#german myth
choisyleconin · 9 months
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Lorelei by Ludwig Lutz Ehrenberger
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underworldhadess · 5 months
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Isle of the Dead, 1883 - oil on panel
— Arnold Böcklin (Germany, 1827–1901)
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bowldrips · 8 months
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Available as a:
Watch a timelapse of this piece being painted on Youtube!
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loki-was-framed · 4 months
Today's Old Norse Word in English:
a large, usually unpartitioned floor over a factory, warehouse, or other commercial or industrial space; such a floor converted into an apartment or artist's studio.
Old Norse: lopt, air, sky; upper room.
Note: Lopt is also another name for the Norse god Loki, which is why he's sometimes called "Skywalker" or "Sky Traveler."
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honestly, I feel like Dave McKean's work elevated Neil Gaiman way more than the other way around and we don't distribute credit for that properly. I truly don't think--and, critically, never have thought--the early Sandman writing was so good that it would have gotten far without the heavy hitting art lending it such an air of respectability. McKean's work is so visually distinct still, let alone 20 years ago, let alone 30. "This is serious art for serious stories for serious people," those mixed media paintings say when they're surrounded by pen and ink put out on a brutal schedule. "I am a serious person with sophisticated tastes," the buyer says, given permission to be pretentious and smug as hell, which is very alluring to many people.
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allmythologies · 1 year
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germanic mythology: oberon
In the legendary history of the merovingian dynasty, oberon is a magician, the brother of merowech.
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azzzsleep · 3 months
I want a BrzRemus and MexJames fighting in there mother tongue. And they understand eachother.
I want FrSirius to chime in for no other reasons then chaos knowing that all the boys understood eachother, and just start confessing his love for Remus bc chaos.
So the arguing changes to a screaming match about Pokemon to James confessing his love for Lily and Remus confessing his love for chocolat Sirius. But still "arguing".
And so BrzRemus ,FrSirius and MexJames keep on "arguing" with no other purpose then to keep screaming at this point.
Arrive GrmPeter, he does not understand the move, except for Sirius cuz its basics for Sirius to be Sirius. But want to feel included so he start "arguing" too, Sirius style, with them, and scream about how lovly Marys hair was and how he would like to give her gifts bc she is awsome.
So in the common room we would find 4 radio boomboxes in Spanish, Brazilian/Prt, French and German on how much they love thier SO.
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elveny · 3 months
Mythische Kreaturen - ein Bilderbuch
Liebt ihr mythische Kreaturen auch so sehr? Habt ihr ein Faible für handgezeichnete Illustrationen, die voller Details sind, die man entdecken kann?
Dann möchte ich euch auf das Bilderbuch Mythische Kreaturen aufmerksam machen, das gerade in der Finanzierung ist:
Ein Bilderbuch-Alphabet!! Von einem tollen Künstler!! Zum Haben, Verschenken, Feiern, Entdecken und Träumen!!
Für Kinder und alle, die Phantastisches lieben!!
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Für popelige 30€ kriegt ihr das Buch! Oder noch einen Reprint eines Wunschmotivs oder noch ein Poster oder sogar eine Originalzeichnung!! (... dann aber für mehr als 30 Öcken)
Wen es packt, der kann die megadetaillierte Zeichnung auch ausmalen! ALL THE POSSIBILITIES!!
✅ Finanzierung steht
✅ Unterstützt direkt und ohne Zwischenstops einen Künstler
✅ Kein Risiko beim Kauf - das Buch ist fertig und wartet nur darauf zu wissen, wie oft es gedruckt werden will
Good to know: aktuell kann man nur mit Kreditkarte zahlen, ABER es wird nach Finanzierungsende (05.07.24) einen Late Pledge geben, bei dem man dann auch per Paypal kaufen kann. Alternativ meldet euch einfach bei Leander, man kriegt das auch anderweitig geregelt.
Reblogs und Teilen auf anderen Social Media Sites werden gern und mit viel Liebe und Dank gesehen!
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noctilucentis · 1 year
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theraedar · 2 years
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Oh right i should probably show yall lorel’s mom concept LOL, she’s a composer/pianist..music runs in the family.....
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arwendeluhtiene · 1 year
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✨Valar and Valier series (late 2000s)✨ - 🛠️🔥Aule the Smith🛠️🔥 I really like how this one turned out! . Some years ago I started a 'Valar and Valier' project in which I took an existing painting/drawing as reference/inspiration to draw/paint one of the Valar. So far, I've done Varda, Yavanna, Nienna, Mandos and Aulë, and I also have some sketches of Nessa, Vána and Estë. Hope to get back to this project sometime!
🎨Media: Graphite, charcoal, sanguine and blue coloured pencil ✨References: Study-copy of Mac Koch's Wayland, Scandinavian Smith deity. Some minor changes to the original.
🎨 DeviantArt
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bowldrips · 8 months
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If you've given me a dollar or more this month on ☕️ you've seen this in progress over the past week. What started out as a joking response to some discourse about Sigyn being a tradwife is turning into what I think is a lovely slice of life illustration series~
Click to see the first in the series.
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loki-was-framed · 2 months
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illustratus · 1 year
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Heimdallr and Gulltoppr by Dorothy Hardy
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thewinedarksea · 1 year
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mythology: hagen von tronje & volker von alzey
requested by @haljathefangirlcat 
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yvanspijk · 2 years
A while ago the internet broke because someone said that in some languages the word for night is n + eight. Since I posted my graphic on eight, many people have asked about this. Short answer: the words for night and eight are not related in any way. Long answer:
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