#gilbert starting to cry when you give him a cure AND THEN-
acridid-s · 10 months
Bloodborne's cut dialogue altered my brain chemistry
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shoami323 · 1 year
YEAR 1301
Matilda's pregnancy progressed rather normally and steady after she found out about it. She even made friends with some other girls her age, who were also freshly married and pregnant. They often talked about their husbands, their pregnancies and just how life was. Matilda found the topics a little odd at first, but she soon got used to it. The only thing she still found unusual was that, even though she was younger than most of the girls, her belly was almost twice as big as the regular one... But she brushed it off, thinking that maybe it was just her imagination.
One warm, February evening in 1301, while she was caring for the garden, a sudden pain hit her. It was so strong that she couldn't breath for a moment, almost falling to her knees. She didn't need much thought to know what was happening with her. She was going into labor.
She didn't waste any time, instantly going to her husband and telling him what was going on. Gilbert stayed calm, though it was very hard to do so, comforting his wife in any way that he could.
It wasn't until late at night when the pain was unbearable to the young girl and the contractions were more frequent. Breathing slowly, she changed into her nightgown and awaited the birth.
"Gilbert" - she said, looking straight in her husband's green eyes. "Gilbert, I'm scared. What if something goes wrong?"
The boy only smiled and put a loving kiss on his wife's soft, red cheek.
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"My love, you're a strong girl. You'll survive, I just know it. I'm aware of the fact that you're scared - and it's nothing new or weird, as it's your first pregnancy. But believe me when I say that everything will be alright, okay? We're in this together. We'll always be."
Matilda smiled, visibly happier. This guy.... He really could make her calmer in just a few seconds.
The labor progressed through the night, and after a few hours, a sweet little girl was delivered. Matilda was tired, exhausted even, but the sight of a crying newborn made her forget about all the pain she went through. The girl was given was named Eleanor, and she seemed perfectly healthy.
But Matilda still felt an urge to push. And something she had to push out was much bigger than just a placenta. Suddenly, her bigger belly started to make sense.
"Gilbert, wait" - she said, getting stressed again. "I... I think there's more than just one baby in here."
A wave of worry rushed over the teenage boy, but he knew that he couldn't seem like he's freaking out. That wouldn't be good for Matilda and an unborn baby.
"Okay" - he said. "Let's get this baby out of here."
The second baby took a lot less time to get out, and after about half an hour, a second baby girl was delivered. This one was named Lucia Bennett and was just as healthy as her older twin sister.
"I'm so insanely proud of you, songbird" - Gilbert exclaimed, tears forming in his eyes. "We have two baby girls, thanks to you and your strenght. Thank you, thank you so much for this."
"I'm happy, too" - said Matilda. She was too tired to say anything else, but she looked at her newborn daughters with an unconditional love in her warm, brown eyes.
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But life is never truly perfect.
A few days after giving birth, Matilda started feeling worse and worse. She had a high fever, so high that she often seemed like she was just a wrack of a human - only laying in bed, doing nothing else. Gilbert tried to do what he could, cooking meals, doing gardening and fishing to earn some money. They both hoped that it was just a temporary thing that will soon pass. Unfortunately, when they finally got enough money for a doctor visit, he didn't have good news. Matilda was diagnosed with a childbed fever that was already killing her.
Knowing that there wasn't any cure, Gilbert and Matilda tried to spend as many time as they could with eachother and their newborn children. It was ironic - they were freshly married, only 13 and 15 years old, and yet one of them was going to pass away not even a year after their wedding. But still, they were there for eachother. Until one day, when Gilbert returned from his fishing trip to the nearby sea shore, he found his young wife laying on the floor, lifeless
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Matilda Bennett, wife of Gilbert and mother of Eleanor and Lucia Bennett, died of childbed fever in February, 1301. She was only 13 years old. After her death, her husband was left alone with two newborns to care for.
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mismaeve · 3 years
♕ Burning Lights ♕
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Chapter 1 of the Burning Lights series Pairing: Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson Warnings: None Summary: Elijah finds Katherine after she has taken the cure.  _________________________________________________
A dream, it must have been a dream... Katherine Pierce was forcing her eyes to remain shut, all the while feeling panic take control over her body. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her breathing shallow. Her entire body ached after the beating she had endured. The cure..Involuntary tears found their way underneath her long lashes and streamed down her cheeks. She knew the predicament she was currently in yet tried her best to ignore it, to shove it aside. Opening her eyes would mean accepting reality, and that was about the last thing Katherine wanted to do. She wanted to, needed to, deny it for as long as she possibly could.  No, no, no.. this wasn’t how her story was supposed to end. Not like this, not at the hands of Little Miss Perfect Elena Gilbert. Her panic made way for anger which she felt was about to consume her whole. If blood could boil, hers was definitely on the verge of it. As the rage within her roared and exploded, Katherine opened her eyes.
ㅤ “Katerina..” A wave of hot and cold went through her body like a lightning bolt. Katherine sat up on the bed she had been placed on and turned her head in the direction of the hushed voice. Her dark brown eyes locked with his almost identical ones. The sight of him crushed every strength her rage for Elena had mustered up, her entire being now overwhelmed by her current state. Katherine opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but the only thing to come out was a sob followed by more unwelcome tears that seemed to burn on her skin. In less than a heartbeat she found herself embraced by his arms, her face pressed into his chest. His strong arms held her close as she surrendered herself to her pain, to her new fate, to her humanity. He rocked her gently, never saying a word, only pulling her closer to him as he felt her body tremble with every sob and cry that escaped her lips. He held her as he witnessed this side of her which so reminded him of the vulnerable girl he had met centuries ago. His Katerina. After what felt like forever, Katherine finally felt herself calm down some. She leaned back slightly, her teary face gazing up at the immaculate Mikaelson. Her eyes were red and glassy, yet they had a soft glow to them. Elijah looked down at her and couldn’t help himself but admire the fragile human he was holding in his arms. “How are you here?” she asked him softly yet the confusion in her tone evident. “I didn’t enjoy how we left things, I wished to make sure you would be alright,” Elijah said quietly as he reached out to move a loose curl out of her face, “rest assured, Katerina, I’m currently were relieved I came back seeing the predicament you currently are in.” And there it was. If there was one thing Katherine couldn’t stand, it was pity. She rose to her feet leaving the embrace of the man she knew she would always love, and made her way across the room to the window. “Yes, well, I neither want nor need your pity, Elijah,” she said trying to sound nonchalant. “Pity-?” “You made it extremely clear where you stood with us, there’s no changing it just because I’m human,” she said as she turned around, her eyes locking with his. There was nothing more Katherine wanted than for Elijah to sweep in and rescue her, but she was still Katherine Pierce and she would be damned if she let Elijah know this. Not after how he had left her to pursue his idiotic dream of redeeming Klaus when everyone knew that Klaus Mikaelson was a lost cause if there ever was one. No, he would have to work for it now. “I can assure you, it’s not pity I feel for you,” Elijah answered simply adjusting his tie as he did. “Oh no? Then what?” Katherine crossed her arms over her chest slightly intrigued. She was so sure he’d feel pity for her current state of affairs. Maybe even guilt. “No,” Elijah shook his head slightly, “I must admit, I was concerned, however I cannot help but feel utter awe,” he finished softly, his eyes never leaving hers. “Awe?” Katherine raised her eyebrows not having expected to hear that. “Albeit you don’t see it, you have been given a chance to start over, to start fresh. One might say your slate has been wiped clean,” Elijah got up and made his way over to where his former lover was standing and looking rather dumbfounded. “When Rebekah wanted to take the cure I dismissed it as another one of her whims, but when I look at you now,” his voice trailed off as his hand reached for her cheek, his thumb stroking it gently, “I see the sweet girl I had met five lifetimes ago,” he whispered. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, “Elijah, please tell me you’re not being serious.” “Do I give you the impression of not being serious?” he tilted his head as a tiny smile was stealing across his lips. Katherine took his hand off her cheek and brushed past him only to turn around on her heel, her face a mix of disbelief and disgust.  “Don’t be daft, Elijah!”, she exclaimed, “the cure may have removed my immortality and the perks that came along with it but it did not clean any slates and it definitely did not make any improvements,” she spat in irritation. How could he think that? “You’re too upset to see this now but-” Elijah started before Katherine interrupted him mid-sentence. “Oh, I promise you I’m plenty upset! I’m mortal now, do you understand what that actually means? I can get hurt, I can get sick and I can die in a way that is permanent,” she started to feel the same panic she had felt earlier upon her waking, “I have enemies everywhere, and when word gets out that I’m human, they will all come for me. Where is your so called ‘awe’ in that?”
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captainlordauditor · 4 years
important facts about earth 427, the shove everything in until it fits au, in no particular order
Jason used to be allergic to strawberries and gluten intolerant. Alfred stopped keeping strawberries in the house, ever, because whenever they had them Jason would eat them anyway and give himself hives. The Lazarus pit got rid of this since it gives you your ideal body and Jason craves that forbidden fruit
Bruce, watching his son, whom he knows is lactose intolerant and allergic to strawberries, eating strawberry yogurt: please tell me you’re at least still on your antiretrovirals
Jason, whose HIV got cured by the Lazarus pit: :D
the lactose intolerance was not changed by the Lazarus pit, he just takes Lactaid
the Riddler looks like Brian David Gilbert
Tim’s YouTube is xxX_redbat5ever_Xxx. It is primarily cliched shippy batfamily music videos
Dick is friends with the owner of the only Romani restaurant in Bludhaven (which canonically exists, somehow) and her couch is prime hero real estate. She’s a little old lady from the opposite side of Europe as Dick’s family. She has tried to set him and his brothers up with her family members at least twice
Bette Kane gets so mad at the Titans she goes to the other side of the country and starts her own team called the Argonauts
Bruce has a second cousin who’s a rogue in Baltimore named Cherry Bomb
Most of the other masks in Baltimore are either Poe themed, corvid themed, or water themed
The most popular Wayne family tiktoks include one of Titus looking more and more resigned as Damian sets puppies next to him and Alfred talking to Alfred the cat as he cooks
Carrie Kelley has an aunt who’s a PI and worked with Batman on a case once before Carrie was born
Raven is the ultimate no bra at home woman
doing each other’s hair is an important bonding activity for Tamaraneans. They also don’t dye it and the culture Kori is from rarely cuts it. As such Kori thinks Roy, who gets the others to help him with his hair and doesn’t cut it/rarely cuts it, is the only sensible human when it comes to haircare until 3 years after knowing him when she walks in on him dyeing it
the first time Jason met Cass he was unconscious and he just woke up later with a phone number on his arm and the word TEXT in all caps and underlined
Clark can’t see blue or purple very well and makes Lois check if his clothes match
Everyone in Gotham is ridiculously superstitious about death and demons. Almost everybody has a piece of silver, hazelwood, or iron by their door, and it’s also common to have it in your windows. Hanging bat figurines are especially popular.
Different families and neighborhoods in Gotham have their own death traditions, but most of them bury their dead with some kind of message to Death and the goddess of Gotham to let them stay dead. The Waynes bury their dead with deathbread, a kind of hardtack made with dried fruit, as either a plea to let them stay dead but acknowledging that if Gotham needs them she can raise them
Jason habitually eats it for breakfast to annoy his family
Bruce has an aunt that died when he was 3 and her ghost haunts the cave and yells at him sometimes, but only people who have died before can hear and see her so he never gets the message
Ivy makes plants that she names after her girlfriends. Harley’s is a multicolored daisy
Cass and Kate are their respective generations’ goth lesbian aunts
Selina has 9 lives because  Gotham Herself decided she should have them
Dick’s family knew the Joker before he became the Joker. Bruce is the only person to know this
Dinah Lance deafened her father as a baby with her Canary Cry
the Amazons use upper armbands as wedding rings
When Gordon becomes commissioner, he starts a special unit of the GCPD called the Masked Crimes Unit. the MCU is a subset of major crimes, specifically trained and assigned on rogue cases. In order to get onto the MCU, you have to be specifically picked by Gordon and vetted by Batman.This is why we see the same four detectives over and over.
Tim thinks US states make good names for children.
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drowning-in-dennor · 4 years
Lay Your Sleeping Head, My Love
It is a terrible thing to be in love with someone who you will outlive. [Recommended listening: A reading of W.H. Auden’s Lay Your Sleeping Head, My Love or, for those who like music more, a musical cover by Madeline Peyroux.]
  Henrik is so young.
  Perhaps not to some, as they may consider fifty to be plenty old enough. Fifty years, after all, is five whole decades, one half of a century. People tend to think that that is quite a long time.
  But Norway has lived for a thousand years, watched millions upon millions of humans be born and be snatched away from life, either by the hands of others or by the silent killers that are age and illness. Fifty years is a drop in the ocean to him.
  Despite his age, Henrik’s beauty is timeless. It is hard to believe that he, too, is not a nation. His wild mane of golden hair is like the Netherlands’, his piercing blue eyes those of Sweden, his seemingly boundless energy resembling America’s. He seems better suited to be the personification of the Kingdom of Denmark than the current one. The day Norway saw him in Copenhagen, resplendent and radiant in the Royal Theatre, he nearly thought that Denmark himself had a makeover.
  But not now. His untamed hair is splayed across the pillow, tickling Norway’s arm whenever he shifts. His sapphire eyes are glazed over with fever. He has never been so weak.
  He is beautiful anyways.
  Whatever illness is plaguing Henrik has no cure. It will snatch him away soon, stop his heart when he should’ve had twenty, thirty more years. Norway will lose him forever.
  The two of them are curled up in Norway’s bedroom, in a tiny cottage far, far away from the city. He has taken each and every one of his lovers here at least once. On this bed, love has been made before, but today it will be lost. Henrik is clinging on to his arm, trembling with cold despite the heavy quilt over him. From the floor-to-ceiling window on the other side of the room, all is black. The only light comes from a candle, its wick holding a flame as flickering as Henrik’s life.
  They have laid like this before, lazy and love-drunk in each other’s arms. This might be the last time they share a bed. 
  Henrik coughs. His chest spasms. Norway holds him closer and rubs his back soothingly, lips pressed tight to the crown of his head as he shakes. “Easy now,” he murmurs, “take deep breaths.”
  His breath is rattling. Henrik curls into the warmth of his chest. “Water,” he rasps. His loud, robust voice has been reduced to this.
  Norway hands him a glass and holds him steady as he sips from it. “Do you need anything else?”
  “No.” He smiles feebly. Even when weak, he is utterly charming. “Just need you.”
  He settles back in bed, his head resting on Norway’s arm. His eyes flutter closed. His breathing slows. Norway’s mind is left to wander again.
  He has never had a human die beside him - at least, not one of his lovers. They left him far before it was their time, always choosing another mortal partner over one that stayed eerily, eternally young. Henrik is the only one who was loyal - or would “foolish” be a better word? - enough to stay for thirty whole years.
  Some people may speak when they see this middle-aged man holding hands with one who looks not a day over twenty. But the words mortals say are nothing compared to the nations’ silent scrutiny. He isn’t like France, with the lovers he wears through half a decade at a time, but they stare all the same. I’m sorry, England’s eyes say. What a pity, Finland’s sigh. They all know how a relationship with a human will end.
  That is still nothing compared to the heavy, defeated acknowledgement that weighs down on Henrik when he is sad. No, no glare from the nations could hurt Norway as much as seeing Henrik reflect on the fact that yes, after he is gone from this world, not a century will pass before Norway will have forgotten him and found someone else. He is not special.
  And perhaps that will be the case one day, though he can never be sure; not even a nation like him can see the future. But now, all he can focus on is Henrik, trembling beside him. 
  Henrik’s eyes flutter open again. That beautiful blue gaze is dulling. Perhaps he will not last the night. But his grin is very much filled with life. Norway brushes his hair away from his clammy forehead, asking “how do you feel?”
  “Tired. But I’m always tired now.”
  “Does anything hurt?”
  He shakes his head slightly, exhaling with a puff. Even the tiniest movements exhaust him now. “Nothing. I want a kiss, though.”
  Norway obliges him, pressing his lips to Henrik’s and pretending they are just having another night together despite the air of illness and near-death that constantly lingers now. Outside the window, the sun is just beginning to rise. Day will come soon. Henrik nuzzles his neck. “Wish this could last forever,” he mumbles.
  “Just you and me. In bed together. Forever and ever.” He has to stop to catch his breath. The fingers that have been clinging to Norway’s nightshirt since last evening grow weak. 
  For him, it may well be eternal. He kisses Henrik again, square on the lips. To Hell if he catches whatever disease his lover has; he can survive it. His mortality means nothing.
  Birds are calling. Henrik groans in his half-sleeping state. 
  While the night slips away, Norway takes hold of his hand, running his fingers over the thin skin of his hand that is just starting to wrinkle. If only he were not dying.
  The only way to save Henrik from the inevitable grasp of death is to rid him of his humanity entirely. A couple decades ago, during the Second World War, Norway heard tales of England refusing to let a boy he thought his son depart from him, and in a fit of desperation christened him the Principality of Sealand so that he would live.
