#genuinely cannot believe i accidentally deleted the first one
Welp, it’s your unlucky day, because my counterpart is at a party, so I’m going to scream at all of you about Alexsandr Kallus.
Star Wars: Rebels spoilers ahead, obviously.
I just…love this character, y’all. The trauma? The guilt?? The redemption??? The complexity???? I absolutely cannot be normal about it so let me break down my entire thought process.
When we first meet this guy, he is one nasty Imperial bastard. I mean, if you haven’t seen Rebels, take it from me; this guy is a dick. But unlike most nasty Imperial bastards, he doesn’t seem to be in it for power, glory, or some sick sense of satisfaction he gets from hurting others. He’s just an absolute simp for the Empire. In fact, I’m coining the word Simperial right here right now just for my boy Alex. He seems to genuinely believe he’s on the right side, and as we find out later, he actually does have some reason to believe this. I mean, imagine you’re a little baby Simperial, the people you admire have been telling you that the rebellion is made up up savage maniacs who want to destroy the order of your nice, peaceful galaxy, and then you watch a rebel mercenary kill a bunch of injured and helpless members of your unit in cold blood, confirming everything your superiors have been telling you. And I could write a whole other post about how much I love Saw Guererra’s rebels and what they add to the story but that’s not what this is about. This is about why Kallus is the absolute worst. Which he is, by the way. Mans simped so hard for the Empire he massacred an entire species, not because he’s evil or wanted to cause suffering, but because he—not unlike Saw’s rebels my beloveds but I digress—was convinced that the ends justified the means.
So he believes he’s on the right side. He believes that the absolute atrocities he’s committed are justified. Then, in The Honorable Ones, we see that belief start to fracture. Now, lot of people talk about this episode like it’s Kallus’ redemption, but it’s not. It’s only the beginning—not even the beginning. He’s still very much a villain at this point. But the wheels have started turning, and some time between The Honorable Ones and An Inside Man, his actual redemption arc begins. Now listen, listen, listen, everyone always talks about how Kallus defected from the Empire, but he didn’t just defect; he actively betrayed the Empire. He didn’t just walk away. He didn’t have a sudden change of heart and make one grand sacrifice to right his wrongs. He intentionally and repeatedly put himself on the line for the rebellion, knowing damn good and well what kind of torturous fate he would face if and when he was discovered. That’s a goddamn redemption arc right there. And you wanna know my favorite part? He never asks for forgiveness. He. Never. Asks. For. Forgiveness!!!
Anyway I’m absolutely feral over Star Wars: Rebels and I accidentally busted my knuckles open while writing this might delete later ok bye.
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kaleschmidt · 2 years
anyone ask for henry thoughts ramble post? well like i fucking fucked up my first draft and deleted all of it by mistake so um. i am now writing it all over again. i hope he explodes.
anyways it's all under cut and i need you to know i'm dunking on him so much he's gonna be a soggy cookie ok? ok nice
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i have SUCH a burning hatred for henry to start this off. It was like. worse when I first got into dayshift, but i am now capable of hating him more in a cooler way
I hate Henry as a person but as a CHARACTER he's fun to me. I'm glad we know his backstory, even outside of the story, and that he's not excused. Yes, he had a shit childhood and experienced the horrors of war, but what he did after the war- all of dayshift's events... it doesn't excuse what he did, and I'm glad about that because like if he got redeemed, I would have had to get in the game and maul him dog-style myself. /lh
Now. Onto my interpretation of him.
Something important to me while writing Henry is that he's vague. He's never written in his own first person perspective. Only seen through others. Nobody knows what he's thinking. Only a VERY select few people can get close to his motives, and even then, they aren't on the money. Even when his son gets murdered (sacrificing nemself to save another's life), it's kept vague how exactly Henry feels about it. Kale (oc) believes that Henry's uncharacteristic aggression towards Dave prodding about his son is due to either Henry actually caring about nis death, or being upset his son's death stained the family, but it's never confirmed. As much as Kale likes to say it knows Henry more than he knows himself, it also admits that it could never know what Henry was thinking. Also kale is an unreliable narrator and has fucking issues /lh. I'm never gonna write Henry in first-person because I find him more interesting when he's not exactly picked apart from the inside, but the outside, if that makes sense?
Something also to note, which is canon anyways I believe, is that Henry is always scheming, no matter what. Always prepared. He makes sure that everything will go his way, albeit the small divergences and such. It's the big ones that irritate him. He'll always manage to improvise, though. hard to improvise when u get jumped by a dog and bitten and dragged to the void tho. #lol couldn't be me.... i'm different
ok like give me a bit i am so sad that my first draft was fucked up bc i had a lotta good points i couldn't remember. sniff.
I won't touch upon it too much (maybe in Jack's ramble if anyone wants it) but I really like parallels btwn Jack and Henry, especially as there are canon parallels. Henry is the Beginning, and Jack is the End. (i am so normal about this phrase btw. trust me.)
Also won't touch upon Martha in this post because she gives me major brainrot i have so many thoughts about her.
About Henry's void... i actually dunno if that's a confirmed char or not, but the concept is really interesting to me (...and i kinda accidentally did that before i interacted with the fandom too). Would love to dive into that but part of it is tabbykat's playground spoilers. And also will make this post longer than needed. just ask for kale ok?
OH another thing. More of a personal pref n no hate to those who do this, but I do NOT like henry good aus... genuinely cannot see that happening. Better counterpart for me is that he doesn't do murders but also he is a terrible dad in the most funny way (those terrible, terrible baby clothes. you know the ones.) I also just think man just became the way he is by himself n not the void but mostly bc i'm fond of my own interp who i would love to beat up and explode
I think. that's all i had but like closing this off with a song in my playlist for henry: Drink To Me. Look it's SUCH a fucking henrycore song. SOOOO fucking much. Parts of it relate to Dave ofc. god. Anyways hope y'all enjoy reading through this i love going into my thoughts of chars and should do it more
OK I FORGOT TO PUT THIS AND I CANT BELIEVE IT but I think of Henry gasterisms ok? He is gasterisms. And I think that's another thing that makes him interesting to me bc I like gaster. My brain is kinda fried but I need to put this hwre.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Random Kageyama Tobio HCS
Word Count: 1851
Warnings: just... me being in love with a m*n other than masumi 😔 also! these are my headcanons as in,,, what i personally i think he’d be like ‼️ also me projecting my ideal man into him (as if he wasn’t it already 😋)
A/N: i... i love tobio so much it’s literally unreal... i couldn’t wait for a request (i’m still working on the remaining 4 too lolol) so take me projecting my love for tobio >:(
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— Kageyama normally wears loose fitting clothes or athletic-style clothing. His favorite go to outfits tends to be a loose tee, some loose pants with an obnoxious Nike logo he swears are super cool but look like two garbage bags sewed together, and running shoes. Throw a hoodie in there for colder weather, even then he still manages to look good.
— He takes very good care of his hair, like freaky good care, because of Miwa. Once she enrolled in cosmetology school and she saw Kageyama use the same baby shampoo from when they were kids she freaked out (if she’d been any later he’d start using 3-in-1) and chewed his ear off about hair care. His hair is super shiny and there’s literally no freeze, he uses nice smelling shampoo and conditioner too. Ugh, I love him.
— He has a very sensitive nose but it gets clogged easily so he doesn’t notice much unless it miraculously unclogs itself and he’s complaining about everything.
— “Eh! Hinata, why’d you smell like a fucking axe bottle?!” “Why does no one say anything about Tsukishima smelling like strawberries?” “Yamaguchi smells like... milk.” “Hah?! Sugawara smells bad-?!”
— He says he’s a picky eater to appear cool but as long as you don’t say what’s in the food he’ll down it. He’ll say he doesn’t like carrots but if you give him a salad with carrots he might even say “it’s the best salad he’s ever had”.
— He’s a hot sleeper, and not in the “oh he’s sexy” type of way. I’m talking, he’ll sweat buckets if he sleeps with anything other than a flimsy white t-shirt and his underwear.
— Might be me projecting my love for bunny teeth but he has bunny teeth, his front teeth are a bit bigger than average (not to the point it’s super noticeable but it’s still something Miwa teased him about), his aunties probably squeezed his cheeks and called him “baby bunny” when he was younger.
— He doesn’t go to sleep later than 9PM, he thinks if he does it’ll ruin his schedule (which it will) and fuck up his body - he’s seen Miwa screw up hers after she pulled a bunch of all nighters in her third year in high school and has been afraid since.
— The type to forget people were coming over and come out of his room shirtless asking for his clean underwear.
— His sister forced him to let her cut and style his hair which led to many questionable hairstyles. Tsukishima is genuinely so grateful to Miwa, especially when she was first starting - he’s got some pictures of Tobio with the shortest most embarrassing bangs ever saved in his phone in a file for blackmail if the need for it ever presented itself.
— Likes pissing people off on purpose sometimes, during one of the training camps he probably walked into the bath with socks on and was made fun of but out of spite he just… never took them off. Said he’d done it on purpose and all too. Tanaka cried out of fear for like a hot minute when he saw him standing under the shower with Iron Man socks on.
— He’s so petty too, if you make fun of him for messing up he’ll remember until you embarrass yourself to make fun of you. And when I say he remembers, I mean it - he can’t for his life remember when to use make and do in english but he remembers when Hinata made fun of him for wearing different socks back on their first year and yes he will bring it up on their second year when he did the same thing what are you going to do about it?
— Probably got scouted for a modeling agency once and began running away because he thought they were trying to kidnap him.
— If he had Tiktok… he would’ve gone viral after posting a video of him practicing, he posted for a while for fun and to flex on people that he was hot but then he saw a comment saying they wanted to drink his milk under a video of him drinking milk and he deleted his account, he can’t buy from that brand for a while.
— He’s got a video of a gorilla walking in two legs saved on his phone for when he’s feeling down and watches it whenever he’s not going well. People think he’s texting his S/O but no, he’s just watching a gorilla walk like minecraft Steve.
— He can’t pose for pictures to save his life, his default pose is an NPC stance with his arms stiffly hanging down and his eyes wide in surprise, don’t ask him to smile or else he will look like a serial killer.
— He’s got a bit of baby fat on his cheeks that won’t disappear no matter what. It’s become a pre-game ritual to pinch his cheeks. He’s also got dimples you can really only see when he smiles naturally but he doesn’t know and he’d get shy if he knew and try covering his face so don’t tell him, that’s a fact he told me so himself.
— Cannot dance to save his life. He’s so long (?) his limb control is non-existent, it appears in game and vanishes when he steps out of the court. He really just bounces on his heels and moves his arms like a t-rex, don’t ask more of him.
— Buys his clothes one size bigger just in case and Miwa teases him saying he’ll need them when he gets old and fat.
— Gets asked out often but always rejects, then has the audacity to complain he’s never dated anyone like he hasn’t turned down half of the school's population.
— Can’t sing. He’s got a nice speaking voice but ask him to sing and he’s out of tone, out of sync, out of breath, and out of the room in 5 seconds.
— Sugawara joked about having him singing as his alarm clock and Kageyama actually believed him, probably sent him a new recording as a gift after he annoyed him during practice.
— Surprisingly funny when he wants to but most jokes fly over people’s heads since he seems so serious most of the time, it annoys him to no end. Yachi still struggles differentiating when he is and isn’t joking because his tone literally doesn’t change at all and she doesn’t want to offend him.
— When he was younger he liked to collect rocks, not even the pretty ones he’d pick the most average, raggedy rocks off the ground and clean them up and tuck them to bed because he saw Miwa play with her barbies like that. Still owns his first rock, he named it “Johnson” after Dwayne Johnson, aka the rock (he’s had to explain it so many times he’s exhausted).
— Accidentally drank expired milk once and didn’t notice until his stomach began hurting and he thought he became lactose intolerant and he was inconsolable for days until he realized it had expired like a month ago - he went on a milk shopping spree and the milk sales that week saw a 20% rise from the last few months.
— Tobio had bad handwriting until he was in Junior High because his teachers couldn’t understand him and had him practice calligraphy, his handwriting is now one of the prettiest ones in the team and he’s the official inker of the VBC posters (as designated by Goddess Yachi Hitoka herself).
— His biggest fear for a long time was getting eaten by piranhas because he saw it happen so often in cartoon shows he genuinely thought it was going to be a bigger deal than it turned out to be but for like a solid 6 years of his life he avoided suspicions puddles just in case.
— Kageyama has a habit of rolling and unrolling his sleeves when he’s deep in thought, it soon made way to a habit of checking his wrist watch (he absolutely has a wrist watch, you cannot change my mind on that) but not actually reading it.
— His nails are very pretty, like most setters, he takes very good care of them. They’re filed down to a perfect length and he puts oils and creams, his hands in general are so nice. He takes a lot of pride in them, you know his cuticles are pushed back and trimmed and he could absolutely be a hand model. Kags’ hands are calloused, he’s a volleyball player of course they are, but it’s not to the extent of Ushijima or Daichi’s hands.
— Talking about hands, it’s probably one of his favorite features on people. He loves holding hands with his S/O and tracing the wrinkles in their palm, being able to interlock fingers with them and feel the bumps in them.
— Mumbles to himself when in thought too! Very nonsensical if you’re not informed on what he’s thinking about, if he’s thinking about you he’ll mumble your name or something like “pretty eyes”.
— Has a very healthy diet, like extremely healthy and thought out. He won’t eat anything too sugary or that could throw off his body, but he does have cheat days (which are rare but exist). He also doesn’t drink much soda or alcohol (once he’s of age).
— Things like smoking are a big no, he takes so much care of his body he wouldn’t even touch a cigarette or be near a smoking area, lowkey paranoid of ingesting the smoke too.
— When he’s older I can see him having a dog and a cat, the dog would be a big dog; if they stood on two paws it’d be the same height as you, he’d name or something like Tobias and think he was super clever and funny, the cat would probably a small cat he’d name Milk (it probably would be a black cat too but he does not care).
— Probably tried baby formula because he heard it was a substitute for breast milk. No further comments on this.
— I feel like he doesn’t listen to music, but if he had to choose something he’d pick instrumental music - not orchestral music or anything like that - but more of a chill, no deep meaning just guitar and piano track. I could see him listening to Shego Sekito or Joe Hisashi on occasion, he might even listen to some 2000’s pop if he wants something to pump him up during training (he works out to Brittney Spears’ “Womanizer”).
— A cuddle-bug when he’s sleepy, he’ll throw himself across his S/O and not move at all, he just wants to stay there and not move ever again (or at least until he’s not feeling like passing out). He’ll like to wrap himself around them and cuddle their neck, he’ll attach himself to their arm like it’s a lifeline.
— In other words, Kageyama Tobio… b-boyfriend material.
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galacticlamps · 3 years
im sorry im sorry im sorry i know it’s been well over a year but i accidentally thought about Short Trips: Deleted Scenes (again) and it’s killing me (again) so i think im just gonna go ahead and post all these stupid thoughts that have been plaguing me about it since i first heard it & maybe that’ll help clear up some space in my head for like, real life things.
Spoilers I guess? It’s like a year and a half old but also high key the most recent 2nd doctor content i believe we’ve gotten which is like, the only negative thing I can say about it
The TLDR version is this:
I literally cant believe how sweet it is? Painful, but sweet. Like. I don’t honestly know what’s more likely - did they set out to write Jamie a nice little straight love interest and just fail miserably at it by constantly likening her to the Doctor AND paralleling the Doctor’s perspective with her ex’s AND putting Jamie’s relationships with both of them in direct tension with each other while constantly letting his with the Doctor win out?
OR - did they do a very 1960s thing and say hey we’re gonna write what’s essentially a story about how much Jamie and the Doctor love each other and release it on Valentine’s Day thinly disguised as a one-off romance with a french lady?
Now, as a general rule, my attitude toward questions like that is usually “don’t know, don’t care, doesn’t matter” - and while I 100% stand by that, I also have to admit that this particular audio seems to pay enough attention to detail that I’d kind of think I was selling it short if I assumed too many of these things were just meaningless coincidences, you know?
Anyway, that’s the most coherent/overarching thought. And here’s a disorganized list of things I absolutely cannot get over about it (they don’t form any kind of argument, mind, they just all happen to live rent free in my head):
- Celine is first taken in by Jamie being an idiot (specifically him claiming not to speak French, in perfect French); likewise, her entrance in the scene where they actually kiss is marked with a little anecdote about her hat getting stuck on a doornail and her scolding it as she attempts to fix her un-tameable appearance, and the narration says Celine “would often clown for Jamie like this” - all of which, while undeniably adorable, don’t exactly strike me as entirely original traits to have been assigned to Jamie’s love-interest (but also Celine is so cool and her perspective on film/media/time is an excellent addition to the long list of dr who characters)
- When they’re in the present, describing Jamie’s relationship with Celine in 1908, they call him her “companion” and highlight his going nearly everywhere with her, which earns a laugh from the 4th doctor (and me as well, though probably for slightly different reasons - but like, is that really all it takes to have a fling with someone in 60′s era who? bc if so...)
- Celine’s ex-fiance is still in love with her and is jealously watching when she kisses Jamie ... and then the Doctor appears beside him, evidently doing the exact. same. thing. They have the following conversation:
“You know, it’s not prudent to spy on people. But then, people in pain can’t be expected to act prudently.”
“Pain, monsieur? You mistake me.”
“Ah, do I? Good, because I rather thought you’d lost something.”
“What would you know about loss monsieur?”
- I’m sorry doc but who do you think you are, saying stuff like that and smiling sadly at the floor to boot? I 100% had to pause it here the first time I listened, just to not throw my laptop across the room. 
- Then when I recovered continued, the Doctor closes the door so they can’t watch anymore and explains “Possessing things comes so terribly easily to some men that losing them can feel cruel, intolerably cruel. In my experience, only the very best of men cannot be tempted to answer that cruelty with more - I do sincerely hope that you are the best of men.” (guess who gets described as the best of men by the end of the audio?)
- Jamie and the Doctor apparently develop a habit of walking along the river in Paris in silence
- During one such walk, Jamie suggests Celine come with them since she already figured out about the Tardis - and when the Doctor’s worried by this, he says he only allowed Jamie & Celine to grow closer “because of Victoria.” Jamie takes offense at the ‘allowing it’ comment and also refuses to admit he knows what the Doctor means about Victoria, which leads the Doctor to say that he knows how fond Jamie was of her - he was too, of course, but with him, “it was different, wasn’t it?” Jamie only says maybe that’s true and maybe that’s not, but his voice catches until he changes the subject
- Jamie doesn’t see Celine for days both times that she’s recovering from the shock and depression of her work being destroyed. In contrast, when the Doctor’s not well, Jamie’s "afraid” and “guilty” and hardly seems to leave his side at all, if his being there “rushing to embrace him” the second he wakes up - after a period Jamie describes as “at least a week” - is anything to go by, anyway. so either bf writers need to learn how to write a committed straight relationship or admit that’s not what they ever intended in the first place
- Oh yeah, and the Doctor spends that week "asleep” in Jamie’s bedroom - no, there’s no explanation as to if that’s where he was when he first collapsed or if it’s where Jamie decided to take him bc why would they feel the need to explain him being there? why was it even relevant to tell us it was Jamie’s room in the first place?
