#geralt is NOT a fashion icon
hanzajesthanza · 1 year
the mishmash of clothing that geralt’s company wear during their journey is delightfully piecemeal. it’s like half-brokilonian, half-stolen from banditry, half-clothes which actually belong to them. ik i made this post as a joke but i actually really love the outfits of the company
geralt and dandelion are dressed in hooden grey elven mantels. later in chapter 4, they’ve exchanged them for homespun cloaks stolen from the guards, which they used to escape the camp. from though he still has his recognizable headband and medallion, geralt is seemingly almost incognito as he wears a leafy-patterned elven jerkin from the dryads. (and for even more brokilon influence, before zoltan gives him the dwarven sihill, he has a sword from col serrai).
speaking of dwarven fashions, dandelion receives a quilted jacket and a ‘swashbuckling’ marten-fur kalpak from zoltan and his company. he replaced his plum hat with the heron’s feather with this marten kalpak, so he as well is almost incognito. as far as accessories go, he has a brass-studded belt and the cruel-looking knife from the dwarves, too; although he immediately lost the knife. after the events of chapter 4 and in the middle of 5, his head is wounded and bandaged.
zoltan tells milva that she “looks too much like a squirrel” to approach humans alone — which is probably a result of her dress and her bow, of course. asides from her mahogany bow with whalebone risers, measuring 5 foot with a 24 inch draw length, shooting grey-fletched arrows… and one silver arrow… she’s likely dressed in some brokilonian or elven garb, owing to her work as an agent for brokilon. but she also wears “human” clothing, a blouse and woolen leggings. her belt is described, with a pouch and a hunting knife with a bone handle hanging off of it (and in the next book, she gives this knife to angoulême as a gift). perhaps most curiously, milva’s not mentioned to be wearing her iconic braid or plait during this book, rather her long hair is described as falling into geralt’s face when she leans over him in tense conversation in chapter 1, tossing her hair with a sudden movement when offended in chapter 5…
cahir is almost unrecognizable as nothing he wears betrays him as nilfgaardian, instead he’s dressed in a hauberk, leather tunic and cloak from the men who were transporting him. but this hauberk becomes ever-so iconic in its own right as it plays such a role in the fish soup… as a strainer.
regis, of course, dresses modestly and is perhaps the only one of the company dressed in his own clothes not signalling affiliation to a larger faction or taken from some roving banditry. black robes, something like an apron tied around the waist. when they meet him, he has a linen bag, but when they leave, he’s exchanged it for a leather one. and also, a walking stick, which is never mentioned again by the writing... he also has his nigh-iconic black, woolen cloak-cape, which he wraps himself up in…
and the horses! do not forget the horses. geralt’s elven roach, a bay mare who rides as if bitted by horseflies. the lazy and docile bay gelding pegasus, of course, remains dandelion’s steed. cahir rides on a chestnut colt, which he loses but later recovers. milva’s black horse, which she tells geralt not to touch in chapter 1, which also becomes the subject of debate in chapter 4. regis rides on a nilfgaardian bay near the end of the novel, by which point they’ve also obtained a riderless grey horse which carries their modest belongings.
these small little details are all just described so wonderfully across the course of the book, the picture is painted for you eventually, over time, your attention is rewarded with an intricate picture at the end…
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karen-kurobara · 2 years
Some moments of the book "Sword of Destiny" that I want to highlight - Geralt asks Jaskier's opinion of the clothes +Bonus: Jaskier steals Geralt's clothes
Brief warning of No spoilers.
This second book, titled "The Sword of Destiny", ends at the same narrative point as the first season of the Netflix adaptation, so this post doesn't contain spoilers for the main plot of The Witcher. Instead, I will highlight scenes from the book that were not adapted for television.
Having said that…
There are two very iconic moments involving Geralt, Jaskier and their clothes in the "Sword of Destiny" book that I would like to highlight.
Geralt asks Jaskier's opinion about his clothes.
The first of these occurs during the chapter "Eternal Flame" (same chapter where Jaskier insists on going to a brothel in the company of Geralt, we will comment on it later, and unfortunately it wasn't included in the Netflix adaptation)
The moment is brief and actually speaks for itself, you don't need to know much context beyond the fact that Geralt and Jaskier meet by coincidence and this conversation occurs at the moment when both have a chance to speak directly:
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I find it amusing that the stoic Geralt doesn't really ask Jaskier what he thinks of the greatcoat, instead asking the bard directly if he likes it.
Jaskier, typical of him, interrupts him practically telling him that he is old-fashioned (a comment quite in keeping with the bard), but please Jaskier, your best friend asks you about his clothes, be a little more polite and tell him that you like it.