  He could do that, make Henrik the personification of Narvik, maybe, or Ålesund, or another small place so he could live forever without the stress of the rest of the personified world. But would Henrik want that?
  Sealand, or Peter as he calls himself, hated England after being immortalised, after being doomed to be a child forever. He cursed England for making it so that he’d never grow up, never know how it’d feel to be an adult. What if Henrik hated him the same way?
  They have never once talked about that possibility. Now that Henrik is barely clinging on to life, it might be a good time to. Norway runs his fingers through his hair, waiting for the next time he is coherent.
  Once again, his eyes flutter open. The light in them is almost extinguished. 
  “Does anything hurt?” Norway asks again.
  He sighs. “I wish I could magically cure you.”
  “It’s all right.” Henrik’s hand grows limper, fingers barely brushing his nightshirt. “Even if I - if I die, I’ll be happy.”
  “I could change you.” He can hear the desperation in his own voice. “I could let you personify a village, a small town, something like that. You could stay alive.”
  “No,” Henrik whispers.
  “Why not?”
  “Y-You deserve better.” He coughs, curling up in a ball. “Better... than me.”
  Tears, hot and shameful, blur Norway’s vision for a brief moment. “I’ll never find anyone better than you.”
  The smile that Henrik gives him is feeble, fleeting. It is so unlike his smiles from when he was healthy, grins radiant enough to light up the night sky. “You will.”
  He lets the tears fall. “But - “
  “You make me happy.” His other hand, clutched in Norway’s, twitches. He gently traces his hand with his thumb. “I won’t be happy if - “ he coughs again - “if I change.”
  He finally lets himself cry, hot tears rolling down his cheeks. Henrik’s weak hand stretches out to catch some of his teardrops. “Don’t cry,” he pleads. “Not... not over me.”
  The slowly-brightening sky is almost blinding to him. He wipes his eyes, feeling a cold, hollow emptiness take over him. How idiotic he must look, crying when he is the powerful, undying one.
  Henrik closes his eyes again. Norway forces himself to calm down. If only he were Belarus - harsh, hostile Belarus who despises humankind and refuses to befriend any, let alone love one. If he were like her, he would never have subjected himself to this sorrow over and over again.
  He rests a hand on Henrik’s chest. His heart is beating sluggishly, so weak that Norway can hardly hear it. In a few hours, it will stop altogether.
  How could he have taken those thirty years for granted? How could he have called his greatest love a fool, teased him for his many whims, when every second they spent should’ve been treasured? Are human lovers like this, too, in which they never care for the times they spend with their partners until it is all over? Or are they the logical ones here? Maybe they live every loving moment to the fullest.
  As Henrik lies quivering beside him, Norway thinks of lovers from the times before - Hans and Harald, Oscar and Alfred, Gilbert and Gordon. How easy their love was, in comparison to his! How easy it is to be a man who can only love other men, compared to an immortal cursed to love a human. Better die together than to outlive one’s many loves. Yes, humans with their mayfly years have it easy.
  “Nor?” Henrik is awake again, despite having closed his eyes no more than fifteen minutes ago.
  “Yes, dear?”
  “You should sleep.”
  “No, no.” Norway bends down to press a kiss to his cheek, breathing in his scent beneath the stench of illness. “I have to take care of you.”
  He shifts slightly, laying his head in the crook of his elbow. His fingers entwine with Norway’s. “You have work.” Henrik gasps, choking on his own breath. Once he can breathe again, he continues, “so you need rest. And I want to cuddle you.” He tries to wink.
  He has never been able to deny Henrik anything for long. He slides so that he’s lying down next to his lover and bundles him to his chest. It has always been the other way around, with Henrik squeezing him tight with steady arms. But he will have to be the strong one tonight.
  What did Henrik ever see in him? He does not have Italy’s charisma nor China’s beauty, nor Switzerland’s riches. He is a wisp of a man, awkward at best. He never thought he would attract humans.
  But he did. And the latest one, about to be stolen away like all the others, is in his arms. Norway kisses his forehead, hums a song they both know and love. Henrik laughs, a pained wheezing sound that sounds like he’s choking. He might be. 
  The sun is about to breach the horizon. Henrik’s heart, pumping laboriously against his arm, will not last much longer. His breaths have grown shallower, too. He will die before the day comes. 
  Fighting back tears, he kisses him again. The blanket settles warm and heavy over them. The mattress is soft. Aflame with fever, Henrik is almost too warm in his embrace. His head is buried in Norway’s shoulder; their fingers are still laced together. “Good morning and goodnight, Nor,” he mumbles.
  For Henrik’s sake, he forces himself to smile. “Good morning and goodnight, Henrik.”
  “I love you.”
  I adore you, Norway wants to say. I worship you, I would die for you, I would do anything to see you in good health once more. I live for you and you only. I love you even if I will forget you one day.
  But pretty words are worthless now. He kisses Henrik a third time, right on his chapped lips, and whispers, “I love you too.”
  He closes his eyes, afraid to open them again, for he knows what he will see.
  When Norway awakens, it is noon. The sun is high in the sky, blessing all the world with its golden light. 
  Henrik is still snuggled into his shoulder. The fingers lacing his are cold.
  Norway sits up, slowly easing Henrik down onto the pillows. He brushes his blond locks aside to take a look at him. 
  Henrik’s eyes are closed. He is smiling softly. He looks so young.
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Hello Love
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Hello Love
Part 1
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Elena Gilbert
a tvd crossover AU story
a/n: well, here is another fluffy fanfiction crossover story. This time all human. Since I am a huge fan of the vampire diaries - kind of always do crossovers with them.
As of recent I really started to like the character of Nick Amaro from Law&Order_svu, played by Danny Pino. I also love him as Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC... and so, in this story - paired with Elena Gilbert, of course, my favourite female character.
I hope you like it. Thanks for reading. xoxo
tag @miguelsbrat​
"The conversation ended really bad," Elena said to Caroline, "I can't breathe- I have this pain here"
The brunette put her hand on her chest.
"Elena-now you are exaggerating. You said the same thing when you broke up with Matt." Caroline was blunt with her oldest friend.
"This is different. I thought he was the one." Elena tried to make her point why she was so upset.
"Guys sleep around,you know that. Maybe not all, but -  Damon is such a guy-ok-where is your bag, your keys? Come on we need drinks. Lots of Martinis! "Caroline helped her friend put her jacket on. Elena wiped her tears off.
"Come on, get into the car" The blonde huffed a bit.
Elena could not say no to her and she didn't want to. She needed her friends beside her and she knew that, even though they could not make the heartache magically go away, they will do everything to make her feel a bit better.
They drove off to a place called Liberty Park. Elena put her sunglasses on, to hide her puffed up eyes. She felt a throbbing headache now set in.
"A walk in the park and some air will help", Caroline chatted away, "so tell me- you went to his place and she opened the door"
"Yes - and he was  like - oops, sorry - this  here - Krystal being there - it just a mistake- I love you like crazy, yadda, yadda, yadda-URGH-sure he loves me like crazy- and then sleeps with her?!" Elena inhaled sharply now and Caroline could notice that anger was taking over. It was good. Anger was the first step of starting to deal with the situation. Or maybe not. But, at least she was not crying anymore.
"Anger is good. Let it all out." Caroline said in a supportive kind of a tone, continuing, of course with questions, "And so what did you tell him? Why did you get into the fight in the first place?"
"Well, about her! Whenever she calls, he just goes over to her place. I know that they have a kid,-and now I will sound like a bitch- and I love the boy! You know me. I love kids. I want to have at least three-huh"
"Maybe, she staged everything?!" Caroline then said.
"No, he actually admitted sleeping with her!" Elena said.
"Really?" Elena nodded, "Stefan said they broke up because she wanted time off to herself. She kicked Damon out, right?!"
"I think that he has never really stopped loving her. And they have a five- year old kid - and what was I thinking?!"
"Stop that. You fell for him. And it's not the end of the world. Come on now, you need a Maritni. I know I do!" Caroline now urged her to go to their favourite bar that was not far from the park.
To give Elena much needed girly support, Caroline now called their other three friends to join them. Dialling Rebekah Mikaelson's number first.
"Rebekah?! Yes, if you can-of course we are- will call Bonnie-can you call Yemaya?-Good-Yep-See ya."
"I want pizza and and a big load of Martinis, so I can forget everything!" Elena said as they sat down at a table.
Caroline now told the waiter to keep the Martinis coming.
Elena was a sensitive creature, full of dreams, pure emotion, a sweet soul. Caroline was a very pragmatic one, strong, very opinionated, but with a heart of gold. And she would do anything for her bffs, but also for all those who suffered in any way. No wonder she got a law degree.
"Why me? I loved him" Elena now ventured into the self pity zone.
"You just fall in love- and put all heart out there!" Caroline stated, "and  usually with the wrong guys- just like me! But you will be cured. Bonnie will get the pizza. I'll give her a call."
Whenever there was a heartbreak, problems at work or family problems, the five would meet no matter what it was, they made a pact to be there for one another. But they also found time to get together to have a good time as well.
"Breathe now, Elena!" Rebekah said as she arrived a bit later, hugging her friend. "You will forget him! I promise you! Tomorrow it will be- Damon, who!?"
The waiter now served them another round of cocktails.
"Cocktails and pizza, seriously?" Bonnie said as she finally arrived.
"Elena wanted pizza?!" Caroline explained.
"Nevermind. What did you get?" Rebekah now said and  opened the pizza box.
"Extra cheese and pepperoni" Bonnie replied.
"Perfect! Caroline said taking a slice.
"It's kareoke night!" Bonnie looked at the board near the bar, adding, "Yemaya will be late. She has to finish her  article!"
"I don't know why she won't come and work for me-but I guess she likes to be a serious journalist and not write about fashion." Rebekah remarked taking a sip of her drink.
Rebekah was the editor of a fashion magazine in her family's newspaper empire. She and Caroline met in college and struck a friendship immediately. Bonnie became friends with Elena and Caroline in senior high as she moved from a small town from the north. Yemaya was Bonnie's cousin on her father's side.
The only one of them that had a steady relationship was Bonnie, dating Rebekah's brother Kol. The other women had loads of heartbreaks behind them and knew exactly how Elena felt.
A crazy fun night was starting as finally Yemaya arrived at the bar.
Rebekah, Elena and Caroline entertained everyone with their kareoke night. Letting go was just what everyone needed. Noone cared  about how they actually would feel in the  morning. But who cared about the hangover on a working day, once in a while everything needed to be let loose.
Caroline made sure Elena got home safe and sound, tucking her into bed litterally.
"You are my best bestie" Elena muttered with a drunken cheerful smile.
"Sweet dreams!" Caroline smirked at her friend before she switched off the light.
She exited Elena's tiny apartment.
The morning arrived, or better said, lunch hour was already on for most people, when she woke up and checked at her phone. There  were several missing calls with Damon's name on the display. She tossed the phone away and now tried to get up. Her head still felt woozy and she slightly regretted having way too many Martinis. She walked to the bathroom very slowly. A long shower would help as always.
Rebekah and Caroline already had met for brunch. Unlike Elena, they eased up with their drinks but were revisiting some of the scenes of the previous night.
"You could have chosen singing career. I never understood why you got into Law School." Rebekah remarked.
"My mum and dad - you she is the dective and he is the lawyer. It's good that I can let some steam out once in a while."
"Do you think she will take Damon back?! You know, Elena-she will get soft when he starts talking sweet to her"
"I don't know," Caroline said, "I really didn't get that she got into Damon. I have always thought that it would be his brother Stefan. They could talk, he was always helping her with stuff. After the break up with Matt."
"Wasn't she also going out with Tyler? He was really something.  Can I guy be so full of himself?!" Rebekah said.
"Ah, don't mention Tyler. So  wrong for her"
"Is there any right guy out there?!" Rebekah wondered, as she had a string of unhappy relationships and loads of one-night stands that she wanted to forget.
"Bonnie is the lucky one. I thought that Kol had already proposed. They are now four years together." Caroline changed the subject.
"I think that he is going to ask her to move in together. Well, they practically live together. One weekend they are inhis apartment, the next weekend in hers. Oh, I got news. Big news. Klaus is coming home. He is done building houses in Eastern Europe. Mother is preparing a great welcome party on Saturday. You guys are all invited." Rebekah said.
"Klaus is coming home?! His been like away-what-forever?!" Caroline remarked.
"Ten years. And so is Miguel. My adoptive brother. I guess they both had enough of being away from the family. Actually, Miguel has been back for a month now. Buy he is no party person, you know. His son Cristobal is so amazing."
"Cristobal?" Caroline asked.
“Yeah. I am so glad he is back. He is so much fun. Loves photography. He is so like his mother. And he definitely not going to be a surgeon."
"Oh, yeah -Miguel is a surgeon, right?"
"Yes. He is a cardiologist. Oh, when he and Kol get together, there is always talk of scientific research. Boring if you ask me"
"That Kol is an orthopedic surgeon, kind of still is so totally strange," Caroline stated,"you never talked about Miguel!? How come he went to live in Mexico?"
"It's a long story." Rebekah said with a sad huff.
"You said once that his wife died?"
"Yes. And he- kind of shut down. Thank God he had Cris." Rebekah now told her friend a little bit more about Miguel and how he was adopted by her father and mother when he was five years old.
Elena called her shop just to let her staff know that she would be arriving late that day. Her assistant Nora told her that everything was under control and that she can take the day off.
Her phone rang again and now she swiped her call open.
"Stop calling me, Damon! I so don't want to know-I am done!!! We are done!!!!" Elena pressed the red button on the phone to click the call off.
Inhaling sharply she turned to the mirror as she was about to open the door.
"Looking good girl. You are so going to rip him out of your heart!"  She put the sunglasses on and took her bag, slamming the door shut behind her. 
She had no particular idea where she wanted to go. She just wanted to walk. And so she walked. Shopping was always a good option, hoping the hangover would slowly clear up.
Her phone rang and said, "Hey. I am fine, Bonnie. Just taking a walk. Maybe I will get to the shop later. Need to revise some recipes. Yes, he called. But I slammed the phone down on him. I don't really care. I am done crying. I am done with him. I am done dating. Yeah-ok-I will talk to you later"
She now  put the phone in her bag and being still hangover didn't look where she was going, and as she wanted to open the door to a cafe she nearly bumped into a man who was about to do the same.
"Sorry." Elena apologized immediately. 
"Oh-it's my fault- I - just-my thoughts were somewhere else. Please" the man in his forties then opened the door and let Elena get in first.
"I am usually not so distracted”
"It's fine. " the man said. 
They looked at one another as if time had stopped for a moment, and they didn't know what to do next.
"Where are my manners," he then said, "Can I offer you of coffee as an apology?"
"Yes" Elena muttered. "Shall we?"
"Yeah" Elena slipped and they found a nice available table at the window. "They have great smoothies here"
"They do? You know this place very well, then?"
"Pretty much. It's like my breakfast/lunch place- strawberry is the best" Elena recommended.
"Right. I will have a smoothie then- and coffee with skimmed milk" the dapper looking man said to the shop assistant.
Elena ordered nearly the same, adding blueberry pancakes to the order.
This was something he had not done for ages, namely, inviting a woman for a drink so casually, even if it was just a harmless cup of coffee. It was as if someone or something nudged him to do it, or maybe because he saw  certain saddnes in her eyes, or maybe it was just Cupid doing his job of getting two people together.
"I was at a party last night - and kind of had one too many-and need all this to wake up." Elena explained all the food that arrived.
"It must have been some party" the man he said politely.
"I am not usually doing this in the middle of the week- but-it was something out of the ordinary."
"You don't have to explain."
"No, I know. So-what is it that you do?" Elena now took notice that he was wearing a very expensive business suit and his whole aura gave out that he was a very professional man.
"I am a cardiologist. I work at the University hospital."
"Oh, right. I’m a pastry chef." Elena said.
"Ah, so you are very well versed in the sugar department" the man nooded watching at the brunette in a sweet way.
"Yes. I own a shop called Lena's Cookies in the the Linden street."
They chatted some more about her work until a phone call interupted them. He apologized saying that he had to take a call. But soon, Elena's phone went as well. It was Caroline. Elena now told her friend where she was, but nothing about who she was with.
"I am so sorry." the man  said as he returned to the table. "This was my son. I will have to leave now, but it was very nice meeting you-?" In all that initial confusion they had not introduced themselves to one another.
"Elena!"the brunette said.
"Mike! Nice to meet you, Elena." Miguel said with a little smile, excusing himself.
"Mike." Elena muttered to herself as she sat down at the table again and dreamily sipped down her coffee.
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personaconcept · 5 years
Persona 6 Concept Part 9
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We’re at the end of the line now, everyone. It’s been a wild ride. Thanks for coming along for it.
November 9: Sayaka goes to the hospital.
November 10: You try to get into Sayaka’s Palace, but fail.
