then you’d never ever see anything as groundbreaking (an EPIC WLW love story) as what it was ever again. It is so special. Not just for that but for many other reasons… but specifically because of that.
Xena is many things but it’s regarded as THE OG WLW show. The first, and in a lot of ways, only main characters WLW love story from episode 1 to the last.
And the reason why it was able to achieve it?
It was never canon. But please - don’t let that put you off because I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter.
And even - in a way - actually really helps it be better representation than anything canon ever will be.
Even better representation than WayHaught. And I’ve seen for myself what that WLW couple does but I will always have in the back of my mind each time I watch their scenes or engage in any talk about them, that Wynonna Earp WOULD NOT if Xena didn’t do it first.
And that’s kinda a catchphrase we Xenites have when it comes to this. “Xena did it first!”. You can even buy the merch t-shirt that has that caption all over it. 😄
But yeah, I’m telling you. When you start your watch of ‘Xena: Warrior Princess” - or if you already have, just wait it out. Don’t anticipate it straight away. Slow burn is the key thing with Xena and Gabrielle. And believe me - it makes watching them hella fucking worth it!
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stranger-rants · 1 year
Honestly, “The Fruity Four” concept that became popularized in this fandom is so annoying because it’s all about queer respectability. It’s interesting how they get to be The Fruity Four, when Steve and Nancy are upper middle class with Steve using homophobic language and Nancy’s family being uncritically pro-Reagan and pro-Thatcher canonically. Eddie showed genuine interest and attraction to Chrissy, who was then villainized and sidelined to hell and back. Robin is the only one canonically queer, and she has a canon love interest who no one pays any attention to. But, yeah. The angry kid who is canonically slapped around and called a pussy and a f*gg*t by his father for how he dresses and how he acts is where you draw the line in queer representation. Billy being queer is some how unrealistic to you. Fruity four, my ass. The majority of them are the straightest characters I’ve ever seen if we’re adhering strictly to canon.
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pretty-weird-ideas · 10 months
Trauma Porn vs Representing Black Struggle in IWTV
TW: Domestic Violence (Focus) Rape (mentioned 1x)
Spoilers for the IWTV AMC Series
I think a lot of the distraught or incredibly positive reactions to Episode 5 of IWTV’s ending from black fans is because of the noticeable lack of genuine representation of black IPV let alone black queer people facing IPV at all. So not only was the scene without a trigger warning and absolutely out of nowhere (with of course the obvious foreshadowing and Lestat’s abusive behavior setting it up) but it was something that has barely been done for mainstream genre TV.
So as a black fan, seeing violence towards black people (trauma porn) is certainly not new to me... but seeing black queer people’s stories focus on IPV is something that I haven’t seen. It leaves me incredibly conflicted in ways that cannot be transcribed.
Genre TV, media in general, and even reality has an obsession with whitewashing (pun unintended) IPV towards black people unless it’s specifically meant to degrade us and utilize racist stereotypes. Rarely ever does IPV towards queer black people get spoken about in real life, let alone in fiction. So for a story to just be for real for a hot minute about that topic is both disturbing and jaw dropping.
I oscillate between “I can’t believe they would ever put this on TV” and “I’m so glad that they made this a plotline because nobody talks about this,”. IPV perpetrated by white people towards their black partners especially from a historical context is not talked about. And it certainly is not the focus of period pieces or literature as often as it should be.
This is even being taken away from us TODAY in history books; centuries of rape and domestic violence from the slave trade to Jim Crow is being censored RIGHT NOW. This is not isolated behavior.
And to see white IWTV fans sidestep this entirely back during the final stretch of season one to complain that having Lestat (who canonically abused Louis in other ways) assault Louis somehow ruined LESTAT’S character and THEIR SHIP. While completely sidestepping what themes they were intending and got across (you know like genuine media literacy) and the onscreen brutalization that happened without warning is disgusting.
Being able to cherry pick quotes and argue about whether or not slapping is “DV” is not only gross but it’s just not media literacy. That’s literacy... like good job bestie you can read! But it’s certainly doesn’t mean you have the range or comprehension to understand the intended themes of Episode 5 at all. And until white people begin to understand the nuances of being a black person being abused by a white person who holds power over you, it’s going to continue being out of reach.
It’s one thing to dislike it’s inclusion, because I also agree. But I’ve noticed that The Great Lestat Discourse TM has become the discussion rather than the perspective of how white supremacy aided in perpetuating domestic violence and the choice to show gory and unflinching physical abuse without a trigger warning.