+Bonus: Jaskier borrows Geralt's jacket
This scene takes place in the chapter "A little sacrifice" (my favorite story so far, which I highly recommend reading, and which again was not adapted into the Netflix series).
The moment goes by a bit unnoticed, Geralt and Jaskier have just gone through an adventure at sea in which they were both swept away by the tide. Geralt has just woken up after nearly drowning, Essi (a second bard who appears in this chapter) is worried about the witcher's health, and Jaskier wanders around while he waits for his friend to come back to consciousness.
(Although Jaskier doesn't seem particularly worried, I defend his honor by saying that he could have left at any time and yet he waited in the same room until Geralt woke up).
This is precisely the starting point of this moment, Geralt is already aware, the bards have already determined that the witcher is fine, and Jaskier must go (he actually wants to give Essi and Geralt a moment of privacy) but the bard's clothes continue wet, so without hesitation he decides to take Geralt's jerkin
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Geralt never gets angry about this, he doesn't even comment on it since they change the topic of conversation, but I love how Jaskier gives himself the luxury of inspecting the garment
From all this we can draw a couple of conclusions. (and ideas for fanfics, by the way).
Let's go for the obvious and develop it a little.
Geralt really does try to have a sense of fashion or at least cares about clothes to some degree.
Geralt acknowledges Jaskier's opinion on clothes, or at least the witcher allows himself to play dumb with Jaskier to highlight his new clothes.
Jaskier borrows Geralt's clothes when his own is wet (a classic in fanfics, which also makes me wonder, Jaskier, didn't you have any more dry clothes or did you just want to annoy your best friend a bit?)
Geralt doesn't mind Jaskier taking his clothes, or at least not enough to bother him.
All this is cute and I'm not saying that it necessarily has to be a romantic gesture (I myself have shared and will continue to share clothes with my best friend) but what is usually a normal trope in fanfics turns out to be something canon.
I honestly hope to find more of these moments in the books that I have yet to read (don't tell me) and if so I'll update this post.
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babylonfelldown · 2 years
Daryl Dixon is hot in the same way Geralt of Rivia is hot
Doesn't know how to talk to people
Scary but kind
(kinda) Good with kids
Good fighter and kills monsters
Iconic fashion
Iconic weapon
Soft spot for the girls and the gays
no heterosexual explanation
Characters made with the same cookie cutter but with diferent ingredients
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
Consider: Geralt.Exe has some difficulty understanding Jaskiers dress sense; like he wears pants that are cut off above his ankles, and his travel cloak is bright but is NOT weatherproof. Can’t his bard afford good things? Does he spend all his money on Geralt and roach and not have any left to take care of himself? Geralt tries to help and gets Jask practical clothes but Jask sometimes wears the other things to events and he doesn’t understand until Jask explains fAshION DarLiNG
Hi Silvermidnightprincess!
I’m behind on my askbox and this took me too long but it’s here!
Geralt is fretting. He knows this. But he’s not going to stop until he gets to the bottom of the issue. Jaskier is wearing boots, but they aren’t the boots Geralt bought him a week ago. 
Almost two weeks ago Geralt had noticed that Jaskier’s boots were no good for travel. Kind of...pointy at the toe, a bit of heel, and the leather was poor quality. It was all shiny and bright but they were bad for walking. Geralt had worried for the bard’s feet and bought some good boots for him. Contracts were going well, there was certainly enough coin to make sure his companion didn’t get blisters.
But here, in this tavern, Jaskier was dancing about in the shiny, pointy boots, strumming his lute and stomping his feet. Then Geralt noticed the pants. They were well made and colorful, but too thin. Even in this rather closely packed tavern, the weather outside was chilly and damp. The silk looked attractive in the low light, dully glowing and the embroidery was done in something shiny and caught attention. Nevertheless, the pants were too thin. 
Couldn’t Jaskier afford warm clothes? Summer had been wet and unusually chilly this year and now autumn was closing in, if he didn’t have warmer clothes before Geralt left for Kaer Morhen he’d surely freeze in the winter. 
A horrible image appeared in Geralt’s mind. Jaskier in his bad boots and thin clothes all curled up against the snow, caught in a blizzard between some village and the next. 
Of course Geralt wouldn’t let that happen. Jaskier was happily strumming away and the patrons seemed friendly enough, so Geralt slipped away. 
A few streets away there were clothing shops, but they were all full of the sorts of things Jaskier had, shiny, light clothes and bad, pointy boots. Another street over and he found a second hand shop run by a cheerful, plump woman with three teeth and frizzy grey hair rapidly escaping her bun.
