#gianna distance
to me u are just soos irl
this. is literally the best thing anyone could ever say to me. thank u
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satureja13 · 6 months
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~ Chapter 19 ~
⛱️ Summer at Tartosa 🍕
Jeb and Saiwa are together again
Ji Ho is devastated because he cheated on Luci - with Vlad...
there is Pizza
they stay at a campsite
meet a certain llama
Sai and Jeb have their second date
Ji Ho and Jeb meet the Roadie and hold a concert
Saiwa finds out why Jeb keeps him at a distance
Ji Ho and Vlad find out the truth about Luci
'Girano le stelle nella notte ed io ti penso forte, forte e forte ti vorrei
The stars wander in the night sky And i think of you so strongly, want you so strongly' Bello Impossibile - Gianna Nannini
Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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dragonridernoobie · 1 month
HELLOOOO!! Hope you’re ready for another Gianna x megatronnnn!! Part 5 I believe
Ok sooo, after Megatron sent her the lil message after their battle I want them to have another little interaction with each other!!
How about Megatron and her have another battle on the battlefield while the rest of the Autobots and cons fight. But, Megatron defeated her this time but he saw how injured she was so he took her in secretly and made knockout patch her up!
Hope this makes senseeeee tysm for this series btw🙏🥹
Sure! I've been waiting for a request for the last week. *slowly tapping pen on table while staring intently at inbox* I hope you like this one!!!
Megatron X Gianna Part 5
Megatron and Gianna where fighting in the field, the autobots where fighting eachother trying to get an object.
While Gianna and Megatron fought, they kept jabbing each other with insults. They kept fighting and hitting eachother.
While they are fighting, miko who snuck onto the mission, comes out of no where and tries to help Gianna. Then ends up causing a problem since Gianna saw her and dident block megatrons attack, sending her a bit away.
Her busted robotic arm was now broken, and she was hurt. Megatron stops his movements, surprised. He quickly grabs Gianna and calls a forfeit. Not knowing miko was holding on to him.(don't ask how she wasent thrown off)
Megatron gets to the warship and quickly take Gianna to the medbay where knockout was buffing his paint from the fight.
Megatron: "stop what you are doing and help her."
Knockout: "yes lord megatron."
Megatron nods and leaves. After walking a distance, he hears somone yell his name. When he turns around and dosent see anyone. He looks down and sees miko looking at him
Megatron: "well, well, well, the autobot pet is here. How foolishly of you to make you're self known."
Megatron reaches down to grab miko but miko yells at him.
Miko: "you can't touch me without Gianna knowing! I saw how you looked at her! What is going on with you and her!"
Megatron: "nothing is going on with her. Now come here rodent!"
Miko just smiles and runs. Soon, running into a air vent nearby. Megatron just growls but leaves it.
Soon, Gianna wakes up and sees that megatron brought her to his medbay to get her fixed. Her robotic arm is in perfect condition, and nothing is broken in her body. When she looked around, she is able to tell she is in the medbay.
Before she got up, she heard someone whisper her name and when she looked at the vent above her, she sees miko.
Gianna: "miko?! What are you doing here!"
Miko: "SHHHH! To get you out of here. Comone!"
Gianna sighs but nods. She follows Gianna into the vent and soon walking down the vents.
Miko: "so...you and megatron"
Gianna: "don't. Nothing is happing."
Miko: "really? Don't think he would throw me or jack or raph into the medbay to heal us without a reason."
Gianna: "who knows, he might wanted information and dident want me dead."
Miko: "lies, the way he was looking at you says otherwise."
Gianna: "nothing is happing."
Miko: "lies, tell me now!"
Miko blocks her path and stares into her eyes.
Gianna: "...fine...I fought him in secret in a normal 1v1 and I beat him. I earned his respect."
Miko: "...oh....my...god.....you guys are in love!!!!!"
Gianna: "wait what?!? No!"
Miko: "oh, bulkhead will be so surpised!"
Gianna keeps telling miko that there is nothing going on but miko won't listen. They soon arrive in to the landing deck. When they where about to calm the autobot base for help, megatron walks forward with a neutral look.
Megatron: "leaving so soon?"
Gianna: "...."
Miko: "aww, he wants you to stay!"
Gianna: "shut up!"
Megatron looks at them surprised but dosent say anything. Gianna gives him a thank you Glace when miko was able to send a message and a groundbridge opens. Megatron nods and watches them go through.
Once at the autobot base, ratchet was quick to check on them both but soon miko opened her mouth and announced Gianna and Megatron are dating.
Everyone in base stop what they are doing, looking surprised!
Hell is about to be unleashed....
Hope you enjoy it!!!
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giordirossi · 3 months
When: After Party, post-plot drop TW: Violence, a lot of it. Choose your kidnapees more wisely.
Hadn't enough stress been added to her evening without the untimely release of footage that would send the Russian piranhas into a feeding frenzy?
Not waiting for the grand finale, because she already knew how this video ended, Giordana slipped from the horrified throngs of spectators through the darkness and began seeking out inevitable targets. Protection amidst the impending chaos would be crucial if the Sovrani and their affiliates wanted to leave relatively unscathed.
Like hell did she come all the way to London just to relive the losses of Launceston.
Vincenzo and Giorgio would be exceptional fish in this pond, perhaps too great for a snatch and grab. The others, though... Frankie, Olivia, Patrizia, maybe even Gianna, dangled on the line. Unfortunate that the French were caught in the crossfire of this alliance, but most were none of her concern save for one who could handle himself better than anyone she knew.
Lights flickered on and panicked voices began their crescendo when she descended into a corridor in pursuit of the last place her brother ventured with his wife. Instead, at the very end, she spotted a familiar silhouette that gave her a modicum of relief.
She exhaled. At least one had been located.
The other woman turned and their eyes locked right as Giordana spoke loud enough to be heard across the distance,
"Olivia, you need to––"
Large fingers grabbed the assassin roughly by her hair, knotting through intricately woven curls as they forced her from a standing position into something bent and compliant. The stranger took advantage of her momentary surprise by dragging them into an adjoining room, all the while nails clawed into the back of his hand attempting to find purchase. The wrist alone would allow for position reversal and the opportunity to break free. Yet as soon as she took hold, the man flung Giordana face first into a nearby armoire.
Fucking really.