White fans being disingenuous and asking Louis to fade into the background until Lestat (the white character) becomes the focus for TVL. While constantly mocking and ignoring the concept of IPV towards black people makes the point for me as to why this was an interesting and purposeful direction to head in. IPV is so ignored that when IWTV includes it, fans went out of their way to argue whether or not their favorite white boy would DARE TO DO THIS, and not why the writers did this and what they were attempting to say. IPV and queer victims of abuse are so ignored that after this happened people started making posts talking about APOLOGIZING TO A FICTIONAL LESTAT for writers “slandering” him! Discussions about abuse in interracial relationships during Jim Crow are so far ignored that people started to publicly doubt that actual domestic violence in interracial relationships existed at all! So badly that the writers had to come out and say that they wouldn’t make Louis “not the victim” when recontextualizing episode 5.
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Thoughts on the State of Trek
I would be less upset about Discovery ending if they had known going into season 5 that it would be their last. But that was not the case. The additional filming to give it an actual finale is good and I have no doubt that it will be as good a finale as they can do under the circumstances.
But recently I’ve been more observant of Trek fans online and there is a thing happening where I’ve seen far more immediate praise of Strange New Worlds and the current/final season of Picard than any other new Trek show has gotten.
Strange New Worlds is a good show! It is also specifically emulating the original series and has a straight white male captain as the lead. (yes, Pike rocks, that is not the point here)
The current/final season of Picard (which I do think is good!) has radically altered the tone of the show into a revival/sendoff for The Next Generation, as well as emulating and referencing Star Trek media of the ‘80s and ‘90s. And again, straight white male lead.
Both shows, particularly this season of Picard, have been pretty immediately praised by certain types of Trek viewers. Specifically longtime straight white male fans.
I’ve also noticed less diversity behind the camera of Strange New Worlds and Picard compared to Discovery. At least if one watches all the behind-the-scenes stuff for those shows (which I’ve been doing a lot lately). There’s not zero diversity, but Picard especially has been putting more emphasis on bringing back legacy crew members who are majorly, you guessed it, straight white males.
Contrasting that with how Discovery was met with skepticism from the get-go and is openly dismissed by certain older fans (one I talked to at work said something like “I guess I don’t get it because I’m not a millennial.”) makes me a bit angry because a lot of these same longtime fans watched and stuck through the first two seasons of The Next Generation. Those two seasons are some of the roughest television I’ve ever seen, and the handful of good episodes hidden throughout do not make up for it. But fans at the time stuck through those seasons anyway.
Why didn’t Discovery get the same treatment from those vocal longtime folks?
Why did The Next Generation, which is a very different type of show compared to the original series, ultimately become a beloved show? I’d like to believe it’s because people accepted the show for what it was once it found its footing.
But when I see comments like “Picard season 3 is the best Trek in 25 years”, I get mad. You gave Picard, a show that has two seasons with a mixed reception at best, a continued benefit of the doubt because of nostalgia for an older show, and because this season is essentially a Next Generation reunion. But you dismissed Discovery because it wasn’t “your” Star Trek show.
Literally part of the purpose of Star Trek is infinite diversity in infinite combinations. Discovery not only gave us an incredible lead character played by a Black woman, it gave us representation across the entire cast of both people of color and queer folks. As a nonbinary person, Adira’s quiet coming out scene had a profound impact on me, and later served as a helpful reference point for coming out as NB to my dad, who watches and enjoys Discovery.
Discovery spends an entire season depicting a debate between multiple characters/factions about how to handle a situation that threatens all Federation members. It does so with empathy for all points of view, and ultimately resolves this threat not with an action sequence, but a conversation. That season of Discovery (season 4) is Star Trek as fuck, and some of the best Trek ever.
Hell, Star Trek Beyond is so good that it manages to take the flashy action J.J. Abrams approach to Star Trek (which I have mixed feelings about because Trek ’09 is fun and despite his storytelling problems, Abrams is by all accounts a genuinely nice person so I won’t be shit-talking him here) and make it more properly Trek by introducing a villain who believes conflict is necessary for human evolution, which is the antithesis to Roddenberry’s whole vision for Trek of being a future where we work to resolve and avoid conflict rather than seek it.
Strange New Worlds and Picard (seasons 1 and, so far, 3) are both good and also contain great Trek. But they are also fundamentally more appealing to the nostalgia of middle-aged straight white male fans. And they are the shows that are getting more visible attention and praise.
Lower Decks is awesome and has a fantastic Black female lead in Tawny Newsome. But it meant something to have Sonequa Martin-Green and Newsome be the leads of two Star Trek shows airing at the same time.
And it means something for the live-action show with a Black woman as the lead to be cancelled while the animated show with a Black woman as the lead but a straight white male as the head writer is allowed to continue.
I don’t want Star Trek to become like Star Wars and turn into an endless cycle of fan service. Star Trek has had a huge impact on our planet over the 55+ years of its existence. Don’t make the mistake of turning it into another franchise that exists as a way for whiny white dudes to center themselves over the global majority.
