#ghost cowboy boyfriend
devilry-revelry · 2 years
Heart & Home | Male Ghost x Female Human {Part 1}
Mostly unedited rewrite of a thing I did way back when I was (happily) getting force-fed Red Dead Redemption 2 smut. It's a ghost cowboy. I'm not sorry.
: ̗̀➛
“Don’t need to be scared, girl. I’ll take good care of you—“
: ̗̀➛
The place had been on sale for nearly three years.
It was an old cabin resting on a rough half-acre space surrounded by mountains and farmland. The cabin was small. There were repairs that needed to be made to both interior and exterior, most of the electrical needed to be redone, and the plumbing needed to be updated. The bones were good though. The foundation was sturdy and unwavering. It just needed someone to show it a little bit of love – at least that’s what Maggie Whittaker, realtor, told each and every one of her clients after they drove the full 45 minutes out of town to see it.
“It just needs a little bit of love,” is what she told each and every single person that stared at the cabin and openly grimaced.
“It just needs a little bit of love,” is what she told the potential buyers that scoffed at the still-standing outhouse off to the side of the home.
No one took the bait though. Whether it was due to the commute time, or the plumbing issues, or the fact that the wiring threatened to burn the place down at any given moment. No one wanted to buy the place, but that didn’t stop Maggie from showing it at any given opportunity because she genuinely felt that the place held great promise. Every time she stepped onto the old wrap around porch she could imagine how inviting the space would be with a rocking chair, or a porch swing. She wanted to sit there with coffee and watch the sunrise above the trees in the morning, and watch as the stars came out at night. Maggie also liked to imagine how cozy the inside would be with a little bit of cleaning. She had decided long ago that the house would stay true to its rustic roots and she would salvage as much of the original materials that she could. She also decided that she would put a comfortable chair in front of the fireplace, and there would be old shelves with books, and a big bed with heavy blankets, and she would bake bread and cookies as fresh mountain air drifted through the kitchen…
Maggie could imagine all of those things, because that’s what she wanted. She wanted fresh mountain air, and cozy winters in front of a fireplace. Instead she had an awful third floor apartment sandwiched between a creep of a man and a nosy old woman. She had a cityscape that blocked the skyline, and the sounds of sirens and traffic accompanied by the acrid scent of piss and garbage. Meanwhile she sold people their dream homes. Homes with the backyard swimming pool, and the master bathroom with the male-height vanities and jacuzzi tubs and the shower with the six-plus shower heads that connected to wifi and Bluetooth. Even when she knew that no one in her clientele would show an interest in her cabin she showed the property every time she was able.
Perhaps it was because she hoped that someone would see the same potential that she did – or maybe it was just an excuse to spend more time at her own dream home. The cabin offered her a comfort that she couldn’t find surrounded by strangers at her apartment building. The cabin gifted her with the sense of belonging that she had been missing since she grew up and moved out of her familial home. When she wasn’t there she yearned to return, and when she had the opportunity, she often made the most of it she could. She structured her work schedule to offer her the most time at the cabin. If she could schedule the place for a showing, she saved the best for last, and when the not-so-potential buyers made their return trip to the city, Maggie often found herself taking up residence on the porch.
The little cabin offered Maggie all the comfort and warmth she craved, and she hated that every time she left, she didn’t know when or if she would be back; so she enjoyed what time that she had while she had it before leaving the one place she, somehow, considered home.
There were times where Maggie was lucky enough to return to the cabin weekly, if not daily but then there were times when business slowed, or a slew of clients steadfastly rejected the idea of living outside of the city, and so she didn’t get to return to her dream home for months at a time – and it was after one of those long stints of being away that everything changed…
During the winter months the already lackluster interest in the cabin waned. It was a long drive out from the city, and it seemed like all of Maggie’s clientele didn’t want to deal with the drive through the potentially inclement weather. It wasn’t until mid-spring when a potential buyer showed half-hearted interest and Maggie jumped at the opportunity to make the drive.
The buyer was a man from somewhere upstate. He was quiet, never really asking questions about the houses they visited, and never making a committal reply to any information she supplied. It served to make the day rather awkward, but when she mentioned the cabin overlooking the mountains he claimed that he wouldn’t mind seeing the place.
When they got to the cabin the man got out of his car with a camera looped around his neck with a strap, a camera that had been notably absent during the hours prior. Though it wasn’t uncommon for folks to snap pictures of the houses they toured, Maggie found the camera’s sudden appearance a little curious. A sudden and wholly unwelcome wave of paranoia washed away her excitement, and she found herself silently cursing the man for ruining her anticipated return to the cabin. She resolved to get through the showing as fast as she could for the sake of getting him to leave.
The building unease vanished the moment Maggie set foot on the porch, and it was very quickly replaced by a rush of warmth when she unlocked the door and stepped inside.
“You really show this shithole?”
The comment kicked up Maggie’s ire, but she plastered on a bright and cheery smile, and forced an amused laugh as she said, “It’s got some great views. Right around back, you can watch the sunset.”
“One bedroom? No running water? Why bother.”
“It has running water; the pipes just need some updating. And I think someone will see the potential and spruce it up. I’m… um—“ she faltered as he reached out and put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her back near the old fireplace. His fingers found a lock of hair and pulled it in front of her ear then stepped back. “— um, what are you—“
“Just getting a couple of pictures,” he said simply.
“Sir,” Maggie started, tucking the stray hair behind her ear. She stepped away from the fireplace. “I would appreciate if—“
“I told you I’m a photographer, right?” He stepped forward again, and moved her back into place. “Just let me get a few pictures. There is an interesting contrast between you and how rugged everything in here is,” he played with her hair, and went so far as to reach out to undo the top button of her cardigan.
Maggie’s hand shot up and smacked him away, feeling the bitter dredges of rage burn her throat.
“Calm down, it’s just a button—“
“Get out. Now.”
“I said I’m a photogr—“
“And I said get out. We’re done.”
He sighed loudly and pulled the camera from around his neck.. “Look, ok, I’ll put the camera away—“
“I believe the lady said to get gone, boy.”
The voice caused them both to jump. It was as sudden as it was forceful. It was a low drawl that wasn’t at all common to the area. Maggie and the so-called photographer both turned to the origin of the voice, but the room was empty. Just as Maggie’s brows began to knit together in what could only be the most confusion she had ever felt in her life (the perv clearly heard the voice too), the lights in the living room flickered. The faucet in the kitchen turned on full blast. The photographer turned yet again, his eyes darting from the lights, to the sink -- there was a loud creak from the floorboards near the front door and he spun around just before his whole body pitched forward.
The man dropped like a sack of potatoes, landing heavily on his hands and knees. The camera bounced to the ground in the tumble, the flash going off. The lights flickered yet again, the cabinets in the kitchen swung open and Maggie hid. She wedged herself between the fireplace and the wall, sinking to her butt and pulling her legs to her chest as the room around her came to life in a surreal show of hostility. The camera shot across the floor, skidding against hardwood until it met the toes of her shoes. The photographer scrambled, desperately finding purchase on his feet before he high-tailed it to the front door. He was leaving - leaving her alone in the crazy house… but the second he cleared the doorway, the activity in the house stopped. The cupboards closed, the lights stopped flickering, and the water shut off. It was suddenly, abruptly, eerily quiet. Maggie was afraid to move. In the quiet of the room, she held her breath. Even when she heard the man’s car start up, she remained rooted in place. 
It wasn’t until the sound of the engine was long gone, did Maggie dare to take a soft breath and whisper, “Hello?”
Moments ticked by into minutes where there was no response, and as the silence dragged on, the fear and panic ebbed, and the familiar warmth returned. The tension that had gathered in her muscles eased. Her shoulders sagged and she released a heavy breath. Her eyes dropped to the camera. 
The thing had moved on its own. Just like the fluttering cupboards, just like the water faucet. As she reached for it, she half anticipated it to shoot across the floor, but it remained in place, quiet and unassuming and hopefully not haunted. It didn’t move, which was great, but the screen that was pulled up on the display made her stomach flip uncomfortably. 
It was a picture of her sitting in her car, sitting in front of the very first house she had met her client that day. She toggled the switch, flipping to the next image. It was her at the door to the cabin, her hand at the knob. 
“Oh God,” Maggie grumbled, glowering at the image. Photographer? Right. A total creep, more like. She thumbed the switch again. The final image was nothing but a blur; likely taken when the camera had fallen. She was in the image, her figure crumpled in the corner like a scared child but there was something in front of her, partially cutting off part of her form but it was too blurred to really nail down what it was. 
Her curiosity urged her to her feet. She moved a few paces from the corner, then turned to face the space, comparing the picture to the area she had vacated. There was nothing that could have been in the picture unless it had been the photographer, but the coloring was all off. Photographer was wearing bluejeans, the blur in the image was tan. It didn’t match with any of the colors in the cabin, either. The longer Maggie stared at the image, the easier it was to convince herself that she saw the blurry outline of a boot. Like someone had been standing between her and the photographer—
“Jesus, Mags,” she groused, turning the camera off. But even still, she was weary. She couldn’t explain away what had happened as easily as she could a blurry photograph. She could chalk up the photo as a searching and overactive imagination, but there was no explanation for what had happened. None. 
Maggie started for the door, then froze when a loud creak sounded behind her. It sounded just like a tired door opening in an old horror movie. When she turned her head she could see the bedroom door slowly opening. Wanting to debunk the day’s strange events she dropped her things on the kitchen counter and marched towards the room.
Was there a draft? There had to be a draft. As soon as she got to the bedroom she grabbed the door knob and closed the door. It latched closed. It didn’t budge when she pressed against it. She turned the knob, pushed it open just a bit and waited. 
Once again, the door didn’t budge. It was sturdy and solid and absolutely not swinging open ominously. She held up her hand towards the ceiling, feeling for any air flow and when that didn’t work she went into the bedroom. There was an old vent–
The door snikt shut behind her. 
A flare of fear sent her whipping back towards the door. She scrambled for the knob but it didn’t turn. Didn’t budge.
“Hello!” She called out, silently swearing to God that if that prick came back to this house and decided to fuck with her that she would do what she could to beat the living crap out of him. “Hey, open the door! Come on—“
She felt the sensation of warmth at her back and it caused her to still. She smelled wood smoke. It was gentle and lingering, reminding her of summer nights and camping trips. The gentle sweetness of cigar smoke came with it. Maggie’s hackles softened as she closed her eyes and breathed deep. Despite the swelling fear she had felt moments before she was once again pulled into a feeling of comfort. 
She shuffled a step towards the door, feeling pressure at her back, feeling a breath rustle her hair and tickle her ear. She closed her eyes and couldn’t stop her imagination from trying to summon the voice from earlier, the low drawl, right at her ear. 
“Don’t need to be scared, girl. I’ll take good care of you—“
Heat pooled low in her belly, she started to lean back into the warm pressure. She had the urge to tilt her hips, to back her ass up against— her eyes shot open, and she turned. There was no one there. Despite being alone, her cheeks grew hot.
A cute house in the woods, and a ghost apparently. When she tried the door again it opened. She gathered her things, locked up the house, and after a final lingering glance she left. 
She didn’t return to the cabin again for a whole three weeks. 
This time she returned with a married couple. The circumstances of her last visit had been bizarre. While the events of that day didn’t exactly haunt her, she had spent plenty of time imagining what her return trip would be like. If strange phenomena happened again she would have to assume that the cabin was haunted, and if it didn’t… well, she would have to assume that she was crazy.  When she pulled into the driveway, Maggie anticipated a bit of anxiety to flare up. There was no anxiety. Only a bones deep yearning to be back inside the cabin. So without the typical fanfare, Maggie unlocked the door and led the couple inside. 