Impact was negated by adrenaline and she recovered just in time to turn and duck below a fist when it collided against the wood where her now bruised cheekbone might've been. The curse that flew from his lips sounded Russian, but the grunt made when she sucker punched him in the gut and kicked his knee out was universal.
So absorbed in the mission to corral those who mattered most to Giorgio and Vincenzo, it dawned on Giordana a bit too late that she hadn't considered herself in that count.
This was a message for the Sovrani. Leaving her battered yet alive enough to pack up like a damn birthday gift for the Vorshevsky ilk. Someone must have foolishly believed that a lack of weapons made her less dangerous; easy pickings for a hand delivery. Mistake number one, they should've killed her.
The next swing met air yet again as the assailant failed to bring her down to his level. His frame might have been larger and come with a strength she couldn't fathom, but years of will-power fueled training made Giordana exceptionally nimble and agile. It kept her out of reach long enough to whip the heavy armoire door into his face when he lunged for a third time.
Now who was caught off guard?
Using his temporary imbalance against him, one heel struck his sternum and sent the Russian careening into a transparent coffee table which shattered almost immediately beneath his weight.
Sincerest apology to the Berkeleys.
And to the solid mahogany frame of the paired sofa, which subsequently cushioned the blow of his giant fucking head with its base. Lucky break. Not taking any chances, she pulled a tea tray off of the vanity and bestowed three hard dings, the unrestrained force reverberating up her arms.
Glass shards decorated the rug like a shimmering prism and she considered picking up a larger piece to finish the job when her gaze swept towards sudden movement in the wall mirror. Of course this wouldn't be a one man operation.
Said reinforcement barreled at her from behind, tackling the brunette to the floor. With high ground advantage lost, it became the equivalent of a knife fight in the dirt as they landed significant blows on each other. The upperhand position gained and lost as they wrestled for two starkly contrasting motives. Until he found her neck. His fist pressed down with every attempt to cut oxygen at the source so they could cease this fight and she might come a bit more quietly.
Or maybe he'd finally wisened up enough to realize this only ended one way.
A palm splayed out at her side, reaching across the ornate rug for something... anything... only to find a now overturned coffee table book and–– metal. Weighted, solid metal.
A goddamn candlestick.
Fingertips brushed against the cool edge as she squirmed just enough beneath his suffocating grasp to roll it into her hand. The base swung upward and collided into her attacker's skull with a sickening thud. Startling enough to release his hold, which coincidentally gave Giordana the perfect leverage to propel him sideways until she straddled his chest.
Hesitation during this part had never been her forte.
Another blow. Then a third, a fourth, she stopped counting at seven. From there it was only mottled splatter and gurgling, his hands limp with disuse after they failed to defend against her relentless violence. More machine than woman, a shark-eyed creature bound for this singular objective.
When she finally stood and allowed the makeshift weapon to dangle loosely at her side, the metallic scent of blood hung thick in the air. Crimson peppered the expensive flooring around them and any furniture within range; it stained her once gloriously white party dress and dribbled down from her split lower lip and a cut above her brow.
From this vantage point, she couldn't tell if either of the men were still breathing. Nor did she care. Adjusting the one good strap left on her dress and pivoting towards the door, Giordana practically sensed the third body before she saw him. Was it possible to actually leave this God forsaken room?
Whirling with the candlestick poised to strike, a hand wrapped around her wrist before she could leave a pretty dent in his skull, too. For a moment they said nothing, his face speaking volumes more than words could ever convey about the state of her appearance.
The darkened shade over her eyes lifted somewhat as she registered his face. Never fully, never enough to allow complete weakness. He'd taught her that a long time ago.
After a beat of silence, she dropped her arm of her own volition and metal clanged lowly as it hit the floor. Standing in front of him like this, she felt twenty years old again. Messy, violent, and unrefined, having allowed someone to get the better of her because she'd been personally concerned about other people.
And there was Varden, the immovable pillar of exactly what she could be.
His hand moved from wrist to chin, turning over the damage back and forth with a different expression. This one Giordana can't read.
"I'm fine." No quips, no sly remarks. Her chest still heaving a little from the previous events, she didn't have any good natured taunting left in her tonight.
"I know you are." The Frenchman's grasp fell away yet again and his attention turned to the spectacular display she'd left behind. "You should leave here while you still can. I'll take care of this."
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imbrisvastatio · 5 months
12Floors - #10 Spencer
Hi, hello, this is going to be a little 12 week series about 1k words each. To be confusing, this is part 3. We are working backwards. 12 people. 12 floors. TW Death. Good luck.
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The floor sounded different. The literal floor and the 10th floor as a whole. The lights flickered. Bright and buzzing. They were practically strobing. And Spencer didn't want to look at the lights. She didn't want to look down either. But once she noticed how different everything was, she couldn't not notice it. The floor was glass. She had already made it several feet. She had no time to panic. Gianna burst through the door after her. They were getting out together.
"Don't look down!" Spencer called. "Come on," She reached her hand out for her friend. Neither of them liked heights. They weren't sure how, but through the floor they could barely made out water several feet below them. The staircase to the next floor must be longer than any of the others. Spencer was sure of that. Gianna took her hand.
They had been best friends for years. Middle school had been a tough time for Spencer. She had barely stayed at any school long enough to make friends. But things were supposed to be different. And Gianna made sure they were. They did everything together back then. They had their own lives now, but they met up most days of the week. Dinner or coffee. A walk through the park with their dogs. They talked about the boys they were seeing, how awful their jobs were, how much they regret not being roommates throughout college. But they had plans.
They knew they would meet up with any free time they had. Neither of them knew how to be friends through calls or text. They had distance. They needed it. It worked. Even now with blood on Spencer's hands, Gianna stuck by her. Once they got out, it wouldn't matter anymore. They would never bring up. It would be lost to time. Just like their rivalry for Jude once upon a time.
Gianna groaned. "I hate this. I hate this. I never want to be able to see anything under me again."
"I told you at the start to not look down."
"I know. It's a little hard to see where I'm going though."
Spencer was sure they are half way through the floor by now. Or by god she hoped so. There were two doors. The first doors they had encountered on that floor. She looked at Gianna. They had stopped to lean against the wall for a moment. The edges of the floor were solid. A sort of grid for the glass panels. It was a small relief to be along the edge. A small breather. One they hoped they had time for.
