#get rescued by Beelzebub
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This is from the book, while Crowley is trying to talk Aziraphale into helping him stop armageddon, and does his drunken ramble about eternity. Apparently God enjoys The Sound of Music.
“You’ll enjoy it. You really will. You won’t have a choice.”
I feel like this line gets overlooked a lot. It’s an important line, for sheer horror potential.
Whatever the control mechanism is, clearly it isn’t running on every angel at all times, because if that was the case, a rebellion never would have happened. Aziraphale wouldn’t have six thousand years of doubts piling up to critical capacity. Gabriel wouldn’t have been able to escape.
But it’s also clearly very easily turned on, since they both accept that it would be used for something as petty as enjoying a movie. This lack of will can be rolled over angels at any time, for any reason.
Aziraphale clearly has some dread of this. *Crowley* knows it, and used it to convince Aziraphale to help him stop armageddon. But Aziraphale is very good at letting one part of his brain know something while another part of his brain denies it, so it’s not clear how much *Aziraphale* knows he dreads it, even as that dread shapes his character.
He’s never really broken free of Heaven. Even when he was being called a traitor, he wasn’t fallen, and so he was expecting to be called home eventually. And he’d be happy, of course. He won’t have a choice.
Aziraphale’s been trying to walk away from Heaven for at least six thousand years. He walked away from guard duty. He gave away his sword. He lied straight to God’s face about it. He lied to the archangels, and then straight up told Crowley he was ready to go to Hell. Several millennia of trouble-making and demon-fraternizing later, he stood in the middle of Heaven, declared he wasn’t going to fight in any war, then escaped via the demonic act of human possession. He is ready to GO.
And still his wings are snowy white. He’s just as angelic as when he first worried the pretty starmaker might get in trouble, and tried to protect him with a warning.
But he can’t escape. Heaven isn’t letting anyone else go. And he knows what his future holds. Eventually, no matter how many times they put it off, eventually he will be called back to Heaven.
And so, what promises can he make Crowley?
To stay with him always? Of course not. To love him? Can he even promise to love him? No. He’ll eventually be dragged back to Heaven, and he’ll be happy to go, and he won’t even miss him. *He won’t have a choice.*
And perhaps that’s the problem. He loves Crowley too much to make promises he can’t keep.
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devildomwriter · 11 months
Mammon Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Mammon states that he sleeps in the nude
2. Mammon despises witches and was nearly chopped into pieces by them once but Lucifer rescued him (although Lucifer was also the one to recommend they cut him into pieces)
3. When Levi tried attacking Mammon in his sleep, before he could even bring his foot down on Mammon, Mammon had him in a headlock
4. Mammon has a habit of stripping while drunk
5. Mammon does not like it when bath’s smell like flowers
6. Mammon’s dream for the future is having a carefree and playful life
7. Mammon starts his baths by washing his head
8. Mammon’s fear of ghosts and monsters originates a little after a year of living in the Devildom when he is possessed by a ghost
9. Mammon hates a Devildom song called “Corpse Rock”
10. Karasu refers to Mammon as noodle-boy
11. In earlier chats and Devilgrams Mammon is said to be a cat person, in later stories he is said to be a dog person, but his birthday information card again states he is more of a cat person
12. Mammon’s motto is “Money will makes the Devil turn millstones.”
13. Mammon’s daily activity is procrastinating in MC’s room
14. Mammon is obsessed with his shades and when he accidentally breaks them he’s devastated
15. According to Beelzebub, Mammon is bad at cooking and doesn’t make good peanut butter sandwiches
16. When Belphie and Beel helped Mammon pick out his human world outfit, he was so touched he bought them their human world clothes
17. Mammon states if the Devildom disappeared tomorrow he’d borrow as much money as he wanted to spend and not have to pay any of it back
18. Mammon’s favorite food in hell is Soy Sauce flavored cup ramen
19. In a love survey in B’s log, Mammin is said to be the active one pursuing love
20. Mammon is said to attract the “sassy and outgoing” types
21. The first thing Mammon does in the morning is check his stocks
22. In the love survey in B’s log when asked if he’d want to be bound by or bind his lover his response was “what do you want me to do? What did you say? Idiot!”
23. Mammon’s car is a Demonio 666 Lexura. The specific type was very rare and (unbeknownst to him originally) only with Lucifer and Diavolo’s help was he able to get it
24. Mammon easily forgets anniversaries and special dates of remembrance
25. Mammon is unable to express himself frankly
26. Mammon likes R&B music
27. Mammon is not a morning demon
28. One of the first things in the game said about Mammon by his brothers is that he’s a masochist
29. The results of a demon brain scanning app showed that Mammon’s thoughts are 90% money
30. Mammon’s worst RAD subject is Hexes and Curses
31. Mammon became Lucifer’s attendant in the Celestial Realm before Leviathan had even been born
32. Mammon was once almost roasted alive by hellfire
33. Mammon is a very bad liar and often admits exactly what he did when explaining that’s not what he did
34. Mammon was almost the one to tame Cerberus but Lucifer rushed in as he was about to confront the dog
35. Mammon is extremely protective of his little brothers
36. When forced to be honest, Mammon admits how much he admires and respects Lucifer
37. When Lucifer has a bad day, Mammon will bring him a drink and sandwich without being asked
38. Mammon was almost kicked out of the celestial realm thousands of years before the fall until Lucifer got through to him
39. Besides the people who were told what Simeon was going through in season 4, Mammon was the first one to notice something was wrong with him
40. Once Mammon was punished by Lucifer by being tickled until he laughed so hard he was humiliated
41. Mammon was given a serum with unknown results that caused him to tell MC he wanted to do many explicit things with them
42. Even Michael was unable to handle Mammon as an angel
43. Mammon is so fast that not even Diavolo and Lucifer can catch up to him
44. It’s been mentioned multiple times that Mammon uses crows as familiars
45. When Lucifer cannot trust Diavolo, he turns to Mammon
46. Mammon once called up Simeon to ask about significant lines in the TSL series so he could successfully hack into Leviathan’s akuzon account
47. Levi and Mammon sometimes perform standup comedy
48. When Mammon tried making a cake for Lucifer on his birthday in the Celestial Realm, he accidentally destroyed the kitchen, infuriating Michael
49. Mammon works as a model occasionally
50. In lesson 11 of the game Mammon claims he is well over 5,000 years old
51. In the celestial realm Mammon would often watch over the younger angels
52. Mammon once tried selling bird feathers to the lesser angels, claiming they were seraph feathers
53. In the celestial realm, Mammon once used the lesser angels to play a game of life-size chess
54. Mammon is said to have been the one who rallied and encouraged the angels in the Celestial war
55. Unlike his brothers, Mammon doesn’t often lose control of his powers
56. Whenever Mammon comes up with solutions to a crisis, they usually make things worse
57. Mammon struggles with math unless he thinks about it as calculating money
58. Mammon loves pandas because they’re profitable
59. Mammon always lets his brothers know about sales and deals going on
60. Mammon is the one who told Lucifer to always have pride and not regret his decision about the war
61. Mammon was cursed to speak like a cat during season 4 and Satan was unable to leave his side even getting Mammon to play with cat toys.
62. The first time Mammon lost control of his powers and transformed into a demon in the game is when he misunderstood a conversation between Levi and MC and assumed they had “relations”
63. Mammon is one of the only people who will indulge Asmodeus and watch his one-man fashion shows
64. When Mammon put too many meals on Satan’s tab, Satan called up Solomon and told him Mammon wanted to try his new recipe
65. Mammon has kidnapped MC multiple times
66. Mammon sometimes goes clubbing with Asmo after part time jobs
67. After Mammon sold all of their silverware he was fired from Ristorante Six
68. Mammon is sometimes referred to as MC’s pet
69. Mammon continues to insist he’s MC’s master not the other way around
70. Mammon sees Luke as his little brother
71. Student council members used to oversee detention until Mammon kept getting detention himself
72. Mammon once accidentally cast a spell on himself that made him burst into song
73. Mammon once accidentally turned himself into a dog
74. Mammon accidentally cursed himself and became extremely small. He was scared of how Beel was looking at him
75. When Mammon made the Miss’em dolls he became extremely wealthy but later blew it all on gambling
76. Mammon is too scared to watch horror movies alone and asks Lucifer to watch them with him
77. Mammon once attacked Lucifer with a three-prong pitch fork when he embarrassed him
78. Mammon has cried from fear of Simeon multiple times
79. Mammon was unable to even pretend to break up with MC
80. Mammon is one of the reasons you need a permit to get to the human world rather than do so freely
81. Mammon got a Mohawk once but his brothers teased him so much he immediately got rid of it
82. Mammon loves the Devildom version of Harry Potter
83. Mammon often threatens lesser/younger demons to hand over all their money
84. Mammon once stopped a bank robbery and demanded the money as compensation
85. Mammon accidentally cut down a Christmas tree gifted to Lucifer from Diavolo
86. Mammon was tricked by Lucifer to gamble against everyone he’d ever screwed over all at once
87. Mammon calls going to the horse races “seeing the horsies” to try and convince MC to tag along
88. When he was Lucifer’s attendant, Mammon sought for a rare Crystal Lily flower to gift him but got lost and Lucifer had to come find him
89. Mammon used Serenity Manor as collateral in gambling as soon as he got to the human world, almost forcing everyone to go right back to the Devildom