(PS, Paramount, how the hell have you dragged your heels over Michelle Yeoh’s spinoff for this long? She has an Oscar now, what the hell is your excuse?)
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nereidprinc3ss · 2 months
Jokes and being 'horny on main' aside I find it so fascinating how many women are drawn to both Spencer Reid and MGG. Like he's not classically handsome, in the way most macho Hollywood men are. He's softer, more poetic looking and his personality is also very unique. I think he feels safe (from what we know anyways), and there's something to be said for why women (especially younger women) go nuts for this kind of smart, goofy, caring guy who is truly weird (more so MGG than Spencer). Yet you'll still have incels on Reddit/Twitter parading the toxic alpha male shit to impressionable men and creating this vicious cycle. There was actually an interesting class I took on Romance novels and how because they're sort of an unexplored medium that hasn't been taken seriously in the cultural zeitgeist until recently it's been able to develop into a safe space for women, written by women. A lot of men call them unrealistic and yes they can lean trope-y and drama-esque but also at their core its about women reading about men that are good communicators, with decent personalities and hygiene
idk WHY he is the most visually appealing man I’ve ever seen, and idk why he has this crazy staying power for me—like normally my celebrity crushes are crazy intense for a few months and then they just disappear one day, but me and matthew are approaching our year anniversary and i see no signs of stopping lol!!
i think personality does have a lot to do with it. mgg is genuinely a weirdo like he’s a weird dude with a lot of heart and he seems really passionate about the things he does. men who care about something outside of themselves, and don’t take themselves too seriously, do tend to make me feel safer. i can’t speak for other women and obviously we don’t know him in real life but if he’s secretly an asshole he does a fantastic job of hiding it!! his sense of humor requires a kind of self awareness and awareness of other people that we don’t usually expect from famous men, and the way he speaks about and interacts w his female friends/coworkers is really amazing too.
idk, obviously we don’t actually know him and i try very much not to idolize people (especially men) who i don’t know. but he’s so funny and seems like an actually kind person who lacks some of the hangups that other male celebrities have and that make them repellant to me
also men saying romance novels are “unrealistic” need to give me a fucking break. women know that the men they read about in romance novels aren’t realistic representations of men in real life but men don’t seem to understand that porn is a fucking joke and not a realistic representation of real women. yet they hold us to those ludicrous standards all the time. until they start thinking about the porn they watch as a complete MADE UP FANTASY the way women think about romance novels i really do not want to hear it from them lmfaooo
especially when our fantasy is being treated respectfully by a good man and their fantasies include anti gravity boobs and removed ribs and viewing women as objects made for their pleasure
can you tell im mad about this…
anyway thank you for sharing your thoughts!! i completely agree<3
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13thdoctorposts · 4 months
has anyone else noticed how reactions and consensus on 13 has been RETROACTIVELY negative? I know there's been an intensely misogynistic hate campaign since Jodie was announced but I also noticed that when you look at old posts from when s11 especially was freshly aired, there was a lot more good faith engagement with the show and genuine excitement in fandom. It seems like covid gave the bad faith actors the opportunity to take over fandom and force their narratives on everyone.
Yeah a really great example of this is if you look back to tweets from the night Rosa aired the praise was very very high, now if you bring it up in the fandom you would think it was terrible and racist.
On YouTube I was told the writers, both of them Chibs and Malorie Blackman were incompetent because they doesn’t show how bad the racism really was, yet the episode starts with one of our companions being physically assaulted and told to be careful so not to end up like Emmett Till, some one who had just been murdered acting as if the show was sugar coating what life was like back then. Oh and of course with the Chibs slander that he’s racist because he may have hired a woman of colour to write the script, but she is English not American and he should have made sure it was an American or not done the episode at all
Malorie Blackman is an award winning author claiming she’s an incompetent writer is pretty incredible accusation.
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Here’s some of the tweets from articles praising the episode.
I think 2 things hurt 13 era who and they weren’t Chibs and Jodie. It was the unhinged toxicity the fandom constantly spewed and then even after things got praised as you said people would go back and nitpick to a level they never ever do with any other era and 2nd not having a big enough marketing budget and brand manger series 12 and 13 suffered most from this because the BBC did put the marketing money into series 11 even if they didn’t have a brand manager, and Chibs mentions this in the Radio Free Skaro podcast from last year that the BBC put a huge marking budget into series 11 but series 12 and 13 basically the budget was… you can only advertise on the BBC because there’s no money for anything else.
Rosa is just one example but there was a lot of praise for the work at the time of release and it’s quite possible general public viewers may have just stoped engaging on social after series 11 because they would then be piled on, and people in the online fandom knew they couldn’t go to social saying they loved an episode so they started picking it apart before putting their thoughts out there so they could be on trend with the haters who were gonna pile on if they didn’t fall in line.