- The Doctor somehow manages to control the Tardis enough to take Celine on one trip to an alien planet and then return to the correct time & place for her to use the footage she recorded there in her new film - and while the audio doesn’t do very much to explain how that was possible, it does treat this as A Pretty Big Deal, and immediately afterward the Doctor has to spend a week communing with his past self (and/or the Tardis?) debating how likely it is that the Time Lords could use this to trace him. When he decides it’s not worth the risk and they have to stop the film from ever being shown to the public, Jamie asks why he agreed to it in the first place, and all he can say is “Because, Jamie, you asked me to!” earning awkward stares from the crowd.
- Oh, but, lest we forget, that little outburst is also immediately followed by him putting his arm around Jamie’s shoulders, and, shockingly, apparently beginning to actually explain the truth about the danger from the Time Lords - until they’re interrupted, of course idk why exactly but the idea of a 60s dr wanting to come clean with a companion but not being allowed to bc the show demands the war games be something of a reveal hurts me in a very good way
- The mental image of “the Doctor and Jamie, resplendent in borrowed evening wear”
- The audio admitting that Jamie’s not very good at subterfuge, and the Doctor asking if he’s going to be alright with them having to steal the film back from Celine - and Jamie’s little “Aye, Doctor” as he feels a ‘glass arrow piercing his chest’ glad to see bf is reading all my letters about exactly how i feel any time something sad happens to james robert mccrimmon
- The Doctor’s anxious to get out of there for obvious reasons, but he hangs around bc Jamie wants to see Celine again - which doesn’t happen, because of her aforementioned shock & depression, but she does leave Jamie a note that ends “you and that Doctor of yours - look after him Jamie, he loves you dearly, as do I.” yeah, if you didn’t want people to draw a parallel there, you could’ve picked, like, any other wording in the world.
- In case you weren’t fully convinced I’ve been reading too much into this whole audio already, consider this: Celine dies in Long Island in 1968, three days before her birthday - 1968 is when this story would’ve taken place in the show’s history (between Fury & Wheel), and dying three days before/after a birthday in America seems a bit... well I had some deja vu from it, anyway
- Four of all people being the one to bring back the film - I know he does it bc Sarah Jane makes him, but personally, I often feel like despite the length of his run, 4 is the Doctor with which we might’ve gotten the fewest glimpses into his interiority, so the fact that it’s him and not one of the more overtly sentimental Doctors makes it feel like it carries even more weight somehow, to me anyway. I think I wrote a post saying roughly the same thing about 4 & Fate of Krelos/Return to Telos but maybe I only did that inside my own head lol. Still, I’m all for any opportunities for Jamie to be one of the few characters to draw some noticeable emotion out of Four, but in fairness I haven’t touched too much of his EU stuff to really be able to compare the frequency with which this happens with other past companions
- Is Four referring to Two or Jamie when he says he got the film from “an old family friend”? Two did the actual stealing, but he probably means Jamie’s involvement - either way, it’s an interesting way of describing old companions - or selves?
- When Jemima goes to call Jamie a thief, Four is “roused” to defend him: “he really was the very best of men” again, any time four freely shows he cares about someone, im over the moon about it
- Oh ha ha, there’s an audio called “Deleted Scenes” featuring the Doctor who’s most affected by junked episodes. And at the end of it, a character who’s spent her life researching and lecturing about a lost film gets to watch it be ‘rediscovered’ after it’s gone unseen for decades. I feel marginally less stupid for reading into the other details of a story like this when it ends up deciding to be to be clever & slightly meta like that
But yeah
all in all, it’s kind of amazing to me that this genuinely reads like they sat down and said okay boys it’s valentines day, let’s write an audio where jamie kisses a girl, since that hasn’t happened except as a plot device in one story in 1967 - but then when they got down to business they accidentally(?) wrote a story all about how important his bond with the Doctor is and how easily that can be compared to a legitimate love interest (even if the love interest in question is a one off character & the extent of the relationship appears to be like one kiss & then having Jamie spend most of his time around the Doctor instead)
I realize there’s something slightly illogical about writing the words “shipping aside” after a post like this but seriously - no matter how many categories you’re able to see two & jamie’s relationship fitting into, this is 40 minutes of big finish just hitting you over the head with how powerful/special/important that relationship is, and with them being two of my favorite characters, i really haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since
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star-spangledstud · 4 years
Summary: You arrive at your new home. Steve is a blank canvas.  
Pairing: Steve Rogers x (Female!)reader
Warnings: none (so far)
Note: Had to reupload cause instead of editing I accidentally deleted it.
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Raindrops, heavy and loud against the window beside your head, clash against and glide down the glass in messy, squiggly lines. The title of the song playing on the radio, ‘Soft like Rain’, fits the scene almost perfectly. Almost, because the rain that pitter-patters against the fogged-up window isn’t very soft in nature. In fact, the droplets come down so hard they bang against the roof of the car, its sound almost entirely overtaking the mellow tones of jazzy piano and drums in the background. The lines obscure your vision of Times Square, lights from the streets blown out and blurred to look like colorful stars and wicked shapes in the darkness.
I hope I made the right decision.
Your breath further fogs up the glass when you sigh audibly. A pair of dark eyes can be found eyeing you carefully through the rearview mirror when you sink further down into your seat. They offer you a hint of concern, of uncertainty. Nick Fury doesn’t know whether you’ll be okay or not. He can’t tell just yet, but the glimmer of hope he feels inside tugging at his heartstrings motivates him to give you a shot.
“We’re almost there,” his voice is quiet and deep when he speaks for the first time since picking you up from the airport, “just a few more miles.”
Of course I made the right decision. I always do. When have I ever fucked up?
You nod in response without checking to see if he’s looking at you through the mirror again because he undoubtedly is. After all, it’s all he’s been doing for the last hour. If you were to study the look in his eyes or his inner monologue just a little longer, you’d find out he’s scared. Nick Fury is afraid, both of you and for you, and he doesn’t like it because Nick Fury doesn’t get scared. He’s seen so much, experienced so many horrors in his time that he genuinely didn’t think anything could frighten him any more. Past tense, because the you’ve clearly made him change his mind.
This could be the best thing I ever did, or the worst. Can’t wait to find out which one it is. Cap better not fuck this one up.
There are so many questions you want to ask, but the voice in his head is loud in such a confined space, and nothing appropriate comes to mind. All you can pay attention to is the rumbling of the engine and the occasional ambulance rushing by somewhere in the distance. In the meantime, the song on the radio changes and morphs into something that sounds more melancholic.
When the two of you finally pull up to the compound, the rain has mostly stopped. It’s only drizzling now, tiny drops tickle your face while you brush strands of dampened hair from your forehead. A chill runs along your spine when a gust of wind blows through your open jacket, and you immediately zip it up for extra warmth.
You quickly scan the building, breath hitching in your throat when you notice its sheer size. It’s huge, much larger than where you used to reside, and the bright blue Avengers logo on the front causes your heart to beat a little faster. Seeing that logo makes it real, you think. You’re not so sure if this is the right place to be, but you don’t believe you have a better option. Either way, you told yourself you wouldn’t fuck this one up, and you have no intention to break this promise. This is home now, or at least it will be for a little while, and as intimidating as it is, you’ll have to make it work.
You can adapt, you’ve done it before. Hell, you’ve done it more times than you can remember. It’s extremely easy to make the people around you feel at ease in your presence when you can literally read every single thought they’ve ever had.
“I’ve assigned you to our best agent. He’s going to accompany you wherever you go to keep you safe. You cannot, under any circumstance, leave the building without him. You will listen to him and do what he tells you to do because it’s in your best interest. If you need anything, ask him, and he will provide. Do not tell anyone private information. If you need to vent, tell him,” Fury pauses, waits for you to nod, “no phones, no computers and especially no social media allowed under any circumstances. We need to figure out how much they know first. Don’t worry, we got Tony and Banner on that one.”
Did I get it all? I’m getting too old for this shit.
He watches you intently while you have to stop yourself from chuckling, “Got it?”
You nod.
“I need a verbal confirmation,” he grumbles, sounding annoyed by his own protocol.
“Yes,” you mumble against the whistling wind, “I understand.”
“Good. Let’s get moving, then.”
The opulent, open design of the ground floor greets you warmly when you walk in. Your boots, black and caked with mud, make streaks of brown along the white linoleum with each step you take and creak beneath your feet when you force yourself to move slowly forward. Fury watches your gaze flickering across the entrance and motions for you to follow him to the elevators, which you do silently.
A look of disapproval follows when he notices the trail of mud you’re leaving behind, but he doesn’t say anything. It won’t do him any good to verbalize his annoyance, because you’ve already picked up on it. Still, you drag your feet in an attempt to make him think you aren’t listening.
“Gym is in the basement,” he comments after watching you eye all the buttons inside the elevator, “roof is a terrace and pad for the Quinjets. There’s a penthouse underneath you’ll see soon enough.”
You raise a brow, and to your surprise, he chuckles, “Christmas party.”
“All the other floors include a lab, living quarters, conference rooms with workspaces, IT, a weaponry and gear storage. There’s a training room attached to the building that offers simulations. The building has a common kitchen and living room, a game room, a movie theatre and some other crap. Steve will show you when he has time.”
Your voice is dry and hoarse when you speak, “Steve?”
The elevator comes to a halt on the fifth floor, and before Fury has time to reply, the doors open to reveal a tall, blonde man in the opening. His arms, broad and encased in royal blue wool, are crossed over his chest. He has a stern expression on his face and a deep crease in his brow until he sees you and Fury, standing so far apart both of you are nearly hugging the mirrors on the walls. Fury has some of the loudest thoughts you’ve ever heard, and being stuck in a tiny box doesn’t do the volume any favors.
A glimmer of amusement is evident in his light blue eyes when you get out of the elevator. You look awkwardly at Fury, who’s making no move to follow you into the hallway, leaving you standing with one foot in the hall and one still in the elevator.
“Steve,” Fury says with a nod of his head towards the stranger, “is the agent you’re assigned to. He’s the captain of the team. I’d love to stay and chat, but you know how it is. Things to do, people to see… Keep me posted, Cap. I’ll be back soon for updates.”
He nudges you softly until you fully exit the elevator, and wastes no time pressing the button that will lead him back down to the ground floor. The heaviness of Nick Fury’s presence and the loudness of his inner monologue disappears with him when he leaves. It’s not until the doors close behind you that you feel like you can finally breathe again.
You turn to the man in front of you when you notice how quiet it’s become, and you subconsciously tilt your head to the side when instead of a constant stream of low mumbling and whispering, you hear nothing at all.
Steve raises a brow when he notices the way you’re looking at him. The soft expression on his face falters just a moment, but he recovers quickly, deciding not to allow his concern to show for now.  
“Hey,” he says “I’m Steve Rogers, captain of the team.”
It takes you a while to reply because you’re so focused on listening for his inner voice that you don’t even notice his rosy lips moving.
You swallow down a stream of curses in a variety of languages and force yourself to stand up straight when you realize he’s waiting for you to say something. What the fuck is going on, you think to yourself while you plaster a smile on your face.
“Yeah, I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Y/N,” you reply politely, “nice to meet you.”
“I hope Fury didn’t intimidate you too much,” Steve says with a chuckle, “the first conversation I had with him scared the hell out of me. To be fair, I did think I was still in the 40s.”
You bite your lip and shake your head, grip on the straps of your backpack tightening until your knuckles turn white. You’re glad he doesn’t extend his hand for you to shake. You assume he contemplated it.  Don’t know for sure though, because it’s still quiet up there in his skull. Does this guy even think at all?
“Come on, let me show you to your room.”
Your footsteps echo against the walls when the two of you silently cross the hallway. In total, you count a number of six doors. You tip your chin up when you reach the end and take a moment to study the man’s appearance while he points to the door on the right. He’s even taller and broader than you imagined him to be when Fury pictured him in his mind for you to see. If the upward curl of his lips wasn’t so genuine and soft, you would have been terrified of how big he is.
“This is mine,” he says, “I’m right across the hall if you need anything. This is yours. Usually, the doors open with fingerprint recognition, but you have a key. Nobody else has a copy except for me, for safety reasons. I’m obligated to tell you that you aren’t allowed to make any more copies.”
“Wasn’t going to,” you reply quickly.
He pulls a short, silver key from his back pocket and places it gently in your open, shaky palm. He notices your fingers are shaky when you fumble with the lock and smiles again in an attempt to make you feel more at ease. It’s almost like he can read your mind instead of the other way around. That stupid smile pisses you off.
“You have your own private bathroom,” Steve explains while he follows you inside, “Fury told us you don’t own much, so I asked Natasha to get you some clothes. We can go out and buy you some more if you want, just let me know. Feel free to decorate the place however you want.”
“Natasha?” you ask while looking around.
“The best spy we have. You’ll get along just fine, I’m sure. Anyway, I’ll leave you to get settled for now. Don’t hesitate to knock on my door at any time, okay? I’m not supposed to leave for another mission for a few weeks until you get situated. We can explore the compound tomorrow if you’re up for it. Maybe you can meet some of the other team members while we’re at it. No pressure.”
“Thanks,” you swallow thickly, “Steve.”
“You’re safe here,” he presses, “don’t forget that.”
For a brief moment, you wonder how much he really knows. You knowFury’s told him and Tony a watered-down version of what you’ve told him, but the kindness in his voice allows you to believe he hasn’t heard much. Still, you try to enter his brain and find out yourself, but once again you come up with nothing.
You exhale loudly after Steve leaves and take a moment to look around the room you’re now supposed to call yours. It doesn’t feel like it belongs to you, not yet anyway, and you wonder how long it will take before you find yourself succumbing to a new routine.
You take a shower to warm your bones and wash your hair with the shampoo and conditioner that smell like papaya. The towel you use to dry off is too fluffy for your liking, and a look in the mirror reveals dark circles and sunken in cheeks. It’s fine, you think. You haven’t recognized yourself in years.
Your backpack finds its way onto the bed, which is big enough for at least three people to sleep in. You follow shortly after, arms spread wide across the silky, forest green sheets until you sink down so far they almost wholly envelop you. Your hair is sprawled messily across the pillows. They smell like lavender and fresh cotton, and the scent is so relaxing and calming that within just several minutes of staring up at the ceiling, you drift off into a dreamless sleep.
When you wake up in a cold sweat several hours later, your hands are curled tightly in small fists around the silk sheets that cling to your legs. It’s hot in your room even though the chills along your arms would suggest otherwise, and your eyes frantically scan the shadows that seem to momentarily engulf you. It takes a while for your eyes to adjust to the darkness, and while you lie there in the dark, for several minutes, the only thing you can see is the vague outline of the face of a man.
As images from the dream you’ve just woken up from begin to fade, your heartrate slows down enough for you to remember where you are. You push the covers away from you and get up out of bed. You consider making a trip to the kitchen to get yourself something to eat, but you have no clue where the kitchen is located. Irritation pricks at your skin when your stomach rumbles loudly in the deafening silence, and five seconds later you’re stomping through the hallway with one goal in mind; to find something to eat.
The memory of Fury pointing out which floors of the building contain which rooms replays in your mind while you speedwalk through the hallway. You try to make a mental map of the compound for future reference just as you round the first corner, and in your state of tiredness and annoyance fueled by hunger, you don’t have time to realize Steve Rogers is on the other side of that corner.
Before he slams into you chest-first, his arms stretch out in front of him out of reflex. He grabs onto your shoulders and holds you steady while the both of you inhale sharply. Your head shoots up to meet his gaze, and he quickly releases his grip. What are the odds?
“Jesus Christ,” you gasp, “I didn’t see you.”
You didn’t hear him. That’s what you really want to say, but it wouldn’t make sense.
“I can tell,” he replies, “What are you doing awake?”
He’s tired, you can tell by the raspiness of his voice and the droopiness of his eyes, but he’s trying to hide his exhaustion by showing concern.
“I’m not trying to bail,” you cross your arms, “if that’s what you think.”
“I didn’t say that,” he replies, “didn’t think it, either.”
I wouldn’t know, you think. 
You take a step back to study his face for a moment, unaware that you haven’t answered his question. When the silence between the two of you becomes nearly unbearably heavy, you finally speak up.
Your cheeks heat up, and you swallow thickly, “I was hungry.”
“Damn it,” he mutters under his breath, “of course. I’m so sorry, I should’ve given you something to eat. The kitchen’s all the way at the end of the hall, on the right. Fridge should be stocked. I think there might be some leftovers, if Sam hasn’t eaten them already. I gotta go, see you in the morning.”
As you watch him walk away in the opposite direction, you can’t help but wonder what the rush is all about. Perhaps he’s really eager to get back in bed, you muse, although you doubt that’s the real reason why he’s speedwalking away from his room in the middle of the night.
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alarriefantasy · 4 years
Hi, all! So it seems that the wonderful AO3 user - objectlesson - aka on tumblr as - horsegirlharry - has sadly deleted their fics. I have only a few saved in my files, but there are some I would really love to possess, if anyone has them? I would really appreciate it if you would message me and let me know! :)
Also, I am posting the whole list of amazing stories they shared for our fandom, and I am marking (with an asterisk*) the ones that I have myself, in case anyone else would like them too! <3
Silver White Winters
by objectlesson
In which Louis catches a cloud and pins it down.
Words: 5106, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
I Must Confess (I Still Believe)
by objectlesson
Louis shrugs, eyes on the road. “You look cute in the blazer, too,” she says nonchalantly, and what the fucking fuck, what is Harry supposed to think?
“You probably do, too, but I wouldn’t know because I don’t even think you own one? Do you ever actually wear the entire uniform?” she asks, deflecting.
“Not since freshman year!” Louis boasts proudly. “They stopped giving me demerits because it’s, like, a lost cause. I literally haven’t seen my blazer in three years, I just borrow Veronica’s when I walk into Mass.” Her grin is very cheeky and bright, and she’s squinting in the sun, aviators pushed up into the overgrown auburn shag of her hair. The horizon is hazy and pink-orange as dark sneaks up on them, the air smelling of sprinkler water and BBQ smoke from people leaching the last warmth of October before summer’s gone for good. Harry feels alive with possibility, eyes watering as she smiles at Louis, unable to stop. She wrinkles her nose like it’ll somehow hide the way it looks on her face to be in love.
Or, Harry is the new girl at an all girl Catholic Girl’s School, and Louis is the unattainable, dashing senior who changes her forever.
Words: 44304, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Powerless (and I Don’t Care It’s Obvious)
by objectlesson
“Oh no, Lou, don’t make me laugh,” he whimpers. His Ribena-purple mouth twists into a glorious, breakable shape, and Louis’s heart stops. He should not be getting turned on by Harry’s full-bladder discomfort, his little twitches, his hips-stuttering. And yet.
Words: 4090, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
The Pink Ghost of Princess Park
by objectlesson
The thought of the vibrator does not go away. It’s sitting there collecting dust all through January, and every time Harry and Louis have to leave town for a press event or a show or to record or what have you, they come back home, and it’s still there, the Pink Ghost of Princess Park, the fucking glittery haunting that Harry cannot stop thinking of Louis stuffing up his arse.
Words: 7556, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
*Life Saver
by objectlesson
Nerd Boy’s giant, dorky, adorable hand shoots into the air. Louis notices he has chipped red polish on a few of his nails and some tattered friendship-looking bracelets, like the sort you make in camp, and he might hear the distant chime of wedding bells. He thought he didn’t even believe in marriage because it’s, like, oppressive and heteronormative or whatever, but that was before Styles, Harry (Harry Styles!!! What an absurd, wonderful name! What a perfect thing to scrawl in the margins of all his notebooks surrounded in hearts!) appeared in the bio lab at his new school and ruined all his principles forever.
or, Louis is a sweetheart punk with a theater background and a heart of gold, Harry is an inexperienced nerd who plays by the rules. Classmates, lab partners, and eventually friends, what happens when Louis knows he’s in love, but doesn’t know how tell Harry?