"You take one and I take one?" Spencer suggested.
"Give me a minute."
"Gianna." Spencer said, her voice flat. "I know you're tired. So am I. But we need to keep going."
"I said to give me a minute."
Gianna's breathing didn't sound great. Spencer sighed and looked at the two doors.
"Fine. I'm going. Go through the other one." Spencer walked off. Gianna protested. Loudly.
Spencer didn't look back at her. She needed to keep going. Gianna could make the time up. She couldn't risk anyone getting the key in their hands. She was getting out. She had to. She had a whole life waiting for her out there. She had picked the door on the left. The doorknob had a key hole. It was unlocked, but she was sure it was important somehow.
She kept a causal pace. She didn't want to get too far ahead of Gianna. And she knew better than to think Gianna would pick the other door. If they weren't trying to survive, it would be different. But they made an agreement to stick together. They were going to. If Gianna could keep up. Spencer was the one with the key. She wasn't about to hand it over, not even to her friend.
Eventually she paused. Waiting and listening for footsteps. But everything echoed back. It was impossible to tell who was who and where they were. She kept going. Faster now. She would just have to hope Gianna could catch up to her at the doors if nothing else. She couldn't wait there all day.
It was the room before where the two paths came together again. At least, Spencer assumed by the door at the end. But there was a note on the door. She only noticed it when she opened it; the light from the other side flooded in. It wasn't flickering. She was meant to read it, right?
'Use the key for protection.'
That was all it said. She reread it three times and looked around on the ground. Did she miss something. There was nothing in the room ahead of her. She was sure of it. But on the floor, in the darker room- a keyhole was in the floor. She knelt down to it. She took the key out for the first time and inserted it. It fit. That was half the battle.
She didn't care about what it did. Spencer had Gianna following after her certainly. She didn't need protection. She was far enough ahead of everyone. Until she heard running. Towards her. She could see them in the flickering light. A shadow. It wasn't Gianna. Gianna would have yelled. Would have said something. Gianna wouldn't be running.
She turned the key. She heard the click. Whoever it was, they weren't going to chase after her. She took the key with her and closed the door. She heard the crack before the door slammed. The scream. Panic. Surprise. Then Gianna's voice. She opened the door yelling her friend's name. Only to watch her step off of the platform. Into the depths below. The glass was no longer there. She had no way to go back. And anyone that came that way would die if they weren't careful.
"Spencer?" Gianna called out. Her voice sounded panicked. Scared. She let out a sob. And Spencer closed the door again.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 5 months
The Broken Veil: Chapter 6 - The Horde
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TW: blood and gore, gunshot wounds, shock
Summary: John Wick has just agreed to kill Gianna D'Antonio, repaying the marker that gave him a life with Helen. However, Helen is trying to contact John from the afterlife, to show him that it is possible to stop the cycle of violence – not by forfeiting his own life, but by creating a fundamental shift in international systems and perhaps even the balance of good and evil in this world. But he doesn’t have to do it alone. She’s coming back.
“It’s a rough journey, and a sad heart to travel it; and we must pass by Gimmerton Kirk to go that journey! We’ve braved its ghosts often together, and dared each other to stand among the graves and ask them to come. But, Heathcliff, if I dare you now, will you venture? If you do, I’ll keep you.” - Catherine Earnshaw, Wuthering Heights
Helen always liked to people watch in New York, on the subway, through coffee shop windows, dancing with strangers to the songs of street buskers. So many characters, ripe for conversations and candid photography. Artists. Students. Performers. Families. Runaways. Petty criminals. And apparently, hitmen.
As they exit the airport, a red light and nothing more holds back the horde behind the white bars of a crosswalk, as sunset flares low and catches in the dark pools of John Wick’s eyes. He stares forward, feet planted, still holding her hand. He squeezes it once and lets go. “I need you to do something for me.”
“What’s that?”
“When we’re walking, stay at a distance. Don’t step in unless I call for you. I know when I’m about to die. If I’m not dying, don’t stand in my line of fire, don’t touch me, don’t do anything that will affect my range of motion. You can block headshots from behind me, but that’s it.”
“Or else I’ll get in your way.”
“I wasn’t going to put it like that, but…Yeah. You’ll get in my way.”
She’s grinning, not remotely offended. “I don’t doubt it. You have yourself a deal, baby.” Then very seriously, “I’m trusting you to call for me."
He nods. She feels his focus shift, shutting out all thought beyond survival.
Come at me, come at me.
He’s electric. The light turns green, and she’s walking at the devil’s side.
They planned the route in the air. He needs to get to someone who will know where to find Santino. That means reaching a subway station on the other side of the city, where they will find a particular contact. “He’ll be talking about ‘Things you see,’ that’s the code phrase,” John told her. It’s a short walk among neon lights and hole-in-the-wall storefronts to the nearest underground entrance. When he told her that, Helen thought it sounded very promising – how many assassins could they possibly encounter in such a brief journey? But he didn’t seem to think so.
As they move through the crowd silently, Helen thinks of the self-defense class she took in college. It’s been many years since then, and she wasn’t top of the class to begin with. She’s unarmed, with no real martial arts experience. So the best she can do is hang back several paces behind him and look wherever he isn’t looking. It makes her paranoid. Is that teenager reaching into his bag about to pull out a gun? No, it’s a notebook. Is that woman staring at John because she’s about to strike, or because he’s breathtaking? Obviously the latter.
The first time it really happens, she doesn’t see it coming at all. A man with the body of a sumo wrestler and a pistol in his hand stops walking at just the right moment to fling an arm out in front of John and knock him expertly to the ground. She’s suddenly hyperaware of the smoggy night wind and the texture of the sidewalk underfoot, her body primed to do something, anything, but that isn’t what he wants so she just stumbles forward, then backward, then freezes. He’s already up and striking back, already has him disarmed, but the man takes damage like a tank. They seem evenly matched for a moment, then everything suddenly escalates. Glass shatters as John is thrown through a bus stop divider. She feels dozens of tiny cuts slash across his face, his back hitting concrete. The retaliation is swift. John grabs the man’s gun and wrestles it against his head, leaving him bleeding out on the ground, a final shot leveling him as he tries to rise.
