#genuinely think these guys are gonna kiss on screen. it's not gonna happen it's never gonna happen
agnesandhilda · 6 months
I don't think blue lock will commit to having any undeniably queer characters in the main text (no, not even the one you're thinking of right now) but at the same time I do believe that these guys are gonna think back to these obsessive intensely physical rivalries they used to have with each other as adults and think "okay. so that awoke something in me"
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suhkusa · 2 months
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PAIRING. Atsumu Miya x f!Reader
CW. plot, angst, did i say angst, betrayal
A/N. atsumu biting the curb in 4k
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Atsumu’s been nervous, yes. He’s also been scared. But nothing can describe the pure terror he felt in his heart when he opened up the link to gossip about you with a picture he took being the star of it.
He barely slept last night. He’s scared because things had just gotten good with you. He’s scared because how else did the media get a hold of this? He was never planning on releasing, nor does he ever remember sending it to anyone. So, why?
Atsumu is stuck where he is. He can’t move. One because you’re sleeping on him, and two because he doesn’t want to wake you up in fear of how you’ll react. He can hear your phone buzzing on the floor from when it fell.
He’s absolutely lost.
Atsumu decides it’s for the best to keep his mouth shut. To just be there for you. 
No one would ever have to know.
You wake up to Atsumu shaking you, “Y/N,”
You’re groggy as you open your eyes. You’re almost blinded when Atsumu shoves a phone in your face, a twitter post being left on the screen.
When you finally come to your senses and read it, you jump up.
“W-What?” you feel around your person, “Where’s my phone?” 
Atsumu is slow but he finally hands it to you. You’re frantic as you open your messages to almost 100 new notifications.
Coach Foster [7:45AM]: Stay indoors, there are paparazzi everywhere. Take care of yours…
Sissy [8:01AM]: are you okay? please call me back when you get a chance. me and mom are…
MSBY JACKALS (25 New) - Meian [8:04AM]: This is so weird, people have nothing else better….
Kiyoomi [8:07AM]: Are you okay? 
You don’t know who to answer, what to answer. This is bad, really bad. Your eyes begin to water when you look at Atsumu, dumbfounded.
“I-I don’t know what to do,” your hands are shaking, “Do I make a post or- or-”
His eyes look worried as he pulls you into a comforting hug, “It’ll be okay, alright?”
You nod into his shoulder, “Just listen to Coach for now and we’ll figure out how to settle this,”
You sigh in defeat as you shut your phone off. “This is so bad, a scandal right after you guys won, I-I’m so sorry,” you begin to cry.
“I shouldn’t have gotten so drunk, I should’ve been c-careful,” the palm of your hands dig into your eyes as you cry as if they were trying to plug the waterworks.
“It’s not your fault, there’s always journalists around trying to find their next hit story,” he comforts, hand on your back rubbing soothing circles in it.
“Just rest, I’m gonna make some breakfast,” he kisses you on the forehead before leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You snatch your phone up to look at your Instagram. There’s DMs, new followers, likes and comments. Out of nervousness, you temporarily deactivate your account. Closing out of the app. 
You’re about to click onto Twitter when a call begins to make your phone buzz. “Kiyoomi” labeled as the suspect.
“Kiyoomi?” you answered, “L-Look, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think-”
“Why are you apologizing?” he interrupts, “It’s not your fault, alright? But are you okay?”
His voice is filled with genuinity, it somewhat calms your nerves.
“No, I’m nervous, I’m scared. What if I lose my job? What if something happens to you, I don’t know how I’d deal with that,”
There’s a pause on his end before he continues, “You shouldn’t have to worry about any of that. Coach Foster knows what happened that night and wouldn’t lay it out on either of us. Gossip on social media is out of our control,”
You sniffle in response, allowing him to continue, “Just lay low for a little bit, we already have people working on stuff behind the scenes. I only called to make sure you’re alright,”
“Thank you, Kiyoomi,” you cry, “I hope you’re alright as well, and I’m sorry again,”
“No worries, I’m glad to know you’re safe. And again don’t apologize,” Kiyoomi comforts, “I’ll see you soon alright,” 
“See you,” is what you mutter to your phone before you’re met with the sound of an ended call.
With a sigh, you fall back into the pillow and comforter of Atsumu’s bed, wallowing in your own thoughts. 
“Food is ready,” Atsumu pokes his head into the room, a white apron adorning his body.
“You look goofy,” you laugh a bit, “I’ll be right there,”
With a nod he’s whistling through the halls on his way back to the kitchen. 
Working up the energy, you force yourself up and walk with sore legs into the kitchen, finding a seat on the stool by the counter.
“How are you feeling?” Atsumu questions with a mouth of waffle, pushing a plate towards you.
“Are these Eggos?” you laugh, grabbing one with your hand and taking a bite.
“Duh, never said I was a chef,” he smirks back before finishing the one in his hand. “You didn’t answer my question, though,”
“Oh, yeah. I’m feeling somewhat better,” you start, finishing what’s in your mouth, “There’s not much I can do about it you know?”
There’s a look of relief on Atsumu’s face that confuses you but you look past it.
“Coach already knows what happened that night, and so does Kiyoomi, so there’s nothing I really have to worry about,” you sigh, finishing the waffle in a swift bite, “just gotta wait for it to die down,” 
“Mm, I see,” he grabs your plate before placing it into the sink. “That’s good then, but unfortunately for you, that just means you’re stuck with me for another day,” 
“Oh no how terrible,” you roll your eyes, pushing your chair back and hopping off of it, “I’m gonna watch TV,”
Atsumu nods at you before turning the faucet on to wash dishes.
You click some random Netflix show to play in the background as you filter out your thoughts. It feels for a while you’ve been on autopilot, but the gravity of everything is finally hitting you. It’s terrifying.
You went from hating Atsumu Miya to essentially dating him. The team you helped manage won the Division 1 Volleyball championships. And now, you’re in a dating scandal with someone you considered a close friend. 
If there was a way to put your life on pause, you would. In a heartbeat. 
A buzz on the table catches your attention. Atsumu’s phone buzzes a couple more times before halting.
The name “Angie” appears on the notifications, drawing your curiosity.
“Atsumu, who is Angie?”
You look back at where he stands in the kitchen, and he looks like he’s seen a ghost.
There’s a brief moment of silence before he snaps out of whatever trance he’s in.
“Oh, that’s my cousin,” he says, drying his hands off, “Sorry, I just haven’t, um, spoken to her in a while,”
“Ah, I see,” you put his phone down before drowning yourself back in your thoughts.
Atsumu joins you on the couch, grabbing his phone before his butt meets the cushion. He puts it on the side of the couch before wrapping a strong arm around you. 
“What show is this?”
“It’s this one show, Ginny and Georgia, terrible, but I like to experience it,” you say which he nods in response to.
“I see,” his phone buzzes again, causing him to pick it up and type a somewhat long message.
“What does she want?” you prod.
He looks down at you then back at his phone, “She’s just reaching out after some family drama,”
You mouth a silent oh before turning your head back to the TV. 
The 50 minute episode ends and Atsumu hasn’t gotten off his phone since then.
“Atsumu, pay attention to me,” you pout, shaking his arm.
“Fine, fine, let me send one more text,” he quickly taps his phone a couple more times before setting it down.
You smile before you hug him, earning a kiss in response.
“Ah shit, I need to piss, just give me a second, ‘kay?” you nod before he’s frantically rushing through the hallway, pants pulled down before he even reaches the bathroom door.
You laugh a bit to yourself. You reach for the remote when you see his phone light up with a new text. 
He didn’t shut it off.
You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. You’d be lying if you said you trusted Atsumu with all your heart, but it’d kill you if you didn’t trust him and he caught you in the act of something stupid like searching through his phone.
Curiosity might really be killing the cat, because you can’t help the way you look at the bathroom door then back at his phone, quickly grabbing at it and reading the most recent texts.
If you were a cat, then curiosity really did kill you. Your heart sinks at the texts between his “cousin” Angie.
Angie [10:02AM]: URE the one who took those pics. i just happened to find them
Angie [10:02AM]: who do you think uploaded that picture of sakusa n that girl? lol u can finally get ur mind off of her now
Angie [10:03AM]: what do u say? u tryna come over or what ;)
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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eddiernunson · 11 months
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Really Drives Me Mad | Older!Eddie x Reader | 18+
Previous Part | Master List | Next Part
Big thank you to @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you for editing, you really are the best!
Thank you to @bebe07011 for all your encouragement
Thank you to @names-were-taken ... you know what you did.
Word Count: 10.3k
Warnings: road head, breeding kink, daddy!kink, family awkwardness
Authors note: Guys I appreciate all your patience, truly I do. I was so damn busy these last two months, and I barely had the time or the motivation to write. It's more of a filler chapter, we get some good stuff next one. I'm still quite busy, but I got a fire in me to continue this story. Don't worry, I plan on continuing to the end. There's about two or three more chapters planned. As they say: life happens when you're busy making plans.
You sit on the couch cross legged, watching a movie under a big blanket with Eddie right next to you. He’s relaxed in the corner, arm sitting on the back cushion as he half pays attention to the movie. You’re telling him about work, some drama between two co-workers that has the entire workplace turned on its head.
Eddie wipes his hands of the butter from his popcorn, finishing a handful before he speaks. “Oh, yeah, one of my apprentices just quit, so I’m interviewing a few guys next week.”
For some reason, it doesn’t occur to you that because Eddie owns the shop, he’s also their boss, and therefore, has to hire and interview people. “Cool.”
Something in your tone forces Eddie’s head to tilt towards you. You see this out of the corner of your eye and break into a wide smile, giggling. “What’s…what’s this about?”
“It’s nothing.” You insist, way too fast for it to not be nothing.
“Ok, now you’ve gotta tell me.” Eddie insists, turning his entire body to face you.
“You’re gonna think it’s dumb.”
“What?” Eddie yelps out in surprise. “Of course I won’t think it’s dumb!”
“Promise you won’t laugh?” You pout.
Eddie sighs, you’re just hopelessly adorable to him. And he’s hopelessly in love. So of course, he says “I promise, I won’t laugh.”
“I just didn’t really think about you owning the shop, meaning that you’re their boss, and you have to do interviews.” You admit, aware of his brown eyes on you. “I never imagined you on the other side of a desk. But…” you stutter, clenching your thighs. “…then I did.” You laugh, embarrassed. “Then I became aware of how fast it took for me to picture it and I smiled.”
It’s a lot for Eddie to process at once. “Wait, so you thought of all of that in those two seconds?” Eddie asks, as an eyebrow rises in astonishment.
You nod, continuing  to munch on your popcorn. “Yeah…”
“…So what did you think of me behind that desk?”  He asks, biting his lip as his voice gets real low. One part of him wants to rile you up, but the other is genuinely curious.
You giggle, watching through half lidded eyes as his lips lean in to kiss you. Your tongues meet sweetly, his darkened stare making you feel drunk on love. “I—” The feeling of your phone buzzing underneath your thigh interrupts you, Eddie sighing as he reluctantly pulls back. “Wait!” you whine.
He chuckles. “Answer your phone. I promise, I’ll be just as curious after.”
Somehow it hasn’t gone to voicemail, yet. Your hand fishes it out from under your leg, the word Mom and her picture illuminating the screen. Fuck. You wince, wishing for three minutes ago when you were breathing in Eddie’s intoxicating scent. Your thumb hesitantly presses the answer button, “Hi, mom.”
“Oh, well you do answer!” There’s a sass in her voice right out the gate, and you instinctively cringe, understanding the type of phone call you’re about to have with her.
“I do work, mom. You happen to keep calling when I’m at work. Then, when I do call you back, you never answer!” You answer, watching Eddie’s brows furrow. It’s the first he’s hearing about this round about game you have with your mom when it comes to phone calls and you’ve never brought it up because the topic alone causes an abundance of stress for you.  “Please tell me why you called, or was it to just yell at me?”
“Oh I’m not yelling.” She dismisses you, not unusual for her, yet you still roll your eyes and grit your teeth in frustration. “I would, however, like to meet your boyfriend…looks like you two are getting serious…your aunts have found your page.”
“So they’ve seen…what? His ankle tattoo?” You ask, referring to the photo where Eddie is just stepping out of frame on purpose. Nothing about your Instagram account is a mistake for the moment, if anything just to spite his ex.
“The walk-in closet.” Your mom answers, and you gotta admit, that arch of a full body mirror in his (your) walk-in has become your favorite place to take a photo for the moment. “Even if I don’t approve, I just want to meet him. Bring him to supper. He can bring some family, if he wants. The more, the merrier!”
This sounds like your own personal version of hell. Judgemental aunties, drunk uncles, annoying cousins, and your mom all with Eddie? Throw him to the wolves, why don’t you? “Mom, why don’t we hold off your sisters for now? Let’s just introduce him to our family, and he can introduce you to his.” You suggest alternatively, barely holding in a laugh as Eddie’s shoulders relax, unashamedly eavesdropping on your conversation, not that you mind.
“You know, they’re not patient women.”
You laugh, nodding your head in full agreement. “Yeah, I know. Neither are you, and neither am I, neither is Viti. Runs in your family.” You roll your eyes.
Eddie nods in agreement, thinking of the initiative you took when he first met you and laughing silently to himself. Then his nose scrunches. Who’s Viti?
You turn to face Eddie as you talk on the phone, trying to make out what he’s mouthing to you. “Just send me a date and a time and I’ll try to get them over there.” What? You mouth back to him.
“Who’s Viti?” He whispers, still confused.
Wait, who’s Viti? You stare at him blankly, holding up a finger to finish the conversation with your mom as she responds. “Uh, I’m working Friday, and Eddie’s working Saturday…is middle of the week undoable?”
You hold the receiver, getting an answer that starts with “Well” is always going to be long-winded before getting to the point with your mom. “Viti is my little sister!” You whisper to Eddie. Upon seeing the genuine look of surprise you can tell he never knew about her.
You put the phone back to your ear, catching the end of “I suppose we could do Wednesday…”
You cover the phone receiver. “Can you get Steve in the state on Wednesday?” Eddie nods wordlessly, no doubt in his mind. “Wednesday works!” You cover the receiver again and remove the phone from your ear as she finishes with a long-winded goodbye. “How did you not know I had a sister?”
Eddie shrugs, also wondering. “Never came up, I guess?”
You consider this answer, recalling any acceptable times to bring it up. “That’s true, I suppose.” You put the phone back to your ear, “So, I’ll see you next Wednesday?”
“See you then! 7pm, don’t be late!”
You hang up your phone, falling backwards on the couch in frustration. “Ugh!”
“Would it be ludicrous to say that that did not kill my boner at all?” Eddie asks, slightly surprised himself.
You laugh, shaking your head as he makes his way back to where you sit on the couch. “Still wanna hear about it?”
He lays you down, nodding as he leans in for a kiss. “Tell me everything, baby.”