Maggie frowned, and despite her curiosity, she left, and didn’t return to the cabin for a whole three weeks. This time, she returned with a married couple. The moment she was on the property, she yearned to be inside. She sought the comfort the cabin seemed to give her, so without much prelude or fanfare, she unlocked the front door and led the couple inside.
The tour was quick, as it usually was.
Entryway drop zone. Hallway. Living room left, kitchen right. A wall separated the living room from the bedroom. Across from  the bedroom was the bathroom and utility space. And there was the outhouse. Of course.
The couple seemed entirely uninterested, probably looking for something that was a bit more up-to-date.
“The land isn’t bad. Good space.”
Maggie nodded her agreement, “Great space. The owners live nearby. They’ve been maintaining the land, making sure it hasn’t gotten too overgrown. They offered to help with the upkeep after purchase.”
“Suppose I can tear down the cabin, do a custom build—“ the husband started.
“Wait, what—“
“Build a pool—“ the wife continued.
“This cabin was originally built in 18–“
“And it shows! It really shows. I’m not going to buy a one bedroom shack with an outhouse. But I can buy the space. Get rid of the cabin. Build a farmhouse and sell it for —“
Something happened then. Something that made the husband yelp. Maggie whirled around to see one of his feet dropping through one of the floorboards. When he stepped back to find his balance, he fell to the ground with a force that seemed to shake the very foundation of the cabin. Then the lights flickered. The front door snapped open then slammed shut. The wife shrieked at the sound. Maggie watched, detached from the fear she should feel. The husband vaulted to his feet. While the woman went to the door and tried to open it, the man yanked his foot from the floor. When the door didn’t open, the woman began to shriek and the man called after her to try and calm her down.
Maggie proceeded to view the unfolding chaos. She didn’t want the cabin to be torn down. She didn’t want there to be a frickin’ pool. She wanted the cabin to be fixed up, while maintaining its rustic charm. She wanted it appreciated by someone who could see the beauty it held. She wanted these two long gone. Maggie finally moved. With far more calm than she should feel, Maggie skirted around the hole in the floorboard, and joined the frantic couple at the door. The cabinets slammed and rattled in the kitchen. The lights had stopped flickering and had gone completely dark. Maggie squeezed her frame between the man and the door.  She took hold of the handle and twisted it. The door unlatched and she pushed it open. The duo pushed their way past her making her stumble out the door with them. They practically raced to their car, and before she knew it they were driving away. 
Maggie watched them go. Once the tail lights were out of view, Maggie turned to assess the cabin. She stood at the front door, pressing her hand against the hardwood frame.
“What was that about?” She asked the home, in a gentle coo. 
There was a loud creak from the inside, like footsteps, and without an ounce of fear, she stepped back into the now quiet cabin. The place had yet to turn on her. Not once. With the photographer, it had defended her. With the married couple it seemed to defend itself. Maggie somehow immediately convinced herself that the cabin wouldn’t turn on her. No harm would come to her when she was there.
She moved with careful steps as if she were approaching a frightened dog. She navigated around the new hole in the floor, and once she came to a stop she heard the front door close softly.
The old flooring creaked. In one place, and then in another. Growing closer. As if someone was walking towards her. The wild scent of wood smoke tickled her nose. Maggie closed her eyes and breathed it in. The touch of sweetness that curled at the edges made her mouth water. The sensation of a presence at her back should have set her off, but all she knew was ease, comfort, and home. 
“I ain’t standin’ by and lettin’ folks tear down my home.”
The voice was a low, accented drawl. The same voice that had told off that perverted photographer. The same one she had fantasized about more than a time or two as she lay in bed at night.
“And I’m through with all of the disrespect–”
“I-I never meant to disrespect anything–” her voice was quiet and ragged, but frantic. She turned towards her accuser and saw a man. Or the impression of one. It was hard to determine what exactly she was seeing, or not. The image only lived in her periphery and the moment she attempted to look directly at the figure, it seemed to shift out of view or vanish all together. 
She thought she was seeing a man. Tall, and broad, with eyes so dark they looked black. His clothes looked old and worn, with hints of khaki or maybe canvas, an old linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and the buttons at his chest undone. 
Maggie swallowed, closing her eyes hard. She repeated, “I’m sorry. I never meant any disrespect.”
“Nah, girl. Not you. Them. I built this cabin with my bare hands. I know these’re different times, but to come into a man’s home and call it a shithole…”
The man was edging closer, and Maggie matched his stride in the opposite direction. She wasn’t retreating out of fear, or she didn’t think so. She wasn’t scared. What she was feeling wasn’t fear. And yet, if what he was saying was true, if this was the man who built the cabin all those years back that could only mean one thing. She should be scared.
“You’re-you’re right—“ her back touched the wall. She trained her gaze to look away so she could see him better as he made his approach. His hair was dark, like charcoal. His skin was a beautiful sunkissed tan. Were those suspenders hanging from his hips? 
“And then what that little pissant did to you…”
“He didn’t—“
A hand extended to her, brushing her wrist with warm, calloused fingers. The contact surprised her. He was warm. He was gentle. Weren’t ghosts supposed to be cold? He took her hand, dragging his thumb over her palm. Maggie’s eyes flickered to the point of contact. There was no more impression of a person dancing in her vision. There was indeed someone standing before her, touching her. When she chanced a look up at his face, his eyes were trained on their hands. He looked just as surprised as she felt. 
His voice softened. “He did. He disrespected you. And that’s somethin’ I ain’t gonna tolerate, y’hear me Maggie Whittaker?”
Maggie nodded her head, slowly before she managed to find her voice. “Who are you?”
“Elias Jameson.”
“Your family owns this place.”
“They do.”
“Do they know about… you?”
“Nah. Tried to speak with one of the boys a few years back and he never came back…”
Again, Maggie nodded. Finding words was becoming increasingly difficult, and his proximity wasn’t helping. She was floored, she was stunned, and she was positive that she was dreaming. Elias’ eyes lifted from their hands to study her face. Christ, Maggie thought. That jawline is sharp enough to cut diamonds.
“Yer scared.”
“I’m… confused. If you’re a, well… how…?” She tried to gather her thoughts. “It feels like I’m dreaming.”
The rough pads of his fingers touched the skin inside her wrist. It probably would have tickled if the contact didn’t feel so sensual. She licked her lips as she recalled being locked in the bedroom, with the sensation of a presence at her back, and the urge to press and grind and–
“This ain’t no dream, Miss Whittaker.”
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scrambledslut · 6 months
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i was bored so here’s my stardew valley farmer Remy in all her different outfits using my favorite picrew :3
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saintgoths · 6 months
ʀɪᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴡʙᴏʏ
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He had been so thick you couldn’t help but bite down on the pillow, this isn’t the first time you had him but whenever Arthur was inside of you, you could feel the way you had stretched to adjust to his size, normally when you had fucked men who were in fact bigger than you it was painful, but Arthur, Arthur knew how to use it, to stir you into a swirl of lustful craziness and break you into a whimpering mess.
As reflex, you had tightened around him, your cunt hot as the friction of his beginning motion began to quicken, and when you felt the arch of his cock slip deeper into you, you couldn’t help but push out a trembling sigh. “Oh fuck!” You had moaned, already overstimulated by his embrace, Arthur continued to rock his hips, focused to aid you to reach your high, he had been keen on your every movement, how you would further your arch whenever the tip of his shaft kissed a soft spot and the way you’d tightly grip the bed sheets when your moans would twist into a higher pitch.
It had always been like this, Arthur would at first be silent when it came to fucking you but as time moved on, he’d become more vocal about how good you felt around him, how tight your sex was and how he only wanted you to himself. Arthur barely showed his possessiveness, in shame you’d make fun of him, but if he was aware of how turned on you’d get whenever you would catch him staring down another suitor or belittle them, unconsciously realising he’d be doing it because he craved you, worshiped you and was a love sick fool.
You tucked your bottom lip behind your teeth as you could feel the pad of his thumb stroke your anus, he knew that always shaped you crazy, how your cunt would become wetter and slippery around his girth and how you’d thoughtlessly hump yourself backwards, greedy for his love and eager to feel his cum fill inside of you. “Like that?” Arthur moaned, his voice deep and throaty, rough like pine cones but lewd like the devil himself. “Like that babygirl?” He’d tease and when you’d nod your head, he would move his other hand to your hair, pulling you closer to him while he continued to move his hips forwards.
“Take me,” he whispered into your ear, your eyes blurry as you could feel tears coat your eyes, he was so big, but felt so good, “Take me,” he’d echo while his other hand would slip to one of your breasts, his palm cupped over it as he would circle the nub of your nipple with his thumb and finger. “That’s it,” he’d sooth as your body shook against his. Your moans embarrassingly soared as your nectar would coat around his length and spill against the bed sheets. “That’s it, good girl, cum for me, good girl, yeah? You’re my good girl,” he’d hum as he would continue to fuck you, your mouth wet with your own saliva as you had attempted to sum up words.
Yet, you had sounded so futile, senseless as he fucked his orgasm into you, his semen so hot and filling you had felt some of it leak down your thighs, but you were rapacious, desiring excessively for more of him that when he pulled himself out, you helped his level his wet and sticky cock to your arse.
You had lost count on how many times he has made you climaxed under this one showdown, he had just returned back home, impatient but smooth with how he handled you, prior to his return you had sent your boyfriend a plethora of lewd images that had commenced him to fall into his sensual pit, the moment he stepped through the door and closed the exit behind him, he put down his bag and kissed you. Telling you how much he’d take care yet ravage you, and he had always kept his promises.
With his hand underneath your knee, he had continuously rocked his hip forward, with his width had consumed you, you couldn’t help but fall limp within his touch, over-stimulated by the excessive pleasure, you looked at him with watered eyes as you had cried out pleasured wails. “Keep doing that! Keep doing that!” You repeated before he started to moan through your nose you had yelped once you had felt his hand slap against your buttocks.
“Yeah! Oh!” You cried out, beguiled with the hot and dark look that shaded his eyes you had been completely enamoured that he had taken off his mask, revealed everything to you, his body, his scars and the beautiful and comely look he had on his face that had infatuated you every time you took a look at him, you couldn’t believe he was yours, just yours, allowing you to use him for your pleasure as he did to you, he had felt so painfully good you’d whimper whenever you’d feel him slip out of you, dangerously craving for him to fill you up with his cock, there’d be a glint that would briskly sparkle in his eyes once he’d be aware with how much you had wanted him.
“Look at you,” he’d mutter, his heavy voice buried and profound which had set you into another wave of thrill, he had known just the sound of his voice would make you cum and he’d tease you with a comment there and then, but the second he would be set to talking to you while fucking his cock so broad and deep into you, the hearth and wetness of your cunt would profoundly coat his length, making his movements more polished and slick as his cock would begin to throb.
“Taking me like that, you’re such a good girl,” he’d mutter and with your mouth wide open you could feel another crest of orgasm influx and attempt to peak. “You like that? Me fucking you like this, huh?” He’d poke and with a quick nod and eluding words you had gripped your bed sheets, your opening hot as your nectar.
Your eyes tightly screwed shut as you climaxed, agreeing to everything he would say to you. “No one fucked you like this before huh?”
“No! no!” You’d whine, relieved as you would feel his fluids seep into you, his hand that had been under your legs had softened and eventually he pulled himself out of you, his chest heavily moving up and down as he caught his breath fore pressing his lips against your mouth, with a short moan, you had placed your hand against his chest as you returned his embrace, but when you had pulled away, you had looked into his eyes. “Let’s do it again tomorrow.”
“You will be the death of me,” he smiled before he kissed your nose and laid beside you.
He needed this release, so much pent-up stress and anger he had unconsciously desired to fuck out and you had been there, like a gift for his much tenacious and unyielding force. He had been unsure if you would want him, but the way your eyes looked when you had noticed the hard bulge he had terribly hid beneath his pants, had sent him the green flag, you had actually been the one to make the first move as you had always wanted to fuck him.