Words: 14809, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Even Your Honey Dew
by objectlesson
It probably says something about Harry that he’s so obsessed with another omega’s arse.
Words: 9512, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
What a Heavenly Way To Die
by objectlesson
She’s thought about it a lot, and two big things seem to be holding her back, aside from the uncontrollable paralysis that overtakes her body every time she so much as tries to sneak a hand under the waistband of Harry’s knickers.
Or, Louis is afraid to do stuff to Harry, who has done a lot of stuff to her.
Words: 8052, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
A Firm Believer and a Warm Receiver
by objectlesson
a few months ago, Louis had his first heat. It was no big deal, aside from it being awkward and weird and all the other things it was supposed to be. He figured he would present as an omega, so he wasn’t exactly surprised or anything.
But then, last week, Harry had his first heat, too.
Or, the omega/omega sleepover fic no one asked for but y'all really, really need.
Words: 10895, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
You’ll Know What Makes The World Turn
by objectlesson
Sometimes, when things are messy and they have more than a few weeks apart, they need the reminder. It’s comforting to have stars to map your course by.
or, Harry’s blue bandana is a day collar.
Words: 4624, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Sing You Butterflies
by objectlesson
Louis stares for a moment before some primal sympathetic force in him activates. He has to help this boy. He can hardly walk, and he seems so young (yet ageless, beyond age, like a sea turtle or a parrot or a tree or something else odd and magical), and on top of all that, he has body glitter clinging to his skin, like that roll-on stuff his sisters used to use as preteens, only pink-gold and twice as thick. It’s, like, professional grade. He’s also wearing grass- and dirt-stained pink silk women’s underwear, so maybe he’s from London. Maybe he’s a drag queen who crawled all the way from a nightclub in Soho just to save Louis from his horribly mundane and woefully heterosexual neighbours out here in the middle of nowhere.
or, Harry’s a clumsy unicorn who accidentally stomps on a witch’s garden and is turned into a human as punishment, so he wanders into a nearby village covered in glitter, still figuring out how to walk on two feet, and meets the fairy-tale-fine Louis, who has to teach him how to live as a human and stop him from eating soap.
Words: 22701, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
by objectlesson
She deserves not to be so goddamned put together all the time. Being in the world’s biggest and highest exposure girlband means she’s never seen without a flat stomach, a spray tan, contouring, eyelash extensions, the whole of her body inescapably toned and plucked and waxed so frequently she genuinely forgot what fucking color her own pubes are. Louis wants to eat burgers and smoke weed and be twenty three. She wants to wake up with Harry and spend the whole day in bed fingering each other because they finally don’t have to have goddamn acrylic nails for once. She wants to grow her pubes out. She wants to lounge around in a posh, red-velvet High Hefner robe.
Or, Louis is dressed like a fucking queen, Harry’s begging please.
Words: 6608, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Only One I Dream Of: A Drabble Collection
by objectlesson
A collection of all the m/m One Direction drabbles and timestamps I’ve written on tumblr, so my readers on here aren’t missing out!
Words: 5164, Chapters: 5/13, Language: English
Diamonds in the Moonlight
by objectlesson
The 70s au where Harry is a rich girl stuck in the suburbs who thinks she loves Shaun Cassidy, and Louis is the skater who breaks into her backyard and changes everything forever.
Words: 16136, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
In the Heat of the Night
by objectlesson
“You’re sleeping with me, obviously,” Harry says then, pausing to regard Louis with a funny expression, nose wrinkled and brows drawn tight. “Don’t tell me you thought that I’d let you freeze out here!? Absolutely not! C’mon, the bedroom’s cozy, I dragged a space heater out.”
Louis wants to protest about as badly as she wants to sleep next to Harry Styles, which is a lot. Too much.
Or, Louis is the only butch in London with a truck and Harry needs to move a couch.
Words: 7726, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Once Upon a Dream
by objectlesson
“M’not gonna half-ass our fake relationship,” Louis almost snaps, voice sharp with a defensive edge, like Harry wandered too close to a bruise with needy fingers. “Now kiss me again. We’re gonna make every shitty tourist here wish they had stayed in the Midwest. We’re gonna burn Disneyland down with our gay. ”
Harry shuts his eyes and opens his mouth, because he can’t fucking say no to Louis.
Or, a fake dating AU where everyone is lying and they happen to be at the Happiest Place on Earth.
Words: 16643, Chapters: ½, Language: English
From Now Until Forever
by objectlesson
The girls go to Britney Nite and Louis wears Juicy track pants and Harry is not ok.
Niall takes the pint glass back from Harry and takes a swig, regarding her over the rim knowingly. “You’re nervous,” she observes with a grin. “Because you’re gonna get drunk at a gay bar with Louis, and you haven’t told her yet that you wanna marry her.”
“Oh, my god, stop,” Harry scolds, hiding her face in her hands, everything suddenly hot and shivery. “It’s not that,” she adds, even though it most definitely is.
“Then…you’re excited to see Louis in a schoolgirl skirt and bra? Covered in that body glitter that smells like cotton candy?” Niall presses, waggling her eyebrows, making Harry blush at the mere thought of Louis’s golden skin shimmering and sticky under club lights.
Words: 9223, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Hello, Heaven (you are tunnel-lined with yellow lights
by objectlesson
“Oh, yeah?” Harry asks, playing dumb as he helps Louis out of his coat before hanging it up. “A new phone charger? Mine’s still broken, the electrical tape didn’t work.”
Louis makes a face at him, all arched brows and tongue pressed into cheek. “Oh a phone charger? Is that what you need?” he quips lightly, voice high and lilting in this sing-song way that’s so, so high and gentle that it’s scary. He’s putting on a show for Harry, and Harry’s thrilled with it, already shivery and hot-cheeked because Louis got him something naughty, and they’re talking about it without really talking about it, wrapping it up in layers of mundanity and domesticity, still so excited to play the role of two Adults living in their new Adult flat in London that they bought with their own money from the X Factor. Harry’s living an unimaginably glamourous life so suddenly, and Louis and his gifts are right in the middle of it, the heart of his every dream.
Or, Louis buys Harry things sometimes.
Words: 2988, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Dream About That Casual Touch
by objectlesson
And that was the first thing Louis noticed about her. Not her nipples, or not only her nipples, anyway, but the fact that she was so confident with her body and didn’t seem to care that her tits were sort of soft and floppy and uneven or that she had a little roll of pudge around her hips that poked over the top of her jeans when she wore crop tops. She wore what she wanted to wear whether or not it was in fashion or technically even flattering; her hair was always messy, she only wore makeup half the time, and she seemed to like heeled boots even if she was already fairly tall and they made her tower over the boys. Louis always thought it was so fucking sexy how unconcerned Harry seemed with what people thought of her, how comfortable she was in her own skin. That by itself seemed like a sort-of gay thing, so Louis kept a remote, careful eye on her, hoping to one day see something else that blipped her radar.
Or, Louis and Harry fuck up two dates before they finally get it right.
Words: 7678, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
*Smoke Dreams from Smoke Rings
by objectlesson
“When I get a craving?” Louis says, “You have to help me chase it away. Distract me”
Oh. Harry can think of about one hundred different ways to distract Louis Tomlinson. One hundred better uses for his mouth, for example. “Erm,” he squeaks, well aware of the fact that he’s grinning and dimpling and blushing all at once, his whole face a suddenly mortifying warzone of transparent emotion. “How?”
“By hitting my arm as hard as you can,” Louis announces, holding out the arm in question. It bridges the gap between them, stiff and expectant, and Harry stares, not entirely sure if Louis’s being serious, if this is some prank that he isn’t clever enough to understand, or if the promise of touching Louis under any circumstances is so titillating that he just can’t process it. Louis rolls up the sleeve of his hoodie then, revealing his pale inner arm in maddening increments, pushing Harry somewhere between drooling and vomiting, he isn’t sure which. He just knows that his mouth is flooded, and the barely-there ghost of Louis’s veins through his skin is the prettiest thing that he’s ever seen. “Go on, hit me,” Louis orders. “Don’t be shy,”
or, Louis enlists Harry to help him with his bad habit.
Words: 18116, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Black Stars and Endless Seas
by objectlesson
Or, A Star Trek Original Series AU where Lt. Styles is a young science officer on his first away mission, and Louis is the headstrong ensign assigned to his security detail, and maybe they would be able to function together professionally in a normal setting, but not when their shuttlecraft crash-lands and they end up marooned together on an improbably and unfairly beautiful planet.
Words: 32246, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Rose Garden Dreams
by objectlesson
Harry thinks it’s a fever-induced delirium, at first. After all, she’s been sick in bed for a full forty-eight hours following the Best and Most Important beach trip of her entire life because fate is a cruel and jealous bitch who doesn’t want Harry to go on a date with the girl of her dreams.
or, Harry is sick and Louis comes to visit her.
Words: 9464, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Palms Reflecting in Your Eyes
by objectlesson
Harry visits Louis at his campus and finds a crop on the wall.
Words: 6496, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Wrap You Up in Daisy Chains
by objectlesson
Ten minutes later, an awkward, long-legged, curly-haired, so pale she’s reflective, and so obviously gay-looking Harry Styles is sitting shotgun next to Louis in a bikini, denim cut-offs, and heart-framed sunnies.
Or, Harry and Louis and a too-small bathing suit.
Words: 10613, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
To Keep the Night From Ending
by objectlesson
It doesn’t always feel real to kiss in the dark, Harry guesses. He wants it to feel real. He wants it to be the realest thing, burnt indelibly into his skin.
Or, Harry and Louis take a night swim.
Words: 5036, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Good Enough to Eat
by objectlesson
“Fuck,” Harry mumbles, shuffling. “You won’t give me shit for it? It’s sorta weird.”
“No,” Louis breathes. “Promise.”
“Okay. I just…fuck, I can’t believe I’m telling you this,” Harry whimpers, and he must be blushing because Louis can feel waves of heat coming off him, his embarrassment a hot, palpable thing. “So, like…I love rimming videos. Nothing makes me come harder,” he admits, covering his face with his hands so his voice comes out muffled and strangled.
It takes Louis a few seconds to process, to mentally rifle through his Pornhub search history and remember what rimming even is; Harry has him so stupid he can’t keep stuff straight. His ears ring, and then it hits him, and, oh, fuck. His stomach turns and tightens so quickly he’s gasping, an audible and shameful scrape of air in the dark. “You…really?” he chokes out.
Or, Harry is convinced he’s never gonna be able to try his favorite porn fantasy on a real boy, and Louis offers to remedy this.
Words: 6722, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Grenadine Sunshine
by objectlesson
Harry’s only sixteen, it shows right now, and Louis wants…he wants so many things. He wants to taste the faint, sugary ghost of lip gloss, he wants to cup Harry’s face between his palms and swipe the shimmery wet shadows from beneath his eyes. He wants to show him everything he knows, even though he doesn’t know anything about this, about kissing boys or flirting with them or doing their makeup or even showing them it’s okay to want to wear makeup in the first place. Still, Louis just wants, wants and wants and wants. It’s what Harry does to him.
Words: 18067, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Only Angel
by objectlesson
Louis pops his hip out, looking down at Harry from beneath the cut of his fringe sassily. “How do I look?”
Harry…Harry doesn’t have words, not really. He sits there on the floor with a half-hard cock, gazing up at this taller, scarier version of Louis with wide eyes. “Like I want you to spin-kick me in the face,” he admits after a moment, shakily inhaling. “You look…really good.”
Or, Louis finds a pair of heels that fit, and Harry wants to be ruined, as per usual.
Words: 6599, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Someone Who Knows How To Ride
by objectlesson
Harry gives Louis a lap dance. Or, at least, he tries to.
Words: 5114, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Copper Kiss
by objectlesson
Harry’s not allowed to fly back to the UK without marks to remember Louis by.
Words: 4604, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
You Drive Me Crazy ( I Just Can’t Sleep)
by objectlesson
The first time Louis ends up in Harry’s bed is a total accident.
Words: 18520, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Christmas Without You
by objectlesson
It’s Christmas Eve and Harry misses Louis so badly he might be going little crazy.
Words: 5639, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Vinyl and Lace
by objectlesson
Harry tries on a skirt in the X Factor dressing room as a joke. Louis doesn’t think it’s very funny.
Words: 7541, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Touch of My Hand
by objectlesson
Words: 3104, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Tour Bus Sex, Bus Sex, PWP, Up All Night Tour, Uan era, Canon Compliant, baby boyfriends in love, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Established Relationship
Born to Make You Happy
by objectlesson
Harry makes a quiet vow to himself that he will be the very best girlfriend Louis has ever had, even if he never actually gets to be Louis’s girlfriend.
Words: 25662, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Taste of a Poison Paradise
by objectlesson
Louis notices Harry’s mouth right away.
Words: 9894, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
A Little Love (is better than none)
by objectlesson
It’s supposed to be no strings attached sex, but Harry’s in love with beauty and tragedy and Louis Tomlinson so there might actually a few strings they’re not talking about.
Or, alternately, the four times they fuck and don’t kiss, and one time they fuck and do (with a few more times thrown in because I’m a mess and know how to write short fics).
Words: 15074, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
*Take Me Under the Blue
by objectlesson
Louis hasn’t even seen his legs yet. He doesn’t know how they work or how long they’ll be. Maybe they won’t suit the rest of Harry at all, and he’ll have to grow into them or something. It doesn’t matter; Louis has loved Harry for a year with scales, so he can’t imagine wonky legs putting a damper on his attraction. 
He supposes he’ll just have to find out. In the meantime, he wonders how the fuck he got here, in his squelching wellies about to save the love of his life from the sea and take him to bed and bang him for the very first time.
It’s sort of a long story.
Words: 19011, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
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creepy-carrion · 4 years
Hey, I'm sorry if I come across as a "pity me" type stuff, I'm sorry. I just finished crying my eyes out over some guy and I wanted to know what the creepy boys would do if they got wind if their friend being hurt to the point of tears? The minute I called my friend crying she went straight to wanting to kill the guy haha
Apologies, I meant to get to this sooner. I really hope you’ll be able to evaluate the relations you have to this guy and decide what the best next step is. I picked a few of the boys for you, also added Jane for good measure. I hope it’s ok that some of these characterizations are still a bit,, well,,, let’s just say they’re still themselves. they all mad
BEN Drowned
Contains his anger about the situation at first, but if you know what to look for, it’s pretty obvious this does not sit well with him. He licks his lips frequently, gets fidgety, maybe even starts pacing. He’s not the best with words and comfort talk, so his primary goal will be to just distract you with some fun things so your mind can calm down. But he can’t shake off this feeling of unease so he might be a little tense.
Honestly this guy does not have the time or energy to commit to fucking with this guy the same way he messes up his victims, but he’ll ask you if he can do some... damage, regardless. He will ask for your permission because he doesn’t want his actions to end up screwing with your mental health. Ben is more calculated than that. Give him green light however and he’ll gladly fuck with this guy’s life. Maybe he doesn’t have the time to personally mess with him, but doxxing him, releasing sensitive information, deleting important documents... it takes all but 10 minutes to ruin this guy’s life.
After that, enough time to make you feel better. Like I said, he’s not much of an advice-giver, but he will listen to you in silence and distract you with whatever he can think of. A movie, a walk, gaming sessions, or talking about anything more casual. 
Jeff the Killer
Ahh. If you are venting about someone bothering you to this guy, you must want them dead either way. Jeff has no internal breaks that are stopping his immediate desire to slit this motherfucker’s throat right open. Once the guy’s name accidentally slips past your lips, Jeff has already curled his fingers around the handle of his knife and dipped out the window.
He cannot really help it. You thought BEN was bad with words? Take a look at this fucking guy. He can’t comfort anyone to save his damn life. But he does know one thing, and that is showing he is capable of caring for you with his actions. Said actions involving knives, blood and murder, but hey, it’s all he knows.
Returns a few hours later, covered in muck and blood. He will just sit with you, his shoulder pressed to yours as he comes down from his adrenaline high. This is probably the best time to talk to him if you just want to empty your heart and not want to be interrupted with unintentionally snarky responses. Jeff cares, evidently shown by that he didn’t waste any time to solve your problem, but hey. It’s still Jeff.
Ticci Toby
You hear that loud noise in the distance? That’s this boy’s alarm bells going off like fucking crazy. Yeah, if Toby hears someone has hurt you to the point of tears, he gets this awful feeling in his gut and wants to drag you away from this fucker as soon as possible.
Toby does not remember any of the events with his abusive father, but they’re still drifting around somewhere in his unconscious, and if anything even implies you were in a similar situation he was in, it makes him feel incredibly uneasy, like something might go horribly wrong. Though unlike the others, he won’t be as focused on going after the guy as making sure you will not go back to him.
Probably the best guy to go to if you’re looking for some genuine, good comfort. Toby has no issues with physical contact, the opposite. He will let you rest your head on his chest, his fingers stroking your hair as you cry into his sweater. He will lay with you like that for as long as you want, his chest occasionally rumbling because of a deep growl. If you want Toby to go after him, you need only say it. But he’d rather make sure you are really okay first. He’ll keep you in his arms all night if he has to.
Jane the Killer
Dealing with pieces of shit harassing innocent people is not just her lane. It’s her fucking highway. So you best believe she’s already concocted a plan to get this guy off his bullshit before you can even finish explaining to her what happened. Kill him? No, she may be a murderer, but her standards for murder are a lot higher than one might think. Offenders and murderers are more up her alley, but that does not mean she will pass up on beating some sense into people who think they get to harm you in any way, shape or form. You won’t hear a peep out of this guy anymore, she’ll make sure of that.
Sorry, did I say Toby was the best guy to go to for comfort? Well, yeah. But Jane is the best person to go to with your problems. Once she hears your sobs through the phone, all of her plans are canceled, she demands you come over, and in no time you’re curled up on the couch with a blanket and a hot chocolate. Jane knows how to do shit like this.
Also, you need advice on how to deal with anything? Please tell her and she will do anything she can to help. Jane is very intelligent and calculating. She has multiple responses to most of the problems you tell her about, and if she doesn’t, give her a day to think about it. And if you just need a cuddle, a distraction, anything, she’d be happy to provide you with that too. Jane is a queen.
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
hello!! i just wanted to ask- i wanna do an ouat rewatch bc CAPTAIN SWANN but its pretty long and i honestly dont care for the other characters/how badly the overall writing was handled.. which are your favourite captain swan eps? anything them centered and i think ill just skip around to rewatch their romance as they did invent romance 😭😭 ty in advance <3
they absolutely did invent romance, you are right about that and i love them so much
UHMMMM as far as my favorite CS eps, here’s a roadmap of what I personally consider key eps in their journey (some of this is from memory but I haven’t done a full rewatch in a while so i’m going through the episode list as a refresher)
2x06: Tallahassee--this is a must-watch ep for any CS fan, and I really think this is the episode that sparked the fire that CS would become as a fandom. It has everything--flirtatious banter, all kinds of tension, deliberate parallels drawn between Emma and Killian’s pasts, as well as their first meeting being intercut with her relationship with Neal (which serves, especially in hindsight, to highlight just how sketchy that relationship was, and why she couldn’t bring herself to trust Killian--because the last time she felt this way about anyone, it ended horribly)
2x08 and 2x09: Into the Deep and Queen of Hearts--these episodes cover the race to the portal between Emma&co and Hook/Cora and while they don’t do a ton for CS as a relationship since they’re still enemies at this point, it lays great foundation for their future relationship development. Plus, sexy swordfight, Hook going out of his way to save Aurora’s heart--he may be a pirate, but he has standards ok--and Emma realizing Cora can’t remove her heart without her permission? Poetic Cinema
2x11: The Outsider--more of a Killian-centric episode, it shows a lot of Killian at his worst but it’s necessary for his overall character arc and I genuinely love looking back and seeing just how far he managed to come, to the point of eventually even letting go of his (very understandable) grudge against Rumplestiltskin.