90. When coming up with proposal’s Mammon forced Simeon, Solomon, and Luke to participate in a flash mob
91. Mammon has a blood oath with MC and Leviathan
92. Mammon accidentally won Henry 1.0 while trying his first Devildom ice cream. He was nearly eaten.
93. Mammon owns an AK-47 after winning it over in a game against Leviathan
94. Mammon fees guilty that he didn’t have a grand reason to follow Lucifer to hell rather than just feeling like it
95. Mammon once lost a bet to a bunch of rabbits
96. Mammon prefers spicy foods to sweets
97. Mammon extorted Satan for 50,000 Grimm in exchange for throwing him a baseball
98. Mammon’s highest known rank in the celestial realm within the game is a Throne
99. When Mammon was turned into a Test Name box he got used to it immediately, disappointing Beelzebub
100. Mammon died in season 4 for a few minutes but was brought back by Barbatos
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Randomly felt like doing hcs of the kings with a s/o who has a child already…
When Satan came to get you, he hadn’t planned for you having a child, however…you had no partner! So of course, given you AND your child are descendants of Solomon, he needs to bring you both to Hell!
Your child isn’t vulnerable to the air like you are, they can breathe it without energy.
But…everyone wants to be the second parent to your child, the demons see this as an opportunity to show how good of a mate they can be.
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He covers your kid’s face with a blanket before Minyo died, he came to your rescue and your child saw that part! And him saving Minyo!
He really tries to be the knight in shining armor around your kid so they will want him to be their dad. He’s protecting both of you with every fiber of his being
He takes your kid on much tamer bike rides than he takes you on. He even tries to get your kid to ask you to hang out with him
He is a destructive but good dad. He teaches your kid how fun it is to smash things (in a controlled environment)
He’s very anxious if your kid wants to be help, he’s scared to hurt them and if he’s running and your kid grabs him, he’ll sooner faceplant into the ground then accidentally hurt your kid
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He sees this as an opportunity to warm up to you. He knew it was your child instantly, he tried to be respectful and only grab your butt when your kid wasn’t looking. He so spoils your kid and you
Anything you two show interest in? He buys and gives to you, he takes you both to the finest places around, showing you two what luxury he can provide for a mate
He’s extremely gentle with your child. He even at times carries you both simultaneously. Sometimes you carry your child then he just picks you up
He tries to play with your kid constantly, getting new toys to see what they find fun. Unfortunately. If your kid sees a pet they want…he might buy every animal in the facility because you accidentally mentioned you felt bad getting only one…
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He gets slapped by you since he separates you from your child for your first introduction. He left your child with Satan and Mammon, Foras brought only you…
After you screamed at him, slapped him (a few times) and your voice making his Palace shake, he gives in fast and sends his subordinates to get your child
He’s seething seeing how happy you look with your child, he tries to be friendly to your kid…but your kid is scared of him and he keeps accidentally making it worse
He ends up only getting your kids forgiveness after he lets you kid tug on the newly in his horns (your kid didn’t even notice him wincing when they tugged on it)
He end up having his subordinates watching your kid while he takes you out on a ‘date’ at a fancy restaurant to make up to you.
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He gets on your child’s good side, constantly getting them souvenirs and tasty treats from all around Hell and taking them to carnivals and parks
Legit if you ever need a break from your kid he will happily watch over them, he actually stays sober too! He watches you kid like a hawk and protects them like they are one of his own
He also treats you with whatever kinds of foods he know you like, he will cook you what ever you like if he can’t find it anywhere! He doesn’t want you hungry, Afterall what kind of man can’t keep his mate fed?
He acts like a dad to your kid and pretends he is your kids dad in public. He loves seeing how jealous demons get and he enjoys it when your kid calls him ‘dad’ and rewards your kid with candy for doing so
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Your kid both is scared of him and impressed. He is scary accidentally but…you kid thinks if you ‘befriend’ him you’ll both be safe from the monsters under the bed!
That’s right. Now Lucifer needs to check under your kids bed every night. Your kid is his wingman, when you two have a fight your kid has a ‘nightmare’ and needs both of you in bed with him to feel safe.
He enjoys hanging out with your kid and catches on fast as to what your kid is up for. He doesn’t inform you, instead he gets your kid a present every time your kid has ‘nightmares’ and to you it just seems like he pities your child
He tries to be extra kind to you, he tries to show a little emotion with you and your child, he knows being closed off would likely lower his chances with you, he uses what knowledge he has of humans to help you and your child
He apologizes whenever you two end up in the same bed after a ‘nightmare’ (that your kid had because you two were arguing) to try and defuse the situation since…really fighting isn’t as important as helping a loved one
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He basically wanted nothing to do with your child and kept ignoring them until you ignored him. Only then did he make an effort to befriend the child.
He makes sure your kid takes at least two naps a day, at this point if you can’t find your kid, they are probably napping with Belphegor or laying with him and watching a movie on his phone
He ends up liking the (in his own words) brat a lot. He is very gentle with you kid and will actually carry them around if you are too tired to.
He has his subordinates get your kid whatever your kid wants. He doesn’t want to get up, but he’s not neglecting your kid!
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11queensupreme11 · 28 days
Just saw your reblog. lol how do the yans feel about percy and anthonius matching for life, basically? Or that she got that from saving anthonius?
Poseidon: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! TURN AROUND AND GO BACK TO CAMP, WHO CARES ABOUT THE ATHENIAN SCUM AND THAT STUPID MOON GODDESS" -> to full on screaming and raging when she carries the sky, then pure jealousy when he sees that they now have matching grey streaks. i was gonna say he'd order to have anthonius' head shaved LMAO but then i remembered that this is poseidon and he'd probably just kill the dude
Hades: jaw DROPPED. this man is shocked at the sheer danger his poor niece-wife (lol) has been in from getting attacked by dionysus, the entirety of the whole quest, to meeting ATLAS and carrying the skies 💀💀 she could've been perfectly safe at camp.... but she put herself in danger for some BOY 🥲
Apollo: ngl, this dude would probably faint the second she switched places with artemis to carry the sky for her so she can fight atlas. like on one hand, thank you for saving his alt!sister, but on the other hand, he knows that carrying the sky is hard af so the thought of his beloved percy being put in that situation is probably too much for him to handle 🥺
Beelzebub: screaming, crying, shitting tears. not only do they have matching grey streaks, but she got it from PUTTING HERSELF IN DANGER FOR ANTHONIUS 💀💀💀 once he gets over his mental breakdown, he'll be pulling out the cuffs and cuffing her to him since it's the only way to keep her safe 💀
Anubis: this puppy's gonna rip anthonius to shreds if he ever sees him! 🤗 in his eyes, it's ANTHONIUS' fault that his mate got hurt, practically TORTURED actually due to carrying the skies, so his thought process is to kill anthonius to avenge her! then he'd go smother her in cuddles and kisses (she's gone numb from the shock of seeing anthonius' dead body 💀)
Cú Chulainn: "that was so stupid of you, why'd you do that, now you have a grey streak and you look like a fucking skunk 😒" but on the inside he's ALSO seething with jealousy and worry. he wishes percy would've just stayed safe at camp and if he ever met anthonius, he'd probably sneer at him for being a man yet needing to be rescued by a girl, then he would kill him for percy's sake cuz he realizes that percy would quite literally DIE for him and he's not letting that happen (sorry bro, but percy would die for anyone 💀 also, let's not tell him what happens in mark of athena 💀)
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sylwritesstuff · 1 year
Aziraphale and Crowley don't communicate and it stems from their first meeting.
Let me explain.
Before the Beginning, Crowley is at his most honest and his most vulnerable. He tells Aziraphale so excitedly all about stars and how long it's hoping to take for them to form.
Aziraphale is also bluntly honest (a trait he never really loses but does learn to temper) in telling him about the 6K year timeframe.
Crowley then mentions creating a suggestion box and Aziraphale frets over him, concerned already, and we all know how much trouble Crowley got in for asking a few questions.