November 11 - 16: More days of trying to get in, but failing. 
November 17: Sayaka disappears into her Palace. Only the MC is able to follow her. The MC is defeated by Sayaka’s Corrupted Imposter Syndrome.
November 18 - December 2: The days you have to save Sayaka.
December 5: Sayaka leaves the hospital. 
December 7: Sayaka’s release party at Masahiko’s house. 
Last time, we spoke of the betrayal. 
The betrayal does not come from any of your friends, any of your confidants. It does not come from Igor, or Gilbert. It will not come from anyone who surrounds the MC, but instead it will come from the MC themself. That’s right, the betrayer is the MC. 
We begin again on December 7, after the party. 
When the party is over, the MC will go back home and go to sleep.
They will enter a room through a dream. It will looks very similar to the Velvet Room in appearance, but it’s almost entirely black, with glowing green vines winding up the walls and going through the cracks in the walls. Where Igor usually sits will be The Plague.
He will talk to the MC, explain how crazily obsessed with them he is because they are immune and then he’ll offer them a deal. A new contract, different from Igor’s. Help him perfect the virus and find the flaw in it… then expand it beyond the town.
It will be as Igor says; it will spread to everyone in town, beyond its borders to all of Japan, to the whole world, and into every other world as well. But The Plague says this like it’s a good thing. He destroying Shadows, separating them from their mortal bodies, in an attempt to separate the Other Worlds from the real world. In this way, there will be no corrupting the other worlds. There will be no using them for evil, destructive purposes. Completely isolating them from one another will keep any evil locked away in one of the Other Worlds in that world, even if a seal is broken. Here, he will make mention of the protagonist from Persona 3 and the events of Persona 5. 
No more pain, no more hurt. The good of all, all at the price of a few. The town. After all, every medical cure once had rats to test it on. But the MC is the final ingredient. They can cure a Corruption, so it must stand that they can reverse a corruption as well. 
So the deal is offered, and one ending is available. 
If you’re done playing the game, you can end it here. You can refuse the deal, and The Plague will claim it to be a pity, but will tell you that the IV attached to you has been pumping the same thing into you that he used to corrupt Sayaka’s Persona and make it unusable. He will corrupt your core and kill you right then. The next scene will be Haruka coming to wake you in the morning, screaming about all the blood, Yuuki running into the room and becoming angry and terrified at your lack of a pulse. 
We’ll never see the MC’s body, but the last scene will be of Shinju’s face, realizing you are dead.
…So, you decided to take the deal. You have betrayed your friends. The Plague removed the IV from your arm, and your outfit transforms when you take his hand. Arm in arm, he leads the MC through a door on the other side of the room, and it closes shut with a loud bang.
Begin a series of cut scenes and plot!
The next morning, Haruka goes to wake the MC up, but they’re gone from their bed. Everyone searches everywhere, police get involved, but there’s no proof of foul play or you running away or anything.
You’re just… gone.
When your friends go to check behind the water fall, they find your key to the Velvet Room in the middle of the table.
So time passes, about a month or so. Everyone is getting sicker and sicker, people are dying from the virus extraordinary quickly. 
MC’s friends and gather and decide that they need to go through the black door, because they can’t stop all of these Corruptions, not without you. They have the keys to unlock the door, and they all know about The Plague’s creepy fascination with you. There’s a hunch in there that he’s kidnapped you or something and is doing something horrible to you. Why not take down the main perpetrator and fix everything all at once? It’s this thought that spurs them on to action, Sayaka taking the leadership role for now.
She leads them through the black door into the rotten, bleak wasteland from the beginning. And in the middle of it all is a crumbling hospital, exactly where they needed to go. They get to the hospital, and inside they find not The Plague or any Shadows waiting for them, but you. Well, The Plague comes out to monologue for you.
At the end of the monologue, you leap forward and corrupt Masahiko’s core. The defenceless navigator that he is is unable to do anything as his core changes from green to pitch black. He collapses on the ground, but as the others try to rush towards him, they’re all scattered by magic. 
Your dungeon crawl for this last door will not be done with your party, nor will you have Shadows to fight. But instead, it will be against your party. You must find each of them and defeat them, corrupting their core once you’ve won. This will take some of your life away, and by the end of all the battles, you will only have one hit point left. 
But don’t worry, The Plague won’t let you die. Not until you’ve reached the end. After you’ve defeated your final teammate, you’ll make your way out of the back of the hospital, your feet dragging on the ground. 
You’ll find yourself in the scene from the very beginning. Instead of waking up from this nightmare, the camera will pan out and expose your weakened and dying as we speak teammates. 
Between you and your teammates is a floating, glowing orb, swirling white, green, and black. It’s the Core of the People. If it’s fully corrupted, the virus will spread as The Plague says, and kill everyone infected by a fully corrupted core.
And it’s time for you to make your final decision as you approach the core, with The Plague ordering you to complete the process.
If you corrupt it, the reaction is immediate. You will watch as everyone who’s social link you raised to max collapses and dies. The MC will watch as all their teammates cry out in pain and despair as they die before you. And then, you’ll watch as the MC smiles, with a tear slipping down their cheek, and releasing a single tear while saying “I’m sorry.” Their core will completely blacken, and they too will succumb to the virus as the Core dissipates into smoke. The Other World collapses around your dying body, just as The Plague promised. Leaving nothing behind.
But if you don’t corrupt it, but instead heal it, the reaction is a little less immediate.
Your health and SP are both fully restored. The corruption on you and all your teammates goes away. As the MC fights to control the corruption in the Core, you watch as all the confidants you’ve raised to max get better. You watch as their cores turn green, then to white. The Core that the MC is healing becomes brighter and brighter as the white overtakes the black, then the green, until all you can see is the blinding white of the Core. 
But they don’t stop there. They keep going, until the Core shatters, kind of blowing up, and spreading a great blast of wind and almost making the newly standing party fall back to the ground. 
The screen will go completely white and all sound will cut out, but the white will fade after a few moments, and when it’s back, the wasteland is still a waste land, but it’s better lit now. 
Your final battle will be against The Plague himself, and you must surely win. He will not be happy with you, but your teammates will all be glad to have you back, knowing you would never REALLY betray them. (Unless you did, and shame on you for it)
There may be a short monologue from the MC here about how there will ALWAYS be someone to rise again when their world is threatened. For every Other World, there will be a Savior, Trickster, Wild Card. As long as they’re needed, they’ll be there.
After The Plague’s defeat, everything will go black. MC and their teammates will eventually find their way and stumble out of the black door, finding themselves behind the waterfall. All the doors are open, but they all lead into their own small alcove.
Their Other World is gone.
There’s a lot of shouting and hugging and general worrying when MC finally returns home. A lecture is sure to be had. But it’s fine, because they’re finally home. 
That night, they go to bed, and wake up for the last time in the Velvet Room. This time, it’s not a hospital room, but the waiting room. And Baby Avis is there with them. Igor says he never should have doubted one of his Wild Cards, and Gilbert starts bawling because it’s a real fucking shame that in order to fool your enemies, you have to fool your friends first “AND WEREN’T WE FRIENDS!?”
This just really wraps everything up, and Baby Avis says she’s going to stay with Igor in the space of Other Worlds. She was not meant for the real world, and he’ll need a competent assistant since that cat left him. 
After a heartfelt goodbye, the dream will end.
So time passes. There won’t be any more time for leveling up social links, but instead cramming for the end of the year, spending Valentine’s Day with your lover(s), getting accepted into universities. And finally, graduation day. MC gets their diploma, lots of love everywhere. You’ll be able to see your confidants one last time, each of them coming to greet you and congratulate you on your graduation, and give you a gift to ‘help you through university.’ (These will be helpful items for the next playthrough if you wish to play again) Then Yuuki says they’ve really got to get going if they don’t want to miss the bus. (Yudai and Sayaka will leave in about a week, having been accepted into different schools)
And MC goes off to university!
Credits roll and all that stuff, and the epilogue shows the MC looking a little different. A little older. They wake up the same and watch the fields pass them by. The bus pulls up to the bus stop, their old team and their family all there, everyone looking just a little bit older.
“Quite the reunion you got there,” the bus driver says, and the MC smiles and says “Yeah.”
They disembark off the bus, and the last you see of it is a panning shot of the bus driving away as everyone hugs and jumps on the MC.
Final Thoughts
1 - Did you catch it? As the story went on, did you begin to understand? The Plague was the opposition of The Cure. The Cure is the MC. The Plague is the MC’s Corruption, and the black door is their Palace. Their dreams with The Plague was a visit to their Palace. It was the MC’s core they were corrupting to destroy the Other Worlds. 
The MC couldn’t have a Shadow, because they’d already awakened their Persona abilities, but The Plague was like a product of his own creation and tried his best to keep the MC from being fully cured, fought to kill them in his own way. 
It is this connection, I suppose, that makes the MC’s Arcana that of the World and not the Fool as many others. A thought I’d had right around Part 4 is all this is. An accidental, but wonderful, coincidence. 
2 - When I think of this would-be game, I think about the fact the previous installments had both an anime and manga rendition of it. And that they changed canon names for each. Well, seeing as there’s a male and female varient here, I think they’d just stick to changing the gender. (If they do like Persona 5 and have different short animes at different times, well, I wouldn’t be opposed to both genders being represented…)
Anyway, what I wanted to say was that I don’t think really changing the names would be a problem. The female would be Hikari Iyashi, and the male would be Hikaru Iyashi. If the manga portrays the MC as Hikari, then the anime would likely showcase the MC as male, and visa versa. Regardless, I’m pretty sure they’d both show up in the next Persona Q game, both chill about the fact the other isn’t dead. (“Ain’t you dead?” “Nah, bruh, different timeline.”)
3 - Well, this is the end of the timeline. But not the end of my work here! I mean, I made an entire new blog for this stuff, so I’ve gotta keep going, right? I’ve got more stuff in store for you here, just wait and see.
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aph-hanatamagosblog · 5 years
To the astounding anon who requested this  
“We aren’t just friends and you fucking know it,” Gilbert said as he looked at Elizabeta. 
“Yeah, so then what are we?” She asked sarcastically, but secretly wanting a response. 
“I don’t know, but we’ve crossed the line of friends months ago,” Gilbert replied turning his body to her. She faced him, her turmoil clouding her olive green eyes. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she questioned defensively.
“It means that we don’t do things that people who are ‘just friends’ do,” he replied coolly. Elizabeta furrowed her honey brown eyebrows as she tried to pinpoint the exact moment of when that happened. 
“How?” She asked in defeat. 
“Remember when you and Natalia broke up, and you were crying at my doorstep while it was raining at 3 am because you couldn’t sleep,” Gilbert remarked in order to jog her memory. 
“Liz, is that you?” Gilbert yawned as he cracked open the door.
“Yeah, Nat broke up with me,” Liz choked out between sobs. 
“Come in before you break down my door.” She stepped inside. Drenched with tears and rain, Gilbert went to grab her some spare clothes that she left when she stayed over. 
“Go take a shower, change into these and then we’ll talk on the couch. Coffee will be waiting on the table when you get back and I’ll grab the blanket from my room that you like to steal,” Gilbert stated tiredly as he started for the Keurig. 
After finishing his cup, he went across the hall to find the plaid throw blanket. He walked back and waited for her, blanket lying neatly adjacent to him. By the time she came back, he was half asleep and her mug was steaming. 
“Gil,” she nudged, “wake up.” His white eyelashes fluttered awake to reveal red eyes shining with sleep. 
“Hmm,” he looked around frantically only to see Elizabeta next to him swaddled in the blanket. “Oh, yeah, why’d she break up with you?” 
“Turns out she wasn’t ‘physically attracted’ to me, and was only there for my personality,” the green eyed girl snarked. She felt used somehow, like she was there only to cure Natalia’s loneliness. 
“What, that’s bullshit. You’re amazing both physically and personality wise,” he said. 
“Really, ‘cause I don’t feel like it,” she spoke softly. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at him to find some ounce of teasing. She came up empty handed. 
“Come here,” he said as he hugged her. Tears soon started to stain his red shirt as he comforted her. She looked up at him and on impulse, kissed him. Gilbert was in shock, but kissed back with sweetness and sincerity. 
“Yeah, but that was a one time thing,” she answered as they both sat up. 
“Sure it was, just like the one after that, or the one after that, and don’t forget the one in a ditch as we ran from the crackhead on third,” he mocked. 
“Fine, then what are we?” she asked annoyed that she couldn’t figure it out as she stood up. 
“We’re more than friends and if anybody asks, tell them it’s none of their business,” Gilbert said giving her something she’d be satisfied with for now. 
“Ok,” she said as she got him to his feet so they could both head inside.
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elejah-wonderland · 5 years
Beginning of Forever
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Fanfic one shot
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
a/n:thanks for reading. xoxo
Warning: smutty, 18+
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @hides2000
A couple of days earlier
“We have to talk about going over to the fake Mystic Falls World. I have information about the Cure. Shall we meet at the usual place?” Elijah said.
“No. I am at Whitmore already. Come by my dorm.” Elena replied.
“All right.” the Original swiped the call off. Putting the phone away in his pocket, he now chose a different shirt. As he finally got ready, he made his way to Whitmore College. 
Fake Mystic Falls World, Boarding House
Elena closed the book in frustration.
Elijah put the old papirus on the table now and rose up from the desk.
“I think we need a break. Want a drink?”
“Yes, please. But not Bourbon. Is there maybe- wine? - Elena said as she now got up frim the sofa.
"I think so. I think I saw some Pinot grigio in the cellar.”- Elijah replied and swished down to the cellar of the Boarding House.
Returning back, he poured them both a glass of the pale golden nectar.
“Who would have thought they kept such a good drop here in the fake world?” - Elijah said as he took a sip of the wine.
“I like it.”- Elena said, adding-“Food does nothing to us, but I still can’t get that we can taste the drinks like when we were human?!”
“Yes, I have found this extraordinary, too, always. I prefer wine to Bourbon actually. ”
“Oh, yes. It is far more delectable. Some wines, like this one is to the palate like the finest of silks.”
“It is good - though I only tried wine once or twice. It was always Bourbon with - ok - not going back to the past” - Elena said taking another sip.
“I agree. Let the sleeping dogs lie.” - Elijah said and took a deep breath.
“You miss her?” - Elena said with a little mental gulp, her heart burning as she now waited for the response. The doppelganger now apologized for being too forward.
“Not at all. I have long since moved on. My heart is set on someone else. It has been so for a while now.”
Elijah knew what she was referring to and now replied-
” Oh, right - I never thought Camille is your type. “
"Camille? - Why would you think-”- Elijah now looked a tab bit surprised that Elena would mention the blonde bartender.
“Sorry - I just - I kind of overheard you talk. I didn’t mean to. And so I figured-”
“Well, you figured wrong-” - Elijah now paused, wetting his lips before he proceeded -”the one that has my heart yearning for is you, Elena-"
"What?” - Elena’s swallowed hard, her heart jumping up.
“Yes.There - but I guess you still have unresolved issues with Damon Salvatore”
“With Damon? No. That has been so resolved.”
“It seemed that you and him started over again.” - Elijah now said.
Elena now remembered the moment a week ago, when Elijah left the Grill so abruptly -”No. Well, Damon, he tried to - but I - it’s over. I am so tired of the fake love. And I kind of had my heart also set on someone else.”
“You had?”
“Yeah - I so had - you”
No able to sustain her emotions that had been simmering for days, well weeks now whenever she was around him, Elena now crushed her lips on Elijah’s. His mouth moved against hers, recklessly, desperately. He devoured her in hungry kisses, entwining her tongue with his, seizing her every breath and replacing it with his.
Elijah’s jaw now clenched. His whole being had desired her for so long. He drew her scent now, making his body tighten in response.
Parting for a moment, with the Original’s warm breath still dancing on her lips, she beamed up at him, letting out a slow, shuddering breath, uttering“I want you,’Lijah”
She tugged the shirt out of the Original’s trousers, trailing small fiery kisses along his neck, making him let a low guttural sound.
“Elena- wait” - Elijah took her hands gently, stopping her kisses.
Elena shook her head lightly, sweet desire flickered at him and before he could say anything more, she drew his lips to hers. Her mouth was searingly burning, demanding, obliterating his every thought. Pulling her by the waist closer to him, he gave as good as he got and she responded with a deep, muffled moan as their tongues now collided.
His heart pumped wildly when her hands ran down his shoulders and arms, landing on his hips, now moving over, feeling him through his trousers, making the Original groan.
Elijah drew back with a small smirk crossing his face and swept the doppelganger up, twirling her around to the sofa. Kissing her now even more vigorously, he unzipped her dress in the process, sliding it off of her, taking a moment to admire the beauty of her slender figure.
“You are so very beautiful” he gasped.