It’s Wednesday, unfortunately, and you make your way over to your parents’ house, a twenty minute drive down the highway. Yesterday it became evident how nervous Eddie is, dancing around the subject and being more lovey with you than usual, as if that were even possible. Now, he sits with his shoulders locked and face staring dead ahead as he gulps through his nerves. “Baby, are you okay?” You hesitate to ask, but can’t help it.
“Oh, just terrified.” Eddie admits, knowing just how much rides on this one supper. “Something just occurred to me…how…how old is your dad?”
“Oh…” you shift in the passenger seat into a more comfortable position. “I think he’s 53 or 54. I don’t remember which one he turns this year.”  
“Oh, thank god.” Eddie sighs, relieved, closing his eyes momentarily. “If your dad was younger I could only fucking imagine…what a shit show that would’ve been.”
“My mom is the same age as you, now that I think about it.” You say, wondering how that was a detail that hadn’t occurred to you before. “She graduated in 94’, which, correct me if I’m wrong, is the year you would’ve, too.”
“Well, shit.” Eddie mutters. He hasn’t done a meet the parents dinner where he was the one meeting the parent in fucking forever. So long ago, in fact, it was borderline humorous.
For some reason, Eddie seemed to look extra scrumptious, dressed to impress and smelling fantastic. Even as he looks nervous, he looks ten times better than any confident man. “You know what would help you feel better?” You ask, placing a hand on his knee.
You think you might have to be more upfront about it, but just from your tone alone Eddie is tenting his pants.  “What’s that sweetheart?” He asks anyway, playing dumb, wanting to hear you say it.
“If I sucked you off on the way?”
Eddie huffs his lips out, pretending to consider it. Honestly, he can’t even pretend. He breaks into a chuckle. “Put those pretty lips on my cock.”
You smile in satisfaction as you immediately move to unzip Eddie’s nice slacks and slip his cock out. “You’re already hard” You accuse him playfully. It’s such a damn compliment to you.
You’re in a lusted-out haze as you bend over to take him in your mouth, your shoulder awkwardly colliding with the steering wheel. The possibility of anyone passing in a car big enough to see you in Eddie’s clear windowed vehicle was too much of a turn on for you not to dissect it eventually. His cock reaches your throat, the sounds of you gagging on him repeatedly and your muscles twitching around him make him want to tilt his head back and close his eyes.
“Oh she’s just letting herself be fucked in the throat where anyone can see, huh?” Eddie mutters, his free hand moving through your hair. “Showing everyone how good of a slut you are.”
The words certainly help your ambition, and you start to bob up and down on him, sucking the life out of him with your wet slurps.
“Everyone gets a view but no one gets to know but me.” One of your hands start to play with his balls, moving them around as you lick and slobber all over him before pulling back, taking a breath break. Eddie lifts eyes up momentarily, smirking. “Oh you just gave that semi trucker a fucking hard on, baby I hope you know that.”
You glance sideways, your hand still wrapped on Eddie's cock, seeing the tail end of a white semi truck. You smile up at him and continue, the thought of some random dude being jealous of Eddie because of you was cool. You were only the cool girlfriend who likes to give road head because he’s a good boyfriend, anyhow. You hope he knows that.
“That turn you on?” You shake your head, the nuance too much to discuss while his cock still sits in your mouth. “Does him seeing it turn you on?” You smirk at him, taking a breath as your hand moves up and down his length. Now, for the big guns. You accept him to the back of your throat easily, the deep throating becoming one of your favorite past times with him. “Oh I’m gonna—"
You swallow every last drop that he has to offer when he spills into your mouth, almost too much as some dribbles down your chin. No, not too much. Never too much. You collect the dribble and put it in your mouth, licking your fingers clean. You hum in contentment over the salty taste, sitting back in your seat.
“Jesus christ.” Eddie mutters, still gripping the steering wheel with an iron fist. “That certainly made me feel a lot better.”
In hindsight, Eddie was right to feel anxious for it, just not for the reasons anybody could ever reasonably guess.
When you get there with five minutes to spare, Dylan and Steve are already in your parent’s driveway, both bearing smiles on their faces as they laugh about something.
Eddie finally finishes buckling himself up once the truck pulls up and you get out right away to distract (and to hug, of course), thanking Steve for making it on such short notice. Out of view, Steve’s SUV passenger door slams shut. “Dad, do you think her parents are as stuffy as she says they are or—” Arlo Harrington stops the moment he notices you’re there.
Eddie was hesitant to extend the offer to Arlo, but after he asked you with the disclaimer that Arlo is his god child and he considers family…it was hard to refuse. While you knew Arlo was going to be there, you just didn’t expect him to be a carbon copy of the version of Steve you saw in the photo on Eddie’s facebook.
Whatever genes are in those Harringtons, those curls run deep, every one of his kids had them from the photos. “Hi, Arlo. Nice to meet you.” You hold out a hand, diffusing the tension.
“Thanks for letting me tag along.” He pulls you in once he grabs your hand to shake it, muttering, “Couldn’t resist a show.”
You pull back, seeing a younger Steve in him. “Damn. This is your kid alright.” You confirm to Steve, letting go of Arlo’s hand.
Steve laughs, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, that’s my son.”
Eddie jogs up behind you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he carries a bottle of white wine. “Look who finally showed up.” Steve announces, wondering if he’s picturing the flush in Eddie’s face.
“Sorry, I needed a minute to gather my courage. We’re 3 minutes past 7, let’s go.” He mutters to you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“God, I’m not going to hear the end of those three minutes, she’ll hold them against me next time she needs something, I just fucking know it.”
Eddie chuckles as he holds your hand and you walk the stone path up to your front porch. Three knocks land on the door and you hear the small dogs barking and your mom brushing them away from the door. Your mom opens the door with your dad and your jaw hurts from the painful smile on your face as you watch the color in your mom’s face drain. “Mom…?” You ask, waiting for her to say something. “Hello?”
“Oh…sorry.” Your mom gulps, shaking her head. “Of course, come on in, everyone. There’s food on the table for snacks and supper is almost ready.”
Your parents’ tiny dogs yap and jump at you as you take your jacket off, watching as Eddie looks around your childhood home. “Quaint.” Eddie comments, noticing the frames on the wall and the little seasonal décor accents.
“Fuck off.” You tell him, a little self conscious.
“Good quaint.”
“You boys wanna watch the game?” Your dad asks, offering seemingly to anyone but Eddie. “Come on, let’s go sit.” He leans into Eddie as he turns to the living room, muttering, “My wife has got a bucket of questions, so don’t be scared by her inviting you to the kitchen.”
“Dave?” Your mom asks, still not having said much since you got there, which, frankly, is unlike her. “Can you meet me in the kitchen?”
Your dad’s eyes widen, the irony of his last statement not lost on him. “Shut up.” He tells you, his eyes kind behind his round glasses. A grin creeps up your face and you hug him tightly, wishing him luck as he opens the door  into the kitchen.
For the next five minutes, nothing suspicious seems to happen in the kitchen. Steve asks if there are any bottle openers for the beer as you sit next to Eddie on the couch, a dog landing on your lap as you direct him to said kitchen. Nothing too awful seemed to be happening, anyway.
Steve sighs as he just gets comfortable. Even with Eliza gone he can’t get fucking comfy. He trudges on to the door of the kitchen when he overhears the reason your parents were quietly bickering.
“—and Eddie fucking Munson!”
“Are you sure it’s the same men? Maybe they just look the same.”
Your mom hesitates, “I know Steve the Hair Harrington, Dave.”
“Yeah, I know you know him.” Your dad answers, Steve picks up on the bitterness in his voice.
You and Eddie are approaching the kitchen now, both going to grab a drink from the fridge when Steve stops you. “Listen.” He whispers.
“I don’t know how, but my daughter is shacked up with Eddie the Freak Munson!”
“And your high school crush is here as family…” Your dad adds, sounding tired.
High school whatnow?
“Oh, I could barely say two words to him! I went into Family Video once and ended up not getting anything because I was too flustered!”
“I’ve heard this story before, Cheryl, why exactly are you still flustered now?”
“Oh, don’t condescend me, don’t act like if Penny Rogers showed up at our doorstep you wouldn’t be tripping over yourself.”
“Penny has nothing to do with this!”
Once it starts getting heated, you look up at the two men and leave the door quietly to give them some time and hash it out. “Was that what I thought it was?” You ask Steve, afraid of a yes.
Steve nods, his eyes wide. “I think so.”
“Do you remember her?”
Steve shakes his head solemnly. “Sorry, can’t say that I do.”
Your little sister, Viti makes her way down the stairs, passing you without a second thought to the two men she has never met. “Hi, sis.” She greets, about to head into the kitchen.
“I wouldn’t go in there!” You warn her. Viti observes you, looking next to you as the two men shake their heads in tandem.
“What, they fighting? Not unusual, nowadays, sis.”  She answers, walking into the kitchen brazenly.
Eddie can’t resist. He really should. With you right there, he knew he’d get hit. He texts it to Steve, instead. Might not have missed your shot.
Steve pushes Eddie over, rolling his eyes. “You’re terrible!” Steve snaps, wishing the world would envelope him whole.
You hear your parents shooing Viti out and she returns, eyes wide and her pretty braids moving in tandem as she shakes her head. “Nope. I was wrong. They’re way worse. Whatever has them fighting has dad’s neck vein popping out, yeesh. Let’s go wait it out, it’s what I do, anyhow.”
Viti plays host and you sit by Eddie, listening to the boys talk about the game. You’re not particularly interested in stats and players but it’s fun cheering for the other team. Eventually you notice your sister has stopped talking altogether. She’s not even watching the tv screen.
You follow her line of sight to Arlo, and the irony of the situation hits you tenfold. “Nope. I can’t. I can’t.” You go upstairs to your told high school bedroom, Eddie following you inquisitively.
“Hey, what happened?” He asks, following you into the room that’s stuck in 2014.
“I noticed my sister paying a little too much attention to Arlo. That’s a little too fucking weird for me.”
Eddie chuckles, sitting with you on your bed. “We’ll get through this, don’t worry. Steve won’t even mention he doesn’t remember her.”
“He’d better not” You grumble, leaning onto his shoulder.
Eddie now observes his surroundings and how it’s so clearly a teenager’s bedroom. Your bedroom from high school. He adjusts as his hard on comes unexpectedly, yet fast. Something about the suggested innocence… Eddie shakes his head, kicking himself out of it. Your mom calls your name and you sigh, getting up from the teal bedspread. “C’mon. Let’s go face this shit show.”
Your mom has seemed to calm herself down, directing everyone to the extended dining table when it comes time. Your sister, 21 and in college, eagerly asks for the chair across from Arlo. By now, he’s caught on and he’s playing nice, much to Dylan’s teasing. However, neither of them have any idea how truly humorous it is.
“Sorry for the delay on supper.” Your mom says as you all sit down. “Some malfunctions with the food, all cleared up.”
Conversations carry on like normal, Eddie getting the interrogation treatment from your mom. Dylan feels defensive of his father’s honor but bites his tongue. She even asks Dylan if it was weird for him. “It’s my new normal.” Dylan answers easily, taking a basket of buns from Arlo next to him.
All conversations go politely, Eddie seemingly passing with flying colors. (Truth is, her mind was already made up before this dinner, and with her distraction, what Eddie said really doesn’t make a difference.) As the channels open up from getting to know Eddie and how he takes care of you and other points, your mom brazenly passes in favor of wanting to get it out there. “Uh, so I don’t know if you are aware, but I went to highschool with you two.”
Arlo, Dylan, and Viti are all thrown, of course. You, Steve, and Eddie all do your best to be surprised, Steve a much subtler actor than Eddie, but the smirk on his face is a dead giveaway. Eddie’s just dramatic.
“No shit, eh? Were we in any classes together?” Steve asks, making conversation.
“Yeah…chemistry and geometry. It was kind of hard to miss The King.” Dylan and Arlo pick up on it simultaneously, both sets of eyes jerking around in disbelief. Was this really happening?
You saw the kick in Steve’s confidence as he was called The King. You lean into Eddie. “The king of what?”
“You don’t wanna know.” Eddie lets you know, shaking his head.
“Don’t blame ya, I was loud.”
“I think I was louder, to be frank.” Eddie says, chuckling about his dramatic flair in the cafeteria.
“Oh my god, I remember that.” Your mom looks up, you envy, wanting to see young Eddie, too. From what you’ve seen of him, if you knew Eddie back then you couldn’t have been held responsible for pinning him down in a high school cafeteria. “The cheerleaders called basketball balls into laundry baskets because it pissed them off so much.”
Eddie chuckles, amused by this. “Cool.”
“I used to go to Steve’s ragers all the time.”
“Ragers? I’m sorry, this old man, father of four, dad joke extraordinaire, was a Rager Party thrower?”
Eddie nods, solemnly. “There’s a reason we didn’t get along. He was a douche.”
“Okay, I don’t think I was that bad.”
“Dad, when I was 17, you said you were glad you didn’t have a daughter because you were a raging dick in highschool. Actual quote.” Arlo speaks up, watching this shit show go down.
“If she was a cheerleader that answers why I don’t recognize her.” Eddie mutters to you, pretending to lean forward to speak low.
“Oh, fuck, yeah! You were Chrissy Cunningham’s friend, right?” Steve answers, tapping his brain.
“Yes! I was!” The relief that radiates off your mom after Steve remembers her is a little uncomfortable.
Steve makes eye contact and mouths the word No to Eddie, signaling he still doesn’t remember her, but if they were on the cheer squad, they definitely knew Chrissy.
An hour later, you’re washing dishes as Eddie comes up from behind you. He’s nervous as ever, for reasons he shall not share, but has something to do with the ring in his back pocket and a question for your parents.
“Hi, baby.” He mutters, thumbs slowly caressing the exposed skin on your hips. “Your mom asked to talk to me…should I be worried?”
“I wanna say no, but I don’t wanna give you false hope.” A sharp pain on your shoulder as he bites it causes you to jump, hitting your hips against his harshly. “I’m just being honest!”
Eddie chuckles softly, kissing where he bit you while rubbing your shoulder softly. You hum into him, your head leaning over in content. “Wish me luck, my love.”
As Eddie turns the corner towards the dining room he hears you mutter, “You’ll need it.” He rolls his eyes at you fondly, mentally reminding himself to get you back for that.
Truth be told, Eddie told a small fib. Your mom had gotten all her questions out during the dinner. Eddie was the one who had requested to talk to her and your father. The ring in his pocket has burned a hole in his back pocket all night, and he could finally get to the reason he was so eager to join your family for dinner.
If he was gonna propose, he’d at least do it right. (To be honest, if your parents don’t approve he’s gonna do it anyway, at least he’ll have made the attempt.)
Your parents are already ready and waiting, in the middle of an unimportant conversation. It dies as soon as he crosses the threshold to the dining room, the air in the room suddenly coarse. Has it really been nearly 30 years since he had to talk to a girlfriend’s parents? “Hi, thanks for agreeing to meet with me.”