This sets the tone for everything after.
Crowley stops being honest - "I'm a demon. I lied." - which also means Crowley has been disparaging his own demonhood at least since Aziraphale looked at him askance on a wall and said, "You're a demon. That's what you do."
Aziraphale stops trusting him, but he never stops being polite. Crowley doesn't attack him, so he doesn't attack either. Not at the Ark, and not with Job's goats. Aziraphale is still vaguely seeing the angel he saw in the stars.
Crowley even gives him the permit so he can doublecheck that everything's above board, so to speak. Then we've got Crowley lying straight to Aziraphale's face about killing Job's children because Crowley still sees the angel in the stars who told him the world and his nebulae were going to prematurely end.
The angel who let kids die in the Flood.
Yes, the angel who shielded him on the wall and gave away a flaming sword, so there's some comfort that he won't instantly get smote - "smitten" 😇 - but still the angel who staunchly toes the party line.
After all's said and done and Aziraphale cries about being fallen - cries over being just what Crowley is, even after seeing Crowley circumvent Hell's rules - Crowley tells him he won't tell anyone.
Crowley is good at not telling anyone things, but so is Aziraphale.
Season 1, we get this. Crowley doesn't tell Aziraphale about the hellhound until the last minute. Aziraphale doesn't tell Crowley about finding Agnes's book. Aziraphale doesn't tell Crowley he's meeting with Nazis, and Crowley certainly never tells Aziraphale how he knows them. 
Season 2, we get more. 
Things Aziraphale doesn't tell Crowley:
• Deringer in a carved out book and gun license
• Drivers license he's had for 90 years - as long as Crowley's had the Bentley
• Why his French is so bad (not until he's asked a direct question)
• He knows Crowley likes to rescue him
Things Crowley doesn't tell Aziraphale:
• Beelzebub dragged him to Hell and made him an offer
• He'd never shot a gun before
I'm sure there are more things I'm forgetting, but those are some of the big ones.
More evidence of their continued lack of communication after the Apocanot is the apology dance. (Although I love it and do need to see Aziraphale do it too.)
Crowley is not wrong, and Aziraphale is not right. They are both both. But that never gets discussed, which is why Crowley never has to talk about being brought to Hell. He never talks about Aziraphale being threatened by Extreme Sanctions.
Aziraphale doesn't know why Crowley comes back, but he very likely assumes it's because Crowley wants to do the right thing after all. Aziraphale is still thinking about the angel Crowley was (season 1, "You were an angel once") and sees every single instance of good as PROOF that Crowley could/should/wants to be an angel again.
Additionally, some of the things they do say don't get heard. Aziraphale likes to tell someone he's doing good now that he's no longer reporting to Heaven. Crowley teases him for it twice, back to back. Tone of voice and "doing good again, angel?" after Maggie says something about the rent.
Aziraphale craves being told he's doing the right thing. Aziraphale has been pushed into a place where he won't get that from the place he always has because Heaven is out of reach. If he'd communicated this to Crowley, who is doing everything he can as always to keep him safe, that Crowley would keep teasing him? That Crowley wouldn't gesture to someone in need and say, "Right. Have fun, angel." Anthony J'acts-of-service Crowley would absolutely let Aziraphale have all the bouncy fun miracles in the world without shame. 
Also, when they discuss how to make Nina and Maggie fall in love. Crowley's idea - canopy, rainstorm, vavoom - is absolutely informed by his own experiences, but he doesn't leave it at that. He says he "saw in a Richard Curtis film." He won't let that uncomfortable truth live in reality, pushing it off to humans and film. The realm of fiction, as Aziraphale immediately latches onto.
They don't talk about themselves. They don't talk about being an US. They said their side without getting into the nitty gritty of what that means to the point where neither knows where the line is.
Aziraphale says our car and when Crowley refuses because my car, Aziraphale also says they both get use out of the bookshop. Our car, our bookshop. It's a melding that Aziraphale assumes is perfectly natural, but Crowley hasn't seen it that way. They haven't talked about it.
And when they finally do, Aziraphale is running on the assumption that because Crowley does good and was happiest as an angel, looking over a colourful nebulae - so happy with it, he didn't want to lose it and ended up Falling for it - of course Crowley would want to go back. Of course Crowley would want to be in charge (second in command) since it means doing what they do on a larger scale.
Crowley, however, is still keen to keep going as they have been. Alcoholic breakfast at the Ritz, fixing up the bookshop like nothing happened, getting Muriel away so it can just be the two of them. Crowley is ready for the status quo. Although he does have new knowledge that the car and the bookshop are theirs, he and Aziraphale still carried the plants back to the Bentley.
They are still not talking.
And when they do, it's too little and it's too late. And they never ask each other why.
Next season, they need to learn how to ask why. And I have faith they will.
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cautiousyoungman · 1 year
I'm sorry but Gabriel and Beelzebub's relationship is just so damn wholesome and it's also so different from Crowley and Aziraphale.
Crowley and Aziraphale are never on the same page about what the other wants or what the other is trying to say/do. Crowley is an expert at anticipating what Aziraphale wants or needs, but he doesn't have a good grasp on how Aziraphale communicates. Aziraphale can't anticipate what Crowley wants, needs or what he'll do next, but he understands Crowley's words better.
To explain, Crowley knew Aziraphale would love food before Aziraphale had ever considered trying it. It is now one of Aziraphale's favourite things on earth. Crowley went to Aziraphale immediately after the whole ordeal with Job, which to me suggests that he knew Aziraphale would need comforting. He rescued Aziraphale in Paris, 1793, from the Reign of Terror and he rescued him in London, 1941, from the Nazis. When it comes time to talk about Armageddon, Crowley knows the things Aziraphale will miss when Earth is gone. He knows the things that will drive Aziraphale insane in Heaven for eternity. Crowley knows Aziraphale the way people know their first language: it just comes naturally to him. It's been ingrained in him.
Aziraphale cannot anticipate Crowley. Even with Job, when Aziraphale knows that Crowley doesn't want to kill the children, his attempt to stop him feels like he's bluffing. That he isn't 100% confident that Crowley won't do it. He is puzzled and (pleasantly) surprised to find that Crowley didn't even have the heart to kill the goats. But, when it comes to verbal communication, Aziraphale is more in tune. He quickly picks up on when to take Crowley's word seriously, and when not to. We see this a few times, like in Edinburgh, 1827, when Crowley responds (as he often does) in anger to being praised for his kindness, and again in modern day S1 at the old satanic hospital. Aziraphale isn't the slightest bit affected by what Crowley says or does in response to him. He just patiently waits, and almost smiles, as Crowley talks. He isn't afraid of him, even when Crowley slams him against a wall. He isn't off put. He deeply understands what Crowley is saying, why he's saying it, and that it isn't personal. He's just being defensive. And throughout the show in general, Crowley says plenty of hurtful things to Aziraphale that Aziraphale just knows not to take to heart.
In most of the show, these are great strengths for both characters and their collective dynamic. But in their final interaction, it shows that they need to learn the understanding that each of them is respectively lacking.
The entire dispute starts because Aziraphale can't anticipate Crowley. He thinks Crowley will be happy about going to heaven, but the viewers (and, if you ask me, the Metatron) all seemed to know that he would be upset. Aziraphale should know him better than anybody does, including the viewer. But he doesn't. He never learned a fundamental part of understanding Crowley, which leads to...
Crowley takes everything Aziraphale says personally. In the gazebo scene in season one, he is better at taking Aziraphale's hurtful words in stride. But in S2E6, Aziraphale doesn't do a great job of explaining himself or the proposition of them returning to Heaven. And Crowley doesn't have the patience to try and give his explanation the benefit of the doubt. He takes it at face value, so things Aziraphale says - such as saying "Of course you said no to hell, you're the bad guys." when Crowley mentions rejecting hell - Crowley takes that as a personal attack or rejection. He never learned a fundamental part of understanding Aziraphale.
Now I know this seems like I've gotten off topic, but trust me, I'm about to bring it back around.
The difference is, Gabriel and Beelzebub could anticipate each other immediately. I'm sure there's a lot of meetings between the two of them that we didn't get to see in the show. But, with the evidence we have, we see two people who are always on the same page. They say there's no reason for them to meet up anymore, and give each other a knowing look that suggests "but we will continue to see each other anyway." Beelzebub likes a song, so Gabriel (who doesn't even have a grasp on what music really is) plays it on an infinite loop for them. Beelzebub is soft spoken and more gentle with Gabriel than anyone else we've seen. Gabriel buys them drinks and food to keep up appearances, and immediately reassures them that they don't have to consume any of it. Beelzebub brings him a fly, seemingly knowing that things will go poorly in Heaven soon. They have an equal exchange of gestures and communication that works so perfectly for them, its like its inherent. And when it comes down to where they want their future to go, they both essentially say, "I just want to be where my love is." They're on the same page, and that page is just that they want each other.