2x12: In the Name of the Brother--am I including this purely for Emma&Hook banter in the hospital, and Killian saying ‘hey beautiful’ when he’s lying on the road because he just got hit by a fucking car? You bet I am. Also, go to youtube and look up ‘ouat season two deleted scene jello’, because it’s beautiful and there was a tremendous outcry in the fandom when we realized it had been cut from the episode lmao (It’s also the episode that made me start shipping Frankenwolf, which I’m still sad never went anywhere, but they had a lot of potential and great chemistry.)
2x22: And Straight On Till Morning--A few of the episodes in between have some fun minor interactions and flashbacks (and I always approve of episodes where Killian gets one up on Rumple, so 2x15 is fun for me if i ignore all the Neal bits) but the finale is where we finally get a glimpse of who Killian could be beyond his need for revenge. He didn’t have to come back, he didn’t have to bring back the bean and help the town--but he did.
Season 3a: there’s a lot of really good stuff here for Hook and Emma that is interwoven between the A plots of other episodes. I think, as far as half-season arcs go, it’s one of the best (and everything after 4a bombed hard, but I digress) But there are a few episodes that stand out if you don’t want to watch the whole season. (I recommend starting with the premier though, it was a really solid season starter overall.)
3x05: Good Form--this is the culmination of David’s poisoned-by-dreamshade arc, and is also Peak Captain Charming Bromance. Hook not only keeping David’s secret, but doing everything he can to help save him??? Poetic cinema. It also provides some crucial Killian backstory, showing how he lost his brother to the very same dreamshade. Plus, the character development--Pan offers Killian a chance to escape the island with Emma if he kills David, and instead, he saves him, refusing the deal and damn the consequences. Also also? The first CS kiss which drove the fandom WILD.
3X06: Ariel--not only to I love OUaT’s take on Ariel, but this episode has the infamous Echo Cave scene, which involves a lot of feelsy confessions and Killian being the one to tell everyone that Neal is alive and helping Emma save him despite his own growing feelings for her.....IT’S JUST A LOT AND I LOVE IT.
3x07: Dark Hallow--oh man, I’d forgotten about this episode, but it has Killian and Neal fighting over Emma, which may sound eye-roll worthy, but Emma is allowed to tear them a new one about it and it’s one of the few times she’s allowed to actually???? put her own feelings first so I have to include it here on spec
3x11 and 3x12: Going Home and New York City Serenade--these mark the end of 3a and start of 3b respectively, and it has some amazing shit like Killian vowing never to forget Emma and Emma smiling as she replies, “Good.” And then she and Henry are in New York with their memories completely altered, but Killian shows up because Storybrooke is back and in jeopardy, and he helps Emma get back to her family and her home and, much later, Emma finds out he sold the Jolly Roger to be able to do it and it’s just. It’s beautiful ok.
3x17: The Jolly Roger--there’s honestly not a whole lot in the back half of season 3 (until the CS movie) but of course anything named for Hook is a must-watch, and this is where we get the iconic line I swear on Emma Swan--which is Killian saying he’s in love with her before he even realizes it. We also find out just what he did to Ariel, and his attempts to make amends are what lead to Zelena being able to curse him, so it’s great from a character perspective as well.
The next four episodes round out the end of the season, and there’s a lot of great stuff in them--Hook refusing to get Emma to kiss him, but Emma feeling like she can’t trust him because he didn’t tell her about the curse to begin with, and then kissing him anyway to save his life regardless of the consequences.... but the only ones that are absolutely necessary are the final two episodes.
They are colloquially termed ‘The Captain Swan Movie’ for a reason, after all.
Killian and Emma essentially have an entire Time Travel adventure all to themselves, where they accidentally ruin her parents first meeting and have to fix it so that she’ll even be born, Emma finally getting into the storybook, the pair of them dancing at a ball, Killian rushing to save Emma only for her to get out of the cell herself, because “The only one who saves me is me.” Killian saying “I would go to the ends of the world for her... or time.” Finally fixing the timeline and making it back to Storybrooke and Killian feeling like he doesn’t deserve a place at the table so he doesn’t go inside, but Emma comes out to him anyway and finds out he gave up the Jolly Roger for her, the true start to their relationship...... IM CRYING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I’M SORRY.
I personally really enjoyed 4a, the Frozen arc was one of the last good half-season arcs of the show, but a lot of people disliked it so it’s really up to interpretation. I don’t have as many Intense Opinions on this season (except hating almost everything about 4b and the queens of darkness arc), but I will say the episodes with good Killian/CS moments are 4x02 (Emma nearly freezes to death, Killian is desperate to save her, Captain Charming teamwork, my heart hurts), 4x04 (Emma asks Killian out on a real date, he tries to get his real hand back from Gold, things go massively awry and he winds up back under Gold’s thumb), 4x08 (Killian tries to save Emma from Gold’s plans), 4x11 (the 4a finale is just great in general), and then..... it cannot be overstated how much I hate season 4b, but 4x15 is the Killian-centric ep where his past with Ursula is revealed and he makes amends to her in order to get her to leave the QoD alliance and it’s great character stuff for him, and then there’s the season 4 finale.
Both parts are worth watching, if only because Deckhand Coward Hook still being a braver, more heroic man than ‘Hero Rumplestiltskin’ warms the very cockles of my heart, and of course the second part of the finale has him helping Henry to save Emma and it’s beautiful and also Emma watches him die for her and it is angsty as FUCK but gods I love it. Here’s where it gets tricky, though--my recommendation is, turn the episode off right after Emma finds Killian back in the present day of Storybrooke and they reunite.
Just turn off the episode there and skip right ahead to the s6 musical episode (Emma and Killian’s wedding ep) and pretend they got married and none of seasons 5 or 6 ever happened. >.> (Although I will say certain parts of the Underworld arc were incredibly feelsy despite how much I overall hated the season: 5x11 (the 5a finale, Killian as the dark one STILL being a better man than rumple, we love to see it), 5x15 (I am not immune to Brothers Jones feelings ok), 5x20 (emma literally takes a True Love Test trying to find a way to save killian, you don’t get more romantic than that--also Killian telling Emma to promise she won’t put her armor back up just because she lost him again??? my HEART), 5x21 (Hook does what he can from the Underworld anyway and zeus sends him back to Emma, they really just said ‘today I will invent romance’ and then Did That)
And then, yeah, just skip to the wedding. It’s beautiful, I enjoyed the music, personally, though I know musical episodes are hit or miss with most people. And if you turn it off when the last musical number starts (after the wedding ceremony, I believe) you can pretend it was the end of the show! =DDD
.....Oh my god I just rambled for years. I HOPE YOU FIND THIS USEFUL, ANON. I 100% support a CS-centered rewatch, their episodes were consistently some of the best across the entire series, and they are truly one of my favorite romances of all time.
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doubleshuck · 4 years
(Story credit: [deleted])
I used to believe that the paranormal wasn't real until this experience. I had always wondered, and my mom claimed to have seen things -- but I was pretty skeptical.
I went to my grandparent's house in California after we had just turned 20. It was a sunny, warm day and everything was totally normal. We had gone to a dog park to wander around and came back for an afternoon nap. The house is 2 stories, one on the first level, and a basement that doubles as an entire second floor. The basement is where we slept.
Now most people think "oh god the basement!" but this was a house we had been in since we were little to come visit -- and the basement looked like a normal first floor of a house, just with no windows. There was always a light on in the room even when we were sleeping and it genuinely just was like a normal bottom floor, not a stereotypical basement. Had a bathroom and everything.
In the room we all bunkered down in, there were 3 beds -- one for my parents on one side of the room with the closet door next to them, and two on the other side of the room for me and my sisters. Everyone laid down to take a nap but I didn't want to, so I started reading with the lamp on. It illuminated everything in the room and it all felt super peaceful and calm to have everyone snoring a bit around me.
And then, of course, it happened. There was a weird growling noise that started in the closet near my parent's bed from across the room. It was guttural and deep, with a gravelly sense to it -- so I am not sure it was a growl, but it is the best way to describe it. Now, the closet was always closed out of habit, but the door was now creaked open just a bit. I was a little nervous at this point, but the house is old and I am not a pansy. Maybe it’s the hot water heater (wherever that thing is) and someone just accidentally put their shirt in the closet and forgot to close it? The growl kind of turns into this weird note, not like singing but a piano key sort of tone (closest sound is like a D flat) but continuous. Now I was scared and looking at the closet. And then something shifts out of the door.
It is mid-day on a Saturday and I am wide awake, haven't fallen asleep etc. It's not sleep paralysis, it’s not me "accidentally" seeing something. I hope it was my brain having a one time hallucination, but it would be the only one I would ever have. This is real. And it’s super, super scary because it didn’t give any warning and was in a place I found to be safe and secure. A place I had felt comfortable in since I was a little girl of not even 5 years old.
It looked back as night. Blacker than that. The type of black you can't even describe because it's not even a color anymore -- it's just an absence of everything. It’s the color I wonder if blind people see -- because it's literally the color of nothing. Its form looked like a person sitting in a lotus-flower position, only its back was broken, so the head was hanging to the right side and the top of its head was touching its knee. it looked cartoonish almost -- because it was literally bent in half. The bottom half was a lotus flower position, and the top half was just the rest of that form bent to be almost upside down but still attached to the body. It made no sense. Looking at it almost hurt my brain -- it was like looking at a real-life glitch.
It had no eyes nor any other recognizable feature, just its form and that color that wasn't even a color. It creeped out of the closet half way -- but it moved and yet didn't. Almost like your eyes are playing tricks on you. I wanted to rub my eyes to see if I was just completely nuts -- but human instinct told me to NOT take my eyes off this thing.
You know when you are scared of the closet door so you stare at it hard enough that you think its opening and you have to do a double take? THAT is how it looked when it moved. Like it was, but wasn't at the same time.
It was only there for a split moment with that god damn tone ringing in my ears before it moved back and shut the door. It happened so fast I only really registered the click of the closet door shutting rather than its movements, which still to this day really creeps me out. It was like it was never there, or never supposed to be there, and somehow I saw it... and yet didn't.
The entire encounter, which couldn't have lasted longer than 3-4 seconds tops, had me frozen in fear. I cannot describe the level of terror seeing this. I have been through a lot in my life, but nothing was as horrifying as that.
I finally found my legs and ran straight upstairs and became an absolute mess. I refused to sleep downstairs and would sleep upstairs with all the lights on -- though that didn’t help me feel better because I saw it with the lights on.
It’s been around 4 years now and I still have to sleep with a night light, and I barricade any closet doors with what I have handy to ensure they do not open. I sleep with the door to my bedroom closed, and my phone resting close to me. It takes me a long time to go to sleep, and I can’t sleep alone anymore.
It really has fucked me up. I saw something my brain half couldn't comprehend. It was like staring at something so outside my field of understanding my brain just went "uhhhhhh" and filled in the blanks. It was such a strange thing -- but what I saw was my brain's interpretation of it, not what I actually saw. I can't accurately describe what I saw because it's like trying to describe a color you've never seen.
I really don’t know what it was and hope to EVERYTHING in my being I never, ever see anything like it again.
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Obey Me! Tickle Headcanons
I’m so obsessed with Obey Me! rn, and considering that’s where my brain is, I wrote some headcanons for all the brothers, starting with the oldest and ending with the youngest.
Pls help, I’m blushing now from writing these, especially the teases. Why must these boys destroy me like this. ;0;
Also I almost posted this on my normal RP blog and I had a mini heart attack fkdsjkfl--
Lee, Ler, or Switch?: 110% Ler. He will wreck anyone who attempts to tickle him... except the main character, but only when he’s feeling generous.
As a ler:
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This one could go under the lee category BUT I feel it’s necessary to put it at the top: You cannot and should not attempt to tickle him. He will W R E C K you
He probably finds out you’re ticklish while you’re not paying attention in class or something and he pokes you, and you jump, and he just smiles sweetly at you while his eyes say that you’re screwed and he just says gently “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
He’s the second-most powerful demon in the Devildom (second only to Diavolo) and he’ll absolutely use his strength to his advantage. He doesn’t even have to TRY to be able to pin you down, he can do it without any effort
Is the master of gentle, agonizing tickles, but being the oldest of his brothers he can definitely be rougher if he needs to, especially if the gentler touches don’t break you
Knows where and how to dig in with his fingers, and since he always wears silk gloves his fingers tickle even more on bare skin— but if you’re close enough with him he might nuzzle your neck or ear too, maybe even nibble if you’re comfortable with it
I imagine since he doesn’t really know how to be affectionate that he won’t tease you in a normal way, mostly just makes observations and noises like he’s studying you. And tells you that you should be regretting messing with him, which you probably will
“Hmm...” “This seems like a particularly ticklish spot.” “Sensitive there?” “What’s that? You’re sorry? Good. You should be.” “Begging so soon? But we’ve only just begun.”
His expression doesn’t even change either, just the same old concentrated look he gives assignments or problems while he’s tickling you to death
And if you irk him to the point that he goes into his demon form, YOU ARE D E A D because you better believe he’ll use all 4 of his wings to torment you along with his hands, and then you’ll be screwed
Depending on what caused him to tickle you, he may sit with you and hold you to be sure he didn’t accidentally kill you via tickles, or he might just tell you to think more about your actions next time and just walk away
Also just as another note: it is nigh-impossible to startle him. So if you go after him, 99.9% of the time you’re going to be the one laughing and dying, unless you get lucky
As a lee:
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As previously stated, Lucifer is EXTREMELY difficult to sneak up on. No one has taken his picture while he’s asleep, and only one person has even seen him shirtless— he’s nigh-impossible to catch off-guard
So if you do, or if he decides to let you tickle him, you’ll have to distract him from holding his laughter back. He can really hold it in for a long time before he breaks
On the home screen he’ll sometimes say “Are you trying to tickle me? You’ll have to do a better job than that.” or the phrase in the picture above. This is what he’ll say if you try without warning. Every. Time.
He’s honestly not very ticklish, probably like a 5/10 on the sensitivity scale
Because no one ever sees him without his clothes, I feel like his torso is the most sensitive area. Mostly his ribs, sides, and back, though his waist is a good spot too
Once you get your fingers on him and he’s either too tired or too distracted to not hold his laughter back, he’s doomed— he can’t even beg for mercy (and won’t bc his pride won’t let him) bc he’s laughing so much
He’ll basically crumple to the floor and be a giggling laughing mess, but you have to follow him down or else he’ll turn on you
If you really want to drive him crazy, spider your fingers over his back. He’ll laugh so hard that his face will turn red immediately, and he’ll just... collapse onto the floor, completely helpless
His genuine laughter is soft and melodic, almost angelic— considering he’s a fallen angel, and considered the most beautiful in all of creation, it makes sense that it would be. It’s softer and lighter than his speaking voice and can certainly be contagious if he’s laughing hard enough
Don’t take pictures of his blush or take any videos of you tickling him. He will immediately gain his strength back and wreck you until you delete them, and probably wreck you further for good measure
As long as you don’t tease him too much, he’ll probably let you go and smile genuinely at you as you leave— but don’t tell anyone bc he WILL find out, and he WILL destroy you
Alternately, if you decide to stay with him, he’ll probably get you back immediately, though it won’t be as bad as if you didn’t manage to catch him off-guard
Lee, Ler, or Switch?: Thinks he’s more of a Ler, but in reality he’s 80% Lee and 20% Ler. He’s too ticklish to really get anyone besides you.
As a ler:
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He doesn’t ever need a reason to tickle you, he just wants to— maybe he wants a little money, maybe he needs a pencil, or maybe he’s just having a bad day, but he’ll tickle you bc he feels like it
You can also goad him into doing it pretty easily, he’s a hothead (but not a violent one) AND he’s perceptive so if he knows you’re trying to make him tickle you he’ll just do it
Finds out bc as the first demon you make a pact with, he probs sleeps in your room a lot (or you sleep in his room bc he asks you to), so he pokes you to make you wake up one morning and he recognizes that the noise you just made was a squeak, and by that point it’s all over for you
Despite how much more powerful he is than you, he likes to roughhouse— he’ll tackle you (gently and on carpet/a bed/a couch etc) and roll around with you before he pins you, but he’ll always be the one pinning you if he’s decided to tickle you
He’s a master at tickling— whatever gets you hysterical is whatever he does, whether it’s spidering, digging in, light touches, raspberries, biting, or using tools, he’ll drive you crazy
His favorite is definitely nibbling though— he’s a dork who loves being close to you even if you don’t romance him, so you can guarantee he’ll be nibbling somewhere, probably your neck or tummy
Also: TEASY A F BOIII— he will tease you so damn much the entire time and laugh along with you, and probably try to make you praise him
“Why’re you laughin’, eh? Somethin’ funny?” “Tickle tickle tickle, ya little nerd!” “What? You want me t’stop? Hmm, maybe if ya paid me... with giggles.” “You laughin’ at me, punk?! Guess I’ll have t’punish ya.” “Say ‘Mammon’s the greatest’! C’mooon, you can do it!”
He’s always grinning and making faces while he’s tickling you, because he’s a dork like that
His wings in his demon form are bony and batlike, but that won’t stop him from dragging the tips across your skin in an attempt to drive you up the wall
He’ll flop down next to you when he stops tickling you, probably still poking you and teasing you for a bit, but making sure he didn’t go overboard— and he’s always up for cuddles, so unless you ask him to leave he’ll cuddle you afterwards
As a lee:
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It’s easy to tickle Mammon, you just poke him anywhere and he’s giggling
On the sensitivity scale he’s the most ticklish out of his brothers, a definite 12/10– he’s just that sensitive
You’re the only person he’ll give in to when it comes to tickles— he’ll give them and receive them from you without any fuss, but with anyone else he’s grouchy about it
If you’ve seen his demon form, and noticed the fact that the top part of his outfit doesn’t cover his torso, and you think he’s not ticklish there? Think again, his tummy, belly button, and hips are his worst spots
If you tell him he should cover up his torso if he doesn’t want anyone to tickle it he’ll just sputter in embarrassment
Once you’re tickling him, even lightly, he can’t take it— he’ll just drop to the floor shrieking and begging you to stop (but don’t bc he kind of likes the attention, though he won’t admit it)
If you get your finger in his belly button his laughter will go completely silent, and squeezing his hips will make him squeal
He cannot take what he dishes out— teasing makes him a blushing, sputtering mess, and all of his own tactics work against him, including (and ESPECIALLY) nibbling
His laughter is adorable and completely contagious, and higher-pitched than his speaking voice— he also snorts when he laughs, and if he realizes he snorted he gets flustered
If you take a picture of him he’ll threaten you to make you delete it, but he doesn’t really mind as long as you don’t show anyone else
Just like when he tickles you, he wants cuddles afterwards— and he might use that as an excuse to get you back when he’s not out of breath, but he’ll also just take cuddles either way
Lee, Ler, or Switch?: Totally a Lee, but if you challenge him on anything he’ll tickle the hell out of you. So like 90% Lee and 10% Ler.
