#ghost writing blog for the band ghost
rainycavedew · 9 months
Hello rocks, twigs and moss! I have a writing sideblog now <3
writing sideblog -> @ghoulelegy (NSFW might be present, please proceed with caution.)
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wrathofrats · 8 months
I am here to request a part 3 to that Angsty SwissDew Phantom fic going on if you have more ideas 👀 -🌱
Yes I promise Swissdew make up, I won’t leave them like that for too long.
Here’s for everyone yelling at me to fix them. This is technically part 3 in this weird saga.
I made it worse before I made it better BUT I DID MAKE IT BETTER SO
(For those who are used to my usual insanity around here, trust me I’m working hard for October, I hope you’re excited!!)
You can read the first two parts here and here
They don’t speak for days. Swiss too ashamed of his actions to face dew, and dew is too embarrassed over his outburst to face Swiss. They both mull over the situation the entire time they’re apart. Itching to speak to the other but wondering if the damage had been done, if they’ll accept the others apology.
Swiss knows he’s in the wrong. It’s a feeling that eats at him because although he’s never been one that can’t admit his faults, this one makes him feel ashamed of himself. The countless mistakes that all piled on top of dew to handle and he didn’t even take the time to sit and talk with him anymore since aethers been gone. He’s barely made the time to sit with himself to handle his own emotions.
Swiss knows it was a stupid approach to try and ignore losing such a close packmate. The idea that if you never stop doing things you won’t have the time to truly sit with your grief. It’s why he’s been so clingy to phantom. It’s why he’s taken on extra work around the abbey. It’s why he’s been ignoring dew.
Dew took an opposite approach, something much more self destructive. He lets the grief eat away at him until he’s a sad shell of his former self because in dews mind what’s the point if his closest pack mate isn’t there?
He can’t act normal because nothing is normal anymore. It never will be.
Opposite ends of an equally destructive path and it’s no wonder they both don’t know how to act around each other anymore. Swiss doesn’t see dew in those less than firey eyes anymore and dews been convinced that Swiss has dropped him like a broken toy, too damaged to play with.
Swiss still sees aether in dew. Small pieces that put his heart in his throat and squeezes his lungs because he knows dew will fight tooth and nail for every last bit of him.
The books that stay on his night stand, no doubt being picked through night by night. Dew hoping if he throws himself into the literature aether loved he can gain enough of him back to quell the ache in his stomach.
The cologne he wore everyday has now become a room spray, the scent sometimes wafting under the door.
He’s even kept the last cup aether used to drink water in his room on the nightstand. When mountain tried to take it to help clean up the mess of dews greiving he received a long gash through his arm, dew screaming at him to not touch it.
And after all of this Swiss still never tried to help.
His stomach continues to hurt.
Phantom reminds him of aether too. The light in his eyes while he learns, the smell of quintessence, swiss realizes that that’s why he’s been clinging so hard. He’s been trying to relive his friendship through the new ghoul.
The look in dews eyes starts to make sense to him. A painful glare in their direction because dew thinks he’s trying to replace aether. It’s why he yelled when phantom came in. It’s why he freaked out when he saw them. It’s why he can’t even look at the poor younger ghoul. It’s why Swiss looked so frightened when he witnessed this, because he’s not looking at phantom as phantom. He was looking at him as aether.
It’s a hard debate between telling himself dew needed him and that dew was going to destroy himself no matter what he did to prevent it.
Dews also one of his closest friends. And even if he was going to hurt himself trying to cope with the trauma, Swiss is damned if he’s going to sit around and simply let him.
He hopes it’s not too late.
Dew doesn’t take the situation that happened between them well either. Already feeling abandoned by Swiss and then he looks at him like he doesn’t even know him. Dew feels like he’s not himself anymore. Merely a puppet or a cheap imitation. He doesn’t find joy in many things anymore, he barely leaves his room. He feels like a burden with his heavy emotions, like he’s too much and that must be why Swiss doesn’t talk to him.