“Jesus Christ!” They’re in the middle of the sidewalk. There was a silencer, but why is no one stopping, why is no one noticing? Some people have fled, but the police on the far corner just watch quietly. Oh. John’s world owns them too. Great.
He looks back at her, reads her concern, and smiles encouragingly. “I’m okay.” It takes all her restraint to avoid stepping up to him to check his cuts for fragments of glass, but he motions them onwards.
Down an escalator, into the station. The next one, she does see. A woman playing violin for tips follows him with her eyes as they pass, and Helen sees her pull a gun from some concealed place inside it. John is several paces out in front of her and not looking back. Helen steps between them, and the shot hits her own chest. John’s rage and her own surge through her at the same time as he looks over his shoulder and sees them staring each other down.
Then he's rushing her. The woman starts firing, trying to take him down before it’s too late, but hits nothing except Helen and his body armor, and why couldn’t he have stayed back, just stay back… Panic. The woman is kicking him and striking him, and Helen sees before he does that his bulletproof jacket is lifted when he raises his arms, exposing the soft underbelly of the beast where nothing but a paper-thin dress shirt separates his flesh from the bullets. The nose of the gun presses straight into his torso and fires.
 Helen screams, not the high-pitched horror flick scream that one might expect to emit when seeing a lover shot, but an echo of his own yelp of pain, mixed with something impotently enraged. A roar, directed at the woman who just shot her husband. The same cry she sent out helplessly in the void as she watched him fight, unable to come to his aid. And she dragged herself so far, came back to him, but here she is still unable to come to his aid. Why...
The woman is already on the floor, her limbs and neck snapped. John is doubled over, clutching his abdomen, but he doesn’t stop moving.
She follows him as he stumbles against the wall and around a corner, supporting himself against the sleek, glowing glass of the station’s modern architecture. He’s silhouetted on white and leaving long, horrific red smears in his wake. He’s keeping pressure on the wound with one hand at any given time but trying to stem the bleeding is an utterly futile endeavor. Helen steps out in front of him to see red blooming across the fabric and soaking his fingers. He dares to look down at himself. She can feel wooziness pass over him at the sight.
Desperately, “Jonathan. May I please help you walk?”
“No. It’s not over.” He staggers away from the wall, demonstrating that he can support his own weight.
She drops back behind him again, her eyes pricked with tears, walking close enough now to catch him if he falls.
He was right, it’s not over. Someone’s tailing them, keeps looking at John and then back at his phone, presumably texting someone else. Before she realizes what’s happening, they’re closed in between two men, both well dressed, one walking behind them and one in front of the rest area at a coffee bar. John spots the one at the bar and lunges for him. Good, now there’s distance between him and the man behind them, and Helen occupies it.
The man notices her blocking his path and starts shooting. She turns to face him. Behind her, she can hear and feel the scuffle as John’s assailant grabs at the bullet wound to try to inflict as much pain as possible, but he’s only sending more and more adrenaline into John’s system.
She doesn’t really know what to do when she reaches the other hitman. She swings at him in a general way but feels her forearm immediately intercepted, and she’s flung to the ground with his knee over her neck. He’s trying to snap it and unable to figure out why it’s not working. Her face is pressed against grimy subway tile. It’s not clear how she was flipped, or how she could stop it next time. It doesn’t matter. He thinks he’s killing her, and that will keep him distracted from his target.
She looks up at John, just in time to see him grab a pencil from the coffee bar where the man sat writing just a few minutes ago. He plunges it into the man’s hand and then his face, then shoves his head against the table and drives it through. He’s showing off for her.
And then he sees her pinned and he’s done showing off. He yanks the man off her back, slams him to the wall, and stabs the pencil directly through the back of his skull.
For a second, he’s leaning against the wall, the pencil a bloody stump in his hand, then he pulls her up and they’re off again.
They walk. A subway ride, a transfer. Across a crowded fountain square, the moonless, starless city sky gaping black above them, every eye seeming to follow them. He’s tired and scared. He’s lost so much blood. God, she wants to hold him.
Waiting at the next platform, they’re attacked again. In the empty corridor of wind between two passing trains, he shoots one man and knifes the other, first with a shocking spray of red from the thigh and then on the tile, wrestling with him, pressing fiercely down into his chest and then collapsing on top of him for a moment. She almost reaches for him, but he manages to stand, and they board the train in silence.
She faces him, each of them holding onto the bar above them, pressed in among strangers, and stares into his eyes. Her free hand hovers at his torso, almost touching the blood but holding back in respect of his request – “don’t touch me.” His jaw is clenched, trying not to express the pain to her. Now that he doesn’t have a fight to focus on, there’s something icy and empty surfacing. He’s going into shock.
He realizes something. “Can you feel my body too? All the time? Or just emotions?”
This is a bad time for this conversation. “…Not all the time, just when it’s significant enough. And I’m not hurt. It’s not like that. It’s secondhand.”
He groans wordlessly, overtaken by a wave of guilt that mingles with the shock to make everything fuzzy. He’s shuddering. It’s suddenly so cold and there’s so little blood in his head…The more he fights against it in an effort to save Helen from this feeling, the more his anxiety spikes dizzyingly. He wants to lay down somewhere soft and just die.
“Hey. It’s not a bad thing. You felt me, remember? When we were… So, yes, I do have an awareness of it. But it’s like I told you then, I want all of you. Even the pain. It’s okay.”
Any affection at a moment like this is overwhelming. He’s lost in her acceptance, awed, humbled, just trying not to cry. He lets his awareness of his body recede, his legs go numb. There is no subway around them. There’s only her…and a misty void. He can see it again. He’s close to the other side, and she bridges a gap through which he can see…something.
The subway stops. He still can’t feel his legs.
His voice comes to her soft and strangled, but very controlled. “Helen…Help me.”
Finally. She weaves her arm through his, clasps their hands together, and takes his weight as they move carefully over the gap between the doors and the platform, towards the turnstiles.
But it’s difficult to make out their surroundings. As his precarious condition drags them closer to the veil, things bleed through, the otherworld blurring on top of life. And all around them, there are presences. They aren’t so close to the surface. They don’t have the determination she had. But there’s an opening, and they draw as near as they can, fixed on him. John’s knuckles are white and clammy between her fingers.
Is that a ticket machine, or just a shadow, an absence?
Is that a hitman disguised as a janitor pulling a gun, or is it Viggo’s soul?