As a ler:
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He’ll only tickle you if you ask him to, if you did something to irritate him, or if you’re making him jealous because of something you have that he wants (or if you know more about something than he does)
He’s an otaku, so he’s probably already delved into the world of tickling bc of the tickle scenes you see in media, and he’s probably watched Mammon wreck you a few times so he guessed pretty quickly that you’re ticklish without being so hands-on himself
Not as powerful as Mammon or Lucifer, but still a demon nonetheless— and even tho he’s a shut-in and doesn’t get out much he’s still pretty good at pinning people down, though he might see the position you’re in and think it’s a little suggestive, maybe even blush bc he’s easily embarrassed
He approaches tickling like he approaches his games— dives right in, testing everything out, then goes full-on with whatever works the best, babbling excitedly all the while until you’re a screeching mess of laughter
He mostly just teases you by saying he’s better than you, but he doesn’t really mean it... also he makes video game/media/nerdy references a lot
“You can’t defeat the mighty Levi! Muahahaha!” “Playing games is fun, but it’s more fun to wreck you.~” “This is just like that scene I watched in this anime called—“ “You’re a lot squishier than my keyboard, but at least my fingers don’t hurt now!” “Get wrecked, nerd! Lololol”
He’s basically treating this like a game— that’s what tickling is to him anyway— and while he’ll definitely stop if you’re desperate enough, he’ll always ask if you give up before he quits, and then gloat that he won
And if he gets you in his demon form, there’s no escape— he’ll wrap you up in his tail and get you even worse, now that he has more room to work with
Usually offers you a snack or something when he stops tickling you, maybe suggests you lay on his bed and watch him game, or even lets you beat him in an easy game so you feel better— but he won’t admit he’s being soft toward you
As a lee:
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He has a few tickle spots, but he only lets his guard down when he’s at home in his room— and once you get him started laughing, it’s hard for him to stop
He’s a solid 9/10, surpassed only by Mammon, and he’s different from the others in that he very much likes tickling— it just makes him blush a lot
He’s a sensitive baby, his sides, waist,  thighs, and armpits are all very sensitive, but his death spot is his tummy
Doesn’t beg for you to stop, but will deny that he enjoys it or that he’s even laughing— the fact that he doesn’t fight back doesn’t help him any... it’s clear he enjoys it bc when you rub his character model during certain interactions in the game, he giggles, and it gives the most amount of intimacy and a large amount of hearts (as seen in the image above)
If you use the “claw” tactic on his tummy he goes ballistic, shrieking like he’s dying, and his face will turn bright red while he tries to cover his cheeks with his hands
He hates being teased, and will always tell you to shut up, and that you’re lying, but if you’re silent he begs you to say something
He has an adorable, sweet little laugh, and his giggles are angelic— it makes anyone feel better to tickle him, but he hates his laugh and will threaten you if you compliment it
He’ll blush himself to death if you try and take a picture of him, he’d really rather you didn’t but as long as you keep it to yourself he’ll let you keep it on your phone
Gets clingy after tickles and will crawl over to put his head in your lap and ask you to pet his hair, then asks if you’d want to watch something or read a manga together
Lee, Ler, or Switch?: Ler, full stop. Thinks of tickling as bonding and likes doing it more than having it done to him.
As a ler:
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As seen when he and his brothers attempt to get Belphegor to crack a smile, he’s very sneaky and knows how to creep up behind someone to grab them
He’s very mischievous when it comes to tickling, he’s the Avatar of Wrath so making someone smile rather than making them mad is new to him and he enjoys it more than anything else
Probably found out bc you offered to help him fix his books, and so you were on a ladder reaching up and your shirt pulled up and he poked at your exposed side, nearly making you drop the book on his head, to which he only said “Oops.” and gave you a grin that said you were done for
Relies on the element of surprise to pin you rather than just strength, though as someone born of Lucifer he’s not weak at all and he can really hold you down if he needs to
He’s slow and methodical, testing out every spot to see what gets you laughing the most, then starts from your least ticklish spot and works his way up to the most ticklish
Being a book lover he has to write occasionally too, so he has all kinds of writing utensils around that he uses to tickle you with— quills, pens, pencils, calligraphy brushes, etc
Mostly just laughs along with you, but if he’s using something to write on you with he’ll tell you to be still and tease you about messing up his writing, though mostly he just teases about your sensitivity— and he may even use you as a book holder, tickling you and scolding you if you move the book too much
“Stop squirming, you’ll mess up the ink.” “This is illegible... Oh, well, looks like I’ll have to start over.” “Your laugh is adorable, you should do it more often.” “Oh, was that a bad spot? I’ll have to file that away for later use.” “Your laughter is distracting me from my book. Tone it down or I’ll really give you something to laugh about.”
He’ll smile fondly while he’s tickling you— he can’t help it, seeing that he makes someone else happy and laugh is so refreshing for him
Two bad things about his demon form: first, his tail is long enough to snake around you and the scaly feeling of it would drive anyone up the wall, and second, he wears a feather boa that he most definitely would use to wreck someone with, or even tie their wrists or ankles together
Will help you sit up, rub your back and run his hand through your hair once he’s stopped tickling you, and will let you lean against him while he reads to you so you can calm down
As a lee:
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Satan has to be in the right mood to laugh— trying to tickle him when he’s mad will upset him, but if he’s in a good mood he’ll let you do it
He’s about a 6/10 on the sensitivity scale, since he’s not deathly ticklish it’s more of a bonding experience for him than anything else
His neck, ears, and armpits are his worst spots, which is ironic considering the feather boa he wears has to be sitting a certain way so he won’t tickle himself accidentally
Will squirm minimally, doesn’t want to knock you off and hurt you, and enjoys the contact though he wishes it wasn’t tickling that you chose as your method to get close to him
If you get your fingers in his armpits he’ll cackle himself silly, and brushing feathers against his neck will make him blush so badly that it spreads across his body
Covers his face as much as possible when he’s being teased, scrunches up his shoulders and giggles out half-hearted pleas for you to stop, and sometimes threats that you can’t take seriously due to his laughter
His laugh is deep and soothing, even when he’s hysterical, and it can instantly relieve the stress of whoever’s tickling him
He’ll allow you to take a picture of him blushing, but only if you don’t tell anyone why, and you let him compose himself a little first
Will lean against you like a cat, reading to calm himself down, and tell you exactly when he’s going to get you next— sometimes it’ll be right after you’ve finished tickling the hell out of him
Lee, Ler, or Switch?: Ler all the way, except for you— because you tickling him means you’ll touch him.
As a ler:
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Despite loving to touch you and being the Avatar of Lust, he’s respectful of boundaries, and won’t tickle you the first time until you ask him to or let him know it’s okay
After that it’s clear he loves making you laugh, though he’ll only do it when he knows you need it as opposed to pouncing on you out of nowhere
Found out bc during a cuddle session he stuck his hand slightly up your shirt and you started twitching, and he immediately thought you were uncomfortable— but then he saw the little upturn of your lips and figured it out immediately
Also knows tickling could turn into more, but when he knows you just want it to be fun he refrains from being too terribly suggestive
He’s small and quiet so he can totally sneak up on anyone and jump on their back, or pounce on them when they least expect it, but will always warn you before he does that so you’re not startled
Depending on what mood you’re in he’s either gentle and sweet or rough and merciless, though he can’t resist digging into your worst spots when he finds them
His teases are compliments— he wants you to feel good about yourself, to admit your best qualities, and he takes the opportunity to tickle the positivity out of you
“I’ll stop tickling if you say you’re cute.” “Come on now, say something you’re good at, or I can stay at this spot allll day.” “Stop bringing yourself down or I’ll go for your worst spot.” “You have ten seconds to say you’re beautiful or I’ll tickle you for ten minutes.” “You’re practically glowing today— did you do something different? Don’t lie to me, I’ll knoooow!~”
He’ll giggle and smile brightly  while he’s tickling you, and often he’ll hum and make up his own little songs to sing to tease you
He can’t really get you with his wings in his demon form bc they’re too short, but that form does make him a lot more cuddly so he’ll tickle-cuddle the hell out of you if he catches you in that form
Will pull you into his lap and rub your back, ask if you’re okay, and hum softly to calm you down— maybe even give you a massage if you need it
As a lee:
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Considering how much Asmo likes it when you touch him, he’s basically down for you to tickle him anytime
He’s about a 4/10 on the sensitivity scale— the least ticklish out of his brothers, but he does have a tickle spot
His palms and knees— front and back— are sensitive, but not enough to make him really laugh, his one bad tickle spot is his feet and they’re sensitive enough to make up for his lack of sensitivity everywhere else
Still tries to seem dainty despite the fact that he’s falling apart while you’re tickling him— he might kick a little and shove at you, but he’s honestly just happy you’re touching him
Going after his toes makes him shriek, and he may start begging for mercy if you go after them too long, though unless he’s crying from laughter he won’t actually want you to stop
He can handle teases better than anyone else, mostly because he’s honestly self-absorbed and anything you say to him comes out as a compliment— so teasing does nothing to him
His laugh is sweet, soft, and rather delicate, like him, and his giggles are extremely contagious— he says he likes his laugh quite a lot
If you want to take a picture, he has to be sure his hair is perfect first— but even if he’s blushing, he never minds when pictures are taken of him, and even if you tell others you were tickling him, he won’t mind
He has to freshen himself up after being tickled, but once he’s done that, he curls up against your side and tells you he loves laughing with you, then goes back to cuddling with you like he was before
Lee, Ler, or Switch?: Equal switch— he loves tickling, and usually enjoys being tickled, depending on who’s doing it.
As a ler:
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Won’t hesitate to just throw you over his shoulder, carry you off to either of your rooms, and absolutely destroy you—  if it seems like you need it, or you goad him into doing it
Third only to food and being around Belphegor, your laugh is what brightens his day the most— he likes being able to unwind after a lot of stress by tickling you and letting his worries drift away with your laughter
He found out when you were trying to get some cookies off of a high shelf, because Beel was too weak from hunger to stand on the chair, but when you lost your balance and almost fell, he caught you with one hand on your hip and the other under your arm, and when you spasmed he immediately knew why
He doesn’t sneak up on anyone— if you’re going to be tickled, you’re going to be tickled. You’ll hear him coming and get a chance to hide, but you probably won’t be able to because he’ll find you eventually
Despite his size, he’s gentle when tickling you, at least with his hands— though he enjoys acting like he’ll eat you, due to how many funny noises you make, so he uses his mouth and teeth to tickle more often than not
His teasing is mostly food-related, as are most things with Beel, and he always says he’ll eat you, though it’s clear he’d never dream of actually doing it... he also uses the standard “tickle” tease, drawing it out to fluster you more
“Your ribs look rather tasty... I’m going to nibble them.” “What fruit is that named after again? Raspberries? Fitting, you match one right about now.” “Nom, nom, nom... your belly is tastier than a cheeseburger by far.” “Tickle tickle tickle... what, is that funny?” “If you buy me food, I’ll let you go... nah, never mind, I won’t.”
He’ll chuckle and make funny little faces while he tickles you, and try to make eye contact as much as possible to really make you blush
His wings aren’t that useful in his demon form, but the fact that his teeth sharpen is— he’ll be even more gentle when nibbling you, but you can bet it’ll tickle ten times worse to have demon teeth scraping across your skin
Will pull you into his arms and offer you some food, then rest his chin on top of your head and hug you to calm you down, smiling like a goof the entire time
As a lee:
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Generally, the hungrier he is, the less strength he has to fight back— but it’s best to catch him when he’s not so hungry that he might go on a rampage if he doesn’t eat, so there won’t be any danger toward you, but not after he’s just eaten, which makes him less sensitive
A 7/10 on the sensitivity scale, he has quite a few tickle spots and genuinely loves laughing and smiling, especially if it’s with you or Belphie
His tummy and navel are very sensitive, and so are his thighs and the backs of his knees
Knows he could easily hurt you if he struggles too much, so he tries his best not to, holding onto something like pillows or blankets to keep himself from shoving you away, and always tossing his head back and forth to hide his blush and his smile
If you trace a finger down his abs to his belly button and wiggle your finger inside, he’ll wheeze and usually grab a pillow to bring up to cover his face— you’ll know when he wants you to stop, he’ll tap out by weakly smacking your leg with his hand
If you turn the teasing back on him, he becomes more responsive to the tickling, trying to curl in on himself and laughing harder than if you were to just tickle him— the harder he blushes, the more he can’t take the teasing
His laugh is very deep and rumbly like thunder, seeming to shake the whole house the harder it gets— he hates his laughter, but he knows how much you and Belphie like hearing it, so he doesn’t mind that much
He’ll always hide his face if you attempt to take a picture of him while he’s blushy and giggly, but if you manage to get one he’ll just ask you not to share it
He’ll sit up and rest his chin on your shoulder, then ask if you can go get him a snack— tickling tires him out— then he’ll wrap his arms around you and munch on whatever you brought him, content to calm down in your presence
Lee, Ler, or Switch?: Like Beel, equal switch— he doesn’t mind being tickled, and he enjoys doing the tickling just as much.
As a ler:
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Usually feigns sleep to get people to drop their guard, then pounces on them when they least expect him to— he’s the Avatar of Sloth, he’s the best at acting like he’s asleep
Like his brother, he sees your laughter as his third thing that makes him happy, with the first two being Beel and naps, and so he always wants to hear your laugh every chance he gets— it also makes him sleepy because he says your laugh is soothing
He found out after he invited you to nap with him one day— you were trying to get comfortable and shifted a little too much, and Belphie prodded his finger into your side and told you to stay still, making you squeak... thankfully he was too tired to act then, but it was already too late
Almost like a cat, he likes to hide behind furniture, under blankets and beds, or even above doorways, and pounce when it’s least expected— and if he’s well-rested, he’ll chase you down if you run from him
Loves building anticipation and being slow and gentle with his tickles, only to dig in unexpectedly— he also likes to nuzzle a lot, mostly because he knows his hair tickles and being that close would make /anyone/ blush
Sings little lullabies and replaces words with “tickle” in order to tease you, but also points out your sensitivity and how much you’re blushing, and asks how tired you are
"Your face is so red right now. It’s so cute.” “Are you getting tired yet? I don’t think you are, you’re still laughing a lot.” “C’mon, this can’t tickle /that/ bad.” “You’re making me sleepy, laughing this much.” “If you’re not sleepy yet, then I don’t know what to tell you. Guess I’ll just have to keep going until you’re out cold.”
His tail in his demon form is a very useful tickle tool, he can swish it anywhere he wants and drive you up the wall with how soft the hair on the tip is
He’ll curl up next to you and pull you close to him, nestling your head under his chin and letting his breathing calm you down— and he’ll probably go to sleep, he can tire himself out no problem
As a lee:
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Waking him up from a dead sleep is the best way to catch him off-guard, and ensures he won’t be able to get revenge as quickly as if he were already awake
Only slightly above his twin on the sensitivity scale, he’s an 8/10 as he’s a little more ticklish than Beel— but if you were to ask him, he’d say Beel is more ticklish
Shares his brother’s death spots, aka his tummy and belly button, but his hips, knees, and toes are other bad spots
Is very squirmy, considering he’s the smallest he knows he can’t hurt you if he squirms a little— but if you keep his favorite pillow near him, he’ll smack you with it if the tickles are too much to handle
Even looking at his tummy wrong makes him giggle, and the best tactic is to tickle his tummy and belly button at the same time, rapidly vibrating your fingers— he’ll lose it and screech with laughter, and flail helplessly
He hates being teased, and will attempt to swat at you every time you do it, despite being weak when he’s tickled and not being able to fight back like he normally would
His laugh is the sweetest of all of his brothers, light, gentle, and delicate, and his giggles are adorable— he hates when people tell him his laugh is cute, though, so that’s another way to fluster him
He’ll smack you with his pillow and run away before you ever catch him smiling on-camera— he hates getting pictures taken, they make him feel shy and he doesn’t want anyone to see him so vulnerable
Like when he tickles you, he’ll curl up next to you and yawn, and tell you he’s sleepy, then fall asleep soon after— and he’ll definitely cuddle you, mostly to be sure you can’t get away when he wakes up and wants revenge
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secnghwa · 3 years
hi vivi ! how are you today ? how has your done gone :o i hope it went well ><
kuroo !!!! i used to have such bad brainrot for him 💀 he is also everything I want in a man. i have never heard of that anime :o i’ll have to check it out !! time zones 👁👁 and nooooo don’t be sorry about being late >:c take your own time and don’t feel pressured about answering my asks. ill be here waiting ^^ (GAD THAT SOUNDS KINDA CREEPY BUT I DONT MEAN IT LIKE THAT) BDKNFKF I feel honored ??? idk you just seem like a very fun person to talk to <3 i indeed have a injury ;-; my spine + hips decided to be mean and go out of alignment which means I get a lot of pain in my lower back/hip area when I swim JFKNFKF AND YES I GOT MY TACOS AND MY MOM GOT ME SUBWAY TOO SO DOUBLE WIN !!!
(also ps i have a very very very bad habit of accidentally forgetting to sign off on asks and it’s already showing 🤡)
- 🍁 anon
i felt that self destruction post- i was trying to export gifs from ps today and it just [insert computer aggressively fanning] genuinely had a thought my laptop would break on me LMAO
also alSO ALSO YOU STAN SEVENTEEN ???!?!?!? im like. a huge carat HDKFBKFNF <3 and i see you bias minghao <3 me too <3 (although I swear I ult woozi,,,, no im not lying to myself)
- 🍁 anon (it’s me. AGAIN)
hihi vivi how was your day today ? I hope it went well !! i just started making ateez gifs again after getting photoshop and it’s been making my laptop go brrrrrr- i hope the gifsets that you were talking about reaches 1k vvv soon >:) also also also the new hairstyles :o i also very much love yunhos new hairstyle !! sans hair reminds me a chick and that’s all I can think when I look at the new pics 💀 mingi’s blonde hairstyle makes him look so soft and I’m just HDJFNDKKFKF 🥺🤧☹️
- 🍁
fsjdkf I HATE TUMBLR I CANNOT BELIEVE IT DELETED EVERYTHING I HAD SIX PARAGRAPHS OF WORD VOMIT /???????? anyways i guess it's time to try again to remembver waht i said FJIWEOFJSDKLF fIRST OFF !!! are you going to / /already receiving therapy/physio for your injury bec I DO NOT WANT YOU TO BE HURT FOR LONG !!!!!!!! THAT IS NOT PLEASANT AT ALL HHHHhhhHHHH please please please take care of fyourself !!!!!
second i'm sorry sorry sorry for always taking literal days to respond IT'S JUST THESE DAYS I'VE BEEN TAKING A SUMMER COURSE AND IT'S REALLY TAKING A TOLL ON MEM HAHAHAHH i've seriously just been coming on, queueing posts, and leaving oopS but alas it is what it is LMAO
third yes i am such a big closet svt stan like i have so many svt gifblr moots but I'VE NEVER FELT THE URGE TO GIF FOR THEM SO IT STAYS IN THE CLOSEt ???? but i am such a loser for china line bec i'm part chinese and it just gets me every time they speak in chinese BEC THEY'RE SO FUNNY it can't even be translated into english with the same amount of funny . .,,,, does that make sense???? also psssstttttt woozi ult i seEEE YOUUUU ( i don't rmb if i've aksed you before but who's ur atz bias heheehee)
FOR TODAY !!!!! today has bveen very. very fun after work i got together with a few of my coworkers (who also happen to be my school friends and also my family friends who i've known for like 7 years) ALSO YOU MAKE ATEEZ GIFS ?????? please if you ever need help with giffing n whatever do not hesitate to reach out i will try my bestest with my limited knowledge to assist you or we cld work thru the issue together omg it can be a learning xperience for me too !!!!! (fun fact when i was making my recent san inception gifset my laptop almost crashed on me as in it. froze for like a solid minute and just came back I GOT SO SCARED I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO LOSE ALL OF MY COLOURING(
ALSO I AM LOWKEY PRAYING FOR THE FEW GIFS (like two gifsets i think) to FINALLY REACH 1K notes bec then it can be added to my 1k atz tag (which doesn't seem like a lot but i'm actually very proud of evbery single gifset in it MWAHHH) the gifs that r so . close (like 950 notes) are this one and this one HELLPPPPPPP
LASTLY THE ATEEZ HARISTYLES I CAN GO ON HOURS ABOUT IT !!!!!!!! it is truly an honour to be able to see yunho's streaky red hair ( fun fact 2 every single ateez era where a member has had pink/red hair = a hit and this is simply a fact . ) mingis hairstyle makes him look so smoochable in the kindest way i want to give him a hug and tell him he's doing amazing <3333333
PS I JUST WNATED TO THANK YOU FOR READING TYHRU ALL OF THIS WORD VOMIT WITHOUT GETTING BORED i am so sorry there are so many topic jumps but omg i get v excited talking to you <333 n i hope u feel the sam e!!!