He wonders if he was wrong. If he lashed out too harshly. Did he deserve it? To be treated like he needs magic to fix him? Did he deserve to be treated like he needs fixing?
Does he need to be fixed?
A fire claws at his throat at the thought.
Dew jumps when he hears a knock. No one really checks on him too much anymore when he gets like this. He’s assumed to want to be left alone.
“Please let me in” Swiss says. It sounds like he’s being crying.
“Ok” dew calls timidly. He debated staying silent, or even just begging him to leave. But it’s hard to say no to someone he loves and has missed so deeply.
“I want to apologize”
“You don’t have to”
“But I do. I hurt you and that’s not ok. Please let me explain it to you” Swiss moves closer to dew, tests the waters.
Dew just nods slowly in response.
“I’m sorry I abandoned you. You didn’t do anything wrong. I was scared and didn’t want to handle my own grief and you got the bad end of that stick and you don’t deserve that.” He starts
Tears prick at dews eyes when he says you don’t deserve that, it should be an obvious statement but to hear it outloud is vindicating and more than he could ask for at this moment.
“You needed me and I spent my time with someone else instead of helping you when I knew you needed it. I still see a lot of aether in you, and it didn’t know how to handle it. I ran instead of being rational.”
Swiss looks like he’s crying too. It hurts to admit everything. How terrible he’s been.
“I tried to fix you with magic, I wanted old you back and i didn’t try to care for you to get that back, I wanted to do it the easy way and again you don’t deserve that. You don’t need fixed dewdrop.”
you don’t need fixed dewdrop
Dew hiccups at the words
“I’m sorry. I love you. I love and care about you so much and I’m going to do better if you’ll let me” Swiss looks back up. Both are crying heavily.
Dew just nods and collapses into the multi ghoul. He’s warm and smells of bergamot. The arms that wrap around him feel like home again and dew realizes how much he’s missed this.
Swiss tries to hold onto him for dear life. Like he may change his mind if he doesn’t.
The wound is still fresh and open but for now they just lay in dews bed together. Limbs wrapped around each other and sweet nothings whispered into soft skin.
Things haven’t been solved. But swiss is just happy to have his fire ghoul back in his arms.
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angellayercake · 1 year
Pastimes for a Retired Papa
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Pastimes for a Retired Papa (NSFW)
The Papas were not murdered they all just moved away from the main base of the Ministry to enjoy their retirement. Primo is definitely in the place that has the best gardens tending to his beloved plants. Secondo moved to a bustling city where he could party to his heart's content.
But what of Terzo? Papa III, so dedicated to the proliferation of the female orgasm. Where would he choose to spend his retirement?
You, a stressed and overworked woman who has just been recommended the services of The Ministry's Spa Resort, may be about to find out.
The New Years Party (NSFW)
When your work organises a New Years Eve party to thank you all for your hard work there is only one person you want to take as your plus one.
Sam and the Series of Disastrous Dates (WIP)
Sam has watched her new best friend fall in love with the man of her dreams but when will it be her turn? We follow Sam on some of her dating adventures and see if she will ever meet her own dream man.
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 11 months
Peepaw Peemo Gets Fed
Primo sat down on the sofa with a slight "oof" and a few creaks of his joints.
He'd spent the day receiving food and gifts from his step-children and grandchildren. Lots of food, actually.
It had started with breakfast in bed. Sausages, toast, eggs, cornettos, and café de olla. A wonderful and belly-filling start to the day. It had given him the energy to get out of bed, get dressed, and play with the ever-energized grandkids.
A quick brunch followed that. Tostones and panna cotta. And more café de olla. And more playing with the younger grandkids, keeping them occupied while his step-children were busy.