Aziraphale and Crowley will always try to find the next big thing to make the other one happy. But doing that will always sacrifice the present moment. They both think they understand the other, when in reality, they're hurting themselves - and each other - to comply with rules no one made for them.
Aziraphale thinks Crowley will be happy in Heaven. He thinks he can fix Heaven for Crowley.
Crowley thinks Aziraphale is choosing Heaven over him. He thinks Aziraphale wants to fix him.
They both tried their best. But they don't understand each other. And at this point, it's almost like they're not trying to understand. They're just trying to be right.
Anyway, I hope Beelzebub and Gabriel are very happy together for eternity and if they separate, I don't believe in love anymore.
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polymc · 15 days
Soulmate AU Facts
TW!! There is talks about people passing away. That is all though.
Main Story Facts
MC and the devils meet in order of the main story. Minhyeok first, Satan, Sitri, And so on.
They aren’t as horny as they are in the game. They still are but way more wholesome with a dash of smut.
When a zap happens, MC makes sure to tell their soulmate immediately that they have 72+ more. They don’t want to hide anything from them.
MC in this universe is a lot more laid back. They aren’t crazy horny all the time and genuinely want to get to know each soulmate they have.
MC’s parents did still pass away in this universe but It is unknown how. Only MC, Minhyeok, and his family know how they passed.
MC inherited a lot of money but continues to work. They still act lazy when at home but they work hard outside their home and try not to use any of that money.
Some of the devils live together and some of them are just close friends. The kings all grew up together thanks to their parents but while they were friends, They still had separate groups of friends outside of that circle.
Solomon was around when MC was a child. MC doesn’t remember much but they remember all the stores he would tell about magic and a fantasy world. When he passed, They kept all his books that he wrote those stories in.
The soulmates still all have their mental illnesses and have a lot of the same habits in the game. Example, Satan still grinds his teeth, Beelzebub can’t stay still in one place, And Leviathan’s jealousy. 
While they tend to get a little jealous, All the soulmates agree they love MC and they secretly not only look out for them but each other.
Funny Main Story Facts
MC has a group chat with all their soulmates but, the soulmates also have one without MC in it. The one with MC is called “Gotta catch them all!” and the one without is called “Hell's Council”.
They all take time out of their days to go to MC’s work just to see them and even have lunch. Their boss thinks it’s sweet so they made a section just for them. 
Dates almost always have all or more than one soulmate but MC makes sure they get 1 on 1 time with each soulmate.
All the soulmates have MC as their wallpaper. MC however can’t fit all of them on their wallpaper so they secretly have pictures of them in their phone case.
When a movie comes out that MC wants to see, They rent out the whole theater just to fit everyone... Don’t ask how they figure out who sits where.
Mammon has bought MC an Alaska King size bed in case any of the soulmates slept over. Though it was pointless since most of the time they steal MC to one of their places.
The mall almost has MC and all the soulmates working there. They are all spread out differently. 
First ever date they all went on was to an amusement park. None of them could agree where to go so MC snuck off and said whoever found them first got to choose. They all had fun at the end of the day.
All the soulmates that can cook have made it a habit to make lunches for everyone at least once to twice a seek. They mostly do this for MC but since they make so much food, They share it with the others. They fight who feeds MC though. 
Side Facts
Nina and Samael are soulmates in this universe. Nina is a regular at the store MC works at and Samael works at the cafeteria. Satan thinks of Nina as his little sister.
The Solomon we know doesn’t exist here. He is still MC’s grandfather but the devils never met him in this universe.
Belial still has Jjyu. He is now a small retired service dog who Belial rescued from a horrible situation. Jjyu only likes Belial, Satan, And over time, MC.
The angels exist in this world too but they are not soulmates to MC. They do however also share a soulmate but it is unknown who.
The red lump family exists but they are everywhere. Some are in the city, some in the countryside and so on. Wherever someone goes, There will be a red lump family there.
The king's parents are the same as in the game. Mammon and Belial dads for example are the same. That meaning Lucifer is related to the angels in this world.
There are all kinds of soulmates in the world. Some have just the one, some have multiple, and some even have platonic soulmates.
God in the game is human in this world as well. He and Solomon were actually very close at some point. His name is Go in this world.
Ppyong aka Juno is Minhyeok’s best friend still in this universe. He always knew of his crush on MC and constantly said that they were soulmates before MC’s birthday.
The kings families all have business under their surnames. Their surnames are dedicated to hell. Levithan’s would be “Hades” for example.
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inhuman-obey-me · 8 months
Hi! Love your work, and congrats on 4000+ followers. May I request 🗡️ + Beelzebub with MC? I think it be interesting.
Thank you for your fantastic work!
Thank you so much!! ;//u//; We're glad you do!
"Let the knife leave its mark." - Beelzebub/MC
content warning: blood, MC into Beel being demonic
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The tension in the air is palpable, thick enough to cut through and heavy enough to suffocate. 
You’re not supposed to be here, but here you are – hidden behind a large stone column as a scene plays out in this room, a scene you are not meant to see. 
“Lord Beelzebub,” voice laden with insincerity, the lesser demon takes a deep bow before the Avatar of Gluttony. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this private audience?”
“I’m pretty sure you know the reason, Kernal.” Beelzebub’s response is cold. It’s rare for you to see him like this, no trace of warmth nor compassion. “Or do you really think I’m that stupid?” 
“Stupid? You? Of course not! I’d never!” There’s a nervousness now that seems to creep into Kernal’s smile. “You know me, I’m just a bit forgetful. I really don’t know why you’ve sought me out today.” 
“Right.” A faint buzzing sound begins to fill the room, and you realize Beelzebub’s wings have begun to vibrate. “I guess you would be the kind of demon to just forget.” Each word is dripping with more anger than the last, a crackling energy of malice settling in like a shroud around him. “Then I guess I’ll just have to remind you.”
As the lesser demon lets out a shriek, you swallow your own as your hand quickly goes to cover your mouth. Beelzebub had lunged forward, his claws now sunk deep into Kernal’s flesh as he slams him down on a table, the metallic scent of blood quickly pervading the room. 
“Do you really think you can just throw out threats so casually?” The Avatar growls, and you can see his form beginning to shift as his mouth seems to grow wider, teeth sharper. “Did you think you could lay out a trap like that and hide it from me?” 
“P-please,” Kernal’s body writhes in the other’s grasp, and you can make out dark ichor dripping from his lips. “I don’t know w-what you’re – ack – talking a-about!” 
You had forgotten about this side of Beelzebub. You couldn’t help but be fascinated. 
“Still playing innocent, really?” Beelzebub snarls, letting go of the lesser demon and taking a step back – no, you realize he’s turning to get something. Is that…silverware? “Maybe cutting you up will finally make you confess. Either way, it’s a meal for me.” 
“No, please! I-I’m one of your loyal followers, you know that!” Kernal tries to get up, but he’s quickly pinned down again by his superior. “That…that human is making you weak! I just want you to be the best you can be, and that means that d-damn human needs to go!” 
You get it now. The reason Beelzebub had looked so grim earlier, so grim that it caused you to secretly follow him here. This demon was trying to hurt you.
“Weak?” Beelzebub spits out the word, and the buzzing gets louder, and louder. You can barely see his wings as they rapidly beat. “The only weak one here is you, Kernal. In fact, the only thing tough about you is the meat on your bones. Meat I’ll gladly carve right now.” 
You move to take a step back, debating whether you want to see the gruesome conclusion to this encounter, but nearly trip over yourself in the process – and it does not go unnoticed.  
“...Who’s there?” 
Shit. Maybe if you don’t say anything, they’ll think it was a random animal.
“I can smell you.” His voice is still low, but it’s softer as he calls out to you. “MC…how long have you been there?” 
Realizing there’s no hiding now, you slowly step out of the shadows, trying to focus on your demon. “Well, kind of the whole time. I-I followed you here. I’m sorry! I just got worried with how you were acting earlier and…” Your gaze slowly trails to the other. “Here we are.” 
“O-oh, please, tell him to stop!” Kernal begs, looking to you with wide eyes as he hopes for some kind of rescue. “He’s going to take a bite out of me!”
You notice that Beelzebub is still gripping a knife in one hand, hovering just above the lesser demon’s chest. He seems to hesitate now, seeming embarrassed that you caught him in such a state. 
“It’s okay, Beel. I won’t interfere.” You give him a reassuring smile, morbid curiosity getting the better of you as you take a few steps to be beside him. This is a scene that should make your stomach churn, an act that should fill you with nightmares. 