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tk-writer · 4 years
Hello, I am back, again, for a part 2 to my rant cuz I read it again and while I gushed a lot before, I feel like I wasn’t specific enough with any of the things I wanted to compliment. I was too enthralled in just how much I loved (and still love) it.
Okay, first, Tsukki’s characterization. I love Yamaguchi, he’s my favorite character and you characterized him beautifully (so so so fricken well), but I feel like Tsukishima’s always been a bit more difficult. He’s more complex and nuanced, bless his annoying lil heart. And in a tickle fic, which is generally pretty fluffy and often a derivative of the actual characterization (to fit our Special Interest™), it’s pretty easy to make him immediately a lil OOC.
But you wrote him?? So perfectly?? (I’m using that word too much, I know, but I cannot think of a better one honestly) like the balance of this smothered affection and his external cool/aloof image is 👌🏼👌🏼 incredible. The way you describe his train of thought as he slowly loses the battle to his want to just go full Ler Mode sounds so well-characterized. And his TEASING. Taunting and teasing are such actual in-character components to Tsukishima as a character and the voice you wrote them in for him— I could hear it. Like, I know we’d never get a scene like this irl (😔) but the way his words taunt and pick at Yamaguchi with a specific accuracy to make him a little embarrassed and more sensitive, it sounds just like something he’d say. It didn’t once stray from a Tsukishima I could see in canon and I am just—floored honestly. Your Ler Tsukki is my prototype for him now. He is astounding.
The characterization in general too. This is a Tsukishima Yamaguchi story but down to Noya introducing the concept and Suga being a teeny bit chaotic and a tad mothering in his affection toward Yamaguchi. It just fits~
Also the concept. Lord knows a ‘coming to terms with liking it’ kinda tickle fic isn’t uncommon, but I just love the way this one progressed. Like, first of all, we get a dual lee/ler perspective, boo yah. Then, I dunno how to explain, but it’s like so natural? It flows. We live this experience personally so it’s very relatable and it doesn’t always turn out all butterflies and rainbows, but seeing shy lee Yamaguchi get acceptance and affection from his friends and emotionally constipated ler Tsukishima come to terms with wanting this type of affection and being comfortable enough in his relationship with Yamaguchi to pursue it? Then the mutual understanding that doesn’t come as a deep, adult conversation—because it wouldn’t be, not for these kids at this time in their life—but as Tsukki and Yama chilling together, observing, talking, and interacting like their long-lived friendship would have them do. Tsukki teases. Yama stammers. It’s the natural course of things and it goes on step by step until Tsukki is actually taking him apart and somehow I find myself wondering how this HASN’T happened yet in canon when it just flows so perfectly.
Not to mention the actual tickling which, as a member of the community and someone who’s written a fic or two occasionally, can get pretty repetitive and hard to describe after a while 😅 yet the way you described it was was so visceral. I wasn’t ever taken out of the scene due to an awkward description of body position or over repetitive description of the actual ticking. (Side note: the way you write the laughter-interspersed speech is adorable 10/10) Writing tickling is surprisingly difficult after awhile but I’d say from this that you’ve honed the craft quite nicely~
Okay, okay. That’s what I’ve got off the top of my head without having the fic beside me to analyze paragraph by paragraph so— In conclusion: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular— all that jazz and more. I absolutely adore your writing on these two, and if you ever decide to do another I will be your personal cheerleader through it all. Thank you so much~
i just
asfjdhs ok let me start over
honestly, i wasn't planning on coming back to this blog anytime soon, if ever. i was ready to leave fandom behind and quit fanfiction writing forever, for reason i'll elaborate on later. but today i got an email about this ask (along with your first one, which i accidentally deleted like a dumbass and i'm so sorry), and after reading it at least eighteen times while tearing up i had to log back in to answer it.
i have never received such detailed and utterly specific feedback for anything i've written. ever. not even for my non fandom related works. lately, i've been feeling really self conscious about what i've written as well, to the point where i can't reread anything cuz i hate it so much, so reading this restored a lot of that lost confidence i had.
the fact that you took the time to type all of this out and tell me about all the little details you noticed and loved... it means the world to me. i worry about all the things you mentioned: making sure the pacing is just right and not too slow or fast, maintaining the relationship dynamics, the laughter and speech patterns, creating a scene that could happen in canon, keeping characters in-character, etc. so to hear that i did all of that right is so reassuring.
i know i'm taking this more seriously than i probably should, cuz after all "ItS jUsT a TiCkLe FiC", but this is important to me! it's my one talent in life and blessed feedback like this is what makes me want to continue with it!
this fic in particular was extra challenging to write too. the two-role perspective is difficult to get right, so i wasn't sure i was gonna be able to do it. i was especially concerned that Tsukkiyama was believable. i'm SO happy that you enjoyed my take on him! i was really inspired after reading another fic with ler!suga and lee!yama so i wanted to include them too.
anyway, before this gets super long too: thank you, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing your kind comments. it makes me want to keep writing and to give up on giving up. people like you remind me why i love creating content.
9 notes · View notes
xiueryn · 5 years
4 & 76 :( i accidentally deleted the actual ask
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four: “coffee-shop au” seventy-six: “did they or didn’t they?”
“You are the best,” Marinette gushed, clutching the mug to her chest. “Seriously, I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate you.”
Adrien laughed. “Good morning to you.”
“Morning.” She grinned. “Has it been busy?”
“Not too bad,” he replied, going back to cleaning the side. “I was mostly reading weird shit on my phone while waiting for you.”
When she’d first applied for a job at her nearest coffee-shop, just to get a bit of income between classes, she’d been dreading the worst. And it had been, at times, but being paired with Adrien for her shifts was the best thing to happen.
They clicked well.
It also helped that he liked her enough to make her a drink for when she was set to arrive.
“I watched a film last night,” Marinette started, taking a sip of her drink, trying to see whether it was too warm. “I can’t really remember what it was called, but it was awful. It made me think of you.”
He gasped. “Are you calling me awful?”
“No, no,” she assured him, amused. “I mean, you always watch the bad ones, yeah? I could barely make it through it, but I wanted to give you the plot breakdown so you can pity me.”
And between customers, she did. Adrien laughed at her explanation, asked questions to show that he was actually interested, and Marinette might’ve been a bit too enthusiastic at times, almost knocking things over as she gestured with her hands, trying to make her world-building as precise as possible in their little space between the counter.
As much as a disaster they were together—with too much laughter and smiles, often getting caught up and forgetting to restock goods between customers—they did work well as a pair. Marinette was shy, barely spoke with her other co-workers, but Adrien had a way of making her feel comfortable.
“I see it’s you two again,” a customer mused.
Adrien flashed him a peace sign with his hand.
There was no denying that Adrien was the favourite employee there. While the others, Marinette included, were awkward with the customers, Adrien made conversation with them, even remembering little titbits that had come out from before, and it was very clear that their smiles when talking to him weren’t forced.
And, somehow, that had started to transfer to Marinette, too.
It helped that Adrien dragged her into conversation with him.
“Are you working tomorrow?” Adrien asked her.
She shook her head. “No, this is my last shift. I lucked out.”
“You really did,” he groaned, running a hand through his hair. “It’s going to be so busy and you won’t even be here!”
Marinette patted his shoulder. “There, there. I could always come in and buy a drink.”
“Yes, add to my workload,” he murmured, pushing her hand aside. “That’s clearly what I wanted.”
It wasn’t a secret that she was his favourite person to work with, and Marinette wasn’t shy about telling him the same in return.
They were close in age, attended the same university, but their paths had never crossed on campus. The only place she actually saw him was at work, when they were both wearing their itchy polo shirts, not actually in anything comfortable.
It was weeks of her building up courage that made her ask, “You could—if you want to, I mean—”
He blinked.
Marinette cleared her throat. “Could I get your number?”
“I—my number?” he stuttered out.
“Yeah,” she confirmed, fiddling with the strings of her apron. “It’ll be—you know, easier to know when we’re working? And if you’d want to chat about other things, or anything at all. I don’t know.”
“Absolutely!” he exclaimed. “That—yes. I’ve been wanting to ask you that for a while, actually.”
She beamed. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Adrien said. “I kept forgetting, that’s all.”
That day led to a lot of things. It turned out that Adrien liked to use a lot of emojis, that he sent random pictures with no context—includingweird photos of his cat—and was just as easy to talk to over text as he was in person.
Marinette started to look forward to when his name popped up on her phone.
That wasn’t a surprise to her friends, though. They’d known that her fondness for him had grown from all the time that she spent with him at work, so when she was found grinning down at her phone, the teasing that followed was probably well deserved.
Marinette wasn’t that embarrassed from being caught.
She wasn’t that good at keeping secrets.
And yet, Adrien didn’t seem to notice that she had a crush on him—or, if he did, he didn’t make it obvious that he knew.
She appreciated that.
Sometimes, when one of her friends came into the store, they liked to gesture to whoever she was working with, whispering loudly whether it was Adrien or not.
That was a bit embarrassing.
But if Adrien did overhear them, he brightly smiled and introduced himself, being more genuine when her friend said that they knew her.
“Still the troublesome duo, eh?” a customer remarked.
Marinette laughed. “Isn’t that a little mean?”
Truly, the difference between working with Adrien and another co-worker was astounding. There were times where she dreaded coming in after classes, already tired and not wanting to do anything, but to see him there cheered her up.
That was even before her crush had appeared.
But since then, it had increased even more.
“I watched that film, finally,” Adrien said when they had a spare few minutes together. “From ages ago? You were completely right about it.”
She beamed. “You liked it?”
“So bad it was good,” he confirmed with a laugh. “I wish I’d watched it sooner.”
“You should always believe me, then.”
“You’re right,” he mused. “I’ll trust anything that’ll come from you in the future.”
She responded, “That’s probably not a good idea.”
“Why, are you going to tell me crazy stories?” he asked. “You barely ever embellish them.”
Marinette questioned, “And how would you know that?”
“Because it’s really obvious when you lie,” he pointed out. “Your voice, like, changes a little bit when you do it?”
The fact that he’d picked up on that from only seeing each other at work made her chest feel warm. “You've—you’ve noticed that?”
“It took a while,” he said, looking to the side before cupping one side of his mouth with his hand. “But now I know you’re lying when you tell someone that’s your favourite drink.”
She tried to look affronted. “Maybe it was my favourite for that moment.”
“I’m sure,” Adrien responded, sounding entirely amused. “But it’s cute.”
“Oh?” Her voice came out more high-pitched than normal. “It is?”
“Well, yeah,” Adrien said, brushing his bangs away from his forehead. “You're—you’re always cute. Not just when you lie, I mean. That would be a bit weird.”
Her smile reached her eyes. “Yeah?”
“Absolutely,” he confirmed, not breaking eye contact. “You must know that, right?”
The throat that was cleared wasn’t from either of them; rather, it was a customer awkwardly standing at the till, holding a takeaway mug that they wanted to be filled up.
Marinette’s cheeks felt hot when she realised they were a regular.
It was made even worse that the next time the regular came in, it wasn’t when Adrien was by her side.
And yet, they asked her, “Are you two dating now?”
Marinette was too embarrassed to give a straight answer.
And it turned out that they weren’t the only one to question that.
“I got asked if we were dating yesterday,” Adrien announced out of nowhere, right when they were both putting away clean glasses. “I might’ve panicked and said yes.”
She squawked, “Adrien!”
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, but it didn’t sound sincere at all. “I just—I wasn’t expecting it, you know? And it’s not like it really matters to them in the first place.”
She couldn’t look him in the eyes. “I got asked the other day, too.”
“You did?” The best way to describe his tone was amused. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Marinette confirmed, busying herself with putting everything away, just so she wouldn’t have to look at him. “It—I was too surprised to give them a proper answer.”
He questioned, “It wasn’t that old dude that gets soy milk, was it?”
“No,” she said.
“Damn,” Adrien muttered. “That’s who it was for me. That makes it two people, then.”
That just made her wonder whether he really was that oblivious, if other people were asking about their relationship. It was a two-way thing, though—so, maybe, from other people’s perspective, she had a chance with him.
It wasn’t that she didn’t think so; she just didn’t want to risk their friendship, not when they hadn’t actually met up outside of work.
So, it was with kind of clammy hands that Marinette worked up the courage to ask, “Do you—do you want to go to the cinema? With me?”
“With you?” he echoed, looking at her in surprise.
She wetted her lips. “Yes.”
He ended up heating the milk for too long, but managed to stutter out, “I—yes.”
“Yes?” Marinette asked, just to make sure.
“Yeah, totally,” Adrien quickly said, wiping down the splatters of milk he’d gotten onto the counter. “What do you have in mind? Unless you haven’t decided. I’m cool with anything.”
She hadn’t thought that far ahead. “No idea.”
He laughed. “So, just wanted to spend some time with me?”
“Well,” Marinette started, reaching up and tucking some stray hairs behind her ear. “We haven’t really spent time together out of here?”
“True,” he agreed. “I still never see you at university. Are you sure you actually go there?”
With an offedned noise, she assured him, “I do, I swear!”
He hummed. “Not sure I believe you.”
“Clearly, you’re avoiding me,” she shot back.
“I’d never,” he vowed. “You’re too cute for that.”
There it was again.
It wasn’t clear whether he was actually saying it to flirt with her, or if that was how he was with others. There was only two of them at most behind the counter, meaning she didn’t often get to see him interact with other co-workers, and she certainly hadn’t seen him with his friends.
Adrien was a bit of a mystery.
“I’m going to get a big head soon,” she joked. “You’re complimenting me far too much.”
“Or you’re not hearing them enough,” he replied without hesitation. “I’m going to tell you things until you stop being so bashful.”
With a grin, she asked, “Is that a threat?”
His smile reached his eyes. “It could be.”
The next time Marinette was asked if they were dating, Adrien’s reaction was to raise his middle finger up.
But instead of being offended, the customer threw his head back and laughed, clearly amused.
“Asshole,” Adrien muttered.
“But, dude,” the customer—clearly, Adrien’s friend—said, “I’m just trying to help out here.”
Adrien didn’t look thankful in the slightest. “You just want to embarrass me.”
“Me?” His friend placed a hand onto his chest. “I’d never.”
When his friend left, Adrien turned to her and said, “I’m sorry about him.”
She blinked. “But my friends come in all the time?”
The top of his ears were pink. “Yeah, but they don't—they don’t ask stuff like that.”
“They do ask about you, though,” Marinette reluctantly replied. “You have to have noticed that by now.”
“…Yes,” he slowly confirmed. “Why is that?”
She fiddled with her apron. “Because I talk about you a bit?”
It definitely came out sounding like a question.
But instead of being baffled by that, Adrien’s smile looked almost shy. “You do?”
“Well, yeah,” she admitted. “You are my favourite person here, after all.”
His dimples showed as he asked, “Only here?”
“I haven’t seen you outside of here yet,” she pointed out. “You can wait for that after—after our date.”
For a moment, she wondered whether she’d said the wrong thing.
“Oh,” Adrien breathed. “Oh. It is a date, then.”
Her face felt hot. “Did I—”
“I was hoping so, but I wasn’t sure,” he interrupted, rocking on his heels. “I—I didn’t want to assume and be an idiot, but, okay. This is great.”
For a lack of better response, she parroted back, “Great?”
“Really, really great,” Adrien confirmed.
All she could was grin widely.
Adrien smiled right back at her.
Then, a customer made their presence known.
The rest of the day was filled with stolen glances, enough smiles that her cheeks started to hurt after a while, and a giddy feeling that just wouldn’t go away.
He sent her far too many emojis after they parted ways.
pick two prompts from here and i’ll write a small(?) adrien/mari drabble for it      
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angelic-holland · 5 years
Too Late - Peter Parker x Ned Leeds
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Summary: The five times Ned almost says ‘I love you’ and the one time he does. 
Word Count: 4.7k words
Warnings: major character death, description of violence and injuries
A/N: I have not seen Far From Home, this is not a spoiler for Far From Home, this is my own fictional work. This is my first time writing for Peter and Ned so let me know what you think! 
Italics are Ned’s thoughts, bold italics are Peter’s thoughts, bold are text messages
Ned is humming the tune of his favorite song, sitting in Peter’s room as he builds the Death Star. He’s practically finished with it, he and Peter have been working on it for a little bit. He was waiting for Peter to get home from his Stark internship. If it was anyone else with the Stark internship Ned would’ve been jealous, he wanted to meet Tony Stark so bad, but it was Peter. And Peter was his best friend, he was genuinely happy for Peter when he told him about the internship. He didn’t even notice the sound of the window creaking open, it wasn’t until he saw a red and blue masked man crawling on Peter’s ceiling, that he realized he wasn’t alone. He froze, Spiderman? The masked man, Spiderman, pulls off his mask and Ned's jaw drops. Peter? 
Peter quietly uses his web shooter to close the door and he crouches down on the ground. He stands and turns, pausing as he sees Ned sitting on his bed. Ned doesn’t even realize he’s dropped the Death Star, completely ruining it, until Aunt May calls out “what was that?”
Peter turns, his voice raising an octave in pure panic, “Nothing, Nothing.”
Ned’s world seemed to be collapsing in on itself, Peter, his best friend, was Spiderman? The guy he’d be embarrassed to admit he’d seen hours of footage of on YouTube, was his best friend?
“You’re, THE Spiderman, from YouTube.”
“I’m not, I’m not,” Peter insists, pressing the small spider in the middle of his chest, his suit falling off his body. 