She grinned at him. “Buy or sell, sweetie?” she said.
Geralt felt a little dumbstruck. He must have looked it too because she cackled at him.
“I’m guessing you want to buy, yes?” She hopped off her stool and began rummaging. “I don’t know what all I have for a big boy like you.” She gave him an appraising look. “My second husband was about your size I think, but I haven’t any of his things.”
“I’m not shopping for myself,” Geralt managed. “My friend needs a new cloak, something warm for winter.”
“Hmmm,” said the lady. “Wool would be right, so’s it’s warm even if it’s wet.” She began rummaging along a different rack. Geralt looked absently at the rack next to him. 
“Aha!” said the woman, holding up a brown cloak triumphantly. Geralt wrinkled his nose. Some chemical had been used to keep moths away. It was a good cloak though, thick and made to last. Geralt happily shelled out what the woman asked for it, not bothering to haggle. There was a glint to her grin that told him he wouldn’t win if he tried. She folded it up in some brown paper and rough, hairy twine. Geralt tucked the package under his arm, thanked the shopkeeper and walked back to their room in the inn.
It was a very small room, and it smelled of mildew. The inn was much too small to offer baths too, but Geralt schucked off his boots and sat on the bed, sinking in to meditate.
Maybe a half hour later Jaskier clattered up the rickety stairs and Geralt slipped back in from semi-consciousness to the sound of the pointy boots on the plank floor. 
“You missed the last half of my performance,” Jaskier pouted, flopping dramatically onto the bed. 
“Went shopping,” Geralt grunted. He proffered the parcel.
“For me?” Jaskier pulled at the twine. He held up the brown cloak and looked at it.
“You don’t have a warm cloak, all your clothes are just bright and thin,” Geralt said, feeling some explanation was needed. Jaskier was giving him a look, but he couldn’t tell what sort of look it was, so he continued. “And I thought, with winter coming on...”
“Thank you, Geralt,” Jaskier said, trying the cloak on. “I suppose I am prone to fashion before function.”
“Fashion,” Geralt said a little blankly.
“Yes, dear heart, fashion,” Jaskier said, wrapping the brown cloak around himself like a blanket, then twirling to see the fabric spin out. “I trust you are familiar with the concept.”
Of course Geralt was, but the idea very rarely featured in his day-to-day life. Jaskier must have seen something in his face, however, because he crossed to the bed and sat by Geralt.
“I wear your lovely comfy boots on the road most of the time,” he said. “But I’m a bard, and part of my job is looking bright and being noticed, the same way much of your job it holding swords. Clothes can be a weapon too, sometimes.”
Geralt knew his expression was skeptical but didn’t bother masking it. Jaskier chucled and patted his face.
“I’m often at court in the winters, I don’t need warmth but the right clothes tell people a lot about you. If I have the right doublet on I’m in at the high table, I get the best job offers and invitations. The wrong clothes can see me insulted or ostracized.”
“So the shiny boots...?” Geralt said, undertanding the vauge concept, but the details were jogging behind in his mind.
“The shiny boots look good, which is part of my job,” Jaskier confirmed. “But the boots you got me aren’t for performing, they’re for walking, and I’m very glad to have them...and the lovely warm cloak.”
Geralt settled in for bed, Jaskier’s familiar routine creating an ambient silence of lots of little noises. He supposed that now, question answered, he could stop fretting. He wouldn’t he knew, he’d probably always fret when it came to Jaskier. 
And court sounded awful, a trap of social ques and bitchy nobles. And Jaskier could be safe and comfortable elsewhere, without the pressures of his job. Geralt knew he loved performing, but he could perform somewhere else, with a less judgmental crowd...like Kaer Morhen. And the keep had a good library, plenty of poetry no one had bothered to appreciate for years...
“Jaskier?” he said.
“Hmmm,” the bard said, sleepily from the other, narrow bed. 
“I think the cloak will be useful this winter, when you come with me to Kaer Morhen...if you want to, I mean.”
Jaskier sat up. “Really?”
“Really,” Geralt said. “Now sleep.”
Jaskier fell back, and Geralt began a list in his mind. His bard would need gloves, probably a hat, warmer shirts...and sleep claimed him. In the corner, the brown cloak sat, draped over the back of the chair, waiting for use.