He was so big and strong, and you loved the sight of his muscled arms, his muscles arms that had now hung around your waists as you had bounced on his cock, mouth wide open as you had struggled to make noise due to how engulfed you were. You had felt the way his hands had now been placed on your hips as he aided you up and down his length, your sex glazing his cock with its fluids, overwhelmed by how the curve of his cock stroked against your spot, your cunt which had countlessly clenched around him in response to his rugged embrace had commenced you to dig your nails into his muscled chest.
The sounds were so bawdy and erotic, the wet racy noises that were being made by each other’s movements had heated Joel into a further passion, how your breast bounced and how you moved your hips forward as you continuously searched for your orgasm, you were like a bunny in a fever, exposed how much lust you had for him bottled up had moved Joel into an ardent and wistful state, how he had possessively clung onto you as your moans sang into his ears.
“That’s right sweetheart, keep fucking me like that,” he’d groan as he’d screw his eyes shut. “Keep going like that---you feel so good, girl,” he’d whine, his tone gruff and throaty as he could feel himself twitch beneath you, aware how you had moved one of his hands towards your breast, helping him give it a good squeeze before you started to roll your hips, your swift movements compelling Joel into a tranced state as he started to jerk his hips upwards.
He had entered a moment of silence, his mouth opened as he carelessly fucked his cock deep into you, his rough movements had helped you to find your voice again and you squealed due to how heavy and thick he had felt inside of you, how the head of his cock licked your sweet spots thus had sent you into a bubbled trance as you had stopped moving, your figure tense as you had allowed Joel to use your body and milk his cum into you, your eyes rolled backwards as your body had jerked and flinched every second to your own orgasm.
“You good there?” Joel had asked with a smirk and with a brief nod, you had collapsed your body against his.
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servicpop · 4 months
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✶ ﹑ㅤXOXOㅤ﹏
NOW STARRING : cowboy Cole x "showgirl" m!reader
「ㅤFLUFFㅤ」ㅤdates n stuff with your cowboy bf
notes ,, not proofread ! – part one , part two
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You started dating him. The sweetest cowboy around.
You've never really understood it when the showgirls always rambled on about their partners — you personally thought you couldn't do it. But here you are, yapping on and on about him.
You'd blabble a few compliments to him like "he's so handsome," "he's got the cutest smile," "he treats me like a prince," and the girls could practically see the hearts bubbling off of your head. You couldn't stop! The words flooded out your mouth like word vomit and you swore they were getting tired of hearing your heart thumping at 150 beats per minute.
Seated at the vanity, your legs dangled over the chair as you turned to one of the girls, holding your cheeks in your palm as you swooned over Cole. She didn't mind, of course, she was used to your rambling now and was focused on perfecting a new lip combo. "Oh you're so smitten!" She giggled, patting her cheeks with a cushion. "Ain't your mouth tired of moving so much 'mr lover boy'?" Another girl nudged your shoulder with the end of her brow pencil, shaking her head as she huffed from your yapping. A whistle from the girls broke you out of your trance as you lifted your head to look towards the doorway.
When you turned your head, you were met with Cole's figure standing at the entrance of the tent with a bright red blush and flowers held closely to his head. He must've heard everything. Flustered, he clutched his hat that was also held to his chest, lifting it up slightly to cover his red face, "U–uhm... hey. Apologies– I don't wanna' intrude on the ladies space." Cole's eyes were casted to the side; you could tell he was trying to be respectful of the space you shared with the girls.
You got up, walking over to where he was stood and took his hands in yours. "It's alright, I'm sure they don't mind," you reassure him, gently guiding him towards the dressing rooms where you could get changed into some more comfortable clothes. You glanced over your shoulder, seeing Cole's eyes trained to the floor and his hat covering his face as he followed you like a puppy. He most definitely felt intimidated by the bustling lifestyle showgirls lived.
As you pulled him into the dressing rooms, Cole finally relaxed, lowering his hat to his side as he watched you with a sweet smile. "No peeking," you chime, disappearing behind the wall to change. "I wouldn't unless you asked sweetheart," Cole called out, taking this moment to lean against the wall as he waited for you to finish.
When you appeared, Cole let out a whistle, his eyes locked with yours as he exhaled contently, "How do you look so beautiful all the time sugar?" Cole took a few steps closer to you, reaching his fingers out to tuck a stray strand of hair from your face. His fingers lingered in your hair, brushing through it as he held the side of your neck just behind your ears. His lips ghosted over yours and you could practically feel the heat radiating off him. He didn't connect the kiss and instead pulled back, "Nope! Savin' it for later," He chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist as he walked with you out of the dressing room.
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It was a nice, sunny day out with the sun beaming down on the two of you but the clouds were kind enough to provide some shelter from the harsh sunlight. Linked by arms, you and Cole were stumbling around the streets pointing out what each cloud looked like. Passer-bys probably thought you guys were drunk but in reality, you were just having some silly fun with your boyfriend.
"That one looks like a duck," Cole laughed, pointing his finger to the sky at the fluffy cloud that was... shaped nothing like a duck. It looked more like a dachshund with its pointy nose and long body but you could see where Cole got a duck from. Another cloud caught your attention, it was most definitely shaped like a horse, "Hey, doesn't that look like Spirit?" You muse, smiling as you pointed to the other cloud. "You sure got keen eyes, darlin'" Cole leaned his weight against you, ruffling your hair playfully as he squeezed you even tighter against him.
After a few minutes — or hours — of giggling at random shapes of clouds, Cole finally led you to a small café by the lake. You hadn't even realised you walked this far out with him. "They've got some mighty fine milkshakes, we can share one!" His hands dipped down to yours, linking your fingers with his as he pulled you inside. The soft jingling of the bells rung through your ears as you stepped through the door, the cozy scent of coffee beans and sweets wafted to your direction.
The atmosphere was so nice, like a fireplace on a cold winter night. Cole seemed to be familiar with the workers, calling out a few greetings before letting you sit down at one of the tables beside the window. The window sill had a small succulent plant, adding to the comfortable environment this café had. "How 'bout a salted caramel milkshake? Sound good?" Cole crooned, swiping his finger along the paper menu before he glanced up at you. You were willing to try out anything Cole suggested, he seemed familiar with this town — maybe because it was quite close to his home town.
Cole called over the waiter and had a brief chat before the waiter left with your orders. The wait was comfortably quiet, just Cole admiring the lake and sometimes you.
The waiter finally came back with the tall milkshake glass, the whipped cream dripped down the edges in small streaks of white adorned with a pinkish cherry ontop. They placed it down before flashing the two of you a smile. The milkshake stood tall and beads of condensation trickled down the flared design of the glass. "Here," You felt the coolness of the cherry being placed against your lips and you look up to see Cole holding it out for you, "I've had this milkshake plenty of times. Its my favourite."
You happily took the cherry, plucking it off of its stem as you chewed on it, the sweet taste leaving a pleasant tingle on your tongue. You watched as Cole grabbed an extra straw and placed it into the drink, pushing one towards your side and holding one to his. You both leaned in to take a sip, the coolness of the milkshake running down your throat nicely. "It's good!" you smile and Cole cant help but smile too. "Told 'ya" he laughed.
It seemed like hours as you and Cole rambled on to eachother about anything that came to mind — he'd tell you about the local gossip and you'd tell him about your experiences in different cities. The more you talked, the more the milkshake slowly disappeared and the sun lowered behind the horizon. The sunset glow casted through the window, a yellow-ish orange color painted the interior of the café. The workers practically had to kick you two out since it was 5 minutes to closing time.
The walk back to your motel wasn't silent, the evening was filled with endless conversations and laughs. Cole turned to face you, the crinkles beside his eyes softening as he had to ask the one question that's been lingering in the back of his mind, "You gotta hit the road again, don't ya?" You look up at him and can see his little heart cracking behind those eyes, he always hated to see you leave. "Yeah," You nod, your voice somewhat breathless, "It's in the city this time, its quite far this time." Cole frowned, squeezing your hand a bit tighter.
"You promise to write t'me, okay?" You weren't that cruel to not write letters to him. "Of course, Cole."
He walked you right to the doorstep, but before you could go inside, he pulled you close, wrapping his arms around your waist held you tightly. "Wait—" He mumbled, looking down at your face. You were so close to him. Like a snake, his arms constricted around your body, holding you as if you'd run away if he let go. He lowered his head and brought his lips to yours.
You could taste the sweet-salty taste of the caramel milkshake you shared earlier. His lips were soft, not lustful, just genuine love for you. He pulled away to let you take a breath before leaning back in for a second kiss, this time leaning so far forward you had to bend backwards to accommodate for the passionate kiss. "I love you," Cole murmured against your lips, peppering kisses all over your face as he leaned in as close as possible to you. The kisses tickled your skin, causing a giggle to be forced out of your lungs, "Love you too." As you say your last goodbyes — and Cole gave you about 50 more kisses — you finally walked back into your room, meeting one of the girls you shared the motel with.
"That was something straight out of a romance movie," She teased, stirring her black coffee with a teaspoon. "Oh shush," You reply.
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Cole sighed with a smile as he finally finished drying the flowers he hand-picked earlier. One of the local grannies told him how to dry flowers and that they would last longer when dried. Knowing Cole, he most definitely used those lessons to use for you. He gently placed the flowers in the envelope, licking the glue to activate it and encased his hand-written letter safely inside.
"He'll love it!"
You had achieved a small collection of dried flowers from Cole, all different kinds and combinations. He really did have an eye for pretty things. Of course, you wrote back, using one of your favourite lipsticks to plant kiss marks on the letters, and neatly signing your name with a heart in red ink. You sealed them up and kissed the envelope once more for good luck.
Your pile of Cole's letters grew as you didn't have the heart to throw any of them away. Tonight, you had recieved an extra special letter, one that had the paw print of Scout on the front. Your heart raced as you took the letter out, curious to why this one was worthy of getting a paw print signed on it.
"I'm coming over! Just wait."
Was written on the bottom of the letter. You could just imagine the big toothy grin on Cole's face when he wrote that. And you have to give it to him, for a guy like him, you didn't expect his handwriting to be so elegant.
You weren't sure when, where, or how Cole was going to "come over," but you waited nonetheless, and the next day Cole had arrived at your hotel with a pair of rugged jeans and a hoodie you gifted to him after on of your performances. "Cole!" You beam, basically jumping out of your seat to hug him, "Honey!" He laughed back, holding you tightly against his chest. "I missed you."
He lifted you up into his arms bridal style, causing a squeak from you, and jumped onto the plush bed with you snuggled in his arms. Your legs tangled under the warmth of the sheets as he pressed his face against your neck, relishing in the soft floral scent of your perfume. He loved that scent, it was perfectly feminine but had a certain masculine undertone to it — which in his opinion — embodies you so well.
"When you get a vacation, come back to my house, I'll let you meet my parents," Cole whispered against your skin, his hands tracing small circles on your back, "Let's get married..."
"Sure— wait what?"
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a/n : Cole sweet Cole !! This fic wasn't my best ,, I think maybe I could've done better/wrote more but currently my laptop is out of order right now !! I hate writing on my phone TT but it'll be back soon (hopefully) ♡
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sunshineandspencer · 1 month
Cowboy hat rule, Part 4 (Tyler Owens, Twisters)
A/N: Let’s put it this way, I don’t remember writing this. But it certainly exists so you may have it, I want to rewatch this movie completely legally🏴‍☠️, but I’m not at home and I can’t. Physically weeping as I type this.
Pairing: Tyler Owens x Fem!Reader.
Summary: In between butting heads with Javi’s team and running a successful YouTube channel based entirely around tornadoes, Tyler Owens is introduced to the most interesting woman he’s seen in a good while - and her sister.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: kind of suggestive (honestly not sure, it’s pretty late and my brain doesn’t work), minor swearing, I’m beginning to forget the movie so forgive me, very limited knowledge of America (I’m English).
Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
I have redone the form for the taglist now that I’m apparently expanding from Criminal Minds
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A rodeo, he brought her to a rodeo. 
And not just any rodeo, but one in the middle of tornado valley. For the amount of tornadoes this place gets, there are a lot of people here. It makes her nervous. 
Thankfully, there are idiots on horses to keep her entertained, and reminiscing about her childhood. 
At some point, Tyler leaned over. Pressing his shoulder to hers and ducking his head so she could hear him. His breath just ghosting her ear. 
“Not your first rodeo?”
“Not even close.”
Her eyes flicked to his, grinning up at him. He’s certain the sight of her smiling at him is going to be seared in his brain forever. 
Especially when she shuffled closer, so that she could be heard. Their thighs pressed together nearly as close as their shoulders. He could smell the faint traces of her perfume, he wishes she’d put some on before they’d left.
“Daddy used to compete in rodeos, up until we were eleven. He had an accident, and mom told him that if he ever did it again it wouldn’t be the bulls he had to worry about.”
He loves her mom, right now she’s the greatest woman in the world. Besides the pretty woman that she created, sat pressed against him. 
Her eyes went back to the rodeo, but his didn’t, watching her profile and wondering how he got so.. smitten.
Nudging her with his shoulder, he gave that bright grin - a real, happy grin that people are accustomed to. 
“I’m learning all sorts about you Alpine.”
“That you are, and yet you remain an enigma.”
“Aww, you don’t have to go about using all kinds of fancy words, you can just call me pretty.”
They both laughed at that, hushed and slightly giggled. Like a pair of schoolchildren mucking about in assembly and didn’t want to get caught. 
Leaning into each other, wondering why everything feels so much funnier when they’re together. 
But then she nudged him, telling him to actually tell her something about himself.
“I used to compete too, got stomped in the head a little too much and figured college would do me a little better.” He fidgeted with his watch, fitting it properly to his wrist. “I don’t mean to pry, but since we’re in a sharing mood, what’s up with Kate and Javi?”
She gave a long suffering sigh, and he realised he might’ve just hit a sensitive subject. But before he can tell her not to worry about it, she’s smiling at him. 
She’d leant away now, and he doesn’t like it, leaning with her arms on the back of the seats, her legs crossed and no longer against his. 
Is it selfish? To want her close again? Because he can be selfish if that’s what it takes. 
“He’s always had a thing for her. We used to work together, a group of us. Me and Javi were dating, Kate had her boyfriend, but I knew he loved her. I looked a lot more like her then.. I was a replacement but that was fine because at least I could pretend I was loved.”
Giving Tyler a soft smile, she realised that was probably a little more than he bargained for. 
Not knowing that he was currently cycling through all the ways he could murder the guy and shove him into a tornado to make it look like an accident. 
He could do it, it’s not hard to shove a dead body into a tornado when you drive into them for a living.
“Maybe he’ll finally get his head out his ass and ask her out. I doubt it though, he’s terrified of rejection.”
Tyler nodded, eyebrows furrowed, and then leant back with her. Arms going around the back of the chairs, fingers dusting her shoulder. 
Somehow, even that small touch was enough for her body to become instantly aware of the lingering heat from when they’d been pressed together. 
Then he gave her another one of those smiles, and she could’ve melted straight through the plastic. 
“If you want, I could run him over and send him up into a tornado. Let God and the weather do their things.”
She laughed - thank God she laughed - and he’s certain that he’s found something more beautiful than any tornado he’d ever chased in his entire life. 
And when she calmed down to look at him, smile still playing at those pretty kissable lips, her hands swatted out against his chest. 
“Don’t make it sound like you murder people so often, I have to get back in the truck with you.”
“Ahh, don’t worry about that Alpine. You’re too pretty to murder, can’t have the world bereft of that face now can we?”
Before she can answer, a swirl of leaves assault the audience, including them. Leaves that, really, were too violent to have just been caught up in a gust of wind. 
Picking one up, she crumpled the leaves and then opened her palm. The way they spread out left her nervous. 
“Were you tracking out this way?”
Looking to him nervously, she didn’t like that look on his face. Because they had been, but from the data, even Kate said the one out this way shouldn’t form anything too bad. 
Maybe the conditions for the tornado improved, because it definitely seems like something had touched down. By the way the bleachers are rattling. 
He didn’t answer either, just looking around at all the people here, calculating the tragedies if something did set down. 
But it hadn’t, or else they would’ve gotten—
All at the same time the tornado warnings sounded on their phones, and everyone began to panic, including her. 
Snapped out of it by Tyler taking her hand and getting her up. Pulling her through the crowd. 
“Come on, we need to find shelter!”
It’s hard to hear over the wind, and when she heard shit start flying off behind them, her blood felt sharp in her veins and she kept up the pace next to him. 
Glad he’s got her hand in his or she’s not sure how fast she could run. 
“I don’t- I don’t go into tornadoes, I do the data. I don’t go into the fucking things! I’m not you, I’m not used to this.”
He pulled her to a stop just inside a motel parking area, thankfully covered for now. Grabbing her shoulders and looking at her sincerely, realising that she really was scared. 
He knew she stayed back, he didn’t know why, but the genuine terror on her face said enough. 
“You’ll be alright, I promise. I won’t let you get hurt by this thing. But we need to get to shelter, okay?”
As he started pulling her along, all the noise rushed back to her and made her feel sick. Aware of the crashes and the screams, and the drag of metal on metal as the motel threatened to break apart. 
A woman was trying to get her daughter into the car, and she dragged Tyler to a stop. 
“No! No, don’t get in your car!! Get out, come here!”
They did, thank God, and joined them in the motel. Shoving past the idiot at the desk who clearly doesn’t know what’s going on. 
Everyone talking all over each other about basements or shelters. 
She was going a little haywire, and caught onto the crash of a metal gate swinging back and forth. The pool. It’s emptied and the wall would’ve been opened for maintenance. 
There’d be an alcove for them to huddle in and hopefully things to hold onto. 
Grabbing Tyler’s arm and shouting over everyone else. 
“Come on! We haven’t got time to argue, follow me!”
Shouldering open the door, she knew the woman and her child were close behind. As well as the clerk, while Tyler was trying to convince the two idiots that there was actually a tornado. 
Helping the woman into the pool, both her and her daughter were sobbing, not that she blamed them. It’s a miracle that she isn’t. 
Once the little girl was safely in her mom’s arms, she motioned for them to get to the end of the pool. 
Turning around to look for Tyler, she felt his hands on her waist from behind, easing her quickly towards the ladder to get into the pool. Allowing herself a moment to breathe. 
Until she caught sight of that couple trying to drive away, getting caught up in the tornado that is way too close for comfort.
Hurrying down, she reached up for Tyler, half wanting him to just jump down, and get to safety as quickly as possible. Pressing a hand to his back to stable him as he dropped down. 
Both of them rush over to alcove with the woman and her daughter. 
Showing them where to hold, and that she should keep her daughter’s eyes covered from any debris. And not to let go or look around for any reason. 
As she started to get a grip on the pipes, she heard a shriek from the motel clerk. He had tried to stand up while Tyler was helping him, and was sent to the shallow end. 
Then the idiot tried again and was dragged off into the sky. Her heart was heavy in her throat as she watched Tyler turn and start to crawl back to them. Fighting against the wind. 
Holding on tight to the pipes, but leaning out with her hand as far as she could go. Desperately reaching for him. 
Especially when a bus or something landed in the pool and started to tip over them. He’d be crushed. 
She’s too panicked to really think about anything other than making sure he grabbed her hand. Because she wasn’t losing anyone else - not him. 
As soon as his palm connected to hers, she pulled hard, to give him that small bit of leverage he needed right as the bus fell. 
He pressed up behind her, keeping both her, and the woman pinned to the pipes, holding on as best he could. They got a little more cover from the bus, thankfully, but the wind was still bad. 
With one arm still curled around the pipes, her other reached back to get a handful of his shirt. He was not going anywhere. 
Once it was over, all of them soaked and panting, and pretty injured from projectiles, they finally let go. 
Of the pipes, anyway. She couldn’t let go of his shirt yet, even as his hands found her waist. Digging in, to help her stand and reassure himself they’re still alive. 
Once they’d stood, and stumbled out from around the bus, they walked up to the shallow end to look around. 
The town - the rodeo - had been decimated. 
And with his hands still comfortably on her waist, she eased the grip on his shirt. Finally turning and wrapping her arms around him. Squeezing as tight as she could to try and now reassure herself. 
They’re both alive; they’re both okay. 
He hugged her back just as tightly, and she’s not sure if it’s the adrenaline from surviving, but she never wants to be anywhere but his arms ever again. 
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Want more?! Good!
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
general masterlist ✩ cod masterlist
updated: 01/14/24
✩ coming home : one - two
✩ dating simon (visual) : one - two - three - four
✩ sweet girl
✩ social media au : one - two
✩ older!ghost : one
✩ fine line
✩ love-sick
✩ misbehavin’
✩ dad!simon
✩ going out
✩ relinquished control
✩ book boyfriend
✩ thighs
✩ dbf biker!simon
✩ need a taste
✩ just the tip
✩ throat training
✩ m'sorry
✩ on the phone w price : one - two - three
✩ drabble: epiphany
✩ roommate!simon : one - two - three - four
blurb: one
✩ drabble: clit slaps
✩ mine
✩ giving simon head
✩ drabble: before a mission
✩ drabble: ‘so, you think about me?'
✩ phone sex: one - two
✩ drabble: you can take him
✩ drabble: toxic ex-bf!simon
✩ drabble: the mask stays on
✩ neighbor!simon
✩ drabble: doin' so good for me
✩ dbf!simon : one - two
✩ loose canon
✩ tolerate it
✩ cock warming : one - two - three
✩ latina!reader
✩ physical affection : one - two
✩ soft
✩ puppy love
✩ missed you
✩ girl dad
✩ dreamy
✩ ghoap x reader thoughts ; one - two
✩ on his knees
✩ drabble: simon gets his nails done
✩ cold!reader
✩ i love you : one - two
✩ drabble: sleeping in
✩ new record
✩ loser!simon
✩ shotgunning
✩ messy kisser
✩ lipstick marks
✩ peaches and strawberries
✩ imessage
✩ pretty nails
✩ drabble: m'too big f'r you
✩ the mask stays on
✩ himbo!simon: one - two - three
✩ hickies
✩ simon and his nicu baby
✩ bsf biker!simon
✩ thigh riding
✩ new year kiss
✩ your camera roll if you were dating simon ; one - two
✩ bimbo!reader
✩ let me help
✩ munch!simon
✩ your b-day
✩ sleepy sex
✩ breaking you in
✩ forehead kisses
✩ shutting you up
✩ cowboy!simon
✩ riding him
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amaranthinespirit · 6 days
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—general simon riley
simon riley who fucks you as tears roll down your face because you're on your period and your cramps are hurting too much
simon riley who let's you wear whatever you want because everyone else only gets to look. he gets to be the one to take you home and fuck you until nothing but his name falls from your pretty, pink, puffy lips
—piercer simon riley
you go to get your clit pierced and simon riley's your piercer
piercer!simon riley who holds you to the promise of dinner as compensation for the free clit piercing
piercer!simon riley when your piercing has finally healed
—roommate simon riley
roommate!simon riley when your vibrator dies before you can finish, and he offers to relieve that tension
—boyfriend simon riley
boyfriend!simon riley who's very attentive to everything about you
—blue collar/cowboy simon riley
cowboy!simon riley and city girl!reader when your car breaks down on the side of the road in the countryside
blue collar or cowboy!simon riley who would fuck you in the bed of his truck
—best friend's brother/brother's best friend simon riley
best friend's brother!simon riley who has taken a secret liking to you makes it not so secret anymore
simon riley, who after a long day, just wants to bury his face into the fatty flesh of your stomach
living with simon riley
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lanadelnegan · 1 year
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Warnings: all 18+ and contain smut. minors DNI.