Elena curled up a little dreamy smile at the Original and now pulled him to her into a kiss. After a set of another ferociously wanton kisses, he sat up on his knees, and took his shirt off. Elena rose up herself now, undoing her bra. Tossing it aside she came closer to him, her fingers feathering over his divinely chiselled torso. She felt the tension in his ab muscles, and she held still as if collecting her senses. Slowly , her fingers trailed up towards his neck, over the dimple on his chin, to his lips. Taking her hand, he placed tiny soft kisses on her fingertips, listening to her heart pounding savagely. He loved the sound of it. Lost in its musical beat, and Elena’s small kisses now travelling down his chest, his breathing suddenly stilled.
“Oh, fuck-”- Elijah breathed in, releasing a small hoarse breath as she undid his trousers, pulling both the trousers and boxers down, taking him in his mouth. She draw the head in her mouth, stroking him with one hand, plunging down and then twirling her tongue over the head of his cock again and again. His breathing accelerated, his whole body floating in the divine state of combustion as pleasure pulsed through his cock. The moment she began to take steady draws on the head of his cock, the intense pleasure had his back arching hard and he let it all go and began to come. His throat opened up and a strange sound, like a growl followed, deep-throated and husky.
Collecting himself a moment later, he drew her to him, in a warm, loving hug, whispering dearly to her, as his hands mashed with her hair-
“You are amazing - so wonderful “
Tugging the blanket down, he took her by the hand. Baring themselves of the rest of the clothes, they laid down.
He caressed her face, looking at her with adoring eyes -
“You are everything I ever wanted - “
“Oh, God - me, too”- Elena swallowed hard, feeling his hands now glide down over her breasts just barely touching her skin, brushing with his palms over her nipples. Elena moaned softly to his tender touches, sending hot shivers down her spine. She closed her eyes revelling in the warmth she felt all over. Elijah pressed against her, his hand moving further down as his breath floated against her neck. She hummed in pleasure as his fingers traced the contour of her navel teasing her belly button, before sliding up the line back to the smooth skin between her breasts. He took the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it slowly as he began to kiss at her neck. The doppelganger now writhed to him, breathing hoarsely, her hands disappearing up in the brown strands of his hair. She could feel his hardened cock pressing against her leg and she slid against him. He grunted softly against her ear. His hand draped down her body, reaching her sweet spot now. Nipping at the skin below her ear, he raked his fangs along her neckline. Elena’s whole body pulsed with anticipation of his fangs piercing into her neck, but he kept teasing her. His fingers now passed her delicate folds, inserting two fingers, making her roll her hips to his movements. The doppelganger bit her lip as his thumb brushed over her nub again and again. He could feel her shiver with delight, panting burningly. Murmuring softly how magnificent she was, he felt her body shudder, crying in pleasure, wrapping her hands around his neck, coming apart so deliciously.
Elijah now showered her with small kisses, drawing once again her lips to his, still feeling her high, streaming all over her. Shifting his body, he pulled her gently under him. He guided his cock now in, sinking slowly deeper, leaning his head in to place a kiss to her lips, swallowing her pleasurable noises as he sunk into her fully. She closed her eyes and smiled, her heart splaying with fire and the love she felt him. She moved her hips upwards, slowly, giving a small grind, urging Elijah on.
The Original deepened the kiss further as she moved her hips to meet his thrusts.
Moving her lips from his, she kissed and nipped softly at his shoulder, inhaling his scent now. It was masculine, heavenly, and she couldn’t get enough of it.
He was everything she dreamt of.
Slowly his hand drifted down her body to settle on her thigh, to her swollen clit now, stroking it with added fervor. He brought his lips to hers once again, kissing her with great passion and love as the pace of his thrusts increased.
She shoved her hips against him over and over, deepening the thrusts. Her whole body was now bathing in flames. Feeling the first wave of pleasure begin to race through them, their veins flooded with a quaking shudder. They both not long after cried out the rippling waves of orgasm, cascading right through them.
As the sensations began to ease down, a warm emotion invaded them, swirling through their hearts and souls, Elena wrapped her arms around Elijah and embraced him to herself lovingly.Catching her breath back, she kissed his mole on the neck and moved a hand to run through his hair in a relaxing, loving manner.
Still holding onto one another, his head now shifted to meet her into a kiss, sealing all he felt for her.
“I love you”- he then breathed against her mouth, his eyes dreamily lost in hers.
“I love you, too.”
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fiction-klaroline · 6 years
Bennett- Mikaelson Ch 1
Bonnie closed her eyes. She made her mind up. Elena has already lost enough people. She deserves to be happy. No matter that she would die by performing the spell.
It's not like anyone's going to miss her. She was only too happy to die. This way she could join the love of her life on the Other side.
With those depressing thoughts in mind, Bonnie started to mutter the spell. But she didn't count on said love of her life interrupt her.
"Bonnie" a voice called.
Bonnie opened her eyes with a gasp. There standing before her in all his glory was Kol Mikaelson himself.
"Kol" Bonnie said, her voice wavering. "Oh my God! Kol!!"
Kol smiled at her sadly, "What are you doing, Bonnie love?"
Bonnie looked down guiltily. After all the person she was trying bring from from dead was someone who killed him. "I am going bring Jeremy back. Elena has lost so many people. She deserves it"
"And you don't?" Kol fired back. "This spell will kill you, love. The Nature will seek to balance."
"It doesn't matter. I get to be with you," Bonnie said with a small smile.
"At the expense of our child," Kol said sadly.
Bonnie gasped. "What are you talking about?"
Kol looked in at her, "That day we connected in Shane's office, we made magic, Bonnie. You and I, we created a child together."
Bonnie looked down at her stomach, which was flat. She didn't want to get her hopes up. "How sure are you about this?"
"I am as sure as that I am the most handsomest person on the Earth." Kol wiggled his eyebrows. Then he got all serious, "It was your Grams who told me this"
Bonnie let out a shattered breadth. Her eyes filled with tears. She threw herself at Kol with a hiccup.
Kol held on to her with a tender smile. "It's time you chose yourself over others, love. For you, for me, for our son."
Bonnie pulled out of the embrace and looked at Kol. "My friends would never understand."
"Then they don't deserve to be your friends." Kol said vehemently.
Bonnie started to protest.
"No," Kol said firmly. "This is a matter of our son's safety. I don't trust Damon or Elena. They will force you to kill our child. Who knows they may even try to kill you."
"Kol they are my friends. I think it's a bit too far fetching to say that they might kill me." Bonnie admonished.
Kol smirked and said, "The Other side is a boring place, Bonnie. I spent my time by observing people. And trust me when I tell you that I wouldn't leave my puppy in their care. Now, promise me that you will do as I say."
Bonnie thought for a moment and nodded. "Take two days and think through what I am about to tell you. You can tell some one who you trust the most about our son. And then you must go to New Orleans and seek out my brothers. Elijah might be polite and Nik would definitely lash out. Show him this." Kol took out a necklace with a diamond pendant and gave her. "Wear it. It has many protection spells on it. My siblings and I got it charmed when we decided to drift apart. Mine's diamond, while Elijah's sapphire, Nik's jade and Bekah's amethyst. No one knows it except for us. We made a pact that we would never tell anyone of this and should we need each other, the pendants would and us. They will trust you when you tell them this."
Bonnie nodded. Though she might have trouble accepting what Kol was saying tomorrow, the shock of the news was still a new and she listened to his instructions.
"I know it might be hard for you to seek them out. But they will protect you and our son with their lives." Kol said. "By the way, your Grams gives you her love."
At the mention of her Grams the tears started anew. Kol hugged her for a moment and sighed, "I think it's so time for goodbye."
Bonnie held on to him, crying. She couldn't let go.
Kol pulled back and said, "Listen to me, my love. You will keep yourself safe. You hear me? I shall watch over you, our son and my siblings. Alright? And when I see an opportunity, I will take it and come back to you."
Bonnie nodded.
With a deep kiss on her lips, Kol left with his vampire speed.
 Only after reaching a safe distance did Kol let his own tears flow.
He brushed them aside with a determined mind. He would keep his promise to Bonnie. He would watch over his family. Bekah, Niklaus, Elijah, Bonnie and his son. And when he gets the opportunity, he will return to the land of living.
As he was contemplating this, he heard a noise of struggle. Kol rushed there only to see the doppelgangers having a batch fight.
Kol leaned on the locker and looked on. One moment it looked like Katerina was having an upper hand and the next it was Elena.
Now that was not right. He would never accept with Elena Gilbert winning, even if it was against his mortal enemy.
As Kol started toward the oblivious pair, Elena took out the cure from her pocket. Noticing this, Kol vamped toward her.
One moment Elena was trying to shove it down Katerina's throat, the next moment she found herself down with someone forcing the said cure down her throat from behind.
Before seeing who it was, she fainted.
Katerina got up from the floor and kicked Elena with her high heeled leg. "Bitch" she muttered.
Kol chuckled at that.
Katerina's face morphed into surprise. "Oh it's a Mikaelson. Now I owe you a bloody debt."
"Right you are, Petrova." Kol smirked.
Katerina rolled her eyes and said, "OK tell me what do you want. I don't like being in debt. Least of all, to a Mikaelson."
Kol cocked his head and contemplated. "Keep your ears and eyes open, Katerina. If you ever find anyone conspiring against my siblings or Bonnie Bennett, kill them. That is how you can pay my debt."
Katerina smirked, "My my, have feelings for the Mystic Falls resident Witch, are we?"
Kol just rolled his eyes as he disappeared. That meant the veil was up.
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thamizhachig · 6 years
Bennett- Mikaelson Ch 1
Bonnie closed her eyes. She made her mind up. Elena has already lost enough people. She deserves to be happy. No matter that she would die by performing the spell.
It's not like anyone's going to miss her. She was only too happy to die. This way she could join the love of her life on the Other side.
With those depressing thoughts in mind, Bonnie started to mutter the spell. But she didn't count on said love of her life interrupt her.
"Bonnie" a voice called.
Bonnie opened her eyes with a gasp. There standing before her in all his glory was Kol Mikaelson himself.
"Kol" Bonnie said, her voice wavering. "Oh my God! Kol!!"
Kol smiled at her sadly, "What are you doing, Bonnie love?"
Bonnie looked down guiltily. After all the person she was trying bring from from dead was someone who killed him. "I am going bring Jeremy back. Elena has lost so many people. She deserves it"
"And you don't?" Kol fired back. "This spell will kill you, love. The Nature will seek to balance."
"It doesn't matter. I get to be with you," Bonnie said with a small smile.
"At the expense of our child," Kol said sadly.
Bonnie gasped. "What are you talking about?"
Kol looked in at her, "That day we connected in Shane's office, we made magic, Bonnie. You and I, we created a child together."
Bonnie looked down at her stomach, which was flat. She didn't want to get her hopes up. "How sure are you about this?"
"I am as sure as that I am the most handsomest person on the Earth." Kol wiggled his eyebrows. Then he got all serious, "It was your Grams who told me this"
Bonnie let out a shattered breadth. Her eyes filled with tears. She threw herself at Kol with a hiccup.
Kol held on to her with a tender smile. "It's time you chose yourself over others, love. For you, for me, for our son."
Bonnie pulled out of the embrace and looked at Kol. "My friends would never understand."
"Then they don't deserve to be your friends." Kol said vehemently.
Bonnie started to protest.
"No," Kol said firmly. "This is a matter of our son's safety. I don't trust Damon or Elena. They will force you to kill our child. Who knows they may even try to kill you."
"Kol they are my friends. I think it's a bit too far fetching to say that they might kill me." Bonnie admonished.
Kol smirked and said, "The Other side is a boring place, Bonnie. I spent my time by observing people. And trust me when I tell you that I wouldn't leave my puppy in their care. Now, promise me that you will do as I say."
Bonnie thought for a moment and nodded. "Take two days and think through what I am about to tell you. You can tell some one who you trust the most about our son. And then you must go to New Orleans and seek out my brothers. Elijah might be polite and Nik would definitely lash out. Show him this." Kol took out a necklace with a diamond pendant and gave her. "Wear it. It has many protection spells on it. My siblings and I got it charmed when we decided to drift apart. Mine's diamond, while Elijah's sapphire, Nik's jade and Bekah's amethyst. No one knows it except for us. We made a pact that we would never tell anyone of this and should we need each other, the pendants would and us. They will trust you when you tell them this."
Bonnie nodded. Though she might have trouble accepting what Kol was saying tomorrow, the shock of the news was still a new and she listened to his instructions.
"I know it might be hard for you to seek them out. But they will protect you and our son with their lives." Kol said. "By the way, your Grams gives you her love."
At the mention of her Grams the tears started anew. Kol hugged her for a moment and sighed, "I think it's so time for goodbye."
Bonnie held on to him, crying. She couldn't let go.
Kol pulled back and said, "Listen to me, my love. You will keep yourself safe. You hear me? I shall watch over you, our son and my siblings. Alright? And when I see an opportunity, I will take it and come back to you."
Bonnie nodded.
With a deep kiss on her lips, Kol left with his vampire speed.
 Only after reaching a safe distance did Kol let his own tears flow.
He brushed them aside with a determined mind. He would keep his promise to Bonnie. He would watch over his family. Bekah, Niklaus, Elijah, Bonnie and his son. And when he gets the opportunity, he will return to the land of living.
As he was contemplating this, he heard a noise of struggle. Kol rushed there only to see the doppelgangers having a batch fight.
Kol leaned on the locker and looked on. One moment it looked like Katerina was having an upper hand and the next it was Elena.
Now that was not right. He would never accept with Elena Gilbert winning, even if it was against his mortal enemy.
As Kol started toward the oblivious pair, Elena took out the cure from her pocket. Noticing this, Kol vamped toward her.
One moment Elena was trying to shove it down Katerina's throat, the next moment she found herself down with someone forcing the said cure down her throat from behind.
Before seeing who it was, she fainted.
Katerina got up from the floor and kicked Elena with her high heeled leg. "Bitch" she muttered.
Kol chuckled at that.
Katerina's face morphed into surprise. "Oh it's a Mikaelson. Now I owe you a bloody debt."
"Right you are, Petrova." Kol smirked.
Katerina rolled her eyes and said, "OK tell me what do you want. I don't like being in debt. Least of all, to a Mikaelson."
Kol cocked his head and contemplated. "Keep your ears and eyes open, Katerina. If you ever find anyone conspiring against my siblings or Bonnie Bennett, kill them. That is how you can pay my debt."
Katerina smirked, "My my, have feelings for the Mystic Falls resident Witch, are we?"
Kol just rolled his eyes as he disappeared. That meant the veil was up.
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worldcakecakecake · 6 years
The Society of Romulus and Remus
Ludwig is the product of a centuries old curse that transforms him into a dangerous werewolf. His only chance for a cure is with Feliciano, heir to the Society of Romulus and Remus, a group of hunters who hunt on the supernatural.      
                                                   Chapter 9
“A polar bear?!” Feliciano exclaimed, childish wonder in the way he alighted that made Mathew chuckle.
“Yes, his name was Kumajiro, found him as a little cub who lost his mother after some hunters in my town killed her. I took him in and cared for him dearly, almost like a pet or perhaps a brother.” He remembered it all so fondly, a very sweet smile on his face that Kiku and Feliciano couldn’t help but join into, sitting before him on one of the rails, legs crossed, their attention on nothing but the new statue that Feliciano had given life to.
It had been well over a week since his welcoming back into their living, Feliciano dedicated to their exchange, to their anecdotes, to their growing friendship that made him each day more excited to come to this hidden terrace.
“Before I headed off to the war, I sent him off into the wild and luckily some researchers decided to keep an eye on him for me.” His eyes were then saddened, surely missing the animal, for he didn’t return to Canada after the war.
“And you didn’t know about him again afterwards?” Feliciano asked worriedly.
“Sadly, no, it was hard to maintain contact.”
Feliciano joined along in that drop. “Maybe we can find him again,” Feliciano expected excitedly with great belief.
“Feliciano, that was many years ago. I’m sorry to be brash, but he has been long dead. Perhaps we can simply find some sort of great grandson,” Kiku made clear, not wanting to have them hope so high.
“That’s good enough! We can do that!” Feliciano pointed, alighting once again.
“How do you expect to do that?”
“I’m sure with the right calls and getting the right people-” suddenly he was alone. Kiku had materialized to his fox statue, Mathew into his own, having learned after his continuous chats with them. This usually happened when they sensed the coming of another that was not Feliciano’s familiarity. He groaned, knowing someone was coming, interrupting him from his peace and fun in this base.
It was Carlos, the Cuban who was one of his grandfather’s closest workers. He seemed anxious, breathing heavily, showing clear sign of hurrying his way to this area, an intense worry in his eyes that began to make Feliciano nervous.
“Feliciano! It’s your brother!”
He didn’t waste another breath or thought.