“Sure, Eddie.” Your mom politely responds, her voice clearly uncomfortable despite her good manners.
“We were just curious as to why you asked us to have a conversation, is all.” Your dad admits, much more nicely, but still hesitant.
Not that Eddie blames them. If Dylan one day came to him with a much younger girlfriend he’d probably have some concerns, as well.
“I’m sure you are. Uh, to be honest, I was rather eager for a meet-the-family dinner…I have a question for you.” Eddie admits, rubbing his back pocket self consciously. “Listen…I love your daughter very deeply.”
He pauses and assesses their reaction, sitting as he twiddles his thumbs.
“We appreciate the sentiment. I can tell you really care about her.” Your dad admits, a soft smile on his face. He already feels a sense of affection for Eddie, despite only being a handful of years older than him. Anyone paying attention can see that your relationship was by no means superficial.
“However, you’ll have to forgive us if we’re a bit hesitant. Our daughter dating a man that’s literally old enough to be her father is a tad concerning for us.”
Eddie bites his lip, doing his best to stop himself from being defensive. It was his best intention to be on their good side. Flaring up seems like a bad idea.
“Totally understand where you guys are coming from.” He says, his hands anxiously rubbing against his jeans. “As I said, I love her. She’s the best person for me, and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier with anyone. I’m so happy… And considering I’m not getting any younger, I can’t wait any longer. I’m hoping you’ll give me your blessing to ask her to marry me.”
Any hope for a blessing dies as soon as your mom opens her mouth. For the record, it starts in abrupt laughter. “Yeah, no, that’s not going to happen.”
Eddie is unable to hold back the look of astonishment that lands on his face. He wasn’t expecting a blessing, but laughter certainly isn’t what he thought would happen. “Uh, care to explain the laughter?”
“Cheryl, while I was also going to refuse his blessing, laughing was a tad unnecessary.”
“Oh, Dave. If you knew Eddie Munson in highschool you would understand. It has nothing to do with the age difference and everything to do with the kid who made dramatic speeches on anarchy.” She laughs, placing one side of her hair behind her ear.
Eddie is stunned by her answer. How the hell was she still thinking like a high school cheerleader this many years later? “I…I have matured quite a bit since highschool.” Seems like you haven’t, bitch.
“While I’m sure you think that’s true, I just can’t see past the screw up. When she gets over how Attractive she finds you, she’ll find her way again.” She says absentmindedly, and even Dave seems to be astounded at her sheer audacity.
He chuckles deeply, arms crossed as he realizes he’s not going to win her over any time soon. An aura of confidence bursts through him, and it's almost refreshing to not be concerned with her opinion of him. “Okay. Got it. Your message is clear.” Eddie laughs.
“Good.” She stops and looks to her husband and says something clearly Eddie wasn’t supposed to hear. “Almost brought up the two years of highschool he repeated.”
That hit Eddie hard. She just went to a place that when Brooke shoved in his face he finally realized how shitty of a person she is. It hit a place that grabbed his heart and squeezed it harshly. “Okay, that’s too far. Don’t make me say it.” Eddie warns, jaw set hard.
She laughs. “Oops. Sorry. Didn’t mean for you to hear that. You gotta admit, it’s true.”
“Seriously. Don’t make me say it.” 
She rolls her eyes in a way he hasn’t seen since a bratty girlfriend Dylan had about ten years ago. “Say what, drug dealer?”
“No, I warned her.” Eddie answers, unbothered at this point. If he has to marry you without your mom there, so be it. “Steve doesn’t remember you. Not the faintest idea who you are.” Eddie takes pride in her crestfallen face. “I respect your lack of blessing, but I’m gonna ask her, anyway. Then, when we get married and you’re not invited, don’t be surprised, Cheryl.”
Without another word, he walks into the living room where everyone is sitting watching a football game, including you. He comes in wearing a smirk, you almost fear the look on his face.
“C’mon, time to go home.” He holds his hand out, a tone in his voice informing you that you have no choice in the matter.
“Is…is everything okay?” you ask hesitantly, getting up from where Steve sits with his legs on your lap.
“If you consider your mom being stuck in high school good, then sure.” Eddie tells you, holding your hand. “Besides I think she’s about to get—”
Eddie is interrupted by your mom marching into the living room. “Alright, get out, family supper over.”
With that, you, Eddie, Dylan, Steve, and Arlo are out the door within the minute.
“Jeesh, what happened?” Steve asks, partially looking accusingly at Eddie.
“She insulted me a bunch, so I told her you had no idea who she is.”
Your hand slaps over your mouth, sharing a stunned look with Dylan and Arlo.  
“She insulted you?” You ask, anger swirling in your stomach as you turn on your heel. “I’ll be right back, baby.”
“Wait—!” Eddie can’t even finish his thought; you’ve already started your walk back into your house to give her a piece of your mind.
Your mom starts flying off the handle the minute the front door slams. “I thought I told you to leave my house!”
The look on her face tells you she’s only attempting to be intimidating with her stern expression, but all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of it. “That was before you decided to go and insult the shit out of my boyfriend.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, you’re excused. Frankly, it’s embarrassing that I have to defend him from you because of whatever notion of him you’ve kept all these years. It’s also embarrassing for you to act like some moon eyed teenage girl with a crush when your husband of 30 years is literally right there!”
Your mom’s expression flares up defensively. “If you had heard what he said—”
“You realize how patient that man is right?”
She blinks confusedly. “Pardon?”
A huff of laughter escapes you before you continue. “Do you know how patient he is? Because for him to fire a shot back at you that severely means he must’ve endured far too much verbal assault before finally saying something to you. Which means you spent the better part of ten minutes insulting him for whatever reason until he snapped!” You look to your father who had come to witness the whole debacle. ”Am I correct in assuming that?”
He just nods solemnly, arms crossed as he looks on with furrowed eyebrows.
“Thought so. So here’s what’s gonna happen. Next time, you will not insult the man who has been nothing but nice to you and actually gave you no reason to hold a grudge this late in life other than being slightly alternative. If something like this happens again, I will not hesitate to cut contact with you.” A flick of worry crosses his face. “Oh, don’t worry, dad. I only mean her.” You allow your words to sink into her skin. “Am I making myself clear?” You don’t even wait for her response as her mouth gapes. “Good. Because I will be damned if I allow anyone, especially my mother, to mock the man I love. See you next time, where I expect you to act like my mom, and not this insecure and needy cheerleader I see before me.”
The silence is loud as you leave the front hallway entrance and slam the door shut behind you. The sight of Arlo, Steve, and Eddie standing near their vehicles greets you, their eyes synchronously moving to you as the sound of the door slam echoes in the neighborhood.
Eddie jogs over to you, his face concerned. “What was that about?” He asks, observing your mood.
“Yeah, like I’m ever gonna sit idly and watch when someone insults you. That’s unacceptable, I don’t care who it is.” You tell him, your mouth in a stern line, without a hint of humor in your voice.
“I—what?” He asks, his voice soft, his pupils jerkily assessing your face.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that, that’s so unfair of her.”
“No, baby, I don’t care about that.” He dismisses it, the last thing on this mind. “Did you just stand up for me? To your own family?”
Suddenly the mist in his eyes becomes much clearer. “Of course! I can’t stomach that crap.”
A small “umph” leaves our throat as he tugs you into his chest with more force than you think he intended to. “I love you so fucking much.”
A sense of pride takes over you, smiling into his chest.
“So, we have a long drive back to Hawkins, so we’re gonna get going.” Steve mentions, suddenly realizing the two of you probably won’t be in the mood for any company tonight.
Eddie lifts his head to respond, you curl into his chest as one of his hands drop. “Of course, dude. If I’d known…”
“I don’t think any of us could’ve predicted that.” Steve laughs, letting the two of you off the hook.
“Oh shit,” Arlo stops himself from getting into his passenger side door. “You know your baby sister gave me her number, right?” He asks you, holding out a little folded piece of paper.
You wince in embarrassment. “Oh god. Don’t feel obligated. She’s just a girl with a crush.”
Arlo shrugs, not making a big deal out of it. “No, I know. Just making you aware.”
You watch him carefully. “…Hey Arlo?”
“Why are you putting her number back in your wallet?”
He hesitates. “No reason...”
“Arlo?” You ask, your voice raising.
“What? No harm no foul.” He shrugs, putting the wallet back into his pants pocket.
You roll your eyes, shifting your attention to Steve. “Keep an eye on him?”
“I make no promises.” Steve laughs, holding his hands up in surrender.
“You laugh now, Steve, but just wait until Eliza is giving her numbers to men like Arlo.”
Steve stops laughing.
“That’s what I thought.”
Dylan can’t help himself from chiming in the thought that’s been eating at his brain. “Hey look at it this way.” He says, swinging an arm around your shoulder. “If they get married, your sister will have succeeded where your mom failed to.”
“Oh? And what’s that?” You ask, arms crossed with a skeptical smirk on your face.
“Becoming a Harrington.”
The bass beat echoes through the house as you dance around, mop in tow as you perform for no one. The Twilight soundtrack plays, specifically Super Massive Black Hole as your hips swing playfully, mopping the living room. Eddie is at work for the day until later in the evening, a rarity, but you plan on surprising him by earning your keep as a freeloader. As you continue to work 40 hours a week, the only thing you have to pay is your phone bill and car insurance, but you feel bad as Eddie continues to pay for everything else.
So, to make up for it, you’ve decided to clean his already clean house and do some laundry for him. Once the last of the living room has been mopped, you put it aside and return to the laundry room to switch the loads over. As everything is moved over, you lift the basket of hot clothes onto your hip like some sort of busy mom and make your way upstairs to the closet to put it away.
At the top of the stairs, you swear softly as you trip over a box Dylan has laid outside his bedroom door. He’s packing to leave, slowly moving his boxes over to his new place one trip at a time. Eddie had offered the same thing he had granted you: a moving truck with men to move it for him, but Dylan outright refused it. You know why, Dylan is a stubborn person, something you realize he got more from her than from Eddie. If Eddie acts stubborn, it’s usually for something he believes very strongly. Dylan is just plain ol’ stubborn.
You lightly kick at the box and walk through your room into your closet. The closet has certainly gotten messier since you moved in, most of the clothes are strung about when you’re done with them at the end of the day…much to Eddie’s dismay. One thing Eddie has learned about you after he moved you in was that you are not an organized person. His constant picking up behind you makes you smile, staring at him dead in the eye as you place the plate in the sink instead of the dishwasher. To Eddie, it’s like you want to watch the world burn.
Based on the look he gave you, you might be facing some repercussions for it, later.
Today is an attempt to make up for it, finally having the time to place your sweaters on the hangers and putting the pants back in their drawers. Eddie has a system, and you have to admit, it works. Your fingers brush the cooled off fabric as you fold each item, placing them in each perspective pile before starting to put them away. You hadn’t even realized the sheer volume of clothes you had put in the load. The detergent only vaguely smells like him, missing his essence, shampoo, and his cologne to top it all off. Still, the smell of it as you take a big inhale is intensely comforting.
Each pile is designated, so you move through them one at a time, the music blaring from the living room still used as a soundtrack. Pants, in the drawers. Shirts, hung up by type. Pajamas, put into a drawer. Your last pile is Eddie’s boxers, you fold them delicately by style and open the drawer to place them in, when a peak in the bottom of the already neat pile grabs your attention. Eddie is notorious for keeping piles meticulously organized so you grab the pile to start over when a soft thud hits the carpeted floor, grabbing your attention.
The object rolls out of sight, so you peer around the center console and the breath gets sucked out of your lungs when you see it. A small black velvet box sits upside down next to the white console, acting like it didn’t just bring tears to your eyes upon the very indication of what could be inside.
You pick the box up, Eddie’s underwear forgotten. You turn it over in your hands, thumb smoothing over the velvet as you contemplate opening it. Your hand itches for it, moving to open and backing out as soon as the seal is broken. Your teeth are grinding so hard as you place it on top of the center console and move to put Eddie’s underwear away, distracting yourself from doing something crazy.
The drawer closes, nothing else to do. The kitchen is done, living room is done, Dylan isn’t around for you to bother him and distract yourself. Mentally, you make a list of things you could be doing instead as you pace around the closet, the little box growing a big presence in the closed-in space. Your phone in your back pocket buzzes, you take it out, grateful for a distraction.
Shit, just someone you’ve spoken to once adding to their story. Your phone goes back into the pocket, and you stare at the box. It’s too tempting. It’s like Eddie staring at you with his dark brown eyes when he’s seducing you. How could you not give in to something when it tempts you so?
“Shit.” You whisper, walking slowly towards it. Finally, you let yourself open it, and your eyes well up as you see its silver and intricate design. It’s just what you envisioned for an engagement ring to be; you couldn’t have picked out a better ring even if you’d tried. How the hell did he find this? How did he know? Your hands are moving before you can even register. The music is still loud downstairs, but it’s muffled to you as your heartbeat takes over. The ring slides easily onto your left ring finger, and it fits perfectly. A tear falls down your cheek, an involuntary smile takes over your face.
Fuck, he does want to be with you forever, enough to go and get a ring. Your hands shakily move to remove it and it feels like torture as the ring lingers on the ridges of your fingerprint. Words can’t convey how hard it is to take it off. Who knows how long Eddie’s going to wait to propose? You don’t want to wait another day, let alone months. The idea of knowing but never knowing when he’s going to do it somehow feels worse than not knowing he has a ring to begin with.
No, you can’t even wait another hour. Your thumb hits the call button on Eddie’s name, top of your favorites, the recent calls, and your text messages. Doesn’t matter, if your thumb hits the top of your screen it’ll lead to him somehow.
He picks up on the second ring. “Hi, baby.” He greets you so warmly, a smile radiating in his voice.
You stare at the ring now sitting in your hand and nearly cry just from his tone alone. “Come home.”
“Wh-what, why?” Eddie asks, sounding alarmed. “Are you okay, did something happen, or--?” You can hear him moving around, he’s already getting ready to leave.
“I really need you right now.” You tell him, watching the silver band catch the fluorescent lighting of the closet. “Just come home.”
“Okay, sit tight, be right there. Love you.” Before you can respond, he hangs up, and you suddenly realize you have mere minutes to go and turn off the blaring music.
When Eddie bursts through the door, you greet him in the front entrance, the music turned off as you stand there with one hand behind your back, concealing the box in your hands. It lasts only a second. “Ask me.” You tell him, forgetting to show him the ring.
Eddie stops in his tracks; unsure he heard you correctly. He appears deeply concerned, his brow deeply furrowed and lips in a tight line. “I’m sorry?”
“Oh.” You let out, bringing the ring into his sight. Eddie’s eyes widen as he sees the box within your clenched grip. You shove it into his chest, eyes welling up as you tell him again. “Ask me. Get down on one knee and ask me.”