Negan Smith
Daddy Issues - stepdad!Negan
Smarty Pants - Negan shows his appreciation after you explain how to make a bullet.
Down Bad - Coach Negan x F!Reader
Video Games - giving Negan head while he plays video games
Knock Knock - DeadCity!Negan fucks you while Maggie is gone on a run
Our Little Cabin - Cowboy era Negan takes your virginity
My Girl - Rick's oldest daughter, y/n, loses her virginity to Negan
Pretty in Pink - Negan can't resist you in your little pink skirt
You Belong to Me - Negan x Male Reader
Vampire - Negan eats you out while you're on your period
Keep Me Warm - Public sex with Negan in Alexandria
Two In One - Negan x Reader x Simon threesome
Cherry - Negan ‘pops your cherry’
The Notebook - movie night with Negan (fluff)
Lip Gloss - Prisoner!Negan falls for a girl at Alexandria. (complete)
My Past, My Future - Negan x Reader x Daryl / love triangle (complete)
Crush - gym teacher negan x student reader (complete)
Tattoo - Teacher!Negan gives his student a tattoo. (complete)
Ghost - Negan x Glenn'sSister!Reader (complete)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Wildest Dreams - Your celeb crush makes your dreams come true when you meet him at a bar after the walking dead comic con.
Jealousy, Jealousy - Your boyfriend, Jeffrey, can't control his jealousy when he sees another man hit on you at the bar.
Love at First Sight - you ask Jeffrey a question at a walking dead panel that leads to the memory of a lifetime.
The Feeling Was Mutual - quickie in the elevator with your co-star JDM.
One Night Stand - Denny Duquette era Jeffrey has a one night stand with his costar. (in progress)
Denny Duquette
Cardiac Arrest - You give your favorite patient special treatment
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Cod Characters General Dating Headcanons (part one)
+ Random and Some bits of Chubby Fem S/O Headcanons with mentions of different nationality S/O
+ What type of BF/GF they would be
Including John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Fem terms and pronouns like she/her are used for the reader
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My rules for requests and characters I can write for
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Please comment if you want to be added to the taglist, the next part or cod content alone.
Taglist: @marshmallowinamess
A/n: Hi lovelies! Lia here, I'm back after a nerve-wracking week of school. This is a bit short but I hope you enjoy it otherwise. God I fucking hate school. I wrote all of this in a cold room, a heat pad on me (because period cramps) and at 3am so any mistakes will be edited out as soon as I'm aware of it.
This is divided into a multiple part thing (I think 2-3?) because God knows I can't fit them all in one post because of the limited amount of gifs and photos. I'll add more to these in the future, some are longer than others because I can't think. Also because I can't write them all at once, that's a lot to write okay 😭
Disclaimers/warnings: Typical Cod things, OOC characters???, Unrealistic, Some suggestive themes and language, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Most of the content I've seen are on TikTok and Tumblr I don't actually play the game but I love the characters so much, same with any other content I have for other video games.
Tiny sidenote: the reader in this has been describe to be shorter than the characters and has been mentioned to have a soft body rather than the muscular type.
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John Price
ꕥ (OH MY GOD LOOK AT HIS SMILEEE) (He's such a quokka)
ꕥ Price who literally is such a father figure, doesn't matter whether the relationship between you two is romantic or platonic. He often takes the dominant caring role.
ꕥ Doesn't smoke around you, doesn't matter if you insist he doesn't. He still won't and definitely will criticize you if you try or do smoke because he doesn't want you do end up like him.
ꕥ If there's a bit of an age gap between you, I'd say he's hesitant. Definitely afraid of what the rest of the task force thinks (He can't help it, they're basically his boys)
ꕥ John Price who wants to settle down with you, maybe have kids if you want but just a white picket fence life with you without the chaos that is war and his job.
ꕥ He only ever let's you have his hat, only when he gives it to you though. Most of the time it would be while you're out, he'd put it on your head from his. (Cowboy hat rule? I heard that in more respectful terms rather than sexual, it respectfully means that you are theirs)
ꕥ John Price who rests his chin at the top of your head no matter how much he needs to crouch down whenever hugging you from behind. Love doing it whenever you're busy doing something too. (Props for the effort because you cannot tell me he doesn't have back, neck and knee pains)
ꕥ Is constantly worried if you share the same line of work, like at first it was nothing but a tiny crush and slowly he finds himself caring about your well-being more and more over time.
ꕥ Can't help but think he's an acts of service type of guy, reaching up for things you need or better yet lifting you up so you can reach them and loves opening things for you like bottles or anything canned. (Girlies who get their nails done or wear press ons know this struggle ( I'm a press on girly)
ꕥ The kind of man who would turn on some oldies music and slow dance with you in the living room, your footsteps and breathing being the only other sounds as you smile at each other, foreheads against the other's.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
ꕥ Ghost who is such Doberman/Black cat boyfriend. Like have you seen this man? He's so tall and intimidating, one distasteful look from him and if it was physically possible that person would drop dead.
ꕥ Ghost whose a chubby chaser through and through, he just looks for something different from what he's used to.
ꕥ Is definitely a tits kinda guy, doesn't matter how big or how small they are. He'll definitely play with them in some way during doing the you know what.
ꕥ Feels like you can take him and his size better because of your plush body. Has a size kink and likes seeing it bulge a bit when he's inside you.
ꕥ You're just so soft and warm, he wants something away from what he usually feels doing his job. Not really that touchy but he gets quite clingy within closed doors.
ꕥ Likes to squeeze your thighs, his grip on them would not falter. Doesn't matter whether it's in a sexual or domestic way.
ꕥ Thinks you deserve better than what he can offer and needs constant reassurance, never says it out loud but you pick up on what he feels. (please be patient with him)
ꕥ More often than not, he thinks you're quite fragile. Even if you can protect yourself, one of his ways of showing you he loves you is through protecting you. Hence the Doberman boyfriend scenario.
ꕥ Doesn't like PDA but knows when it's necessary, him placing his arm around your shoulder is enough to keep perverts in their places. If that rando is really that bold then they'll most likely end up with a few broken bones depending on how pissed Simon is.
ꕥ If you work alongside him, he'd constantly worry about your well-being but at the same time is conflicted because he's confident that he can protect you.
ꕥ Only you and the TF141 can call him Simon, he still feels uneasy when he gets called that but when it's you saying it, it doesn't sound as daunting to him. Still dislikes in in certain tones of voice because his name reminds him of his past.
ꕥ You've seen his face, it took a long time but after that he trusted you enough to show him. The fact that you didn't find his face revolting and even kissed his scars while cupping his face was enough for him to want to marry you.
ꕥ Isn't fully insecure about his face but has his moments. (You know like the voice line where soap asks him to take off his mask and asked him if he was ugly and Ghost said "Negative")
ꕥ Takes a little while to get him to open up and little things like letting you hold him takes him a bit of time to get used to because it makes him feel vulnerable.
ꕥ God forbid something were to happen to you and he couldn't do anything to stop it, Simon would lose his fucking mind.
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John "Soap" MacTavish
ꕥ Soap is a Golden Retriever boyfriend through and through. He's energetic, loyal and really affectionate.
ꕥ He's a lighthearted flirt at first because he doesn't wanna scare you off but damn does he gradually get bolder over time.
ꕥ Very hands on, touchy, and could be clingy at times unless you don't consent him, secretly always finding new ways to touch you.
ꕥ A sucker for cheek kisses, lips are his favorite but he can't help but break out a wide grin whenever you kiss his cheek. Can't help but feel kinda manly whenever you do.
ꕥ Adores making you laugh, no matter how stupid your sense of humor is he will absolutely say that joke if it gets a laugh out of you. Would be concerned if you had a dark sense of humor but will eventually get used to it. To describe it, hearing you laugh makes his heart feel full like in a content domestic way.
ꕥ Also, see the gif? You cannot tell me that he doesn't look at you that way because he absolutely would.
ꕥ Loves your weight against his body to the pint he's begging you to lay on him. You, him in the bed while he's shirtless with grey sweatpants on and you in your night clothes sharing each other's warmth with your head on his broad chest.
ꕥ Shows you silly and cute pet videos, especially the cat ones:
"[Name], look at this one!"
"Soap, we're not adopting a pet. Not right now at least"
ꕥ He was upset and gave you puppy eyes the whole time because the only time he had pet was when he was child, it was a hamster which was killed because it got sucked into the vacuum by his older sister.
ꕥ You're the only one allowed to tough his hair, he's very proud of his mohawk and will let you style it. Won't wear it out if you did something silly to it though.
ꕥ Soap who loves showing you off to everyone, loves light PDA but doesn't wanna potential put a target on your back.
ꕥ He definitely is the guy you want to take home to your family and friends (or found family <3), he's funny and easy to get along with. Very flirty with you but he'll straighten out because he's terrified on making a bad impression.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
ꕥ He gives Labrador boyfriend vibes, you can't help but want to take care of him.
ꕥ Gaz who literally had to do a double take when he first saw you, he turned to Soap with that "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" look in a good way.
ꕥ Gaz who literally had to ask you out multiple times before you said yes thinking he's only doing it for a bet or a cruel joke.
ꕥ Constant reassurance from him because he doesn't want you to feel insecure about your looks because to him you are literally an angel.
ꕥ Loves to chill with you, cuddling and just relaxing. Maybe scrolling on TikTok occasionally and show you the funny ones he chuckled at.
ꕥ He has a sixth sense whenever you crave something, say you want chocolate or drink of some sort then he'd definitely being home whatever it is you we're craving without having to ask you.
ꕥ Kyle who has your Starbucks order memorized because he likes being the one to order things for you. Will playfully argue with you on who'll pay this time. (Don't even try anymore, he always wins anyway)
ꕥ Puts his hat on your head mostly when you're out, has done it the first time because it was hot out and the sun was in your eyes. He's picked it up from Price and once you smiled at him through the shade of his cap, he has not stopped doing it.
ꕥ Definitely a words of affirmation and acts of service kind of guy when it comes to love languages. Sometimes whenever he'd give you two thumbs up and a cheeky smile, you can't help but laugh a little.
ꕥ He's very thoughtful, so much so that he prides himself in knowing you better than anyone. Everytime you two go out to eat, when he gets something and know that you'll want to taste it (he knows damn well whether you'll like it or not when he tastes it) he'll bring it upon himself to order you one before you even say you want some.
ꕥ Soft snores when he sleeps, it's cute but you know damn well he's tired. Also I think he's very cuddly, like he just likes reminding himself that he's not alone and that his bed is warm because you're in it. Therefore at minimum always has an arm around you in bed.
ꕥ Dances in the rain with you and loves it when you pull him gently on his arm while your hands are intertwined. Takes note of how the the raindrops sometimes fall on your lashes while you look up at him smiling.
ꕥ Kyle Garrick who wants nothing more in the world to see you happy and smiling. His "this is the woman I'm going to marry" moment was when you baked his favorite cake for his birthday despite it being so hard, you nailed it perfectly. (Whether it's out of luck or skill is up to you)
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Alejandro Vargas
ꕥ (idk how to write for this angry Mexican man but I'll try my best, love him and his megamind hairline though <3)
ꕥ Alejandro is definitely a flirt, a very bold on at that. He's quite forward when it comes to liking someone so yeah.
ꕥ He lives for it when you boss him around. That being said, he isn't picky about body type or any of the sort.
ꕥ Will teach you Spanish if you don't know any, definitely prioritizes the curse words and laughs whenever you jokingly call him pendejo.