“You were on the ceiling,” Ned says, a shaky finger pointing to the ceiling. 
“No I wasn’t!” Peter starts, why the fuck was he trying to deny something Ned saw with his own two eyes? 
“Ned what’re you doing in my room?” Peter’s voice is rising in volume, he’s not angry, no, he could never be angry at Ned, more worried. He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone that he was Spiderman, not even Aunt May knew, how would his nosy best friend with a little bit of a big mouth react? 
“May let me in! You said we were gonna finish the Death Star!”
“You can’t just bust into my room-,” Peter starts and the door opens, Aunt May walking in on Ned, still shocked, and Peter, in only his boxers. 
There was smoke coming from the kitchen and she was laughing, “that turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster, let’s go to dinner. Thai? Ned, you want Thai?”
Ned was too busy thinking about that one video he saw of Spiderman, of Peter, stopping a car from crashing into a woman, with his bare hands. Okay, they weren’t bare they had the gloves or whatever they were called from his Spiderman suit but still, how much force, how much power did he stop? Woah, his best friend was strong. 
Ned snaps back to reality, “Yes.”
“No, he’s got a thing,” Peter interrupts, glancing at him. 
“A thing to do after,” he says and he’s sure he’s got a huge stupid smile but he can’t stop thinking about how his best friend is Spiderman? How insane is that?
“Okay, maybe put on some clothes,” May says, smiling before closing the door.
Peter grabs a shirt and Ned points at the door, “she doesn’t know?!”
He felt like Aunt May knew everything, from when Peter didn’t do as well as he hoped on an assignment in school, even if he was lying, to when they snuck out to Coney Island instead of going to band practice. 
“Nobody knows,” Peter talks in a hurried whisper, “well Mr. Stark knows because he made my suit but that’s it!” He rushes to pull the sweater over his head.
Tony Stark? 
“Tony Stark made you that?” Ned says in awe, pointing at the suit crumpled up on the floor.
“Are you an avenger?” He gasps.
“Yeah basically,” Peter says, stretching the truth a little.
“Woah-,” Ned starts and Peter rushes over to him.
“You can’t tell anyone about this, you gotta keep it a secret.”
“Secret? Why?” Ned wonders, everyone knew that Tony Stark was Iron Man, that Steve Rogers was Captain America, what harm would it be if people knew Peter was Spiderman?
“Because you know how she’s like! If she finds out people try and kill me every single night she’s not gonna let me do this anymore,” Peter rushes out, practically in one breath, “come on Ned, please.”
And Ned could never say no to Peter, not when he asks to borrow his notes after a long night after the Stark Internship, which he now knew was spent fighting bad guys. But wait, did he just say people try to kill him every night? Ned’s stomach dropped at the thought of Peter getting hurt, Peter in danger. He didn’t want to think of his friend like that.
“Okay, Okay, Okay, Okay, I’ll level with you,” Ned starts, where was he going with this? “I don’t think I can keep this a secret, this is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, Peter,” he says in the same rushed tone as Peter. Logically he knew that May would flip out, or at least be worried about Peter, exponentially more than she already does. But come on, Peter knew he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and now he finds out his best friend is the superhero he watches on YouTube? The superhero that, he would never admit out loud, he always wondered what he looked like under the red mask, was he cute? Did his personality match up with the badassery he shows off on the streets of Queens every night?
“Ned, May cannot know, I cannot do that to her right now. You know? I mean everything that’s happened to her? I- please,” his voice cracks a little and Ned freezes. 
“Okay,” Ned wouldn’t hurt Peter, he couldn’t, and accidentally telling someone, revealing this secret that Peter didn’t tell him but was thrust upon him, was a huge violation of his trust. 
“Just swear it to me,” Peter’s brown eyes stare into Ned’s, looking for something, anything that will show him that Ned wouldn’t tell everyone the second they part. 
There’s something in Ned’s eyes, Ned isn’t quite sure what it is himself and he knows Peter won’t know. 
Was it a budding admiration? Not for Spiderman, sure, Spiderman was exciting and saved people and Ned could talk about him for ages but for Peter. His best friend, someone who could tell the world he’s Spiderman, who could get the fame, the fans, everything that seemed to come with being a superhero, but who didn’t. Why? Because Peter didn’t want to add any more stress into Aunt May’s plate. 
“Okay, I swear,” Ned says, and Peter turns, running his hands through his hair, something he always did when he was nervous, which resulted in his hair always looking funny. Fixing it and ruffling it back to normal may or may not have been Ned’s favorite thing.
“I can’t believe this is happening.”
“Can I try the suit on?” What are you saying Ned? 
“How does it work? Is it magnets? How does it shoot the strings?”
“I’m gonna tell you about this at school tomorrow,” Peter says, gently grabbing Ned’s shoulder and leading him out of his room. 
“Great,” Ned says as Peter opens the doors, “Wait, how do you do this and the Stark internship?”
For someone as bright as Ned, he could be a little dumb sometimes, especially when he finds out his best friend is a freaking superhero. 
Peter frowns, eyebrows furrowed at Ned, really? “This is the Stark internship.”
“Oohhh,” Ned says as it clicks in his brain. 
“Just get outta here dude,” Peter says as he pushes Ned out his bedroom door and shuts it behind him. 
“Thanks Aunt May, for the offer for dinner, super important stuff back at home,” Ned managed to get out as he all but runs out of the apartment. The entire walk back he was texting Peter questions.
You fought with them in Germany? The avengers?
How do you stay awake in school if you’re out all night fighting bad guys?
Should I bring you coffee tomorrow?
And the most meaningful text, the text that meant so much more than what it said, sat in his drafts. throughout the night as Ned laid awake, watching Spiderman videos, but now picturing Peter doing all those things. 
Just because you’re Spiderman doesn’t mean I will treat you differently. 
Nope, delete that Ned, that’s not true. 
He watches as Spiderman, Peter, had helped an older woman across the street in one video. Peter would do that. Everything Spiderman did was something Peter would do. Because Peter is selfless, standing up for people who have nobody to stand up for them. Like if Flash or someone is being an asshole to Ned, the normally quiet and shy Peter will tell them to screw off because Ned is too scared to say anything. 
Peter Parker and Spiderman are one
No, that’s stupid, Peter is well aware of this.
You’ll always be Peter Parker to me.
And he didn’t send it, just let it sit there on his phone while his finger hovered over the blue arrow. 
He fell asleep with his phone in his hand, sprawled out on the bed. He never meant to press send, he still thought those words were silly, of course Peter was still Peter. What was Ned trying to say? 
So when he woke up with a few text messages from Peter he thought nothing of it until he scrolled up and saw his message. 
Shit. Did he really accidentally press send in his sleep?
Peter: and you’ll always be Ned Leeds to me. 
Ned was scared, and he had every right to be. The Chituari core in his pocket detonated, the elevator’s ceiling looked like it would either drop on them, or drop them however many feet to the bottom of the monument. 
“We’re very safe in here,” The security guard says. 
Ned knows better. He might not really know what this glowing purple thing can do, but he knows it’s basically a bomb. 
He takes a few breaths, attempting to steady himself in reality. 
Where’s Peter? Peter can save us. 
The top of the elevator flips open and they start helping everyone out. 
The elevator is creaking and swaying and making horrible noises. 
Flash goes next, with the trophy. The elevator creaks and moves a little harder as he’s hoisted up. 
As Flash gets to safety the whole elevator drops, Ned is terrified, screaming as he clings to the sides. 
Please don’t let me die please don’t let me die. 
He’s lost all hope until he hears a familiar thwp, and the elevator isn’t falling anymore.  
He looks up and sees Spiderman, Peter, falling as the elevator drops again. 
Ned is sure he looks like an idiot with his jaw dropped open like this as Spiderman, Peter, webs to something above them and is upside down on the ceiling, holding the elevator in place. 
He looks to Ned first, and Ned feels the most relief he’s felt since he passed a calculus exam he thought he failed.
Peter pauses but looks at Mr. Harrington and then at Liz.
And then he breaks out this horrible accent that in other situations would’ve made Ned laugh but today he was just in awe of his friend. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Ned shouts and he doesn’t even realize he’s moving until Peter shouts back.
“Hey hey hey, big guy quit moving around!”
“Sorry sir, so sorry!” Ned freezes. 
Peter slowly tugs at his web and brings the elevator up more and more until they are level with a floor and can get out. 
Peter is hoping, praying that Ned gets out first, he’s not sure how much longer his webbing and stance will last and he can’t even think about his best friend getting hurt.
Ned rushes out of the elevator and watches as Mr. Harrington gets out, then Liz starts to. 
The elevator decides to break even more, Liz falling before Peter saves her, grabbing her with his web and helping her back up to the floor. 
As Peter hangs upside down, his eyes move across the students, pausing quickly on Ned before looking back at Liz. 
“Everyone good? All right,” he says in that accent. And then he’s falling. Ned’s heart almost falls out of his chest before he hears Peter shout “I’m good!” From down below.
That night in their hotel room Ned is lying there in his pajamas thinking about what would’ve happened if Peter wasn’t there to save them, to save him. He didn’t want to think about it. Because he knew Peter would always be there to save him. And he wanted to thank Peter, for saving him, for saving the rest of the decathlon team. But ‘thank you’ wasn’t enough. He couldn’t say thank you to the person who risked his own life to save theirs. He looks over and sees Peters chest slowly rising and falling, his eyes closed. 
“Peter?” Ned whispers, loud enough for him to hear and respond if he was awake. Ned sort of hoped he wasn’t. 
There was no answer. He’s asleep. Good.
“I-, l,” No Ned, this isn’t the time. Your adrenaline is too high, you’re not in the right headspace. Don’t say it.
“You’re my hero.”
Peter was exhausted, the second they got back he showered and was lying on his bed, thinking about the events from the day. 
He had closed his eyes and was trying to sleep. His mind wouldn’t stop racing back to the elevator. To Ned’s terrified screams. But Ned was right here, he was safe, and he was okay, he was going to be okay. 
“Peter?” Ned asks and Peter doesn’t respond, hoping Ned will let him sleep. His thoughts and emotions are too much right now to talk, and everything hurt. His body, his mind, everything.
“I-, I-,” Ned starts. 
What was he going to say? Peter’s mind was screaming, tell me, tell me Ned.
Three words, come on, three words were all he was waiting for. 
“You’re my hero.”
Peter figures those three words were enough for now.
Peter had given up all hope that Ned felt anything towards him, even after finding out he was Spiderman, Ned didn’t suddenly confess any feelings towards Peter. 
So Peter asked Liz to homecoming, because Ned doesn’t like boys, and they’re best friends. He didn’t want to share what he feels, how he’s felt for years, if it would end in an awkward ‘oh that’s nice but I don’t think about you like that, I don’t think about boys like that.’ So Peter pushed down any pining for Ned and was determined to have a good time at Homecoming with Liz. That didn’t end up happening. 
That night, after he fought Liz’s dad after he left him for the police, he didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t go home, to Aunt May, he wasn’t sure how Tony would react. So he made his way to Ned’s place, climbing up the side of the building in the darkness, ignoring the pain shooting through every part of his body. The window to his bedroom was open slightly and the light was on, so he crawled in, collapsing on the floor once he did so.
“Peter, oh my god are you okay?” Ned says, rushing up from his bed. 
“Fine, Ned, totally fine,” Peter says, breath coming out in quick pants. 
“No you’re not, here, lay down on my bed, are you okay?”
“Sure,” Peter laughs, before hissing in pain. Even laughing hurt. 
“Here, let me help you,” Ned says, guiding Peter to lay on his bed. 
“How can I, what do you need?”
You, Ned, I need you. But those were words Peter would never say.
“Just need to sleep,” Peter says.
“Peter are you sure? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
“No, I’ll heal soon enough, advanced healing and stuff, just need to sleep.”
“Okay, here, you gotta get outta these,” Ned says, grabbing his Midtown sweatshirt, it was too big for Peter, but it would do for now. 
Peter groans and sits up, pulling off the basically pajamas that were torn and covered in dirt. 
Ned turns around as Peter changes. 
“I’ll, uh, I’ll sleep on the couch, but if you need me, just shout my name okay?” Ned says as Peter tosses his torn suit on the ground.
“Stay?” Peter’s voice was low, he looked so small and broken, his body covered in bruises. 
Ned gasped and it took everything in his being not to cry. He hated seeing Peter like this knowing there wasn’t anything he could do to help.
“I’m fine,” Peter said, seeing the worry in Ned’s eyes. 
“Okay, yeah,” Ned says and he sits down on the floor next to his bed.
“No, stay,” Peter insists, moving to make room for Ned on the bed.
“Just don’t, don’t scare me like that again, okay?” Ned says as he climbs under his covers. 
“I won’t, promise,” Peter says as his eyes grow tired.
“I-, I-,” Ned says, feeling the warmth radiating off of Peter’s body.
“What?” Peter whispers.
Say it Ned, you can say it, I know you can. Everything in Ned’s mind is screaming, tell him, tell him how you feel because every time you don’t there’s a chance you won’t be able to. And the thought that Peter could die before Ned says anything was enough to bring tears to Ned’s eyes. 
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
God damn it. 
Ned was scared, probably more scared than the night Peter came back to his room injured after homecoming. He saw the footage of Spiderman, Peter, getting beamed up into space, he ran, and Ned doesn’t run, he ran to Peter’s apartment, Aunt May was on the couch, staring at the TV. 
“Ned, Peter, he’s, he’s out there. I keep calling him, he doesn’t have his phone but I keep calling him,” May laughs weakly, tears falling down her face as Ned sits next to her.
“I’m scared,” Ned says, watching the footage of the aliens invading New York from earlier.
“We’re going to be okay, Pete’s going to be okay,” Aunt May says. Ned loses count how many times she says this throughout the next few hours. 
It all happens very fast, Ned doesn’t know what’s happening, why is Aunt May turning to dust? Is that dust? What’s happening?
“Peter?” Ned asks, why he asked for someone who wasn’t there? He couldn’t tell you.
Maybe he was scared that the world was ending and Peter wasn’t there with him. To save him, to just sit and watch the world end with him, if that was inevitable. He just knew that he was probably dying and Peter wasn’t there by his side.
The snap was reversed, Peter lost his mentor and it was the worst day in his entire life. He fought and fought and he thought they had won, they defeated Thanos. But at what cost? 
Apparently, losing the world’s best defender.
He spent the next few weeks at Tony and Pepper’s lakehouse, crying himself to sleep every night. Sometimes he’d have nightmares, about Ned being snapped away, about Tony dying in front of him. 
Sometimes he’d wake up screaming or crying and Aunt May or Morgan would come running in, Aunt May would wake him up with a tap on the shoulder, telling him that everything would be alright. Then he’d call Ned and talk to him, not about the snap, not about the battle, but about random things until he fell asleep. 
Usually it was about Star Wars. Peter would always fall asleep to the sound of Ned’s voice, wishing he was beside him.
Once Aunt May and him felt he was okay, after the funeral, after he was able to say goodbye to Tony, he planned on going back to school. 
He could practically see Ned’s excitement through the phone when he told him. And it made him smile, smile through the dull pain of losing Tony, smile through the pain of having to go back to school and live his life. 
Ned always made Peter smile.
He was looking through his folded clothes on his bed, it was stupid, he thought, contemplating what to wear. Who would care? He sighs, feeling tears well in his eyes, turning and seeing a blue midtown sweatshirt, not his own, Ned’s from ages ago.
He tugged it on and sighed. It still smelled like Ned, a comforting smell, reminding him of home. 
So when he saw Ned in the middle of the crowd of students rushing through to get to homeroom, his feet stopped dragging and he walked with purpose, the first time in weeks. 
Ned watches as Peter walks towards him, Ned has no idea what to say, Peter’s back, Peter is safe and he isn’t just a voice on the phone. 
His arm moves like it’s got a mind of its own, Peter’s arm moving as well, they start doing their handshake, Peter pauses and pulls Ned into a hug. He sighs, if they could stay like this forever, maybe Ned could take all of the hurt and pain out of Peter’s mind, he could focus on the feeling of Ned’s arms wrapped around him, of Ned’s breath against his neck as they hold each other tight. In this moment they were the only people in the whole world.
Say it Ned, please. It’s what Peter needs, he needs to hear Ned say he loves him, that he also felt like his entire world was gone these past few weeks, that he wanted nothing more than to go on dates or cuddle or whatever young teens did when they were- 
Peter couldn’t even finish his thought, the pain of thinking Ned would never say it too much.
“I missed you.”
Three words. Not the ones he wanted to hear, again, but they were enough for now. The weight of the words, the implication of them was enough. 
Peter came to his apartment one night after patrol, a few months after he went back to school, he was itching to get back out there, to protect the neighborhood. The bad guy, someone jacking cars across the neighborhood had gotten the upper hand on Peter before he was able to apprehend him. As a result, he had a busted lip and bruises littering his chest. He didn’t want May to see him like this so he called and told her he was spending the night at Ned’s, nothing unusual, Pete and Ned have been having sleepovers for as long as the two of them could remember. 
Aunt May continues to worry about Peter after the snap after he lost Mr. Stark, she worries that he’ll get hurt, even after all he’s been through, he’s been to space and fought the universe’s worst villain, but fighting bank robbers in Queens still drove her crazy. 
When Pete arrived he pushed Ned’s window open the rest of the way, he typically left it unlocked and slightly open which worried Peter because Ned there are bad guys and I don’t want you getting hurt. Ned just laughed and told him that Spiderman would protect him.  
Spiderman, Peter would protect him. 
“Pete, oh my god are you alright?” Ned asks, scrabbling to stand up. A lego set was lying on the ground, Darth Vadar’s castle, now long forgotten.
“I’m, I’m fine,” Peter smiles, blood trickling down his chin.
“Here, sit down, lemme get the first aid kit,” Ned insists, and Peter all but collapses on Ned’s bed, his spidersuit loose on his body, mask next to him. 
Ned rushes to his closet, pulling out the rather large first aid kit he bought when he first found out Peter was Spiderman.
“I can heal faster than most people, I don’t really need first aid.”
“Just in case, you know, it’s never a bad idea to have it on hand.”
And Peter agreed, partially because he knew it would make Ned feel better, partially because Ned was right, you never know.
He pulls out a few antiseptic wipes to clean the blood from Pete’s chin, who winces and bats his hand away.
“Stay still,” Ned insists, and Peter grumbles but drops his hands in defeat. 
Ned continues to clean the blood off of Peter, being careful as he wiped it from his bottom lip.
“I don’t think you’ll need stitches,” Ned sighs, relieved. Anytime Peter was on patrol Ned stayed up, he built and rebuilt legos to distract himself, sometimes the fear that Pete would get hurt was too much, and he’d cry, but he’d never tell Pete that. Because Peter was strong, he was Spiderman for crying out loud, he’d think Ned was lame if he was crying over the mere idea of him getting hurt. 
“Can I stay here tonight?” Peter asks, voice a whisper, he doesn’t look at Ned’s eyes as Ned throws out the antiseptic wipes and sits down next to him. 
“Of course,” Ned says, “you’re always welcome here.”
Peter knows that, he just hates feeling like a burden, ever since Ned found out he’s Spiderman, anytime Pete got hurt Ned would rush to help him, and Peter was grateful, he’d forever be grateful that his best friend was there to pick up his broken parts, but he wishes he didn’t have to. 