Then came dinner. Quesadillas, and (more than a few) cuccidati. And some more café de olla. Followed by receiving the handmade gifts from the younger grandkids–macaroni glued onto paper to make...whatever it was (he didn't know, but he liked it anyway), a few cards with heartfelt and adorably misspelled words scribbled in crayon, a few flowers they had picked from outside. Very sweet. Then the older grandchildren had joined in, with coffee mugs, gift cards to his favourite restaurant, and even some alcohol. Lucifer bless them.
Then it was supper time. Pasta carbonara, enchiladas, stuffed peppers, pizzettes, and a couple of glasses of Primitivo wine. And enjoying the last bits of rambunctious energy the younger grandchildren still had, before he saw them off to bed.
He had shared a few more pizzettes with his older grandchildren and step-children, enjoying their company as the day had wound down, giving way to night.
Now, it was late, well past eleven, and he was tired. And stuffed. He patted his now-bloated belly as he downed his last glass of Primitivo wine of the night.
All-in-all, it had been a good day. He'd spent time with his new family, had received very thoughtful gifts from them, and had been fed until he could eat no more.
If he had known that Father's Day could be like this, he might have settled down sooner.
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ghostisun · 4 months
mountain and dewdrop and their love story unmakes me until im nothing but a sobbing mess
thinking about how mountain has always loved dewdrop as a water ghoul; how there was something so special in their bond. it was always different to the one dewdrop had with aether and, especially, with ifrit—quintessence could appear to be a reflection of the shapeless water; fire subdued, willingly, by its polar—but maybe that was why whatever mountain and dew had was different.
thinking about how, with moutain, dewdrop felt at home; strengthened in a way that was greater than he was. mountain filled him up in a way that was grounding. fulfilling.
they were a perfect pair, made for cultivation and growth. they bolstered each other in ways that no one could get close to. not even aether could parallel what the two ghouls could do to each other. what the two ghouls meant for each other.
(then came the ritual, devouring dewdrop from the core of his soul, unmaking the fabrics of his being to spit out an abomination—chipped horns, ripped fins, and charred gills.
then came the ritual, and things changed.)
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ravenssilver · 8 months
figured it was about time i made an intro post haha
hey! i’m ravenssilver, but you can call me raven :). my pronouns are she/they! i’m 17, but i don’t really mind how old you are if you interact with me lol. follow if you want, just please don’t be weird<3
i mainly write for the nameless ghouls of ghost (the band), eras IV and V, but i really write for whomever and whatever i want haha. though, my heart has been put in a pretty box with a bow for aeon, rain, and mountain—but, of course, i love all the ghouls and ghoulettes<3
my ask box is open! you’re welcome to request ficlets, ask something, or say hi :)
for requests, i don’t write for any of the papas or sister imperator, but i’m happy to write for the ghouls and i’ll try my best for the ghoulettes<3 i don’t write nsfw. i’m happy to write for most everything else, and i’ll update this if i find something that i’m not comfortable with :).
i do occasionally post unmasked ghouls and i’m sure i’ll talk about them frequently but i’ll make sure to cut my posts and give warnings whenever i do <3
other than that, i’m not really on tumblr unless i’m posting a ficlet. very busy life :’)
tags!! my writing tag is #ravenssilver writes , my tag for asks is #raven responds , and my headcanon tag is #raven’s rambles ! and if i ever post my art on here, it’ll be under #raven’s drawings :)
welcome! i hope this blog makes you happy <3
my master list<3
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nackrosor · 2 years
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WATTPAD  -  AO3 - QUOTEV - DEVIANTART - Linktree - about me
Smut stories are marked in red. Old stories that need to be re-edited have a blue × next to the title.
@nefelibata-dreams is a side blog I use only to reblog my stories and fanfics I like written by other authors. If you're interested in my fanfictions but don't want to see the other stuff I reblog on my main, then follow my side-blog and turn on the notifications! You can keep track of all my updates and also get great fanfic recommendations.
@teratosfavouritesnack is my writing side blog dedicated specifically to monsters. If you're into teratophilia/exophilia and got no interest in the fandoms below, then this is the blog to follow. I will only use it to post my original fiction on monster x human.