“A-a-are you sure? I had a plan, I was gonna make a whole romantic evening out of it—”
You interrupt him, happy tears shining in your eyes. “Edward Munson if you don’t ask me right now, I swear to god—”
“Okay, okay!” He chuckles, relieved his worry was all for nothing, yet his heart races as he shakily takes a breath and slowly lowers onto one of his knees. “Y/N L/N,” he starts, licking his lips as he smiles up at you. He holds out the tiny box you spent the last hour fidgeting with and opens it. “Will you marry me?” It couldn’t have looked any better…the shine in his eyes as he looks up at you, how the heavy breathing of his chest signals his nerves, his fingers fidgeting around the little black box.
You giggle through a teary yes, meeting him halfway as he rushes to his feet, grabby hands pawing at his face to yank him into a kiss. You’re both smiling too much to truly lock lips, feeling the top row of his teeth against your own gnash in the best of ways. “Put it on, put it on!” You mutter, your left hand tapping his chest impatiently.
His hands move quickly, stumbling as he slides it on. You can swear you see his eyes well up as he admires how it looks on your finger. “Back where it belongs.” You whisper to yourself, tapping your fingers on his chest.
The sentence takes a minute for Eddie to register as he smiles down at you, lovelorn. “Did you try the ring on?”
Your eyes widen, your face breaking into a wide smile. “I mean, with a ring as perfect as this one, how could I not?”
“Perfect, eh?” He asks, one hand moving up to caress your cheek. “I’ll take it.” He leans down to kiss you, all his emotions he fails to put into words conveying in the deep and lush kiss. It takes your breath away. “You sure? You wanna wear a pretty white dress and walk down the aisle to little old me?” Eddie ignored the subtle strain at his cock as he pictured you in a white dress at the opposite end of the aisle. Well, that’s new.
“Yes, I’m fucking sure!” You tell him, lightly bonking him as you continue to kiss him. “I wouldn’t have stared at the box for twenty minutes if I wasn’t sure.”
He separates from you, a smirk on his face. “Twenty minutes?”
“Yeah. If it wasn’t a ring, I think I would’ve died.” You confess easily, and the truth always comes so easy to you when it comes to Eddie. “Now kiss me some more.”
He laughs, leaning in for a slippery wet kiss. His breath is delicious, he tilts his head to deepen the kiss while his fingers trail along your side and rest on a patch of skin that’s exposed on your hip. It tugs the littlest of whimpers out of you, hands resting on his broad shoulders. His tongue licks along the bottom lip, asking for permission in a way he usually demands. You grant it, your foot taking an accidental step back on the hardwood.
Eddie’s hand that rests on your face moves down your neck, his rough fingers are tense as they seem to memorize every inch of your skin. Your neck tingles in its wake, a sigh of contentment leaves your lips. Eddie responds with a dirty exhale into your mouth and your jaw falls open in a sudden need for him. A sudden charge in you appears out of thin air, wanting more. “Ed.” You whimper out, clutching onto his jacket he’s still wearing.
He hums in response; you can feel his lips turn upward into a smirk as his hands continue their journey to your waistline. Your thighs clench together, craving friction on your heat that for whatever reason he hasn’t granted yet. You become impatient, moving the jacket off his shoulders and you’re happily greeted by the muscle shirt he’s wearing, his gorgeous arms on full display. His lips kiss down your neck, his hands spread out as if to touch every inch that they can, lifting your oversized t-shirt to expose the skin. You move to assist him, lifting your shirt above your head. It’s not going fast enough for you, there’s too much clothing on you.
Your feet unconsciously move toward somewhere you can lie down, the couch, the counter, the stairs, anywhere to prevent your knees from buckling embarrassingly. “Where you going?” He mutters, yet still allowing you to lead.
The back of your thighs meet the armrest of the couch. “The couch, apparently.” You answer, sighing as he continues to devour your neck.
Eddie inhales the perfume you spritzed that morning and lets out a chuckle. Before you can even ask, he pushes you by the shoulders, making you fall backwards onto the couch. “Fine by me.”
Your back hits the cushions, a rough landing as you bounce. Eddie crawls on top of you, tongue meeting your leg in a trail of wet kisses as he makes his way up to your pelvis. A whine leaves your throat, eyes closing in bliss as each kiss contributes to the blindingly hot need for him in your pussy.
Eddie reaches your crotch, and as he lifts his mouth from you, you expect him to take your shorts off. Instead, he puts his face in and inhales, moaning when your aroma hits his nose. Just from your smell he can tell how wet you are. “Baby you are soaked, aren’t you?” His brown eyes meet yours, lust overwhelming his eyes.
“Always.” You answer, not a hint of shame behind it. “Always ready for you.”
Eddie’s eyes roll into the back of his head at your answer, groaning. Fuck, doesn’t that deserve a reward. His hands easily hook around the elastic band of your grey shorts, moving them swiftly off your legs. His original plan to tease you through your panties goes to shit, your eagerness driving the need to devour you like an arrow into his chest. The glisten of your folds is a sight to see– as always–  as he makes himself comfortable on the couch, situating your legs over his shoulders. A squeal of giggles escapes your throat as he tugs your body to where he needs you. Your knees meet your torso, toes already curled at the anticipation as his hot and heavy breaths send jolts of pleasure and he hasn’t even touched your dripping cunt yet.
“Eddie.” Your voice comes out desperate.
Eddie smirks at it, it’s barely been a full minute since he tugged your shorts off. “I know.” One hand that rests on your thigh reaches forward for your left hand, toying with the ring that hasn’t been on your finger for more than five minutes. Your hand shakily grips his tightly and you clench your thighs around his head tightly in anticipation.
After what feels like ages, he finally leans in to devour you, using his tongue in one long stripe along your folds. The release it gives you is both not enough and everything you need. Your hips grind up to meet his mouth, heels digging in, and his deep chuckle vibrating against your pussy is too fucking good. Moans leave your mouth at your breathing rate, every breath being a whimper to let Eddie know how fucking good his mouth feels against you.
The hand still on your other thigh travels to play at your clit gently, and your moans go silent as your thighs fucking quake against him. Eddie can’t stop the satisfaction that purrs through him in the form of laughter. “Fuck, baby. Barely touched you.” He mutters, low enough he’s not even sure you hear him.
Halfway through a sigh, it turns into a laugh. “Mouth feels so good.”
Eddie hums in response, mouthing at your folds again before his tongue makes its way into you, his nose nuzzling your clit. He fucks you with his tongue and you grind against him, the grip on your left hand harsh and his nails now digging into your right thigh. “Cunt smells so fucking good.” He says, rutting his nose against your clit and knowing damn well what it was doing to you. “Tastes…” he pauses fucking you with his tongue again, “…tastes like fucking heaven, fuck, baby.”
Eddie is driving you to the edge quickly, your thighs tense against his head as your hips continue to grind up against him. Your free hand lands in his hair, pulling at the roots at every wave of pleasure he gives you. Eddie could swear the pulls feel like a heartbeat at his roots, not that he minds. As he continues and drives you faster to that high, he notices the tugs get faster and he moans when he realizes something you do not.
He slides two fingers in, moving them back and forth, listening to the sinful wet sounds your pussy makes as it weeps for him. As your slick makes a mess on his chin and hands as he smirks up at you, hooking his fingers against your g-spot. Your thighs clench even harder as the heat expands, radiating through your body and you barely have a second to think to warn him. “Ed, I, I—” He feels you flutter around his fingers as you cum, your legs shaking as you lose all control of your extremities. He saw it coming from a mile away, as the tugs on his hair became more frequent.
He continues to lick at the slick of your folds and finger you gently as you come down from your high, your entire body going limp. He gives one last kiss to your clit and kisses his way up your body, you watch as his wide smile comes closer and closer to you. “How’s my girl?”
A giggle leaves your mouth, smiling up at him gleefully. “I’m alright.” Eddie tickles your hip bone, and you squirm underneath him, giggling harder. “Okay, okay! Fuck!” Your legs wrap around his hips, and you tug his growing tent down to meet your exposed pussy. “Need you.”
“Need to feel that pussy wrapped around my cock, baby.” Eddie grinds himself into your heat, teasing himself, but admiring the way your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Your heat is throbbing at this point, begging for more. “Need your cock in me, Ed. Want you to fuck me open.”
Eddie’s eyes widen, as he’s the one that usually does the talking. “Yeah? Need this big cock in that tight little pussy?”
“So fucking bad, Ed. Please give it to me.”
“Oh I’m gonna give it to you.” He leans forward for a wet and slobbery kiss, one that you embrace at tenfold. Your hand goes to his jeans where they’re laying now on your pelvic bone to undo the button, shakily attempting to with only one hand, the other still in his grip.
“Ed…” You whimper, tugging on the waistband wordlessly. “Get these fucking jeans off.”
Eddie chuckles as he climbs off you to take his jeans off. You sit up to watch him as his gorgeous figure gets undressed. Your hands move to your back to get rid of the bra that still hides your chest. He walks up to you sitting on the couch, placing a finger to tilt your chin up. You peer up at him with wide doe eyes, his cock only inches away from your face.
His thumb gently swipes at your bottom lip, admiring the shade of them. “So pretty.” He mutters, about to ask you to lay down.
“Wanna fuck it?” You ask, his cock mere inches from your face, you’re suddenly craving his balls up against your cheek and the weight of his cock on your tongue.
“Weren’t you just begging me to fuck your pussy?” He asks, searching your eyes for the sudden change in you.
Your mouth opens obediently, pulling a gasp of disbelief from Eddie. His cock literally twitches, and he realizes there’s no reason not to let you if you’re so eager to. He slides his cock in your mouth, watching as he slowly moves to the back of your throat, your doe eyes still looking up at him.
“Oh, my good girl.” He rubs at your cheek, feeling the length of himself against it. “Such a good girl for daddy.”
As much as you resist, your eyelids flutter shut, moving your head up and down, your cheeks hollowing out as you suck on him. You hear a groan of contentment out of him, and it only encourages you. One of his hands weaves itself into your hair, using it to guide you. You take yourself off his cock, breathing heavily as you take a long lick at a vein along the side of the shaft. Your left hand wraps around the length, jerking him off as you lean forward to take one of his balls into your mouth.
“Oh fuck, that’s so pretty.” He mutters, causing you to stop.
“Look, baby. Your ring on my cock…wanna take a picture…fuck.”
You don’t answer, just continuing to jerk him off as your mouth resumes its journey to his balls. You take one in your mouth, the hair on them smelling like sweat. You take a big inhale of them, sighing happily as you suck at the flesh. Eddie’s knee almost buckles as he sees what you’re doing, the idea that you were inhaling his raw scent too much for him to comprehend.
“Oh Jesus, trying to kill me.”
“No.” You mutter, hand still jerking him as you move to give the other side the same treatment. “Just blow you stupid.”
Eddie moans at your nonchalance, and as you finish with the second ball you move back to his cock, spitting on it and taking it back into your mouth. You give no warning as you take in as much as you can, focusing on getting him to the back of your throat. Before he can instruct you, you relax your throat and allow your nose meet his pubic hair, taking in the damn whimper that leaves his mouth, relishing in it.
“Fuck, if you keep going like this I will fucking blow.”
At his insistence, your mouth leaves his cock with a pop, still on your knees, completely naked as your eyes stare up at him. Eddie nearly loses his mind as he looks down at you, hands combing through your hair. “Lie down, baby.”
You need no more instruction, lying on the couch, your legs open as you wait for him. He sits himself in between them, hands framing your head as he looks at your face. “I can’t believe I get to marry someone so fucking beautiful.” Your eyes well up at the sentence as it fucking sucks the air out of your lungs.  
Eddie barely gives you a chance to recover, sliding himself in you. Your jaw drops at it, eyelids growing heavy as you watch him carefully. “You can’t…you can’t just say something like that.” You whimper, gasping for breath. “It’s not fair.”
“I’ll say it because it’s the fucking truth.” Eddie states, watching for the signal when you’re ready for him to move. “God you in a fucking white dress, looking all sweet n’ shit…”
“Gonna be your wife.” Eddie’s hips buck into you in response, and a gasp falls from your lips in surprise. “Fuck!”
“Gonna be my fucking wife.” It comes out of him in a growl, a sense of pride runs through Eddie as he is elated he gets to share the discovery of his love of calling you his wife with you, finally. “Oh baby, pussy is so tight, just suckin’ me in.”
“Want that. Want you. Want us.” It babbles out, Eddie gaining speed as he watches your cocked out expression looking so adoringly up at him. You hold onto him, nails scratching down his back. He bucks harder, head buried in your neck as he attempts to calm himself down. “Want you to put a baby in me.”
A fucking growl leaves his throat and his head perks up to look at you. “Oh my god, I almost just came.” He says lowly.
“Really?” You ask him, eyes shining bright at his confession.
He nods, gulping. “Y-yeah.” Your legs tug him back down, lifting your hip to get him to fuck you more. A grunt of acknowledgement escapes his throat, back to business. “Gonna put a baby in you.”
“Oh fuck, Ed, just like that.”
“Gonna marry you and get you fucking pregnant, you’ll be my hot little housewife!”
“You’re in my fucking stomach Ed, fuck you’re so deep!”
Eddie cannot help the swell of pride he feels at this. “Gonna fill you up, baby.”
The moment your pussy flutters around him he cums into you, white sticky ropes filling you up. His weight collapses on you, your legs gripping on his torso tight, holding him in. Your eyelids feel heavy as you look up at him, holding his face. “You know, I really can’t wait to marry you.” Eddie tells you, his thumb toying with your ring, his hand resting on yours.
You gulp, the sentiment the same. He knows it by your expression and by your impatience, you can’t wait either. “How long—” you yawn, “how long have you had it?”
“Uh…since Harrington was here.” Eddie refuses to say Steve’s name while he’s inside you.
“What!?” Your eyes pop open in disbelief. “You’ve had this for weeks? And you haven’t asked me yet?”
“I knew I wasn’t fucking crazy.” Eddie mutters, and you peer up at him, eyebrow raised in a question. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Ok.” You yawn again, clutching onto his back. “We have all the time in the world for you to tell me, anyway.”
Eddie’s chest swells with emotion, clutching onto you like his lifeline. “I love you so much, sweetheart.”
You nuzzle your nose into his hair, letting yourself get into his tangled curls. “Love you too.”
You fall asleep within seconds, Eddie texts his employees he had an emergency and can’t return for the day. He had a full day, but that was before you decided to take over his proposal.
Thank you so much for reading! I love to read your comments, replies, and reblogs. As always, reblogging is the best way to support your fic writers on tumblr.
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norwegiankafka · 6 months
Hiii can I request Owen ( windbreaker) childhood friends to lovers fic please??? 🥹
Little Things [Owen Knight, Fluff]
Synopsis: What if he actually fell for the person that has been there, all along?
a/n 𖦹 finally! I never write for the childhood best friend to lovers prompt, but I'm trying my best. I hope you liked it. Not beta-ed (too long lmfao). Hope anon like it! :3
tw & cw ✰ cursing.