ꕥ Wouldn't mind you teaching him your own culture and mother tongue. Bonus points if it's similar to his.
ꕥ Has Spanish nicknames for you because I imagine his own culture is important to him.
ꕥ Would hate it if you had the same line of work but will never take it out on you, it's just that it's so dangerous given the people he's involved with. (It's definitely Valeria)
ꕥ Speaking of El Sinombre, I don't think they had anything romantic going on. It's mainly platonic and the "betrayal" sucked on Alejandro's side. They definitely had some rivalry and the tension was through the roof. (Mainly because I headcanon Valeria as Lesbian)
ꕥ Can be so romantic when he tries, you can't tell me this mf ain't a smooth talker because he definitely is. Can be very blunt like in a forward way with his affection too.
ꕥ Likes kissing your wrist and feeling your pulse against his lips because it reminds him you're alive. (The amount of angst this scenario carries would be something I'm up for to write)
ꕥ Is sent on a fit of rage when something happens to you, say you got kidnapped then this man would tears off the walls of every building if he had to.
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Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
ꕥ Another Golden Retriever boyfriend. This man is just loving and dotting, very husband material.
ꕥ Loves chubby women, has a soft spot for them and just likes holding them.
ꕥ He's definitely used to the insecurity that comes with the body, also doesn't get why such beauty standards are even in place. Has and would fuck the insecure out of you again if he had to. (It's in a very gentle and loving manner)
ꕥ If you hold him in your arms, he'd be absolutely living for it. He already has had a long day and being honest he hasn't had many lovers that went far so having you care in this way about him would have him wrapped around your finger.
ꕥ Worships the ground you walk on. That's it.
ꕥ Would take everything to heart whenever you teach him or mention something within your culture if you aren't of Spanish origins like he is. He just loves you so much that it makes him happy knowing more about you.
ꕥ Would adore slow dancing with you, brings him back to reality where he realizes that he has you and that you're there.
ꕥ Terrified that one day you'll end up leaving him so reassurance would be much appreciated by him.
ꕥ Definitely a sucker for receiving forehead kisses, as for giving he likes to kiss the back of your hand.
ꕥ If ever danger presents itself to you too closely, he would have a heart attack like full on crying but not in public though.
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devilry-revelry · 1 year
Heart & Home | Male Ghost x Female Human {Part 2}
Mostly unedited rewrite of a thing I did way back when I was (happily) getting force-fed Red Dead Redemption 2 smut. It's a ghost cowboy.
I'm not sorry.
: ̗̀➛
“You’ve been mine since the day you walked into this house, Maggie Whittaker. Now that I have you, I ain’t ever lettin’ you go, y’hear?”
: ̗̀➛
Maggie took a shuddering breath. “I think I should go home.”
“You can stay. Unless you want to go, ‘cause yer scared ‘n’ all.”
She caught the quirk of his lips, a gentle twitch upwards that teased the beginnings of a dimple to his right cheek. 
“I think we both know that scared isn’t the problem.” The contact between them faded and it became difficult to see him again. He became a fleeting shadow out of her periphery, an image that was there but wasn’t. Maggie took a slow breath, noting the chill brought on by his absence. She crossed the room, taking heavy steps to the front door.
Once she got outside she turned to peer back in.
“Goodbye Elias Jameson. It was nice meeting you.”
She closed the door, locked it, and then left. 
Three months later, Maggie Whittaker purchased the cabin. One month after that, she cashed in her vacation time. Armed with an inflatable mattress, a cooler full of food, and a whole lot of cleaning supplies, Maggie returned to the cabin. It was hers now and despite the growing sense of dread, and the distinct feeling that she was biting off far more than she could chew, she was put to ease the moment the cabin came into view. Returning to the cabin felt like returning home, just as it always had.
The day was spent cleaning. While Maggie had another couple of months on her apartment lease she wanted to get the space good and clean so she wouldn’t be adverse to staying the night. If she could avoid going up and down the mountain every day during this phase of cleanup and repair it would be ideal but she wasn’t going to half-ass this. She was going to do this right.
Before starting anything she opened every window she could, and noted any deficiencies she caught as she went. Some of them opened, smooth as butter. Others were practically glued shut. Fresh air wafted through the cabin and Maggie practically melted. This was what she had been dreaming about. Not the cleaning part, or the repairs, but she was one step closer  to having her dream home. 
Old nails that were falling out were either completely removed or hammered back into place. The bedroom floor and the walls were thoroughly scrubbed. Then the bathroom was given a vigorous cleaning. After that, it was the kitchen. When it came time to patch the hole in the floor (the one that had been made during her last sales visit), Maggie’s sails lost their wind. This was what she had been dreading. She didn’t know much of anything about wood work. The cabin needed a fair bit of it, and she knew there were some things that she was going to have to hire contractors for. But the hole in the floor was a hazard she needed to see to before she stepped into it by accident. 
She didn’t have much by way of tools or patching materials and she wouldn’t for at least a day or two, when they’d be delivered. She considered moving her ice chest over the hole. As she idly pondered and tried to plan, she smelled him. Campfire. Woodsmoke. Cigars. Breathing in deep she caught the barest hint of pine, and maybe even leather. Maggie’s mouth watered. 
“I, uh, I bought the place,” she announced to the cabin. Perhaps she should have started there. Perhaps she should have asked the resident ghost for permission to move in. “I hope you don’t mind. If you do, I’ll understand.” It was just her life savings going down the drain. 
“And here I thought you was never comin’ back, Maggie Whittaker.”
Butterflies infested her whole being. Hearing his voice made her giddy. She hadn’t felt anything similar since she was a middle schooler getting asked out for the first time. She caught a glance of his figure just out of view, and when she chased him with her eyes he vanished. 
“You don’t mind, right?”
“Mind that you bought it? Not one bit. Hoped you’d be the one t’ take it, actually.”
And now she was blushing.
She managed to stammer, “Goo-uh—“ she cleared her throat. “Good. I was worried you wouldn’t want me here. I should have asked first.”
The room went quiet but she could still smell him. The aroma was so strong she could practically taste him.
 Before Maggie had committed to purchasing the house she did her best to dissect the reason why she felt so drawn to the place. While she wanted to insist that she purchased the cabin because she felt at home there, or that it fit with her ideal aesthetic, or she liked the stone fireplace, or the spectacular sunrises, or the mountain air, she couldn’t discount the ghost. The ghost that had protected her, the ghost that made her feel safe, and needy, and breathless. 
Surely, she thought, she didn’t buy the cabin because she felt a curious attraction to a ghost.
And yet she had ached to see him all day, had anticipated his arrival the moment she started cleaning and pounding nails. She even felt a little down when he didn’t immediately show up. Hearing that the ghost had wanted her to buy the house left her feeling  hopeful. 
Warmth gathered at her hips, as if someone had come up from behind and grabbed hold of her. Biting the inside of her lip Maggie turned slowly. The warmth dragged across her front and back, big hands smoothing over the contours of her body. And there he was. The ghost of the man who had built the cabin she was so fond of. 
“Knew you belonged here the first time I saw you,” Elias replied. Those dark eyes of his glittered in the most captivating way. “I am worried that yer a little over yer head, though.”
Maggie offered a wry smile, “I hope you get along with the contractors I’m going to have to hire.”
Elias edged a little closer, his hands slipping to her back. “Didn’t realize you were the stubborn sort, Miss Whitaker.”
Maggie’s hands slid up his forearms on their own accord as she replied, “What does that mean?”
“You coulda just asked for help. I’m right here, darlin’.”
They were gathering each other closer, like they were a couple of magnets being drawn together. Maggie’s hands dragged up to his biceps, and rested on his shoulders. Elias’s hands had looped completely around her. Maggie wouldn’t consider herself a prude, but she had rarely let any previous boyfriends get so close during their first dates.
Not that Elias was her boyfriend, and this definitely wasn’t a date. Didn’t stop her from wanting to tuck her head under his chin and just breathe him in though. 
“I didn’t want to just assume that you’d help me. I shouldn’t have even assumed that you would be fine with me buying the place. I should have asked.”
“Sssh,” he crooned. “Wish you woulda told me so I didn’t think I had scared you away, but I wanted it to be you.” he smiled softly, teasing the lone dimple to his cheek. “But you ain’t gotta be stubborn, ya hear me? You need help with something, you can tell me. I’ll do what I can.”
Maggie replied in a feeble voice, “I don’t know how this works. I don’t know what you can and can’t do. I don’t even know where you go when you’re not here
Elias started to withdraw. He took a step back and Maggie immediately missed his warmth. 
“I’ve been watching you all day, girl. I’m always lingerin’ around somewhere but I reckon we’ll have to figure out what my capabilities are together. In the meantime, I think you oughtta get something to eat, and get some rest.”
“I’m fine—“
“You ain’t had nothin’ all day. Don’t lie t’me.” His voice was stern, but not enough to drive her off. The bit of care actually made Maggie smile. “Get somethin’ t’eat, and get some rest.”
She made a show of sighing, “Okay.”
Her hands fell away from him and he shuffled back another couple of steps.
Just before he completely severed contact, he winked and said, “Good girl.”
With more than a little bounce to her step, Maggie did as she was told. She set up her blow up mattress for the night, and dressed it with blankets and pillows. Then she dragged her ice chest to the kitchen area and prepared a quick meal. When she was through with eating she hauled her overnight bag to the room and prepared to relax for the rest of the night. Maggie brushed her teeth and did her evening skin care routine. When it came time to change and get into bed her progress slowed.
Elias said he had been watching her all day. Did that mean that he was in the room with her right now? She glanced about, feeling her body warm. Elias potentially watching her wasn’t the deterrent that she thought it would be. In fact she found herself quite intrigued by the idea. Maggie undressed slowly. Her shoes and socks were tossed aside, and then she shimmied her jeans down her thighs. When she bent forward to gather the bunched up pants to fold them up she could swear she heard a sigh.
A gentle ache blossomed and pulsated between her thighs. 
Next came her shirt and then, finally, her bra. She lingered like that for just a moment, fumbling through her bag to get her clothes. When she eventually tugged on her sleep shirt she was sure her panties were wet with her slick. She turned out the light. 
On hands and knees she crawled up the length of her blow up mattress, then she slipped under the covers. 
“Goodnight,” she murmured, closing her eyes.
The only reply was the gentle teasing scent of camp fire.
Maggie had dreams of him that night. Dreams where he came to her in the middle of the night and worked her to release. When she woke the following morning she felt a little bedraggled, and just a touch bereft. She promptly got out of bed, got dressed and started the day by reopening all of the windows. Elias soon joined her. His presence wasn’t constant but she had caught brief glimpses of him throughout the day, just brief moments where his figure looked just in the corner of her vision. Progress on the house only seemed to appear when she wasn’t watching. If she set her focus on her own tasks when she came up for air something about the cabin would be different.
The hole in the floor was patched. Some of the more crooked cupboards in the kitchen were suddenly hanging straight and closing properly. The splinter-ridden countertops were sanded until immaculate and smooth. By the end of their second day, Maggie was more than pleased with their progress. The busy work was mostly finished. Once she received the delivery from the home improvement store, they could get cracking on the real work. Which she was secretly dreading.
Maggie was a desk person. She did showings of various houses, but the bulk of her work was sitting at a desk and pounding away at a keyboard. The house work, while not substantial in nature, was taxing and left her with various aches and pains in places she didn’t know could ache and pain. 
She did some stretches that night before bed. It was some simple movements that she had learned in her weekend yoga classes that tugged at her muscles just so. Special attention was paid to her legs, and her arms, and even her neck. When she moved on to her back and core stretches her muscles thanked her. A throbbing pain had been building in her lower back and a good stretch was definitely needed. 