It magnetizes you instead.
“Let the knife leave its mark.”
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devildom-drabbles · 1 year
Snippet - Getting Spooked
Felt inspired by the spooky season to write out a headcanon I've had in mind for a while. Enjoy! 👻
How does everyone react to being jump scared by MC?
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Lucifer simply flinches, not making a single audible sound.  He quickly realizes from MC’s expression that they were intentionally trying to scare him, which makes him narrow his gaze at them.  Luckily for the human, all he does is sigh in annoyance and warn them not to do it again before going about his business.  (Unless you’re looking for consequences, MC, you’re better off heeding his words.). In the back of his mind, he can't believe they actually startled him, so he'll be more alert than normal for the rest of the day.
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Mammon, perhaps to no one’s surprise, jumps up with a loud high-pitched scream like a classic cartoon character.  There ain’t no way he’s stickin’ around with a ghost nearby, so he’s ready to take off running!  However, he stops in his tracks when he hears MC’s reaction to his panic.  His alarm immediately turns into embarrassment as he proceeds to assert that he wasn't that scared by their "lame attempt" to catch him off guard. He then complains about what they did and demands “compensation” for the near-heart attack he had.
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Leviathan yelps in surprise and accidentally drops his game controller in the process.  His cheeks are flushed the moment he notices MC near him.  Oh no, he must’ve looked so lame to them just now!  On top of that, his game character fell off a ledge!  Ughhh, this is just the worst!  Feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment, he begs MC not to scare him like that anymore. (His heart already goes “doki doki” for enough reasons because of you, MC, so please don’t add “jump scares” to the list!)
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MC’s jump scare causes Satan to tighten his grip on his book as his eyes widen.  He whips his head in their direction, and in the next second, he’s scowling at them.  Because of them, he lost his focus and the line he was in the middle of reading.  They have to give him a good explanation for their action or apologize in order to quell his bubbling anger.  He ultimately lets it slide, but he will get back at them for this in an equally playful manner.  A jump scare revenge is best served cold...
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Asmodeus shrieks in an overdramatic fashion, because if he’s going to be scared, everyone has to know about it and feel inclined to come to his rescue.  (Truthfully, he was only startled, so a normal gasp would’ve sufficed.)  No matter how much he adores this human, he still huffs at MC for what they’ve done.  Look! Now his clothes and hair are slightly disheveled!  And what if his skin breaks out later because of the stress from being scared?!  They’re now “required" to console him from this experience until he feels better, which could range from helping him fix his appearance to giving him a long comforting hug.
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Beelzebub doesn’t react at all.  He doesn’t even mildly choke on the food he’s chowing down when MC abruptly appears.  Instead, he swallows what’s in his mouth so that he can talk to them properly, wondering if they’d like to try one of his snacks.  After MC explicitly tells him what they were doing, he mutters an “oh” before apologizing to them and promising to try to look scared if they ever do it again.  If they do happen to give it another try, the most they’ll see from him is his raised eyebrows.  He’s just not a very expressive or easily spooked guy.
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The main reason Belphegor becomes startled by MC’s jump scare is because he’s just about to doze off.  You know that feeling you sometimes get when you’re on the verge of falling asleep and suddenly feel like you’re actually falling, which jerks you awake?  Yeah, that’s basically what you did to him, MC, and he doesn’t appreciate it.  He grumbles about it before deciding to pull the human closer and make them nap with him as “punishment.”
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Diavolo is somewhat surprised initially and even asks MC what they’re doing.  After they explain they were trying to give him a jump scare, a wide grin stretches across his face as he expresses his amusement and how they did a pretty good job of catching him off guard.  He thinks the concept is fun and will want to do it to MC in return in the near future.  (He also tries to scare Lucifer and Barbatos repeatedly in hopes of getting a good reaction out of them, which eventually leads to him getting lectured by them just to make him stop.)
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Barbatos is impossible to jump scare, as he seems to have eyes in the back of his head and ears sharper than any other being in existence.  As such, when MC tries to startle him, he’s completely unfazed and merely looks over at them with a polite smile.  “Oh?  You were trying to scare me?  My apologies.  Such tactics don’t work on me, but if you’d like, I could pretend to be alarmed next time.”  At least he’s willing to humor you, MC...
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Simeon just blinks at MC with wide eyes before greeting them in a friendly manner and asking what they need.  It takes him a few seconds of looking at their disappointed expression for him to realize that they were trying to scare him.  He’s rarely ever startled by things like this, so he genuinely feels guilty for not giving MC more of a reaction.  Expect him to come up with something to make it up to them, even though it’s not really necessary.
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“Oh!” is all Solomon says when MC tries to scare him.  He wasn’t expecting this, but he’s dealt with enough surprise attacks over the years that he doesn’t panic or overreact the moment something jumps out at him.  (He did nearly use magic on them, though...)  Upon learning MC’s intentions, he chuckles and compliments their efforts.  You’ll have to try a lot harder if you want to scare him, MC, but just know that this incident now gives him permission to do the same to you whenever he wants.
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Luke is quite alarmed to the point that he stumbles backward onto his bottom.  Once he figures out what happened, he scolds the human with a pout while getting up and dusting himself off.  That wasn’t very nice or funny, MC!  He really doesn’t like being scared, or teased in such a way.  Despite how upset he is at first, he soon forgives them and moves on to eagerly tell them about an interesting food he found at the local Devildom market.
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Mephistopheles screams from the shock of it, but unlike Mammon, his pitch is only a little higher than his normal voice.  There’s an awkward silence between him and MC for a few seconds before he regains his composure (save for a light, embarrassed blush) and angrily reprimands them.  He seems ready to give them a full-blown lecture on their “immature behavior” at the rate he’s going, but fortunately, it doesn’t last too long since he’d rather not spend much time on this matter.  Plus, a sincere apology from MC or a disruption from Lord Diavolo will make him stop sooner.
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The moment MC jumps out, Raphael instantly summons a spear in his hand to retaliate, thinking that this is an attack.  (You weren’t expecting to be jump scared in return, huh, MC?)  MC has to quickly explain themself in order for Raphael to relax and send the spear away.  He admits that they did catch him by surprise, but he advises against any further attempts at doing this to him.  He likes them enough that he’d rather not impale them, accidentally or intentionally.
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Thirteen does gasp in shock, but she recovers fairly quickly from the abrupt scare.  She’s sort of mad that MC managed to startle her, especially for their own entertainment.  Still, she can’t help but be a bit impressed by their success, which she’ll only confess aloud if she has a closer bond with the human.  Afterward, she vows to give them a good fright in return at some point, so they better prepare themself for one of her newest scary traps!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Can I request RoR family with a teen reader who's extremely scared of injections due to being experimented on a child? Like having full blown panic attacks and she accidentally ended up scratching one of them really hard when they tried to force her to take her vaccines as she didn't take them as a child
-This wasn’t real, it wasn’t happening! It couldn’t be happening! Your ears were just playing tricks on you! Yeah-that’s it, it’s one of those auditory hallucinations you’ve heard of!
-Nikola, who had been the one to tell you that it was time for everyone’s yearly flu shot vaccine, to prevent anyone from getting sick, since there were so many in the house.
-You were fairly new in the family and the house, having been rescued and adopted by them only about 6 months ago, and those 6 months have been absolute heaven compared to the hell you had been trapped in prior.
-Beelzebub, who was helping administer the vaccines to everyone, looked over, after he finished with Hercules, who bent the normal needle and needed a thicker needle so it would get in, and saw the fear on your face.
-Your hands were gripping at your arms as you started seeing visions, flashbacks from when you were trapped, when they were grabbing your arms, pushing needle after needle into your arm filled with who knows what, ignoring your screams or beating you if you were bothering them.
-Jack, who was going right after you, could see your blinding fear, this wasn’t like what he would see when he could kill others, this was something… terrible.
-You felt like you couldn’t breathe, your throat felt tight, almost like it was stuck, seeing the syringes on the table, waiting for you and the others behind you, your eyes locked on them, unwavering as you struggled to breathe.
-Buddha was quick to put a hand over your eyes, pulling you back into his chest, to ground you, but this had the opposite effect as you immediately flinched and freaked out, crying out, trying to get free.
-They weren’t expecting this reaction, but they also remembered that you had been severely abused, as Buddha was panicking, not knowing if he should let you go or not as you were clawing at his hands, thinking he was holding you hostage.
-He let you go after Thrud told him to release you and you ran, rushing away from the area, looking for a place to hide, as they all realized that you had been retraumatized.
-It was two hours later when Nikola found you, after all the other vaccines had been given, finding you in Raiden’s room, hiding under his kotatsu.