Is that the crowd of the night shift commuters, or is it the horde that has already tried and failed to kill the Baba Yaga?
Either way, they are hunted.
Adrenaline hits again and the void recedes. There is a janitor pulling a gun – in fact, there are two. She and John are running, hand in hand.
She’s keeping him upright, following his lead, and he loses their assailants long enough to round a corner into a particularly dingy stretch of the thoroughfare, where a panhandler’s babbling echoes across the concrete and iron. He leans against a metal divider, his possessions heaped up next to him, no different from the down-on-their-luck people to be found in every subway station of every city in the world. But she recognizes the code phrase. “Things you see, things you see at night, man…” He’s saying it over and over. She staggers towards him as a beacon of safety, taking John with her.
He still has enough strength to let a gold coin fall into in the man’s cup. The babbling goes silent, and he’s looking up at them. For a second, Helen is afraid they have the wrong person, or that John is going to pass out before he’s able to explain what they need. Finally, he grunts, “Take us to him. Tell him it’s John Wick…and his wife.”
Then he drops to the ground next to that heaped up pile of belongings, and drags one of the blankets over himself. Helen knows it’s purely to hide his body from view, but the sheer vulnerability of the gesture sends her reeling with protectiveness. Clearly, he needed it. He is so grateful to be laying down, to have something shielding his body from the air that feels so inexplicably frigid. It will not do at all for him to be face down on the cold floor. She kneels beside him, pulling his head into her lap, and drags a second blanket over them both. It creates a warm pocket of dulled sound, filled up with his shallow breathing. He shivers against her as shock claims him completely. In darkness, in that hidden fragment of safety, she bends forward, wrapping his whole head in her bulletproof body, enveloping him in a comforting shield. Is that the haunted otherworld around them, or the bustle of the living? It makes no difference. She will defend him either way.
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fangirlexpress · 5 months
Chicago Fire: Finding You Masterlist
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Fanfiction link: TBA Plot: Bumping into ex-fling Gianna Mackey on a busy city street is the last thing Blake Gallo expected when he moved to Michigan several months before. Even more shocking? She acts like she has no idea who he is. When Blake finally gets her to admit she remembers him, she demands he keep his distance. And then Gianna suddenly goes missing a few days later, her car abandoned in a vacant lot, keys still in the ignition, and Blake becomes determined to find her at any cost...
Pairing(s): Blake Gallo x Gianna Mackey Darren Ritter x Nico Pavonotti (oc) Violet Mikami x Sam Carver
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fragmcntedsouls · 3 months
klaus mikaelson ✦ gianna madden ( @giannaxmadden )
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"Politics is a complex, if not dirty game" Klaus quipped as he enclosed his and Gianna's distance with two glasses of liquor in his hands. For now however, he kept Gianna's just out of reach. "I see now that you are particularly well versed in keeping your friends close and enemies closer."
His statement was offered harshly, unusual for the tone he would normally use with the banshee, but he was beginning to feel like a pawn in her game. Not something he himself was used to. "Enlighten me, when was it that you were planning on sharing the truth for your being here?" His jaw tightened as he stood opposite the senator, gaze narrowing as he studied her. "You see, I was under the impression that we were building a partnership on trust" finally, he handed her the drink. "So listen closely when I tell you that if you dare bite the hand that feed's you, I will be forced to choke you with it."
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drevdfuel · 10 months
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i saw  GIANNA AGUILAR  coming through the trees. the  25  year old was fleeing from  VANCOUVER , BRITISH COLUMBIA  when they came across novac , and have sought salvation within the motel of purgatory.  GIGI  has been in town for  ONE YEAR  and has been assigned as a  FARMER  to keep society running smoothy. no matter what , they will find something to fight for.
———— ◽️ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒
full name.    gianna guilla luisa isabel aguilar
nickname.    gigi
birthdate.    october 8 , 1998
identity.    genderfluid , she / they
sexuality.    queer , demiromantic
family.    ruben aguilar  † ( father ) ,  pavati aguilar nee moreno  † ( mother ) ,  matteo aguilar  † ( eldest brother ) ,  javier aguilar  † ( older brother ) ,  daniel ' dani ' aguilar  † ( younger brother )
———— ◽️ 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐏
𝚎𝚡𝚑𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚒𝚛
tba hehe. 
𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 (𝚝𝚕;𝚍𝚛'𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 )
LABELED a tomboy since she could remember , gianna spent all of her free time outside , collecting grass stains rather than dolls. finding an equal balance between rugby and soccer , while also maintaining good grades and a healthy social life was her biggest concern. such trivial issues in comparison to what was to come.
THEIR dad passed away when gianna was just shy of her 13th birthday , the first tragedy experienced. after suffering a heart attack, he fell into a coma that he unfortunately would not recover from. losing the patriarch of the house was difficult , and matteo felt obligated to fill the role , which put a strain on gianna's relationship with their eldest brother.
GIANNA was 15 when all hell broke loose in the surrounding neighborhood. chilling screams filled the dead of night , people were running through the streets , homes and vehicles up in flames. that night felt like a fever dream , she can barely remember how their family managed to escape , but she'll never forget the carnage left behind.
HER youngest brother was the first family member lost , their mom soon following. a complete stranger lunged at them , teeth seeking flesh and dani's arm getting caught in the crossfire. when he eventually succumbed to the virus , their mom was too heartbroken and hysterical to let him go , thus resulting in her own demise.
SEEKING out refuge , the remaining aguilar siblings travelled south , attracted to the promise of shelter and protection from the military in the cities like many others. for several years , it was comforting to find unity with other survivors and lead as normal a life as they were permitted. but all that glitters is not gold.
TO this day , gianna isn't sure if it was an act of rebellion against their eldest brother's constant hovering or if javier had just finally cracked under the pressure of the harsh , new reality. but he did something risky and stupid , repeatedly , until he got caught and was turned into an example , costing his life in exchange. matteo and gianna made their escape the following night , putting as much distance as they could between themselves and any military-controlled faction.