It's so Owen, calling late at night. Like he didn't give a fuck whether you are sleeping or not. A habit of his, exists since you and him were a teenager.
"What the fuck do you want in the fucking middle of the night, Mr. Knight?" You snapped right when you hit the accept button.
"Whoa, chill. I just arrived today and the first thing you did is to curse me? Poor me,"
"Ugh, fine. Tell me what happened," You sigh exasperatedly. Just, please.
"Shelly and Jay kissed in front of me. Like- I don't even know what to say. I'm shocked. Did Shelly really love that guy? I don't know what she sees in him, for real."
"And I don't know what's worth in you for Shelly to see. Oi, get over her. Why bother winning her heart back when you already know who has her heart? You just love hurting your own feelings, just say it at this point, you know that?"
"Your words burns like hell. I always tell you I have a promise with Shelly when I was a kid-"
"This promise, that promise," You cut his words. "That thing happened when you were a kid. It's nothing serious. Get over it. I'm tired of you venting about a girl who doesn't even think about you. I had class in 6. You're free to vent after that."
Just like that, you hang up your call.
He, started to wait for your reply. Normally, he checks his phone ever so slightly when he's bored or Shelly isn't around to bug. He often forgots where he puts the phone. Without him realizing things, he checks his phone more often. Waits for that messaging app icon to appear on his phone. Waiting for your name to pop up on his screen. He pulls his phone under his desk when he's in class, turned them on to check whether you replied or not. Will 100% turn them off again when there is no reply or chat from you, or will 100% reply at the same second you sent the text. An Exhibit.
A lot of things reminds him of you. In a lot of occasion, but he always tries to brush it off. He saw an ice cream that you said you wanna try, but never had the time. He tried the ice cream, just to taste whether it tastes good or not. So he can tell you later. (Or maybe ask you for an ice cream date, but best friends didn't do that.) Hey. At least if back in England they didn't have this exact flavor so you (and him) can try it out too, he had a reason to text you later. Two exhibits.
A lot of things reminds him of you. When both of you were kids, you eat ice creams a lot. Cold and flu were no stranger to you and Owen. But among all ice creams that you ever tried, Chocomint. It's a weird flavor, however. Tastes cool and minty but also sweet at the same time. He genuinely thought you're weird and your tastebuds is broken. Who the hell thought this was a delicious flavor? An atrocity made of different shit put together. All that thought end once he walked around stores in Seoul.
There's varieties of chocomint flavored food. Hey, it's not gonna hurt to try few, right? (Cue: He tried all of them. He didn't like it. He had the reason to annoy you by saying chocomint tastes like shit.)
He hates reading. It bore him a whole lot when teachers tell students to read. He hates reading in english, so do Korean. (He barely understands everything). One day, he walked past a bookstore, with a book on sale that day. He feels oddly familiar with the cover, even if he hates reading. He remembers that it's the book that you literally worshipped and said that it's so good he should consider read it too. Without any second thoughts, the book is on the counter and ready to be taken home. He finished the book in a week (pretty fast for a person who hates reading, lol), and silently weeping for the main character. He admits, it's a good book. Three exhibits.
He bikes a lot by himself. It's usually in the afternoon, around the time sun is starting to set. He likes that time a lot, the wind is warm but not too hot, and still feels breezy. After going around for an hour, he sat by the nearest river. Doing nothing, just watching until the sun fully set and it's time for him to go home.
When Owen and you were a kid, you liked to play outside. Doing lots of things. Biking, hide and seek, things. When the sun starts to set, you will sit wherever, as long as you can watch the sunset. A familiar feeling and habit, with him. Four exhibits.
Without him realizing, he's falling in love. All of the things you did together. All the time you were together as kids. All the time you grew up together, going to the same school. He fell in love with the you that has been there all along while he chase for Shelly.
Knock knock.
Someone knocked on the door. What kinds of people come so fuckin late at night? You opened the door.
Owen is standing. His eyes bore to the hallways, as if he avoids your gaze. He clears his throat awkwardly.
"Promise you're not gonna be awkward with me?" is the first sentence out of his mouth. He avoids your gaze, looking somewhere else. He took a deep breath before starting the next sentence. "It's you. It has always been you," He stares deeply into your eyes. He felt nervous, but he, for sure, is sure about his feelings. Right now. Is he scared? Maybe yes. He is. But he never felt so certain in life.
"Huh?" You hum confusedly. Who the hell isn't when your best friend come to your doorway and saying weird shit at late nights.
"I.. like you. Like, a lot,"
Your gaze softens after you're realizing he's trying to confess. Fuck. So all these years were not in vain? All of these years you watched him falling for Shelly, but it turned out he fell for you? Really? God must be joking.
"Me too," You break the silence between the two of you. "I like you, too. Since a long time ago," your breath hitched.
Owen loves you. He always do.
You're the reason he kept a random rock in his bedroom because it looks like a heart (and you're the one who gave it). The reason he wears a particular color because you told him it emphasizes his eye color. The reason he listens to a particular indie band, because you told him their lyrics is poetic as hell. (He hates bands, but who cares).
You're the reason for so many little things in his life, that he didn't think about much, but makes his life worth living. You.
"C-can we.. kiss?" For the first time in your life, you see Owen stuttered. His cheeks and ears heat up, painting the pale skin with faint tint of pink.
You chuckled softly, "Sure."
His long, pale hands cradled your head softly. As if it was the most frail thing. Without any rush, without any urge, he pulls himself closer to you. He tilts his head to the side slightly, adjusting his position before putting his lips on yours.
He settles his lips on yours, slowly and softly sucking on your lower lips. Owen tastes like the americano he drank before biking. Bitter and slightly sweet from the candy he finished before knocking on your door. You, on the other hand, tastes like mint. Tastes like the toothpaste you used before opening the door. The cool and minty scent lingers in your mouth.
The kiss is not good. It isn't like how people potrayed them in movies or novels—but it's perfect and special. Because you shared them with Owen.
Both of you pulled back after few seconds, looking at each other in love and adoration while the moon shines through. You smiled softly, patting his shoulder. "It's late. Go home, okay?"
Owen nods. "Sure do," He gives a light peck in your right cheek. "I'll text you when I got home. Good night." Owen ruffles your hair softly, as he puts on his helmet.
Owen smiles to himself all the way home. He is sure and certain about his own feelings this time, and he's right.
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devildomwriter · 10 months
Horror Movie Marathon: They React to Llamageddon
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• He does not want to watch it but he wants to know why the hell you want him to.
• He is completely blocking this out, he will pretend to watch it when you’re looking at him but he’s really thinking about tracking down whoever wrote this.
• Sax music has been ruined for him for a long time to come.
• “The llama did a fine job” is his only commentary.
• You should watch whatever he wants next if you want him to sit through this
• He’s laughing so hard.
• He’s looking up how much a movie of that quality made because he knows he can outdo it.
• He finds it genuinely funny, like what the fuck are they doing? He never knows what’s gonna happen next. Will the llama smoke weed or bitch slap someone? You literally never know.
• Mammon, being himself, doesn’t look at Llamas the same way after the movie
• He’s never even seen hentai this level of weird—possibly?
• He’s gawking at the screen and not even eating the popcorn, just looking horrified
• “Why is that animated? Of course there’s tentacles!?”
• He keeps criticizing the camera positioning and making wild hand gestures
• What the hell did you get him to watch? The llama is pretty funny though. “Yeah! Kick the normie’s heart out”
• He no longer feels ashamed of his anime choices because he just had to watch a llama/human birth scene or whatever that was supposed to be
• He’s judging you so hard. How did you even find this movie and why would you watch it with him?
• He’s wondering if these people are serious through the entire film
• “Why is that one guy wearing a different shirt in literally every shot?”
• “How would the llama know to throw something electoral in the hot tub? And it does not take that long to die from electrocution.”
• He only enjoys the llama killing people and feels bad when the llama is killed.
• “I have no words…” he is not letting you pick out the next movie
• “Literally what the fuck am I watching? Is that supposed to be a sex scene???”
• “Why the fuck is there so much sax music, it’s not that sexy! What’s happening?”
• “Eventually he just starts talking to the movie because he can’t sit and watch it seriously.”
• Horrified gasps and fake faints throughout the movie.
• “Poor llama! Those weird people deserved that!”
He’s just watching. He honestly doesn’t care about quality, he’s here for a story which kind of happens.
The blood made him hungry for meat so now he’s got steak in addition to popcorn
Wonders if space llamas taste any good. They might be spicy if they can blow stuff up.
He really doesn’t have an opinion he just can’t figure out what happened and why.
• “The fuck did you put on…”
• Tries to go to sleep but it’s so weird he can’t take his eyes off screen and that kind of annoys him because it’s just so bad and it’s completely on purpose
• Has a personal grudge against the director but is laughing so hard when someone gets blown up by the CGI lasers.
• He’s secretly rooting for the llama because he thinks its fluff might be comfortable
• He has some weird dreams about llamas for a few nights after
• Straight up says “no” he’s not watching it but he ends up doing so anyway when you beg him to watch it with you
• He’s not enthused and is hoping chewing his food will tune the sound out but the weird sex scenes and close ups have him choking on the food.
• “I’ve watching humanity grow for so long and accumulates…to this…”
• He does laugh at some point because it’s just so stupid is funny. He’s dying because how is this a movie?
• And then it gets even weirder and he’s sighing into a pillow and hiding his laughter
• Immediately tries to turn it off unless you tell her there’s some good traps in the movie
• She’s waiting for them impatiently but she does get a few—very violent ideas
• “Why’d that girl’s face never change. She’s not even acting? Why’s that guys shirt keep changing? No one kisses like that!? What is this!? MC—“
• She’s never watching a movie you recommend again unless it’s reviews are near-perfect
• She wanted to llama to win because the humans were too annoying
“I wonder is Solomon would survive a turbine?”
How dare you play a movie with sex scenes while Simeon is there and they’re not even sexy, it’s weird as hell.
• They’re throwing a party at the home someone was murdered in?
• What are you showing him. It just keeps getting weirder, and is that a fluffy egg? Is that human birthing a egg!???
• He’s got a pillow to the chest. He’s not scared, he’s so incredibly weirded out he’s kind of frozen.
• He does not let you pick out the next movie, he needs to pet real llamas to get over that weird movie.
• Tells you this movie is why you shouldn’t do drugs. You should also start avoiding other humans.
• He’s giving you a lot of judgmental looks
• “Someone was just murdered there and they’re having a party?”
• The weird close ups and tongue wagging gross him out.
• If you find a mysterious substance on a tree, do not emerge yourself in it? He’s shaking his head so much.
• He feels bad for the llama because it did nothing wrong and has to hang out with loud college kids
• Mildly amused by the dads parting words of how to kill future space llamas and then there’s cries of more. He hopes that means they’re won’t be a sequel.
• A stupefied expression on his face the whole time.
• Is this a joke or are they trying to be serious because he can’t decided and he wants to strangle the actors—his standards are way too high for b horror movies
• This human government has the worst investigative skills ever. Why would they leave the remains of the ship? How did they not see the goo? Are they really just not doing to address a fluffy egg?
• This is why he doesn’t attend college parties, are they all this weird. Have the humans truly lost it.
• How dare they disrespect sax music.
• His investigative method will lead him to find the real names of the actors and personally chastise them
• Each time something cringey happens he takes a good long look at you, judging your choice in movies
• Why would you show this to him? Why was this even made
• He doesn’t even have the energy to sigh while watching this.
• If he goes to make tea and you pause the movie until he gets back he will be internally very upset but try not to show it
• Even a time lord does not have the time for this movie but he sits there anyway, mostly looking at you as you die laughing from its stupidity.
• It’s so bad he’s laughing. They know what they’re doing, it’s crap and they’re embracing it.
• Only enjoys the llama and the bad special effects
• He literally won’t stop laughing.
• He feels like the actors are his friends goofing off behind the camera and it’s bringing tears to his eyes.
• He assigns them random names, “no, the llama got John!”
• “…is he….turning into a llama? Oh now it’s animated… oh no…is he giving birth?”
• Ever the optimistic he gives them an A for effort and is still laughing long after the movie is over.
• “Humans are so interesting…”
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roronoagem · 8 months
Maybe Kid finding himself falling for a fem reader who is like the total opposite of him? Maybe more shy/ laid back and soft spoken. She's taller (5'8") and broader for a girl, so she's never really felt the stereotyped feminine/ sexy and doesn't think anyone's interested in her in that way. She's always been seen as one of the guys, cussing and being interested in their hobbies.
characters: eustass ‘captain’ kid
content warning: fem!reader, shy reader, kid is prob out of character bc i genuinely have seen him for like mere seconds every time he came on screen at this point in the anime (currently on zou lmao) so pls go easy on me.. pretty much fluff & prob nonsense, not proofread.
a/n: this is fr one of my worst pieces, i would ignore it if i were you guys + first time writing for kid, i’m scared, and i’m very intrigued by his character. a friend of mine said he’ll be more present in wano arc? i hope so hm. i’m sorry it took me so long & hope you’ll enjoy it anyway !! <3
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now you know that pic of the pink barbie house next to the black dark one?
okay. this is the kind of opposite we’re talking about.
i genuine believe kid would be more of the aggressive type when approaching things while you are more calm and understanding.
doesn’t know how he fell for you, don’t ask him.
it just happened.
he gets all flustered when he’s around you so he would start raising his voice and try his best to keep his composure, acting cool and such.
too bad his face is flushed red.
now, from your point of view kid is just messing with you.
no one would find you that attractive and ask you out, that’s what you keep repeating yourself.
so of course at first you kindly refuse his advances and leave him standing there in confusion.
“what the fuck–?”
yeah, makes no sense.
kid doesn’t give up, cause you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, he wants you by his side and he’s gonna do his best to make it happen.
he thinks your height makes you even hotter, he likes tall girls and believe it or not, he thinks you’re really sexy.
man he wanna kiss you so bad.
everyone can see that you two are opposites, but he doesn’t care.
since he kept asking you out, when you finally accepted he was so used to your rejection that he answered with a “yeah, better luck next time” and already turning around to leave, rolling his eyes.
it was a surprise for sure, but he was so happy you finally accepted he made sure you wouldn’t regret it.
a genuine smile spreading across his lips !!
i think it would be a balanced couple by the way, you’re calm and he acts a bit calmer too now.
still swear every two sentences but whatever, he can kiss you whenever he wants now so it’s fine hehe ^_^
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qstea · 1 year
hi! would it be possible to get headcanons about what kind of gifts they'd give or what they would do for their relationship anniversary? gender neutral reader for geno, error and if possible, fatal error as well.
(i've never sent an ask before so hopefully this is alright, its ok to refuse. love your writing!! :D)
📎 What They Do for Their Relationship Anniversary ★
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Featuring: Geno!Sans, Error!Sans, Fatal_Error!Sans
#Notes: u gave me my top favs tysm *kisses you* srry this took like seven thousand years to make lolol but here u goooo
pronouns used: they/them
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Geno Sans
Putting it in simple words, they have no idea what to do for the anniversary.