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histyle · 4 years
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her neck her eyes her hair her posture WOW 
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thirdsonofeve · 3 years
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I love the Ofiri armour bc Geralt’s titties are too big to close it properly
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jaskierisbaby · 4 years
Okay so I just noticed something and I can't get the thought out of my head that show runners/producers/art department/whoever, never do big things accidentally and
We got to see Jaskier in almost every color of the rainbow I-
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bestwitchsam · 4 years
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My husband
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Official top ten armor sets across the entire dark souls series, only considering fashion and not defense or weight, and only consisting of armor sets that match (helmets not always required), starting with number 10
10. Armor of Favor from Dark Souls
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The gold. The banding. The arms draped around the chest. Truly iconic.
9. Vengarl's Armor from Dark Souls 2
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An excellent set, truly barbaric but not without a certain charm. The animal hides and chainmail blend well and the whole set has an unmistakable power to it, topped off especially well with the snarling wolf head helmet.
8. Crystalline Armor from Dark Souls
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Just a funny lil guy. Doing his best. Very shiny, very pointy. Nice swirly designs, an excellent contrast with the sharp crystal edges.
7. Smelter Armor from Dark Souls 2
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Look at this beast. Pitch black stone and metal twisted horribly into the shape of a horned and cloven hoofed beast. Truly a sight to behold all on its own, but it takes things a step further by being a crop top. Iconic.
6. Drakeblood Armor from Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Sunken King DLC
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From the tattered cape to the fading golden trim on the interlocking metal banding, this armor just DRIPS with ancient cult aesthetic. This armor fucks HARD. Know how hard it fucks? It's designed with gold etching over blackened steel meant to be pretty only to the viewer, not the wearer. The wearer can't even see it because there's NO VISOR IN THE HELMET
5. Dragonscale Armor from Dark Souls 3
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This will be the only entry from Dark Souls 3 and it earns its place here by fucking severely. This armor, despite being ostensibly a slight redesign of Gwyn's armor from the first game, has a unique charm to it that can only be attained by adding a flowing white Hell Wig to a pointy crown.
4. Dragonslayer Armor from Dark Souls
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I mean what can I say. Slap a snarling lion onto a helmet and you just get a top tier metal fursuit so memorable it makes its way into every game in the franchise. What more do you want?
3. Elite Knight Armor from Dark Souls
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A classic! It's a fairly realistic looking armor set that manages to not make being realistic equate to being boring as hell, as evidenced by the long standing love the fanbase for all the souls games holds for this armor, myself among them.
2. Llewellyn Armor from Dark Souls 2
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It's the badass black leather with belts and a fur lined cloak. It's the John Snow cosplay mashup with the Netlfix Geralt of Rivia cosplay. It's all you could ever want in an edgy medieval fantasy where YOU can be the darkly dressed swordsman. And boy does it look incredible.
And finally, at Number One we have the ultimate fashionable armor set from the Dark Souls series:
1. Black Dragon Armor from Dark Souls 2
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This armor is actually granted by using the dragon torso stone. It's a black and gold dragon skin that comes with a tail snd the ability to roar like a dragon and breathe fire like a goddamn dragon. It IS the coolest armor ever. And it can be yours for the low low cost of engaging in Dark Souls PvP.
Actually I think I'll stick with the stone crop top.
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Character: Jaskier
Favorite thing about them
So many! But number one is I love his love and empathy for the world around him. And like he sees the witchers and is like I'm going to use my music to get the world (and you) to see you the way I do. Just ah I love it so much! Like he's happy to be feral and throw hands but number one loves things so much!
Least favourite thing about them
I love how he is our bi-icon who falls a little in love with everyone and seduces his way across the continent but he does definitely leave a string of broken hearts and promises and lead people on etc like it's not malicious but still sucks for the people left behind (even if they did have a great time).
Favourite line
The whole speech about the fear of losing his music and "the one thing you were put on this earth to do" really got me. I'm training to be an opera singer so my voice is my everything and performing is my everything, and a world where I can't do that is beyond horrible to imagine so I really really felt it.
Also "Talent recognises talent" and all that bit with Gordon I ADORED
Jaskier and Yennefer!! I love them as the bitchy besties who brunch!! The level of sass: unparalleled! The fashion: incredible! The trouble caused: unfathomable! They also give me vibes of me and one of my besties so I love it even more!
GERASKIER BABY!!! Enough said! Showing eachother they are strong and worthy of love? Beautiful. Also big softie and feral smaller is a delight as always.
Also I LOVE Witchersexual Jaskier showing all the Wolves love and taking care of them and them loving him and it's wonderful!
I really don't like Yen/Jaskier....I love Yennefer and Anya's portrayal but I just don't like her with Jaskier at all. I can see them kissing once and then bursting out laughing like "NOPE" cause it feels so wrong. But them together (or Yenraltskier) is just not for me.