SO she got stuck with the bro she couldn't see eye to eye with , classic. they argued lots , and blamed anything they could on each other ( gigi might've pulled a real low blow at some point by blaming javier's death on matteo oop ). they were so busy being angry with each other that they got cornered by a few clickers. ultimately, matteo got torn to shreddies just before somebody / somebodies from novac swooped in to save gianna , bringing her back to town.
fast forward a whole year , gigi has established pretty decent rapport within their little community. definitely earns their keep by helping wherever they can , the main role obviously being work as a farmer. was pretty closed off and guarded on arrival , but she's opened up a lot and is lowkey a huge softie for her people.
———— ◽️ 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐒
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beefromanoff · 1 year
Going Under Ch. 2
summary: Bucky Barnes is assigned to head the security detail of an internationally beloved singer named Gianna as his next mission.
characters: Bucky Barnes x OC
soundtrack: girls chase boys - ingrid michaelson
warnings: fluff, pop star fantasy x love story, set in an AU where the Avengers reunite after Civil War, pre-infinity war, slight angst, hurt/comfort, lonely reader/OC.
author’s note: this is my first ever fanfic, so please be kind! I have so many chapters written but not edited, so prepare for spam. enjoy xoxo
chapter list/links - xo
chapter 2
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Bucky stood at the back of the empty auditorium, watching as Gianna rehearsed her set for the tour. He had to admit, he was still impressed. The tour had three solid weeks under its belt, and he hadn’t gotten tired of hearing her sing yet. Although he was required to be where she was for her protection, he never minded rehearsals. Her voice was powerful and soulful, and it filled the room with a sense of energy and passion. It had all the beauty of her real performance, without the thundering sounds of the crowds. This was quickly becoming his favorite part of the job.
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Gianna was wearing a silk slip dress with a thick knit cardigan hanging off of her shoulders, and her hair was stacked on top of her head in pink curlers, carefully placed by Kate before rehearsal. He was always confused about how she managed to be cold underneath such hot lights, but if she ever forgot her cardigan or a sweatshirt of some kind, she’d sucker Bucky into running back to the bus to grab it for her. He had half a mind to just keep an extra jacket on him.
As he watched her tap her earpiece to make sure it was in place, Bucky couldn't help but feel a pang of attraction. As he watched her move across the stage, her voice rang out in the otherwise silent room. Her bare feet padded across the stage. She waited until the very last second to put her shoes on before each show, to the point that sometimes Bucky worried she would miss her cue. So far, she always made it work.
As she finished her set, Bucky stood from the front row, clapping slowly. Gianna turned to face him, a smile spreading across her face.
"You know, you don’t have to clap every time" she teased, her blush giving away that she didn’t mind a single bit.
Bucky grinned. "I clap when the performance warrants applause.”
Gianna's blush deepened, and she smiled as she was being tugged offstage to finish hair and makeup. He followed at a distance, going to resume his normal post outside the dressing room until the show was about to begin and it was time to get her backstage.
To his surprise, he hadn’t minded the first few weeks of the tour. Gianna kept her team small and close knit, so there weren’t many people with them consistently besides the four of them that had flown in together. The band traveled separately so they could bring their families. The daily schedule was strict, but Bucky liked the routine. Gianna was easy to like, always kind and seemed to overflow with sunshine despite her grueling schedule. 
They hadn’t spent much time together over the past few weeks, but the first leg of the tour was coming to an end and Bucky knew they had a day off coming up soon. He didn’t know how Gianna would want to spend it, but he was sure if it was him in her shoes, he’d choose sleeping. Something told him she didn’t feel the same way. 
The morning of their first day off, the sun was shining bright over Panama City Beach, and Gianna was excited to spend her day off exploring the little beach town. She was even more excited to get to know her mysterious, brooding head of security.
The night before, as he was walking her back to her hotel room, she had asked Bucky to spend the day with her. “My only other friend here is Tom, and he’s 55 years old.” Gianna joked. Kate had made it clear to everyone that she would be sleeping all day and was not to be disturbed unless there was a “hair or makeup emergency”.
“Well, doll, Tom might be a better option for you. I’ve got another 50 years on him.” Bucky joked. Gianna rolled her eyes and lightly shoved his shoulder, her hand feeling the firm metal beneath his leather jacket.
“You know, one day I want your life story too. I know you got a case file on me the size of an encyclopedia, but here I am wondering how on Earth I’m supposed to respond to you telling me you’re my great great grandpa’s age.” She teased.
Bucky had guessed by her cavalier reaction that she’d already done some of her own research. He appreciated how calmly she handled the unusual bits of information he threw at her in their daily interactions. He wasn’t sure how much she knew or wanted to know, but he figured the conversation was inevitable. She could Google it herself, so he’d rather be the one to tell her things from his perspective. Just....not yet. 
“You know you don’t have to ask me to hang out with you, that’s my job.” Bucky said, bumping his shoulder back into hers as a rebuttal to her teasing. “But for the record, I’d love to.” 
Gianna smiled at him over her shoulder as she slid the keycard into her door and went inside. “Night, Buck. See you in the morning, maybe 8ish?”
He nodded at her and waited until the lock clicked in place before walking across the hall to his room, eager for 8am to roll around. 
Their first stop was a coffee shop.
Gianna was surprised to find out that Bucky didn't have a signature coffee order. “What do you mean you only drink black coffee? That’s for red eye flights and hotel rooms only, not when you have another option.” She feigned shock.
“Well, they didn't have fancy lattes before I joined the military, and unfortunately, Hydra didn't have an espresso machine.” Bucky said, holding his hands up in mock innocence. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin.” His blue eyes scanned the long coffee menu for more variations of espresso and milk than he even thought possible.
Gianna thought it was adorable that he was overwhelmed by the wide world of lattes and made a snap decision.
“We’ll take one of everything, half hot, half iced. Oh, and two croissants please.” She smiled and passed her card to the confused and slightly starstruck cashier. As she signed the receipt, she must have felt Bucky’s panic because she winked and told him that the record label was paying for it.
After Gianna took a few photos with the staff members, she and Bucky camped out at one of the small wire tables on their quaint patio overlooking the beach. They sat, sipped, and sampled all the coffees until they found his favorite: a hazelnut latte.
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“Slightly sweet, smooth, and classic. I can totally see it.” Gianna said, holding her two personal favorites in each hand. Bucky grinned and took another sip of the latte, which looked adorably small in his metal fist.
“If this kicks off my coffee addiction, I’m blaming you.” He grumbled. 