@svarta-nackros is my art side blog where I post my fanarts or original works.
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ꕥ The Sandman
Morpheus/Dream of the Endless
Dreaming of Him | part.2
Now You Have to Beg For It | part.2
Nightmares and Sparkling Stars
ꕥ Halloween
Michael Myers
First Time ×
Movies and Kisses
Alone, No More ×
Borrowing his Mask
Birthday Girl
ꕥ The Band Ghost 
Papa Emeritus III
First Encounter × | part.2 × | part.3
ꕥ Resident Evil
Leon S. Kennedy
September 29, 1998
Childhood Sweethearts | part.2 | part.3
ꕥ Faith No More (Band)
The Party
ꕥ Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
"Because of Pizza, duh!" (plus size!reader)
Lady Strange | part.2
Slutty Feline Jester (plus size!reader)
ꕥ Werewolf By Night (MCU) 
Jack Russell
A Tent for Two
ꕥ 1899 (Netflix Series)
Daniel Solace
Meant to Find Each Other
ꕥ Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Animated Movies)
Miguel O’Hara
We're still Humans
ꕥ Call Of Duty
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Magic Hands
Midnight Healing
"On My Terms"
John 'Soap' MacTavish
Mornin' Sunshine
ꕥ The Boy
Brahms Heelshire
Your Wish | Part.2 | Part.3
ꕥ Baldur's Gate 3
Gale Dekarios
He comforts you after an emotional breakdown
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All the dividers used in my posts are done by @saradika 🥀
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creepricot · 9 months
☆ intro + masterlist ☆
hi, im crow!
if taboo is not your thing, you're in the wrong place. this blog and my ao3 is strictly 18+ so because of this, minors get outta here. everyone else, please always feel free to interact whenever and however, i love making new friends!!
i mostly like to write ghost stuff, but i usually just shift to whatever i happen to fixate on. i may even take some requests or respond to prompts if you ask nicely, who knows hehehe...
Bathed in Perversion and Sin - (ao3) Primo x Terzo (NSFW)
Your First Seduction - (ao3) Primo x Secondo x Terzo (NSFW)
Papa Would Go Crazy If He Knew - (ao3) Terzo x Secondo (NSFW)
(i'll add to this post as the blog grows <3)
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Step By Errant Step
Most of you have already read this--but I never posted it properly and now it’s lost in the chaos of my blog so I can’t fix the tags. So, this is just me cleaning up my own mess. 
Fandom: Ghost (the band)  Rating: Explicit Pairing : Mountain/Dewdrop Featuring: Dew’s massive boot kink, Mountain being uncomfortable about shoes, blow jobs, overwhelmed Mountain, Dew knowing how to get exactly what he wants, improper methods for breaking in boots, Mountain learning something very interesting about himself.  “The boots are awful,” Mountain shrugs, making a point to look at Dew. Dew goes still for a breath like a prey animal that’s been spotted. But he recovers quickly, looking back at Mountain, defiance written through the entire line of his posture. Confidence returned tenfold. “Nah, you’re wrong, dirt boy. The boots are great.” “They’re uncomfortable.” “They’re not,” Dew says finite, no room for argument. “Just have to get them broken in. I can help. When I’m done with them, you’ll never want to take them off.”
Read it on AO3 
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ethereal-maniac · 4 months
* My Info *
Hello, hello! Welcome to my little corner on Tumblr, I hope you enjoy your stay.
You can call me Kylie or Kai.
I’m autistic and possibly have adhd.
As stated in my bio, I'm still getting back into writing so it's gonna be rough for a little while.
No trauma dumps or hate will be tolerated (blocked).
Do not copy, translate, transfer (plagiarise) or take 'inspiration' from my writing.
And lastly if you don’t like what I write, this blog obviously isn’t for you. :)
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Requests: Closed ❌
I’ll write full fics, head canons (that’s what I call them anyway), blurbs, just name your poison.