Resting on her hands and needs on the floor next to her blowup mattress, Maggie bowed her spine upwards, dropped her head towards the ground, and tucked her pelvis inward. She held the position and breathed for a straight 10-count then moved her body into the inverse of the  position. Maggie’s back arched down, and her head lifted and craned back, her pelvis rolled outward. Another cycle of breathing, and then her head dropped. The final movement started with her head dropping against her back, her back angling downward towards the floor, her pelvis tilting outward–
The sensation of large hands grasped her hips. Something hard bumped against her rear and then there was pressure applied to the cleft of her pussy. It pressed inward against her leggings. 
The way Maggie’s arms gave out was embarrassing. The flanging moan that left her was even more so. She peered behind her but saw nothing, not even the fleeting image of Elias. The pressure increased, and slid forward. When it found her clit Maggie whined. It pressed in a little tighter, and then started making tight circles. Her body presented itself at its own whim. The way she parted her thighs and dropped her chest down into the floor was entirely too eager. Her pulse lept. She could feel it drumming in her sex in heavy beats that made her pussy ache. 
There was a sudden tug at the leggings but they weren’t pulled off. The leggings were pulled up. The material strained against her ass, pressing in between the cheeks. Another tug pulled the material taut against her drooling nethers. The central seam pinned her clit against her pubic bone, and those fingers worked it mercilessly.
Maggie rocked her hips, grinding herself against the hand, against the inseam. The tightness building in her body was delicious, like nothing she had felt. And with every beat of her heart, and every circle worked over her clit, Maggie grew closer to finding orgasm. 
She pressed her face into her arm to hide her embarrassment, feeling as if she should rebuke Elias for taking such liberties but delighting over the fact that he did. She’d been hungry for this. Yearning for it since their first encounter. 
The tension in her body reached its peak, drawing her body terribly tight just before she found release. Her core gave a hard, long, almost painful contraction. The fingers worked a little slower now, easing off the pressure but still coaxing little zips of pleasure as her pussy fluttered with the remnants of her orgasm.
She whined, her body quivering.
“Easy, girl…” came the low voice. 
Boneless, Maggie’s body sagged to the floor. A warm hand dragged over the curve of her ass, and up along her spine.. She had just been dragged to climax by an invisible phantasmal entity. The idea of it made her body warm all over again.
The hand worked its way up her back and into her hair. With a gentle tug her head was angled just so, and Maggie was rewarded with the sensation of a soft kiss.
“You did so good, sweetheart. You were perfect.”
Another fleeting kiss, and another caress to her back, and he let her be for the rest of the night. 
Fixing up the cabin took a couple of months. After Maggie’s initial week off, fixes were allocated to nights and weekends, or to whatever Elias managed while she was away at work. Elias didn’t like it when the contractors came to knock out the big ticket items like the plumbing and electric, but they both agreed they were things to be left to professionals. Whenever the contractors visited, Elias grew notably jealous. Maggie could only imagine that it was because there were tangible, and sometimes good looking men roaming their home. He went out of his way to remind her of his presence on those days. He was quite generous with his attentions. Like she needed it. Maggie grew to be incredibly attached to Elias during their time together. When she wasn’t with him, she would think of him, and when they were together he made it impossible to think of much else.
When she came home from work he was there, quietly working on various things around the home. He would stick around as she cooked dinner, and he talked with her as she ate. When the house was finished and Maggie began to move her things in, and redecorate, Elias made himself scarce. Maggie couldn’t help but feel more than a little lonely. And guilty. She couldn’t help but think that rebuilding the cabin had taken him away and due to its completion he was gone.
She had hoped to make the cabin a space for the two of them, and while she still loved her new home she wanted Elias to be a part of it.
It took all of three days for Maggie’s patience to reach its limits.
Tucked into bed for the evening, fretting over the idea that she killed a dead man, Maggie called into the darkened home, “Elias, I swear to god, if fixing up the house made you move on or whatever,  and you didn’t say anything about it, I’ll kill you — you hear me?!”
The response was immediate, “The hell you on about, girl?”
Maggie’s neck twisted to the side, tracking the voice. While she wouldn’t be able to see him in the dark, and she definitely wouldn’t be able to see him without any physical contact, she sent a killing glare in the direction his voice had come from.
“You heard me,” she seethed. “At a minimum, if you don’t want to be here anymore then you need to be a man and say it. You— you—“ for lack of a better word, “—ghosting me isn’t fair.”
“Well shit darlin’, I regret to inform you—“
Maggie snapped, “You know what I mean.”
Warmth gathered at her throat. She could feel the strong fingers squeezing gently just before she was guided back against the bed. The force didn’t hurt, it wasn’t even enough to cut off her breathing, but it was enough to establish a line of control. 
“Shit, Maggie. I didn’t mean to make you think I was leavin’.”
“Then why—“
“I wanted you to be able to set up the house the way you liked it. I didn’t want you worryin’ about my opinion. It’s our home but yer the one livin’ here.”
Maggie’s cheeks began to burn with embarrassment. The thumb on her neck caressed gently upward along her skin. “You’re not leaving?”
“Ain’t goin’ nowhere.” The bed dipped. Maggie felt as though Elias was looming above her. He dragged a kiss against her jaw, her cheek, her mouth. “You’ve been mine since the day you walked into this house, Maggie Whittaker. Now that I have you, I ain’t ever lettin’ you go, y’hear?”
Her panties were teased down her thighs, and she mewled quietly, “You promise? 
Without so much as a warning, he was inside her. The movement was beautifully fluid, and it left her feeling stretched and filled to capacity. It was their first official joining, and it was paired by Elias’ low voice rasping in her ear as he undulated his hips.
“Ain’t ever letting you go, darlin’. Ever.”
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daisygirlwrites · 2 years
Task Force 141 + Reader (Callsign-Crash): friendship headcanons
a/n: Hello hello! Just some random headcanons that I had written down for Crash and her relationships with the members of the 141 team. Nothing romantic, just some wholesome stuff.
original gif by @collinnmckinley
also, this is really freaking long, sorry in advance. enjoy reading! 
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Before getting thrown out the window and getting her callsign, she was quiet and shy around the group. Opting to listen to others conversations, rarely adding to it.
Honestly intimidated with how tightly knit the team is, and given her previous team’s history, she was scared to get close.
Volunteered to be the DD whenever the group goes out to a bar. Fortunately, most of the time, Ghost is sober(enough) to help her get everyone into the car and into their rooms
Would silently comfort Soap and Gaz whenever they threw up, rubbing their backs and getting them water.
In the mornings after, she got everyone a breakfast burrito. Soap and Gaz are eternally grateful. Got a little information about her when they asked why she got them food. “Help with my hangovers during college.” Soap and Gaz gave each other a look as she walks away
After the window incident, Crash becomes a lot more open. Seeing how they treat her as if she has been with them for years, it wasn’t fair to them with how closed off she was.
He talks to you a lot and you don’t mind. He just comes out and starts rambling on whatever he has interested him at that moment. You don’t really say anything, just sitting there awkwardly (because why would he want to talk to the newbie instead of his friends) but nodding to what he says anyways. One time though, he looks at you and says “Thanks for listening to me. It’s nice to have someone not tell me to ‘Shut the fuck up Mactavish.’”
Literally you after he tells you this:
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“you’re my friend now. we’re having soft tacos later” vibes
Would send him memes and funny videos whenever you guys are on leave
His contact name on your phone is “Bubbles”
Would show you how to make bombs out of random shit. Set them off in bare fields or abandon buildings. Had a couple close calls
Will let you call him Johnny but you call him Mac instead.
“Aww, why not, lassie?”
“I’d rather not get my ass beat by your boyfriend.”
Calls you Lassie along with your callsign. When he wants to piss you off, he calls you Mini Ghost or Little Ghost
Like Ghost, you rarely take off your balaclava and tactical glasses
“The mask, take it off.”
“Nah, I don’t wanna.”
“You ugly?”
“Not as ugly as you old man.”
Has yet to seen you drunk though and he intends to get you there some day
Holds his hand when he’s throwing up
You would use him as a pillow during rides back to the base
The first person to tell him about any drama that’s happening in your life
Gives you advice about men
"Men are stupid, trust me, I am one."
Loves it when you would go on ramblings about the things you like. Anime confuses the hell out of him but he would always ask you about the plot and your favorite characters. He’d ask you about the current artist you listen to and has a list of recommendations from you so he could look them up when he gets home
After a mission gone wrong and believing that it was his fault, you seek him out, finding him sitting alone in the meeting room. You tell him
“It’s going to be okay. I trust you, John.”
He tears up and you wrap your arms around him.
With you two being the youngest, you bond over similar experiences
Sometimes share exactly one brain cell with each other. Sometimes you, Gaz and Soap share a brain cell
Brings out the chaotic gen z energy of each other
Your guys’ energy:
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Follows each other on social media and would send each other tiktoks at ungodly hours
Kind of have a competition against each other to see who’s Price’s favorite child is
Gaz finally has someone who he can talk about anime with
Favorite shows to watch together: Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo  and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Similar music taste. The whole team listens to Queen, David Bowie, Pink Floyd and a few more others. However, Gaz and Crash have the same love of rap and indie pop. Anything they find on tiktok will be added to their shared Spotify playlist.
Gaz would ask about how college was like. He thought about going but ultimately for him, the military was the better option
“Were you part of a sorority?”
“Oh hell no. Loved going to the parties though. Always had top shelf vodka.”
“Really? Thought students couldn’t afford it.”
“When it comes to alcohol, we find a way.”
Share the same sentiment of feeling like they’re not doing enough in the team. After a particularly rough mission, you two would find a corner and just sit together in silence.
Would break the silence by quoting something from vine or tiktok and all things would be okay again
He has adoption papers ready
Crash, despite your name, is polite, respectful and responsible. Would always help Price clean up after meetings and briefs
Same with Soap, you would listen quietly to Price’s war stories and even his favorite fishing trips
Saw in your file about what happened to your old team and captain. Vows to never pull the same stunt as them
Sadden to see how you’re so young and has seen and dealt with many things already. It breaks his heart that there’s more that you’ll experience. 
You, Soap and Gaz would do dumb shit all the time but you knew when it was the right time to bail. Of course, they would snitch on you to Price. You’d rarely get in trouble though
Basically you two:
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Would gift him cigars from the countries you’d visit during leave
Also a matching set of torch lighters. His has a special green flame while yours is pink. 
You don’t smoke anymore but you would hangout with him and help him finish reports together.
Price often thinks about a life where he didn’t join the military. A life of normalcy. To go to a home filled with life. 
Would have loved to have kids and technically, he still can but his job makes it almost impossible. 
But with Gaz and now you, you two are his pride and joy.
Would be the “hip” dad and will always ask about the new slang and memes
“This food is-what you kids call it...uh, busting!”
You and Gaz look at each other, “It’s bussin’.”
“This food is bussin’!”
Did not to want to get close to you at all. 
Was honestly peeved when Price told him that he was going to mentor you
“I don’t want to play babysitter, Captain.”
Surprised to see how short you were. All of the rumors and information he was told, they never mention your size
At first, he hated how you would follow him around like a lost puppy. 
“Leave me alone, go bother Soap or something.”
Doesn’t miss the flash of hurt in your eyes but you turn around anyways.
Before you joined, he, Price and Laswell were all sitting in Price’s office, his phone on speaker. He was reading over your file before Price’s contact said
“She reminds me of Ghost when I worked with him seven years ago.”
He looks up from the folder, Price’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise and Laswell nodding.
“I think we’ll have her transferred to us,” Price replies.
Hates to admit but he’s impressed. Thought the rumors was bullshit but you proved him wrong, time and time again
You still have a lot of things to learn and even more practice to do but he believes in you
Does not go easy. He’s merciless. Has put you down countless times and reprimanded you more. You would always leave training sessions with a new bruise. The rest of the team gets concerned with his training methods.