Seriously if there’s ever a down fall to doctor who the ‘fans’ will be it because they would rather hate on the thing they supposedly love than love it. And ever era has its super questionable moments but if you bring them up for any other era you just being petty, or it isn’t that big of a deal, or ‘it’s of the time’ it’s just excuse after excuse.
I’ve seen people upset about the fact that RTD dead named Rose in the star beast, something very legitimate because now all the right wing idiots of the fandom use that name and the people who were upset get piled on if they say anything because they should be happy that RTD is trying to give them representation… but these same people when Chibs tried to give rep though a female doctor, or an episode like Rosa or Ryans disability, say Chibs is a right wing capitalist, sexist, racist, ablest, you don’t hear them saying hey he was really trying by getting people of colour to write their stories, by getting directors with the same heritage to direct episodes, he work with a dyspraxia organisation to help write Ryan, brought in the first 2 female Doctors and the 1st Doctor of colour who was also a woman, the 1st master of colour, the first Doctor who admitted to having feeling for a companion of the same sex and the episode where the doctor admits those feeling is co written with a queer woman, oh no Chibs gets no grace for tryi neg he did everything wrong but RTD everyone should be thankful for.
I don’t understand the level of hate. Not liking something is one thing but a part of this fandom has made 13 era who seem like the anti christ of Doctor Who, when really it tried a lot harder to involve more people in it then ever before.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 5, Poll 10
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Quinni Gallagher-Jones-Heartbreak High
Quinni is canonically autistic and a lesbian!
Quinn is a lesbian and is also autistic
she is autistic and sapphic
She is a lesbian and autistic
she is canonically autistic and canonically a lesbian
Quinni is honestly the best. She is such a fiercely loyal friend and such an open and understanding person. Her fashion is everything! She gives way more chances to people than they may deserve. She is autistic and is very open about this. She also gets a romantic storyline. She's got great friends who stick with her through everything, especially her best friend Darren. The actress who plays Quinni is autistic and does a fantastic job with the role! She means a whole lot to me!
She is just the best ever I love her so much :) such a ray of sunshine! and the actress who plays her is also autistic so the rep is great!
quinni is canonically a lesbian and also autistic. while being autistic is an important part of her storyline it doesn’t define who she is as a character. same with being gay. quinni is a queen!
just a bubbly teen with autism who loves fantasy novels, bright makeup, wearing Crocs and girls(!!) <3
she is played by an autistic and queer actor who advocates for this kind of representation, she’s genuinely the best representation i’ve ever seen of autism especially when it comes to sensory issues and meltdowns, she also dates a girl and is an important main character
Anything Else?:
I mean look at her, the cutest ever (Submitter 2)
Ricky Potts-Ride the Cyclone
he canonically has an unnamed degenerative disease and cant talk/walk without mobility aids (fuck the new script, we reject the new script, ricky is and always will be disabled) and, while not stated in cannon, is so extremely queer and trans coded
the fandom all collectively agrees that his ass is NOT cis or straight, but we still fight over his exact identity (to this day ive never seen anyone who doesnt see ricky as trans), hes a badass autistic-coded silly guy who can play like 5 instruments and day dreams abt fucking alien cat women in space, and hes a big symbol for disability and ableism in theatre
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winns-stuff · 7 months
In light of Lore Olympus dropping another episode Ive just got to say that this hiatus just made me really look at Lore Olympus even worse than I have before. Like listen, I know that a lot of media around greek mythology comes up in our society and stuff and I’m not saying I’m against it I really have no ties to it culturally so I don’t know if it’s my place to say who does or doesn’t get to retell the myths but Lore Olympus has to be the worst representation of the greek gods I’ve ever seen in my life.
At least other retellings give the gods some sort of grace that can give them some correlation to their actual counterparts, Lore Olympus literally made Persephone into an “uwu” sugar baby but not actually because she’s too pure and innocent to manipulate and use the money of a much older man. Like Persephone is literally a homewrecker, a liar, a borderline cheater, she’s extremely weak, she’s a massive crybaby (which is saying something because I am too but like she only cries when she’s not getting her way) and she’s overall just a morally terrible person and a huge coward. You’re telling me that Rachel actually read, not skimmed over, but read those myths and got that from the versions of Persephone that are provided in the mythological texts? That’s honestly so embarrassing, every greek god she’s touched she’s absolutely ruined. I don’t even understand how people can genuinely with a straight face say that any of this content is good it’s just really disrespectful at this point.
Never would I ever want to be represented by Rachel and it’s only because she doesn’t put any thought behind these characters. It’s okay to slow down and think about something other than fan service and ships, and if that’s something she wanted to focus on then she should’ve just formatted it like those slices of life webtoons where it’s just two characters and each chapter is a different day with new challenges but nothing actually relating to one another. That would’ve been better than trying to cram together an entire series with no real story or plot written down it’s just really reductive at this point.
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