I cannot however guarantee I’ll write them, as it has to make me feel a bit inspired.
Also! If you make a Ghost head canons request, please specify which Era you want.
Anons: _
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❌ I will NOT under any circumstance take requests for; ❌
- shit/bodily fluids kink (I can write a loose piss kink)
- rape
- self harm
- suicidal things
- incest/stepcest
- peodophelia (spelt that wrong, I know)
- any religious shit
- abuse
- sick fics (I don’t care if it’s a cold but no stomach bugs)
- anything cancer related
- extreme spanking/extreme physical pain/extreme degrading
- ass fucking (I can imply it)
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✅ what I WILL write: ✅
- smut/nsfw (I’m okay with all that nasty stuff e.g pervs, occasionally hybrids, consensual non con, etc)
- angst
- comfort
- fluff/sfw
- strictly sfw regressed ghouls
- Fem!Reader, GenderNeutral!Reader, occasionally Masc!Reader
If you’re not sure about a request, just ask me with a non detailed summary and I’ll let you know if it crosses my boundaries :)
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And most importantly;
Do not copy, translate, transfer (plagiarise) or take 'inspiration' from my writing.
This is a safe space for lgbtq+ and trans people, if you’re homophobic, transphobic, a zoophile, a peodophile, racist, or sexist, you’re not welcome on my blog. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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ghoulelegy · 9 months
Welcome friend!
Welcome to my corner of inspiration and imagination! Here, words dance and stories unfold in a symphony of creativity. I'm thrilled to share my musings, from whimsical tales to introspective journeys.
My name is Mephistopheles (Mephis for short) and I am delighted to introduce you to my writing blog. Make yourself comfortable!
He/They/It pronouns :)
Not chill with racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, antisemitism etc (you get the idea by now. Tl;Dr don't be a dick)
Feel free to ask me anything any time (just don't be a creep please!) I have a special interest in Ghost and writing so feel free to shoot me a request any time! I may write some NSFW stuff so viewer discretion is advised. I am currently accepting custom fic requests!
✅ NSFW themes
✅ Angst
✅ Comfort
❌ Dubcon, Noncon, Incest, anything I'm. uncomfortable with
My mainblog -> @rainycavedew
My SFW Agere blog -> @littlerainyghoul (For all ages)
(I may reblog or write certain heavy themes / NSFW so please be careful. Prioritise your mental health)
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kittenburps · 7 months
Listennnn. I have a writing blog. @kiss-the-ghuleh
I mainly (only) write about Terzo.
I would absolutely love it if you followed it and read my stories. I work hard on them and I noticed no one really reads or at least interacts with them so i kinda stopped writing.
I’m writing a new story now and if i could get some positive feedback from mu other stories and support…🥺🥺🥺🥺
I will eventually have requests open.
Please please go follow and read them.
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Hello, my little Wonderlings! I know it has been a while since I have posted much of anything; I have had such a busy few months and writer's block has been a bitch. But, I would like for you guys to know I'm back and ready to start writing again! This means that REQUESTS are OPEN! Below are fandoms that I am happy to be able to write for again! Any questions just PM me! You can choose from a list below the ideas paired up with whatever character you'd like! OR just send me an idea! Even if it's not on the list below I may still write it just hit me up!
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Fandoms Below Include
Shadow and Bone
Six of Crows
The Sandman
Doctor Who
Actors (limited; ask first)
The Last Kingdom
Ghost (Limited to Ghouls only)
House of Dragons
Game of Thrones (Limited: ask first)
[NEW!] Anime List Avaliable
Black Butler
Fairy Tail
My Hero Academia
Fruit Basket
Vampire Knight
If any of these interests you send me a request! More fandoms and animes will be added later when I come across them! But until then let me know what you'd like for me to write for you! :)
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ratgirlcopia · 9 months
ok now that it's Real™️ more or less i can saaay that i wrote a book. and i got a literary agent for that book! and if you don't know about traditional publishing it just means i unlocked a long and complicated gatekeeping step and now my book(s) can be sent to large publishing houses and hopefully sold. so that's cool. he says, while dying.