-He was very patient and gentle with you, holding your hand softly, speaking gently, telling you that he didn’t mean to scare you, and unlike those who had abused you, he told you what the shot was for, and what was in the needle.
-That still didn’t mean you got the shot however, as you firmly refused to get poked again, not wanting to be in pain again.
-Your family was supportive, letting you know that was okay, and Beelzebub was the one who surprised you next, showing you that he was able to get the flu vaccine into a pill to take instead, just for you.
-It took you a few days to come around to the idea of taking it, but they never pushed you or rushed you, letting you do it on your own terms, which felt so nice to you, as they let you make the decision.
-Buddha was extra cuddly with you, holding you close as you watched 101 Dalmatians with him and Zerofuku, as his way of apologizing to you for scaring you.
-It was so nice to have a family like this one, to have so many people that cared about you. They made you feel so safe, even when it was flu season.
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lost-in-lamentation · 10 months
🏚🏥🧭 - haunted house, injury, rescue.
beelzebub × gen!reader. angst + fluff.
warnings: based more off a haunt/horror house experience. mc walks through complete darkness most of the time, falls down a deep pit, has their ankle broken, and also gets grabbed multiple times by actors in the haunted house. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH SUCH SCENARIOS.
further warnings include the fact that this is not beta read.
content: you and beel go into a haunted house together, but end up separated.
back to the 500 follower event: here.
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“guys, i know i said i’ve done haunted houses back in the human world, but…” the gaping entrance loomed in front of you, wind whispering in your ears as you stared down the attraction. “this seems a bit much.” you felt the air grow colder around you, and you could barely suppress the tremble in your legs.
next to you, satan nodded his head to the side. “look. they just came out of the haunted house.” you peered around the blond, catching a glimpse of the way the other guests clung to each other.
“they sure look traumatized,” belphie commented from behind you. “must be a pretty legit haunted house.”
“i’m just going to pretend i didn’t hear what you said,” you sighed. carefully, you took another look at the haunted house. you had read earlier that there were actors and staff inside that would do their best to scare guests, but you never imagined that it would feel so intense. “you can only go inside in pairs.” a part of you wished that you could go with everyone, but another part of you didn’t want to deal with belphie’s teasing if he saw you so scared. “beel? you and me?”
beel, in the middle of snacking, managed out an “ok” despite chewing. you relaxed on the spot, knowing that beel being next to you would make you feel safe.
your moment of respite was short; less than a minute later, you and beel were ushered inside the attraction, waving your goodbyes to the brothers you had left behind as the doors creaked shut. you were plunged into complete darkness a second later, inhaling sharply when you realised you couldn’t see beel next to you. “beel?” you hissed his name quietly, hands wandering the air to see if you could find him in the dark. much to your relief, torches flickered to life on the walls in front of you, revealing the dark hallways that seemed to go on for eternity.
“oh, MC. i thought they were about to separate us.” beel shifted his gaze around, taking in his surroundings before looking back at you. “it looks a lot bigger in here than it did outside.”
you swallowed a nervous groan, neck craning to get a better look inside. “yeah. it’s kinda freaky.” ahead, water dribbled from the ceiling onto the stone floor, causing echoes throughout the haunted house. you didn’t bother hiding your nerves anymore. quickly, you gripped onto beel’s sleeve, pulling yourself closer to him.
the demon didn’t bother asking, and began pushing you gently to stand behind him. “just stay behind me, MC.”
you nodded silently, holding tightly onto beel’s clothing as he started his way forward. you couldn’t tell how long you had been walking for. the only indication that you were moving was the way the torches faded in and out of sight as you walked on. about to bring it up, you tugged on beel’s sweater, but he shushed you before you could say anything. “sshh. there’s a dead end and two doors up ahead. i can hear someone moving around.”
“doors?” you peeked over his shoulders, spotting the doors he was talking about. “what should we do?” finally, you stepped out from behind, coming up to stand next to beel.
beel glanced from door to door, his eyebrows furrowing in thought. “let’s open the door on the right first. i didn’t hear anyone from that room.” he placed his arm in front of you, guiding you away from the door as he placed his other hand on the doorknob. you held your breath, jaw clenched as beel pushed the door open. one, two, three seconds passed, and you finally released the air in your lungs. “i guess this is the ri-” beel was cut off mid sentence, his eyes widening as he felt someone grip his wrist and drag him inside.
“beel!” you lunged after him, but the door slammed in your face before you could get a foot in the doorway. frantically, you pounded your fists on the damp wood, calling for him again. as you shouted for beel to return, the door that you hadn’t opened behind you opened with a low groan. you stiffened at the sound, feet frozen in place as you felt another presence enter the hallways. “who’s there?” you didn’t dare turn around, instead gripping onto the doorknob in front of you. your efforts were forlorn; suddenly, there was a grasp on your shoulder that you couldn’t fight, and the next thing you saw were the torches in the hall disappearing from sight.
you were pulled through a dark corridor, screaming for your life each time you felt the stranger tug you in a new direction. you tried to remind yourself that it was only a haunted house, but with how terrified you felt, you couldn’t properly bring any thoughts into existence. the hand on your shoulder soon disappeared, leaving you alone to wrestle with your fears. continuing through the darkness, you stumbled onwards, hands in front of you to feel for a wall to guide you. but you came into contact with nothing, and eventually, you felt yourself walking down a ramp. in the pitch black area, you knelt down, palms brushing over what felt like stone floors. “is there water down there…?” you pressed onwards, still occasionally calling for beel as you walked through the hallways. shivering, you took one step after the other, waiting until light finally hit your gaze. in the distance, you saw it; a torch blazed in the darkness, lighting up a new path. with newfound determination, you scrambled towards it, your footsteps echoing through the dark chamber. however, before you could get close, the floor opened up from underneath you. with a shriek, you felt yourself become weightless, before plummeting down through the new path. luckily, the drop wasn’t far, but it didn’t prevent your ankle from landing with a loud crack. you cried at the impact, pain shooting up your leg as you crumpled to the ground. another scream caught at the back of your throat, your injury preventing you from even getting another sound out. with a quiet whimper, you curled in on yourself, not noticing a figure in the dark slowly creeping up to you. you only realised it when you heard footsteps dragging across the floor. in a last ditch effort to escape, you mustered the strength to scream as loud as you could, praying to anything and anyone that beel would find you in this godforsaken maze. when you heard the figure stagger backwards, you hauled yourself up to your feet, ignoring the way your leg begged you to stop running. panicked and desperate to not get caught, you ran as fast as you could. at least, in such a situation, which wasn’t nearly as fast as an unharmed demon. in what felt like seconds, there were suddenly claws digging into your forearm. you were at your wits end. with too much happening and not enough light to see any of it, there was nothing left for you to do other than give up.
“beel,” you wailed into the dark, chest heaving as you fought back sobs. your arm went limp as the strange demon dragged you around. you practically considered yourself dead, but then you finally heard his voice from afar.
beel called your name just as frantically, if not more than you called his. by the time he reached you, you weren’t able to register his presence, too deep in your fears to hear him calling to you. but then he pulled the other demon off you, pulled you back to reality, taking a gentle hold on your shoulders as he spoke in a slow, soothing voice. “it’s okay, it’s okay. i’ve got you.” his voice, at first muffled by your own erratic heartbeat, became clear, cutting through the darkest images you had witnessed today. you exhaled shakily, bringing your hands up to feel for beel. “MC, i’m right here.” his voice sounded from above.
your lower jaw quivered as you continued to search for him. “beel, i can’t see. where are you?”
beel clicked his tongue in what seemed like anger, but he was quick to set the feeling aside. “i’m going to hold your hand for a second, so don’t be scared, okay? it’s just me.” as promised, you felt his fingers curl around yours, guiding your hand to rest on his shoulder. “MC, did he hurt you?”
you shook your head, looking down at where you would’ve been able to see your ankle if there was light. “no, but i- i fell down a pit or something earlier. i don’t think i can walk.” you felt his grip tighten around you for a split second.
“i’m going to carry you, okay? just close your eyes and we’ll be out in no time.”
at the notion of getting out, you bursted into tears, tucking yourself as close as you could to beel while he lifted you up. ever the gentle giant, beel cradled you softly, rubbing his nose into your hair every so often while he searched for the way out. he planned his steps carefully, taking extra caution to make sure you bumped into nothing as you made your way out. and eventually, light began to flood your vision again, slowly revealing a “we made it” sign at the end of the tunnel. it took a while for you to adjust to the light, having spent so much time in complete darkness. you turned your face to hide in beel’s jacket, shuddering as he shifted you in his arms to better protect you from the haunted house employees. you weren’t able to see the worker demons’ expressions, but from the way their voices shook, you couldn’t help but think they were scared.