But you still get up and you blink away the tears whenever he shouts at you
At about five months after you joined, on a mission, you spot an enemy behind him before he does and without a word, you quickly take your knife out and throw it towards the man behind him. 
He opens his mouth to yell at you but he sees the enemy on the corner of his eye and watch him slump down. Your knife stuck in his bleeding neck
Gives you a nod after that. Pulling out your knife and handing it back to you
Knife throwing would be one of the training sessions you’d do. It was also a good time for some small chat
Finds out that you’re also a part of the “Dead Mom, Shitty Dad” club
It takes a year for him to SLIGHTLY open up to you
Told you about one of his favorite dishes his mom made and his favorite Queen song was ‘You’re My Best Friend’
Even told you how he likes his Earl Grey prepared
It scares him of how much you remind him of his mom and brother. You have her kindness and his determination. He will never tell you this
You, along with the team, become the very thing he cares about and will protect you to the best of his ability.
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apoemaday · 2 days
Unhappy Hour
by Richard Siken
Going to a party where I knew you’d be, dudes bobbing for boyfriends, eyes shining like candy apples. I want to be a lamppost, or the history of plumbing. I am tired of being mysterious. You are drinking rum next to the laughing skullheads and I am unhappy because I am dead and I miss you. Once a year, day of the dead, you think you’d think of me more often. These people shoulda dressed up as their best selves to mix and mingle in the courtyard garden. If everything is green then why do I feel so blue? I would like to be a plain-faced man, living with you quietly. Leave the party but you can’t hear me you can no longer hear me. The dead are boring. Enlightenment is boring. We can read the minds of dogs. We make the black cats scatter across the grass. There is a better party where I am not a ghost and you are not Aquaman. I am like a pornstar, we are all of us pornstars aching to get back into our terrycloth robes. Gives me a headache, all this intellectual stimulation. It’s cold out tonight. I am here by the back wall, in the museum of the afterlife. I would like to be a flickering cowboy. I like the live music -- we only get the recorded stuff here. I would like to be alive again. I would like to say something about grace.
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captainfern · 7 months
✿ captainfern’s drabble/headcanon masterlist ✿
here, you can find all of my drabbles/headcanons i’ve written that i was too lazy to write out into a proper fic lol
please assume that all content below is 18+ unless marked otherwise (sfw)
Thinking about COD characters being built like this…
captain john price
simon ghost riley
all tied up
bent over the desk
bodyguard price, bodyguard price two, bodyguard price three
cock worship
cowboy price
cuck!price + his wife and you, more price and his wife
dad/dilf price
dad’s best friend price, dad’s best friend price two
dad bod price praising you
dbf!price, dbf!price again
firefighter price
fuck me in a headlock
getting ready
“haunted” barracks
high libido
his facial hair
hotel room, hotel room two
lieutenant price fucks nasty
lieutenant reader (sfw)
oral m!receiving
pheromone perfume
plus-sized reader
pregnant partner (sfw)
pregnant partner again
price and your toys
price fluff (sfw)
scars (sfw)
soft sex
stress relief
wake up sex
werewolf price
younger/lieutenant price, younger/lieutenant price two
blindfolded +price
boyfriend’s best friend
breeding kink
fighting over pussy +price
get you pregnant
gym ghost
jealousy +price
let her fuckin’ breathe +price
rugby player simon
soft sex with simon
high sex
nsfw headcanons
period sex
polariods +price
post-gym workout wink wink
sharing is caring +ghost, sharing is caring two
sub gaz
suck sweetheart
the exception +price +ghost
the exception but fr +price +ghost
wake up sex
bodyguard soap
needy soap
soapgaz x reader
virgin reader
The 141
crochet blanket (sfw)
sharing you
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
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✧ — soobin
that's the spirit! — ghost hunter!sb, high school au — f ; a
a couple weeks before halloween, you find the quiet boy from your high school staring up into your bedroom. you're a little creeped out, and miles more scared, but then he tells you something that changes how you see, well, everything.
wc: 14.6k
~ 10:52 p.m. — college classmate!sb — f
~ 10:21 p.m. — bf!sb — m ⚠︎
~ 9:51 p.m. — serial killer!sb — m
~ cosplayer!soobin — m
+ some soft thoughts abt watching jjk w/ him
~ late night outing w/ boyfriend!soobin — f
~ first time meeting odi w/ boyfriend!soobin — f
~ magic island — f
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✧ — yeonjun
home sweet home — est. relationship au — m
he was insatiable, even at your parents' house.
wc: 2.8k
candy hearts — best friends to lovers au — f ; a
spending valentine's day with your best friend had become a sort of tradition for you two ever since you were seven years old. despite the twists and turns in your friendship as both of you grew up, the one thing that never changed was the box of candy hearts that he placed in your hands every year.
wc: 10.5k
pose — model!yj, assistant!reader — f ; a ; m
being world-famous model choi yeonjun's personal assistant wasn't easy. after six months on the job, however, you'd say that you had a pretty decent grasp on it. now, with fashion month right around the corner, it was your duty to make sure everything was in order, but of course a few things didn't go as planned.
wc: 12.5k
give me more — est. relationship au — m ⚠︎
your boyfriend loves making you feel good...perhaps a little too much.
wc: 1k
ticket to nowhere (but your heart) — strangers to lovers au, photographer!yj, artist!reader — f ; a ; m ⚠︎
twelve days. twelve days is all you have on this godforsaken train to find the spark that will save your dying art career — but you never thought that you would find it in the enigmatic stranger that you can’t seem to stop running into.
wc: 22.3k
~ 9:05 p.m. — bf!yj — m ⚠︎
part 2: 9:23 p.m. — m
~ 12:43 a.m. — best friend!yj — m
~ 11:01 p.m. — rockstar!yj — m
~ sweet frat boy!yeonjun — f
~ picnic date w/ boyfriend!yeonjun — f
~ early mornings w/ boyfriend!yeonjun — f
~ vacation w/ boyfriend!yeonjun — f
~ a very sexy cowboy!yeonjun — s
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✧ — beomgyu
telepathy — mind reader!bg, strangers to ??? — m
most people would abhor a packed subway car — but beomgyu, telepathist extraordinaire, relishes in it. with a career in the funeral business, he finds his morning commute to be the only thing that keeps him relatively sane. reading the mundane thoughts of mundane people maintains his tether to his humanity, but when he goes to read your mind...oh, things get a whole lot more interesting.
wc: 11.7k
~ 3:13 a.m. — vampire!gyu — m
~ cocky sub!beomgyu x femdom!tutor!reader, college au — m
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✧ — taehyun
~ 2:56 p.m. — lab partner!th — f
~ nerd!taehyun — m
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✧ — hueningkai
~ 8:02 p.m. — jack frost!kai — f ; a
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✧ — various members
~ 11:58 p.m. — fratboys!taejun — m
~ finding out you have an onlyfans — m
~ best friend!txt finding out that you write smut about him — m
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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justivik · 14 days
jeremy (arthur conti) x fem! reader.
author's note and warnings: i decided that jeremy in this fanfic ( maybe in the future fanfics i will make) will not be a ghost!!! PLEASE if u like this and want more pls repost and support <3
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“Cause there's nothing like it not like the way you move”
It was a Thursday night, and the autumn chill seemed to have no end. The orange, green and purple lights of the neighborhood flickered, casting an intermittent glow on the worn sidewalk. You were riding your worn bike to your boyfriend's house, wearing a sweater to keep warm so you wouldn't get sick on it. You stopped in front of the white door and settled into your costume and your fist let play a tune you were familiar with.
His gaze seemed to slowly drift down your body, examining the clothes you were wearing.
The boy with the brown curls said. Your boyfriend, Jeremy.
“You look…amazing”
You felt your cheeks burn from his flattery. He could still make you feel nervous with his words or looks.
“And you look handsome in your cowboy costume, jey”
You walked into the house and could feel the ambiance of the familiar place. It seemed as if time had stopped inside those walls, and the atmosphere, with the mix of yellow light and the smell of candles, had an air of tranquility, almost as if you were inside a pumpkin cinnamon cookie. Jeremy took your hand and they climbed up the stairs to his room filled with posters, halloween decorations and indie music playing in the background.
Halloween was in both of your plans as a date where you two would eat candy until y'all burst and possibly watch movie marathons.
Between the laughter, unfinished words because of the candy being shoved into both of your mouths and the sound of UNO's cards being exchanged, a moving and happy melody began to play for the whole ambiance but you both loved that kind of songs
“Oh! I love this song. Come on, let's dance.”
The brown guy grabbed your palm and started singing while you laughed nervously for not knowing what to do.
“Take a picture before this song is over, love”
You quickly went for your polaroid camera and came back to continue watching Jeremy wiggle like a happy worm. You called out to him and he grabbed his last piece of candy to pose for the picture, the flash attacked both of your faces but a smile was on your face.
“We look amazing, jey!”
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i know its september but i loved beetlejuice beetlejuice and jeremy sooooooooo 😁
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vaaaaaiolet · 5 months
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click any title for tags + scroll to the end for drabbles and more!
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one shots:
line connects
Good thing your doctor's always on speed dial for your health scares, but can he help you out of this one?
eyes on my baby [nsfw]
When you run out of his work summit on the brink of tears, you can't believe that Leon hasn't picked up on how he hurt you. His only option is to apologize, but you're not listening to a word he says. So he'll just have to make you watch.
flight risk
Left to his own devices during an international flight, Leon reflects on the most recent failure in his life: screwing over his airport crush. Said crush might also happen to be seated a couple rows ahead.
my true love gave to me: a catastrophe
Leon's got a week to buy his office crush the most non-lame Secret Santa gift ever. He also happens to be the worst gift giver in the world. What's a guy to do?
good samaritan [nsfw]
Leon gives beyond what's asked of him at both work and home, in excess. He's stressed, overworked; worrying you sick. So you teach him how to take. More or less.
american jesus. [nsfw]
Why choose between riding a cowboy, a stallion, or an Italian when you can have all three? In which you find competition for the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in the American West.
RE: You Don't Know My Name
A broken backspace key, two rival magazines, and love letters sent through email. It’s the 2000's and Raccoon Mag’s prize photojournalist lands himself a secret admirer. You. 
susurri / whisper [nsfw]
He’s away on a mission, but you can’t get him out of your head. Like he’s whispering from miles away. You can't bear how Leon’s presence haunts you. And then one night, you snap.
bulletproof, baby!
You take it upon yourself to spice up your husband's work lunches at Rebecca's encouragement, and Leon nearly dies in the process. Is Hello Kitty really a killer? Leon, for one, is convinced she's up to no good.
a story where no one goes anywhere
“This story is about a girl, and a boy who loved her very much.” Leon keeps his best tales under lock and key, and you crack one out of him on a particularly sleepless night. He thinks you might like this one. read cressie's INCREDIBLE continuation
got me overnight, just let me be close to you [nsfw]
Leon's not very good at staying out of business concerning you, especially not when you call him late at night crying over your shitty on-and-off boyfriend. Feelings get involved, and he finds out he has quite a sticky finger when it comes to phone calls.
nineteen ninety-nine [nsfw]
September 30th, 1998. Your world ended with Leon's death, or so you thought. Or alternatively, how you spent two decades of your life tied to a man full of secrets who can't love you how you want him to.
sketches for my sweetheart the drunk
a collection of bite-sized fics: sweet, salty, and something for everyone. all are individually wrapped and labeled. i write these drabbles in between my other work! if it’s under 1k words and/or not listed above, it's here :)
and they were roommates! (hiatus)
You move to the big city in search of bigger and better, so naturally, you get your first place. You just don't anticipate the roommate that comes along with it.
pool afternoon ft. aftercare + cuddles moodboard
the eternal question: boobs or ass? [nsfw]
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