“You mean too much to me to get hurt like this,” Ned whispers as he sits down next to Peter. He really wanted to say I love you too much to see you hurt like this. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, you’re just our friendly neighborhood Spiderman.”
“Okay,” Peter laughs, curling up at Ned’s side, “thank you Ned, for being here for me.” 
Peter didn’t want to say that, sure he meant it but he wanted to say something else so much more. He just wishes he had the same courage he had fighting bad guys to admit he loves his best friend. 
“Ned! Ned, Ned, Ned,” Peter shouts as he swings his way to his friend. 
“Pete,” Ned gasps our, something was crushing him, he thinks it’s part of a building. But he doesn’t feel any pain. He doesn’t feel anything actually. 
Peter flips over some wreckage and crouches down to Ned. 
“Hold on, I’m going to get you out, just, just wait, take a deep breath for me okay?” Peter says, hands gripping the support beam crushing Ned’s legs.
“It’s okay,” Ned whispers, he’s lying to himself, but mostly to Peter. 
“No, no it’s not, need to get you to a hospital, you’ve probably lost a lot of blood,” Peter says before pushing the support beam off of Ned. 
“I’m fine,” Ned says, a few tears slipping past his eyes. This isn’t how Spiderman, Peter, was supposed to save him. It was supposed to be something close to harmless, like in a stupid 1950s romance film, the hero would sweep the love interest off their feet after saving them from a car accident. Ned wasn’t supposed to not feel his body, gasping for air, every breath he takes scared it would be his last. 
“Ned,” Peter whispers, as he throws the support beam to the side. His hands shaking as they attempt to pick him up.
“Stop, Peter, it’s okay, you’re here, you’re here,” Ned repeats, his brain was foggy, but at least he could focus on Peter. He was crying, or maybe Ned himself was crying, or they both were. Ned wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure of much anymore, practically nothing but three words.
“Ned,” Peter whispers, hand resting on his arm.
“I love you,” Ned says as he feels himself slowly slip out of consciousness. He’s not sure if it’s consciousness he’s slipping out of, or if he’s dying. And he’s holding on, holding on for dear life because oh god Pete please just say it back. 
“I love you too Ned.”
He’s gone, Peter knows this, it doesn’t stop him from doing CPR for what seemed like hours, before collapsing over Ned’s lifeless body, sobbing until he can’t cry anymore, now just shaking.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Peter whispers.
“Peter, he’s gone,” he hears Nick Fury say from behind him. He doesn’t answer. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you Ned, I’m sorry I couldn’t be your hero.”
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Okay, so I went to see a screening of the first episode of Good Omens last night and Neil Gaiman was there to answer some questions, and it was. Very amazing to be there.
Unfortunately the interviewer wasn’t great, but there were still fantastic moments and lots of details I hadn’t heard before, so I’ve put the highlights of the conversation with Gaiman under the cut. Major disclaimer here, though: I didn’t record any of the conversation and didn’t take notes during the panel. I wrote down all the interesting bits I could remember immediately after, but none of this is Gaiman’s own phrasing unless I specify otherwise, and its entirely possible that I’ve accidentally fudged some of the details.
There’s here that I’d consider a spoiler, but in case anyone is being particularly careful I’ve separated anything that could be seen as sort of vaguely spoiler-y.
Anyhow, here goes:
Okay, my absolute favorite story that I hadn’t heard before was when Gaiman was talking about the audition process. Apparently when they started searching, all the audition tapes were horribly, horribly, horribly (I clearly remember his triple emphasis here) wrong, but he couldn’t pinpoint why. And then ... Nina Sosanya auditioned for the part of Mary Loquacious. Now, apparently Good Omens has been her absolute favorite book since she was quite young, and she rereads it every year. And according to Gaimen, she just *got it* in a way no one else had. Apparently everyone else, knowing that they were auditioning for a role in a comedic show, was pitching themselves as comic actors. What Nina got, with her understanding of the book, was that the humor doesn’t come from the characters being funny in a making-jokes-and-pulling-faces sort of way. The comedy comes from the circumstances, from the storytelling (whether that’s narration or editing, camera angles, etc), and from characters being completely ridiculous with utter sincerity. Nina, he said, played the role straight and trusted that the comedy would be constructed through and around that. And seeing her act made it click in his mind, to the point that he then told casting directors to look for applicants who played their roles like Nina played hers. So basically what I’m saying is that Nina Sosanya personally saved Good Omens with the power of good acting and being a fan. (I’m tagging @shaxpere​ just for this, because I feel like you’ll have the appropriate level of appreciation).
Continuing the theme of comic acting not being right for Good Omens, he mentioned that he and Terry were approached through the years by multiple comedic duos who tried to pitch themselves as Aziraphale and Crowley, and they always turned them down without a thought. 
I think he also said something about taking the characters seriously even as they and their circumstances are ridiculous, because they aren’t just trying to make the audience laugh, they want them to be invested in the characters. I may be getting things a bit mixed here; but he definitely said something along the lines of wanting the audience to be genuinely emotionally invested in these characters.
He then went on to say that instead of going the comedic duo route, they instead went and got the “premier Welsh actor” (that is one phrase I’m quite sure he used) of his generation and the “premier Scottish actor” of his generation.
From there he went into talking about Aziraphale and Crowley. Regarding  their on-screen chemistry, he said: “the chemistry wasn’t instant. During the read-through it was a little awkward at first; they were tripping over each other a bit. But after only about twenty minutes in they started to find their characters and how they exist in relation to each other, and it was like watching them learn to dance.” (Again, I’m very much paraphrasing, but he definitely used the learning to dance phrase).
Next he talked about going out for a meal with some big deal writer fellow (I *think* it was Richard Curtis, the script writer of Love Actually) and Richard asked: “okay, so David and Michael have never acted together, but now that you’ve worked with them you can tell me: which one is actually the better actor?” And gosh of everything that was said that night I wish I could have an exact recording of Gaiman’s answer to that question, because it’s not exactly new, but I’ve heard it more from Tennant and Sheen than Gaiman directly, and the way he said it just made me very happy. But the gist of it was that he genuinely cannot answer that, because when it comes to this show you can’t separate them enough to pit them against one another. He compared them to a film or tv duo, I’ve forgotten who, but one of those pairs that are just impossible to think of apart from one another; it’s never just ‘x’ or just ‘y’, it’s always ‘x and y’. That’s what Tennant and Sheen are as Aziraphale and Crowley, he said. He said they make each other better when they’re acting together, and that, essentially, it’s less like they’re not doing two individual acting jobs but rather are creating a single thing together.
He talked a little more specifically about Sheen’s process of finding his character, and said that for Sheen his breakthrough with Aziraphale was approaching it from the perspective of Aziraphale being an angel and therefore a being of love. Sheen has said that before, but its worth adding than Gaimen then went on to say: “He loves Crowley, he loves books, he loves food, he loves wine, he just loves things”—and I may have misremembered that list a bit, but Crowley was %100 the first thing on it.
Oh, and fun fact: I’ve heard several people talk about how they love the radio adaptation of Good Omens but really feel that it’s missing something without the narrator. Turns out you’re not the only ones: apparently it was listening to the radio drama that convinced Gaiman that there had to be a the narrator in the show.
I imagine he’s said this before, but I haven’t heard it: apparently Good Omens was born in part from Gaimen reading some of Douglas Adams’s work, thinking, “I could write that sort of humor,” and then sitting down and writing that first portion of Good Omens that he sent to Terry Pratchett. 
Speaking of Pratchett he mentioned how he really made this show for him several times, and that’s not new I just :,)
He talked about two deleted scenes I hadn’t heard about! They were initially supposed to be the scenes introducing Aziraphale and Crowley. I sort of missed the context of Crowley’s scene, but I think it was him messing with the phone lines? Which he apparently did by, um, recruiting a bunch of rats. Which implies that, a). He can talk with rats? Like there’s a bit of a conversation in the scene that they seem to understand. And b). he can either control rats or has some sort of business arrangement with them. Personally I lean towards the latter. So yeah. I don’t have any particular thoughts about this but it does raise Questions.
Aziraphales’s scene was him on the phone doing something book related (I believe he was negotiating a deal/trying to find a rare book, possibly Agnes Nutter’s prophecies) while doing helpful little miracles like keeping a pram from tipping over or something. Ultimately I don’t really miss either of those scenes, especially since the Crowley one had a bit of dialogue I’m happy to be without, but the Aziraphale scene in particular sounds solid, especially if he’s being snippy on the phone while absently doing pleasant little miracles.
The panel began with the interviewer saying something about how closely the first episode sticks to the book (that’s it that’s the whole spoiler; like I said these aren’t really spoilers) to which Gaiman said something like, “Well, I guess that’s what happens when the author writes the show and is also the showrunner who decides whether to approve the script.”
The first few minutes of the show are a tribute to Douglas Adams, and specifically to the film or tv adaptation (I forget which) of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I’m not going to explain what Gaiman meant by that because a). you can piece it together when you watch, and b). I’ve never seen either adaptation so I’m not actually sure what he meant.
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thenightling · 5 years
The several times protagonists have secretly kept slaves
Please note:  This is not a “Call out” post.  It is not meant to shame anyone or tell anyone that their favorite characters are problematic.  Many of these characters come from cultures that are slave based (Ancient Greece / Ancient Nordic / Medical Fantasy) and realistically many of these characters simply would not know any better, in regard to what they do, even though, yes, there were people even in those eras and cultures that were anti-slavery.  
This post is partly to remind us that even otherwise good characters can be seriously flawed and also show how often film and TV writers have written slave portrayals while making careful effort to not call it slavery...
Now on with the list...
1.     Faeries:
Sorry to spoil your view of sparkling pretty pixies but faeries (in folklore) are usually a slave culture.  In most folklore faeries will lure away humans (often children) and promise them immortality as one of them, at the price of their freedom.  Fae have a caste system and usually these humans turned into fae are kept as slaves.
A.   Mab currently owns Harry Dresden in The Dresden Files novels.
B.  In Lost Girl, the character of Lauren was literally owned by the Light Fae, and made to wear a pendant that showed her status as a slave of the Light Faeries.
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C.   In the original folklore Puck was actually Oberon’s slave and this is how he is usually portrayed in pop culture.  In some lore he is the bastard son of Oberon and a human woman and Oberon decided to keep him as his slave.  
D.  in Disney’s Gargoyles Puck IS portrayed as Oberon’s slave.  The word “servant” is a favorite stand in for slave in Disney properties but it’s very clear he is a slave.  He wears manacle bracer cuffs similar to the Genie’s in Aladdin, which were the physical representation of the Genie’s enslavement.  
And Oberon literally says (in the Gargoyles episode called The Gathering) “My queen comes and goes as she pleases.   Puck is another matter.  He forgets that he is MINE to command.”  
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E.   In the original Midsummer Night’s Dream play by William Shakespeare, Titania and Oberon are arguing over who gets a certain boy and what they intend to do with him.
F.   In Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, Titania seduces Shakepseare’s son into eating faery fruit and later takes him as her slave.  
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G.  Also in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, Titania gives Nuala (a faery woman) to Morpheus to use as a slave.  Morpheus is very reluctant to accept this gift as he does not condone slavery.  
F.  Rumplestiltskin has no qualms about slavery in the TV show Once Upon a Time.  Granted The Enchanted Forest does appear to be a slave culture and Rumplestiltskin is a kind of imp.   So there may be some faery-like instincts even though he dislikes faeries.
G.  The Black Faery in Once Upon a Time keeps child slaves for the duration of their lives.     
H.   The poem The Stolen Child by William Butler Yeats is about a child being enticed away to be a faery.  The fae honestly think it is better to serve as a faery slave for all eternity than to be human.
I. The Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti depicts goblins trying to entice human girls with their enchanted fruit, which ensnare you to them.
J.   In the movie Maleficent, the shapeshifter (formerly just raven) named Diaval promises to be Maleficent’s servant in return for her having saved his life.   Disney has a habit of using the word “Servant” in place of slave, as we established with Puck.  Welcome to another “servant” of Disney lore where the word “servant” is being used in place of another s word.  Much like Puck in Disney’s Gargoyles this “servant” isn’t paid and is seen, by all the characters, as being owned by Maleficent.  Granted, Diaval’s enslavement does seem to be willing.  
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He also seems to be in love with Maleficent so this could delve into a whole different kind of enslavement besides the “unpaid servant” version.  
2.    The slavery in Once Upon a Time:
The Disney Fairy Tale / Soap Opera (It was a prime time drama but that WAS a soap opera.  Don’t be offended by the term.  It was a decent one) aired on ABC from 2011 until 2018.     
A.  There is one off-handed scene where a castle guard mistakes Hook (who is in disguise) as a common slave.  This makes it clear that The Enchanted Forest (at last in Regina’s castle is a slave culture.   
B.  When Rumplestiltskin agrees to help Belle’s father deal with the war in episode 12 of season 1 (Skin Deep), it’s in exchange for his daughter.  Rumple considers her his property. The word “servant” is used repeatedly but this is very blatantly a slave situation until he releases her.    The only argument against calling it a slave culture is that she volunteered for it and her father was paid in the aid in the war.  But that can arguably be semi-willing enslavement and that her father was paid for her.  She was purchased.  Note: He does ultimately release her though.  And he falls in love with her.
Note: Rumplestiltskin, himself, is a slave to whomever possesses the magical dagger that gave him his powers. 
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C.   Regina kept Graham (the sheriff of season 1 of Once Upon a Time) as her slave.  Regina genuinely held his heart and could kill him at her whim if he didn’t obey her.  And she did ultimately kill him. The writers downplayed this heavily later when they wanted the audience to see Regina as reformed and heroic.
D.  During the Once Upon a Time musical episode in season 6, Snow White and Charming agree to pay Hook for transportation to Regina’s castle (which they never needed before...)  That payment?  They would give him Rumplestiltskin, whom they held prisoner at the time. 
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 Not only is this enslavement, it’s amplified to far, far worse since they were standing right there while Hook was literally singing about planning to skin him alive.  They were giving away someone at their mercy, for transportation they don’t need, knowing perfectly well that he would be killed slowly and painfully.  And they didn’t even falter for a second or think twice about their own plan or have a moment of conscience.  (God, I hate those later seasons...)
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E.   The Black Faery keeps child slaves that she raises into enslavement.  Granted she was a villain so this is kind of predictable.  
3.  Aquaman:
A.  Aquaman is an interesting one.  Thanks to Crisis of Infinite Earths in the mid-1980s this was reconned but there was a storyline in the Aquaman comics where a coup rose up against Aquaman and wanted to instigate a war with another underwater kingdom.  Aquaman thwarted this coup and then... gave all the men involved (and there were a lot!) to the kingdom they almost went to war with, to use at their leisure as slaves...
B.   Atlantis’s culture is based on Ancient Greece with some medieval attributes.  It’s glossed over but this entails slavery.
C.   In DC Universe online, the MMORPG, when you play out “Story mode” there is a mission where The Atlantians are trying to enslave humans in the Suicide Slum in Metropolis. It is true that this is the direct result of Circe manipulating Arthur (Aquaman) but he already had slavers and magical equipment specifically for transforming humans into water breathing merpeople so that they cannot escape their underwater captivity.   
Just imagine the awkward conversations in The Watchtower when the other DC heroes like Wonder Woman and Superman confront him on having an elaborate and obviously long-ready plan for enslaving humans. 
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 Note: Another gloomy fact, you never can rescue everyone who gets enslaved and there are simply too many NPCs scattered around the slum.   So you know at least some got taken.
Wonder Woman’s own culture is based on Ancient Greece but as far as I can tell Themyscira does not have slavery whereas Atlantis does.
4.  Thor:
Let’s be blunt.  Vikings were a slave culture.  Asgard in Marvel comics and in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) seems to have evolved to medieval Europe but it is still a culture of slavery.
1.  According to Marvel comics lore, all the myths are true. There is myth where (after one of the children is tricked into accidentally laming one of Thor’s goats) two farm children are taken as Thor’s “servants” (slaves).  They are made immortal servants of the Aesir (Asgardians) but they’re still slaves.   
2.   In the comics it’s much more blunt that there are slaves in Asgard.
3. There is a deleted scene in Thor (the first movie) where Loki messes with a castle “servant.”  Note: Norse Viking culture almost never had actual paid servants.  Even the Skalds (storytellers) were slaves.)
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(Image of a viking Skald AKA a Storyteller.   
4.   In Thor: Tales of Asgard, the character of Algrim (A Drow AKA a Dark Elf), was the tutor of young Thor and Loki.  He is a ‘servant” of Odin and deeply resents his status of unwilling / unpaid “servant” as the Asgardians spin the situation that he was essentially shown mercy and given shelter and position within Asgard (be it an inescapable one.)   This is probably one of the first instances of Marvel dancing around the word slave, which gets poked fun at in Thor: Ragnarok.   
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5.  Loki (who is the protagonist of this particular story) sleeps with a concubine slave in Marvel Knights: Blood Brothers.
5.  The Vampire Marius:
Anne Rice’s writing is no stranger to slavery.   
A.  Armand was purchased by Marius by slavers in the late middle ages / early renaissance period and though he served as apprentice he was owned by Marius, whom he casually referred to as his master.
B. Later, in Interview with the vampire, Armand kept a slave boy of his own, whom slept in a literal gilded cage, and was often used as a snack by the theatre vampires.   It’s believed the boy eventually died. 
5.   Aladdin:
This one is pretty obvious.  Anyone who owns the magick lamp has the genie as their slave.  This one is actually addressed, more or less, in story.  But the only character who actually uses the word “slave” to describe the situation is the villain Jafar.  Well, at least he’s honest...
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6.   Stardust:
In the novel Stardust (and film adaptation) the protagonist, Tristran (Tristan) attempts to capture the anthropomorphisized star to give to the woman he is infatuated with, as a giftl.  
Even after he learned the star was a sentient human-like being he still wanted to deliver her as a gift.   Fortunately things ultimately turned out very different.  
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Tristan’s own mother had been enslaved by a witch.  
7.  Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.
A. Though Morpheus is firmly against slavery he has many subjects who identify as his servants and I do not think there is a method of payment in The Dreaming.  And it’s not as if they can quit.
B.   Titania takes Shakespeare’s son to be her personal slave.
C.  Puck was Oberon’s slave and he escapes from his master during a performance of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream during an issue of Sandman. 
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D.   During the storyline, Sandman: Season of Mists, Titania gives Nuala (a faery woman) to Morpheus as a gift.  Morpheus is against slavery and Titania knows it.  The implication is she hopes he will not accept the gift as an excuse for the faeries to see this as a slight against them, as an excuse for retaliation - as at the time various supernatural beings wanted the key to Hell, which Morpheus had just obtained.
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Morpheus refused to give Nuala any commands and simply allowed her to stay in the castle.   Later when the faeries came to reclaim her in Sandman: The Kindly Ones, Morpheus enchanted her necklace so that she could call to him for a boon of any kind as payment for her service to him, as a means to make the situation not enslavement.
 8.   Dracula:
This should be a no brainer but since there are some stories where Dracula is the protagonist people tend to forget Dracula has slaves.  Historically Vlad III of Wallachia did NOT like the idea of the Ottomans taking his own people as slaves but as a vampire he keeps the occasional personal slave, such as Renfield.
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Renfield is semi-willing even though he fears his master.  He was promised immortality in exchange for his eternal service as Dracula’s slaves and in some depictions such as Love at First Bite, this clearly is the case.
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