Without a wave or goodbye to Kiku or Mathew, he stood and hurried alongside him to the depths of the base, between the crowds, all filled with worried whispers, especially when they spotted Carlos and Feliciano trying to make their way between, the younger brother’s eyes already brimming with tears imagining the worst. To his biggest fears, they arrived before the hospital wing, the bottom floors in the usual commotion of patients, but once they reached the upper areas, he could already feel the agitation spreading, nurses and healers going through and fro in emergency, some crying, some fighting in corners, others going into a specified room with all kinds of machines, utensils, bandages and bottles. It was before this area that Carlos stopped Feliciano, pointing to all those who gathered at surely a scene of the worst calamities. There were so many, so many in urgency and desperation that Feliciano couldn’t even figure who exactly it was they were trying to save.
“You’ve made it!” He felt a familiar pull of his shoulder, a turn to a warm chest that was relieving in this unknown emergency, one his grandfather seemed shaken enough by.
“Nonno, what happened?” Feliciano asked.
“Lovino, he was attacked."
“What?” Feliciano exclaimed enough to release himself, his eyes now begging for immediate answers, dread in the heavy grip he kept of his grandfather’s arms.
“He was close to reaching Poland when it happened. We think his mark must have lighten up and he went hunting into the woods. The area showed a fight and clear signs of a werewolf presence…as well as Lovino’s injuries.” Augusto could feel the jolt, the panic shinning in Feliciano’s eyes as he turned to the ward where now he knew his brother was being attended. Augusto tried to keep a heavy grip on him, but Feliciano had to push himself forward, between the crowds, between all the working, uncaring to the shouts, to the denies. He could already spot red between the moving figures, on the bed, on the bandages and items they constantly used for his cleaning, all heading about with more and more, never ending.
It was just as a nurse moved away to get another batch of their special alcohol potions when Feliciano could see his brother in the fullness of what he suffered.
The most horrid was the deep red gash that spread from his neck to the other side of his stomach, heavy cuts on his face, bruises so strong they even bled from their purple, making this body seemed more lifeless, stronger than whatever hope Feliciano tried to keep. He choked, the tears now flowing easy down his face, his color drained to leave him in sickness.
“No! Lovino! Lovino! Lovino!” He came close to a hold of his arm, limp, his blood quickly coating his own uniform, but it didn’t matter, not when he begged for his bettering, calling as if to wake him from a mere sleep.
“Mr. Valenti, you must leave, you have to let us save him,” one nurse tried to dispatch him.
“No! No! No!” He kept denying, his grip still harsh on his brother, even as a second nurse came to help the first one in his pulling out.
He only let go once a third had come along, practically pushing him to the halls, closing the ward around them in strong glass to keep him from entering again. Feliciano had fallen so weak he simply kneeled to the floor, shaking, sobbing, so much it didn’t let him see, didn’t let him breathe, feel the cold, the stares he surely got or even as his grandfather knelt beside him and offered his warmth with a strong grasp and embrace.
  Augusto had excused Feliciano from his lesson, Ludwig relieved and even thanking his leader for giving him a chance to relax for the day as well. Any would joke and say that it was because of the usual stress his young grandson stirred, but Augusto could tell a tired and strained tone when he called him.
Augusto reminded himself that Ludwig had just come back from a tiring mission as well…from the very areas Lovino had been attacked in.
From his many dealings with Ludwig for the past five years, he had prepared a scheduling to his transformations, all from experiences and practices. Ludwig had thanked him dearly, it worked better to prepare him, perhaps even stop them in emergencies. Augusto knew it well, for it was with that information that he helped Ludwig in establishing the hours and days he would teach Feliciano, to avoid any kind of incidents that might have Augusto regretting his taking into the group.
Now he was having one of those moments of doubt, for he recalled that Ludwig was scheduled to change around the time Lovino was attacked. He did not want to think the worst, he thought himself perhaps paranoiac and wanting immediate answers to avenge his grandson, but he had to consider everything as he would now search.
Three days of rest Feliciano was given, and by the fourth day he still felt as dreaded as the moment he saw the state of his brother. By then they had stabilized him enough, but he had yet to waken. There were still complications arising and there had been no sureness if he would be well or if they should prepare for the worst. The last few nights had been sleepless to Feliciano, and not even a visit to Kiku and Mathew were enough to relieve him from the new storm in his mind. His worries were seen clear in his grey expression, his slump, his deflated smile as he did a routinely sitting on his chair in front of Ludwig’s desk. Ludwig could not ignore it, he was fearful of starting anything, knowing for sure that Feliciano wouldn’t pay it an ounce of attention, so what was the point? Still, his scheduling, his goal, he had been away, and then these days of rest Feliciano was given over the occurrence of his brother. Any more thought of it brought back flashes of awful memories, of blood, of shed, of a killing intent that was nestled in his monstrous form that gave him feelings of melancholy as Feliciano. He felt so impure, so unworthy of this uniform, of where he was sitting, of the flesh he could sometimes live moments of peace in, and as he turned towards Feliciano, meaning to force himself to do something, he thought himself unworthy of even being in the heir’s presence. Even in his gloom and dejection, Feliciano shone as enchanting, his curls still as immaculate, his eyes as glowing, his countenance as admirable, handsome, beautiful and angelic, shinning so to burn him into his seat of evil and darkness.
He caused him this misery, he caused him this work he clearly did not want to be doing, he was only but another weigh that tried to take shinning colors from him, that wanted to use him for his undoing.
He had to stop this, he couldn’t continue in this sorrow. There was work, things needed to be done, Augusto would surely question for the newest progress. He placed the folder with all the homework Feliciano had made with Gilbert in his time away on the desk, ordered and corrected, quite loudly as to awake them both from whatever was being said in their minds.
“You did these quite well on your own,” Ludwig admitted, which earned him a sudden perk of vivacity from Feliciano. “But…” of course. Feliciano rolled his eyes and blew a fall of curls away from his face. There was always something that went wrong.
“I think Gilbert mistook my message. You weren’t supposed to be doing that section from Michelangela’s compendium.” Ludwig placed the book along with the notebooks Feliciano used to do his writing right in front for him to see clear what he wanted to discuss.
“The Venetian Mark." Ludwig brought forward the page as well as pointed to the paragraph, a section beautifully made as it was the canvas for a famous Venetian mask. Ludwig awaited for another reaction other than Feliciano’s wondered expression as he took in the steel shine of the colors and the beautifully cursive words, but he didn’t share any other words, awaiting for Ludwig’s continuation to begin his lesson for the day.
For some reason Ludwig was expecting him suspicious, guessing everything and revealing his true nature.
“It’s a full restoration spell,” Ludwig simply started. “Instead of focusing on wounds or bruises, this spell works by focusing on blood instead, using it as a healing potion that can bring a victim to a complete healthy state. It takes a lot of knowledge and mapping of blood vessels in the body as full complete usage of blood must take place in the spell. A single missing can cause the entire spell to fail or even worsen the victim’s state,” Ludwig explained, pointing to a drawn sketch of the circulation system glowing blue to signify usage of the spell.
“During my time away you were supposed to create a proper vessel map to study and I could test you on, but it seems we will be learning this together.” Ludwig sounded excited, while Feliciano could already feel a headache coming.
And it was as so that they started this lesson of return, dedicated to mapping and learning every pathway, every part in the passage of blood in one’s body. To really learn them, Feliciano had begun giving certain parts silly names to remember, writing them in his notes and getting eye rolls from Ludwig once he saw them.
At least he was learning it.
Feliciano was dedicated, answering well Ludwig’s testing, his spacing in thoughts having to do with the studying. Ludwig was proud, and he liked to hope the rest of the spells that had to do with his curse breaking could be this easy and attentive…as well as the rest of his lessons.
“Why is it called the Venetian Mark?”
Ludwig expected Feliciano to ask at some point. It was an obvious question when Feliciano himself held the Venetian wolf mark.
“You do know that Michelangela is an ancestor of yours?” Feliciano nodded. “And you do know that every spell here is a collection from many past family members of yours.” Yes, he knew well. “This is a spell by Carlotta Valenti. Like you, she held the Venetian Mark and based this spell off her mark, as it helped with perfecting the spell,” Ludwig explained.
“So…only those with the Venetian Mark can do the spell?”
“Not really, it’s just easier for those who have the mark.”
Feliciano took a moment to raise his glove and gaze to his specific mark, turning and taking every known detail about it, the same since his birth. “For me…it would be easy?” He wondered as much.
“Yes, I’m expecting you to actually master it by the end of the week.”
That soon? Feliciano was rather impressed by quite the high belief Ludwig had in him for this.
“How would I know if I mastered it?”
“By healing a victim.” Ludwig then took out a pile of papers and began looking through them. “There’s a Ukrainian woman here with minor injuries that they have already approved for you to try out the spell on. Now, I won’t let you try this until I’m extremely sure that you can do it, we have a lot of time to practice and study and there’s no need to worry about-”
“What kind of injuries can I heal?” Feliciano interrupted, his thoughts still on Lovino.
Ludwig was rather startled but didn’t mind answering. “Any really, no matter how intense. There’s a legend that talks about Carlotta using this spell on her recently dead husband, bringing him back as perfectly as his accident had never happened.”
That really got the mechanism of Feliciano’s mind to work, thinking back to the wounds that had haunted him from his brother and how it connected to the images of the vessels he was studying. But not only was it this spell, no. Why not add another spell to the mixture? The life awakening.
As he focused on some of the readings, diagrams, he could already fix parts of the life awakening to work here as well, doubling the results and really assuring proper and perfect healing to the victim.
“You said you expect me to know it by the end of the week?”
“Yes, but we can still-”
“What if I can do it in two days?” Feliciano wondered as well as challenged.
“Two days?” Ludwig raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, two days, I want to learn the spell in two days,” Feliciano persisted.
Ludwig was still skeptic. “Feliciano, I know that holding the Venetian mark makes it easier, but I believe two days is too much. A week will be best, and it is still quicker than most."
“A week is too long,” Feliciano showed his fear clear.
“For what?”
“I just…” Feliciano was nervous to admit, playing with his fingers, keeping his eyes to ground, pensive, his mind only showing images of his fallen brother. “I need to know this spell in two days.”
“Feliciano, it’s a lot of work to take. You’ll have to wake up earlier than usual, probably skip breakfast or lunch, stay inside this office maybe until midnight.” Ludwig honestly detested the idea.
“I’ll do it!” Was the surprise response. “I’ll do it all! I don’t care. To learn it as soon as possible is all that matters.” The rare fire of determination for his studies was strong, one that Ludwig knew there was nothing he could do to extinguish. He wanted to go through this, and Ludwig, knowing that it also meant a spell that could break his curse, gave a defeated sigh to his request, organizing everything for the intensity they were going to take their studies for the next couple of hours.
  Feliciano stayed true to his promised focus. Those two days were spent in the confinements of Ludwig’s office, with nothing but books, drawings, and Feliciano’s recitation as he learned every vessel, drew them by memory, tested it on plants and grass Ludwig brought until he would settle down to sleep from exhaustion on Ludwig’s desk. Between the scattering of papers, pictures, models, fauna and even empty plates where they had their breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Feliciano would find his bed, and Ludwig wouldn’t deny it from him. Still not so tired, he went through the papers Feliciano had worked on, all done to perfection with no mistakes to find. He really outdid himself with this. Uncanny but perseverant. He hoped that he would learn from this and continue this behavior. As he looked at him, to his gentile expression, moving in and out with his breaths, occasionally breaking out a smile from pleasant dreams, flushed, adorable…yes, he was adorable. Ludwig groaned at deeming him as such, but he smiled, yet he noticed his shiver and he wouldn’t let him dare continue with that cold. On a sudden caring impulse, he removed his own uniformed black coat, stood and headed to place the mantle over Feliciano. In an instant the shivering stopped, Feliciano sinking more into that sudden warmth, absentmindedly pulling the coat to keep him more protected. Ludwig was left with only but a sleeved shirt, gazing about the office and wondering if he should get a couch for if Feliciano slept like this again. He still didn’t feel tired, and although it was wrong to leave Feliciano alone like this, he thought it best to prepare the next part of his training. Also…his hand began to pulse, claws starting a slow elongating. He decided on using one of Augustus’s charms this time to avoid any other transformation, heading off quick to get it.
  Feliciano awoke the next morning with strain on his body, but warm, with a lovely scent that he delved more into, smiling as he had in that garden dream. Wait, what did he had on him?
He rose with a deep yawn, hands extending in a long stretch, when done landing on the coat surrounding him. He gazed curiously to it, recognizing it as Ludwig’s.
Oh…that was so sweet of him. He had to thank him. That’s when he took notice of the fact that he wasn’t there. “Ludwig?” He called.
Luckily he didn’t have to wait long, Ludwig arrived seconds later with breakfast in his hands. “Ah, you’re awake.” He settled Feliciano’s coffee and slice of almond cake on the desk, for himself the same drink and some pancakes.
“When did I fall asleep?” He asked, immediately going to his coffee.
“Sometime after midnight, one or two.”
Feliciano removed the coat and handed it with the sweetest smile. “Thank you. It was very nice.”
“You were cold,” Ludwig could only say, avoiding his eyes and trying to calm whatever blush could arise. He took the coat rather harshly, placing it quickly on a rack. He had gotten another coat while working on the preparations.
“When did you fall asleep?” Feliciano asked curiously.
Ludwig shrugged, beginning to drink his coffee, “Four, I think.”
Feliciano almost dropped his cake. “It’s seven, you only had three hours of sleep," he was incredulous, insulted, a little too much, Ludwig thought.
“Don’t fret so much about it, I had things to prepare.”
“Like what?”
Ludwig was glad he asked.
Once their breakfast was done, he led him forward through one of the deep halls of the base, the rocky walls around them humid, the torches more ancient, with rooms that surely hadn’t been visited in decades. Feliciano had to admit he was rather fretful.
They reached the very end, a door Ludwig had easily opened despite the old hinges because of his recent visits. There was not much on the room but a rock marble table with an ancient statue laying upon it. There were no details on it, no nose, no eyes, not even properly shaped hands and feet, but it did have a sunken connection of lines throughout. Through what Feliciano had learned in his lesson, he could tell that it was an exactness to the circulation system.
“What is this?”
“A sort of practice dummy made by Carlotta Valenti to teach her students her own spell. Not used as much as in the past, but it works well. Through this I will test if you are capable. If you pass, we’ll move on to using the spell on an actual person,” Ludwig explained, his compulsive cleaner self continuing to rid any spec of dust on it.
“Any person?” Feliciano asked, already placing his hands over the dummy, the stance he had studied well to take when beginning.
“Yes, any,” Ludwig made clear once again.
That was enough perseverance.
“You can try out as many times as needed. I already spoke to Yekaterina and she told me that she can wait for the healing. Now, I suggest-”
“Ludwig…can you please…stay silent for a moment?” Feliciano asked innocently, a smile and shine even with the command in his question.
“Of course, sorry.” And obediently he didn’t give a word.
Feliciano suddenly getting commanding like that…was giving him a tingling feeling he would have preferred to push out.
Once Feliciano was assured of the silence, he only filled it with easy breathes, then commanding the magic through his body to work. Proof of its beginning was in the glow through his gloved hands, where surely his wolf mark was brightening in power. A glowing light of blue began in the dummy’s stomach, right where Feliciano’s hands were over. Like a magnet, Feliciano pulled the thin blue lines through all the crevices, staying longer on the difficult ones until he had gotten enough entanglement to continue throughout the whole body. Just like that, it was done, all the crevices were covered in blue, then glowing green to show completion before it all disappeared. Feliciano found it as a sign to stop, letting his hands fall in relaxation, breathing out the slight difficulty it had been to his body. He smiled and turned over to Ludwig expecting his comments, surprised to see him completely shocked and paralyzed.
“What?” He wondered.
“That’s… the quickest I’ve seen somebody do a Venetian Mark…” The impression was well set in his eyes, gazing on to Feliciano as if all the details on how exactly he did it were written all over his skin.
Feliciano raised his hands to look, impressed with his skill, glowing in a big childish smile that even made him give small little jumps.
“So I did it? Did I do it how you wanted? Am I ready?” He seemed to beg.
“Yes, better than how I imagined,” Ludwig admitted.
“So that means I can use it on a person now?” Feliciano came close, desperation clear.
“Yes, if you want, we can go right now to use it on Yeka-”
“No!” Feliciano quickly rushed away, Ludwig’s sight catching the flap of his black coat as he exited the room.
“Feliciano…? Feliciano!” Unsure of what he was planning to do, he ran and tried to reach him. “What are you thinking of doing?” He shouted as he spotted him already taking the stairs at the end of the hall.
“I’m going to heal my brother!”
< previous chapter                                                                                                        next chapter >
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magiclaud · 7 years
Inktober 3: Possession
a/n: This was actually day 4 but eh whatever. This was a recurrent thought of mine on which I wanted to work for a long time so thanks again, inktober! (I think it’ll actually be December and I won’t even have finished publishing this but what can I say, I like slow burns ;)) Haha I’m interested in hearing your thoughts, it looks like all my works are so freaking weird so I don’t know what to say ^^
Arthur woke up on the blue carpet of his room. He stretched his muscles while slowly blinking as he sensed the first rays of sunshine. Arthur stumbled towards the bathroom, careful of not waking up his parents. He studied the figure before him: his messy hair seemed to have been combed differently, and when he grasped it with a hand, Arthur became aware it had been gelled. He was also wearing a black shirt with an abstract picture, along with tight jeans which Arthur couldn’t fathom if they had been strapped before.