“It’s about time I rubbed off on you, we’ve only been inseparable for three weeks. You were bound to pick up some of my habits, and it was either excessive coffee drinking or singing in the shower.” 
“It had to be the coffee, because I already sing in the shower.” Bucky said in his normal deadpan voice, stopping Gianna for a moment because she could neither tell if he was kidding nor picture him singing in the shower. Not a bad mental image though.
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As they walked along the beach, they spotted a pier and stumbled upon some carnival games. Gianna saw the signature strong man game where you swing a rubber hammer to a strike plate and see how hard you can hit it. If the bell dings, you win and get a prize. If not, you’re out $5 per attempt. 
Bucky and Gianna stood and watched as several boyfriends fell short and failed to get their girlfriends a prize. 
Putting on her widest eyes and poutiest lip, Gianna gave Bucky a look implying she wanted him to try. 
“No. No, absolutely not.” He shook his head stubbornly. “That wouldn’t be fair.” 
“Okay Barnes, after everything you’ve been through, I’m sure you’re entitled to an unfair advantage at a carnival game.”  
He smiled, although she had shown her hand and revealed she knew more about his past than she was letting on. At least she was letting him tell her at his own pace. He signed and handed a $5 bill to the man working the game, then took the hammer and looked at Gianna. 
“I hope you’re happy.” He brought the hammer up over his head and slammed it down onto the strike plate. He hit the machine so hard that it sank into the splintered wood of the boardwalk and rested about a foot into the boards themselves. The machine operator was in pure shock.
“So, can we take a prize then?” Bucky asked, to which the operator nodded furiously.
Gianna chose a giant stuffed bear, although Bucky wasn’t sure they had room on the bus for it. He took one look at her giant smile and decided he’d let the bear sleep in his bunk if it meant making her this happy. He reached for the bear as he saw Gianna struggle to keep it from dragging on the ground. 
"Doll, this bear is almost as big as you," Buck said, laughing at the sight of her struggling to carry the stuffed animal. He threw it over his shoulder and helped her up the sand as they walked back to the hotel.
"I know, it’s amazing!" Gianna replied, grinning from ear to ear. "I’ve always wanted one of these, but I’ve never actually been to a carnival. This definitely crossed an item off of my bucket list. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Today was SO much fun. This was the most fun I’ve ever had with anyone who’s being paid to hang out with me.” As she spoke, Gianna looped her arm around Bucky’s and walked closer to him. He tried to ignore the warmth spreading through him when she leaned her head on his shoulder.
Bucky smiled, feeling grateful for the time he spent with her, and not just because he was paid to do so. "Anytime, doll. I'm glad we got to spend the day together. Thanks for helping me be less of an out-of-touch old man."
After making sure Gianna was securely in her hotel room with the bear, he crossed the hall and thought of how he wouldn’t mind starting every day with a hazelnut latte across from her. 
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tumbleweeddesktop · 1 year
The fact that the rant fic I made because I was frustrated with another ship's antic in a different fic I'm still working will probably finish first than the actual fic it stems from is funny
Anyway the run down of said rant fic is :
Rudy is the presumed dead first son of the Camorra. He keeps a good relationship with Gianna and Santino but the three of them knew how to keep distances. Alejandro knows who he marries so there was no shock there for him.
Santino is married to John bcs he uses more than 2 braincells this time.
Then Santino gets kidnapped and was brought to Las Almas bcs his kidnappers are stupid like that. John finds out, but Gianna offers help in the form of Rudy and LV.
The bullshit is how tf will they navigate hiding the truth from 141 bcs they're there for a vacation and now it's a rescue mission
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sanamet · 1 year
My fav headcanons i have about Santino, like it or leave it. Man really likes 2000s pop music because that was the time he was in his late teens- 20s and would go to the clubs and that’s what he’d hear all the time(britney, timberlake, eminem, aguillera, ricky martin and many more) it’s why he has such an attitude problem, he’s above everyone else; He has a bachelors in art history and a masters in art construction and criticism, it’s why he was the most valuable asset to his father, he would know and distinguish art pieces so well, he also paints with oils and has headaches; Santino has migraines from time to time, hospital ending up time- it’s because his mother died in a car crash while he was there and his head was injured, he woke up to hear his mummy is gone; Is allergic to strawberries, death type allergy, his throat could close up and he could suffocate; Really loves children, his favorite child is Matteo- Gianna’s baby boy son she has with Cassio in secret; Has a black belt in Taekwondo, is very respectful to the art and he could knock someone out with his legs, that’s why they’re so toned and muscly from the rest of his physique, he can do a split midair, he’s very cool about Taekwondo, but he uses it solely for his own defense.; Motherfucker has a ENTIRE ROOM for his weaponry both ancient and modern, think about how John has a room for his guns, Santino has replicas of : east asian knives and swords, arabic daggers and swords, south american weaponry, etc. He very much wants to know about different cultures and what not, he looks at them and feels so in tune with himself, because he just loves a close kill, not a gun from a distance, if it’s someone he kills, it has to be significant, symbolic and intimate.
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Hi again!!! First of all I wanted to say I loveeeed pt 2 of Gianna and Megatron!! So ty for thatttt
Second, can I request a pt 3?? Where Gianna looks at the message that Megatron sent??
Pls and ty!!!!<333
Sorry this took so long, I have a thing called work. I don't recommend it.
MegatronXGianna Part.3
The next morning, Gianna gets out of bed and starts her morning routine. After she changes, she walks over to her computer, while brushing her teeth. She sees it flashing, meaning a new message. Whike she brushes her teeth, she opens, types her password and is met with the message. She sees the name and freezes.
Gianna: "that name....it cant..."
When she opens the message, she sees the message from megatron.
Dear Ginna, I must apologize for not telling you the reason why I wanted you to come with during our fight last night. I wish to meet you again and speak of our deal. Explaing why I wish to see you. There will not be any strings attached nor is this a trick. Soundwave has hacked in you're phone and you should already have a random number in you're contacts. Just type a message and a ground bridge will open. I hope to see you soon.
While ginna reads this, the toothbrush inside of her mouth falls out, landing on the floor. (Ew)
Gianna reads the message over and over and cheaks her phone. There was indeed a random number in her contacts.