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 10 days
Papas' Happy Incest Funtime Hour
Spite. Crack. Incest. Marijuana. They all come together in...whatever the fuck this is. If you choose to read this, you have no one but yourself to blame.
(also readable on AO3)
Terzo awoke with a yawn, then stretched his sexy body, pushed away the covers, and hopped out of bed.
"Oh boy!" he said, in Italian because he is Italian, "I can't wait to engage in some incest!"
After a sexy shower, in which he scrubbed his entire sexy body, Terzo then dressed up in his sexy King Gustav 3 of Sweden suit—which was an odd choice, because Terzo is Italian, but making sense is for losers—and headed out the door.
As he did so, he ran into his brother, Secondo, who was bald but also very sexy, but in a bald kind of way.
"Hello, little brother," said Secondo, in Italian because he too is Italian, "How are you this morning?"
"I am great, big bro!" Terzo replied, in Italian, because as I mentioned previously, he is Italian. "I was thinking of engaging in some incest today!"
"What a coincidence! I was thinking of doing the same thing! We should find Primo and ask if he wants to join us!"
"Excellent!" Terzo clapped his little Italian hands together. "Let's go!"
So off the two Italian brothers went, in search of their older brother, who is also Italian.
They soon found him, in his room, where he was smoking the fattest blunt you've ever seen.
"Hello, my little brothers," he said, in Italian because he too is Italian. "What can I do for you?"
"Well," Terzo said, "For starters, you can rolls us some blunts."
"Consider it done," Primo replied.
"Next, you can engage in incest with us, if you want."
Primo nodded. "Wonderful idea. Let's do that."
Primo then proceeded to roll two blunts almost as fat as his own, then stopped for a moment, thought, and rolled another one.
"Who's that one for?" asked Secondo, in Italian, because he is Italian, like I said before.
"This one is for Copia," Primo replied. "If we're doing incest, we should invite him, too. And give him a blunt."
"Excellent idea!" Terzo cheered, Italianly. "Having our long-lost bastard half-brother joining us will add an extra spice and kick to the whole affair!"
"Exactly," Primo smiled.
The three Italian brothers took a few minutes to smoke their fat blunts, then they left Primo's room and went looking for Copia. They found him in his room, which is where he was.
"Hello, brothers!" he greeted them warmly, and in Italian, because he is Italian too. "What brings you here, to my room, which is where I am?"
Terzo strutted over to him, Italianly. "We were wondering if you might be up to engaging in some incest with us."
"I sure would be!" Copia jumped up and clapped his hands together, smiling broadly and Italianly.
"Good." Terzo grinned. "We have also brought you a fat blunt, rolled by Primo, the master of rolling fat blunts."
"Oh boy!" Copia took his specially rolled fat blunt, rolled by Primo the master of rolling fat blunts, and smoked it. He smoked it for a good few minutes, getting stoned as fuck. Italianly.
After Copia decided that he was high enough, he set the fat blunt aside, then clapped his hands together. "Okie dokie! Who wants to do some incest?"
"We do!" Primo, Secondo, and Terzo screamed in unison, and in Italian, because they are Italian.
"Yay!" Copia flung his hands up in the air like an excited man who was excited.
So, without further ado, all three of the Italian brothers, who are Italian, stripped their clothes off and started having sex with each other. Incestuous brother sex. While high. Which is fine, because they worship Satan who is evil and bad, and he approves of such things.
This only lasted for an hour, though, because they got hungry. So they called up a local pizza place and ordered some pizzas. In Italian, because they are Italian and thus speak that language.
The end.
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thatvampireblog · 1 year
Why is it every time I try to update "Ghoul Friend", Ao3 goes down?????
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