Random headcannon
For some reason the first thing that popped into my head when I read this was - jaskier was/is the person who will randomly bite as a sign of affection. Like I can see him Vibing with geralt and he's just like feeling a little over excited and is like 'wow I love him so much I wanna show him' but ADHD brain goes to *chomp* and Geralt is like ....what is going on here on this day?? But also just accepts it.
Unpopular opinion
Not liking Yenskier is pretty unpopular I guess...but apart from that...maybe that I prefere his season one look. I just miss the colourful twinky-ness . Could be because I am colourful twink who also hates male actors being forced to bulk up and dehydrate for no reason. Just why? There are other body types to big muscle and six pack Hollywood gdi.
Song I associate with them
A lot of Dolly Parton songs, but if I had to narrow it down I'd say "Sweet Music Man" and "Here You Come Again".
Favourite picture of them
Okay my ALL TIME favourite is this one
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I also love this one - he's just so pretty!! He is all I want to be!! I just wanna be a pretty music boy!!!!
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
My life has been absolute shit lately, and your blog has been the one constant, an anchor if you will; for me. I've probably blown up your notifications and are prob sick of seeing my little icon and I apologize but you have kept me sane. I just love you so much😭❤
I’m so sorry to hear life has been absolute shit lately! Whatever it is that’s going on for you, I really hope it gets better soon. I’m there in your corner and rooting for you. On a side note, please never feel you have to apologise for blowing up notifications. As a writer, it is one of the loveliest things to see, to have someone enjoy works so much, they make their way through multiple stories. Generally, those usernames are the ones that I’ll remember and grin at going “it’s you again” and be really happy to see. Even if we never talk, regulars in notifications bring a special kind of warmth with them. So all the thanks and love should be given to you for being such a wonderful soul.
As thanks, and as a little something to take your mind off whatever’s been going on, have a strange modern AU.
The shelter where Jaskier worked was a relatively quiet one. They tended to specialise in last hope strays and those that needed a home that wasn’t expecting the animals to be cute, convenient and snuggly. Usually, Jaskier’s role was more to sit with the animals, sing to them and get them used to human presence. Sometimes it took weeks before one of the animals dared approach him or stopped growling at his mere presence. But each time it happened, Jaskier’s heart almost burst with love. He adored every single animal that came to the shelter, broken and hurting as they were. In part, Jaskier felt responsible for them and wanted to make sure that no matter what had happened in the past, their future was as bright as possible.
As well as the animals, there was another reason Jaskier loved the shelter. The people he worked with. Namely, one particular volunteer who came in at least once a week and often more when there was a particularly difficult case. Geralt had a reputation as a take no shit gentle giant. He’d had his fair share of bites, scratches and incidents but not once did he ever blame the animal in question. No matter how many times he got attacked, he returned, worked with the animal and tried his best to win them over. As far as Jaskier knew, he had yet to fail.
Some animals needed more attention than others. They were usually referred to as ‘Geralt specials’ because most of the time, it was Geralt who managed to start working with the animal in question. At that moment in time, there was only one such dog at the shelter, a mastiff cross of some description. She had come in half starved and petrified of any human contact. Even Jaskier sitting quietly on the other side of the door to her kennel had her snarling and snapping, throwing herself at the cage door. Any dog doing that would have been scary, when it was a dog Roach’s size, it was downright terrifying. But Geralt had come in and worked his magic. The first time Jaskier saw him slip out of the kennel, he hd expected to see copious amounts of blood. Instead, he got to see Geralt turn back to the kennel and offer a soft smile before acknowledging Jaskier with a nod.
Over time, Jaskier and Geralt started getting on better and better. While Geralt never stayed around when Jaskier played, claiming he wasn’t fond of the racket, he still seemed to linger nearby enough to catch the softly drifting music without being obvious about it. Their nods to each other had become a few exchanged pleasantries. Then it was chats int he staff room. Or even walking the dogs together, Geralt always taking Roach if possible.
“I’m moving,” Geralt announced out of the blue, Roach sitting next to him, tongue lolling happily.
“Does that mean we’ll lose you?” Jaskier’s heart actually hurt at the idea.
Thankfully, Geralt shook his head. “I wanted somewhere bigger, with a garden.” He looked down at Roach and patted her head. She growled, obviously not in the mood for gentle attention.
It was no secret that Geralt was absolutely doting on Roach. He’d even turned a few potential adopters towards other dogs, claiming she was still a work in progress. Though Jaskier had suspected that, with the right person, Roach would have been ready to leave the kennel. Maybe now, with Geralt getting a more appropriate place for a dog, he could actually adopt her himself.
“Will you not be lonely in a bigger place?” Jaskier teased, hoping to get Geralt to admit to his plans.