When he stepped into his bedroom again, Arthur noticed his phone on the floor. He grabbed it, unlocked the screen and stared at the images. There was Gilbert Beilschmidt dying his hair at a pool house while smoke covered most of the scenery. The next photo featured Ivan Braginsky, the captain of the football team, flexing his muscles as he seemed to be drinking vodka. On the next picture, Arthur could see himself, smoking a fag while putting an arm over Francis Bonnefoy, as they laughed at something like their lives depended on it.
More pictures stood in his gallery as messages drowned his phone. Braginsky was inviting him to a party next Thursday, Antonio Carriedo had tagged him on a picture of the party, and Michelle, a girl on his French class, was offering to give him tutoring if he’d ever need one.
Arthur gasped, and bit his lip in incredulity. This was his life, wasn’t it? He looked at Antonio’s picture and saw himself with a sly smirk looking at the camera. Arthur noticed he hadn’t seen himself look so bloody handsome in his whole life.
But soon the revitalizing sensation was over, and Arthur felt a sharp twitch of pain in his chest as he noticed his nose was bleeding. He quickly grabbed tissues, and when he looked at himself in the mirror again Arthur realised just how tired he looked, and how the bags under his eyes had finally turned purple after all.
Arthur walked to his desk while breathing heavily: his breath was contracting, and his handwriting was surely messier than usual, but nevertheless, he took his notebook and started the letter.
This needs to end soon.
Arthur waited, perhaps seconds, maybe a couple of minutes, until he felt his pen being grabbed and he started writing again.
I don’t understand you. The night was top.
Arthur snorted at the slang, although his pumping heart told him the situation overall wasn’t funny. Arthur attempted to continue with his point and started to write something.
My ribcage is hurting. My head is numb too, and I’m exhausted. I don’t think I can do it anymore.
A pause. He began writing again.
Do you know Kiku was there too?
He was trying to change the topic, Arthur was sure of it, but Arthur was a simple man, and so he couldn’t help to fall into the game.
What did you do to him?
I told him how we felt. I said he was gorgeous, and we made out.
Arthur bit his lip. For some reason, it didn’t feel right, and his body started to become heavy.
Did you get him drunk?
No. Look at the last pictures on the phone.
Arthur had a bad feeling in his gut, but he obeyed nonetheless. Arthur hoped those pictures would make him feel better, comfort him even, and stop the sentiment that was creeping under his skin, but he was wrong.
Arthur grabbed his pen again, but he was stronger.
Come on, Art. You didn’t even see the pictures.
I saw exactly what I needed. What the hell is wrong with you? He wasn’t even conscious!
Did you see the marks all over his body? That was you, Art. That is us.
Arthur wanted to gag. He wanted to scream and cry but he couldn’t, and it made him feel worse.
You’re not me. I would never have done that to him. I’m tired of you. Leave me alone!
Oh my god. Can’t you see it, Arthur? I made you better. Now you are interesting, you are attractive and everyone loves you. Wasn’t that what you wanted?
Stop it.
Wasn’t that how you wanted to be, Arthur? You’re on the football team, you have the entire school licking your boots and you want to stop?
I don’t like this, 
Sure you don’t. Let me remind you how miserable you were with your life before, am I right? With your sweater vests and your theatre crap, do you honestly don’t recall how pathetic you were, Arthur? You’d cry every night about your bad friends, your stressing grades, and your loneliness. You were obsessed with how you were a boring person, and you were certain Kiku Honda wouldn’t even look at you with Ivan Braginsky nearby.
Alfred, you’re hurting me.
Do you remember what happened next, Arthur? I cured you. I took control, and I made you have the life you wanted. That was our agreement, wasn’t it? Do you know what would’ve happened if I hadn’t taken over, Arthur? You would’ve killed yourself. Oh yes. You would’ve done it because you’re such a coward and pathetic you can’t even decide what’s best for your own good. That is what you are. A stupid, ungrateful faggot that doesn’t understand—
Alfred didn’t finish as Arthur tossed the notebook away. Arthur was breathing heavily and he barely registered his phone buzzing again. Arthur didn’t care.
“I want my freedom,” he groaned as he was pulled against the wall. Arthur groaned as his arms laid over his head, and he slowly felt words of ink forming on his forearm.
What is freedom, when you can be happy? He pulled Arthur onto his bed, and Arthur felt his shirt rip. Arthur noticed then a tattoo on his ribcage, as well as a few purple hickeys. The words wrote themselves on his stomach.
Why happiness, when you can be normal?
Arthur noticed the room was spinning and his nose started to bleed again. Arthur got off the bed and became paralyzed as the blood stained the carpet, and new letters started to form.
Why normalcy, when you are my host?
Arthur felt himself drifting apart, slowly losing consciousness as he closed his eyes. Before he dozed off he heard his own voice, with the lowest tone it had ever been.
“Why be alive, when you can live a paradise?”
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quotesofaprincess · 7 years
Please love me part two
Before you confessed your feelings you were always there for damon. Anytime he needed to rant or just a hug you were the first person he went to. You hadn't left your house in a week except to go to school. You thought maybe the healthy cure of a break up would maybe cure what you were feeling, but this was no normal break up. This was your heart ripping to pieces. This was a whole new level of heartbreak. You weren't stupid enough to shut away the pain with the humanity switch. Doing that would provide a harder way to get over Damon Salvatore. You would just be pushing away the feelings. Closing an open door that would burst at the seams no matter how many times you turned it off. No you had to let yourself feel. Your cell phone came on on the cushion next to you, and for the first time since Damon left, you answered the phone. "Hey y/n! I've been trying to call you for a week!" "Sorry Scotty. Is something wrong? Where is my cousin?" "Have you been crying? I think I can smell your depression from here." "Thanks Scott really. Don't worry about it okay?" "I think you should come home. We need your help. He needs your help." Would leaving mystic falls be such a bad thing? "Making sure my room isn't to Dusty. See you soon wolfboy." Your heart was racing at the chance to get to see those who truly cared about you. The more you thought about it the better you felt. So you took a shower, drained away all your doubts about leaving, and started packing. You left out a cute pair of shorts and a t-shirt for you to wear, because before you leave you had to say goodbye. There was only one person you wanted to say bye to. You hated the grill. You had hated it ever since you came to mystic falls, but that's the only place these human teenagers hung out in this pathetic town. Your eyes found Damon immediately. His arm was wrapped around Elena's waist and they were laughing with each other. You felt like turning around and running, but you didn't. "Hey Matty. Can you get me a drink?" "Sure what do you want?" "Surprise me. Today is a good day. Where is ty?" Matt pointed his eyes in the direction of the pool table and after he placed my drink on the table I made my way over towards it. "Lockwolf I've got a surprise for you. Meet me at the house?" You left the grill without even glancing in the direction​ of the older Salvatore. Yes you wanted to say goodbye to him but you couldn't. Tyler pulled into your driveway and just walked straight into your house. "What is this are you leaving?" "After what happened with Damon. Scott called and he needs my help so I thought why not? Originally I was bringing you here to say a heartfelt goodbye, but I thought fuck it. Come with me." "A road trip with my favorite person to my favorite place? Hell yeah I'll come with you!" A girlish squeal let it self out and you through your arms around klaus's hybrid. Damon's P.O.V He missed her. He finally got the girl but he was missing a different one. He hadn't seen her since he broke her heart and left her there whispering to someone who was already gone. He couldn't help but feel like he didn't only break her heart. That he broke her. My eyes connected to her body as soon as she walked into the crowded grill. A look of disgust on her face. I remembered how much she complained about how it was a stupid place for a hang out. She looked fine to anyone else but I knew her. The dark circles under her eyes were prominent to him but so was the fake smile. Elena had said something to him about going to find Caroline and he nodded his head and the love of his life walked away. He watched y/n leave the bar towards the Lockwood boy and he was confused. He didn't even know they were friends. That's when he realized he didn't know anything about her. He never asked. He had just used her. His attention directed to a different conversation as y/n and Tyler left. He couldn't help but remember what she could do with her hips and the way she could move. "Did you see y/n?" "Yeah I saw her. Man she looks awful. All the talk going on about how neither of the Salvatore brothers wanted her is gold. Hell I couldn't blame them I wouldn't want her either." Damon's eyes narrowed at the teenage boys that were running their mouths. Did she really have to put up with this everyday since he left her crying? And how in the hell had anyone found out about us? I jumped from the bar stool and made my way to the Gilbert boy and Matt. "I should kill you both." "Why what did we do?" "Y/n. You see that group of boys over there?" "Yeah we know them from school..." "Funny. Cause they were just running their pathetic little mouths about y/n and me and how they didn't blame me for leaving her, because she looks so terrible. So I should kill you for telling people." "Hey man you're the one who left her not us." He turned to walk away but threw his fist into Matt's face. Elena scurried over to the blonde boy and glared at me. "What the hell Damon? You can't just go around hitting people!" "He deserved it. I don't need this Elena." He felt the need to find the y/h/c e/c girl. So he did. He walked right into her house, but stopped in his tracks. No. She didn't. I don't understand. The house was empty. The bed he had slept on was empty without sheets. His eyes roamed everywhere in the bare room and something white caught his attention on the floor. He picked it up and it read his name in her danity handwriting. Dear Damon, You were my epic love and I'm not sure when I'll ever stop loving you. Elena is your epic love and I'm really happy that you got to be with yours. I don't know if you can tell but I'm a little bitter. I want to be happy for you. I do. But I can't help but wish you were happy with me. I'm sorry that I couldn't give you want you wanted or what you needed. Honestly I have no idea why I'm even writing this. Why would you care if my presence is missing? It's not like you'll ever read this stupid letter. I couldn't take it anymore D. You didn't hear what all those people at school said. It was bad. Several times I thought about shutting it off, but I didn't. That would make me even weaker than I am now. I guess I'm writing this to try and help myself a little out of hope that you might see it. That some part of you feels for me. I'm gone. I left back home. Mystic falls just isn't for me no matter how much I try and make it to be. I love you so much Damon Salvatore. Maybe while I'm gone I can find someone that loves me back this time All my love, Y/n y/l/n You and Tyler arrived in your home town a couple days later. "Can you track his scent?" "So now you talk to me?" "Hey! Your the one who made me cry Lockwood!" "Y/n you have to talk about it sooner or later. Just tell me what happened?" "I told Damon that I was in love with him, and he said he didn't feel the same. Surprise, surprise." "There is more so tell me the rest." "Damon was fighting with Elena a lot and it was the night of the mikealson ball when I told him I'd rather have him a little than not at all. So when he was upset he'd come and sleep with me." "So your telling me you let Damon Salvatore someone who doesn't even love you take your virginity and use you to make himself feel better." At Tyler's words you burst in to tears the second time that day. "I thought it would make me feel better, but then he told me he loved me and I knew." "You knew what y/n?" "I knew he wasn't thinking about my feelings at all. He wasn't even thinking about me. The love he has for Elena is written clear on his face. He lied to me. He might have said I love you to me and that's what I wanted to hear, but I didn't want to hear it unless he meant it and the first time he said it I couldn't pretend that he really did." "He doesn't deserve you. You are amazing, kind, gorgeous. Damon Salvatore doesn't deserve someone as precious as you." "Let's just go find Scott." Scott was inside of a burnt house in the middle of the woods. Even though you were still upset you decided to have a little fun. You used your vampire speed to confuse the pack inside. Eventually you rested your speeding and stood next to Scott. Everyone was startled by you and moved back a little but the older werewolves flashed their canines and the argent Hunter held up his gun. "Relax boys I'm here to help." "Y/n! You about gave them a heart attack." Scott wrapped me into a hug and that's when I noticed his presence missing. "Where is stiles?" "That's why I called you. Stiles as been possessed. By something called a notgitusne." "Alright so what do you know about this evil thing?" "Nothing really. I mean we know what it is. We know that it is old. We know that it feeds off chaos but we don't know how to stop it." You shared a look with Tyler. "We can help." You pulled out your phone a dialed the number of your favorite original. "Y/n love what do I owe the pleasure of talking to my favorite vampire in mystic falls?" "Hello nik. I was wondering have you ever heard of a nogitsune?" "What have you stupid kids got yourself in to? I leave and you guys are already suffering!" "I'm not in mystic falls anymore. I had a tragic run in with your least favorite vampire in mystic falls so I left. Now I'm helping out a friend." "Do I need to kill that Salvatore? I will gladly rip his heart out. I'm sure Elijah and kol would be happy to help as well." A smile spread on your face and you laughed into the phone. "So the nogitsune. Can you do me a favor and help a girl out?" "I can hear the whispering of those teenagers in the background. Put me on speaker and I'll help you out but only cause I like you sweetheart." Although Scott was complaining about Klaus he still had helped you defeat the evil spirt that possessed your cousin. You were happy to help but you still couldn't stop thinking about Damon. You just wanted to be over him already. You felt drained. You knew the nogitsune fed off the chaos that echoed through your body and despite the vampire strength you still felt weak. "Y/n are you okay?" "Where is Tyler?" "Back at the house. Here I'll carry you. You don't look so good." Derek lifted you into his arms. Bridal style. "He fed off you a lot. What has you feeling all that chaos y/n?" "I made a horrible mistake Derek. I fell in love with someone who didn't love me back. Then I let him use me to make himself feel better." The werewolf smoothed back my hair from my face and placed a light kiss on my forehead. "You'll find someone that loves you back and you'll forget all about the one who hurt you." "I don't think I will der. It's hurts so bad and I don't know why anyone would want someone so broken." "I can think of one person who would want someone so broken." "Who?" "Me."
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What would be your endgame for stelena?
*Cracks knuckles*
Okay so I understand the value of the Stefan/Elena/Damon triangle in the narrative because 
Teenager seem to love, love triangles (or at least they did before they became overplayed)
It’s a direct parallel with the Salvatore and their triangle with Katherine
If they were going to have an element of DE exist within the narrative what I object to is Damon’s importance within the story. That he was treated as Elena’s epic love, or that he had any friends; and wasn’t treated like a complete menace and the root of everyone’s problems (which he was); or that any sort of redemption arc for him was ever up for discussion.
I’d leave pretty much all of season 1-3 the same, except no hints of Dullena falling for each other, Elena looks at Damon with more and more disgust with each and every atrocious thing he does also Damon’s crush/obsession with Elena I considered creepy as hell and treated as such.
For drama’s sake I’d have Damon and Elena go through this little thing in like season 3 maybe they get trapped somewhere together and they begin to talk and Damon is charismatic and false so Elena starts to think she’s seeing a different side of him somewhere along the line he leans in to kiss her but Elena shuts it down before it goes too far and rejects Damon 
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even though nothing happens Elena feels super guilty about it and breaks down and confesses to Stefan what happened who isn’t mad and tells her everything’s fine and that their okay but he punches Damon and tell him to stay the hell away from him and Elena.
At the end of season 3 Matt and Elena get into the car crash and Elena turns. I’d have Elena responding well to Stefan’s vampire 101 and learning how fun vampirism can be and being happy for the first few days but then something happens which mean Stefan and Elena get separated and Elena loses control and feeds on someone for the first time and has a nervous breakdown because she feels so terrible.
Stefan attempting to comfort her only makes matters worse because he’s being so soothing and telling her that she’s still a good person and that it’s not her fault but all she really wants if for someone to yell at her and tell her what a bad person she is.
Eventually, Damon slithers in and takes advantage of Elena’s vulnerability by offering to take her out and help her forget they do the whole clubbing thing and eventually disappear for a couple of days leaving Stefan worried.
Because Elena is under the sire bond whatever Damon says to her becomes law in her mind so when Damon says things like ‘Stefan treats you like a broken doll’ or ‘Stefan just wants to control you’ Elena internalises and regurgitates it. When they return Stefan is livid because he was so worried and he and Elena get into a fight because obviously Elena interprets Stefan’s concern as an attempt to control her and then she hits him with the broken doll line.
Things go quiet and Stefan asks if that’s how she really feels and she says yes (because of the sire bond obviously) and breaks up with him.
Elena moves in with Damon and they have sex it’s visibly obvious Elena doesn’t feel quite right about it in the morning but she brushes it off. To truly convert her to the dark side Damon throws this huge hedonistic party at his house. Drinks, drugs, humans to be fed off, of the whole nine. Except instead of having fun like she did at the rave Elena becomes overwhelmed and upset by what she’s partaking in and leaves.
Damon goes to look for her and finds her huddled up and crying. She breaks down and says she’s not like him and can’t do this (This being, handling the guilt of killing people). Damon panics because she wants to call Stefan and so he tells her there’s another option and tries to convince her to turn off her humanity.