Definitely goes to Sans for advice and probably rambles about the situation to him. To which Sans just replies ‘get them something memorable, or take them somewhere, like per se, the spot where you met. maybe a vacation?’ and it just all starts to click in Geno’s head.
Alright, so. Their plan is to 1. Take you to the very top of the mountain where they first saw the surface and have a peaceful picnic with you. 2. Buy some of your favorite snacks and a movie you like and eat some popcorn up in their room, and 3. Cuddle and fall asleep together. Perfect anniversary plan.
Still super nervous about how it will go, and isn’t the best at speaking to others. Papyrus and Sans may or may not tag along and make it slightly less peaceful and a little less like alone time between the two of you.
If that does happen, it makes the atmosphere somewhat excitable. Geno isn’t the happiest about it, mainly because they really just want to be alone with you and just bathe in each others company, but if you’re enjoying it, they’re enjoying it.
Logically, some things end up backfiring during the anniversary, but it’s the thought that really counts. And for you two, is all that really mattered in the first place.
Error Sans
I don’t see them really caring about anniversaries. But if you’re super into it, they’ll go along with it.
Not really for taking you anywhere? I think they prefer staying in their anti-void and sharing their bean bag with you while watching undernovela (tbh you should’ve seen this coming. come on, it’s error.)
Afterwards, they’ll open a portal to Outertale and you guys can just hang out and watch the stars. Will point out constellations for you and everything. Ink likes to follow you and Error around mostly because he’s genuinely surprised Error managed to get into a relationship with somebody and for this long too! You better bet Ink’s going to make ship art for you guys on your anniversary. Outertale paintings are his specialty., so expect to find a few art pieces near your date spot in Outertale.
Error is mildly embarrassed and flustered when they do find these drawings though.
The kind of monster to make you a tapestry or a plushie of themselves. Not used to giving people gifts so they’ll just throw them out you and scurry away like the rat bastard they are.
The anniversary isn’t remotely well put together but it’s a nice spending it with Error, so it cancels the flaws out.
Fatal Error Sans
He has a vague idea on what an anniversary is supposed to look like. After being in the save screen for so long and then having Error brutally mangle his code, you can imagine just what that shit does to your memory.
You’ll have to bring up the topic of a relationship anniversary for them to even remember that those things exist.
Very busy a lot of the time (killing Papyruses and multiple versions of Swap and piecing their code together to try to make themselves a new brother, yknow the drill) so might not actually even have an anniversary with you.
But you mean the world to him, so if you practically beg him to do something for your anniversary, he will eventually give in.
Again you’re probably gonna have to do a lot of the work. He’ll just go along with whatever you have in mind. He doesn’t mind.
The most they’ll do is steal get some snacks for you.
Might attempt to crochet or knit something for you with his red strings but he’s not that experienced. He’ll definitely learn for you, though.
Most definitely not experienced in the art of romance so be patient with them.
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luffyvace · 9 months
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as a thx for being patient for me not posting all day-
you get the whole crew!! :)
(some of these are based off true stories i’ve heard of from my friends 😭🧍‍♀️)
never a peaceful day goes by
hes the type of guy that has to make noise if it’s “too silent”
like bro can’t we get some peace and quiet??
thrives in chaos
his eye to hand coordination is on point bc this man doesn’t think before he does ANYTHING
steals things from his crew even
if he sees something he likes he just takes it
he goes into the bathroom, puts boogers on the tissue then leaves
doesn’t even take it off or flush it
the next person who has to use that bathroom is mortified
when nami finds out and holds a whole meeting to find out who did this terrible act of crime
they find out it’s him he just laughs
per usual
stop this madness.
(he doesn’t)
also a menace
not as straightforward with it though
its more like if he gets water everywhere when washing his hands
or spills his drink when pouring it
or pee all over the toilet
he’s kinda like oh whoops
(for future reference- my apologies for who ever you simp for here bc these headcanons don’t hold back)
sometimes he doesn’t shower after he trains
and just walks in the kitchen full body REEKING 😭😭😭
seriously dude take a shower
”i’ll cool off eventually”
it makes me doubt he changes his underwear often enough
he leaves empty water bottles everywhere
it’s worse in the crows nest trust
thankfully this poor victim isn’t nearly as much as a menace
as long as you pay your beli
is genuinely willing to wait as long as it takes to get that money
and if you die she’s taking your life insurance
if your a pirate and have none she probably just takes whatever money and belongings you own
if it’s gems she’ll keep them but otherwise
she sells your clothes and other stuff that’s not worth much
smells like flowers
yes i said it
every time she comes out the shower something chaotic has happened
ah what a refreshing shower..
😡✊ 🤣 💥 😓 😑
you can guess what happened
his luck heavily fluctuates
sometimes he can get away with stealing. from. nami.
to other times getting blamed for farting
by luffy
and no one likes that feeling
has a better fashion sense but just chooses to dress how he does
no reason really
he can do hair and paint nails
nail painting he learned from kaya
would love horse back riding if he tried
he would suck at first tho
likes little children but they always end up beating him up for some reason
‘his cooking isn’t that good!’
‘let’s jump him!’
besides the usopp pirates—they just do
he could pull if he just stopped simping so hard
opla sanji is proof
his favorite thing to cook is spicy foods
him and chopper bond over spices bc some are good for your health and all
chopper sometimes recommends new herbs to put in foods
and vice versa for medicine
he helps chopper shop for herbs and such
if zoro wasn’t his big brother it was def be sanji
i love this duo it need more screen time
Sanji is a natural with children
which is why i wanna know why he ain’t wifed up yet?!
still hasn’t had his first kiss
prob would’ve genuinely married pudding if she was regular girl or at least not a big mom pirate
sweetest person ever
looks up to all the straw hats
so he picks up bad habits from them
and is influenced by them easily
they use him as a tie breaker for stuff
they all bribe him to picking they’re option
usually robin, nami, sanji or zoro wins
robin bc she uses her psychological knowledge
nami bc she offers to buy his doctor stuff (which is rare)
sanji bc they have a close bond and relate to each other
and zoro bc they’re bond too (and bc he scares him sometimes- like that time in water 7)
asks people to help him with his doctor research
everyone was willing until the time usopp had diarrhea
then he could only convince luffy to do it 😭
her stare scares the rest of the straw hats
if it’s not a genuine smile and more like a distant stare that is
shes always observing and watching
theres no hiding secrets from her
she’s knows all
she actually reminds me of a friend i had irl and idk how to feel abt it
she wasn’t a bad person
she was just
just like robin 🧍‍♀️
i wonder if robin would read stephen king?
she would prob big up the book
only for them to find out it’s pretty dark
she prefers tea over coffee any day
its healthier w more health benefits
it just suits her taste pallet more
plus it doesn’t stain your teeth yellow n stuff..
the second he gets up-
its kinda annoying
he doesn’t care much if you don’t like it
Luffy is louder ok
your fine
wants robin to think he’s cool
if you don’t get something he said he doesn’t feel like repeating himself
either leaves out more details the more he explains it
or stares at you until you get it
constantly requesting american food for dinner
he doesn’t mind noodles and other around the world dishes
but can he get some pizza??
is that too much??
actually such a kind and considerate person
can relate to sanji on his kindness and empathy being his superpower
needs so much more attention
the only one who still laughs at his skull jokes are luffy and chopper
sometimes usopp if it was a good one
loves to exchange books with robin but..
sometimes they’re a bit scary
(dude your a skeleton…YOUR SCARY-)
robin listens to him well bc he has a wealth of knowledge
he is 90 after all
maybe brook gets his clothes tailored??( bc who makes clothes so skinny a skeleton could fit them?!)
can play instruments no ones ever even HEARD OF before
randomly re-realizes his generation of people is dead
like now he has to accommodate with the youngsters 😭
i mean people in one piece live pretty long
but still they’re not out here kickin it n allike they used to
like rayliegh-
except he’s younger-
way younger-
ok so maybe whitebeard
but he was still jukin-
one piece people are weird..
idk much about him especially but imma try
he’s so cool
he can prob cook really well
has very good survival and leader skills
plus instincts
wait how old is he??
looked it up he’s 46
so he’s the 2nd oldest
technically would be first if brook wasn’t a moving pile of bones
my apologies your right this is jinbei.
i feel like he can dance
like he knows traditional dances of all sorts
i mean he could travel under water pretty fast
he should be able to visit different places right?
besides, he was a warlord
of course he did!
i feel he wouldn’t be a simp
as in for boa specifically
like he’s like i got too much going on to simp over some youngster
ik he ain’t real old or anything
but my dude a grown man
bro ain’t got time
he’s too busy being himothy
i feel he’d like poems
jinbei’s was like the most serious one. and that was still all over the place itself-
i take it back probably chopper or robin
this was fun but it took so long. it’s ok u guys enjoy :). i’m off to watch some anime 🏃‍♀️
oh my GOODNESS. so many tags 🤓
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
thanks so much for writing a part 2 to the xNurse reader(i loved it)
and for giving grant some love.And if you are going to do more parts i would like to request that you add alton moore,christenson and moe alley because they are so underrated/like i Can Barely find any fics about them/And sorry english is not my first language
Hey I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for your request, I’d love to write for these men, sorry if it’s not super good as they for some reason never got as much screen time in Bob:( but I love to do more research and give some underrated boys some attention hehe.
Also no need to apologise!! Your English is perfect!!
Band of Brothers x Nurse Reader, Part 3:
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Alton More:
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Okay off topic but this guy was biggggggg for looting, how do you think he got hold of Hitlers personal photo album LMAO.
like that smirk after Speirs has finished telling him off just makes me feel like he’s a bit cheeky.
Like I can see all the nurses being introduced to the men and he just smirks directly at you immediately. His attention isn’t on any of the other women, you’re the only one he’s got eyes for.
some how, he attempts to make his way over to speak to you, but you’re ushered away quicker than he expects.
The rest of the evening, and however long it is before he sees you again he’s probably thinking about you. (He married his childhood sweetheart so I think he himself is a huge sweetheart). He’s a hopeless romantic and is already head over heels before he can put a name to your face.
“Ahhhh, did you see her, Malark? Like, her hair and everythin’??? She was gorgeous.”
He’s thinking about every single detail about you. “Ya gonna scare her away the second you speak to her.”
Much to More’s surprise he doesn’t. Hes super tall and handsome, with a smile to die for, a total dreamboat. He’s stunned when you’re stammering and blushing around him.
I think to speak to you he’d ask you loads of questions about nursing in the army and how you got into it. He’s genuinely fascinated, and when he finds out he’s a year or two older than you, he teases you about it.
would definitely be a little more shy and slower to make a move than some of the other boys. But you’d grow close because of this, he would harass you, he’s harmless and charming and sweet- I think as a nurse in Easy it would be hard to resist him.
so there’s this story that Malarkey has told about when Alton was looting, and he found a pair of knitted, baby boots and completely broke down and started to cry.
I think out of everybody Alton would feel the most comfortable coming to you, and when you just appear in front of him and he’s stood with red eyes, you couldn’t help but engulf him into a hug.
well it’s more like him engulfing you because he’s much taller, but instantly you’d ask him what happened and when he expresses himself you’d leave kisses all over his cheeks and cuddle him a lot.
after that act of vulnerability the two of you would be like two peas in a pod, feelings would be admitted and he’d be super protective over you, especially if you’re out on the field, he feels like his hearts in his throat whenever he watches you run out to treat somebody.
Burton ‘Pat’ Christenson:
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christenson genuinely sounds like such an interesting person, and Michael Fassbender is gorgeous omfg.
From what I’ve seen he seems like quite a happy, outgoing guy, so maybe you spot him before he spots you?? Like for a change, you’re the one admiring somebody from a far and feel like you have to chase them.
it’s not that he doesn’t think you’re stunning I think because you’re on the quieter side he doesn’t notice you, but when he does, holy fucking shit ur so fucking drop dead gorgeous and what???
would buy you a drink and comes and sits next to you in the pub, engaging in conversation with you about anything.
He has such a sparkle in his eye and he doesn’t open up about it at first, but he’s got so many interests.
Physically, he was one of the top men in easy which is super attractive to you, (Pat smirks about this) but he’s also artistic, can play the guitar and he can sing?!! He’s a guy of many talents and I think you’d beg him to sing- which he’s too modest about so he doesn’t sadly.
Would probably be super playful with you as a way of flirting.
I think anything was to happen, it would be later in the war during/ after Bastogne.
everybody’s morale is down, but your closest friend seems to be completely and utterly exhausted and close to the brink of a breakdown. When you learn he’d been hit by shrapnel and was too exhausted to move you’re a panicked mess.
You didn’t know whether to slap him or cry when he’s asleep in the field hospital bed. You watch over him and let him sleep peacefully, patching and cleaning him up.
At some point, I think his hand would sneak into yours, half asleep as he’d ask you to stay in a husky voice. Now if that didn’t make your heart leap, I don’t know what else would.
He’s just so soft and gentle, and he’s a really kind guy, so you’d do anything for him except, “Pat, we’re in the hospital, I can’t get in bed with you-“ “I love you though.” Oop- “N-no you’re half asleep.” “Y/N, I love you.”
Would definitely fall hard and fast, you’re his own personal nurse for a couple weeks, and you’re his rock after he lost his closest friends.
After the way you took care of him, he wants nothing more than to spoil you for the rest of your life after the war and bring you home to a comfortable lifestyle where he can give you whatever you wanted.
I think physical touch is his love language, so he’d have a lingering finger wrapped around yours, or a hand on your shoulders at all times.
James Moe Alley:
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What a handsome man. Seriously all three of these men are SLEPT on.
I think Moe is a more quieter guy, especially when it comes to women, he’s a little shy and intimidated around you, similar to how Babe is.
let’s say you first meet when you do his physical, you’ve seen so many handsome men so he doesn’t think you’d be the slightest bit interested; but there’s an audible shyness behind your voice, and James is relieved you’re similar to him.
You had to have your hands all over him, and the examination ended up being slightly giggly and awkward. After, it takes a while for either of you to speak one on one, without being in a group.
I think Moe would get a little saddened and disheartened when he see’s other men flirting with you, he sips his beer as he watches you laughing at what they’re saying, questioning why he can’t be that confident around you.
nervous about jumping out of the aeroplane (he had to be pushed out when jumping!) I feel like you’d be able to tell and you’d approach him and soothe his shaking hands.
“Ya’ scared, James? Don’t be scared, I’ve seen a million guys do this and they were all fine.” Knowing you were on the ground below, and you’d just held his hands, he felt like a child, smiling to himself as he plucked enough courage to throw himself out of the plane during the practice jumps.
I feel like he’d need a bit of a push to make a move on you? Maybe one day he sees somebody being rude or disrespectful to you, they’re clearly taking advantage of how nice and reserved you are, so he intercepts, physically barricading his body between yours and the guy harassing you.