“No.” Geralt looked at Jaskier with a frown. “Are you asking if I need a housemate?”
Laughter bubbled up in Jaskier’s throat at that and he shook his head. However, he didn’t push the matter any further.
Days went by and Jaskier was called to the front desk. Two men, built like small mountains were standing there. While they looked nothing like Geralt, there were enough shared mannerisms that Jaskier had to wonder whether they knew each other.
“We’re here to adopt a dog called Roach,” the smaller one said.
Priscilla at the desk looked quite stricken. They all had been hoping Geralt would adopt her soon. But, as Geralt had said, moving was expensive and disruptive. He couldn’t bring a dog into the home if he couldn’t safely provide for them.
“I’m afraid Roach isn’t up for adoption just yet,” Jaskier tried to worm his way out of it. “I would be more than happy to show you a few other dogs though.”
“It has to be Roach,” the man insisted.
The other guy finally spoke up. “Sorry, to clarify, we’re Geralt’s brothers. I’m Eskel, this is Lambert. He’s been working with that dog for so long and hasn’t shut up about her. At first we thought it was two dogs, but we’re not sure who would name a dog Jaskier.”
Snickering, Jaskier nodded. “I’m Jaskier. Geralt won’t shut up about me?”
In testament to all of Geralt’s hard work with Roach, she greeted Lambert and Eskel in a civilised fashion. Which made more sense when Eskel admitted he was wearing a hoodie he stole from Geralt.
“She can spend the night at mine. Geralt’s got tomorrow off, his house is as ready as it’s ever going to be. Want to help bring her over?”
The plan was quickly hatched. Jaskier would pick Roach up from Eskel’s the next afternoon. Lambert and Eskel would be at Geralt’s and keep him from getting stuck in on some chore so when Jaskier arrived with Roach, he wouldn’t be interrupted.
There was only one hiccough to their plan. The following morning, Geralt turned up at the shelter even though he wasn’t on the rota. He walked to the back and Jaskier saw the moment he realised Roach’s kennel was empty.
“What’s happened to her?” Geralt’s eyes were wide, face stoically set into something vaguely neutral to hide a breaking heart upon learning she had been adopted.
Jaskier felt awful, realising Geralt had been hoping to finally adopt her. Instead, Geralt gritted his teeth and nodded.
“Did she go to a good home?”
“The best,” Jaskier nodded. “Guy with a house and a garden. She loved him and even tolerated the guy’s maybe boyfriend.”
That was a bit of a cheeky thing to add but Jaskier couldn’t help himself. He had hopes. What he wasn’t braced for was the way Geralt nodded once and made his excuses to leave. On the way out, he dropped a roll of money into the fundraising jar on the reception desk. Jaskier didn’t need to count it to know it was exactly the same amount as an adoption fee. There was a defeated slope to Geralt’s shoulders and Jaskier was reaching for his phone, calling Eskel.
“We need to move up the timeline. He just came by to try and adopt Roach.”
A quick jiggling of lunch breaks and cover later, Jaskier was taking an early lunch and on his way to Eskel’s. He smiled at the dog, loving the big old bow Eskel had managed to attach to her collar.
“Come on girl,” Jaskier coaxed her into the car. “Time to go home.”
He pulled up outside Geralt’s driveway. Somehow, Eskel and Lambert had already managed to coax Geralt onto the porch and Jaskier got to see the annoyed scowl before recognition smoothed Geralt’s features into something confused.
“Sorry to bother,” Jaskier said as he opened up the boot of his car. “But I’ve got something of yours that needed delivering.”
Roach hopped out with a huff and looked around.
“Roach?” Geralt’s voice was full of hope. His dog heard and Jaskier had no chance of holding her leash as she bounded towards Geralt.
Lambert and Eskel took a step back as Roach collided with Geralt and they went sprawling on the ground. They both looked so happy, Jaskier wanted to take a photo and treasure it forever. Thankfully, it seemed that Lambert had the same idea as he’d already whipped his phone out to take pictures. Meanwhile, Eskel pulled out the adoption papers from him pocket.
Finally a little calmer, Geralt sat up and stared at the three of them. “I thought she got adopted.”
“She did. By a guy with a house and a garden. The best home she could hope for,” Jaskier replied.
“Didn’t the guy also have a maybe boyfriend?” Off to the side, Eskel snorted and made no attempt to even hide it. Jaskier had the grace to blush lightly even as he shrugged. “Could we make it a definite boyfriend?” Geralt asked softly.