“c-congratulations on making it out! we have special photos from hidden cameras that you can buy-”
“you hurt them.” beel cut them off with a growl, holding you even closer as he spat at the other demons. “i suggest you shut this scam of a haunted house down now before i call lucifer and have him destroy it himself.”
there was a hasty agreement and an incoherent chorus of apologies before the room fell silent again. you blinked your vision back to normal, catching the way beel’s gaze burned with anger before it was replaced with worry. “i’m sorry, MC. i should have found you quicker. i should have never let us get separated.”
reaching a hand up, you brushed over his cheek softly with your knuckles, exhaustion beginning to take over your body. “it’s okay beel,” you replied quietly. “just promise me something?”
your hand fell back down to rest on your own chest as you tried to press more of beel’s warmth into yourself. “please don’t leave me tonight.”
beel sighed into your hair. “i won’t leave you ever again,” he declared, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head as a seal to his promise.
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a/n: i can't think of words anymore i'll be trying to write conversations but then it's a mix of tagalog, japanese, korean and english and i cannot for the life of me differentiate anything anymore so tbh sorry if this isn't that great </3 but if you're here, thank you for reading this far.
reblogs are really appreciated (´ω`) ♡
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fandoms-x-reader · 3 months
Beelzebub Only! - Yandere Headcannons
Requested By: @loidwho
This is my first time writing a yandere character. Please be kind 😂
Beel had been overprotective of you from the start. He had always thought you were too weak as a human to protect yourself from the denizens of the Devildom.
It’s a good thing you had him there to protect you!
Beel would start with just being concerned about you when you were away from him. What if you wound up in some trouble and he wasn’t there to protect you? He definitely couldn’t trust his brothers to do it properly.
When the two of you started dating, that concern went much further. Beel wouldn’t trust you alone - ever. It didn’t matter who you were with or where you were. He was practically joined with you at the hip. He wanted to be constantly with you. He had to be.
It got to the point where he refused to let you go out with his brothers. You want to go out with Asmo to the club? Sorry, the two of you were going out to dinner. Mammon wants a movie night? Nope, the two of you were spending the night together. 
The only person he let you see was Belphie. In fact, he encouraged it. Belphie was his twin brother, after all.
It took Beel a long time to forgive his twin for attacking you, but Belphie promised to never hurt you again and Beel accepted his apology.
But, you didn’t. You couldn’t. You were dead. He killed you. You felt the air leave your lungs and your body go limp. You felt the pain of it all. It was seared into your brain and it would never leave.
You didn’t want to be anywhere near Belphie. But, you didn’t have a choice in the matter. Wherever Beel was you had to follow. He chose who the two of you spent time with and it was always Belphie.
And every time you were in the presence of Belphie, your heart was racing. You were sweating and your body was on high alert. He would laugh at a joke that Beel said and you would feel nauseous. Images would flash through your head of the same laugh that echoed in your ears moments before you died.
But what could you do about it? If you tried to argue with him about it, Beel would get mad and it’s not like you could overpower him.
It got to the point where you did everything in your power to avoid Beel, hiding from him even. You loved him. You did. Even if he was different, in some moments, you knew he was still the same Beel that you fell in love with.
But, this life wasn’t sustainable, and Beel couldn’t understand your fear of his twin brother. 
When Beel found out you had been avoiding him, it was like a roller coaster of emotions. He was angry at first, demanding an explanation. But then, he turned manipulative.
“Do you not love me anymore?” Why else would you be avoiding him?
You weren’t close to any of the other brothers anymore. How could you be? You were pretty much never allowed to see them. So, you couldn’t depend on them to come to your rescue. 
You explained to Beel your fears and PTSD, begging him to understand and to stop forcing you to hang out with Belphie. 
He understood where you were coming from. But, Belphie would never hurt you again!
Next time you hang out, Beel will hold you in his lap. His arm will be firmly in place, a little too tight around you to ensure you don’t go anywhere. You wanted out of the room, but you were trapped there. 
When Beel notices you’re uncomfortable he’ll pull you uncomfortably closer and whisper in your ear.
“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. That’s what I’m here for.”
It used to have a much more comforting effect when he used to say that versus now.
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drconstellation · 11 months
Michael the Watchful
Updated 11 Nov 2023
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I'm going to be upfront - I don't like Michael. But I am intrigued by some of their actions in GO.
The above screen shot highlighting their angel ring came across my dash last week, and there was a comment that the ring looked like "Ophanim rings with pearls for eyes." I have to admit that for all that I am fairly widely read in mythology I hadn't heard of these before, and had to go look them up. I realize its probably because I'm not up to speed with all the religious references yet. Don't get me wrong - I'm not a complete newbie in that dept, its just a muscle I haven't flexed in a while and its a kind of "use it or lose it" kind of thing, you know? Happens when you've been around for a bit.
Ophanim: "The many-eyed ones." Oh. Right. That's tv series Archangel Michael to a T, actually.
(There are probably some parallels to the greek monster Argus here, but not sure if I should digress. The hero Perseus, winged sandals, Medusa's snek-locks, the 1000 eyes that never sleep, rescuing a maiden, the goddess queen's grief over the slain monster...)
Michael was the one that presented the incriminating photos of Aziraphale and Crowley meeting over time to Gabriel in S1, then followed it up with a phone call to Hell on the back-stairwell to Heaven.
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And Michael is the Duty Officer during S2, they are "on watch" so to speak.
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Michael is also the one that maintains the back channel connection to Hell, "the grapevine that obviously doesn't exist" that Beelzebub mentions to Crowley in S2E1, and that Gabriel also officially denies exists in S1E4.
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The fact that in S1 they were seen talking to Ligur originally, who was destroyed by the holy water Crowley obtained from Aziraphale, and then in S2 they are talking to somebody else again (Beelzebub) in S2 via their angel phone again, says that they have to have established a new connection in between seasons. I commented elsewhere it seems to be implied the contact is Dagon, due to the little flirtation the tried to send to the angel that Michael quickly shuts down in S2E6,
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but the fact the back channel is still working is still something to be concerned about. I mean, weren't you just a little suspicious when it was Michael who turned up with the holy water for the bath during the body-swap punishment scenes, when Hell only bothered to send a disposable Eric clone with the hellfire to Heaven?
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Wondering how this angle is going to play out in S3.
Found some information about the golden collars in the Job minisode in S2E2 and the detail on Michael's costume adds to this meta.
Around their neck they have row upon row of eyes, and around their sleeves they have wheels.
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ifearzombies · 1 year
Special Moments With The Brothers
     He won’t let you listen to his beloved cursed music to try and keep you safe, but he does love cuddling you on his bed in his room while you listen to classical music. He has a habit of slightly ‘conducting’ while listening, the both of you sipping wine while you enjoy the music and have some pillow talk. You chatter a bit about the chaos you and the other brothers have gotten up to the past week or about how Diavolo’s plan is going to bring peace to the three realms. It’s his chance to get comfort from you and also learn the lives of his brothers that they try to hide from him. He’s never mad about the chaos you tell him about, and he never brings it up anything you talk about to his brothers. He’s just so happy that you’re with him and his family and making everyone happy.
     Ninety percent of his schemes are not just to get money, but to spend time with you. They always end up with you two alone together and laughing and talking as you both fail at making some sort of DIY thing (jewelry, plushies, etc). Mammon will always keep the FIRST of any item you make. He has a whole section of his room dedicated to those items. And each one is a treasure to him. While you work you talk about anything and everything. You talk about the other brothers’ latest interests because you know Mammon will want to do something nice for each of them related to what you tell him. Every scheme ends with a mutual scolding from Lucifer, but neither of you mind when you’re cuddling and laughing about it all before Mammon goes and gives the money to witches for child support. (There is a devilgram that tells you that Mammon’s money and debt are all child support for a kid he rescued).
     You two spend a lot of time watching anime and playing games. However Levi’s favorite moments are when you help him during a raid. You didn’t realize how intense raids in games actually were at first, but then Levi was going to do one and you wanted to watch. It took nearly a full 24 hours with no sleep and few breaks. And they didn’t even win. Levi began cursing himself and beating himself up over the loss. The next raid, you surprise him by saying you’ll help him. You learned enough from all his explanations that you can let him actually take bathroom breaks and eat and cover for him for a few minutes at a time. After the raid, you fall asleep cuddling and the following morning he showers you in gratitude and cries in happiness. Win or lose, you’re at his side. A true Henry! In thousands of years, none of his family had helped him with a raid before. His joy at your presence melts your heart and while you can’t show up for every raid, you do your best to support him.