She is reluctant and refuses but Damon’s sire bond (or compulsion either one) makes the decision for her and she does. Damon asks her how she feels now and she smiles and says ‘great’ she leans in like she’s going to kiss him and then snaps his neck taking off.
Damon then has to tell Stefan what he did and that he lost Elena. Stefan out of spite tells Damon that that’s his problem now and tells him to go away but once Damon’s gone Stefan calls up Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Matt and half of the town’s residents organising a search party.
Elena takes off to new york, dyes her hair and comes back to MF and does all kinds of spiteful and mean things here there and everywhere. Everybody tries to talk her down; Stefan gets very close but in the end, it’s a picture of her parents or something to that effect that triggers her humanity.
She breaks down again and attempts to torch the Gilbert house but Stefan and Jeremy manage to talk her out of it.
After that Elena goes around righting her wrongs and apologising for everything she pulled without her humanity. Lastly, she finds Damon and Stefan who are both waiting to hear which one she wants to be with after flipping her switch back on. When she walks into the boarding house they’re bothing waiting for her. There’s a moment when she walks in and they can both hear here from the other room (vampire hearing) and she calls out for Damon, Damon kind of has this smug look on his face and goes out to meet her in the foyer.
Elena takes his hand and says ‘can we talk’ and his smile drops. She explains to him how here feeling for him were never really real and a result of the sire bond and how clearly she could see that with her humanity off. She breaks it of and explains that she still loves Stefan.
When she goes to find him he has already left, believing that Elena has chosen Damon. When she tracks him down she explains it was always him, asks him to forgive her and says she understands if he doesn’t want to be together. He tells her he’d go back to her in a heart beat and they reconcile.
I’d make season 5 the ‘hunt for the cure’ season instead of s4. Stefan and Elena go hunting for the cure to make her human again meanwhile Damon displays the same behaviour he did in canon!season 5 when Katherine!Elena dumped his ass and goes around murdering people including Aaron Whitmore and threatens and kidnaps Jeremy etc..
Damon swears ‘revenge’ on Stefan for ‘stealing’ both Katherine and Elena from him and gets a hold of the cure and withholds it from them spitefully. In my universe, it turns out there are two doses of the cure and Stelena plan on taking it together once they find out but Damon accidentally loses one. 
When he and Stefan come to blows Stefan gives him a speech about taking responsibility for his actions and Damon has a pang of conscious and gives Stefan the cure. Stefan comes home and insists Elena take it because it’s what she wants but Elena refuses to do it without him.
Turns out Katherine had the other cure and was gonna use it to bargain with Klaus but she has the leverage of the whole Hayley baby thing (which turns out to be fake but that’s another post) as information to offer him and so she sends the cure to Stefan as one last parting gift.
Season 6 begins with Stefan and Elena deliberating over whether taking the cure is what they really want eventually they do it together and wake up human. (The cure doesn’t age you in my universe) They make all kinds of plans for the future but for some reason, something happens that endangers Elena’s life and it looks like she isn’t going to live however at the last minute there’s some magical ex-Machina solution and Elena gets to live and she and Stefan live happily ever after, live, raise kids, age and find peace together.
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forevercaroline · 8 years
Davina saves Kol
I've already posted this but I wanted to change it so I decided to post it again. New Orleans 2016 Davina Claire is sitting in her boyfriend Kol Mikaelson's playhouse in Lafayette cemetery looking for away to bring him back. She's looking in her grimoire and she finds a time travel spell. She remembers Kol telling her how he died in his vampire body in Mystic Falls 2013 by the hands of Elena and Jeremy Gilbert she asked if he missed his vampire body he told her yes and no he loved being a vampire but as a witch he could help her with spells. She sees that all you need for the spell is a year and place in mind she will try anything to get her boyfriend back she gets up and chants the spell in Latin. Xxx Mystic falls 2013 Davina lands in a yard and looks around and doesn't see her grimoire she doesn't know if she made it to Mystic Falls. After asking someone to tell her the year and where she was she asked them where Elena lived. Jeremy and Elena Gilbert are battling Kol Mikaelson in their house. They're trying to kill Kol to complete Jeremy's hunter tattoo and Kol is trying to rip off Jeremy's arms so no one gets to the cure and awake Silas. Davina runs up to the house and sees the door has been kicked in she walks further into the house and sees her boyfriend Kol as a vampire she has only seen a picture of him from 1914. He has a butcher knife in his shoulder and his clothes wet. Elena is holding him down while Jeremy has the white oak stake raised and about to put it in Kol's heart. Davina holds her hands out and breaks Elena's neck. Jeremy goes over to his sister then looks behind him and doesn't know this witch. Davina does another spell and the white oak stake that Jeremy is still grasping flies to her. Kol doesn't know what is going on he is just watching this witch who is incredibly beautiful, snap Elena's neck and make the white oak stake fly to her. Davina runs over to Kol and to take the butcher knife out of his shoulder but Jeremy tries to stop her she gets the knife out and Kol breaks Jeremy's arm " Come on we have to get you out of here." Davina and Kol run out of the house and right in to Klaus. " Who are you?" Davina looks up she's not scared of Klaus she just didn't want to run into him. " Klaus" Klaus looks down at the teenager holding his brothers hand coming out of the Gilbert house. " You know who I am but I don't know who you are?" Kol turns to the witch " Yes I'm wandering that too who are you?" Davina looks back in the house " Look the vampire in there isn't going to stay down for much longer and I want to keep Kol alive so I will give you answers if you get us out of here." Klaus and Kol both look at each other when Bonnie comes up the driveway " Your supposed to be dead." Bonnie gives Kol an aneurysm and brakes Klaus leg. Davina stands in front of the originals and chants in Latin and breaks Bonnie's hand and a ring of fire surrounds Bonnie. Davina turns around " We should go looks like they want me dead as such as they want you dead." Klaus vamps off and Kol grabs Davina and vamps off. Xxx Klaus walks in to his mansion and Kol follows and puts Davina down Klaus looks over at the witch who is looking around his home. " Answers now witch." " There really isn't a version of you I like. You want me to talk fine but I'm only talking to Kol." Klaus and Kol look at each other Kol smirks " You heard the beautiful witch Nik go annoy Caroline." Davina looks up at him in shock he just called her beautiful. Klaus growls at his brother " I don't annoy her she just won't see what's in front of her." Klaus sees how Davina is looking at his brother it's the way that he looks at Caroline with love. Xxx Bonnie has got the ring of fire to go away and her hand fixed she goes in to the house " I thought you were killing Kol." Elena is feeding her brother some of her blood to heal his broken arm " Me too but that witch came out of no where and saved him we just need a better plan we need to kill the witch to get to Kol so we can get the cure." Xxx Klaus walks into the grill and sees his favorite blonde baby vampire at the bar " Hello love." " Hi." Klaus sits down next to her " Why are here I thought you would be with the young Brutus." Caroline looks over at him her eyes are red " I was with Tyler but I want more than just sex in a relationship. Is it wrong to want more?" Klaus looks over at the sad drunk blonde he cares for so much. " No it's not wrong sweetheart." Caroline is drunk it's hard for a vampire to get drunk but she is. " Were friends right?" Klaus smiles he loves that Caroline wanted him to be her friend. " Yes." Caroline pours another drink for herself and one for Klaus when she came in earlier she told Matt to leave the bottle. " Why do you like me your the first person who has liked me for me and not just wanted to sleep with me or wanted something from me?" Klaus drinks his vodka Caroline poured for him he's more of a bourbon or scotch man himself but he wasn't going to refuse he loves spending time in Caroline's presence. " I have been alive for a thousand years and I have never met someone who stood up to me and had the fire you do. Most people when they hear my name they quiver in fear or throw themselves at me. You have fought me at every turn and I like that your honest with me. I don't just want to sleep with you. If you gave me a chance I would show you that you would be my equal I would treat you a thousand times better than Lockwood you would be treated like the queen you are." Caroline smiles up at Klaus " Thanks Klaus" Klaus smiles down at her he loves seeing her smile he sees Caroline pouring another shot and stops her. " Ok sweetheart I think you have had enough I'm taking you home." Caroline fights him " No it's lonely at my house and I don't want to go to Tyler's he will just try to sleep with me with me again." Caroline gets real close to Klaus and whispers " Psst Klaus can you keep a secret I'm avoiding Tyler all he wants is sex and I'm pretty sure he slept with that wereslut Hayley." Klaus is trying to get Caroline away from the bar and he already knew Tyler cheated on Caroline he called Tyler out on it. He gets an idea. " Come with me love." Xxx Kol gets a drink for him and Davina " Who are you and why did you save me?" Davina can't believe she actually made it and is sitting in front of her boyfriend. " I'm Davina Claire I know the story of the original family and I know your story." " Darling I can hear your heartbeat I know that's not the whole truth." Davina takes a sip of her drink " The truth is complicated." Kol doesn't know what to do Nik gets annoyed with them if they get blood on his 200 year old carpets. "Complicated ok how about you tell me why you saved me." Davina looks around the room not making eye contact with him. " That's also complicated." Kol puts his drink down getting frustrated " Well what can you tell me because your beautiful but if you don't start talking I will kill you." Davina looks a little surprised Kol never acted like this but she understands why he's acting like this. " You think I'm beautiful?" Kol sighs and puts his head in his hands he hasn't even realize he's been calling her beautiful all night. " If I answer your question will you answer mine?" Davina looks down " My answer is-" Kol interrupts "-Complicated I know but tell me or you have two options I could compel it out of you or a slow death." Davina gulps " Fine fine I will tell you the truth but it has to stay between us." Kol leans back in the couch " Now we're getting somewhere yes I think your beautiful now your turn and remember I can can hear your heartbeat so if this is a lie I will rip your heart out so fast you won't be able to do any spell." Davina gulps again this version of her boyfriend loves to kill people. " I'm from the future three years in the future actually you were my boyfriend before you died again you were supposed to die tonight. In two years you are brought back to life in another body and we started dating. We would talk anything if you liked being a witch better than being a vampire and you told me about your first death. I was there for your second death we dance in the cemetery then you told me you wanted to be alone but your siblings stopped you. Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and myself were there with you. I remember the last thing you said to me 'I'm not scared' you were holding my hand and looking straight at me and then you -" Davina's crying she couldn't finish. Kol looks at the broken witch and gives her a box of tissues " Thank you for saving me if you hadn't my life seems really bad until I get brought back and it took two years for my siblings to bring me back and I'm not even in my own body then I die again." Davina wiping her tears shakes her head " It was Esther who brought you back and herself and Finn." Kol wasn't expecting that before he has time to respond Klaus walks threw the front door with a drunk Caroline. " Why am I here?" Klaus is holding Caroline so she won't fall "Your drunk sweetheart you also said your house is lonely and your avoiding your mutt so you can stay here tonight you can sleep in my room." Caroline looks up at him and points a finger at him poking him in the chest. " I'm not sleeping with you." Klaus still keeping on hand on Caroline closes the front door. "I know when we do sleep together I want you to be 100% sober. I will sleep in Elijah's room while you sleep in mine and tomorrow I will make you breakfast." Caroline lays her head on Klaus chest " I'm tired carry me to your bed please." Klaus can't help but smile at that sentence also he thinks it funny that even drunk Caroline remembers her manners. " Of course love you can borrow one of my shirts to sleep in." Caroline nods while Klaus picks her up bridal style Caroline snuggles in to his embrace. "I like you Klaus." Klaus smiles at Caroline's drunken confession " I like you too love." Klaus takes Caroline to his room and takes off her jacket and her shirt. He puts one of his Henley's over her tank top he takes off her shoes and jeans and tucks her in his bed and kisses her forehead. " Goodnight love." He grabs his sweatpants and tank top and goes to Elijah's room. Xxx Davina and Kol had been watching Klaus and Caroline but for different reasons for Kol it was to teases Klaus later. For Davina she has never seen him act like that with Hayley or Cami. Davina looks over at Kol " Who was that?" Kol looks at Davina and sees she has no idea who Caroline is " That was Caroline Forbes Niks latest obsession he's been trying to woo her for two years and judging by the look on your face means we move soon and Caroline doesn't come with us. So please tell me where do we move this time?" Davina looks at the foyer where they were " Wow I've never seen Klaus act like that." Kol finishing his drink " Yes it's quite annoying." Xxx New Orleans 2016 Klaus is watching his daughter sleep when he starts to get new memories of the night his brother Kol died. He clutches his head and goes over to the rocking chair so he doesn't fall. He sees himself walking up to the Gilbert house but instead of seeing Kol burning he sees Davina running out of the Gilbert house with Kol. He then sees himself going to the Grill and talking with Caroline and taking her to his mansion and tucking her in to his bed. The next morning they have breakfast. He uses the wall to steady himself he gets to his room and calls his sister " Freya get home this an emergency." Freya was dancing in a bar with her boyfriend Lucien when she got her brothers call. She walks in to the compound " What is it Niklaus I was out with Lucien." Klaus was having someone give him some blood "I was watching Hope and got new memories of the night of Kol's first death. I remember how Kol died I watched him burn then threatened his murders that I would burn there house to the ground and when they flee for there life's I was going to kill them without blinking. Now I have these new memories of when I got to the house Davina ran out with Kol who is alive and other things happened that didn't happen before." Klaus didn't want to mention the Caroline stuff that is personal. Freya didn't know how her younger brother died either death " We need to find Davina." Elijah was at St. Anne's church that has now been turned into the gym. He was working off some anger the mother of his niece is stuck as a werewolf, the woman he loves is dead, and his brother Klaus in general. When he got a call from said brother telling him to come home it's about their brother Kol. He walks into the compound and sees his brother and new older sister " Yes Niklaus." Klaus is sitting at the table drinking blood " What do you remember about the night Kol died in Mystic Falls?" Elijah gets a confused look on his face his siblings especially Klaus don't talk about Mystic Falls that town holds a lot of memories for their family. " I was looking for the cure with Katerina and I got a call from Rebekah saying Kol died." Elijah clutches his head as a new memory appears in his head instead of Rebekah calling he takes Katherine to dinner like what he planned before he got the call. " Elijah what is your new memory?" Freya helps him sit down " The night Kol died I was going to take Katerina to dinner but then I got the call and canceled. This new memory I didn't cancel and went on a date with Katerina." Freya looks between her brothers " What is the cure, who is Katerina, Niklaus you said other things happened in your new memory what things, and what is Mystic Falls?" Klaus looks up at his older sister and smirks " Sit down sister it's going to be a long night." Klaus' phone rings "Yes Rebekah." Rebekah is on the side of the road " What did you do?" Klaus runs a hand through his hair " Your going to have to be more specific." " I was driving to see a witch who knows about resurrections to see if she knows the spell we need to bring Kol back when I start to feel light headed and almost crashed the car. I got new memories of the night Kol died instead of Stefan telling me Kol died and he was just distracting me he took me to the decade dance and we had fun and he went home after he dropped me off with no alternative motive." Klaus hands the phone to Freya " We think Davina did a spell to change the past." Xxx Past 2013 Caroline is eating pancakes and talking with Klaus when a brown haired girl walks into the kitchen she leans next to Klaus and whispers. " Who is that?" Klaus whispers back "I have no idea she rescued Kol then told us she is protecting him." "So are you going to talk to me today." Davina looks over at him from the fridge " Where's Kol?" Klaus gets up to put his and Caroline's plates in the dishwasher. " He's out he said something about fresh blood would clear his head." Davina slams the fridge door shut and turns around. " You let him leave he almost died last night if I wasn't there those people would have killed him." Klaus is back at the table next to Caroline " Yes about last night how did you know Kol was going to be at the Gilbert house?" Davina looks down she is backed up against a wall she could come out and say she's from the future or she could lie but like Kol said last night he could hear her heartbeat and she's in a room with two vampires. " Umm I live on that street I heard loud bangs and screams and saw the door hanging open and I went to go find out what was happening." Klaus looks at Caroline and goes over to Davina and holds her up by her throat. " Your lying to me how did you really know?" Davina gives him an aneurysm and he drops her holding his head Caroline goes over to him. Kol comes Into the room wiping blood off his chin he caught Davina before she hit the floor. " Nik why did you try to kill my rescuer at least she tried to save me instead of my own family." Klaus looks up at his brother " I was on my way. When I got your call I was babysitting Damon after you hung up I compelled Damon to tell me everything he knew then went to save you." Davina sees how Caroline and Klaus are looking each other and interacting with each other it's the same way her and Kol used to look at each other before he died. " Klaus remember you had that problem you needed my help with?" Klaus looks up at Caroline confused. " What problem?" Caroline looks down at him and thinks quickly. " The hunter problem." Klaus is not catching on to what Caroline is trying to hint to him. " I'll just torture the hunter like i did the last one there problem solved." Caroline sighs for someone who is a thousand years old he sucks at hints. Caroline pulling Klaus up " Come on." Klaus allows himself to be pulled up by Caroline and walks out with her. Xxx Davina turns back to Kol " Are they-" Kol interrupts " -Together, married, mated for life, etc no she's his only friend in this one pony town." Xxx Caroline pulled Klaus into the living room " Love what are you doing?" Caroline turns around " I have an idea you want to know who Davina is let me talk to her have some girl talk no boys. I will find out the who, what, and why." " I'm not letting you talk to a witch that seems to be powerful enough to bring me down. I don't want you to get hurt." Caroline smiles up at him for not wanting anything to happen to her. " Thank you, it's either interrogate the new witch or have Tyler jump on me every time he sees me. Seriously do werewolves have mating seasons where they hump there girlfriend every time they see them and your a werewolf why aren't you trying to sleep with me last night was a perfect opportunity if you wanted to." Klaus rubs the bridge of his nose there were so many things in that sentence he didn't like. "First it's called heat, mating is different. I would never take advantage of you when your drunk, had Tyler? Also I have more control of my werewolf plus it's not mating or heat season." Caroline looking up at him he has been an amazing friend to her better than her other friends. " He does I enter the house and he pins me to the door and kisses me sometimes I just want to go to the grill have a date not just sleep together." Klaus sees she's almost in tears he brings her in to his chest and runs his hands up her back soothing her. " I'm so sorry this is happening to you love. I will deal with Tyler you can stay here for however long you want." Caroline hugging his waist tighter " Sometimes i think I made a horrible decision dating him but he went through so much so we could be together and what if after I break up with him he bites me." Klaus lifts her head up from his chest " Sweetheart I will always give you my blood and if he so much as touches you I will kill him." Caroline wipes her tears " Thank you Klaus." Klaus kisses her forehead. Xxx Future 2016 Klaus and Elijah are explaining Mystic Falls, the cure and who Katerina is to Freya. Klaus is avoiding questions that would lead to Caroline. When he gets another new memory this time of him and Caroline talking about her horrible relationship with Tyler. " Klaus what is what did you see?" Klaus takes a sip of his blood " It was nothing." " Klaus, Davina is messing with time and space we can't save her if we don't know all the facts. You keep avoiding questions of what your new memories are now tell us." Klaus looks down at his blood he doesn't tell anyone about his relationship with Caroline he's not ashamed he just doesn't trust anyone with the Caroline secret it's to protect her. " I can't it's to important to me." Freya slams her hands on the table frustrated with her brother and the situation. " Fine then I will just have to get them out of your head." Klaus stands up and glares at her " Don't you dare go into my head." Freya glaring back at him " We have to know what your new memories are about." Klaus is silent for a few minutes then speaks "Her name is Caroline Forbes she is my queen the memories were about her. The first one we were drinking at the Grill then I brought her back to our mansion and tucked her in my bed she didn't want to be alone she was also avoiding her mutt of a boyfriend. The second memory we were having breakfast the next morning. This last memory I was comforting her because her mutt of a boyfriend sleeps with her around the clock and she doesn't like it I was telling her I would kill him and she was telling me she wanted to talk to Davina figure out why she's there." Klaus is angry he had to reveal his Caroline secret. Freya looks at his face she's never seen Klaus so protective of anything except Hope like he was about these memories. " You love her?" Klaus glares at her and takes a drink he hated that he had to tell his siblings about Caroline the only siblings that knew about his feeling for Caroline are Rebekah and Kol and they only know because they saw it first hand. "Always." Elijah looks at his brother he can hear the heartbreak in his voice and see it on his face. " Niklaus you love this girl she should be here if what your saying is true then she is getting new memories too and doesn't know what's going on." Shock and worry cover Klaus' face " Caroline, I was so caught up in what's happening here I didn't even think about this happening to her." He pulls out his phone and types a number he knows by heart "Pick up, pick up." Xxx Caroline is helping her friend Enzo find out who he is and where he came from. They just left a restaurant when her head starts hurting she loses her balance Enzo catches her and is holding her up so she doesn't fall over. People walking past them look at her Enzo tells them she had a bit to much to drink. " Gorgeous what's wrong?" Caroline getting new memories of her and Klaus talking at the grill then him taking her to his mansion and tucking her in his bed. "I don't know." Caroline is leaning into Enzo her head hurts so bad he gets them to there hotel room when her phone rings. " It's in my bag." Enzo reaches in to Caroline's small purse and pulls her phone out. " Caroline's phone Enzo's speaking." Klaus getting angry at this Enzo guy how dare he answer her phone. " Where's Caroline?" Enzo looks over at Caroline who is laying on the bed on her side clutching her head. "Laying on the bed clutching her head. Who is this?" Klaus hates that this is hurting Caroline and that this Enzo guy is in her room. "Put Caroline on the phone or I will hunt you down and kill you." Enzo hands the phone to Caroline weakly. " Hello" Klaus lets out a little smile when he hears her voice. " Hello love." Caroline smiles a little she hasn't heard that voice in a while. " Klaus what the hell is going on?" Klaus can hear the pain in her voice " Love I need you to get on a plane and get to New Orleans as quick as you can I will explain." Enzo hands Caroline a blood bag " What is happening to me?" Klaus needs her to get here " Your memories are changing I will explain I will sent a plane to Mystic Falls for you right away." Caroline takes a sip of her blood " I'm in England." Klaus wasn't expecting that " Ok I will sent the plane there and tell the pilot to fly as fast as the plane will go to get you here." Xxx Past 2013 After Caroline make sure it's not obvious she was just crying over her terrible relationship with Tyler. She goes to the kitchen and sees Kol and Davina haven't moved from the floor. " Can I have a moment alone with your rescuer." Kol looks up at his brothers blonde friend " Nik sent you in here." Caroline kneels down " No it was my idea." Kol looks at Davina who nods her head he leaves Caroline looks over at the witch and sits on the floor where Kol was. " I'm Caroline Forbes." Davina shakes Caroline's outstretched hand. " Davina Claire." Caroline looks at the witch she needs answers plus she had an impatient hybrid in the living room. "Where are you from?" Davina sitting against the island in the middle of the kitchen wasn't expecting to be hit with that question right off the back by Caroline who she just met. " Um it's kind of complicated." " It's ok I'll go first ask me a question?" Davina can't believe this happy bubbly girl is friends with Klaus. " How long have you been friends with Klaus and how can you be friends with him?" Caroline laughs " We have had a back and forth flirtation for two years but we have been actual friends for one year and I see the good in him his saved my life countless times and I am his muse." " So why are you here do you live here?" " No I have my own home but I'm hiding from my boyfriend he is just to much and I need a break. Klaus told me I could stay here. Nobody except maybe the Salvatore's would look here for me." Davina's never heard the name Salvatore's before " Who are the Salvatore's?" Caroline sighs "Your not from around here are you? Damon and Stefan Salvatore where do I begin well it depends on who you ask Kol hates Damon and Klaus is frenemies with Damon and old friends with Stefan. Me personally Stefan is my best friend and Damon is my frenemy." Caroline looks over at the teenage witch " So now that you know a little about me can I get to know you?" Davina fidgets with her fingers " It's complicated and won't make any sense." Caroline laughs " Seriously I'm a vampire who is hiding from my hybrid boyfriend in the original hybrids mansion who happens to be my friend talking to a witch on the kitchen floor of the first vampires ever created mansion." Davina laughs she can see why Klaus keeps this girl around. " Ok I'm from the future 2016 to be exact to save my boyfriend." Caroline looks at the witch surprised but is putting the pieces together. " Save your boyfriend but that means Kol's your boyfriend in the future wasn't he supposed to die yesterday?" " He was he gets brought back in another body then he died again. I found a spell and came to save him before he died." Caroline smiles she likes this new witch " That's so romantic I wish I had someone who would go back in time for me. Kol is so lucky to have someone like you in his future." Xxx Present 2016 Klaus is waiting on the Tarmac when the plane arrives both Caroline and Klaus hold there heads as they get a new memory of Caroline talking to Davina and Klaus and Kol listening from the living room. " It's ok love." Caroline grunts out " What is going on make it stop." Klaus gets them to the compound "Blood now." Freya hands him a cup Klaus helps Caroline drink " Drink sweetheart blood makes the pain go away." Caroline feels a little better " Someone better tell me what is going on right now or I will throw a Mikaelson size tantrum I'm close friends with Klaus I know how it's done." Klaus smiles at her and explains everything they know then tells Freya their new memory of what Davina said. " Now we just need to get Davina back here before she messes up the space time continuum more." Caroline is leaning on Enzo who has his arms around her much to Klaus' dislike. This is effecting her more because she's just a regular vampire unlike the originals. " What do we do?" Freya looks up from her grimoire " I don't know we could sent someone back to get Davina but that person can not be seen by their past self, or change anymore memories." Klaus looks at Caroline she's weak and has her head on Enzo's shoulder and occasionally taking sips of blood. " I'll go." Freya looks at her brother " Niklaus these memories are taking place at your mansion so your there. There can't be two of you." " Then what do you suggest sister." Freya looks around at the vampires " I'll go get Davina and bring her back." Both brothers look at there older sister " We never met you in Mystic Falls we met you six months ago." Freya looking in her grimoire " I am aware of that and I will glamour myself as Rebekah get in get Davina and get back." Klaus trying to get Caroline to drink some more blood " Great plan one flaw Rebekah at the time is on an Island about two hundred miles off the Nova Scotia mainland looking for the cure with the rest of the Mystic Falls gang. The only ones left in Mystic Falls is myself Caroline and now Kol and Davina." " That might not be true of all the information we have from what happened in the past to what Davina changed is Rebekah went to this island after Kol died but Kol never died so they couldn't go to this island and get the cure." Caroline lifts her head off Enzo's shoulder " So that means." Freya looks at the blonde who her brother is in love with. " Who ever goes to get Davina can't be seen by there past self or anyone in town." Xxx Past 2013 Kol walks into the kitchen " So darling want to get out of here?" Davina takes Kol's hand and gets up " Where would we go?" Kol shrugs " There's not many places to see in this one horse town we could go to the local bar play some pool you could tell me about our relationship." Davina smiles up at him " Are you asking me on a date?" Kol laugh and smiles down at her " It appears I am. So what do you say darling want to walk on the dangerous side I can't grantee someone won't try to kill you but between you and me I think we could take who ever went up against us." " I've taken on a pack of werewolves and your family I think I can handle this town." Kol looks impressed " I'm started to see why I date you in the future were kindred souls." Davina blushes at that " You told me that on our first date." Kol walking out the door " We go on a dates?" Davina didn't see the outside of the mansion last its so beautiful. " We went on one date then were interrupted by a pack of werewolves that tried to kill us." Xx They decided to walk to the Grill so Davina could see the town. Kol leads them into the grill. " So tell me about my new body is it as handsome as my original body." Davina blushes a little and looks at him " This body is more handsome than the body I met you in." Kol smiles at that " Good I would hate to disappoint my future girlfriend." Davina laughs while Kol brings them over to the pool table. Matt is behind the bar he texts Elena that Kol is at the grill. Kol is teaching Davina how to play pool and asking her questions. " You said that I died in this new body how did I die?" Davina gulps even though Kol's death was almost a year ago it's still hard to think about it. " Can we please not talk about it it's still a sore subject for me." Kol looks at her she's trying to hold back tears. " Were we in love?" Davina looks up at him her eyes red with unshed tears. " No but we were falling in love at least I was." Kol pushes a hair behind her ear and gets an idea. " If we were falling in love I can assume we kissed." " Our first kiss was Christmas." Kol smiles at her " Well you kissed my new body but you haven't kissed the original body I grantee it will make you feel better." Davina smiles at him and nods. Kol puts there pool cues down and puts his hands on the sides of her face and leans in to kiss her. Davina feels butterflies in her stomach just like she did the first time they kissed. Kol leans back and Davina pulls him towards her again and puts her arms around his neck and kisses him again. Xxx Elena, Bonnie and Jeremy walk into the grill they go to the bar and ask Matt where Kol is Matt points to the bar table. " They've been like that for the last five minutes." They look at the bar table and see Kol kissing Davina. Bonnie starts to give Kol an aneurysm as there walking up the stairs to the table. Kol stops kissing Davina and grabs his head. Davina looks at the new comers and gives Elena an aneurysm " Don't touch him." Bonnie looks at Elena on the ground clutching her head Davina is more powerful because she's a New Orleans witch. " Let my sister go.” Davina looks at Jeremy " No you tried to kill Kol last night." Bonnie glares at the other witch she's never had to go head to head with another witch. " I practice expression you can't beat me." Davina steps forward she has gone up witches, werewolves and Klaus and Elijah she can take a single witch. " I'm a New Orl-" Kol touches her to stop her before she reveals where she's really from. " I'm a new witch looking for a coven and heard stories about Kol and wanted to meet him." Bonnie releases Kol a little from his aneurysm. " If you were looking for a coven why were you kissing him?" Davina looks over at Kol for help. " I kissed her took advantage of her sweet nature because I'm just a psychotic maniac." Bonnie pulls Davina next to her " I'll teach you and Kol won't be alive much longer anyway." Davina panics " What why, Why do you have to kill him what did he do?" Elena looks at the new witch " His death is going to help us my brother finishes the map and I get the cure." Davina steps away from them " You practice dark magic then I guess there's only one thing left to say run." Kol picks Davina up and vamps them back to the Mikaelson mansion. Xxx Freya lands in Mystic falls 2013 and she doesn't know where her siblings mansions is. She uses her Mikaelson charm on a boy to find out where her siblings live. Freya runs to the next street and comes the mansion she does a spell so everyone inside will fall asleep so she can go inside undetected and grab Davina and get them back to 2016 with out messing anything up. Freya goes in the house and sees Klaus asleep next to Caroline and she looks around and there is no sight of Davina or Kol. As she is just about to leave the mansion Kol and Davina enter. Kol looks at her " You." Freya doesn't know what to say does he remember her from 1914. Davina whispers " I hope you can forgive me." She gets ready to snap his neck when Kol turns to her " What do you mean darling?" Davina looks at Freya who nods " I have to go I don't want to spending this time with you has been amazing but I have to I don't belong here." Kol caress her face " Then I'll go with you like you said I was supposed to be dead." Davina shakes her head " No you have to stay here stay alive and when your family moves to New Orleans find me I'll be living in an attic scared, alone, needing someone be there for me like I was there for you." Kol runs his thumb across her cheek " Being with you yesterday and today have made me feel alive its like I've been dead you awoken something in me." Davina looks up at him tears in her eyes she has to say goodbye to him again. " We will see each other again I promise." Kol nods and kisses her Davina puts her arms around his neck. They don't want to let go of each other when they do Kol wipes her tears away " It's going to be ok like you said we're going to see each other again." Davina nods and goes over to Freya who holds out her hands both witches start chanting and then disappear. Xxx Present 2016 Both Freya and Davina appear in the Mikaelson house. Davina is crying and Freya sits down and Klaus hands her a shot of tequila she downs it in one shot. Just then they hear a scream from upstairs and they all go running up the stairs and they see a naked Kol kneeling on the floor holding his head " What is happening to me?" Davina grabs a blanket and covers him " Kol your alive its me." Kol looks at her so happy to be alive but he's in incredible pain " What is happening?" Davina hugs him and looks at Freya " What is happening why is he in so much pain?" " The resurrection, the change in his memories there all happening at the same time. It didn't happen with Klaus, Elijah or Caroline because their memories didn't come in one big go their memories were spaced out." Kol looks up at his beautiful witch " You saved me from getting killed." Davina nods " Yes and I would do it again I love you Kol Mikaelson." Kol has never heard those words before he takes a breath and caress her cheek " I love you Davina claire." Xxx All three older Mikaelsons share a look and run out of the room. Caroline looks at Enzo and follows the Mikaelsons they find them in a empty room. " What's wrong why did you runout?" The Mikaelsons ran to this room because this is where Hope's nursery is or was its now empty. " Kol never died which means the cure was never found which means I never slept with Hayley and got her pregnant." Freya catching on " Hope was never born." Klaus nods " I came here to take the town back from Marcel that's it." Elijah looks at his siblings " If the cure never was found that means Katerina is alive." Just then they hear " ELIJAH where the bloody hell are you and what is going on?" They all vamp downstairs and see Rebekah and a naked Katherine. Elijah takes his coat off and puts it around Katherine's body. " What is going on and why is Katerina naked in our living room?" They all look at Freya for answers " It would appear that because of certain events that were changed the people who died because of those events are now alive." Klaus and Elijah share a worried look then relax when they realize that Mikaels death had nothing to Kol's death at all. " Looks like you got your big happy family sister." Kol and Davina had come down the stairs and joined everyone Rebekah runs over to him. " Kol I've missed you so much." Kol hugs his little sister " Don't you remember sister I never died." Rebekah smiles at him. Xxx Klaus walks over to Caroline " Would you like to be my queen? Also I would go back in time and save you if something ever happened to you." Caroline smiles up at him " Queen Caroline has a nice ring to it. You were listening to my conversation with Davina in the kitchen." Klaus smiles down at her "It certainly does love. I needed to make sure you were safe." Caroline pulls him down and kisses him.
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