It was Jaskier’s turn to grin but he didn’t step closer. “While I’m very happy, I think I would prefer not to tackle you to the floor and lick you all over to express it. The bed however,” he trailed off suggestively.
Lambert barked out a laugh and punched him in the shoulder merrily. “We’ll leave you three to figure out who is allowed on the bed and who wears a collar. See you around.”
“Stay,” Jaskier replied. “I need to get back to work. But, maybe, when I’m done, I could come by and see how Roach is settling into her new home?”
He looked at Geralt hopefully. “I could even bring some wine and doggy treats.”
That was how Jaskier found himself with a date for that evening.
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gayregis · 4 years
i wrote this before on how character appearance/dress affects their characterization in the witcher:
wears regular jerkin or jacket despite being a swordsman, clothes are old usually. he doesnt have money for clothes NOR for food
his boots being dusty suggests he travels a lot. in baptism of fire iirc he literally steals the boots off of a dead man because ya know. footwear is expensive
he is not affiliated with any kind of higher order, military, etc. the only order he belongs to is the caste of witchers, represented in his coin-like medallion, which he sometimes hides under his shirt (suggesting he would like to hide this part of his identity, or perhaps is always alert and wary because he wants to keep the bauble that warns him of magic and danger close to him)
always wears stupid headband. because he is stubborn 
use of dark colors, combined with white hair, and gaunt features, is reminiscent of death, but also suggests that he wants to blend into the shadows and not be noticed
extremely well-dressed, formal but not extravagant, black and white ONLY, earrings and necklace ONLY. she is not looking to show off, but she is looking to make a statement. her image is specifically crafted and well-thought through, demonstrating her ability to plan
she is powerful as she is a sorceress and has enough money to dress well, but does not flaunt this and is not outwardly arrogant about it, she is tastefully feminine and "classy" and focuses on this self-image. 
lack of color suggests to me that she may hide her innermost feelings and desires, she does not lay all of her cards on the table
she thinks a lot about what she does before she does it. seen in how restricted her wardrobe is, she has obviously put a lot of thought into how she presents herself.
always wearing some different shit, all colors of the rainbow, sometimes he curls his hair sometimes he doesnt, hes grown his hair out over the course of the series, he does have an iconic bonnet though
he does not and perhaps cannot settle on one thing, one place, one love, one song, one outfit. hes everything at once.
he doesnt restrict himself to any one thing, hes all about extravagance and enjoying life and earthly pleasures
hes very open about what he feels and what he likes, he may have put thought into what he wears but in eternal flame he suggests that geralt "doesnt follow the fashion," suggesting that he himself does
he never has money to eat or drink but is somehow always wearing something different? so. "please help me budget: 300 crowns on blue kaftan, 20 crowns on passiflora, 0 crowns on food"
iconic bonnet is about his fame and how he enjoys it and enjoys being recognized
sod: a little princess wears nice princess clothes! she is wealthy and has enough to be dressed finely
sm: she has adopted the wear of the wealthy peasantry who have been hosting her, left to the kindness of strangers
boe: she has lost everything. her jerkin is sewn shittily from scraps because her dad is trying, but he sucks at thse finer things in life
toc: her outfit is nice, but doesn’t stand out. yennefer has taste and also is trying to keep her presence a secret bc she knows she is a target
bof: shes wearing a beret and a bandana and stuff because shes a teenager experimenting in things, including her own cruelty. keep in mind how the rats only procure nice things by stealing them or stealing gold
tos: shes horribly injured and thus is wearing bandages
lotl: not really specified iirc but shes just ya know. a girl . and maybe that also means something, about how shes JUST a child and shes just been a little girl all this time
"men's clothes" = she is gender nonconforming, she doesn’t find it empowering to play to ideals of feminity and instead has beat the men at their own game
braid = she has come from an upbringing which values women's virginity. this is a virgin's plait, which she then cuts when she feels that she “doesn’t deserve it,” which demonstrates how her social upbringing has affected her self esteem and valuation
black cloak = you Are a vampire. it is obvious
apron and medic’s bag = you Are a doctor. it is obvious
bird of prey helmet scars ciris nightmares, armor is imperial and represents the empire, he actually has nothing of his own, which represents that he has no individual identity under being an agent of imperialism
armor that he had to take off dead bodies because he needed protection, demonstrates how he didnt have shit like he did when he was back home, he has to scrounge as he is in exile
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roughentumble · 3 years
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I cannot believe Geralt from the old polish comics stole his look from beloved American fashion icon Polly Pocket
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watersofbrokilon · 3 years
Tagged by @gayregis 😙
1. Why did you choose your url
Uh cause my old Witcher blog url brokilonforest was no longer available and well, brokilon is one of my favorite aspects of the Witcher.