     He sits up against a bookshelf, you are leaning against his chest with a book in both your hands. There’s mugs of tea or coffee beside you and you’re both just enjoying the quiet and reading together. Satan loves these quiet moments because it’s just so calm. There’s no chaos, there’s no shenanigans, and his temper is placated by your warmth and heartbeat. Sometimes soft piano music is played, sometimes there’s a smuggled in cat in your laps. Your favorite moments are when he sings to you. His favorite moments are when you sing to him. It’s almost storybook. And he loves that you give him such moments.
     The bath is always the perfect temperature, the bubbles and soothing scents relaxing the two of you. Asmo is cuddling you, of course, and you take turns massaging and washing each other’s hair and bodies. He doesn’t even mind it doesn’t get sexy, just the fact you’re alone with him and letting him see all of you. You gossip about things going on at RAD and about Asmo’s latest party and new fashion going on. You also gossip about Mammon being a model a bit. You then brush and dry each other’s hair and and just pamper each other. You then fall asleep in his very comfortable bed with his arms around you.
     You’re surprised that hanging out with Beel doesn’t just always include food at first. But then you see just how skilled he is. He plays Sax, he snowboards, surfs, and plays sports. But he also encourages you to work out. He NEVER expects you to keep up with his pace. You literally can’t. But once you’ve hit your limit, he gets to use YOU as a weight. Or as a spotter. Working out together helps you keep in shape but you also get to talk and hear about Beel’s training for RAD’s sport’s team and how the team’s doing. You also hear about the latest food that he’s decided he loves. Burgers are his favorite but his cravings, but sometimes he wants pancakes or steaks and potatoes or other various foods from the Devildom. You love hearing him talk about his day and cravings as you know JUST what to make when it’s your turn to cook.
     There’s a lot of cuddle time, but your favorite times with Belphie are when you go stargazing. It’s always night in the Devildom so it’s not hard to find a good time to do it, but just sitting on the lawn on a blanket (half the time with Beel there too and eating snacks) and looking at the stars. Belphie will tell you about the different constellations as you look for shooting stars. Lucifer has found the two of you asleep on the lawn more than once as you stayed out too late to keep stargazing.
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blissxjj · 11 months
The Brothers save MC from her fear
Featuring: Lucifer/Mammon/Satan/Beel/Belphie
Swear words.
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When you came running to his study like a killer was chasing you he was so alarmed that he stood guard from his desk when you hid behind him and said shaking
"T-there i-is a m-m-mouse in my r-room please..."
You didn't need to say more he just sprung into action and left his study mumbling something
You slammed his study door shut and he was surprised
Are you really that scared of mice they won't hurt you you are bigger and stronger than any mouse yet they make you shake in you shoes
He captured the little fella and let him out away
When he tried to enter his study room you slammed the door again
"Don't you dare come in here with it in your hand" you warned him
"It's outside MC i don't have it on me" he said
You crack the door to look at his hand and he signed when you opened it
"Seriously you are so extra" He said
You just rolled your eyes and left his study like nothing happened.
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It was mammon's cooking duty but being the good girlfriend that you are you went to help him with it
He was doing most of the work while you just handed him ingredients and tools
"Mammooooooooon!" Your scream was so loud Mammon dropped everything and came to your rescue
When he saw a little insects on the floor
Mammon picked it up laughing his head off at your scared figure shaking in the corner of the kitchen
"Mammon you stupid idiot throw it out" when you said that Mammon had a good idea in his mind slowly he walked towards you with the insect in hand
"What did you say?" He said teasingly
"I didn't say anything just throw it out" you said now realizing your mistakes
"Come to think about it you didn't tell me how much you love me today" Mammon pinned you to the corner with his empty hand
You were shaking at this point
"I l-love you so much Mammon" you said
"And~" he said getting the insect closer to your face
"And you will always be my first and favorite demon"
"Wrong answer"
"And you are so great and funny and smart and strong and handsome please get it off meeeee!" Your tears threatening to fall
Mammon just threw it out the window and chuckled
"That's not funny do it again and you will be single!" You said
"Oh really?"
"This is not a threat this is a promise try me m*****f*****".
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"AHHHHH!" you screamed running out your room and straight to Satan's
He was ready to yell at you for the noise, the door slam and interrupting his reading but he stopped when he saw your eyes all red and glossy
"S-satan why did the power went off like that?" You sniffled and he sighed
"Darling there is a storm outside it looks like we will be like this for a while" he said
All you can see is his shining demonic green eyes and you knew he could see in the dark and you couldn't so you just stuck beside him like a leech
"Satan baby can i stay here with you?" You asked
"No i am busy and you need to go as soon as the power comes back on" he said going back to reading his book
"I can't i am afraid of the dark and what if the power goes back off so please let me stay i won't speak i will just hold your hand and sleep" you said hoping he would change his mind but he didn't
"Fine i will go ask Lucifer then" you got up to leave when you felt him grab your arm and pulled you back down
"You really know how to get on my nerves human" he said
"You will let me stay?" You said
"Just stay quiet please" he kissed your forehead and went back to his book
Few minutes and you said
"Can you read me bed time stories?" You asked and he opened his mouth to reply but you closed it back up with a kiss and once you pulled away you added
"Pretty please my love" you said
Satan just stared for few seconds then said
"Pick a book"
"YAY! You are the best i would like you to read 'Flower with thorns' for me" you said snuggling close to his chest knowing that you will be asleep before the first chapter ends
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You were working out with Beel...well he was working out you just worked as extra weight for him to carry
When he was done he picked you up bridal style and was rocking you playfully back and forth when he saw the look of horror on your face looking up the wall a giant spider was crawling on it
"B-beel" you said but before you say anything Beel put you down and killed the spider with his hands
When he came back to pick you up you backed away from him which made him confused but soon realized that he will have to wash his hands before touching you again so he went and took a shower as a whole and you did the same
Cuddling on his bed when you said
"Beel thank you for killing that spider earlieri don't know what i would've done without you" you said rubbing your hand on his chest
He blushed and swallowed his snack before saying
"I am glad to help MC i won't let anything hurt you" he said squeezing your hand
You give him a kiss before both of you drift off to sleep
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"Belphie STOP!" You ran to your room and closed the door holding it shut for dear life because Belphie was holding an insect in his hand trying to put it on you
He overpowered you and came in you screamed and ran around the room till he cornered you
You started to cry but unlike Mammon he is not that easy to convince
"What do you want" you said hiding your head in his cow pillow that was on the ground
He took a moment to appreciate the cute sight of you curled up on the ground and said
"How about a deal? I kill the insect and you give me your desert for a week" he said
"How about you stop being spoiled and protect me instead of scaring me" your words hit him right and he put the insect away and killed it he grabbed your hand to pull you up for a hug but you didn't want that
"Let me go i am mad at you" you said crawling away from him when he pounced on you and pinned you down to the ground and said
"Aw please MC forgive me i was just joking" he begged
"If you think i will let you off the hook that easily you are dead wrong Belphegor" you said
Yep he f up and he knew so when you called him his actual full name.
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Time to post yet another random Obey Me! idea that has to do with turning a demon into a toddler. Since this scenario seems popular so here we go.
The Anti-Lucifer League strikes again to (hopefully) turn Lucifer into a toddler again and have them avoid getting scolded. Cuz, y'know. They really aren't looking forward to the lecture from there now changed back eldest brother.
Unfortunately, Lucifer isn't the one to get hexed. It's Satan. POOF! Cue the Avatars of Pride and Sloth blinking a few times for them to look down at the now furious blonde haired tot. Only for Lucifer to heave a sigh of air as Belphegor gets out his phone to send a few texts to Solomon and Diavolo.
Naturally, the House of Lamentation is thrown (once again) into chaos. With Mammon being too tuckered out to help from the time Lucifer was the mischief maker in diapers. But Beelzebub is able to handle the job with help from Belphegor and their pact human. How, you may ask? Lots of picture books and several adorable cat plushies. Made by Leviathan and Asmodeus.
Satan tends to be a very curious little demon to want to explore and investigate anything and everything. From cabinets to closets to even the dirty clothes hamper in Lucifer's room. Asmodeus catches Satan wearing a pair of underwear on his head to take pictures before rescuing the clothes from being chewed on. Days are spent with Beelzebub and Belphegor wrangling this very curious tot with their pact human helping with things. Like keeping little hands away from Lucifer's paperwork. Or having a tot go diving in Levi's fish tanks.
Best way to tucker a Satan toddler out? Have Beelzebub give Satan a ride to fly around the HOL for a bit. This little demon loves being up high and has a blast going up and down and around. Also means Beelzebub gives his wings a workout while his family gets a break from any tantrums.
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