“She ain’t interested, pal. You better back off.”
After he’s huffing and puffing, storming away from the annoying guy once he’d finally left you and you chase after him, grabbing his shoulders. to stop him.
“Moe.” With a soft call of his name, you’re on your tip toes kissing him with both your hands on either of his cheeks.
Feels like he’s been kissed by an Angel- holy fucking shit.
after that there’s a genuine connection growing between the two of you, but I feel like it gets cut short when he’s injured in Operation Market Garden.
seeing him like that was horrible, you couldn’t stop crying and Winters had to move you away from treating him because you were too worried. Thanks to your quick action and care he survives despite having 32 shrapnel injuries.
he never has chance to thank you because he’s borderline unconscious and shipped off to a hospital for the next two months.
In the mean time you’d write to one another, James is more confident through writing, and warns you a billion times that he’s gonna ‘bust the fuck out and go AWOL to get back to Easy’.
And he does.
it’s in Bastogne; but hell seeing him again would make you weak in the knees. Alley feels like he’s gonna fall when he sees you and he engulfs you in the biggest cuddle ever. You’re skinny and look exhausted, but you’re alive and safe.
The relationship is so comfortable, you love each other very dearly and Moe never ever forgets how you saved his life when he was injured. Never stops thanking you.
omfg ??? Im in my feels so much writing about these men? If anybody has any requests surrounding these guys specifically, please let me know and I’ll get writing!!
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spiderlingh · 2 years
obx s3 thoughts (obviously contains spoilers!)
this is just my opinion, please don’t come for me if u disagree :)
i was a bit disappointed with this season ngl, definitely my least favorite season of the series so far
action sequences were really good but i felt like a few episodes were just straight meaningless action scenes and that definitely felt unnecessary to me
cleo pope jj owners of the season <3
drew starkey can certainly pull off a buzzcut but man do i miss his sexy haircut from season 2 😭😭
WAY TOO MANY BIG JOHN SCENES oh my god look i get it, it’s a miracle the guy turned up alive and shit but i am not john b i do not give two shits about this rather mean looking man and i felt like he was on my screen more than the main cast
shoutout to his actor tho. he did a great job portraying him
i thought i would be a jiara shipper but i don’t like them together at all… i lowkey hate that the writers now literally paired kie with every guy of the pogues when that seems so out of character for her
saw a post about kie being lesbian and you know what? y e s. even though i think a love interest wouldn’t be necessary for her to begin with
i’m a jjpope girlie sorry their chemistry is just chef’s kiss but it’s never gonna happen bc according to the writers there’s not a single gay on that silly lil island
(it’s completely fine if you do ship them bc they did have chemistry in the previous seasons)
not the sarah x topper drama getting reused from last season… i love sarah but girl what the hell
speaking of topper i thought it was fun how they included him in the train heist
but the way sarah manipulated him and used him… i’m no fan of his at all but i did feel for him bc he pulled so much for her and she went straight back to john b 😭
my boy really said i’m gonna light this place up like a damn bonfire lmfao
anyway back to it
the main villains (ward and rafe) of the past two seasons became pretty much irrelevant this season?? huh???
rafe did a near complete 180 out of nowhere… which was strange
like this man’s whole trauma was solely fixed on getting love and respect from his father and the whole donating the cross situation really sucked if you look at it from rafe’s perspective but i do not believe that THAT was all it took to suddenly become so hostile towards ward. even if he still ended up saving him.
this guy was so stuck in the cycle of violence from the pilot up to the final episode of season 2 and his character development was so interesting to see (that scene in s2 when he says he’s not okay and needs help and ward tells him to man up still stuck with me) and it feels like they threw it out of the window and pretty much sidelined his character for no reason at all.
new boring villain is introduced and gets killed in the same season
worst parent award goes to mike and anna
they’re such a fun dynamic like give me that please i’ve been asking for this before s2 even came out
the pogues had pretty much 2 scenes together and that’s it… i had hoped to see more of them and their dynamics and just more of them on that deserted island??? wasted potential oh my god
is it just me or was the filming style a lil different this season…
wasn’t rafe’s love interest supposed to be a bigger thing? because the few scenes he shared with her were completely irrelevant and so was her entire character tbh 😭
rafe and kie teaming up… was awesome i loved it
jj and kie running into pope and cleo when they were just about to get off the bus and immediately had to run from people with big ass guns is peak obx energy and i thought it was hilarious
i audibly gasped at the time jump!! such a weird way to end the season, it almost seemed like a series finale but knowing that season 4 is already confirmed i’m genuinely wondering what direction they’re gonna take this. the root of it all was that they were looking for the treasures because some of them were connected to it in their own ways (john b and the royal merchant bc of his dad, pope and the cross/denmark tanny bc family) and rafe and ward were perfect villains up until this season.
if there’s something i want to see in the next season, it’s just more pogue scenes, strengthening their own characters and developments and their dynamics with the other pogues. we really do not need the same romance drama every season. it’s boring and frankly annoying. honestly in this show there’s so much going on that i don’t feel like each one of the pogues needs to end up with someone. i would love to have jarah and jjpope as endgame and have kie and cleo end up solo or maybe have other love interests (but not really).
just give me the pogues doing what they do best — bickering while they’re off chasing some mystery and putting their lives at risk and miraculously getting out of it alive and well.
because season 3 was just weird. really weird. idk this is all for now but i might add more later!
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now that was an episode!! whew, I don't even know where to start
Boston, god damn it Boston, he's so uurrgh, he's so weird like I genuinely don't know what his deal is.. ok, he's seems to want something from Top but is it necessary to literally manipulate every single person around you?? I felt like this ep. we followed him going from one person to another and just completely fucking them over
I don't even know how to describe it but whenever Boston is on screen my brain just goes "ew!" with literally everything he does, I know nothing in the show or trailer implies that there's gonna be murder involved but Boston genuinely gives me serial killer vibes I don't know how to explain it
and you know how I said I don't like Boston and Top, well this ep. didn't exactly made me like Top but at least showed me Top had some sort of humanity left in him while I think Boston is just a straight up asshole
Top is still weird to me, he's like a huge question mark he seems to like Mew and is obviously interested, I guess that's why he seemed a little hurt when Boston showed him the picture of Mew and Ray kissing but that really doesn't justify him having sex with Boston especially after Boston said the photo was from two years ago?? like bestie, you seem to be having serious trust issues
moving on to Sand and Ray, I'll just tackle them in one because as of right now they are the only pairing with a realistic chance of ending up together, I think their dynamic is fun but they walk this really thin line between just sex and feelings which yes, they did dicuss but we all know this isn't going to work out
their scene in the car gave us a reality check of where their relationship really is at because Ray is still into Mew, he enjoys Sand's company and all that but Mew still is more important and you could tell by Sand's reaction that he felt kind of betrayed, he let Ray have his way even though he said he never slept with someone twice that wasn't his lover only for Ray to leave him in the middle of everything
now I don't mind Ray being there for his friends, yk that's nice of him but like, he could've handled that a little different.. I also think this isn't going to be the only time Ray leaves Sand for Mew which is gonna lead to this whole "what-even-are-we-can-you-focus-on-me-for-once"-situation we saw in the trailer
I'm also really intrigued by the history between Top and Sand like how do they know each other?? why do they obviously not like each other?
now, Mew.. I've seen a few people say he's like the evil mastermind behind everything but, no I don't think so, I just think he's less innocent and naiv as he's painted to be like he's not stupid and I could see him playing all nice but if something really pisses him off he'll snap for sure
and last but not least.. the nations meow meow Nick!! now up until ep. 2 I thought he was simply the unfortunate guy that falls for the asshole and gets nothing but pain and suffering in return.. and while I do think that's what's gonna happen he could also very well be the reason that drives the whole friend group apart in the end because my guy is really getting all the tea, he's sleeping with Boston, he lives with Sand who's got something going on with Ray who again, is friends with Boston, he knows Top from Boston's photos and has now been introduced to the rest of the friend group.. Nick could be pulling so many strings if he wanted to but I guess we'll see how that develops
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alismodworld · 1 year
Alright well I might as well give my thoughts on the movie
Okay we clear? Cool. So, The Super Mario Bros movie. It was good but I honestly had no doubt it wasn't gonna be good after seeing the trailers and the promos. Of course as with everyone else my only point of fear was Chris Pratt's voice, but while I was watching the movie I realized its actually okay. It never annoyed me and it even fits Mario somehow (yeah I said it come at me). Now that I'm thinking about it, if Charles Martinet was casted it really wouldn't have worked. Whenever we see Mario in the game he's always happy and bouncy, rarely ever serious or emotional so having a voice like that probably wouldn't have made the more serious parts of the movie work at all and at best I would've laughed at how ridiculous it was and at worst I would've been sinking far back into my chair. No disrespect to the guy at all, he does a phenomenal job in the games, but I just don't think he'd work too well in the movie. He does get a nod to in the movie which is great!
The movie is gorgeously animated and I love how the characters translated perfectly on the big screen. The backgrounds were spectacular. And the way the incorporate the elements of the games into the movie to create this world is *chefs kiss*. Everything makes sense and it's not too on the nose, it's believable.
It's a very simple movie, nothing too crazy and if you have very basic knowledge of the Mario franchise you'll get what's going on like how I did. All the characters acted perfectly to how I expected them to and nobody really annoyed me. My only problem is with Cranky Kong's voice. Sorry, but Fred Armisen's voice just doesn't match up with Cranky's appearance.
Jack Black absolutely killed it with Bowser. He was the perfect amount of comedy and intimidation. AND THE PEACHES SONG THREW ME SO OFF GUARD I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BUT JUST SIT AND STARE!!
Also, PEACH! Oh my god I loved Peach in this movie!! I was scared and honestly expecting her to be too much of a "strong female character" rather than a strong character who happens to be female and she's definitely the latter. She's kind, she's helpful, she's patient, she cares deeply about her subjects, kingdom and everyone in general and she can kick serious ass too. I'm gonna be honest, in my years of playing Mario on and off I never really cared for Peach, IM SORRY TO SAY, I WAS DUMB KID! But watching her in this movie, I absolutely love her!!! AND SHE GOT LORE ON TOP OF THAT?!??
Also usually I hate the whole male character and female character get shoehorned together and end up falling in love trope, but here? PERFECT!! I also never really cared for Mareach but, I'm a changed woman and I never wanted two characters to get together so bad. I absolutely loved their chemistry as it was so organic. Of course they don't which I'm fine with but, maybe potential in the sequel?
All the action sequences were done great in my opinion and actually exceeded my expectations in some cases as I was genuinely expecting nothing but slapstick but we got a healthy amount of slapstick and serious action.
The final battle and climax was amazingly done!! Ugh that hug Mario and Luigi shared was amazing!!!
Okay now for what I didn't like
I wish we had more Luigi scenes. I understand that he's the one who's kidnapped and is basically the whole reason the movie happens but we got only a few scenes with him either running away or being trapped or integrated. I would've loved maybe a scene with him trying to be brave and find a way out or rally others to help each other escape which could've added to his character. Like it's called The Super Mario BROS movie...
Also Toad is just...there. I get he's the comic relief but he really doesn't do much other than tag along. The most I remember him doing was showing Mario to the kingdom, that's it. Idk maybe do something more to flesh out his character, why is he so eager to help Mario and Peach? Why is he an adventurer? What are his goals? Stuff like that.
Also no chain chomps...worst movie, 0/10, D-tier/j
I heard people were talking about the pacing which yeah it's a little fast but it's not too quick in my opinion. I think if they let certain scenes play out longer it would've benefited the movie.
But over all it's a really good movie. Not ground breaking but really good, happy, healthy fun. And I'm quite impressed considering it came from Illumination.
Here's to hoping this movie will pave the way to a Zelda movie!!
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wyattsdream · 2 years
finn wolfhard x listener
You and Finn have been best friends for years now and you have both had such successful careers in film making. You behind the camera and scripts and finn, the star of the show.
Its new years in new york. 46 minutes till 2023. You and Finn are in a taxi on the way to the hotel your staying at for your next movie which could be your big break.
You are both very stressed because somebody on twitter hadd leaked where you are staying and you have no idea what to expect.
You two arrive at the hotel and the minute you step out of the taxi, the paparazzi are running toward the both of you. Finn grabs your hand and you run to the elevator where the crazed fans are nowhere to be found. The elevator was made of glass and once you get to the top you would be able to see almost all of all of Manhattan. "Oh my god, i hate them so much" finn says rolling his eyes. "What the actual hell, they need to be taught a lesson" you press the button that opens the elevator door and storm out there to find almost a hundred people pointing cameras at you. "ARE YOU ALL FREAKING CRAZY" "Y/N lets just go" finn mumbles lightly trying to pull you away from the crowd. You follow him back into the elevator but a man with a big camera and a creepy look on his face grips your wrist tightly and begins to take pictures of you. "HEY GET AWAY FROM THEM" finn says trying to pull the mans hand of your wrist but his fingers were locked on so he had no other choice but to elbow the guy in his face. Finn drags you to the elevator and the door closes. The silence is awkward and you both try to process what just happened. "I'm sorry i shouldn't have done anything"
"What? No don't apologise that was really badass"
"But now your gonna get in serious trouble for hitting that guy"
"Who cares, he deserves what he got"
"Okay, thank you for helping me, who knows what would have happened"
You walk from hallway to hallway trying to find your hotel room. It took 20 minutes but you eventually found it.
You and finn have quite a small hotel room but the giant window facing the empire state and the Chrysler building makes up for it. Finn found his bed, it was a double bed with a small flat screen at the bottom. You look for your bed but cant find it. "Finn are you sure this is the correct room. There seem to only be one bed in here."
"I could have sworn my mom booked a room with two beds he says scratching his head"
Finn tell you he's going down to the reception to check if theres any more rooms available.
You sit on the floor and think to yourself. You've always liked finn as friend but after that little event you had butterflies every time he looked at you and you'd smirk every time he said your name. The fact that he would do something like that to protect you made you feel genuinely happy. Its 11:55 when Finn gets back.
"Theres no rooms, you can have the bed if you want and I'll sleep on the floor"
If you accepted that you would feel really guilty but you can't sleep on the floor. They clearly don't clean the carpets or the walls.
"No, I'd feel really guilty"
You both agree to have one side of the bed each.
"One minutes till new years, and we have a great view of the city"
You smile and stand by the window counting down the seconds. Finn everlong by foo fighters on his guitar as soon as the fireworks begin to go off infront of your window. This is one of those core memories. Memories that are most important in your life. The ones that you never forget. By the look on finns face you could tell the he thought the same. He watched you dance in front of the fireworks and you watched him play guitar with the different colours reflecting off of his guitar and you in the reflection of his eyes. The music slowly stopped but the fireworks continued. Finn takes a step towards you and kisses you on the cheek.