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
Yeah, three I think? One is our collective D&D campaign blog 🤔 One is my art blog that I want to delete but forgot the password to. And this one is also a side blog. My main is art and content I like in a broader fashion, not Witcher specific.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
This question is always so embarrassing. Since I was 16. So like 11 years? Lmao I’ve seen some shit.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nah too lazy for that lol I just reblog things when I see something that fits or I like. Unfortunately for the Witcher I don’t feel comfortable seeking out content anymore (especially on tumblr) because it’s oversaturated with TWN and the weird TWN fandom content.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because I really enjoy the story of the Witcher and the lore, and world. The writing style is inspiring and the characters are unforgettable. It’s been a story I’ve loved for a long time. So I wanted a place to keep/share art and content I liked that pertained to that. My old Witcher blog probably had more to it, but when TWN came out I basically gave up on maintaining it and deleted. But I’m back now, just maybe with less enthusiasm 🥲
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp
It’s some of my favorite Witcher art I’ve seen and captures how I imagine them fairly well. Also the friendship between Dandelion and Geralt is just wholesome and good and I mean why not.
7. Why did you choose your header?
Similar reason as above ^
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Nothing on this blog tbh. I avoid making original posts here.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
UmmMmMmM I don’t know honestly. At least a handful ❤️
10. How many followers do you have?
I find this question embarrassing sjejedhdj
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
Ok yeah, this reminded me of the one post I have made that has notes. It’s this one: https://watersofbrokilon.tumblr.com/post/632032937978789888/geralt-be-silent-you-dont-know-what-he
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
I probably check it 3-5 times, unless there’s something specific I want to look up.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Not really a fight? But someone argued with me on my old Witcher blog about a post I made about some issues I had with TWN. I showed @gayregis and we checked out this persons blog and they were like… genuinely horny for pennywise the clown. So even though I didn’t argue back with them, I feel like I probably won. Just based on principle.
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
That automatically makes me not want to reblog it, sorry. I don’t want to spread a guilt trip. Empathy fatigue is real, and people need to be allowed to overlook certain issues if they are feeling overwhelmed. While it’s important to be aware of what’s going on in the world, I’m not supportive of the forceful attitude of those type of posts. It’s impossible to know what each individual has on their plate, and if they can’t deal/don’t have the space in that moment to invest in another issue or cause, that needs to be allowed imo.
16. Do you like tag games?
17. Do you like ask games?
Is that not basically the same thing skdjdkd
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Literally gayregis in Witcher circles anyway. The controversy 🤌🏼❤️
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Witchers don’t have feelings remember , or are you new around here 😉
20. Tags?
@emiel @love-and-cubs-and-white-wolves @lohrendrell
If you’d like!
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BeWitchered by the abs, Part 1
A day late, but hope you guys don’t mind! 
After quite a few requests and significant consideration of our own, we set off to sexify The Witcher male characters, starting with the eponymous hero himself. 
Thing about Geralt of Rivia is that, unlike most female characters in the franchise, he’s allowed to be something more than just a male power fantasy action-adventure hero. He is sexy... while engaging in sexual relationships! How novel! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
To fix that awful practicality of him looking like a warrior while warrioring and sex icon while sexing, I merged his official model sheet/cosplay reference with objectively one of the best Witcher game screenshots (barring ones from actual sex scenes): 
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Did my best to match up proportions of two Geralts, but the end result came up a bit too top-heavy. I guess he’s more pecs, abs and biceps than legs guy now. 
Speaking of legs, it’s the one area in which I employed my own creativity instead of photo-manipulation. His codpiece is more prominent (though, once again, not exaggerated - Geralt has many issues, but definitely isn’t a type insecure in his own junk’s size) and I modified the seam stripe design to now expose some of his delicious thigh flesh. 
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One last change was replacing his waaay too practical boots with high-heel ones from his adoptive daughter, Ciri. Sourced from her official cosplay guide. Poor girl is one of the very few women in the franchise who aren’t framed as (potential) sexual conquest for Geralt, yet CD Projekt designers can’t help but put her in costumes that remind us of her femininity rather than badassery. Hope that putting Ciri’s papa in her fashion-only shoes levels the playing field at least a bit! 
As I mentioned, not my most creatively-free redesign, but one that definitely needed to be done. Did you guys like it? 
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weratewitchers · 4 years
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A Geralt for your appraisal! We here at weratewitchers do indeed love a good geralt. please note his waist which is SNATCHED. we love that for him. notice the vaguely hourglass shaping? ugh corsetry who? 
125 fashion icons/10
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