Ginna thinks about what she should do. 'Should she alert the autobots about this? Should she try to do this herself? Why am I talking to myself.....burger...heh'
Ginna shakes her head and thinks back on the tast in hand. After thinking over it for a bit, she sighs and comes up with a plan. So around noon, ginna drives outside of the city, parks her car and messages the number. After a few solid minutes, a ground bridge opens. Ginna takes a deep breath and walks thru.
She is met with megatron, Soundwave, and starscream. All of them looking down to her but also keeping her distance.
Ginna: "so, why am I here?"
Megatron: "just to speak and to awnser you're question."
Ginna: "and them?"
Ginna points at starscream and Soundwave.
Megatron: "they wished to be here while we fight."
Ginna: "Ah ok..........wait what?"
Megatron: "you asked me to awnser you're question from yesterday and I'm doing just that. I wish to have a duel. It's quite intresting to find a human that can match my battle skills. So, I just want a rematch."
Ginna: "ya, ok, totally dosent seem like a trap. Let me guess, you want to duel but the hitch is if you beat me I tell you where th3 autobot base is, bla, bla, bla, we have been here before."
Megatron: "I don't think you understand human-"
Ginna: "ginna. My name is Ginna, not human."
Megatron: "Ginna...it has been years since I felt like my old self. Feeling like I was back at the pits of kaon. It's rare that I have that feeling, and I wish to fight the person who seems to hold their own."
Ginna: "optimus can hold his own aginst you, why can't you ask him?"
Megatron: "that fool is no match to my fighting skills. Plus, it's quite intresting to fight a new foe who is in a diffrent size."
Megatron says whole he pinches his digits.
Ginna: "......and if I refuse?"
Megatron: "you will be groundbridged back from once you came."
Ginna: ".........."
I hope you like it! It's up to you now, what will she do? Part.4?
(I'm having alot of fun with this one XD)
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partyinginbed · 23 days
What happens when rockstar Bawdy meets college-student Gianna's parents? Gianna already knows that her parents won't approve of his tattoos and lifestyle. They wake up at 6:30 every morning to do yoga and he's just going to sleep after clubbing. They'll keep comparing her to her perfect sister. She's already starting to keep things from them and finds herself distancing away from her family, and this dinner doesn't help bring them closer. In fact, it even threatens to push her away from Bawdy.
Read my newest chapter just added
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gabbylovetime · 2 months
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My new oc "Georgia"
Georgia and/x Y/N (reader)
Georgia is a hopgender 7 year old kid who was born
On June 17th 2015 they died at a Halloween party October 31st Georgia was a little girl who lived in a city named Luni town,Gacha city Georgia always wanted a friend but then anybody doesn't want to be friends with her except y/n y/n liked Georgia but Georgia sees y/n as a friend y/n was really kind and friendly to Georgia Georgia liked to talk to y/n all the time y/n don't know that Georgia sees y/n sees him as a friend Georgia knows y/n has feelings but Georgia doesn't want to accept the feelings but even tho Georgia is heterosexual ally she doesn't like the fact that y/n has feelings for her but does like the fact that y/n has feelings for someone
"Georgia" "yes y/n" "Georgia your really beautiful" I always liked you a lot" "o-oh" "so I'm scared but" "hm" "GEORGIA I LIKED YOU OK" *Georgia wasn't surprised because they know y/n had a crush on them so Georgia became clean* "oh y/n I'm not surprised" "hu-huh" *y/n was confused* "y/n listen" *Georgia was scared but they have become really clean and tell the truth* "y/n I don't like you in a romantic way" "wait WUT" *Georgia decided to come out as a heterosexual ally* "I'm heterosexual ally" *y/n was really shocked and was shaking* *Georgia looked at y/n they was worried* "OMG y/n are you alright " "ugh" *y/n runs away crying* *Georgia was shocked to see y/n crying while running* "Y/N WAIT-" "Georgia pov: dang it"
Voice claim of Georgia: penny (Mr Peabody and Sherman)
Introduction of Georgia
Full name: Gianna Sabrina Leveling
Age: 7-8
Death of year: 2018
Birth of year: 2015
Cause of death: getting shot by serial killer
Personality: self - centered (in a silly way) cute shy caring friendly huggable disappointed playful distance
Likes/loves: toys playing with everyone/everybody drawing spending time with everyone else defending others
Dislikes/hates: mean people getting betrayed getting used unacceptable people
Skills: Dancing swimming ice skating making flowers playing with toys comforting others
This is a part 1 of "Georgia and/x y/n (reader)
So part 2 will be coming on Saturday
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showalittlespine · 3 months
LOCATION — The Berkeley Estate, Guildford [Awards 2024] DATE — March 22nd, 2024. STARTER — closed for @gianna-palazzolo
'No weapons allowed.'
It hadn't been much of a deterrent. Anything was a weapon with enough initiative, especially for rats like Nicoleta, who had done most of their growing up in the city equivalent of a sewer, where obligatory creativity was the weapon of choice for the poor and downtrodden. And this mansion... Absolutely fucking spoiled for choice.
The nails holding up the family portraits, statues of onyx and ivory, displays glinting with heavy gemstones, golden doorstops, the musical instruments hastily abandoned in one room, the trays of hors d'oeuvres in another...
All things considered, it was much harder work to remember who the hell Vincenzo Vespucci had brought with him. She'd wasted too many minutes looking for a copy of the guest list (fail) before switching to eavesdropping (also a fail), before giving up and using the tried and true method of a little intimidation on an old Italian nonno with the help of his own tie (success). Would it have killed Kosta to attach a headshot??
But at long last, she's found her. The brunette's a couple of paces ahead, walking with a sense of urgency not mirrored by her assailant. Up a flight of stairs, down one corridor, Nicoleta stalks her in silence. Her fingers tighten around the silver handle of a Chinese vase, waiting for just the right clearing. A couple runs by, hand-in-hand, and then it's empty, then Giovanna Palazzolo is fumbling with a lock, then—
The heavy vase goes whistling through the air. The jarring impact is too sudden, the distance too short to give time to react, and the Italian plummets with a surprised 'oh'.
Nicoleta's footsteps slow. She kicks off her heels, bends down to grab one shoe, and slams the stiletto into the glass casing containing a fire extinguisher. The crystalline smash sends splinters everywhere, and as Nicoleta waits for the brunette to catch her bearings, she leans into the wall, one leg crossed against the extinguisher, and smiles.
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