"Y/N i think i love you"
His eyes started to water but he did shed a single tear. You freeze up and can't get the words out of your mouth. Finn sits by the side of the bed and waits for a response.
You realise that you hadn't responded and go to sit next to him.
"I love you too"
You lean your head on his shoulder and you both watch the fireworks. He plays with your hair and eventually the fireworks end but your both fast asleep in each others arms...
By wyattsdream
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lizajane2 · 2 years
outer banks 1x05
I love Officer Peterkin and she's tough on the Pogues, but I think she's the only one who actually gives a shit about them. Like she's not trying to scare JJ she's just being brutally honest about what's in store for him if he continues like this.
"Sorry to say I'm his father." Man, if I could jump through this screen I would.
Okay, that little moment JJ hesitates to get into the car... God, he's so afraid. I really just wanna tell him not to, to run all the way back to the Chateau. And goddam it's so hard to watch, I still recoil as though Luke was the one who hit me.
I'm still trying to figure out who that guy in the hoodie was that met with Officer Peterkin. Was it Ward? That was Ward, right? Or someone who worked for him... maybe?
"You just wanna leave cause you got your ass beat." Okay John B, you know for a fact those bruises aren't from Rafe and Topper.
"If you keep going down this road, you're gonna end up just like your dad," ooo the parallels in that.
"Sounds like to me you should probably dump his ass." The only sound advice Ward has ever given.
The only parents I like in this whole show are Pope's. Like they don't really disrespect his friends because they're Pogues. He's afraid of their influence and how it'll effect Pope's future.
Cut to Kiara's not listening to what she wants out of life and dismissing how she feels... relatable.
Topper's interrogation is just really aggressive. While his concerns are valid I just felt extremely uncomfortable. Like dude what the fuck?
"He'll be all right. He's got the survival of cockroach." Yeah, but that's not a really comforting thought. That boy is far from okay.
I know he never will, but JJ needs to wear suits more often. He's so fine.
"It's nothing that hasn't happened before." No, but JJ's expression as he says that it's like he's trying so hard not to fall apart right then and there. Fuck.
Rafe: "Starting to look like your dad a lot more."
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Okay, I just love the show of affection between Pope, John B, and JJ in this episode. Like they're not afraid to say, "love you too, man." Or hug each other.
The only one good thing about Ward is how much he loves Sarah. That has never been a lie. He always cherished her more than anyone else.
There are times when Topper is very genuine about his feelings but then he does a complete 180 and pushes John B off a tower. Whiplash.
"I'm breaking up with Topper." Bitch, you should've done that days ago!
"Now I'm whore?" Okay, whore is a little harsh, cheater yes, but I mean you are kissing another while still with someone else why wouldn't he just assume you fucked him too... not that far-fetched.
Ward had the compass but then chose to bring John B under his wing only for that reason... it took me a sec to connect those two dots the first time.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
I just read your recent asks about warrior nun and what you said about showrunners only caring for viewers so long as they make money from it just Hit™. Still, I just wanted to let you know that Simon Barry, the showrunner for Warrior Nun, is actually a huge supporter of the sapphic ship that everyone keeps recommending! He's the reason why they're gay! Netflix did not want to make avatrice canon but Simon and the cast got the kiss in the last season completely by secret. He even introduced a specific male character as a potential love interest for Ava (one of the characters of Avatrice) specifically to throw Netflix off his scent. It's half the reason why the show was cancelled lmao
Ok and I am genuinely glad for you guys, and I hope I'm wrong! But also I know how Hollywood is and how media execs are, and if these things are gonna be actual movies, the likelihood is that the queer will be cut. Or made so minuscule in the actual project that it's token queer rep at best.
I'm sure the showrunner is a great guy and I'm sure he has a lot of great intentions, and again I hope I am wrong, but I've seen this happen before with queer plots (e.g. Fried Green Tomatoes was a lot gayer in the book) and I would not be shocked if it happens with this. I mean tbh idk if I even believe that 'tricked' story because it's not like he just uploaded the season of WN himself without approval, people sign off on these things. Writers, directors, producers, camera people who do the shots, makeup, set design, etc - all these people have to be paid for their work which means them being there to shoot has to be approved. They have to block shots and do the lighting and then edit it and set music to it and so on and so on. Like... there's zero percent chance that it wasn't greenlit by Netflix I'm sorry but that's just not how these things work. The people cutting the checks make the final calls, and I'm genuinely happy for you guys that you got it! But unfortunately if given any kind of chance, they will de-gayify everything for big screen because they think it's more marketable. That's all I'm saying. So this was never me hating on him or the show or anything because I hope they don't, but I'm just saying if they do I won't be surpised.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Take a Hike
Prompt: When Harry and Y/N take the baby for a hike and end up being followed by fans.
word count: 2.2 k
contains: language, sexual content
Harry was furious. He just wanted to go on a hike  - like a normal family on a warm June day in a beautiful foreign country.
You were currently in Madrid - on Harry’s European leg of the tour.
While Harry had been doing press - you and Sasha had taken to the hotel pool where she could splash and enjoy the water all day.
It wasn’t without a eagle-eyed security guard who lurked in the background for shady characters and overzealous fans.
Fans - they wanted picture with you because you were Harry Styles’ wife. Not inherently famous on your own.
It was a bit odd, but you didn’t mind occasionally stopping to snap a pic with a excited fans. 
However, when you and Harry were out with the baby - it was completely off limits. Neither Harry nor you would stop for fans and paparazzi if you were toting around your little love.
She didn’t like the crowds and shouts that came along with swarms of people. She would slap her little hands over her ears, dig her face into her parent’s neck, and whimper.
Harry had always been protective of you when it came to these situations. One of the major downfalls of being so famous.
Harry had nearly gotten arrested when a clumsy pap had nearly push you over while you were eight months along. 
You and Harry had loaded up all the necessities for the five-mile hike on one of the trails right outside the city.
Sasha had a generous amount of sunscreen on and a little hat to protect her face. She refused to wear the sunglasses.
Harry had a pack for her - so you helped him load your two-year-old onto his back. He knew it was going to ache like a motherfucker but she was a bit too heavy for you. You opted for the backpack with everything in it.
The trail was semi-busy. Both of you donned sunglasses and hats to attempt to disguise yourselves a little bit.
Harry had even pulled on a hoodie - despite the heat - to cover his very recognizable tattoos.
You made it the two and a half miles in without any interruptions. 
Sasha falling asleep halfway through the trek with her cheek smushed against her father’s shoulder blade.
You snapped a few pictures in front of the waterfalls and beautiful rock structures. But you had decided not to wake your daughter from her nap.
You and Harry had taken an obligatory kissing selfie that would likely be your new Lock Screen. 
You both had made the mistake of taking off your sunglasses for the picture because you can hear muted whispers from other tourists.
“Is that fucking Harry Styles?”
“Yes. Oh my god! That’s his wife and baby!”
“Snap a video, Emilia!”
Harry’s noticeable tenses as he slides his sunglasses back onto his nose. Protective papa bear was in full-force around strangers who knew who he was.
The most important thing in Harry’s mind was his family’s safety.
“Let’s go, lovie,” Harry murmurs softly. His British accent surely giving him away if they heard it.
You nod anxiously - pointedly not making eye contact with the fans and small group that was gathering.
As you begin the journey back down the small mountain - you notice the group trailing behind you. Following you guys.
Jaw clenched, you want to scream at them to stop taking pictures of your sleeping baby. But you attempt to keep your cool.
It wasn’t more than ten teenage girls but it didn’t really matter who it was.
The girls are getting louder, more excited. When one of them squeals in joy of seeing her celebrity crush - who she had ticket for his concert tomorrow as did the rest of the group.
The noise startles the curly-haired baby on Harry’s back awake. She immediately starts crying - her hands coming to grip frantically in her fathers matching curls.
“Daddy,” Sasha sobs, grabbing at him as the girls keep snapping pictures and cooing.
Harry’s face is stone - attempting to keep his anger at bay. He was about to lose his shit and you couldn’t blame him.
He couldn’t always treat people with kindness.
“Down, want down,” she lisps, no longer wanting to be confined in her pack. It was also most likely time for a diaper change.
“Not right now, sweetheart. Please be good for mumma and I,” Harry rasps, reaching back to give her leg a comforting pat.
You look at your husband, “Please - let’s just try to make it out of here as soon as possible.”
Harry sighs, “I’m sorry, love.”
You brush his shoulder lightly, “it isn’t your fault people act this way. I just can’t stand when this happens around her.”
Harry’s slight smile from your reassurance turns into a glare when he realizes the nosy fans were trying to talk to his upset baby - who notably did not like strangers.
He’s quick to unstrap the toddler and shuffle her into your arms. You cradle her and turn you back away from the group. 
“Mumma, no cameras,” she whines, her words a little jumbled but you understood.
“I know, baby. Daddy’s going to take care of it,” you coo assuringly. Her fingers finding their way into her mouth to soothe her.
Harry slides her carrier off his shoulders and tosses it next to your feet. He’s trailing over to the jumpy, overly-excited fans.
“Listen,” he states firmly, speaking loudly over their giggles, “y’need to stop following us and takin’ pictures. You’re scaring our baby.”
They chatter a bit, begging from picture and then they promise they’ll leave us alone.
“Absolutely not,” Harry states, trying to stay level headed with these immature teens who adored him.
With that, he’s headed back to you guys. The girls shouting unflattering things at him like “asshole” and “douchebag.”
He decided to ignore it and quickly allows you to strap the baby back into her carrier. His eyes study your face to make sure you’re alright and you give him a calm smile, squeezing at his bicep.
The girls trailed off after a few more minutes of following us. Harry hummed and sang a few nursery rhymes to Sasha to keep her calm but she was still fussy.
Back the hotel, Sasha was freshly bathed and laid down for a nap in the second bedroom. A baby monitor sat on the bathroom countertop as you two showered off the sweat and dirt.
Harry was still upset about the incident so you decided upon a good cuddle in a warm shower. His cheek was rested in the top of you head and his arms holding you to his wet chest.
“Just want to be normal - for one fuckin’ day,” he huffs with frustration.
“We had a totally normal, fun hike. It wasn’t ruined, I promise. It’s our reality so they’re is no use in being upset about it.”
Harry loved how level-headed you were to balance out his irrational, impulsive feelings and actions.
“You’re t’good to me, I love you.”
“At the end of the day, I knew what I was signing up for when you and I got married. I also knew when we had Sasha that paparazzi would still hound you.”
“Didn’t sign up to be harassed constantly though. I just feel so bad about it sometimes. It scares Sasha and it makes me feel like a bad father.”
You knew he was about to throw himself into a downward spiral if you didn’t distract him. 
“You know what else I signed up for when I married you?” I murmur into his neck, letting my lips ghost over his hammering pulse.
“Wha’s that?” He asks genuinely, a little slow on the uptake because of how deep in thought he was.
“That you would fuck me whenever I wanted,” you nearly purr, landing a not-so-gentle nip to the vein protruding on his neck.
“Is tha’ right? Put a ring on your finger and now I gotta give you my cock whenever you please?” He grunts at your teeth pinching his sensitive skin.
It’s amazing how it takes little to no effort to get this man in the mood.
“Mmm, if you want to be a good, dutiful husband,” you taunt - knowing he’ll take the bait.
“Am I not a good husband, pet? I fuck you any chance you let me. Give it to you anytime time you wan’ it. You know that.”
His hand is tugging your thigh up roughly, making your centers align with delicious pressure as he slips right between your folds.
“Harry,” Y/N groans, your head falling down to watch where he’s teasingly grinding his cock against your entrance and clit.
“Want me t’put it in, love?” He drawls like he has all the time in the world. The water pelting on his back making him pink.
“Ple-please,” you choke out, nipples harden against his chest even in the warmth of the shower. Sensitive with every brush against his smooth pecs. 
“You know what else you signed up for when y’married me?” He asks, his voice as deep and smooth as honey.
“What?” I reply, whining each time he teases at pushing in.
“That when you beg for my prick - you’ll be a good girl and take it.” 
With that, he’s thrusting up into you with full force. His sharp hipbones meeting the plushy, soft skin of yours.
“Ooh, oh fuck,” Y/N gasps, wrapping an arm around his neck as he presses brushing marks into your thigh where he’s holding you for leverage.
“C’mon, you can take it,” your husband goads, relentlessly hitting the spot that send licks of flames of your spine.
Your legs are feeling weak with how hard he’s pounding into you. He is so intuned with your body that he moves his hands to you backside.
He lifts you up easily, your legs wrapped around his waist, and his presses you back into the cold tile wall. 
He was so fucking good. How’d you manage to marry him? Unexplainable. 
“Am I good husband? Fuck you well enough?” He hisses against your open mouth as you pant heavily.
“So so good, H. Best husband ever,” you whimper, welcoming the friction from his pelvis against your swollen bud.
“Sweet girl,” he murmurs happily, “I think you deserve to come”
You throw your head back as he speeds up, fingers reaching to flick at your nerves - just on the right side of painful.
It’s just what you needed to climax. He always somehow knew what you needed. His fingers are consistent as he lets you ride it out.
It is only a few more rough thrusts before he’s cursing and coming as well. His hand grasping harshly at your jaw to bring you into a searing kiss.
“Never gonna get sick of watchin’ you come on my cock,” he chuckles, carefully placing your feet back on the ground but keeping a tight hold of your hips.
You lean in to give him a quick but meaningful kiss before going about cleaning your body again after the mess you two created. 
It takes a little longer than necessarily due to you constantly having to bat his wandering hands away from your body.
It dark out now, the city of Madrid illuminated through the large windows of the high-rise hotel.
Sasha was exhausted after the hike and full day at the pool - despite napping twice. She was always out like a light around eight-thirty
You were tightly tucked into Harry’s side, head resting on his shoulder. Your eyes becoming bleary from drowsiness. 
Your toddler was sprawled out on Harry’s chest, fast asleep with one of your husband’s large hands resting on her back. 
Harry was scrolling aimlessly through his phone when he chuckle softly, handing you his mobile to see what was on the screen.
It was a video-recording of an Instagram Live. 
The video forwarded by Jeff. The volume low to not disturb your daughter.
It was a teenager girl who looks unpleasantly familiar.
“Um - yeah. So we saw him and we were hiking freaking out. ‘Cause like we’re going to his concert tomorrow.”
Then girls eyes flick to the commenters to answer questions.
“He had his baby. His wife was there too.”
“No, so he was so unfriendly! He flipped out because we wanted an autograph!”
The girl was mimicking Harry’s thick accent, “when we asked for a picture - he legit said ‘absolutely not.’”
I shake my head at the girl’s antics, “how dare you not take a photo. You’re such a dick.” You tease.
Harry smirks, taking the phone back and tossing it on the cushion. His hand rubbing gentle circles on his sleepy baby.
“None of tha’ matters,” Harry says softly, “I don’t care what anybody but you thinks ‘bout me. At the end of the day, as long as I have you and the bab - I’ll be happy.”
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